Destination U2
Destination U2
Destination U2
Thinking to grasp the rules of the game: nắm được, hiểu thấu (vấn
assess (v) to carefully consider a situation, person or problem đề…)
in order to make a judgment: đánh giá guesswork (n) the process of trying to find the answer to
assess (v) to calculate what sth costs or is worth: định giá something by guessing, or the answer found by using this
assume (v) to believe that sth is true, even though no one has method: sự phỏng đoán
told you or even though you have no proof: Don't assume hunch (n) a feeling that something ¡s true or will happen,
that all has been revealed. although you do not know any definite facts about it: linh
baffle (v) if a problem, s.o's behaviour, etc baffles you, you cảm
cannot understand it or solve it: Detectives remain baffled by ideology (n) a system of ideas and principles on which a
these murders. political or economic theory is based: ý thức hệ, hệ tư tưởng
biased (adj) preferring one person, thing or idea to another in (của 1 giai cấp)
a way that is unfair: thiên vị ingenious (adj) an ingenious plan, piece of equipment, etc
concentrate (v) to give all your attention to the thing you are uses new and clever ideas: khéo léo/tài tình, mưu trí
doing: tập trung inspiration (n) a sudden feeling of enthusiasm or a new idea
consider (v) to think about sth carefully before making a that helps you to do or create sth
decision or developing an opinion: She paused and intuition (n) an ability to know or understand st through your
considered for a moment. feelings, rather than by considering facts or evidence: trực
consider (v) to have a particular opinion about s.o or sth: giác
They consider it inevitable that some jobs will be lost. justify (v) to show that there is a good reason for st, esp. sth
contemplate (v) to consider doing sth in the future: I’m that other people think is wrong: bào chữa, thanh minh
contemplating retirement next year. naïve (adj) a naïve person lacks experience of life and tends
contemplate (v) to think very carefully about sth for a long to trust other people and believe things too easily
time: I haven’t got time to sit around contemplating the notion (n) an idea or understanding of sth: I haven’t the
meaning of life. faintest notion what youre talking about: khái niệm
cynical (adj) s.o who is cynical believes that people care only optimistic (adj) s.o who is optimistic is hopeful about the
bout themselves and are not sincere or honest, or expects future and tends to expect that good things will happen: lạc
things not to be successful or useful: ích kỷ/hoài nghi quan
deduce (v) to know sth as a result of considering the optimistic (adj) based on beliefs that are too confident:
information or evidence that you have: suy luận That's a very optimistic assessiment of the overall situation.
deliberate (v) to think about or discuss sth very carefully, esp. paradox (n) a person, thing or situation that is strange
before you make an important decision: cân nhắc, thảo luận because they have features or qualitles that do not normally
kỹ exist together: We get this apparent paradox of people
dilemma (n) a situation in which you have to make a dificult migrating to an area that has very high unemployment.:
decision: tình thế khó xử, thế tiến thoái lưỡng nan ngược đời
discriminate (v) to treat someone unfairly because of their pessimistic (adj) someone who is pessimistic is not hopeful
religion, race or other personal features: phân biệt đối xử about the future and tends to expect that bad things will
discriminate (v) to recognise the difference between things: happen: She said that she was pessimistic about the future of
phân biệt the company.
dubious (adj) not completely good, safe or honest: The story pessimistic (adj) thinking that the worst thing will happen in
seemed a bit dubious to me: thiếu minh bạch/mơ hồ every situation: bi quan
dubious (adj) not sure about the truth or quality of plausible (adj) likely to be true, honest or suitable: hợp lý,
something, or whether you should do something: hồ nghi, đáng tin cậy (bản tuyên bố, lời xin lỗi..)
