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The Entropic Field

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Dragos Cazacu
FincoNET, Denmark
Copyright 2015 by FincoNET

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The Entropic Field / Dragos Cazacu

Introduction 1. Causal Fundamental Processes 2. Hybrid Causal Processes
3. Process Causality – Case Study
Includes bibliographical references

Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naţionale a României

The entropic field / Dragoş Cazacu. - Iaşi : PIM, 2015
ISBN 978-606-13-2692-1

First Edition
About the Author

Dragos Cazacu is a senior consultant of FincoNET Ltd. with more than 30

years experience in consulting and computing, management, economics and
financial education.
The author designed and implemented a series of software application for
Risk Management, Corporate Valuation, Decisional Management and
Performance Assessment.
As part of the consulting work over the last 12 years, the research done on
Causality, Information Theory and Entropic Systems, made the basics of all
information packed together in this book, The Entropic Field.
Information presented by The Entropic Field is subject for experiments, on
implementing the first Entropic based, Real Time Optimization Computer
System and basis for the development of the new, Causal Computing
“In the beginning was the Word, and
the Word was with God, and the Word
was God.”
John 1:1

Introduction: The Entropic Field …………………………………………9

One: Fundamental Causal Processes ……………………………………. 12
Two: Hybrid Causal Processes …………………………………………………. 13
Three: Case Study ………………………………………………………… 15

Part One Fundamental Causal Processes ………………………….. 17

1.1. Causal Process References …………………………………………… 19
1.2. Fundamental Causal Process Categories…………..……………….. 20
1.2.1. Random Processes……………….………………………………. 21
1.2.2. Stochastic Process……………………………………………….. 22
1.2.3. Deterministic Process ……………………………………………. 25

Part Two Hybrid Causal Processes ……………………………………. 27

2.1. Hybrid Causal Process Categories…………………………………. 30
2.1.1. Bideterministic Processes……………………………………….. 30
2.1.2. Bideterministic – Random Process Characteristics …………….. 32
2.1.3. Bideterministic – Stochastic Process Characteristics………………
2.2. Hybrid Causal Process Algorithms ……………………………………. 36
2.2.1. Stochastic Algorithms…………………………………………… 37 Shannon’s Information Theory……………………………….. 37 Gamma Function…………………………………………….....38
2.2.2. Bideterministic Algorithms………………………………………..39 Synchronicity Degree…………………………………………. 40 Synchronicity Degree Analytics …………………………………. 40 Correlation Degree……………………………………………. 41 Correlation Degree Analytics …………………………………. 41 Optimization and Structure Degree ………………………..…. 42 Optimization and Structure Degree Analytics …………………..
42 Causality Degree ……………………………………………… 43 Causality Degree Analytics………………………………… 44
2.3. Hybrid Causal Parallel Realities and Parallel Worlds…..…………. 44
2.3.1. Hybrid Causal Parallel Realities………………………………….. 46
2.3.2. Hybrid Causal Parallel Worlds…………………………………… 47
2.4. The Entropic Field…………………………………………………….48

Part Three Process Causality – Case Study ………………………………. 55

3.1. Momentum and Position Measurement Stage ………………………… 59
3.2. Synchronization and Correlation Stage ……………………………….. 61
3.2.1. Entropic Domain Upper and Lower Boundaries Analytics ……… 63 Current Entropic Values Analytics ……………………………..63 Current Minimum and Current Maximum States Analytics ….. 65 Entropic Domain Upper and Lower Boundaries Analytics ……67
3.2.2. Synchronicity Degree Analytics …………………………………..70
3.2.3. Correlation Degree Analytics ……………………………………..71
3.3. Optimization Stage ………………………………………………….. 73
3.4. Objective Implementing Stage ……………………………………… 75

Bibliography ………………………………………………………………. 77

The Entropic Field

Introduction | 11

Why a new Field Approach?

Modern days Science is facing huge challenges trying to find new

sources of energy and food, disease eradication and more effective
educational programs for the ever increasing world population and not at last,
is coping with big scale unsolved issues, as preserving the Environment or
trying to understand and manage the Demographic explosion, sometimes
generating consequences conducting to poverty and social unrest.
During the latest decades, the distance between departure and arrival
in finding solutions to all these challenges, is seemingly increasing, the
unsolved issues accumulating, instead of diminishing, both as diversity and
Finding a General Theory, applicable everywhere and anywhere at
anytime is a hot topic of our days having its original roots dated in the last
century, so called General Unified Theory (GUT), where Physicians are
trying to put together all four fundamental Forces within the same Force
Field, under the same Analytics Umbrella.
It is however obviously, that only the Force Field cannot explain all
Universe’s Phenomena and might be not enough for an Integrated Field
Theory, making place for a new approach, where there are no measurement
units, all Processes are ranked and identifiable after their Causality Degree
and where all Physics Constants are regarded as Correlation Coefficients, can
make more sense.
Despite Scientists efforts and a vigorous technical revolution in
almost all domains, to solve key existential issues of our Planet, there is no
breakthrough in finding reliable, easy to implement and use solutions, there
is no fundament yet, for a general, scalable and flexible Scientific based
knowledge that can be applied anywhere by everyone to find answers and
implement programs, projects and find durable and stable solutions.
Up to now, translating in practice even theoretically this idea, failed
thoroughly and researchers efforts, seem to have in common a mislead
approaching of these issues, requiring interdisciplinary knowledge not only
in different Calculus methods, Physics or advanced Mathematics, but also in
12 | The Entropic Filed

Biology, Finance, Business Management, Human Resources, Computing

Programming and more.
A new General Theory verified and applied thoroughly and
simultaneously in all domains will generate solutions eliminating the result’s
uncertainty and the Risk as a hard to manage and understand variable, making
the Process’s Objective not just Predictable as it is use to be now, but more
Deterministic, where only the right solution is eligible to be used, accordingly
integrated in its Environment.
Elaborating a Theory of Everything is presuming that all domains and
aspects of the every day life are taken in consideration, ensuring that all
surrounding Systems including the Human are running on Processes, based
on the same Analytics, the same Principles and Governing Laws.
All Fundamental and Hybrid Causal Processes in our Universe, are
spread over several Entropic Dimensions run by different Causal Analytics,
the functionality for each of them being different, accordingly their purpose.
In this book, the reader will find an in depth analysis of the
functionality of these Processes and their Environment, aiming to
demonstrate, while using specific Analytics, that all Processes of our
Universe, can be downsized / upsized accordingly its Environment as a
development framework. In this way, using the same Entropic Field Analytics
based on specific Process’s Causal functionality, will be possible to describe
with high accuracy, an Educational Program, a Dam Investment Project or
even more complex issues as the Black Hole or Universe’s Expansion –
Contraction Theories.
An Economic, Social, Demographic, Environmental, Solar or any
other System is a Process, interacting with its Environment, always
exchanging Information, Energy and Vibration from one another.
All these Systems, governed by the Causality Laws and their
Environment Analytics are constituting together the Entropic Field.

One: Fundamental Causal Processes

Causal Fundamental Processes are characterized by Time Dependent

Algorithms and the fact that the Cause – Effect couple is always generated in
that order, first the Cause occurs than the Effect is following up.
Causality is a very important issues of our Universe existence, the
Laws of Causality are using Time as reference for Process’s Sequentiality that
further are going through different development Stages for all existing
Introduction | 13

When assessing the terms of a Theory aiming to explain a large variety

of Processes based on core Analytics, the Causality and consequently the
Time and its References within the Process Development Stages is an
important Key Control, Trend and Performance Indicator.
Any Causal Fundamental Process has a sequential functionality of its
Stages and Causal Phases based on a well established Entropy Flow always
from Cause to Effect, in this way being established a Time Based Structured
order of its functionality easy to understand and measure.

Two: Hybrid Causal Processes

In our world, there are no Fundamental Causal Processes in genuine

shape, but are getting mixed in two Hybrid Causal categories.
These two categories of Hybrid Causal Processes are following a
Time pattern, able to run the built-in Fundamental Causal Process that are all
Time based and alternatively, the Effect are taking always place after the
Cause occurs.
Here, it will be also introduced the most important Causal Process, the
Bideterministic Process as a complementary Causal Objective Oriented
Process for all Fundamental Causal Processes.
Some of the most disputed topics during the time are those regarding
the Parallel Universes and Parallel Realities. Based on Causality’s Laws
explanations regarding these two topics will be detailed, taking in account the
two Hybrid Process categories’ characteristics.
All Hybrid Causal Processes are being developed and are finding their
existentiality within an Environment called the Entropic Field (abbreviated –
the Field).
It is important to mention, that the Field contains all features of the
Causal Fundamental Processes and besides them, some special, unique and
characteristic features, making functionally, the Interaction between Processes.
The basic and most common indicator, the Field and its Fundamental
and Hybrid Processes is build on, is the Causality Degree as a quantification
of the Process’s achieved Causal Objective, represented as a number with no
specific standard measurement units on the Field’s Causality Degree Ranking
Another Field characteristic is referring to the Measurement Units,
usually used as benchmarking in what people are referring to, the Meter,
Pound, Watt, Dollar and so on, all of them representing de facto a certain
Causality Degree of a measured Entropic Process on a known and universally
14 | The Entropic Filed

accepted Causality Degree Ranking Scale correlated with the notion (Meter
for distance, Pound for weight and so on).
As long as the Process’s Entropy and the Objective’s Causality
Degree is de facto a reference, there is no need for measurement units while
every single measure once defined (belonging to a established Entropic
Domain) and measured (using specific instruments) is expressed as a number
in the range of small to large infinitum (not a negative number and not a zero

Example 1

The Field has a well defined ranking scale as part of its functional
structure where the Entropy is represented by let’s say 5 for the Velocity of a
Vehicle in movement, 9 for the Energy powering that Vehicle, 12 for the
Vehicle and 10−16 for the Consciousness of an individual human being
driving the Vehicle, and so on.

Integrality is a Field’s characteristic that refers to Process’s

development Stages within the Field, its capacity to achieve the Causal
Objective and make it part of the Field while generating its specific Causality
This Field’s characteristic is making the Process’s Causal Objective
once integrated, reusable for other Processes that have to be developed, using
all its available resources represented by the Entropic Information, Energy
and Vibration.

Example 2

A Dam Investment Project once achieved as an Objective with all

details concerning its Technical Project, Resource Management, Financing
and so on is becoming Integrated in the Environment or the Field for further
use in another similar Projects where particularities have to be adjusted
accordingly the Environment conditions, but the backbone or the big chunk
of the Entropic Process is preserved and reusable from a previous
Implementing through less resource conversion, than the previous or initial
Dam Project Implementing.

The Field has always three basic components characterizing its

Causality Degree, expressed as Information, Energy and Vibration Entropy,
the size flow from Cause to Effect of each of them giving the sense, the form,
the aggregation State, the image and so on, of a Process’s Objective.
Introduction | 15

One of the most important Entropic Field’s characteristic is based on

Causality, to work alternatively as Cause and Effect, making the Relativity of
the observed results (the Effect) equally and simultaneously acceptable for an
interacting Measurement Process, integrating under a single Umbrella the
notion of Relativity as a whole.
Based on Causality Laws and Analytics, both Relativity of Space and
Time are reaching new dimension of understanding while explaining how
Relativity is functioning as a whole for Absolute and Relative Variables.

The Field features some mentions worth to be taken into account:

 Field’s Causal Algorithms cannot be deleted definitively. This

characteristic shows that any Algorithm, is permanent. Effect Phases
(containing all Effect States of both Variables) may permit changes of
Variables but not modification of their intrinsic structure. An
Algorithm and its associated Causal Indicators may be adjusted to
improve Causal Objective’s performance and capacity to reach the
Objective or deconstructing it in order to reduce its working capacity,
impact or influence on the Process’s development Stages only by
adjusting or interfering on its Causal Variables.

 Subtraction of a larger number from a smaller one is considered as

impossible, as long as the Field is not working with negative numbers.
In this particular case, the Subtraction is not possible as long as it is
considered that the Process Stage and the Process Field are not
correlated and impossible to interact, one another.

 The notions “extremely” low or high are expressions for large

infinitum and subsequently for small infinitum, zero number being not
possible as well as the negative numbers are excluded as part of the
Field structure.

