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Establishment of a Standardized Detergency

Evaluation Method *
W. M. LINFIELD, ERIC JUNGERMANN, and J. C. SHERRILL, Soap Research and Development
Department, Armour and Company, Chicago, Illinois

This paper describes a standardized laboratmT procedure fully controlled mechanical action in the form of
for determining the fabric soil-removal efficiency os heavy~ impact of fabric against retaining screens. Perhaps
duty detergents. A careful analysis of machines, standard the most widely used laboratory detergency tester at
soil fabrics, operating times, and water hardness had led to the present time is the Tergotometer, considered in
the standardization of technique. The precision of the
method has been presented for tests carried out in hard detail by Harris et al. in a nmnber of comprehensive
and soft water on two anionic heavy-duty detergents at a studies (3,4,5). Ludeman, Balog, and Sherrill have
concentration of 0.2%. Standard deviations of 0.74% for outlined a novel technique for detergency evaluation,
a water hardness of 50 p.p.m, and 1.03% for a water hard- utilizing an ultrasonic cone transducer (7). This
ness of 135 or 300 p.p.m, have been obtained. ultrasonic device, capable of an output of mechanical
action of very precise magnitude, has been utilized for
STANDARDIZED laboratory procedure for the eval- critical comparisons of chemical structures of alkyl-
uation of detergents for laundering fabrics
benzene sulfonates.
has, as its basic requirements, at least the ~ 8 9 many papers have appeared dealing with the
following: a) the process must be valid, that is to theory underlying detergency performance and the
say, it must measure accurately the natural function evaluation thereof, few workers have written com-
for which a product is being developed; b) it must prehensively of the selection of mechanical factors in
be rapid; and c) it must be precise.
methodological development. Furthemnore there is
Detergency procedures vary from laboratory to little to be found in the literature on the statistical
laboratory, and the validity of any one method is appraisal of detergency evaluation procedures. Since
under constant scrutiny and attack by workers in
the task of the detergent development laboratory is
the field. Most depend upon the use of bench-scale one primarily of critical comparison of essentially
detergency testers and standardized techniques for
similar materials, the basis for discrimination between
simulating natural soil. A few studies involving products and processes must necessarily hinge upon
full-scale home and commercial washers have been statistical estimates of variance. This paper describes
reported. The problem faced by the research labo- the steps involved in the selection of a procedure and
r a t o r y is one in which numerous formulations rep-
systematically assesses the over-all variability of the
resenting rather subtle differences in components
component parts and the whole.
must be evaluated rapidly, and a bench-scale proce- In this paper the Tergotometer and cotton standard
dure of reasonable accuracy and reproducibility is soil eloth snpplied by the U. S. Testing Company
have been employed. Choice of the Tergotometer in
Practically all detergency procedures in eonmmn this instance has been an expedient one. Rapid, rou-
use are based on the utilization of one or more stand- tine analyses are an everyday requirement in the
ard soil cloths, all of which are controversial in na-
detergent evaluation laboratory. The Tergotometer
ture. While these standard soil cloths do indeed provides rapid evaluation and good precision at a
leave something to be desired in this area of evalu-
level of mechanical action sufficient to reveal rela-
ation, nevertheless, in the hands of skilled observers, tively small differences between fornmlations. Aside
standard soils remain the most rapid and economi- from the fact that standard soil cloths combine pro-
cal means of estimating fabric detergency. One of totypes of ingredients generally agreed to be present
the most widely used of these has been described by
in n a t u r a l l y soiled cottons and that these are in
H a r r i s and BrowIl (2).
widespread general use in all detergent laboratories,
Radiotraeer techniques also have received consid- the validity of the standard soil approach is beyond
erable study in the period following the second great
war when tagged elements entering into the deter- the scope of this writing.
gent process, for example, carbon 14, phosphorus 32,
and others in kind, became available for nomnilitary
laboratory purposes. Hensley and co-workers (6) Eq~dp.ment. A Tergotometer was employed for
have described radiotraeer techniques for detergency providing mechanical action. A H u n t e r Multipur-
evaluation. Diamond and Levin (1) also have de- pose Reflectometer ~ was used to assess the reflectance
scribed a technSque for assessing the soil-removal of test pieces before and after washing.
efficiency of detergents by precipitation in fiber sub- Materials. Cotton standard soil cloth was employed
strates of the extremely insoluble substance, zireonyl in these studies. W a t e r hardness was simulated by
phosphate, prepared by using phosphorus 32 as a the addition of appropriate amounts of ealcium and
tracer. magnesium salts in the ratio 60:40.
A number of bench-scale mechanical detergency Procedure. Standard hard water was prepared by
testers have been used, or proposed for use, for deter- dissolving 13.3 g. of anhydrous caleium chloride and
gency evaluation. One of the earliest examples is the 16.2 g. of magnesium chloride hexahydrate per liter.
Atlas Launderometer. 2 Wollner and F r e e m a n (8) The resulting solution assays 20,000 p.p.m, total hard-
have described the development and operation of the
Deter-Meter, a bench-scale tester possessing very care- ness at a Ca./Mg. ratio of 60/40. Hardness in these
studies was simulated, employing 1.88, 5.06, and 11.25
1 P~per I in a series entitled: "Detergency Evaluations." P r e s e n t e d
at spring meeting, American Oil Chemists' Society, St. Louis, 5Io., N a y ml. of standard hard water in 750 ml. of distilled
1-3, 1961.
Atlas Electric Devices (Jompany, Chicago, Ill. 3 G a r d n e r Laboratories.

