BATCH- 2018-2023
I the undersigned solemnly declare that the project report is based on my own work carried out during
the course of our study under the supervision of Dr. Tanaya Tarai. I assert the statements made and
conclusions drawn are an outcome of my research work. I further certify that: I. the work contained in
the report is original and has been done by me under the general supervision of my supervisor.
II. The work has not been submitted to any other Institution for any other degree/diploma/certificate
in this university or any other University of India or abroad. ‘
III. We have followed the guidelines provided by the university in writing the report.
IV. Whenever we have used materials (data, theoretical analysis, and text) from other sources, we have
given due credit to them in the text of the report and giving their details in the references.
India, Land and land governance. Land is an important source of identity, symbol of social status and
foundation for rural power in India, often carrying significant emotional attachment. With a long
history, diverse geography and pluralistic culture, land governance has evolved in India through
communal, imperial, feudal, colonial and modern systems, gradually moving towards individualization
and conclusive titling. Contemporary land tenure is dotted with mosaics of customary tenure and
community ownership in tribal and hilly areas and dwindling rural common lands amidst expanding
of privatized spaces in urban and industrial areas getting converted from once predominant forest and
agriculture landscapes. Indian land governance is at a transition between nation’s economic growth
aspirations incumbent upon making land available for investments, while the socialist state is
committed to an agenda on land and forest reforms that allocate to and recognize the rights of landless
and tribal respectively on government and forestlands. Environmental concerns restrict diversion of
forestlands and promote expansion of protected areas. Land conflicts are on the rise as a result of
competition, continued lack of tenure clarity around common lands and increasing demands for higher
compensation for private lands, which bottlenecks investments.
Land governance in India in the post-independent period has evolved as a state-subject, with the land-
revenue department as the main custodian, while the actual responsibility is shared by number of
departments and agencies at the state and local level, making land governance complex with
overlapping jurisdictions. There are high transaction costs to access and transfer land. Land-related
disputes constitute more than half of disputes in civil and a significant number in criminal courts cases,
which are often dragged for long duration and drain private and public resources.
Property law is the area of law that governs what people own. It’s the area of law that says who can
own land and personal items, how they can use them and with what conditions. Property law applies
to both real property and personal property. Ownership and use of property is an area of law that
impacts everyone in society. Property law is also an important part of estate law family law and
municipal law.
In India property laws are governed by the Transfer of property Act, 1882. The transfer of property
act came into existence in 1882.Before that the transfer of immoveable property were governed by
principles of English law and equity. Scope of this act is limited. It applies only to transfer by the act
of parties not by the act of operation of law. This act deals with a transfer of property inter vivos, i.e.
a transfer between living persons. This act is exhaustive.
Section 44: Transfer by one co-owner.—Where one of two or more co-owners of immoveable property
legally competent in that behalf transfers his share of such property or any interest therein, the
transferee acquires as to such share or interest, and so far as is necessary to give, effect to the transfer,
the transferor’s right to joint possession or other common or part enjoyment of the property, and to
enforce a partition of the same, but subject to the conditions and liabilities affecting at the date of the
transfer, the share or interest so transferred. Where the transferee of a share of a dwelling-house
belonging to an undivided family is not a member of the family, nothing in this section shall be deemed
to entitle him to joint possession or other common or part enjoyment of the house.
Section 44 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882, deals with transfers by one co-owner. It also deals
with the rights of a transferee in this type of a transaction.
• Who is a co-owner
• What are the rights and liabilities of a transferee under this section
• Can a co-owner make a transfer without the consent of other co-owners
• What is a dwelling house and undivided family for the purpose of this section
This section of Transfer of Property Act deals with rights and liabilities of a transferee from a co-
owner, as to the enjoyment of the property transferred (should be immovable for this section). The first
part of the section merely incorporates the principle that a person who takes transfer from another,
steps into the shoes of his transferor, and is clothed with all the rights and becomes subject to all the
liabilities of his transferor. In short, we can say that he becomes as much a co-owner as his transferor
was before the transfer. The second part of the provision provides an exception to the general rule
stated in the first part and is based on convenience. It is designed to prevent an outsider from forcing
his way into a dwelling house in which other members of the transferor’s family have a right to live.
