Evaluating Green Projects PDF
Evaluating Green Projects PDF
Evaluating Green Projects PDF
Engineering Practice
specifications to develop the model preheaters at 100+°F and is heated extern double c[9], w[9]; /*
profile. In our example, solid fuel pel- successively in two stages from global double precision */
lets are conveyed from a feed bin onto 950°F to 1,150°F. The hot methane (Note: All terms are defined in the
a furnace-traveling grate. Calcium feed enters a HYCO reformer where Nomenclature box on p. 37.)
carbonate is injected above the com- 600-psi steam is added. The HYCO Entering comments or reminders
bustion area as an SO2 absorbent. gas — which is comprised of carbon into the code language for future ref-
Methane feed enters the first of two monoxide, hydrogen, and unreacted erence is highly recommended. For
/*....................... Steam Drum segment........................ */
Hg =a + dp *(b + dp *(-c + dp *(d)); */ Stm enth @drum pres curve fit */
Ub = 4000/(2.515*dtsat^.33)); /* Peters & Timmerhaus, 2nd edition */
dw =(Ub*wfw/Rf)/(Hv*b1-2*c2*tb)*dtsat/(tsat-tw); /* diff lb/hr evap */
tavg =(tsat + tw)/2; /* Avg mud drum and Sat liq temp */
Kw = 345-.1*tavg; /* .23 CS, STEAM - p. 4-2, Fig 1 */
instance, comments can
area = ntubes*Ltube*Ao; /* Gas outside tube area Ao=ft2/ft */
be added directly into the R = dx/(kw*Alm); /* Perrys 4th Ed, Tube Chart - Table 11-2 */
computer code as shown Uo = Ub +1/R; . /* Overall Boiling Ht Transfer Coefficient */
above, according to the wstm = wstm + dw; /* Steam mass evaporated */
software vendor’s pro- q = wstm * (Hg - Hf); /* where Hg - Hf is the ht of vaporization */
gramming convention. qfr = wflue * cpflue *(tf - t0); dt0 = tf - t0 - (q + qfr)/(area*Uo); /* T(i+1) = F(n) T(i) / F(n’) T(i) */
Double-precision vari- t0 = t0 + dt0; /* New water drum gas bank outlet temp */
ables should only be used
when a floating-point ac-
curacy of greater than SUPH STEAM SEGMENT
8 bits is required — for /*....................... Super heater segment ....................... */
instance, in the calcula- Rtube = dx/(kw*Ao); /* Perry’s 4th Ed, Tube Dia, Table 11-2 */
tion of heater-tube fouling Re = wstm/Af *(Di/12)/uvap; /* Steam Reynolds No. */
coefficients that involve Pr = cpstm * uvap /kv; /* Steam Prandtl No. */
very low numbers (that is, Hid=0.023 * RE^.8 * Pr^.4)/(Di/12)^.2; /* STEAM, 1972 - Fig 6, p. 4-8 */
RE = wflue/Af *(Di/12)/ugas; /* Gas Reynold’s No */
less than 1E-04).
Pr = cpflue * ugas/kgas;
Calculated heat and Ucg = a2 *kgas*pow(RE,0.61)*pow(Pr,0.33)*Fa; /* 1972 STEAM, Chap 4 */
mass transfer data should U = 1/Rtube + 1/Hid + Ucg; /* Overall Heat Trans coeff */
reside in common mem- q = wflue * cpflue *(t0 - ts); /* Gas bank energy input */
ory. State variables that dtw2 = tb – tw2 +q/(area*U); /* T(i+1) = F(n) T(i) / F(n’) T(i) */
are to be used as process tw2 = tw2 + dtw2; /* Integrate Suph Outlet temp */
inputs must be linked to cpstm = a + b * tavg + c * tavg^2; /* Integrate Steam Ht capacity */
the controller-measured /* where a, b, c are dimensionless ht capacity coefficients */
Whatever dynamic
modeling platform you FURNACE SEGMENT
select should support this /*....................... Furnace segment ....................... */
approach. The ability to Hhv = 10221; /* Waste-Blend heating value */
make coding modifica- xc = 0.5297; /* fuel carbon content */
tions and additions within xh2 = 0.1048; /* fuel hydrogen content */
a model are greatly fa- xsul = 0.0238; /* fuel sulfur content */
cilitated when you do not xo2 = 0.1300; /* fuel oxygen content */
xn2 = .0017; /* fuel nitrogen content */
have to re-allocate vari-
xrh2o = 0.1467; /* wt frac of H2o in the waste fuel */
ables. Figure 2 shows how fuel = S ft/hr * w ft2 wide * d lbs/ft3 /* Solid waste feed - lb/hr */
the code segments are Lhv = hhv -(1040*8.9399*2*xh2o+18*xh2o); /* Lower Heating Value */
configured to pass infor-
mation to one another.
