Commencing Rep, Any Changes Should Be Communicated
Commencing Rep, Any Changes Should Be Communicated
Commencing Rep, Any Changes Should Be Communicated
3.6 Trial publicity (a) L who participated in litigation or investigation of matter shall not make extrajudicial statement that L knows or • Cmt 4 (b) not intended to be exhaustive list
reasonably should know will be disseminated by public communication & will have substantial likelihood of materially • Cmt 5 – subjects more likely than not to have material
prejudicing an adjudicative proceeding in the matter. prejudicial effect include: credibility or rep of party, expected
(b) But, L may state testimony of witness, possibility of guilty plea or contents of
(1) Claim, offense or defense involved except when prohibited by law, identity of persons involved confession/admission, nature of evidence to be presented,
(2) Info contained in public record opinion as to guilt or innocence or any info likely to be
(3) That investigation of matter is in progress inadmissible as evidence.
(4) Scheduling or result of any step in litigation
(5) Request for assistance in obtaining evidence & info necessary
(6) Warning of danger concerning behavior of person involved, when there is reason to believe there exists substantial
likelihood of harm to an individual or to public interest AND
(7) In criminal case in addition to (1-6):
i. Identity, residence, occupation & family status of D
ii. If accused has not been apprehended, info necessary to aid in apprehension
iii. Fact, time & place of arrest AND
iv. Identity of investigating & arresting officers or agencies & length of investigation.
(c) notwithstanding (a) – L may make statement that reasonable L would believe is required to protect C from substantial
undue prejudicial effect of recent publicity not initiated by L or L’s client. Statement should be limited to such info as is
necessary to mitigate the recent adverse publicity
(d) No L associated in firm or gov agency w/ L subject to (a) shall make statement prohibited in (a).
3.7 Lawyer as Witness (a) L shall not act as advocate at trial in which L is likely to be a necessary witness UNLESS: • Evidence gets introduced at trial – stip btwn Pros & Defense
(1) Testimony relates to uncontested issue – D gave evidence to 3rd party who then turned it over to gov.
(2) Testimony relates to nature & value of legal services rendered in the case OR • But “trials” – been held to apply to all contested proceedings.
(3) DQ of L would work substantial hardship on C.
• Cmt 7: none of these exceptions excuses L from Conflict
(b) L may act as advocate in trial in which another L in L’s firm likely to be called as witness unless precluded by 1.7 or 1.9. rules – but those rules include their own exceptions – consent
3.8 Special Responsibilities of (a) Don’t prosecute if Pros knows not supported by probable cause; (d) make timely disclosure to D of all evidence or info • (a) Pros analogue to 3.1
Prosecutor that tends to negate guilt or mitigates offense
4.1 Truthfulness in Statements In course of representing a client L shall not knowingly: (a) make false statement of material fact or law to a third person OR
If your continued involvement is actively assisting crime or fraud,
to Others (b) fail to disclose a material fact when disclosure is necessary to avoid assisting a criminal or fraudulent act by a client, you MUST reveal – this trumps 1.6 b/c 1.6 permits
UNLESS disclosure prohibited by Rule 1.6. revelation.
If my conduct can assist client in committing fraud, almost always
reveal it.
Overlap w/ 3.3 when in course of rep assisting C in fraud
4.2 Communication w/ Person L shall not communicate about subject of rep w/ person L knows to be represented by another L in the matter, UNLESS L has consent of other L or is authorized to do so by law or court order.
Represented by Counsel
4.3 Dealing w/ Unrepresented L shall not state or imply L is disinterested. When L knows or reasonably should know that unrepresented person • Shouldn’t give advice if you know or reasonably should
person misunderstands L’s role in the matter, L shall make reasonable efforts to correct misunderstanding. L shall not give legal know that interests have possibility of being in conflict w/
advice to unrepresented person other than advice to secure counsel, if L knows or reasonably should know that interests of C’s interests.
such person are or have a reasonable possibility of being in conflict w/ interests of the client. • Applies to interviewing employee of corp C.
4.4 Respect for Rights of (a) L shall not use means that have NO substantial purpose other than to embarrass, delay or burden a third person or use • Cmt 1 Responsibility to C means L must subordinate interest
Third Persons methods of obtaining evidence that violate legal rights of such person. of others to C, but may not disregard rights of 3rd persons.
(b) L who receives document relating to rep of L’s client & knows or reasonably should know that the doc was inadvertently
sent shall promptly notify the sender.
• Cmt 2 – L must promptly notify sender of mistakenly sent
doc, to permit sender to take protective measures.
• Ok impeach truthful witness – make look like liar - 4.4(a)
• But can’t appeal to race etc. 8.4(d) cmt 3.
