Abap CDS
Abap CDS
Abap CDS
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CONTRIBUTORS ...............................................................................................................................................4
Authors ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
Acknowledgements ......................................................................................................................................... 4
Feedback Welcome ......................................................................................................................................... 4
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................5
What’s new about ABAP Core Data Services ............................................................................................... 5
About this Guide .............................................................................................................................................. 6
TRAINING ........................................................................................................................................................39
APPENDIX .......................................................................................................................................................40
List of changes .............................................................................................................................................. 40
Figures ............................................................................................................................................................ 40
References ..................................................................................................................................................... 41
Task / expertise Name Mail address
Bernd Kohler bernd.kohler@sap.com
General content
Matthias Lienert
Oracle Database
Patrick Kolb patrick.kolb@sap.com
Thomas Elvers
Torsten Pfeiffer
The authors would like to thank the following SAP colleagues for their valuable contributions:
• Timm Falter
• Frank Hoffmann
• Jörg Maier
• Carine Tchoutouo Djomo
Feedback Welcome
ABAP Core Data Services (CDS) is still a rather new technology. Therefore, this guide is “work in progress”
and an update will be published regularly.
You can help improving the content. We are looking forward to any type of feedback: questions, corrections,
technical insights, problem cases, user experiences, or requests for additional topics to be covered.
Please, send your comments directly to bernd.kohler@sap.com!
Without CDS (labelled as “Classic Approach” in Figure 1), intensive calculations are done on the application
layer avoiding costly computations in the database. This results in rather simple SQL queries between
application and database layer. The drawback is however that lots of data needs to be transferred back and
forth between those two layers. Often, this is very time-consuming.
CDS allows for a data centric approach. Intensive computations are pushed into the database by using
complex views and functions (see Section “CDS features vs. SAP Release” on page 8). Depending on the
use case, this may dramatically reduce execution time and simplify application coding as compared to the
traditional approach.
This is especially improving performance for calculations that are close to the data, by reducing the data
volume of communication between the application server and the database.
As shown in Figure 2, the major purpose for pushing down logic to the database is to spare on
communication costs between the application server and the database server.
1 ABAP Core Data Services should not be mixed up with SAP HANA Core Data Services. The latter serve
to build design-time data-persistence models in SAP HANA Extended Application Services (SAP HANA XS)
– for both XS classic and XS advanced models (see https://help.sap.com/viewer/search?q=hana%20cds).
Figure 2: Reduction of communication costs
The CDS framework was initially introduced to leverage the computational power of HANA DB.
Nevertheless, it can also be used with all other databases that support SAP NetWeaver. This guide gives
hands-on information on how to implement, run and optimize CDS based applications on various database
A great deal of online documentation covering CDS is already available. Whenever possible, the guide will
reference these sources rather than replicate the related information.
Note that some links are only accessible with an SAP User Account (also known as S-user ID). SAP
administrators in your company are usually able to provide one (without additional privileges).
This document is useful for the following audience:
• IT architects – to design CDS based applications (data structure, database layout, queries, etc.) and
guideline application development
• Application developers – to understand database capabilities and potential limitations related to CDS
• Software quality engineers – to understand typical issues with ABAP CDS and tools for mitigating them
• SAP Basis administrators – to ensure the required SAP maintenance level
• Database administrators – to provide the correct database maintenance level and optimize the
database performance
The following database products supported for SAP Business Suite are covered:
• IBM Db2 for i
• IBM Db2 for Linux, Unix and Windows
• IBM Db2 for z/OS
• Microsoft SQL Server
• Oracle Database
• SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (SAP ASE)
Many technical details and recommendations apply to all database types. Individual information is covered in
Section “Database Specifics” (page 17ff.).
Documentation Links
NetWeaver SAP Applications Link to SAP Help Portal What’s new
Banking Services 9
7.50 tinyurl.com/SAP-ABAP-CDS-Docu-750 tinyurl.com/SAP-ABAP-CDS-New-in-750
Solution Manager
Development Framework
CDS views are developed and maintained in ABAP in Eclipse (see Figure 3) whose textual editor provides a
rich feature set for fast development including:
• Code completion
• Data preview
• Quick-fix function
• Syntax highlighting
• Dependency analyzer
• Display of CREATE statement
There is lots of information available on how to develop CDS based applications by using the ABAP in
Eclipse framework. Refer to the following links:
• Configuration: http://help.sap.com/download/netweaver/adt/SAP_ADT_Configuration_Guide_Backend_en.pdf
• Guides:
− https://tinyurl.com/SAP-NW750SP16-CDS-User-Guide
− https://tinyurl.com/SAP-NW750SP16-ABAP-in-Eclipse
• Tutorials:
− https://developers.sap.com/group.abap-cds.html
− https://www.sap.com/developer/tutorials/abap-create-project.html
− https://www.sap.com/developer/tutorials/abap-dev-adt-create-cds-view.html
− https://blogs.sap.com/2016/09/26/core-data-services-cds-in-sap-s4-hana
OData Clients
CDS views can be easily exposed via OData by adding annotation @OData.publish:true to the view
definition. Figure 4 illustrates the components that participate in the exposure process. The view activation
process generates several service artefacts. Subsequently, these services are added to the SAP Gateway
service catalog (using transaction /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE) and become thus available for consumption by
an OData client (e.g. an SAP Fiori app).
