Energy and Information Medicine - MSchmieke

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The text discusses how quantum theory has fundamentally changed our understanding of physics and reality. It suggests that applying quantum principles to the human being as a whole could result in new conceptions of humanity and new therapeutic approaches.

Some properties suggested include: treating the person as a unified whole of body, mind and spirit; information having large effects despite small energetic content; energy transfer occurring through resonance frequencies; and spontaneous healing occurring that can't be explained causally.

The author proposes that quantum theory demands properties like nonlocal effects, resonance, and spontaneous healing which align with aspects of energy/information medicine. A new healing framework based on quantum principles could combine modern and traditional approaches by viewing the person as a unified whole.

1 Energy and Information Medicine, the Therapeutic Square and the Deep

Quantum Effect Marcus Schmieke

Keywords: energy medicine, information medicine, homeopathy, Chi effect, TCM,

bioresonance therapy, quantum entanglement, biophotons, Fritz Albert Popp, Carl Friedrich
von Weizsäcker, therapeutic square, deep quantum effect, second order quantum observer
Meta-description: Quantum theory has fundamentally changed the world view of classical
physics. This results in a new image of man and new therapeutic options. The therapeutic
square and the deep quantum effect are introduced to understand quantum effects in

Marcus Schmieke
Energy and Information Medicine, the Therapeutic Square and the Deep Quantum Effect
Healing possibilities from the quantum theory with reference to the whole man

Quantum theory has fundamentally changed the world view of classical physics. If these
insights are applied to the human being as a whole, completely new therapeutic options
emerge next to a new conception of man. This also includes the possibilities in energy and
information medicine, which the author describes here and classifies into the overall
complex of new research.

Quantum theory fundamentally revolutionized the understanding of matter in the twenties

of the last century. Meanwhile, one- third of global economic output, from semiconductors
in computer chips to lasers in CD players and magnetic resonance tomography, is based on
the technical consequences of quantum physics.i However, only recently did science
recognize its fundamental importance for understanding life and, in particular,
consciousness. Applying quantum theory consistently to the human being as a whole, not
only results in a new image of man, but it opens up completely new therapeutic options. The
current energy and information medicine can be used in its sound and serious parts, as a
partial or intuitive anticipation on the opportunities of a fully developed new healing culture.
Likewise, a new healing art based on quantum theory could combine the traditional ways of
healing of ancient cultures and primitive peoples with modern consciousness. These have
always treated humans as a whole and never just a part or symptom. This characteristic of
traditional healing methods points to an essential parallel to the holism of quantum theory.
The term energy and information medicine covers a wide heterogeneous field of diagnostic
and therapeutic methods and systems, which I do not want to deal with comprehensively or
in detail in this article. Rather, I pursue the goal here of deducing from a consistent
application of quantum theory to man as a whole a definition of a new art of healing, which

2 Energy and Information Medicine, the Therapeutic Square and the Deep
Quantum Effect Marcus Schmieke

can also be characterizing for energy and information medicine. This approach seems to me
to be promising, as some of the essential properties of energy and information medicine
suggest a quantum view of reality:

 Man is seen as a unity of spirit, mind and body

 Man is also treated physically as a whole
 Information is said to have great effects, even if its energetic content seems
 Energy transfer occurs mostly with specific resonance frequencies, to which special
effects are attributed
 The conscious attitude plays a decisive role in the success of the therapy
 It partially works with non-local effects
 Spontaneous healing effects often occur, which cannot be explained causally

While many of these properties seem like magic from the perspective of classical physics,
the quantum theory demanded exactly these properties for a system dominated by
quantum effects. The question is not whether there are such effects within the scope of
quantum theory, because this is clearly confirmed theoretically and experimentally, but only
whether they are relevant to the human being as a whole and his health. From today's
perspective, this question can only be answered in the affirmative. While classical medicine,
following the paradigm of classical physics, considers subsystems separately and is often
treated as monocausal, ignoring mental and psychological causes of disease, and in most
cases acts symptomatically, basic biophysical research suggests that the human body in
many ways functions like a quantum-holomorphism.

