Drying: General Methods of Drying
Drying: General Methods of Drying
Drying: General Methods of Drying
• Continuous:
o The material is continuously added to the dryer
and dried material continuously removed
Drying 1
• For constant drying condition:
W − WS
Xt =
X = Xt – X*
• Method 1: plot X vs t
L S dX
A dt
R = the drying rate (kg H2O / h.m2
LS = dry solid used (kg)
A = exposed surface area (m2)
Drying 2
• Plot of rate-of-drying curve:
t=0 A or A’
A to B evaporation rate increases
B to C constant-rate-of-drying period
C to D falling-rate period (often linear)
C critical free moisture content XC
D to E falls more rapidly
E the equilibrium moisture content X*
Drying 3
Moisture Movement in Solids
• Effect of shrinkage
o Colloidal and fibrous materials (e.g. vegetables)
o Development of a hard layer – blaockage &
slows the drying rate (case hardening)
Drying 4
Calculation Methods for Constant-Rate Drying
A solid whose drying curve is represented by
(Figure) is to be dried from a free moisture content
X1 = 0.38 kg H2O/kg dry solid to X2 = 0.25 kg
H2O/kg dry solid. Estimate the time required.
L S dX
A dt
t2 =t X
L S 1 dX
t = ∫ dt =
t =0 A X∫ R
1 2
R = constant = RC
t= (X1 − X 2 )
Drying 5
Calculation Methods for Falling-Rate Drying Period
• Method using graphical integration
L S 1 dX
A X∫ R
Drying 6
λ0 = latent heat of water at T0oC (2501 kJ/kg at 0oC)
cS = humid heat (kJ/kg dry air.K)
cS = 1.005 + 1.88H
• Example
Drying 7