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Volume 2

EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP

Edition 1.4

November 2007

ODVA & ControlNet International, Ltd.

The CIP Networks Library Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP

The CIP Networks Library

Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP
Publication Number: PUB00002
Copyright © 1999 through 2007 Open DeviceNet Vendor Association, Inc. (ODVA). All rights
reserved. For permissions to reproduce excerpts of this material, with appropriate attribution to
the author(s), please contact ODVA at:

Open DeviceNet Vendor Association, Inc.

4220 Varsity Drive, Suite A, Ann Arbor, MI 48108-5006 USA
TEL 1-734-975-8840
FAX 1-734-922-0027
EMAIL [email protected]
WEB www.odva.org

The right to make, use or sell product or system implementations described herein is granted
only under separate license pursuant to a Terms of Usage Agreement or other agreement.
Terms of Usage Agreements for individual CIP Networks are available, at standard charges,
over the Internet at the following web sites:

www.odva.org - Terms of Usage Agreements for CompoNet, DeviceNet and

EtherNet/IP and CIP Safety, along with general information on CIP Networks and the
association of ODVA
www.controlnet.org - Terms of Usage Agreement for ControlNet along with general
information on ControlNet and ControlNet International.

Warranty Disclaimer Statement

Because CIP Networks my be applied in many diverse situations and in conjunction with
products and systems from multiple vendors, the user and those responsible for specifying CIP
Networks must determine for themselves its suitability for the intended use. The Specifications
are provided to you on an AS IS basis without warranty. NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED
INTERNATIONAL. In no event shall the Publisher, ODVA and/or ControlNet International,
their officers, directors, members, agents, licensors or affiliates be liable to you or any
customer for lost profits, development expenses or any other direct, indirect incidental, special
or consequential damages.
ControlNet and ControlNet CONFORMANCE TESTED are trademarks of ControlNet
International, Ltd.
CIP, DeviceNet, DeviceNet CONFORMANCE TESTED, DeviceNet Safety, DeviceNet Safety
and CIP Safety are trademarks of Open DeviceNet Vendor Association, Inc.
EtherNet/IP is a trademark of ControlNet International under license by Open DeviceNet
Vendor Association, Inc.
All other trademarks referenced herein are property of their respective owners.

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ODVA & ControlNet International, Ltd.
The CIP Networks Library Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP

The CIP Networks Library: Volume 2

EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP

Table of Contents
Revisions - Summary of Changes in this Edition

Preface - Organization of CIP Networks Specifications

- The Specification Enhancement Process

Chapter 1 - Introduction to EtherNet/IP

Chapter 2 - Encapsulation Protocol
Chapter 3 - Mapping of Explicit and I/O Messaging to TCP/IP
Chapter 4 - CIP Object Model
Chapter 5 - Object Library
Chapter 6 - Device Profiles
Chapter 7 - Electronic Data Sheets
Chapter 8 - Physical Layer
Chapter 9 - Indicators and Middle Layers
Chapter 10 - Bridging and Routing
Appendix A - Explicit Messaging Services
Appendix B - Status Codes
Appendix C - Data Management
Appendix D - Engineering Units

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ODVA & ControlNet International, Ltd.
The CIP Networks Library Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP

The CIP Networks Library Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Edition 1.4 contains the
following changes from Edition 1.3. Please see the change bars on the pages noted here for
specific modifications. Note: Some of the pages within the ranges noted may not contain any

Chapter Pages Reason for Change

Add support for multi-port devices
5-3.1 5-4 • Remove last sentence, which restricts references to instance 1
5-3.2.1 5-4 • Add Class attributes 2 and 3 as conditional attributes
5- 5-9 • Add sentence to second paragraph
• Replace last sentence of first paragraph, removing the restriction to instance
5-4.1 5-15
1 references
5-4.2 5-15 • Add section to add missing object revision history.
• Add Class attributes 2 and 3 as conditional attributes, change revision of the
5-4.3.1 5-15
Ethernet Link object to three
5-4.3.2 5-17, 18 • Add Instance attributes 7-10 as optional or conditional attributes
5- 5-19 • Add sentences to the end of the paragraph
5- 5-19 • Add sentences to the end of the paragraph
5- 5-19 • Add sentences to the end of the paragraph
5- thru
5-20, 21 • Add new sections to describe new instance attributes
6-4 thru • Add new section to show different types of multi-port devices supported by
6-3 6-7 this enhancement
EtherNet/IP Physical Layer Enhancements
1-5 1-8 • Add new terms to definitions
1-6 1-9 • Add new abbreviations
8 All • Replaced the majority of the material in this chapter
Cleanup typos, etc
2-5.3 2-20 • Corrected section reference for UnRegisterSession (no change bars)
2-6.1 2-22 • Improved clarity of wording for translation in Table 2-6.2
3-3.7 3-8 • Corrected number of bytes in last example in Table 3-3.1
5-4.2 5-15 • Corrected misspelling in Table 5-4.1

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The CIP Networks Library Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP


Organization of the CIP Networks Specifications

Today, four networks - DeviceNet™, ControlNet™, EtherNet/IP™ and CompoNet™ use the
Common Industrial Protocol (CIP) for the upper layers of their network protocol. For this
reason, the associations that manage these networks - ODVA and ControlNet International -
have mutually agreed to manage and distribute the specifications for CIP Networks in a
common structure to help ensure consistency and accuracy in the management of these
The following diagram illustrates the organization of the library of CIP Network specifications.
In addition to CIP Networks, CIP Safety™ consists of the extensions to CIP for functional

Edition 1.4
ODVA & ControlNet International, Ltd.
The CIP Networks Library Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP

This common structure presents CIP in one volume with a separate volume for each network
adaptation of CIP. The specifications for the CIP Networks are two-volume sets, paired as
shown below.
The EtherNet/IP specification consists of:
Volume 1: Common Industrial Protocol (CIP™)
Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP
The DeviceNet specification consists of:
Volume 1: Common Industrial Protocol (CIP™)
Volume 3: DeviceNet Adaptation of CIP
The ControlNet specification consists of:
Volume 1: Common Industrial Protocol (CIP™)
Volume 4: ControlNet Adaptation of CIP
The CompoNet specification consists of:
Volume 1: Common Industrial Protocol (CIP™)
Volume 6: CompoNet Adaptation of CIP
The specification for CIP Safety™ is distributed in a single volume:
Volume 5: CIP Safety
The specification for integrating Modbus Devices is distributed in a single volume:
Volume 7: Integration of Modbus Devices into the CIP Architecture
Specification Enhancement Process
The specifications for CIP Networks are continually being enhanced to meet the increasing
needs of users for features and functionality. ODVA and ControlNet International have also
agreed to operate using a common Specification Enhancement Process in order to ensure open
and stable specifications for all CIP Networks. This process is on going throughout the year for
each CIP Network Specification as shown in the figure below. New editions of each CIP
Network specification are published on a periodic basis.

Members Develop Specification

New Specification Enhancements in Special Interest
Edition Published Groups (SIGs)

Conformance Tests
Technical Review Board
Reviews and Approves
Specification Enhancements

Member Review and

Comment Period
Specification Enhancements
Integrated in New Revisions
of Publications

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP

Chapter 1: Introduction to EtherNet/IP

Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 1: Introduction to EtherNet/IP

1-1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................................3
1-2 Scope..................................................................................................................................................................4
1-3 References..........................................................................................................................................................6
1-3.1 Normative References................................................................................................................................6
1-4 Additional Reference Material...........................................................................................................................6
1-5 Definitions .........................................................................................................................................................8
1-6 Abbreviations.....................................................................................................................................................9

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ODVA & ControlNet International, Ltd.
Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 1: Introduction to EtherNet/IP

1-1 Introduction
EtherNet/IP (Ethernet/Industrial Protocol) is a communication system suitable for use in
industrial environments. EtherNet/IP allows industrial devices to exchange time-critical
application information. These devices include simple I/O devices such as sensors/actuators, as
well as complex control devices such as robots, programmable logic controllers, welders, and
process controllers.

EtherNet/IP uses CIP (Control and Information Protocol), the common network, transport and
application layers also shared by ControlNet and DeviceNet. EtherNet/IP then makes use of
standard Ethernet and TCP/IP technology to transport CIP communications packets. The result
is a common, open application layer on top of open and highly popular Ethernet and TCP/IP

EtherNet/IP provides a producer/consumer model for the exchange of time-critical control data.
The producer/consumer model allows the exchange of application information between a
sending device (e.g., the producer) and many receiving devices (e.g., the consumers) without
the need to send the data multiple times to multiple destinations. For EtherNet/IP, this is
accomplished by making use of the CIP network and transport layers along with IP Multicast
technology. Many EtherNet/IP devices can receive the same produced piece of application
information from a single producing device.

EtherNet/IP makes use of standard IEEE 802.3 technology; there are no non-standard additions
that attempt to improve determinism. Rather, EtherNet/IP recommends the use of commercial
switch technology, with 100 Mbps bandwidth and full-duplex operation, to provide for more
deterministic performance.

NOTE: EtherNet/IP does not require specific implementation or performance requirements due
to the broad range of application requirements. However, work is underway to define a
standard set of EtherNet/IP benchmarks and metrics by which the performance of devices will
be measured. These measurements may become required entries within a product's Electronic
Data Sheet. The goal of such benchmarks and metrics will be to help the user determine the
suitability of a particular EtherNet/IP device for a specific application.

The figure below illustrates how EtherNet/IP, DeviceNet and ControlNet share the CIP
Common layers.

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 1: Introduction to EtherNet/IP

Figure 1-1.1 CIP Common Overview

SEMI Pneu AC Position ...Other

Devices Valve Drives Cntrllrs Profiles



Application Object Library

Application &
Transport Layers
CIP Messaging: Explicit, I/O, Routing

DeviceNet ControlNet
UDP TCP Future ?
Adaptation & Data Link Data Link
Layer Layer IP
Data Link Layers
[CAN] [CTDMA] Enet Data Link
Layer [CSMA/CD]

Physical DeviceNet ControlNet Ethernet

Physical Physical Physical Future ?
Layer Layer Layer

1-2 Scope
The EtherNet/IP specification is divided into the following chapters:

Chapter Title Description

1 Introduction This chapter of the specification.
2 Encapsulation Specifies the encapsulation protocol that is used to transport CIP packets
Protocol over TCP/IP networks. The encapsulation protocol specified in this chapter
may also be used to encapsulate non-CIP protocols.
3 Mapping of Explicit Contains EtherNet/IP-specific additions to the CIP Network and Transport
and I/O Messaging to layers. Specifies how the encapsulation protocol defined in Chapter 2 is
TCP/IP used to transport CIP Network and Transport layer packets over TCP/IP
4 Object Model Contains EtherNet/IP-specific additions to the CIP object model.
5 Object Library Supplements the CIP object library with objects specific to EtherNet/IP.
6 Device Profiles Contains EtherNet/IP-specific additions to the CIP device profile library.
7 Electronic Data Sheets Specifies additions to the CIP EDS definition required for EtherNet/IP.
8 Physical Layer Specifies media and physical layer requirements for industrial use.
9 Indicators and Middle Specifies TCP/IP requirements of EtherNet/IP devices. This chapter also
Layers specifies the standard appearance and behaviour of EtherNet/IP diagnostic
10 Bridging and Routing Additions to the CIP routing definition.

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ODVA & ControlNet International, Ltd.
Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 1: Introduction to EtherNet/IP

This chapter is the Introduction to EtherNet/IP. The following drawing shows the relationship
of these chapters to each other and to the CIP Common specification (published separately by
ODVA and ControlNet International). Both this specification (volume2) and the CIP Common
specification (volume1) are required to completely specify an EtherNet/IP product. The
encapsulation protocol defined in Chapter 2 of this specification is also suitable to encapsulate
other industrial protocols, as illustrated in the following drawing. However, the specific details
of encapsulating other protocols are not included in this release of the specification.

As can be seen in Figure 1-2.1, the encapsulation protocol in chapter 2 uses a TCP/IP layer to
insulate it from the network medium. As such, the encapsulation protocol may be used on any
medium that supports TCP/IP. For example, the encapsulation protocol could run on an FDDI
or PPP network. Chapter 9 (Indicators and Middle Layers) requires conformance with the RFC
that documents how TCP/IP is implemented on a particular network. Furthermore, chapter 8
(Physical Layers) narrows the scope of certified EtherNet/IP implementations to run on either
10 or 100 Mb Ethernet. Specifically, chapter documents two permissible conformance levels
of devices: one called “commercial” and the other “industrial”. Other conformance levels may
be added through modification to this specification.

Figure 1-2.1 shows the relationship between the various parts of the EtherNet/IP specification.
As shown in the figure, the darker sections (chapters 2-7 and 10) are predominately
documented by the CIP Common specification (volume 1). The corresponding chapters of the
EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP (volume 2) supplements or modifies these chapters of the CIP
Common specification in some areas. The lightly shaded sections (chapters 2, 3, 8 and 9) are
predominately documented by volume 2. These chapters contain information applicable
specifically to EtherNet/IP devices, but not necessarily to those on other CIP networks (for
example, DeviceNet or ControlNet).

Figure 1-2.1 Document Organization Overview

Chapters 6 and 7 PLC
Devices Valve Drive

Chapters 4 and 5 Application Object Library

Chapter 2
Chapters 2, 3 and 10 Encap-
CIP Messaging
Chapter 3 Explicit, I/O, Routing.
of other
Internet Internet
KEY apps
Encapsulation of CIP
(e.g. (e.g.
CIP Common NFS) Encapsulation HTTP)
Specification (Vol 1)

IP Chapter 9
Adaptation of CIP Ethernet Data Link Layer
(Vol 2)
Ethernet Physical Layer Chapter 8

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ODVA & ControlNet International, Ltd.
Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 1: Introduction to EtherNet/IP

1-3 References

1-3.1 Normative References

ISO 7498-1:1984, Information processing systems — Open systems interconnection — Basic
reference model
ISO 7498/AD1: 1987, Information processing systems — Open systems interconnection —
Connectionless data transmission
ISO 7498-3:1987, Information processing systems — Open systems interconnection — Naming
and addressing
ISO/IEC 8886:1992, Information technology — Open systems interconnection —
Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Data link service definition
ISO/IEC 10039:1990, Information technology — Telecommunication and information
exchange between systems — Medium access control service definition
ISO/TR 8509:1987, Information processing systems — Open systems interconnection —
Service conventions
ISO/IEC 10731:1992, Information technology — Open systems interconnection — Conventions
for the definition of OSI services
ISO 8802-2:1989, Information processing systems — Local area networks — Part 2: Logical
link control
ISO/IEC 8802-3:1993, Information technology — Local and metropolitan area networks —
Part 3: Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD) access method and
physical layer specifications
ISO/IEC 8802-4:1990, Information processing systems — Local area networks — Part 4:
Token - passing bus access method and physical layer specifications
ANSI X3.159-1989, American National Standard for Information Systems — Programming
Language C

1-4 Additional Reference Material

”Strategies for Real-time Systems Specification” by D. J. Hatley and I. A. Pirbhai
CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations Part 3: Rules for the drafting and presentation of
European Standards (PNE-Rules) - 1991-09
RFC 768: August 1980, User Datagram Protocol
RFC 791: September 1981, Internet Protocol
RFC 792: September 1981, Internet Control Message Protocol
RFC 793: September 1981, Transmission Control Protocol
RFC 826: November 1982, An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol
RFC 894: April 1984, A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams over Ethernet
RFC 1035:1987, Domain names - implementation and specification

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 1: Introduction to EtherNet/IP

RFC 1103: June 1989, A Proposed Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams over FDDI
RFC 1112: August 1989, Host Extensions for IP Multicasting
RFC 1117:1989, Internet numbers
RFC 1122: October 1989, Requirements for Internet Hosts -- Communication Layers
RFC 1123: October 1989, Requirements for Internet Hosts -- Application and Support
RFC 1127: October 1989, A Perspective on the Host Requirements RFCs
RFC 1171: July 1990, The Point-to-Point Protocol for the Transmission of Multi-Protocol
Datagrams Over Point-to-Point Links
RFC 1201: February 1991, Transmitting IP Traffic over ARCNET Networks
RFC 1392: January 1993, Internet Users' Glossary
RFC2236: November 1997, Internet Group Management Protocol, Version 2

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 1: Introduction to EtherNet/IP

1-5 Definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the following definitions apply. Also see CIP Common
Specification, Chapter 1 for additional definitions.
Term Definition
automation outlet The interface where the generic telecommunications cabling ends and the automation
specific cabling begins, including the interfaces where automation specific cabling
terminates within the automation island.
broadcast A special type of multicast packet that all nodes on the network are always willing to
receive. [Source: RFC1392]
broadcast storm An incorrect packet broadcast onto a network that causes multiple hosts to respond all at once,
typically with equally incorrect packets which causes the storm to grow exponentially in severity.
[Source: RFC1392]
datagram A self-contained, independent entity of data carrying sufficient information to be
routed from the source to the destination computer without reliance on earlier
exchanges between this source and destination computer and the transporting network.
[Source: RFC1392]
bulkhead A wall or barrier which maintains the ingress and climatic environmental classification
applicable on either side
bulkhead connection An assembly of two back-to-back connections separated by a bulkhead
bulkhead cable gland A device at an enclosure bulkhead that provides cable passage for power or signals
channel A channel is defined as the end-to-end transmission path between two points at which
application-specific equipment is connected. Alternatively a channel is a path of data
transfer between two end devices
encapsulation The technique used by layered protocols in which a layer adds header information to
the protocol data unit (PDU) from the layer above. As an example, in Internet
terminology, a packet would contain a header from the physical layer, followed by a
header from the network layer (IP), followed by a header from the transport layer
(TCP), followed by the application protocol data. [Source: RFC1208]
Ethernet A 10-Mb/s standard for LANs, initially developed by Xerox, and later refined by
Digital, Intel and Xerox (DIX). All hosts are connected to a coaxial cable where they
contend for network access using a Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision
Detection (CSMA/CD) paradigm. See also: 802.x, Local Area Network, token ring.
[Source: RFC1392]
EtherNet/IP Products compliant with this specification as well as the CIP Common specification
are known as EtherNet/IP products. EtherNet/IP stands for Ethernet Industrial
Protocol. [Source: RFC1392]
frame Single data transfer on a link.
link The physical connection between two active mating components
MAC ID the 48-bit physical address of an Ethernet node
network status Indicators on a node indicating the status of the Physical and Data Link Layers.
network address or A node’s 32-bit TCP/IP address on the link. In most CIP networks, this network
node address address is the MAC ID; however, this is not the case on Ethernet. The DLL of
Ethernet has a 48-bit MAC ID that is not used directly by the CIP communication
physical medium An active interface defined by the appropriate standards to serve a specific medium
dependant such as copper 2/4 pair or fiber
physical topology The physical layout of devices on a network, or the way that the devices on a network
are arranged and how they communicate with each other, is called the physical

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ODVA & ControlNet International, Ltd.
Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 1: Introduction to EtherNet/IP

Term Definition
port Within the EtherNet/IP specific context, a TCP or UDP port is a transport layer
demultiplexing value. Each application has a unique port number associated with it.
[Source: RFC1392]. See CIP Common Specification for an additional definition of
this term.
Power over Ethernet The delivery of device power along with Ethernet signals, as defined by 803.3an in
cooperation with TIA-TR42 standards committee
redundant media A system using more than one medium to help prevent communication failures.
segment Trunk–cable sections connected via taps with terminators at each end; a segment has
no active components and does not include repeaters.
transceiver The physical component within a node that provides transmission and reception of
signals onto and off of the medium.

1-6 Abbreviations
For the purposes of this standard, the following abbreviations apply. Also see the CIP Common
Specification Chapter 1 for additional abbreviations.
Abbreviation Meaning
AO Automation Outlet
COTS Commercially off the shelf. Refers to commercial grade components
FTP File transfer protocol. An internet application that uses TCP reliable packet
transfer to move file between different nodes. (not to be confused with STP/FTP)
LED Light emitting diode
PMD Physical Media Dependant
PoE Power over Ethernet
rcv Receive
RFC Request For Comments (RFC) – The document series, begun in 1969, which
describes the Internet suite of protocols and related experiments. Not all (in fact,
very few) RFCs describe the Internet standards, but all Internet standards are
written up as RFCs. The RFC series of documents is unusual in that the proposed
protocols are forwarded by the Internet research and development community,
acting on their own behalf, as opposed to the formally reviewed and standardized
protocols that are promoted by organizations such as CCITT and ANSI. [Source:
RFC 1392]
rx Receive
STP/FTP Shielded twisted pair/foil twisted pair
TCP Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) - An Internet Standard transport layer
protocol defined in STD 7, RFC 793. It is connection-oriented and stream-
oriented, as opposed to UDP. See also: connection-oriented, stream-oriented,
User Datagram Protocol. [Source: RFC1392]
Tx transmit
UDP User Datagram Protocol (UDP) - An Internet Standard transport layer protocol
defined in STD 6, RFC 768. It is a connectionless protocol which adds a level of
reliability and multiplexing to IP. See also: connectionless, Transmission Control
Protocol. [Source: RFC1392]
UTP Unshielded twisted pair
Xmit transmit

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 1: Introduction to EtherNet/IP

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP

Chapter 2: Encapsulation Protocol

Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 2: Encapsulation Protocol

2-1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................................3
2-2 Use of TCP and UDP .........................................................................................................................................3
2-3 Encapsulation Messages ....................................................................................................................................4
2-3.1 Encapsulation Packet Structure..................................................................................................................4
2-3.2 Command Field..........................................................................................................................................5
2-3.3 Length Field ...............................................................................................................................................6
2-3.4 Session Handle...........................................................................................................................................6
2-3.5 Status Field.................................................................................................................................................6
2-3.6 Sender Context Field..................................................................................................................................7
2-3.7 Options Field..............................................................................................................................................7
2-3.8 Command Specific Data Field ...................................................................................................................7
2-4 Command Descriptions......................................................................................................................................8
2-4.1 NOP ...........................................................................................................................................................8
2-4.2 ListIdentity.................................................................................................................................................9
2-4.3 ListInterfaces............................................................................................................................................11
2-4.4 RegisterSession ........................................................................................................................................12
2-4.5 UnRegisterSession ...................................................................................................................................14
2-4.6 ListServices..............................................................................................................................................15
2-4.7 SendRRData.............................................................................................................................................17
2-4.8 SendUnitData ...........................................................................................................................................19
2-5 Session Management........................................................................................................................................20
2-5.1 Phases of a TCP Encapsulation Session...................................................................................................20
2-5.2 Establishing a Session ..............................................................................................................................20
2-5.3 Terminating a Session ..............................................................................................................................20
2-5.4 Maintaining a Session ..............................................................................................................................20
2-5.5 TCP Behavior (informative) ....................................................................................................................21
2-6 Common Packet Format...................................................................................................................................22
2-6.1 General.....................................................................................................................................................22
2-6.2 Address Items...........................................................................................................................................23
2-6.3 Data Items ................................................................................................................................................24

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ODVA & ControlNet International, Ltd.
Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 2: Encapsulation Protocol

2-1 Introduction
This chapter (chapter 2) of the specification documents the method used to encapsulate
industrial protocols on a TCP/IP network. This mechanism can be applied to the CIP industrial
protocol or to other networks. Chapter 3 of this specification details the application of this
encapsulation protocol to CIP.

With respect to the OSI reference model, this encapsulation protocol inhabits Layer 2 Data Link

2-2 Use of TCP and UDP

The encapsulation protocol defines a reserved TCP port number that shall be supported by all
EtherNet/IP devices. All EtherNet/IP devices shall accept at least 2 TCP connections on TCP
port number 0xAF12. Once the TCP connection to TCP port number 0xAF12 is established, all
data sent through the TCP stream shall be in the format specified in section 2-3.

NOTE: TCP is a stream-based protocol. It is permitted to send almost any length IP packet it
chooses. For example, if two back-to-back encapsulated messages were passed to a TCP/IP
stack, the TCP/IP stack may choose to put both encapsulated messages in one Ethernet frame.
Alternately, it may choose to place half of the first message in the first Ethernet frame and all
the rest in the next Ethernet frame. This is shown in Figure 2-2.1 Usage of TCP to Encapsulate
Two Messages.