Three: Case Study

A Case is built around a moving Object, trying to simulate and

demonstrate with appropriate Analytics all Causal Process’s Stages
functionality and how the Causality works in this specific numeric example.
Is well known, that nowadays measuring exactly and simultaneously
a travelling Object or Elementary Particle’s Position and Momentum is not
16 | The Entropic Filed

possible, this measurement needs a dual and simultaneously aggregated

Assessment both as Cause and as Effect and the same principle applies also
to other couples in areas where the Risk is a part of the Process as Finance
and Investment, Economy, Meteorology and more.
A vast majority of all Processes are depending of two Asynchronous
and Uncorrelated Causal Variables that are influencing one another changing
causality alternatively, being difficult to measure and predict, usually using
Statistics Analytics to find probabilistic solutions expressed as inequalities.
The Case Study is going in depth, the Science of Synchronous
Measurement when assessing Process Values from a Causality perspective,
allowing, while using specific Analytics, the possibility to perform precise
measurement of the pair Causal values that are usually neither Synchronous
nor Correlated. Further on, the Synchronous Cause and Effect Variables are
Correlated and processed through the Optimization Stage.
Finally, the Implemented Objective’s Causality Degree is calculated
as the Process Objective is achieved, underlining the Objective Causal
Structure as being the Expected Result or the Effect and the Unexpected
Result or the Cause.
The Entropic Field is a Theory of Causality where specific Analytics
is demonstrating that Cause – Effect, as a whole, is a permanent part of every
day life, cannot be removed from the basic Laws of Universe, being always
applicable to everything and everywhere that is assimilated with one category
or another of a Fundamental or Hybrid Causal Process.
Currently, the Effects are easy to observe, measure and handle while
the Causes are mostly hidden and always un-phased with the Effect, the
Entropic Field Causality based Analytics allowing to uncover and analyze the
Causes as an integrated part of the Field.
Information presented in this book is based on the idea, that the
Universe has a simple core structure, common and basic algorithms and
clusters of them, making possible to explain all Processes, using a common
and universally accepted scientific representation and understanding.
Furthermore, the Universe is simple and complex simultaneously and
a new thinking way brought by this book, is trying to help the reader to
understand the Causality Analysis, the Analytics of both Cause and Effect
and how these two parts of any Process are working together, as a whole.
Finally, a Theory of Everything should be capable to explain who or
what is God through Analytics and Analytics through God, no matter if this
is the Entropic Field Theory or something totally different.

Part One

Fundamental Causal Processes

Part One. Fundamental Causal Processes | 19

What is the Causality?

Causality refers always to a Cause – Effect Pattern, taking in

consideration the Time as a reference for Process Sequentiality and rules that
make any Process functionally and compatible with its development
Environment or the Entropic Field.
Process Sequentiality is the core reference of the Causality Law, the
Cause – Effect Pattern being always ordered, occurring only in this direction
and not vice versa (first the Cause and than the Effect, otherwise the Effect is
called Cause and the Cause is becoming Effect).
Time is the only one reference known today, for determining
Causality or when Cause and Effect occur, being hard to quantify and find an
equivalent for it, unless using watches or oscillators. A replaceable or
equivalent measure for Time used to make easier to determine the Cause and
Effect Sequentiality is the Entropy, the Time and Entropy functionality being
basically the same for any Causal Process.
Causality is characterized primarily by two Causal Variables and
Objective’s Causality Degree.

1.1. Causal Process References

The Cause and Effect are always the two Phases of any type Causal
Process, keeping in balance the Reference Assessment or Process’s Causal
Variables, the Entropic values of the Cause and Effect States being
permanently adjusted and changing alternatively Causality.
Causes are considered always as references (because they have a
Lower Entropy level than the Effect) as long as it is determining the
variability of the Effect Phase through the Entropy transfer or those changes
taking place at the Process’s Effect Phase.
Process’s Cause and Effect Phases are described by two Variables, the
basis of Process’s functionality, each Variable having a specific Algorithm
that correlate it with the Process’s Objective. Stage’s Algorithms are capable
20 | The Entropic Filed

to run both Causal Phases simultaneously, each one of the Phase having in
their structure all Process’s Cause and Effect States.
Each Algorithm of each Causal Phase, being either a Cause or an
Effect Phase goes through States where Entropy is changing continuously
balance determining the Causality type of the State.
Cause and Effect Phases are permanently exchanging Entropy
alternatively, the Higher Entropy State is always considered being the Effect
while the Lower Entropy State is considered being the Cause and when the
balance is changing the Cause is becoming Effect and the Effect is moving
sequentially to the next Process Cause State.

1.2. Fundamental Causal Process Categories

Any Causal Process has in its composition Stages, each one of them
containing Processing Algorithms or Equations, the type of Process is
mirroring a certain type of Stage combination. The Stages describing
Fundamental Causal Processes are:

Objective Assessment and Measurement Stage is evaluating and/or

measuring the available Causal Variiables, to use them in achieving the
Process Objective, always taking in consideration the two Causal Variiables
in order to obtain a reliable and compliant Objective.

Synchronization and Correlation Stage has the role to develop,

methods, procedures, analytics capable to relate the input references or
resources, one another, Synchronize and Correlate them together in order to
achieve the proposed Objective’s Causality Degree.

Optimization Stage, uses the Synchronized and Correlated Process’s

Causal Phases from the previous Stage to Optimize the forthcoming Causal
Objective (optimization of the Causality Degree accordingly the initial Objective’s
specifications) or find the right balance between the Objective’s Cause and Effect.
The result of the Optimization Stage is the Structure Degree.

Objective Implementing Stage, is combining together the two Causal

Phases the Cause and the Effect, into a Causal Objective.
The Process’s Objective is considered a well defined entity when the
Objective is implemented and achieved it Causal Degree, for any
Bideterministic or Hybrid Process, while the Outcome is characterized by
Part One. Fundamental Causal Processes | 21

unpredictable result for any of Random and Stochastic Fundamental Causal

Process category.
The Objective are of two types: the Expected Result Objective which
is the Effect and always can be measured and not affected by the reading or
measuring and the Unexpected Result Objective or the Cause that usually is
hard to determine and is not possible currently to be exactly measured and
correlate to the Effect.
Objective Implementing Stage has the role to implement the
Specifications designed for modeling the three types of basic Entropies
(Information, Energy and Vibration Entropy) into an aggregated entity called
Objective, used accordingly Process’s category, for further developments and
applicability in interaction with other Causal Processes.
The Objective Implementing Stage is Integrating the Objective with
the Field and can fully describe the Objective Implementing Stage through its
associated Causality Degree. There are three different Cause – Effect patterns
mapping the Causality, differentiating the Fundamental Processes as function
of their possible Objective’s Causality Degree.

1.2.1. Random Processes

Random Processes: Several Causes – Several Effects. Processes with

very high Entropy flow from Cause to Effect using the Game Theory
Analytics to describe the Process’s Development and its Outcome, being
influenced by the quality of input Data for the Measurement and Assessment
Stage as figured in Diagram 1.


Running a Carnot Cycle / Process on a Wankel Engine where Carnot

Cycle Process is impacted by the Physical Wankel Engine design (hardware)
and its Thermodynamic Cycle or Process.
The Engine may work sometimes or may not work at all as the Causality
State of one Process (The Carnot Cycle Process including the fuel distribution,
engine cycle’s timing and so on) may not be capable to transfer Entropy from fuel
combustion to produce an Effect Phase in its Interaction with the Engine.

A Random Process Outcome may be measured only if it is in Interaction

with another Lower Causality Degree Process.
Random Processes have no References, Correlations or Synchronicity in
their Algorithms structure and the Assessment and Measurement Stage is
22 | The Entropic Filed

running Causal Algorithms (alternatively Cause and Effect Algorithms) based

on uncorrelated input Data.

Random Assessment
and Measurement Outcome Stage

1. Random Process Diagram

Random Process Stage Entropic Dimension

Assessment and Measurement D1

Table 1 – Random Process Causal Reference

Random Processes are allocated in D1 - Entropic Dimension with the

highest Entropy among all Causal Processes because the Outcome Stage
unpredictability, being always unclear if the Outcome Stage is in Cause or
Effect Phase and because there is a high Causality Degree among both
Phase’s States due to their Uncorrelated and Asynchronous characteristics.
The Outcome Stage is not realizable and that’s why is not represented
as an Entropic Dimension, being not capable to take any value and then
allocated to an Entropic Dimension.
If the Outcome is in Interaction, (forced to display a Time related
Process’s Causal State Value) it carries features and characteristics of two
Processes, the Random one and the other Process that stopped the Random
Process (imposing the Correlation and displaying the Measurement’s Value)
from running, the latest is called a Bideterministic Process.
Current Fundamental Causal Process Analytics is studying the
Random Process as being stand alone not interacting in Real Time with the
Entropic Field, with other Causal Processes.

1.2.2. Stochastic Processes

Stochastic Processes: One Cause – Several Effects. It’s a Lower

Causality Degree and Higher Entropy flow from Cause to Effect, compared
to a Random Process (Diagram 2) the Stochastic Process can find solutions
determining, fairly Process’s Outcome using Statistical Analysis, based on
similar Process’s Historical Time Series Data.
Part One. Fundamental Causal Processes | 23

For a Stochastic Process, there are always two Variables, the Cause
given usually by Historical Time Series Data (as reference) and the other one
as the Effect being Process’s Performance considered from either the point of
view of Risk or the Reward as a single measurable Outcome.
One Variable is not determining the evolution of the other Variable
(Historical Time Series Data is not influencing future values of Risk –
Performance pair) the Variables being neither Synchronous nor Correlated
whatsoever and the Statistical Analytics of a pure Stochastic Process is based
only on Historical Time Series Data, not having the possibility to reproduce
exactly the Field’s conditions that generate the Historical Time Series Data
and / or correlate input Data with the Field’s Real Time Data.
Currently, Stochastic Analytics is studying the Process as being stand
alone and not being in Real Time Interaction with the Field (the other
Processes as part of the Field).

Example 1

Equity / Derivatives Investments, Financial / Economic Planning,

Weather, Politic and Social Processes etc. where is always an estimated target
(within a given interval) and not a clearly and exactly defined Objective,
based on the existing correlation between the planned Objective and Current
Environment characteristics.
One, can always estimate the Outcome Reward of an Investment for
a given Risk (or Reward’s Standard Deviation) within a interval, but rarely or
never these two Variables can be achieved exactly as planned.

Example 2

The Financial Market being considered a part of the Entropic Field, a

huge number of Fundamental Processes are in Interaction within it, the most
of them making the core of the Market Functionality and are basically the
Fundamental Stochastic Processes concerned of how to determine the Risk
and Reward as exactly as possible.
As a stand alone Process, the Stochastic Process is not much worth
nowadays because the Market past performance is not a guarantee of future
rewards, based on very common sense issue, that no one in this world have
the insight of how to calculate and simulate the Future’s Financial Market as
a whole (not be switched with the market for Derivatives as Financial
Instruments that is also based on the same Stochastic Analytics).
24 | The Entropic Filed

Stochastic Assessment Stochastic

and Measurement Synchronization and Outcome Stage
Stage Correlation Stage

2. Stochastic Process Diagram

Stochastic Process Stage Entropic Dimension

Assessment and Measurement D2
Synchronization and Correlation D3

Table 2 – Stochastic Process Causal Reference

For this Example, the Historical Time Series Data Reference is

assimilated with the Assessment and Measurement Stage and Stochastic
Analytics with the Synchronization and Correlation Stage.
Causality given by one initial State of the calculated Variable as input
reference, might be transferred to Several States, all of them becoming Effects
after the Entropy is fully transferred, each new Effect State is Correlated and
Synchronized with Real Time Indicators that pick up the States having sufficient
Entropy to validate an Outcome as being the Effect within a targeted interval.
There are always allocated two Entropic Dimensions for Stochastic
Processes, the Assessment and Measurement Stage being in a Higher Dimension
than the same Stage of a Random Process, taking in consideration that the Input’s
Historical Time Series Data are of Lower Causality Degree being prepared and
selected with other Processes before supplying the current Stochastic Process,
while a Random Process is getting its Input Data for the Measurement and
Assessment Stage, Randomly from the Field.
In this case the Synchronization and Correlation Stage (like analyzing
the seasonal or cyclic Process in Economics) is modeling the targeted
Outcome accordingly the Historical Time Series Data not taking into account
the Environment’s Impact on Process’s Causal Phases, being necessary an
Interaction with another Deterministic or Bideterministic Process to obtain
the Outcome’s Results as is called in this case the Causal Objective.
Part One. Fundamental Causal Processes | 25

1.2.3. Deterministic Processes

Deterministic Processes: One Cause – One Effect. A Lower Causality

Degree Process compared to both Random and Stochastic Processes (Diagram
3), being the only one Process, where only the Effect is considered as being the
targeted Objective.
The Lower Causality Degree and an exclusively achieved Effect
Objective accordingly specifications can be achieved by introducing an
Optimization Stage then the Objective Implementing Stage right after a
Stochastic Process. The Optimization Stage through its Analytics is finding
those Effect States from the Stochastic Stage Outcome, where the Causal
Entropy can be transferred, maintaining in this way only those Effect States
capable to generate reliable and stable (predictable) results.
Finally, the Objective Implementing Stage is choosing the only one
Effect Objective obtained after the Optimization Stage, corresponding to the
Process’s Objective Specifications in terms of Entropy level or in other
words, Objective’s Causality Degree.


In a Peer – to – Peer Communication Process, the Objective is only one,

clearly and well defined, offering details of its achievability, using available
transmitting – receiving means and resources. The Objective is the Effect as
a form of Receiving Completed confirmation, measured when the Particle
Beam or Data Packet reached the Destination.

Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic

Assessment and Synchronization Objective
Measurement and Correlation Implementing
Stage Stage
Stage Stage

3. Deterministic Process Diagram

Deterministic Process Stage Entropic Dimension

Assessment and Measurement D4
Synchronization and Correlation D5
Optimization D6
Objective Implementing D7

Table 3 – Deterministic Process Causal Reference

26 | The Entropic Filed

All Fundamental Causal Processes are described above considering

that are independent and not being in any other Causal Interaction.
The seven Fundamental Entropic Dimension are defining the entire
Entropic Field for Fundamental Causal Processes.

