Bahasa Inggris X Uas Gasal Maarif 10-11 Soal N Kunci

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A. Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct D.

The temperature could go as minus 5

answer! degrees.
E. The way to the mountains was very
This text is for questions 1 to 3.
A Trip to Snow Mountains
This text is for questions 4 and 5.
When my family was living in Sydney, we
used to go to a place called Snow Mountains Thursday, August26, 2010.
because Sydney never has snow in winter. Well,
1 p.m.
the weather can get very, very cold, and the
I was unfortunate today. I had waited for the
temperature could go as minus 5 degrees
bus for more than half an hour, but not even
Celcius, but it never snows. That was the reason
one appeared. Suddenly, it rained hard. I had to
why we liked going to Snow Mountains.
run to find a place to shelter. Unluckily, I slipped
Our first trip to Snow Mountains was very
and fell down. My shirt, shoes and the school
exciting. We went with a group of foreign
bag were dirty. People who saw it laughed at
students from different parts of the world. We
me. I was very ashamed.
went by bus to Canberra, and then we went up
to the mountain. And believe me, you need to 4. The writer tells us about ...
be an expert driver because the road was rough A. a boring day
and wet. We had to go very slowly and B. her bad feeling
cautiously. C. her daily routine
Luckily, our driver was a real professional. D. her fortunate day
He did a great job taking us to the mountains, E. a bad day when the writer went home
but I saw many good cars sliding off the roads. 5. “I was unfortunate today.” The opposite
The police were made busy by those accidents, meaning of the underlined word is ....
but the police seemed to have anticipated the A. unhappy
situations. They had all kinds of equipment to B. angry
help the poor cars. C. lucky
When we reached the resort area, a nice D. shame
warm meal was waiting in a nice and warm E. bad luck
dining room. It was a relief. Then, we had to hire
the “Snow-Mountain gear” like caps, scarves, For questions 6 to 9, choose the correct words
thick jackets and snow boots. We simply had to to complete the following text.
do that or we would have been freezing to Yesterday Boyke (6) ... with his friends in
death. I felt really big and fat in that outfit and I the veranda when two men (7) ... the gate. They
had to learn how to walk in snow. asked where Boyke’s father was. Boyke (8) ...,
The most exciting part was the toboggan “My father is in the backyard. Let me tell him
ride. Toboggan is basically a fiberglass board that you are here. Any way, may I know your
designed to slide down the snowy slopes. So I name, please?’ Those two men said nothing and
climbed up the hill, and then I sat down on the (9) ... Boyke’s house.
toboggan. I held on to ropes used to steer and 6. A. play
slid down the hill. It turned out that my steering B. played
ropes weren’t tied on correctly, so I could not C. is playing
control my toboggan properly. I slid down really D. were playing
fast without being able to control where I was E. was playing
going. So I ended up plugging into a freezing
cold creek! 7. A. opens
B. opened
1. Why was an expert driver needed to drive to C. opening
Show Mountains? Because .... D. will open
A. the roads were snowy E. were opening
B. the roads were slippery
C. it was a comfortable trip 8. A. reply
D. there were a lot of accidents there B. is replying
E. it was the trip to the snowy mountains C. replied
D. were replying
2. “We had to go very slowly and cautiously.” E. was replying
(Paragraph 2)
The synonym of the underlined word is 9. A. left
A. dangerously B. is leaving
B. clumsily C. leave
C. carefully D. were leaving
D. anxiously E. leaved
E. patiently This text is for questions 10 and 11.
3. Why did the writer love to go to the snow Good morning, audience. May I have your
mountains? attention, please?
A. He was living in Sydney. This time we will draw the lottery prize. We
B. Sydney never has snow in winter. will announce twenty winners of the door
C. The weather is very cold. prizes. So please get your number.
Please go to the stage when your names are the relatives and the guests. Finally, we
mentioned. installed the wooden puppet on a high balcony
Let’s get started. where other puppets representing the members
of a whole family were already there.
