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Internship Report On Managing Digital Ma

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A Project Report

“A Study on Digital Marketing with NutPanda”


Kumar Prince

Under the Guidance Of

Prof. Ashok Raut

(BBA) (2017-2020)

Submitted to


(Bachelor of business Administration)



I hereby declare that the project report titled “A Study on Digital Marketing” is a genuine research
work undertaken by me under the guidance of Ashok Raut. This information has been collected from
genuine authentic sources.

The report is being submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement of



(Signature of Student)
Kumar Prince

Digital marketing is all about the challenge of balancing both the sides of the
marketing wheel while walking tightrope on the rim. On one side lies any marketer’s
owned media (websites, apps, social media pages) while the other represents the
ever-changing demands and perceptions of his target customer. And this is just the
start of the balancing act; one which extends across an advertiser and a publisher’s
needs, between CPM (Cost per mile) and CPC (Cost per click) and extends to
measuring data and managing privacy concerns. The list is endless and so are the
solutions available in the market.

It is these complexities and choices that makes digital marketing unique and renders
a distinct flavour to this field of study. This Study aims at helping both digital
marketing enthusiasts and practitioners discern such nuances to make informed
decisions right from digital marketing environment assessment and strategy
development to marketing operations till refinement.
Includes Digital Application exercises on Indian brands: application exercises on key
digital marketing concepts (pertaining to each chapter) have been provided, for
Interns to self-assess their concepts and also apply them to brands which they have
seen around/grown with in India since the last decade.

I take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude and deep regards to my guide Prof. Ashok
Raut for his exemplary guidance, monitoring and constant encouragement throughout the course of
this thesis. The blessing, help and guidance given by him time to time shall carry me a long way in the
journey of his life on which I am about to embark.

Lastly, I thank almighty, my parents, brothers, sisters and friends for their constant encouragement
without which this assignment would not be possible
Executive summary

The project work is pursued as a part of BBA curriculum at “Indira college of commerce and science,
pune”. It is undertaken as a internship at NutPanda. The project is done under expert supervision
and guidance of prof, Ashok Raut (Lecture in Marketing). The project is about the study of online
marketing opportunities for different sectors.
At NutPanda, initially I was imparted process and services knowledge. I wan given sufficient time to
know about the services and what company is doing.
The main aim was to understand online marketing emerging and generating leads I was provided
with database and had to make cold calls from data and also ask to make database of other sectors.
Company activity was also one of the major sources for generating business. Initially my company
guide even accompanied me to the client place. Main objective was to know the need of the
customer and how to fulfil that in the best way through online.
Thus, it gave me the opportunity to learn about all the services and with the range of services
return on Nutpanda offered it made the task a bit easier as we could fulfil the need of the customer
in a better way. My task was divided in 4 phases:
1.Services Knowledge: This include the theoretical knowledge about the field and services which
needed to be marketed.
2.Research part: Research is done for making new sectors database like hotels, spa and fitness.
3.Writing: This included content writing for different sectors and E-Mailers.

Chapter One


1.2 Back ground of the Study………………………………………………………….……….9
1.3 Objective of the Study………………………………………………………...…………..10
1.3.1 Broad Objective…………………………………………………………………….. 10
1.3.2 Specific Objective……………………………………………………………………10
1.4 Limitation of the Study…………………………………………………………………….10
1.5 internship period Activities………………………………………………………………..11
Airtel Buzz…………………………………………………………………………………..10
Pages maintained by Asiatic Digital…………………………………………………….....12

Chapter Two
2.0 Objectives of Digital Marketing
Chapter Three

Secondary Data……………………………………………………………………………19
Data Source…………………………………………………………………………… ….19

Chapter Four
4.0 Literature Review………………………………………………………………………20
4.1 Literature Re……………………………………………………………………………21

Chapter Five
5.0 Company Overview………………………………………………………………………….
Chapter Six
6.0 Analysis & Findings of the study……………………………………………………31
6.1 Multi-Dimensional task Accomplishment………………………….……………….32
6.2 Adjustment with the work place & Socialization…………………………………..32
6.3 Enhancement of Communication Skill………………………………………………32
6.4 Familiarization with Corporate Culture……………………………………………32
6.5 Digital Marketing; Various Aspects…………………………………………………32