Part Two

Hybrid Causal Processes

Part Two. Hybrid Causal Processes | 29

Where to find the Hybrid Causality?

Genuine Fundamental Causal Processes as presented previously, are

difficult to find in every day life and they have mostly to do with “hardware
& software” or “brick and mortar” projects, besides them, most Natural
Systems run on Bideterministic Analytics where the Objective is always
clearly specified. Bideterministic is expressing simply in one word the
Cause and Effect parts of an Objective
As explained previously, the Entropic Field run on three
Fundamental Process Categories, dividing the Entropic Field in seven
Fundamental Entropic Dimensions, each one of them, being characterized
by its Causality (Degree) domain.
The combination of the three categories of Fundamental Processes
into a well defined class of Hybrid Process, makes more sense to explain the
functionality of highly complex Causal Processes as the Creation of
Universe, Weather Phenomena etc., all of them being born by combining
the Bideterministic Process with either a Random or a Stochastic Process,
resulting two different Hybrid Process categories.
Deterministic Processes have their own particularities, mentioned
previously, regarding the Objective’s Causality and cannot be combined
with a Bideterministic Process
Fundamental Processes are in Interaction one another through the
Field, or through other Processes belonging to the Field, the influences of
the Field on Process’s Interaction is negligible if the intermediary Processes
have a Low Causality Degree.
Studying the Causal Hybrid Processes, the Universe is brought to
life by using beautiful and elegant Analytics, making the Fundamental
Processes working together and creating Causal Interactions, where the
Cause and Effect are switching alternatively during Process development.
The Entropic Analytics of Hybrid Processes, Synchronize and
Correlate interdependent Variables of the same Process, then finding the
Optimum Causality balance and finally is Implementing Process’s Objective
with its associated Causality Degree and Structure Degree.
30 | The Entropic Filed

A Fundamental Stochastic Process, as for example the Risk is

analyzed and processed today, put together with a Bideterministic Process
becomes a Hybrid Process where all other Interaction are taking into
account in Real Time, making the Outcome predictable and easy to
Implement as a Causal Objective.
Hybrid Processes are using the Cause – Effect Entropic Field
Approach to build its Analytics, the Effect being always the Expected
Result of the Objective (1) and the Cause being the Unexpected Result of
the Objective (2). The role of Hybrid Process Analytics, is to define exactly
the Unexpected Result / Objective (2) or how the Cause looks like in certain
conditions, as long as the Effect is quantifiable and easy to be measured.
The Expected Result has always the Objective Effect’s
characteristics while the Unexpected Result has the Objective Cause’s

2.1. Hybrid Causal Process Categories

A Hybrid Process is a combination of one of the Fundamental

Causal Processes combined with a Bideterministic Process, in this way, all
Entropic Field’s Processes can be accommodated and described by specific
Analytics through all necessary and observable correlations.
Characteristic for all Hybrid Processes are the two definable and
distinct Causal Objectives generated by Process’s two Causality Phases.
There is important to identify in all analyzed examples, how the Cause is
determined, what is its impact on the measurable Effect and how the Effect
might be changed to become further a predictable Cause or determine the
Causality of the next State of the Cause or Effect Phase.
A Bideterministic Process never can work as a standalone Process,
being always in combination with one of the two Fundamental Causal

2.1.1. Bideterministic Processes

Bideterministic Processes: One Cause – Two Effects. It’s a highly

optimized Process (Diagram 4) in order to achieve its Objective.
The functionality of a Bideterministic Process is characterized by the
Optimization Stage which is generating two Causal Objectives as parts of
the planned integrated Objective describing completely the Causality,
Objective (1) easy to measure as Effect or the Expected Result, then
Part Two. Hybrid Causal Processes | 31

Objective (2) the Cause for Objective (1) or the Unexpected Result, both
Objectives being part of the same Causal Objective.


- Carnot Cycle (two Causal Objectives: Converting Fuel to Energy

and Energy to Mechanic movement) one is the Cause the other
one the Effect, the movement can be used to produce energy etc.
- An Investment Process has as Objective 1 to achieve a certain
Performance level while Objective 2 is set up to achieve a given
Risk level, the Performance being the Effect and the Risk Cause
(Risk can be also used as Effect, and regarded as unrealized
Performance, in order to assess the Performance or the Cause)

Objective 1
Effect Stage
Objective 2
Cause Stage

4. Bideterministic Process Diagram

Bideterministic Process Stage Entropic Dimension

Optimization D8
Objective 1 Implementing – Effect D9
Objective 2 Implementing - Cause D10

Table 4 – Bideterministic Process Causal Reference

Regarding the signification of the Entropic Dimensions, for any

Bideterministic Process, the Optimization Stage is represented with the
same functionality in both D6 for a Deterministic Process and D8 for a
Bideterministic Process, even if carrying the same name and same
functionality, the Entropy of D6 and D8 makes the Algorithms working
with different refined Causality, the D8 output having a Lower Causality
Degree than the D6 output, in D8 Causal Phases being more complex and
refined before generating a Lower Causality Degree, being the results of
one, of the other Fundamental Process Categories
32 | The Entropic Filed

The same explanation is valid for the other Process Stages having the
same functionality and being assessed in some Higher Entropic Dimensions.
The Higher is the Entropic Dimension the Lower its Causality Degree.
As observed in Table 4 the Causal Universe of the Entropic Field is
spread over Ten Causal Dimension, seven Entropic Dimension generated by
the Causal Fundamental Processes and other three Entropic Dimensions
generated by the Causal Hybrid Processes.

2.1.2. Bideterministic – Random Process Characteristics

A Bideterministic – Random Hybrid Process as presented in

Diagram 6, is a Process where Several Causes are always generating two
Causal Objectives, the two Causal Objectives being generated in two
different Entropic Dimension as an Expected – Effect and an Unexpected -
Cause Result, on a Random basis, almost impossible to predict due to their
High Causality Degree determined mostly by the Interaction with other

Objective 1
Effect Stage
Assessment and
Objective 2
Cause Stage

5. Bideterministic - Random Process Diagram


When extracting a Lottery number, the Process is Randomly

Assessed, being a Fundamental Random Process, as long as there is no
external Interaction with anyone of the numbered balls. As soon as the
extraction Process is activated, one ball is extracted from the collection of
all balls moving Randomly within a well defined Space, then the Process is
becoming a Bideterministic – Random Process with two Objectives. Here,
there are two possibilities, as a characteristic for all Bideterministic –
Random Processes.
Part Two. Hybrid Causal Processes | 33

Primarily, one of the two Objective (1) is the Expected Number

where the exact desired numbered ball is extracted, secondly, the other
Objective (2) is also a result where an Unexpected Number continue to
move or rest together with all the other balls.
No matter what the Unexpected Number is, as long as this
information is not relevant for the player. On the opposite side, the
characteristic of this Hybrid Process category, can make that the
Unexpected ball is extracted while the Expected ball continue to rest inside
the extraction box.
Once the achieved Objective is explained, the role of the
Optimization Stage during the ball extraction or its Interaction on the
Random Process, is to find the balance between Cause and Effect inside the
extraction box (air flow, temperature, gravity, balls Interaction and more) in
order, that only one ball is extracted, though the Optimization Stage is
determined by Random factors. The Optimization Stage with its Structure
Degree is only in Interaction with external Hybrid Processes.

There are always Random factors that are influencing the extracted
ball to fall into a drawer and not a Deterministic controlled mechanism that
are trying to pick up a ball or the exactly desired number.
The Assessment and Measurement Stage is part of the Fundamental
Random Process and its role in this example, is to generate randomness
through a certain order as that of a collection of numbered balls (a collection
of ordered Processes being basis for the whole Lottery Process).
The Objective of the two Processes Interaction is to try to make the
correlation between a selected and an extracted list of numbers.
As observed here, for a Bideterministic – Random Hybrid Process, the
Objective as Effect is very clearly determined but the causes that generate it
being multiple, to implement the exact desired Objective is impossible due
to above described factors.

2.1.3. Bideterministic – Stochastic Process Characteristics

A Random Stochastic Determinist – Stochastic Hybrid Process, as

presented in Diagram 6, is a Process, where one Cause is always generating
two Causal Objectives, known as the Expected Objective - Effect and the
Unexpected Objective - Cause, the two Causal Objectives being generated
on a Stochastic basis, relatively difficult to predict exactly (just as an
interval) and use for further developments.
34 | The Entropic Filed

Objective 1
Stochastic Stochastic
Assessment and Synchronizing
Measurement and Correlation
Stage Stage
Objective 2

6. Bideterministic - Stochastic Process Diagram

Example 1

For an Investment Process, the Objective (1) is the Expected Result

or targeted Reward (the Effect) and Objective (2) is the Unexpected Result
or Risk (the Cause) and is not determining the value of Objective (1).
Similarly to previous example when a Lottery extraction was
analyzed, now the Unexpected Result or the Risk level does not matter as
long as the Objective (1) is achieved, supposedly linked and close related to
achievement of Objective (2) or the associated Risk level for a given
In this Example, the Risk is the Cause and this is generating the
Objective (2) while the Reward is the Effect (the measurable target once
achieved) being the Objective (1).
The Optimization Stage of a Bideterministic – Stochastic Process
has to find the best targeted interval, in this case, caused by the Risk level of
the Environment, to cash in the Reward or close an investment in interaction
with a Bideterministic Decisional – Implementing Process.
Furthermore, the Optimization Stage Analytics is taking in
consideration the targeted Objective, as being an Effect of the
Environmental behavior where Risk as Cause is determining the Reward or
Objective (1) Value (as function of Objective (2), the Risk), then the Causal
Phases determined by the value of the Entropic States of Cause and Effect.
The Financial Market is characterized by Entropy, being the
Environment where a lot of Processes are impacting the Investment Process
through their Objective’s Causality Degree, the Optimization Analytics
being adapted to process accordingly, the interest and exchange rates,
investment benchmarking indexes and so on.
Unfortunately, the Real Time Optimization is hard to perform in
current conditions, the number of impacting Processes surpassing largely
Part Two. Hybrid Causal Processes | 35

the computational possibilities of current technology and consequently,

large deviations from the targeted Expected and Unexpected Results might
be achieved.
The Synchronization and Correlation Stage is trying to measure and
correlate, using specific Portfolio Analytics, the interdependencies and
investment cycles, in order to calculate the entry and exit time for targeted
investments or calculate the optimum time interval correlated to the
Financial Market cyclicality or seasonality, to achieve maximum
performance for an accepted Risk level.
This issue, of measuring Synchronous, Risk and Reward as parts of
the same Process, where both Variables are changing alternatively
Causality, being permanently un-phased should be adjusted and updated
keeping record of the Real Time information provided by the Environment’s
Here are two very important issues worth to be mentioned, and valid
for all Bideterministic – Stochastic Processes.
First, Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principles applies also here for all
un-phased Causal interdependent Variables, the main task being to measure
the adjusting Synchronicity Degree, then Correlating the obtained values
(Causality Strings), to be submitted to the next Process Stage, the
Optimization Stage.
Secondly, to produce a new Interaction with a new Decisional
Process once the Causal Objective is achieved, enabling in this way the
intervention of, when to enter and exit the Market and simultaneously to
watch all Market’s Key Indicators that are providing inputs for both the
Optimization Stage and for another Decisional Process, when is the right
time to act.
The Assessment and Measurement Stage is using, a Higher quality
input Data than those used for a Random Process, the quality and
granularity being an important part of the Optimization Stage to refine the
Causality Balance between the two resulted Objectives.

Example 2

Continuing to dig further in the previous Investment Example, a

Decision is needed to make and implement, when the investor has to enter
or exit the Market in order to achieve the targeted Reward.
As long as any Bideterministic – Stochastic Process is not doing
more than calculate and give fundament for a Decision Maker to make and
implement a Decision, a more sophisticated type of Process can help the
Decision Maker to make the right decision for the right entry and exit time.
36 | The Entropic Filed

The Objective (1) being in Effect Phase, is expressing the

Investment Exit Time, after the Optimization Stage provided as function of
the Environment’s, specific Real Time Indicators, then the Objective (2)
being a Cause Phase for Objective (1), is representing the Entry Time to
Market for the planned Investment.
One of the most important issue with a tremendous impact on the
accuracy of the achieved Objectives for all Hybrid Processes is the
Optimization Stage where high frequency Real Time Data is necessary.
Using high frequency – high quality Real Time Data requires a
tremendous computational power, currently being not possible, due to the
technology limitations, to access the Field’s all relevant Information to
achieve the Objectives as exactly, as planned.

2.2. Hybrid Causal Process Algorithms

The Field has in its structure Processes, based on Algorithms, Words

and Characters, meaning that the Word with its vibrational, energetic and
informational charge is one of the basic bricks of the Field.
Words regarded as implemented Causal Objectives, are expressing
actions, subjects, attributes and more, all Words aiming to describe Processes
that are characterized by Objectives and their correspondent Causal Degree. All
Words in this consent are containing these three types of Entropy (Information,
Energy and Vibration) each one of them, representing a class of well defined
category of Entropy easy to classify and rank after its Causality Degree.