10. What is the text about?
The funeral ceremonies made my family
A. Lottery prize winners.
and me tired. However, we were grateful
B. A dance performer on the stage.
because it ran smoothly.
C. Someone who wins a lottery prize.
D. The winners of a dance competition. 14. “It took about a week.” (Paragraph 2)
E. An announcement about lottery prizes. The underlined word refers to
A. the funeral ceremony
11. What should someone do when he/she gets
B. the trip
C. the grandpa’s coffin
D. Toraja
A. Go to the stage.
E. the tongkonan
B. Prepared his/her number.
C. Show his/her number to the announcer. 15. What is the text about?
D. Buy any articles with certain amount of A. The writer’s trip in Toraja.
money in the store. B. The writer’s holiday experience.
E. Get certain number from the announcer. C. The writer’s opinion on a traditional
ceremony in Toraja.
For questions 12 and 13, choose the correct
D. The writer’s experience attending his
words to complete the paragraph.
grandpa’s funeral in Toraja.
Hi. I’m Alivia Hardiman. Please call me Via. E. The writer’s experience attending his
I’m a new neighbor of yours. I moved here last relative’s wedding ceremony in Toraja.
week, (12) ... August 22. I have known some of
This text is for questions 16 to 18.
you (13) ... I was a kid. May I join you?
Last Saturday, my friends and I went
12. A. At
camping. We reached the camping ground after
B. in
we walked for about one and a half hour from
C. on
the parking lot. We built the camp next to a
D. for
small river. It was getting darker and colder, so
E. since
we made a campfire. The next day, we spent
13. A. At our time observing plantation and insects while
B. in the girls were preparing meals. In the afternoon
C. on we went to the river and caught some fish for
D. for supper. At night, we made a campfire. We sang,
E. since danced, read poetry, played magic tricks, and
This text is for questions 14 and 15 even some of us performed standing comedies.
We went sleeping when it was late at night. The
Last month my family and I went to Toraja next morning, we took a walk around the
to attend Grandpa’s funeral. It was my first time campsite. Going back to the campsite, we
to go to such a ceremony. We gathered there prepared ourselves to leave the place.
with our kin in the ceremony.
Overall, the ceremony was quite elaborate. 16. The text is about ...
It took about a week. Several days before the A. a camping experience
ceremony was done, grandpa’s body was kept B. how to do something
in a series of houses arranged in a circular row C. describing a campsite
around an open field called tongkonan. His D. explaining what to do in a camp
corpse was dressed in fine clothes. E. discussing a camping activity
The funeral was performed in two phases.
17. How many days did the writer go camping?
First, we slaughtered the pigs and buffaloes,
A. One day.
and then moved the corpse to lace north. a this
B. Two days.
ceremony we wore black clothes. After that, the
C. Three days.
corpse was placed in a sandal wood coffin.
D. Four days.
Then, it was brought out of the house and
E. One week.
placed on an open platform beneath the
granary. Meanwhile, my uncle, my brother, and 18. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to
I prepared the wooden puppet and a funeral the text?
iower called lakian. The next phase of the A. The writer and his friends had to walk
ceremony was held in this place. The coffin was before reaching the campsite.
borne from the house and placed in the lakian. B. There was a small river not far from their
During the day, there were also buffalo cam p.
matches. They were great matches. On the C. They made fire because the climate was
night, we were feasting, chanting, and dancing. cold.
On the last day, the grandpa’s coffin were D. The girls observed plantation and the
lowered from the funeral tower and brought up boys observed insects on the second day.
to the mountain side family graveyard. It was E. The writer and his friends left the
followed by great shouting and excitement from campsite on Monday.
This text is for questions 19 and 21.
Dear Clara,.
