Is N A Prime Number
Is N A Prime Number
Is N A Prime Number
Manindra Agrawal
IIT Kanpur
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 1 / 47
1 The Problem
3 Modern Methods
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 2 / 47
1 The Problem
3 Modern Methods
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 3 / 47
The Problem
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 4 / 47
The Problem
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 4 / 47
The Problem
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 5 / 47
The Problem
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 5 / 47
Efficiently Solving a Problem
log is logarithm base 2.
O˜(logc n) stands for O(logc n log logO(1) n).
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 6 / 47
Efficiently Solving a Problem
log is logarithm base 2.
O˜(logc n) stands for O(logc n log logO(1) n).
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 6 / 47
Efficiently Solving a Problem
log is logarithm base 2.
O˜(logc n) stands for O(logc n log logO(1) n).
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 6 / 47
Efficiently Solving a Problem
log is logarithm base 2.
O˜(logc n) stands for O(logc n log logO(1) n).
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 6 / 47
1 The Problem
3 Modern Methods
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 7 / 47
The Sieve of Eratosthenes
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 8 / 47
Time Complexity
If n is prime, algorithm crosses out all the first n numbers before
giving the answer.
So the number of steps needed is Ω( n).
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 9 / 47
Time Complexity
If n is prime, algorithm crosses out all the first n numbers before
giving the answer.
So the number of steps needed is Ω( n).
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 9 / 47
Wilson’s Theorem
n is prime iff (n − 1)! = −1 (mod n).
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 10 / 47
Wilson’s Theorem
n is prime iff (n − 1)! = −1 (mod n).
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 10 / 47
1 The Problem
3 Modern Methods
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 11 / 47
Fundamental Idea
Nearly all the efficient algorithms for the problem use the following idea.
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 12 / 47
Fundamental Idea
Nearly all the efficient algorithms for the problem use the following idea.
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 12 / 47
Fundamental Idea
Nearly all the efficient algorithms for the problem use the following idea.
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 12 / 47
Fundamental Idea
Nearly all the efficient algorithms for the problem use the following idea.
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 12 / 47
Groups and Properties
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 13 / 47
Groups and Properties
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 13 / 47
Groups and Properties
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 13 / 47
Theme I: Factorization of Group Size
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 14 / 47
Theme I: Factorization of Group Size
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 14 / 47
Theme II: Fermat’s Little Theorem
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 15 / 47
Theme II: Fermat’s Little Theorem
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 15 / 47
1 The Problem
3 Modern Methods
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 16 / 47
Lucas Theorem
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 17 / 47
Lucas Theorem
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 17 / 47
Lucas Theorem
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 17 / 47
Lucas-Lehmer Test
G is a subgroup of Zn∗ [ 3] containing elements of order n + 1.
n+1 √
The property P is: P(e) ≡ e 2 = −1 in Zn [ 3].
Works only for special Mersenne primes of the form n = 2p − 1, p
For such n’s, n + 1 = 2p .
The property needs to be tested only for e = 2 + 3.
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 18 / 47
Lucas-Lehmer Test
G is a subgroup of Zn∗ [ 3] containing elements of order n + 1.
n+1 √
The property P is: P(e) ≡ e 2 = −1 in Zn [ 3].
Works only for special Mersenne primes of the form n = 2p − 1, p
For such n’s, n + 1 = 2p .
The property needs to be tested only for e = 2 + 3.
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 18 / 47
Lucas-Lehmer Test
G is a subgroup of Zn∗ [ 3] containing elements of order n + 1.
n+1 √
The property P is: P(e) ≡ e 2 = −1 in Zn [ 3].
Works only for special Mersenne primes of the form n = 2p − 1, p
For such n’s, n + 1 = 2p .
The property needs to be tested only for e = 2 + 3.
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 18 / 47
Time Complexity
√ n+1
Raising 2 + 3 to 2 th power requires O(log n) multiplication
operations in Zn .
Overall time complexity is O˜(log2 n).