manipulation. For example, heats of
Building what you need reaction can be found by adding and
Once you have identified a green proj- subtracting chemical equations from
ect to evaluate, pick the most com- standard texts until suitable heat
mon service elements. In the example data are obtained.
profiled here, these service elements Equilibrium rates for combustion
are the furnace, reformer and reactor. reactions that generate emissions
Other components can be developed may be estimated from the catalyst
and added later, as required. manufacturer’s Kf formation data. For
Process data should be obtained example, in the case of predicting NOx
from plant operations to develop the emissions, Equation (1) can be used The computed Kp values may be loga-
physical characteristics of the plant to calculate the heats of reaction for rithmically plotted against tempera-
equipment being modeled. Profes- nitrogen dioxide by manipulating the ture to give the reaction equilibrium
sional handbooks and equipment heat of formation data to determine constant, K, over the anticipated oper-
specification sheets are good sources the combustion equilibrium constant ating conditions.
to provide representative data related Kp. (This approach lets users get the
to materials of construction, sizes, required rate data when exact infor- Arranging code segments
flowrates, and occasionally tempera- mation is not shown): Identify the process control streams
ture and pressure. that drive the model calculations. In
When you cannot locate the (1) this example, they are the solid waste
exact information desired, relevant The reaction equilibrium constant, Kp, fuel, feed water and methane flows.
numbers can often be generated by is defined below: Define the process segments, how
A, Af, ALM tube areas, ft2 Hv liquid heat of vaporization, tavg average temperature across
Ao tube outside area, ft2/linear ft Btu/lb economizer, (inlet + outlet)/2
CaO carbon monoxide initial kair thermal conductivity of combus- tb saturated liquid boiling temp
concentration, lb-moles/ft3 tion air, Btu/h-ft-°F tdea liquid temperature in the
CH4 methane feed to the HYCO kgas thermal conductivity of fluegas, deaerator
reactor Btu/h-ft-°F tf fuel flame temperature
Cpco heat capacity of carbon kh2O thermal conductivity of the feed tj, dtj methanol jacket outlet temp and
monoxide product water, Btu/h-ft-°F temperature differential
CpH2 ht capacity of hydrogen product K, K(1), K(2), Kp equilibrium constants, t0, dt0 water drum gas-bank outlet
Cpflue heat capacity of the flue gas dimensionless temperature and temperature
Cpmeoh heat capacity of methanol product kl liquid thermal conductivity, differential
Cpstm heat capacity of steam Btu/h- ft2-°F/ft tsat, dtsat saturated steam temper-
CV valve flow coefficient, kw thermal conductivity for carbon ture and temperature differential
dimensionless steel, Btu/h- ft2-°F/ft tw, dtw economizer liquid outlet tempera-
DEA deaerator kv steam thermal conductivity, ture and temperature differential
Di inside tube diameter, in. Btu/h- ft-°F tw2, dtw2 steam superheater outlet
Do outside tube diameter, in. Ltube length of tube, ft temperature and temperature
dhwgs heat of HYCO gas reaction Lhv fuel low heating value, Btu/lb differential
corrected to reaction conditions Mu liquid viscosity, centipoise ts superheater gas-bank inlet tem-
fco carbon monoxide feed to ntube number of tubes perature
methanol reactor Opn model methane valve percent ty, dty economizer gas-bank inlet
feedwtr feed water flow to the deaerator open, % temperature and temperature
Fa tube bank arrangement factor, differential
P, dp drum pressure and pressure
dimensionless U, Ub, Ucg, Uo Unit heat transfer
Fao carbon monoxide initial feedrate, coefficients, Btu/h-ft2-°F
PIDout model controller output, %
lb-moles/h ugas fluegas viscosity, centipoise
Pr Prandtl number, dimensionless
Fcarb steam to carbon ratio, dimension-
Q heat added to liquid, Btu/h uvap steam viscosity, centipoise
q heat lost by fluegas, Btu/h V reactor volume, ft3
Fm methanol produced in reactor,
qfr heat generated in furnace wflue fluegas mass flow
combustion, Btu/h wfw feedwater flow from the deaera-
Hg saturated vapor enthalpy, Btu/lb
