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A guide to FRPO commands and default settings on Kyocera Mita printers

Permanent Parameters


FRPO COMMANDS ................................................................................................................................. 2

FORMAT ............................................................................................................................................ 2
PARAMETERS ..................................................................................................................................... 2
FUNCTION .......................................................................................................................................... 2
EXAMPLE ........................................................................................................................................... 2
FRPO ALPHABETICAL LIST................................................................................................................ 3

FRPO PARAMETERS AND VALUES BY GROUP ............................................................................. 4

PRINTER SETUP.................................................................................................................................. 4
PAGE SETUP ...................................................................................................................................... 5
PAPER FEED / STACK OPTIONS .......................................................................................................... 7
EMULATION ....................................................................................................................................... 8
FONT ................................................................................................................................................. 9
USER MARGINS ................................................................................................................................. 9
HARD MARGINS .............................................................................................................................. 10
INTERFACE SETUP ........................................................................................................................... 10
PARALLEL ....................................................................................................................................... 10
SERIAL............................................................................................................................................. 11
COLOR ............................................................................................................................................. 11
FRPO PARAMETERS IN DETAIL ...................................................................................................... 12
L1 - L8 HARD MARGINS .............................................................................................................. 12
M3 - M7 BUFFER SIZE ................................................................................................................. 14
N9 PCL RESOURCE PROTECTION ................................................................................................ 15
O0 PARALLEL PORT SPEED.......................................................................................................... 15
R1 AUTO CASSETTE .................................................................................................................... 15
R5 RASTER MEMORY - PAGE PROTECTION .................................................................................. 16
S6 RAM DISK SIZE ...................................................................................................................... 16
S7 RAM DISK MODE.................................................................................................................... 16
T7 TONER MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................................... 17
T9 PAPER TYPE ........................................................................................................................... 17
U6 & U7 SYMBOL SETS ............................................................................................................... 17
X0 – X7 PAPER TYPE SETTING .................................................................................................... 18
X9 PCL PAPER SOURCE .............................................................................................................. 19
Y0 AUTO CONTINUE TIMER ........................................................................................................ 19
OTHER COMMANDS............................................................................................................................ 20
ELOG EVENT LOG ...................................................................................................................... 20
FPLC FRONT PANEL LOCK .......................................................................................................... 20
FRPO INIT INITIALIZE ................................................................................................................ 20
PFRE PAPER FEEDER CALIBRATION............................................................................................ 20
STAT STATUS SHEET .................................................................................................................. 21
TATR TRAY ATTRIBUTE ............................................................................................................. 21
TNRE TONER INSTALL ................................................................................................................ 21
REFERENCES......................................................................................................................................... 22

FRPO Manual 2nd October, 2003 Page 1

Permanent Parameters

FRPO Commands
FPRO is a PRESCRIBE command that is used to change the fixed parameters or default values on the printer.
These parameters are stored in non-volatile memory in the printer and are remembered even when the printer
has been powered off.
Some FRPO parameters affect only the current interface (Interface-dependent) and some affect all interfaces at
once (Interface-independent). If the printer is shared with other users, remember that any changes to any
Interface-independent parameters will also affect the print jobs of other users.
The FRPO parameters are listed on the printer’s Status Page, which can be accessed through the printer’s
control panel. Newer models have FRPO parameters listed on the Service Status Page.

Before changing any firmware parameters, first print a

Service Status page. This can be used as a reference
for the printer’s original settings.

Format Parameter Value

FRPO parameter, value;

parameter Parameter stored in permanent memory (as it appears on the status page)
value New parameter value

Each parameter is identified by a code consisting of a letter followed by a digit, such as P1 shown above.
The FRPO command should be used only when it is necessary to change a parameter permanently. It should not
be used for temporary changes in the middle of a printing job.
Changes made with FRPO commands can be reset to the factory-set values by the FRPO INIT command. Note
that the RES command does not reset those changes made with the FRPO command.
These default settings can also be over-ridden by further commands from software and drivers. For example the
default emulation set by FRPO P1 shown below can be over-ridden by the SEM (set emulation) command.

!R! FRPO P1,5; EXIT;
The above line when sent to the printer will set the power up emulation (P1) to Epson LQ(05).
To send the command from a DOS prompt via the parallel port the command line would be:
Multiple FRPO commands can be placed in the same line:

FRPO Manual 2nd October, 2003 Page 2

Permanent Parameters

FRPO Alphabetical List

A1 / A2 Top user margin Page 9 P1 Default Emulation Page 8
A3 / A4 Left user margin Page 9 P2 CR action Page 8
A5 / A6 Page length user Page 9 P3 LF action Page 8
A7 / A8 Page width user Page 9 P4 AES – Auto Emulation Page 8
B0 Compressed download fonts Page 8 P5 Alternative emulation Page 8
B8 Pattern resolution Page 4 P7 AES option 1 Page 8
C0 Copy count Page 4 P8 AES option 2 Page 8
C1 Page orientation Page 5 P9 Command character Page 4
C2 Default font number Page 8 R0 Default stacker Page 7
C3 Default font number Page 8 R1 Auto cassette Page 7
C5 Default font number Page 8 R2 Default paper size Page 5
C8 PCL font switch Page 8 R3 HP margin lock Page 9
C9 Option font (FR-1) Page 8 R4 Default cassette Page 7
D0 Serial I/O control Page 10 R5 Raster memory size Page 4
D1 Full page print Page 9 R6 Parallel line control Page 10
D2 Buzzer mode Page 4 R7 Manual paper size Page 5
D3 Paper size error Page 5 R8 Daisy wheel data length Page 8
D4 Print density Page 4 R9 Universal paper size Page 5
D5 Service page print Page 4 S0 Multi-tray mode Page 7
D6 Paper jam recovery Page 4 S1 Sorter mode Page 7
G0 KCGL option Page 8 S2 Sorter message mode Page 7
G1 – G8 KCGL pen width Page 8 S3 Sorter tray capacity Page 7
H0 Buffer size rate hard disk Page 10 S4 A4 / Letter size override Page 5
H1 Baud rate Page 10 S5 Buffer size rate Page 10
H2 Data bits Page 10 S6 RAM disk size Page 4
H3 Stop bits Page 10 S7 RAM disk mode Page 4
H4 Parity Page 10 S8 Job separator (Jog) Page 7
H5 Protocol logic serial Page 11 S9 Serial barcode mode Page 11
H6 XOFF Buffer nearly full Page 11 T0 Auto manual feed Page 7
H7 XON Buffer nearly empty Page 11 T1 Tray 1 paper size Page 5
H8 Buffer size Page 10 T2 Tray 2 paper size Page 5
H9 Form feed timeout Page 4 T3 “Others” paper size Page 5
I0 Memory card partition Page 4 T6 Wide A4 Page 5
I1 Event log Page 4 T7 Toner Management Page 4
I4 Halftone Table Page 4 T8 MP Tray direction Page 5
I5 Sleep timer On/Off Page 4 T9 Paper Type Page 5
I7 End-of-job (Option 2) Page 10 U0 / U1 Lines per inch Page 9
I8 End-of-job (Option 1) Page 10 U2 / U3 Characters per inch Page 9
J0 Reduce / enlarge rate Page 5 U5 Status page print Page 5
J2 I/F release time-out Page 10 U6 Country Page 9
J9 KCGL enlarge rate Page 8 U7 Code set – Daisywheel Page 9
L1 / L2 Top hard margin Page 9 U8 / U9 Default scalable font pitch Page 9
L3 / L4 Left hard margin Page 9 V0 Scalable font point size Page 9
L5 / L6 Bottom hard margin Page 9 V1 Scalable font point size Page 9
L7 / L8 Right hard margin Page 9 V2 Scalable font point size Page 9
M1 Status send control Page 10 V3 Scalable font name Page 9
M2 Default Interface Page 10 V9 Courier style Page 9
M3 Buffer size option Page 10 W0 MP Tray media FS-5800c Page 5
M4 Buffer size (1) Page 10 W1 Color Mode Page 11
M5 Buffer size (2) Page 10 W2 Print quality FS-5800c Page 11
M6 Buffer size (3) Page 10 W3 Vivid Mode Page 11
M7 Buffer size (4) Page 10 W4 RGB simulation Page 11
N0 KIR mode Page 4 W5 Ink simulation Page 11
N4 Duplex mode Page 7 X0 Paper type - MP tray Page 6
N5 Sleep Timer Page 4 X1 – X6 Paper type – cass 1 to 6 Page 6
N6 Ecoprint mode Page 4 X7 Paper type setting EF-1 Page 6
N7 Duplex feed mode Page 7 X8 MP Tray size error Page 6
N8 Resolution Page 4 X9 PCL paper source Page 6
N9 PCL resource protection Page 4 Y0 Auto Continue Mode Page 5
O0 Interface mode Page 10 Y1 Auto Continue Timer Value Page 5
O1 Parallel ACK position Page 10 Y2 On Demand Heater Page 5
O2 Line control in high-speed Page 10 Y3 Finisher Error Message Page 5
P0 LCD message language Page 4