Two back-to-back encapsulated messages could be

sent in many different ways by the TCP/IP stack. Two
examples are given here:

Ethernet header IP header TCP header Encapsulation Encapsulation

(14 bytes) (20 bytes) (20 bytes) message #1 message #2


Ethernet header IP header TCP header Start of encapsulation

(14 bytes) (20 bytes) (20 bytes) message #1

Ethernet header IP header TCP header Rest of encapsulation Encapsulation

(14 bytes) (20 bytes) (20 bytes) message #1 message #2

Figure 2-2.1 Usage of TCP to Encapsulate Two Messages

NOTE: It is not the intention of this specification to document the details of the TCP, UDP and
IP transport mechanisms. Many excellent resources including the RFCs referenced throughout
this specification should be used to obtain this information.

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ODVA & ControlNet International, Ltd.
Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 2: Encapsulation Protocol

The encapsulation protocol also defines a reserved UDP port number that shall be supported by
all EtherNet/IP devices. All devices shall accept UDP packets on UDP port number 0xAF12.
Since UDP, unlike TCP, does not have an ability to reorder packets, whenever UDP is used to
send an encapsulated message, the entire message shall be sent in a single UDP packet. Only
one encapsulated message shall be present in a single UDP packet destined to UDP port

Some encapsulated messages shall only be sent via TCP. Other may be sent via either UDP or
TCP. See “Table 2-3.2 Encapsulation Commands” for details about which commands are
restricted to TCP.

2-3 Encapsulation Messages

2-3.1 Encapsulation Packet Structure

All encapsulation messages, sent via TCP or sent to UDP port 0xAF12, shall be composed of a
fixed-length header of 24 bytes followed by an optional data portion. The total encapsulation
message length (including header) shall be limited to 65535 bytes. Its structure shall be as

Table 2-3.1 Encapsulation Packet

Structure Field Name Data Type Field Value
Encapsulation Command UINT Encapsulation command
header Length UINT Length, in bytes, of the data portion of the
message, i.e., the number of bytes following the
Session handle UDINT Session identification (application dependent)
Status UDINT Status code
Sender Context ARRAY of octet Information pertinent only to the sender of an
encapsulation command. Length of 8.
Options UDINT Options flags
Command Encapsulated data ARRAY of 0 to The encapsulation data portion of the message
specific data 65511 octet is required only for certain commands

The encapsulation message length shall not override length restrictions imposed by the
encapsulated protocol.

NOTE: For example, a CIP UCMM message is still limited to 504 bytes even when
encapsulated. See chapter 3 of the CIP Common Specification.

Multi-byte integer fields in the encapsulation messages shall be transmitted in little-endian byte

NOTE: This is different from the byte ordering used in standard Internet network protocols,
which is big-endian.

Although the header contains no explicit information to distinguish between a request and a
reply, this information shall be determined in either of two ways:

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• implicitly, by the command and the context in which the message is generated. (For
example, in the case of the RegisterSession command, the request is generated by an
originator and the target generates the reply);
• explicitly, by the contents of an encapsulated protocol packet in the data part of the

2-3.2 Command Field

The allocation of command codes shall be as follows:

Table 2-3.2 Encapsulation Commands

Code Name Comment
0x0000 NOP (may be sent only using TCP)
0x0001 Reserved for legacy (RA)
0x0002 Reserved for legacy (RA)
0x0004 ListServices (may be sent using either UDP or TCP)
0x0005 Reserved for legacy (RA)
0x0006 Reserved for future expansion of this specification
through (Products compliant with this specification shall
0x0062 not use command codes in this range)
0x0063 ListIdentity (may be sent using either UDP or TCP)
0x0064 ListInterfaces optional (may be sent using either UDP or
0x0065 RegisterSession (may be sent only using TCP)
0x0066 UnRegisterSession (may be sent only using TCP)
0x0067 Reserved for legacy (RA)
0x006F SendRRData (may be sent only using TCP)
0x0070 SendUnitData (may be sent only using TCP)
0x0071 Reserved for legacy (RA)
0x0072 IndicateStatus optional (may be sent only using TCP)
0x0073 Cancel optional (may be sent only using TCP)
0x0074 Reserved for legacy (RA)
0x00C8 Reserved for future expansion of this specification
through (Products compliant with this specification shall
0xFFFF not used command codes in this range)

A device shall accept commands that it does not support without breaking the session or
underlying TCP connection. A status code indicating that an unsupported command was
received shall be returned to the sender of the message.

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NOTE: The establishment of a session is defined in section 2-5. In short, a session makes a
TCP/IP connection between originator and target over which encapsulated commands may be
sent. Since TCP/IP connections are modeled as a stream of bytes, the encapsulation header is
prepended to each encapsulated packet so that the receiving device can know where packets
begin and end.

2-3.3 Length Field

The length field in the header shall specify the size in bytes of the data portion of the message.
The field shall contain zero for messages that contain no data. The total length of a message
shall be the sum of the number contained in the length field plus the 24-byte size of the
encapsulation header.

The entire encapsulation message shall be read from the TCP/IP connection even if the length
is invalid for a particular command or exceeds the target's internal buffers.

NOTE: Failure to read the entire message can result in losing track of the message boundaries
in the TCP byte stream.

2-3.4 Session Handle

The Session Handle shall be generated by the target and returned to the originator in response
to a RegisterSession request. The originator shall insert it in all subsequent encapsulated
packets (sent using the commands listed in Table 2-3.2) to that particular target. In the case
where the target initiates and sends a command to the originator, the target shall include this
field in the request that it sends to the originator.

NOTE: Some commands (i.e., NOP) do not require a session handle even if a session has been
established. Whether or not a particular command requires a session is noted in the description
of that command.

2-3.5 Status Field

The value in the Status field shall indicate whether or not the receiver was able to execute the
requested encapsulation command. A value of zero in a reply shall indicate successful
execution of the command. In all requests issued by the sender, the Status field shall contain
zero. If the receiver receives a request with a non-zero Status field, the request shall be ignored
and no reply shall be generated.

NOTE: This field does not reflect errors that are generated by an encapsulated protocol packet
contained within the data portion of the message. For example, an error encountered during an
end node's processing of a Set Attributes service would be returned via the CIP specified error
mechanism (see chapter 3 of the CIP Common specification)..

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The status codes shall be as follows:

Table 2-3.3 Error Codes

Status Code Description
0x0000 Success
0x0001 The sender issued an invalid or unsupported encapsulation command.
0x0002 Insufficient memory resources in the receiver to handle the command. This is not an
application error. Instead, it only results if the encapsulation layer cannot obtain memory
resources that it needs.
0x0003 Poorly formed or incorrect data in the data portion of the encapsulation message.
0x0004 – 0x0063 Reserved for legacy (RA)
0x0064 An originator used an invalid session handle when sending an encapsulation message to the
0x0065 The target received a message of invalid length
0x0066 – 0x0068 Reserved for legacy (RA)
0x0069 Unsupported encapsulation protocol revision.
0x006A – 0xFFFF Reserved for future expansion (Products compliant with this specification shall not use
command codes in this range)

2-3.6 Sender Context Field

The sender of the command shall assign the value in the Sender Context field of the header.
The receiver shall return this value without modification in its reply. Commands with no
expected reply may ignore this field.

NOTE: The sender of a command may place any value in this field. It could be used to match
requests with their associated replies.

2-3.7 Options Field

The sender of an encapsulated packet shall set the options field to zero. The receiver of an
encapsulated packet shall verify that the option field is zero. The receiver shall discard
encapsulated packets with a non-zero option field.

NOTE: The intent of this field is to provide bits that modify the meaning of the various
encapsulation commands. No particular use for this field has not yet been specified.

2-3.8 Command Specific Data Field

NOTE: The structure of the command specific data field depends on the command code. To
organize their command specific data field, most commands use either or both of the following
two methods:

1) use a fixed structure

2) use the common packet format (described in section 2-6)

The common packet format allows commands to structure their command specific data field in
an extensible way.

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2-4 Command Descriptions

2-4.1 NOP
Either an originator or a target may send a NOP command. No reply shall be generated by this
command. The data portion of the command shall be from 0 to 65511 bytes long. The receiver
shall ignore any data that is contained in the message.

NOTE: A NOP provides a way for either an originator or target to determine if the TCP
connection is still open.

The NOP encapsulation header shall be as follows:

Table 2-4.1 NOP Header Values

Structure Field Name Data Type Field Value
Encapsulation Command UINT NOP (0x00)
header Length UINT Length of data portion (from 0 to 65511)
Session handle UDINT This field is ignored since the NOP command does
not generate a reply.
Status UDINT shall be 0
Sender Context ARRAY of octet This field is ignored since the NOP command does
not generate a reply. Length of 8.
Options UDINT shall be 0
Command Unused data ARRAY of octet unused data
specific data

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2-4.2 ListIdentity

2-4.2.1 General
A connection originator may use the ListIdentity command to locate and identify potential
targets. This command shall be sent as a broadcast message using UDP and does not require
that a session be established.

2-4.2.2 Request
The ListIdentity request shall be as shown below:

Table 2-4.2 ListIdentity Request

Structure Field Name Data Type Field Value
Encapsulation Command UINT ListIdentity (0x63)
header Length UINT 0
Session handle UDINT This field is ignored since a session need not be
established before sending the ListIdentity request.
Status UDINT 0
Sender Context ARRAY of octet 0
Options UDINT 0

2-4.2.3 Reply
One reply item is defined for this command, Target Identity, with item type code 0x0C. This
item shall be supported (returned) by all CIP capable devices.

Each receiver of the List Identity command shall reply with a standard encapsulation header
and data, as shown below. The data portion of the message shall provide the information on
the target’s identity. The reply shall be sent to the IP address from which the broadcast request
was received.

Table 2-4.3 ListIdentity Reply

Structure Field Name Data Type Field Value
Encapsulation Command UINT List Identity (0x63)
header Length UINT 0
Session handle UDINT Ignored
Status UDINT 0
Sender Context ARRAY of octet 0
Options UDINT 0
Command Item Count UINT Number of target items to follow
specific data ListIdentity Items STRUCT of Interface Information
UINT Item Type Code
UINT Item Length
ARRAY of Item Data

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The data portion of the message shall be the Common Packet Format that contains a 2-byte
item count followed by an array of items providing the target identity.

At a minimum, the CIP Identity item shall be returned and has the format as defined in Table 2-
4.4. Part of this item definition follows the Get Attribute All service response definition of the
Identity Object (data returned based on instance one of this object), and may adopt new
members if and when new members are added to that service response. Unlike most fields in
the Common Packet Format, the Socket Address field shall be sent in big endian order.

Table 2-4.4 CIP Identity Item

Parameter Name Data Type Description
Item Type Code UINT Code indicating item type of CIP Identity (0x0C)
Item Length UINT Number of bytes in item which follow (length varies
depending on Product Name string)
Encapsulation Protocol UINT Encapsulation Protocol Version supported (also returned
Version with Register Sesstion reply).
Socket Address STRUCT of Socket Address (see section 2-6.3.2)
INT sin_family (big-endian)
UINT sin_port (big-endian)
UDINT sin_addr (big-endian)
ARRAY of USINT sin_zero (length of 8) (big-endian)
Vendor ID1 UINT Device manufacturers Vendor ID
Device Type1 UINT Device Type of product
Product Code1 UINT Product Code assigned with respect to device type
Revision1 USINT[2] Device revision
Status1 WORD Current status of device
Serial Number1 UDINT Serial number of device
Product Name1 SHORT_STRING Human readable description of device
State1 USINT Current state of device
1 These parameters are further defined by the corresponding instance attribute of the Identity Object. (see the CIP
Common specification, chapter 5, Object Library)

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2-4.3 ListInterfaces

2-4.3.1 General
The optional List Interfaces command shall be used by a connection originator to identify
potential non-CIP communication interfaces associated with the target. A session need not be
established to send this command.

2-4.3.2 Request
The ListInterfaces request shall be as shown below.

Table 2-4.5 ListInterfaces Request

Structure Field Name Data Type Field Value
Encapsulation Command UINT List Interfaces (0x64)
header Length UINT 0
Session handle UDINT Ignored
Status UDINT 0
Sender Context ARRAY of octet 0
Options UDINT 0

2-4.3.3 Reply
If supported, the receiver of a ListInterfaces request command shall reply with a standard
encapsulation header and data, as shown below. The data portion of the message is structured
as a Common Packet Format and shall provide information on the non-CIP communication
interfaces associated with the target.

Table 2-4.6 ListInterfaces Reply

Structure Field Name Data Type Field Value
Encapsulation Command UINT List Interfaces (0x64)
header Length UINT 0
Session handle UDINT Ignored
Status UDINT 0
Sender Context ARRAY of octet 0
Options UDINT 0
Command Item Count UINT Number of target items to follow
specific data Target Items STRUCT of Interface Information
UINT Item Type Code
UINT Item Length
ARRAY of octet Item Data

The data portion of the message shall be the Common Packet Format, which contains a 2-byte
item count followed by an array of items providing interface information. There are no
publicly defined items returned with this reply. The vendor-specific item(s) which is/are
returned shall, at a minimum, return a 32 bit Interface Handle which is used by other
encapsulation commands, for example, the SendRRData command.

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2-4.4 RegisterSession

2-4.4.1 General
An originator shall send a RegisterSession command to a target to initiate a session.

NOTE: See section 2-5, for detailed information on establishing and maintaining a session.

2-4.4.2 Request
The RegisterSession request shall be as follows:

Table 2-4.7 RegisterSession Request

Structure Field Name Data Type Field Value
Encapsulation Command UINT RegisterSession (0x65)
header Length UINT 4 bytes
Session handle UDINT 0
Status UDINT 0
Sender Context ARRAY of octet Any sender context. Length of 8.
Options UDINT 0
Command Protocol version UINT Requested protocol version shall be set to 1.
specific data Options flags UINT Session options shall be set to 0
Bits 0-7 are reserved for legacy (RA)
Bits 8-15 are reserved for future
NOTE: This field is not the same as the
option flags in the encapsulation header.

2-4.4.3 Reply
The target shall send a RegisterSession reply to indicate that it has registered the originator.
The reply shall have the same format as the request as shown below:

Table 2-4.8 RegisterSession Reply

Structure Field Name Data Type Field Value
Encapsulation Command UINT RegisterSession (0x65)
header Length UINT 4 bytes
Session handle UDINT handle returned by target
Status UDINT 0
Sender Context ARRAY of octet context preserved from the corresponding
RegisterSession request. Length of 8.
Options UDINT 0
Command Protocol version UINT Requested protocol version shall be set to 1.
specific data Options flags UINT Session options shall be set to 0
Bits 0-7 are reserved for legacy (RA)
Bits 8-15 are reserved for future expansion
NOTE: This field is not the same as the option
flags in the encapsulation header.

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The Session Handle field of the header shall contain a target-generated identifier that the
originator shall save and insert in the Session Handle field of the header for all subsequent
requests to that target. This field shall be valid only if the Status field is zero (0).

The Sender Context field of the header shall contain the same values present in the original
sender request. If the originator has been registered with the target, the Status field shall be
zero (0). If the target was unable to register, the Status field shall be set to 0x69 (unsupported
encapsulation protocol revision).

The Protocol Version field shall equal the requested version if the originator was successfully
registered. If the target does not support the requested version of the protocol,
• the session shall not be created;
• the Status field shall be set to unsupported encapsulation protocol 0x69;
• the target shall return the highest supported version in the Protocol Version field.
If all requested options are supported, the Options field shall return the originator's value. This
value shall be zero.

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2-4.5 UnRegisterSession
Either an originator or a target may send this command to terminate the session. The receiver
shall initiate a close of the underlying TCP/IP connection when it receives this command. The
session shall also be terminated when the transport connection between the originator and
target is terminated. The receiver shall perform any other associated cleanup required on its
end. There shall be no reply to this command.

The UnregisterSession command format shall be as follows:

Table 2-4.9 UnregisterSession Command

Structure Field Name Data Type Field Value
Encapsulation Command UINT UnRegisterSession (0x66)
header Length UINT 0 bytes
Session handle UDINT handle from RegisterSession reply
Status UDINT shall be 0
Sender Context ARRAY of octet Any sender context. Length of 8.
Options UDINT shall be 0

The Session Handle shall be set to the value obtained by the original RegisterSession reply.
Once the client has sent this command, it shall no longer use the handle. .

NOTE: See section 2-5.3 for more detail about terminating a session.

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2-4.6 ListServices

2-4.6.1 General
The ListServices command shall determine which encapsulation service classes the target
device supports.

NOTE: Each service class has a unique type code, and an optional ASCII name.

2-4.6.2 Request
The ListServices header shall be as follows:

Table 2-4.10 ListServices Request

Structure Field Name Data Type Field Value
Encapsulation Command UINT ListServices (0x04)
header Length UINT 0 bytes
Session handle UDINT ignored
Status UDINT 0
Sender Context ARRAY of octet Any sender context. Length of 8.
Options UDINT 0

2-4.6.3 Reply
The receiver shall reply with a standard encapsulation message, consisting of the header and
data, as shown below. The data portion of the message shall provide the information on the
services supported.

Table 2-4.11 ListServices Reply

Structure Field Name Data Type Field Value
Encapsulation Command UINT ListServices (0x04)
header Length UINT Length of data portion
Session handle UDINT ignored
Status UDINT 0
Sender Context ARRAY of octet Preserved from the corresponding
ListServices request. Length of 8.
Options UDINT 0
Command Item Count UINT Number of items to follow
specific data Target Items STRUCT of Interface Information
UINT Item Type Code
UINT Item Length
UINT Version of encapsulated protocol shall be
set to 1
UINT Capability flags
ARRAY of 16 USINT Name of service

The Type Code shall identify the service class as follows:

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One service class is defined, with type code 0x100 and name "Communications". This service
class shall indicate that the device supports encapsulation of CIP packets. All devices that
support encapsulating CIP shall support the ListServices request and Communications service

NOTE: See section 2-6 for a description of items and a list of all reserved item codes.

The Version field shall indicate the version of the service supported by the target to help
maintain compatibility between applications.

Each service shall have a different set of capability flags. Unused flags shall be set to zero.

The Capability Flags, defined for the Communications service, shall be as follows:

Table 2-4.12 Capability Flags

Flag Value Description
Bits 0 – 4 reserved for legacy (RA)
Bit 5 If the device supports CIP packet encapsulation via TCP
this bit shall be set (=1); otherwise, it shall be clear (=0)
Bits 6 – 7 reserved for legacy (RA)
Bit 8 Supports CIP Class 0 or 1 UDP-based connections
Bits 9 – 15 Reserved for future expansion

The Name field shall allow up to a 16-byte, NULL-terminated ASCII string for descriptive
purposes only. The 16-byte limit shall include the NULL character.

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2-4.7 SendRRData

2-4.7.1 General
A SendRRData command shall transfer an encapsulated request/reply packet between the
originator and target, where the originator initiates the command. The actual request/reply
packets shall be encapsulated in the data portion of the message and shall be the responsibility
of the target and originator.

NOTE: When used to encapsulate the CIP, the SendRRData request and response are used to
send encapsulated UCMM messages (unconnected messages). See chapter 3 for more detail.

2-4.7.2 Request
The SendRRData header shall be as follows:

Table 2-4.13 SendRRData Request

Structure Field Name Data Type Field Value
Encapsulation Command UINT SendRRData (0x6F)
header Length UINT Length of data portion
Session handle UDINT Handle returned by RegisterSession
Status UDINT 0
Sender Context ARRAY of octet Any sender context. Length of 8.
Options UDINT 0
Command Interface handle UDINT shall be 0 for CIP
specific data Timeout UINT operation timeout
Encapsulated packet ARRAY of octet see Common Packet Format specification
in section 2-6)

The Interface handle shall identify the Communications Interface to which the request is
directed. This handle shall be 0 for encapsulating CIP packets.

The target shall abort the requested operation after the timeout expires. When the “timeout”
field is in the range 1 to 65535, the timeout shall be set to this number of seconds. When the
“timeout” field is set to 0, the encapsulation protocol shall not have its own timeout. Instead, it
shall rely on the timeout mechanism of the encapsulated protocol.

NOTE: When used to encapsulate CIP packets, the timeout field is usually set to 0 since CIP
provides its own timeout mechanism for connected messages.

The encapsulated protocol packet shall be encoded in the Common Packet Format as shown in
section 2-6.

2-4.7.3 Reply
The SendRRData reply, as shown below, shall contain data in response to the SendRRData
request. The reply to the original encapsulated protocol request shall be contained in the data
portion of the SendRRData reply.

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Table 2-4.14 SendRRData Reply

Structure Field Name Data Type Field Value
Encapsulation Command UINT SendRRData (0x6F)
header Length UINT length of data structure
Session handle UDINT handle returned by RegisterSession
Status UDINT 0
Sender Context ARRAY of octet Preserved from the corresponding
SendRRData request. Length of 8.
Options UDINT 0
Command Interface handle UDINT shall be 0 for CIP
specific data Timeout UINT operation timeout (not used)
Encapsulated packet ARRAY of octet see Common Packet Format specification
in section 2-6)

The format of the data portion of the reply message shall be the same as that of the
SendRRData request message.

NOTE: Since the request and reply share a common format, the reply message contains a
timeout field; however, it is not used.

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2-4.8 SendUnitData
The SendUnitData command shall send encapsulated connected messages. This command may
be used when the encapsulated protocol has its own underlying end-to-end transport
mechanism. A reply shall not be returned. The SendUnitData command may be sent by either
end of the TCP connection.

NOTE: When used to encapsulate the CIP, the SendUnitData command is used to send CIP
connected data in both the O⇒T and T⇒O directions.

The format of the SendUnitData command shall be as follows:

Table 2-4.15 SendUnitData Command

Structure Field Name Data Type Field Value
Encapsulation Command UINT SendUnitData (0x70)
header Length UINT Length of data portion
Session handle UDINT Handle returned by RegisterSession
Status UDINT 0
Sender Context ARRAY of octet Any sender context. Length of 8.
Options UDINT 0
Command Interface handle UDINT shall be 0
specific data Timeout UINT shall be 0
Encapsulated packet ARRAY of octet see Common Packet Format specification
in section 2-6)

Interface handle and Timeout shall be set the zero. The timeout field is not used since no reply
is generated upon receipt of a SendUnitData command.

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2-5 Session Management

2-5.1 Phases of a TCP Encapsulation Session

An encapsulation session shall have three phases:
• establishing a session;
• maintaining a session;
• closing a session.

2-5.2 Establishing a Session

Session establishment shall proceed according to the following steps:
• The originator shall open a TCP/IP connection to the target, using the reserved TCP port
number (0xAF12), or if specified, the TCP port number from the connection path (the
means to specify an alternate TCP port number is described in chapter 3);
• The originator shall send a RegisterSession command to the target (see section 2-4.4 for a
description of the RegisterSession command);
• The target shall check the protocol version in the command message to verify it supports
the same protocol version as the originator. If not, the target shall return a RegisterSession
with an appropriate Status field along with the highest supported protocol version;
• The target shall assign a new (unique) Session ID and shall send a RegisterSession reply to
the originator.

2-5.3 Terminating a Session

Either the originator or the target may terminate the session. Sessions shall be terminated in
either of two ways:
• The originator or target shall close the underlying TCP connection. The corresponding
target or originator shall detect the loss of the TCP connection, and shall close its side of
the connection;
• The originator or target shall send an UnRegisterSession command (see section 2-4.5 for a
description of the UnregisterSession command) and shall wait to detect the closing of the
TCP connection. The corresponding target or originator shall then close its side of the TCP
connection. The sender of the UnRegisterSession shall detect the loss of the TCP
connection, then it shall close its side of the connection.
NOTE: The second method is preferred since it results in more timely clean up of the TCP

2-5.4 Maintaining a Session

Once a session is established, it shall remain established until one of the following occurs:
• the originator or target closes the TCP connection;
• the originator or target issues the UnRegisterSession command;
• the TCP connection is broken.