i ,oi ,t A
Test Time, Minutes



5o __ Ti~e
Per Cent >
Soil Removal

~ i 0 washings

40 ~ 5 washings
~ 4 washings
30 ~ _ / / Temperature - 120"F.
| / / Hardness - 135 ppm ~ 3 washings


~ 2 washings

1 washing

Temperature = 120*F.
i0 Mechanical Action = 150 cycles/m m t e s
C y c l e s Per M i n u t e s
Time = 15 min.
Fire 1. Soil removal values in Tergotometer as function of Hardness = 0 p.p.m.
mechanical action a~d time.

water to produce 50, 135, and 300, respectively, p.p.m. I

0.4 0.5
total hardness.
I n actual practice three standard soil swatches,
Concentration, per cent
each four by five in., were entered into each Tergo-
tometer cup together with 750 ml. of water at 120~ FIG. 2. Soil removal values, using U.S.T. cotton standard
A weighed amount of detergent was added. The Ter- soil cloth in a Tergotonleter as a function of number of
replicate washings.
gotometer then was r u n for 15 min. at 150 cycles per
minute. The test pieces then were given four hand-
I t comprises four stainless steel cups mounted in a
squeezes u n d e r r u n n i n g tap water as a rinse. The
thermostat, each cup fitted with an agitator of the
swatches were ironed d r y and reserved for assessment
type found in top-loading, home-washing machines,
of soil removal.
into which washing liquor and fabric are placed. Its
Soil removal is determined f r o m reflectance meas-
speed can be varied over a wide range. The Tergo-
urements made of the original soil cloth and the
tometer provides simple and r a p i d evaluation and
laundered piece. These reflectance readings then are
produces a level of soil removal sufficient in one wash
treated as follows:
to reflect reasonably small formulation differences.
(Rw-R~) / (Ro-Rs) • 100=percentage of soil removal Liquor/Fabric Ratio. The l i q u o r / f a b r i c ratio was
where R~ = reflectance of washed sample set a r b i t r a r i l y at 75/1. This ratio was chosen for
Rs ----reflectance of original soil convenience since the practical home l a u n d r y ratio of
Ro = reflectance of unsoiled I n d i a n H e a d 15/1 was impossible to achieve.
Test Time. Studies of soil removal as a function
I n d i a n H e a d fabric c u r r e n t l y has a reflectance of of time are shown in Fig. 1; all variable factors
84.5 to 88.5% (magnesium oxide = 100% by defini- relating to machine operation are fixed. Soil removal
tion). A value of 86.5% has been used for Ro in this
work. Reflectance readings have been made by using rises r a p i d l y up to a test time of 10 min., leveling off
four thicknesses of fabric, employing the green tri- beyond this point. A test time of 15 rain. was chosen,
stimulus filter (5550 ___ 1000 A). A t this point change in soil removal with increasing
time is small, and precision changes with small changes
Results and Discussion in time are minimized.
Methodological Test Temperature. A test t e m p e r a t u r e of 120~
i n a n y detergent process there are m a n y variable was chosen for these studies. Such a choice is obvi-
factors, less than a dozen of which can be controlled ous. The great bulk of the work reported on the
with a n y degree of certainty. The variables consid- evaluation of detergents and detergency procedures
ered in the method developed here are the follow- has been carried out at this temperature.
ing: mechanical action (type of detergency device), Number of Washings. Much detergency testing is
l i q u o r / f a b r i c ratio, test time, test temperature, num- done on the basis of replicate washings. As a m a t t e r
ber of washings, water hardness, and soil cloth type. of fact, v i r t u a l l y all industrial detergency evalua-
Mechanical Action. The Tergetometer simulates tion is based on 20- and 50-wash test pieces. Labora-
home washing-machine action in a bench-scale unit. t o r y screening however usually must be accomplished
Fabric Soil R e m o v a l Efficiency a t 0 . 2 P e r c e n t a g e of
D e t e r g e n t Concentration

