Etd Tamu 2005B CVEN Shi
Etd Tamu 2005B CVEN Shi
Etd Tamu 2005B CVEN Shi
A Dissertation
August 2005
A Dissertation
Approved by:
August 2005
There are two aspects in this study: cylinder penetrations and XBP (Expendable
relationship between the soil resisting force and penetration depth by a series of rate-
the results by upper and lower bound solutions from classical plasticity theory.
Furthermore, strain rate effects are modeled by finite element simulations within a
framework of rate-dependent plasticity. With all forces acting on the cylinder estimated,
penetration depths are predicted from simple equations of motion for a single particle.
The XBP studies follow the same methodology in investigating the soil shearing
With the measurements of time decelerations during penetration of the XBP, sediment
shear strength profile is inferred from a single particle kinetic model. The predictions
This research was sponsored by the Office of Naval Research and its support is
gratefully acknowledged.
for his invaluable guidance, encouragement and assistance throughout this research. It
was a pleasure and privilege working with him. I also greatly appreciate the tremendous
help from Dr. Don Murff during my study. I would also like to thank Dr. J. N. Reddy
I would like to extend my thanks to all my friends, and special thanks to Zhigang
Yao, for helping me on this research. Finally, I would like to thank my family for their
I INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................1
II BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................7
VITA ..............................................................................................................................185
1.1 Definition Sketch of Penetrating Cylinder (after Aubeny and Shi, 2005a) .......3
2.5 Calculation of the Dissipation Rate for Slip Surfaces (after Murff, 2002) ......20
2.10 Characteristic Net for Uniform Strength (after Murff et al., 1989)..................27
2.13 FEM Solutions for Cylinders of Flow around Conditions (Yao, 2003)...........38
2.15 The Vane Shear Testing Machine Set-Up (Munim, 2003) ..............................42
2.16 Penetration Test Basin with Gulf of Mexico Sediments (Yao, 2003)..............44
2.18 Expendable Bottom Penetrometer, XBP (Aubeny and Shi, 2005b) ................47
3.3 Normalized Load Capacity from MOC Solutions (Aubeny et al., 2005) ........54
3.11 Finite Element Model for Cylinder Penetration Studies, h/D≤0.5 ...................73
3.13 Finite Element Model for the XBP Penetration Studies ..................................75
3.14 Influencing Factors of the Collapse Load for the Hard Layer Study ...............76
4.14 Empirical Estimates of the Collapse Loads for the XBP ...............................103
5.4 Strain Rate Dependence from MV Test (Aubeny and Shi, 2005a) ................113
5.1 Strain Rate Multipliers and Threshold Strengths for Various Assumptions
of Threshold Strain Rate (Aubeny and Shi, 2005a) .......................................114
5.2 Test Conditions for Basin Tests Measuring Penetration of Cylinders into
Reconstituted Marine Clay (Aubeny and Shi, 2005a)....................................118
5.4 Soil Properties at Corpus Christi Test Site (Aubeny and Shi, 2005b) ............126
This dissertation presents the results of numerical studies that were conducted to
develop predictive models for depth of penetration of cylinders in soft sediments and
measurements. The two aspects in this study (cylinder penetration and strength
characterization) are independent yet closely related to each other in applications and
applications, including offshore pipeline burial (Murff et al., 1989; Schapery and Dunlap,
1984) and penetration of a catenary riser at its touchdown point (Willis and West, 2001).
In naval mine-clearing operations, prediction of the degree of mine burial into seafloor
predictions of objects impacting the seafloor (Chu et al, 2004; Aubeny and Shi, 2005a),
This dissertation follows the style and format of Journal of Geotechnical and
Geoenviromental Engineering.
Part of this chapter is reprinted with permission of ASCE from “Collapse loads for a cylinder embedded
in trench in cohesive soil.” by C. P. Aubeny, H. Shi and J. D. Murff, 2005, International Journal of
Geomechanics, ASCE, scheduled to be published in the 2005.
sediment stiffness in the touchdown zone of catenary risers used by the offshore
petroleum industry (Bridge et al., 2004). Sampling and strength testing of soft sediments
near the mudline can present considerable challenges due to their low shear strength,
sometimes less than 1 kPa. Further, the applications noted above often require strength
characterization over a large area extent, which can render conventional seafloor
strength from measurements from penetrometers that fall through a water column and
penetrate to shallow depths in the seafloor. Penetrometers that can be deployed from a
moving vessel, such as the Expendable Bottom Penetrometer (XBP), are particularly
attractive, as they have the potential for providing a relatively inexpensive means of
Figures 1.1 and 1.2 illustrate the two penetrating objects considered in this
research. The cylinder is assumed to be infinitely long, i.e., plane strain conditions are
assumed to be horizontal and the XBP is vertical. When the penetrating object contacts
the seafloor it will begin to decelerate in a manner controlled by the net effect of its own
weight, the buoyant resistance of the soil, and the shearing resistance of the soil.
Pertinent aspects of the problems include: (1) a soil bearing resistance factor that
increases with penetration depth, (2) disturbance of the soil due to the large penetration
strains, (3) soil shearing resistance that depends on strain rate and therefore penetration
velocity, and (4) variable conditions of penetration velocity. A rigorous analysis of these
and a contact boundary condition. The simplified approach presented herein provides a
means for evaluating collapse load conditions for a penetrating object pre-embedded at a
series of penetration depths. Such an approach neglects the large strain aspects of the
experimental measurements (Murff et al., 1989) indicate that the simplified approach can
produce realistic estimates of soil resistance. A vertical trench is assumed to form in the
wake of the advancing object when the object penetrates past its maximum section
(Figures 1.1 and 1.2). This assumption is not entirely consistent with some of the
for shallow penetrations, and experimental data show open trenches forming above
penetrating cylinders to depths of about two to three diameters even in very soft soils
having undrained shear strengths on the order of 1 kPa (Aubeny and Dunlap, 2003).
Diameter, D
Penetration, h
Velocity, v
Figure 1.1 Definition Sketch of Penetrating Cylinder (after Aubeny and Shi, 2005a)
Penetration Area
Depth, h A=πd2/4
Diameter d
at Maximum
Figure 1.2 Definition Sketch of Penetrating XBP (Aubeny and Shi, 2005b)
Traditional bearing capacity theory for shallow foundations (e.g., Terzaghi, 1943)
can not be applied to this research directly because of the non-linear soil-object contact
footing with the width equal to the chord of embedded object at shallow embedment
(Small et al., 1971; Ghazzaly and Lim, 1975). In my opinion, this approach over-
simplifies the problem and it is not utilized in this research. The strain path method
(SPM; Baligh 1985) for deep penetration problems is also not directly applicable since
the penetrating objects are still in proximity to the free surface. Given all the
considerations above, the finite element method (FEM) was used as a major analytical
tool for this research. Additionally, plastic limit analysis methods were used to compare
1.2 Objectives
1. Calculate collapse loads for undrained penetration of the cylinder and the
In the first step we calculate collapse loads for a penetrating object at a series of
penetration depths for quasi-static undrained loading conditions, i.e., the strain rate
dependence of soil strength is not considered at this stage. Through this step, the
The second step starts from the FEM simulations in the previous step, with the
into the collapse load calculations. The rate-dependent solutions are then evaluated with
reference to the rate-independent solutions. Through this step, the relationship between
The last step develops simplified predictive models. With the soil shearing
resistance force defined by the collapse loads as a function of penetration depth and
penetrating object from simple equations of motion for a rigid body projectile. The
penetration depth can then be evaluated through direct integration. On the other hand,
with the measurements of accelerations at any given time, the soil shearing resistance
force can be inferred and the soil shear strength can be obtained through back-
Plasticity theory is a very important tool in soil mechanics and it has been
applied extensively. A central concept in plasticity theory is the yield condition, which is
a relationship among stress components at which yield starts to occur (Murff, 2002). The
f (σij ) = 0 (2.1)
where σ ij is the stress tensor, representing the six independent components of the stress
include the von Mises condition and the Tresca condition. The von Mises condition is
formulated as
1/ 2
J2 −k =0 (2.2a)
where J2 is the second invariant of the stress deviation tensor, and k is a constant.
J 2 = [(σ1 − σ 2 ) 2 + (σ 2 − σ3 ) 2 + (σ 3 − σ1 ) 2 ] (2.2b)
where σ1 , σ 2 and σ3 are major, intermediate, and minor principal stresses, respectively.
Part of this chapter is reprinted with permission of ASCE from “Collapse loads for a cylinder embedded
in trench in cohesive soil.” by C. P. Aubeny, H. Shi and J. D. Murff, 2005, International Journal of
Geomechanics, ASCE, scheduled to be published in the 2005.
σ1 − σ3
=c (2.3)
where c is soil undrained shear strength. For plane strain conditions the two yield
There are two different kinds of material models in plasticity theory: perfectly
plastic and work hardening. Figure 2.1 illustrates an example of these two models. For a
perfectly plastic material, stress remains constant and strains increase indefinitely once
at yield, whereas stresses continue to increase beyond yield for a work hardening
material. If the yield surface in stress space expands symmetrically in all directions it is
σ σ
ε ε
a. Elastic-Perfectly Plastic b. Work Hardening Plastic
ε ijp = λ (2.4)
∂σ ij
There are two very important plastic limit theorems in estimating collapse loads:
the upper bound theorem and the lower bound theorem. The upper bound theorem states:
“if an estimate of the plastic collapse load of a body is made by equating internal rate of
dissipation of energy to the rate at which external forces do work in any postulated
either high or correct” (Calladine, 1969). The lower bound theorem states: “if any stress
internally and balances certain external loads and at the same time does not violate the
yield condition, those loads will be carried safely by the structure” (Calladine, 1969).
This provides a means of estimating the collapse load which is less than or equal to the
true value. If a solution based on both bound theorems yields the same result, then it is
First we will look at the method of characteristic (MOC). For a plane strain
∂σ x ∂τ xy
+ = γx (2.5a)
∂x ∂y
∂τ xy ∂σ y
+ = γy (2.5b)
∂x ∂y
where σ x , σ y are normal stresses in the x and y direction, τ xy is the shear stress on the x
c x, xy
3 m 1
y xy
Figure 2.2 Mohr’s Circle and Failure Condition (after Murff, 2003)
The soil will also satisfy the yield criterion. For an undrained condition we can
write the yield condition as follows, referring to the Mohr’s circle (Figure 2.2)
σx − σ y
( ) 2 + τ xy 2 = c 2 (2.6)
σm = (σ x + σ y ) (2.7)
Furthermore, we define another variable θ which is the angle between major principal
The following relations can be established from the Mohr’s circle (Figure 2.2)
σ x = σ m + c cos 2θ (2.8a)
σ y = σ m − c cos 2θ (2.8b)
τ xy = c sin 2θ (2.8c)
∂σ m ∂θ ∂θ ∂c ∂c
− 2c sin 2θ + 2c cos 2θ = γ x − cos 2θ − sin 2θ (2.9a)
∂x ∂x ∂y ∂x ∂y
∂σ m ∂θ ∂θ ∂c ∂c
+ 2c sin 2θ + 2c cos 2θ = γ y + cos 2θ − sin 2θ (2.9b)
∂y ∂y ∂x ∂y ∂x
It can be shown that (e.g., Sokolovskii, 1965) two sets of equations comprise
characteristics sets of Eqs. 2.9a and 2.9b. These are designated as α and β
On an α characteristic
dy π
= tan(θ − ) (2.10a)
dx 4
∂c ∂c
dσ m − 2cdθ = (γ x − )dx + (γ y + )dy (2.10b)
∂y ∂x
On a β characteristic
dy π
= tan(θ + ) (2.10c)
dx 4
∂c ∂c
dσ m + 2cdθ = (γ x + )dx + (γ y − )dy (2.10d)
∂y ∂x
In the above four equations we have four unknowns which are x, y ,σ m and θ . In
some simple cases we can get closed-form solutions, but generally the equations must be
solved numerically.
free surface in Figure 2.3. At the free surface the vertical stress σ3 = 0 and the horizontal
σ1 + σ3
stress σ1 = σ3 + 2c = 2c , therefore σ m = = c and θ = 0 . Substitute θ = 0 into Eqs.
2.10a and 2.10c we get = ∓1 for α and β characteristics respectively, which means
π π
the characteristics at the free surface emanate at an angle of ∓ and intersect at .
4 2
Therefore, the characteristics in this zone are straight and form a triangular region in
which θ is constant. For uniform strength case ( c1 = 0 ), from Eq. 2.10b we have
degenerate 1
C'' C' 3
4 1
3 2
dσ m = 2cdθ = 0 (2.11)
On the other hand, we consider a point immediate under the footing (Figure 2.3).