Quantum-Holomorphisms in biological systems

The biophoton research of Fritz Albert Popp sees cell communication conducted by coherent
photons. This means that ultra-weak electromagnetic quantum fields connect the cells in
communication and the human body is penetrated by and controlled by the coherent
electromagnetic quantum field of the lowest intensity.ii A quantum field acts as a whole and
does not consist of individual parts that have to communicate with each other with difficulty.
It is not until the measurement-process that the transition to a classical system consisting of
individual parts takes place, but this already disturbs or destroys the field. Similarly, one also
sees the molecular or atomic composition of the body only when one examines it with such
high energy particles that exactly this atomic or chemical structure is destroyed. A biological
system that is not subjected to such an analysis consists of a whole and forms spatially
comprehensive holographic quantum structures, with photons playing a dominant role.

3 Energy and Information Medicine, the Therapeutic Square and the Deep
Quantum Effect Marcus Schmieke

This is also true in the central nervous system, whose neural networks form macroscopic
coherent quantum states that can span millions of neurons. Leading research groups today
assume that these neural quantum holograms can only bring about awareness when they
cover larger areas of the brain.iii In terms of the individual elements of such a system, it
looks like that they swing in a harmonic phase relationships. From the quantum perspective,
however, they form a whole that only decays into individual parts when observed with
sufficiently high-energy processes, which always destroys the wholeness and breaks it down
into its individual parts.
Even in the human chromosomes that carry the molecular blueprint of life, the genetic
research is finding more and more quantum physical aspects that carry more biologically
relevant information than the entire molecular genetic code of the cells. In epigenetics, the
wave properties of genes are explored, which point to pronounced quantum mechanisms.
Through such quantum properties of genes, psychological traumas can be transmitted over
several generations without the need for molecular alterations of the genetic code.iv
Many of these studies are at the beginning, but it seems increasingly clear that the purely
molecular biological perspective that considers the human being as the sum of its parts and
interactions, producing consciousness in some unknown way, is at best, a rough
approximation that cannot describe the essential characteristics of life.

So it is only logical to assume that the miracle of life can only be described as a holistic
quantum process, whereby its outstanding properties can be understood as special quantum
properties. This includes, above all, the unity of psychic and physical processes perceived by
every human being, the sensible arrangement of life expressions and connections in the
context of life, and also the spiritual possibilities that the human organism and its life
process contain.

The most significant requirement of quantum theory is to regard man as a whole as a unity
of spirit (translation of the german word Geist), mind and body. Any detached consideration
of a part or partial aspect, such as that of the mind for itself or that of the body as a material
object, necessarily loses sight of this wholeness and is inappropriate. If health is defined
precisely as the wholeness and holistic self-perception of all processes belonging to life, it
becomes clear how unreasonable such a separation is as a basis for medicine.

Divisibility is the material substance, but as such exists only in classical physics. From the
perspective of quantum theory, the divisible substance is only the result of the separation
between consciousness and what is observed separately, that is to be objectified, and thus
only a classical approximation. Behind this lies a reality that is described by leading quantum
physicists such as Anton Zeilinger, Werner Heisenberg, Niels Bohr and Carl Friedrich von

4 Energy and Information Medicine, the Therapeutic Square and the Deep
Quantum Effect Marcus Schmieke

Weizsäcker in the last consequence as pure information. Weizsäcker and his colleague
Thomas Görnitzv have been able to describe both mass and energy equivalently as varieties
of pure quantum information units. Just as Albert Einstein described mass as energy, on this
basis today one can represent mass and energy as information. From this perspective, body,
mind and spirit are already separate perspectives, classical approximations of the underlying
unity of the world, in which the wholeness of mental and material processes against a
spiritual background forms the basic prerequisite of life and health.

