Annex E-Modified RCA Account Codes Desc PDF

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Annex E


1. Account Title Cash-Collecting Officers

Account Code 10101010
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the amount of collections with the
Collecting Officers for remittance to the Treasurer of the Philippines
(TOP)/ deposit to AGDBs. This includes unremitted collections of
collecting officers who are no longer designated as such, whether in
active service or separated from the service. This account is credited for
remittance to the TOP/deposit to AGDBs, adjustment due to incurrence of
cash shortage by the collecting officer, relief of accountability or
restitution of misappropriated collections.

2. Account Title Petty Cash

Account Code 10101020
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the amount granted to duly
designated Petty Cash Custodian (PCC) for payment of authorized petty
or miscellaneous expenses which cannot be conveniently paid through
checks or Advice to Debit Account (ADA). This includes replenishments
made during the year pertaining to prior year’s expenses charged to the
fund and recognized at the end of the preceding year. This also includes
unliquidated funds of PCCs who are no longer designated as such,
whether in active service or separated from the service. This account is
credited for refund and liquidation of cash advance every time there is a
change of PCC. This account is also credited upon recognition of
expenses charged to the fund which remained unreplenished at year end.

3. Account Title Cash in Bank-Local Currency, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas

Account Code 10102010
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited by the Bureau of the Treasury (BTr) to recognize
deposits with the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) for the operation of
the Treasury Single Account (TSA); other deposits to the BSP of
collections from national government agencies (NGAs) and government
financial institutions/ government-owned or controlled corporations
(GFIs/GOCCs); proceeds from issuances/flotations and maturities of
Treasury Bills and Treasury Bonds; and fund transfers from other cash
accounts of the TOP. This account is also debited by other government
agencies authorized to maintain deposits with the BSP. This account is
credited for fund transfers to Authorized Government Servicing Banks
(AGSBs) for the TSA operation, special/ imprest accounts for projects
financed by foreign loans and grants, and other accounts of the TOP;
withdrawals of investments and maturities of National Government (NG)
funds and NG-managed funds; coupon payments for Treasury Bonds;
debt service payments for NG and NG-relent loans; and advances for NG-
relent and guaranteed loans of GFIs/GOCCs, among others.

Annex E
4. Account Title Cash in Bank-Local Currency, Current Account
Account Code 10102020
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize deposits with AGDBs of income
received for which the agency has authority to use; trust receipts
authorized under specific contracts and agreements; Revolving Fund
under specific laws; and other transactions covered by credit
advices/memos received from the AGDBs. This account is credited for
check disbursements and other transactions covered by debit
advices/memos received from the AGDBs.

For the Head/Central/Main/Regional/Division Office of operating/field

units and foreign posts not maintaining complete set of books of accounts,
this account is debited for bank-to-bank transfers of cash to such
operating/field units and foreign posts for operating expenses, payroll, and
special purpose/time-bound undertakings, which are disbursed through
checks. This account is credited for disbursements made by operating
units based on the copy of the Cash in Bank Register (CBReg) and
supporting documents submitted to the accounting units of their
respective Head/Central/Main/ Regional/Division Offices.

In the BTr-NG books, this account is debited to recognize replenishments

of Modified Disbursement System (MDS) negotiated checks and fund
transfers from other cash accounts of the TOP. This account is credited
for withdrawals for negotiated MDS checks with AGDBs; coupon
payments on bonds; payment of maturing Treasury Bills and Treasury
Bonds through Automatic Transfer Account (ATA); payment of claims
for backpay and emergency currency guerilla notes; and fund transfers to
other cash accounts of the TOP.

5. Account Title Cash in Bank-Foreign Currency, Bangko Sentral Ng Pilipinas

Account Code 10103010
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize in the books of the BTr/authorized
agency foreign currency deposits to the BSP of proceeds from foreign
borrowings and grants, proceeds from maturities of investments in foreign
currencies, among others. This account is credited for releases of funds to
implementing agencies; investments in foreign currencies; and payments
of principal, interest and other charges on foreign borrowings.

6. Account Title Cash in Bank-Foreign Currency, Current Account

Account Code 10103020
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize foreign currency deposits of agencies
implementing foreign-assisted projects and those authorized by a
regulation or by the lending/donor institution to maintain Special
Account/Imprest Account/Working Fund. This account is credited for
transfer of foreign currency to the agency’s account.

Annex E

7. Account Title Cash-Tax Remittance Advice

Account Code 10104070
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the constructive receipts of NCA for
TRA in the remitting agency books. This account is credited for
constructive remittances of taxes and customs duties to BIR and BOC
through TRA.

In the BIR and BOC books, this account is debited for the constructive
receipt of tax revenue and customs duties through TRA, and this account
is credited for the year-end closing to Accumulated Surplus/(Deficit).

In the books of the BTr, this account is credited for the constructive
receipt of tax revenue and customs duties through TRA, and this account
is debited for the year-end closing to Accumulated Surplus/(Deficit)

8. Account Title Cash-Constructive Income and Other Remittances

Account Code 10104080
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize constructive remittance of income by
Foreign Service Posts. This also includes constructive remittance of other
income and refunds of overpayment of expenses which were deducted
from claims of employees/contractors/suppliers. This account is credited
upon adjustment at year-end.