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2-5.5 TCP Behavior (informative)

TCP is a reliable, connection-oriented protocol. If a process at either end of a connection
closes its end of the connection, the TCP at the other end is notified immediately. If a message
from one process to the other can not be delivered in a reasonable amount of time, the
connection is assumed to be broken and an error is returned to the sender on all subsequent
sends and receives on the connection.

If an originator process detects that a target has closed its end of a connection or that a
connection is broken, it assumes the session with the target is broken and closes its connection
to the target. A new session is then established as described above in order to resume
communications with the target.

Although an originator process is notified when the other end of a connection has been closed,
a broken connection can only be detected when a process actually attempts to send a message
over the connection. In most cases, the originator process sends messages to targets frequently
enough that a crash of a target machine is detected in a timely manner. Likewise, targets send
messages back to originators frequently enough that terminated originator processes and
originator machine crashes are detected quickly. However, it is possible that an originator or
target may not have any messages to send on a connection for a relatively long period of time.

The TCP protocol supports keep-alive processing. An application can ask TCP to make sure
the connection remains working during periods when the application does not have any
messages to send. If this feature is enabled, when the connection has been idle for some period
of time, TCP will send a keep-alive message to its peer at the other end of the connection. If
TCP sends several keep-alive messages and does not receive a reply, TCP assumes the
connection has broken and the application is notified just as if it had sent an actual message that
timed out.

Most implementations of TCP/IP retry/timeout processing do not declare a failure on a

connection until it has remained unusable for several minutes. This is a feature of the TCP
protocol on the originator host; turning keep alives does not modify it.

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2-6 Common Packet Format

2-6.1 General
The common packet format shall consist of an item count, followed by an address item, then a
data item (in that order) as shown below. Additional optional items may follow.

NOTE: The common packet format defines a standard format for protocol packets that are
transported with the encapsulation protocol. The common packet format is a general-purpose
mechanism designed to accommodate future packet or address types.

Table 2-6.1 Common Packet Format

Field Name Data Type Description
Item count UINT Number of items to follow (shall be at least 2)
Address item Item Struct (see below) Addressing information for encapsulated packet
Data item Item Struct (see below) The encapsulated data packet
Optional additional items

The address and data item structure shall be as follows:

Table 2-6.2 Data and Address Item Format

Field Name Data Description
Type ID UINT Type of item encapsulated
Length UINT Length in bytes of the Data Field
Data Variable The data (if length >0)

Table 2-6.3 Item ID Numbers

Item ID number Item Description
0x0000 address Null (used for UCMM messages). Indicates that encapsulation routing is NOT
needed. Target is either local (ethernet) or routing info is in a data Item.
0x0001 – 0x000B Reserved for legacy (RA)
0x000C ListIdentity response
0x000D – 0x0083 Reserved for legacy (RA)
0x0084 – 0x0090 Reserved for future expansion of this specification (Products compliant with this
specification shall not use command codes in this range)
0x0091 Reserved for legacy (RA)
0x0092 – 0x00A0 Reserved for future expansion of this specification (Products compliant with this
specification shall not use command codes in this range)
0xA1 address Connection-based (used for connected messages)
0x00A2 – 0x00A4 Reserved for legacy (RA)
0x00A5 – 0x00B0 Reserved for future expansion of this specification (Products compliant with this
specification shall not use command codes in this range)
0x00B1 data Connected Transport packet
0x00B2 data Unconnected message
0x00B3 – 0x00FF Reserved for future expansion of this specification (Products compliant with this

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 2: Encapsulation Protocol

Item ID number Item Description

specification shall not use command codes in this range)
0x0100 ListServices response
0x0101 – 0x010F Reserved for legacy (RA)
0x0110 – 0x7FFF Reserved for future expansion of this specification (Products compliant with this
specification shall not use command codes in this range)
0x8000 data Sockaddr Info, originator-to-target
0x8001 data Sockaddr Info, target-to-originator
0x8002 Sequenced Address iteme
0x8003 – 0xFFFF Reserved for future expansion of this specification (Products compliant with this
specification shall not use command codes in this range)

2-6.2 Address Items

2-6.2.1 Null Address Item

The null address item shall contain only the type id and the length as shown below. The length
shall be zero. No data shall follow the length. Since the null address item contains no routing
information, it shall be used when the protocol packet itself contains any necessary routing
information. The null address item shall be used for Unconnected Messages.

Table 2-6.4 Null Address Item

Field Name Data Field Value
Type ID UINT 0
Length UINT 0

2-6.2.2 Connected Address Item

This address item shall be used when the encapsulated protocol is connection-oriented. The
data shall contain a connection identifier.

NOTE: Connection identifiers are exchanged in the Forward_Open service of the Connection

Table 2-6.5 Connected Address Item

Field Name Data Field Value
Type ID UINT 0xA1
Length UINT 4
Data UDINT Connection Identifier

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 2: Encapsulation Protocol

2-6.2.3 Sequenced Address Item

This address item shall be used for CIP transport class 0 and class 1 connected data. The data
shall contain a connection identifier and a sequence number.

Table 2-6.6 Sequenced Address Item

Field Name Data Field Value
Type ID UINT 0x8002
Length UINT 8
Data UDINT Connection Identifier
UDINT Sequence Number

2-6.3 Data Items

2-6.3.1 Unconnected Data Item

The data item that encapsulates an unconnected message shall be as follows:

Table 2-6.7 Unconnected Data Item

Field Name Data Field Value
Type ID UINT 0xB2
Length UINT Length, in bytes, of the unconnected message
Data Variable The unconnected message

NOTE: The format of the “data” field is dependent on the encapsulated protocol. When used
to encapsulate CIP, the format of the “data” field is that of a Message Router request or
Message Router reply. See chapter 3 of this specification for details of the encapsulation of
UCMM messages. See chapter 2 of the CIP Common specification for the format of the
Message Router request and reply packets.

The context field in the encapsulation header shall be used for unconnected request/reply

2-6.3.2 Connected Data Item

The data item that encapsulates a connected transport packet shall be as follows:

Table 2-6.8 Connected Data Item

Field Name Data Field Value
Type ID UINT 0xB1
Length UINT Length, in bytes, of the transport packet
Data Variable The transport packet

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NOTE: The format of the “data” field is dependent on the encapsulated protocol. When used
to encapsulate CIP, the format of the “data” field is that of connected packet. See chapter 3 of
this specification for details of the encapsulation of connected packets. See chapter 3 of the
CIP Common specification for the format of connected packets.

2-6.3.3 Sockaddr Info Item

The Sockaddr Info items shall be used to encapsulate socket address information necessary to
send datagrams (the connected data) between the target and originator. There are separate
items for originator-to-target and target-to-originator socket information.

The Sockaddr Info items shall have the following structure:

Table 2-6.9 Sockaddr Item

Field Data Type Field Value
Type ID UINT 0x8000 for O⇒T, 0x8001 for T⇒O
Length UINT 16 (bytes)
sin_family INT shall be AF_INET = 2. This field shall be sent in big endian order.
sin_port UINT shall be set to the TCP or UDP port on which packets for this CIP
connection will be sent. This field shall be sent in big endian order.
sin_addr UDINT shall be set to the IP address to which packet for this CIP connection
will be sent. This field shall be sent in big endian order.
sin_zero ARRAY of USINT shall be 0. This field shall be sent in big endian order. Length of 8.

NOTE: The structure of the Sockaddr item has been patterned after the sockaddr_in structure
from the Winsock specification, version 1.1.

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP

Chapter 3: Mapping of Explicit and I/O

Messaging to TCP/IP
Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 3: Mapping of Explicit and I/O Messaging

3-1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................................3
3-2 CIP Packets over TCP/IP ...................................................................................................................................3
3-2.1 Unconnected Messages ..............................................................................................................................3
3-2.2 CIP Transport Class 0 and Class 1 Connections ........................................................................................4
3-2.2.1 CIP transport Class 0 and Class 1 Packets .........................................................................................4
3-2.2.2 Behavior of Class 0 and Class 1 Connections (informative)..............................................................4
3-2.2.3 No Linkage with TCP Connections ...................................................................................................5
3-2.3 CIP Transport Class 2 and Class 3 Connections ........................................................................................5
3-2.4 CIP Transport Classes 4 Through 6 ...........................................................................................................6
3-3 Connection Manager Object ..............................................................................................................................6
3-3.1 Connection Parameters ..............................................................................................................................6
3-3.2 Connection Type ........................................................................................................................................6
3-3.3 Priority .......................................................................................................................................................6
3-3.4 Trigger Type ..............................................................................................................................................6
3-3.5 Connection Size .........................................................................................................................................6
3-3.6 Connection Request Timeout.....................................................................................................................6
3-3.7 Connection Path .........................................................................................................................................7
3-3.7.1 Network Connection ID .....................................................................................................................8
3-3.8 Forward_Open for CIP Transport Class 2 and Class 3 Connections........................................................10
3-3.9 Forward_Open for CIP Transport Class 0 and Class 1 Connections........................................................11
3-3.9.1 General.............................................................................................................................................11
3-3.9.2 Mapping Connections to IP Multicast Addresses ............................................................................11
3-3.9.3 Completing the Multicast Connection (informative)........................................................................11
3-4 CIP Transport Class 0 and Class 1 Connected Data ........................................................................................12
3-4.1 UDP Datagrams .......................................................................................................................................12
3-4.2 CIP Transport Class 0 and Class 1 Packet Ordering ................................................................................12
3-4.3 Screening Incoming Connected Data.......................................................................................................13
3-5 IP Multicast Scoping and Address Allocation .................................................................................................13
3-5.1 Background (informative)........................................................................................................................13
3-5.1.1 General.............................................................................................................................................13
3-5.1.2 IP Multicast Scoping Practices.........................................................................................................14
3-5.1.3 IP Multicast Address Allocation Practices .......................................................................................14
3-5.2 Multicast Scoping for EtherNet/IP...........................................................................................................15
3-5.3 Multicast Address Allocation for EtherNet/IP .........................................................................................15
3-5.4 User Considerations (informative) ...........................................................................................................17
3-5.5 Future Directions for EtherNet/IP (informative)......................................................................................17
3-6 IGMP Usage.....................................................................................................................................................18
3-6.1 Background (informative)........................................................................................................................18
3-6.2 IGMP Membership Report Messages ......................................................................................................18
3-6.3 IGMP Leave Group messages..................................................................................................................18

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 3: Mapping of Explicit and I/O Messaging

3-1 Introduction
This chapter (chapter 3) of the EtherNet/IP specification describes the application of the
encapsulation in chapter 2 to the Common Industrial Protocol (CIP). Specifically, this chapter
documents the encapsulation of the UCMM and connected packets; extends the format of the
path to include IP addresses; and limits which CIP transport parameters can be used in

3-2 CIP Packets over TCP/IP

When the path of a CIP packet traverses an Ethernet-TCP/IP network, the encapsulated packet
shall be transmitted using the TCP/IP protocol suite and the encapsulation protocol defined in
chapter 2.

3-2.1 Unconnected Messages

UCMM packets shall be transmitted over a TCP/IP connection, using the encapsulation
protocol defined in chapter 2. For example, an encapsulated UCMM request shall be formatted
as shown in Table 3-2.1.

Table 3-2.1 UCMM Request

Structure Field Name Data Type Field Value

Encapsulation Command UINT SendRRData (0x6F)
header Length UINT Length of command specific data
Session handle UDINT Handle returned by RegisterSession
Status UDINT 0
Sender Context ARRAY of 8 any sender context
Options UDINT 0
Command Interface handle UDINT shall be 0 for CIP
specific data Timeout UINT operation timeout
Encapsulated Item count UINT This field shall be 2 since one address
packet item and one data item are used.
Address Type UINT This field shall be 0 to indicate a
(in the common ID UCMM message.
packet format)
Address UINT This field shall be 0 since UCMM
Length messages use the NULL address item.
Data UINT This field shall be 0x00B2 to
Type ID encapsulate the UCMM
Data Length UINT Length of the next field in bytes
(length of the MR request packet)
MR request ARRAY of This field contains a CIP Message
packet USINT Router request packet as defined in
Volume 1, Chapter 2.

Likewise, the UCMM reply shall be formatted as shown in Table 3-2.2.

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Table 3-2.2 UCMM Reply

Structure Field Name Data Type Field Value

Encapsulation Command UINT SendRRData (0x6F)
header Length UINT Length of command specific data
Session handle UDINT Handle returned by RegisterSession
Status UDINT 0
Sender Context ARRAY of 8 copied from the corresponding UCMM
octet request
Options UDINT 0
Command Interface handle UDINT shall be 0 for CIP
specific data Timeout UINT not used for reply
Encapsulated Item count UINT This field shall be 2 since one address
packet item and one data item are used.
Address Type UINT This field shall be 0 to indicate a
(in the common ID UCMM message.
packet format)
Address UINT This field shall be 0 since UCMM
Length messages use the NULL address item.
Data UINT This field shall be 0x00B2 to
Type ID encapsulate the UCMM
Data Length UINT Length of the next field in bytes
(length of the MR response packet)
MR response ARRAY of This field contains a CIP Message
packet USINT Router reply packet as defined in
Volume 1, Chapter 2.

3-2.2 CIP Transport Class 0 and Class 1 Connections

NOTE: Please see Volume 1 for the definition and usage of CIP transport class 0 and class 1

3-2.2.1 CIP transport Class 0 and Class 1 Packets

Packets for transport class 0 and class 1 connections shall be transmitted using UDP and the
Common Packet Format defined in Chapter 2. Packets for multicast connections shall be
transmitted using IP multicast.

3-2.2.2 Behavior of Class 0 and Class 1 Connections (informative)

Since Ethernet does not have a mechanism for sending scheduled data, several important
aspects of class 0 and class 1 behavior are noted as follows:

On Ethernet, it is possible for a CIP transport class 0 or class 1 connected data packet to be lost,
for example due to excessive collisions. By definition, class 0 and class 1 connections do not
guarantee the delivery of every packet. Rather, producers simply send data at the specified rate
(the API). If a packet is lost on a class 0 or class 1 connection, the consumer receives the next
packet from the producer.

The degree to which lost packets can be tolerated is application-specific. Ethernet is not
suitable for those applications that cannot tolerate any lost packets.

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For CIP transport class 1 connections, the consuming CIP transport can detect packet loss by
examining the CIP sequence number in the class 1 packet. For class 0 connections, it is not
possible for the application to know that a specific packet has been lost since class 0 does not
use a sequence number.

The connection timeout mechanism provides feedback to the application when too many
packets are lost. The connection timeout is determined by the Requested Packet Interval (RPI)
and by the Connection Timeout Multiplier. If a packet is not received in the time specified by
the RPI times the Connection Timeout Multiplier, the connection is broken. For example, if
the RPI is 50 ms and the Connection Timeout Multiplier is 4, then the connection will time out
if a fresh packet is not received in 200 ms (the equivalent of 4 packets being lost). Receipt of
older packets (those with lower CIP sequence numbers) will not sustain the CIP connection.

The degree of packet loss for any particular connection will be dependent upon many factors
related to the user's Ethernet network configuration. It is beyond the scope of this specification
to address this in further detail.

3-2.2.3 No Linkage with TCP Connections

In order to open a CIP transport class 0 or 1 connection, a TCP connection and an EtherNet/IP
encapsulation session must first be established. The TCP connection is used to send the
Forward_Open service and receive the Forward_Open response. Once the TCP connection is
opened, and CIP transport class 0 and 1 connections are established, it is recommended that
EtherNet/IP devices leave the TCP connection open. If the TCP connection is left open, it is
then available for subsequent communications such as a Forward_Close or other explicit

Although it is recommended that devices leave the TCP connection open, there shall be no
linkage between the TCP connection used to open a transport class 0 or class 1 connection and
the resulting class 0 or class 1 connection. If a TCP connection closes, the closing of the TCP
connection shall not cause the target or the originator to close any corresponding CIP transport
class 0 or class 1 connections.

3-2.3 CIP Transport Class 2 and Class 3 Connections

CIP transport class 2 and class 3 connections shall be transmitted over a TCP connection using
the encapsulation protocol defined in chapter 2.

Multiple CIP connections may be sent over a single TCP connection. An implementation need
not support a specific number of CIP connections per TCP connection. An implementation
may impose an upper bound if it chooses.

Because of the full-duplex nature of TCP, the CIP originator to target (O⇒T) and CIP target to
originator (T⇒O) link connections shall use the same TCP connection. However if a target
subsequently originates a CIP connection, then it shall be considered an originator, and a
different TCP connection shall be used.

NOTE: This standard defines no requirements for management of the TCP connection, such as
inactivity timeouts, or closing the TCP connection when all native connections are closed.
However, implementations are free to implement these.

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 3: Mapping of Explicit and I/O Messaging
3-2.4 CIP Transport Classes 4 Through 6
The encapsulation protocol described in chapter 2 shall not be used to encapsulate CIP
transport classes 4, 5 and 6.

3-3 Connection Manager Object

3-3.1 Connection Parameters

NOTE: This section documents the Connection Manager parameters that have requirements
specific to the TCP/IP encapsulation. Connection Manager parameters are fully described in
Volume 1, Chapter 3.

3-3.2 Connection Type

The CIP connection type shall be NULL, MULTICAST, or POINT2POINT. The
MULTICAST connection type shall be supported only for CIP transport class 0 and class 1

3-3.3 Priority
The CIP priority shall be LOW, or HIGH, or SCHEDULED. At present, SCHEDULED
priority shall be treated no differently than HIGH priority.

Targets and originators shall close any CIP transport class 2 or 3 connections when the
corresponding originating TCP connection is closed.

NOTE: SCHEDULED priority for Ethernet-TCP/IP connections may be further defined in the

3-3.4 Trigger Type

The CIP trigger type shall be CYCLIC, CHANGE_OF_STATE, or APPLICATION. CIP
transport class 0 and class 1 connections that use CHANGE_OF_STATE triggering shall use
the Production Inhibit Time segment (see Volume 1).

3-3.5 Connection Size

The CIP connection size shall be no larger than 65511 bytes.

NOTE: The Forward_Open request limits the connection size to 511 bytes; however, the
optional Ex_Forward_Open allows larger connection sizes.

3-3.6 Connection Request Timeout

To reliably establish a CIP connection that extends onto a TCP/IP link, the connection request
time-out shall be large enough to allow the connection to be established, which could involve
resolving a host name, or going through multiple gateways.

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 3: Mapping of Explicit and I/O Messaging
Because of the large variation in connection request processing over TCP/IP, CIP routers in the
connection path shall not subtract anything from the connection request timeout.

3-3.7 Connection Path

The link address portion of a TCP/IP connection path segment shall be encoded within a port
segment as a string of ASCII characters. The following forms shall all be supported:
• IP address in dot notation, for example “” (see RFC 1117 for the format of
IP addresses);
• IP address in dot notation, followed by a ":" separator, followed by the TCP port number to
be used at the specified IP address;
• Host name, for example “plc.controlnet.org”. The host name shall be resolved via a DNS
request to a name server (see RFC 1035 for information on host names and name
• Host name, followed by a ":" separator, followed by the TCP port number to be used at the
specified host.
The port number shall be represented in either hex or decimal. Hex shall be indicated by a
leading "0x". When a port number is specified, it shall be used rather than the standard port
number used for the encapsulation protocol (0xAF12). Only port 0xAF12 is guaranteed to be
available in an EtherNet/IP compliant device.

NOTE: Other TCP port numbers may be implemented; however, this specification does not
provide a mechanism to determine which TCP port numbers are supported by a device. The
use of other TCP port numbers is therefore discouraged. The guaranteed TCP port number,
0xAF12, has been reserved with the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) for use by
the encapsulation protocol.

Since port segments must be word-aligned, a pad byte may be required at the end of the string.
The pad byte shall be 0x00, and shall not be counted in the Optional Address Size field of the
port segment.

NOTE: Examples of port segments are shown in Table 3-3.1 (see Volume 1 for the definition
of a port segment).

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Table 3-3.1 TCP/IP Link Address Examples

Port Segment IP address Notes

[12][0D] Multi-byte address for port 2, 13
[31][33][30][2E] byte string plus a pad byte
[13][12] plc.controlnet.org Multi-byte address for port 3, 18
[70][6C][63][2E] byte string, no pad byte
[16][15] Multi-byte address for port 6, 21
[31][33][30][2E] byte string plus a pad byte
[15][17] plc.controlnet.org:9876 Multi-byte address port 5, 23 byte
[70][6C][63][2E] string plus a pad byte

3-3.7.1 Network Connection ID

3- General
For EtherNet/IP connections, the Network Connection ID shall be a 32-bit identifier
meaningful to the device that chooses it. The Network Connection ID need not be subdivided
into any specific fields.

In general, the consuming device selects the Network Connection ID for a point-to-point
connection, and the producing device selects the Network Connection ID for a multicast
connection. The following table shows which device, Target or Originator, shall choose the T-
>O and O->T Network Connection IDs:

Table 3-3.2 Network Connection ID Selection

Connection Type Which Network Connection ID Who chooses Connection ID
Point-to-point Originator -> Target Target
Target -> Originator Originator
Multicast Originator -> Target Originator
Target -> Originator Target

The Network Connection ID shall not be reused until the connection has been closed or has
timed out. When a device restarts, it shall not reuse Network Connection IDs from previously
opened connections until those connections have been closed or have timed out. A specific
connection ID shall not be reused so long as there is the possibility that packets with that
connection ID are present in the network.

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 3: Mapping of Explicit and I/O Messaging
The following two sections describe possible methods to implement unique Network
Connection IDs.

3- Using an Incarnation ID (informative)

This section describes one solution that prevents Connection ID reuse when a device restarts.
With this solution, the Ethernet device generates Connection IDs for class 0 and class 1
connections with format shown in Figure 3-3.1.

Figure 3-3.1 Connection ID with Incarnation ID

Incarnation ID Connection Number


Connection Number is a 16-bit identifier meaningful to the device choosing the Connection ID.

Incarnation ID is a 16-bit identifier that each device generates before accepting or initiating
any connections.

The Incarnation ID persists while the device is powered up and accepting connections. Each
successive power-up cycle must cause a new (unique) Incarnation ID to be generated. The
following are acceptable methods for generating Incarnation ID's:

Devices may generate a unique Incarnation ID by saving the Incarnation ID in non-volatile

storage: when the device powers up, it reads the Incarnation ID from non-volatile storage. This
is the Incarnation ID to use for the current cycle. It then increments the Incarnation ID and
stores it for the next cycle. Note, however, that non-volatile memory devices generally have a
limit to the number of times the device may be written. Depending on the device, it may not be
feasible to write the Incarnation ID each powerup.

Devices may generate a unique Incarnation ID by generating a pseudo-random number at

powerup. This approach requires care. By definition, there is a non-zero probability that the
generated Incarnation ID is the same as the previous one. However, if done wisely, the
probability is small enough to not be a concern.

Devices such as workstations, because of the large variation in startup time, can safely use the
value of the system clock as an Incarnation ID. However, for embedded devices, using the
system clock is not reliable since the firmware generally goes through the exact same sequence
of instructions at each powerup. This results in the same clock value at the point where it
would be selected for the Incarnation ID. For these embedded devices, the Incarnation ID
needs to be generated based on random inputs. This is best done using a pseudo-random
number generator such as the MD5 algorithm.

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3- Pseudo-Random Connection ID Per Connection (informative)
This section describes another solution that prevents Connection ID reuse when a device
restarts. With this solution, the device generates a pseudo-random Connection ID each time a
class 0 or class 1 Connection ID is needed. The Connection ID format for this approach is
shown in Figure 3-3.2.

Figure 3-3.2 Pseudo-Random Connection ID

Pseudo-Random Number Connection Number


Connection Number is a 16-bit identifier meaningful to the device choosing the Connection ID.

Pseudo-Random Number is a 16-bit number generated using an appropriate pseudo-random

number generator.

With this approach, the device generates the Pseudo-Random Number portion each time a
Connection ID is needed. A "strong mixing function" such as the MD5 algorithm [RFC 1321]
[RFC 1750] should be used to generate the pseudo-random number. Such functions take
multiple input and produce pseudo-random outputs.