Energy and Information Medicine

Energy and information medicine is the chance to tie in precisely with this most modern of
all possible perspectives and to show people a new approach to therapy and healing.
Therefore energy- and information-medicine systems always represent an access to the
wholeness of human beings. It would then be possible to use the differentiation of the terms
energy and information to distinguish two main approaches.
Energy medicine uses specific physical resonances of the human quantum system to
communicate with it therapeutically, while informational medicine always addresses
humans as a whole with mental-spiritual or spiritual-material resonances. These appear as
information patterns, since information links the spiritual and the mental with the material.
In both cases, it is important to understand that it is not a specific illness or a traditional
medical blood picture that is treated, but the whole person receives support to find his
natural balance and holographic wholeness.
The biophysical resonances used by energy medicine are often specific frequencies that are
transmitted to the body using a physical energy carrier. For this purpose, electrical currents,
electric fields, magnetic fields, colored light, infrared light, laser light and all types of
electromagnetic fields are used. Most manufacturers of energy medical systems emphasize
that it is not the physical fields themselves that act, but the frequencies modulated on their
carriers. In this sense, energy medicine is ultimately not just concerned with the healing
effects of energy, but above all with the information transported. In such frequency therapy
systems there are again two types.
The first type achieves a kind of specific effect with unique frequencies that trigger
biophysical, traceable resonances. For example, from the wavelength of the DNA or the
resonances of water molecules specific microwave frequencies can be derived, which can be
used with stimulating effect on healing processes in the body. Likewise, very low resonance
frequencies of the nanomotors on the cell membrane are known, which cause an increase in
the ion transport into the cell and thus can positively influence the ATP production and the
pH However, in most cases, these energy-medical applications are in most cases
taken as such, it is more a continuation of conventional medical thinking.

5 Energy and Information Medicine, the Therapeutic Square and the Deep
Quantum Effect Marcus Schmieke

The second type of energetic frequency therapy uses the frequencies to communicate with
the organism as a whole. The frequencies used here are carriers of meaning and have mostly
been found in a spiritual way. In the rarest cases, these are specific effects of individual
frequencies, but mostly an archetypal system in which frequency forms the interface
between mental backgrounds and physiological processes. If such frequencies are applied in
the appropriate context, the patient experiences a resonance phenomenon that manifests
itself both physically and mentally. This moment is also known in traditional Chinese
medicine, which is why I refer to it as a chi effect - it has met with an important resonance of
the spiritual-material quantum system and triggered a creative process of change. In these
cases, not only the energetic carrier and the transported specific frequency, but also the
interaction between the therapist, the patient, the meaning related therapy context and the
effective instrument. Only the wholeness of these four components can resonate with the
wholeness of the organism. The effective instrument that generates the treatment
frequency in this context is therefore not the determining factor, but a link to establish the
overall context. It includes language, namely, in this case the frequency that connects the
spiritual with the mental and the physical and thus can develop as an archetypal effect.

From energy to information medicine

If this instrument is now replaced by a no non-energetic carrier, we find the transition from
energy to information medicine. This happens, for example, in homeopathy. The effective
instrument in this case is small milk sugar spheres or an alcohol solution which is to carry the
information of a homeopathic remedy. The energetic carrier, in this case a tiny amount of
sugar or alcohol, obviously does not matter much anymore. It only seems to be the
information contained therein that works. A systematic study carried out with homeopathic
remedies studies suggests, however, that this does not involve the specific effect of
information imprinted on the globules. This is what the so-called "Decline -Effect", which
was observed in many therapeutic methods of information medicine, namely that the effect
achieved in the first trials will be reduced with increasing amount of imprints.vii However,
the researchers did not conclude that this demonstrates the ineffectiveness of the studied
methods, but that they are not local and acausal effects . More likely there are non-local and
acausal mechanisms, as one would expect in quantum systems. This would exclude the
instrument as a carrier of causally effective local information and bring the effect back to the
overall relationship between the patient, therapist, effective instrument and context of
meaning. Within the framework of quantum theory such super spatial correlations are called
entanglement. It is important to note that the disappearing effect does not disappear
completely, but may appear in other unobserved parameters. In the studies considered, for
example, other important health parameters that were not considered in the original study
design improved.viii