6.6 Five Essential Aspects of Digital Marketing……………………………...………….38


The digital communication need had only arisen. That is one of the reasons about the ignorance
about Digital marketing. In many cases firms have to teach the clients and make them understand
about the social media movement. Some clients realized the new social media skill and called for the
digital communications for their brands. After the primary pitch to the client, depending on the
thoughts and cost a contract take place between the two firms. Digital firms need to understand each
brand they work for and the target they are trying to achieve, they have to maintain different
strategies. The contract time varies time to time and once proved; the firm’s starts getting long time

agreements. The digital firms need to offer the clients applications. Some companies have their own
Application and some outsources these applications. Facebook video also has a demand in the
market and low budget video contents are reaching to people more day by day.

1.2 Background of the study:

Managing Digital Marketing Communication is the process of gaining website traffic or attention
through social media sites. Digital marketing itself is a catch-all term for sites that may provide
radically different social actions. For instance, Twitter is a social sited signed to let people share
short messages or “updates” with others. Facebook, in contrast is a full-blown social networking
site that allows for sharing updates, photos, joining events and a variety of other activities.

As a student of BBA, doing major in Marketing, I got the opportunity to do internship in Asiatic
Digital, Asiatic JWT. Thus I chose Digital marketing as my internship topic and I hope that this
internship experience will point out how the corporate world really works and will help me to apply
theoretical knowledge in the practical life. After the end of my internship program, I hope I will be
able to know how the famous brands activate marketing campaigns on social network sites and what
their strategies are.

1.3 Objectives of the Study:

1.3.1 Broad Objective:

The objective will be to identify some accurate points of brand attendance through digital
media marketing and brand communication of global and local firms in Bangladesh.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives:

The main point of the study is going to cover are:

 To study digital media in Bangladesh and its impact on marketing and brand
 Importance of digital marketing compared to other medium of brand communication
and its benefits.
 To know about how digital firms in Bangladesh are operating and dealing with
 To know about how digital communication firms are recruiting employee

2.1 Limitation of the Study:

To build up this study several limitations has been discovered. Those limitations are:

• To collect primary data it is hard to get the correct information from people because they
might not feel comfortable or provide their false feeling because they want to remain
surveyors’ feelings to be intact.
• This is a long term research where more information could be included. Due to the lack of time
I was unable to compile all the information through.
• The precise analysis requires good amount of financial support, because of that monetary
limitation it is impossible use the full potentiality of this research.
• To observe the whole corporation activities and come up with a fruitful result requires huge
amount of time, so time limit is another crucial limitation of this study.
• The internship proposal is conducted based on several secondary data which were rather
inefficient or unreliable.
2.2 Internship Period Activities:

As an intern, first I worked under community engagement. Being on community engagement

department, my duties were to communication with the fans of different pages through Aegis Lisa
software and Facebook page manager. Simultaneously, I was also assigned to work with servicing
team of Airtel as per my performance. After one and a half month, I was shifted to planning
department officially.

Specific responsibilities of the jobs

Normally Asiatic Digital at first get case brief from its client’s majority of times in oral form then
in written documents. Corporate Clients case brief is more presentation oriented and developed
with its own communication and marketing team. The job responsibility covers

• Getting brief from clients

• Make a checklist for job to do
• Make a proposal
• Pitch the proposal to the clients
• Collect feedback and make negotiation
• Transfer it to the media buying department as per budget clearance
• Follow up the activity

I got the chance to have three months long internship at Asiatic Digital, AMCL. I did so many
different duties and responsibilities that are conducted by the Digital Client Service Department and
Community Engagement Department for Facebook brand pages.

