Horsetail For Teeth
Horsetail For Teeth
Horsetail For Teeth
Hi there, I started drinking Horsetail herb tea about 3 weeks ago cause it's supposed to be good
for bones. I noticed a huge improvement in two front teeth. They had previously looked almost
see through and dark due to lot's of lemons. I was amazed when they started filling in. It's the
only thing I've done different. There is some good info out there regarding Horsetail and how it
helps bones, teeth, collagen, ect.
I heard that one of the reasons a person gets cavities, it is most likely due to deficiency of silica in
your diet, poor overall nutrition, and prolonged mistreatment of your teeth by eating enamel
dissolving foods (like carbonated soda pop)
Method 1: Obtain more silica in your diet by consuming a particular species of Horsetail. The
Latin name is Equisetumhyemale. It is an upright, non branching species of horsetail that kind of
looks like skinny dark green bamboo. All aerial parts of the plant are edible. You do not want the
species that has small branchings at each joint because that species is mildly toxic. You want to
eat horsetail because has the most silica of any edible plant in the natural world.
Horsetail powder can be purchased at organic grocery stores (like Mothers) or online. Horsetail
plants can be purchased at most plant nurseries. If you can’t afford either, check to see if some
of your neighbors or parks have horsetail plants growing in their front yards as they are a
common decorative plant (but please, no stealing).
DOug Simons – the creator behind the Alternatives to Dentists video, suggests not making a tea
of it though. Eating it powdered, or simply eating a raw section of it right from the plant is best.
Hold it in your mouth and especailly on your teeth for optimum effect.
I’ve been amazed at how strong my teeth feel after consuming some horsetail for a few weeks.
It’s really an awesome herb.