6 Energy and Information Medicine, the Therapeutic Square and the Deep
Quantum Effect Marcus Schmieke

This would mean that the carrier of information as a local and natural causally acting
substance is not critical and can also be replaced by non-local and non-physical information.
This happens, for example, in radionics and a large number of modern systems of
information medicine derived from it, which I would therefore rather call the concept of
information field medicine, in order to distinguish it from the systems of information
medicine, which use physical carriers or energies.ix The instrument providing the
information is of particular importance in these cases. Above all, it serves as a means of
communication between the therapist, the patient and the meaning related therapy context
in which the respective therapy concept relates to the information field of the patient.

The therapeutic square

If healing processes occur in such a therapeutic setting, they can rarely be traced back to a
very specific therapeutic measure. In general, then, it is rather a kind of macroscopic
quantum effect, which, like all quantum processes, possesses the properties of non-locality
and a/non-causality . It just does not make sense to assume a clear cause-and-effect
relationship and see the observed healing as being caused by a purely physical (physical)
action. What in this case "works" is the overall context of the quadrilateral "
patient-therapist-therapeutic agent-meaningful context, " which is constructed analogously
to Gotthard Günther's four ontological categoriesx and the four sense elements according to
Johannes Heinrichsxi. The spiritual context consists here mostly in older or modern healing
traditions or systems such as the countless disciplines of homeopathy, Reiki, Spagyrics,
healing with herbs, rituals, etc. The postulated macroscopic quantum effect is not a
"classical" quantum effect in a strictly physical sense, since these are mostly limited to small
and strictly shielded physical systems. It is, rather, a kind of generalized quantum effect as
Walach, Römer and Atmanspacher have examined.xii This generalized quantum effect,
which would certainly not be recognized as such by "classical" quantum physicists, assumes
the most general conditions under which a system could exhibit quantum effects. They
conclude that, above all, there must be a single fundamental property of the system, namely
that there must be at least two non-interchangeable quantities or processes in the system
(non-commutativity). In "classical" quantum physics, for example, this would be the location
and momentum of a particle, with the result of measuring both parameters depending on
the time order of the measurements. However, such non-commutative properties can also
be manifested by more complex systems in which humans are included. For example,
thinking and feeling are not interchangeable. Whether I first feel and then think produces a
different result than if I first think about a perception and then feel it. An even deeper
complementarity underlies our perception in its decomposition into a spiritual and a
material side. For this reason, the therapeutic square also contains vertically to the

7 Energy and Information Medicine, the Therapeutic Square and the Deep
Quantum Effect Marcus Schmieke

patient-therapist axis the axis between the therapeutic system and its meaning related
therapy context.

Meaning related
therapeutic context
Therapist Patient

Therapy instrument

The therapeutic square

This complementarity is also relevant to the example of a shamanic healing ceremony, which
for example has to be carried out with a special type of bird feather with specific movements.
Here it is obviously not the feather with the specific movement alone that works, but in the
context of the entire shamanic traditional and ritual context that defines its meaning. The
movements of the feather and the shamanic attitude behind it form two complementary
poles of an acausal effective context.
Another example of non-commutative elements of reality is consciousness and the
unconscious. It is the complex interplay of both sides of the mind that constitutes the
behavior and experience of a human being. Many other examples of non-commutative
elements could be mentioned. If a system dominated by such non-interchangeable elements,
so we can expect there are four kinds of quantum effects observed: non-locality, acausality,
entanglement and complementarity.
The non-locality and acausality of spontaneous healing processes, as they often occur in the
energy and information-medical context, are an indication of generalized quantum
phenomena behind them. Here, the therapeutic square of patient-therapist-therapy
instrument-meaning related therapy context is described as a whole by the generalized
quantum theory. Quantum effects in such a system can be defined analogous to "classical"
quantum effects: A quantum effect simultaneously generates a new internal and external
order. In the meanwhile the system transitions from a state of superposition of many
possibilities to a resonance, or eigenstate. In such a quantum leap the energy and
information difference between the two resonance states is released. This release happens
initially in a form not yet differentiated in spiritual and material parts. The best term for such
nondual material-spiritual energy quantum has the traditional Chinese medicine with the
phrase “chi”. With this chi effect, the patient and the therapist move noticeably into a new
internal and external order at the same time. For the patient, this means that his attitude
and his consciousness about his condition (disease/health) and that of the external order
may have undergone a transformation in general towards a more coherent state in his body.