Detergent T Detergent C
Soil cloth L o t 1 Soil cloth L o t 2 Soil cloth L o t 1 Soil cloth L o t 2
T1 T2 Ta T~ T2 Ta C1 C~ Ca CI C~ C~

T o t a l W a t e r H a r d n e s s ---- 50 p.p.m.
1 ...................... 23.6 24.1 26.4 25.3 26.5 26.8 22,3 19.4 18.8 [ 22.6 16.9 16.9
2 ...................... 25.1 24.4 28.7 25.9 24.5 25.8 22.8 19.8 19.3 I 19.7 16.0 16.4
3 ...................... 24.7 24.8 27.4 23.6 24.4 26.4 23.6 19.9 19.5 20.5 15.8 16.5
4 ...................... 24.9 25.1 28.1 24,8 24,4 26,1 22.9 20.2 19.0 21.7 16.9 17.4

24.6 24.6 27.6 24.9 25.0 26.3 22.9 19.8 19.2 21.1 16.4 16.8
T o t a l W a t e r Hardness ---- 1 3 5 p.p.m.
1 ...................... 25.4 26.6 25.4 26.8 25.8 26.4 23.2 19.7 18.1 20.8 19.6 18.7
2 ...................... 25.9 26.8 23.6 26.5 26.9 27.7 21.1 17.6 16.1 23.7 19.0 20.2
8 ...................... 24.7 26.7 26.5 28.5 26.6 26.0 22.3 18.4 18.6 21.7 18,6 20.6
4 ...................... 25.2 26.1 26.7 27.5 28.2 26.2 23.0 18.8 19.0 20.6 19,0 17.8

25.3 26.6 25.6 27.3 '26.7 26.6 22.4 18.4 18.0 21.7 19.0 19.3
T o t a l W a t e r H a r d n e s s : - 3 0 0 p.p.m.
1 ....................... 26.6 26.4 27.4 25.6 26.4 25.6 25.1 23.1 19.3 28.3 25,3 19.0
2 ....................... 24.5 25.0 25.7 27.2 24.7 27.1 27.3 22.2 19.6 29.3 22,3 17.5
3 ....................... 24.5 25.9 27.1 24.3 27.9 28.1 25.1 21.8 17.7 28.6 24,3 19.6
4 ....................... 25.2 25.5 26.7 25.1 26.2 29.8 26.4 21.0 17.9 28.1 23.9 18.5

