Mil e 38453a PDF
Mil e 38453a PDF
Mil e 38453a PDF
MIL-E-38453A USAF)’; ‘
2 Decsmber 1$71
MIL-E-38453 (USAF)
9 September 1966
(c) Distribution of.engine compressor bleed air between the engines snd the
c~Onents afi the subsysta that require bleed air
(d) Removal of rain, snow, dust, insects, salt, frost, fog, and ice from
transparent surfacea snd sensor windows
(e) Anti-icing or deicing of flight surfacas, radomes, antenna, and ram air
(f) Pressurization snd temperature control of air for anti-g suits, pressure
suits, and ventilation suits.
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MIL-E.-38453A(USAF) ‘“ ““,
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● Pressurization
(a) Except for the occupied compartments of aircra~t specified in 3.1.1..1.i.1 (b),
the occupied compartments of all aircraft shall be unpressurized from sea level
to 8,000 feet and then maintained at an 8,000-foot, isobaric pressure altitude to
the operational ceiling of the aircraft. For aircraft where mfssion operation at
high altitudes (above 40,000 feet) is for a relatively short time period (1 hour
or less) and a substantial weight increaae ia incurred by maintaining an 8,000-
foot pressure altitude to the operational ceiling of the aircraft, it is accept-
able to provide as a minimum a 5 pound per square inch (psi) differential
pressure schedule above 23,000 feet.
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(c) The maximum rate of pressure change within the occupied compartments of al1
aircraft, except the aircraft specified in, shall be 1 psi per
second for decreasing pressure and O.5 psi for,increasing pressure. The rate of
pressure change within the occupied compartnmmts of the aircraft specified in
3.1.l.l.l.l(b) sF.allbe controlled by an automatic controller that will allow
for selection and control anywhere in the range of 100 to 2,000 feet per minute.,3 Pressure release. Both normal and emergency provisions for pressure
release shall be provided for the occupied compartment. Where possible, the
normal and the smergency provisions for pressure releaae shall be an additional
function of the safety valve. ‘lhenormal pressure releaae provisiona shall be
capable of dumping (ace 6 .3.3) cabin pressure without shutting off the pressuriz-
ing air source. The emergency pressure release provisions shall be capable of
dumping cabin pressure rapidly with the pressurizing air source shut off auto-
matically at initation of dump. All emergency release provisions shall be
activated by a single control. The time required to accomplish pressure release,
after the initation of the emergency pressure releaae provisions, shall be as
(a) The release time to dump from mximum cabin pressure differential to within
1 psi of ambient plessure on aircraft with emergency escape systems for all
occupants sha11 be such that the overall average rate of preseure change will be
within the range of 0.5 to 1.0 psi per second.
(b) Unless the aircraft hxve emargency escape systems for all occupxnts, the
maximum release time shall be 15 seconds for the aircraft spscified in
3.1.l.l.l.l(a) and 60 seconds for-the aircraft specified in 3.1.l.l.l.l(b). The
rate of pressure decrease during depressurizatiorishall not exceed 1 psi psr
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3.1.1 .1.1.4 Pressure source. The pressure source for the occupied compart-
mcnts, whether it is controlled air from the air conditioning system or a stored
gas system or a combination of both, shall provide sufficient flo~-to maintain
the pressure schedule given in 3.1.l.l.l.l(a) Or 3.1.l.l.l.l(b) while overcoming
uncontrolled in-service allowable air leakage per This flow rate
shall be compatible with the minimum ventilation requirements of 3.1.1 .2.1.5 and
the allowable contamination levels of For the portions of”f1ight in
which the aircraft occupied compartment is pressurized by a stored gas supphy,
the partial pressure of the oxygen in the compartment shall be equivalent to the
partial pressure of oxygen at 8,000-foot altitude. When emergency enclosed escape
systems are installed, a separate pressurization source for use during the escape
sequence and descent to earth and during periods of failure of the aircraft pres-
surization system shall be provided in accordance with MIL-C-25969. -
(a) The maximum allowable production leakage rate for all aircraft.except.
aircraft us :ng a 5 pei different ial pressure schedule shal1 not exceed one-half
@ the rate that will aasure the compartment pressure altitude wi 11 not exce~.
30,000 feet during a maximum rate of deecent from msximum operating ceili~ with
the compartment initially preaaurized at 10 pounde per square inch absolute- (psia).
The maximum allowable production leakage rate for aircraft using a 5 psi-differen-
tial pressure schedule shall not exceed one-half the rate that will assure the
compartment pressure altitude will not excead 42,000 feet during a maximum rate
of deecent from mexti operating ceiling with the compartment initially pres-
surized at a 35,000 foot pressure altitude.