SAP Fiori
Based on the OData exposure of CDS described above, it is then rather straightforward to create an SAP
Fiori app using the development framework SAP WEB IDE (either locally or within SAP Cloud Platform). As
depicted in Figure 5 the SAP Fiori User Interface connects to SAP Gateway using the OData services.
Figure 5: CDS consumption by SAP Fiori - architecture overview
CDS views can easily be added as a data source, for more information refer to:
• https://blogs.sap.com/2017/05/12/consumption-of-cds-views-in-analysis-for-office
• https://tinyurl.com/SCN-Analysis-for-MS-Office (Product tutorials)
BW Context
ABAP CDS views can also be used within an SAP BW context.
Refer to the following link for details: https://tinyurl.com/SAP-ABAP-CDS-and-BW
Convergent Invoicing
SAP Convergent Invoicing is a finance application that integrates the following applications:
• SAP Convergent Charging (see https://help.sap.com/viewer/product/Convergent_Charging)
• SAP CRM (see https://tinyurl.com/SAP-Customer-Relationship-Mgmt)
• SAP Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
(see https://help.sap.com/viewer/product/SAP_CONTRACT_ACCOUNTS_RECEIVABLE_AND_PAYABLE_FOR_SAP_ERP)
The comprehensive integration enables business processes from the consuming a service through pricing
and billing right up to dispatching of the invoice to the customer.
On the front-end site, SAP Convergent Invoicing exploits SAP Fiori. On the backend, complex queries are
More information is available at: https://tinyurl.com/SAP-Convergent-Invoicing-61813
SAP Applications
SAP applications using CDS views are extensively checked and tested on your database by SAP before
being released and shipped. So, the related transactions run out-of-the-box.
In addition, we recommend the following:
1) Check the database: Lift the underlying databases to the minimum versions and patch levels specified in
Section “Database Specifics” (page 17ff.). Also, ensure that the database settings are according to the
recommendations mentioned there.
2) Check SAP Release Notes: There is database related information available for some SAP applications
using CDS views. See Section “SAP Applications” (page 17) for details.
3) Update the SAP Patch Level: Apply all SAP Patches and Notes recommended for your database. Refer
to Section “Database Specifics” (page 17ff.) for details.
4) Keep an eye on CDS based workload: Regularly monitor the performance and workload impact of CDS
based applications, e.g. by using the ABAP SQL Monitor (see https://tinyurl.com/ABAP-SQL-Monitor and
5) Establish a remote support connection: In case SAP support is needed for the analysis of CDS related
problems, the required support infrastructure should already be in place. Refer to Section “Incident
Support” (page 17) to set it up.
In case of performance issues, refer to the database specific “Tuning Measures” within Section “Database
Specifics” (page 17ff.). If that fails open an incident using component HAN-DB (for HANA DB) or BC-DB-<DBS>
(<DBS>=DB2, DB4, DB6, MSS, ORA, SDB, SYB).
Custom Applications
The benefits of the CDS framework laid out in Section “ABAP Core Data Services” (page 8) are by no means
only restricted to SAP applications. For customers, home-grown applications are an essential part of their
SAP related portfolio and workload. Many of these apps could significantly benefit from using CDS features.
For custom development, the following recommendations apply:
1) Start small: It is important to gain in-house experience with the “new” database centric development
model as well as the performance and life-cycle management of CDS views. Therefore, start with a small
project that does not affect business critical transactions and gradually expand the footprint of CDS within
your SAP landscape.
2) Check the database: Lift the underlying databases to the minimum versions and patch levels specified in
Section “Database Specifics” (page 17ff.). Also, ensure that the database settings are according to the
recommendations mentioned there.
3) Update to SAP NetWeaver 7.50: Although CDS has been made available already with SAP NetWeaver
7.40, it is advisable to have your SAP landscape updated to SAP NetWeaver 7.50 (which corresponds to
Business Suite 6 Enhancement Pack 8) before starting CDS based developments. Also, apply all SAP
Patches & Notes recommended for your database; refer to Section “Database Specifics” (page 17ff.) for
4) Implement a governance process: To avoid any surprises once CDS views have arrived in the
productive environment, you should establish clear rules and checks for the development process. More
details are covered in Section “Development Rules and Governance” (page 15).
5) Ensure quality assurance: Testing with realistic data on all database types present in your SAP
landscape is a must for newly developed CDS-based applications. It is highly recommended to specify
annotations with respect to service qualities, data sizes, data categories and VDM view type so that
related static checks could be used.
6) Keep an eye on CDS based workload: Regularly monitor the performance and workload impact of CDS
based applications, e.g. by using the ABAP SQL Monitor (see https://tinyurl.com/ABAP-SQL-Monitor and
7) Establish a remote support connection: In case SAP support is needed for the analysis of CDS related
problems, the required support infrastructure should already be in place. Refer to Section “Incident
Support” (page 17) to set it up.