Ownership consists of innumerable number of claims, liberties, powers with regard to the thing owned.
Ownership is of different kinds. There are absolute and limited, sole ownership, co-ownership, vested
ownership, contingent ownership, corporeal, incorporeal. When a person owns a property in one time
it is called sole ownership, but if the property is owned by more than one person then it is called joint
ownership. By means of partition one can have co-ownership changed into sole ownership.
The expression co-owner is wide enough to include all kinds of ownership such as joint tenancy,
Tenancy in common, Coparcenary, membership of undivided Hindu family, etc. The very fact of the
reference to the property that the parties have certain shares, indicates that they are co-owners.
In Indian Law a co-owner is entitled to three essentials of ownership-
• Right to possession
• Right to enjoy
• Right to dispose
Therefore, if a co-owner is deprived of his property, he has a right to be put back in possession. Such
a co-owner has an interest in every portion of the property and has a right irrespective of his quantity
of share, to be in possession jointly with others. This is also called joint-ownership.
Tenants in Common
When the type of co-ownership is not specifically stated, by default a tenancy in common is likely to
exist. Each tenant in common has a separate fractional interest in the entire property. Although each
tenant in common has a separate interest in the property, each may possess and use the whole property.
Tenants in common may hold unequal interest in the property but the interests held by each tenant in
common is a fractional interest in the entire property for e.g. B owns a 25% interest in the property
and A owns a 75% interest. Each tenant in common may freely transfer his/her interest in the property.
Tenants in common do not have the right of survivorship. Therefore, upon the death of one tenant in
common, his/her interest passes via will or through the laws of intestacy to another persons who will
then become a tenant in common with the surviving co-owners.
Joint Tenancy
The most attractive feature of joint tenancy is the right of survivorship. Upon the death of one joint
tenant, his/her interest immediately passes to the surviving joint tenants and not to the decedent’s
estate. Joint tenants hold a single unified interest in the entire property. Each joint tenant must have
equal shares in the property for e.g. B and A each hold a 50% interest. Each joint tenant may occupy
the entire property subject only to the rights of the other joint tenants.
Unlike tenants in common, joint tenancy has several requirements that must be met in order to be
properly created. Massachusetts law requires that in order for a joint tenancy to be created specific
language must be included in the conveyance or devise. Such language includes that the grantees take
the land: "jointly"; "as joint tenants"; "in joint tenancy"; "to them and the survivor of them"; or using
other language in the instrument that it was clearly intended to create an estate in joint tenancy.
However, even if such language is contained in the conveying instrument, a joint tenancy may not
exist. There are four additional common law requirements necessary in order to create a joint tenancy.
(1) Unity of time. The interests of the joint tenants must vest at the same time
(2) Unity of possession. The joint tenants must have undivided interests in the whole property, not
divided interests in separate parts
(3) Unity of title. The Joint tenants must derive their interest by the same instrument (e.g. a deed
or will)
(4) Unity of interest. Each joint tenant must have estates of the same type and same duration. All
four unities must exist. If one unity is missing at any time during the joint tenancy, the type of
co-ownership automatically changes to a tenancy in common. A joint tenancy may be created
by a will or deed but may never be created by intestacy because there has to be an instrument
expressing joint tenancy. A joint tenancy is freely transferable.
Tenancy by the Entirety
This type of co-ownership is exclusively for husband and wife. Similar to joint tenancy, tenancy by
the entirety provides the right of survivorship. To exist, tenancy by the entirety requires that the four
unities of joint tenancy exist plus a fifth unity of marriage between the two co-owners. However, even
if all five unities exists, the type of co-ownership may still be joint tenancy if the conveying instrument
indicates such. Unlike joint tenancy, tenancy by the entirety does not allow one spouse to convey his
interest to a third party. However, one spouse may convey his/her interest to the other spouse.
