Asterisk VoIP Server On Beaglebone Black
Asterisk VoIP Server On Beaglebone Black
Asterisk VoIP Server On Beaglebone Black
Tides Anugraha
I-Cyrec: Telecommunication Division
20 August 2015
VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is a technology that allows distance voice
conversations via the IP network. The voice data is converted into digital code and streamed
through the network to send data packets, and not through the traditional telephone analog
circuits. In a simple definition VoIP is a voice that is sent over the internet protocol.
One of the popular open source application for building VoIP server is Asterisk.
Asterisk is an open source framework for building communication applications, the asterisk
has the ability to transform ordinary computer into a communications server.
This paper is intended to provide information on the techniques for building portable
asterisk server on Beaglebone Black device. Topics covered include the specification,
installation, and configuration of asterisk server on a Beaglebone Black.
1. Introduction
Figures 1 shows VoIP general architecture which provides not only voice services, but also
instant messaging, video call, and connectivity with public networks. The IP PBX (VoIP
server) connected to the router and the other network clients, such as VoIP phone or PC
installed with SIP softphone client. The IP PBX (VoIP server) are also connected to the PSTN
(Public Switched Telephone Network) either by VoIP Gateway or the services provided by
commercial VoIP provider.
In order to build portable IP PBX (VoIP) server, asterisk will be used as the software platform
to provide the VoIP services. Asterisk is small enough to run in an embedded environment such
as Beaglebone Black. Beaglebone Black is chosen by considering the capability to operate as
a low-power open-source hardware single-board computer.
3. Experiments
Several experiments are conducted to observe the capability and performance of a portable
asterisk VoIP server on Beaglebone Black.
3.1. Requirements
Insert the micro-SD card into the unpowered Beaglebone Black and plug the power adapter
to power on the Beaglebone Black.
ping raspbx
c. Basic configuration
After Beaglebone Black has booted successfully, log in either on the console or by ssh with
user root and password beaglebone. Follow these steps to complete the initial
System Upgrade
Choosing timezone
3.3. Test Environment
Beaglebone Black
Android Phone (SIP Client)
The following configuration is applied to observe the capability and performance of the system:
Beaglebone Black connected to the router as the entity of the local network, but not
accessible from the external network.
Laptop will be used as a device for controlling Beaglebone Black via ssh and accessing
FreePBX (asterisk GUI) via internet browser.
Android phone (sip client) will be used to test the quality of the voice services, instant
messaging, and video call.
Type the user password on the secret column and select Yes – (force_rport,comedia)
for NAT Mode. Click submit button on the bottom of the page.
Select Enabled on video support section and checklist the codecs option.
3.4.2. Client settings
Setting up the user account on the client side will be done in the following order:
Install the app client from the Play Store (for android zoiper has the availability to
provide call service, instant messaging, and video call).
Open the zoiper application, go to config menu and select Accounts. Click Add
account button.
Select Yes and Manual configuration for the Account setup prompt option.
Select SIP as the type of account and fill SIP account details as follows:
Click save and the android sip client will register to the Asterisk FreePBX server.
4. Conclusions
During the experiment Beaglebone Black has shown the ability to perform the functions of
Asterisk FreePBX server. The functions include call services, instant messaging services, and
video call services. The main aim of this experiment is to create portable VoIP server and
Beaglebone Black is one of the options that available on the market with affordable price and
capability to operate as a low-power open-source hardware single-board computer.
This option is worth to consider because the Beaglebone performance when running the
function as a VoIP server is quite stable.
5. Further research