In case of performance issues, refer to the database specific “Tuning Measures” within Section “Database
Specifics” (page 17ff.).
1. General Rule
Use SQL best practices when using CDS views.
3. DB Limits
Pay attention to database limits (Section “Database Specifics” 17ff.).
4. Complexity
• Build entity-relationship models before defining CDS views. Take a careful decision on normalized
models vs. redundant storage of data, in particular with respect to avoiding JOIN operations on huge
database tables.
• Restrict the complexity of CDS views depending on their usage:
Number Cyclic
Usage of Functions Aggregation associations
tables or joins
5. Performance
• Create indexes on base tables to enable index-only access (not relevant for HANA DB).
• HANA only: For secondary indices on HANA refer to SAP Note 1794297. Additional indexes can be
helpful in tables with many entries (> 1 million) for selective fields that are used as filter of frequently
executed queries. HANA secondary indices are predominantly single column indices.
• SFIN on HANA only: Avoid access to compatibility views for performance-intensive applications (if
runtime is critical or if frequently executed).
• Avoid calculated fields in WHERE-clauses and ON-clauses of CDS views, especially when tables with many
entries are involved. Calculated fields result from functions like string functions (CONCAT, RTRIM, …) and
CASE expressions. Note that all fields provided by a table function act as calculated. For a calculated
field to be used (as filter or join condition) the values of this field for every row must be evaluated at this
point of processing. That may be very time-consuming.
• Avoid constants in ELSE branches within CASE especially for views to be reused in joins as it potentially
limits DB optimization due to not preserving the null value. The same limitation applies to fields defined as
constant if the view in which they are defined is on the right side of a LEFT OUTER JOIN.
• Avoid cyclic associations or cyclic joins with involvement of left outer join, especially when tables with
many entries are involved.
• To achieve a certain business purpose, choose the simplest CDS view possible. Do not create the all-in-
one complex view covering all demands.
• Use associations to improve performance: If they are just defined and exposed within the projection list
without direct exposition of fields, they are pure metadata; only if used in a path expression they become
standard joins.
• If CDS views contain LEFT OUTER JOIN relationships between tables, use the MANY TO ONE clause if
possible. Check if UNION clauses could be safely replaced by UNION ALL without changing the semantics.
• For HANA DB, prefer UNION [ALL] over CASE expressions in the models as they allow more room for
preferable choices for the database optimizer.
6. Life-cycle management
• Ensure an identical SAP maintenance level on all involved SAP systems (development, Q&A,
• Do not rename generated views after their release to the SAP landscape.
7. Approval Process
Review your approval processes before starting CDS based development.
Consider the following:
• Communicate the development rules lined out in this section.
• Review and approve complex CDS hierarchies before releasing them to the SAP landscape.
• Ensure that new CDS workloads do not impair important business processes in the same system (review
of workload management, capacity planning, etc.).
Performance Safeguarding
In case of performance issues related to the database refer to the database specific “Tuning Measures”
within Section “Database Specifics” (page 17ff.).
The following blogs introduce into the performance of CDS views especially on HANA DB and described how
to safeguard it:
• https://blogs.sap.com/2018/03/02/performance-of-abap-cds-on-sap-hana-at-sap-teched-2017
• https://tinyurl.com/1-CDS-View-Complexity
• https://tinyurl.com/2-SQL-Optimizer-Plan-Cache
• https://tinyurl.com/3-Rules-for-Good-Performance
Many recommendations given in these blogs are also valid for the row-based database types supported by
SAP, i.e. IBM Db2, Oracle, MS-SQL, SAP ASE & SAP MaxDB.
General Remarks
Hardware Requirements
Standard sizing with SAP Quick Sizer applies. CDS views may pose rather individual memory and CPU
requirements to the infrastructure depending on their complexity and the data volume. Tuning can only be
done hands-on. Refer to the DB specific Sections “Tuning Measures” for hints on how to improve the
performance of CDS based queries.
SAP Applications
Database specific information is available for CDS enhanced SAP applications. Please, refer to the notes
listed below:
2429167 Usage of account search in Fiori app for banking services from SAP - performance on different data bases
Usage of business partner search in Fiori apps for banking services from SAP - performance on different
data bases
General Notes
Life-Cycle Management
The following recommendations apply if you plan to migrate an SAP system with self-defined CDS views to a
different database:
• Check the notes listed above in Sections “SAP Applications” and “General Notes” for remarks relevant for
the target database.
• Verify that all self-defined CDS views in the source systems comply to the limitations of the target
database (see the databases specific Sections “DB Limits” below).
• Perform a proof-of-concept migration of the productive system and check the performance of all custom
applications based on CDS views.
Incident Support
In case of persistent database issues with a CDS Query, create an incident in the appropriate SAP database
component HAN-DB (for HANA DB) or BC-DB-<DBS> (<DBS>=DB2, DB4, DB6, MSS, ORA, SDB, SYB).