 Collecting online pictures for Facebook posts

 Writing copy for Facebook posts
 Delivering Facebook post creative to our creative department
 Checking brand insights
 Giving reply to customers comment on Facebook post
 Planning different ideas for different contest in Facebook brand pages

Airtel buzz is the authorized brand page of Airtel Bangladesh and is one of the top
telecommunication firms of Bangladesh. It has a very muscular presence on Facebook and YouTube,
two of the most well-liked social media websites in Bangladesh. According to socialbakers.com
which is a Czech-based company that provides social media network statistics and analysis from
Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and YouTube, Airtel buzz is the top Facebook brand page in
Bangladesh with over 3,124,745 fans liking its page and getting posts and status of its product and
services on their home feeds. Furthermore, it has one of the highest numbers of people talking about
this which is on average about 80,000 people at a specified time in its page which show that the fans
of this page are highly active and the page is engaging. In their Facebook brand page insights we can
see that most of their posts have an unpaid reach of 60,000 which is one of the maximum reach for a
Bangladeshi page on Facebook. Not only that, Airtel’s brand videos also one of the most viewed

brand videos in YouTube with over 1,00,000 views. Other observation shows that they keep attention
of their consumers with attention of their consumers with an average of 4 post a day with 2 lifestyles
and fun related service and 2 product posts. Airtel buzz main target is to increase page likes and post
likes on its page to increase engagement with customers for which they do both paid and non-paid
post page promotion through Facebook boost option.

Ekhanei.com is the authorized Facebook brand page of buying and selling website Ekhanei. One of
their major objectives is presence on social media websites such as Facebook is to attract traffic to
their main webpage Ekhanei.com. Their plan is dissimilar from other pages because of other brand
pages their main purpose is to be in touch with their brand message and generate engagement among
online consumers on Facebook page. Ekhanei redirect the consumers to their own webpage and
increase sales.

Its digital marketing is also wider than Airtel buzz and Microsoft. Airtel buzz use both the pages
enlarge and post likes through page advertising and post promotion but for Ekhanei.com it is also
Google ad word advertisement, search engine optimization and search engine marketing which
other Brand pages don't mentioned above. Currently Ekhanei.com has around 2,622,004 fans on its
page with a people talking about it of 60,000 which show that people are sound engaged with this
page through likes, comments and shares of its posts. The other inspection is that they frequently
posts post product related posts with relatives to their website more willingly than lifestyle post
which Airtel buzz. Ekhanei.com also uses comic and entertaining video on their Facebook pages
which are product related to gain notice and engagement of customers to switch them to their main
web page to make more buying and selling throughout their website .
Worked as an Admin in the Facebook page for the following Brands

Objectives of
Digital Marketing
Objective #1: Increase revenue
The primary goal of any marketing strategy is ultimately to increase revenue,
and Internet marketing is no exception. Thankfully, the Internet provides
plenty of opportunities for every business to improve their bottom line.
By combining search engine optimization, or SEO, with pay-per-click ads, or
PPC, your company can improve the chances that potential customers find
you online. And with strategies like content marketing and social media
marketing, you can position yourself as an expert in your field who also cares
about your clients.

For more information on how Internet marketing can increase sales and
generate revenue, check out this article.

Objective #2: Build a brand

Internet marketing objectives often include building a brand. This means not
only establishing your logo and company name in the minds of consumers,
but also what your company stands for.

Well-known brands are typically trusted more by customers, especially when

paired with positive associations. The Internet is a great tool for building that
trust, because it has a wide reach and allows you to directly connect with

Social media is particularly useful when building a brand, because it allows

companies to create and post with a more personal feel. Organizations have
discovered that this kind of brand-building can be fostered by the use of social
media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. In
addition to organic posts on these sites, companies can build brand
recognition by paying for advertisements and placements. This takes patience
on the part of the organizational leaders, because trust and loyalty are
developed over many months, and sometimes years. The key is to stay
focused on the results.

Objective #3: Improve local SEO

Many small businesses, as well as companies focused on increasing sales in
specific geographic region, focus much of their marketing efforts on
improving their local SEO. This means optimizing various elements on their
sites in order to attract local customers who are looking for the services they

Although the number of searches that include both your industry and your
town or city is undoubtedly lower than those that just specify a product or
business type, those searches tend to generate much more qualified traffic. If a
user is already looking for businesses where you are, chances are high that
they’ll be willing to come to your physical location.