The word “Information” is a representation of an Entropic entity or

Causal Implemented Objective as part of the Field with a Lower Causality
Degree than that represented by the words “Tree” “Energy” or “Velocity”,
but all words are respecting the same rule (of the Causality Degree ranking)
and people are communicating through exchanging Entropic Phrases, all of
them being Fundamental bricks of our every day life Processes.

Almost all Hybrid Processes are based on Stochastic and

Bideterministic Algorithms, that make possible the correlation between the
Process’s Input and its Output, in order to achieve the proposed Causal
Part Two. Hybrid Causal Processes | 37

2.2.1. Stochastic Algorithms

With roots in Thermodynamics, than in Information Theory, the

Entropy is used to picture the unknown of any System, unknown otherwise
represented by Probabilities.
The Entropy’s formula is given by the logarithm of the ratio between
the States of the system, that occur or have the largest probability to occur
and the total number of States (States possible and the States impossible) to
occur (States considered as being always Time Dependent, Time being
characteristic for each Entropic Dimension either this is describing a
Fundamental or a Hybrid Causal Process)
Stochastic Algorithms are the basis for all Causal Analysis where
Entropy is a very important issue and have the primary role to convert the Input
Entropy to an Output Entropy filling up the specified requirements to make the
Causal Objective possible to be achieved accordingly the specifications. Shannon’s Information Theory

Shannon Entropy measures the uncertainty associated with a random

Variable, i.e. the expected value of the Information in the message (in
classical informatics it is measured in bits).
The concept was introduced by Claude E. Shannon in the 1948 paper
„A Mathematical Theory of Communication” allowing to estimate the average
minimum number of bits needed to encode a string of symbols based on the
alphabet size and the Probability of apparition or the Frequency of the symbols.
The Entropy can be expressed as:

𝐻(𝑋) = ∑ 𝑃(𝑋𝑖) ⁡𝐼(𝑋𝑖) = − ∑ 𝑃(𝑋𝑖) 𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑏 (𝑃(𝑋𝑖) )

𝑖 𝑖

where b is the base of the logarithm used. Common values of b are 2, Euler's
number e, and 10, and the unit of entropy is Shannon for b = 2, Nat for b = e
and Hartley for b = 10.
Causal Processes are always using Nat for b = e.
When b = 2, the units of Entropy are also commonly referred to as bits.
38 | The Entropic Filed


Considering Calculating the Information Entropy using the

Shannon’s Formula for the String: d r a g o s
The Alphabet of symbols in the string are a d g o r s and the
probability of apparition or the Frequencies of alphabet symbols is given by:

• 0.167 => a
• 0.167 => d
• 0.167 => g
• 0.167 => o
• 0.167 => r
• 0.167 => s

then Shannon Entropy is given by:

H(X) = -[(0.167log20.167) + (0.167log20.167) + (0.167log20.167) +

(0.167log20.167) + (0.167log20.167) + (0.167log20.167)]
E(X) = - [(-0.431) + (-0.431) + (-0.431) + (-0.431) + (-0.431) + (-0.431)]
E(X) = - [ -2.58496]
E(X) = 2.58496

Shannon Information Entropy shows what is the minimal number of

bits per symbol needed to encode the Information in binary form (if log base
is 2). For the above calculated Shannon Information Entropy rounded up,
each symbol has to be encoded by 3 bits and it is necessary to use 18 bits to
encode the given string, optimally. Gamma Function

Gamma Function also known the Euler’s integral of the second kind
is a component used in various probability – distribution functions and as
such it is applicable in the fields of probability and statistics, as well as
combinatorics and is defined by:

Γ(𝑡) = ∫ 𝑥 𝑡−1 𝑒 −𝑥 𝑑𝑥
Part Two. Hybrid Causal Processes | 39

An Optimized form of Euler’s Gamma Function 𝛤𝑃(𝑡) for Processes

is used further, to both simplify and make more accurate the used Analytics
and its Outcome and is given by:
𝛤𝑃(𝑡) = ∫ 𝑥 𝑡−1 𝑒 −𝑥 𝑑𝑥

where the l and u marks the Lower and the upper borders of the Entropic
Integral Domain where the Process is running to achieve its Objective with the
associated Causality Degree and t has a Time or an Entropic like structure.
In Process Causality Analytics, the Domain Boundaries calculus is
very important, making tremendous difference of how the Domain Analysis
is done and with what precision and in what conditions the Causal Process
Objective is achieved, in regard to the initial planning specifications.
The optimization of Gamma Function for Causal Processes, is used
as a Fundamental formula of the Entropic Field’s Analytics, where zero and
infinitum are not accepted as limits for any of the Causal Process’s Integral

2.2.2. Bideterministic Algorithms

A Causal Process has in its composition one or several Stages,

containing one or several Algorithms or Equations to translate in
mathematical language a collection of correlations between the Process
Input and Process Output on a Causal background.
All Processes need Indicators that are making them functional within
the Environment where the Causality Laws are Governing.
The use of Indicators makes possible the Interaction between
Processes through other Field’s Causal Processes, to exchange and convert
resources and get Optimized to reach the planned Objective as a calculated
Causality Degree.
From a Causal point of view all Process’s Algorithms are showing in
what extent the Process’s Causal Phases are in Interaction one another and
what are their calculated values that have to be supplied to the next
Process’s Stage or to other Causal Processes.
For all Hybrid Causal Processes there are four Causal Indicator
categories associated to the Process’s Stages.
40 | The Entropic Filed Synchronicity Degree

Causal Phases are un-phased, being never possible to measure

simultaneously the Cause and the Effect of two Process’s Causal Variables.
Currently, only the Effect can be measured exactly at a given time
not also the Cause’s value that produced the Effect.
The Synchronicity Degree (S) is the Causal Indicator, establishing an
adjustment factor for the Process’s Cause value when it was measured as Effect
value (previous Causal State, before changing to Cause Phase).
Furthermore the Synchronicity Degree is solving the Heisenberg’s
Uncertainty Principle dilemma, once the Causal Variables being adjusted
correspondingly and can be measured simultaneously applying the adjusting
Synchronicity Degree to Cause being measured as Effect simultaneously
with the Effect. Synchronicity Degree Analytics

Considering l and u the Lower and upper limits of the Entropic

Domain where the Synchronicity Degree between the Causal Variable a and
b must achieve Synchronicity (S) measured at the Time (t), the
Synchronicity Degree of a and b, 𝑆𝑎 (𝑡) is given by:
𝑆𝑎 (𝑡) = ∫ 𝑡 𝑎−1 𝑒 −𝑡 𝑑𝑡

where 𝑆𝑎 (𝑡) is expressing the Synchronicity Degree of the Causal

Variable a, when a is going through Cause Phase and b is in Effect Phase.
𝑆𝑏 (𝑡) = ∫ 𝑡 𝑏−1 𝑒 −𝑡 𝑑𝑡

where, 𝑆𝑏 (𝑡) is expressing the Synchronicity Degree of the Causal

Variable b, when b is going through Cause Phase and a is in Effect Phase.
𝑆𝑎 (𝑡) and 𝑆𝑏 (𝑡) are given in standard Measurement Units of
Process’s inputs and have a bi - dimensional representation as the Integral
Domain defined by the Synchronicity Degree’s Gamma Function.
Part Two. Hybrid Causal Processes | 41 Correlation Degree

Correlation Degree (Y) is a Process Indicator, aiming to calculate the

interdependencies between the two Causal Phases that are Synchronous
after applying the Synchronicity Degree adjustment factor.
When computing the Correlation Degree, is important to understand
the exact meaning of the Correlation between the Cause and Effect Phase.
As explained in more detail in the Case Study, the Correlation between
Cause and Effect is represented by the Entropy transfer from Cause to Effect
as form of Energy where both Vibration and Information is taken into
account. Correlation Degree is represented always as an Entropy flow from
Cause Phase to Effect Phase, named further String.
Correlation between Cause and Effect Phases is always a matter of
Energy flow and more Correlated are the Cause and Effect Phases, then
more Energy is flowing from Cause to Effect Phase.
From a certain threshold of the Correlation Degree and subsequently
the Energy transfer, the Mass is becoming the physical expression of
Correlation between Cause and Effect Phases. Correlation Degree Analytics

Based on the above conclusions, the Analytics of Entropic String

Approach can be assumed to develop the next equations for Cause and
Effect Correlation or Cause and Effect String Length.
If 𝑋𝐶 and 𝑋𝐸 are the Synchronous Values of Cause and Effect, then
the Cause String Length is described by:

(𝑎−1) −𝑥𝐶 (𝑎−1) −𝑥𝐶

𝐶𝑆𝐿(𝑥𝐶 ) = (𝑥𝐶 𝑒 )(𝐻𝐵) − (𝑥𝐶 𝑒 )(𝐿𝐵)

then the Effect String Length is described by:

(𝑏−1) −𝑥𝐸 (𝑏−1) −𝑥𝐸

𝐸𝑆𝐿(𝑥𝐸) = (𝑥𝐸 𝑒 )(𝐻𝐵) − (𝑥𝐸 𝑒 )(𝐿𝐵)

(HB) and (LB) being the Upper and Lower Entropic Domain,
Boundaries Values.
The Higher is the Correlation Degree between Cause and Effect the
Higher is the Entropy transferred from Cause to Effect.
42 | The Entropic Filed

Using Information Entropy relation the Correlation Degree for the

Cause Phase 𝑌𝐶 ⁡is given by:

𝑌𝐶 = 𝐶𝑆𝐿(𝑥𝐶 )

Correlation Degree for next Effect Phase 𝑌𝐸 is given by:

𝑌𝐸 = 𝐸𝑆𝐿(𝑥𝐸) Optimization and Structure Degree

Accurate specifications and an Objective with a Low Causality

Degree is not enough to achieve the Process’s Objective, then the Process’s
Optimization Stage has the role to find the optimal Causal Correlation
between Process’s Cause Phase and the Process’s Effect Phase in order to
keep in balance the Cause versus the Effect.
If this Optimization or Balance Calculus Stage is eliminated, then
the Cause might increase to unlimited, provoking unlimited Effects that can
further generate unlimited Cause, or Entropy transfer. On the opposite side a
Cause might not generate any Effect at all, the Process being dead an not
able to implement any Objective at all (specified or unspecified). Optimization and Structure Degree Analytics

If 𝑌𝐶 is the Cause Correlation Degree and CB is the Causal Balance

Ratio between the Cause and Effect Correlation Degree, then the Cause
Optimization Degree 𝑂𝐶 ⁡for the Cause Phase is given by:

𝑂𝐶 = 𝑌𝐶 (𝑌𝐶 ⁄𝑌𝐸 ) = 𝑌𝐶2 /𝑌𝐸
Part Two. Hybrid Causal Processes | 43

Furthermore, if 𝑌𝐸 is the Effect Correlation Degree and 𝐶𝐸 is the

Effect Balance Ratio between the Effect and Cause Correlation Degree,
then, the Effect Optimization Degree 𝑂𝐸 ⁡for the Effect Phase is given by:

𝑂𝐸 = 𝑌𝐸 (𝑌𝐸 ⁄𝑌𝐶 ) = 𝑌𝐸2 /𝑌𝐶

An aggregated Causal Indicator obtained from the combination of

both Causal Optimization Degrees’ Phases is the Structure Degree (SD).
Structure Degree is representing the Entropy obtained after the
Optimization Degree for both Causal Phases are calculated, being the only
one Causal Indicator in Interaction with other Causal Processes, through its
Entropy flowing positive if it characterize a Cause and negative if it is
characterizing in Effect.
Structure Degree is the Causal Indicator showing how much Cause
or Effect is expressing a Causal Process as form of its Entropy, being
considered as a Causal Quantitative Indicator.

The Structure Degree equation is given by:

𝑺𝑫𝑨 = 𝑯(𝑶𝑪) 𝑯(𝑶𝑬) = (𝑶𝑪 𝐥𝐧⁡𝑶𝑪 )(𝑶𝑬 𝒍𝒏𝑶𝑬 ) Causality Degree

Mentioned several times in the previous paragraphs of this book, the

Causality Degree (CD) is the most important Entropic Indicator of a Causal
Process’s Objective and its primary role is to help ranking Processes accordingly
their Objective aggregated Information, Energy and Vibration Entropy.
The Causality Degree Indicator has an unique value for each
implemented Objective and that, makes the Entropic Field an ordered
Environment, where the Causality Degree is placing exactly the
Implemented Objective on a Ranking Scale, giving at the same time all
“GPS” coordinates of the Objective and where is possible to find it in
Space, Time, at what Temperature, Gravity and more.
From a Causal point of view, Objective’s Causal Degree is
representing the quantitative Entropy Flow from Cause to Effect, the Higher
is this flow the Higher is the Causality Degree.
44 | The Entropic Filed Causality Degree Analytics

For any of the three categories of the existing Hybrid Processes,

there are two Objectives, an Effect or the Expected Result and a Cause or
the Unexpected Result. There is an aggregated Causality Degree combining
the two Cause and Effect Phase Causality Degree in a single Synthetic
Finally, the Process’s aggregated Causality Degree 𝐶𝐷𝐴 for both
Cause and Effect Objectives is given by:

𝑪𝑫𝑨 = 𝑯(𝒀𝑪) 𝑯(𝒀𝑬) = (𝒀𝑪 𝒍𝒏𝒀𝑪 )(𝒀𝑬 𝒍𝒏⁡𝒀𝑬 )

As long as the Objective’s Entropy is structured in three different

categories the Information Entropy Formula can be used on the same extent
and form, for both the Energy and Vibration Entropy, in fact both these
categories being a form of Information or derivatives of the Information
Entropy. Process’s aggregated Objectives Causality Degree 𝐶𝐷𝐴 ⁡ is an
aggregation of the Cause and Effect Objective’s Causality Degree, once
both Causal Objectives are achieved, the Objectives containing all
Algorithms including the Field’s Interaction, the Process went through all its
previous Stages.
Every Objective once implemented has a Causality Degree acting as
an ID on the Causality Degree Ranking Scale.