A tenancy entirety may only be terminated by divorce, death, or mutual agreement by both spouses. A
terminated tenancy by the entirety becomes a tenancy in common.
In Konchunju Nair v. Koshy Alexander 1it was held that if a co-owner wants to erect a dwelling
house on the land he is free to do so. If division of co-ownership of property takes place, the co-owner
can claim, that, the said property be allotted to his share. The Court would ordinarily grant such an
equitable right.
Kochkunju Nair vs Koshy Alexander And Others on 24 March, 1999
Bench: K.T.Thomas, D.P.Mohapatra
When Is A Co-Owner Legally Competent To Make A Transfer
Section 7 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 provides that every person competent to contract i.e. a
major and of sound mind or is not disqualified by law for contracting. Therefore even the interest of a
co-owner or co-sharer can be sold, mortgaged, leased to another co-sharer or to a stranger. The fact
that the partition has not taken place by metes and bounds , does not stand in the way of the interest of
a co-owner.
According to the law prevailing in some areas, a coparcener of a Hindu Joint Family can alienate his
share in the Joint Family Property for consideration. Such a coparcener is a legally competent person.
But in some cases of Mitakshara coparcenary, the consent of other coparceners is required before any
such transfer. Also, where one co-owner is in exclusive possession of a plot of a joint land and lets it
out to a tenant without the consent of other co-sharer landlords, such a tenancy will not bind the latter.
The lease in such a case will only be confined to the interest and share of the lessor.
In Baldev Singh v. Darshani Devi 2it was held by the Court that a co-owner who is not in actual
physical possession over a parcel of land cannot transfer a valid title of that portion of the property.
The remedy available to the transferee would be to get a share out from the property allotted after the
partition or to get a decree for joint possession or can claim compensation from the co-owner.
In Rukmini and others v. H.N T. Chettiar 3it was held by the High Court of Madras that a co-sharer
cannot be allowed to cause prejudice to the other co-sharers by putting up a substantial construction
during the pendency of a suit for partition filed by the other co-sharers.
The High Court of Punjab and Haryana in a case of Hazara Singh v. Faqiria 4where a co-owner
contended that he had, by adverse possession, a peaceful undisturbed possession by the other co-
owners had become the sole owner of a land, held that the possession of a co-owner is possession of
all the co-owners. It cannot be adverse to them unless there is a denial of their right to knowledge by
Baldev Singh vs Smt. Darshani Devi And Anr. on 21 May, 1993, AIR 1993 HP 141
Bench: D Gupta
Rukmani And Ors. vs H.N. Thirumalai Chettiar on 26 September, 1984, AIR 1985 Mad 283, (1985) 1 MLJ 142
Bench: Ramanujam, Shanmukham
Hazara Singh v. Faqiria , AIR 2004 P H 353, (2004) 138 PLR 603
Bench: S K Mittal
the person in possession. If a co-sharer is in possession of the entire property, his possession cannot be
deemed to be adverse he possesses the property on behalf of all others.
Basically this section deals with the rights of a transferee and also safeguards their rights. The
transferee steps into the shoes of his transferor ie the co-owner, and is clothed with all the rights and
becomes subject to all the liabilities of his transferor. In short, we can say that he becomes as much a
co-owner as his transferor was before the transfer. Following are his rights after the transfer-
• Right to joint possession: Every joint owner or co-owner of property has a proprietary right
in the whole estate. After the transfer, the transferee becomes the co-owner and gets all his
rights. He also has the right to joint possession in property except a dwelling house. If a co-
owner or his transferee is ousted from joint possession, he is entitled to joint possession by a
suit, and is not necessary forced to sue for partition. A co-sharer can sue for possession either
for the benefit of the entire body of co-sharers or for the partition and possession of the
plaintiffs share.
• Right to peaceful possession: If instead of remaining in exclusive possession of his separate
plot, the co-owner transfers it, his transferee cannot be disturbed by the other co-owners until
and unless a final partition takes place. It was also held that where a tenant of a land who
derives his title from all co-owners cannot be disturbed by one co-owner without the consent
of all. But where the co-owners are enjoying the common property in separate plots for the
sake of convenience, the court will not decree to one co-owner joint possession of the portion
in the actual cultivation of the other.
