SeaGuard RCM Basic

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The SeaGuard RCM Basic series is a new generation

of current meters based on the SeaGuard data logger
platform and the ZPulse Doppler Current Sensor.
Modern computer technology combined with advanced
digital signal processing provides accurate and detailed
measurements with almost unlimited resolution.
Optional parameters are available through a range
of smart sensors that include temperature, pressure,
conductivity, oxygen, wave and tide. The new SeaGuard
RCM Basic series come in 300m, 3000m and 6000m
depth ranges. 7000m and 10000m versions available
on request

• Large storage capacity on SD card
• Broadband ZPulse multi-frequency technology
reduces power consumption and improves quality
• Down to 2 second recording interval
• Low current drain, more than 2 years at 15 minute
interval with internal batteries
• Handle more than 50 deg. tilt and still meassure
current corectly
• Smart sensor topology based on a reliable semi-
high speed CANbus interface (AiCaP)
• If more than 4 Smart sensors or analog sensor is
needed a hub card is available
• SeaGuard Studio visualization software
• Real-Time Collector for configuration included

The SeaGuard RCM Basic series is identical to a several frequency components to lower the statistical
SeaGuard RCM but without display and hub-card. For variance in the Doppler shift estimate. The advantage
onfiguration and to start the recorder a serial cable of this is reduced statistical error with fewer pings,
and the AADI Real-time collector software is used. providing increased sampling speed and lower
power consumption.
The SeaGuard architecture is based on a general data
logger unit and a set of autonomous smart sensors. The Doppler Current Sensor also incorporates a
The data logger and the smart sensors are interfaced robust fully electronic compass and a tilt sensor.
by means of a reliable CANbus interface(AiCaP), using The SeaGuard RCM may also be delivered with new
XML for plug and play capabilities. During power-up, smart sensor solutions for Temperature, Pressure,
each of the sensors that are connected to the bus Conductivity and Oxygen. All Smart Sensors include
will report their capabilities and specifications to the high quality temperature compensation. This
data logger. The data logger then assembles the parameter is also available as an output. If a hub-
information and provides the user with the possibility card is added to the basic configurationa there is
to configure the instrument based on the present nodes. also an analog Turbidity Sensor available for direct
The solution provides great flexibility in both use and connection on the top end plate.
design of the different elements within the system.
In all independent current meter comparisons we
The autonomous sensor topology also gives the sensor know of, Aanderaa SeaGuards’ returned 100% high
designer flexibility and opportunities where each sensor quality current data Noise level of the Z-pulse speed
type may be optimized with regard to its operation, each meassurements are the lowest among the acoustic
sensor may now provide several parameters without instruments and directional accuracy the highest. The
increasing the total system load. Data storage takes place battery endurance the longest and the clock drift the
on a Secure Digital (SD) card. The current capacity for smallest; second/year when the clock is calibrated
this card type is up to 2GBytes, is more than adequate for the approximate deployment temperature.
The SeaGuard RCM Basic comes standard with the The absolute accuracy and resolution of SeaGuard
ZPulse multi-frequency Doppler current sensor. instruments has also been demonstrated in tow tank
The current sensor comprises acoustic pulses of tests.