9. Account Title Treasury Bills

Account Code 10105010
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize amounts placed in a short maturity,
three months or less from the date of acquisition, treasury bills issued by
the National Government thru the BTr. This account is credited when the
rights to the cash flows have expired or transferred to another party thru
resale or other disposition.

10. Account Title Time Deposits-Local Currency

Account Code 10105020
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize authorized placements of cash in
local currency with AGDBs for a period of 90 days or less. This account
is credited for withdrawal of placements.

11. Account Title Time Deposits-Foreign Currency

Account Code 10105030
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize placements of cash in foreign
currency with AGDBs for a period of 90 days or less. This account is
credited for withdrawal of placements.

Annex E
12. Account Title Investments in Government-Owned or Controlled Corporations
Account Code 10204010
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize interests of NGAs and/or NG equity
in capital stocks of GFIs/GOCCs, and acquired entities. This account is
credited upon receipt of the return of investments, sale, transfers and

13. Account Title Allowance for Impairment-Investments in Government-Owned or

Controlled Corporations
Account Code 10204012
Normal Balance Credit
Description This account is credited upon set-up of impairment loss of
investments/interests in GOCCs. This account is debited upon receipt of
the return of investments, sale, transfers, reversal of impairment loss, and

14. Account Title Investments in Joint Ventures

Account Code 10205010
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize money and/or other assets invested
for joint venture projects with entities that are neither a subsidiary nor
associate. It is also used to recognize the share in the profit of joint
venture where the agency has joint control. This account shall only be
used when the joint arrangement is classified as Joint Venture. This
account is credited upon receipt of the return of the investment, sale,
transfers, write-off and share in the loss of joint venture.

15. Account Title Interests Receivable

Account Code 10301050
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize amounts of accrued interests on
advances, investments, and loans and receivables. This account is credited
upon receipt of interests, transfers, write-off, and/or adjustments.

16. Account Title Dividends Receivable

Account Code 10301060
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited by the BTr to recognize dividends earned but not
yet received on NG equity in GFIs/GOCCs and capital stocks of FFIs of
which the NG is a member. This account is credited upon receipt of
dividends, transfers, write-off, and/or adjustments.

17. Account Title Receivables from Joint Ventures

Account Code 10301220
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize receivables from joint ventures which
include, among others, expenses paid in advance by the venturer for the
account of the joint venture. This account is credited for receipt of
payment, settlement, adjustments, write-off, and/or adjustments.

Annex E

18. Account Title Operating Lease Receivable

Account Code 10302010
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the accrual of rental/lease income
under operating lease agreements. This account is credited upon
collection of rental income, write-off, and/or adjustments.

19. Account Title Finance Lease Receivable

Account Code 10302020
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited by the lessor to recognize receivables from
transactions under a finance lease agreement. This account is credited
upon collection of lease payments, write-off, and/or adjustments.

20. Account Title Due from National Government Agencies

Account Code 10303010
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize advances for purchase of
goods/services as authorized by law, fund transfers to the NGAs for
implementation of projects and other receivables from NGAs. This
account is credited upon receipt of goods/services, liquidation of fund
transfers, receipt of payment, settlement, write-off, and/or adjustments.

21. Account Title Due from Government-Owned or Controlled Corporations

Account Code 10303020
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize fund transfers to the GOCCs for
implementation of projects, guarantee fees for NG-guaranteed loans of
GFIs/GOCCs, NG advances for debt service payments on NG-relent or
guaranteed loans of GFIs/GOCCs and other receivables from
GFIs/GOCCs. This account is credited for the liquidation of fund
transfers, receipt of guarantee fees, receipt of payment of advances and
other receivables, settlement, write-off, and/or adjustments.

22. Account Title Due from Officers and Employees

Account Code 10399020
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize amount of claims from agency's
officers and employees for overpayment (not covered by Notice of
Disallowance), cash shortage, loss of assets and other bills issued by the
agency, losses in excess of allowable variance between books and
volumetric count of merchandise inventory and the like (not covered by
notice of charge). This account is credited for receipt of payment, write-
off and approved relief from property accountability.

23. Account Title Due from Non-Government Organizations/Civil Society Organizations

Account Code 10399030
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize amount of advances granted to Non-

Annex E
Government Organizations (NGOs)/Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)
for implementation of specific projects. This account is credited for
liquidation, write-off, and/or adjustments.

24. Account Title Other Receivables

Account Code 10399990
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize amount due from debtors and other
agencies not falling under any of the specific receivable account. This
also includes receivables from individuals or entities intended for specific
projects or purpose not falling under any of the specific receivable
account. This account is credited for receipt of payment, liquidation,
write-off, and/or adjustments.

25. Account Title Allowance for Impairment-Other Receivables

Account Code 10399992
Normal Balance Credit
Description This account is credited to reduce the amount of other receivables due to
impairment. This account is debited upon receipt of other receivables,
transfers, reversal of impairment loss, write-off, and/or adjustments.

26. Account Title Merchandise Inventory

Account Code 10401010
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize cost of goods purchased/
acquired/produced which are intended for sale in the ordinary course of
business. This includes land/reclaimed land, equipment, forest products,
seized, distrained, levied, forfeited and acquired property/assets in
accordance with the NIRC, as amended, and other inventories for sale.
This account is credited for the sale, transfers, losses, write-
down/impairment, other disposal, and/or adjustments.