8 Energy and Information Medicine, the Therapeutic Square and the Deep
Quantum Effect Marcus Schmieke

Taipeh Conference 2017, where the Deep Quantum effect was first introduced in public

The deep quantum effect

I call this type of quantum effect, which relates to the human being as a whole in its overall
context, the second order quantum observer effect or the deep quantum effect..xiii It consists
in the fact that a tension between two complementary elements has become so strong that
a spontaneous emergence to a new higher inner and outer order takes place. This
emergence is spontaneous (acausal shaped by probabilities) and non-local (which may
include people, animals or objects that are located far from each other). Their probability
increases with increasing tension of the two poles, but also depends on the system's ability
to integrate. If the tension becomes too great without a corresponding ability of integration
(coherence), a classical dissociation of the system can be the consequence and no new
higher order arises. In the treatment process, it is important to assess tension against
integration. The simultaneous appearance of meaningful interrelated events (synchronicity)
suggests similarities to the notion of quantum entanglement. Such a deep quantum effect
occurs when the involved non-commutative complementary elements can sustain their
tension for a while. For example, when thinking and feeling are equally used, as often
formulated as goals in psychoanalysis, or when consciousness opens up to the contents of
the unconscious without losing its functionality. If two people really meet in depth, they do
experience the touch of two non- subjects. The magic of such moments is known to
everyone and has the power to create a new order not only inside but also in the outside.

9 Energy and Information Medicine, the Therapeutic Square and the Deep
Quantum Effect Marcus Schmieke

The therapy situation between the therapist and the patient is exactly such an encounter of
two non-commutative subjects, who already find the consciousness and the unconscious in
a strong state of tension due to the present illness. Now, when the therapeutic system used
provides a suitable archetypal field along with his meaning related therapy context in which
the encounter between the patient and therapist takes place, then this deep quantum effect
can occur. Healing is then possible.
I also call the deep quantum effect a second-order quantum observer effect because it is
initiated by the second of three basic levels of consciousness found in many traditional
consciousness schools. The classical quantum effect is triggered by the first level of the
fragmented external consciousness within the framework of an empirical observation. The
deep quantum effect occurs acausal spontaneously when the persons involved – i.e.
observers - are in contact with the middle or second level of consciousness, which can be
described as holotropic inner consciousness.xiv At this level of perception, humans perceive
themselves as an undivided psychosomatic organism that does not disintegrate into body
and psyche. The third level is that of non-dual Unity Consciousness.

Observer I Fragmented Unconscious individual Mind / Body Language, culture and

external wave function collapse thinking to restore
consciousness wholeness and meaning

Observer II Holotropic inner Experience of quantum Organism / universe Myths and archetypes to
consciousness entanglement Quantum information restore wholeness

Psycho-Physical Events Individual and Healing to restore

collective unconscious

Observer III Non-dual monitoring individual Self / God / Tao wholeness

experience of wholeness, perceiving

the unity cosmic wholeness

In his psychophysical theory, the Swiss depth psychologist Remo Rothxv develops the
concept of the inner quantum leap, which is related to this approach and is initiated from an
introverted, body-directed state, which he calls Eros-consciousness.xvi The depth quantum
effect described in this article additionally refers to the stated context of complementary
elements, the resulting second level of consciousness and the ontological square, which is
expressed here specifically in the therapeutic square. It also does not need the purely
introverted body awareness. In spite of different theoretical approaches, in my opinion, both
concepts express the same process that is currently not yet clearly aware.