không chắc chắn ponder (v) to think carefully about something for a long time
estimate (n) an amount that you guess or calculate using the before reaching a decision: suy nghĩ về, cân nhắc về
information available: số lượng ước đoán prejudiced (adj) s.o who is prejudiced has an unreasonable
estimate (n) a statement telling a customer how much opinion or feeling about s.o or sth, esp hatred or fear of a
money you will charge if they employ you to do a particular particular group of people: có thành kiến
piece of work: bản kê giá cả (thầu khoán) presume (v) to think sth is true because it is likely, although
estimate (v) to say what you think an amount or value will you cannot be certain: cho là; đoán chừng
be, either by guessing or by using available information to query (n) a question that you ask because you want
calculate. information or because you are not certain about something:
faith (n) strong belief in or trust of so or sth: niềm tin câu hỏi chất vấn/thắc mắc
gather (v) to believe that sth is true, although no one has query (v) to ask a question about something because you
directly told you about it: You’re new here, I gather. have doubts about it: hỏi do thắc mắc, nghi ngờ
genius (n) so who is much more intelligent or skillful than query (v) to ask something: hỏi.
other people reckon (v) to believe that sth is true: I reckon there's
genius (n) a very high level of skill or ability: Baking allows something wrong with him: cho là, nghĩ là
you to show your creative genius: cảm hứng
reflect (v) to think about sth carefully and seriously: suy nghĩ intellectual (adj) relating to the ability to think in an
sâu về, ngẫm nghĩ về (các sự kiện đã qua intelligent way and to understand things, esp difficult or
sceptical/skeptical (adj) having doubts about sth that other complicated ideas and subjects: thuộc về, có khả năng giải
people think is true or right: hoài nghi, ngờ vực quyết các vấn đề của trí tuệ
speculate (v) to consider or discuss why sth has happened: intellectual (adj) well educated and interested in art, science,
suy xét, nghiên cứu literature, etc at an advanced level: có tri thức, (thuộc) trí óc
suppose (v) to believe that sth is probably true, based on intellectual (n) someone who is well educated and interested
your experience, your knowledge and any other information in art, science, literature, etc at an advanced level: người tri
that you have: tin rằng, nghĩ rằng thức
Learning intelligent (adj) good at thinking clearly and quickly, at
academic (adj) relating to education, esp education in understanding difficult ideas and subjects, and at gaining and
colleges and universities: có tính chất học thuật using knowledge.
academic (adj) good at learning things by studying: She's intensive (adj) involving a lot of teaching or training in a short
certainly bright, but she's not very academic. time: lt’s an intensive language course for beginners: cao
academic (adj) not relating to a real situation, and therefore độ/chuyên sâu
not relevant: lý thuyết suông, không thực tế knowledgeable (adj) knowing a lot about many different
academic (n) someone who teaches or does research at a subjects or about one particular subject: am hiểu
college or university: viện sĩ lecture (n) a talk to a group of people about a particular
conscientious (adj) working hard and being careful to do subject, esp at a college or university: bài thuyết trình
things well: tận tâm, chu đáo lecture (v) to give a lecture or a series of lectures: giảng, diễn
cram (v) to study hard in order to learn a lot in a short time, thuyết
esp for an exam: luyện thi, ôn thi mock exam (n phr) an exam you take for practice before an
curriculum (n) the subjects that students study at a particular important exam.
school or college: chương trình giảng dạy plagiarise (v) to take someone else's work, ideas or words,
distance learning (n phr) a system in which students work at and use them as if they were your own: ăn cắp ý, văn (lời nói,
home with the help of TV and radio broadcasts and send ý kiến…)
work to their teachers by post or e-mail: Are you doing the self-study (n) work that you do without the help of a teacher.
course by distance learning? seminar (n) a class at a college or university in which a small
graduate (n) someone who has a degree from a university: group of students discusses a subject with a teacher: nhóm
người có bằng cấp nghiên cứu chuyên đề
graduate (v) to complete your studies at a university or special needs (n phr) the particular needs of people who are
college, usually by getting a degree physically or mentally disabled.
ignorant (adj) not knowing sth that you should know or need tuition (n) the work that a teacher does when they teach a
to know: không biết, ngu dốt particular subject, esp to one person or a small group.
inattentive (adj) not giving much attention to so or sth: lơ là, tutorial (n) a lesson in which a small group of students
thiếu chú ý discuss a subject with a tutor, esp at a university or college:
We had a very interesting tutorial on climate change