Objective #4: Increase qualified traffic

Every business owner wants to see numbers rise in terms of visitors to their
site and landing pages. However, those numbers are meaningless if they aren’t
the right kinds of traffic.

Not every visitor to your site is going to make a purchase. That’s just the way
of the Internet, and should be accepted. However, if none of your site visitors
make purchases (or contact you), you are likely attracting “unqualified”
traffic, or visitors who have no intent of becoming a customer.

By targeting your marketing to specific personas and aiming to attract

specific, qualified people, you can increase the ROI of your marketing efforts
—as well as your bottom line.

Objective #5: Manage online reputation

In an age when anyone with a computer or smartphone can post their opinions
about companies, products, and services for the whole world to see, it’s
important for businesses to maintain a solid online reputation. This means
monitoring your company’s name, maintaining social profiles, and responding
to bad reviews accordingly.
One bad review doesn’t mean that your company’s reputation is shot, but one
bad reaction to a bad review might. The way you publicly respond to
customer complaints will show them (and all other current and potential
customers) how much you care about their opinions. But as intimidating as
that may sound, all it takes is a bit of respect and concern for your customer
For some companies who’ve already made errors in this department, their
objective is simply to remove any negative associations with their company
and show customers that they’ve seen the errors of their ways. Though the
improvements won’t happen overnight, and bad online PR can be difficult to
get rid of, the Internet is a solid tool for repairing damaged reputations.

Objective #6: Become an influencer in your field

Every industry has a few well-known individuals or companies that others
look to as thought leaders. They stay at the forefront of new technologies and
ideas, and are often the first to share new information.
Unfortunately, every industry only has a particular amount of room at the top.
The people who become experts and influencers are those who strategically
position themselves to give out great advice and information, often without
much obvious monetary gain.
For instance, an influential company might write and share blog posts and
articles on a regular basis. Their CEO and other top employees might keep
their LinkedIn and other social profiles up to date and share them as well. The
company might offer free webinars on up-and-coming industry news. All of
these efforts combined can position them as an expert not only in the eyes of
other industry professionals, but also in the eyes of potential clients.

2.0 Methodology:

The type of this study will be quantitative along with the good mixture of qualitative part. The report
will be based on both Primary and Secondary data.

Primary Data:

This report is mainly based on the primary data, which has been collected from a survey. Population
of the study will be the different social media users along with the generic people. The survey has
been done on 20 people consist of different social media users and online users. Data that has been
collected from the survey analyzed based on the factor analysis method. Information also collected
from workplace colleagues and people who directly involved with Asiatic Digital.

Variables for research:

• Dependent: social and online media users Perception

• Independent: Different social media and tools - Facebook. Twitter, contest, brand page etc.

Secondary Data:

The secondary data sources are:

• Asiatic Digital annual report

• Asiatic Digital’s internal documents and publications

• Newspaper, articles, journals and websites.

Data Source:

Primary Source: Primary data on social media is collected from surveying of target group and
personal observation.

Secondary Source: Like primary source, secondary source is also major stream of information for
the report. List secondary source is

1. Internet

2. Social Network Sites

3. Text books

4. Several other reports

5. And other sources


3.1 Literature Review:
Social Media marketing worldwide and its Impact on society:

Social media marketing normally generated contents that attract public and encourage readers to
share it with their social networks. A business message spreads from user to user with the help of
social media. Furthermore, this type of marketing is driven by word-of-mouth, meaning it results in
earned medium rather than paid medium. Social media is a stage that is simply available to anyone
with internet entrance and social media serves as a comparatively low-cost platform for

In 2010, Most of the big brands around the world had figured out that they needed to get on
Facebook and begin engaging with their consumers where they were more likely to be viewed as a
“friend.”-International Business Times. They also made them present on Twitter, Instagram and
Vine recently. Now a day’s with the help of social media brands market their goods as they can
communicate with their consumers more like a trusted friend than companies or brands. Brand
attendance on social media may not straight increase sales but engaging with customers via social
platforms is strong reason for organic search results in Google for the brand. Out of ten, seven are
social media dependent for Google organic search, according to just-released lessons by think tank
L2. This means that, if brands aren’t active on social media, they tend to show up less on Google
searches. Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are the most popular platforms for top brand. Pinterest is
more popular than Instagram. Vine, though still a very fresh platform has also seen a lot of takers.
Finally, we can say Facebook is now the most popular social network in many countries.

