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A320 Limitations

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A320 Limitations

Weight Limitation Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) Flight Instrument Tolerance

XXA-XXH NEO APU Start cooling period after 3 PFD 1 & 2 with AD Elev +- 25 ft
60 mins
Max. Taxi Weight 73900 kgs
233900 75900 kgs consecutive attempt PFD & AD Elev for RVSM +- 75 ft
Max. Takeoff Weight 73500 kgs / 75500 kg 75500 kgs Max Rotor (N) Speed 107% STBY ALT at Ground Check +- 300 ft
Max. Landing Weight 66000 kg 67400 kgs APU Auto Shutdown 106% Diff between ADR 1, 2, & 3 +- 20 ft
Max. ZFW 62500 kgs 64300 kgs Max EGT Start < 35000 ft 1090° C ISIS and ADR 1, 2, 3 +- 60 ft
Min. Weight 37230 kgs 40600 kgs Max EGT Start > 35000 ft 1120° C Speed between ADR 1, 2, 3 or ISIS 6 kts / 0.008 M
Max. EGT APU Running 675° C ND Magnetic Heading Indication 4°
Flight Maneuvering Load Acceleration Limits Batt. Start (ELEC EMER CONFIG) 25000 ft Max. ALT tolerance (under/overshoot) 150 ft
Clean Configurations -1 g to +2.5 g Bleed Supply (Not for WAI) 20000 ft Max. ALT deviation in RVSM +- 200 ft
Other Cinfigurations 0 g to +2.0 g
Engine Oil RVSM Operations
Operations Limits Max. Continuous Temp 140° C Required Equipment 2 Primary Flight Display (PFD)
Max. Altitude 39800 ft to maint. Cab Press Alt <8000 ft Max. Transient Temp (15 mins) 155° C 2 Display Management Comp. (DMC)
Max. TO/LDG Altitude 9200 ft Min. Starting Temp -40° C (-29° C) 2 Air Data Reference (ADR)
Min. TO/LDG Altitude -2000 ft Min. Temp for TO -10° C (-19° C) 1 Transponder
Runway Slope +/- 2% Min. Oil Quantity 9.5 qt + 0.5 qt/hr 1 Autopilot
Runway Width Nominal 45 m / Minimal 30 m Min. Oil Pressure 17.4 PSI 1 Flight Control Unit (FCU)
Max. Oil Pressure (<50°C) 130.5 PSI 1 Flight Warning Computer (FWC)
Speed Limitation Max. Oil Pressure (>50°C) 145 PSI
MMO/VMO 350 kts / 0.82 M RVSM Inflight Contingencies Procedure
Max. Crosswind Demonstrated 38 kts / Certified 35 kts (gust incl.) EGT Limitation WMFC - WBFC - WSJC 45° L/R Offset 15 NM
Max. Tailwind TO 15 kts / 10 kts (Flap 3 LDG) TOGA with AEO & OEI 950 (1060) °C VTBB - VVTS - VDPP - VHHK - RPHI -
45° L/R Offset 25 NM
Max. Tailwind LDG 15 kts MCT 915 (1025) °C RCAA
Starting On Ground 725 (750) °C Indian Oceanic 90° L/R Offset 15 NM
Turbulence Penetration Starting In Flight 725 (875) °C China Airspace 30° R Offset 5 NM
CEO NEO *Inside () for NEO Aircraft
Below FL200 250 kts 260 kts Wind & Temperature Update on FMGC
Below FL330 275 kts 280 kts Shaft Speeds When differs more than 30° / 10 kts / 3°C
FL330 & Above 0.76 M 0.76 M Max. N1 104 (101) %
Max. N2 105 (116.5) % Engine Thermal Shock Prevention
Slats/Flaps Operation *Inside () for NEO Aircraft Normal Start 2 mins (3 mins)
Max. Altitude 20000 ft One Engine Taxi Departure 2 (3) mins after ENG 2 Start
Flaps 1 230 kts Starter Limitation After Landing 3 mins
Flaps 1+F 215 kts Every 3 attempts considered as 1 full cycle *Inside () for NEO Aircraft