23. What is the text about?
How are you? Last Saturday I went on a nice
A. The opening of a new photo studio.
trip with some friends. We went to a lovely
B. The information about a photo studio.
beach about 30 kilometers from my town. We
C. The announcement of a new address of a
left on the bus at nine o’clock in the morning
photo studio.
and arrived at the beach at ten. We spent the
D. The advertisement of a new photo
morning playing in the beach. We also made a
castle from sand. Then, we had lunch in a small
E. The new concept of a photo studio.
restaurant overlooking the beach. After lunch
we climbed a large hill behind the beach and 24. Which of the following statements is NOT
saw the beautiful view from the top. We got TRUE according to the text?
back to the bus around three o’clock and then A. The studio opens every day.
we came back to town. B. The studio closes at 9 p.m. on Fridays.
What is your holiday experience? Please C. The studio opens for twelve hours on
share with me. weekends.
Sincerely yours, D. The studio offers new concepts and new
Hilda designs.
E. The studio will move to the new location
19. The letter tells us about ...
on March 27, 2010.
A. Hilda’s daily activities
B. a nice beach 25. “So, visit us there.” What does the word
C. Hilda’s feeling ‘there’ refer to?
D. Hilda’s holiday experience A. The new place of Fashionista Studio.
E. Hilda’s classmates. B. The origin place of the studio.
C. The new area of a studio.
20. How long were Hilda and her friends in the
D. The old Fashionista Studio.
beach and its surrounding?
E. Fashionista Group.
A. Three hours.
B. Four hours. For questions 26 and 27, choose the correct
C. Five hours. words to fill in the blanks.
D. Six hours.
Andrew: Hi, Mona.
E. Seven hours.
Mona : Hi, Andrew. I thought you wouldn’t
21. Where did the writer have lunch? come. I phoned you last night to confirm
A. In a small restaurant overlooking the hill. our appointment, but no one (26) ... it
B. In a small restaurant overlooking the up. Where were you?
beach. Andrew: When you phoned me, I (27) ... dinner
C. Near a hill, behind the beach. in a restaurant with my family. Well, you
D. At the top of the hill. have to know that I’m the person who
E. At the beach. will always keep his words. If I say 1
come, then I’ll come.
22. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to
Mona : I’m sure you are.
the text?
A. It took one hour to go to the beach. 26.
B. The beach is at the writer’s town. A. was picking
C. The writer went to the beach on B. was picked
Saturday. C. to pick
D. There was a large hill behind the beach. D. picks
E. The writer made a castle from sand at E. picked
the beach. 27.
A. were having
This text is for questions 23 to 25.
B. would have
C. have had
D. was having
E. had
This text is for questions 28 to 32.
The Angel of Desire
Once upon a time, in a happy kingdom was
born tha most beautiful princess in the world.
When she grew up, she fell in love with a
handsome young man and they promised to
marry each other. This couple was so dear to
God that an angel was sent to I 101101 Iltoii
wod(ijI 19.
The princess was so beautiful that the angel
too fell in love with her. That made God sad and
instantly the angel was turned into a beautiful
bird which sang beautifully but everyone E. the princess fell in love with a handsome
avoided the poor thing. young man
The angel couldn’t understand the reason
This text is for questions 33 to 35.
for that suffering. One day as the angel-bird
perched on a big tree standing on a hill in the Tips for Healthy and Shiny Hair
middle of a field and lamented its fate, four It is better to apply castor oil for a heaithy
criminals came under the tree to divide their growth of hair.
loot. Then, they decided to send two of them to • Wash hair with tea once in a week.
buy some food and drink to have a feast. As Apply the mixture of an egg wI tile, 2
they were coming back from the city, the two suoons of castor oil, 1 ‘spoon of glycerin, in
criminals decided to put poison in the food so the scalp and hair. Wa’h it after some time.
they can divide the loot of the other two Massage hair with warm coconut oil an
criminals between themselves. hour before washing. Let it soak. Cover your
Coincidentally, the other two criminals head with a hot towel and wash your hair
decided to kill the food bearing crooks and grab after an hour or so.
their loot too. So they shot them. After that, • Boil a few hibiscLls flowers in coconut oil.
they ate the food and drank the wine and died Filter and use this hair oil to control hair
in pain soon after that. loss and thinning.
