Air Coooled Reciprocating Chiller

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GD Air Cooled Reciprocating Chiller Capacity : 26 ~ 590 kw Feature Q High cooling capacity, low power consumption q Low starting torque q_ Silent and low vibration q High efficiency , durable and easy maintenance q_ Intelligent electronics protector for motor compressor thermo O Low power consumption and Easy maintenance thermo Q presents the complete line of Air cooled packaged type reciprocating Water Chiller Ranging from 3.5RTto 168 RT Capacity. Economical , easy installation and operation in a complete packaged design. Ideal for modern cooling applications in hi rise building , commercial and office building , shopping mall , hotel , and industrial plant All units are compact , completely factory assembled , shape and modular system to be installed as outdoor and weather proof. its can reach on site easy to handling on transportation ‘The unit is pressure tested , evacuated and fully charge with Refrigerant 22 and includes an initial oil charge Main Components * Durable Reciprocating Compressor New generation reciprocating semi hermetic compressor from Copeland- USA. the word's largest manufacture of semi hermetic compressor . Compact, low noise , high efficiency, durable and easy maintenance . Capable of operating with HCFC Refrigerant Each Compressor complete with Intelligent electronic for protection Fully motor protection against by thermal motor temperature control , motor overload , phase failure, low / hi voltage and phase sequence control , low oil pressure protection = Low Noise Condenser with Axial Fan The highly efficient and compact Cross finned coil type are designed with corrugated surface aluminum fins and extended surface in inner tube. Outdoor fan with best quality fan made convenience with low noise level , saving energy and high ambient resistance temperature use until 60 °C F ‘Axial type with external rotor motor , IP 54 motor protector and Class F insulation ( DIN EN 60 034-1 ) The fan motor totally encloses weather proof type * High efficiency Evaporator Dry expansion Shell and Tube type Evaporator, compact and height efficiency KE heat transfer. All evaporator equipped with Anti freeze to protect the cooling tube from being damage due to chilled water freeze up and chilled water temperature sensor to reduce precision chilled water temperatur ‘A drain plug is provided in the evaporator inlet pipe to extract chilled water Manufacture standard TEMA, ASTM . safety control equip. to protects hight discharge pressure caused by incorrect installation and low ure by refrigerant leak . thermostat , protects against chilled water freezing due to no flow or other causes during protects compressor against loss of ol pressure. indicating sight glass is installed in the liquid line. Easy to read color indicator shows sspot.. This provides mean for easy checking of the system refrigerant charge and ae. are kept free from harmful moisture , sludge , acids and oil contaminating partite i Peon’ large effective are allowing for very low pressure drop is provided on each mode. ‘Thermostat control, |, Automatically maintains the leaving chilled water temperature at desired level. o~ SS fee ech i 1 wae oor vee we Ea iz core TSHv05 wee 308 * 00r9 ‘eStW Ot Oe ‘S¥0S i oe ts0¥ eh (a sor fn 08s 252V O04 cere sor oes ase co s¥0r > — IL = i 1 1 Bs: POW POW ~ ~ oat Toe]__inont Gua men PND z = z z z Z z 7 T T 7 T OID PON S2pnG__|—0OENG | Oo] orn] orn] —eong—| cena | won| wena | Sena] tana | oon TORINO FE si [0 38 318 069 os set or m7 se se och | Tawa “wun Pom ToS eS WHOL ae 760 0 0 i #0 +60 0 iF oo wo z0 0] Tea] oasis exooxa | exosxo | exorxa | zxosxa | Zxosxa | ZxOrxa | Zx0exO 09 xa 0S x0 Ovxa 06 XO. xa PON sore) SUL GW TEHS aah Wewnwuny | en IED oa wxow | axon | axa | _exoe | exooe | exooo [e800 | ov00s | ev0os | ovo0s | _exoms | Ox00H ona 08, WO. £051 vO €021 WO. 202) vO 7001 WO. 708 VD. 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Notonly does the Heat Recovery Unit substantially reduce the amount of energy required to provide domestic hot water, but it also improves the cooling efficiency of the Chiller or Air Conditioner itis operating. Heat recovery from refrigerant hot gas to water. ‘Temperature of water can be reach until 70 °C cc Fabrikator OT. METALIADO PRIMA ENGINEERING Equipment Engineering Jl. KH. Zainal Mustafa No. 17 - Jakarta Indonesia Phone: 6221856 1234 ( Hunting) Fax: 62218513109 Website : Email: [email protected]

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