10 Energy and Information Medicine, the Therapeutic Square and the Deep
Quantum Effect Marcus Schmieke

Healing in the information field

The term information field refers here to the overall context of the material, mental and
spiritual relationships between the patient and his environment. It is therefore a symbol of
wholeness for the patient's world, which is breaking down into its parts. For such complex
superimpositions and interactions in physics the term of the field is chosen in contrast to a
description by individual objects or connections. The concept of information points to the
role of this field, which mediates between the material and mental representation with their
spiritual references. Information is the missing Tertium Datur of the Aristotelian doctrine of
being. It is neither mind nor matter. But even as purely spiritual, the information cannot be
described, because it does not necessarily have to carry meaning in the semantic sense.
For such a mediating function, which is accessible to the uniqueness of scientific
description only in concrete material, mental or spiritual representations, the Swiss
depth psychology C.G. Jung has chosen the term archetype, which was aptly described
by his colleague Marie Louise von Franz as an archetypal field.xvii Thus, generally systems or
methods of information medicine work with archetypal systems that are intended to
represent the wholeness of man or in the therapeutic process to stimulate their recovery.
Examples of such systems are listed here:

 Colors as archetypical symbols of mental and physiological connections

 Homeopathic or spagyric remedies as mediators between mental and physical
 Medicinal plants of different traditions with spiritual, physiological and psychological
 Crystals, gems and metals in alchemical or traditional association with physical and
mental properties
 Frequency systems, which was often determined by divination methods, that map
both organs and emotions
 The five elements of traditional Chinese medicine as a representation of
physio-psychological processes in humans and in nature
 The three doshas of Ayurveda in relation to Vedic cosmogony as organizing
psycho-physical forces
 The twelve zodiac signs representing the wholeness of man in relation to all areas of

Therapeutic communication
In order to fulfill its role as complementary to conventional medicine, which also points the
way to a new holistic approach in medicine, the energy and information medicine must put a
focus on the quality of therapeutic communication. The new paradigm is to treat the

11 Energy and Information Medicine, the Therapeutic Square and the Deep
Quantum Effect Marcus Schmieke

patient's entire treatment as communication between two people interacting at all levels. In
order to be able to treat the patient as a whole, the therapist must also meet him as a whole.
It is not only the professional quality of treatment, which is important, but also what and
how to communicate, and it is important not only to verbal communication, but also to all
other channels of communication, such as body language, looks or touches. The therapist's
particular responsibility is to promote the healing process through his communication and
avoid so-called nocebos (i.e. anti-placebos). Nocebos are messages that increase the
patient's sense of illness and decrease the confidence to heal. Especially in energy and
information medicine, therefore, the diagnosis should be completely under the primacy of
the healing process. It should only be communicated in a manner that promotes the healing
process or can lead to insights or practices that encourage this. The patient should not feel
sicker after an energy or information- medical analysis than before. The therapist's
confidence and belief in the self-healing powers of nature and mind are ideally transmitted
through communication to the patient.xviii
The energy and information-medical system, with which the therapy takes place, here
becomes part or companion of the therapy and not its determining center. People are always
treated as a whole, even if the therapist applies electrodes to their feet and knees to treat a
torn tendon or apparently applies frequencies that are designed to control a specific
infection. Successful energetic or informative therapy always produces a noticeable effect
for the whole person. It understands ideally how physical, mental and spiritual perspectives
come together to provide a new perspective on illness and health. When the patient
experiences a new vision of himself as a being as a whole and of his purpose in life, the
therapist has fulfilled his highest purpose in this patient. It is about making health the most
sensible alternative. Because when the patient came to him, the opposite was the case.

The author
Marcus Schmieke, born in 1966 in Oldenburg, studied physics and philosophy in Hanover and
Heidelberg. He lived for twelve years as a monk in a Vedic tradition. On this basis, he
authored more than 20 books and developed the TimeWaver Information Field Medicine
System. 1994 Co-founding of Tattva Viveka.

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12 Energy and Information Medicine, the Therapeutic Square and the Deep
Quantum Effect Marcus Schmieke

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13 Energy and Information Medicine, the Therapeutic Square and the Deep
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