In order to prevent Connection IDs from being reused across powerups, the seed values for the
inputs to the MD5 algorithm must be unique across successive powerup cycles. The
recommended approach is to use the following inputs upon receiving the first incoming
connection request:
• Vendor ID, Serial Number, Connection Serial Number
• Contents of the sockaddr_in struct (for the next hop if outbound connection; of the sender
if inbound connection)
• Value of system clock
NOTE: This assumes the Ethernet device is a bridge or the Target of the connection and would
not be applicable if the device is the connection Originator. For connection originators, the
above seed values would likely be the same across successive powerups. Connection
originators must use another source for initial seed values, or else use the Incarnation ID

By definition, there is a non-zero probability that a Connection ID conflict may still occur.
However, the probability is lowered by:

Using a robust pseudo-random number generator such as the MD5 algorithm.

Ensuring the seed values are different on successive power-up cycles.

3-3.8 Forward_Open for CIP Transport Class 2 and Class 3 Connections

The Forward_Open service for CIP class 2 and class 3 connections shall be sent over a TCP
connection using the SendRRData command defined in chapter 2.

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3-3.9 Forward_Open for CIP Transport Class 0 and Class 1 Connections

3-3.9.1 General
The Forward_Open service for CIP transport class 0 and class 1 connections shall be sent over
a TCP connection using the SendRRData command defined in chapter 2. As part of the
Forward_Open dialog, the producer and consumer shall exchange the UDP port numbers and
IP multicast address (for multicast connections) necessary to send the CIP transport class 0 and
class 1 connected data. The Sockaddr Info item defined in Chapter 2 shall be used to encode
the UDP port numbers and IP multicast address. The use of the Sockaddr Info item varies
depending on whether the connection is multicast or point-to-point, and whether the connection
originator or the connection target is the producer.

For multicast connections, the producer shall choose an IP multicast address to which to send
the connected data. The port number shall be the registered UDP port number (0x08AE)
assigned by the IANA. The IP multicast address and UDP port number shall be encoded via a
Sockaddr Info item. A Sockaddr Info item shall be sent with Forward_Open (if the connection
originator is the producer), or with the Forward_Open_reply (if the connection target is the

For point-to-point connections, the consumer shall choose a UDP port number to which the
connected data shall be sent. The port number may be the registered port number (0x08AE) or
may be a port number chosen by the consumer. The port number shall be encoded in a
Sockaddr Info item and shall be sent with the Forward_Open (if the connection originator is the
consumer), or with the Forward_Open_reply (if the connection target is the consumer).

The Sockaddr Info item(s) shall be placed after the Forward_Open and/or Forward_Open_reply
data in the SendRRData command/reply. If the Sockaddr Info items are not present, or are in
error, a Forward_Open_reply shall be returned with status code 0x01 and extended status

3-3.9.2 Mapping Connections to IP Multicast Addresses

NOTE: It is recommended, though not required, that producers use a unique IP multicast
address for each active multicast connection. Depending upon the implementation, this can
reduce the amount of connection screening on the part of the consumer. It also allows the
consumer to more evenly service incoming connected data from multiple connections.

Since a unique IP multicast address per multicast connection is not required, consumers shall
be able to handle the situation in which packets from multiple multicast connections are being
sent to the same IP multicast address. Consumers shall be able to screen the incoming packets
based on the Connection ID and source IP address.

NOTE: Requirements for screening connected data are defined in section 3-4.3.

3-3.9.3 Completing the Multicast Connection (informative)

After receiving the Forward_Open_reply the consuming Ethernet devices should join the
desired IP Multicast Group in order to receive the IP Multicast datagrams. The exact method
for doing this depends on the TCP/IP application programming interface in use on the device.

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3-4 CIP Transport Class 0 and Class 1 Connected Data

3-4.1 UDP Datagrams

CIP transport class 0 and class 1 packets shall be sent in UDP datagrams using the Common
Packet Format defined in chapter 2. The data portion of the UDP datagram for CIP transport
class 0 and class 1 packets shall be as shown in Table 3-4.1.

Table 3-4.1 UDP Data Format for Class 0 and Class 1

Field Name Type Value

Item Count UINT 2
Type ID UINT 0x8002 (Sequenced Address Type)
Length UINT 8
Address Data UDINT Connection ID (from Forward_Open reply)
UDINT Sequence Number
Type ID UINT 0x00B1 (Connected Data Type)
Length UINT Number of bytes in packet to follow
Data class 0 or class 1 packet

3-4.2 CIP Transport Class 0 and Class 1 Packet Ordering

NOTE: By definition, CIP class 0 and class 1 transports do not detect out-of-order packets.
For class 0, every packet is considered to be new data. For class 1, only duplicate data is
detected. If a new packet arrives and the sequence number in the transport packet is different
from the previous packet, then the new packet is considered to be new data even if the new
packet has a sequence number that is less than the previous sequence number.

NOTE: When using UDP to transport CIP class 0 and class 1 connected data, there is no
guarantee that packets arrive in the same order that they were sent. When both sender and
receiver are on the same subnet, packets typically arrive in order. However, when going
through routers, when there are multiple paths that a packet could take, it is possible for packets
to arrive out of order.

For class 0 and class 1 connections over Ethernet, devices shall maintain a sequence number in
the UDP payload defined in section 3-4.1. The sequence number shall be maintained per
connection. Each time an Ethernet device sends a CIP class 1 packet, it shall increment the
sequence number for that connection. If the receiving Ethernet device receives a packet whose
sequence number is less than the previously received packet, the packet with the smaller
sequence number shall be discarded. Duplicate packets shall be accepted and given to the
transport layer.

The sequence number shall be operated on with modular arithmetic to deal with sequence

NOTE: Dealing with 32-bit sequence numbers is described in RFC793 (the TCP definition), as

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It is essential to remember that the actual sequence number space is finite, though very large.
This space ranges from 0 to 2**32 - 1. Since the space is finite, all arithmetic dealing with
sequence numbers must be performed modulo 2**32. This unsigned arithmetic preserves the
relationship of sequence numbers as they cycle from 2**32 - 1 to 0 again. There are some
subtleties to computer modulo arithmetic, so great care should be taken in programming the
comparison of such values. The symbol "=<" means "less than or equal" (modulo 2**32).
Example macros show how this may be done:
* TCP sequence numbers are unsigned 32 bit integers operated
* on with modular arithmetic. These macros can be
* used to compare such integers.

#define SEQ_LT(a,b) ((int)((a)-(b)) < 0)

#define SEQ_LEQ(a,b) ((int)((a)-(b)) <= 0)
#define SEQ_GT(a,b) ((int)((a)-(b)) > 0)
#define SEQ_GEQ(a,b) ((int)((a)-(b)) >= 0)

3-4.3 Screening Incoming Connected Data

Ethernet devices that receive class 0 and class 1 connected data shall screen incoming packets
based on the network connection ID and IP address of the sending device. This is necessary for
the following reasons:
• For multicast connections, there is no guaranteed mechanism to prevent multiple devices
from using the same IP multicast address. Consequently, a device could receive (bogus)
multicast connected data from a device with which it has not established a connection.
• For multicast connections, a device is allowed to use the same IP multicast address for
multiple class 0 and class 1 multicast connections.
• To prevent network connection ID conflicts.
When a class 0 or class 1 connection is established, the target and originating Ethernet devices
shall record the network connection ID on which they will receive connected data, coupled
with the IP address of the device at the other end of the connection. When a device receives
connected data, it shall confirm that the network connection ID is valid for the IP address of the
sending device. If not, the packet shall be discarded.

3-5 IP Multicast Scoping and Address Allocation

3-5.1 Background (informative)

3-5.1.1 General
Two issues related to IP multicast must be considered when implementing EtherNet/IP
multicast connections: IP multicast scoping and IP multicast address allocation.

IP multicast scoping refers to the practice of limiting how widely a given multicast datagram is
propagated across the network. IP multicast address allocation refers to the problem of how
applications select IP multicast addresses that are used to send and receive IP multicast

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The following subsections on multicast scoping and allocation practices are informative, and
are intended to set the general context for considering the issues of scoping and address
allocation. Specific requirements for EtherNet/IP devices follow in subsequent sections.

3-5.1.2 IP Multicast Scoping Practices

In general, most currently deployed networks use the practice of “TTL scoping” in conjunction
with router and/or switch configuration to confine multicast traffic to desired network

TTL scoping refers to the practice of using the “Time to Live” (TTL) field in the IP header to
limit the number of network hops over which the multicast packet is propagated. When
sending an IP multicast datagram, a host can set the TTL field in the IP header to an
appropriate value based on how widely the datagram should be propagated. As the datagram is
routed through the network, each hop decrements the TTL field. Routers can be configured
with TTL thresholds such that they will not forward a packet unless the TTL is greater than the

Note that a multicast datagram with an initial TTL of 1 limits the datagram to the local subnet.
Other common TTL values are 16 for multicast within a site and 64 for multicast within a

In addition to TTL scoping, multicast routing protocols and other methods are commonly used
to control the propagation of multicast traffic. Routers commonly support multicast protocols
such as PIM, DVMRP, etc. Switches that implement “IGMP snooping” can limit the multicast
packets sent on a port to only those multicast addresses for which the end device has issued an
IGMP membership message. Configuration of switches and routers is usually done by
knowledgeable staff.

3-5.1.3 IP Multicast Address Allocation Practices

The entire IP multicast address space is through The Internet
Assigned Numbers Authority (www.iana.org) is responsible for allocation of the IP multicast
address space. IP multicast addresses have been assigned to particular organizations, and for
particular protocols. In addition there is a large block of IP multicast addresses allocated for
“administratively scoped” multicast, from which applications may allocate addresses, and for
which a suite of allocation and scoping protocols are being developed by the Internet
Engineering Task Force (IETF). The administratively scoped range is from through (and is further partitioned into additional ranges).

Unfortunately at present there are no widely deployed standard mechanisms for allocating and
assigning multicast addresses to applications. For example, when a network administrator
deploys a video streaming application, the application will have its own specific mechanism for
assigning IP multicast addresses.

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3-5.2 Multicast Scoping for EtherNet/IP
By default, EtherNet/IP devices shall use a TTL equal to 1 for transport class 0 and 1 multicast
packets. The use of a TTL value of 1 prevents multicast packets from propagating beyond the
local subnet. When TTL is equal to 1, both the EtherNet/IP producer and consumer must be on
the same subnet.

EtherNet/IP devices are strongly encouraged to support the explicit configuration of the TTL
value for IP multicast packets. If supported, devices shall use the TCP/IP Interface Object
(class 0xF5) as the mechanism to configure the TTL value. When a TTL value greater than 1 is
configured, then the producer and consumer may be on different subnets.

If the TTL value has not been configured to be greater than 1 and if a multicast connection
request is received from an originator on a different subnet, then the device shall return General
Status 0x01 and Extended Status 0x813 in the Forward_Open Reply.

When the TTL value is explicitly configured, it shall be used for all EtherNet/IP multicast

3-5.3 Multicast Address Allocation for EtherNet/IP

EtherNet/IP defines two mechanisms for allocation of IP multicast addresses used for
EtherNet/IP multicast packets: using an algorithm based on the device’s IP address, and
explicit configuration via the TCP/IP Interface Object. EtherNet/IP devices shall implement the
algorithm-based method by default. Devices are also strongly encouraged to implement the
method for explicit configuration of multicast addresses. Both methods are described below:

1. Allocation algorithm based on the device’s IP address:

The overall IP multicast address range shall be the Organizational Local Scope, and shall
start at Each device shall use a block of (at most) 32 multicast addresses from
this range. Each device shall calculate the block of multicast addresses via an algorithm,
described further below, that uses the Host Id portion of the device’s IP address.

A device’s Host Id shall be determined by applying the subnet mask to the device’s IP
address. If a subnet mask is configured for the device, the subnet mask shall be applied to
the IP address to determine the Host Id. If no subnet mask is in use, then the class of the
device’s IP address shall be used to determine the Host Id (e.g., for Class C addresses 8 bits
of Host Id shall be used, for Class B addresses 16 bits of host id shall be used, and for Class
A addresses 24 bits of Host Id shall be used).

In order to keep the IP multicast addresses within the IPv4 Organization Local Scope, and
to put a reasonable bounds on the number of multicast addresses in use, devices shall use at
most the low-order 10 bits of the Host Id in generating the range of multicast addresses.
This allows for 1024 unique Host Ids.

The following pseudo-code shows the algorithm to determine the device’s starting and
ending multicast addresses:
CIP_Mcast_Base_Addr = 0xEFC00100 // is the starting address
CIP_Host_Mask = 0x3FF // 10 bits of host id

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if Subnet_mask configured then
Netmask = Subnet_mask
if IP_address is Class A then
Netmask =
else if IP_address is Class B then
Netmask =
else if IP_address is Class C then
Netmask =

Host_id = IP_addr & (~Netmask)

Mcast_index = Host_id - 1
Mcast_index = Mcast_index & (CIP_Host_Mask)

Mcast_start_addr = CIP_Mcast_Base_Addr + (Mcast_index * 32)

Mcast_end_addr = Mcast_start_addr + 31

The following table shows example multicast assignments.

Subnet mask IP address Multicast addresses
None configured -
(8 bits of Host Id used, since -
192.168.x.x is Class C) - - - -
(11 bits of Host Id) -
(Host Id = 1024; lower 10 (this is the highest multicast address range that
bits all 0) would result using the algorithm)

Since there are a finite number of unique Host Ids, it is possible for different devices to
produce data using the same multicast address. Consequently, devices that receive packets
on EtherNet/IP multicast connections shall screen the incoming packets based on the CIP
Connection Id as well as the IP address of the sending device. This is described in Chapter

Note that when the device’s IP address or subnet mask changes, the IP multicast addresses
generated by the algorithm also shall change accordingly.

2. Explicit configuration of IP multicast addresses:

IP multicast addresses are configured via the TCP/IP Interface Object (class 0xF5). The
user (or software) can configure a starting multicast address and number of multicast
addresses to allocate. The configured multicast addresses shall then be used for EtherNet/IP
multicast packets.

EtherNet/IP devices shall at least implement the algorithmic method for allocating IP multicast
addresses, and are encouraged to implement both methods. If both methods are implemented,
the algorithmic method shall be the default “out of box” method.

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3-5.4 User Considerations (informative)
This section is informational, and is meant to be an aid to vendors and users in the practical
deployment of EtherNet/IP applications. When deploying an EtherNet/IP system that uses
multicast connections, the user should consider a number of aspects in order to achieve
satisfactory application performance.

1. When devices allocate IP multicast addresses according to the default algorithm in section
3-6.3, the assignment of IP addresses to devices affects the way that IP multicast addresses
are selected. Users should be aware that only 10 bits the IP address are used to generate
the Host Id, which in turn determines the device’s range of IP addresses. If the user’s
subnet mask is larger than 10 bits, there is the potential for multiple devices to use the same
IP multicast address when producing data. While this does not result in incorrect
operation, it can result in devices experiencing performance degradation due to the receipt
of additional multicast packets that must be discarded.

2. When multicast addresses are explicitly configured, care should be taken so that devices in
the same subnet have unique blocks of multicast addresses. Further, if multicast
connections will cross subnet boundaries, then care must be taken to ensure that all devices
in the network have unique blocks of multicast addresses. When configuring multicast
addresses, it is recommended that addresses from the IPv4 Local Scope be used
( – so as not to conflict with multicast address that may be
generated algorithmically.

3. Some routers experience performance degradation when they must handle many multicast
packets with TTL equal to 1. In such situations, users may configure TTL to be greater
than 1 even though I/O connections do not need to cross subnets. When setting TTL
greater than 1, it is recommended that users also configure multicast addresses for each
device. If multicast addresses are not explicitly configured, they are generated according to
the algorithm in the specification. Care must be taken in this situation since devices in
different subnets could generate the same IP multicast addresses. The multicast packets
sent from one subnet would then be received on the other subnet, possibly impacting
performance. In order to prevent unwanted multicast propagation, the user must perform
additional router configuration to constrain the EtherNet/IP multicast packets to the subnet
on which they originate. There are several techniques for constraining multicast at the
router. Router configuration is beyond the scope of this specification.

4. Users are strongly recommended to use switches that implement IGMP snooping. When
IGMP snooping is used, devices will only receive the multicast packets in which they are
interested (i.e., for which they have issued an IGMP membership message).

3-5.5 Future Directions for EtherNet/IP (informative)

There are a number of Internet standards regarding IP multicast allocation and scoping. While
these standards have not yet been widely deployed, they are expected to have an impact on
future EtherNet/IP mechanisms for using IP multicast. Three RFC’s that seem most relevant to
EtherNet/IP are listed below:
• “The Internet Multicast Address Allocation Architecture”, RFC 2908
• “Administratively Scoped Multicast”, RFC 2365
• “Multicast Address Dynamic Client Allocation Protocol (MADCAP)”, RFC 2730

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3-6 IGMP Usage

3-6.1 Background (informative)

The Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) is a standard protocol used by hosts to
report their IP multicast group memberships and must be implemented by any host that wishes
to receive IP multicast datagrams. IGMP messages are used by multicast routers to learn which
multicast groups have members on their attached networks. IGMP messages are also used by
switches capable of supporting “IGMP snooping” whereby the switch listens to IGMP
messages and only sends the multicast packets to ports that have joined the multicast group.

There are two versions of IGMP:

• IGMP V1 is defined in RFC1112. It defines two messages: Host Membership Query and
Host Membership Report (commonly referred to as a “join”)
• IGMP V2 is defined in RFC2236. It defines additional messages and behavior, notably the
Leave Group message.
IGMP V2 is backward compatible with V1. RFC2236 discusses the interaction between IGMP
V1 and V2 hosts and routers.

Since EtherNet/IP devices make extensive use of IP multicast for CIP transport class 0 and 1
connections, consistent IGMP usage by EtherNet/IP devices is essential in order to create well-
functioning EtherNet/IP application networks.

3-6.2 IGMP Membership Report Messages

EtherNet/IP devices shall issue a Membership Report message when opening a CIP connection
on which they will receive multicast packets. Specifically, devices shall adhere to the following
1. When the T->O Connection Type is multicast (originator is multicast consumer), the
originator shall issue a Membership Report upon receipt of a successful
Forward_Open_reply. The Membership Report shall include the IP multicast address as
communicated in the Forward_Open_reply.
2. When the O->T Connection Type is multicast (target is multicast consumer), the target
shall issue a Membership Report upon sending a successful Forward_Open_reply. The
Membership Report shall include the IP multicast address as communicated in the
If the device has already issued a Membership Report for the IP multicast address (e.g., if the
multicast address is being used with an existing connection) the device may, but is not required
to, issue another Membership Report.

Devices shall also send Membership Report messages in response to Membership Query
messages, per the IGMP RFCs.

3-6.3 IGMP Leave Group messages

Devices that support IGMP V2 shall issue a Leave Group when all the CIP connections
associated with a consuming IP multicast address have either closed or timed out. Specifically,
devices shall adhere to the following behavior:

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1. When the T->O Connection Type is multicast (originator is multicast consumer), the
originator shall issue a Leave Group upon receipt of a successful Forward_Close reply if
the originator has no other open connections consuming on that IP multicast address.
2. When the O->T Connection Type is multicast (target is multicast consumer), the target
shall issue a Leave Group upon sending a successful Forward_Close reply if the target has
no other open connections consuming on that IP multicast address.
3. In the event of a connection timeout, the multicast consumer (whether target or originator)
shall issue a Leave Group message if the multicast consumer has no other connections
consuming on that IP multicast address.

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP

Chapter 4: Object Model

Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP,Chapter 4: Object Model

4-1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................................3

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4-1 Introduction
This chapter of the EtherNet/IP specification contains additions to the CIP object model that
are EtherNet/IP specific. At this time, no such additions exist.

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Chapter 5: Object Library

Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 5: Object Library

5-1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................................3
5-2 Reserved Class Codes ........................................................................................................................................3
5-3 TCP/IP Interface Object.....................................................................................................................................4
5-3.1 Scope..........................................................................................................................................................4
5-3.2 Attributes....................................................................................................................................................4
5-3.2.1 Class Attributes ..................................................................................................................................4
5-3.2.2 Instance Attributes .............................................................................................................................4
5- Status Instance Attribute .................................................................................................................7
5- Configuration Capability Instance Attribute ...................................................................................7
5- Configuration Control Instance Attribute .......................................................................................8
5- Physical Link Object.......................................................................................................................9
5- Interface Configuration ...................................................................................................................9
5- Host Name ....................................................................................................................................10
5- TTL Value.....................................................................................................................................10
5- Mcast Config.................................................................................................................................11
5-3.3 Common Services ....................................................................................................................................12
5-3.3.1 All Services ......................................................................................................................................12
5-3.3.2 Get_Attribute_All Response ............................................................................................................12
5-3.3.3 Set_Attribute_All Request ...............................................................................................................13
5-3.4 Behavior...................................................................................................................................................13
5-4 Ethernet Link Object........................................................................................................................................15
5-4.1 Scope........................................................................................................................................................15
5-4.2 Revision History ......................................................................................................................................15
5-4.3 Attributes..................................................................................................................................................15
5-4.3.1 Class Attributes ................................................................................................................................15
5-4.3.2 Instance Attributes ...........................................................................................................................16
5- Interface Flags...............................................................................................................................18
5- Interface Speed..............................................................................................................................18
5- Physical Address ...........................................................................................................................19
5- Interface Counters .........................................................................................................................19
5- Media Counters .............................................................................................................................19
5- Interface Control ...........................................................................................................................19
5- Interface Type ...............................................................................................................................20
5- Interface State ...............................................................................................................................21
5- Admin State ..................................................................................................................................21
5- Interface Label ............................................................................................................................21
5-4.4 Common Services ....................................................................................................................................21
5-4.4.1 All Services ......................................................................................................................................21
5-4.4.2 Get_Attribute_All Response ............................................................................................................22
5-4.5 Class-Specific Services ............................................................................................................................22
5-4.5.1 Get_and_Clear Service.....................................................................................................................22

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5-1 Introduction
In this standard, object modeling is used to represent the network visible behavior of devices.
Devices are modeled as a collection of objects. Each class of objects is a collection of related
services, attributes and behaviors. Services are the procedures that an object performs.
Attributes are characteristics of objects represented by values, which can vary. An object’s
behavior is an indication of how the object responds to particular events.

This chapter of the specification contains the object descriptions specific to EtherNet/IP. The
rest of the object descriptions can be found in the Volume 1, Chapter 5. With respect to the
OSI reference model, CIP objects perform the Layer 7 Application functions. They also
provide a mechanism to access station management counters via the network.

5-2 Reserved Class Codes

The rest of the class codes are defined in Volume 1 of the CIP Networks Library.

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TCP/IP Object, Class Code: F5Hex

5-3 TCP/IP Interface Object

Class Code: F5 Hex
5-3.1 Scope

The TCP/IP Interface Object provides the mechanism to configure a device’s TCP/IP network
interface. Examples of configurable items include the device’s IP Address, Network Mask, and
Gateway Address.

The underlying physical communications interface associated with the TCP/IP Interface Object
shall be any interface that supports the TCP/IP protocol. For example, a TCP/IP Interface
Object may be associated any of the following: an Ethernet 802.3 interface, an ATM interface,
a serial port running SLIP, a serial port running PPP, etc. The TCP/IP Interface Object
provides an attribute that identifies the link-specific object for the associated physical
communications interface. The link-specific object is generally expected to provide link-
specific counters as well as any link-specific configuration attributes.

Each device shall support exactly one instance of the TCP/IP Interface Object for each TCP/IP-
capable communications interface on the module.

5-3.2 Attributes

5-3.2.1 Class Attributes

Table 5-3.1 Class Attributes
Attribute Need in Access Name Data Type Description of Semantics of values
ID Implementation Rule Attribute
2 Conditional 1 Get Max UINT Maximum instance The largest instance
Instance number of an number of a created
object currently object at this class
created in this class hierarchy level.
level of the device.
3 Conditional 1 Get Number of UINT Number of object The number of object
Instances instances currently instances at this class
created at this class hierarchy level
level of the device.
1, 4 thru 7 These class attributes are optional and are described in Volume 1, Chapter 4.
1 Required if the number of instances is greater than 1.

