Strategic Management Assignment Brief Final Version (L6 SM)
Strategic Management Assignment Brief Final Version (L6 SM)
Strategic Management Assignment Brief Final Version (L6 SM)
Details of Assessment
You are the newly appointed strategic consultant at Grocer Lidl. The board of directors in UK have
decided to expand the business to the ‘Asian Market’ and they have asked you to prepare a report
suggesting the best strategic direction for the firm to grow internationally particularly, and strategies
that will help them to create a competitive advantage and achieve their strategic objectives.
You need to consider effectively scanning both the internal and external environment of Lidl in order
to help them explore new opportunities in the Asian market.
To narrow down your report you can choose any Asian country of your choice.
Dating back to 1930’s, a small, independent grocery wholesaler was born in Germany (Lidl,2017). Fast
track to today Lidl is one of the largest grocery retailers in Europe. The first Lidl stores were opened in
1973, and by the 1980s Lidl was a household name in Germany. During the 1990s Lidl started
branching outside of Germany and today the grocer can be found across Europe.
In 1994, Lidl opened its first retail shop in the UK, just two decades later, they now have over 600
stores with a simple vision of providing ‘high quality at low prices’.
However, for better understanding of the organisation you are required to research the given
organisation including its challenges and strategic management approach to expand in the Asian
All these must be completed by accessing, selecting and utilising a variety of business information
Assessment Details
Your individual strategic management report will need to identify the internal and external
opportunities and threats facing the organisation (s) given in the case study, and present appropriate
frameworks that inform the development of strategic options and recommendations for the
organisation(s) in terms of future strategic directions and methods of expansion in Asian markets.
The report should therefore be comprised of areas for consideration that address the following
1. Appraise the current strategic positioning of the given organisation. (LO1, LO2, LO3 and LO5)
Undertake a critically evaluated strategic audit, using appropriate models & frameworks, of the firm’s
existing strategy in relation to its ability to exploit new global opportunities to create a more
competitive advantage
In order to prepare report for the board of directors you are required to scan Micro and Macro
environment of the company where it operates.
This will need to include an critical assessment of the external MACRO environment (using the PEST
or PESTEL framework); external MICRO environment (using Porter’s 5 Force framework) and internal
analysis of the organisation (applying Jay Barney’s VRIO or Michael Porter’s Value Chain Analysis) to
identify opportunities and threats in both these external and internal environmental layers.
2. What strategic recommendations can you propose for the organisation (s) given in the case
study to strengthen its current position in the given Market? (LO4, LO6)
This will need to include an analysis and evaluation of organisation competitive strategies in a critical
and informed way. Evaluating best alternatives and make possible recommendation and conclusions
based on thorough analysis and consideration of their future competitive strategies, applying either
Porter’s Generic Strategies of Competition framework or Bowman and Faulkner’s Strategy Clock.
• Executive Summary
• Introduction (Company & industry background, key challenges faced by the selected
• External environmental analysis for identifying opportunities and threats: Macro (PEST or
PESTEL) & Micro (5 Forces Framework for analysing industry structure and the nature of
• Internal environmental analysis for identifying strengths and weaknesses: VRIO or value chain
• Identification of Competitive Strategies (Bowman’s Clock or Porter’s Generic Strategies)
• Strategic directions (Markets, Products, Services) & methods of expansion
• In-text citations and list of references using Harvard Referencing
Marking allocations:
Sections Maximum Marks Awarded
Executive Summary (not part of word 10
External analysis 25
Identification of Competitive 20
Generic Strategies)
Elements (100%) (≥ 70%%) Distinction 60% - 69% Merit 50% - 59% Good 40% - 49% Fair <40% Poor
This range is reserved for work of This range is for work which shows This range is for work which shows The range is reserved for work This is a failed category. It
high quality which shows evidence of evidence of a very good evidence of appropriate study, that is lacking in some respects or is for work which fails to
a deep understanding of and insight understanding of the main ideas, presented clearly and adequately contains flaws which are meet or in significant ways
into the full range of ideas, principles, principles, themes and/or techniques marshalled to illustrate the most
noticeable and serious enough to does not approach the
themes and/or techniques in question in question coupled with some significant of the main ideas,
and independence of thought. insight and the expression of some principles, themes and/or techniques warrant the award of a failing criteria described for a good
independent thought. in question and to demonstrate a grade, but nonetheless essentially grade.
sound grasp of them. approaches the criteria necessary
It demonstrates a full and systematic for the good category sufficiently
understanding of knowledge, and a for it of itself not to prevent the
critical awareness of current problems It demonstrates a systematic It demonstrates a good award of an overall pass.
and/or new insights, at or informed by understanding of knowledge, and a
critical awareness of current understanding of knowledge, and a
the forefront of the discipline, field of critical awareness of current
study, or area of professional practice problems and/or new insights, much
of which is at, or informed by, the problems and/or new insights, some
forefront of the discipline, field of of which is at, or informed by, the
study, or area of professional forefront of the discipline, field of
practice. study, or area of professional
Introduction (10%) (≥ 7.0) (6.0 – 6.9) (5.0 - 5.9) (4.0 - 4.9) (<4.0)
(Company & industry background, key challenges
faced by the selected company) Demonstrate highly comprehensive Demonstrate robust level of Demonstrate adequate level of Demonstrate a fair level of Demonstrate a very limited
Understand the role of strategic management within an level of understanding understanding understanding understanding level of understanding
External analysis (25%) (≥ 18.0) (15.0 – 17.9) (13.0 – 14.9) (10.0 - 12.9) (<10.0)
Macro (PESTEL or STEEPLE) & Micro (5 Forces
Demonstrate ability to provide Demonstrate ability to provide Demonstrate adequate ability to Demonstrate some ability to Demonstrate little ability to
Framework) detailed and coherent analysis and
comprehensive, lucid analysis; analyse and some sound critical analyse and some sound critical analyse and some sound
demonstrate consistently sound skills demonstrated skills demonstrated critical skills demonstrated
critical skills
Critically analyse an organisation’s competitive
environment Demonstrate highly developed critical
Internal analysis (15%) (≥ 11.0) (9.0 – 10.9) (8.0 – 9.9) (6.0 - 7.9) (<6.0)
(VRIO or value chain analysis)
Identification of Competitive Strategies (20%) (≥ 14.0) (12.0 – 13.9) (10.0 – 11.9) (8.0 - 9.9) (<8.0)
(Bowman’s Clock or Porter’s Generic Strategies)
Demonstrate highly comprehensive Demonstrate robust level of Demonstrate adequate level of Demonstrate a fair level of Demonstrate a poor level of
level of understanding understanding understanding understanding understanding
Understand the impact of competition on the strategy of
an organisation
Strategic directions (20%) (≥ 14.0) (12.0 – 13.9) (10.0 – 11.9) (8.0 - 9.9) (<8.0)
(Markets, Products, Services) & methods of expansion
Demonstrate highly comprehensive Demonstrate robust level of Demonstrate adequate level of Demonstrate a fair level of Demonstrate a poor level of
level of understanding understanding understanding understanding understanding
Writing and Harvard Referencing (10%) (≥ 7.0) (6.0 – 6.9) (5.0 - 5.9) (4.0 - 4.9) (<4.0)
Demonstrate highly comprehensive Demonstrate robust level of Demonstrate adequate level of Demonstrate a fair level of Demonstrate a poor level of
level of understanding understanding understanding understanding understanding
Understand the use of referencing.