(b) The msximum allowable production leakage rate under the moat adverae
flight condition of pressure and temperature shall not exceed 0,07v0”667 + 0.5
pounds per minute, where V is the volume of the pressurized enclosure in cubic
feet. This value for leakage includes the leakage from outflow valves and air
conditioning units.
(d) The msxiuum allowable production leakage rate for aircraft that have wre
than one air conditioning unit supplying air to the pressurized coa@artment shall
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not exceed one-half the rate that will assure that the required pressure
schedule ~intained with one air cOnditioni% unit inoperative.
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3.1.1 .2.1.1 cooling. The cooling equipment shall have sufficient capacity to
maintain the average compartment air temperature (see 6 .3.4) at 70”F for all
f1ight conditions, throughout the range of minimum to maximum engine power
setting, except transients of 30 minutes or less such aa climb, idle descent,
and high speed burst. For transient f1ight cond itions of 30-minute duration or
less the cooling equipment ahal1 have sufficient capacity to prevent the average
compartment temperature from exceeding 80”F. During ground operation in ambient
temperatures up to 125°F, when using either the aircraft propulsion engines
operating at idle or an on-board auxiliary power unit (AFU), the cooling equip-,:
ment shal1 be &pable of preventing the average compartment temperature from
exceeding 80”F. The preceding flight performance shall be met or exceeded
throughout the ambient temperature and humidity range specified in MIL-STD-2 10.
The preceding systernground operating performance shal1 be met or exceeded at all
temperature and humid ity conditions of figure 1. Transient cool down times.of
compartments following high temperature soaks shall be as specified in the weapon
system specifications or held to a minimum if not specified. The temperature of
all surfaces, except small local areas such as diffusers, structural attachment
fittings, and circuit breakers, which enter into radiant heat exchange with”
occupanta, shal1 be prevented from excesding levels that adversely affect human
comfort. The temperature of these surfaces shall not exceed 105”F, except during
transient periods of 30 minutes or less at which time they shall not exceed 160”F.
All surfaces in occupied compartments, which can be touched by personnel,.shall
‘o be maintained at leveLs that wi 11 not cause discomfort if touched with the..
protected parta of the huawanbody.
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AF)F) 0
(a) Steady state: The controls shall hold the average compartme~t air
temperature to within ~3°F of.the setting selected by the crew.
(b) Transient: The time required for the average compartment air temperature
to stabilize within ~3eF of the setting selected by the crew after encountering
extreme temperature transients caused by engine power changes, aircraft maneuvers,
or change of selected temperature shall be held to a minimum and in no instance
shal1 exceed the time specified in the airframe contractor ts detail procurement
feet per finute per person shal1 be provided for the full complement.of crew.-
nambers and.passengers during al1 flight and ground conditions, axcept that tk.
minimum ventilation rate for passengers on high density personnel transports.may
be 13 cubic feet per minute per person. In addition, the minimum airflow rate
into the compartments of pressurized aircraft for al1 f1ight cond itions shall be
at least 1.8 times greater than the maximum allowable production leaksge rate’. A
breathable atmosphere for all personnel during ejection and descent and during
pericds of failure of the aircraft pressurization systsm shall be provided on
aircraft in which an emergency escape capsule system will be used. Capsule venti-
Iation after landing on land or water shall be provided in accordance with
MIL-C-25969. An air supply of at least 13.25 cubic feet per minute to each
ventilated suit assembly at a suit disconnect pressure given by the formula
P = 0.5 + 88 P where P is pressure in inches of water above cabin pressure and
P is density of air in pounds per cubic foot, shall be provided in aircraft in
which ventilati~ suits will be used. The temperature of the air supplied to the
ventilated suit uuder normal cruise flight conditions shall be in the range
between 50”F and 90°F. The temperature of air supplied to the ventilated suit
during transient flight and ground conditions shall be between 50”F and 130”F.
3.1.1 .2.1.6 Ram air ventilation. An emergency rxm air ventilation system th,at-
will provide uncontaminated air in accordance with the requirements of
during periods of failure of the normal aircraft cooling provisions shall be
incorporated in all aircraft that do not use ram air as the normal means of
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3.1.1 . Internally forced air cooling. Forced air cooled equipment
shall be provided with the cooling air temperature and weight flow specified in
the equipment epecification. Temperature and pressure ambients compatible with
the environment to which the equipment was des imed and tested shall be,provided.