Assuming the pressure at the footing boundary is σ 0 , the vertical stress at the boundary
σ1 + σ3 π π
σm = = σ 0 − c and θ = . Substitute θ = into Eqs. 2.10a and 2.10c we get
2 2 2
= ±1 for α and β characteristics respectively, which means the characteristics at the
π 3 π
footing boundary emanate at an angle of and π and intersect at . Therefore,
4 4 2
another triangular region forms under the footing. For uniform strength case σ m is
The region in between these two triangular regions is generally a shear fan. For
uniform strength case, the β characteristics are straight and the α characteristics are
π π π
change in θ through the shear fan is π − − = (Figure 2.3). From Eq. 2.10b we
4 4 2
σ m = 2c θ = cπ (2.12)
Therefore the change in mean stress across the shear fan is cπ . Recalling that σ m in the
left and the right triangular regions are c and σ 0 − c respectively, we have
σ 0 − c = c + cπ (2.13)
σ 0 = c(π + 2) (2.14)
For the non-uniform strength case ( c1 ≠ 0 ), we can solve for the collapse load by
numerical methods. Consider point A and point B at the free surface in Figure 2.3. At
point A and point B the four variables σ m ,θ, x and y are all known, so we can then write
On an α characteristic
θC + θ B π
yC − yB = ( xC − xB ) tan( − ) (2.15a)
2 4
cC + cB
σ mC − σ mB − 2( )(θC − θ B ) = −c1 ( xC − xB ) (2.15b)
On a β characteristic
θC + θ A π
yC − y A = ( xC − x A ) tan( + ) (2.15c)
2 4
cC + cA
σ mC − σ mA + 2( )(θC − θ A ) = −c1 ( xC − xA ) (2.15d)
as follows:
yB − y A + x ATCA − xBTCB
xC = (2.16a)
yC = [( yB + y A ) + ( xC − xB )TCB + ( xC − x A )TCA ] (2.16b)
σ mA − σ mB + 2cCB θ B + 2cCAθ A + c1 (2 xC − xA − xB )
θC = (2.16c)
2cCA + 2cCB
σ mC = [σ mA + σ mB + 2cCB (θC − θ B ) − 2cCA (θC − θ A ) + c1 ( xB − x A )] (2.16d)
θ A + θC π
where TCA = tan[( )+ ]
2 4
θ B + θC π
TCB = tan[( )− ]
2 4
cCA = (cC + cA ) / 2
cCB = (cC + cB ) / 2
characteristic, then we can calculate xC , yC ,θC and σ mC in turn. Substitute the new
values into the above equations and recycle until the values of xC , yC ,θC and σ mC are
within tolerance (e.g., 10−6 for θC in this study). The change in θ across the shear fan is
. We can divide it into a number of increments, and integrate the mean stress along the
α characteristics.
3 2 1
Figure 2.4 Mapped Rectangular Grids of the Radial Fan (Murff, 2003)
Figure 2.4 illustrates the mapped rectangular grids of the radial fan shown in
Figure 2.3. The point A in Figure 2.3 is a degenerate α characteristic. We divide the fan
into n increments (3 as shown here), so ∆θ = . The degenerate α characteristics A ', A ''
and A' ' ' have the same x, y coordinates, and θ at A' , A' ' and A' ' ' are ∆θ , 2∆θ , and
3∆θ respectively. The mean stresses at A' , A' ' and A' ' ' can be determined by the
From the conditions at A' and C we can solve for the conditions ( x, y,θ, σ m ) at C ' using
the previously described recursive method. Then we can solve for the conditions at C ' '
θC ''' + θC IV π
yC IV − yC ''' + xC ''' tan( − )
xC IV = 2 4 (2.18a)
θC IV + θC ''' π
tan( − )
2 4
cC ''' + cC IV
σ mC IV = σ mC ''' + 2( )(θC IV − θC ''' ) − c1 ( xC IV − xC ''' ) (2.18b)
σ 0 = σ mC IV + c0 (2.19)
For non-uniform strength case the vertical pressure under the footing is not
uniform, therefore we should proceed to the next α characteristic until it reaches the
center of the footing. By integrating the vertical stress and multiplying the result by two
the stress field needs to be extended beyond the slip line field into the rigid zone (e.g.
Randolph and Houlsby, 1984). Once this is done the characteristic solution is said to be a
To apply the upper bound method, we define the unknown collapse load F
kinematically admissible failure mechanism and velocity field, and then we compute the
internal rate of energy dissipation D satisfying the yield condition and the associated
flow rule. By equating the external work to the internal energy dissipation Fv0 = D , we
can obtain the collapse load F as v 0 will cancel out in the equation.
For a material obeying an associated flow rule (Eq. 2.4), the dissipation rate is
calculated by
D = σ ij ε ijp = λσ ij (2.20)
∂σ ij
For undrained plane strain conditions the yield function can be written as
(σ x − σ y ) 2 1 1 1
f =[ + τ 2xy + τ 2yx ] 2 − c = 0 (2.21)
4 2 2
By substituting Eq. 2.21 into Eq. 2.20 and carrying out the dot product operations we can
D = λc (2.22)
Also, by the associated flow rule the strain rates can be calculated as
∂f λ
εx = λ = (σ x − σ y ) (2.23a)
∂σ x 4c
∂f −λ
εy = λ = (σ x − σ y ) (2.23b)
∂σ y 4c
∂f λ
ε xy = ε yx = λ = τ xy (2.23c)
∂τ xy 2c
We can see that the volumetric strain rate is ε v = ε x + ε y = 0 , which implies that the
material is incompressible for this yield condition. By substituting Eqs. 2.23a, 2.23b and
2.23c into the yield condition (Eq. 2.21) we can solve for λ , which is
For undrained and general three dimensional conditions, the dissipation functions for
Tresca condition:
v 0
y region
Figure 2.5 Calculation of the Dissipation Rate for Slip Surfaces (after Murff, 2002)
Assuming the thickness of the deforming region is t, from Figure 2.5 the
vx = y (2.29a)
v y = vz = 0 (2.29b)
εx = ε y = 0 (2.30a)
1 ∂v ∂v y 1 v0
ε xy = ε yx = ( x + )= (2.30b)
2 ∂y ∂x 2 t
1 v0 2 1/ 2 cv0
D = 2c[( ) ] = (2.31)
2 t t
DTOT = ∫ DdV = × 1× t = cv0 (2.32)
D = cv0 (2.33)
To illustrate the application of the upper bound method we will consider the
same strip footing problem as the lower bound method and a uniform strength condition.
We can develop a failure mechanism (Figure 2.6) from the solution by the method of
constitutes a valid upper bound. Consider the right half of the footing, there are 3 regions:
OAD, ABD and BCD. OAD and BCD are rigid regions so no energy is dissipated within
them, hence, only the dissipation within region ABD and along slip planes OA, AB and
BC need to be evaluated.
F,v 0
o D C
v R
From Figure 2.7 we can see that the resultant velocity along OA is
π b π 2
vR = v0 / cos = 2v0 . The length of OA is cos = b , where b is the width of the
4 2 4 4
2 cv b
D = c ⋅ 2v0 ⋅ b= 0 (2.34)
4 2
The tangential velocity along arc AB is the same as OA, and the length of arc AB is
π 2 2
⋅ b= πb , thus
2 4 8
2πb cv0 πb
D = c ⋅ 2v0 ⋅ = (2.35)
8 4
The dissipation rate along BC can be evaluated similarly, which is the same as OA.
The tangential velocity within the region ABD is constant, vt = 2v0 , and the
∂vt vt 2v0
γ = −( − )= (2.36)
∂r r r
π/2 2b / 4 2v0 cv πb
D=∫ ∫ c rdrdθ = 0 (2.37)
0 0 r 4
where θ is the cylindrical coordinate. Therefore, the total energy dissipation rate is the
sum of the calculated dissipations above and multiply by two, which gives
Equate the external work rate to the internal dissipation rate, we have
F / b = c(π + 2) (2.40)
which is the same as the lower bound solution. Therefore, it is the exact solution.
Randolph and Houlsby (1984) applied classical plasticity theory to estimate the
by any free surface. Their approach employed the method of characteristics (MOC) to
estimate a lower bound limiting resistance, and they used the characteristic net found in
the lower bound solution to derive the velocity field for a collapse mechanism in an
upper bound solution. Figure 2.8 illustrates the characteristic nets for α = 0 (smooth pile)
and α = 1 (rough pile), where α is the interface adhesion coefficient. For the case of full
adhesion between the soil and cylinder boundary, α=1, their procedure produces
identical lower and upper bound solutions for the normalized collapse load, F/cD =
11.94; i.e., an exact solution. Subsequent study by Murff et al. (1989) indicated some
divergence between lower and upper bound solutions for α<1. The maximum
discrepancy occurs for the case of a perfectly smooth cylinder, where the upper bound
solution exceeds the lower bound (F/cD = 9.14) by about 9%. An optimized upper
bound by Randolph et al. (2000) reduces the difference to 5.5% (Figure 2.9).
a. α = 0 b. α = 1
Figure 2.9 Solution for Cylindrical (T-bar) Penetrometer (Randolph et al., 2000)
Murff et al. (1989) used the Randolph-Houlsby approach for computing collapse
loads for partially embedded cylinders for embedments up to one-half diameter, h/D
=0.5. Their characteristic net takes the following form (Figure 2.10):
(a) Rigid zones OAF and DEQ. For a perfectly smooth cylinder (α = 0) the rigid
π ∆
radius of the cylinder, ψ = − , which is the angle the straight
4 2
This net is similar to the Randolph-Houlsby net, except for the rigid wedge DEQ, which
For uniform soil strength conditions, tractions on the cylinder can be derived
integrated analytically to obtain the following expressions for collapse load F for
⎡ ∆ ∆ ⎤
F = 2r0 c ⎢cos(ω + ∆) + 2sin + (1 + ∆ + 2ω) cos ω + 2 cos − 2sin ω ⎥ (2.41)
⎣ 2 2 ⎦
where ω = arcsin(1 − h / r0 )
Figure 2.10 Characteristic Net for Uniform Strength (after Murff et al., 1989)
The Murff et al. solution (1989) can be extended beyond the slip line field to the rigid
For upper bound estimates of a collapse load for a partially embedded cylinder,
Murff et al. (1989) consider two velocity fields for estimation of collapse loading for a
partially embedded cylinder. The first is the velocity field implied by the consistent
stress characteristic net shown in Figure 2.11a. The second is the velocity field obtained
by truncating at the ground surface the velocity field used in the Randolph-Houlsby
analysis for a fully embedded cylinder far from a free surface (Figure 2.11b). Both of the
above mechanisms contain velocity jumps across slip planes as well as continuously
deforming regions. Both velocity fields considered above are kinematically admissible
mechanisms; hence, collapse loads derived from them are valid upper bounds.
The energy dissipation rates across the slip planes and deforming regions were
evaluated by Murff et al. (1989). Referring to Figure 2.11a, AFF ' is a rigid zone,
along AF is vt = v0 / 2 , therefore
D = cv0 r0 sin( ) (2.43)
Interface ABC is an involute, with the center moving anticlockwise along the evolute,
which is a circle of radius r0 cos ψ concentric with the cylinder. The tangential velocity
π / 2 −∆ / 2 v0
D=∫ c rdθ 2 (2.44)
∆ π ∆
r = r0 [ 2 sin( ) + sin ψ + ( − − θ 2 ) cos ψ] (2.45)
2 2 2
vt = v0 / 2 , therefore
π / 4 +∆ / 2 + ω v0
D=∫ c rdθ3 (2.46)
∆ π ∆
r = r0 [ 2 sin( ) + ( − − ω) cos ψ] (2.47)
2 2 2
Interface DE is inclined at 45 degrees to the free surface so its length is the same
∆ π ∆
as QD, which is equal to r0 [ 2 sin( ) + ( − − ω) cos ψ] . The tangential velocity along
2 2 2
CD is vt = v0 / 2 , therefore
∆ π ∆
D = v0 cr0 [sin( ) + ( − − ω) cos ψ / 2] (2.48)
2 2 2
π / 2 −∆ / 2
D=∫ c vt rdθ 2 (2.50)
π ∆
where r is the radius of curvature of FGH, and r = r0 [sin ψ + ( − − θ 2 ) cos ψ] .
2 2
π / 4 +∆ / 2 + ω
D=∫ c vt rdθ3 (2.51)
π ∆
where r is the radius of curvature of HI, and r = r0 ( − − ω) cos ψ .
2 2
Interface IJ is inclined at 45 degrees to the free surface, and its length is the same
π ∆
as QI, which is equal to r0 ( − − ω) cos ψ . The velocity discontinuity across IJ is
2 2
∆ cos ψ π ∆
D = v0 cr0 [cos( ) − ]( − − ω) (2.52)
2 2 2 2
For Interface FKQ, the relative velocity between the cylinder and the soil is
The limiting shear stress or adhesion at the soil cylinder interface is c sin ∆ . Thus
π / 2 −∆ / 2
D=∫ c sin ∆ vt r0 dθ1 (2.54)
The straight characteristics KGB, QHC and QID all terminate in the rigid region,
therefore no relative velocity develop along them and the energy dissipations are zeros.
∂vt vt v
γ = −( − )= 0 (2.55)
∂r θ2 r r 2
π / 2 −∆ / 2 r2 cv0
D=∫ ∫ rdrdθ 2 (2.56)
ω r1
r 2
where the radial integration limits r1 and r2 denote the radius of curvature along FGH
For region CDIH, the tangential velocity and the shear strain rate are in the same
π / 4 +∆ / 2 + ω r2 cv0
D=∫ ∫ rdrdθ3 (2.57)
π/4 r1
r 2
where r1 and r2 denote the radii of curvature along HI and CD, respectively.