For analyzing CDS related issues, an SAP R/3 standard support connection is not enough as access by
ABAP Development Tools outside the SAPGUI are required. To ensure that SAP support has full access to
the system for problem determination, enable one of following remote access options:
• WTS Connection to a desktop with the ABAP development tools installed
• R/3 Support and SAP NI Connection to allow remote connection of ABAP Development Tools by SAP
Service or Development staff
Details on SAP service connections are available at https://tinyurl.com/SAP-Remote-Service-Connections.
Also, ensure that support users are authorized to execute the following transactions:
• ST03N
• SAT, ST05, ST12
For HANA DB, the authorization for transaction DBACOCKPIT in combination with ST05 and ST12 is
particularly helpful because it allows PlanViz files to be saved – in case Plan Visualizer (PlanViz) is enabled
in the system.
IBM Db2 for i
DB Levels
We recommend that you use IBM i 7.2 or higher to get the best possible performance. In general, applying
the product temporary fixes (PTFs) listed in the IBM Info APAR for SAP for your database release will ensure
that you have all PTFs that are recommended to run SAP. You can use the health check functionality of
report RSDB4CDSTOOLS to check for individual PTFs beneficial to run CDS. Those include fixes to known bugs
as well as performance features like LEFT OUTER TO ONE JOIN, table function inlining, LIMIT – OFFSET, and
others. All PTFs are also listed in SAP Note 2075068 (“IBM i: Overview of CDS on DB2 for IBM i”).
IBM i 7.2 2075068 SAP Support Required PTF List for IBM i 7.2
IBM i 7.3 2075068 SAP Support Required PTF List for IBM i 7.3
IBM i 7.4 2075068 SAP Support Required PTF List for IBM i 7.4
DB Settings
IBM Db2 for i is offering a variety of tools and advanced tuning measures that can help to speed up the
execution of specific CDS queries. Among those are:
• IBM i Access Client Solutions (ACS) is a Java based platform-independent tool that you can download
to your workstation from this link: https://www.ibm.com/systems/power/software/i/access/solutions.html.
With ACS, you can connect to any IBM i server in your landscape and perform administrative tasks. For
IBM Db2 for i, the tool offers options to work with database objects in schemas, run SQL scripts and
analyze the database performance. You can also configure the plan cache size with this tool. IBM i
Access Client Solutions and the SAP transaction DBACOCKPIT offer similar, in some areas partially
overlapping functions.
• Query Options File QAQQINI: A variety of database options can be configured through a query options
file named QAQQINI. Depending on the location of the file and the configuration of your SAP systems,
the configured parameters in this file can take effect system-wide, per SAP system or for selected SQL
statements within an SAP system. See SAP Note 820325 for more information about the general usage
of the query options file. Specific options to configure for certain purposes are documented in separate
SAP Notes that deal with selected use cases.
• Db2 Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) allows the SQL optimizer to split up a single query into multiple
threads that are executed in parallel. This may speed up the processing of a query on a large table, but at
the same time uses more processing resources, so it should only be used when enough resources are
available. To use Db2 Symmetric Multiprocessing, option 26 of the operating system must be installed.
SAP Note 1879983 explains how to configure the use of SMP in an SAP landscape, for example through
a conditional statement hint for a specific CDS view.
• Encoded Vector Indexes (EVIs) offer an alternative to the common binary radix tree indexes and are a
variation on bitmap indexing. They provide benefits to JOIN operations, specifically in star or snowflake
schemas as they are used in business warehouse queries. They may also show significant improvements
when only a few columns of a very large table are queried and single-column EVIs exist over all
requested columns. In this case, the SQL optimizer can retrieve all the required data for the output from
the EVIs without the need to access the table itself. This access method is called EVI Only Access
(EOA), and it is available by default as of IBM i 7.2. More information about using EVIs with SAP on IBM
Db2 for i can be found in SAP Note 2588130.
• Preloading Database Objects into a Main Storage Pool: In general, the storage management
functionality of the IBM i operating system and Licensed Internal Code are automatically taking care of
assigning main storage to SAP systems and database operations. By default, all SAP systems within a
logical partition of a server share a common main storage pool. However, there are cases when you want
to separate workloads and assign specific main storage pools to certain SAP systems (see SAP Note
It may improve the performance of CDS views which access large tables, if you can use EVI Only Access
(EOA) and preload the EVIs into a separate main storage pool prior to the first execution of the
statement. The necessary configuration steps are explained in SAP Note 2588130.
The following table concludes all SAP Notes mentioned above:
DB Limits
After view expansion into a single statement, the number all table references must not be larger than 225
(see SAP Note 2422860). If the same table is referenced more than once in a view, each reference of the
table counts towards that limit. The SAP-enforced limit of 225 table references in a view is smaller than the
database limit of 255 on IBM Db2 for i.
2033326 all IBM i: Enhancements in the DBA Cockpit for the SAP Database Performance Collector
2142186 >= 740 IBM i: Performance: Fast replenishment planning/rapid replenishment planning
Tuning Measures
Parameter / Metric to be
Transaction Activity / Comment
DBA Cockpit →
Access plan for a particular SQL Enter SQL statement for analysis, then check and
Diagnostics → EXPLAIN
statement analyze expensive nodes.
