Unit Iii
Unit Iii
Unit Iii
The collector current varies above and below its Q point value in phase with the base
current, and the collector to emitter voltage varies above and below its Q point value 1800
out of phase with base voltage.
The figure (a) shows common base circuit. The signal source is coupled to the emitter of
the transistor via capacitor C1. The load resistance RL is coupled to the collector of the
transistor via capacitor C2.
From the figure we can write VE = VB – VBE. Considering VBE fairly constant, we say
that variation in the VB appears at emitter and emitter voltage VE will vary same as base
voltage VB.
The output voltage at each frequency o input signal is noted and the gain of the amplifier
is calculated. The output voltage or the voltage gain of the amplifier is then plotted
against frequency.
The frequency F2 lies in high frequency region, while the frequency F1 lies in low
frequency region.
These two frequencies are also referred to as half power frequencies since gain or output
voltage drop to 70.7% of maximum value and this represent a power level of one half the
power at the reference frequency in mid frequency region.
Advantage of RC coupling:
It requires resistors and capacitor which are very cheap, light in weight and small in size.
Its frequency response is excellent over the audio frequency range.
The nonlinear distortion due to RC coupling is minimum because it does not employ any
inductive components such as coil or transformer.
Its overall amplification is greater than the amplification provided by other coupling.
Disadvantage of RC coupling:
Impedance matching is not possible with RC coupling.
Amplifier becomes noisy with age and in the humid environment.
Used in all audio small signal amplifiers.
Used in record players, tape recorders, public address systems, radio receivers and
television receivers.
The figure (a) shows N-channel, enhancement mode MOSFET common source circuit
with a time varying (AC) voltage source in series with a the DC source. Assume the time
varying input signal is sinusoidal.
The figure (a) shows the MOSFET characteristics DC load line and Q point where the
DC load line and Q point are function of VGS, VDD, RD and the MOSFET parameters.
For the output voltage to be a linear function of the input voltage, the MOSFET biased in
the saturation region.
The figures (b) show sinusoidal variations in the gate to source voltage drain current and
drain to source voltage, as a result of the sinusoidal source Vi.
The total gate to source voltage is the sum of VGSQ and Vi.
As Vi increases, the instantaneous value of VGS increases, and the bias point moves up
the load line. A larger value of VGS means a larger drain current and a smaller value of
The small signal drain current is related to small signal gate to source voltage by the
transconductance gm. The relationship is given by,
gm = = 2K(VGSQ - VT) ---------- (2)
Using equation (1) we obtain
Vo = VDD - (IDQ + id)RD = (VDD - IDQRD) - idRD ---------- (3)
The output voltage is also a combination of DC and AC values. The time varying output
signal is the time varying drain to source voltage, or
Vo = Vds = -idRD ---------- (4)
From the equation (2) we have
id = gmVgs ---------- (5)
In summary, the following relationship exists between the time varying signals for the
circuit in figure (a).
The equations are given in terms of the instantaneous AC values, as well as the phasors.
We have,
Vgs = Vi ---------- (6)
id = gmVgs ---------- (7)
Vds = -idRD ---------- (8)
The figure (c) shows the AC equivalent circuit. Here, the DC source in the figure (a) are
made zero. From the equivalent circuit for the NMOS amplifier circuit, we can draw a
small equivalent circuit for the MOSFET.
FIG: (c) AC equivalent circuit of common source amplifier with NMOS transistor
The figure (d) shows the small signal low frequency AC equivalent circuit for N channels
MOSFET. The relation of Id by V gs is included as a current source gmVgs connected from
drain to source. The input impedance is represented by the open circuit at its input
terminals since gate current IG is zero.
FIG: (d) Small signal equivalent circuit, including output resistance for NMOS transistor
C.KANNAN. ME/Assistant Professor/EEE/Arunai Engineering College.
Page No: 8
We know that the circuit has the finite output resistance of a MOSFET biased in the
saturation region because of the non zero slope in the iD versus VDS curve.
We also know that,
iD = K[(VGS - VT)2 (1 + λVDS)] ---------- (9)
Where λ is the channel length modulation parameter and is a positive quantity. The small
signal output resistance is defined as,
figure (e) shows the small signal equivalent circuit of common source circuit is shown in
figure (a)
FIG: (e) Small signal equivalent circuit of common source circuit with NMOS transistor
Some of the basic common source amplifiers are,
FIG: (a) Common source circuit with voltage divider biasing and coupling
Assume that the signal frequency is sufficiently large for the coupling capacitor to act
essentially as a short circuit. The signal source is represented by a thevenin equivalent
circuit, in which the signal voltage source Vs, is in series with an equivalent source
resistance RSi. Here Rsi should be much less than the amplifier input resistance, R i =
R1‖R2 in order to minimize loading effects.
From the figure (b) shows the resulting small signal equivalent circuit.
Since RSi is not zero the amplifier input signal Vi is less than the signal voltage. This is
We can relate the AC drain current to the AC drain to source voltage as Vds = -Id(RD)
The figure (c) shows the DC load line the transition point, and the Q point which is in the
saturation region.
FIG: (C) DC load line and transition point separating saturation and non-saturation
Common source amplifier with source resistor:
The figure (d) shows the common source amplifier with source resistor.
The source resistor is introduced to stabilize the Q point against variation in the MOSFET
parameters. However like in BJT circuit, a source resistor reduces the signal gain.
Common source circuits with source bypass capacitor:
A source by pass capacitor connected across the source resistor in the common source
circuit will minimize the loss in the small signal voltage gain, while maintaining Q point
Since RL is in effect connected in series with the source terminal of the MOSFET it is
more convenient to use the MOSFET to use the MOSFETs model for the analysis. This
Vi = Vs = Vs ----------- (2)
Ri + Rsi RG + Rsi
From the figure (g) it can be seen that the load résistance R L is in parallel with ro and
resistance in series with RL ‖ ro
The input voltage Vi appears across the total resistance and hence by applying the voltage
divider rule, we have
Vi X (RL ro)
Vo = ----------- (3)
1 / gm + (RL ro)
Vo (RL ro)
AV = = ----------- (4)
Vi 1 / gm + (RL ro)
The open circuit voltage gain AVo (RL = ∞) is given as
ro ----------- (5)
A Vo =
1 / gm + ro
Since ro >> the open circuit voltage gain tends to unity, however it is always less than
Usually RL << ro and hence the voltage gain by equation (4) becomes
Vo RL Since RL <<ro ----------- (6)
AV = =
Vi 1 / gm + RL
effect of CC1, Cs and CC2. Its gain at high frequency due to the effect of C gs and Cgd.