R[dx/KALM], Rtube thermal resistance to tor to the economizer
Hf saturated liquid enthalpy, Btu/lb
Hhv fuel high heating value, Btu/lb heat transfer, hr-°F/Btu wstm, dw steam generation flow and
Hid tube inside heat transfer coeffi- Re Reynolds number, dimensionless steam mass differential
cient, btu/h-ft2°F Rf saturated liquid specific volume, xc fuel carbon content, wt. %
Hod tube outside heat transfer coef- ft3/lb xh2 fuel hydrogen content, wt. %
ficient, btu/h-ft2°F rxn HYCO gas reaction rate, h-1 xo2 fuel oxygen content, wt. %
hrxnp Heat of reaction of HYCO gas stdh standard heat of reaction xn2 fuel nitrogen content, wt. %
products ta, dta economizer gas-bank outlet tem- x, xm unit conversions, mole %
hrxnr Heat of reaction of HYCO gas perature and temperature xrh2o fuel moisture content, wt. %
reactants differential xsul fuel sulfur content, wt. %
Note: All simulation temperatures are expressed in °F, pressures are in psi and liquid flow is in lb/h. Heat capacity is expressed in
Btu/lb-°F, and heats of reaction are shown in Btu/lb-mole units.
they will be structured and how they of heat energy, in the data passed, perheating components — may find it
will interact in the simulation. Figure as the temperature of the fluegas expedient to dedicate an entire mod-
2 shows the methodology. reduces through this series of coded ule to one process function alone (that
Next, assign inlet and outlet num- segments. The magenta arrows in is, all code segments in that module
bers or letters to the furnace banks Figure 2 show the HYCO gas infor- are dedicated to a single task).
for the estimates of model gas tem- mation progression from the meth- The selected simulation user in-
perature so that model heat flow can ane preheat units to the methanol terface should be able to contain mul-
be developed in the proper direction. reactor segment. The model can be tiple user blocks with individual dis-
The smaller arrows in Figure 2 depict set up so that a particular segment’s crete segments. Multiple user blocks
information flow between the code calculated information appears in a must be able to pass information to
segments. realtime graphical display. other user blocks, just as if they were
The red arrows within the Figure segments within the same module.
2 process module represent com- Implementing the model code The modules must be linkable to
bustion gas temperature and infor- The user interface of Figure 2 is a your control strategy in the chosen en-
mation flow, while the blue arrows module made up of one or more ‘C’ vironment.
provide feed water condition infor- code segments. Segments in the exam- Once the model is structured and
mation progression from the econo- ple module, because of their relatively ready for coding, initialize all variables
mizer to the steam drum and steam small size, comprise the entire model used in that segment before develop-
to the super heater (SUPH). The user interface shown. ing detailed computations, as shown
arrow color for fluegas decreases in However, users working with larger in the furnace segment example for
intensity (from darker red to lighter furnace simulations — for instance, updating fuel composition.
red), to depict the corresponding loss those with reheat and additional su- One can develop the model for en-
Model Temperature Profiles
Operating conditions: 1,500°F — 1,600°F
Engineering Practice Heat content, Btu/lb: 5,040 — 10,221
Steam temperature Furnace gas bank
Methane feed temperature temperature
Incorrect initial estimate
ergy flow in either direction. In our of second CH4 preheater
example, we move from the coolest 2,400 gas-bank outlet temperature
Temperature, °F
1,600 Second CH4
from unit hardware characteristics. preheater
The model should utilize the same low temperature
economizer tube
number and size tubes as the proto- heat transfer
type. The economizer segment typically coefficent –1/hi
shows how tube diameter, quantity and gain from
material of construction develop the Deaerator CH3OH
Change kw reactor
heat-flow characteristics of the equip- 400
to C.S. and
ment being modeled. correct tube size
Develop the liquid heat transfer co- 0
efficients using Dittus-Bolter or other xf x0 xs xg xy xa xm amb
accepted heat transfer expressions.
