Internship program is the most efficient and effective way to increase the knowledge. And
my internship was carried out under SAI CONSTRUCTIONS. Site visits give practical
knowledge about the structural analysis of the buildings. The agenda of the site visit
consists of in-depth explanation by the consultant on the operation of the buildings.
During site visit, I was exposed to various construction methods and also had the chance
to observe the construction of beams, columns, slab and other works of the residential
This outdoor experience provided me with a more in-depth and hands on experience on
Civil Engineering Construction. I was able to question, understand and absorb the logic
behind the machineries, construction techniques, and methodology theory learnt in class. I
had successfully undergone the training for duration of four weeks.
To be the most preferred and trusted service provider in construction and infrastructure
sector, catering to the needs of all the segments of society.
To deliver high-quality eco-friendly construction works with its own skilled workforce,
within specified time, at fair value.
EMAIL ID :[email protected]
SAI CONSTRUCTIONS has delivered a large number of projects in the past and
received review and applications from numerous prestigious authorities and other
organizations associated with the construction of school, college, hostel, hospitals,
conventional halls etc.
1. Safety helmet
4. Avoid shortcut
2. Short attachments of wire and operating wrongly in the circuit are prohibited.
3. Accident reporting safety.
4. Environment protection.
5. Working in night hour –electrical supply is important and good amount of light is
1. No smoking.
3. Authorized operator.
4. Photo and information about the operator should be given to the superior.
The industrial training underwent under the constant guidance of Er. Mudasir Sir
and Er. Sharan Sir, consulting Site Engineers, Bangalore. The duration of training was
from 6th January-8th February.
Initially the training was started with the information about the standard design
procedure and practical consideration to be followed for the designs of individual
terms like beams, columns, slab and concreting were taken up.
9 Curing 04/02/2020 - -
4.1 BEAM:
A Beam is a structural element that primarily resists the loads coming on it and transfer
the same to the columns safely. Its mode of deflection is primarily by bending.Beams are
traditionally descriptions of building or civil engineering structural elements, but any
structures such as automobile frames machine frames and other structural systems contain
beam structures that are designed to carry the loads. Beam may be of concrete or steel or
wooden, it mainly depends on load coming over the beam and type of building.
4.1.1Types of beams:
RCC column is a vertical structural member which transfers loads from beam and slab
directly to the underneath soil. That means an entire building stands on columns. Most of
the building failure occurs not only for design fault but also for poor construction
practices. Therefore it is essential to know the construction procedure of RCC column
Marking of column location is done and the reinforcement of columns is placed according
to the structural drawing.
Shutters are provided above the PCC and the joints of shutters should be connected
properly so that concrete should not leak in at the joints. Hand mix is done for the mixing
of materials.
Concreting is done manually.
• Starter is a small piece of column which is cast before the main column is cast.
• The advantage of having the starter are it is easier to fix the column shuttering if the
starter is already in place.
• The chances of tilting in the column formwork can be avoided by using starter.
• Foam sheet is used in base of a starter, sand is filled in gap between the foam sheet.
• Coarse aggregate of 20mm dia is placed above the starter to avoid the cracks.
• Initially a starter of 2” thickness is cast before the main column. The chances of
Column formwork becoming skew is eliminated.
• The surface of the formwork is oiled or greased to prevent concrete from sticking on
• Clamps are fixed in sufficient quantity to prevent bulging of column .
• In some cases Tie bars are also used to prevent bulging. Pipe is inserted in columns
and beams before concreting to avoid the bulging due to vibrations. After removal of
pipe chemical is used to cover the hole.
• The side and end planks also have been used for shuttering work.
• Yokes are provided on both side of the column using nut and bolts for tight supports.
Qualities of Shuttering
Level Checking
• Level checking is done by using Water level and 1inch clamp passing method.
• In Water level checking method water level at the measurement pipe must be 2 inch
down for normal floor level whereas water level for sunken and balcony must be at the
top level.
