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Parallel Construction or parallelism means that a pair or series

of elements share the same grammatical form. Elements sharing the same
function within a sentence should also share the same grammatical form. Just
like how the lines in an equal sign (=) share the same structure, the
elements in your writing and speech must have the same structure and

Using Parallelism
Use Parallelism to add unity, force, clarity and balance to your
Use parallelism for pairs or for elements listed in a series and
joined by conjunctions, commas, or semicolons.
Make sure that words in a sequence have the same form. These may
be nouns, adjectives, adverbs, phrases, or clauses- and by
repeating words that signal parallelism, such as articles or
determiners, prepositions, and conjunctions.

Parallelism can be observed in the following forms:

1. Parallelism in words
Category Example
Noun Many years ago, several people had been
suffering from tuberculosis and cholera.

The best sources of vitamin A are green and

yellow vegetables, dairy products, liver, and
fish-liver oils.
Adjectives The criticism that taking vitamin A is a waste
of money, is inaccurate and unwanted.
Verbs Vitamin A regulates membranes, facilitates bone
growth, increases reproduction ability, enhances
embryonic development, and makes skin healthier.
Adverb There are synthetically and naturally produced
vitamin A.

Vitamin A should also be cautiously and

moderately taken in.

2. Parallelism in gerunds and infinitives

Category Faulty Parallelism Corrected Version

Infinitive He wanted three things He wanted three things
out of college: to learn out of college: to learn
a skill, to make good a skill, to make good
friends, and learning friends, and to learn
about life. about life.

Tashonda learned to read Tashonda learned to read

poems critically and she poems critically and to
appreciated good essays. appreciate good essays.
Gerund The land is shifting and The land is shifting and
shrinks. shrinking.
Professor Ben rewarded Professor Ben rewarded
his students for their his students for working
hardwork and going beyond hard and going beyond the
the call of duty. call of duty.

There’s nothing I like There’s nothing I like

better than finding a better than finding a
good beach, riding a good beach, riding a
motorboat, and to eat motorboat, and eating
with my family. with my family.

She likes skiing, to She likes skiing,

camp, and hiking. camping, and hiking.

3. Parallelism in phrases

Faulty Parallelism Corrected Version

Politicians rarely acknowledge Politicians rarely acknowledge
problem or is proposing problem or propose alternative.
The actor taught his student how The actor taught his student how
to read, how to stand, how to to read, how to stand, how to
cry, and to talk to fans. cry, and how to talk to fans.
The senator shakes hands with The senator shook hands with the
the mayor, waved to the crowd, mayor, waved to the crowd, and
and stepped back into the car stepped back into the car

4. Parallelism in clauses

Faulty Parallelism Corrected Version

Industrial workers are Industrial workers are
understandably disturbed that understandably disturbed that
they are losing their jobs and they are losing their jobs and
no one seems to care. that no one seems to care.
My ideas are, first, the My ideas are, first,that the
strategic planning is integral; strategic planning is integral;
second, that it is executable. second, that it is executable.
When the world is peaceful, when When the world is peaceful, when
the citizens are patriotic, and the citizens are patriotic, and
politicians are honest, we will when the politicians are honest,
achieve national success. we will achieve national success.

5. Parallelism in prepositions and articles. An article or a

preposition applying to all the members of a series must either be
used only before the first term or else be repeated before term.

Faulty Parallelism Corrected Version

The Filipinos, the americans, The Filipinos, the americans, and
and Japanese. the Japanese.
In Manila, Cavite, or in Cebu. In Manila, Cavite, or Cebu (In
Manila, in Cavite, or in Cebu)
Paula went to work, a Paula went to work, to a
restaurant, and to the movies. restaurant, and to the movies.
There are trains leaving the There are trains leaving the
station in the morning and noon. station in the morning and at
6. Parallelism in correlative expressions (both…and; not…but; not
only…but also; either…or; first…second…third; and the like).
Correlative expressions should be followed by the same grammatical
construction. Many violations of this rule can be corrected by
rearranging the sentence.

Faulty Parallelism Corrected Version

It was both a boring festival The festival was both boring and
and disorganized. disorganized.
Neither you or Jake will Neither you nor Jake will
perform. perform.
First, cut the bread. Secondly, First, cut the bread. Second, put
put some mayonnaise. Thirdly, some mayonnaise. Third, bite it.
bite it.
Either you should go to work or You must either go to work or
play soccer. play soccer.
7. Parallelism in comparisons. When you are comparing things, be sure
that the ideas are in parallel structure whenever possible and

Faulty Parallelism Corrected Version

Your shoes are more expensive Your shoes are more expensive than my
than my brother. brother’s.

Practice: Revise the following sentences to make the listed elements

parallel in structure. Add or delete words or rephrase if

1. The Philippines has been joining various international sports

competition: the Olympic Games, games held in Asia, and the games
sponsored by Southeast Asian countries.




2. The most popular of these three is the Olympic Games. Formal as it is,
Olympics follows certain formal procedures. These are the ceremony to
open the game, competition proper, and ceremony to close the game.




3. The primary goals of Olympics are building brotherhood, to develop

physical strength, and promote fair play.


4. The games are open for both men and for women.



5. Olympic games happen every four years. During this four-year gap,
players from different countries are undergoing rigid training. The
sprinters are cutting their running time; the routines of the gymnasts
are being perfected; the weightlifters must increase their strength;
and the high jumpers increase their leap.





6. If players have made a record-breaking performance during the finals,

they receive gold medal, financial support is given by their
respective countries, and they are praised by their fellow citizens.




7. In the past several decades, the Philippine contingent has performed

well in sports like taekwondo, games for gymnasts, in the field of
boxing, and playing basketball.




8. In her lecture the professor discussed migration, courtship, and how

birds establish nesting territories.




9. A well-trained dog obeys willingly, completely, and with speed.



10. Giving an oral presentation can require more preparation than to write
a term paper.



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