Hottest Coolest
Thermal conductivity data are readily
Gas bank position
available in physical property or com-
mercial refrence texts and only need FIGURE 3. This igure is the model calculated temperature proiles for the process
to be regression fit to use. However, for reference condition. The model temperature proiles determine whether or not the
model material and energy balances are sufficiently representative of the prototypical
a smoother and quicker initial startup, process so as to be reasonably predictive. They are an essential tool for developing
develop gas bank heat transfer coeffi- and troubleshooting any model process
cients on thermal resistance alone, for
example dx/KA until operational (see due to heating the feed water. The up- TABLE 1. STEAM/CARBON RATIO
Perry’s 4th Ed., Tube Char-Table 11-2, dated economizer outlet temperature TO CONVERSION
p. 7) and then enhance the overall heat (the term ‘tw’) becomes the input to
370 lb/h 18.0% excess air
transfer coefficient, U, with additional the furnace steam drum.
relationships. Estimate the differential steam T=1,500°F 9.3 MJ/kg =
The thermoconductivity (kgas) of the mass ‘dw’ evaporated by the furnace. 4,466 Btu/lb
fluegas is dependent on the fuel mois- The overall heat transfer coefficient Steam/carbon CH4
ture content (xrh2o) and water con- for the drum must include the inside ratio conversion, %
ductivity (kh2o). tube boiling film coefficient ‘Ub’, as 1.9 96.96
Furnace gas flow, wflue, can be de- previously described, so that the fur- 2.2 97.05
veloped from combustion reactions, nace exit-gas-bank temperature var-
2.7 97.09
C + O2 —> CO2, using the composition ies with the quantity of steam gener-
data shown in Table 3. ated. This variance is then propagated 3.2 97.12
Sum the fluegas components, (such to subsequent bank temperatures to 3.7 97.15
as ‘Co2’, ‘H2o’ and so on) to get an up- develop an overall dynamic gas tem-
dated wflue based on model control- perature profile (shown by the curved drum ‘wstm’ is the input to the super
ler fuel flow. Integrate the individual black line of Figure 3). heater.
fluegas heat capacities, at gas bank The overall heat transfer coefficient Thermal conductivity of the super-
temperature ty (to get the new cpflue) for this case is Uo = Ub + 1/R. heater steam tubes is the same carbon
before calculating the gas heat loss at Calculate the heat required for the steel material ‘kw’ as in the econo-
the economizer. steam vaporization: mizer tubing wall resistance, ‘Rtube’.
Heat transfer area is a product Continue updating other flue gas
q = wstm * (Hg - Hf)
of the number of tubes, length and temperatures for energy lost due to
the external square feet of area per Calculate the heat produced in the heat transfer to the process, using
foot of tubing. furnace combustion, ‘qfr’ where ‘tf’ is the proper gas-bank number or let-
Derive the necessary mathematical the flame temperature. ter codes, as was done for the outlet
expressions and formulate the differ- Derive the mud drum gas bank out- temperature of the economizer gas
ential temperature relationships. To let temperature expression, ‘dt0’ and bank.
calculate the heat gained, integrate formulate the differential tempera-
up the liquid heat capacity based ture relationship: Kinetics
on the average temperature of Kinetic data for equilibrium reaction
T(i+1) = F(n) T(i) / F(n´) T(i)
the economizer inlet and the new out- rates can be obtained from catalyst
let temperature. As developed in the economizer manufacturers and from thermody-
Update the economizer outlet-gas- segment. namic texts. There are two competing
bank temperature for the energy lost The steam evaporated from the reactions in the HYCO process:
/*....................... HYCO Reactor segment ....................... */
primary air in our HYCO-methanol
2002 rate model process to the same 18% ex-
$6.95/1,000 lb cess air conditions reported in the lit-
erature [5] to see if our NOx emissions
Profit, %
Gross profit, %
ditions, it’s likely to be profitable 40 (3701) 2005 6,651 40
throughout. It’s a handy means for (10%)
5,865 (9%)
eliminating less-promising projects. 30 5,305 30
Most model packages permit data 4,466 5,103 End EPA heat 20
20 content chart data
export directly into a personal spread-
sheet already containing your project 10 10
cost macros, which greatly facilitates (370)
economic analysis. 0 0
4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000