• In 1 inch clamp method thread is tied above the top of wooden piece that is kept on
both the ends. Levelling is carried out until another wooden piece passes between the
thread level.
One of the most important steps when pouring concrete is the consolidation or vibration
of concrete. Concrete vibrators, if used properly, will help consolidate concrete and will
reduce the number of air pockets inside the concrete mass. Needle vibrators are used for
compacting of concreting.
Lack of consolidation can cause voids, rock pockets, honeycombing, and poor bonding
with the rebar. In extreme cases, improper consolidation can affect the structural integrity
of the walls. On the other hand, excessive vibration can create bulged walls and blowouts.
Shutters are removed within 24 hours and curing is done for 7days.
Column 1 - 8”X18”
Reinforcement-2#-16mm dia
4.3.1 Introduction
Brick masonry is made of brick units bonded together with mortar. The hollow load-
bearing concrete block of standard 400 mm x 200 mm x 200 mm size will weigh between 17
kg and 26 kg when made with normal weight aggregates. Normal weight units are made with
such aggregates as sand crushed stones and air-cooled slag. Therefore main two components
of brick masonry are bricks and mortar.
In our site 1:5 cement sand mortar was used and 400x200x200 mm size hollow block were
used in brick masonry.
The strength of brick masonry mainly depends upon quality of bricks, quality of mortar and
method of bonding used. Un bonded wall, even constructed with good quality bricks and good
quality mortar has little strength and stability.
Concrete block come in several different sizes and shapes to fit different applications.
Common sizes and shapes of concrete block include:
4 x 8 x 16
6 x 8 x 16
8 x 8 x 16
10 x 8 x 8
10 x 8 x 16
12 x 8 x 8
12 x 8 x 16
Actual sizes of concrete blocks are slightly less than the nominal sizes, by roughly 3/8 inch in
each dimension. This is to accommodate the thickness of mortar joints between blocks.
4.3.3 Shapes
Concrete block also comes in many shape configurations. The most common are:
Stretcher unit—has flange extension on both ends. Used in the middle of walls where
both ends are covered by adjoining blocks.
Single corner unit—has one squared-off end. Used at the ends of walls where the end
of the block is exposed.
Double corner unit—has two squared-off ends. Often used when blocks stacks to
create vertical pillars are.
Sash units—have slots cut in flat ends; these are used around window and door
openings to provide expansion space.
Cap units—thin, solid concrete block used to cover the open cavities at the top of a
concrete block wall.
Foundation. All concrete block walls must rest on a sturdy foundation of poured
concrete. The depth and size of the foundation will vary depending on the size of the
concrete block wall and the weight it must support, but a typical freestanding wall
requires a foundation that is about twice as wide as the wall itself and which extends
about 1 foot down below the frost line.
Concrete block. Block shapes and sizes are chosen to match the function of the wall
and the configuration of the wall. Most cement block walls will use several different
types of blocks, especially stretchers and corner units.
Mortar joints. Each row of blocks is joined to the adjoining blocks with either type N
(above grade) or type S (below grade) mortar. For greatest strength, most concrete
block walls are assembled so the vertical joints are offset (staggered) from one course
to the next.
Reinforcement. Freestanding block walls can be subject to stresses that can crack
joints and destroy walls, so both vertical and horizontal reinforcement is common.
Vertical reinforcement is provided by lengths of steel rebar embedded in wet concrete
that is poured into block cavities at prescribed intervals. Horizontal reinforcement is
provided by metal reinforcement strips laid into the wet mortar after every third or
fourth course of block.
Masonry saw
Masonry chisel
Masonry hammer
The first step in building a concrete block wall is to lay out the foundation using stakes and
masonry string. For a freestanding landscape wall, this involves creating a simple rectangular
outline of the planned foundation. For building foundations, the layout requires a rectangular
outline of the entire building, carefully adjusted to be perfectly square.
After leveling the layout strings with a line level, transfer the location of the foundation onto
the ground before beginning excavation.