Flaps 2 200 kts 20 sec (60 sec) required between each cycle
Flaps 3 185 kts 15 mins required after 4 (3) failed cycles ATC Flight Plan Decoding
Flaps FULL 177 kts No engagement when N2 > 20% (59%) (63%) I Instrument Flight Rules
*Extend Flaps at VFE - 15 kts to minimize flaps wear Max. Crosswind for Engine Start = 45 kts S Scheduled
*Inside () for NEO Aircraft M Wake Turbulence Type
Landing Gear Operations Standard COM/NAV/Approach Aid
Max. Extended (VLE) 280 kts / 0.67 M Fuel Equipment (VHF, RTF, VOR, ILS)
Max. Extension (VLO) 250 kts / 0.60 M Min. Fuel Quantity for T/O 1500 kgs D DME
Max. Retraction (VLO) 220 kts / 0.54 M Jet A1 Freezing Point -47° C F ADF
*Extend LG at VLO - 10 kts to minimize LG wear Jet A1 Min. Fuel Temp -43° C I Inertial Navigation
Jet A1 Max. Fuel Temp 54 (55) °C R PBN Approved
Miscellaneous W RVSM Approved
Maximum Tire Speed 195 kts GS Nosewheel Steering Y VHF with 8.33 Khz channel spacing
Maximum Speed for Wipers Operation 230 kts Maximum NWS Angle 85° L Transponder Mode S
Maximum Speed for Cockpit Window 200 kts B1 ADS-B Out Capability
Taxi Speed (>76000 kgs) Max. 20 kts in a turn Taxi with Deflated or Damaged Tires N Speed in Kts
Straight Taxi Unrestricted (D, W, Cont, Cong) 30 kts - 20 kts - 10 kts 1 tire per gear (consider 3 gears) 7 kts F Flight Level
90 Degrees Turn (D, W, Cont, Cong) 15 kts - 10 kts - 5 kts 2 tire on same main gear / NWS 3 kts / 30° PBN RNAV/RNP Capabilities
High Speed Taxiway (D, W, Cont, Cong) 45 kts GS - 20 kts - 10 kts A1 RNAV 10 (RNP 10)
Backtracking (D, W, Cont, Cong) 45 kts - 20 kts - 10 kts Nosewheel Steering Offset B1 RNAV 5
*D = Dry, W = Wet, Cont = Contaminated, Cong = Congested Trim < 3° No Limitation C1 RNAV 2
3° < Trim < 8.8° Max Crosswind 10 kts D1 RNAV 1
Cabin Pressure Trim > 8.8° No Go! L1 RNP 4
Maximum Positive Difference 9.0 PSI O1 Basic RNP 1
Maximum Negative Difference -1.0 PSI Passenger & Cargo Door Operations S2 RNP App with BARO VNAV
Safety Relief Valve Setting 8.6 PSI Max. Wind for Passenger Door Operations is 65 kts T1 RNP AR Approach
Differential Pressure & Safety Valve Tolerance +/- 0.1 PSI Max. Wind for Cargo Door Operations is 40 kts (50 kts if nose ABAS Aircraft Based Augmentation System
facing to the wind) PER Aircraft Performance Class
Cargo Door must be closed before 65 kts E Endurance
No simultaneous use of packs and LP Air Conditioning Unit at the same time
P/TBN Person on Board
to prevent adverse effect on ACSC (Air Conditioning System Controller)
R/VE Radio (VHF/ELT)
S/M Survival Equipment (Maritime)
ICAO Holding Speeds J/LF Jackets (Lights & Fluorescence)
Levels Normal Turbulence A/RED Aircraft Colour and Marking
Up to 14000 ft inclusive 230 kts 280 kts C/TBN Pilot (Name of PIC)
14000 ft - 20000 ft 240 kts
280 kts / 0.80 M
20000 ft - 34000 ft 265 kts
Above 34000 ft 0.83 M 0.83 M
*1 min at or below 14000 ft / 1.5 mins above 14000 ft

By : Rivandi Apriando (1024105)

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