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12 Best Practices of MRO Inventory Optimization

for Oil & Gas Companies

Minimize Costs, Maximize Uptime with MRO Inventory Control

12 Best Practices of MRO Inventory Optimization

for Oil & Gas Companies
Minimize Costs, Maximize Uptime with
Maintenance, Repair and Operations (MRO) Inventory Control

SITUATION: Where are you today with your MRO inventory levels? Too much, so that you’re continuously
having to write off inventory for pennies on the dollar? Too little, so that you’re constantly
hurting due to poor service levels with your end customer? Either way the cost of running the
operation is higher than what it should be. And that erodes your competitive edge.

CHALLENGE: Structural problems within the underlying inventory management system, inaccurate manual
processes and lack of best practices can have very real consequences. Are you paying too
much? Are your assets underperforming? Mitigating risk, meeting service levels, maintaining
high safely levels and managing costs should not be competing goals – but can you truly find
a balance that works?

SOLUTION: The answer is yes, you can. It’s called “optimization”. By optimizing MRO inventories, Oil &
Gas companies dramatically improve their asset management outcomes. But doing it right
requires appropriate technology. With a decision-support system incorporating a best practice
methodology, inventory managers have a consistent and powerful tool for managing their
responsibilities, allowing them to be significantly more effective.

RESULTS:  n optimized inventory builds a level of credibility

that’s tangible and sustainable over time, honing a
Wikipedia’s concise definition
company’s competitive edge. Improving management
of MRO spares and consumables inventories with of inventory optimization:
optimization technologies and best practices “. . . a method of balancing
consistently produces measurable benefits. Beyond
capital investment constraints or
simply getting the right parts and materials to the right
place at the right time, optimizing your MRO spares objectives and service-level goals
inventories helps you reap substantial cost savings and over a large assortment of stock-
drive greater operational efficiencies. Better inventory
performance means you can meet or exceed reliability, keeping units (SKUs) while taking
safety and production targets. demand and supply volatility
into account.”
In this brief, you’ll find a practical guide to 12 high-level
business requirements for optimizing MRO inventory
spares and consumables, along with the elements of
an ideal optimization system. These best practices
are fundamental to inventory optimization – and to
achieving the levels of inventory efficiency that drive
better asset performance and substantial
bottom-line savings.
Determining the optimal stock levels for MRO
Determining the optimal stock levels for MRO spares should be a science,
not an art. But for most organizations, it represents an impossible
numbers game.

Inventory managers are faced with the challenge of managing tens or

hundreds of thousands of items, each with their own characteristics,
MRO inventory can include: requiring complex and time-consuming calculations. Without a structured
methodology and powerful analytical tools, the proactive management
• All maintenance spares held of large inventories becomes an impossible task, resulting in rapidly
for responding to unplanned increasing inventory levels combined with critical shortages of
breakdowns and scheduled spare parts.

maintenance. Today, organizations without optimized inventory run the risk of

• The operating supplies needed overpaying and underperforming.
to keep the maintenance
In order to avoid costly shortages or stock outs, MRO inventory managers
processes running. often choose to err on the side of caution when it comes to determining
• Spares held by OEMs (original stocking levels. But that strategy has its costs. Inventory consumes space,
gets damaged, and sometimes becomes obsolete – and carrying surplus
equipment manufacturers) to
inventory costs the organization. Over time, massive amounts of unused
service the equipment you’ve or obsolete inventory translate to waste and loss.
purchased from them.
Simply, optimizing inventory means finding the perfect balance between
• Inventory held by suppliers
demand and supply. The two key elements that dominate and define
that becomes your inventory. optimization are risk and ROI. You could think of inventory optimization
as maximizing return at a given risk level, or minimizing risk for a given
expected return.

Optimized service spares inventory maintains a level of inventory that

virtually eliminates out-of-stock situations while improving efficiency and
cutting inventory costs.

Any company that carries MRO spares inventory can benefit from
implementing optimization principles and practices. Optimized inventory
suggests that an organization is putting its inventory investment where it
should, when it should, without incurring unchecked future risks.

An optimized inventory builds a continuous improvement loop that

produces tangible, sustainable results over time – driving asset
performance, competitive advantage and positive bottom line results.

Optimizing MRO inventory

To achieve the business benefits discussed in this paper, companies need

an approach that supports the unique management requirements of MRO
inventory, including:

• High criticality 12 Best Practices

• Long lead time of Inventory Optimization
• High price Key Business Criteria
• Generally infrequent and highly variable usage
1. Criticality Analysis
• Low data quality
2. Demand Forecasting
Make no mistake – achieving and maintaining inventory optimization is 3. Lead Time Forecasting
complicated and challenging. But, it’s also transformative. That’s why best
4. Issue Size Forecasting
in class organizations take it on – the business transformation benefits,
including increased service and safety levels, reductions in inventory 5. Economic Modeling
holdings and stock-out risk, far outweigh the costs. 6. Optimization of Reordering
With the right tools and technology, supported with the right MRO
processes and best practices, successful companies are making that 7. Exception Management
transformation and reaping substantial rewards. 8. Inventory Segmentation
9. Spares Risk Assessment
Inventory Optimization Technology
1 0. Spares Pooling
Optimized inventory requires frequently obtained data points and
11. Knowledge Capture
evolution of the inventory in question based on those measurements
in real time. A decision support system that incorporates best practice 12. Inventory Key Performance
methodologies gives inventory managers a powerful tool to manage their Indicators
business objectives and make their teams significantly more effective.