That’s when the angel understood the Mix a little vinegar in warm waler and
consequences of improper, illegal desires. They rinse your hair with this solution. This will add
brought suffering, sorrow and death. God sent bounce to dull and lifeless hair.
us to this Earth to live by the law of this Egg white and curd is a good conditioner
freedom. for hair.
28. What is the purpose of the text? 33. What should you do after applying warm
A. To tell past events. coconut oil on your hair?
B. To inform something to the readers. A. Cover your head with a hot towel for an
C. To amuse or entertain the readers. hour.
D. To describe a particular event. B. Shampoo your hair directly.
E. To explain how something happened. C. Massage your hair.
D. Leave it overnight.
29. What is the main idea of paragraph four?
E. Rinse your hair.
A. The marriage of the princess with her
lover. 34. Which of the following can be used as a
B. The sufferings of the angel bird. conditioner?
C. The angel bird’s confusion over his A. Hibiscus flowers in coconut oil.
suffering. B. Vinegar and warm water.
D. The criminals’ tricks among each other. C. Egg white and curd.
E. The death of the four criminals. D. Warm coconut oil.
E. Castor oil.
30. What did God do to the angel after finding
out that the angel fell in love with the 35. Which statement is NOT TRUE based on the
princess? text?
A. He sent the angel to the earth. A. You should wash your hair with tea once
B. He turned the angel into a bird. in a week.
C. He imprisoned the angel. B. You can fry hibiscus flowers in coconut
D. He forbade the angel to come down to oil to control hair loss.
earth. C. You can rinse your hair with a mixture of
E. He blessed the angel to marry the ‘inegar and warm water.
princess. D. The mixture of an egg white, castor oil
and glycerin is gocd for your hair.
31. The following statements are true about the
E. You can use castor oil to help your hair
four criminals, except
A. they stopped under a tree to divide their
loot This text is for questions 36 and 37
B. the two of them firstly bought food and
drink to have a feast
C. the two criminals were shot by the other
two criminals to death
D. the last two criminals died because of
poisonous water
E. all of them got nothing instead of death
32. “That made God sad and instantly the angel
was turned into. . . .“ (Paragraph 2) The
underlined word refers to the fact that
A. people dislike the angel bird
B. the princess and her lover got married
C. the angel fell in love with the princess
D. God honored the princess’ wedding
D. We can have a chance tostretch our
36. Which statement is NOT TRUE based on the E. Our heart rate slowly comes clown
text? during the period.
A. You can apply it directly with a spatula.
B. Answer these questions correctly!
B. You must not change the dressing at all.
C. Fura-Zone cannot be applied to human This text is for questions 41 to 43.
beings. Gudeg Yogya (Green Jack Fruit Sweet
D. You can use a piece of gauze to apply Stew)
Fura-Zone. Ingredients:
E. Fura-Zone should be in contact with the 5 onions
lesion for at least one day. 10 candlenuts
37. “Application of a bandage is optional.” The 10 garlic cloves
synonym of the word ‘optional’ is .... 4 bay leaves
A. essential V.lh (250 q) qreen jack fruit
B. unnecesary 2V hip (12 g) :o iaiutuf suult
C. compulsory j1/4 tsp (6 g) cumin
D. required ¼ cup (62 ml) coconut sugar
E. expected 2 cups (500 ml) coconut milk
2 tsp (30 g) tamarind
This text is for questions 38 to 40.
2 lb (1 kg) chicken (cLit into small pieces
Aerobic Dancing—What Makes A Good with hone)
Workout? 5 cups (1.25 I) water
• Warming-up 2 inches bruised galangal
Start off moving to something slow for
about 5—10 minutes which will prepare you
• First, cut green jack fruit 1 inch thick.
for more vigorous activities. Starting an
Wash and boil until tender.
aerobic routine too quickly can lead to
• Grind onions, candlenuts, bay leaves and
injuries, so make sure you talk to your P.E.
galangal until fragrant.
teacher or a doctor before starting any new
• Add the chicken pieces, sti fry until
aerobic routine.
chicken changes color.