27. Account Title Food Supplies for Distribution

Account Code 10402010
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost of food for distribution to
private individuals/institutions or other government agencies. This
account is credited upon distribution to end-users, transfers, losses, other
disposal, and/or adjustments.

28. Account Title Drugs and Medicines for Distribution

Account Code 10402030
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost of drugs and medicines
purchased/received for distribution to private individuals/institutions or
other government agencies. This account is credited upon distribution to
end-users, transfers, losses, other disposal, and/or adjustments.

29. Account Title Medical, Dental and Laboratory Supplies for Distribution
Account Code 10402040

Annex E
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost of medical, dental and
laboratory supplies purchased/received for distribution to private
individuals/institutions or other government agencies. This account is
credited upon distribution to end-users, transfers, losses, other disposal,
and/or adjustments.

30. Account Title Agricultural and Marine Supplies for Distribution

Account Code 10402050
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost of fertilizers, pesticides and
other marine and agricultural supplies for distribution to private
individuals/institutions or other government agencies. This includes
supplies for aquaculture researches, environment protection/preservations
and the like. This account is credited upon distribution to end-users,
transfers, losses, other disposal, and/or adjustments.

31. Account Title Agricultural Produce for Distribution

Account Code 10402060
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost of agricultural produce for
distribution to private individuals/institutions or other government
agencies. This includes livestock and poultry; crops and fruits; and other
agricultural produce. This account is credited upon distribution to end-
users, transfers, losses, other disposal, and/or adjustments.

32. Account Title Textbooks and Instructional Materials for Distribution

Account Code 10402070
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost of textbooks and
instructional materials, brochures, pamphlets, flipcharts, video
clips/slides, manuals, and the like, purchased/received for distribution to
private individuals/institutions or other government agencies. This
account is credited upon distribution to end-users, transfers, losses, other
disposal, and/or adjustments.

33. Account Title Construction Materials for Distribution

Account Code 10402080
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost of construction materials for
distribution to private institution or other government agencies. This
account is credited upon distribution to end-users, transfers, losses, other
disposal, and/or adjustments.

34. Account Title Property and Equipment for Distribution

Account Code 10402090
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost of property and equipment
purchased/received for distribution to private individuals/institutions or
other government agencies. This account is credited upon distribution to

Annex E
end-users, transfers, losses, other disposal, and/or adjustments.

35. Account Title Other Supplies and Materials for Distribution

Account Code 10402990
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost of purchased/acquired
inventories not falling under any of the specific inventory accounts held
for distribution to private individuals/institutions or other government
agencies. This account is credited upon distribution to end-users,
transfers, losses, other disposal, and/or adjustments.

36. Account Title Finished Goods Inventory

Account Code 10403030
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize cost of completed/manufactured
product available for sale or use and still in the manufacturing
plant/factory. This account is credited upon transfer to other inventory
accounts, losses, other disposal, and/or adjustments.

37. Account Title Office Supplies Inventory

Account Code 10404010
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost or value of
purchased/acquired office supplies such as bond papers, pens, inks, paper
clips, staple wires, rulers, and the like. This account is credited for issues
to end-users, transfers, losses, other disposal, and/or adjustments.

38. Account Title Accountable Forms, Plates and Stickers Inventory

Account Code 10404020
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost of any readily negotiable
financial forms or non-financial forms with pecuniary or other value after
being completed and authorized which is acquired for government
operation. These forms are sequentially or uniquely pre-numbered and
either pre-printed or electronically produced. It includes accountable
forms with and without face value, such as official receipts, passports,
blank checks, tickets, stickers, permit/license plates, Land Transportation
Office (LTO) plates, and the like. Such forms need to be carefully
monitored and controlled due to inherent risk of loss of public money or
property which may be caused/may be a result of/by an offence (e.g.,
fraud, bribery, theft, collusion, etc.). This account is credited for issues to
end-users, transfers, losses, other disposal, and/or adjustments.

39. Account Title Textbooks and Instructional Materials Inventory

Account Code 10404100
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost of textbooks and
instructional materials, brochures, pamphlets, flipcharts, video
clips/slides, manuals, and the like, purchased/received for use in
government schools operation. This account is credited for issues to end-

Annex E
users, transfers, losses, other disposal, and/or adjustments.

40. Account Title Semi-Expendable Office Equipment

Account Code 10405020
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost of the purchased/acquired
office equipment costing less than the prescribed capitalization threshold
for use in government operations. This includes small tangible items like
calculators, typewriters, punchers, staplers, shredders, and other similar
items for use in government operations. This account is credited for issues
to end-users, transfers, losses, write-down/impairment, other disposal,
and/or adjustments.

41. Account Title Semi-Expendable Agricultural and Forestry Equipment

Account Code 10405040
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost of the purchased/acquired
agricultural and forestry equipment costing less than the prescribed
capitalization threshold for use in government operations. It includes
threshing and milling machines, plow, grass cutting machines, power saw,
and other similar items for use in government operations. This account is
credited for issues to end-users, transfers, losses, write-down/impairment,
other disposal, and/or adjustments.