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 19 / 47
Time Complexity
√ n+1
Raising 2 + 3 to 2 th power requires O(log n) multiplication
operations in Zn .
Overall time complexity is O˜(log2 n).
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 19 / 47
Pocklington-Lehmer Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 20 / 47
Pocklington-Lehmer Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 20 / 47
Pocklington-Lehmer Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 20 / 47
Time Complexity
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 21 / 47
Time Complexity
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 21 / 47
Elliptic Curves Based Tests
Elliptic curves give rise to groups of different sizes associated with the
given number.
With good probability, some of these groups have sizes that can be
easily factored.
This motivated primality testing based on elliptic curves.
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 22 / 47
Elliptic Curves Based Tests
Elliptic curves give rise to groups of different sizes associated with the
given number.
With good probability, some of these groups have sizes that can be
easily factored.
This motivated primality testing based on elliptic curves.
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 22 / 47
Elliptic Curves Based Tests
Elliptic curves give rise to groups of different sizes associated with the
given number.
With good probability, some of these groups have sizes that can be
easily factored.
This motivated primality testing based on elliptic curves.
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 22 / 47
Goldwasser-Kilian Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 23 / 47
Goldwasser-Kilian Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 23 / 47
Goldwasser-Kilian Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 23 / 47
Goldwasser-Kilian Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 24 / 47
Goldwasser-Kilian Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 24 / 47
Goldwasser-Kilian Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 24 / 47
Goldwasser-Kilian Test
Theorem (Goldwasser-Kilian)
Suppose E (Zn ) is an elliptic curve with 2q points. If q is prime and there
exists A ∈ E (Zn ) 6= O such that q · A = O then either n is provably prime
or provably composite.
Let p be a prime factor of n with p ≤ n.
We have q · A = O in E (Zp ) as well.
If A = O in E (Zp ) then n can be factored.
Otherwise, since q is prime, |E (Zp )| ≥ q.
If 2q < n + 1 − 2 n then n must be composite.
√ √
Otherwise, p + 1 + 2 p > n2 − n which is not possible.
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 25 / 47
Goldwasser-Kilian Test
Theorem (Goldwasser-Kilian)
Suppose E (Zn ) is an elliptic curve with 2q points. If q is prime and there
exists A ∈ E (Zn ) 6= O such that q · A = O then either n is provably prime
or provably composite.
Let p be a prime factor of n with p ≤ n.
We have q · A = O in E (Zp ) as well.
If A = O in E (Zp ) then n can be factored.
Otherwise, since q is prime, |E (Zp )| ≥ q.
If 2q < n + 1 − 2 n then n must be composite.
√ √
Otherwise, p + 1 + 2 p > n2 − n which is not possible.
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 25 / 47
Goldwasser-Kilian Test
Theorem (Goldwasser-Kilian)
Suppose E (Zn ) is an elliptic curve with 2q points. If q is prime and there
exists A ∈ E (Zn ) 6= O such that q · A = O then either n is provably prime
or provably composite.
Let p be a prime factor of n with p ≤ n.
We have q · A = O in E (Zp ) as well.
If A = O in E (Zp ) then n can be factored.
Otherwise, since q is prime, |E (Zp )| ≥ q.
If 2q < n + 1 − 2 n then n must be composite.
√ √
Otherwise, p + 1 + 2 p > n2 − n which is not possible.
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 25 / 47
Goldwasser-Kilian Test
Theorem (Goldwasser-Kilian)
Suppose E (Zn ) is an elliptic curve with 2q points. If q is prime and there
exists A ∈ E (Zn ) 6= O such that q · A = O then either n is provably prime
or provably composite.
Let p be a prime factor of n with p ≤ n.
We have q · A = O in E (Zp ) as well.
If A = O in E (Zp ) then n can be factored.
Otherwise, since q is prime, |E (Zp )| ≥ q.
If 2q < n + 1 − 2 n then n must be composite.
√ √
Otherwise, p + 1 + 2 p > n2 − n which is not possible.