(new version)
Summary of all index advices for Check table size, total run time and average result set
DBA Cockpit → all SQL statements in the plan size to identify useful indexes. Display all statements for
Performance → Advised cache, grouped by table. the selected table and check if multiple index advisories
Indexes Advices can be mapped to can be combined into a single index, so that the number
specific SQL statements. of indexes in the database does not grow too much.
DBA Cockpit → View definition / Object Understand and simplify CDS view definitions and
Diagnostics → DB dependencies / #table object interdependencies of complex CDS views.
Catalog Browser references Identify large tables as potential candidates for EVIs.
For more information on how to use the DBA Cockpit, search for “CCMS: IBM DB2 for i” at
http://help.sap.com. You can limit your search to the product "SAP NetWeaver" at the requested release
level. For example, with SAP NetWeaver 7.5, you will be directed to https://tinyurl.com/SAP-NW750-CCMS-
In case of problems or questions, you may always open an incident using component BC-DB-DB4.
IBM Db2 for Linux, Unix and Windows
DB Levels
Db2 10.5 for LUW 1851853 Using Db2 10.5 with SAP applications
Db2 11.1 for LUW 2303763 Using Db2 11.1 with SAP applications
Db2 11.5 for LUW 2751085 Using Db2 11.5 with SAP Applications
It is highly recommended to run at least with Db2 11.1m4fp4 or Db2 11.5 and the latest Fix Pack to benefit
from Db2 optimizations specific to CDS.
DB Settings
Db2 10.5 for LUW 1851832 Db2 10.5 Standard Parameter Settings
Db2 11.1 for LUW 2303771 Db2 11.1 Standard Parameter Settings
Db2 11.5 for LUW 2751102 Db2 11.5 Standard Parameter Settings
Use the DBA Cockpit to verify the correctness of the database and database manager configuration (DBA
Cockpit → Configuration → Parameter Check).
DB Limits
All Db2 LUW limits are listed at:
• https://tinyurl.com/IBM-DB2-LUW-11-1-Limits
• https://tinyurl.com/IBM-DB2-LUW-11-5-Limits
SAP Life-Cycle Management
LC Mgmt. Task
SAP Note Title / Comment
or Tool
2324337 DDIC CDS error during activation of CDS views with parameters in a SUM ZDO scenario
2237893 SUM ABAP Upgrade with ZDO: Wrong DB Schema for CDS Objects
Tuning Measures
Ensure you are running on the latest Fixpack of Db2 as the product is constantly enhanced with additional
features to optimize the execution of CDS workloads. Standard Db2 LUW tuning approaches are valid for
CDS workloads as well. Ensure that the memory areas (e.g. Bufferpools and Sortheap) for Db2 are equipped
with enough memory and CPU resources are available to support the parallel execution of queries. Also,
ensure up-to-date database statistics along with the SAP-recommended setting of the database manager
and the database configuration.
You can use the SAP DBA Cockpit to validate the configuration and to identify system bottlenecks, i.e.:
• DBA Cockpit → Performance → SQL Cache
• DBA Cockpit → Performance → Buffer Pool
• DBA Cockpit → Performance → Sorts
The following link connects to the DBA documentation, including a table with basic recommendations related
to the performance: https://tinyurl.com/SAP-on-IBM-Db2-LUW-Performance
The key factors for good CDS performance are the following
• Parallelism
Best performance for CDS queries is achieved when executing a query with parallelism enabled and the
optimal execution plan selected by the Db2 LUW optimizer.
You can verify the parallel execution of a query by using the explain functionality of the DBA Cockpit:
DBA Cockpit → Diagnostics → EXPLAIN
Please read through the following SAP Community document as an introduction for Explain functionality
within the DBA Cockpit: https://wiki.scn.sap.com/wiki/display/ABAP/Explain+Plan
Ensure that intra-partition parallelism is enabled with a meaningful number for QueryDegree. In addition,
check the plan for the "TQ" (Table Queue) operator. This operator should be as high as possible in the
plan as this is a good indicator for parallel execution as all operators above the TQ will be executed
without leveraging intra partition parallelism. Refer to Figure 8 which shows an Explain from the DBA
Cockpit where the TQ operator sits at top of the access plan.
There are some operators that force the plan to be serialized like "Jump Scan" access to an index, so an
additional index or a changed definition of a custom index can help. There are more operators that may
force serialization. If you face a performance issue with a query and a low TQ operator, you may open an
incident using component BC-DB-DB6.
• Access Plan
Beside the use of parallelism, the optimal access plan is the second important functionality to ensure
good CDS Query Performance.
Check the access plan for expensive access to certain objects. Expensive means either a high number of
timerons or many records processed within a certain leg of the plan. A good approach is to identify the
critical path within the plan and identify the objects or operators that are causing a high number of
timerons or are processing many rows. Often there is a table scan involved, and then additional indexes
may help to improve query performance.