• Right to make improvements: If a co-owner can make out a case that he is entitled to make
construction on any part of the joint land, he should be allowed to do so. But he is not entitled
to make construction on any other portion of the joint holding or to the detriment of the other
• Right to enforce partition: In all cases of joint partnership, each party has a right to demand
and enforce a partition; in other words a right to be placed in a position to enjoy his own right
separately without interruption and interference by others. Under this section, not only a
transferee of a share in the property but a transferee of any interest can sue for partition. A
lessee, a mortgagee and even a life tenant is entitled to seek partition so far it is necessary to
give effect to the transfer.
A claim of partition will only be refused on the ground of inconvenience. Partition does not
depend on the duration of right. In a celebrated case a monthly tenant was also entitled to
partition just to protect the rights of the plaintiffs. But a partition effected at the instance of a
person having a temporary interest, lasts only till the expiry of that interest.
The transferee also gets the liabilities with all the benefits. The rights of the transferee are
subject to the conditions and liabilities that attach at the date of the transfer to the share or
interest so transferred.
❖ Lalitha James and others v. Ajit Kumar and others AIR 1991 MP 155
Facts: P.S. Chouhan held vast properties. He died unmarried and issueless and he decided to
give away the said properties to his 2 sisters (Mrs. Dayabai and Gracebai) and executed a gift
deed in 1935. There had been no partition between them. Mrs. Dayabai was survived by
appellants 2,3and 4. Gracebai is survived by appellant 1, Mrs Lalita Jaems and respondent no.
3. Mrs. Park. The 5.74 acres of land was divided between the survivors of Gracebai.
Respondent no. 3 sold her share to Respondent no. 2 for Rs. 14,000/-.After the purchase, the
transferee started digging on the land to raise a structure, it was objected by appellant no.1. A
suit was filed by the Respondent 2.
At the Trial Court the suit was dismissed as the vendor was not in possession and the sale did
not confer any right or title on them and they can get their money refunded
In the First Appeal Court it was held that the respondent no 3 was in exclusive possession of
the land and rightfully sold it to the respondent no 2.
Final Judgement: The Madhya Pradesh High Court emphasized that it is the strength of the
plaintiff’s title and not the absence of title of the defendant that matters. A purchaser from a
co-owner of a portion of undivided property is not entitled to possession of any particular part
of the joint property. His right would be for joint ownership and not for exclusive ownership
of any particular part of the joint property. A transferee is not in a better position than the co-
owner himself. Section 44 gives sanction to this principle.
The Respondents will be only entitled to enforce partition of the joint estate. The sale of the
exclusive property cannot be accepted. Therefore, the appeal was allowed.
Smt. Lalita James And Ors. vs Ajit Kumar And Ors. on 21 August, 1989
Bench: G C Gupta
Where a share in a dwelling house belonging to an undivided family is transferred to a stranger; the
transferee cannot claim joint possession or any common part or enjoyment of the house. He can
enforce his right over the property by a suit for partition. The principle underlying the provision is
that it is inequitable to permit a stranger to intrude himself upon the privacy of an undivided family
residence. Restriction contained in this part is applicable even if there is only one male member of
family in occupation of family dwelling house.
We deem it a far safer practice to leave a purchaser to a suit for partition than to place him by force
in joint possession in the Hindu Family, which may be not only of a different caste from his own, but
also different in race and religion.
In order to grant relief under section 44 there should be two things satisfied:
In other words he should be a stranger. The right of a stranger transferee to have the house
partitioned is, subject to Section 4 of the Partition Act, 1893. Under this section, a stranger claiming
partition by metes and bounds may be compelled, at the option of the other members of the family to
forego his legal right to partition and accept pecuniary compensation.
Balaji Anant v. Ganesh Janarthan
Explanation of Dwelling House
1. In the case of Durga v. Debidas7, the members of the family were separated in mess and were
residing in different places. They stayed in the house in the village for attending kali pooja.