5-3.2.2 Instance Attributes

Table 5-3.2 Instance Attributes
Attr Need In Access Rule Name Data Description of Semantics of Values
ID Implem Type Attribute
1 Required Get Status DWORD Interface status See section 5-
2 Required Get Configuration DWORD Interface Bit map of capability
Capability capability flags flags. See section 5-
3 Required Set Configuration DWORD Interface control Bit map of control flags.
Control flags See section 5-

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TCP/IP Object, Class Code: F5Hex
Attr Need In Access Rule Name Data Description of Semantics of Values
ID Implem Type Attribute
4 Required Get Physical Link STRUCT Path to physical See section 5-
Object of: link object
Path size UINT Size of Path Number of 16 bit words
in Path
Path Padded Logical segments The path is restricted to
EPATH identifying the one logical class segment
physical link and one logical instance
object segment. The maximum
size is 12 bytes. See
Appendix C of Volume
1, Logical Segments.
5 Required Set Interface STRUCT TCP/IP network See section 5-
Configuration of: interface
IP Address UDINT The device’s IP Value of 0 indicates no IP
address. address has been
configured. Otherwise,
the IP address shall be set
to a valid Class A, B, or C
address and shall not be
set to the loopback address
Network Mask UDINT The device’s Value of 0 indicates no
network mask network mask address has
been configured.
Gateway UDINT Default gateway Value of 0 indicates no IP
Address address address has been
configured. Otherwise,
the IP address shall be set
to a valid Class A, B, or C
address and shall not be
set to the loopback address
Name Server UDINT Primary name Value of 0 indicates no
server name server address has
been configured.
Otherwise, the name
server address shall be set
to a valid Class A, B, or C
Name Server 2 UDINT Secondary name Value of 0 indicates no
server secondary name server
address has been
configured. Otherwise,
the name server address
shall be set to a valid Class
A, B, or C address.
Domain Name STRING Default domain ASCII characters.
name Maximum length is 48
characters. Shall be
padded to an even number
of characters (pad not
included in length). A
length of 0 shall indicate
no Domain Name is

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 5: Object Library
TCP/IP Object, Class Code: F5Hex
Attr Need In Access Rule Name Data Description of Semantics of Values
ID Implem Type Attribute
6 Required Set Host Name STRING Host name ASCII characters.
(Optional. Maximum length is 64
See section characters. Shall be
5- padded to an even
number of characters
(pad not included in
length). A length of 0
shall indicate no Host
Name is configured. See
section 5-
7 Conditional1 Safety 6 octets See CIP Safety
Network Specfication,
Number Volume 5,
Chapter 3
8 Conditional2 Get TTL Value USINT TTL value for Time-to-Live value for
Set is EtherNet/IP IP multicast packets.
conditional3 multicast packets Default value is 1.
Minimum is 1; maximum
is 255
See Chapter 5-
9 Conditional Get Mcast Config STRUCT IP multicast See Chapter 5-
Set is of: address
conditional3 configuration
Alloc Control USINT Multicast address See Chapter 5- for
allocation control details.
word. Determines whether
Determines how multicast addresses are
addresses are generated via algorithm
allocated. or are explicitly set.
Reserved USINT Reserved for Shall be 0.
future use
Num Mcast UINT Number of IP The number of IP
multicast multicast addresses
addresses to allocated, starting at
allocate for “Mcast Start Addr”.
EtherNet/IP Maximum value is
device specific, however
shall not exceed the
number of EtherNet/IP
multicast connections
supported by the device.
Mcast Start UDINT Starting multicast IP multicast address
Addr address from (Class D). A block of
which to begin “Num Mcast” addresses
allocation. is allocated starting with
this address.
1 – This attribute is required for EtherNet/IP safety devices. Non-safety devices shall not implement this attribute.
2 – If either TTL Value or Mcast Config is implemented, both must be implemented.
3 – If either TTL Value or Mcast Config is implemented as settable, both must be implemented as settable.

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TCP/IP Object, Class Code: F5Hex
5- Status Instance Attribute
The Status attribute is a bitmap that shall indicate the status of the TCP/IP network interface.
Refer to the state diagram in section 5-3.4, Behavior, for a description of object states as they
relate to the Status attribute.

Table 5-3.3 Status Attribute

Bit(s): Called: Definition
0-3 Interface Indicates the status of 0 = The Interface Configuration attribute has not been
Configuration the Interface configured.
Status Configuration 1 = The Interface Configuration attribute contains valid
attribute. configuration obtained from BOOTP, DHCP or non-
volatile storage.
2 = The Interface Configuration attribute contains valid
configuration, obtained from hardware settings (e.g.:
pushwheel, thumbwheel, etc.)
3-15 = Reserved for future use.
4 Mcast Pending Indicates a pending configuration change in the TTL Value and/or Mcast Config
attributes. This bit shall be set when either the TTL Value or Mcast Config
attribute is set, and shall be cleared the next time the device starts.
5-31 Reserved Reserved for future use and shall be set to zero.

5- Configuration Capability Instance Attribute

The Configuration Capability attribute is a bitmap that indicates the device’s support for
optional network configuration capability. Devices are not required to support any one
particular item, however must support at least one method of obtaining an initial IP address.

Table 5-3.4 Configuration Capability Attribute

Bit(s): Called: Definition
0 BOOTP Client 1 (TRUE) shall indicate the device is capable of obtaining its network configuration
via BOOTP.
1 DNS Client 1 (TRUE) shall indicate the device is capable of resolving host names by querying a
DNS server.
2 DHCP Client 1 (TRUE) shall indicate the device is capable of obtaining its network configuration
via DHCP.
3 DHCP-DNS 1 (TRUE) shall indicate the device is capable of sending its host name in the DHCP
Update request as documented in Internet draft <draft-ietf-dhc-dhcp-dns-12.txt>.
4 Configuration 1 (TRUE) shall indicate the Interface Configuration attribute is settable. Some
Settable devices, for example a PC or workstation, may not allow the Interface
Configuration to be set via the TCP/IP Interface Object.
5-31 Reserved Reserved for future use and shall be set to zero.

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 5: Object Library
TCP/IP Object, Class Code: F5Hex
5- Configuration Control Instance Attribute
The Configuration Control attribute is a bitmap used to control network configuration

Table 5-3.5 Configuration Control Attribute

Bit(s): Called: Definition
0-3 Startup Determines how the 0 = The device shall use the interface configuration values
Configuration device shall obtain its previously stored (for example, in non-volatile memory or
initial configuration via hardware switches, etc).
at start up. 1 = The device shall obtain its interface configuration values
via BOOTP.
2 = The device shall obtain its interface configuration values
via DHCP upon start-up.
3-15 = Reserved for future use.
4 DNS Enable If 1 (TRUE), the device shall resolve host names by querying a DNS server.
5-31 Reserved Reserved for future use and shall be set to zero.

Devices are not required to support any of the particular values of the Startup Configuration
bits, however a device must support at least one method of obtaining an initial TCP/IP interface

Some devices, in particular low-end devices, may choose to obtain network interface
configuration via BOOTP or DHCP only. The use of BOOTP and/or DHCP may not be
appropriate for all devices. DHCP in particular supports dynamically allocated IP addresses,
which could result in a device getting a different IP address each time it powers up. This
behavior is not appropriate for devices that need to have static IP addresses.

A device may obtain its initial IP address via BOOTP or DHCP and then have that address
retained in non-volatile storage. After receiving an IP address via BOOTP or DHCP, the
address can be retained by setting the Startup Configuration bits to 0.

Out of the box, a device may wish to obtain its initial configuration via some method other than
BOOTP or DHCP. For example, the device may wish to obtain its initial configuration over an
attached serial port. In this case, the device should have its Startup Configuration bits set to 0,
and its Interface Configuration attribute fields to all 0s. The device should then wait to be

Once a device is up and running, when the value of the Startup Configuration bits is 0, a
request to set the Interface Configuration attribute shall cause the device to store the contents of
the Interface Configuration attribute in non-volatile storage if supported by the device. The
Startup Configuration bits shall not be set to 0 unless the Interface Configuration attribute
minimally contains a valid IP address. Otherwise the device could be rendered unable to
communicate on the network.

Additional standard configuration methods are may be adopted in the future as they are
developed and accepted by the Internet community. Non-standard techniques, including
various forms of "IP Gleaning," which rely upon arrival of unusual sequences of messages shall
not be used for configuration of EtherNet/IP nodes.

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 5: Object Library
TCP/IP Object, Class Code: F5Hex
5- Physical Link Object
This attribute identifies the object associated with the underlying physical communications
interface (e.g., an 802.3 interface). There are two components to the attribute: a Path Size (in
UINTs) and a Path. The Path shall contain a Logical Segment, type Class, and a Logical
Segment, type Instance that identifies the physical link object. The maximum Path Size is 6
(assuming a 32 bit logical segment for each of the class and instance).

The physical link object itself typically maintains link-specific counters as well as any link-
specific configuration attributes. If the CIP port associated with the TCP/IP Interface Object
has an Ethernet physical layer, this attribute shall point to an instance of the Ethernet Link
Object (class code = 0xF6). When there are multiple physical interfaces that correspond to the
TCP/IP interface, this attribute shall either contain a Path Size of 0, or shall contain a path to
the object representing an internal communications interface (often used in the case of an
embedded switch).

For example, the path could be as follows:

Table 5-3.6 Example Path

Path Meaning
[20][F6][24][01] [20] = 8 bit class segment type; [F6] = Ethernet Link Object class;
[24] = 8 bit instance segment type; [01] = instance 1.

5- Interface Configuration

This attribute contains the configuration parameters required to operate as a TCP/IP node. In
order to prevent incomplete or incompatible configuration, the parameters making up the
Interface Configuration attribute cannot be set individually. To modify the Interface
Configuration attribute, the user should first Get the Interface Configuration attribute, change
the desired parameters then set the attribute.

The TCP/IP Interface Object shall apply the new configuration upon completion of the Set
service. If the value of the Startup Configuration bits (Configuration Control attribute) is 0, the
new configuration shall be stored in non-volatile memory. The device shall not reply to the set
service until the values are safely stored to non-volatile storage. An attempt to set any of the
components of the Interface Configuration attribute to invalid values (see Semantics of Values
in Table 5-3.2) shall result in an error (status code 0x09) returned from the Set service.

If initial configuration is to be obtained via BOOTP or DHCP, the Interface Configuration

attribute components shall be all zeros until the BOOTP or DHCP reply is received. Upon
receipt of the BOOTP or DHCP reply, the Interface Configuration attribute shall show the
configuration obtained via BOOTP/DHCP.

Devices are not required to support the Set service. Some implementations, for example those
running on a PC or Workstation, need not support setting the network interface configuration
via the TCP/IP Interface Object.

Components of the interface configuration attributes are described below:

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 5: Object Library
TCP/IP Object, Class Code: F5Hex
Table 5-3.7 Interface Configuration Attribute
Name Meaning
IP address The device’s IP address.
Network mask The device’s network mask. The network mask is used when the IP network has
been partitioned into subnets. The network mask is used to determine whether an IP
address is located on another subnet.
Gateway address The IP address of the device’s default gateway. When a destination IP address is on
a different subnet, packets are forwarded to the default gateway for routing to the
destination subnet.
Name server The IP address of the primary name server. The name server is used to resolve host
names. For example, that might be contained in a CIP connection path.
Name server 2 The IP address of the secondary name server. The secondary name server is used
when the primary name server is not available, or is unable to resolve a host name.
Domain name The default domain name. The default domain name is used when resolving host
names that are not fully qualified. For example, if the default domain name is
“odva.org”, and the device needs to resolve a host name of “plc”, then the device will
attempt to resolve the host name as “plc.odva.org”.

For additional information on IP addressing, subnetworks, gateways, etc. refer to Comer,

Douglas E.; Internetworking with TCP/IP, Volume 1: Protocols and Architecture; Englewood
Cliffs, NJ; Prentice-Hall, 1990.

5- Host Name

The Host Name attribute contains the device’s host name. The host name attribute is used
when the device supports the DHCP-DNS Update capability and has been configured to use
DHCP upon start up. The DHCP-DNS Update mechanism is specified Internet draft <draft-
ietf-dhc-dhcp-dns-12.txt>, and is supported in Windows 2000. The mechanism allows the
DHCP client to transmit its host name to the DHCP server. The DHCP server then updates the
DNS records on behalf of the client.

The host name attribute does not need to be set for the device to operate normally. The value of
the Host Name attribute, if it is configured, shall be used for the value of the FQDN option in
the DHCP request. If the Host Name attribute has not been configured then the device shall not
include the FQDN option in the DHCP request.

For devices that do not support the DHCP-DNS capability, or are not configured to use DHCP,
then the host name can be used for informational purposes.

The set access is optional when the Interface Configuration attribute is not settable. Some
devices, for example, a PC or workstation, may not allow the Interface Configuration or Host
name to be set via the TCP/IP interface object. If the set is not implemented, an “Attribute not
settable” (0x0E) error shall be returned in response to a “Set attribute single” request.

5- TTL Value

TTL Value is value the device shall use for the IP header Time-to-Live field when sending
EtherNet/IP packets via IP multicast. By default, TTL Value shall be 1. The maximum value
for TTL is 255. Note that unicast packets shall use the TTL as configured for the TCP/IP stack,
and not the TTL Value configured in this attribute.

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TCP/IP Object, Class Code: F5Hex
When set, the TTL Value attribute shall be saved in non-volatile memory, and shall take affect
the next time the device starts. Setting the TTL Value attribute shall also cause the Mcast
Pending bit in the Interface Status attribute to be set, indicating that there is pending
configuration. When a new TTL Value is pending, Get_Attribute_Single or Get_Attributes_All
requests shall return the pending value. The Mcast Pending bit shall be cleared the next time
the device starts.

Users should exercise caution when setting the TTL Value greater than 1, to prevent unwanted
multicast traffic from propagating through the network. Chapter 3 includes a discussion on user
considerations when using multicast.

5- Mcast Config

The Mcast Config attribute contains the configuration of the device’s IP multicast addresses to
be used for EtherNet/IP multicast packets. There are three elements to the Mcast Config
structure: Alloc Control, Num Mcast, and Mcast Start Addr.

Alloc Control determines how the device shall allocate IP multicast addresses (e.g., whether
by algorithm, whether they are explicitly set, etc.) Table 5-3.8 shows the details for Alloc

Table 5-3.8 Alloc Control

Value Definition
0 Multicast addresses shall be generated using the default allocation algorithm specified in
Chapter 3. When this value is specified on a set-attribute or set-attributes-all, the values
of Num Mcast and Mcast Start Addr in the set-attribute request shall be 0.
1 Multicast addresses shall be allocated according to the values specified in Num Mcast and
Mcast Start Addr.
2 Reserved

Num Mcast is the number of IP multicast addresses allocated. The maximum number of
multicast addresses is device specific, but shall not exceed the number of EtherNet/IP multicast
connections supported by the device.

Mcast Start Addr is the starting multicast address from which Num Mcast addresses are

When set, the Mcast Config attribute shall be saved in non-volatile memory, and shall take
affect the next time the device starts. Setting the Mcast Config attribute shall also cause the
Mcast Pending bit in the Interface Status attribute to be set, indicating that there is pending
configuration. When a new Mcast Config value is pending, Get_Attribute_Single or
Get_Attributes_All requests shall return the pending value. The Mcast Pending bit shall be
cleared the next time the device starts.

When the multicast addresses are generated using the default algorithm, Num Mcast and Mcast
Start Addr shall report the values generated by the algorithm.

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 5: Object Library
TCP/IP Object, Class Code: F5Hex
5-3.3 Common Services

5-3.3.1 All Services

The TCP/IP Interface Object shall provide the following common services.

Table 5-3.9 Common Services

Service Need in Implementation
Code Class Instance Service name Description of Service
0x01 Optional Optional Get_Attribute_All Returns a predefined listing of this objects
attributes (See the Get_Attribute_All response
definition in section 5-3.3.2)
0x02 n/a Optional Set_Attribute_All Modifies all settable attributes.
0x0E Conditional Required Get_Attribute_Single Returns the contents of the specified attribute.
0x10 n/a Required Set_Attribute_Single Modifies a single attribute.

5-3.3.2 Get_Attribute_All Response

For class attributes, (since there is only one class attribute) class attribute #1 shall be returned.

For instance attributes, attributes shall be returned in numerical order up to the last
implemented attribute. The Get_Attribute_All reply shall be as follows:

Table 5-3.10 Get_Attribute_All

Attribute ID Size in Bytes Contents
1 4 Status

2 4 Configuration Capability
3 4 Configuration Control
2 Physical Link Object, Path Size
Variable, 12 bytes max Physical Link Object, Path (if Path Size is non-zero)
4 IP Address
4 Network Mask
4 Gateway Address
4 Name Server
5 4 Secondary Name Server
2 Domain Name Length
Domain Name
equal to Domain Name Length
1 Pad byte only if Domain Name Length is odd
2 Host Name Length
6 Host Name
equal to Host Name Length
1 Pad byte only if Host Name Length is odd
See CIP Safety Specification Volume 5, Chapter 3.
7 6 octets Not present if attribute 7 is not implemented. Shall be 0 when
additional attributes greater than attribute ID 7 are included.

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 5: Object Library
TCP/IP Object, Class Code: F5Hex
Attribute ID Size in Bytes Contents
TTL Value.
8 1 octet Not present if attribute 8 is not implemented. Shall be 0 when
additional attributes greater than attribute ID 8 are included.
Mcast Config.
9 8 octets Not present if attribute 9 is not implemented. Shall be 0 when
additional attributes greater than attribute ID 9 are included.

The lengths of the Physical Link Object path, Domain Name, and Host Name are not known
before issuing the Get_Attribute_All service request. Implementers shall be prepared to accept
a response containing the maximum sizes of the Physical Link Object path (6 UINTs), the
Domain Name (48 USINTs), and Host Name (64 USINTs).

5-3.3.3 Set_Attribute_All Request

The instance Set_Attribute_All request contains the Configuration Control attribute, followed
by the Interface Configuration attribute.

5-3.4 Behavior

The behavior of the TCP/IP Interface Object shall be as illustrated in the State Transition
Diagram below. Note that the act of obtaining an initial executable image via BOOTP/TFTP
shall not be considered within the scope of the TCP/IP Interface Object behavior. Devices are
free to implement such behavior, however it shall be considered to have occurred in the “Non-
existent” state.

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 5: Object Library
TCP/IP Object, Class Code: F5Hex
Figure 5-3.1 State Diagram Showing the Behavior of the TCP/IP Object


Status = 0x00000000
Obtaining Initial Disabled AND Stored
Configuration Config is Valid


AND Stored Config Invalid DHCP Enabled

Waiting for

Set_Attributes BOOTP/DHCP
Request Received Response Received

Status = 0x00000000

Change Interface
TCP/IP Network
Interface Configured
(Status = 0x00000001)

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 5: Object Library
Ethernet Link Object, Class Code: F6Hex

5-4 Ethernet Link Object

Class Code: F6 hex
5-4.1 Scope

The Ethernet Link Object maintains link-specific counters and status information for a Ethernet
802.3 communications interface. Each device shall support exactly one instance of the Ethernet
Link Object for each Ethernet IEEE 802.3 communications interface on the module. Devices
may use an Ethernet Link Object instance for an internally accessible interface, such as an
internal port for an embedded switch, Refer to Chapter 6 (Device Profiles) for additional
information on multi-port EtherNet/IP devices.

5-4.2 Revision History

Since the initial release of this object class definition changes have been made that require a
revision update of this object class. The table below represents the revision history.

Table 5-4.1 Revision History

Revision Reason for Object Definition Update
1 Initial revision of this object definition
2 Add Instance Attribute 6, Interface Control
3 Add new instance attributes 7-10 providing support for multiple port Ethernet devices

5-4.3 Attributes

5-4.3.1 Class Attributes

The Ethernet Link Object shall support the following class attributes.

Table 5-4.2 Class Attributes

Attribute Need in Access Description of
Name Data Type Semantics of Values
ID Implementation Rule Attribute
1 Required Get Revision UINT Revision of this The current value
object assigned to this
attribute is three
2 Conditional 1 Get Max UINT Maximum instance The largest instance
Instance number of an object number of a created
currently created in object at this class
this class level of the hierarchy level
3 Conditional 1 Get Number UINT Number of object The number of object
of instances currently instances at this class
Instances created at this class hierarchy level
level of the device
4 thru 7 These class attributes are optional and are described in Volume 1, Chapter 4.
1 Required if the number of instances is greater than 1.

An error reading the Class Revision attribute implies this is a revision 1 only implementation.

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 5: Object Library
Ethernet Link Object, Class Code: F6Hex

5-4.3.2 Instance Attributes

The Ethernet Link Object shall support the following instance attributes.

Table 5-4.3 Instance Attributes

Attr Need in Access Semantics of
Name Data Type Description of Attribute
ID Implementation Rule Values
1 Required Get Interface Speed UDINT Interface speed currently in Speed in Mbps (e.g.,
use 0, 10, 100, 1000,
2 Required Get Interface Flags DWORD Interface status flags Bit map of interface
flags. See section
3 Required Get Physical ARRAY of MAC layer address See section
Address 6 USINTs 5-
4 Conditional1 Get Interface STRUCT See section
Counters of: 5-
In Octets UDINT Octets received on the
In Ucast Packets UDINT Unicast packets received on
the interface
In NUcast UDINT Non-unicast packets received
Packets on the interface
In Discards UDINT Inbound packets received on
the interface but discarded
In Errors UDINT Inbound packets that contain
errors (does not include In
In Unknown UDINT Inbound packets with
Protos unknown protocol
Out Octets UDINT Octets sent on the interface
Out Ucast UDINT Unicast packets sent on the
Packets interface
Out NUcast UDINT Non-unicast packets sent on
Packets the interface
Out Discards UDINT Outbound packets discarded
Out Errors UDINT Outbound packets that contain

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 5: Object Library
Ethernet Link Object, Class Code: F6Hex

Attr Need in Access Semantics of

Name Data Type Description of Attribute
ID Implementation Rule Values
5 Optional Get Media Counters STRUCT Media-specific counters See section
of: 5-
Alignment UDINT Frames received that are not
Errors an integral number of octets in
FCS Errors UDINT Frames received that do not
pass the FCS check
Single UDINT Successfully transmitted
Collisions frames which experienced
exactly one collision
Multiple UDINT Successfully transmitted
Collisions frames which experienced
more than one collision
SQE Test UDINT Number of times SQE test
Errors error message is generated
Deferred UDINT Frames for which first
Transmissions transmission attempt is
delayed because the medium
is busy
Late Collisions UDINT Number of times a collision is
detected later than 512 bit-
times into the transmission of
a packet
Excessive UDINT Frames for which
Collisions transmission fails due to
excessive collisions
MAC Transmit UDINT Frames for which
Errors transmission fails due to an
internal MAC sublayer
transmit error
Carrier Sense UDINT Times that the carrier sense
Errors condition was lost or never
asserted when attempting to
transmit a frame
Frame Too Long UDINT Frames received that exceed
the maximum permitted frame
MAC Receive UDINT Frames for which reception on
Errors an interface fails due to an
internal MAC sublayer
receive error
6 Optional Set Interface STRUCT Configuration for physical See section
Control of: interface 5-
Control Bits WORD Interface Control Bits
Forced Interface UINT Speed at which the interface Speed in Mbps (10,
Speed shall be forced to operate 100, 1000, etc.)
7 Optional Get Interface Type USINT Type of interface: twisted See section
pair, fiber, internal, etc 5-
8 Optional Get Interface State USINT Current state of the interface: See section
operational, disabled, etc 5-

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Ethernet Link Object, Class Code: F6Hex

Attr Need in Access Semantics of

Name Data Type Description of Attribute
ID Implementation Rule Values
9 Optional Set Admin State USINT Administrative state: enable, See section
disable 5-
10 Conditional 2 Get Interface Label SHORT_ Human readable identification See section
1 The Interface Counters attribute is required if the Media Counters attribute is implemented.
2 Required if number of instances is greater than 1.