FRPO Manual 2nd October, 2003 Page 3

Permanent Parameters

FRPO Parameters and values by group

As this document covers the complete range of Kyocera printers, some parameters listed here may not
be available, and some default values may be different due to firmware versions or model variations.
Many of these parameters can also be changed through the printer’s control panel as shown in the tables.

Some of the parameters listed below are described in more detail in the following references:
*1 PRESCRIBE IIe Technical Reference, Chapter 6, which can be found on any Document Library CD.
*2 Page reference found in this manual.

Printer Setup
Parameter Value Factory Reference Front panel
Default pattern B8 0: 300 dpi 0 Y
Resolution 1: 600 dpi
3: 1200 dpi
Copy count C0 Number of copies to print 1 - 999 1 Y
Buzzer mode D2 0: Off 1 Y
1: On
Print density D4 Value from 1 (light) to 5 (dark) 3 *2 Page 18 Y
Not used where Media Type is available
Service page print D5 0: Not printed 0
after toner out 1: Printed automatically
Paper jam recovery D6 0: Normal – page is reprinted 0
4: Page not reprinted after paper jam
Form feed timeout H9 In 5 second blocks 0 – 99 6 Y
Memory card I0 Partition name on IC card or hard drive - *1 6 - 6
partition name read automatically on power up.
Event log I1 0: Only available by “ELOG” command 0 *2 Page 20
1: Available from front panel
Halftone Table I4 0: Use Existing Halftone table 7
(FS-9100/9500) 7: Use Modified Halftone table
Default is 7 for f/w 72.10 and above
Sleep Timer I5 0: Off 1 Y
(FS-1800/3800) 1: On
KIR mode N0 0: Off 2 Y
(Off / On only on 1: Light
some models) 2: Medium or On
3: Dark
Sleep Timer N5 Value in units of 5 minutes 6 Y
0 – 24 (0 to 120 minutes)
Ecoprint mode N6 0: Off 0 Y
(Off / On only on 1: Light
some models) 2: Medium or On
3: Dark
Resolution N8 0: 300 dpi 1 Y
1: 600 dpi
3: 1200 dpi
PCL resource N9 0: Off 0 *2 Page 15 Y
protection 1: Protects permanent PCL
2: Protects permanent and temporary PCL
LCD message P0 0: English 0 Y
language 1: French
2: German
3: Danish
4: Swedish
5: Italian
6: Spanish
Command recognition P9 ASCII code 33 to 99 82
character (R)
Raster memory size R5 1: 129 kb 1 – 3: Auto 1 *2 Page 16
2: 256 kb 4 – 7: On
3: 512 kb
4: A4 / Letter
5: Legal
6: Duplex A4 / Letter
7: Duplex Legal

FRPO Manual 2nd October, 2003 Page 4

Permanent Parameters
RAM disk size S6 1 to 99 Mb 12 *2 Page 16 Y
RAM disk mode S7 0: Disable 0 *2 Page 16 Y
1: Enable
Toner Management T7 0: Off 0 *2 Page 17
2: On for very low density printing

Status page print at U5 0: Not printed 0

power-up 1: Printed automatically
Auto Continue Mode Y0 0: Off 1 *2 Page 19 Y
1: On
Auto Continue Timer Y1 0 to 99 seconds 0 *2 Page 19 Y
On Demand Heater Y2 0: Display to READY – Heater off 0
1: Display to READY – Heater on
Finisher Error Y3 0: Display Error Warning Message only 0 Y
Message 2: Stop when out of Staples
(FS-9100/9500) 4: Stop when Punch Waste is full
6: Stop when out of Staples or Punch
Trash is full

Page Setup
Parameter Value Factory Reference Front panel
Page orientation C1 0: Portrait 0 Y
1: Landscape
Paper size error D3 0: Off 0
1: On (Not with Media Type X8)
Reduce / enlarge rate J0 0: 100% 0 Y
(A3 models only) 4: 61% A3 to B5
5: 70% A3 to A4
6: 81% B4 to A4
7: 86% A3 to B4 A4 to B5
8: 94% A4 to letter
9: 98%
20: 115% B5 to A4 B4 to A3
21: 122% A4 to B4
22: 141% B5 to B4 A4 to A3
23: 163% B5 to A3
Default paper size R2 0: Size of default cassette (See R4) 0
1: Monarch (37/8 “ x 7½”)
2: Business (41/8” x 9½”)
3: International DL (11 × 22cm)
4: International C5 (16.2 × 22.9cm)
5: Executive (7¼” x 10½”)
6: Letter (8½” x 11”)
7: Legal (8½” x 14”)
8: A4 (21 × 29.7 cm)
9: B5 (18.2 × 25.7 cm)
10: A3 (29.7 × 42 cm)
11: B4 (25.7 × 36.4 cm)
12: Ledger (11 × 17”)
13: A5 (14.8 × 21 cm)
14: A6 (10.5 × 4.8 cm)
15: B6 (12.85 × 18.2 cm)
16: Commercial 9 (37/8” × 87/8”)
17: Commercial 6-3/4 (35/8”× 6½”)
18: International B5 (17.6 × 25 cm)
19: Custom
30: C4
31: Hagaki
32: Ofuku-Hagaki
Manual paper size R7 Same as R2 except 0: 8 Y
0: Maximum paper size
Universal paper size R9 Same as R2 except 0: 0 Y
0: A4
A4 / Letter size S4 0: Off 0 Y
override 1: On
Tray 1 paper size T1 Internal Cassette 8
(FS-600/680/800) Same as R2