2.3. Hybrid Causal Parallel Realities and Parallel Worlds

Being some of the most controversial subjects ever, with tons of

literature, documentaries and movies, Time Travel and Causality Inversion
are getting better explanation here, using the Hybrid Causal Process’s
Approach, showing how really the Parallel Realities and Parallel Worlds
works, as parts of the Field.
Some currents are still stressing the ideas, that copies of our world or
even existence can be found parallel and simultaneously, in other
dimensions, other than the current universal dimensions, our consciousness
is aware of.
Before finding a Scientific explanation for these two topics,
definitions based on some examples will clarify what the Parallel Realities
and Parallel Worlds are.
Part Two. Hybrid Causal Processes | 45

Causality Inversion is supposing that the Cause of the current Effect

might be changed and accordingly, the current Effect may have other
functionality and impact fitting a new designed Causal Objective. As the
Causality may function only if the Entropy is flowing from a Cause State to
an Effect State, is not possible to reverse the Entropy Flow to a precedent
Causal State.
In conclusion, it is only possible to correct and influence the Current
Effect State that is becoming Cause for the next Effect State and never
interact again to the previous current Effect’s Cause State.
On the other side the Effect State stays Effect State as long as its
Entropy exceeds a certain threshold, always higher than the Entropy level of
a Cause State, otherwise there is a paradox here, where with a Higher
Entropy flow to the Cause, the Effect cannot be both a Cause and Effect
State simultaneously. Unfortunately, Time Travel or correction of Past
States of current developing Causal Processes are not possible nowadays as
long as the arrow of Entropy and subsequently the arrow of Time has only
one direction, from Cause to Effect. An Inverse Causal Process is not
possible to have a Non – Causal Objective that cannot be defined and the
topic can be further developed, on and on.
Another interesting question regarding the Laws of Causality is
concerning the healing mechanism of the living beings. Apparently, the
Healing Process might be regarded as an Inverse Causal Process (or a Non –
Causal Process), where some tissues once damaged are restoring their
functionality and integrity.
In fact the Healing Process can be regarded sometimes as a Causal
Reversing Process discussed further, but here in this context is always a
Causal Process where a Current Effect State (the damaged one) of the tissue
is creating a Cause using existing resources to reestablish the Initial Process
functionality and reach its initially planned Causal Objective, for example to
bring the living being awareness or consciousness at a certain level of
evolution or certain Causality Degree accordingly its class, genus, species or
other equivalents.
The Healing Process is never going back to previous Cause States to
repair them unless it might be done as a Reversing Causal Process, but is
always going further to correct next Effect States accordingly the initial
programming specifications, available resources and interaction with other
Causal Objectives or the Field. Sometimes the Initial Algorithms may be
distorted, by their impact with other Processes and the Healing Process is
continuing accordingly distorted Algorithms, the Recovery being never
46 | The Entropic Filed

A Causal Process shows a Reversibility character when is getting

back to the previous Causal States, always only to the previous State and not
to any other of the previous States. Process Reversibility is a characteristic
occurring in connection with Entropy flow changing from an initiated Effect
State to the initiator, the Cause State when the Effect Entropy level is not
reaching the minimum 50% Entropy transfer to become Effect State,
meaning that an Entropic Causal State is in a non definable State as long as
the transfer level is not exceeding 50% of its Entropy.
The threshold of 50% is making the difference if an Entropic State is
in a non definable Causal State if below 50% and the Causal Process can
still be reversed to the initiating Cause State then if exceeding the 50%
level, the Causal State is becoming Effect and at 100% level, Cause for the
next Effect State.
Causal Processes with a larger Causality Correlation can be easier
observed or influenced on their Reversibility being possible to influence the
Entropy flow from Cause to Effect and reverse the Causality transfer from
the initiating Cause to other presumed Causal State that offers the likelihood
of a faster and better achievement of the Objective’s Causality Degree.
Negative Entropy is explained as being the form of Entropy flowing
back from a State becoming Effect to the State supposedly being the
originated Cause during a Causal Process Reversibility.
Because diverse impacts of other Causal Processes on the Current
Causal Process may affect the Causality flow of the latest, the Entropy flow
from a Cause State to an Effect State is affected, the Effect State’s Entropy
being diminishing in stead of an increase, of its Entropy level.
In this case, the new Effect State’s Entropy is flowing back to the
originally Cause State the minus sign showing just the sense the Entropy is
flowing between Process’s Causal States.
The initially Cause State is recovering in this way the Effect flown
Entropy, then is initiating a new Effect State, eventually together with the
new Impact Process’s Causal Entropy as long as the flow is not impacted
repeatedly again and again till the Process stops running.

2.3.1. Hybrid Causal Parallel Realities

Any Hybrid Causal Process while running, is creating an

Environment within the Field characterized by its Algorithm’s functionality
and the two Causal Variables.
Parallel Realities are based on Causal Processes and can be easily
assimilated with all possible basic versions and eventually combinations of
Part Two. Hybrid Causal Processes | 47

these basic versions of Algorithms that make possible to achieve one and
the same Causal Objective. Each Algorithm’s Collection included in the
Specification of how to reach (including where and when) the planned
Causal Objective is the basic of One Reality, simultaneously and parallel,
other versions of One Reality being possible to occur if the selection
Process is following specific criteria.
Shortly, Parallel Realities are parallel and simultaneous version of a
Current Causal Process, all of them targeting the implementing of exactly
the same Causal Objective.


Supposing to travel from Paris to Berlin, the Causal Objective being

reaching a well specified address in Berlin having in its structure the Effect
– the traveller reached the targeted address in Berlin and the Cause, what is
s/he searching and what Processes have to run in Berlin, and so on.
There are a huge number Realities, possibilities or versions for the
traveller, of how to reach the Causal Objective (only one and permanently
the same) or the destination, but only one is chosen and that version of
Reality is that, that will become implemented, the rest of them being only
potentially taken into account if the current Travelling Process is impacted
with other Processes producing delays or interruptions.

Parallel Realities are only virtual Realities and not usable in any
other extent, they are taken in consideration as alternatives but almost never
approached to be exploited. Once a Parallel Reality is approached and used
as version to implement the Causal Objective, this is not Parallel any longer,
becoming a current developing Reality or version of the Causal Objective

2.3.2. Hybrid Causal Parallel Worlds

Another approach of how the Causal Objectives can be

implemented, is linked to the Parallel World concept. As long as Parallel
Realities are describing possible alternatives to reach one and only one
Causal Objective, Causal Parallel Worlds are related to the idea of different
Causal Objectives that can be reached using exactly the same Processes or
Process’s Algorithms. Practically, previous use of the same collection of
Algorithms, implemented Causal Objectives of the same nature, structure,
causality, with the Causality Degree value within a very narrow domain.
48 | The Entropic Filed

As an example, a Dam Building Project can be used to build other

Dams with almost the same Causality Degree adjusted to the Environment.
It is important to mention, that the idea of possible alternatives or
versions are not submitted to any probabilistic algorithms, but is regarding
the only one or few possibilities that are suitable to the Field’s conditions
and terms within a time interval and specific place to achieve the proposed
Causal Objective.

2.4. The Entropic Field

The Entropic Field or “The Field” is the Environment where all

Processes are running and all implemented Objectives are integrated in the
Field, everything known in the Universe (the Universe assimilated entirely
with the Field) being considered a collection of running Processes with all
their associated Causal Objectives.
Information’s Entropy described by Shannon’s Information Theory
are making the Landauer’s Principle to link, the Information to a physical
representation, as long as when deleting, moving or removing Information,
the heat is generated and reciprocally, from any move producing heat (or a
Temperature variation) is resulting Information.
The Information Theory shows analytically, that Information generates
Entropy, then the Entropy formula for Thermodynamic Systems shows that the
Temperature generates Entropy. Furthermore, as Information is linked to the heat
and Energy to the Frequency, both Energy and Frequency are characterized by
Entropy too. An Example on this topic will give a better understanding of
how the Causality Degree works within the Entropic Field in day by day
Entropy’s most important characteristic taking in consideration the
fact that the Temperature, is the most basic physical measure, common for
the entire Universe, basic for Entropy representation as form of Mass –
Energy, Vibration and Information.
Practically, common for all above measures is both Temperature and
Information but as long as it is easier to work with Information rather than
Temperature, the Information is an Entropic equivalent of Temperature
being easier to express and work with it.
The Entropic Field is filled with Entropy and is considered as being
a continuum with no discontinuities within it. There are no one areas in the
Universe where there is no Temperature and subsequently Information.
Another important characteristic of Entropy is regarding the level
and the availability of the Entropic representation of the Causality
Part Two. Hybrid Causal Processes | 49

throughout the Universe or how available (from the Time then the Space
point of view, not the SpaceTime as is it used sometimes) is a certain level
of Entropic Causality to make interacting two or more Causal Processes.
As the Temperature is equalizing its different levels in Universe, the
Entropy is doing the same flowing always from High to Low Entropy and
consequently the Information is moving in the same way too. The same
Entropy flow as that one occurring from a Cause State to an Effect State is
encountered throughout the Universe.
An Objective with a Lower Causal Entropy will always be a Cause
for an Objective with a Higher, but in range, Causal Entropy the latest
becoming the Effect State, these two Processes Interacting further one
Entropy and subsequently the Information Entropy, is available
everywhere, almost instantly, as long as there is a Cause to request a certain
level of an Effect and if there is established a Causality Correlation (through
Causal Strings) between Processes.

Example: The Process – Field Interaction Analysis

Any Causal Process, running in the Entropic Field are exchanging

Entropy of these three types (Vibration, Energy and Information) with other
Causal Processes. All Causal Process once implemented can be represented
as unique, through their Causality Degree and function of the three types
Entropies, as figured in Diagram 7, depicting how the Causal Processes –
Field Interaction is working.

Considering four different Processes (as structure and representation,

otherwise no Process is similar with another) characterized by four
Causality Degree (with the aggregated Vibration, Energy and Information
Entropy), being a part of the Entropic Field:

 P1 – a Vehicle driver (human or robot) with all necessary skills,

sensors and senses necessary to drive a Vehicle from a pre –
established departure A to a destination B, on a Highway.

 P2 – the Vehicle described at P1 with all its functioning parts,

subassemblies and supplies (engine, breaks, fuel, water etc.) capable
and necessary to drive a certain distance.
50 | The Entropic Filed

 P3 – the Highway and its capacity and characteristics (destination

and facilities indications, limitation and restriction indicators, real
time Information, asphalt coating etc.) to support driving the Vehicle
on it, between A and B.

 P4 – the Vehicle’s Control Indicators to reach the planned

destination like Velocity, Engine Power, Fuel consuming etc. Here
the Velocity Indicator is picked up to analyze this example.

As illustrated in Diagram 7, P1, P2, P3 and P4 are featured by their

Information, Energy and Vibration Entropy, making each Objective unique
due to its Causality Degree (the blue line).
All Fundamental Processes are running on a individual level of
Information, Energy and Vibration Entropy, that are aggregated together
once the Process Objective’s is implemented and is featured by an
individual and aggregated Objective’s Causality Degree.
Information High Entropy Flow Information Low Entropy Flow

I2 I3 I4 I1

Energy High Entropy Flow Energy Low Entropy Flow

E1 E3 E2 E4

Vibration High Entropy Flow Information Low Entropy Flow

V1 V2 V3 V4

High Causality Degree Low Causality Degree

The Field P4 P3 P2 P1

7. Process - Field Interaction Diagram

Any Process once initiated, is being represented on the Causality

Degree Ranking Scale only if the Objective is fully accomplished (Objective
Implement Stage is finished and has aggregated Causally the Objective’s
Causality Degree). For a Random or Stochastic Outcome the Process is not
finished and is not possible to get any representation as a Causal aggregated
Causality Degree on the Field.
Part Two. Hybrid Causal Processes | 51

Any Fundamental Causal Process can get its Causality Degree on the
Ranking Scale only if is becoming a Hybrid Causal Process.
Initially, the Analysis is explaining how the Process’s Causality
Degree is functioning and where is, its place on a Ranking Scale.