After the poured foundation has fully cured and hardened, mark an outline for the cement
block wall onto the surface of the foundation, using a chalk line.
Mix the appropriate mortar in a mortar box, then lay a 1-inch thick layer of mortar onto the
foundation inside the outline.
Position the first course of cement block into the mortar and tap the blocks downward slightly
to embed them in the foundation mortar. Begin the wall with a corner unit, then "butter" the
flanges at the end of each subsequent block with mortar before joining it to the previous block.
Strive for 3/8-inch-wide joints between blocks, both horizontally and vertically. This provides
an optimal amount of strength.
As you work down the first course, use a level to adjust the blocks so they are perfectly
vertical, and use stakes and strings to ensure that the row of blocks remains perfectly straight.
At the opposite end of the wall, end the course with another corner unit.
If you plan carefully, you may not need to cut concrete blocks, but if it is necessary, this best
done with a power saw fitted with a masonry blade, along with a masonry chisel and hammer.
Score across the face of the block with a power saw, cutting a line about 1/4 inch deep. Then,
use a masonry chisel and hammer to pound along the scored line until the block cleaves along
the line. Turn the block over, and repeat the process on the opposite side.
Begin the next course of blocks with a half block to ensure that vertical joints will be offset as
you work down the course. Install the second course in the same fashion as the first—applying
a bed of mortar along the top of the previous course, and buttering the ends of each block as
you lay it into the mortar. Use the mason's string and level to frequently check each course of
blocks for level and straight. Excess mortar can be lightly scraped off the face of the blocks
with a trowel as you work.
For very tall walls, it's best to lay no more than six courses each day. This will allow the
mortar to set up and harden completely and will reduce the chances that the wall will fail.
Avoid placing too much weight on the joints before the mortar is fully hard.
Depending on the size of your project and the speed with which you work, you will
periodically need to smooth and finish the joints between blocks. This needs to be done after
the mortar has set up but before it is fully hardened. Use a finishing tool to lightly press into
the mortar as you draw the tool along the joint. The tool should form a slight indentation in the
mortar joint.
The tops of cement block walls are typically capped by applying a layer of mortar, embedding
metal reinforcement strips, then covering the wall with solid concrete cap blocks. Make sure
joints between cap blocks are filled with mortar and smoothed with the finishing tool.
Where a cement block wall will be below grade, such as when serving as a basement wall, it is
important that the surface is waterproofed before backfilling with soil. This can be done with a
variety of waterproofing membrane products, or with a rubberized brush-on waterproofing
4.4 SILL
The bottom of a system ,window, door, framing member. The sill is a common reference
for the last member prior to the ground, or the supporting structure below. The reference
to sill is usually meant to be in the ground. For example, a mud sill, is a piece of wood or
other material, that is located beneath a structural column or support. The mud sill
distributes the forces caused by the weight of the structure above on the column or
support. By distributing the weight evenly , the effect of the load on the ground is
minimized and reduces the settlement down into the ground. A sill plate is another
example of the term, however most of the time the sill plate will sit on another supportive
structure. The initial framing piece on the top of the foundation wall in a wood framed
structure, is referenced as the sill plate. The application of the sill plate on the top of a
foundation wall, is usually over a sill sealer, which is a foam or synthetic material, to
allow the plate to sit fully on the top of the concrete wall. The foam or sill sealer, provides
a compressive material, that fills in the gaps under the sill plate and the foundation wall.
A lintel or lintol is a structural horizontal block that spans the space or opening between
two vertical supports.[1] It can be a decorative architectural element, or a combined
ornamented structural item. It is often found over portals, doors, windows and fireplaces.