42. Account Title Semi-Expendable Marine and Fishery Equipment

Account Code 10405050
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost of the purchased/acquired
marine and fishery equipment costing less than the prescribed
capitalization threshold for use in government operations. It includes
fishnets, fishing rods, fish traps, floats and other similar items for use in
government operations. This account is credited for issues to end-users,
transfers, losses, write-down/impairment, other disposal, and/or

43. Account Title Other Land Improvements

Account Code 10602990
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost incurred in the purchase or
fair value, if acquired through donation or transfers without cost, of land
improvements such as parking lots, landscape, walkways, driveways,
covered walks, fences, roads within the agency’s premises and the like.
This account is credited for sale, transfers, losses, other disposal, and/or

44. Account Title Road Networks

Account Code 10603010
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost incurred in the purchase or
construction, or fair value, if acquired through donation or transfers

Annex E
without cost, of the roads, highways and bridges, underpass and other
road network facilities such as traffic lights, road signage for public use
and the like. This account is credited upon authorized disposal of the
asset, derecognition of the carrying amount of the replaced portion, and/or

45. Account Title Power Supply Systems

Account Code 10603050
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost incurred in the purchase or
construction, or fair value, if acquired through donation or transfers
without cost, of installations for generation, transmission and distribution
of electricity such as power stations, electric transformers and other power
and energy supply facilities for public use. This account is credited upon
authorized disposal of the asset, derecognition of the carrying amount of
the replaced portion, and/or adjustments.

46. Account Title Buildings

Account Code 10604010
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost incurred in the purchase or
construction, or fair value if acquired through donation or transfers
without cost, of buildings, such as: office buildings,
research/convention/training centers, agricultural laboratories,
warehouses, cold storages, manufacturing plant, recycling plant, and the
like, for use in government operations. This account is credited upon sale,
transfers, losses, destruction, reclassification to investment property,
derecognition of the carrying amount of the replaced portion, other
disposal, and/or adjustments.

47. Account Title Hospitals and Health Centers

Account Code 10604030
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost incurred in the purchase or
construction, or fair value, if acquired through donation or transfers
without cost, of hospitals, health centers, and other health facilities for use
in the delivery of public health services. This account is credited upon
sale, transfers, losses, destruction, reclassification to investment property,
derecognition of the carrying amount of the replaced portion, other
disposal, and/or adjustments.

48. Account Title Machinery

Account Code 10605010
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost incurred in the purchase or
assembly, or fair value, if acquired through donation or transfers without
cost, of machinery, which met the prescribed capitalization threshold.
This account is credited upon sale, transfers, losses, destruction,
derecognition of the carrying amount of the replaced portion, other
disposal, and/or adjustments.

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49. Account Title Marine and Fishery Equipment

Account Code 10605050
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost incurred in the purchase or
assembly, or fair value, if acquired through donation or transfers without
cost, of marine and fishery equipment which met the prescribed
capitalization threshold. It includes fishing boats, and the like. This
account is credited upon sale, transfers, losses, destruction, derecognition
of the carrying amount of the replaced portion, other disposal, and/or

50. Account Title Airport Equipment

Account Code 10605060
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost incurred in the purchase or
assembly, or fair value, if acquired through donation or transfers without
cost, of airport equipment for use in government operations, which met
the prescribed capitalization threshold. It includes luggage scanner, x-ray
metal detectors, explosive trace-detection portal machine, baggage
carousel, and the like. This account is credited upon sale, transfers, losses,
destruction, derecognition of the carrying amount of the replaced portion,
other disposal, and/or adjustments.

51. Account Title Communications Equipment

Account Code 10605070
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost incurred in the purchase or
assembly, or fair value, if acquired through donation or transfers without
cost, of communications equipment for use in government operations,
which met the prescribed capitalization threshold. It includes automated
voice answering systems, intercom, and the like. This account is credited
sale, transfers, losses, destruction, derecognition of the carrying amount of
the replaced portion, other disposal, and/or adjustments.

52. Account Title Medical Equipment

Account Code 10605110
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost incurred in the purchase or
fair value if acquired through donation or transfers without cost of
medical equipment acquired for delivery of medical services, which met
the prescribed capitalization threshold. It includes diagnostic equipment,
(e.g.ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, CT scan, X-ray, etc.),
therapeutic equipment (e.g. infusion pumps, medical lasers, surgical
machines, etc.), life support (e.g. ventilators, dialysis, etc.), monitors (e.g.
electrocardiographs, electroencephalographs, etc.), hospital beds, medical
furniture, and other hospital, dental and laboratory equipment and the like.
This account is credited upon sale, transfers, losses, destruction,
derecognition of the carrying amount of the replaced portion, other
disposal, and/or adjustments.

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53. Account Title Aircrafts and Aircrafts Ground Equipment

Account Code 10606030
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost incurred in the purchase or
fair value, if acquired through donation or transfers without cost, of
aircrafts and aircrafts ground equipment for civil aviation to transport
passengers, equipment and goods such as container dollies, apron tractors,
ground power units and the like. This account is credited upon sale,
transfers, losses, destruction, derecognition of the carrying amount of the
replaced portion, other disposal, and/or adjustments.