25.2 25.7 26.7 25.6 26.3 27.7 26.0 22.0 18.6 28.6 24,0 18.6

much more r a p i d l y t h a n this. The family of curves amide. Both were built with 40% phosphates and 1%
.~hown on Fig. 2 represent the soil removal curves carboxymethylcellulose. These studies were under-
for one, two, three, four, five, and 10 washings; all taken to determine the effect of each variable upon
other variables in the evaluation are the same. Note the reproducibility or precision of the test method and
that five replicate washings produce a value of soil are not indicative of variations of detergency u n d e r
removal about 60% higher than the soil removal
achievable in one wash. Ten replicate washings do 80
not quite double soil removal values. F r o m these data
it was concluded that, for purposes of r a p i d i t y of
evaluation, one wash is sufficient.
Water Hardness. Detergency data arc reported at 70
a n u m b e r of levels of water hardness. Some stand-
ardization has been effectuated at 50, 120, and 300
p.p.m, total hardness. The water hardness range of
50 to 120 p.p.m, represents n a t u r a l h a r d n e ~ found 60
in eastern seaboard areas and in the m a j o r munici-
palities of the nation, where water conditioning down
to a threshold hardness is practiced. A water hard-
ness of 300 p.p.m, is typical of deep well waters uti- 50
lized in r u r a l areas. Fig. 3 shows the variation of
soil removal with total water hardness for two syn-
thetic detergent formulations.
Soil Cloth Type. A n u m b e r of standard soil cloths
c u r r e n t l y are available in this country. P r e l i m i n a r y
screening of four examples of cotton standard soil
cloth led to the selection of one p r e p a r e d by the
United States Testing Company. This material is a
fat-carbon black-oil cloth made by immersion of In- 30
dian H e a d fabric in the soiling medium. I t was chosen /:
for reasons of magnitude of soil release under the con-
ditions in this method and for the overt reproducibil-
ity achievable in single wash tests. 20
A p r e l i m i n a r y investigation was made to isolate
and assess the probable sources of error which would Temperature ffi 120~
contribute loss of precision in the evaluation method I0 (Figures in parentheses
outlined in the foregoing. A detergent concentration / indicate total water hardness
in p.p.m.)
of 0.2% was chosen, and four replicate evaluations
per variable were made among two types (T and C)
of built anionic spray-dried h e a v y - d u t y detergents,
three different lots of each of these detergent types, I I I I
0.0 0.i 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
three water hardnesses, and two different lots of stand-
ard soil cloth. Detergent T contained a mixture of Coneentration~ per cent
10% dodeeylbenzenesulfonate, 9% tallow alcohol sul- FIG. 3. Soil removal values for two anionic heavy-duty deter-
fate, and 2.5% amide on an as-is basis while detergent gents (A and B ) using U.S.T. cotton standard soil cloth in
C contained 18% dodecylbenzenesulfonate and 2% a Tergotometer.
different conditions. I n Table I are shown the results variability. Thus the data f r o m these hardnesses can
of this series of tests. Analysis of variances, isolating be pooled for a better estimate of the h a r d water
possible sources of variations, and the application of variance.
the F-ratio test for homogeneity of variances are Different lots of the same type of detergent give
sho-am in Table I I . the same reproducibility, and the same precision can
The following facts emerge f r o m examination of be obtained f r o m different types of anionic detergents.
these data. I n the comparison of two different lots of These data indicate that the method of reproduci-
soil cloth involving some 54 degrees of freedom, an bility at a concentration of 0.2% in soft (50 p.p.m.)
F-ratio of 1.56 was indicated against the critical value water is as follows: standard deviation equals 0.74%
of 1.57. This is a borderline situation. I t is doubtful soil renmval; precision equals 1.5% soil renloval at a
that different lots of soil cloth will produce different 95% confidence level. The data for h a r d water (135
levels of preeision of this method, based on these data. or 300 p.p.m.) is as follows: standard deviation equals
Greater reproducibility occurs at 0.2% of deter- 1.0:3% soil remox'al; precision equals -+- 2.06% soil re-
gent concentration in water of 50 p.p.m, total hard- moval at a 95% confidence level.
ness than in harder waters. Since the ratio of the I n a subsequent p a p e r the precision of the method
mean squares obtained at 135 p.p.m, and at 300 p.p.m. outlined herein will be presented at detergent con-
water hardness failed to exceed the critical value of centrations other than at 0.2%.
F for the n m n b e r of degrees of freedom involved,
these mean squares are different estimates of the same
T A B L E II The authors wish to extend their thanks to R. M.
A n a l y s i s of V a r i a n c e of Soil R e m o v a l at 0.2% of
Detergent Concentration Rasehke, who p e r f o r m e d nmeh of the experimental
work leading up to the standardization of method,
Degrees Critical
~rariable 3~ean of F-ratio value and to G. A. Davis, who desi~led the statistical pat-
square freedom of F tern and calculated and collated the findings.
1. Soil cloth ..................
L o t 1 ..................... 0.6956 54 F 2-1 : 1.56 1.57 REFERENCES
L o t 2 ..................... 1.0884 54
2. Total h a r d n e s s 1. D i a m o n d , W. J., a n d L e v i n , H , Textile Research J o u r n a l , 27,
50 p.p.m ............. 0.5422 36 F 300-50 = 2.10 787-795 (1957).
135 p.p.m ............. 0.9944 36 F 135-50 = 1,83 1.75 2. H a r r i s , J a y C., and B r o w n , E a r l L., .J. Am. Oil Chemists' S o e ,
300 p.p.m ............. 1.1394 86 F 300-135 ~ 1.15 27, 135 ( 1 9 5 0 ) .
3. D e t e r g e n t sample 3. H a r r i s , J a y C., ibid., ~7, 564 ( 1 9 5 0 ) .
T1 ......................... 0.8192 18 F 1-2 = 1.11 4. 1-Iarris, J a y C., ibid., 28, 96 ( 1 9 5 1 ) .
T2 ......................... 0.7371 18 F 8-1 = 1.51 2.29 5. H a r r i s , J a y C., ~bid., 29, 110 ( 1 9 5 2 ) .
Ts ......................... 1.2374 18 F 3-2 ~ 1.68 6. Hensley, J. W , K r a m e r , M. G., R i n g , R. n . , a n d Suter, I t . R,,
.ibid., 32, 138 ( 1 9 5 5 ) .
(J1......................... 1.0446 18 F1-2 = 1.69 7. L u d e m a n , H e l e n A.. Balog, J o h n A.., a n d Sherrill, J. C., ibid.,
0.6168 18 F 1-3 = 1,16 2.29 35, 5 ( I 9 5 8 ) .
0.8970 18 F 3-2 = 1.45 8. W o l l n e r , H. J., a n d F r e e m a n , G. S., A m e r i c a n Dyestuff Reporter,
4. D e t e r g e n t type 40, 693 ( 1 9 5 1 ) .
W........................... 0.9312 54 F T-O : 1.09
0.8528 54 1.57
[Received May 26, 1 9 6 1 ]

