ICP-MS, or ICP-AES and AAS?-a Comparison
ICP-MS, or ICP-AES and AAS?-a Comparison
ICP-MS, or ICP-AES and AAS?-a Comparison
—a comparison ICP-MS-1
April 1994
Geoffrey Tyler
Varian Australia Pty Ltd
Mulgrave, Victoria, 3170, Australia
2. Matrix effects The trend to simplicity has been evident since 1993
and will continue in the future. One of the reasons
Like ICP-MS, ICP-AES can use internal
for this is full computer control of parameters stored
standards to overcome matrix effects such as
within a method. Another reason is the use of a
spray chamber effects and viscosity differences
multitasking graphical user interface, to show the
between samples and calibration standards4.
operator several indicators of data integrity on the
3. Ionization same screen. The use of such software also has a
very positive effect on method development time.
Interference from easily ionizable elements can
Before this software became available, ICP-MS
be minimized by careful choice of individual
method development was a highly complex and
element conditions6 or by adding an ionization
time-consuming task. GFAAS, although relatively
buffer, i.e. by adding an excess of a group I
simple for routine analysis, requires considerable
skill in setting up the methods.
GFAAS interferences
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
The interferences in GFAAS have many sources.
Recent ICP-AES spectrometers have been able to
They include:
analyze routinely up to 10% TDS and even up to
1. Spectral 30% for simple salt solutions. Although the analysis
of 0.5% TDS for ICP-MS may be possible for a
There are a few spectral interferences in
limited timescale, most chemists are happier with
GFAAS when deuterium background correction
0.2% maximum TDS. This should be borne in mind
is used, but these can be eliminated by use of
when the original sample is a solid. The ultimate
Zeeman GFAAS.
detection limit for some elements in ICP-MS may
2. Background not be so impressive when expressed in the solid,
compared with ICP-AES. GFAAS can cope with
For many matrices careful programming of the
extremely high levels of dissolved solids.
ash stage is required to minimize the
background signal during the atomization. The
Linear Dynamic Range (LDR)
use of chemical modifiers can be helpful in
increasing the allowable ash temperature. For ICP-MS can have a LDR in excess of 105. Various
example, a Ni chemical modifier for Se methods for extending the linear range up to 107
determinations allows ash temperatures of up include de-sensitizing one of the ion lenses, use of
to 1000 °C before Se loss. The use of Zeeman detector analog mode, or use of a separate Faraday
background correction can give an cup as a second detector. These should be used
improvement in accuracy compared with D2 arc with caution, however, as high matrix component
background correction in many GFAAS concentrations may cause problems best solved by
applications. dilution. For this reason, and because of the
problems with high levels of dissolved solids,
3. Vapor phase interferences
ICP-MS should be mainly the domain of trace/
These can be caused by the atomization of the ultratrace analysis. The exception to this is when
analyte into a cooler gas environment. These using isotope dilution. With this technique very good
interferences have been minimized in recent results have been obtained with high concentrations.
years by isothermal tube design and use of
platforms so that the sample is atomized into a GFAAS has a limited LDR of 102-103. It can be used
hot inert gas environment. for higher concentrations if a less sensitive line is
4. Matrix effects
Trace to major element analysis may be performed
Matrix effects are caused by variable retention by ICP-AES because of its 105 LDR. ICP-AES is
of the analyte on the graphite tube, depending ideal for analysis up to and including percentage
on the sample type. The dry and ash stages levels. For this reason ICP-AES, in addition to
can have a dramatic effect on the shape of the ICP-MS or GFAAS, is often needed to fulfil
transient peak. The use of matrix modifers laboratory requirements.
(e.g. PdCl2) and hot injection can be quite
effective in minimizing these effects; also the Precision
use of peak area measurement can be
advantageous in some cases5. The short-term precision of ICP-MS is generally
1-3%. This is improved routinely by use of multiple
Ease of use internal standards. The longer term precision (over a
period of hours) is still <5% RSD. The use of isotope
For routine analyses, ICP-AES has matured in dilution can give results of very high precision and
automation to the point where relatively unskilled accuracy, although the cost can be prohibitive for
personnel can use methods created by the ICP-AES routine analysis.
specialist. Until recently, ICP-MS was still the
domain of the specialist chemist making fine ICP-AES has generally precisions of 0.3-2% RSD in
adjustments before performing routine analysis. the short term and again less than 5 % RSD over
several hours.
GFAAS, however, will generally have short term Hence, the cost of graphite tubes for the latter has
precisions of 0.5-5% RSD. Longer term precision is to be taken into account. In all three techniques the
a function of the number of graphite tube firings, cost of argon is a significant budget item, with the
rather than time. ICP techniques requiring more than GFAAS.
1 G.Tyler, AA or ICP - which do you choose?
Chemistry in Australia, Vol 59, No 4,
pp 150-152, April 1992.
2 A.R. Date and A.L. Gray, Applications of ICP-
MS, Blackie, Glasgow, UK, 1989.
3 K.E. Jarvis, A.L. Gray, and R.S. Houk,
Handbook of ICP-MS, Blackie, Glasgow, UK,
4 M.Thompson, J.N. Walsh, Handbook of
Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectroscopy,
Blackie, Glasgow, UK, 1983.
5 J.E. Cantle, Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy,
Elsevier, 1982.
6 Analytical Methods for Liberty ICP
Spectrometer, Varian publication 85 100938 00,
Chapter 5, pp 81-82.
7 J.Olesik, Elemental Analysis Using ICP-OES
and ICP-MS, Anal. Chem. Vol 63 No 1, Jan 1
1991 pp 12A-21A.
Table 2. Simplified comparison of ICP-MS, ICP-AES, GFAAS
Detection Excellent for Very good for Very good Excellent for
limits most elements most elements for some some elements
Sample all elements 5-30 elements 15 seconds/ 4 mins/element
throughput 2-6 min/sample /min/sample element/sample /sample
Linear dynamic 105 105 103 102
range 8
(10 with range ext'n)
Short term 1-3% 0.3-2% 0.1-1% 1-5%
Long term (4hrs) <5%* <5%*
precision improves with use of internal standards
Spectral few common almost none few
Chemical (matrix) moderate almost none many many
Ionization minimal minimal some minimal
Mass effects high on low NA NA NA
Isotopes yes no no no
Dissolved solids
(maximum tolerable 0.1-0.4% 2-25% 0.5-3% >20%
No. of elements >75 >73 >68 >50
Sample useage low high very high very low
Semi-quantitative yes yes no no
Isotope analysis yes no no no
Routine operation easy easy easy easy
Method skill skill easy skill
development required required required
Unattended yes yes no yes
gases no no yes no
Operating cost high high low medium
Capital cost very high high low medium/high
Table 3. Detection limit comparison (µg/L)
ICP-MS, ICP-AES, Flame AAS: Detection limits (defined on the basis of 3 standard deviations of the
GFAAS: Sensitivity (0.0044 absorbance) measured with 20 µL of sample
ND: Not determined