54. Account Title Furniture and Fixtures

Account Code 10607010
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost of acquisition or assembly,
or fair value, if acquired through donation or transfers without cost, of
furniture and fixtures for use in government operations, which met the
prescribed capitalization threshold. It includes office partition, executive
wooden table, filing cabinets, conference table and the like. This account
is debited upon sale, transfers, losses, destruction, derecognition of the
carrying amount of the replaced portion, other disposal, and/or

55. Account Title Books

Account Code 10607020
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost of acquisition or production,
or fair value, if acquired through donation or transfers without cost, of
books and other reference materials for use in government operations,
which met the prescribed capitalization threshold. This account is debited
upon sale, transfers, losses, destruction, other disposal, and/or

56. Account Title Historical Buildings

Account Code 10611010
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the carrying amount of buildings held
and preserved by the government for their cultural and historical
significance. It includes: museums; old churches, cathedrals and mosques
no longer used for worship; old buildings and the like. This account is
credited for transfer to other agency or other disposal.

57. Account Title Work, Zoo and/or Other Animals

Account Code 10699010
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost or fair value, if acquired
through donation or transfers without cost, of animals acquired by an
agency for research, education, transportation, entertainment, recreation
and customs control. This includes animals used in military and police

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operations; animals in farms, fields, zoos, wildlife sanctuaries, aviaries,
aquariums; animals for research purposes; and the like. This account is
credited upon transfer to other agency, loss due to death or other causes,
other disposal, and/or adjustments.

58. Account Title Breeding Stocks

Account Code 10701010
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the fair value less cost to sell, or the
cost, if the fair value cannot be measured reliably, of breeding stocks
when they relate to agricultural activity. It includes cattle, horse, swine,
and other animals that produced offsprings. It also includes offsprings
intended for breeding, and those intended for
sale/distribution/consumption at the point of harvest. This account is
credited upon sale, transfers, loss, death, and/or adjustments.

59. Account Title Livestock

Account Code 10701020
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the fair value less cost to sell, or the
cost, if the fair value cannot be measured reliably, of livestock when they
relate to agricultural activity. It includes carabao, cow, goat, chicken,
sheep and other animals that produced milk, eggs, wools, and the like.
This account is debited upon sale, transfers, loss, and/or adjustments.

60. Account Title Trees, Plants and Crops

Account Code 10701030
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the fair value less cost to sell, or the
cost, if the fair value cannot be measured reliably, of trees, plants and
crops when they relate to agricultural activity. It includes trees for
forestry, bearer plants and, annual or perennial cropping, cultivating
orchards and plantations and floriculture. This account is credited upon
sale, transfers, loss or death, and/or adjustments.

61. Account Title Aquaculture

Account Code 10701040
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the fair value less cost to sell, or the
cost, if the fair value cannot be measured reliably, of fishes and other
marine species when they relate to agricultural activity. It includes fishes,
mollusks, crustaceans, aquatic plants, and the like. This account is
credited upon sale, transfers, loss or death, and/or adjustments.

62. Account Title Other Bearer Biological Assets

Account Code 10701990
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the fair value less cost to sell, or the
cost, if the fair value cannot be measured reliably, of other bearer
biological assets when they relate to agricultural activity. This account is

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credited upon sale, transfers, loss or death, and/or adjustments.

63. Account Title Livestock Held for Consumption/Sale/Distribution

Account Code 10702010
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the fair value less cost to sell, or the
cost, if fair value cannot be measured reliably, of livestock held for
consumption/sale/distribution when they relate to agricultural activity.
This account is credited upon consumption, sale, distribution, donation,
losses, and/or adjustments.

64. Account Title Computer Software

Account Code 10801020
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the purchase cost or capitalized
development cost of computer software programs for use in government
operation, when the software is not an integral part of the related
hardware. Development costs include cost of coding, testing and cost to
produce product masters. This account is credited upon sale, transfers,
obsolescence, and/or adjustments.

65. Account Title Other Intangible Assets

Account Code 10801990
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost of obtaining other
identifiable non-monetary assets without physical substance which grants
the owner legal and contractual rights and future economic benefits and
service potential not otherwise classified under the specific intangible
asset accounts. This includes trademarks, marketing rights, franchises,
licenses, electronic copies (CD/DVD) of published materials, and the like.
This account is credited for sale, transfers, obsolescence, termination
and/or revocation of rights and benefits, and/or adjustments.

66. Account Title Advances to Contractors

Account Code 19902010
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize amount advanced to contractors and
consultants as authorized by law. This account is credited for recoupment
of advances, and/or adjustments.

67. Account Title Guaranty Deposits

Account Code 19903020
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize amount deposited for goods such as
deposit for containers and deposits made to guarantee compliance with
the terms of an agreement. This account is credited for application of
deposit or refund of deposit from contracting parties upon contract
termination/completion (e.g. deposits made for airfare and gasoline which
are refundable upon contract termination), and/or adjustments.

Annex E
68. Account Title Forfeited Property/Assets
Account Code 19999030
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the fair value of seized/distraint non-
saleable persona l property which include, among others, debts, credits,
and interests in and rights to personal property of such persons, as
payment of tax liabilities of delinquent taxpayers. This account is credited
for collection, release of distraint, forfeiture, reclassification to other asset
accounts, and/or adjustments.

69. Account Title Confiscated Property/Assets

Account Code 19999040
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the fair value of confiscated
property/assets controlled by the government. This account is credited for
disposal, reclassification to other PPE accounts, and/or adjustments.

