Group Lesson Plan

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University of West Alabama

5E Lesson Plan (Group Lesson)

Teacher: Ms. Webb

Date: 02/10/2020
Subject area/course/grade level: Social Studies/ Grade 3
 iPad
 Weekly Newspaper (Week 6 Good Citizens)
 Loose leaf paper
 Pencil
 Computer
 Projector
 Video on Rights and Responsibilities Lesson for kids (
 Mega Timer
Standards: Understand the rights and responsibilities of each citizen and demonstrate the value of lifelong civic
action. [7b1010c]
 Students will be able to show that they know what it means to “to be a good citizen” by drawing or writing
about it.
 Students will create a voki.
Differentiation Strategies:
The teacher will ask questions to activate students’ prior knowledge.
Students will be able to create a voki as a group.

To begin the lesson, the teacher will ask the students to get out their weekly newspapers. Then the teacher will begin
the lesson by asking the students if they know what rights and responsibilities are. The teacher will allow students to
share their prior knowledge with the class. After students have shared their responses the teacher will play a video on
Rights and Responsibilities. After the video ends the teacher will ask the students have, they ever created a voki. The
teacher will allow the students to respond. The teacher will explain to the students what a Voki is and let them know
they will be creating one of their own.

Assessment: While students are sharing their prior knowledge, the teacher will use this time to observe who is and is
not familiar with rights and responsibilities, and Voki.
The teacher will begin to ask the students do they know what a good citizen is. The teacher will allow the students to
answer the question. The teacher will then dig a little deeper, she will tell the students that to be a good citizen you
have to have four qualities. The teacher will ask the class can they tell her what they are. The teacher will let students
answer the question. The four qualities are Truth, Responsibility, Equality, and The Golden Rule. The teacher will ask
the class can you define the four qualities.
Approved January, 2013
Assessment: While students are answering questions, the teacher will observe to see what students are raising their
hands to answer the question.

The teacher will then complete a round robin. The Round Robin strategy is a brainstorming strategy where students
are situated around a table in an academic discussion. Like other brainstorming sessions, students generate ideas on a
specific topic or question. The topic will be “who is a good example of a good citizen”. The students will pass the
paper around the group and jot down their answers. The students will only have a minute to answer. The time will be
kept on the mega timer.

Assessment: The teacher will walk around the classroom and observe and listen to the group’s answers.
The teacher will assign each group a topic on truth, responsibility, The Golden rule, and equality. The teacher will
then tell the class that they will be making a voki on each topic. The teacher will demonstrate making a voki by
creating a voki on the projector. Students will begin to create their Voki. The students, as groups of threes’, will be
able to customize a voki. The group must agree on the customizations made to the Voki. After the Voki is created, the
students will allow the voki to say their topic and why is the topic important to be a good citizen.

Assessment: During this time, the teacher will be walking around the classroom observing students to see if they are
cooperating with their group, following directions, or need any assistance with the creation.
Expectations: 5- Needs Improvement 10- Good 15- Excellent
Student needed constant Student followed Student followed
reminders to stay focus, directions and cooperated directions exceptionally
the student did not throughout most of the well and performed all
cooperate. lesson. tasks effectively
throughout the lesson.
Contribution: Student did not discuss Students discussed their Students effectively
their topic. topic. discussed their topic.
Product Quality: Student did not Student did a good job Student communicated
communicate clearly while communicating while well while using their
using technology; student using their technology technology; students work
work was not organized. device; work was neatly was organized, neat, and
organized. creative.

Bybee, R.W. et al. (1989). Science and technology education for the elementary years: Frameworks for curriculum and instruction. Washington,
D.C.: The National Center for Improving Instruction.
Bybee, R. W. (1997). Achieving Scientific Literacy: From Purposes to Practices. Oxford: Heinemann.
National Research Council. (1999). Inquiry and the national science education standards: A guide for teaching and learning. Washington, D.C.:
National Academy Press.
Polman, J.L. (2000). Designing project-based silence: Connecting learners through guided inquiry. New York: Teachers College Press.

Approved January, 2013

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