Figure 9: Db2 LUW Access Plan Graph from IBM Data Server Manager
Figure 9 shows the location of the TQ Operator as well as the information about a table scan together
with a hint that a recommendation for this plan object is found. A similar functionality is available in the
DBA Cockpit (DBA Cockpit → Diagnose → Index Advisor). Please, do not blindly apply the
recommendations. Instead, verify the results first along with potential side effects – e.g. space
consumption and insert overhead of additional indexes. Before applying such changes, you should also
open an incident using component BC-DB-DB6.
• Statistics
The reason for non-optimal access plans could be missing statistics for the objects accessed in the plan.
Please ensure that the Db2 runstats utility is running in automatic mode, which can be checked with DBA
Cockpit → Configuration → Database, parameter AUTO_RUNSTATS. For a single table, you can also check
date and time of the last runstats with DBA Cockpit → Space → Single Table Analysis. From there, you
can also refresh the statistics choosing "RUNSTATS in the background".
• Cardinality
As the CDS queries might be complex constructs with sometimes dozens of tables joined, the cardinality
estimate of join results may be non-optimal and lead to wrong access plans. To verify such a mismatch in
the estimated and actual data used for the access plan, you can use the Db2 utility "db2caem". This utility
delivers a formatted EXPLAIN output, including section actuals (statistics for different operators in the
access plan) and details like CPU time for the statement execution.
For details about this utility, refer to the following links within the IBM Knowledge Center:
− https://tinyurl.com/IBM-DB2-LUW-11-1-db2caem
− https://tinyurl.com/IBM-DB2-LUW-11-5-db2caem
• Complexity
As CDS queries can become complex, it is sometimes useful to identify the objects involved and their
relationship or hierarchy. This may allow to isolate a problematic part of the query and eliminate many
objects form the access plan, which helps to analyze the issue. You may use the SQL statement depicted
in Figure 11 to retrieve an object hierarchy starting from a given root object.
sysdependencies ( dschema, dname, dtype, bschema, bname, btype ) as
union all
union all
depsearch ( dschema,
treepath ) AS
( SELECT distinct
'' as dschema,
'' as dname,
'' as dtype,
dschema as bschema,
dname as bname,
dtype as btype,
0 AS level,
cast( 'TOP' as varchar(4096)) AS treepath
FROM sysdependencies
WHERE dname = 'ZFS_CACCTHLDRSRC' -- edit object (e.g. view name) here
and dschema = 'SAPMUK' -- edit schema here
and dtype = 'V' -- edit object type here (v=view, F=routine)
SELECT DEP.dschema,
CTE.level + 1 AS level,
treepath || '->' || DEP.bname as treepath
FROM sysdependencies DEP, depsearch CTE
WHERE CTE.bname = DEP.dname AND
CTE.bschema = DEP.dschema AND
CTE.btype = DEP.dtype AND
CTE.level < 100 )
substr(space(level*2)||bname,1,50) as dependent,
btype as objtype,
WHEN btype = 'F' THEN (SELECT functiontype FROM syscat.routines
WHERE specificname = A.bname AND routineschema = A.bschema)
END as functype,
FROM syscat.routines
WHERE specificname = A.bname AND routineschema = A.bschema)
WHEN btype = 'V' THEN (SELECT valid from syscat.views
WHERE viewname = A.bname AND viewschema = A.bschema)
END as valid,
WHEN btype = 'T' THEN (SELECT card FROM syscat.tables
WHERE tabname = A.bname AND tabschema = A.bschema)
END as card
FROM depsearch A
ORDER BY treepath
Alternatively, you may again use IBM Data Server Manager, as this also shows the dependencies of
objects in the database. It does not provide a complete hierarchy of objects, but you can easily navigate
from object to object by drilling down either to depended objects or to parent objects that are referencing
the current object.
Figure 12: Db2 LUW dependencies and references for an object in the IBM Data Server Manager
IBM Db2 for z/OS
DB Levels
Db2 12 for z/OS 81737 PUT level 1711 plus APARs PI80780 & PI89564
It is highly recommended to run with Db2 12 to leverage performance enhancements and avoid limitations
(see “DB Limits” below). Use report RSDB2FIX to check that all recommended product temporary fixes
(PTFs) are applied (SAP Note 183311).
DB Settings
DB Limits
Be aware of the following limits in Db2 11 for z/OS (https://tinyurl.com/IBM-DB2-zOS-11-1-Limits). In Db2 12
for z/OS (https://tinyurl.com/IBM-DB2-zOS-12-1-Limits) those limits are beyond CDS requirements.
2380199 ≥ 740 IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator support with Convergent Invoicing
2214151 750 CDS SAP functions LEFT and RIGHT fail to split surrogates
Tuning Measures
More information can be found in Section “Monitoring and Tuning of SAP CDS Queries” of the Db2 DBA
guide (https://help.sap.com/viewer/db2_administration_guide).
Microsoft SQL Server
DB Levels
It is highly recommended to use a current version of Microsoft SQL Server plus the latest Cumulative
Upgrade (see https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff803383.aspx).