5- Interface Flags

The Interface Flags attribute contains status and configuration information about the physical
interface and shall be as follows:

Table 5-4.4 Interface Flags

Bit(s): Called: Definition
0 Link Status Indicates whether or not the Ethernet 802.3 communications interface is connected to
an active network. 0 indicates an inactive link; 1 indicates an active link. The
determination of link status is implementation specific. In some cases devices can tell
whether the link is active via hardware/driver support. In other cases, the device may
only be able to tell whether the link is active by the presence of incoming packets.
1 Half/Full Duplex Indicates the duplex mode currently in use. 0 indicates the interface is running half
duplex; 1 indicates full duplex. Note that if the Link Status flag is 0, then the value of
the Half/Full Duplex flag is indeterminate.
2-4 Negotiation Indicates the status of link auto-negotiation
Status 0 = Auto-negotiation in progress.
1 = Auto-negotiation and speed detection failed. Using default values for speed and
duplex. Default values are product-dependent; recommended defaults are 10Mbps and
half duplex.
2 = Auto negotiation failed but detected speed. Duplex was defaulted. Default value is
product-dependent; recommended default is half duplex.
3 = Successfully negotiated speed and duplex.
4 = Auto-negotiation not attempted. Forced speed and duplex.
5 Manual Setting 0 indicates the interface can activate changes to link parameters (auto-negotiate,
Requires Reset duplex mode, interface speed) automatically. 1 indicates the device requires a Reset
service be issued to its Identity Object in order for the changes to take effect.
6 Local Hardware 0 indicates the interface detects no local hardware fault; 1 indicates a local hardware
Fault fault is detected. The meaning of this is product-specific. Examples are an AUI/MII
interface detects no transceiver attached or a radio modem detects no antennae
attached. In contrast to the soft, possible self-correcting nature of the Link Status being
inactive, this is assumed a hard-fault requiring user intervention.
7-31 Reserved Shall be set to zero

5- Interface Speed

The Interface Speed attribute shall indicate the speed at which the interface is currently running
(e.g., 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps, 1 Gbps, etc.) A value of 0 shall be used to indicate that the speed of
the interface is indeterminate. The scale of the attribute is in Mbps, so if the interface is running
at 100 Mbps then the value of Interface Speed attribute shall be 100. The Interface Speed is
intended to represent the media bandwidth; the attribute shall not be doubled if the interface is
running in full-duplex mode.

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5- Physical Address

The Physical Address attribute contains the interface’s MAC layer address. The Physical
Address is an array of octets. The recommended display format is "XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX",
starting with the first octet. Note that the Physical Address is not a settable attribute. The
Ethernet address shall be assigned by the manufacturer, and shall be unique per IEEE 802.3
requirements. Devices with multiple ports but a single MAC interface (e.g., a device with a
embedded switch technology) may use the same value for this attribute in each instance of the
Ethernet Link Object. The general requirement is that the value of this attribute shall be the
MAC address used for packets to and from the device’s own MAC interface over this physical

5- Interface Counters

The Interface Counters attribute contains counters relevant to the receipt of packets on the
interface. These counters shall be as defined in RFC 1213 “MIB-II Management Information
Base”. The Interface Counters are a conditional attribute; they shall be implemented if the
Media Counters attribute is implemented. Multi-port devices with a single MAC interface (e.g.,
device with an embedded switch) shall maintain counter values in one of three ways:

1. In each instance, count the MAC frames sent/received by the device itself over the port
represented by that instance (i.e., each physical interface counts the MAC frames
sent/received over that interface). This is the preferred solution.

2. Use counter values of 0 for those instances that correspond to the external switch ports;
count MAC frames in the instance that corresponds to the internal device interface

3. Use the same counter values for all instances, counting MAC frames sent/received by the
device itself

5- Media Counters

The Media Counters attribute contains counters specific to Ethernet media. These counters
shall be as defined by RFC 1643, “Definitions of Managed Objects for Ethernet-Like Interface
Types”. If this attribute is implemented the Interface Counters shall also be implemented.
Instances that refer to internal interfaces may set the values of the Interface Counters to 0.

Note: some underlying hardware or system implementations may not provide all of the Media
Counters. In the case of fiber media, some of the counters do not apply (e.g., collision
counters). Devices shall use values of 0 for counters that are not implemented.

5- Interface Control

The Interface Control attribute is a structure consisting of Control Bits and Forced Interface
Speed and shall be as follows:

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 5: Object Library
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5- Control Bits

Table 5-4.5 Control Bits
Bit(s): Called: Definition
0 Auto-negotiate 0 indicates 802.3 link auto-negotiation is disabled. 1 indicates auto-negotiation is
enabled. If auto-negotiation is disabled, then the device shall use the settings indicated
by the Forced Duplex Mode and Forced Interface Speed bits.
1 Forced Duplex If the Auto-negotiate bit is 0, the Forced Duplex Mode bit indicates whether the
Mode interface shall operate in full or half duplex mode. 0 indicates the interface duplex
should be half duplex. 1 indicates the interface duplex should be full duplex.
Interfaces not supporting the requested duplex shall return a GRC hex 0x09 (Invalid
Attribute Value). If auto-negotiation is enabled, attempting to set the Forced Duplex
Mode bits shall result in a GRC hex 0x0C (Object State Conflict).
2-15 Reserved Shall be set to zero

5- Forced Interface Speed

If the Auto-negotiate bit is 0, the Forced Interface Speed bits indicate the speed at which the
interface shall operate. Speed is specified in megabits per second (e.g., for 10 Mbps Ethernet,
the Interface Speed shall be 10). Interfaces not supporting the requested speed should return a
GRC hex 0x09 (Invalid Attribute Value).

If auto-negotiation is enabled, attempting to set the Forced Interface Speed shall result in a
GRC hex 0x0C (Object State Conflict).

5- Interface Type

The Interface Type attribute shall indicate the type of the physical interface. Table 5-4.6 shows
the Interface Type values. This attribute shall be stored in non-volatile memory.

Table 5-4.6 Interface Type

Value Type of interface
0 Unknown interface type.
1 The interface is internal to the device, for example, in the case of an embedded switch.
2 Twisted-pair (e.g., 10Base-T, 100Base-TX, 1000Base-T, etc.)
3 Optical fiber (e.g., 100Base-FX)
4-256 Reserved.

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5- Interface State

The Interface State attribute shall indicate the current operational state of the interface. Table 5-
4.7 shows the Interface State values. This attribute shall be stored in volatile memory.

Table 5-4.7 Interface State

Value Interface State
0 Unknown interface state
1 The interface is enabled and is ready to send and receive data
2 The interface is disabled
3 The interface is testing
4-256 Reserved.

5- Admin State

The Admin State attribute shall allow administrative setting of the interface state. Table 5-4.8
shows the Admin State values. This attribute shall be stored in non-volatile memory.

Table 5-4.8 Admin State

Value Admin State
0 Reserved
1 Enable the interface
2 Disable the interface. If this is the only CIP communications interface, a request to disable the
interface shall result in an error (status code 0x09).
3-256 Reserved.

5- Interface Label

The Interface Label attribute shall be a text string that describes the interface. The content of
the string is vendor specific. For internal interfaces the text string should include “internal”
somewhere in the string. The maximum number of characters in this string is 64. This attribute
shall be stored in non-volatile memory.

5-4.4 Common Services

5-4.4.1 All Services

The Ethernet Link Object shall provide the following common services.

Table 5-4.9 Common Services

Service Need in Implementation
Code Class Instance Service Name Description of Service
0x01 Optional Optional Get_Attribute_All Returns a predefined listing of this objects
attributes (See the Get_Attribute_All
response definition in section 5-4.4.2)
0x0E Conditional Required Get_Attribute_Single Returns the contents of the specified
0x10 n/a Conditional Set_Attribute_Single Modifies a single attribute.

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 5: Object Library
Ethernet Link Object, Class Code: F6Hex

The Get_Attribute_Single shall be implemented for the class attribute if the class attribute is

The Set_Attribute_Single service shall be implemented if the Interface Control attribute is


5-4.4.2 Get_Attribute_All Response

For class attributes, since there is only one possible attribute, the Get_Attribute_All response is
the same as the Get_Attribute_Single response. If no class attributes are implemented, then no
data is returned in the data portion of the reply.

For instance attributes, attributes shall be returned in numerical order, up to the last
implemented attribute. All 0’s shall be returned for the Interface Counters and Media Counters
attributes if they are not implemented but the Interface Control attribute is implemented.

5-4.5 Class-Specific Services

The Ethernet Link Object shall support the following class-specific services:

Table 5-4.10 Class Specific Services

Service Need in Implementation

Code Class Instance Service Name Description of Service
0x4C n/a Conditional Get_and_Clear Gets then clears the specified attribute
(Interface Counters or Media Counters).
The Get_and_Clear service shall only be implemented if the Interface Counters and Media Counters are

5-4.5.1 Get_and_Clear Service

The Get_and_Clear service is a class-specific service. It is only supported for the Interface
Counters and Media Counters attributes. The Get_and_Clear response shall be the same as the
Get_Attribute_Single response for the specified attribute. After the response is built, the value
of the attribute shall be set to zero.

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP

Chapter 6: Device Profiles

Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 6: Device Profiles

6-1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................................3
6-2 Required Objects................................................................................................................................................3

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 6: Device Profiles

6-1 Introduction
This chapter of the EtherNet/IP specification contains device profiles that are EtherNet/IP

6-2 Required Objects

At minimum, every EtherNet/IP device shall implement instance number one of each of the
following objects:
• Identity Object (class code = 0x01)
• Message Router Object (class code = 0x02)
• Connection Manager Object (class code = 0x06)
• TCP/IP Interface Object (class code = 0xF5) and a corresponding link object
If an Ethernet medium is used, the corresponding link object shall be the Ethernet Link Object
(class code = 0xF6). If any other medium is used, the vendor shall define a vendor specific link

NOTE: This specification permits the use of any medium that supports TCP/IP; however, only
the Ethernet medium has been completely standardized here. It is likely in the future that
ODVA/CI will standardize other link objects for frequently used TCP/IP media. For example,
in the future, a standardized PPP object may be defined.

Although it does not have an object class code, each device shall also implement the CIP
Unconnected Message Manager (UCMM).

Figure 6-2.1 Base Device Object Model

Identity Object
Object Application

TCP/IP Message
Interface Router
Object Object

CIP UCMM Encapsulation CIP Transports

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 6: Device Profiles

6-3 Devices with Multiple Interfaces

EtherNet/IP devices may implement multiple network interfaces, for example:
• A device with a single IP address with two Ethernet ports implemented as an embedded
• An EtherNet/IP-enabled switch with multiple Ethernet ports and with EtherNet/IP
communications for the switch itself
• A device with a single Ethernet interface and multiple IP addresses
Note: The specification does not address any behavior related to the Ethernet switching
function in the device examples mentioned above. The intent of the specification at present is
only to specify to allowable configurations of TCP/IP Interface Object and Ethernet Link
Object instances in order to support the device possibilities above.

Devices with multiple interfaces shall implement multiple instances of the TCP/IP interface
Object and physical link objects (e.g., Ethernet Link Object) as applicable to the device
function as listed below:
• 1 instance of the TCP/IP Interface Object for each TCP/IP interface (i.e., for each IP
• 1 instance of a physical link object (e.g., Ethernet Link Object) for each physical interface
exposed via EtherNet/IP. Devices may elect not to expose all interfaces,
• Devices may use a physical link object instance (e.g., Ethernet Link Object) for an internal
interface such as the internal device port of an embedded switch.
• Devices with multiple IP addresses may elect to represent each IP interface as a different
CIP port, and allow CIP messages to be routed from one port to the other. For example,
the CIP connection path would enter one of the ports and exit the other port. In this
scenario, the device shall implement one instance of the Port Object for each CIP port, and
shall implement the CIP routing mechanism described in Volume 1. Devices are not
required to implement the Port Object unless they implement multiple CIP ports.
The following sections illustrate some of the different possibilities for devices with varying
numbers of Ethernet interfaces.

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 6: Device Profiles

6-3.1 Case 1: Single Port Device, 1 IP Address

This is the normal case for most EtherNet/IP devices : single Ethernet interface, single IP
address. In this case, there is one instance of the TCP/IP Interface Object, and one instance of
the Ethernet Link Object that represents the physical interface.

Figure 6-3.1 Case 1 Illustration

Link Object

6-3.2 Case 2, Single Port Device, Multiple IP Addresses

Example : A device with a single Ethernet interface wishes to expose a second IP address.

In this example, there are 2 instances of the TCP/IP Interface Object, and one instance of the
Ethernet Link Object that represents the physical interface. TCP/IP Interface Object class
attributes 2 (Max. instances) and 3 (Number of instances) are used. The instance attribute 4
(Physical Link Object) of both instances refers to the same Ethernet Link Object

Figure 6-3.2 Case 2 Illustration

Interface Interface
Object Object
Link Object

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 6: Device Profiles

6-3.3 Case 3, Device with 2 Ethernet ports. Each port has an associated IP Address
Example : A device with a multiple Ethernet interfaces, each with an associated IP address.
Each interface would be a different CIP-addressable port (i.e., there would be a Port Object
instance per interface).

In this example, there are 2 instances of the TCP/IP Interface Object, and 2 instances of the
Ethernet Link Object that represent each the physical interface. TCP/IP Interface Object /
Ethernet Link Object class attributes 2 (Max. instances) and 3 (Number of instances) are used.
The new Ethernet Link instance attribute 10 (Interface Label) is used to get the correlation
between the Ethernet Link Object and the physical port.

Figure 6-3.3 Case 3 Illustration

Interface Interface
Object Object
Ethernet Ethernet
Link Object Link Object

Note: this example can be generalized to more than 2 ports.

6-3.4 Case 4, Device with Multiple Ethernet interfaces and a single IP Address and CIP
Example:An example is a device with embedded switch technology (to support linear
topology), or an EtherNet/IP-enabled switch. In this case, the device has multiple Ethernet
interfaces, but the interfaces are not CIP-addressable ports (i.e., they do not have corresponding
CIP port numbers or Port Object instances).

It is however useful to allow configuration of the Ethernet interfaces, for example to set port
speed and duplex via the Ethernet Link Object. Note that there is no intent to specify switching
behavior of the device.

In this case, there is a single instance of the TCP/IP Interface Object, an optional “internal”
instance of the Ethernet Link Object (corresponding to the internal device port), and then
Ethernet Link Object instances for each of the physical interfaces.

New Ethernet Link Object class attributes 2 (Max. instances) and 3 (Number of instances) are
used. The new Ethernet Link instance attribute 10 (Interface Label) is used to get the
correlation between the Ethernet Link Object and the physical port. The new Ethernet Link
instance attribute 7 (Interface Type) defines the kind of object (internal/external).

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 6: Device Profiles

Figure 6-3.4 Case 4 Illustration

Link Object

Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet

Link Object Link Object Link Object

Refer to Chapter 5 (Object Library) for specific EtherNet/IP object definitions and

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 6: Device Profiles

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP

Chapter 7: Electronic Data Sheets

Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 7: Electronic Data Sheets

7-1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................................3
7-2 [Device Classification] section ..........................................................................................................................3
7-3 [Port] section......................................................................................................................................................3

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ODVA & ControlNet International, Ltd.
Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 7: Electronic Data Sheets

7-1 Introduction
This chapter of the EtherNet/IP specification contains additions to the definition of electronic
data sheets (EDS) that are EtherNet/IP specific. See the CIP Common specification for more
information about the format of electronic data sheets and the definition of EDS related terms
such as EDS section, EDS entry and EDS field.

7-2 [Device Classification] Section

In the [Device Classification] section of the EDS, for any EtherNet/IP compliant device, there
shall be at least one ClassN keyword entry with its first field set to EthernetIP. As shown in
Figure 7-3.1, no sub-classifications shall be present.

7-3 [Port] Section

In the [Port] section of the EDS (see Figure 7-3.1 for an example), the PortN entry
corresponding to the EtherNet/IP compliant port shall be set as follows:

The “Port Type” field shall have a value of “TCP”.

The optional “Port Object” field shall be set to the path of the TCP Object for this port.

No additional requirements, beyond those in the CIP Common Specification (Volume 1), are
placed on the “Name” and “Port Number” fields. .

NOTE: An EDS for an EtherNet/IP device does not directly refer to the link object for the
EtherNet/IP port (for example, the Ethernet Link Object) since it can be referenced through the
TCP Object for the port.

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 7: Electronic Data Sheets

Figure 7-3.1 Example EDS of an EtherNet/IP Device

DescText = "Widget EDS File";
CreateData = 02-07-2001;
CreateTime = 17:51:44;
ModDate = 04-06-1997;
ModTime = 22:07:30;
Revision = 2.1;
HomeURL = "http://www.controlnet.org/EDS/12345.eds";
VendCode = 65535;
VendName = "Widget-Works, Inc.";
ProdType = 0;
ProdTypeStr = "Generic";
ProdCode = 10;
MajRev = 1;
MinRev = 1;
ProdName = "Smart-Widget";
Catalog = "1492-SW";
Icon = "widget.ico";
[Device Classification]
Class1 = EthernetIP;

Port1 =
"EtherNet/IP port",
"20 F5 24 01",

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP

Chapter 8: Physical Layer

Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 8: Physical Layer

8-1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................................3
8-2 General...............................................................................................................................................................3
8-3 Grounding (earthing) and Bonding ....................................................................................................................3
8-4 Environmental Compatibility.............................................................................................................................3
8-5 Auxiliary Power .................................................................................................................................................4
8-6 Supported Physical Topologies and relation to other networks .........................................................................4
8-7 Performance Levels............................................................................................................................................5
8-7.1 COMMERCIAL based EtherNet/IP products............................................................................................5
8-7.1.1 Copper and Fiber Cabling Components .............................................................................................5
8-7.1.2 active interfaces (PMD) .....................................................................................................................5
8-7.2 Industrial EtherNet/IP products..................................................................................................................6
8-7.2.1 EtherNet/IP Copper and Fiber Cabling Components .........................................................................6
8-7.2.2 Industrial EtherNet/IP Active Interfaces ............................................................................................6
8-8 COMMERCIAL Based EtherNet/IP Products and Physical Layer....................................................................6
8-8.1 Copper Media.............................................................................................................................................6
8-8.1.1 Cables.................................................................................................................................................6
8-8.1.2 Connectors .........................................................................................................................................6
8-8.1.3 Length Constraints .............................................................................................................................6
8-9 Industrial EtherNet/IP Media and Physical Layer..............................................................................................7
8-9.1 Environmental Requirements.....................................................................................................................7
8-9.2 Copper Media.............................................................................................................................................8
8-9.2.1 Copper Media Attachment (Normative References) ..........................................................................8
8-9.2.2 Copper Cabling Commercial and Industrial.......................................................................................8
8-9.2.3 Connectors .......................................................................................................................................11
8-9.2.4 Industrial EtherNet/IP TP-PMD (Normative References)................................................................21
8-9.3 Termination for a 10/100 Mbps Interface with 4 Pair Support ................................................................24
8-9.4 Shield Grounding .....................................................................................................................................25
8-9.4.1 Connectivity Device (Switch, Hub, Bridges, Routers, etc.) .............................................................25
8-9.4.2 Two Port Devices.............................................................................................................................25
8-9.4.3 Active Devices (sensor, PLC etc.) ...................................................................................................25
8-9.5 Fiber Media Variant .................................................................................................................................27
8-9.5.1 Cables...............................................................................................................................................27
8-9.5.2 Connectors .......................................................................................................................................27
8-9.5.3 Fiber PMD........................................................................................................................................29
8-9.5.4 Fiber Optic Transceivers ..................................................................................................................30

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 8: Physical Layer

8-1 Introduction
Chapter 8 specifies EtherNet/IP media and physical layer requirements for EtherNet/IP
installations and active devices. In some cases, industrial environmental requirements may
exceed those used in office environments. Products and components may need to be enhanced
to provide the level of performance required to support industrial applications. Some of these
enhancements include noise rejection, sealing, voltage isolation, chemical resistance, shock,
vibration and wide/dynamic temperature ranges.

8-2 General
The following sections will delineate physical layer media variants for EtherNet/IP. This
standard does not define requirements for coaxial Ethernet components or commercial off the
shelf components (COMMERCIAL). Requirements for these components can be found in
ANSI IEEE 802.3 standard and TIA 568 standards. In this chapter, components that fall under
these standards will be referred to as “standard components”. Systems constructed of standard
components have been deployed in industrial environments primarily in information systems
and limited control applications. These systems, for the most part, have been successfully
providing services at 10 Mbps. Whether providing services at 10 Mbps or 100 Mbps, standard
components are recognized and acceptable for use within the guidelines of this specification.
However, because testing has shown that in order to survive harsh environments both in high
noise, diverse temperatures and the presence of chemicals both in liquid and solid forms, there
are system and component enhancements that are required.

This document defines component performance up to 100 Mbps. The component

specifications herein are optimized for data rates of 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps. The copper
variant shall include both shielded and unshielded twisted pair cable technologies. The
signaling and coupling for copper twisted pair methods are described in section 8-9.2.1.
Products constructed with Commercial components are not eligible for the industrial
conformance check mark since the Commercial products cannot be directly mapped into any
controlling standards controlled by ODVA. Products constructed of Commercial components
are eligible for the Commercial checkmark.

8-3 Grounding (earthing) and Bonding

Grounding and bonding in the communications coverage area is critical to the performance of
EtherNet/IP networks. This topic is a subject of further study.

8-4 Environmental Compatibility

Products and components installed in EtherNet/IP networks shall be compatible with the local
environmental conditions ether by design or a combination of design and mitigation.

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 8: Physical Layer

8-5 Auxiliary Power

Auxiliary Power network is being defined as a collective effort by the Physical Layer SIGs and
JSIGS within ODVA. This topic is currently under study. Designers of active components
planning to use Auxiliary power should review the current revision of this work before
implementing connectors and connector pin out schemes in their products.

8-6 Supported Physical Topologies and relation to other networks

Figure 8-6.1 shows how EtherNet/IP maybe connected to other CIP networks and the generic
telecommunications infrastructure. Connection to the generic telecommunications
infrastructure should be through an appropriate security device to prevent inadvertent
interruption to the control networks. The industrial generic cabling systems may not provide a
level of performance required for control of industrial machinery and processes. The cabling is
connected to the generic cabling as defined by ISO/IEC 24702 and TIA 1005 through an
Automation Outlet (AO). The requirements of the automation outlet are defined in this chapter.

Figure 8-6.1 Relationship to Other Networks

To Generic cabling Linking Linking
system device device
according to


Coupling/ Linking
Potentially explosive area adaptor device

Coupling/ Isolation/

ControlNet IS DeviceNet


Components are to be IS rated

There are three basic topologies for Ethernet based networks. EtherNet/IP supports all three of
the standard active physical topologies as detailed in Figure 8-6.2.

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 8: Physical Layer

Figure 8-6.2 Active Physical Topologies

Linear Bus

Star Node

A switching device is expected to be a dedicated device usually located in the center of the star
physical topology. For other topologies such as the physical linear bus and ring the switching
device may be embedded in a node. A physical linear bus and ring device requires two physical
connections to the cabling infrastructure.

8-7 Performance Levels

Sections 8-7.1and 8-7.2 define two levels of product performance: Commercial EtherNet/IP
and Industrial EtherNet/IP enhanced components. COMMERCIAL cabling components may
require mitigation in the form of isolation and separation from the various harsh elements
found in a typical industrial environment. The EtherNet/IP industrial connectivity component
requirements have added enhancements to reduce the level of mitigation that might otherwise
be required. This clause also details the requirements for active devices both based on
COMMERCIAL and industrially hardened in the same way as the cabling components.

NOTE: There are many sections within this chapter that specify optional requirements. This
section distils these requirements into two distinct levels: commercial copper and fiber and
industrial EtherNet/IP copper and fiber.