 P1 has the Lowest Causality Degree of all four Processes being

characterized by a Low Entropy flow from Cause to the Effect. This
is very normal for a human being or an automatic driver, taking in
consideration the software programs, sensors, images grabbing and
Processing or skills necessary to drive or fully control a Vehicle, to
analyze in Real Time the Highway Environment’s Information, then
all necessary Information and warning signals during the Driving
The Driving Process is a Process part of Driver’s Consciousness no
matter if that is a human being or a robot. If the Information Entropy
is clearly visible in P1, the Energy and Vibration Entropy that run
this kind of Processes is similar to a computer’s functionality
needing clock frequency to move the CPU and energy to supply all
its electronic components.

 P2 is the Causality Degree, next ranked after P1 and represents the

Vehicle with its huge content of technical skills, theoretical and
practical knowledge, experience, experiments, built in tests and
capable to move the Vehicle on a given trajectory. Taken alone, the
Vehicle is not worth much, it has not enough built in Processes, to
drive automatically, to know how to reach the destination and more.
The Entropy as described in P1, is the implemented Process’s
Objective or a ready to drive Vehicle, the Energy and Vibration is all
materials the Vehicle is built of, based on atoms, electrons all of
them spinning with Information, Vibration and Energy.

 P3 – The Highway has a Higher Causality Degree than the P2 – The

Vehicle, being easier to build and test, the entire theoretical and
practical knowledge is of a Higher Causality Degree than the Vehicle’s
Causality Degree as a whole. The Highway alone is worth nothing and
it makes sense to build it, only if there are enough Vehicles to drive on
it and manufacturing Vehicles makes sense only if there are a skilled
drivers to drive and need them.
52 | The Entropic Filed

 P4 is the Velocity as an Synthetic Indicator or Causal Objective

helping the driver to maintain a certain time schedule to reach the
destination, to adapt driver’s style to the Environment (Highway or
Weather Condition, Vehicle’s technical specifications and so on).
Velocity is not just a piece of Information displaying a number, this
number has in its composition beside the Information Entropy (the
Higher the number, the Higher is Velocity Entropy and its Causality
Degree), an Energy that is generating the Engine Power to run a
specific target adapted Velocity and a Vibration that might be the
frequency translated as engine’s or wheels rotation / minute.

Secondly, the Analysis is explaining the Interaction of the Processes

through the Field or the intermediary Entropies and Processes not illustrated
on the Diagram 7 and usually difficult to identify at the first sight.
Causal Processes rarely are directly in Interaction one another
The driver or P1, never can interact directly to P2 or the Vehicle. To
access the Vehicle, he needs to cover through the Field, the distance illustrated
on Diagram 5, between P1 and P2 and that, makes it no matter what, to
Interaction with the Field before any Interaction to P2 is finding place. In our
real world, between P1 and P2 are a series of intermediary running Processes
like P2 between P1 and P3 or P3 between P1and P4 and so on.
The Field is the Process’s Environment in any case, in any Process
Interaction, it acts as a Stock Broker that put together two or more involved
parts to do Interact one another (though the real Stock Broker is also in
Interaction with the Field before anything else is occurring). Here, in this
Example, between P1 and P2 the Field has all the physical characteristics that
makes possible, the Interaction of the two Processes, Synchronously and
Correlated, at the same time in the same place, with the condition to keep
always the Causality in Balance through their Structure Degree.
There is the light, air, gravity and more to make possible all Field’s
Process Interaction, in fact other Processes. As stated before, rarely are two
causal Processes Interacting directly, the Interaction occurring mostly through
Processes of an adjacent Causality Degree that are making the Process’s
Interaction looking and working as a Causal bridge. This Principle is applicable
to the rest of Example illustrated through P1 – P4.


Velocity is an Synthetic Indicator carrying Entropy and having the

role to control some of the Vehicle’s functionality, that can be also
controlled using other measures like Energy, Power, Frequency or even
Part Two. Hybrid Causal Processes | 53

Information, in these situations, all the other possible references must be

correlated accordingly.
Distance between two places can be measured in several ways as long
as the reference is well known, it can be measured in hours or minutes to
reach it, in consumed Energy in form of gasoline, as Information recorded or
processed from the Environment from the departure to the arrival and so on.
All these measures have something in common and that something
allows to draw the bottom line of a common benchmarking where the
Objective’s Causality Degree is the only one Universal Measurement System
in this Universe, referring to a unique scale, with no measurement units where
every Causal Objective, no matter of its aggregation state or origin, is finding
a clear place on the Field’s Ranking Scale as illustrated in this latest Example.

Part Three

Process Causality – Case Study

Part Three. Process Causality – Case Study | 57

How Causality Works?

This Process Causality Study is trying to show on a simple

Numeric Example how the Causality works for a moving Object, the Case
being based on specific Causality Analysis of the Phenomena through, the
entire Process development, from its initiation till the end, when the
Process is reaching its Objective and becomes part of the Field with its
Causality Degree.
Furthermore, the Case Study is going in depth, through all Four
Stages of a Bideterministic – Stochastic Process, trying to find solutions to
yet unsolved issues as the Uncertainty Principle, to find the connection and
functionality for the two Causal Variables, Momentum (M) and Position
(X) of a moving Object, explaining the Process’s Causal Key Indicators as
Synchronicity, Correlation, Optimization and Causal Degree.
The Entropic Bideterministic – Stochastic Process Analytics offers
all necessary computing tools, to eliminate the unknown, making possible
exact and synchronous measurements and analysis of the two un-phased
Causal Variables, always using two simultaneously aggregated
perspectives of the same Process to achieve its Objective with its
associated Causality Degree (CD) as part of the Entropic Field.
Vast majority of all Field’s Processes are basically Stochastic
Processes in interaction with a Bideterministic Process, the latest being
characterized by its capacity to integrate from an Entropic point of view, a
Causal Objective into the Field.
Taking as model a Bideterministic – Stochastic Process with all
Process Stages (Diagram 8), with detailed comments and explanations, the
reader will understand that fundamentally, all Universe’s Processes are
based on the same Causality mechanisms, the approach presented here,
being applicable everywhere for this Hybrid Causal Process category.
58 | The Entropic Filed

Stochastic Bideterministic Bideterministic
M Momentum
Momentum Momentum MCD
Measurement Optimization Implementing
and Correlation
Stage Stage Stage

Stochastic Bideterministic Bideterministic
Position Position Position
Measurement Optimization Implementing
X and Correlation X-CD
Stage Stage Stage

8. Causal Bideterministic – Stochastic Process Diagram

A short description of the Stages, the Study goes through for the
analyzed Process are:

- Measurement Stage is going in measuring details of the un – phased

/ asynchronous and uncorrelated Process Variables measures,
explaining the Causality Phases and how the Causality works for this
Process category.

- Synchronization and Correlation Stage is explaining how the

asynchronous and uncorrelated Process’s Causal Phases can be
measured Synchronous using Process’s Synchronicity Analytics,
giving solution for Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle. Then, the
Correlation Analytics is using Causal String Approach as an essential
element of Causality, explaining its functionality and how the Strings
are Correlating Causality Phases, as function of their length. Finally,
the Correlation Degree of the Causality Phases is emerged as an
expression of the Entropy used in the next Process’s Stage.

- Optimization Stage is explaining and calculating how the Process

Causal Phases are evolving being permanently Optimized and kept
in balance as function of the Cause / Effect or Effect / Cause Ratio.

- Objective Implementing Stage is calculating the Objective’s

Causality Degree as part of the Entropic Field, function of the
Causal Phases and how the aggregation of the two Causal Phases
and the integration of the Objective’s Causality Degree within the
Field, occurs.
Part Three. Process Causality – Case Study | 59

An in-depth Analysis of all Process’s Stages will help the reader to

understand the basic functionality of Causality’s Phases, the relationship
between Cause and Effect and its Analytics, what is the role of Entropy and
how it is being used to explain simple Phenomena that can be particularized
further on other Processes having the same structure.

3.1. Momentum and Position Measurement Stage

There are several measures (Causal Variables), impossible to assess,

simultaneously without adequate Analysis of the Phenomena and its
associated Analytics. One of this pair, is the simultaneous measurement of
Momentum (M) and Position (X) of an Elementary Particle or any other
Object in movement (the couple of variables is known also as the Energy –
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle is revealing a little bit more the
area of Causality when trying to measure simultaneously Momentum and
Position of an Object in movement, not regarding these two measurements
as being Correlated, one measure being determined by the other measure, un
– phased, always changing alternatively Causality.
In this specific case, changing Causality means, that the Position as a
Cause (being in a Cause Phase) is primarily considered as Position State and
subsequently once the Position is determined as a Cause Phase the
Momentum is becoming the Effect Phase, once initiated as a Momentum
Considering M – Momentum and X – Position of a moving Object,
being the Asynchronous measurement values, where M and X couple cannot
be simultaneously assessed. At this time, either M then X can be measured
exactly and vice versa.
M and X cannot be measured simultaneously exactly, because they
are Asynchronous and Uncorrelated as explained previously, they are both
Phases of Process’ s Causality, becoming alternatively Cause and Effect one
Nowadays, when measuring exactly X this is measured as Effect
while the M is the Cause and vice versa, when measuring exactly M as
Effect the X is the Cause.
Always is possible to measure exactly only the Effect Value.

The explanation is using Diagram 9 for a better understanding.

60 | The Entropic Filed

𝑴𝒊 𝑴𝒄 M

𝑿𝒊 M - States

X X - States

𝑿𝑺𝒀 t Time

9. Synchronous Measurement - Time Diagram

The difference between Cause and Effect from an Entropic approach

is given by the flow direction of Entropy.
Position and Effect States are given by a so called Entropic
Causality Equilibrium when the Cause becomes Effect and further on, as
time is increasing, the Effect becomes Cause.
If 𝑬𝑿𝒄 is the Entropy of 𝑿𝒄 Position and 𝑬𝑴𝒄 is the Entropy of
𝑴𝒄 Momentum then:

0 < 𝐸𝑀𝑐 < 50%𝐸𝑋𝑐

𝑴𝒄 is considered as being the Effect and 𝑿𝒄 , 𝟓𝟎%𝑬𝑿𝒄 being the Entropic

Causality Equilibrium where 𝑴𝒄 becomes cause for the next Position State –
X, 𝑿𝒄 State being not considered as Cause any longer in relation to 𝑴𝒄 .
Further on, if:

50%𝐸𝑋𝑐 < 𝐸𝑀𝑐 < 100%𝐸𝑋𝑐

then 𝑴𝒄 is being considered the Cause for the next Position State – X.

The conclusion is, that no matter at what time the Causality Phases
(Effect and Cause or M and X) is measured, one measure is in Cause Phase
and the other one in Effect Phase and only the Effect State is measurable,
having the most Entropy to make the State stable and display the targeted
measured value. It is important to mention here too, that the State become
Cause for next State Effect only if the Entropy level reach 100% otherwise
it is still Effect for the previous Cause State or an Effect State is becoming
Part Three. Process Causality – Case Study | 61

Cause State only if the Entropy transfer from the previous Cause State
Measuring simultaneously the exact value of both M and X is
supposing to find the adjusting Synchronicity Degree (S) for either M or X,
that added to a Cause measure for anyone of M or X, determines the future
value of the Effect for that measure.

3.2. Synchronization and Correlation Stage

First, this Study, applies specific Analytics to make both measures M

and X Synchronous, then for further use as the Process is developing (the
Object is moving), on its trajectory, no matter when measured, the obtained
adjusting Synchronicity Degree can be added to one of the exactly measured
values (M or X in Effect Phase), the obtained result solving the controversy
of Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle.
Both variables M and X have an initial Entropy 𝑀𝑖 and 𝑋𝑖 determined
by the Field’s other Processes, the current Bideterministic - Stochastic
Process having its own Objective Implementing Stage.
The Measurement Stage procedure has in its structure two
possibilities for the exact and simultaneously measuring of M and X. Either
measuring exactly Object’s M – Momentum (M is in Effect Phase), then
calculating X – Position (in Cause Phase) Synchronicity adjusting factor
(X – S) or vice versa calculating the Momentum Synchronicity adjusting
factor (M – S).
Correlating two different Causal Variables is supposedly using the
same measuring Benchmarking, Domain and Analytics, in compliance with
both Variables Causal requirements and with help of the Entropic Field
Approach. where from the Process Phase Correlation will get a better, more
detailed and suggestive explanations. Data input requirements is using the
following information:

 Momentum and Position Domain with a Minimum and Maximum

value of the Current Momentum and Position

 Current measured Momentum and Position Value (the exact one

being in Effect Phase and an approximate value of the other one
being in Cause Phase)
62 | The Entropic Filed

 Granularity or the Pitch size of Momentum and Position Domain.

The granularity of Momentum Domain is always the same as the
granularity of Position Domain, each point of granularity the
Momentum or Position is in a changing state, i.e. changing its value
due to the changing Causality (Momentum is impacting on Position
then Position is impacting on Momentum value and so on, changing
alternatively the Causality Phase). The distribution of Causal States
throughout the Causal Phases is not relevant as there is not relevant
the distance between States of the same Causal Variable’s category.
More States the Process is supposed to go through, the better is its
granularity and consequently the more exact is the measurement,
obtaining a more accurate Synchronicity Degree. On the other side,
more States the Process is going through, the Higher is its Entropy
Flow from Cause to Effect and more complex is the computation of
the Synchronicity Degree. The Entropic Domain’s granularity or the
Pitch size is introduced normally by user taking in consideration the
accuracy of the targeted result but using this analytics the Pitch size
can be optimally determined for the best results.