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Permanent Parameters
Tray 2 paper size T2 Option Cassette 8
(FS-600/680/800) Same as R2
“Others” paper size T3 0: A5 0
(FS-600/680/800) 1: B5
Wide A4 T6 0: Normal 0 Y
1: 8” page width (PCL and LQ modes)
MP Tray direction T8 0: Lengthwise 1
(FS-7000/+/9000) 1: Widthwise
Paper Type T9 0: Normal 0 *2 Page17 Y
(Excluding printers 1: Thick
with Media Type) 2: Thin (FS-6700 only)
3: Extra Thick (FS-6700 only)
MP Tray media W0 0: Normal 0 Y
FS-5800c 1: Transparency
2: Label
Paper type setting X0 1: Plain 8 *2 Page 18 Y
MP tray 2: Transparency
(PCL6 printers) 3: Pre-printed
4: Label
5: Bond
6: Recycle
7: Vellum
8: Rough
9: Letterhead
10: Color
11: Pre-punched
12: Envelope
13: Cardstock
21: Custom1
22: Custom2
23: Custom3
24: Custom4
25: Custom5
26: Custom6
27: Custom7
28: Custom8
Paper type setting X1 – X6 1: Plain 1 *2 Page 18 Y
Paper cassettes 1 to 6 3: Pre-printed
(PCL6 printers) 5: Bond
6: Recycle
8: Rough
9: Letterhead
10: Color
11: Pre-punched
21: Custom1
22: Custom2
23: Custom3
24: Custom4
25: Custom5
26: Custom6
27: Custom7
28: Custom8
Paper type setting X7 1: Plain 8 *2 Page 18 Y
Envelope feeder EF-1 3: Pre-printed
(PCL6 printers) 4: Label
5: Bond
6: Recycle
8: Rough
9: Letterhead
10: Color
11: Pre-punched
12: Envelope
13: Cardstock
21: Custom1
22: Custom2
23: Custom3
24: Custom4
25: Custom5
26: Custom6
27: Custom7
28: Custom8

FRPO Manual 2nd October, 2003 Page 6

Permanent Parameters
MP Tray size error X8 0: Error if paper size is different from data 0
1: Error ignored
PCL paper source X9 0: Switch to same paper type when empty 0 *2 Page 19
(PCL6 printers) 1: Cassette not switched when empty

Paper Feed / Stack Options

Parameter Value Factory Reference Front panel
Duplex mode N4 0: Simplex mode 0 Y
1: Long-edge binding
2: Short-edge binding
Duplex feed mode N7 0: Conventional, back to front 0
1: Reverse, front to back
2: Conventional, manual
3: Reverse, manual
FS-9100 / 9500 8: Faster duplex when RA-1 is not fitted
Default stacker R0 1: Face-down tray 0 Y
2: Face-up tray
3: Sorter / stacker tray
Auto cassette R1 0: Cassette not switched when empty 0
All models 1: Printer’s cassette and upper cassette
2: Between upper and lower cassettes
3: Printer’s cassette and lower cassette
4: Between all cassettes
99: Switched according to page size
command in data
FS-7000 / + / 9000 0: Cassette not switched when empty 0 *2 Page 15
1: Cassettes 1 and 2 Refer to X9
2: Cassettes 3 and 4
3: Cassettes 5 and 6
4: Cassettes 1 through 4
5: Cassettes 3 through 6
6: Cassettes 1, 2, 5 and 6
7: Cassettes 1 through 6
The following values switch cassettes of
the same paper size.
11: Cassettes 1 and 2
12: Cassettes 3 and 4
13: Cassettes 5 and 6
14: Cassettes 1 through 4
15: Cassettes 3 through 6
16: Cassettes 1, 2, 5 and 6
17: Cassettes 1 through 6
99: Switched according to the page size
command in data
(The R1 parameter is ignored if the
PSRC 100; command is issued)
Default cassette R4 0: Manual feed / Multi-purpose tray 1 Y
1: Printer’s cassette / cassette 1
2: Upper option cassette / cassette 2
3: Lower option cassette / cassette 3
4: Envelope / universal feeder
Cassette 4 for FS-7000/7000+/9000
5: Cassette 5
6: Cassette 6
99: Envelope / universal feeder on
FS-7000 / + / 9000
Multi-tray mode S0 0: Single user 0
1: Multiple users
2: Multiple interfaces
Sorter mode S1 0: Sorter 0
1: Collator
2: Stacker (not on FS-1800/3800)
3: Mail box
Sorter message mode S2 0: Active “Remove sorter paper” message 0
1: Active only on power-up
2: Deactivated

FRPO Manual 2nd October, 2003 Page 7

Permanent Parameters
Sorter tray capacity S3 Value from 5 to 50 50
(0-250 FS-1800/3800) (250)
Job separator (Jog) S8 0: Offset all 0
1: Offset 1 page only
Auto manual feed T0 0: Cassette mode 1 Y
1: Always feeds first if paper present
2: Manual feed – user intervention
required on each page

Parameter Value Factory Reference Front panel
KCGL option G0 0: 0: Mode A; formfeed to SP0 0
1: 1: Mode B; formfeed to SP0
2: 2: Mode A; no formfeed to SP0
3: 3: Mode B; no formfeed to SP0
4: 4: Fixed mode A; formfeed
5: 5: Fixed mode B; formfeed
6: 6: Fixed mode A; no formfeed
7: 7: Fixed mode B; no formfeed
8: 8: Mode A; formfeed
9: 9: Mode B; formfeed
10: 10: Mode A; no formfeed
11: 11: Mode B; no formfeed
12: 12: Fixed mode A; formfeed
13: 13: Fixed mode B; formfeed
14: 14: Fixed mode A; no formfeed
15: 15: Fixed mode B; no formfeed
KCGL pen width G1 – G8 Pen size in dots (0 to 99) 01/02/03/04/ Y
KCGL enlarge rate J9 0: Off 0 Y
1: A2
2: A1
3: A0
4: B3
5: B2
6: B1
7: B0
Default Emulation P1 0: Line Printer 6 Y
1: IBM Proprinter X24E
2: Diablo 630
5: Epson LQ-850
6: HP LaserJet
8: KC-GL (HP 7475A)
9: KPDL (Postscript)
CR action P2 0: Ignored 1 Y
1: CR
2: CR + LF
LF action P3 0: Ignored 1 Y
1: LF
2: LF + CR
AES (KPDL Auto P4 0: AES disabled 0 *1 6-3 Y
emulation sensing) 1: AES enabled
Alternative emulation P5 Same as P1 except that 9 is ignored 6 *1 6-3 Y
AES option 1 P7 0: All page eject commands 2
KPDL page eject 1: None
commands 2: All page eject and PRESCRIBE EXIT
4: ^L command
6: PRESCRIBE EXIT and ^L commands
AES option 2 P8 0: Current emulation 2
Emulation after 1: Default emulation (P1)
receiving !R! 2: Alternate emulation (P5)
Daisy wheel data R8 7: 7 - bit 7
length 8: 8 - bit