• High Impact
• Next, pour 4 cups of water and coconut
After warming up, your main aerobic routine
sugar, bring to boil.
should last about 20—30 minutes. If you’re
• Add the green jack fruit and simmer until
just starting your exercise routine, it’s
the chicken and vegetables are tender.
better to exercise for a longer period of time
• Finally, add coconut milk 5 minutes before
at a slower pace than going all out until you
it’s done, bring back to boil. Serve hot
feel like you’re going to drop dead.
with rice.
• Cooling down
• This dish is sweet and usually served with
Spend the last 5—10 minutes of your
shrimp crackers.
aerobic dance routine cooling down and
relaxing. This will give you a chance to 41. When should we add the green jack fruit?
stretch your muscles and let your heart rate 42. What should we do with the coconut sugar?
slowly come down. 43. When should we add coconut milk?
38. How long should we do the warming-up? This text is for questions 44 to 45.
A. Abo’ut 5 to 10 minutes. The clothes shop assistant, Mr. Kiichico was
B. About 10 to 15 minute. unhappy. He broke his leg last week and at the
C. About 15 to 20 minutes moment he was staying in hospital. He could
D. About 20 to 30 minutes. not move any more. Of course, he could not
E. As long as we can do. work either! Then, he was thinking to the things
39. What should we do if we just start our that happened last week.
exercise routine? (Last week) On Monday, Mr. Kuchico’s boss
A. We should go all out. was not happy for his work. He said Mr. Kuchico
B. We should exercise for a. shorter period wrOte lots ol rubbish to him. He was very
of time at a faster pace. angry!!! Mr. Kuchico was sad either. He knew
C. We should exercise for a longer period of why he
time at a slower pace. did the work horrible! That was because Mr.
D. We should exercise for a shoifter period Kuchico helped his neighbor, Mrs. Polo to make
of time at a slower pace. her light. He went to bed at two o’clock in the
E. We should exercise for a longer period of morning!!! This made Mr. Kuchico felt sleepy all
time at a faster pace. the day. So, he did his work very terrible!
On Tuesday, Mr. Kuchico went to a
40. Which statement is NOT TRUE about cooling
restaurant to meet a big boss of a company.
down phase?
The big boss called Mrs. Lily. She always cut on
A. We can be relaxed.
Mr. Kuchico’s speaking. This made Mr. Kuchico
B. We should do it fast.
very unhappy. At last, Mrs. Lily put a cup of cold
C. We should do it at about 5—10 minutes.
coffee onto Mr. Kuchico!!! Poor Mr Kuchico!
On Wednesday, Mr. Kuchico’s son, Peter
fought with a student at school. The student
was hurt and went to the hospital with his mom.
His mom was angry and asked Mr. Kuchico’s
son said sorry to her son and gave them $200
for medical expenses! “Oh! My god!” shouted
Mr. Kuchico.
On Thursday, Mr. Kuchico lost his purse!
$1,050 flew away from Mr. Kuchico. Finally, he
found back his purse in the book shelf of a
library!!! But there were nothing in his purse
except his ID. What a big trick!
On Friday. . . he broke his LEG!
“Ha! Hal Ha!” Mr. Kuchico laughed with a
forced smile.
44. What made Mr. Kuchico work terribly on last
45. What happened to M,.ichico on the third day
of his horrible week?
A. Multiple choice.
1. B
2. C
3. B
4. D
5. C
6. E
7. B
8. C
9. A
10. E
11. A
12. C
13. E
14. A
15. D
16. A
17. B
18. D
19. D
20. C
21. A
22. B
23. C
24. C
25. A
26. E
27. D
28. C
29. E
30. B
31. D
32. C
33. A
34. C
35. B
36. B
37. B
38. A
39. C
40. B

B. Answer!
41. After we boil 4 cups of water and
coconut sugar.
42. We should boil it with water.
43. Five minutes before it’s done.
44. He slept very late the night before.
45. He spent some money to pay for his
son’s friend’s medical expense.

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