Sumulong V Guerrero Digest
Sumulong V Guerrero Digest
Sumulong V Guerrero Digest
The land sought to be expropriated were valued by the NHA at one peso
(P1.00) per squaremeter adopting the market value fixed by the provincial
assessor in accordance withpresidential decrees prescribing the valuation of
property in expropriation proceedings
Together with the complaint was a motion for immediate possession of the
properties. TheNHA deposited the amount of P158,980.00 with the Philippine
National Bank, representing the"total market value" of the subject twenty
five hectares of land, pursuant to PresidentialDecree No. 1224 which defines
"the policy on the expropriation of private property forsocialized housing
upon payment of just compensation."
The Decree would allow the taking of property regardless of size and no
matterhow small the area to be expropriated;
Socialized housing" for the purpose of condemnation proceeding,
asdefined in said Decree, is not really for a public purpose;
The Decree would allow the taking of private property upon payment of
unjustand unfair valuations arbitrarily fixed by government assessors;
Is “socialized housing” as defined in PD 1224 not public use since it will benefit only a handful
of people?
Does PD 1224 allow the taking of private property upon payment of unjust
and unfairvaluations arbitrarily fixed by government assessors, depriving the
courts of their judicialdiscretion to determine what would be "just
YES. Unconstitutional
Writ of possession annulled. Case remanded to the court of origin for further
proceedings todetermine the compensation the petitioners are entitled to be
paidRatioPublic Use
"Socialized housing" is defined by PD 1224 as, "the construction of dwelling
units for themiddle and lower class members of our society, including the
construction of the supportinginfrastructure and other facilities"
The "public use" requirement for a and exercise of the power of eminent
domain is a flexibleand evolving concept
There was a time when it was felt that a literal meaning should be attached
to such arequirement. Whatever project is undertaken must be for the public
to enjoy, as in the
To the literal import of the term signifying strict use or employment by the
public has beenadded the broader notion of indirect public benefit or
The state shall by law, and for the common good, undertake, in cooperation
the private sector, a continuing program of urban land reform and housing w
hich willmake available at affordable cost decent housing and basic services
to underprivilegedand homeless citizens in urban centers and resettlement
. It shall also promoteadequate employment opportunities to such citizens.
In the implementation of suchprogram the State shall respect the rights of
small property owners. (Art. XIII, sec. 9)
Petitioners further contend that Pres. Decree 1224, as amended, would allow
the taking of"any private land" regardless of the size and no matter how
small the area of the land to beexpropriated. (In effect: there are larger
lands owned by only a few landlords, why not taketheirs first?)
Just compensation means the value of the property at the time of the taking.
It meansa
fair and full equivalent
for the loss sustained. ALL the facts as to the condition of theproperty and
its surroundings, its improvements and capabilities, should be considered
Tax values can serve as guides but cannot be absolute substitutes for
justcompensationDue Process