 Conversion from a physical measure as Position and Energy (Mass

and Velocity as the Momentum is featured) to Entropy is done by
the help of Shannon’s Information Entropy equation where each

 Position and Momentum State where the Causality is changing has

an associated probability converted further to its equivalent Entropy.

𝑴𝑳 𝑴𝑪𝒔 -1 𝑴𝑪𝒔 𝑴𝑯

M - States

𝑿𝑳 𝑿𝑪𝒔 - 1 𝑿𝑪𝒔 𝑿𝑯
X - States

10. Domain Boundaries Diagram

In order to calculate the Synchronicity and Correlation Degree, there

are three steps to be performed, with Diagram 10 as reference
Part Three. Process Causality – Case Study | 63

This Case Study is using a Numeric Example where the Object has
to go through five States of the two Causal Phases and the parameters
describing its movement M and X are chosen accordingly Table 5.
For the Numeric Example, the Results Tables are representing only
the State 5 Causality Study, for the previous States the computation being
the same and the aggregated results for all five States for Structure and
Causality Degree are presented in Table16 to Table 19.

MOM - M State (1-5) State 1 State 2 State 3 State 4 State 5

MOM - M Value 31 7 13 59 73

POS - X State (2-6) 2 3 4 5 6

POS - X Value 11 17 19 23 29

Table 5 – Case Study’s Numeric Example Input Data

3.2.1. Entropic Domain Upper and Lower Boundaries Analytics

The Entropic Domain Upper and Lower Boundaries Calculation is the

most important step when performing Process Analysis in the Entropic Field.
There are three steps to go through and doing the Boundaries
Calculation for M and X in order to achieve the exact and easy to use and
interpret results: Current Entropic Values Analytics

Considering the Causal States for M and X:

- 𝑋𝐶𝑠 – 1 is the Cause State for the Effect State 𝑀𝐶𝑠 – 1 then
- 𝑀𝐶𝑠 – 1 is becoming Cause State for the Effect State 𝑋𝐶𝑠 then
- 𝑋𝐶𝑠 is becoming the Cause State for the Effect State 𝑀𝐶𝑠

all of them are carrying the associated possible probability of M and X State
that may appear in one position or another.
64 | The Entropic Filed

The formulas for Current Entropic Values for 𝑀𝐸𝐶 and 𝑋𝐸𝐶 :

𝑀𝐸𝐶 = 𝑀𝑀𝐸𝐶(𝐶𝑠−1)

𝑀𝐸𝐶 = (𝑀𝑀𝑝𝑖(𝐶𝑠−1) )𝑙𝑛(𝑀𝑀𝑝𝑖(𝐶𝑠−1) )

then symmetrically:

𝑋𝐸𝐶 = 𝑋𝑀𝐸𝐶(𝐶𝑠−1)
𝑋𝐸𝐶 = (𝑋𝑀𝑝𝑖(𝐶𝑠−1) )𝑙𝑛(𝑋𝑀𝑝𝑖(𝐶𝑠−1) )

The conversion from Standard measuring units to Entropy, allows an

easier Analysis with the essence of the Phenomenon and makes unique and
easier to calculate and integrate the obtained result into a real measure that
can be used in every day life.
Here is important to observe that only the previous Entropy of X and M
State is determining the Current Entropic State for both M and X, any previous
Entropic State -1 (minus one State) of M or X is not impacting the next Current
+ 1 (plus one State), X and M State, but through the Current X and M State.
In other words, the Current M Entropy is impacted only by the
previous Maximum States or the potential of M Entropy (the on-going
developing of M through the trajectory).
Conversely, the Current X Entropy is impacted only by the previous
Maximum States or the potential of X Entropy (the on-going developing of
X through the trajectory, the space is also determined by its Entropy).
There is no possibility to calculate directly the Current Entropy only
using the Current State and by default Current Probabilities of either M or X,
because they are always determined by the previous State Entropy of each
of them. It is important to mention here that, there is no residual Entropy
left, and generally there is no residual Entropy at all for example, for
Momentum from a previous State to the Current Momentum State as long as
all previous Momentum State Entropy is transferred to the Position State
and then the Position State is transferring again Entropy to the next or
Current Momentum State.
Total Possible States for M and X is given by:

𝑀𝑇𝑠 = (𝑀𝐻 − 𝑀𝐿 ) /𝑝𝑀

𝑋𝑇𝑠 = (𝑋𝐻 − 𝑋𝐿 ) /𝑝𝑋
Part Three. Process Causality – Case Study | 65

Measure Description Current Values Entropic Values


Current Value - 𝑴𝑪 73,00 1,04E-01

Lower Boundary - 𝑀𝐿 6,00
Upper Boundary - 𝑀𝑈 74,00
Current Value - 𝑿𝑪 29,00 2,30E-01
Lower Boundary - 𝑋𝐿 10,00
Upper Boundary - 𝑋𝑈 30,00

Table 6 – Current Entropic Values Current Minimum and Current Maximum States Analytics

The Numeric Example of this Case Study is working with very high
error margins compared to a real case due to the computational capacity
done by the Excel Spread sheet. This error margin is given when choosing a
very low granularity of the studied trajectory, for both M and X and
subsequently for the low granularity of Integration Domain where M and X
is being reconstructed consequently, the Synchronicity Degree calculated.

Measure Description Current Values

Pitch Value - 𝑝𝑀 1,00
Max Possible States - 𝑀𝑀(𝐶𝑠) 1
Min Possible States - 𝑀𝑚(𝐶𝑠) 67
Total Possible States - 𝑴𝑻𝒔 68
Pitch Value - 𝑝𝑋 1,00
Max Possible States - 𝑋𝑀(𝐶𝑠) 1
Min Possible States - 𝑋𝑚(𝐶𝑠) 19
Total Possible States - 𝑿𝑻𝒔 20

Table 7 – Current Minimum and Current Maximum States

66 | The Entropic Filed

 The Minimum States number reported to Domain’s Minimum Range

Value for both M and X is given by:
𝑀𝑚(𝐶𝑠−1) = ((𝑀𝐶 − 𝑀𝐿 )/𝑝𝑀 ) − 1

𝑋𝑚(𝐶𝑠−1) = ((𝑋𝐶 − 𝑋𝐿 )/𝑝𝑋 ) − 1

 The Maximum States number reported to Domain’s Maximum

Range Value for both M and X is given by:
𝑀𝑀(𝐶𝑠+1) = (𝑀𝐻 − 𝑀𝐶 )/𝑝𝑀 + 1

𝑋𝑀(𝐶𝑠+1) = (𝑋𝐻 − 𝑋𝐶 )/𝑝𝑋 + 1

 The Probability mpi for Minimum Number of States reported to the

Domain’s Minimum Range Value for both M and X is given by:
𝑀𝑚𝑝𝑖(𝐶𝑠−1) = 𝑀𝑚(𝐶𝑠−1) /𝑀𝑇𝑠

𝑋𝑚𝑝𝑖(𝐶𝑠−1) = 𝑋𝑚(𝐶𝑠−1) /𝑀𝑇𝑠

 The Probability Mpi for Maximum Number of States reported to the

Domain’s Maximum Range Value for both M and X is given by:
𝑀𝑀𝑝𝑖(𝐶𝑠+1) = 𝑀𝑀(𝐶𝑠+1) /𝑀𝑇𝑠

𝑋𝑀𝑝𝑖(𝐶𝑠+1) = 𝑋𝑀(𝐶𝑠+1) /𝑋𝑇𝑠

Measure Description Current - 1 States Pi -Probability

Values Current + 1 States
MOM - M 𝑴𝑴𝒑𝒊(𝑪𝒔+𝟏)
Pitch Value - 𝑝𝑀 1,00 0,03
Max Possible States - 𝑀𝑀𝑝𝑖(𝐶𝑠+1) 2
Min Possible States - 𝑀𝑚𝑝𝑖(𝐶𝑠−1) 66
Total Possible States - 𝑴𝑻𝒔 68
POS - X 𝑿𝑴𝒑𝒊(𝑪𝒔+𝟏)
Pitch Value - 𝑝𝑋 1 0,10
Max Possible States - 𝑋𝑀𝑝𝑖(𝐶𝑠+1) 2
Min Possible States - 𝑋𝑚𝑝𝑖(𝐶𝑠−1) 18
Total Possible States - 𝑿𝑻𝒔 20

Table 8 – Probabilities for Minimum and Maximum States

Part Three. Process Causality – Case Study | 67

M&X Momentum
Current Lower Current Upper
Boundaries Boundaries
Value Value

M+ 1 MLB MUB - 1

M+2 MUB Position

Current Upper
X+1 Value


11. MX Entropic Domain Upper and Lower Boundaries Diagram Entropic Domain Upper and Lower Boundaries Analytics

To transform further, the Entropic measures in real values, the Entropic

Domain must be defined exactly and with the highest possible granularity.
Defining the Entropic Domain’s Lower and Upper Boundaries
implies an exact definition of the Lowest and Highest Possible State for
each measure, M and X and the condition that are determining them.
Diagram 11 is taking in account that the Current State Value of a
measure is always determined by the previous Value of that measure and the
other Correlated measure.
There is only one Possible State for each one M and X when
calculating the Entropic Domain’s Lower and Upper Boundaries (totally
four values), the aggregated Entropy of both M and X being developed into a
unique Entropic Domain through all Process’s duration.
The determination of the exact number of Total States between Lower
and Upper M and X is determined by the location of the Integration Domain’s
Boundaries, taking in consideration the most common sense criteria as:

- Both the Lower and Upper Momentum State within the Domain is
determined only by the previous Possible Position State, for the
Lower Boundaries being also the limit of the Position Domain

- The Lower Boundary cannot override the Upper Boundary and vice
versa for both X and M, otherwise there is no object movement, no
M and no X.
68 | The Entropic Filed

- Always the Lower and Upper Allowed Domain’s range for both
Causal Variables must be 1 pitch / unit (no more no less) more than
the maximum and minimum values of the two Causal Variables in
order to achieve the precise results for the Causal Indicators used
further to describe Causal Phases functionality and for a more
accurate Order Degree value.

A method to obtain Maximum possible States for Lower and Upper

Boundaries for both M and X, following Diagram 11 is given by
(𝑀𝑇𝑠 already calculated):

𝑀𝐿𝐵 = 𝑀𝑇𝑠 − 3

𝑋𝐿𝐵 = 𝑋𝑇𝑠 − 2


𝑋𝐻𝐵 = 𝑋𝑇𝑠 − 1

Used Analytics performs some steps to calculate the Boundaries of

the Entropic Domain for both M and X.
The Entropic Domain Lower and Upper Boundaries for M and X is
given by:


𝑀𝐿 = −(𝑀𝑝𝑖(𝐿𝐵) ) 𝑙𝑛(𝑀𝑝𝑖(𝐿𝐵) )

𝑋𝐿 = −(𝑋𝑝𝑖(𝐿𝐵) ) 𝑙𝑛(𝑋𝑝𝑖(𝐿𝐵) )

then, symmetrically using the Information Theory formula:

𝑀𝐻 = −(𝑀𝑝𝑖(𝐻𝐵) ) 𝑙𝑛(𝑀𝑝𝑖(𝐻𝐵) )

𝑋𝐻 = −(𝑋𝑝𝑖(𝐻𝐵) ) 𝑙𝑛(𝑋𝑝𝑖(𝐻𝐵) )
Part Three. Process Causality – Case Study | 69

The word “Measure” as it is used in the context of this Case Study is

equivalent and replacing “Causal Variable” and vice versa.