5.1 Responsibilities of (a) Partner in firm & L individually or together w/ other Ls possesses comparable managerial authority in firm shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that firm has measures in effect giving
Partners, Managers, & reasonable assurance that all Ls in firm conform to Rules of Professional Conduct
(b) L having direct supervisory authority over another L shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that other L conforms to Rules
Supervisory Lawyers
(c) L shall be responsible for another L’s violation of Rules if: (1) L orders or, w/ knowledge of specific conduct, ratifies conduct involved OR (2) L is partner or has comparable managerial
authority or has direct supervisory authority over other L & knows of conduct at time when its consequences can be avoided or mitigated but fails to take reasonable remedial action.
5.2 Responsibilities of L bound by rules regardless of instructions Defer to supervisor if supervisor is reasonable.
Subordinate Lawyer Not in violation if following orders on reasonable judgment call
5.5 Unauthorized Practice of (a) L shall not practice law in jurisdiction in violation of regulation of legal profession in that jurisdiction or assist another in • If you practice in jurisdiction where not admitted, can’t be
Law; Multijurisdictional doing so paid for your work
(b) L who is not admitted to practice in jurisdiction shall not • Unauthorized practice is very often a crime
Practice of Law (1) Except as authorized by rules or other law establish office or systematic & continuous presence in jurisdiction for • Practice of law – anything using your expertise
practice of law OR • L must know what rules govern out of state practice
(2) Hold out to public or otherwise rep that L is admitted to practice in this jurisdiction. • Most of time rules permit transient practice – travel
(c) L admitted in another US jurisdiction & not barred or suspended in any jurisdiction can provide legal services on occasionally, particularly if fed juris.
temporary basis in this jurisdiction that
• If firm has office in other state or you have local counsel –
(1) Are undertaken in association w/ local counsel who actively participates
probably ok.
(2) Are in or reasonably related to pending or potential proceeding before tribunal in this or another jurisdiction if L or
person L assisting is authorized by law or order to appear in such proceeding or reasonably expects to be so
(3) Are in or reasonable related to pending or potential arbitration, mediation, etc. . . .
(4) Are not in (c)(2) or (3) and arise out of or are reasonably related to L’s practice in a jurisdiction in which L is
admitted to practice.
(d) L admitted to another US jurisdiction in good standing may provide legal services in this jurisdiction
(1) That are provided to L’s employer or its organizational affiliates & are not services for which forum requires pro hac
vice admission or
(2) Are services L is authorized to provide by federal law or other law of this jurisdiction.
7.1 Communications L shall not make false or misleading communication about the L or L’s services. Communication is false or misleading if it Can say we are the best, but can’t say had largest judgment when
Concerning L’s Services contains a material misrepresentation of fact or law or omits a fact necessary to make the statement considered as a whole not we didn’t
materially misleading.
8.1 Bar Admission & (a) Don’t knowingly make false statement of material fact or
Disciplinary Matters (b) Fail to disclose a fact necessary to correct a misapprehension known by person to have arisen in matter or knowingly fail to respond to a lawful demand for info from an admissions or
disciplinary authority except it doesn’t require disclosure otherwise protected by Rule 1.6.
8.2 Judicial & Legal Officers (a) L shall not make statement that L knows to be false or w/ reckless disregard as to its truth or falsity concerning qualifications or integrity of judge, adjudicatory officer or public legal officer
or candidate for election or appointment to judicial or legal office.
L who is candidate for judicial office shall comply w/ applicable provision of code of judicial conduct.
8.3 Reporting Professional (a) L who knows that another L has committed violation of Rules that raises substantial question as to lawyer’s honesty, (c) – can’t report misconduct if info protected by 1.6 – i.e. if it
Misconduct trustworthiness or fitness as L in other respects, shall inform appropriate professional authority comes from course of rep of C.
(b) L who knows judge has committed violation of rules of judicial conduct that raises substantial question as to Judge’s
fitness for office shall inform appropriate authority.
(c) Rule doesn’t require disclosure of info otherwise protected by Rule 1.6 or info gained by L or judge while participating
in an approved lawyers assistance program.
8.4 Misconduct It is professional misconduct for a lawyer to: • (a) – if L can’t do something, L can’t direct 3rd person to.
(a) Violate or attempt to violate Rules, knowingly assist or induce another to do so, or do so through the acts of another.
• (b) can’t commit crim act, fabricate evidence, suborn perjury
(b) Commit criminal act that reflects adversely on L’s honesty, trustworthiness or fitness as L in other respects
• (c) – half-truths are lies
(c) Engage in conduct involving dishonesty fraud deceit or misrepresentation
(d) Engage in conduct that is prejudicial to administration of justice • (c) – applies to all conduct by Ls including conduct before
tribunals. Bans on deceit may be broader than 3.3(a)(1) bans
(e) State or imply ability to influence improperly government agency or official or to achieve results by means that violate
on false statements.
Rules or other law, OR
(f) Knowingly assist a judge or judicial officer in conduct that is a violation of applicable rules of judicial conduct or other • (d) – if it reflects on way people perceive Ls in
law. administration of justice – subject to sanction
8.5 Disciplinary Authority (a) L subject to rules of home jurisdiction regardless of where services rendered. Also subject to rules of jurisdiction where rendered services regardless of whether or not you are admitted there.