8-7.1 COMMERCIAL based EtherNet/IP products

8-7.1.1 Copper and Fiber Cabling Components

The requirements for COMMERCIAL cabling components are defined ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B

series standards and section 8-8. The use of COMMERCIAL components may degrade system
performance. Use of such products or components may result in unsatisfactory performance in
industrial control applications.

8-7.1.2 Active Interfaces (PMD)

Copper and fiber based COMMERCIAL active products shall meet the minimum requirements
of this chapter. Since these devices are not expected to be industrial hardened, they may
require additional mitigation when installed in a harsh environment. The copper interfaces
shall provide a non-sealed RJ-45 jack at the network interface. The fiber interface shall provide
connectivity to one of the non-sealed connectors detailed in 8- (LC, SC or ST).

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 8: Physical Layer

8-7.2 Industrial EtherNet/IP products

8-7.2.1 EtherNet/IP Copper and Fiber Cabling Components

These components are designed to better withstand high noise and harsh environments
common to the industrial environment. Additional consideration is required for the selection of
materials in special applications such as robotic and welding applications ect..

8-7.2.2 Industrial EtherNet/IP Active Interfaces

Copper and fiber-based Industrial EtherNet/IP products shall meet all applicable requirements
of the EtherNet/IP specification, chapter 9. For a product to achieve the Industrial EtherNet/IP
performance in harsh environments level, the physical layer shall conform to the requirements
as outlined in section 8-9 of this chapter.

8-8 COMMERCIAL Based EtherNet/IP Products and Physical Layer

The use of COTS components may degrade system performance. Careful consideration should
be given to the use of COMMERCIAL components in industrial control applications

8-8.1 Copper Media

8-8.1.1 Cables

The transmission performance of shielded or unshielded 4 pair twisted pair cables shall meet
the requirements of ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.2 standards and the requirements of E1 columns of
Table 8-9.4, Table 8-9.5 and Table 8-9.6.

8-8.1.2 Connectors

8- RJ-45 Connector Variant

The RJ-45 connectors are the de-facto standard for Ethernet systems. RJ-45 connectors shall
meet the requirements stated in ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.2. In addition IEC 60603-7 series
defines the mechanical and electrical requirements for the RJ-45 connectors.

8-8.1.3 Length Constraints

The total permanent link length for twisted pair systems is limited to 90m (295 ft). The
permanent link shall conform to ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.1.

The total channel length for twisted pair systems is 100m (328 ft) including patch cables as
defined in ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.1. Channel and patch cable design and testing shall be in
accordance with ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.1 and ‘B.2 respectively.

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 8: Physical Layer

8-9 Industrial EtherNet/IP Media and Physical Layer

8-9.1 Environmental Requirements

Copper and fiber based Industrial EtherNet/IP products should meet the minimum
environmental recommendations as defined in Table 8-9.1. Copper and Fiber cabling
components shall support the requirements in of Table 8-9.2. Active devices shall meet the
minimum EMI requirements of Table 8-9.2. The values found in Table 8-9.2 represent the
minimum requirements for IEC light industrial.

Table 8-9.1 Minimum Environmental Recommendations

Environmental Test Criteria Industry Standard
Vibration (Unpackaged)
Frequency Range 10-57Hz
Displacement 0.3 mm
IEC 60068-2-6
Acceleration 2g

Shock (Unpackaged)
Acceleration 15g (operational)
IEC 60068-2-27
30g (non-operational)

Operating range 0 °C min. to +60 °C min. * IEC 60068-2-1
IEC 60068-2-2
Storage -40 to +70 °C IEC 60068-2-1
IEC 60068-2-2

Humidity operating
IEC 60068-2-30
5 to 95% RH condensing

Ingress protection
IP 20 minimum IEC 60529
Voltage proof (connector only) IEC 60512-1
Contact/contact 1000 Vd.c. or a.c. peak
Contact/test panel 1500 Vd.c. or a.c. peak
* There may be components or topology de-rating for temperatures below 0 degrees C, or above 60 degrees C.

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 8: Physical Layer

Table 8-9.2 Minimum EMI Requirements for EtherNet/IP Components

Environmental Test Criteria Industry Standard
ESD 4kv contact 8kv air IEC 61000-6-2
IEC 61131-2
IEC 61326-1
Radiated RF 10V/m @ 80-1000MHz @ 1kHz
3V/m @ 1.4-2.0GHz @ 1kHz IEC 61000-4-3
1V/m @ 2.0-2.7GHz @ 1kHz
Conducted RF 10V RMS @ 150kHz-80MHz @ 1kHz IEC 61000-4-6
EFT 2kv
IEC 61000-4-4
Comms to ground
Surge 2kv
IEC 61000-4-5
Comms to ground
Magnetic field (50/60Hz) 30A/m, 1 min. IEC 61000-4-8

8-9.2 Copper Media

8-9.2.1 Copper Media Attachment (Normative References)

A copper media attachment to an EtherNet/IP network shall support shielded and unshielded
twisted pair technology. The specifications shall contain enhancements (where needed) based
on ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.1 category 5e cabling performance levels minimum. The signaling
and coupling of these variants shall comply with the requirements of IEEE 802.3, 2005 Ed/TP-
PMD standard subject to the deviations listed in this section 8-9.2.4. Likewise, the cable’s
electrical mechanical and environmental performance shall be as defined in section 8-4. The
IEEE 802.3 standard defines many internal interfaces within the physical layer. EtherNet/IP
products need not directly implement each of these interfaces, but shall behave as if these
interfaces exist. These interfaces may be internal to the node and possibly internal to a
semiconductor device.

This standard supports 10BASE T and 100BASE TX copper variants as defined by IEEE Std
802.3, 2005 Ed. and the ANSI X.3.263 TP-PMD. Two pair cabling does not support 100BASE-
T4 and is infrequently used, therefore 100BASE-T4 is not supported by this standard.

Active devices shall be fitted with one of the jacks defined by this chapter. Attached cables
with flying leads or flying leads with jacks are not allowed.

8-9.2.2 Copper Cabling Commercial and Industrial

The cable is critical in influencing the performance of the network in the presence of high
noise. To support industrial information and industrial control systems two basic cable types
(Commercial and Industrial EtherNet/IP Cables) are recognized. Only cables adhering to this
specification will be eligible for the appropriate conformance check mark.

Cables shall conform to the specifications table below.

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 8: Physical Layer

Table 8-9.3 Minimum Cable Requirements for Commercial and Industrial cabling
Industrial EtherNet/IP Cable Specifications and Requirements
Specification Type
Electrical Shielded Unshielded
Conductors 2 or 4 pairs + Shield 2 or 4 pairs
Attenuation Solid ANSI/TIA-EIA 568-B.2 Cat 5e Horizontal ANSI/TIA-EIA 568-B.2 Cat 5e Horizontal
Attenuation Stranded ANSI/TIA-EIA 568-B.2 Cat 5e Patch 1 ANSI/TIA-EIA 568-B.2 Cat 5e Patch 1
Impedance (fitted) ASTM 95-110 Ω 1-4 MHz 95-110 Ω 1-4 MHz
4566 95 – 107 Ω 4-100 MHz 95 – 107 Ω 4-100 MHz
RL (dB) 1-10 MHz 20 + 6Log10(f) 1-10 MHz 20 + 6Log10(f)
10-20 MHz 26 10-20 MHz 26
20-100 MHz 26-5*Log10(f/20) 20-100 MHz 26-5*Log10(f/20)
NEXT Loss (dB) ANSI/TIA-EIA 568-B.2 Cat 5e ANSI/TIA-EIA 568-B.2 Cat 5e
Coupling Attenuation (dB) Freq E1 E2 E3 NA
(MHz) See Table 8-9.5
Shielding Effectiveness tbd N/A
Capacitance unbalance <= 150pf/100meter < = 150pf /100meter
DCR 9.38 Ω/100 meters 9.38 Ω/100 meters
DCR Unbalance 3% 3%
TCL NA Frequency E1 E2 E3
See Table 8-9.4

ELTCTL Frequency E1 E2 E3
(MHz) See Table 8-9.5
Mechanical Shielded Unshielded
Pulling Tension 111 N 111 N
Breaking Strength 400 N 400 N
Bend Radius 1" at -20C 1" at –20C
Dimensional Shielded Unshielded
(Recommended for RJ 45
Jacket OD 0.315" Max 0.315" Max
Insulated Conductor 0.048" Max 0.048" Max
1 The insertion loss is based on COMMERCIAL cables. Other constructions, such as high flex, may have different
performance. Consult the manufacturer for more information.

8- Cabling Balance

8- Unshielded twisted pair transverse conversions loss (TCL) and equal level
transverse conversion transfer loss (ELTCTL)

Each pair of unshielded twisted-pair channels shall meet the TCL requirements of Table 8-9.4
and ELTCTL requirements of Table 8-9.5 below. TCL and ELTCTL shall be measured in
accordance with ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.2-9.

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Table 8-9.4 TCL Limits for Unshielded Twisted Pair Cabling

Frequency Minimum TCL (dB) ISO/IEC 24702

(MHz) E1 E2 E3
1 ≤ f < 30 53-15log(f), (40 max) 63-15log(f), (40 max) 73-15log(f), (40 max)
30 ≤ f ≤ 100 60.4 -20log(f) 70.4 -20log(f) 80.4 -20log(f)

Table 8-9.5 ELTCTL Limits for Unshielded Twisted Pair Cabling

Frequency Minimum ELTCTL (dB) ISO/IEC 24702

(MHz) E1 E2 E3

5e and 6 1 ≤ f ≤30 30-20log(f) 40-20log(f) 50-20log(f), (40 max)

8- Shielded Twisted Pair Coupling Attenuation

Each pair of screened twisted-pair channels shall meet the coupling attenuation requirements of
Table 8-9.6.

Table 8-9.6 Coupling Attenuation for Screened Twisted Pair Cabling

Frequency Minimum Coupling Attenuation (dB) ISO/IEC 24702

(MHz) E1 E2 E3

5e 30 ≤ f ≤100 40 50 60

80-20log(f) 90-20log(f) 100-20Log(f)

6 30 ≤ f ≤ 250
(Max 40 dB) (Max 50 dB) (Max 60 dB)

Note for EMC purposes, coupling attenuation should be measured up to 1 GHz

Coupling attenuation shall be measured in accordance with IEC 61156-5

8- Two and four pair color codes

Two and four pair cable color codes shall be as defined Table 8-9.7 and Table 8-9.8 in

Table 8-9.7 Two Pair Color Codes

Pair Assignment Signal Name 2 Pair
TX+ White-orange
Pair 1
TX- Orange
RX+ White-green
Pair 2
RX- Green

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Table 8-9.8 Four Pair Color Codes

TIA Pair Signal Name Color
TX+ White-orange
Pair 2
TX- Orange
Pair 3 RX+ White-green
NA Blue
Pair 11
NA White-blue
Pair 3 RX- Green
NA White-brown
Pair 4 1
NA Brown
1 Not used for 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps TX networks

8-9.2.3 Connectors

8- Industrial EtherNet/IP Connector RJ-45 Variant

Attachment to the medium shall be via either of two types of Industrial grade RJ-45
• Non-Sealed industrial RJ-45 EtherNet/IP connector – The RJ-45 EtherNet/IP connector
shall meet the IEC 60603-7 standard and additional requirements of this chapter.
• Sealed Industrial EtherNet/IP RJ-45 connector housing – The IP67 sealed industrial
EtherNet/IP connector housing shall conform to the specifications IEC 61076-3-106.
8- Sealed and Non-Sealed Industrial EtherNet/IP Connector

Standard industrial hardened RJ-45 connector shall meet the following specifications:

Industrial EtherNet/IP Connector Specifications and Requirements

Specification Type
Electrical RJ-45-Shielded RJ-45
Conductors 8 + 1 Shield 8
Insertion Loss ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.2 ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.2
Category 5E Category 5E
Category 5E Category 5E
Category 5E Category 5E
Shielding Effectiveness ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.2 N/A
Category 5E

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Mechanical RJ-45-Shielded RJ-45

Gender Plug and Socket Plug and Socket
Mating Specification CEI IEC 60603-7 CEI IEC 60603-7
Contact plating 50u inches min. gold over 100u 50u inches min. gold over
inches min. nickel or equivalent 100u inches min. nickel or
plating system equivalent plating system
Contact LLCR over life < 20 mΩ < 20 mΩ
Initial Contact Low Level Contact <=2.5 mΩ <=2.5 mΩ
Minimum contact force 100 grams 100 grams
Minimum plug retention force 1 133 N 133 N
Contact Life 750 insertions and extractions min. 750 insertions and extractions
1 Required when the connector is used as a standalone connector (not in a protective shell)

The non-sealed connector shall be wired in accordance with the pin/wire assignments in Table

Table 8-9.9 8-Way Modular Connector Pin/Pair Cable Assignment

Signal Pair
PIN Pin T568A Pin T568B Pair Assignment
Name Assignment
1 TXD+ White Green White Orange
Pair 3 Pair 2
2 TXD- Green Orange
3 RXD+ White Orange Pair 2 White Green Pair 3
4 NA1 Blue Blue
Pair 1 Pair 1
5 NA1 White Blue White Blue
6 RXD- Orange Pair 2 Green Pair 3
7 NA White Brown White Brown
Pair 4 Pair 4
8 NA Brown Brown
1 Not used for 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps Networks

Both ends of the cable shall be wired the same unless constructing a crossover cable.

8- Sealed Industrial EtherNet/IP RJ-45 Housing

The sealing interface shall meet a minimum of IP67 sealing performance as defined in IEC
60529. The pin/pair wiring of section 8- applies to the Sealed Industrial EtherNet/IP 8-
Way modular connector. Cross over cable are allowed within the same connector family.

The Sealed RJ-45 variant 1 is based on the IEC 61076-3-106 specification. The following
sealed jack drawing sufficiently defines the jack to maintain compatibility for mating and
sealing amongst various vendors who may make one or both parts. The jack may be offered as
a PCB mount, bulkhead connector and cable end either field installed or manufactured
assembly. The jack is fully compatible with standard off-the-shelf plugs.

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Figure 8-9.1 Typical Sealed Jack

The Sealed RJ 45 variant 1 is based on the IEC 61076-3-106 specification. The following
sealed plug drawing sufficiently defines the plug to maintain compatibility for mating and
sealing amongst various vendors who may make one or both parts. The plug may be offered as
a field installable or manufactured cable assembly. The plug housing will accommodate a
standard plug as defined by IEC 60603-7 standard with the exception of the locking
mechanism, which is disabled.

Figure 8-9.2 Typical Sealed Plug

8- Sealed M12-4 “D” Coding

The M12-4 “Type D” coding connector is well known and accepted in industrial ethernet
applications – for more than 20 years it has been the standard for connection of sensors in the
industry. The connector is defined in Amendment 1 to IEC 61076-2-101, 4-pin “Type D”
Coding. The 4-pin M12 connector is suitable for use with 2-pair shielded or unshielded
Ethernet cables only.

The M12-4 “D” coding connector shall be wired in accordance with the pin/wire assignments
in Table 8-9.10.

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Table 8-9.10 M12-4 "D" Coding Cable Pin/Pair Cable Assignment

PIN Signal Name Color Code Pair Assignment
1 TXD + White Orange
Pair 1
3 TXD - Orange
2 RXD + White Green
Pair 2
4 RXD - Green

Construction of crossover cables and conversion cables is permissible. Conversion cables

constructed with 4-circuit M12-4 “D” coding connectors to 8-Way modular connectors shall be
constructed from 2 pair cables containing the wire color codes defined in Table 8-9.10. The
use of a 4 pair cable with 4 position M12-4 “D” coding connector is not permissible.

The 4-Pin M12 connector is suitable for use with 2 pair shielded or unshielded Ethernet cables

Figure 8-9.3 Plug Side and Jack Side Mating View

“D” Coding Keyways

Pair 2 2 Pair 1 2
3 1 3 Pair 2
4 4

M12-4 “D” Coding M12-4 “D” Coding

Plug Jack

8- Mixing 2 and 4 Pair Cabling Components in a Channel

Cords using multi family connectors are permissible provided the number of conductors in the
cable is equal to the minimum contact number of connector of the least contact assignment.
For example, 4 pair cables shall not be used in the same channel with M12-4 “D” coding
connectors. An exception to this requirement is where the unused pairs of active channel are
terminated at their characteristic impedance. If terminated, a differential termination without
reference to ground is preferred. Figure 8-9.4 shows the concept of terminating the un-used
pairs of active channels in a 4 pair cable. The use of terminal strips is not recommended and is
only here for illustration. Termination is required at both ends of the active cable where the
pairs are not used.

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Figure 8-9.4 Example of termination of un-used pair (for reference only)

2 pair cable
4 pair cable


un-used pairs

8- Coupler

A coupler consists of two closely spaced (less than 10cm) electrically connected interfaces.
Both interfaces are of the same physical mating interface.

A mated coupler shall conform to the transmission requirements of one connection of the
appropriate media and category.

If the interfaces are not electrically close or the coupler does not meet the transmission of the
appropriate media and category, then the coupler shall be counted as two mated connections.

8- Adapter

An adapter consists of two closely spaced electrically connected interfaces. They may be of
different circuit counts. Both interfaces may be of the same or different physical mating
interface; for example an M12-4 “D” coding connector to a RJ-45.

A mated adapter shall conform to the transmission requirements of one connection of the
appropriate media and category.

If they not electrically close or the adapter dose not meet the transmission of the appropriate
media and category, then the adapter shall be counted as two mated connections.

8- Bulkhead Connectors

Bulkhead connectors are typically used at environmental or enclosure boundaries to facilitate

connection and disconnection to the enclosure. A term used to define a mounting style of
connectors. Bulkhead connectors are designed to be inserted into a panel cut-out from the rear
(component side) or front side of the panel. The connector should be used where cables enter or
exit the cabinet to maintain enclosure seal integrity. In addition they may be used to construct
modular systems whereby providing modular connectivity.

Bulkhead connectors allow systems to be designed and built in modular configurations. This
method should be considered based on user design and service preferences. Modularity
provides quick deployment and ease of serviceability.

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The designer shall be aware of metallic bulkhead feed troughs that connect the cabling at the
enclosure wall. This may form a ground loop that could disrupt communications. Where a
ground loop may be formed, a separate grounding conductor should be installed to provide an
equal potential between the two points. An alternative method would be to isolate the bulkhead
feed through using an insulator between the bulkhead feed through and the enclosure wall.

The transmission performance requirements for a bulkhead connector are defined in section 8- Figure 8-9.5 is an example of M12-4 D-coding EtherNet/IP bulkhead feed through

Figure 8-9.5 M12-4 to 8-way Modular Bulkhead

Consult the manufacturer’s data sheet for mounting hole cut out dimensions. Consider the
panel minimum and maximum wall thickness of the enclosure when selecting a bulkhead.

8- Industrial Channel Length

8- Patch Cord Length

EtherNet/IP specifications limit the channel to 100 meters or up to 90 meters horizontal wiring
with two 5-meter patch cords. Some applications will require longer patch cords. In these
applications the total length of horizontal wiring must be adjusted to compensate for the added
loss of each connector pair and additional patch cord length beyond 10m.
( 102 − H)
C (1)
( 1 + D)


C is the maximum combined length (m) of the work area cable, equipment cable, and patch

H is the length (m) of the horizontal cable (H + C </= 100 m).

D is a de-rating factor for the patch cord type (0.2 for 24 AWG UTP/24 AWG ScTP and 0.5 for
26 AWG ScTP). The de-rating factors are based on COMMERCIAL cables. Other
constructions, such as high flex, may have different performance. Consult the manufacturer for
more information.

W is the maximum length (m) of the work area cable

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T is the total length of horizontal, patch and equipment cords.

The maximum stranded cable length is limited to 85m for the channel with the standard 20%
derating for standard stranded cables.

Table 8-9.11 Wire Type versus Length


Total Total length of

Patch Horizontal Length patch,
Cable Length, Patch and equipment and
Gauge Patch Derating (H+C<=100 m) Patch Length Equipment horizontal
#24 0.2 100 0 0 100
#24 0.2 0 80 85 85
#24 0.2 25 59 64 89
#24 0.2 50 38 43 93
#26 0.5 0 63 68 68
#26 0.5 25 46 51 76
#26 0.5 50 30 35 85
#26 0.5 100 0 0 100

8- Channel Length Based on Temperature

Elevated temperatures cause higher signal loss in copper cables due to increased resistance.
This added loss must be considered in addition to the type of copper cable (solid conductor
horizontal or stranded conductor patch) to determine the maximum channel length. Shielded
(STP) copper cable typically exhibit 0.2% attenuation increase for every 1° C temperature rise
above 20° C to 60° C. Unshielded (UTP) Category 5e cables typically exhibit 0.4% attenuation
increase for every 1° C temperature rise from 20° C to 60° C. Unshielded (UTP) Category 6
cable exhibit 0.4% attenuation increase for every 1° C temperature rise from 20° C to 40° C
and 0.6% attenuation increase for every 1° C temperature rise from 40° C to 60° C, due to more
copper and plastic content. The elevated temperature insertion loss is based on
COMMERCIAL cables. Other constructions, such as high flex, may have different
performance. The change in attenuation with temperatures beyond 60° C is product specific.
Consult your supplier for more information.

The channel length and attenuation are linearly related, that is a 12% increase in attenuation
reduces the channel length 12%. The following examples show how to calculate the maximum
channel length for a given configuration and temperature.

AElev.Temp.=AIncrease Coefficient * Δ T

LElev.Temp.=AIncrease Coefficient * Δ T
Where: AElev.Temp = elevated temperature attenuation
AIncrease Coefficient = attenuation temperature coefficient
Δ T = change in temperature
LElev.Temp = elevated temperature maximum length

Assume you want to use solid conductor, Category 5e, horizontal cable at 60° C.

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Note: The entire length should be treated as if the temperature is the worst-case temperature to
ensure a conservative, simplified calculation.

You are limited to 100 meters based on the cable type. This distance must be de-rated to
accommodate the elevated temperature. 60° C is 40° C above 20° C. 40° C times 0.4% equals
16% length reduction. The length reduction is calculated by taking the percent reduction times
the cable type length limit: 16% x 100 meters = 16 meters.

The maximum channel length is calculated by subtracting the elevated temperature length
reduction from the cable type channel limit: 100 meters – 16 meters = 84 meters. The
maximum channel length for all solid, horizontal Cat 5e cable at 60° C is 84 meters.

For all stranded conductor patch Cat 5e at 60° C we have the following:
Cable type channel limit= 85 meters
Temperature change = 40C
Temperature coefficient = 0.4%
Total change = 16%
Length reduction = 13.6 meters
Maximum channel length for all stranded, patch Cat 5 at 60° C is 68.7 meters.

For 25 meters solid, horizontal Cat 5e cable with some length of #24 AWG, stranded
conductor, Cat 5e patch at 40° C we have the following:
• 25 meters of solid, horizontal cable at 40° C has the loss of 8% more length of cable, 25 x
1.08 = 27 meters effective length
• Based on 27 meters we can have the effective length of patch as, (102-27)/(1+0.2)=62.5
• Total effective maximum stranded, patch length = 62.5 meters
• 62.5 meters of stranded, Cat 5e patch has 8% more loss then the actual length at 20° C,
62.5/1.08 = 57.9 meters actual length.
• The actual maximum stranded length = 57.9 meters
• The total channel length limit is the sum of the actual solid, horizontal cable maximum
length limit plus the actual stranded, patch cable maximum length limit, 25 + 57.9 = 82.9
• The maximum channel length limit for 25 meters of solid conductor, horizontal Cat 5e
cable is 82.9 meters at 40° C with a maximum of 57.9 meters of stranded conductor, Cat 5e
patch cable.
8- Industrial Permanent Link

The length of a industrial permanent link is limited to that of 8- less the equivalent
length of 10 meters of patch cords.