The house was otherwise used for collection of paddy. The court said that the stray use of the
propert for a short residence for a specific purpose will not turn it into a dwelling house. There
must be ancestral dwelling in existence on the suit land. The members of the family must not
have abandoned the property.
2. Aahim Ranjan Das v. Smt. Bimla Ghosh 8AIR 1992 Cal 44 : The disputed property belonged to
4 brothers A, B, C, D. A purchased 1/5th share of D by a deed in 1969. A died in 1975 leaving
behind him the plaintiffs as his legal heirs. B died leaving four sons and daughters. C is alive and
the property is an undivided family dwelling house of the plaintiffs and co-sharers. C and B
transferred their interest to the defendants. A monthly tenancy was created in favour of the lessee-
defendant and he was also delivered the possession of the same. The Plaintiffs filed a suit under
Section 44 to restrain the lessee from interfering with their possession. The Judgment of the court
was that the plaintiffs can very well ask for a protection. There is no controversy that the defendant
is a stranger to the family. The co-sharer is entitled to protection under section 44.There was
enough evidence to show that the house was a dwelling house and that the family was undivided
and even the defendant was a stranger. The court relied on various judgments where it was held
that upon a transfer of an undivided share of a dwelling house by a co-sharer, the other co-sharer
may maintain a suit for injunction to restrain the transferee from getting into possession. Moreover
it was said that a stranger purchaser is reduced to a trespasser. Section 4 of the Partition Act spells
out the right to partition of such a stranger. Thus the appeal was dismissed.
3. In the case of Ramdayal v. Mannaklal 9where the defendant had purchased a house from the
plaintiffs father and was put in possession thereof. The Plaintiff filed a suit challenging the validity
of the sale for the absence of a legal necessity. The court was of the opinion that if the purchaser
Durgapada Pai vs Debidas Mukherjee And Ors. on 19 March, 1973, AIR 1974 Cal 14, 77 CWN 734
Bench: S K Datta
Ashim Ranjan Das vs Sm. Bimla Ghosh And Others on 22 February, 1991, AIR 1992 Cal 44, (1991) 1 CALLT 422 HC,
1991 (1) CHN 229
Bench: A K Nandi
Ramdayal vs Manaklal on 25 April, 1973, AIR 1973 MP 222
Bench: R Bhave, S Raina, J Verma
files a suit for partition in a certain period then he can be in possession till the pendency of the suit.
He can be legally handed over that property if it is not in excess of the share of the coparcener. But
if the coparcener transfers more than his share then in such a situation the purchaser can acquire
what belongs to the co-owner i.e only his share. On looking at the material in records it was found
that the property purchased was less than the share of the vendor. So the defendant was given
4. In the case of Gautam Paul vs Debi Rani Paul 10
There were three sons A, B, C. they received the property via gift deed. D, Son of C, purchased
the share of A. The share of B also came to son of C by partition. The appellants who were the
heirs of A still occupied a room in the suit property and also purchased certain share from the heirs
of D. The other heirs filed a suit for partition and also challenged the sale. The Court opined that
undoubtedly it is the undivided family of D who holds the dwelling. The appellant cannot be said
to be the member of the joint family of D. Merely because he is related by blood to D will not make
him a member of the family.
Gautam Paul vs Debi Rani Paul And Ors on 17 October, 2000
Bench: V.N. Khare, S.N. Variava
This section incorporates a rule of substitution and applies to a case where the
property is owned by more than one person in specific shares and one of the co-
owners sells his share. The transferee in such a case steps into the shoes of the
transferor and he is entitled to all the rights that the transferee had in the property and
would also be accountable for any liabilities that the transferor was accountable for.
The section seeks to protect the integrity of a family house and prevents the entry
of strangers into the privacy of the family. Therefore, if the property sold is a share in
the dwelling house, then, if the transferee is a stranger to the family, he can only seek
partition and specification of his share but cannot claim a right of joint residence as
was available to the transferor. Hence, in such cases the rule of substitution will not
apply and the right acquired by the transferee would be limited to enforce partition.