Region DEJI is a rigid zone, so the dissipation within it is zero. For region
FGHQK, the tangential velocity along the curved characteristics is vt = v0 sin θ1 / cos ψ ,
and the radius of curvature in the region is r = r0 [sin ψ + (θ1 − θ 2 ) cos ψ] , so the shear
strain rate is
∂ vt vt v cos θ v sin θ1
γ = −( − ) = −( 0 2 1 − 0 ) (2.58)
∂r θ2 r r0 cos ψ r cos ψ
π / 2 −∆ / 2 θ1
D=∫ ∫ cγrr0 cos ψdθ 2 dθ1 (2.59)
ω ω
For region HIQ, the tangential velocity and the shear strain rate are in the same form as
v0 cos θ1 v0 sin θ1
within region FGHQK, i.e., γ = −( − ) , but the radius of curvature is
r0 cos 2 ψ r cos ψ
π / 2 −∆ / 2 π / 4 +∆ / 2 + ω
D=∫ ∫ cγrr0 cos ψdθ3 dθ1 (2.60)
ω π/4
For region IJQ, a new set of axes is taken to facilitate the calculation. Q is the
new origin and y ' runs along QID. The tangential velocity along the straight
characteristics is
Recalling that y ' = r0 (θ1 − ω) cos ψ , the shear strain rate becomes
π ∆
− y' v0 cos θ1
D = ∫2 2
∫ cr0 cos ψdx ' dθ1 (2.63)
ω 0 r0 cos 2 ψ
For the Randolph-Houlsby upper bound model, the energy dissipation rates are
the same except slip planes IJ, DE and deforming regions DEJI and IJQ (Figure 2.11b).
π/4 v0
D=∫ c rdθ3 (2.64)
D=∫ c vt rdθ3 (2.65)
π/4 r2 cv0
D=∫ ∫ rdrdθ3 (2.66)
0 r1
r 2
π / 2 −∆ / 2 π/4
D=∫ ∫ cγrr0 cos ψdθ3 dθ1 (2.67)
ω 0
By evaluating the integrals and summing all the energy dissipation rates for slip
planes and deforming regions together, we obtain the total internal dissipation DTOT . The
W = Fv v0 = DTOT (2.68)
From the equation above we can obtain Fv and the collapse load by multiplying Fv by 2
due to symmetry. Figure 2.12 illustrates the comparison of the upper bound and lower
Figure 2.12 Comparison of Lower and Upper Bound Solutions (after Murff et al.,
doing so we can choose interpolation functions and construct approximate equations for
each element. We can solve for the unknown variables by assembling all the element
There are two main reasons to discretize the domain (Reddy, 1993). The first
straight lines. The accuracy of the approximation will depend on the refinement of the
mesh. If one keeps increasing the refinement of a mesh, the solution will tend to
converge on the exact value. The second reason is to approximate the solution over each
The basic solution variable is the displacement vector [u ] , and the strain-displacement
relationship is
established as
where [C] is the constitutive matrix. The governing differential equation in tensor form
∇ iσ + f = 0 (2.71)
where [ f ] is the externally applied force vector. Combine Eqs. 2.69, 2.70 and 2.72, we
[ K ][u ] = [ f ] (2.74)
[u ] = [ H ][uˆ ] (2.75)
where [H] is the interpolation matrix, and [uˆ ] is the nodal displacement vector. If we
multiply the left hand side of Eq. (2.73) by a weighting function matrix [ w] = [ H ]T we
[ B ]T [C ][ B][uˆ ] − [ H ]T [ f ] = [ R] (2.76)
where [R] is the residual error term. By the method of weighed residuals (MWR) we
integrate it over the element and let it equal zero, which can be written as
For each element the element stiffness matrix [ K ]e = ∫ [ B ]T [C ][ B ]dV , and the force
[ K ]e [u ] = [ F ]e (2.78)
inter-element continuity and equilibrium. The global stiffness matrix and force vector
can be written as
# elements
[ K ]G = ∑
i =1
[ K ]e (2.79)
# elements
[ F ]G = ∑i =1
[ F ]e (2.80)
To solve the assembly equations, the boundary conditions need to be applied for the
specific problem, such as a prescribed displacement, an applied load etc. The equations
uniform soils were carried forward at Texas A&M University by Yao (2003), with the
assumption that the soil will flow around the cylinder after the penetration depth exceeds
one half diameter (Figure 2.13). He calculated the quasi-static collapse loads assuming
the cylinder is pre-embedded at a series of embedment depths. The analyses used linear,
quadrilateral elements for a linearly elastic, perfectly plastic material obeying a von
Mises yield criterion and an associated flow rule. Figure 2.13 illustrates his solutions,
where N = , and d c is the actual projected contact area per unit length.
cd c
Figure 2.13 FEM Solutions for Cylinders of Flow around Conditions (Yao, 2003)
The dependence of undrained shear strength of soil on applied rate of strain has
long been recognized (Casagrande and Wilson, 1951). Rate dependency of soil on
undrained shear strength has been studied extensively both in triaxial compression tests
(e.g., Bjerrum et al., 1958; Richardson and Whitman; 1963; Richardson, 1963; Ladd et
al., 1972; Alberro and Santoyo, 1973; Berre and Bjerrum, 1973; Vaid and Campanella,
1977; Hight, 1983; Lefebvre and LeBoeuf, 1987; Sheahan et al., 1996) and in vane shear
tests (e.g., Skempton, 1948; Cadling & Odenstad, 1950; Aas, 1965; Halwachs, 1972;
Wiesel, 1973; Torstensson, 1977; Smith & Richards, 1975; Perlow & Richards, 1977;
Schapery & Dunlap, 1978; Sharifounnasab & Ulrich, 1985; Roy & LeBlanc, 1988;
Biscontin and Pestana, 2001). The relationship between undrained shear strength and
strain rate in triaxial tests is often expressed by a logarithmic relationship (Sheahan et al.,
1996), while either a logarithmic or a power law can be formulated in terms of rotation
rates in vane shear tests (Biscontin and Pestana, 2001). The Biscontin-Pestana data also
suggest that substituting peripheral velocity for rotation rate provides a better basis for
fluid model (e.g., Whitney and Rodin, 2001). Viscous models have been used very
(Schapery and Dunlap, 1984). This framework has the advantage that the material
parameters describing strain rate effects can be estimated from variable strain rate shear
resistance decays to negligible levels as penetration velocity approaches zero, which can
plasticity approach (Aubeny and Shi, 2005a). With this approach, at elevated strain rates
soil shearing resistance has a rate-dependent form that is similar to that of a viscous fluid
model, but the soil shearing resistance remains constant for strain rates below a certain
threshold value. Evidence for this type of behavior is given by Sheahan et al. (1996) for
was established for normally consolidated clay in their study, the overall magnitude of
strain rate effects clearly appears to be declining at very low strain rates.
Figure 2.14 Normalized Shear Strength versus Strain Rate, CK0UC Tests,
Resedimented BBC (Sheahan et al., 1996)
provide a useful frame of reference from which strain rate effects can be evaluated. A
drawback of the approach is that the threshold strain rate is at present ill-defined, and the
magnitude of the threshold may in fact be so low that the assumption of undrained
The experimental studies relevant to this research include the mini-vane shear
tests, the penetration tests and the XBP tests. The details of these tests and their
The miniature vane (MV) shear test consists of inserting a four-bladed vane into
a soil sample and rotating it at a constant rate to determine the maximum torque to be
developed (ASTM, 2001). For isotropic materials, the torque can be converted to
k = T /(2π R 2 L + π R 3 / cos ν) (2.81)
T = torque
The MV shear test apparatus used in this study used a 12.6 mm diameter by 18.2
long vane with a 45º taper on top and bottom. The device is equipped with a small
variable speed motor to drive the vane shaft, and the readings are taken from a
transducer in volts and then converted to torque. Figure 2.15 shows the set-up of the
Figure 2.15 The Vane Shear Testing Machine Set-Up (Munim, 2003)
measurements of a model cylinder for various conditions of cylinder weight and mudline
velocity. The soils used in the tests were reconstituted marine clays collected from the
Gulf of Mexico seafloor approximately 32 km south of Port Aransas, Texas. The soils
were collected using a box core sampler and transported in 0.21-m3 (55-gal) drums to the
laboratory. The natural soils were processed to remove shells, mixed to achieve a
uniform mixture, and dried from a water content of about 69% down to 52%. The
reconstituted soil had a liquid limit of 44-45 and a plastic limit of 20-22. Given that the
water content of the soils was well above the liquid limit, sampling and laboratory
strength testing was not practical. Soil strength in the test basin was therefore estimated
using a hand-held vane shear apparatus rotated at a rate of 0.02 rad/sec. Typical
strengths were on the order of 1-1.5kPa. This test method can not be considered highly
accurate, but given the limited options for measuring the strength of shallow, extremely
soft soils, the above methods were adopted for characterizing soil strength.
high basin (Figure 2.16). The tests were performed using a 0.168-m diameter aluminum
cylinder. Both ends of the cylinder were rounded with hemispherical caps. The total
length of the cylinder, including the rounded caps, was 0.505 m. The cylinder and the
guide frame were constructed to permit variation of the weight of the cylinder. In the test
program, cylinder weights were varied from 160-750 N. During each test the cylinder
was released at the desired drop location and penetration depths versus time were
measured by a data acquisition system which was set up with Magneto-restriction Linear
Displacement Transducer (MLDT) and Labview hardware and software. Soil strengths
were measured after each drop at six locations surrounding the cylinder; hence, the soil
strength c varied somewhat throughout the test program. Both non-impact and impact
tests were performed (Table 2.1). For non-impact tests the cylinder was released at the
mudline so the impact velocity v0 = 0 . For impact tests involving non-zero mudline
velocity v0 , the cylinder was attached to a displacement transducer from which velocity
could be computed. The test apparatus permitted inclination of the cylinder to an angle
Figure 2.16 Penetration Test Basin with Gulf of Mexico Sediments (Yao, 2003)
Table 2.1 Summary of Penetration Tests (after Aubeny and Dunlap, 2003; Munim,
a. Non-Impact Tests
b. Impact Tests
Test Mine Weight Shear Strength Impact Velocity Penetration (cm) Penetration (cm)
No. (kg) (kPa) (m/sec) 1 sec 24 hrs
22 28.59 1.86 1.82 11.86 12.29
23 46.55 1.20 2.07 21.41 22.02
24 76.49 1.98 1.79 23.60 25.45
251 28.59 1.40 1.69 11.63 12.37
261 46.55 1.39 1.74 20.90 21.54
271 76.49 1.60 1.88 32.05 33.17
282 28.59 1.20 1.91 22.00 22.40
29 46.55 1.46 1.73 21.92 22.73
302 76.49 1.48 1.58 34.85 36.63
1 – Cylinder oriented 10 degrees from horizontal.
2 – Cylinder oriented 20 degrees from horizontal.
For the non-impact tests, data in Table 2.1a indicates the penetration continues to
increase significantly after the initial penetration over a long period of time. Figure 2.17
illustrates this behavior for test 9. Possible causes of this additional penetration may
include soil consolidation and/or creep (Aubeny and Dunlap, 2003). On the other hand,
data in Table 2.1b indicates that only very small additional penetration was developed
after the initial impact for the impact tests. Apparently the inertial forces imposed by the
dropped cylinders caused penetration near the long term static equilibrium depth.
Measured Penetration (cm)
Test 9
1 10 100 1000 10000
Time (min)
Figure 2.18 illustrates the XBP that is under consideration in this study. It is
21.55 cm long with a maximum diameter of 5.067 cm. Its total and buoyant weights are
W = 6.91 N and Wb=5.34 N, respectively. After falling several meters through a water
column, it reaches a terminal velocity of approximately 7 m/s (Stoll et al., 2004). The
probe is equipped with an accelerometer; decelerations measured upon impact into the
seafloor sediment provide a basis for estimating shear strength. Peak decelerations are
typically well in excess of 10g, even in the very soft sediments considered in this study.
Maximum penetration depths are typically on the order of 25 cm; i.e., about equal to the
probe length. As its name implies, the XBP is not retrieved following deployment. A
significant advantage of the device is that it can be launched from a moving vessel,
making it well suited to expeditiously mapping seafloor sediment conditions over a large
The XBP tests were conducted as a part of ONR Mine Burial Program (Stoll et
al., 2004) in the Gulf of Mexico near Corpus Christi, Texas. A typical example of an
21.55 cm
5.067 cm 1.27 cm
Figure 2.18 Expendable Bottom Penetrometer, XBP (Aubeny and Shi, 2005b)
Plastic limit analyses were carried forward for collapse loads of horizontal
cylinders embedded in open trenches. The analysis extends the study by Murff et al.
diameter. Following the precedent of previous studies (e.g., Davis and Booker, 1973) the
analysis considers linearly varying strength profiles where the undrained shear strength c
c = cm + c1 z (3.1)
where cm is the strength at the ground surface (mudline) and c1 is the rate of strength
dimensionless parameter η:
η = c1 D / cm (3.2)
MOC collapse load calculations for smooth cylinders and non-uniform strength
conditions were calculated by the method illustrated in Chapter II, with the differences
here being the change in θ across the shear fan and the boundary condition at the soil-
Part of this chapter is reprinted with permission of ASCE from “Collapse loads for a cylinder embedded
in trench in cohesive soil.” by C. P. Aubeny, H. Shi and J. D. Murff, 2005, International Journal of
Geomechanics, ASCE, scheduled to be published in the 2005.