In the case of windows, the bottom span is instead referred to as a sill, but, unlike a lintel,
does not serve to bear a load to ensure the integrity of the wall. Modern day lintels are
made using prestressed concrete and are also referred to as beams in beam and
block slabs or ribs in rib and block slabs. These prestressed concrete lintels and blocks are
components that are packed together and propped to form a suspended floor concrete
LINTEL 1 up to 3 feet
Size – 6’’x6’’
Top and bottom 2# 8mm dia
Tie bars 2L 8mm dia @ 8’’ C/C
Size – 6’’x6’’
Top and bottom 2# 8mm dia
Tie bars 2L 8mm dia @6’’ C/C
Size – 6’’x9’’
Top 2# 8mm dia
Bottom 2# 10mm dia
Tie bars 2L 8mm dia @6’’ C/C
4.5.1 CHEJJA
A chejja is the projecting or overhanging eaves or cover of a roof, usually supported on
large carved brackets found in Indian architecture.
It forms part of the architecture of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh. In
Rajasthan, they are particularly large. They are mainly used for protection against
elemental forces like the sun and rain.
Reinforcement Details:-
Section 1-1
Section 2-2
Section 3-3
The formwork shall be designed to withstand construction loads such as fresh concrete
pressure and weight of workers and operators and their machines. Guide to Formwork for
Concrete ACI 347-04 shall be followed for the design of formworks.
Moreover, there are various construction aspects that need to be considered during the
erection of formworks. For example, it should be positioned correctly, lined and levelled,
joints sealed adequately, and prevent protruding of nails into the concrete etc…
Furthermore, different materials such as wood, steel, and aluminum can be used for the
formworks of concrete floor slab.
Finally, there are several common formwork construction deficiencies that site engineer
needs to be aware of and prevent their occurrence otherwise formwork failure may occur.
These construction deficiencies are provided below:
Prior to the placement of reinforcement for concrete floor slab construction, inspect and
check forms to confirm that the dimensions and the location of the concrete members
conform to the structural plans.
Added to that, the forms shall be properly cleaned and oiled but not in such amount as to
run onto bars or concrete construction joints.
The concrete cover and spacing for floor slabs can be maintained by introducing spacers
and bars supporters. Wires are used to tie main reinforcement and shrinkage and
temperature reinforcement (distribution reinforcement).
It should be known that incorrect reinforcing steel placement can lead to serious concrete
structural failures. Improper concrete cover exposes reinforcement bars to danger and
jeopardize concrete-steel bond.
Mixing, transporting, and handling of concrete shall be properly coordinated with placing
and finishing works. In floor slab, begin concrete placing along the perimeter at one end
of the work with each batch placed against previously dispatched concrete.
Concrete should be deposited at, or as close as possible to, its final position in order to
prevent segregation. So, Concrete placement in large and separate piles, then moving
them horizontally into final position shall be prevented.
Moreover, site engineer shall monitor concreting properly, and look for signs of
problems. For example, loss of grout is the indication of improper sealing and movement
of joints. Added to that, cracking, excessive deflection, level and plumb, and any
movement shall be checked and tackled to prevent further problems.
Lastly, slabs could be finished in many ways based on floor application. Helpful
information about forms before, during, and after concreting can be found in ACI 311.1R.
After finishing ended, suitable technique shall be used to cure the concrete adequately.
Slab curing methods such as water cure; concrete is flooded; ponded; or mist sprayed.
In addition to water retaining method in which coverings such as sand; canvas; burlap; or
straw used to kept slab surface wet continuously, chemical Membranes and waterproof
paper or plastic film seal.
Total Area- 3611 sq.ft
Coarse aggregate -2350 cubic ft, cost for one cubic ft Rs 26/-
Chapter 3
• Able to analyse and understand the drawings and plans of the construction.
• Construction practices
• Importance of time
• As a Civil Engineer it is necessary to understand the site situation, difficulties and how
to apply technical knowledge at the site. In site I had a great experience in terms of
technology and practices, exposing me to different situations made me learn things in a
Practical way. Every Engineer at site has helped me in bridging the gap between my
Course and practical application with their experience.
• I was exposed to the best quality work, materials, and technology used in construction
Practices, learning things with precision gives courage to face any kind of situations with
Confidence. I feel it will help me learn technical things at higher pace than before, with
the knowledge and practical experience gained at site.