Employee Promotion Proposal Form - Momin

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Employee Promotion Proposal Form

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Employee Details:

Name: Md. Mominul Haque Emp. ID: 10938

Department: Administration Auto Division 1

Present Job
Designation: Assistant Manager, Admin Assistant Manager

Date of
Date of Joining: 15th May 2015 1st NOV 2015

Line Manager Time in

Name & S M Tanvir Raihan Tanna Current Job 18 months
Designation: Grade:

Promotion Details:

New Designation: Deputy Manager, Admin New Job Grade:

New Line Manager’s

S M Tanvir Raihan Tanna
Name & Designation:

Justification for Promotion:

Points Please specify Remarks

 The promotion is recommended
due to expertise and merit of service of
the individual concerned which enables
 Is this promotion happening due to a
him to perform at a higher grade. He
placement in new role of a higher It is not recommended to propose
undoubtedly deserves the promotion due
grade? promotion if the answer is not
to his competency of ‘exceeding
affirmative for any of the two
expectation’ level. criteria
 Is this promotion happening due to
an expansion of the current role?  Due to the expansion of
Automotive Division 1 with the advent of
RBML and RAIL, and so to its’ Admin load,
the individual merits promotion.
 The individual has commanded a
cohort of 5 officers for a considerable
time of more than 4 years.
 In absence of the Head of Admin, he
has single handedly controlled and
 Does the employee have the executed all the administrative It is not recommended to propose
promotion if the employee does
required functional knowledge and operations of the Auto division 1
not have the required level of
leadership capabilities to perform throughout his tenure at the office. both functional knowledge and
the upgraded responsibilities?  Besides, he has also supervised the leadership skills
2 flagship showroom admin
requirements successfully in
coordination with the concerned
employees. All these solidly confirms his
leadership credence.
Employee Promotion Proposal Form
 01 July 2018.
 Individual got late promotion after It is not recommended to propose
promotion if the employee has
 Last date of promotion 3 years of joining at RMBL. His service is been promoted within the last 2
going to be 5 years on 15 May 2020 at years
 Performance appraisal was done It is not recommended to propose
only once after the individual has joined promotion if the employee has
 Performance rating of last 2 years
the organization. He received ‘Exceeding achieved a rating of 1 or 2 in
Expectation’ grade. 2017/18

 No. Individual displays very high

 Has the employee faced any standard of discipline in the workplace. The employee cannot be proposed
disciplinary action in the current He also displays a high degree of for promotion if he/she has been
fiscal year? integrity, professionalism and respect for given any disciplinary action
diversity at the workplace.


Please provide details of new role and how the employee meets the requirements of the new role:

Details of the New Role:

1. Coordinator of Auto Division 1 admin activities under the leadership of Head of Admin and act as his chief
advisor in all admin matters pertaining to the head office (HO) and factory.
2. Plan and execute HO administration schemes under the guidance of top management of the organization.
3. Supervise the HO administration team and their activities as the officer in charge.
4. Be a core member of the HO project management team.
5. Monitoring safety & security of the HO coupled with fire safety systems.
6. Establishing & maintain liaison with local government authorities for smooth operations.
7. Update & review HO administration policies & relevant SOPs from time to time.
8. Supervise transport fleet and the protocol formalities of the top management and foreign guests.
9. Manage the overall function of the HO Tea Bar.
10. Perform any other job as necessary upon order.
Employee Credential
The individual is a highly competent professional who displays willingness to invest his best to perform the
organizational responsibilities bestowed upon him. He has the required knowledge, skill, abilities and attitude
including the other factors of competency constituents to take on the role of Deputy Manager of the Automotive
Division-1. I confidently recommend Md. Mominul Haque for the subject promotion.

Proposed by: Recommended by:

Consider originally signed
_________________ _______________________
Line Manager Next Line Manager

Name: S M Tanvir Raihan Tanna Name:

Designation: Head of Admin, Automotive Division 1 Designation:

Date: 15 January 2020 Date:

 This form must be completed prior to including any promotion recommendation in the Divisional/SBUs
performance assessment proposal;
 The outcome of the Divisional/SBUs performance assessment, duly signed by the relevant signatories,
shall stand as the final decision of any promotion recommendation.
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