π π π
cylinder interface. The angle across the singularity is π-( -ω)- - =ω , where ω is
2 4 4
defined in Figure 2.11. For the boundary point C IV which is immediately under the
cylinder in this case (Figure 3.1), the major principal stress σ1 is the normal stress at the
xC IV = r0 2 − ( yC IV + r0 − h) 2 (3.3)
yC IV + r0 − h
θC IV = tan −1 ( ) (3.4)
θC IV + θC ''' π
yC IV = yC ''' + ( xC IV − xC ''' ) tan( − ) (3.5)
2 4
By combining Eqs. 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5, we obtain the following equation:
⎧ −1 yC IV + r0 − h ⎫
⎪ tan [ 2 ] + θC ''' ⎪
⎪ r0 − ( yC IV + r0 − h) 2 π⎪
yC IV = yC ''' + [ r0 2 − ( yC IV + r0 − h) − xC ''' ] tan ⎨
− ⎬ (3.6)
⎪ 2 4⎪
⎪ ⎪
⎩ ⎭
By solving this equation we can obtain yC IV , then we can calculate xC IV and θC IV by Eqs.
3.3 and 3.4, and we can calculate σ mC IV by the following α -characteristic equation:
cC ''' + cC IV
σ mC IV = σ mC ''' + 2( )(θC IV − θC ''' ) − c1 ( xC IV − xC ''' ) (3.7)
σ = σ mC IV + cC IV (3.8)
yC +r0-h
r0 x
C h
We can then progress to the next α characteristic until it reaches the bottom of the
cylinder ( xC IV = 0, yC IV = h,θC IV = ). Finally we can obtain the collapse load by
F = 2∫ 2 σr0 sin θdθ (3.9)
MOC collapse load calculations for cylinders (Appendix A). Figure 3.2 illustrates the
and a cylinder embedment of one-half diameter, (h/D = 0.5). Figure 3.2a shows the
characteristic nets for the limiting cases of uniform (η=0) and triangular (η=infinity)
strength profiles. With the introduction of a strength gradient, the size of the slip line
field noticeably diminishes; that is, the failure zone is more localized. For example, at
the free surface the lateral extent of the slip line field for η = infinity is nearly 25 percent
less than that for η = 0, 0.61D versus 0.79D. Slip line field boundaries for intermediate
strength profiles are shown in Figure 3.2b. These again depict a continuous trend of
decreasing depth and lateral extent as η increases. For the uniform strength case (η = 0),
the stress field can be extended into the rigid region hence the MOC solution constitutes
a valid lower bound (Murff et al., 1989). However, this task has not been undertaken in
the present study for the non-homogeneous case; hence, some caution should be
solutions for embedments h/D varying from 0 to 0.5. When the soil strength at depth h,
into a relatively narrow band. This result may be viewed as somewhat surprising in view
of rather significant effect that η had on the geometry of the slip line field. Apparently
the effects of the altered slip line geometry are more or less offset by the variable
strength profile so that the normalized collapse load remains essentially the same. In any
Figure 3.2 point to ch as a convenient reference strength measure in the case of general
a. Characteristic Nets
Normalized Resistance, F/c D
h 4
2 =0
= 10
1 = 20
= inf
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Embedment, h/D
Figure 3.3 Normalized Load Capacity from MOC Solutions (Aubeny et al., 2005)
Upper bound solutions for non-uniform strength profiles are possible using either
of the velocity fields shown in Figure 2.11; i.e. the consistent solution by Murff et al. in
Figure 2.11a or the truncated Randolph-Houlsby in Figure 2.11b. This approach applies
the velocity fields from characteristic nets in a uniform soil profile to non-uniform soil
bound. While the use of characteristic nets from non-uniform strength profiles (e.g.,
Figure 3.2) may be more appropriate in principle, such a refinement would involve
numerical rather than analytical evaluation for velocities and strain rates. The
computational complexity and numerical accuracy issues associated with this approach
would seem to offset much of the advantage and motivation for performing the upper
bound approximation; hence, this study did not adopt the more rigorous approach.
The energy dissipation rates for the deforming regions and slip planes can be
evaluated in a manner similar to that of the uniform strength case, except that c is a
variable changing with depth (Eq. 3.1) instead of being a constant. Therefore, the
strength needs to be integrated with depth when evaluating the energy dissipation rates.
Also, for interface DE of the consistent upper bound model (Figure 2.11a), the
dissipation rate is
∆ π ∆
r0 [sin( ) + ( − − ω)cos ψ / 2 ]
D=∫ 2 2 2
(cm + c1 z )v0 dz (3.11)
For interface IJ of consistent upper bound model (Figure 2.11a), the dissipation rate is
π ∆
r0 ( − − ω)cos ψ / 2
D=∫ 2 2
(cm + c1 z )∆vt 2dz (3.12)
For all other slip planes and deforming regions, the dissipations can be evaluated
by substitution of Eq. 3.1 into the integrals for the uniform case. Tables 3.1 and 3.2
present the integrals for the consistent upper bound model and the Randolph-Houlsby
Table 3.1 Dissipation Rates for the Consistent Upper Bound Model of Non-Uniform
Condition (Regions Defined in Figure 2.11a)
∫ ∆
r0 cos − r0 sin ω
(cm + c1 z )v0 dz
ABC v0 / 2 π / 2−∆ / 2 v0
∫ ω
(cm + c1 z )
rdθ 2
CD v0 / 2 π / 4+∆ / 2+ω v0
Slip ∫ π/4
(cm + c1 z )
rdθ 3
Planes DE v0 / 2
∆ π ∆
) + ( − − ω ) cos ψ /
r0 [sin( 2]
2 2 2
(cm + c1 z )v0 dz
2 2
(cm + c1 z ) vt 2 dz
∫ ω
(cm + c1 z ) sin ∆ vt r0 dθ1
ABCHGF v0 π / 2 −∆ / 2 (cm + c1 z )v0
∫ ∫
rdrdθ 2
r 2 r1
r 2
CDIH v0 π / 4+∆ / 2+ω (cm + c1 z )v0
∫ ∫
rdrdθ 3
Deforming r 2 r1
r 2
DEJI 0 0
Regions FGHQK v0 cos θ1 v0 sin θ1 π / 2−∆ / 2
∫ ∫
γ = −( 2
− ) ∫ ω ∫π/4
(cm + c1 z )γrr0 cos ψdθ 3 dθ1
r0 cos ψ r cos ψ
IJQ v0 cos θ1 π ∆
− v0 cos θ1
∫ ∫
2 2
(cm + c1 z ) r0 cos ψdx ' dθ1
r0 cos ψ ω 0
r0 cos ψ
Table 3.2 Dissipation Rates for the Randolph-Houlsby Upper Bound Model of Non-
Uniform Condition (Regions Defined in Figure 2.11b)
∫ ∆
r0 cos − r0 sin ω
(cm + c1 z )v0 dz
ABC v0 / 2 π / 2 −∆ / 2 v0
∫ ω
(cm + c1 z )
rdθ 2
CDE v0 / 2 π / 4+∆ / 2+ω v0
Planes ∫ 0
(cm + c1 z )
rdθ 3
FGH π / 2−∆ / 2
vt = v0 [cos( ∆ / 2) ∗ sec ψ − 1 / 2 ]
∫ ω
(cm + c1 z ) vt rdθ 2
HIJ π / 4+ ∆ / 2+ ω
vt = v0 [cos( ∆ / 2) ∗ sec ψ − 1 / 2]
∫ 0
(cm + c1 z ) vt rdθ 3
FKQ vt = v0 (cos θ1 + sin θ1 tan ψ) π / 2 −∆ / 2
∫ ω
(cm + c1 z ) sin ∆ vt r0 dθ1
ABCHGF v0 π / 2 −∆ / 2 (cm + c1 z )v0
∫ ∫
rdrdθ 2
r 2 r1
r 2
Deforming CDEJIH v0 π / 4+∆ / 2+ω (cm + c1 z )v0
∫ ∫
rdrdθ 3
Regions r 2 r1
r 2
FGHQK v0 cos θ1 v0 sin θ1 π / 2 −∆ / 2
∫ ∫
γ = −( 2
− ) ∫ ω ∫0
(cm +c1 z )γrr0 cos ψdθ 3 dθ1
r0 cos ψ r cos ψ
relationships. Table 3.3 and 3.4 contain the appropriate expressions. Substitution of these
expressions into the integrals in Table 3.1 and 3.2 will result in modified integrals, some
and CU_CYLINDER have been developed for the upper bound models above
Table 3.3 Vertical Coordinates for Consistent Characteristic Net (Regions Defined
in Figure 2.11a)
Region Vertical Coordinate, z
ABC z = r0 sin θ 2 − r0 sin ω + (r − r0 sin ψ) cos(θ 2 − ψ)
CD z = r sin θ3
FGH z = r0 sin θ 2 − r0 sin ω + (r − r0 sin ψ) cos(θ 2 − ψ)
Planes HI z = r sin θ3
FKQ z = r0 sin θ1 − r0 sin ω
ABCHGF z = r0 sin θ 2 − r0 sin ω + (r − r0 sin ψ) cos(θ 2 − ψ)
CDIH z = r sin θ3
FGHQK z = r0 sin θ 2 − r0 sin ω + (r − r0 sin ψ) cos(θ 2 − ψ)
Regions HIQ z = r sin θ3
IJQ z= ( y '− x ')
one radius h / r0 > 1 , simply by extending the circular fan QEOP upward as shown in
To evaluate the total energy dissipation in this extended region integration proceeds
along the characteristics until a characteristic intersects either the horizontal free surface
D = ∫ cv0 / 2rdθ3 (3.13)
∆ π ∆
where r = r0 [ 2 sin( ) + ( − ) cos ψ] , and β1 = sin −1 ((h − r0 ) / r ) when h < r0 + r and
2 2 2
β1 = π / 2 when h ≥ r0 + r .
D = ∫ c vt rdθ3 (3.14)
π ∆
where r = r0 ( − − ω) cos ψ , and β 2 = sin −1 ((h − r0 ) / r ) when h < r0 + r and β 2 = π / 2
2 2
when h ≥ r0 + r .
velocity and the shear strain rate is in the same form as within region CDEJIH, i.e.
γ= . Thus
r 2
β1 r2 cv0
D=∫ ∫ rdrdθ3 (3.15)
0 r1
r 2
π ∆
where r1 = r0 ( − ) cos ψ
2 2
∆ π ∆
r2 = r0 [ 2 sin( ) + ( − ) cos ψ]
2 2 2
Region JNQ is a shear fan extended from HIJQ. The tangential velocity and
v0 cos θ1 v0 sin θ1
shear strain rate is in the same form as within HIJQ, i.e., γ = −( − ) , and
r0 cos 2 ψ r cos ψ
π / 2 −∆ / 2 β2
D=∫ ∫ cγrr0 cos ψdθ3 dθ1 (3.16)
0 0
For region OMN, The tangential velocity and the shear strain rate is in the same
form as within region EOMJ, i.e., γ = . Thus
r 2
β2 r2 cv0
D=∫ ∫ rdrdθ3 (3.17)
β1 r1
r 2
π ∆ h − r0
where the radial integration limits r1 = r0 ( − ) cos ψ ; r2 = .
2 2 sin θ 3
For region NQP, the tangential velocity and shear strain rate is in the same form
v0 cos θ1 v0 sin θ1
as within HIJQ, i.e., γ = −( − ) , θ1 = r / r0 cos ψ . Thus
r0 cos 2 ψ r cos ψ
h − r0
D=∫ ∫ sin θ3
cγrdrdθ3 (3.18)
β2 0
dissipation rates for the extended slip planes and deforming regions were evaluated
using the same velocity field as the uniform case. The integrals for the dissipation
relationships are listed in Table 3.5, and the corresponding expressions of the vertical
coordinates are listed in Table 3.6. Appendix B contains the MATLAB program for the
vt = v0 [cos( ∆ / 2) ∗ sec ψ − 1/ 2] (cm + c1 z ) vt rdθ 3
Planes 0
v0 (cm + c1 z )v0
∫ ∫
β1 r2
EOMJ rdrdθ 3
r 2 r1
r 2
v0 cos θ1 v0 sin θ1 π / 2 −∆ / 2
∫ ∫
∫ ∫
NQP γ = −( 2
− ) sin θ 3
(cm +c1 z )γrdrdθ 3
r0 cos ψ r cos ψ β2 0
The finite element analysis was conducted for both the cylinder studies and the
XBP studies using the commercial code ABAQUS 6.4 (2003). To establish the accuracy
of the finite element model, an analysis was first conducted for the case of a fully
embedded cylinder (full flow-around condition) and the collapse load was compared to
the analytical solution of Randolph and Houlsby (1984). After that, finite element
simulations at a series of embedment depths were conducted for both the cylinders and
the XBPs. The case of full flow-around cylinder is considered initially as an example to
Following the previous study by Yao (2003), the analysis used the geometry
model illustrated in Figure 3.5. Due to symmetry only the right half was modeled in the
finite element study. The far-field boundary is located 4.5D from the cylinder boundary
The plastic limit methods discussed above employed a rigid plastic material
model, and the material was assumed to obey the von Mises yield criterion and an
associated flow rule. Similarly, the finite element model employed an elastic-plastic
model, i.e., the soil is linearly elastic for stress states beneath the yield surface and
perfectly plastic at yield with a von Mises yield criterion and an associated flow rule.