Social media plays an important role in how customers discover, search, and distribute information
about brands and products. Sixty percent of customers researching goods through various online
sources learned about a particular brand. Active social media users are more liable to read product
reviews online. The study also shows that social media is increasingly a stage customers use to
express their loyalty to their desired brands and products, and many search for reap benefits from
brands for serving promote their products. Furthermore, Social Media also plays a key role in
defending brands. 58 percent of social media users say they write product reviews to look after
others from bad experiences, and almost 1 in 4 say they distribute their negative experiences to
punish companies.
Essentials of Social Media Compared to Other Medium and its Benefit:

The main benefit of social media is that you can communicate with the people very easily. It’s

simple to locate out the interest areas of people on Facebook and a marketer just need to find out
the attention areas his target group acquires and target them for a communication. Finding people
who like tea, late night refreshments and more importantly who are students would be a good way
to find efficient audience for behavioral targeting. In social media there are thousands of ways to
target the specific peoples. Social media is an effective source to do extra with a smaller amount.
There are more than 20 TV channels in our country. The cost of air commercial is too high. Social
media is a new way to deliver news or to know updates about brands with low budgets for
companies. Other media such as press and TV you don’t have to spend a large amount, no need for

any compromise as well. When it comes to social media marketing, the company enjoys a lot more
liberty compared to other mediums. A polite amount on advertisement buying on Google ads along
with an active Facebook page with like campaigns and post promotion can a go long way to the

One of the best aspects of social media marketing is that you can get more correct reports and keep
track of the performance of the brands. You can create 5 ads for a particular communication and
check out which one is running better and promote it more. On Facebook when one fan shares or
likes a message, it will produce more impressions on Facebook which will generate more fans.
Social media gives those companies the chance to connect with their target groups, get instant
feedback, help realize the mindset and know the demands straight.
Process of How Digital Marketing Firms are Running and Dealing with Clients:

The digital communication need had only arisen. That is one of the reasons about the ignorance
about Digital marketing. In many cases firms have to teach the clients and make them understand
about the social media movement. Some clients realized the new social media skill and called for
the digital communications for their brands. After the primary pitch to the client, depending on
the thoughts and cost a contract take place between the two firms. Digital firms need to
understand each brand they work for and the target they are trying to achieve, they have to
maintain different
strategies. The contract time varies time to time and once proved; the firm’s starts getting long time

agreements. The digital firms need to offer the clients applications. Some companies have their
own Application and some outsources these applications. Facebook video also has a demand in
the market and low budget video contents are reaching to people more day by day.

The media budget is set by the two parties. One of the major jobs of the digital firm is to use
resources in the best possible way. It depends on how much explore, analysis and proactive the
firm acts. To be success a firms have to follow different strategies and method for different
particular brands. A Client always receives weekly or monthly reports from the digital firm to
keep updated of the progress and check the achievements. With time the social media is
becoming more and more important to the companies, the digital firms are receiving more
work and opportunities. It’s only an issue of time that social media will become a major part of

Existence of Brands in Social Media of Bangladesh:

Now a day’s international and national brands started its social media marketing with full

dedication in social media sites. Bangladesh has a good number of social media users.
Recent statistics shows that 41. 63% internet users of Bangladesh are Facebook users. So
Facebook is a strong platform to brands, where they have to perform better on the way to
convince consumer.

Company Profile

NutPanda is three Years old pune based online marketing & web Development firm focused on
providing you business – centric strategic to give you the competitive. NutPanda is positioned at
innovation. Creativity, knowledge and technology to achieve your business goals.

Our Vision is to set the high standards for Digital Marketing & Technology around the world across
all industries through hard work, Innovation and creativity until the preferred outcome is achived.

5.0 Analysis and Findings of the Study:

5.1 Multi-Dimensional Task Accomplishment:

In my internship period I had to work in Social media marketing department of the organization.
This helped me to understand the actual work place situation. I have learned various practical
works in that period.