By leveraging technology tools, automated processes and inventory

management best practices to optimize MRO spares and consumables, Oil
& Gas organizations can consistently produce results like these:

• 15-25% reduction in funds invested in safety stock

• 5-20% decrease in write-offs of surplus and obsolete stock
• 10-25% fewer stock-outs, for improved availability and productivity
• 10-25% drop in administrative costs for replenishing inventory
• 33-66% less resource time spent managing inventory

The 12 best practices of inventory optimization

These best practices — the new business requirements for MRO inventory optimization — are based on specialist
inventory analysis and optimization methodologies developed by Oniqua — and supported by Oniqua Analytics
Solution (OAS). These proven best practices are fundamental to achieving the significant inventory reductions
and substantial bottom-line savings that are the hallmarks of inventory optimization.

1. Criticality Analysis
Generate a recommended criticality (business impact code) for each stock item by analyzing:

• Application (where used and fitted)

• Commodity classifications
• Practical “real-world” considerations or “workarounds”
• Supplier or Original Equipment Manufacturer
• Price
• Other factors and business rules

2. Demand Forecasting
Commissioning of additional equipment may be expected to increase demand for certain inventory items.
Demand forecasting capabilities should include:

• Selection of appropriate forecasting algorithms

• Automatic selection of algorithms for each stock item
• Use of forecasting and statistical distributions that are appropriate for a wide range of spares items
including slow moving and lumpy demand (e.g., Poisson, Negative Binomial, Binomial, Normal)
• Clipping and filtering techniques to manage abnormal data
• The ability to isolate planned maintenance and project demand from unplanned demand
• Capabilities to use knowledge of expected future events or trends to apply demand profiles
to future forecasts

3. Lead Time Forecasting

Forecast lead time is a key factor in determining optimal safety stocks – aspire to achieve these

• Forecast average lead time using purchase order and receipts history
• Filtering and clipping techniques to eliminate abnormal data
• Override lead times as required
• Calculation of lead time variance and use of this variable
in calculating expected service level

4. Issue Size Forecasting
The number of units typically required for an application (the issue size) is also a key factor
in determining stock levels – a good inventory optimization solution will provide:

• The ability to forecast average issue size using issues history

• Appropriate filtering and clipping techniques to eliminate abnormal data
• Capabilities to override forecast issue size as required
• Calculation of issue size variance and use of this variable in calculating expected service level

5. Economic Modeling
Economic modeling capabilities should allow for “what-if” modeling of inventory trade-off decisions:

• Inventory holding costs for different types of items

• Total replenishment costs for different purchasing methods
• Expediting or emergency freight costs
• Stock-out costs, based on criticality and duration of stock-out
• Comparing existing and optimized results for metrics such as:
– Inventory value
– Service level
– Turnover
– Annual inventory costs

6. Optimization Of Reordering Parameters

The reordering parameters — minimum and maximum levels (MIN/MAX) — used by the enterprise
resource planning (ERP) materials management system to generate replenishment orders are the main
determinants of inventory outcomes. Reordering parameters should be optimized periodically to reflect
changes in usage, lead time, criticality and other factors. The optimization process addresses:

• Selection of appropriate algorithms to optimize minimum and maximum stocking levels

• Use of an economic cost model that considers costs of holding inventory, replenishment, expediting
and stock-outs as a preferred alternative to a fixed service level approach
• Analysis of groups of items rather than one-by-one, one at a time
• The ability to perform “what-if” modelling and compare optimized results against current
inventory performance
• Consideration of “real-world” constraints including:
– Maximum bin capacity
– Storage capacity
– Standard pack sizes
– Set sizes

7. Exception Management
For large, complex MRO inventories, a “management by exception” approach ensures that inventory
review time is focused on high value or problem items. Exception management capabilities include:

• Tools for users to define any number of exception conditions with related alert thresholds
• The ability to search, sort and filter by exceptions
• Mechanisms to exclude changes to reordering parameters for items with exception conditions

8. Inventory Segmentation
Inventory segmentation provides a management framework for inventory that recognizes that
a number of different management techniques are required for various item profiles:

• Segment the inventory based on characteristics such as:

– Usage value
– Holding value
– Movement frequency
– Availability
– Criticality
– Commodity
– Stock holding method

• Apply structured policies or business rules to the management of each inventory segment, such as:
– Manual control of special items
– Review of potentially obsolete items
– Items suitable for statistical optimization
– Items that can be made non-stocked
– Surplus and obsolete for disposal

9. Spares Risk Assessment

Some MRO inventories will include a high proportion of spares that are high cost, critical, have little
or no expected usage and require long lead times to receive. Managing these items requires specific