DB Settings
SQL Server 2014 1986775 Configuration Parameters for SQL Server 2014
SQL Server 2016 2312935 Configuration Parameters for SQL Server 2016
SQL Server 2017 2484657 Configuration Parameters for Microsoft SQL Server 2017
DB Limits
Microsoft SQL Server restricts the number of nested views and functions to 32. You can use the SQL
Dependency Analyzer in ABAP in Eclipse to display the SQL Dependency Tree (open Data Definition in AIE
→ Open With → Dependency Analyzer) to get an overview about the current nesting level of the CDS view.
A list of all SQL Server database limits can be found here:
2510415 SAP_APPL 618 CDS Views cannot be created due to database limitation (function nesting level)
2423050 DBSL ≥ 721 CDS objects are not needed for DBCON remote connections to SQL Server
2087416 DBSL 742 ABAP runtime DBSQL_SQL_ERROR message: Missing end comment mark
Tuning Measures
Standard SQL Server tuning measures apply. In case of a persistent performance issue, you may also open
an incident using component BC-DB-MSS.
Oracle Database
DB Levels
Apply the latest available SAP Bundle Patch (SBP):
DB Settings
DB Limits
Usage of CDS Views with parameters can cause a performance issue related to a pushdown of predicates
with all Oracle Versions earlier than 19.6. A detailed description of the problem is described below. As of
Oracle Version 19.6 this DB Limit does not exist anymore as long as the SQL statement text of the CDS
Views with parameters does not exceed the length of 32K. For details and necessary prerequisites see SAP
Note 2801989.
Performance Problems with CDS Views with parameters for Oracle Versions earlier than 19.6:
Usage of CDS Views with parameters can cause a performance issue as a pushdown of predicates is not
done by Oracle’s execution engine. Therefore, it is recommended not to use CDS Views with parameters in
scenarios where a pushdown of predicates is required for performance reasons. This can include filter
conditions and join conditions as well. It is planned to fix this issue in one of the upcoming Oracle database
The following simple example describes the problem:
First, a table tst1 with fields f1 (number(10)) and f2 (varchar2(12)) is created with one million rows. 2
rows contain in field f2 the value ‘BBB’ whereas the remaining 999998 contain the value ‘AAA’. In addition,
an index i_tst1 on field f2 is created.
create table tst1 (f1 number(10) default 0 not null, f2 varchar2(12) default ' ' not null);
for i in 1 .. 499999 loop
insert into tst1 values (i, 'AAA');
end loop;
insert into tst1 values (500000, 'BBB');
for i in 500001 .. 999999 loop
insert into tst1 values (i, 'AAA');
end loop;
Now, a table function (= CDS View with parameters) and a common database view (= CDS View without
parameters) are created. Both contain a simple select statement on table tst1 and a where condition on
field f1:
Table function:
select * from tst1 where f1 <= tfunc.p_f2 (tfunc.p_f2 is an input parameter of the table
In the next step, a select statement on the table function and on the database view is executed. Both
statements contain a where condition on field f2 (f2 = 'BBB'). The table function has the value 500000 as
input parameter. Therefore, both select statements are logically the same and retrieve only one row.
select * from table(tfunc( p_f2 => 500000 ))
where f2 = 'BBB';
F1 F2
---------- ------------
500000 BBB
Elapsed: 00:00:00.45
F1 F2
---------- ------------
500000 BBB
Elapsed: 00:00:00.02
As a result, we can see that the runtime of the select statement using the table function is by a factor of
more than 20 slower. The reason is, in case of the common database view, that the where condition f2 =
'BBB' can be evaluated as a filter at the lowest level in the processing stack. In contradiction to the case
where the CDS View with parameters is used, first, all 500000 rows are retrieved by the table function and
then the filter f2 = 'BBB' is applied, afterwards.
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | | | 30 (100)| |
|* 1 | COLLECTION ITERATOR PICKLER FETCH| TFUNC | 82 | 164 | 29 (0)| 00:00:01 |
1 - SEL$F5BB74E1 / KOKBF$0@SEL$2
1 - filter(VALUE(KOKBF$)='BBB')
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | | | 449 (100)| |
|* 1 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| TST1 | 42114 | 863K| 449 (2)| 00:00:01 |
1 - SEL$1 / TST1@SEL$1
1 - filter("F1"<=:B1)
2452203 740 – 751 Error in CDS views with parameters for CAST from DEC to CHAR
Error during activation of CDS views with parameters due to naming conflicts in input
2347391 740 – 751
Error during activation of CDS views with parameters due to naming conflicts in the
2104388 740
Tuning Measures
Standard Oracle tuning measures apply. For details refer to:
• https://tinyurl.com/SAP-NW750-DB-Guide-Oracle
• https://tinyurl.com/Oracle-Monitors-and-Tools
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (SAP ASE)
DB Levels
It is highly recommended to use latest available SAP ASE version and patch level.
16.0 SP03 2505861 Release information for SAP ASE 16.0 SP03 with SAP Business Suite
DB Settings
DB Limits
Refer to https://tinyurl.com/SAP-ASE-16-Specifications.