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 25 / 47
Goldwasser-Kilian Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 26 / 47
Goldwasser-Kilian Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 26 / 47
Goldwasser-Kilian Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 26 / 47
Goldwasser-Kilian Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 26 / 47
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 27 / 47
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 27 / 47
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 27 / 47
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 27 / 47
Adleman-Huang Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 28 / 47
Adleman-Huang Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 28 / 47
Adleman-Huang Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 28 / 47
1 The Problem
3 Modern Methods
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 29 / 47
Solovay-Strassen Test
A Restatement of FLT
If n is odd prime then for every e, 1 ≤ e < n, e 2 = ±1 (mod n).
When n is prime, e is a quadratic residue in Zn iff e 2 = 1 (mod n).
Therefore, if n is prime then
e n−1
=e 2 (mod n).
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 30 / 47
Solovay-Strassen Test
A Restatement of FLT
If n is odd prime then for every e, 1 ≤ e < n, e 2 = ±1 (mod n).
When n is prime, e is a quadratic residue in Zn iff e 2 = 1 (mod n).
Therefore, if n is prime then
e n−1
=e 2 (mod n).
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 30 / 47
Solovay-Strassen Test
A Restatement of FLT
If n is odd prime then for every e, 1 ≤ e < n, e 2 = ±1 (mod n).
When n is prime, e is a quadratic residue in Zn iff e 2 = 1 (mod n).
Therefore, if n is prime then
e n−1
=e 2 (mod n).
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 30 / 47
Solovay-Strassen Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 31 / 47
Solovay-Strassen Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 31 / 47
Solovay-Strassen Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 31 / 47
Solovay-Strassen Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 32 / 47
Solovay-Strassen Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 32 / 47
Solovay-Strassen Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 32 / 47
Solovay-Strassen Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 32 / 47
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 33 / 47
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 33 / 47
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 33 / 47
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 33 / 47
Miller’s Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 34 / 47
Miller’s Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 35 / 47
Miller’s Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 35 / 47
Miller’s Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 35 / 47
Miller’s Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 36 / 47
Miller’s Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 36 / 47
Miller’s Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 36 / 47
Miller’s Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 36 / 47
Rabin’s Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 37 / 47
Rabin’s Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 37 / 47
Rabin’s Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 37 / 47
Rabin’s Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 37 / 47
AKS Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 38 / 47
AKS Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 38 / 47
AKS Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 38 / 47
AKS Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 39 / 47
AKS Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 39 / 47
AKS Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 39 / 47
AKS Test
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 39 / 47
Suppose n has at least two prime factors and let p be one of them.
Let S ⊆ Zp [ζ] such that for every element f (ζ) ∈ S, f ζ)n = f (ζ n ) in
Zp [ζ].
It follows that for every f (ζ) ∈ S, f (ζ)m = f (ζ m ) for any m of the
form ni · p j .
Since n is not a power of p, this places an upper bound on the size of
If ζ + e ∈ S for every 1 ≤ e ≤ 2 r log n, then all their products are
also in S.
This makes the size of S bigger than the upper bound above.
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 40 / 47
Suppose n has at least two prime factors and let p be one of them.
Let S ⊆ Zp [ζ] such that for every element f (ζ) ∈ S, f ζ)n = f (ζ n ) in
Zp [ζ].
It follows that for every f (ζ) ∈ S, f (ζ)m = f (ζ m ) for any m of the
form ni · p j .
Since n is not a power of p, this places an upper bound on the size of
If ζ + e ∈ S for every 1 ≤ e ≤ 2 r log n, then all their products are
also in S.
This makes the size of S bigger than the upper bound above.
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 40 / 47
Suppose n has at least two prime factors and let p be one of them.
Let S ⊆ Zp [ζ] such that for every element f (ζ) ∈ S, f ζ)n = f (ζ n ) in
Zp [ζ].
It follows that for every f (ζ) ∈ S, f (ζ)m = f (ζ m ) for any m of the
form ni · p j .