5.2 Adjustment with the Work Place and Socialization:

While I was performing my internship program within the office, I was being treated as an
employee like others in the organization. I got sufficient assistance from the working people in
terms of acquiring enough idea about their working strategy. This enhanced my knowledge, skill
and the power of applying of my academic knowledge in a workplace. I believe this is much quite
important and also the whole program made me ready for starting my professional career in the
same environment.

5.3 Enhancement of Communication Skill:

As a fully customer oriented organization, the Asiatic Marketing ltd. Operates great customer
service where the communication skill is one of the fundamental factors. I have achieved
significant amount of knowledge about customer service and I have realized that great
communication skill is the fundamental requirement of serving the customers with great service.

5.4 Familiarization with Corporate Culture:

It is required that a workplace could have people from different cultural background within it. It
was not the exception while I was working in Asiatic marketing ltd. Mixing with the culture of the
organization and coping up with the people from different background really prepared me with
knowledge of workplace diversity.
5.5 Digital marketing various aspects

Digital Marketing is one of the most intrinsic concepts around which the contemporary world of
business and commerce revolves. To put it simply, it is the procedure to promote brands or products
using one or the other form of electronic media. It makes use of electronic gadgets like computers
or Smartphone to get engaged with the probable customers. It usually makes use of an array of
latest digital applications, like

 Email
 Various Social Media platforms and
 Mobile apps, etc.

In fact, as far as reality is concerned, lots of business organizations aptly combine both
conventional and digital marketing strategies to promote business.
Why Important

There was a time in the long past when there was no instant and authentic feedback on a product or
a service. In fact, the manufacturer or the service provider alone used to send whatever information

that was thought necessary as feedback to the consumer segment. In striking contrast to that today,
the digital media is so vibrant and simultaneously dominant that authentic and verified feedbacks
on any service or product reach out to the global society within minutes of their launching.

In fact, consumers around the world depend more on these feedbacks than anything else, while
assessing any product or service. Customers – in general – prefer brands that they can trust and that
are renowned. These apart, customers ideally look for offers that are tailor-made to suit their
specific needs.

Considering these latest developments in the society, it is obvious that digital marketing is one of
the most crucial entities, for any corporate organization, to achieve success in the contemporary

Digital Marketers

Professionals who deal with the given aspect are often referred to as digital marketers. These
professionals – by virtue of their professional responsibility – often have to monitor certain things.
These include elements like, what is being viewed and that for how long and how often, which
content works and which does not, and sales conversations, etc. Some of the common tools that are
used in this aspect include

 Internet
 Electronic billboard
 Mobile instant messaging
 Wireless text messaging
 Mobile apps and
 Podcasts, etc.

Successful Digital Marketing Strategies

As such, conducting successful digital marketing strategies revolve around three core factors.
These can be summed up as

 Managing complex customer relationships across both the conventional and digital
channels of communication
 Initiating and/or responding to dynamic interactions with customer base
 Extracting values from big data to facilitate the process of taking better decisions faster

Common Trends

Implementing successful strategies in this vocation involves great deal of creativity and innovation.
However, there is one fundamental factor to success that remains constant all through. The main
purpose of digital marketing campaigns is to extend the customer base of a client. All strategies of
digital marketing that are to be implemented should ultimately facilitate this aspect.

Some of the significant components of digital marketing include,

 CRO and
 ORM, etc.

Pay per Click

Setting up a PPC account on Search Engines is pretty easy these days. However, clients of digital
marketing and the Search Engines have different goals right from the beginning. Search Engines
want clicks on the clients’ links so that they can generate higher revenue. On the other hand,
fraternity of clients expects direct business. Any efficient PPC strategy, in the given context,
therefore requires to be drafted with utmost caution.

Social Media Optimization

The Social Media explosion has created the opportunity to promote one’s client to a hand-
picked audience. Social Media has developed to an impressive extent. In fact, it can help to
promote a business to a selected group of audience. Actually, there is a subtle equation existing
between the network, its broader audience and the targeted audience.

