Handwriting Exercises
Handwriting Exercises
Handwriting Exercises
Practice Sheets
September 8, 2016
2. An exercise on a simpler grid with only a base line, x-height line, ascender/descender heights, and
one slant line per shape
4. A final base line exercise, where ascenders and descenders overlap by one x-height
In all exercises the x-height is 5mm. The letter width is 4.75mm, which was measured to be the
plate’s average horizontal grid cell width relative to its x-height. The slant angle is 52◦ .
A high-resolution scan of Plate 2 is publicly available here and was used, with kind permission of the
owner, as the source of the letter shapes. Whenever present, the shapes of the right hand side of the
plate were taken, otherwise the plate’s first half was turned to.
To align each shape as accurately as possible with the grids and guide lines, some pixel-level image
manipulations were necessary at times, such as a slight width or height adjustment, or an occasional
clockwise rotation by a fraction of a degree. Some of the shapes needed a little bit more attention, for
instance the First Principle stroke, which in the scan does not reach down to the base line. With the
image editor’s clone stamp tool the stroke was given its correct length. Also, the Principle 4 ascender
loop turned out not to start at the lower left corner of its leftmost grid cell. Its entry stroke was replaced
by a Principle 2 stroke, to bring the shape more in line with the specific loop letters it supports. A
second, descending Principle 4 worksheet was added by rotating the ascending one by 180◦ . Finally the
long ‘s’, which is only depicted in the left half of the plate, proved virtually impossible to properly align.
Therefore this letter was reconstructed by combining the ‘two’ Principle 4 shapes.
In general however, the objective has been throughout the project to keep the shapes as authentic as
possible. This also means that most imperfections were left untouched, like the small gap in the descender
loop of the ‘f’. Should you feel though that a particular letter deviates too much from its original in any
way, please feel free to contact me at this email address. Also when it concerns other aspects of the
document, such as the setup of the exercises, missing elements, etc., your feedback would be greatly
Happy writing,