FRPO Manual 2nd October, 2003 Page 8

Permanent Parameters

Parameter Value Factory Reference Front panel
Download font mode B0 0: Download font stored uncompressed 0
FS-1000 1: Download font stored compressed
Default font number C5 First two digits of power-up font 00 *1 6-2 Y
C5 * 10000 + C2 * 100 + C3 C2 Middle two digits of power-up font 00 *1 6-2 Y
C3 Last two digits of power-up font 01 *1 6-2 Y
PCL font switch C8 0: Excluding KPDL including Bitmap 0 *1 6-2
1: Excluding KPDL & Bitmap
2: Including KPDL & Bitmap
3: Including KPDL excluding Bitmap
Option font (FR-1) C9 0: Fonts are not available for use in KPDL 0 Y
1: Fonts are available for use in KPDL
Lines per inch U0 / U1 U0 + U1/100 6
Characters per inch U2 / U3 U2 + U3/100 10
Country U6 0: US 0 *1 6-4 Y
1: France *2 Page 17
2: Germany HP LaserJet
3: UK symbol table
4: Denmark
5: Sweden
6: Italy
7: Spain
8: Japan
9: US Legal
10: IBM PC-850 (Multilingual)
11: IBM PC-860 (Portuguese)
12: IBM PC-863 (Canadian French)
13: IBM PC-865 (Norwegian)
14: Norway
15: Denmark 2
16: Spain 2
17: Latin America
Code set U7 0: Same as Emulation mode 0 *2 Page 17 Y
Daisywheel emulation 1: IBM
2: Daisywheel
5: Epson LQ-850
6: HP Roman-8
Default fixed space U8 / U9 U8 + U9/100 (0 – 99.99) 10
scalable font pitch
Default scalable font V0 Value in 100 points (0 – 9) 0 Y
point size V1 Unit value (0 – 99) 12 Y
V0*100+V1+V2/100 V2 Value in 1/100 points (0, 25, 50 or 75) 0 Y
Default scalable font V3 Name of typeface (up to 32 characters) - Y
Courier / Letter Gothic V9 0: Both Dark 0 (5) Y
style 1: Courier - regular Letter Gothic - dark
4: Courier - dark Letter Gothic - regular
5: Both regular

User Margins
Parameter Value Factory Reference Front panel
Top (inches) A1 / A2 A1 + A2/100 00.00
Left (inches) A3 / A4 A3 + A4/100 00.00
Page length (inches) A5 / A6 A5 + A6/100 13.61
Page width (inches) A7 / A8 A7 + A8/100 13.61

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Permanent Parameters

Hard Margins
Parameter Value Factory Reference Front panel
Full page print D1 0: Disabled 0 *2 Page 12
1: Full page print in HP mode
Top (inches) L1 / L2 L1 + L2/100 *Note 1 *2 Page 12
Left (inches) L3 / L4 L3 + L4/100 *Note 1 *2 Page 12
Bottom (inches) L5 / L6 L5 + L6/100 10.61 *2 Page 12
Right (inches) L7 / L8 L7 + L8/100 08.11 *2 Page 12
HP margin lock R3 0: Lock enabled 0 *2 Page 12
1: Lock disabled
8: KPDL Full Margin (FS-9100/9500)

*Note 1 Model dependant

Interface Setup
Parameter Value Factory Reference Front panel
Buffer size rate H0 0 to 99 in units of 10 Mb 0 *2 Page 14
Hard Disk (0 – 990 Mb) (0 or 1 for Ram Disk)
Buffer size H8 0 to 99 in units of 10 kb 6 *2 Page 14
0 to 99 in units defined by S5 5
for FS-7000 / + / 9000
End-of-job I7 0: Disable 0
interpretation 1: Adds FF (&HOF)
(Option 2) 2: Adds EOT (&HO4)
3: Adds FF and EOT
7: Adds EOT and FF
End-of-job I8 0: Disable 0 *1 6-6
interpretation 1: Adds FF (&HOF)
(Option 1) 2: Adds EOT (&HO4)
3: Adds FF and EOT
7: Adds EOT and FF
I/F release time-out J2 In 5 second blocks (0 – 99) 6
Status send control M1 0: Off 0 *1 6-7
(Serial & Option) 1: Send printer status after receiving &H14
Default Interface M2 1: Serial 2 *1 6-7
2: Parallel
3: Option (Aux)
4: Option
5: USB
Buffer size option M3 0: Automatic 0 (1) *1 6-7
1: Fixed *2 Page 14
Buffer size (1) M4 Serial buffer relative to other buffers 3 (1) *2 Page 14
Buffer size (2) M5 Parallel buffer relative to other buffers 1 (5) *2 Page 14
Buffer size (3) M6 Option (1) buffer relative to other buffers 1 (5) *2 Page 14
Buffer size (4) M7 Option (2) buffer relative to other buffers (5) *2 Page 14
Buffer size rate S5 0: 10 Kb (Total buffer = S5 x H8) 1 *2 Page 14
1: 100 Kb
2: 1 Mb

Parameter Value Factory Reference Front panel
Interface mode O0 0: Normal (Centronics) 70 or 5 *2 Page 15 Y
1: High-speed (Bi-directional ECP)
5: Nibble (High) (HP high speed mode)
70: Auto negotiation
Parallel ACK position O1 1: 1
Line control in O2 0: Off 2
high-speed mode 2: HP LaserJet 4 compatible mode
9: PE and Data control when paper out
Parallel line control R6 0: Off 0
FS-400 / 1550 1: On

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Permanent Parameters

Parameter Value Factory Reference Front panel
Serial I/O control D0 0: XON sent every 5 secs. Error ignored 0
1: XON sent every 5 secs. Error handled
10: XON not sent. Error ignored
11: XON not sent. Error handled
Baud rate H1 3: 300 bps (not valid for some models) 96 Y
6: 600 bps (not valid for some models)
12: 1200 bps
24: 2400 bps
48: 4800 bps
96: 9600 bps
19: 19200 bps
38: 38400 bps
57: 57600 bps
11: 115200 bps
Data bits H2 7 or 8 8 Y
Stop bits H3 1 or 2 1 Y
Parity H4 0: None 0 Y
1: Odd
2: Even
3: Ignored
Protocol logic H5 0: Combination of 1 and 3 0 Y
1: DTR / DSR positive logic
2: DTR / DSR negative logic
4: ETX / ACK
5: XON / XOFF not robust
XOFF Buffer nearly H6 % off received data buffer size 90
full threshold
XON Buffer nearly H7 % off received data buffer size 70
empty threshold
Serial barcode mode S9 0: Off (normal mode) 0 Y
1: On (barcode reader mode)