Understanding this equation is important to get best results from Social Media Optimization.

Search Engine Optimization

SEO is a popular component to implement digital marketing. In fact, it is a strategy to ensure

online traffic to a web portal from organic, natural, editorial and free listings on the Search
Engines. Major Search Engines, including Google and Bing generate SERP pages in response to a
search query.

In this listing, a Search Engine displays those links that it thinks most relevant to the entered search
query. Websites possessing higher ranks are listed on the top. People have this peculiar nature of
clicking on those websites that are ranked higher on a Search Engine Result Page. This mode of
digital marketing is exceptionally prominent in the world these days.

Conversion Rate Optimization

CRO is another intrinsic digital marketing strategy that is popular worldwide. The basic of this
concept is all about converting internet browsers into buyers. In fact, there are various tools that are
available to gauge the deficits of a website. These include

 Google analytics – this provides authentic information on online traffic, set of keywords
and other numeric and analytical information for a website
 Scroll map and hit map – These inform about what the visitors are clicking on and about
how far of a webpage they are actually scrolling.

Online Reputation Management

This once again brings us back to the core of digital marketing concept. As it has been already
mentioned above, for any commercial commodity the aspect of customer feedback is crucial to
generate business. Thus, reputation is a major element, in the contemporary times, to achieve
success. In addition to these, reputation is a perishable entity.

Therefore, the concept of ORM revolves around understanding and influencing reputation of an
individual or that of a brand across the Social Media platforms. In fact, all the major corporate
organizations, as well as commercial brands allocate huge funds for this aspect.

Some of the common strategies that are commonly applied to implement Online Reputation
Management include,

 Prompt responding to customer queries

 Using online feedbacks to promote a product in the market and
 Censoring adverse feedbacks related to a product or service, etc.

As such, there are more components to the aspect of digital marketing. Email marketing is one such
aspect. The basic concept of this approach involves straightaway sending email messages to
potential and existing customers. The emails are sent either to solicit sales, sending advertisements
and/or requesting business. The objective of this approach is to build brand awareness and brand
loyalty. Digital marketing is the obvious choice for any business, big or small, to gain prominence
in the contemporary society.
5.6 Five Essential Aspects of Digital Marketing

We have come to that part of the year already! The bit where everyone is evaluating what has
happened over the last 11 to 12 months and is making predictions for the coming year. Well we
are; and with that in mind let’s look at some of the things that we are going to be looking for in
the coming 12 months.

In the last 12 months; people were generally focused on the following trends:

 Budget
 Emerging Markets
 Social media (finally) growing up
 Mobile marketing being taken seriously
 Email marketing
 Reputation management (social media)
 Content is king
 Gratification
 Bar codes (QR codes)
 Interactive TV

To the man in the street, this meant a few great things in terms of his experience with brands.

It meant that consumers were being taken seriously. To some extent, brands realized that their
audience had a voice and they were not afraid to use it. Social media became the voice of the
consumer and companies were forced to listen and react.
Consumers in general never really understood QR codes. I must admit while I think they are pretty
interesting and fun to play around with; the fact that QR readers are not native to smart phones and
tablets just makes them an absolute pain to use.

1. Get It Done
In my opinion, 2013 is going to be a year where things get done. People are going stop talking
about the benefits of social media and blogging and start actually getting involved. This is arguably
the biggest thing that needs to change. Until now, people have been grappling with the difficulties
of convincing their internal stakeholders that there are benefits to social media. The problem with
this is that it is very difficult to show value in something that you are not involved in.

2. Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is going to continue to rise in popularity; especially in small to medium-sized
companies. There are a host of benefits of cloud computing that naturally lend themselves to
SME’s to take advantage of. How does this relate to marketing you say? Well the fact that your
business can / does run on the cloud is not necessarily related; but the fact that your clients
can access your systems anywhere and at any time is beneficial.

3. Marketing Effectiveness Being Evaluated

I think we are rapidly moving past the stage where we can continually measure online and offline
effectiveness against each other. I see 2013 being the year where marketing channels are all rated
in terms of how effective they are at creating, sustaining and converting in to sales. In 2013, the
online/offline battle ground will be won on this front.