Measure Description Current Entropic

Values Current Values
MOM Lower Boundary - 𝑀𝐿 6,00
POS Low Boundary - 𝑋𝐿 10,00
Domain Lower Boundary - 𝑴𝑿𝑳 1,03E-02
MOM - M Upper Boundary - 𝑀𝐻 74,00
POS - X Upper Boundary - 𝑋𝐻 30,00
Domain Upper Boundary - 𝑴𝑿𝑯 9,62E-03

Table 9 - Domain's Lower and Upper Boundaries Calculation

Where pi, the probability for each State, both Lower and Upper M and X
is given by:

𝑀𝑝𝑖(𝐿𝐵) = 1/𝑀𝐿𝐵

𝑋𝑝𝑖(𝐿𝐵) = 1/𝑋𝐿𝐵

𝑀𝑝𝑖(𝐻𝐵) = 1/𝑀𝐻𝐵

𝑋𝑝𝑖(𝐻𝐵) = 1/𝑋𝐻𝐵

Measure Description Current Pi -Probability Pi -Probability

Lower Boundary Upper Boundary
States States
MOM- M 𝑴𝒑𝒊(𝑳𝑩) 𝑴𝒑𝒊(𝑯𝑩)
Pitch Value - 𝑝𝑀 1,00 0,0154 0,0147
Possible States 1 1
Total Possible States - 𝑀𝐿𝐵 & 𝑀𝐻𝐵 65 68
POS - X 𝑿𝒑𝒊(𝑳𝑩) ) 𝑿𝒑𝒊(𝑯𝑩)
Pitch Value - 𝑝𝑋 1,00 0,0556 0,0526
Possible States 1 1
Total Possible States - 𝑋𝐿𝐵 & 𝑋𝐻𝐵 18 19

Table 10 - Domain's Lower and Upper Boundaries Possible States Probabilities

70 | The Entropic Filed

3.2.2. Synchronicity Degree Analytics

Calculus of Synchronicity Degree for both M and X uses Gamma

Function, the result being added to that measure, that cannot be exactly and
synchronously determined, making M and X Synchronous and exactly
measured. M and X Synchronicity Degree is determined accordingly
Diagram 9.
Synchronicity Degree at time (t) is calculated relative to the
measured 𝑋𝑐 State for Position (𝑋𝑆 ) or 𝑀𝑐 State for Momentum (𝑀𝑆 ) when
either 𝑋𝑐 or 𝑀𝑐 are going through a Cause Phase, the arrow – segments
representing the exact and Synchronous values of either M(t) or X(t).
Momentum Synchronicity Degree 𝑀𝑆 is represented by the area
bordered by the M Phase - 𝑀𝑐 State and the time - (t) and is depending of
the Momentum Current Entropic Values 𝑀𝐸𝐶 and for:
𝑀𝑆 = ∫ 𝑥 (𝑀𝐸𝐶 −1) 𝑒 −𝑥 𝑑𝑥

Position Synchronicity Degree 𝑋𝑆 is represented by the area

bordered by the X Phase - 𝑋𝑐 State and the time (t) and is depending of the
Position Current Entropic Values 𝑋𝐸𝐶 and for:
𝑋𝑆 = ∫ 𝑥 (𝑋𝐸𝐶 −1) 𝑒 −𝑥 𝑑𝑥

The numeric result when 𝑀𝑐 and 𝑋𝑐 is either Cause or Effect is given


𝑴𝒄 - Cause, 𝑿𝒄 – Effect: Momentum Synchronicity Degree - 𝑴𝑺𝒀 0,0403

𝑴𝒄 - Effect, 𝑿𝒄 – Cause: Position Synchronicity Degree - 𝑿𝑺𝒀 0,0227

Table 11 – MX Synchronicity Degree

The exact and synchronous values of either M - 𝑀𝑋(𝑡) or X - 𝑋𝑀(𝑡) is

obtained through one of the two measurements:

- measuring exactly 𝑀𝐶 then calculating 𝑋𝑀(𝑡) or

- measuring exactly 𝑋𝐶 then calculating 𝑀𝑋(𝑡)

Part Three. Process Causality – Case Study | 71

using the next relations:

𝑀𝑋(𝑡) = 𝑀𝑆𝑌 + 𝑀𝐶

when 𝑀𝑐 – Cause and 𝑋𝑐 – Effect, or:

𝑋𝑀(𝑡) = 𝑋𝑆𝑌 + 𝑋𝐶

when 𝑀𝑐 – Effect and 𝑋𝑐 – Cause

Measure Description Momentum - 𝑴𝑺𝒀 Position - 𝑿𝑺𝒀

Synchronicity Degree 0,0403 0,0227
Measured Current Values 𝑀𝐶 𝑜𝑟 𝑋𝐶 0,1037 0,2303
SYNCHRONOUS VALUES 𝑀𝑋(𝑡) 𝒐𝒓 𝑋𝑀(𝑡) 0,1440 0,2530

Table 12 – MX Synchronicity Results

3.2.3. Correlation Degree Analytics

Some conclusions regarding the Synchronicity Degree are

concentrating on the Structure Analysis of the area delimited by the
Synchronicity Degree and the Causal Connection or Causal String between
M and X in any of their Causal Phase, however an Entropic String Approach
being ready to explain how the Correlation Degree works and transfers
Causality from Cause to Effect.

 Synchronicity Degree is an area bordered by Gamma Function and is

considered as an adjusting factor for either M or X, when being in a
Cause Phase, then showing the deterministic value of a future Effect
Phase at time - (t). Generally, the link between X and M then M and
X (between Cause and Effect – MX or XM String) is a Causal String
where the Cause is transferred each time to Effect or the Entropy
from Cause Phase is flowing to the Effect Phase. Any Causal String
is a Vibrational String, the Entropy being transferred from Cause to
Effect. Once the Momentum State is initiated the existing Position
State begin to transfer its Entropy to it, the Position State being
Cause for the Momentum State. Next, the Momentum State become
Cause and start transferring its Entropy to next Position State as it is
becoming the Effect. Again and repeatedly, there is no Position
without Momentum and vice versa.
72 | The Entropic Filed

 The Entropic Field is a Space – Energy Field in its essence, having

in its structure Entropic Interactions represented by Energy and
Space Strings interrelating Causally one another.
Due to above conclusions, the Analytics of Entropic String Theory
can be assumed to develop the next equations for Momentum and
Position String Length.

The Momentum String Length 𝑀𝑆𝐿(𝑋𝑀) is described by:

(𝑀𝐸𝐶 −1) −𝑥𝑀 (𝑀𝐸𝐶 −1) −𝑥𝑀

𝑀𝑆𝐿(𝑋𝑀) = (𝑥𝑀 𝑒 )(𝐻𝐵) − (𝑥𝑀 𝑒 )(𝐿𝐵)

Then, the Position String Length 𝑋𝑆𝐿(𝑥𝑋) is described by:

(𝑋𝐸𝐶 −1) −𝑥𝑋 (𝑋𝐸𝐶 −1) −𝑥𝑋

𝑋𝑆𝐿(𝑥𝑋) = (𝑥𝑋 𝑒 ) (𝐻𝐵) − (𝑥𝑋 𝑒 ) (𝐿𝐵)

(HB) and (LB) being the Upper and Lower Entropic Domain,
Boundaries Values.

Using the already calculated values for 𝑀𝐸𝐶 and 𝑋𝐸𝐶 results are:

Momentum String Length - 𝑀𝑆𝐿 3,4358

Position String Length - 𝑋𝑆𝐿 1,6640

Table 13 – MX Correlation Degree

Both lengths expressed Momentum and Position.

The Correlation Degree is the relation between the Cause and Effect
being at the same time a function of Mass – Energy. The Higher is the
Correlation Degree between Cause and Effect the Higher is the Entropy
transferred from Cause to Effect.
In conclusion the Correlation Degree for Momentum in Cause State
and the Position in Effect State is given by:


then the Correlation Degree for Position in Cause State and the Momentum
in Effect State is given by:
Part Three. Process Causality – Case Study | 73

The Higher is the Correlation Degree, the Higher is the Cause – Effect
Phase, Entropic transfer. Correlation Degree is represented by the Causal String
that is quantifying the Causality as an Entropy transfer from Cause to Effect
where the Entropy is expressed as Mass – Energy, Vibration and Information.

3.3. Optimization Stage

The Optimization Stage has the role to find the Optimum Correlation
between Cause Phase and Effect Phase with impact for any changes in
Process’s Causality Phases or in the Correlation Degree.
As a function of a Causal Interaction, the Cause Optimization
Degree 𝑂𝐶 is calculating the equilibrium between M Cause and X Effect
Phase using the Correlation Degree 𝑌𝑀𝑋 and 𝑌𝑋𝑀 Analytics:


For the Numeric Example of Stage 5, the result is given by:

Cause Phase Optimization Degree − 𝑶𝑪 7,0943

Table 14 – Cause Optimization Degree

In the same way, as a function of a Causal Interaction, the Effect

Optimization Degree 𝑂𝐸 is calculating the equilibrium between X Cause and
M Effect Phase using the Correlation Degree 𝑌𝑋𝑀 and 𝑌𝑀𝑋 Analytics:


For the Numeric Example, the result is given by:

Effect Phase Optimization Degree − 𝑶𝑬 0,8059

Table 15 – Effect Optimization Degree

There are two interpretations for the Entropy represented by the

Optimization Degree, a Causal and a Physical one.
The Optimization Degree obtained in this case, shows, from a
Causal point of view, how close the Cause String Correlations is to generate
the next Process’s Effect State as function of the Cause – Effect Entropic
transfer with other interfering Processes or from a Physical point of view, in
74 | The Entropic Filed

what extent the Entropic Causality Equilibrium of Process’s Causal State, is

reached and the Entropic flow between Cause and Effect is realized.
On the other side, the Higher is the value of the Optimization
Degree, then more Causal States will occur during the Process Optimization
Stage, and subsequently the Lower is the value of the Optimization Degree
then fewer Causal States will occur throughout the Optimization Stage.
Once the Causal Optimization Degree is calculated, the aggregated
Structure Degree for all Five Causal States are given by Table 16 and Table
17 using:

Causal State Oc Oe Structure Value

State 1 0,247 30,561 -36,0975
State 2 25,315 0,3599 -30,0864
State 3 13,8457 0,2941 -13,0965
State 4 1,0147 0,6315 -0,0043
State 5 7,0943 0,8059 -2,4173
Table 16 – MX States Structure Degree

Based on the equation given by:

𝑆𝐷𝐴 = (𝑂𝐶 𝑙𝑛𝑂𝐶 )(𝑂𝐸 𝑙𝑛𝑂𝐸 )

where the aggregated Structure Degree is the sum of each single Causal
State Structure Degree:

MX Aggregated Structure Degree − 𝑺𝑫𝑨 - 81,7020

Table 17 – MX Aggregated Structure Degree

The interpretation of the Structure Degree in this context is linked to

the fact that an Entropy Value of -81,702 was transferred from Cause to
Effect during MX Process Implementing from the Initiation till the end.
Minus sign, is expressing the idea that the Process, has an Effect
Entropy, was interrupted by other Process (hit a wall) and the flow from the last
Effect State flew back to the previous Cause State that caused the interaction or
impact with the other Process. For an Object with a very long trajectory where
M decreased constantly on all X trajectory, the value could be much smaller.
For all Causal Processes, SD will always express the Causal
Entropy, as a negative value when featuring an Effect and a positive value
when featuring a Cause.
Part Three. Process Causality – Case Study | 75

3.4. Objective Implementing Stage

As any other of previous Process’s Stages, the Objective

Implementing Stage has the role of finalizing the Process as soon as the
proposed Objective is achieved through the Calculation of its Causality
Degree, as part of the Field.
Associated to any achieved Objective, the aggregated Causality
Degree, has in its structure the Expected Result or the Effect and the
Unexpected Result or Cause, the Objective containing all Algorithms, the
Process went through all its previous Stages.
Any Objective, once implemented has its own Causality Degree acting
as an ID on the Causality Degree Ranking Scale as explained in Part Two.
If 𝑌𝐶 is the Cause Phase Correlation Degree and 𝑌𝐸 is the Effect
Phase Correlation Degree then the Process Objective’s aggregated Phases
Causality Degree 𝐶𝐷𝐴 is given by:

𝐶𝐷𝐴 = (𝑌𝑋𝑀 𝑙𝑛𝑌𝑋𝑀 )(𝑌𝑀𝑋 𝑙𝑛𝑌𝑀𝑋 )

The Higher is Implemented Objective’s, Causality Degree, the

Higher is its Aggregated Entropy flow between the Causal Phases and the
Lower is the Causality Degree, the Lower is the Aggregated Entropy Flow
between the Causal Phases.
The Objective Implementing Stage is a sum of each State Causality,
the Implemented Objective’s Entropic Causality being given as sum of each
State Information Entropy.
For the Numeric Example, for all Fives Causal States the result is
given by Table 18:

Causal State Yc Ye Causal Value

State 1 1,2306 6,1327 2,8401
State 2 6,1327 1,4857 6,5419
State 3 3,8346 1,062 0,3293
State 4 0,8663 0,7397 0,0277
State 5 3,4358 1,664 3,5933

Table 18 – MX States Causal Degree

76 | The Entropic Filed

For the aggregated Causality the sum of all Five States Causal
Values is given by Table 19.

MX Aggregated Causality Degree 𝐶𝐷𝐴 9,7390

Table 19 – MX Aggregated Causality Degree

The interpretation of this result is based on parameters described in

Table 5, when the trajectory is finished and there are no more positions to
go and all residual Momentum produced by the travelling Object, is
generating a Causal Degree Entropy of 9,7390 being at the same time the
Causal Representation of the Process within the Entropic Field always
represented as a positive number.
Causality Degree is always an Effect of an Implemented Objective
and it can be regarded as being a Cause for another Process when
accordingly the Causality Laws presented in previous paragraphs.
While the Structure Degree is a Quantitative Indicator showing the
quantity of Entropy exchanged by the Causal Objective with the Field, the
Causal Degree is a pure Qualitative Indicator showing the Evolution Stage
and where in the Ten Entropic Dimension the Causal Objective is situated.
Bibliography | 77


1. Vlatko Vedral Decoding Reality: The Universe as Quantum

Copyright (2010) by Oxford University Press.

2. Maurizio Gasperini The Universe Before the Big Bang –

Cosmology and String Theory
Copyright (2008) by Springer

3. Brian Greene The Hidden Reality Parallel Universes and the

Deep Laws of the Cosmos
Copyright (2004) by Brian R. Greene

4. Michio Kaku Hyperspace – a scientific odyssey through

parallel universes, time warps, and the tenth
Copyright (1994) by Oxford University Press

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