Parameter Value Factory Reference Front panel
Color Mode W1 0: Monochrome 1 Y
1: Color
2: Quick color (FS-5900c)
Print quality W2 0: Normal 0 Y
FS-5800c 1: Quick color
Vivid Mode W3 0: Off 0 Y
(Color matching on 1: On Auto on FS-5800c
FS-5800c) 2: Vivid FS-5800c only
3: Display FS-5800c only
RGB simulation W4 0: None 2 Y
1: SMPTE240M
3: Trinitron
4: Apple RGB
Ink simulation W5 1: None 1 Y
3: Euro-scale
4: Toyo
5: DIC

FRPO Manual 2nd October, 2003 Page 11

Permanent Parameters

FRPO Parameters in detail

L1 - L8 Hard Margins
The “L Parameter Margins” control the printable area.
The default margins, listed in this section, allow printing to within 5mm of the paper’s edge on all sides.
The L parameters can be found in the Service information section of a Service Status page.

Before changing L parameters, first print a Service

Status page. This can be used as a reference for the
printer’s original settings.

The margins, in inches, are defined by these figures. The

figures are measured from a reference point, not the 0099 / 0102 / 1061 / 0811
edge of the page, and give an actual margin of about L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
0.33” (5mm). Top Left Length Width

E.g. Top = 00.99” L1 = 00” L2 = 0.99”

Left = 01.02” L3 = 01” L4 = 0.02”

Changing Margins
The FRPO command is used to set the L parameters:

E.g. Page width

The default margins allow 78 x 10 pitch characters to be printed across the page. If you require 80
characters, from a screen dump for example, you must decrease the left margin and increase the page
width. To increase the page width by 0.2”, increase L8 to 31, and to keep the print centered on the page,
decrease the left margin by 0.1” to 00.92. Use the command:

!R! FRPO L8,31; FRPO L3,0; FRPO L4,92; EXIT;

On printers newer than the FS-1700 and FS-3700, the page remains centered when the width is changed,
so only L8 would require changing in the above example.

E.g. Page Length

To allow extra lines to be printed on a page the printable area can be lengthened by increasing L5 and
L6. The Top Margin, L1 and L2, would require decreasing to keep the page centered.

There are other commands for increasing lines-per-page that can be embedded in the data. These include SLPP,
SPL and STM. Refer to the PRESCRIBE manual for more detail.

HP Mode - Margin Lock

In HP emulation, before changes to hard margins will take effect, R3 must be set to 1.

FRPO Manual 2nd October, 2003 Page 12

Permanent Parameters

Full Page Printing

The top and left margins are decreased and the page length and width is increased. Do this in small amounts
(e.g. 0.1”) as printing off the paper will dirty the Transfer Roller.

To enable printing to the edge of the page in all modes D1 must be set to 1.

E.g. To enable Full Page printing on a FS-1750 set the following:

!R! FRPO R3,1; FRPO D1,1;
FRPO L1,00; FRPO L2,84; FRPO L3,01; FRPO L4,00;
FRPO L5,10; FRPO L6,97; FRPO L7,08; FRPO L8,46; EXIT;

Values in this example may require small adjustments due to slight mechanical differences between printers.

Default Margins
These default settings give a 5mm margin around the page.
Use these as a guide only, default settings can change as a result of firmware updates.
The default settings for L5, L6, L7 & L8 are always L5=10, L6=61, L7=08 and L8=11.
The settings for L1, L2, L3, & L4 vary due to differences in printer engines.

Top Left Top Left Top Left

L1 / L2 L3 / L4 L1 / L2 L3 / L4 L1 / L2 L3 / L4
FS-400 01 / 46 00 / 15 FS-1800 00 / 68 00 / 65 FS-6500 / + 00 / 82 00 / 25
FS-600 00 / 32 01 / 23 FS-1800+ 00 / 68 00 / 65 FS-6700 00 / 63 01 / 26
FS-680 00 / 83 00 / 35 FS-1900 00 / 69 00 / 63 FS-6900 00 / 64 01 / 28
FS-800 00 / 38 01 / 27 FS-3400 / + 00 / 95 00 / 15 FS-7000 00 / 95 00 / 31
FS-850 00 / 24 00 / 52 FS-3500 00 / 91 00 / 01 FS-7000 / + 00 / 96 00 / 26
FS-1000 / + 01 / 05 01 / 15 FS-3600 / + 00 / 95 00 / 16 FS-8000C 00 / 21 00 / 20
FS-1010 01 / 00 01 / 25 FS-3700 01 / 00 01 / 25 FS-9000 00 / 95 00 / 31
FS-1200 01 / 00 01 / 03 FS-3600 / + 00 / 95 00 / 16 FS-9100DN 00 / 60 00 / 80
FS-1500 00 / 86 00 / 18 FS-3700 01 / 00 01 / 25 FS-9500DN 00 / 56 00 / 74
FS-1550 / + 00 / 95 00 / 15 FS-3700+ 01 / 00 01 / 05 FS-C5016N 00 / 16 00 / 16
FS-1600 / + 00 / 95 00 / 16 FS-3750 00 / 99 01 / 02 FS-C8008N 00 / 20 00 / 20
FS-1700 / + 01 / 00 01 / 25 FS-3800 00 / 70 00 / 67
FS-1750 01 / 00 00 / 99 FS-5500 00 / 33 02 / 57

KM-1510 00 / 11 00 / 20 KM-3530 00 / 20 00 / 45 KM-6230 00 / 16 00 / 00

KM-1810 00 / 11 00 / 20 KM-4230 00 / 16 00 / 00 KM-6330 00 / 15 00 / 23
KM-1530 00 / 13 00 / 32 KM-4530 00 / 11 00 / 23 KM-7530 00 / 15 00 / 23
KM-2030 00 / 13 00 / 32 KM-5230 00 / 16 00 / 00 KM-C830 00 / 20 00 / 19
KM-2530 00 / 20 00 / 45 KM-5530 00 / 11 00 / 23 KM-C850 00 / 20 00 / 20

The fundamental margins on KM models are based on the copier engine. When setting the L-parameters, first
check that the margins are properly adjusted on the copier. If the L-value is set first and then the copier margins
are adjusted, the print image might be shifted.