70. Account Title Abandoned/Surrendered Property/Assets

Account Code 19999050
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the fair value of abandoned or
surrendered property/assets controlled by the government. This account is
credited for disposal, reclassification to other PPE accounts, and/or

71. Account Title Internal Revenue Allotment Payable

Account Code 20101030
Normal Balance Credit
Description This account is credited to recognize the amount of internal revenue
allotment (IRA) payable to LGUs representing its share from internal
revenue collections. This account is debited for payment of IRA, and/or

72. Account Title Bonds Payable-Domestic

Account Code 20102020
Normal Balance Credit
Description This account is credited to recognize peso-denominated bonds
issued/floated in the domestic market. This account is debited for
redemptions of bonds, and/or adjustments.

73. Account Title Tax Refunds Payable

Account Code 20103010
Normal Balance Credit
Description This account is credited to recognize the amount of duly approved refund
to taxpayers such as: 1) refund of excess or erroneous collection of value-
added tax (VAT) and other internal revenue taxes in accordance with
Section 229 of R.A No. 8424, including legal interest thereon treated as
related expenses; 2) refund of input taxes attributable to zero-rated or
effectively zero-rated transactions under Section 112 of R.A. 8424, as
amended; and 3) refund of excess or erroneous remittance of BIR

Annex E
Authorized Agent Banks (AABs) and other collecting agents. This
account is debited upon payment or return of the tax refunds to the
appropriate taxpayers, AAB or collecting agent, and/or adjustments.

74. Account Title Due to NGAs

Account Code 20201050
Normal Balance Credit
Description This account is credited to recognize the receipt of funds for delivery of
goods/services as authorized by law, fund transfers from NGAs, other
than the BIR, for implementation of specific programs or projects subject
to liquidation and other inter-agency transactions. This account is debited
for delivery of goods/services, liquidation of funds received and
settlement of liabilities, and/or adjustments.

75. Account Title Due to Other Funds

Account Code 20301050
Normal Balance Credit
Description This account is credited to recognize transfers from other funds and/or
payables to other funds. This account is debited for the return of the fund
to the source fund, and/or adjustments.

76. Account Title Guaranty/Security Deposits Payable

Account Code 20401040
Normal Balance Credit
Description This account is credited to recognize the incurrence of liability arising
from the receipt/withholding of cash or cash equivalents to guaranty (a)
that the winning bidder shall enter into contract with the procuring entity;
(b) performance by the contractor of the terms of the contract; and (c) that
the contractor shall correct all discovered defects and clear/settle all third
party liabilities. This account is debited for refund after the fulfillment of
the purpose of the bond or forfeiture upon failure to comply with the
purpose of the bond/retention, and/or adjustments.

77. Account Title Deferred Finance Lease Revenue

Account Code 20501010
Normal Balance Credit
Description This account is credited to set up in the books of the lessor the unearned
income from finance lease which corresponds to the difference between
the total finance lease receivable and the derecognized asset under a
finance lease. This account is debited when the income is earned and
recognized as interest income, and/or adjustments.

78. Account Title Other Provisions

Account Code 20601990
Normal Balance Credit
Description This account is credited to recognize liabilities of uncertain timing or
amount not falling under any of the specific payable accounts. This
includes provisions for litigation and other legal claims, warranty
provisions, decommissioning provisions, or environmental provisions,
among others. This account is debited upon payment or settlement of the

Annex E
liability, and/or adjustments.

79. Account Title Accumulated Surplus/(Deficit)

Account Code 30101010
Normal Balance Credit (Debit)
Description This account represents the cumulative results of normal and continuous
operations of an agency including prior period effects of changes in
accounting policy and errors, and other capital adjustments. This account
is used to close the Revenue and Expense Summary account.

80. Account Title Permit Fees

Account Code 40201010
Normal Balance Credit
Description This account is credited to recognize the fees and charges collected in the
exercise of regulatory powers. This includes construction permit fees
corresponding to radio services, permits to import telecommunications
broadcast equipment, purchase/possess/sell transmitters/transceivers,
permits of radio operators, alien employment permits, petroleum
resources exploration permits, mining permits, mineral processing
permits, ore transport permits and the like, and the corresponding filing
fees collected for the acquisition of the permits such as for Sales
Promotion and the like. This account is debited, at year end, to close to
the Revenue and Expense Summary account, and/or adjustments.

81. Account Title Registration Plates, Tags and Stickers Fees

Account Code 40201030
Normal Balance Credit
Description This account is credited to recognize fees collected for registration plates,
tags and stickers issued by LTO and Import Commodity Clearance (ICC)
stickers issued by the DTI. This account is debited, at year end, to close to
the Revenue and Expense Summary account, and/or adjustments.

82. Account Title Fines and Penalties-Service Income

Account Code 40201140
Normal Balance Credit
Description This account is credited to recognize the fines and penalties related to
service income. This account is debited, at year end, to close to the
Revenue and Expense Summary account, and/or adjustments.

83. Account Title Donations in Cash

Account Code 40402010
Normal Balance Credit
Description This account is credited to recognize all donations in cash received from
other government agencies, private sector or foreign donors without
conditions and/or upon fulfillment of conditions and with a term of more
than one year. This account is debited, at year end, to close to the
Revenue and Expense Summary account, and/or adjustments.

Annex E
84. Account Title Donations in Kind
Account Code 40402020
Normal Balance Credit
Description This account is credited to recognize all donations in kind received from
other government agencies, private sector or foreign donors without
conditions and/or upon fulfillment of conditions and with a term of more
than one year. This account also includes assets acquired at no or nominal
cost. This account is debited, at year end, to close to the Revenue and
Expense Summary account, and/or adjustments.