The analysis introduced elastic behavior to permit implementation of the finite element
For undrained analysis the soil is incompressible, that is, the poisson ratio
υ = 0.5 . To avoid an infinite bulk modulus, a value of 0.499 was used instead of 0.5.
ABAQUS defines material strength in terms of the yield stress in uniaxial loading; i.e.; a
2.2a and 2.2b, σ y is related to the strength in simple shear by the relation:
σ y = 3k (3.19)
slippage and full slippage (Figure 3.7), corresponding to the rough and smooth cases in
the study by Randolph and Houlsby (1984). For the no slippage case, the displacement
of a point on the cylinder δ is identical to the displacement of the soil us at the boundary
(Figure 3.6a), that is, no relative displacement occurs between the soil and the cylinder
ux = 0 (3.20a)
uy = δ (3.20b)
For the full slippage case, the displacements in the normal direction of the boundary of a
point on the cylinder at the interface and the adjacent soil must be equal, whereas the
motion of the soil in the tangential direction of the boundary is unconstrained (Figure
u= s
u s
In this case, the soil displacements at the boundary can not be directly prescribed like the
no slippage case, however, it can be imposed using the linear constraint equation option
of ABAQUS (2003).
Figure 3.7 illustrates the boundary conditions for a fully embedded rough
cylinder. The cylinder was modeled as a cavity translating downwards, and the soil
displacements were prescribed by Eq. 3.20a and 3.20b. The mudline was an
unconstrained free surface. The centerline was constrained horizontally due to symmetry
(roller condition). The right far-field boundary was also constrained horizontally (roller
condition), and the bottom boundary was constrained in all directions (fixed condition).
Fixed Condition
Figure 3.8 illustrates the mesh used for the full flow-around cylinder case, in
which the element dimensions (s) are on the order of 0.005D near the cylinder boundary.
For efficiency a non-uniform mesh is more reasonable, i.e., a finer mesh in the zone of
interest near the cylinder boundary, and a coarser mesh near the far-field boundary. The
computed normalized collapse load for conditions of full slippage was F / cD = 9.23 ,
the Randolph-Houlsby exact solution by 1%. The mesh was established by a trial and
error method. Finite element meshes at different levels of refinement were used and the
results were compared to the analytical solutions by Randolph and Houlsby (1984), as
Following the previous study by Yao (2003), the analysis used linear, 4-node
Normalized Collapse Load, F/cD
Analytical Solution
0.1 0.01 0.001
Element Size at the Cylinder Boundary, s/D
Figure 3.9 Effect of Mesh Refinement on the Collapse Loads of a Full Flow-around
The loading step in this analysis was achieved by imposing a vertical downward
displacement incrementally on the cylinder until the soil reaches failure state. The total
reaction force is obtained by summing up the vertical reaction forces of the soil at the
soil-cylinder interface. As the displacement increases, the total reaction force will tend
toward a limit, which is the collapse load of the soil. Figure 3.10 illustrates the
relationship between the normalized total reaction force and the vertical displacement of
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01
Vertical Displacement of Cylinder, d/D
with a similar finite element model and level of mesh refinement as described above.
Figures 3.11 and 3.12 illustrate an example of the models used for a cylinder embedded
The analysis was performed for both no slippage and full slippage boundary conditions.
(triangular). Based on experimental data from the penetration tests, the FEM studies
consider embedments h/D ranging from 0 to 4. A typical ABAQUS input file for finite
Roller Condition
Fixed Condition
Figure 3.11 Finite Element Model for Cylinder Penetration Studies, h/D≤0.5
Roller Condition
Fixed Condition
Figure 3.12 Finite Element Model for Cylinder Penetration Studies, h/D>0.5
The finite element studies on XBP penetration were conducted within a similar
framework of the cylinder penetration studies, with the major difference being that the
XBP is axisymmetric instead of a plane strain condition. The finite element analysis for
the XBP studies was performed with a finite element model and level of mesh
refinement similar to the cylinder studies. The study employed linear, 4-node
and a rough boundary between the soil and the penetrometer. Figure 3.13 illustrates an
example of the finite element models. Based on the depth of penetration of the XBP tests,
Roller Condition
Fixed Condition
Figure 3.13 Finite Element Model for the XBP Penetration Studies
Special cases of a thin hard layer embedded in a relative soft layer were also
Chapter V. Aside from the embedment depth h, other influencing factors for the collapse
load include the thickness of the inter-bed, t; the distance from the tip of the
penetrometer to the centerline of the inter-bed, zs ; and the ratio of the strength of the
h c s
ci t
c s
Figure 3.14 Influencing Factors of the Collapse Load for the Hard Layer Study
Figures 3.15 and 3.16 compare finite element estimates of collapse loads of a
For a smooth cylinder with uniform soil strength conditions (Figure 3.15a), the
lower bound MOC solution is in close agreement with the finite element solution for
embedments h/D up to about 0.3. Beyond this depth the two solutions diverge somewhat
until at h/D=0.5 the finite element solution exceeds the lower bound estimate by about
10%. The consistent upper bound solution agrees with the finite element solution only
for very shallow embedments, h/D<0.1. At greater embedments, the consistent upper
bound solution increasingly diverges from the finite element solution, until at h/D=0.5 it
exceeds the finite element solution by about 25%. For embedments greater than h/D>0.3,
better agreement with the finite element solution than the consistent upperbound solution.
Figure 3.15b presents the case of a rough boundary and a uniform strength
profile. The consistent upperbound solution is in virtual perfect agreement with the finite
element solution for embedment depths up to h/D<0.3, diverging from the finite element
the finite element solution by over 10% at shallow embedments, h/D<0.3. At greater
embedments the differences decline, until at one radius embedment, h/D=0.5, the two
finite element solutions in Figure 3.16a closely match the MOC solutions to embedments
h/D<0.4; beyond this depth the finite element solutions exceed the MOC estimates by up
to 5%. Upper bound collapse load estimates derived from the truncated Randolph-
Houlsby and consistent upper bound velocity fields are nearly identical, and both
h/D<0.3. Such discrepancy is not unexpected in view of the earlier comment that these
greater embedment, the upper bound solutions come into closer agreement with the finite
element solutions, with the upper bound collapse load estimate at h/D=0.5 exceeding the
For the case shown in Figure 3.16b of a rough cylinder boundary with a linearly
varying strength profile, η= ∞ , little difference exists between the consistent and
truncated Randolph-Houlsby upper bound solutions, with the consistent upper bound
solution being in slightly closer agreement with the finite element solutions. The
differences between the upper bound and finite element solutions are greatest at
intermediate penetrations.
2 Finite Element
Randolph-Houlsby Upperbound
1 Method of Characteristics
Consistent Upperbound
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Embedment, h/D
a. Smooth
Normalized Collapse Load, F/chD
Consistent Upperbound
1 Randolph-Houlsby Upperbound
Finite Element
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Embedment, h/D
b. Rough
Normalized Collapse Load, F/chD
Finite Element
Randolph-Houlsby Upperbound
1 Method of Characteristics
Consistent Upperbound
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Embedment, h/D
a. Smooth
Normalized Collapse Load, F/chD
2 Finite Element
Randolph-Houlsby Upperbound
Consistent Upperbound
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Embedment, h/D
b. Rough
Figures 3.17 and 3.18 compare finite element and upper bound solutions at
embedments of h / D > 0.5 . Figure 3.17a compares solutions for uniform soil strength
profile and smooth cylinder boundary condition. The collapse loads predicted from the
upper bound solution increase rather abruptly between cylinder embedments 0.5<h/D<1,
beyond which they becomes constant. Such a trend is predictable for this presumed
failure mechanism, since no additional soil resistance can be mobilized once the
horizontal free surface lies above the slip line field boundary (Figure 3.4). The finite
element solution indicates the abrupt break in the upper bound solution (Figures 3.17a)
to be unrealistic. Refinement of the upper bound solution to allow the passive wedge to
exit at an optimized angle (Martin, 2001) could likely smooth these abrupt transitions.
The upper bound solution overestimates the finite element solution most severely - by
about 50%- at relatively low embedments in the range 1<h/D<2. At greater embedment
depths, the finite element predictions gradually trend toward the upper bound solution.
The upper bound solution for a smooth boundary and linearly varying strength profile,
η= ∞ , in Figure 3.18a begins to significantly diverge from the finite element solution at
embedments h/D>1. Beyond h/D>1.5, it roughly parallels the finite element solutions,
exceeding it by about 20%. The comparison of the upper bound solutions for a rough
boundary in Figures 3.17b and Figure 3.18b to the finite element solutions is similar to
2 Finite Element
Randolph-Houlsby Upper Bound
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Embedment, h/D
a. Smooth
Normalized Collapse Load, F/chD
b. Rough
Finite Element
Randolph-Houlsby Upper Bound
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Embedment, h/D
a. Smooth
Normalized Collapse Load, F/chD
2 Finite Element
Randolph-Houlsby Upper Bound
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Embedment, h/D
b. Rough
For simplified calculations, the finite element predictions presented above may
The fitting coefficients a and b for limiting conditions of roughness (perfectly smooth
and rough) and limiting soil strength profiles, η = 0 and ∞ , are tabulated in Table 3.7.
Figure 3.20 shows that the curve fits match excellently with the finite element solutions.
applications. The MOC analyses summarized in Figure 3.3 indicate that collapse loads
normalized by soil strength at the bottom of the cylinder, ch, fall into a relatively narrow
band for various η. Comparisons of the finite element predictions for the limiting cases
η = 0 and ∞ (Figure 3.19) similarly suggest that collapse loads normalized by ch are
coefficients a and b that reflect the average of the limiting conditions. Figure 3.19 shows
predicted collapse loads for limiting values of η to deviate from the best fit to vary by a
maximum of 10% at very low embedments (h/D = 0.1) and less than 5% at greater
Table 3.7 Fitting Coefficients between Collapse Load and Cylinder Embedment
(Aubeny et al., 2005)
Normalized Collapse Load, F/chD
4 Best fit all η
2 FEM, η=0
FEM, η=∞
0 1 2 3 4
Embedment, h/D
Figure 3.20 illustrates the finite element solution for the XBP studies. A sharp
break occurs in the collapse load – embedment depth curve at about h / d = 1.2 , which is
about at the depth where an open trench begins to form in the wake of the advancing
penetrometer. The result also shows that the collapse load tends to reach a limit at deep
penetrations. As with the cylinder studies, the finite element predictions were fitted to a
simplified empirical form. Eqs. 3.23a and 3.23b fit the finite element predictions to
If h / d ≤ 1.2
If h / d > 1.2
where A is the maximum cross sectional area, and d is the diameter at the maximum
section. The curve fits, shown by dashed lines in Figure 3.20, satisfactorily match the
Preliminary studies on hard layer effects were conducted for cases of t / d = 0.5 ,
ci / cs = 5 and 10. To minimize the free surface effect, finite element simulations were
performed starting from embedments of h / d = 5 . Figure 3.21 shows that the collapse
load is almost constant for the uniform case ( ci / cs = 1 ) as the embedment increases. For
the non-uniform cases, the collapse loads change little before the tip gets close to the
hard layer. The collapse loads increase significantly as the tip comes into contact with
the hard layer and continue to increase as more area comes into contact. As the tip
penetrates through the hard layer the collapse loads decline. The results also show that
the increment of the collapse load for ci / cs = 10 compared to the uniform case is about
twice that of ci / cs = 5 .
Normalized Collapse Load, F/cA
Finite Element
Empirical Curve Fit
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Embedment, h/d
-1 ci /cs =1
ci /cs =5
ci /cs =10
Distance, zs/d
10 20 30 40
ρ ref = strain rate parameter associated with the reference strain rate ε ref
Data by Sheahan et al. (1996) suggest the existence of a threshold strain rate, ε 0 ,
below which strain rate effects are negligible. In re-sedimented Boston Blue Clay,
reported threshold strain rates were 0.5 and 5%/hr for over-consolidation ratios (OCR) of
4 and 8, respectively. For lower OCR, thresholds were not encountered for strain rates
down to 0.05%/hr. Hence, for normally and lightly over-consolidated soils, the lower
limit of strain rate, or threshold strain rate for which Eq. 4.1 is valid, is a matter of some
are typically on the order of 50%/hr (Sheahan et al., 1996), with a single study
Having noted the considerable uncertainty in the range of strain rates for which
Eq. 4.1 is valid for normally consolidated clays, the following assumptions were made
for the present study (Aubeny and Shi, 2005a): (1) a threshold strain rate of 0.05%/hr,
and (2) no upper bound of strain rate. Since the selection of a reference strain rate is
arbitrary, in this study the reference strain rate will be taken as the threshold value unless
otherwise noted. Figure 4.1 illustrates the rate-dependent strength model employed in
If ε ≤ ε 0
c = c0 (4.2a)
If ε > ε 0
c = c0 [1 + ρ 0 log(ε / ε 0 )] (4.2b)
Shear Strength, c
. 0.05% .
