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Mariam Toma - Critique Popular Media Assignment

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Video games

Video games nowadays have become one of the most important and

persuasive forms of media for children and adolescents. Video games are now

everywhere and, in every form, whether for entertaining purposes or educational

purposes. Video games companies are spending a lot of money on game designs,

upgrades, game graphics, and music, besides there are different types of video games

like PSP, WII, cell phone application games, online games, social media games,

arcades, and even offline games. Some of the video games are sparking collaborative

learning, critical thinking, problem solving and creativity, other video games have

dreadful impacts on behaviors and self-regulation. Video games' popularity is expected

to increase as video games will become more equipped with enhanced speed, more

detailed graphics and increase online network functionality (Williams 2002). This

popularity is accompanied by social concerns regarding the excessive video games

usage which is ‘video game addictions’, some kids cannot dispense video games and

guardians sometimes use games as a powerful disciplinary tool to reward their children

,other parenting styles believe that if the kid is quietly hooked on gadget then he is

doing great and I have observed an 8-year-old student spent over 5 hours playing video

games daily and how it resentfully affects the child's behavior and aggression towards

the real world.

According to Bandura’s social cognitive theory of self-regulation and decision-making

processes, children learn by imitating others and so unregulated usage of video games

might affect children's and adolescents' self-regulation such as in playing violent fight

games as a factor of increasing aggressive action where students are imitating the

virtual violent world, it can affect their thoughts and feelings leading to lack empathy

feeling, in addition , consuming a long time playing games might affect children's health

, looking into a screen for a long time with unhealthy body posture can harm children

and adolescents in their biological and cognitive development ,it can lead to preferring

the isolating mood , laziness and losing the sense of the real world. However; Playing

positive games can increase prosocial behaviors, the problem is not with video games

as a general idea, it is choosing the kinds of games we provide to our children and how

we educate them to select the proper kind of video games that can fulfill the entertaining

desire but will not affect their social, cognitive and behavioral development.

Maria Montessori noted which matches to Piaget’s that brain develops with stimulation

and playing such as video game playing provides these simulations at every age like in

elementary school years, children prefer fantasy and they are playing complex games

and sports, thus learn cooperation, negotiation, losing, winning, problem-solving as well

as language development. Video games represent knowledge by different media tools

like images, videos, graphs, and sounds which emphasis knowledge in the players’

experiences which is a great tool for visual learners. Players can learn skills as

establishing relationships, constructing meaning through various modalities not only

words while playing video games that can be transferred from the virtual game world to

the real world. According to Piaget, knowledge is not a copy of reality, it is to act on it,

modify, transform and understand the process of this transformation, so it is more

efficient when students learn any content of knowledge through game experiences

rather than the direct instructional method and transferring knowledge from teachers to


Integrating video games such as Minecraft in educational programs provides an instant

platform for students to problem-solving and learning from each other, it gives them the

freedom to share, communicate with peers and get instant feedback beside it is

entertaining, engaging and it satisfies the desire to curiosity and being in control.

Minecraft's been used recently by teachers as a language acquisition tool that uses the

constructivism learning principles where there is no right answer and using language on

such platforms among students and teachers can improve the language skills for


It is acknowledged that video games provide people with opportunities to their identity

development or in the virtual world ‘projective identity’ which is a great tool to develop

their identity recognition and self-understanding in the real world. Online games can

provide a virtual environment with learning context, by using 2D and 3D technologies in

digital games which creates complex settings and interactive mechanisms that can

meet all constructivism learning requirements.

Problem-solving, critical thinking, decision-making skills can be developed by players

while playing games (Gee,2005, Prensky,2006 and Hommel, 2019)as well, as these

games promote academic engagement in students by stimulating them to find

resources outside the game to better understand the game storyline (Squire, DeVane &

Durga, 2008 ).
Over the last decade, Academics state that video games provide massive opportunities

for learning via innovation, persistence, and problem-solving (Gee, 2007, Malone &

Lepper, 1987; Shaffer, 2006, Squire, 2005), it is one of the most effective methods for

learning in the 21st century, it can positively affect children and adolescents. It is our

role as educators to promote and encourage the positive video games which core is to

enhance children's cognitive and learning development and be aware of the unhealthy

video or online games that companies are selling and its effect on our children's

behaviors and health. In my opinion Video games in general, is the way of evolved

teaching in this era, the educator should direct their planning to accommodate the

curriculum to integrate using games as a scaffolding tool for learners.


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