Statistical Approach to Detergency Evaluation. Correlation of

Performance Data with Gas Chromatographic
Patterns Alkylbenzenes *
ERIC J U N G E R M A N N , G. A. DAVIS, E. C. BECK and W. M. L I N F I E L D , Soap Research and Development
Department, Armour and Company, Chicago, Illinois

The precision of a standardized detergency test based and U.S. Test Cloth. I t was found that when this
on the use of a Tergotometer and U.S. Test Cloth was test was r u n at a concentration level of 0.2% the pre-
found at a concentration of 0.4 and 0.5%. At these con- cision was dependent on the hardness of the water
centrations, the standard deviation was 0.56% soil removal being used. W i t h soft water (50 p p m ) the precision
units, and precision at a 95% confidence limit was +-- 1.12% at a 95% eonfidenee limit equalled • 1.5% soil re-
soil removal units.
The detergency of some built spray-dried detergents was moval units; on the other hand at the 135 p p m and
examined by this method and found to differ significantly, 300 p p m water hardness level the precision was •
though chemical compositions were identical. Gas chro- 2.6% soil removal units. This indicates t h a t for eval-
matographic analysis of the alkylbenzenes obtained by uating the relative cleaning ability of detergents, the
desulfonation of the alkylbenzene sulfonates indicated small 0.2% concentration level m i g h t lead to misleading
structural variations which correlated with the observed results. This point is illustrated in Fig. 1, which
variations in the detergency. shows typical soil removal v s . concentration eurves.
N A PREVIOUS ~APER (3) a standardized procedure A t the 0.2% concentration, tile slope of the curve is
I for determining the detergency of built detergent
powders was described utilizing the Tergotometer
still quite steep, and errors are readily magnified.
The purpose of this investigation was to determine
1 P a p e r I I i n a series entitled D e t e r g e n c y E v a l u a t i o n s , p r e s e n t e d at whether the precision of our method could be inl-
the m e e t i n g of the A m e r i c a n Oil Chemists' Society, St. Louis, Missouri,
5Iay 1-3, 1961. proved b y r u n n i n g the test at higher concentrations

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