Narrative Report MIL
Narrative Report MIL
Narrative Report MIL
Narrative Report
Media and Information Literacy
Senior High School Department
A.Y. 2019-2020
I- Standard
A. Content Standard
1. Explain the literary, biographical, linguistic, and sociocultural contexts and discuss how they
enhance the text’s meaning and enrich the reader’s understanding
2. Produce a creative representation of a literary text by applying multimedia skills
B. Performance Standard
Demonstrate understanding through an adaptation of a context such as social concerns and current
themes of 21st century literature into other creative forms using multimedia.
III- Tools
A. Computer
B. Smartphone, Digital Camera, or DLSR Camera (Video Recording)
C. Microsoft Word
D. Video Editing Software, Web Tool, or Mobile Application (e.g. Windows Movie Maker, iMovie,
Animoto, MiniMovie, VideoShow etc.)
IV- Guidelines
A. The class will be divided into 2 groups. Each group is considered a film production and members will be
assigned to a specific position role. Students will be allowed to play dual positions.
B. Each group will create a 3- 20 minutes video presentation in MP4 format. Video presentation may be
instructional, persuasive, historical, or reflective.
C. Each group will choose a topic
Group 1- Identity Realization and Self-Understanding
Group 2- Self Expression and Recovery from Unwanted Past
Group 3- Friendship and Acceptance
Group 1- Game Addiction and Media Desensitization
Group 2- Self Recovery from Depression and Acceptance of oneself and Others
D. Each group will create a video treatment, script, and movie poster for their video.
E. Format for video treatment and script
1. MS Word (.doc)
2. Legal size (8. 5 inches X 13 inches)
3. Font: Times New Roman Font Size: 12
4. Line Spacing: 1.5, Single Space Borders: 1 inch top, left, right, and bottom.
F. Digital video poster size is 8 inches x 12. 5 inches while a storyboard sheet will be provide.
G. Students can use any video editing software, web tools, or mobile application that they are familiar with
in making their video presentation.
H. Proper citation for borrowed materials is required.
V. Rubric
A. Short Film (Group Grade)
Needs Improvement
Criteria Very Good (20-18) Good (17-15) Fair (14-11)
Content The content includes Information is presented The content does not Content lacks a central
a clear statement of as a connected theme present a clearly stated theme, clear point of
purpose or theme with accurate, current theme, is vague, and view and logical
and is creative, supporting information some of the supporting sequence of information.
compelling and that contributes to information does not Much of the supporting
clearly written. A understanding the seem to fit the main idea information is irrelevant
rich variety of project’s main idea. or appears as a to the overall message.
supporting Details are logical and disconnected series of The viewer is unsure
information in the persuasive information scenes with no unifying what the message is
video contributes to is effectively used. The main idea. Includes few because there is little
the understanding of content includes a clear citations and few facts. persuasive information
the project’s main point of view with a and only one or two
idea. Events and progression of ideas and facts about the topic are
messages are supporting information. articulated. Information
presented in a logical Includes properly cited is incorrect, out of date,
order. Includes sources. or incomplete. No
properly cited citations included.
Quality Movie was Movie was completed Movie was made, but The video was totally
completed and had and contained all had very little if any unedited with no
all required required elements. editing. Many poor transitions or audio
elements. The video Editing was not done as shots remain. Video was support of any kind.
was well edited and well as it should have very fragmented and
moves smoothly been. Some poor shots choppy with little to no
from scene to scene remain. Movie is still audio reinforcement.
with proper use of somewhat choppy.
transitions. Audio Audio and other
and other enhancements were
enhancements were utilized, but not for
well used. maximum effect.
Work Every individual in 1 member is not 2-3 members are not More than 3 members
Ethics the group contributed involved in the group involved in the group are not involved in the
to the creation of the project. Team members project. Team members group project or group
video project. Team mostly showed respect fairly showed respect members are not
members showed with each other. with each other. working during the
respect with each designated time or low
other. levels of respect were
evident within the team.
TOTAL 60 Points
C. Script
Ideas and scenes The plot is a little The plot is pretty well The story is very well
seem to be hard to follow. The organized. One idea organized. One idea
There are no The playwright has The playwright used The playwright has
stage directions used stage directions, stage directions and really demonstrated
or consideration but more could have proper script format, thorough thought and
of script/play been used. demonstrating a understanding regards
format. general to stage directions
Application Inquiry Thinking/ Understanding
There is little The story contains a The story contains The story contains
evidence of few creative details creative details and/or many creative details
creativity. The and/or descriptions, descriptions that and/or descriptions
playwright does but they distract from contribute to the that contribute to the
not seem to have the story. reader's enjoyment reader's enjoyment.
used much
It is hard to tell The main characters The main characters The main characters
who the main are named. Dialogue (3-4) are named and (3-4) are named and
characters are. and stage directions described. Dialogue clearly describe.
There is only 1 have limited and stage directions Dialogue and stage
main character. expansion of somewhat expand directions expand
character character character
development. development. development.
Hard to follow It is usually clear It is usually clear It is always clear
characters' which character is which character is which character is
dialogue and speaking. Dialogue is speaking. Dialogue is speaking. Dialogue is
minimal effort is choppy and not well well developed, but well developed and
put into developed. could be more varied varied.
conversations. in structure.
Total 20 Points
C. Peer Evaluation
Write the name of each of your group members in the first column. For each person, indicate the extent to which
you agree with the statement on the left, using a scale of 1-4 (1=strongly disagree; 2=disagree; 3=agree;
4=strongly agree). Total the scores in each column.
Total Score
Contributes Completes Prepares es a
meaningfull group work in a cooperative
NAMES to the
y to group assignments quality and
success of
discussions. on time. manner. supportive
the project.
C. Computation of Grades
Quarter Examination – Short Film + Movie Poster + Script = 100 Points
Peer Evaluation – Recorded as seatwork
Executive Director: Teacher Script Writer: Student
Sound Director: Student
Director: Student Storyboard and Graphic Artist: Student
Film Editor: Student
Producer: Student Set Designer: Student
Actors: Student
Researcher: Student Camera Operator: Student