85. Account Title Miscellaneous Income

Account Code 40699990
Normal Balance Credit
Description This account is credited to recognize the revenues and other receipts not
elsewhere classified under any specific income account. This includes
receipt of payment from liquidated damages, receipt of payment from
penalty for late deposits or reporting of collections by AABs, receipt of
payment from restitution for lost assets, cash overages, condoned loans,
proceeds from sale of unserviceable semi-expendable property, among
others. This account is debited, at year end, to close to the Revenue and
Expense Summary account, and/or adjustments.

86. Account Title Salaries and Wages-Casual/Contractual

Account Code 50101020
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the pay proper for services rendered
by employees contracted/hired to perform regular agency functions and
specific vital activities or services which cannot be provided by the
regular or permanent staff of the agency. They are considered employees
of the hiring agency limited to the year when their services are reasonably
required. This account is credited, at year end, to close to the Revenue and
Expense Summary account, and/or adjustments.

87. Account Title Training Expenses

Account Code 50202010
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the costs incurred for the
participation/ attendance in and conduct of trainings, conventions and
seminars/ workshops. It includes training fees, honoraria of lecturers, cost
of handouts, supplies, materials, meals, snacks, transportation expenses of
participants/training management team, and all other training related
expenses. This account is credited, at year end, to close to the Revenue
and Expense Summary account, and/or adjustments.

88. Account Title Office Supplies Expenses

Account Code 50203010
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost or value of office supplies
such as bond papers, pens, inks, paper clips, binder clips, staple wires,
staple wire removers, rulers, ring binders and the like. This account is

Annex E
credited, at year end, to close to the Revenue and Expense Summary
account, and/or adjustments.

89. Account Title Textbooks and Instructional Materials Expenses

Account Code 50203110
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost of books and instructional
materials distributed to public schools, brochures, pamphlets, flipcharts,
video clips/slides, manuals, and the like. This account is credited, at year
end, to close to the Revenue and Expense Summary account, and/or

90. Account Title Semi-Expendable Furniture, Fixtures and Books Expenses

Account Code 50203220
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost of semi-expendable
furniture, fixtures and books used in operation. This account is credited, at
year end, to close to the Revenue and Expense Summary account, and/or

91. Account Title Awards/Rewards Expenses

Account Code 50206010
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the amount given in recognition of
any civic or professional achievement, excellent performance and rewards
to informers for the receipt of reliable information leading to the
successful arrest/capture of fugitives, seizure/confiscation of smuggled
goods, or collection of unpaid taxes/surcharges/fines/penalties. This
account is credited, at year end, to close to the Revenue and Expense
Summary account, and/or adjustments.

92. Account Title Survey Expenses

Account Code 50207010
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost incurred in the conduct of
cadastral, structural, topographical, statistical, ICT survey, and other type
of surveys conducted by government agencies. This account is credited, at
year end, to close to the Revenue and Expense Summary account, and/or

93. Account Title Confidential Expenses

Account Code 50210010
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the amount paid for expenses related
to surveillance/confidential activities in civilian government agencies that
are intended to support the mandate or operations of the agency. This
account is credited, at year end, to close to the Revenue and Expense
Summary account, and/or adjustments.

Annex E
94. Account Title Legal Services
Account Code 50211010
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost incurred for authorized legal
services, rendered by private lawyers or lawyers from other government
agencies, excluding legal defense expenses. This includes special counsel
allowances granted to government lawyers from other agencies deputized
to represent the government in court as special counsel. This account is
credited, at year end, to close to the Revenue and Expense Summary
account, and/or adjustments.

95. Account Title Repairs and Maintenance-Infrastructure Assets

Account Code 50213030
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost of repairs and maintenance
on road networks; flood control systems; sewer systems; water supply
systems; power supply systems; communications networks; seaport
systems; airport systems; parks, plazas, monuments; railway systems; and
other infrastructure assets. This account is credited, at year end, to close to
the Revenue and Expense Summary account, and/or adjustments.

96. Account Title Repairs and Maintenance-Transportation Equipment

Account Code 50213060
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost of repairs and maintenance
on motor vehicles; trains; aircrafts and aircrafts ground equipment;
watercrafts; and other transportation equipment. This account is credited,
at year end, to close to the Revenue and Expense Summary account,
and/or adjustments.

97. Account Title Repairs and Maintenance-Leased Assets

Account Code 50213080
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost of repairs and maintenance
of buildings, ICT machinery and equipment, and other leased assets
acquired by a lessee under a finance lease contract/agreement. This
account is credited, at year end, to close to the Revenue and Expense
Summary account, and/or adjustments.

98. Account Title Subsidy to National Government Agencies

Account Code 50214010
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited by the Bureau of the Treasury to recognize
replenishments made to Authorized Government Servicing Banks for
negotiated MDS checks and other payments on accounts of NGAs;
constructive payments through the issuance of NCAA for advance
payments made by foreign creditors and donors; constructive payments
based on CDC issued to Foreign Service Posts; Working Fund deposited
to the foreign currency accounts of implementing NGAs for FAPs;
constructive payments through TRAs to BIR and Tax Expenditure Fund

Annex E
(TEF) Subsidy to GOCCs and NGAs. This account is credited, at year
end, to close to the Revenue and Expense Summary account, and/or

99. Account Title Assistance to Non-Govenrment Organizations/Civil Society

Account Code 50214050
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the assistance to NGOs/CSOs
through transfer of funds or assets for implementation of government
programs/projects. This account is credited, at year end, to close to the
Revenue and Expense Summary account, and/or adjustments.