• Risk modelling of the effect of holding zero, one or two sets

• The ability to perform sensitivity analysis around expected mean-time-between-demand
and stock-out cost
• The ability to model or override all inputs to the stocking decision
• Decision-support tools to assist in new stock purchasing or deferred replacement decisions
• The ability to model the repairable item replenishment cycle

10. Spares Pooling
Significant reductions in overall safety stock investment are possible through the pooling or sharing
of high value, infrequent items (insurance spares) across multiple sites. To facilitate such arrangements,
asset intensive companies need to:

• Identify common spares that are suitable for sharing

• Establish the optimal number of pooled spares to be held
• Determine the optimal location for holding the spares

11. Knowledge Capture

Capturing organizational knowledge relating to inventory items is an important business process
in preventing mistakes and re-investigation; the inventory optimization solution should:

• Capture notes and commentary about inventory items

• Provide an audit trail for decisions
• Ensure high data quality for input parameters and classification codes
• Provide reminders when reviews are due

12. Reporting Inventory Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Inventory KPI reporting is important to allow progress in improving inventory to be tracked.
KPI reporting should include:

• A selection of pre-defined inventory management reports

• The ability to automatically capture a large selection of pre-defined inventory KPIs
• The ability for users to customize reports and statistics


For today’s Oil & Gas companies, competitive advantage requires a positive mindset towards innovation and
technology. Without technology solutions and best practices, companies are left to struggle with manual
processes, standard ERP system functionality, and ad hoc databases or spreadsheets. These manually intensive
approaches are prone to error and impossible to sustain on a repetitive basis.

Inventory optimization is just good business. Achieving and maintaining inventory optimization is possible and
profitable, with the right tools and the right type of help. Oniqua’s unique functional expertise, combined with
OAS capabilities, is currently helping Oil & Gas supermajors fulfill the 12 business requirements outlined here.

In fact, many leaders in oil and gas, mining and utilities throughout the world complement and extend the value
of ERP systems such as SAP, IBM Maximo, Oracle, Ellipse and others with Oniqua’s MRO inventory optimization
capabilities and best practices. By optimizing their MRO inventories, Oniqua’s clients achieve levels of inventory
efficiency, asset performance and bottom line savings that make their executives and stakeholders very happy.

About the Author

Andy Hill is Oniqua’s CEO and co-founder. Since beginning his career with
Rolls-Royce Aerospace in the United Kingdom, and later establishing an
Australia-based consulting business specializing in the optimization of
maintenance spares inventory, Andy has conducted extensive research
Try Oniqua with your own data. and simulation regarding the types of statistical profiles exhibited by
maintenance and production-driven inventories. This real-world experience
has informed the development of Oniqua’s inventory optimization software
application, Oniqua Analytics Solution (OAS). Andy has helped many asset
intensive organizations across Australia, Asia, South Africa, Latin America
and North America reduce costs and drive bottom line results by optimizing
their MRO operations to drive asset performance.

Contact Oniqua
Australasia Austrailia Europe
Brisbane, Australia 9 Havelock Street c/o ASCO
Level 5, 16 Marie Street West Perth 28 Eccleston Square
P.O. Box 1119 Milton Western Australia London
Brisbane Queensland 4064 SW1V 1NZ
Australia United Kingdom
Phone: +61 7 3369 5506 Phone: +44 (0)1224 565073

Denver, USA Santiago, Chile Africa
7900 E. Union Avenue, Suite 920 Av. Pedro de Vlavidia 555 Of. 1101 Johannesburg, South Africa
Denver, Colorado 80237 Providencia - Santiago - Chile P.O. Box 81051 Parkhurst
USA Phone: + 56 2 496 1157 Johannesburg, 2120
Phone: +1 303 222 1100 South Africa
Phone: +27 (0) 11 447 1931

Oniqua provides Intelligent MRO (maintenance, repair and operations) capabilities that are transforming the way Oil & Gas, Mining and Utilities companies
manage their capital-intensive assets. Our unique cloud-based offering combines the world’s most advanced MRO analytics technology with analyst services,
consulting, master data cleansing and industry expertise to optimize the performance of materials management and operations & maintenance activities.
Oniqua does the “heavy lifting” on behalf of customers so they can achieve rapid benefits in the form of reduced waste and costs, minimized risks, greater
efficiencies and smarter decisions across their MRO operations. Oniqua is proud to serve many of the world’s largest energy and resources companies,
including BHP Billiton, ConocoPhillips, Dow, BP, Newmont Mining, Rio Tinto, Freeport McMoRan, Tennessee Valley Authority, Nebraska Public Power District and
many others.

Oniqua is owned by international oilfield support services company ASCO. The company employs over 2,500 people in four key regions, namely the Americas,
Europe, Middle East & Africa and Australasia. The company currently has sales in excess of $1bn. Through Oniqua and its other businesses, ASCO offers a
wide range of services including inventory and materials management, offshore supply base management, onshore oilfield support, environmental services,
personnel and training, advisory and technical services as well as fuel services. ASCO’s global headquarters is based in Aberdeen.


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