Since n is not a power of p, this places an upper bound on the size of
If ζ + e ∈ S for every 1 ≤ e ≤ 2 r log n, then all their products are
also in S.
This makes the size of S bigger than the upper bound above.
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 40 / 47
Suppose n has at least two prime factors and let p be one of them.
Let S ⊆ Zp [ζ] such that for every element f (ζ) ∈ S, f ζ)n = f (ζ n ) in
Zp [ζ].
It follows that for every f (ζ) ∈ S, f (ζ)m = f (ζ m ) for any m of the
form ni · p j .
Since n is not a power of p, this places an upper bound on the size of
If ζ + e ∈ S for every 1 ≤ e ≤ 2 r log n, then all their products are
also in S.
This makes the size of S bigger than the upper bound above.
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 40 / 47
Suppose n has at least two prime factors and let p be one of them.
Let S ⊆ Zp [ζ] such that for every element f (ζ) ∈ S, f ζ)n = f (ζ n ) in
Zp [ζ].
It follows that for every f (ζ) ∈ S, f (ζ)m = f (ζ m ) for any m of the
form ni · p j .
Since n is not a power of p, this places an upper bound on the size of
If ζ + e ∈ S for every 1 ≤ e ≤ 2 r log n, then all their products are
also in S.
This makes the size of S bigger than the upper bound above.
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 40 / 47
Time Complexity
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 41 / 47
Time Complexity
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 41 / 47
Time Complexity
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 41 / 47
Time Complexity
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 41 / 47
Time Complexity
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 41 / 47
1 The Problem
3 Modern Methods
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 42 / 47
Adleman-Pomerance-Rumeli Test
Proposed in 1980.
Is conceptually the most complex algorithm of them all.
Uses multiple groups, ideas derived from both themes, plus new ones!
It is a deterministic algorithm with time complexity logO(log log log n) n.
Was speeded up by Cohen and Lenstra (1981).
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 43 / 47
Adleman-Pomerance-Rumeli Test
Proposed in 1980.
Is conceptually the most complex algorithm of them all.
Uses multiple groups, ideas derived from both themes, plus new ones!
It is a deterministic algorithm with time complexity logO(log log log n) n.
Was speeded up by Cohen and Lenstra (1981).
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 43 / 47
Adleman-Pomerance-Rumeli Test
Proposed in 1980.
Is conceptually the most complex algorithm of them all.
Uses multiple groups, ideas derived from both themes, plus new ones!
It is a deterministic algorithm with time complexity logO(log log log n) n.
Was speeded up by Cohen and Lenstra (1981).
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 43 / 47
Adleman-Pomerance-Rumeli Test
Proposed in 1980.
Is conceptually the most complex algorithm of them all.
Uses multiple groups, ideas derived from both themes, plus new ones!
It is a deterministic algorithm with time complexity logO(log log log n) n.
Was speeded up by Cohen and Lenstra (1981).
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 43 / 47
Overview of the Algorithm
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 44 / 47
Overview of the Algorithm
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 44 / 47
Overview of the Algorithm
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 44 / 47
Overview of the Algorithm
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 44 / 47
Overview of the Algorithm
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 44 / 47
Overview of the Algorithm
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 44 / 47
Overview of the Algorithm
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 45 / 47
Overview of the Algorithm
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 45 / 47
Overview of the Algorithm
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 45 / 47
Overview of the Algorithm
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 45 / 47
Overview of the Algorithm
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 45 / 47
Overview of the Algorithm
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 46 / 47
Overview of the Algorithm
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 46 / 47
Overview of the Algorithm
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 46 / 47
Overview of the Algorithm
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 46 / 47
Overview of the Algorithm
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 46 / 47
Overview of the Algorithm
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 46 / 47
Outstanding Questions
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 47 / 47
Outstanding Questions
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 47 / 47
Outstanding Questions
Manindra Agrawal (IIT Kanpur) Is n a Prime Number? March 27, 2006, Delft 47 / 47