When running a database update by utilizing SAP-Host-Agent, make sure to use at least PL39.
When executing maintenance activities with Software Update Manager (SUM), make sure to use at least
SUM 1.0 SP22 PL12 or SUM 2.0 SP3 PL7.
Tuning Measures
Ensure that regular statistics updates for the complete system are scheduled within the DBA cockpit. More
details are available at:
• https://tinyurl.com/DB-Administration-SAP-on-ASE
• https://tinyurl.com/DBA-Guide-SAP-on-ASE
DB Levels
It is recommended to use latest available SAP HANA DB version and patch level.
DB Settings
DB Limits
Avoid cyclic OUTER joins.
1973233 740 ABAP Dictionary/CDS enhancements and corrections for SAP HANA database
2342494 750 ABAP Dictionary/DB consistency check reports errors for CDS views
2423642 751 Activation error for CDS view with FLTP_TO_DEC conversion
2183911 740 CDS: Incorrect resulting set for view with SUBSTRING function
Tuning Measures
To learn about SAP HANA DB and its administration in general refer to the following links:
• https://help.sap.com/viewer/p/SAP_HANA_PLATFORM
• https://help.sap.com/viewer/p/SAP_HANA_COCKPIT
(covers monitoring, managing, and analyzing performance within the SAP HANA Cockpit)
Particularly helpful in case of database specific problems are the following sources of information:
• https://wiki.wdf.sap.corp/wiki/display/SuiteCDS/CDS+View+Performance
• SAP HANA Troubleshooting and Performance Analysis Guide available at:
DB Patch Levels
It is highly recommended to use latest available MaxDB version and patch level.
The minimum requirement is MaxDB, refer to the following SAP Release Note for details:
DB Settings
Set the MaxDB database parameters per SAP recommendations (also see SAP Note 1346964):
DB Limits
Limit Value
2600424 ≥ 740 Important information and note collection for CDS with SAP MaxDB
ABAP CDS: SELECT on CDS view returns sqlcode -8006 and sqlerrtext "Data types must
2137905 ≥ 740
be compatible"
2137955 ≥ 740 ABAP CDS: CDS view with CASE statement without ELSE branch
2310481 ≥ 740 ABAP CDS: CDS view with UNION select dumps with error code -9407
2345104 750 – 751 CDS view activation terminates with SQL error -3008 "Invalid keyword or missing delimiter"
2423642 751 Activation error for CDS view with FLTP_TO_DEC conversion
Tuning Measures
Ensure that regular statistics updates for the complete system are scheduled within the DBA cockpit.
The table below lists SAP training options related to ABAP CDS.
List of changes
February 2020
• Reviewed and updated all web links
• Added Figure 2 (page 6)
• Added minor changes to:
− Section “Audience” (page 6)
− Chapter “Best Practices” (page 14ff)
• Updated the following database specific chapter:
− “IBM Db2 for Linux, Unix and Windows” (page 22): added Db2 LUW 11.5
− “Oracle Database” (page 32): added Oracle 19c
July 2019
• Updated the following database specific sections:
− “IBM Db2 for i” – “DB Levels” (page 19)
− “Microsoft SQL Server” – “DB Levels” / “DB Settings” (pages 30ff)
− “Oracle Database” – “DB Levels” / “DB Settings” (page 32ff)
• Updated section “Documentation Links” (page 9)
• Reviewed and updated web links
January 2019
• Changed title from “ABAP Core Data Services on anyDB | Best Practice Guide” to “ABAP Core Data
Services | SAP Business Suite – Best Practice Guide”
• Added information related to SAP HANA DB throughout the document
• Added section “SAP HANA DB” (page 37) to chapter “Database Specifics”
• Updated section “Development Rules and Governance” (page 15)
• Added section “Performance Safeguarding” (page 16)
• Added SQL Server 2017 to section “Microsoft SQL Server” (page 30)
• Updated SAP ASE specific patch levels of SUM and SAP-Host-Agent in section “SAP Life-Cycle
Management” (page 36)
• Added section “Training” (page 3939)
• Reviewed and updated web links
Figure 1: Principles of ABAP Core Data Services 5
Figure 2: Reduction of communication costs 6
Figure 3: ABAP in Eclipse development framework 9
Figure 4: Components and activities when exposing CDS views to OData 10
Figure 5: CDS consumption by SAP Fiori - architecture overview 11
Figure 6: Analysis for Microsoft Office with Excel and PowerPoint 11
Figure 7: SAP Convergent Invoicing 12
Figure 8: Db2 LUW Explain within the DBA Cockpit 23
Figure 9: Db2 LUW Access Plan Graph from IBM Data Server Manager 24
Figure 10: Db2 LUW output of SQL listed in Figure 11 25
Figure 11: Db2 LUW SQL statement to retrieve an object hierarchy 26
Figure 12: Db2 LUW dependencies and references for an object in the IBM Data Server Manager 27
SAP Roadmaps
SAP Community
SAP Products
ABAP Development