4. The KPI of ROI

As a spin-off from the previous point; I think that people are going to have to be more concerned
with how effective all their marketing is and that they are going to be aggressively measured on
this. The results and performance metrics are going to prove critical in 2013.

5. Mobile Marketing Takes Off (Again)

Mobile marketing is going to get even more serious in 2013. There has been this misunderstood
void in the last few years that has been “mobile marketing” but in 2013 everyone is going to
be taking this front very seriously. With more and more smartphones and tablets on the market
than ever before; no one can forget to place emphasis on their “mobile strategies”. This
includes everything from USSD, SMS, MMS and WAP to mobile internet and applications.

Covering It All
Again consumers can get ready to have their collective socks blown off. In 2013, digital campaigns
are going to be looking at touching you directly (hopefully in a non-creepy way… unless you are
into that!). This means that you will have beautifully immersive experiences in a way that speaks to
you, as you;, and not as part of a collective demographic.

Consumers will be touched through location–based services reaching out to them through
their mobile devices (smart phone or tablet).
These are just some of the major things I think will be emphasized in 2017 — over and above that,
tailoring your marketing to how, where and when your target audience wants to interact with you is
going to be pivotal. This goes beyond “just” content marketing and being “mobile”. This is your
entire marketing message and it needs to speak to individuals and not to demographics anymore!
6.0 Recommendations:

Social media marketing is a relatively new concept for most companies even a few years back. It
is a growing medium of communication where most of the youths are present and one of the most
interactive mediums of communication. Since social media marketing is innovative and still there
is a lot to study here, I have provided some recommendations that can help brands in social media
as well as digital communication firms to prosper in the future in terms of being efficient and
effective. Suggestions are mentioned below:

Increase Funds on Social Media Marketing:

Now a day’s people are interacting with Digital marketing. Clients always try to keep the cost
low on social media marketing which is one of the reasons to failure of brands.

Provide Training to the New Intern of the Organization:

Company should continue providing training to the new interns to find out what potential they
have got. It will help the company to choose the right employees.

Increase Efficiency of Brand Pages on Social Media:

Always using product advertisement or same post again and again can make consumers bored. So
a brand page should also post non product related post which helps consumers in different way.

HR Division Needs Enough Space to Deliver Important Papers:

HR division sometimes fails to deliver necessary document. This can be harmful for a company
Increase Competence of Brand Pages on Social Media:
To increase the efficiency of brand pages one requirement to target the communication of brand
pages according to the target group.

More Staffing for Social Media Marketing:

More staffing needed in this specific sector. Without proper knowledgeable employee, a firm
cannot reach the shore.

Brands should promote more on Non-brand Communication via Posts to Attract

Like Airtel buzz and other brand pages should post non brand communication posts every day. If
the posts are interesting obviously the page like, comment or reach will be increase.
6.1 Conclusion:

AMCL is the biggest ATL agency which runs under the supervision of Ali Zaker. Its stakeholders
and achievement list mesmerized me. As a part of academic requirement and completion of BBA
program, I have been assigned to complete my internship report under the supervision of Asiatic
Digital and guidance of Didarul Alam Khan . The Experience I gained during my internship period
was very valuable. Working with international brands like Airtel, PepsiCo and Nestle has been a
life changing experience for me. I had to observe competitors digital activities to make this
business model which was a great pleasure for me. All these experience is pleasure to me. I learned
lot about practical ideas and business policies which I can relate to my academic learning’s. All
these knowledge that I have gained by working three months, I can surely carry for the rest of my

1. What is Digital Marketing?

2. Benefits of studying Digital marketing.
3. Importance of Digital marketing in today’s life?
4. Scope of Digital marketing?
5. Objective of Digital marketing?
6. What are Digital marketing channels and Explain its type?
7. What is SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)?
8. What is SEM (Search Engine Marketing)?
9. What is SMM (Social Media Marketing)?
10. What is ODA (Online Design Advertisement)?
11. What is ORM (Online Reputation Management)?
12. What is MMT (Mobile Marketing)?
13. What is Email Marketing?

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