100. Account Title Internal Revenue Allotment

Account Code 50214060
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the amount of internal revenue
allotment (IRA) due to LGUs and MMDA. This account is credited, at
year end, to close to the Revenue and Expense Summary account, and/or

101. Account Title Assistance/Subsidies-Others

Account Code 50214990
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the assistance given to individuals
and institutions other than government agencies or NGOs/CSOs for
government programs/projects/activities. This account is credited, at year
end, to close to the Revenue and Expense Summary account, and/or

102. Account Title Advertising, Promotional and Marketing Expenses

Account Code 50299010
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the costs incurred for advertisement
in newspapers, magazines, televisions, radio, and other forms of media,
such as expenses to: (a) promote and market products and services; and
(b) publish invitations to bid and other authorized government
advertisements. This account is credited, at year end, to close to the
Revenue and Expense Summary account, and/or adjustments.

103. Account Title Rent/Lease Expenses

Account Code 50299050
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize rental/lease of land, buildings,
facilities, equipment, vehicles, machineries, ICT machinery and
equipment, and the like. This account is credited, at year end, to close to
the Revenue and Expense Summary account, and/or adjustments.

104. Account Title Subscription Expenses

Account Code 50299070

Annex E
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost of subscriptions for ICT
software, data center service, cloud computing service, library and other
reading materials, and the like. This account is credited, at year end, to
close to the Revenue and Expense Summary account, and/or adjustments.

105. Account Title Litigation/Acquired Assets Expenses

Account Code 50299090
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize expenses incurred in connection with
litigation proceedings and registration/consolidation of ownership of
acquired assets, as well as those incurred in their
preservation/maintenance and expenses related to disposal of acquired
assets. This account is credited, at year end, to close to the Revenue and
Expense Summary account, and/or adjustments.

106. Account Title Bank Charges-Loans and Borrowings

Account Code 50301040
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the charges imposed by the bank for
various services rendered in relation to loans or borrowings. This also
excludes interest charges. This account is credited, at year end, to close to
the Revenue and Expense Summary account, and/or adjustments.

107. Account Title Commitment Fees

Account Code 50301050
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the commitment charges imposed by
creditors based on an agreed percentage of the undrawn loan amount with
foreign or domestic lending institution. This account is credited, at year
end, to close to the Revenue and Expense Summary account, and/or

108. Account Title Cost of Sales

Account Code 50402010
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the cost of merchandise
purchased/goods manufactured subsequently sold in the course of
business operations. This account is credited to recognize cost of goods
sold, and/or adjustments.

109. Account Title Depreciation-Investment Property

Account Code 50501010
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the periodic allocation of cost for the
wear and tear of buildings/warehouses and other structures held for
rent/lease on a commercial basis or held for capital appreciation or both in
accordance with the prescribed policy on depreciation. This account is
credited, at year end, to close to the Revenue and Expense Summary
account, and/or adjustments.

Annex E

110. Account Title Depreciation-Land Improvements

Account Code 50501020
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the periodic allocation of cost for the
wear and tear of aquaculture structures, reforestation projects and other
land improvements constructed/acquired/developed for public use in
accordance with the prescribed policy on depreciation. This account is
credited, at year end, to close to the Revenue and Expense Summary
account, and/or adjustments.

111. Account Title Depreciation-Infrastructure Assets

Account Code 50501030
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the periodic allocation of cost for the
wear and tear of road networks; flood control systems; sewer systems;
water supply systems; power supply systems; communications networks;
seaport systems; airport systems; parks, plazas, monuments; railway
systems and other infrastructure assets in accordance with the prescribed
policy on depreciation. This account is credited, at year end, to close to
the Revenue and Expense Summary account, and/or adjustments.

112. Account Title Depreciation-Transportation Equipment

Account Code 50501060
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the periodic allocation of cost for the
wear and tear of motor vehicles; trains; aircrafts and aircrafts ground
equipment; watercrafts; and other transportation equipment in accordance
with the prescribed policy on depreciation. This account is credited, at
year end, to close to the Revenue and Expense Summary account, and/or

113. Account Title Depreciation-Leased Assets

Account Code 50501080
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize the periodic allocation of cost for the
wear and tear of buildings and other structures, machinery and equipment,
transportation equipment, furniture and fixtures, and other leased assets
under finance lease contract/agreement in accordance with the prescribed
policy on depreciation. This account is credited, at year end, to close to
the Revenue and Expense Summary account, and/or adjustments.

114. Account Title Loss of Assets

Account Code 50504090
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize amount of loss suffered by
government due to theft/fortuitous events/calamities/civil unrest and
events of same nature. This account is credited, at year end, to close to the
Revenue and Expense Summary account, and/or adjustments.

Annex E
115. Account Title Loss on Initial Recognition of Biological Assets
Account Code 50504110
Normal Balance Debit
Description This account is debited to recognize amount of loss incurred upon initial
recognition of biological assets. This account is credited, at year end, to
close to the Revenue and Expense Summary account, and/or adjustments.


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