Improving Coal Pulverizer Performance and Reliability: Exhauster
Improving Coal Pulverizer Performance and Reliability: Exhauster
Improving Coal Pulverizer Performance and Reliability: Exhauster
Ball-Tube Mills
This type of mill consists of a rotating tube
filled with cast alloy balls. Coal is introduced
through two hollow trunnions on each side
of the tube. As the tube rotates, the balls tumble
onto the coal, crushing and pulverizing it.
Impact Mills
Grinding Action is carried out by a series of
hinged or fixed hammers revolving in an
Contamination Ingression
The gears and bearings in the gearbox are
oil lubricated. Fine coal particles and wear
Figure 2. Babcock and Wilcox MPS cutaway view. metals from grinding surfaces enter the lube
oil through worn bearing and shaft seals, as
enclosed chamber with wear resistant plates. well as being “inhaled” through reservoir
The hammers impact on the coal, crushing it vents. Historically, the design of pulverizers
against the plates. Further pulverization is has been based on the expectation of few
achieved as the smaller coal particles are drive system problems under prescribed
ground through attrition against each other operation and maintenance. In practice, this
and the grinding face. has often been found not to be true.
unit, with older units usually admitting con- of gear lube oil (2,200 SUS at operating
taminants faster than newer ones. Particulate temperature) along with the inherently rapid
contamination in the lube system can result ingression rate usually associated with these
in rapid damage to critical components. units makes it necessary in most cases to
utilize at least one UR619 housing with a
In order to protect the coal pulverizer lube UE619 element (ß12(c)≥ 1000 or finer) for
system components, Pall recommends every 50 gpm of flow to provide superior
maintaining a fluid cleanliness level of ISO filtration with long element life. Since the
16/13 or better. This can be accomplished pulverizers come on- and off-line, it is
through the use of Ultipleat® SRT AS grade important to size the system for the oil
(ß12(c)≥ 1000) or finer filters. Ultipleat SRT viscosity at the coldest possible ambient
filters, with their high particle removal plant temperatures. Line diameters in the
efficiency and dirt-holding capacity, are ideally kidney loop should be large enough to
suited to cost-effectively control contamination facilitate flow of highly viscous lube oil.
in this high-ingression application.
Other applications where Pall high-performance
When upgrading in-line filtration, a Pall filtration is useful include coal-carrying cars and
Duplex Assembly is recommended so that conveyor belts. Many of these applications
elements can be changed out while the have both hydraulic and lube systems that
pulverizer is operating. Although putting are vulnerable to coal dust contamination.
filtration in-line is preferred, difficulty in This equipment is required to transport the
getting system specifications from the OEM, coal stored on-site to the coal pulverizers.
combined with the typically low pump Because this equipment is essential to the
pressure associated with this application,
may make kidney loop filtration a more
viable alternative. Reservoir volumes
typically vary from 15-300 gallons.
View inside a
Bowl-Mill pulverizing
Exhaust Pipe chamber
Pressure Spring
Grinding Roll
Ring or Bowl
Filtration Upgrade Recommendations
Option B
Install a kidney loop with Pall
ß12 (c)≥1000 filtration on each
pulverizer. Flow through the
kidney loop should be
approximately 20% of the
reservoir volume per minute-
i.e. If reservoir volume is 250
gallons, then kidney loop flow
should be 50 gpm.
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