Log Strain Rate,
Figure 4.1 Rate-Dependent Strength Model
The data by Sheahan (1996) also show that ρref is not in general constant, but tends to
increase with increasing strain rate; i.e., soil shearing resistance actually increases at a
rate greater than that predicted from the simple semi-logarithmic law in Eq. 4.1. Data
from miniature vane shear tests conducted at variable vane peripheral velocities
Eq. 4.1 describes rate dependent soil resistance at a point. To characterize the
The threshold soil resistance Fs 0 in Eq. 4.3 is the quasi-static soil shearing
resisting force computed using a soil strength corresponding to the threshold strain rate
ε 0 , and λ 0 is the strain rate multiplier for a cylinder embedded in a trench. The strain
rate parameter λ 0 is analogous to the parameter ρ 0 in Eq. 4.2b; however, the existence
of a threshold strain rate below which strength remains constant precludes the possibility
that λ 0 may be identically equal to ρ 0 . The first objective of the finite element studies is,
velocity v/D ε 0 , (2) dimensionless penetration h/D. The second objective is to evaluate
the accuracy of applying Eq. 3.22 to Eq. 4.3 in obtaining estimates of the soil resisting
force Fs corresponding to penetration velocity v. For the purposes of the mine impact
The rate-dependent finite element analysis used the same geometry model, finite
element mesh and element type as the rate-independent studies. The boundary conditions
are also the same, except that the cylinder was modeled as a circular cavity translating
von Mises yield criterion and associated flow rule. This is possible by using the “RATE
σ y = σ y 0 R(ε) (4.4)
where σ y is the yield stress at strain rate ε , σ y 0 is the static yield stress, and R is the
yield ratio at strain rate ε . For a von Mises yield criterion, the yield stress is 3 times
the strength in simple shear. Combining with Eq. 4.2a and Eq. 4.2b we have
If ε ≤ ε 0
R (ε) = 1 (4.5a)
If ε > ε 0
The loading step is similar with that of the rate-independent study, i.e., the
collapse load is achieved when the cylinder moves at a certain displacement. However,
Figure 4.2 illustrates the effects of rate-dependent shear strength for velocities
v/D ε 0 of 0 through 109 for a cylinder embedded at a depth h/D =2.15 with a strain rate
multiplier ρ 0 = 0.15 . This figure shows the magnitude of J 2 (where J2 is the second
invariant of the deviatoric stress tensor) along the centerline beneath the cylinder for
collapse loading conditions. Recalling that the von Mises yield condition is J 21/ 2 − k = 0 ,
the calculated J 2 is normalized by the static soil strength k0 to evaluate the strain rate
The predictions show that for quasi-static conditions, v/D ε 0 = 0, the elasto-
plastic boundary occurs at a depth of about z/d = 3.1 below the bottom of the cylinder
and the mobilized shearing resistance is essentially constant within the plastic region. In
contrast, for “high” penetration velocities, say v/D ε 0 > 103, the yielded region is slightly
expanded, with the elasto-plastic boundary occurring at about z/D = 3.6-3.8. Further, the
mobilized shearing resistance increases substantially within the yielded region in the
vicinity of the cylinder boundary due to the variable strain rates that occur within this
region. It may be noted that in all cases stress levels decline toward zero in the
boundary condition that leads to the formation of a “rigid” wedge of soil ahead of the
cylinder ( z / D < 0.2 ). As strains tend toward zero in this zone, deviatoric stress levels
Distance Below Cylinder, z/D
No Slippage
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Normalized Stress, J 2 / k0
The differences in the patterns of the stress distributions between the quasi-static and
rate-dependent cases suggest that rate-dependent collapse loads will not be exact simple
multiples of quasi-static loads; i.e., a simple normalization using Eq. 4.3 will not be valid
Fig. 4.3 shows typical finite element predictions of collapse load Fs versus
penetration h/D for a uniform strength and no slippage condition. Such predictions
together with Eq. 4.3 may be used to compute the relation between λ 0 and ρ 0 shown in
Fig. 4.4. The predictions indicate that for high velocities, in the range v/D ε 0 =106 to 109,
λ 0 deviates from ρ 0 by less than 6%. At lower velocities, the differences become more
significant. At first glance, one might be tempted to conclude that Eq. 4.3 is inaccurate
for low velocities. However, since the magnitude of the strain rate correction is relatively
small at low velocities, the overall effect of the error in λ 0 on the total force
computation is also relatively small as shown Fig. 4.5. Threshold collapse loads
(computed from FEM) were applied to Eq. 4.3 with λ 0 = ρ 0 to estimate the increased
resistance due to strain rate effects. Figure 4.5 shows that the collapse loads estimated
from Eq. 4.3 are in reasonable agreement with finite element predictions at all velocity
levels considered.
Shearing Resistance Force, Fs/c0D
v / Dε 0
Uniform Strength
No Slippage
0 1 2 3 4
Penetration, h/D
Computed l 0/r 0
log(v / Dε 0 )
Uniform Strength 3
No Slippage
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00
Penetration, h/D
v / Dε 0
10 103
0 1 2 3 4
Penetration, h/D
results were also checked against the approximations by Eq. 4.3. For the smooth and
uniform case (Figure 4.6), the approximations are in good agreement with the finite
element results overall. For non-uniform cases with η = ∞ , the collapse loads are
normalized by ch 0 , the threshold shear strength at the bottom of the penetrating cylinder.
The approximations are about 10% lower than the finite element results at shallow
penetrations and low velocities for both rough and smooth boundaries (Figures 4.7 and
4.8, respectively). Therefore, the approximations should be used with caution at shallow
0 1 2 3 4
Penetration, h/D
Figure 4.6 Simplified Prediction of Strain Rate Effects (Smooth, η=0)
v / Dε 0
Shearing Resistance Force, F s/c h0D
15 109
12 106
9 103
6 0
0 1 2 3 4
Penetration, h/D
v / Dε 0
9 106
0 1 2 3 4
Penetration, h/D
In the above section, finite element estimates of the threshold collapse loads were
used in Eq. 4.3 to estimate collapse loads at elevated velocities accounting for strain rate
effects. This section considers a further simplification in which (1) threshold collapse
loads are estimated from Eq. 3.22, and (2) the effect of strain rate on total soil shearing
Figure 4.9 presents the results of this procedure for uniform strength and no
slippage condition, and the empirical fits show an overall excellent agreement with the
finite element predictions of collapse loads. The empirical fits for other cases are also
presented in Figures 4.10, 4.11 and 4.12, which are very close to the approximations in
v / Dε 0
Shearing Resistance Force, Fs/c0D
15 109
10 103
0 1 2 3 4
Penetration, h/D
v / Dε 0
Shearing Resistance Force, Fs/c0D
6 0
0 1 2 3 4
Penetration, h/D
9 103
6 0
0 1 2 3 4
Penetration, h/D
v / Dε 0
Shearing Resistance Force, Fs/ch0D
12 109
0 1 2 3 4
Penetration, h/D
Rate-dependent studies for the XBP were conducted in the same manner as the
cylinder studies. Velocities up to 3500 cm/sec were taken as the range of interest in this
study. Similar approximation relationship as Eq. 4.3 was applied to the XBP studies,
with D in Eq. 4.3 replaced by the diameter at the maximum section of the XBP in this
case. Figure 4.13 presents the comparison between the approximations and the finite
element results for a rough boundary and uniform strength condition. It can be seen that
the approximations fit excellently with the finite element results. As with the cylinder
studies, the empirical fits for the quasi-static case (Eqs. 3.23a and 3.23b) were used
The results shown in Figure 4.14 match with the finite element results satisfactorily.
Based on the above studies, the soil shearing resistance force for penetrating
N c = N c 0 [1 + λ0 log10 (v / Dε 0 )] (4.6)
A similar equation may be used to approximate the soil shearing resistance force for the
N = N 0 [1 + λ0 log10 (v / d ε 0 )] (4.7)
3500cm / sec
Shearing Resistance Force, Fs/c0A
30 3.5cm / sec
0.0035cm / sec
15 v = 0cm / sec
0 2 4 6 8
Penetration, h/d
Figure 4.13 Approximation of the Strain Rate Effects for the XBP
3500cm / sec
Shearing Resistance Force, Fs/c0A
30 3.5cm / sec
0.0035cm / sec
15 v = 0cm / sec
0 2 4 6 8
Penetration, h/d
Figure 4.14 Empirical Estimates of the Collapse Loads for the XBP
For rate-dependent studies, direct use of the plastic limit analysis methods can
not be made. A rate-dependent model can not include slip surfaces because strain rates
are effectively infinite. However, the rate-independent solutions are still useful as
reference cases.
In this analysis the inertial resistance of the soil is ignored because the range of
impact velocities of interest is very low. Care should be taken to investigate these effects
Based on the previously described studies and a rigid body projectile model, a
predictive model for the depth of penetration of cylinders has been developed. Model
If the penetrating cylinder is modeled as a rigid body, the forces acting on the
cylinder during penetration include the weight W, soil shearing resistance force Fs, and
the buoyancy force Fb (Figure 5.1). Thus, the acceleration of the cylinder can be defined
a / g = 1 − Fs / W − Fb / W (5.1)
g = gravitational acceleration
The buoyant force Fb comprises the soil buoyant force and the buoyant force of water (if
the cylinder is submerged). The buoyant force of water is simply the unit weight of
water multiplied by the volume of cylinder being submerged. It was not considered in
this analysis for the purpose of calibration with the penetration tests by Aubeny and
Weight, W
The velocity and penetration depth of the cylinder can be obtained through direct
v = v0 + ∫ adt (5.2)
h = ∫ vdt (5.3)
t = time
h = penetration depth
velocity, penetration depth and time are defined (Aubeny and Dunlap, 2003):
A= a/ g (5.4a)
V = v / gD (5.4b)
V0 = v0 / gD (5.4c)
H = h/ D (5.4d)
T =t D/ g (5.4e)
By combining the above equations with Eqs. 5.2 and 5.3 we have
V = V0 + ∫ AdT (5.5)
H = ∫ VdT (5.6)
The soil shear resistance force Fs can be calculated by combining Eqs. 3.22 and
ch 0 LD
where C0 =
E0 =
The soil buoyancy force is simply the soil unit weight times the volume displaced
by the cylinder, which was given by Aubeny and Dunlap (2003). If h/D<0.5 (Figure
5.2a), the volume of the soil displaced by the cylinder is 2LAABC, where AABC is the area
a. h/D<0.5
b. h/D>0.5
1 D 2 ΛD 2
AOAB = Λ( ) = (5.9a)
2 2 8
D/2−h h
cos Λ = OC / OB = = 1− 2 (5.9b)
D/2 D
1 1 D D D 1 D
AOCB = OC × CB = ( − h) ( ) 2 − ( − h) 2 = ( − h) hD − h 2 (5.9c)
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2h D 2 1 D
AABC = cos −1 (1 − ) − ( − h) hD − h 2 (5.10)
D 8 2 2
Fb 1 1
= Γ[ cos −1 (1 − 2 H ) − ( − H ) H − H 2 (5.11a)
W 4 2
γLD 2
where Γ =
πLD 2 D
+ (h − ) LD . Therefore, the soil buoyancy force can be expressed by
8 2
Fb π 1
= Γ( + H − ) (5.11b)
W 8 2
Given the soil shearing resistance force and the buoyancy force defined above,
1. The soil shearing resistance force Fs and the buoyancy force Fb may be
embedment depth H.
4. The maximum penetration depth Hmax occurs when velocity declines to zero.
expressed in terms of the strain rate multiplier, the boundary conditions at the soil-
cylinder interface, impact velocity at the mudline, soil shearing resistance, soil unit
weight effects, threshold strain rate and variable strength profile. The integration is
achieved numerically due to the non-linear relationships between the resistance forces
Fig. 5.3 illustrates the general nature of the predictions from the impact
0.5, unit weight Γ = 0.5, a threshold strain rate E0 = 2x10-8. The analyses consider strain
rate mulipliers, λ 0 , for the range 0.05 to 0.15. One should note that for the case of V0 = 0,
substantial accelerations and velocities can develop until sufficient soil resistance is
static condition, except under the special circumstance in which the soil resistance, C0, is
sufficiently high to preclude significant accelerations and velocities (Aubeny and Shi,
α =1
λ 0 = 0.05
3 Γ = 0.5
0.10 E0 = 2 ×10−8
Penetration, h/D
V0 = 2
λ 0 = 0.05
V0 = 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Soil Shearing Resistance, C 0
Fig. 5.3 shows that mudline velocity is, as might be expected, of major
order of magnitude in some cases. The magnitude of the strain rate multiplier can also be
λ 0 = 0.15 by 50 to 100%.