To test the current margin settings, draw a box that is too big for the page. The printer will print the box within the
current hard margins. The following commands draw a large box from the top left corner:

!R! UNIT I: MZP 0,0; BOX 30,30; PAGE; EXIT;

FRPO Manual 2nd October, 2003 Page 13

Permanent Parameters

• Changing the L parameters may alter the position of the print on the page in Windows programs. You may be
able to overcome this by adjusting the margins in the application, but in no event will you be able to print
outside the printable area.
• These settings do not affect KPDL mode.
• These settings cannot be reset by the use of FRPO INIT or RES.
• To set back to default margins, re-enter the original values from the Service Status sheet.
• When printing on 11 x 8 ½ (lateral) paper, the L parameters correspond to the following:
L1L2 = Left (lead edge), L3L4 = Bottom, L5L6 = Length, L7L8 = Width
• Always adjust the margins in small increments as an incorrect value can cause a dirty Transfer Roller if
printing goes off the page.
• It is possible that nothing will be printed if the margins overlap.

M3 - M7 Buffer Size
Total Buffer Size
On older printers the Total Host Buffer size is set by the H8 parameter using the formula H8 x 10KB = Total
Buffer Size.

On current models the buffer can be increased by using the formula H8 x S5 = Total Buffer Size, where S5 can
be set to 10KB, 100KB, or 1MB. The Total Buffer Size cannot exceed 50% of the total memory installed.

On some printers, if an optional hard disk is fitted the Host Buffer Spool parameter H0 can be used, where H0 x
10MB is added to the Total Buffer Size. If a Ram Disk is installed instead of a hard disk H0 is limited to 10MB.

See Software Solutions Technical Bulletin 1 for a list of printers that support the H0 parameter and
recommended buffer sizes.

Interface Buffer Size Ratio

The Total Host Buffer is divided into separate host buffers according to the number of interfaces available.
The M3 parameter determines which host buffer is selected by each interface.

If M3 equals 0 (automatic), the first data to arrive from the computer will go into buffer #1, regardless of which
interface it arrived on, and the printer will begin to print the data. While buffer #1 is still in use, if data begins to
arrive on a second interface it will be stored in buffer #2. The printer will print this data after it has finished printing
the job received through buffer #1.

If M3 equals 1 (fixed), buffer #1 is fixed to receive data from the serial interface only; and buffer #2 is fixed on the
parallel interface. Buffer #3 and 4# will be fixed on the optional interfaces (if installed).

The parameters M4, M5, M6 and M7 fix the size of each interface’s host buffer as a portion of the Total Host
Buffer. For example:

If a printer fitted with an optional network interface is using M3 1

the default settings for M4, M5 and M6, and the Total Host Serial M4 3 36kb
Buffer equals 60kb, each interface buffer would be the Parallel M5 1 12kb
following size: Network option M6 1 12kb
Total 60kb

To set the maximum size for the network interface set M6 to 9 and the rest to 1. The following command will
allocate 810kb to the network buffer and 90kb each to the others. (9/11th of 990 = 810)

!R! FRPO H8,99; FRPO M3,1; FRPO M4,1;FRPO M5,1; FRPO M6,9; EXIT;

NB: For values of 0 used in the M4-M7 parameters, the corresponding buffer size will be 1kb.

FRPO Manual 2nd October, 2003 Page 14

Permanent Parameters

N9 PCL Resource Protection

Resource protection is only applicable on 600 dpi models and where downloaded PCL fonts or graphics (including
graphics, fonts, or forms loaded from an IC card) are being used. This does not apply to normal Microsoft
Windows operations or True type fonts.

These printers have a dynamic memory management system for optimizing the use of raster memory (the area
used by the printer for laying out the actual page), this allows the printer to use more memory for raster operations
when required. The memory management system may remove PCL resource objects that are not currently in use
to recover the memory required for the raster operations, and this can cause problems if you have downloaded
PCL soft fonts, macros, or graphics such as signatures or forms.

The printer has a facility to set a resource protection to control the printer’s use of PCL resources and to protect
PCL objects from being deleted from the printer’s memory.

Setting Description
N9 = 0 Off
N9 = 1 Protects permanent PCL resources and resets the environment settings
N9 = 2 Protects permanent and temporary PCL resources

Resource Protection requires 10 Mb or more of memory. Additional memory will be required for duplexing.

O0 Parallel Port Speed

The speed of the parallel port must match that of the host computer.

O0 = 0 Normal - (Centronics) Old computers, switch boxes and parallel/network converters which do not allow
bi-directional communications.
O0 = 1 High Speed - (ECP mode) bi-directional mode for use with new computers and devices
O0 = 5 High Speed Nibble - an HP bi-directional mode
O0 = 70 Auto - Upon receiving data, the printer will attempt to determine what type of parallel port it is attached
to and change its own mode accordingly

If the parallel port setting is incorrect or if when O0 = Auto the printer does not match the host port mode correctly
then data corruption can result. This can show as missing data in long documents, or as corrupt data being

• Bi-directional communication requires the use of an IEEE 1284 compliant bi-directional parallel cable.
• If the problem continues despite the setting of O0, set the computers parallel port to ECP or EPP and match
the setting on the printer.

R1 Auto Cassette
Normally if a cassette runs out of paper a “paper out” error will occur and printing will halt until more paper is
added or another cassette is selected. This is the default condition when R1 = 0.
A printer with multiple cassettes can be set to “cascade” to another cassette when a paper out condition occurs by
using the FRPO R1 command. The value of R1 determines which cassettes the paper will cascade to.

Refer to X0 – X7 Paper Type Setting for printers with Media Type paper selection.

FRPO Manual 2nd October, 2003 Page 15

Permanent Parameters

R5 Raster Memory - Page Protection

The Raster Memory parameter R5 sets the memory area used by the printer for rastering (creating the actual
bitmap picture for output). When this setting is smaller than Letter size, the printer rasters the page in strips. This
process increases the amount of user memory, when the available memory is limited.

Older models running under Microsoft Windows (or other graphical systems) should be fitted with extra memory
and R5 should be set to Letter (R5 = 4). Newer 600dpi printers have dynamic memory handling and R5 can be
set to 1 (Default) for normal printing.

Where a vector based program such as MS Excel or Postscript is being used the Raster Memory should be set to
a full Letter size page. On 600 dpi printers with dynamic memory it is only necessary to set R5 to 4.
This will require more memory:

Recommended minimum for Letter Simplex Letter Duplex Ledger Simplex Ledger Duplex
graphics printing
600 dpi 5Mb 9 Mb 10 Mb 18 Mb
600 dpi KPDL mode 6 Mb 10 Mb 10 Mb 18 Mb

• Every application requires a different amount of printer memory and some may require more memory than
listed in the table above.
• Postscript may require more memory due to the processes defined by the print job.
• Printing bitmap graphics via postscript produces very large print jobs and therefore may exceed the user
memory space specified above.
• The Raster Memory can be set from the printer’s front panel on FS-Series printers.
• Where partial documents are being printed or where formatting is being lost, add more memory and change
R5 to 4.

S6 Ram Disk Size

A Ram Disk can be used for reading and writing data, as a Virtual Mailbox or for the spooling of multiple copies of
multi-page documents. It is setup using part of the printer’s Total Memory.

The printer’s Total Memory must be 12Mb or more.

The maximum Ram Disk size is 99Mb or the Total Memory minus 9Mb, whichever is less.