D410 - Dec 2013

Top-end Plate capability: Up to 6 sensors can be fitted onto Optional Accessories: Carry handle 4032,3965
the Top-end Plate, of which 4 can Mooring frame: In-line 40442)/3824A
be analog sensors (0-5V) Clamp on frame
Recording System: Data Storage on SD card Bottom 3448R
Storage Capacity: ≥ 2GB Protecting Rods 3783
Battery (2 compartments available): Sub-surface floats 2211,2212
Alkaline 3988: 9V, 15Ah (nominal 12.5Ah; Battery/Power: Internal Lithium 3908
20W down to 6V at 4°C) Internal Alkaline 3988
or Lithium 3908: 7V, 35Ah Internal Battery Shell 4513
Electrical terminal 4784C
Recording Interval: From 2s, depending on the node
AC/DC adapter, lab. use 4908
configuration for each instrument
Other: Analog cable/license
Recording settings: Fixed interval settings or 4564/4802
Customized Sequence setting Maintenance Kit 3813/3813A
Protocol: AiCaP CANbus based protocol Tools kit 3986A
Depth Capacity: 300m/3000m/6000m, Vane Plate 3781,3681
7000m and 10000m available Hardcopy Documentation
on request Hub-card
Platform Dimensions: Windows CE based display
300m version (SW): H: 356mm OD: 139mm Optional Sensors:
3000m version (IW): H: 352mm OD: 140mm Temperature Sensor 4060
6000m version (DW): H: 368mm OD: 143mm Range: -4-36°C (32-96.8°F)3)
External Materials: Resolution: 0.001°C (0.0018°F)
300m version: PET, Titanium, Stainless Steel 316, Accuracy: ±0.03°C (0.054°F)
Durotong DT322 polyurethane ( 0.01°C (0.018°F) on request
3000/6000m version: Titanium, Stainless steel 316, Response Time 63%): < 2 seconds
OSNISIL, Durotong DT322 Conductivity/Temperature 4319
polyurethane Range: 0-7.5 S/m
Weight: In Air In Water Resolution: 0.0002 S/m
300m version (SW): 7.6 kg 2.0 kg Accuracy
4319 A: ±0.005 S/m
2000m version (IW): 11.5 kg 5.2 kg
4319 B: ±0.0018 S/m
6000m version (DW): 12.4 kg 7.2 kg Response Time: <3s5)
Supply Voltage: 6– 14 Volts Wave and Tide/Temperature 5217/5218
Operating Temperature: -5 to +50°C Tide: Range: 0-70000kPa (0-
10150psia), wave max. 1000kPa
ZPulse Doppler Current Sensor (DCS) Specifications Resolution : <0,0001% FSO
Current Speed: (Vector averaged) Accuracy: ±0,02% FSO
Range: 0-300 cm/s - higher range on Sampling rate: 2Hz, 4Hz
request Wave: No. of samples: 256, 512,
Resolution: 0.1 mm/s 1024, 2048
Mean Accuracy: ± 0.15 cm/s Pressure/Temperature 4117
Relative: ± 1% of reading Resolution: <0.0001% FSO
Statistic variance (std): 0.3 cm/s (ZPulse mode), 0.45 cm/s 1) Accuracy: ±0.02% FSO
Current Direction: 4117A Range: 0 – 1000kPa (0 – 145 psia)4)
Range: 0 – 360° magnetic 4117B Range: 0 – 4000kPa (0 – 580 psia)
Resolution: 0.01° 4117C Range: 0 – 10000kPa (0 – 1450 psia)4)
Accuracy: ±2° 4117D Range: 0 – 20000kPa (0 – 2900 psia)
Tilt Circuitry: 4117E Range: 0 – 40000kPa (0 – 5800 psia)4)
Range: 0-50° 4117F Range: 0 – 70000kPa (0 – 10150 psia)
Turbidity Sensor 4112: 0-5V Analog Output
Resolution: 0.01°
4112 Range: 0-25 FTU
Accuracy: ±1.0° 4112A Range: 0-125 FTU
±0.2° on request 4112B Range: 0-500 FTU
Acoustics: 4112C Range: 0-2000 FTU6)
Frequency: 1.9 to 2.0 MHz Oxygen Optode/Temperature 4835/4330:
Power: 25 Watts in 1ms pulses O2-Concentration Air Saturation
Beam angle (main lobe): 2° Measurement Range: 0 – 500 µM 0 - 150%
Installation distance: Resolution: < 0.2 µM 0.1 %
From surface: 0.75m Accuracy: <8 µM or 5%7) <5 %8)
From bottom: 0.5m whichever is greater
Accessories Included: SeaGuard Studio Multipoint calibration:<2 µM or 1.5%7) <1.5 %8)
Real Time Collector Response Time (63%): 4330F (with fast response foil) <8 sec
SD card: 2 GB 4835/4330 (with standard foil) <25 sec
Alkaline Battery 3988 1)
Based on 300 pings
Documentation on CD 2)
In-line Mooring Frame 4044: breaking strength 800 kg
Extended range available on request.
Carry handle 4132 4)
Available on request
Dependent on flow through cell bore
Serial communication cable
Sensor is non-linear above 750 FTU
Requires salinity compensation for calculation of absolute consentrations
Within calibrated range 0-120%

D410 - Dec 2013

Illustrations and Descriptions
The ZPulse Doppler Current Sensor (DCS) is the
standard sensor on the SeaGuard RCM. The
sensor outputs Absolute Current Speed and
Direction, Speed in east and north direction, Ping
count, and extensive readout of quality control
parameters such as Single-ping Standard deviation,
Heading, Tilt in X- and Y-direction, average and
maximum tilt and Signal Strength.