Due to the very soft soils under consideration, conventional laboratory tests
involving uniform distributions of strains and strain rates were not feasible. In such
involving highly non-uniform distributions of strain and strain rates for which any
assessment of strain rate effects entails considerable uncertainty. In the case of this study
the MV shear apparatus was used to estimate soil strength, but a similar observation
would apply to alternative intrusive test methods such as the cone penetrometer or the T-
varying the rate of rotation, θ , in the MV shear test. Fig. 5.4 illustrates the results of this
procedure for the reconstituted marine soils under consideration in this study. While the
MV shear strength versus rotation rate relationship in Fig. 5.4 is relatively simple,
applying the data to the impact penetration model actually requires a number of
For the present study we assume that the MV shear strength fits a framework analogous
to that defined by Eqs. 4.2; i.e., it may be expressed in terms of rotation rate as follows
( )
cmv = cmv 0 ⎡⎣1 + λ mv 0 log10 θ / θ 0 ⎤⎦ (5.12)
Miniature Vane Strength, c
Best fit: .
c = 1.87+0.138 log (θ)
mv 10
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1
Rotation Rate, θ (rad/sec)
Figure 5.4 Strain Rate Dependence from MV Test (Aubeny and Shi, 2005a)
where cmv is the shear strength associated with rotation rate θ , cmv0 is the threshold shear
strength associated with the threshold rotation rate θ 0 , and λ mv 0 is the strain rate
We also assume that the MV strain rate multiplier λ mv 0 approximates the strain
assume that the threshold rotation rate θ 0 can be taken as the threshold strain rate ε 0
compilation of data supporting the form of Eq. 5.12, although a power law function is
also possible. While the second assumption is certainly open to debate, it is at least
this paper. The third assumption is perhaps of most concern; therefore, to assess its
implications, the data in Fig. 5.4 were interpreted for the three arbitrarily assumed
threshold rotation rates shown in Table 5.1. Using the parameters in Table 5.1 in
conjunction with the range of mudline velocities, cylinder weights, and diameters
relevant to this study yielded the parametric evaluation summarized in Figure 5.5. In all
Table 5.1 Strain Rate Multipliers and Threshold Strengths for Various
Assumptions of Threshold Strain Rate (Aubeny and Shi, 2005a)
Assumption 1
Assumption 2
Assumption 3
C0 = 0.1
Penetration, h/D
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Mudline Velocity, V 0
soil-cylinder interface. In this study, this estimate proceeded on the basis of the
sensitivity, St, of the soil, with the adhesion factor α taken as the reciprocal of St. The
prior to each test, the soil in the test basin was thoroughly mixed and remolded and
allowed to set for 24 hours prior to testing. The measured thixotropic strength increase
over a 24-hr setup period is shown in Figure 5.6. The sensitivity of the soil after the 24-
hr setup period was therefore estimated by two approaches. The first method related the
The second approach related the peak 24-hr strength to the residual strength measured at
large rotations. Sensitivity measured on a residual strength basis was somewhat greater
than that measured on a thixotropic peak strength gain basis, 1.3 versus 1.2. For the
purpose of the penetration predictions, the sensitivity was taken as the average of these
two values, resulting in a selected adhesion value for the analyses of α=0.8 (Aubeny and
Shi, 2005a).
Miniature Vane Strength, c
1 Residual
24-hr Sensitivity, S
0.5 Thixotropy 1.2
Residual 1.3
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (hours)
Figure 5.6 Estimated Sensitivity of Clays Used in Experimental Study (Aubeny and
Shi, 2005a)
The model described above was used to interpret the experimental data in Table
2.1. Recalling that the cylinder had hemispherical ends (Figure 5.7), the effective length
of the cylinder LC was taken as the footprint area divided by the cylinder diameter to
π(0.168) 2
LC = [(0.337)(0.168) + ) / 0.168 = 0.467m (5.13)
Model Cylinder
A similar approach was used for evaluating Γ , i.e., LC was taken as the volume of the
For cases in which the cylinder was inclined at an angle β , the horizontal projection of
the cylinder length, LC ' = LC cosβ , was taken as the effective cylinder length (Aubeny
and Shi, 2005a). Based on experimental measurements, the value of γ used in this study
is 16.7 kN / m3 .
Table 5.2 Test Conditions for Basin Tests Measuring Penetration of Cylinders into
Reconstituted Marine Clay (Aubeny and Shi, 2005a)
1 0 0.374 1.31
5 0 0.119 0.466
7 0 0.0839 0.384
8 0 0.0945 0.336
9 0 0.0850 0.284
22 1.41 0.297 0.758
23 1.61 0.117 0.466
24 1.39 0.117 0.283
252 1.31 0.220 0.758
262 1.36 0.134 0.466
272 1.46 0.0935 0.284
283 1.48 0.179 0.758
293 1.35 0.134 0.466
303 1.23 0.0828 0.284
Mudline velocities, soil strengths, and soil unit weights of the penetration tests
expressed in dimensionless form were summarized in Table 5.2. Tests performed at non-
zero inclination angles are noted in Table 5.2. Predicted penetrations h/D were based on
the dimensionless variables shown in Table 5.2, adhesion factors α of 0.8 and 1, a E0
minute for the non-impact tests and 1 second for the impact tests. Figure 5.8 shows
predicted versus measured penetrations. Hollow and solid symbols designate predictions
inclination angles β are also designated on the plot by crosses superimposed on the
with measurements than for α = 0.8. That is, statistical analyses indicated a correlation
coefficient between predictions and measurements r2 = 0.88 for the α = 0.8 predictions
versus r2 = 0.90 for the α = 1 predictions. This may be viewed as somewhat unexpected
compensating errors. Specifically, as noted earlier, the predictions assume the formation
of a vertical trench in the wake of the advancing cylinder. Neglecting the tendency of the
walls of the trench to close in around the cylinder will tend to under-estimate the soil
shearing resistance and over-estimate penetration. The soil inertial resistance was also
neglected in this analysis. In addition, the soil shear resistance force is estimated from
plane solutions; hence, end resistance effects are neglected. An over-estimate of the
adhesion factor, α = 1, may actually compensate for these effects, resulting in somewhat
The overall level of agreement between predicted and measured penetrations for
the tests performed at inclinations β of 10 and 20 degrees is comparable to that for the
horizontal tests, suggesting that predictions based on a horizontally oriented cylinder can
provide reasonable penetration estimates for shallow inclination angles. Overall, given
the level of uncertainty in characterizing the strength properties of the soil, the predicted
Figure 5.9 presents the predictions of penetrations without strain rate correction
( λ = 0 ) for the α = 1 case. We can see that the predictions distinctly over-estimate the
penetrations when the effect of strength increase with strain rate is neglected, and the
5.8 and Figure 5.9 we may conclude that the mechanism of strain rate correction
Predicted Penetration, (h/D)pred
α = 0.8
α =1
β = 10
β = 20
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Measured Penetration, (h/D)meas
Predicted Penetration, (h/D)pred
α =1
λ0 = 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Measured Penetration, (h/D)meas
The XBP interpretation is a reverse process of the penetration studies. The soil
strength is an input parameter for the penetration studies whereas it is the target
parameter to be solved for the XBP studies. The XBP studies employed the same single
particle model as illustrated by Eq. 5.1, while the soil strength is back-calculated from
Fs / W = 1 − Fb / W − a / g (5.15)
The buoyancy force of water for the XBP is 1.57 N. The soil buoyancy force is the soil
unit weight multiplied by the volume displaced by the penetrometer. The volume is
calculated as follows: before the XBP penetrates past the maximum section ( h / d < 1.2 ),
illustrated in Table 5.3; after the open trench forms ( h / d > 1.2 ), the volume V in cm3 is
calculated by
The empirical soil resistance relationship may be established by combining Eqs. 3.23
If h / d < 1.2
Penetration Volume
(cm) (cm3)
0 0
0.1 0.20
0.3 0.96
0.6 2.66
1.1 6.52
1.6 11.63
2.1 17.77
2.6 24.82
3.1 32.72
3.6 41.25
4.1 50.24
4.6 59.67
5.1 69.39
5.6 79.30
6.1 89.35
If h / d > 1.2
With the soil shearing resistance force and the buoyancy force characterized
within the framework described above, estimation of the soil undrained shear strength
profile from XBP data is possible through the following steps (Aubeny and Shi, 2005b):
included XBP tests at offshore sites for which independent estimates of shallow seafloor
sediment strengths are available. These data provided a valuable opportunity for an
evaluation the proposed framework for XBP interpretation which is discussed below.
The field data under consideration involve two XBP drops at each of five test
sites (designated Sites 4, 5, 12, 19, and 20) in the Gulf of Mexico near Corpus Christi,
Texas, in water depths ranging from 20.4 to 43.0 m (Abelev, 2005). At each test site, one
to two 2-m long by 8.9-cm diameter drop core samples were obtained for total density
and laboratory miniature vane (MV) shear strength tests. Table 5.4 shows data provided
by Valent (2003) relevant to the penetration depth range of the XBP’s. Soil classification
tests were not performed on the specific core samples associated with the test drops;
however, laboratory tests on samples from nearby locations in the Corpus Christi test
area typically classified the sediments as clays ranging from medium to high plasticity
(CL, CH). Exact positions were not measured for the XBP tests and the drop core
locations, with the distance between these locations at a given test being influence by
local wind, current and tide conditions. Based on estimates by personnel conducting the
investigations (Abelev, 2005), the drop core locations are likely within 20 to 100 m of
Table 5.4 Soil Properties at Corpus Christi Test Site (Aubeny and Shi, 2005b)
Figure 5.10 shows a typical deceleration and velocity profile from an XBP drop.
increase almost linearly to a depth of 15 cm and then taper to a plateau of about 15g at a
depth. Similar spikes occur in other tests. The cause of their occurrence is not fully
certain at present, but thin sand seams in the soil profile are a likely explanation.
Figure 5.10 Typical Velocity and Deceleration Histories during XBP Penetration
(Aubeny and Shi, 2005b)
Figures 5.11 through 5.15 show sediment strength profiles interpreted from the
XBP drops. Penetration measurements were interpreted under assumptions of strain rate
strain rate multiplier as in the penetration studies was used, because the previously noted
remolded soil samples from the Corpus Christi test area, although not on the specific
core samples discussed herein. Superimposed on the plots are profiles of undrained shear
strength from the miniature vane (MV) tests. To compensate for the relatively high strain
rate levels in the MV tests, θ = 77o/min (80.6 radians/hr), the XBP c0 strengths were
scaled upward to a comparable strain rate level using Eq. 5.12 assuming θ = ε . This
assumption obviously involves some uncertainty, but it provides an objective basis for
accounting for the strain rate effects associated with the five orders of magnitude
difference between the rate of shearing in the MV test relative to the reference strain
Test 4a (07my1508)
XBP, λ0=0.15
XBP, λ0=0
5 MV Test
Depth (cm)
0 2 4 6 8 10
Undrained Strength (kPa)
Test 4b (07my1510)
XBP, λ0=0.15
XBP, λ0=0
MV Test
Depth (cm)
0 2 4 6 8 10
Undrained Strength (kPa)
Test 5a (08my1018)
XBP, λ0=0.15
5 XBP, λ0=0
MV Test 1
10 MV Test 2
Depth (cm) 15
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Undrained Strength (kPa)
Test 5b (08my1020)
XBP, λ0=0.15
5 XBP, λ0=0
MV Test 1
MV Test 2
Depth (cm)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Undrained Strength (kPa)
Depth (cm) 15
0 2 4 6 8
Undrained Strength (kPa)
XBP, λ0=0.15
5 XBP, λ0=0
MV Test 1
MV Test 2
Depth (cm)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Undrained Strength (kPa)
Depth (cm)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Undrained Strength (kPa)
Depth (cm)
0 4 8 12 16 20
Undrained Strength (kPa)
XBP, λ0=0.15
5 XBP, λ0=0
MV Test
Depth (cm) 15
0 2 4 6 8
Undrained Strength (kPa)
XBP, λ0=0.15
5 XBP, λ0=0
MV Test
Depth (cm)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Undrained Strength (kPa)
profiles reveals two regions where the XBP strengths are consistently unrealistic
source of this discrepancy is that this analysis does not account for the inertial
resistance from the soil and the hydrodynamic resistance from the water
shearing resistance. The depth of this initial phase of penetration for which
Figures 5.11 through 5.15 indicate unreliable strength estimates from the
Penetration measurements from intermediate depths between the initial and final
phases of penetration described above appear to provide a valid basis for estimating
strengths within this range of depths indicate the following (Aubeny and Shi, 2005b):
strength profile in Tests 4a, 5a, 5b, 12a, and 12b, 19a, 20a, and 20b.
and that they do not necessarily match the exact location where the XBP
4b (Figure 5.11) and 19b (Figure 5.14). In the case of Test 4b, the most
XBP interpreted strength profile matches well with the reference MV profile
between 5 and 15 cm. Below that depth, a large ‘spike’ occurs in the XBP
under consideration is the possible existence of thin sandy seams in the soil
appears to differ considerably from that of clays (Stoll et al., 2004) and will
3. Overall, the XBP test interpretations that assume strain rate dependence (λ =
0.15) match the reference MV strength profiles better than those which
4. The algorithm evaluates the soil shearing resistance force by Eqs. 5.17, which
case. While the use of the result of a general strength profile seems to be
more desirable, it will not necessarily generate better predictions. As with the
cylinder studies, the normalized collapse loads for the general strength case
would be lower than the uniform case, hence it will predict higher strengths.
Yet from Figures 5.11 to 5.15 we can see that this will generally cause
deviation from the measurements. This again may be viewed as the effect of
compensation errors, i.e., neglecting the tendency of the soil to close into the
resistance of soil and the hydrodynamic forces during penetration will tend to
over-estimate the soil strength. The use of the results from the uniform
strength case may have somewhat offset these errors and generated better
α = 1 appear to be reasonable.