Eg. To set a Ram Disk of 10Mb use the following command:

!R! FRPO S7,1; FRPO S6,10; EXIT;

S7 Ram Disk Mode

The Ram Disk is enabled when S7 = 1.

• Ram Disk data will be lost if power is turned off.
• Ram Disk cannot be used if an optional Hard Disk is installed.
• Allocating large amounts of the printer’s memory to Ram Disk may affect the processing speed of the printer
or cause “insufficient memory” errors.
• The Ram Disk menu appears on the front panel if no Hard Disk is fitted and Total Memory is 12Mb or more.

MPS Printing
Normally, when printing multiple copies of a multi-page document, the program will send each page including the
copies. For example, when printing 5 copies of a 5-page document, the program will send 25 pages. By enabling
Ram Disk (or installing a hard drive) the printer driver only needs to send the document once (5 pages) plus a
copy command. The printer stores the “rasterized” data on the Ram Disk or hard drive and then uses that data to
print additional copies. Overall processing time is greatly reduced.

FRPO Manual 2nd October, 2003 Page 16

Permanent Parameters

T7 Toner Management
When a printer is continually used to print pages with low toner coverage, less than 2% per page, the toner can
become degraded inside the developer. This can lead to poor print quality or faint print problems.

When T7 is enabled the printer calculates the average toner usage, and if the usage is less than 2% it will
manage the toner so that faint print does not occur.

To enable Toner Management use the command: !R! FRPO T7,2; EXIT;

Printers may require a firmware upgrade to make this command available.

T9 Paper Type
FRPO T9 can be used to select Paper thickness. (Refer to table on Page 5 - Setup)
Incorrect values of T9 can result in grey background or light print.
T9 has been replaced by Media Type on newer printers.

The FS-1000, which does not have Media Type or T9, uses the command TATR to set the paper type and print
density of its cassettes. Refer to TATR Tray Attribute on Page 21.

U6 & U7 Symbol Sets

The following table details the FRPO settings required for the listed HP symbol sets in HP emulation.
Symbol Set HP Symbol FRPO FRPO
Set ID U6 U7
ISO 60 Norway 0D (4) 4
ISO 15 Italian 0I (9) 9
ECMA-94 Latin 1 0N (14) 14
ISO 11 Swedish 0S (19) 19
ISO 6 ASCII 0U (21) 21
ISO 4 U.K. 1E (37) 37 50
ISO 69 French 1F (38) 38
ISO 21 Germany 1G (39) 39
US Legal 1U (53) 53
ISO Latin 2 2N (78) 78
ISO 17 Spain 2S (83) 83
PS math 5M (173) 73
ISO Latin 5 5N (174) 74 51
Windows Latin 5 5T (180) 51
MS Publishing 6J (202) 2
Ventura math 6M (205) 5
Desktop 7J (234) 34 52
Math 8 8M (269) 69
HP Roman-8 8U (277) 77
Windows Latin 2 9E (293) 93
PC-Turkish 9T (308) 8
Windows 3.0 9U (309) 9
PS text 10J (330) 30 53
IBM PC-8 10U (341) 41
IBM PC-8 (D/N) 11U (373) 73
Macintosh 12J (394) 94
IBM PC-850 12U (405) 5
Ventura International 13J (426) 26 54
Ventura US 14J (458) 58
Pi-font 15U (501) 1 55
PC-852 Latin 2 17U (565) 65
Windows Latin 1 19U (629) 29 56

FRPO Manual 2nd October, 2003 Page 17

Permanent Parameters

Symbol Sets are groups of characters that are added to the standard ASCII character set to enable the printer to
print line draw characters and letters and symbols from different countries. There are different Symbol Sets
available for each emulation.

A detailed explanation of Symbol Sets is given in Chapter 7 of the Technical Reference.

Symbol Set Examples:

To print boxes and lines from a text based program with the printer in HP emulation mode, set the Symbol Set to
IBM PC-850:
!R! FRPO U6,5; FRPO U7,54; EXIT;
To print boxes and lines from an old HP text based program with the printer in HP emulation mode, set the
Symbol Set to HP Roman-8:
!R! FRPO U6,77; FRPO U7,52; EXIT;
To print boxes and lines from a text based program with the printer in LQ emulation mode set the Symbol Set to
IBM PC-850:
!R! FRPO U6,10; FRPO U7,1; EXIT;

X0 – X7 Paper Type Setting

Media Type
Paper Type Setting allows the naming of the paper in each cassette, MP-Tray or envelope feeder. This system of
paper selection is also called “Media Type” and is available on printers with PCL6 emulation. It is a method of
cassette selection where, instead of selecting the printer’s cassettes by number, the paper type in each cassette
is given a name. The name can then be selected by the user without the user having to know in which cassette
their paper is located.

For example an FS-9000 with six paper cassettes has plain paper in cassettes one to four and letterhead in
cassettes five and six. To print the first page on letterhead and subsequent pages on plain paper the following
methods would be used:

a) Using the old method the user would select cassette 5 for the first page and cassette 1 for the rest.
No initial setup of the printer is required. The user must know in which cassette the different paper types
are located.

b) Using Media Type the user would select “Letterhead” for the first page and “Plain” for the rest.
Initially each cassette must be named. The user does not have to know in which cassettes the different
paper types are located.

The Media Type method is especially useful where there is more than one printer on a network. The user can
select a different printer and select different paper types without having to know in which cassette each paper
type is located. The paper type must be initially setup by the network administrator.

Setting paper types

Paper Types can be set using FRPO X0 to X7. It is usually easier to set them from the printer’s front panel.
Some paper types cannot be selected for certain paper feeders. For example “Transparency“ can only be
selected from the MP-Tray and “Labels”, “Envelopes” and “Cardstock” cannot be selected from the cassettes and
cannot be duplexed. Refer to the printer’s user manual for further settings.

The Custom Paper Types (1 to 8) contain different values for paper weight, duplex and fuser (depending on
model). These values can be set by using the MDAT and MTYP commands or from the printer’s front panel.

Print Density & Paper Thickness

Both D4 Print Density and T9 Paper Type (Thickness) have been replaced by Media Type on new printers.
The command TATR is also used to adjust Density and Thickness on some printers.

FRPO Manual 2nd October, 2003 Page 18

Permanent Parameters

Prior to the Media Type method, if a cassette ran out of paper the printer showed a “paper out” error and stopped
or “cascaded” to another cassette according to the value of R1 (Refer to R1 Auto Cassette).
With the Media Type method R1 is ignored and if a cassette runs out of the selected paper type the printer will
automatically switch to another cassette containing the same paper type without producing an error.

NB: If a user is selecting paper by cassette number instead of paper type, and the paper runs out, the printer
will still cascade to a cassette with the same paper type as the first selected cassette.
(i.e. R1 is ignored).

This can occur if an old printer is replaced with a printer that has the Media Type function or where there
are old and new printers on a network.

To disable cascading on the printer that has the Media Type function the parameter X9 must be set to 1
as outlined below.