The SeaGuard RCM utilizes the wellknown Dop-

pler Shift principle as basis for its measurements. Four transducers transmit short pulses (pings) of
acoustic energy along narrow beams (600, 300, 150,
or 50 pings in each recording interval). The same
transducers receive backscattered signals from
scatteres that are present in the beams, which are
used for calculation of the current speed and direction.

The scattering particles are normally plankton,

gas bubbles, organisms and particles stemming
from man-made activity.
Fastening Knob
To minimize the effect of marine fouling and local
turbulence, the ZPulse DCS starts measuring the
horizontal current in an area of 0.4 to 1.0 meter
ZPulse DCS 4520 from the instrument, see figure above.

Handle The SeaGuard RCM has been tested together with a

RCM 9 to compare the measurement results. The
deployment was performed during a weekend
in a fjord outside Bergen. The graph below shows
Optional Sensors the absolute speed of both instruments. The
pink graph represents the SeaGuard RCM, while
C-Clamp with screw the blue represents the RCM 9. In this test the
SeaGuard was set to transmit 150 ping during
Mooring Frame 4044 each recording interval, while the RCM 9 was set
to transmit 300 ping. Although the SeaGuard only
transmitted half as many pings compared to the
Comparison RCM9 versus Seaguard RCM
RCM 9, the two instruments gave very similar results.
18 ping count reduces power consumption.
Pressure Case
Seaguard RCM

Absolute speed [cm/s]


Zink Anode

Note! 29.09.2006 29.09.2006 30.09.2006 30.09.2006 01.10.2006 01.10.2006 02.10.2006 02.10.2006 03.10.2006

If application requires breaking strength of 00:00 12:00 00:00 12:00 00:00 12:00 00:00 12:00 00:00

more than 800 kg, mount the SeaGuard RCM Comparision between data measured by a SeaGuard RCM
SW in in-line mooring frame 3824A. Remember (pink) and a RCM 9 (blue). The graph is showing absolute
to change the handles. speed measured in a fjord outside Bergen, Norway.

D410 - Dec 2013

The most common way to use the SeaGuard RCM
is in an in-line mooring configuration. As it operates
under a tilt up to 35º from vertical, it has a variety of
in-line mooring applications by use of surface buoy
or sub surface buoy. The instrument is installed in a
mooring frame that allows easy installation and
removal of the instrument without disassembly of
the mooring line.

Drop line is conveniently done due to its compact

design, low drag force and easy handling. The
instrument can be lowered into the sea from a
small boat using a simple winch.

Data can be stored internally and read after retrieval.

SeaGuard RCM can also be used in a bottom frame
mooring (non-magnetic).

Seaguard RCM

• Import deployment data collected by the
SeaGuard RCM from a SD card.
• Display configuration setting used in the
• Display listed data.
• Gives statistical summary of all parameters.
• Possible to show data from several instruments
at the same time for comparative studies.
• Export data to Matlab.
• Export data to ASCII text files.
• Print or export graphs in different formats.
• Copy graphs to the clipboard for inclusion into
other programs such as Word, Excel or similar.
• Save edited sessions.
• Calculate virtual parameters.
Aanderaa Real Time
The data message from the instrument is in XML Example of SeaGuard Studio presenting absolute speed
data measured with a SeaGuard RCM.
format. A user application can access the Aanderaa
Real-Time Collector over the Internet or Intranet.
Each user application will experience an individual
Upside down configuration
On request a possibility to use the instrument
connection to the instrument data due to a queue upside down is available. The sensor will then
management system in the collector. One license automaticly use a different set of compass coef-
per SeaGuard instrument serves multiple user ficients when used upside down
applications. Including Aanderaa Real-Time
Collector, Aanderaa Real-Time Viewer, Style Current time series
Sheets and example application (See B163) On request a possibily to output current time se-
ries is available. Data for each ping (max. 25Hz)
will then be stored.

Visit our Web site for the latest version Aanderaa Data Instruments AS
of this document and more information Sanddalsringen 5b, P.O. Box 103 Midtun, 5828 Bergen, Norway
Tel +47 55 60 48 00
Aanderaa is a trademark of Xylem Inc. or one of its subsidiaries.
© 2012 Xylem, Inc. D410 December 2013 Fax +47 55 60 48 01

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