Comparison to the most recent and more extensive strength profiles at sites 4, 5,
12 and 19 from Naval Research Laboratory (data provided by Abelev and Valent, 2005)
also indicates good agreement between interpreted XBP strength profiles and the MV
strength profiles (Figures 5.16 through 5.19). The wide scatter of the MV strength
measurements introduces some ambiguity in interpreting the results, but overall the XBP
profiles match reasonably well with the measurements except the spike for Test 19b,
XBP, Test 4b
Depth (cm)
XBP, Test 4a
30 Miniature Vane
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Soil Strength (kPa)
Figure 5.16 Comparison between XBP Strength Profiles and MV Strength Profiles
at Site 4 (after Abelev and Valent, 2005)
Depth (cm)
XBP, Test 5a
XBP, Test 5b
Miniature Vane
0 2 4 6 8 10
Soil Strength (kPa)
Figure 5.17 Comparison between XBP Strength Profiles and MV Strength Profiles
at Site 5 (after Abelev and Valent, 2005)
XBP, Test 12a
Depth (cm)
XBP, Test 12b
Miniature Vane
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Soil Strength (kPa)
Figure 5.18 Comparison between XBP Strength Profiles and MV Strength Profiles
at Site 12 (after Abelev and Valent, 2005)
XBP, Test 19b
Depth (cm)
Miniature Vane
XBP, Test
30 19a
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Soil Strength (kPa)
Figure 5.19 Comparison between XBP Strength Profiles and MV Strength Profiles
at Site 19 (after Abelev and Valent, 2005)
As noted above, the existence of thin seams in the soil profiles has been
postulated as a possible cause of the spikes in the interpreted XBP strength profiles.
investigating the behavior of sands under impact loading using instrumented probes
capable of measuring tip resistance and pore pressures during impact penetration. The
Stoll study showed the rate sensitivity of sands to be much higher than that of the clays
under consideration in this study, and conditions of partial drainage are also a likely
critical factor. High negative pressures measured by the pore water pressure transducers
suggested the tendency for dilation to be related to the apparent strain rate effects.
framework and to acquire experimental data for analyzing impact penetration in sands.
measurements in soft clays should not be extended to sands until a number of questions
relating to rate effects in sands have been resolved (Aubeny and Shi, 2005b).
6.1 Conclusions
There are two aspects in this study: cylinder penetrations and XBP interpretations.
For cylinder penetrations, this study first considers quasi-static collapse loads for a
cylinder embedded in a purely cohesive soil mass. At embedments greater than one-half
diameter, a vertical trench is assumed to exist above the cylinder. The finite element and
plasticity collapse load calculations show the following (Aubeny et al., 2005):
1. For cylinder embedments less than one-half diameter, h/D < 0.5, computed
finite element collapse loads are bracketed by the upper and lower bound
estimates from plasticity theory (Figures 3.15 and 3.16), thus supporting the
validity of the finite element estimates. At shallow embedments, h/D < 0.3,
the lower bound MOC collapse load estimates are virtually in full agreement
2. For cylinder embedments less than one-half diameter, h/D < 0.5, in a uniform
soil, two velocity fields for upper bound solutions are applied to partially
(1984) for a fully embedded translating cylinder, and one based on the
Part of this chapter is reprinted with permission of ASCE from “Collapse loads for a cylinder embedded
in trench in cohesive soil.” by C. P. Aubeny, H. Shi and J. D. Murff, 2005, International Journal of
Geomechanics, ASCE, scheduled to be published in the 2005.
although the Murff et al. (1989) consistent solution gives somewhat better
load estimates in the embedment range 0.3 ≤ h / D ≤ 0.5 for the smooth case.
and both finite element and lower bound MOC solutions becomes
increasingly severe.
3. For cylinder embedments greater than one-half diameter, h/D > 0.5, extension
of the Randolph-Houlsby velocity field to the side wall of the trench and the
ground surface (Figure 3.4), while providing valid upper bound solutions,
4. Collapse loads normalized by the soil strength at the bottom of the cylinder,
ch, are relatively insensitive to strength gradients η. Figure 3.19 shows the
order of 10%.
The study then evaluates the strain rate effects on the collapse loads for a
for the penetration depth of cylinders was developed subsequently based on a single
particle model. The findings suggest the following (Aubeny and Shi, 2005a):
1. If the soil strength c increases semi-logarithmically with strain rate (Eq. 4.1),
reasonably accurate estimate of the strain rate multiplier for the total soil
(Conclusion 1 and Eq. 4.3) provide realistic estimates of the total soil
estimate of a threshold strain rate, below which soil shear strength remains
constant. Limited data are available on this issue, so estimates of this value
threshold strain rate; however, this observation will not necessarily hold
The XBP studies were conducted within a framework similar to that of the
framework for relating impact penetration measurements to soil strength lead to the
adopted for constant penetration rate tests. In a constant penetration rate test,
variable strain rate correction (Eq. 4.7) throughout the penetration process.
fundamental variable that can be related to soil shearing resistance (Eq. 5.15),
characterizing rate effects (Eq. 4.7) and depth data for characterizing
explained at present, but sand seams in the soil profiles are a suspected cause
of this phenomenon.
6.2 Recommendations
The following recommendations can be made for future study (Aubeny and Shi,
1. This study assumes a vertical trench is formed in the wake of the advancing
object. In reality the soil will tend to cave in at a certain depth. Therefore, to
2. The lack of data on the threshold strain rate for very soft normally
confidence. It might be noted that if the threshold strain rate is extremely low,
a viscous fluid model could be a preferable model for soil shearing resistance.
(Eq. 4.1) relating shear strength to strain rate is not strictly valid over a large
range of strain rates. Accordingly, a need exists for more data and possibly
4. The strength of very soft soils usually cannot be measured directly in tests
having uniform strain and strain rate conditions; i.e., intrusive test methods
(e.g., vane shear, T-bar, cone penetration) are required. Inferring rate-
6. Although only two geometries (the cylinder and the XBP) were considered in
for other geometries, e.g., the spherical penetrometer (Randolph et al., 2000)
7. Further study taking into account the large strain aspects of the problem may
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p=input('Enter the depth of penetration, h/r: ');
eta=input('Enter the strength ratio(-1 for infinity): ');
incr=input('Enter the increment size at the free surface: ');
m=input('Enter number of increments divided across the fan: ');
if eta==-1
% Recycle
for i=1:99
if abs(ac(k,i)-ac(k,i+1))<0.000001
elseif i==99
disp('Not converged')
% Boundary condition
if faa*fbb>0
hold on;
while abs(fcc)>=.000001
if fcc*faa<0
elseif fcc*fbb<0
disp('Bottom of cylinder not reached');
for i=1:temp3-1
% Plot cylinder
for i=1:100
hold on;
axis equal;
% Input data
p=input('Enter the depth of penetration, h/r: ');
eta=input('Enter the strength ratio(-1 for infinity): ');
delta=input('Enter the adhesion angle(0~pi/2): ');
%note: enter pi/2-0.000001 for pi/2 to avoid singularity
if eta==-1
if p>r0
% Interface AF
if p<=r0
elseif p>r0
% Interface ABC
% Interface CDE
if p<=r0
% Interface FGH
% Interface HIJ
if p<=r0
% Interface FKQ
% Region ABCHGF
% Region CDEJIH
% Region FGHQK
% Region HIJQ
if (p>r0&p<=r3+r0)
% Region EOMJ
% Region OMN
% Region JNQ
% Region NQP
% Interface EO
% Interface JMN
elseif (p>r3+r0&p<r4+r0)
% Region EOMJ
% Region OMN
% Region JNQ
% Interface EO
% Interface JMN
elseif p>=r4+r0
% Region EOMJ
% Region JNQ
% Interface EO
% Interface JMN
Functions are the same as defined in Appendix B.
% Input data
p=input('Enter the depth of penetration, h/r: ');
eta=input('Enter the strength ratio(-1 for infinity): ');
delta=input('Enter the adhesion angle(0~pi/2): ');
%note: enter pi/2-0.000001 for pi/2 to avoid singularity
if eta==-1
% Interface AF
% Interface ABC
% Interface CD
% Interface DE
% Interface FGH
% Interface HI
% Interface IJ
% Interface FKQ
% Region ABCHGF
% Region CDIH
% Region FGHQK
% Region HIQ
% Region IJQ
% Accounts for:
% buoyancy
% variable soil strengh profile
% strain rate effects
% soil-cylinder adhesion
% open trench
clear all
% Inputs
srr=input('Enter soil resistance ratio ');
v0=input('Enter impact velocity ratio ');
gamma=input('Enter soil unit weight ratio ');
epsref=input('Enter reference normalized strain rate ');
lambda=input('Enter strain rate multiplier ');
dt=input('Enter dimensionless time increment ');
alpha=input('Enter adhesion factor ');
eta=input('Enter strength ratio(-1 for infinity) ');
% Initialize
% For loop for penetration process
for i=1:1000000
if eta==0
if alpha==0
if h<=0.5
elseif alpha==1
if h<=0.5
if h<=0.5
elseif eta==-1
if alpha==0
if h<=0.5
elseif alpha==1
if h<=0.5
if h<=0.5
if alpha==0
if h<=0.5
elseif alpha==1
if h<=0.5
if h<=0.5
if h<0.5
if h>=0.5
% Strain rate correction
if v<=epsref
% Acceleration (assumed constant in time increment)
% Velocity at end of time increment
% Inputs:
%Soil resistance ratio= c*A/W for uniform case (eta=0), A=projected
% mine area, W=mine weight, c=soil strength
% = c1*d*A/W for linear increasing strength case
% (eta=Inf.). c1=strength gradient, c0=soil
% strength at ground surface, d=mine diameter
% = c0*A/W for general stength profile (0<eta<Inf.)
%Impact velocity ratio= v0/(g*d)^1/2, v0=impact velocity
% g=gravitational acceleration
%Soil unit weight ratio= gamma*A*d/W, gamma=soil unit weight
%Threshold normalized strain rate= e0/sqrt(g/d), e0=threshold strain
% rate
%Strain rate multiplier
%Dimensionless time increment (recommended: 0.001)
%Adhesion factor = 0~1
%Strength ratio = c1*d/c0
% XBP Interpretation
% Units: kg, cm
clear all
% Inputs
v0=input('enter impact velocity, cm/s ');
gamma=input('enter soil buoyant unit weight, kg/cm^3 ');
load mmt.dat; %XBP measurements
t=mmt(:,1); %Time, msec, start from t=0
h=mmt(:,2); %Depth, cm, start from h=0
a=-mmt(:,3); %Deceleration, g
epsref=1.39/10000000; %Reference strain rate: 0.05%/hr
lambda=0.15; %Strain rate multiplier
dt=0.5/1000; %Time increment
d=5.0673; %Diameter of XBP,cm
W=0.544; %Weight of XBP,kg
% Initialize
%x is the depth used for interpolation
%y is the volume of soil displaced by XBP corresponding to x
% For loop for penetration process
for i=1:nt
if h(i)<=1.2035
if h(i)>1.2035
% Strain rate correction
if v(i)>epsref*d
if h(i)<=1.2035&h(i)>0
if h(i)>1.2035
if i>1
if i==nt
ylabel('Depth (cm)','FontSize',12,'FontWeight','Demi');
xlabel ('Soil Strength (kPa)','FontSize',12,'FontWeight','Demi');
title('Soil Strength Profile','FontSize',14,'FontWeight','Demi');
** Job name: fr04 Model name: Model-1
*Preprint, echo=NO, model=NO, history=NO, contact=NO
*Part, name=Part-1
*End Part
*Assembly, name=Assembly
*Instance, name=Part-1-1, part=Part-1
1, 0., -10.
2, 0., -100.
3, 100., -100.
162, 164, 165, 168, 174, 176, 178, 180, 181, 323, 324, 326, 368, 374, 382, 390
393, 405
*Nset, nset=_PickedSet8, internal, instance=Part-1-1
1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302
303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318
319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334
335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350
351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366
367, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, 379, 380
*Elset, elset=_PickedSet8, internal, instance=Part-1-1
2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17, 19, 21, 24, 25, 26, 31
38, 41, 43, 44, 228, 229, 233, 234, 235, 237, 242, 243, 246, 249, 250, 251
253, 257, 259, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 270, 271, 272, 273, 279
280, 283, 285, 287, 289, 291, 292, 295, 296, 297, 300, 301, 303, 305, 306, 309
310, 312, 480, 482, 485, 490, 491, 492, 500, 502, 503, 529, 531, 533, 537, 539
541, 544, 547, 553, 557, 560, 563, 565, 567, 573, 585, 698, 811
*End Assembly
*Material, name=Material-1
5e+06, 0.499
** Name: BC-1 Type: Displacement/Rotation
_PickedSet5, 1, 1
** Name: BC-2 Type: Displacement/Rotation
_PickedSet6, 1, 1
** Name: BC-3 Type: Displacement/Rotation
_PickedSet7, 1, 1
_PickedSet7, 2, 2
** ----------------------------------------------------------------
** STEP: Step-1
*Step, name=Step-1
refined p/r=0.4
0.001, 1., 1e-05, 0.05
** Name: BC-4 Type: Displacement/Rotation
_PickedSet8, 1, 1
_PickedSet8, 2, 2, -0.5
*Restart, write, frequency=1
** FIELD OUTPUT: F-Output-1
*Output, field
*Node Output, nset=Set-1
*Node Print, nset=Set-1
*Output, history, variable=PRESELECT
*El Print, freq=999999
*Node Print, freq=999999
*End Step
Han Shi was born on August 9, 1975 in Huanggang, China. He received his
Wuhan in June 1998. His permanent address is: 93 D3 District, 202, Huazhong