8- Number of connections in a channel:

The number of mated connections allowed in a channel is determined by the desired channel
performance (Category) and the performance level of the components selected. A Mated
Connection is defined as an electrically conductive communications path comprised of a mated
jack and plug. Back to back jack bulkheads may be counted as one connection provided they
meet the requirements of this chapter. Cable lengths between connecting hardware greater than
10cm shall be counted in the total channel/link appropriate cable length budget.

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Alternate configurations should be field tested to ensure adequate performance. Table 8-9.12
provides guidance for connector cable performance levels to achieve a given category channel
for more than 4 connections.

Table 8-9.12 Number of allowable Connections in a Channel

Desired Channel Number of Mated Category Category cable
performance connections connector (required)
5e 6 6A 5e

Current studies show that:

a) A Category 5e channel topology can include up to 6-mated connections, where each mated
connection meets minimum Category 6A performance.

b) Maximum distance between jack and jack of the bulkhead connection is 10 cm. If the
distance is greater than 10 cm each plug/jack interface shall be considered as a separate mated

In order to maintain Category 5e performance in the channel for more than 4 mated
connections, Category 6A connections shall be used. See Table 8-9.13 for return loss and
NEXT, transmission requirements for construction of higher count channels.

Table 8-9.13 Transmission Requirements for More Than 4-connections in a Channel

Desired Number of Required Minimum Required Minimum Cable
Channel Connections Connecting Hardware Connecting Hardware Category
Class Return Loss (dB) NEXT (dB)
5e 5 or 6 26-20 log(f/100) 54-20log(f/100) CAT 5e

8- Bulkhead Feed Through and Cable Glands

8- Bulkhead Cable Glands

Bulkhead cable glands provide entry/exit passages for permanently installed cables. Bulkhead
feed troughs and/or bulkhead connectors allow systems to be designed and built in modular
configurations. This method should be considered based on user design and service
preferences. Modularity provides quick deployment and ease of serviceability.

8- Channels Using Balanced Cabling Bulkhead Connections

Figure 8-9.6 shows an intermediate cabling channel and a floor distribution channel created
using a fixed cable terminated at a closure bulkhead.

The length of the fixed cable used within a channel shall be determined by the equations shown
in section 8-

In section 8-, it is assumed that;

a) The flexible cable within these cords has a higher insertion loss specification than that used
in the fixed cable,

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b) The cables within these cords in the channel have a common insertion loss specification.

The maximum length of the fixed cable will depend on the total length of cords to be supported
within a channel. During the operation of the installed cabling, a management system should be
implemented to ensure that the cords used to create the channel conform to the design rules for
the floor, building or installation.

Figure 8-9.6 Channel Configurations

Cable C

Cable C

Cable C

Equipment enclosure
Cable C

Equipment enclosure

Cable C

Apparatus enclosure

Equipment enclosure
Cable C
patch Apparatus enclosure

Equipment enclosure

Cable C
patch NI = Network Interface Apparatus enclosure
EQP = Equipment
C = connector
C C = adaptor or bulkhead

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8-9.2.4 Industrial EtherNet/IP TP-PMD (Normative References)

A device that connects to the Industrial EtherNet/IP copper media shall conform to IEC 802.3
and ANSI X3.263 TP-PMD standard unless noted in this subclause.

The impedance at the media interface shall conform to ISO/IEC 802.3 (ANSI/IEEE Std 802.3)
and IEEE Std 802.3u-1995 supplement with the exception of impedance tolerance. The
temperature range and vibration shall be consistent with the targeted environment. In some
cases it may be necessary to add components to protect the PMD from surge, ESD, EFT and
conducted noises. Figure 8-9.10 is an example of how protection devices may be used to
protect the EtherNet/IP device. In order to maximize the performance in noise, it is critical that
the components selected for the PMD provide key characteristics. The transformer should
(highly recommended) provide a minimum of 59dB common mode rejection (CMR) at 30
MHz. In addition special care in the circuit board trace parameters is needed to maintain
impedance and noise immunity. Figure 8-9.7 is an example layout showing ground planes and
isolation areas to help maintain noise immunity.

Figure 8-9.7 Example Reference Circuit Board Layout (informative)

1 M Ohm 1/4W

Power Ground




A copper media attachment to an EtherNet/IP network shall support shielded and unshielded
twisted pair technology. Active interfaces shall be compatible with ANSI/TIA/EIA-568-B.1
category 5e cabling system and cabling/component enhancements specified by this chapter.
The signaling, encoding and coupling of these variants shall comply with the requirements of
IEEE 802.3/TP-PMD and ANSI X3.263 TP-PMD standard subject to the deviations listed in
this chapter. Likewise, the cable’s electrical mechanical and environmental performance shall
be as defined in section 8-9.1. The environmental classifications that support this requirement
is defined the MICE table as defined by IEC 24702. The IEEE 802.3 standard defines many
internal interfaces within the physical layer. EtherNet/IP products need not directly implement
each of these interfaces, but shall behave as if these interfaces exist. These interfaces may be
internal to the node and possibly internal to a semiconductor device.

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At a minimum active interfaces shall support 10BASE T and 100BASE TX as defined by IEEE
Std 802.3, 2000 Ed. and the ANSI X.3.263 TP-PMD. Two pair cabling will not support
100BASE-T4 therefore 100BASE-T4 interfaces are not supported by this standard.

8- Network Jacks for Active Devices

Active devices are end devices such as computers, sensors and HMIs. These devices generally
support single network connections unless redundant. An active device with an embedded
switch shall support AutoMDIX on its ports and be wired in accordance with this sub chapter.
Repeaters should default to MDIX mode when AutoMDIX or Auto Negotiation is disabled.
Active devices shall be fitted with one of the jacks defined in this chapter. Attached cables with
flying leads or flying leads with jacks are not allowed. The jacks for active devices shall be
wired in accordance with the pin definition described in Table 8-9.9 and Table 8-9.10.

8- Network Jacks for Connectivity Devices (repeaters)

Connectivity devices are active devices used to control the flow of data throughout the
infrastructure. For example connectivity devices are classified as repeaters, switches, routers
and bridges. These devices may have one or more of the following ports, LAN, WAN, Uplink.
Figure 8-9.8 shows the relationship between LAN and WAN/Uplink ports for connectivity and
active devices. Connectivity devices such as Switches, routers and bridges shall be fitted with
jacks. The LAN side of the connectivity devices shall be wired in accordance with Table 8-9.14
and Table 8-9.15 or provide AutoMDIX. If the connectivity device supports AutoMDIX, then
it shall default to MDIX state when AutoMDIX is disabled. WAN ports including uplink ports
shall be wired in accordance with Table 8-9.9 and Table 8-9.10.

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Figure 8-9.8 Port Identification

Connectivity Device

LAN Ports

Connectivity Device


Active Devices

Table 8-9.14 8-Way Modular Jack Pin Assignment for LAN Ports
PIN Signal Name
1 RXD+
2 RXD-
3 TXD+
4 NA1
5 NA1
6 TXD-
7 NA1
8 NA1

Table 8-9.15 M12-4 "D" Coding Jack Pin Assignment for LAN Ports
PIN Signal Name
1 RXD +
3 RXD -
2 TXD +
4 TXD -

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8-9.3 Termination for a 10/100 Mbps Interface with 4 Pair Support

Active devices shall use an appropriate termination technique such as found in Figure 8-9.9 for
both the used and unused pairs. The unused pairs shall be terminated into their characteristic
impedance at the device to prevent reflections of coupled energy. A common mode
termination shall be used to terminate the TXD and RXD pairs. The resistor values may be
adjusted between 50Ω and 75Ω to obtain 100Ω differential impedance and the appropriate
common mode impedance.

Figure 8-9.9 PHY of Termination Example

Impedance Impedance controled

controled lines to lines to Network
PHY connector Connector

50 R 75
0.1 uf

50 R 75

0.1 uf

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Figure 8-9.10 Example Physical Layer Block Diagram (informative)


Ethernet 10/

Grade RJ 2 or 4 Pair STP/
45 FTP Cable

Ethernet 10/100

Shield Termination
1 Meg Ohm

8-9.4 Shield Grounding

8-9.4.1 Connectivity Device (Switch, Hub, Bridges, Routers, etc.)

The communications shield shall be terminated directly to earth ground in accordance with
IEEE 802.3.

8-9.4.2 Two Port Devices

Two port devices that provide two active ports should not use ganged RJ 45 jacks with
common shields; doing so will propagate the grounds and potential cause ground loops in the
system. Termination of the shield shall be in accordance with Active Devices.

8-9.4.3 Active Devices (sensor, PLC etc.)

To prevent ground loops caused by shielded cables, devices shall not connect the shield directly
to ground. Industrial EtherNet/IP devices shall provide shield terminated as detailed in Figure
8-9.11. For Commercial active devices where the shielded RJ 45 connector provides direct
ground, the shield should be disconnected at the active device end of the channel as shown in
Figure 8-9.12 and Figure 8-9.13.

The shield termination for Industrial EtherNet/IP active devices, using a parallel resistor and
capacitor is shown in Figure 8-9.11.

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Figure 8-9.11 Shield Termination for Devices


.01 uF

If the active device provides direct connection to ground through the RJ-45 connector, then the
shield shall not be connected at the RJ45 plug. Figure 8-9.12 and Figure 8-9.13 are examples of
how to break the shield at a device that is directly grounded.

Figure 8-9.12 Example Shield Termination


Ground here Do not ground here

Figure 8-9.13 Shield Termination for Commercial Devices

Device Switch

3 4 5 6 7 8


74 5 6








Open Shield Connection Shield Connection

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8-9.5 Fiber Media Variant

8-9.5.1 Cables

The following fiber optic cables are supported by this standard

8- Multi Mode Fiber Optic Cables

The following multimode fiber optic cables are in accordance with ANSI/TIA/EIA 568-B.3.
• 62.5/125µm
• 50/125µm
8- Single mode fiber optic 9/125µm

The single mode fiber shall conform to ANSI/EIA/TIA 568-B.3 standard.

8- 1mm Plastic Optical Fiber (POF)


Table 8-9.16 Recognized Fiber Cables

Fiber Type Supported Fiber Wavelength (typical)
Multimode 50/125µm, 62.5/125µ 1310 nm
Singlemode 9/125 µm 1310 nm
POF TBD 650 nm

8-9.5.2 Connectors

The fiber media attachment to an EtherNet/IP network shall be limited to the LC, SC and ST
variants. The signaling and coupling for the fiber types shall be as specified in the IEEE 802.3
standard subject to the deviations listed in this section (section 8-9.5). The SC and ST
connectors are allowable, however are not recommended for new designs. SC and ST
connectors are legacy connectors with limited interfaces available. EtherNet/IP devices
utilizing the LC transceivers shall have duplex jacks with center spacing compatible with the
FOCIS standard of 0.246 inches (6.25mm). Permanently attached fiber pigtails shall not be

8- Non-Sealed Connectors

Table 8-9.17 Non-sealed Connector Types and Reference Standards
Non-sealed connector type Reference Standards

Table 8-9.18 LC, SC and ST Connector Insertion Loss

Fiber Medium/Wave length 650nm 1310nm
9/125µm Not supported 0.75 dB max.
50/125µm Not supported 0.75 dB max.
62.5/125µm Not supported 0.75 dB max.
1mm POF ffs Ffs

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8- Sealed Industrial LC Connectors

Fiber optic connector designs shall meet the requirements of the corresponding ANSI/TIA/EIA
(Fiber Optic Connector Intermateability Standard (FOCIS) documents). In the case where the
LC fiber optic connector is placed into the IP65/67 shell or enclosure whereby the latch is
defeated, the FOCIS requirements may not be applicable. See Table 8-9.18 LC, SC and ST
Connector Insertion Loss.

The following sealed plug drawing in Figure 8-9.14 defines the plug. The plug is fully
compatible with standard off-the-shelf plugs with the exception of the defeated locking
mechanism when placed in the Variant 1 housing. The dimensions are expressed in inches

Figure 8-9.14 Sealed Plug

The following sealed outlet/jack drawing in Figure 8-9.15 defines the outlet to maintain
compatibility for mating and sealing amongst various vendors who make one or both parts.
The outlet is fully compatible with off-the-shelf fiber optic LC plugs and jacks. The
dimensions are expressed in inches [mm].

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 8: Physical Layer

Figure 8-9.15 Sealed Outlet

8- Sealed M12 Circular Fiber Optic Connector


8-9.5.3 Fiber PMD

The IEEE 802.3 standard defines many internal interfaces within the Physical Layer.
EtherNet/IP products need not directly implement each of these interfaces, but shall behave “as
if” these interfaces existed. These interfaces may be internal to the node and possibly internal
to a semiconductor device. There are three media variants supported:
• 100BASE-LX10 using Single mode silica fibers;
• 100BASE-FX using multi mode silica fibers;
• 100 Mbps using Multi mode graded index plastic optical fiber, compatible with signaling
of 100BASE-FX.
Other data rates are possible; however they are outside the scope of this standard and will not
be compatible with the 100 Mbps fiber optic systems.

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 8: Physical Layer

8-9.5.4 Fiber Optic Transceivers

8- Single mode

Fiber transceivers shall conform to IEEE 802.3 for 100BASE-LX10 (Ethernet in the First Mile)
using SM Silica fibers. Additional requirements can be found in ISO/IEC 9314-3 Information
processing systems-Fiber distributed Data Interface (FDDI)- part 3 Physical Layer Medium
Dependant (PMD) standards with the exception of the transceiver which provides single mode
coupling using the same wavelength of 1310nm as the multimode variant. The data rate shall
be 100 Mbps.

The optical cabling power budget shall be a minimum of 10 dB.

Connectors supported (new designs):

• LC defined in 8-
• Sealed LC defined in 8-
The SC and ST connectors are allowable, however are not recommended for new designs.

8- Multimode

Fiber transceivers shall conform to IEEE 802.3 for 100BASE-FX when using multimode
fibers. Additional requirements can be found in ISO/IEC 9314-3 Information processing
systems-Fiber distributed Data Interface (FDDI)- part 3 Physical Layer Medium Dependant
(PMD) standards.

The optical cabling power budget shall be a minimum of 11dB.

Connectors supported (new designs);

• LC defined in 8-
• Sealed LC defined in 8-
The SC and ST connectors are allowable, however are not recommended for new designs.

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP

Chapter 9: Indicators & Middle Layers

Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP , Chapter 9: Indicators & Middle Layers

9-1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................................3
9-2 Data Link Layers................................................................................................................................................3
9-3 Requirements for TCP/IP Support .....................................................................................................................4
9-4 Indicators ...........................................................................................................................................................5
9-4.1 Required Indicators ................................................................................................................................5
9-4.2 Common Indicator Requirements ..........................................................................................................5
9-4.2.1 Applicability of Common Requirements ........................................................................................... 5
9-4.2.2 Visibility of Indicators .......................................................................................................................5
9-4.2.3 Indicator Flash Rate ...........................................................................................................................5
9-4.2.4 Indicators at Power Up.......................................................................................................................5
9-4.3 Module Status Indicator .........................................................................................................................6
9-4.3.1 Description .........................................................................................................................................6
9-4.3.2 Labeling .............................................................................................................................................6
9-4.3.3 States ..................................................................................................................................................7
9-4.4 Network Status Indicator........................................................................................................................7
9-4.4.1 Description .........................................................................................................................................7
9-4.4.2 Labeling .............................................................................................................................................7
9-4.4.3 States ..................................................................................................................................................8

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP , Chapter 9: Indicators & Middle Layers

9-1 Introduction
Chapter 9 specifies the standard appearance and behavior of EtherNet/IP diagnostic LEDs. This
chapter also specifies TCP/IP requirements of EtherNet/IP devices.

9-2 Data Link Layers

Though this specification is called “EtherNet/IP”, Ethernet is technically not required. The
EtherNet/IP protocol may be used on any media that supports the transmission of the Internet

NOTE: For example, the EtherNet/IP protocol could be used over FDDI, modem lines (SLIP
or PPP), ATM, etc.

When any particular medium is used, it shall be used in accordance to commonly accepted
standards. In particular, when Ethernet is used, it shall be used as defined by the IEEE 802.3

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP , Chapter 9: Indicators & Middle Layers

9-3 Requirements for TCP/IP Support

In addition to the various requirements set forth in this specification, all EtherNet/IP hosts are
required to have a minimally functional TCP/IP protocol suite and transport mechanism. The
minimum host requirements for EtherNet/IP hosts shall be those covered in RFC-1122, RFC-
1123, and RFC-1127 and the subsequent documents that may supersede them. Whenever a
feature or protocol is implemented by an EtherNet/IP host, that feature shall be implemented in
accordance to the appropriate RFC documents, regardless of whether the feature or protocol is
considered required or optional by this specification. The Internet and the RFCs are dynamic.
There will be changes to the RFCs and to the requirements included in this section as the
Internet and this specification evolves and these changes will not always provide for backward

All EtherNet/IP devices shall at a minimum support:

• Internet Protocol (IP version 4) (RFC 791)
• User Datagram Protocol (UDP) (RFC 768)
• Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) (RFC 793)
• Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) (RFC 826)
• Internet Control Messaging Protocol (ICMP) (RFC 792)
• Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) (RFC 1112 & 2236)
• IEEE 802.3 (Ethernet) as defined in RFC 894
NOTE: Although the encapsulation protocol is suitable for use on other networks besides
Ethernet that support TCP/IP and products may be implemented on these other networks,
conformance testing of EtherNet/IP products is limited to those products on Ethernet. Other
suitable networks include:
• Point to Point Protocol (PPP) (RFC 1171)
• ARCNET (RFC 1201)
• FDDI (RFC 1103)
NOTE: EtherNet/IP devices are encouraged but not required to support other Internet protocols
and applications not specified here. For example, may support HTTP, Telnet, FTP, etc. This
specification makes no requirements with regards to these protocols and applications.

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP , Chapter 9: Indicators & Middle Layers

9-4 Indicators
9-4.1 Required Indicators

A product need not have indicators to be compliant with this specification. However, to be
compliant with the Industrial Performance Level described in Chapter 8, a product shall
support both the module status and network status indicators as defined by sections 9-4.2, 9-4.3
and 9-4.4.

If a product does support any of the indicators described here, they must adhere to the
specifications described in this section (section 9-4).

Two types of status indicators may be provided:

• One module status indicator;
• One network status indicator;
Additional indicators may be present; however, the naming and symbol conventions of the
standard indicators shall not be employed for other indicators.

NOTE: Indicators, typically implemented as LEDs, help maintenance personnel to quickly

identify a faulty unit or media. As such, red indicators are used to indicate a fault condition.

NOTE: Products are encouraged to have an indicator that displays the state of link (for
example, link status, tx/rx, collision, etc.) following generally accepted industry practices (as
used in devices such as switches).

9-4.2 Common Indicator Requirements

9-4.2.1 Applicability of Common Requirements

The common indicator requirement shall only apply to indicators for which requirements are
specified in this standard.

9-4.2.2 Visibility of Indicators

Indicators shall be viewable without removing covers or parts from the equipment. Indicators
shall be easily seen in normal lighting. Any labels and icons shall be visible whether or not the
indicator is illuminated.

9-4.2.3 Indicator Flash Rate

Unless otherwise indicated, the flash rate of all indicators is approximately 1 flash per second.
The indicator should be on for approximately 0.5 second and off for approximately 0.5 second.
This flash rate specification only applies to the indicators specified in this chapter.

9-4.2.4 Indicators at Power Up

An indicator test is to be performed at power-up. To allow a visual inspection, the following

sequence shall be performed:
• Turn first indicator Green, all other indicators off

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP , Chapter 9: Indicators & Middle Layers

• Leave first indicator on Green for approximately 0.25 second

• Turn first indicator on Red for approximately 0.25 second
• Turn first indicator on Green
• Turn second indicator (if present) on Green for approximately 0.25 second
• Turn second indicator (if present) on Red for approximately 0.25 second
• Turn second indicator (if present) Off
If other indicators are present, test each indicator in sequence as prescribed by the second
indicator above. If a Module Status indicator is present, it shall be the first indicator in the
sequence, followed by any Network Status indicators present. After completion of this power
up test, the indicator(s) shall turn to a normal operational state.

9-4.3 Module Status Indicator

9-4.3.1 Description

The indication of module status shall require a single bicolor (red/green) indicator that
represents the state of the entire product.

NOTE: A product with more than one communication port would have only one module status
indicator, but more than one network status indicator (one per port).

9-4.3.2 Labeling

The module status indicator shall be labeled with one of the following:
• “MS”;
• "Mod";
• “Mod Status”;
• “Module Status”.

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP , Chapter 9: Indicators & Middle Layers

9-4.3.3 States

The module status indicator shall be in one of the following states:

Table 9-4.1 Module Status Indicator

Indicator state Summary Requirement

Steady Off No power If no power is supplied to the device, the module status indicator shall be steady
Steady Green Device If the device is operating correctly, the module status indicator shall be steady
operational green.
Flashing Green Standby If the device has not been configured, the module status indicator shall be
flashing green.
Flashing Red Minor fault If the device has detected a recoverable minor fault, the module status indicator
shall be flashing red.
NOTE: An incorrect or inconsistent configuration would be considered a
minor fault.
Steady Red Major fault If the device has detected a non-recoverable major fault, the module status
indicator shall be steady red.
Flashing Green / Self-test While the device is performing its power up testing, the module status indicator
Red shall be flashing green / red.

9-4.4 Network Status Indicator

9-4.4.1 Description

The indication of network status shall require a single bicolor (red/green) indicator that
represents the state of a single communication port.

NOTE: A product with more than one communication port would have only one module status
indicator, but more than one network status indicator (one per port).

9-4.4.2 Labeling

The network status indicator shall be labeled with one of the following:
• “NS”;
• “Net”;
• “Net Status”;
• "Network Status".

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP , Chapter 9: Indicators & Middle Layers

9-4.4.3 States

The network status indicator states shall be as follows:

Table 9-4.2 Network Status Indicator

Indicator state Summary Requirement

Steady Off Not powered, If the device does not have an IP address (or is powered off), the network
no IP address status indicator shall be steady off.
Flashing Green No connections If the device has no established connections, but has obtained an IP address,
the network status indicator shall be flashing green.
Steady Green Connected If the device has at least one established connection (even to the Message
Router), the network status indicator shall be steady green.
Flashing Red Connection If one or more of the connections in which this device is the target has timed
timeout out, the network status indicator shall be flashing red. This shall be left only
if all timed out connections are reestablished or if the device is reset.
Steady Red Duplicate IP If the device has detected that its IP address is already in use, the network
status indicator shall be steady red.
Flashing Green Self-test While the device is performing its power up testing, the network status
/ Red indicator shall be flashing green / red.

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP

Chapter 10: Bridging & Routing

Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 10: Bridging & Routing

10-1 Introduction....................................................................................................................................................3

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 10: Bridging & Routing

10-1 Introduction
This chapter of the EtherNet/IP specification contains additions to the definition of CIP
bridging and routing that are EtherNet/IP specific. At this time, no such additions exist.

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Chapter 10: Bridging & Routing

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP

Appendix A: Explicit Messaging Services

Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Appendix A: Explicit Messaging Services

A-1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................................3

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Appendix A: Explicit Messaging Services

A-1 Introduction
This chapter of the EtherNet/IP specification contains additions to the definition of CIP explicit
messaging services that are EtherNet/IP specific. At this time there are no such additions.

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Appendix B: Status Codes

Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Appendix B: Status Codes

B-1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................................3

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Appendix B: Status Codes

B-1 Introduction
This chapter of the EtherNet/IP specification contains additions to the definition of CIP error
codes that are EtherNet/IP specific. At this time there are no such additions.

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP

Appendix C: Data Management

Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Appendix C: Data Management

C-1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................................3

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Appendix C: Data Management

C-1 Introduction
This chapter of the EtherNet/IP specification contains additions to the CIP Data Management
specification that are EtherNet/IP specific. At this time there are no such additions.

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Appendix D: Engineering Units

Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Appendix D: Engineering Units

D-1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................................3

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Volume 2: EtherNet/IP Adaptation of CIP, Appendix D: Engineering Units

D-1 Introduction
This chapter of the EtherNet/IP specification contains additions to the list of CIP engineering
units that are EtherNet/IP specific. At this time, there are no such additions.

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