X9 PCL Paper Source

This parameter is used to disable cascading of paper feed on printers that have the Media Type function and
where paper is being selected by cassette number, not paper type.

X9 = 0 Printer will cascade to the same paper type when a cassette has become empty.
X9 = 1 The cassette is not switched when empty, and a “paper out” error is produced.

Y0 Auto Continue Timer

Where a “Press CONTINUE” error exists and it is possible to continue printing, as with the “Memory overflow
Press CONTINUE” and “Print overrun Press CONTINUE” errors, the printer will stop printing until the user
presses the “CONTINUE” button.

In the case of a shared printer or where additional print jobs have been sent for processing, the printing is held up
until the user cancels the error.

The Auto Continue function allows the printer to automatically recover after a period of time after this type of error
has occurred and to process the remaining jobs.

Y0 = 0 Auto Continue Off

Y0 = 1 Auto Continue On (default)

Y1 is the Auto Continue Timer Value and controls the amount of time between the occurrence of the error and
when the printer continues printing. (0 to 99 seconds. Default = 0)

FRPO Manual 2nd October, 2003 Page 19

Permanent Parameters

Other Commands
ELOG Event Log
The Event Log records the occurrence of paper jams and “Call Service Person” errors. It can be printed by
sending the ELOG command:


To make the Event Log available through the Front Panel Menu, set I1 to 1.

!R! FRPO I1,1; EXIT;

FPLC Front Panel Lock

The Front Panel can be locked, disabling access to some or all of the buttons.

FPLC = 0 Off
FPLC = 1 Mode, Stack and Feed buttons are disabled
FPLC = 2 Total Panel Lock, all buttons disabled

To set the printer to partial panel lock use: !R! FPLC 1; EXIT;

If FPLC has been enabled it will be indicated by the

characters F01 or F02 in the Service information
section of the Service Status Sheet.

FRPO INIT Initialize

This command can be used to reset all the FRPO parameters back to factory defaults except for those listed in
the Service Information section of the Service Status sheet. (e.g. L1 – L8 will not be reset)


PFRE Paper Feeder Calibration MP Tray

It is possible for the left margin to vary between pages fed from different Internal Cassette
cassettes on the same printer. This can be due to minor differences in the Optional Cassette
feed mechanisms or alignment of the cassettes.

Syntax: PFRE feeder, value;

Feeder 0 = MP-Tray
2 = Option Cassette 1 (Cassette 2 on FS-7000+/9000)
3-7 = Option Cassette 2 (Cassettes 3 to 6 on FS-7000+/9000)
99 = EF-1
100 = Duplexer

The internal cassette (Feeder 1) is the reference and is not adjusted.

Value + or – unit (In inches unless otherwise specified)

FRPO Manual 2nd October, 2003 Page 20

Permanent Parameters

The PFRE values are shown as number of

Dots in the Service information section of
the Service Status sheet. It is therefore
best to work in Dots when adjusting these
values. 1” = 600 Dots.

NB: Values will be doubled if printer is in 0/ 0/ -30/ 0/ 0/ 0/

1200dpi mode. Use 600dpi mode. MP-Tray/ Internal/ Opt cass 1/ Opt cass 2/ EF-1/ Duplex/

Eg. To move the left margin of Optional Cassette 1 to the left by Left
0.05” make the value of PFRE 2 equal to –30 dots. Margin

!R! UNIT D; PFRE 2,-30; EXIT;

- 30 Dots
To reset the default values, each value must be set using PFRE.

STAT Status Sheet

The following command can be used to print a Status Sheet. Newer printers will print a User Status Sheet, while
older printers will print a Service Status Sheet.


Use STAT1 to print a Service Status Sheet on newer printers.


TATR Tray Attribute

The Paper Type and Print Density can be set on the FS-1000 using the following command:

!R! TATR [#1 [, #2, #3 ] ]; EXIT;

Parameters: #1 Number of tray to be set (0 to 2)

#2 Paper type (0 to 2) 0: Normal 1: Thick 2: Thin
#3 Print density (1 to 5)
When all parameters are omitted, settings of all trays are reset.
When #2 and #3 are omitted, settings for tray #1 are reset.
The TATR settings are shown on the Service Status sheet.

Density setting for MP-tray, Cassette, and Option

Cassette. In this example the Paper Type of tray 1 is set
to “Thick” (01).

Paper Type setting. In this example all trays are set to

the default which is 03.

TNRE Toner Install

If a new empty processing unit or developer unit is fitted to a printer, occasionally the printer will not automatically
do a toner fill. The processing unit remains empty, which results in no print. On printers with a front panel the fill
operation can be started from Menu / Others / Service / Developer. On other printers the “Toner Flag” must be
set with the following command:


Turn the printer OFF / ON after sending this command.

FRPO Manual 2nd October, 2003 Page 21

Permanent Parameters

Network Commands
The default settings on Kyocera network interface cards can be changed by sending commands to the
printer via the parallel or serial ports.

Kyocera supply several different network interface cards and different command parameters are used for
each. There are also two types of cards, those that are fitted internally on the system board, and the newer
cards that are fitted via a slot in the rear panel.

HBM Printservers
HB-4 & HB-6
Listed below are some of the parameters available for use with SIOP. More parameters can be found in the
HBM network interface manual.

IP Address SIOP “”;

Subnet Mask SIOP “”;
Print Server name SIOP “:PRINTSERV:Printserver_name”;
Reset SIOP “:RESET:”;

To change an IP address to use: !R! SIOP “:INTERNET:”; EXIT;

HB-7 & HB-7/100

These settings can be changed using SIOP2.


Apple EtherTalk On SIOP2,"APPLE:1";
Apple EtherTalk Off SIOP2,"APPLE:0";
IP Address SIOP2,"IP:";
Subnet Mask SIOP2,"SUBNET:";
Gateway SIOP2,"DEFAULT:";

To change an IP address to use: !R! SIOP2, “IPX:”; EXIT;

Note: It is necessary to enter 3 digits for each section of the Subnet Mask and IP Address.
For example, if the number is then the 45 must have a zero in front of it. The
address would therefore be entered as

SEH Printservers
IC-53 & NB4e (KYO)
No commands are available for these cards.

IC-59, SB4e, SB4/100 & SB110 (KYO2)

These settings are changed with the SIOP2 command using the same syntax as the HBM HB-7.

More parameters can be found in the Operation Manuals for these network interface cards.

FRPO Manual 2nd October, 2003 Page 22

Permanent Parameters


Further references to Permanent Parameters, FRPO commands, and default settings can be found in:


Printer Operation Guides

Networking Manuals

Printer Driver Guide

All are located on the Kyocera Mita Document Library CD.

The PRESCRIBE manual is in two parts:
(a printed version can also be ordered, PN 84393472)

Other reference material can be found at:


FRPO Manual 2nd October, 2003 Page 23

Kyocera Mita Australia Pty Ltd

Kyocera Mita America, Inc.

US version edited with permission

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