In instances where it is proposed to instal1 equipment in compartments with
ambient temperature that is more severe than the temperature to which the equip-
ment has been tested, a thermal anslyeis that wil 1 show satisfactory functional
and reliability perfo-ce may be acceptable in lieu of a retest. Cooling air
forced directiy over the surface of miniaturized or basic electronic components
shall be totally void of entrained moisture.
3.1.1 . Cold plate forced convection air cooled. Air supplied to cold -
plate (see 6 .3.6) forced convection cooled units shall resetthe temperature and
weight flow or heat rejection requirements of each equipment specification.
3.1.1 . Forced convection liquid coolsd. Liquid coolant supplied to ‘-
forced convection liquid cooled equi~nt shall be at flow,s,temperatures, and
a pressu~es specified by the equipment detail specifications. All line replm cable
units of the liquid cooling looPs shall have self-sealing disconnects. Liquid
coolant comectione to the equipmsnt being cooled shall be a self-sealing and a
qitick-discomect type.
3.1.1 .2.2.2 TemP erature control. The range and rate of fluctuation between
minimum and maximme electronic equipment operating temperatures shall be mini-
mized and should not exceed that necessary to provide the specified equipment
reliability except during emergency ram air operations. ~e inlet cooling air
temperature and flow rate to forcsd and smbient cooled electronic equipment
should be controlled to ‘prevent overcool ins and assure no problem due t.0
3.1.1 .2.2.3 Distribution. I%e cooling air shall be distributed to each unit
of squipment in accordance with the cooling requirements determined as spscified
in and When plenum chambers (integrated equipment racks
and distribution system) are used to supply cooling air to several units, the
effects of temperature rise and pressure loss shall be taken into account in
determining cooling requirements. Allowances for ,@proper fl& balanciiigand,$+. “
systsm leaksge shall also be included in the cooling requirewnts. Coolimg air ~
ducta’routad through compartm-entsin which high smbient temperatures or humidity E
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can exist shall be insulated to prevent excessive heat gain or condensation.
When equipment is cooled by exhaust air from occupied compartments, ~ufficient
redundanty shal1 be incorporateed to insure that no single failure in the occu-
pied ,compartment cooling circuit wil 1 result in equipment overheat. Flexible
ducts shall be in accordance with MIL-H-8796. All other duct ing shall ns?etthe
flame resistance requirements of MIL-H-8796.
(b) Tskeoff
(d) Landing
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‘ @ (e) ~-flight , ”oriaircraft where this will .e accomplished at
altitudes below 20,000 feet
(f) Level flight at 1.6 times the staII speed at maxinmm weight with flaps and
gear retracted for fixed wing aircraft Snow removal. “Provisions that will adequately remove snow frOm.the
pilot ~d co-pilot’s windshield and sensor window duri% the same grO~d and
d Salt removal. When aircraft missions require low level flightsover
the oceans.or along the coast, a salt removal subsystem for the pilot and
co-pilot’s windshield snd the seneor windows shall be provided with the capa-
bility of maintaining adequate vision throughout the period of maximum over the
water low level flight during one mission. Insect and dust removal. For aircraft having a low level mission over
land, an insect ramoval systsm for the pilot and co-pilot’s windshield and the
sensor windows shall be providad, if required, with the capability of maintaining
adequate vision throughout the period of maximum over the land low level”flight
during one mission. The system performance shall be based on encountering insects
of honeybee size (120 milligrams) at a concentration of one per 20,000 cubic feet.
Vertical takeoff and landing aircraft shall have’a washing system for maintaining
the pilot and co-pilot’s windshield free of dust. Transparent areas and sensor windows. All critical crew sighting and
csmera windows shall be anti-icsd in accordance with the requirements of
UIL-T-5842 . Anti-icing (see 6.3.8) for sensor w:ndows, if required ~tb..
the mission in meteorological conditions defined ‘by figures 2>and 3, shall be
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MIL-E-38453A (USAF)
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MIL-E-38453A (USAF) Ram air ir.lets. Ram air inlets and emergsncy ram air inlets for
supplying cooling tc air conditioning pack(s), electronic equipment, and compart-
ments shall be anti-iced unless it can be demonstrated that operation during the
icing conditions of figures 2 and 3 is possible without detrimental ice build-up
that could seriously impair air conditioning performance
e or equipment cooling or
damage system components. Ant i-g suit air supply. Pressurization air at pressure, moisture, and
contamination levels compatible with anti-g suit equipment shall be provided to
each anti-g suit on aircraft in which the anti-g suits will be used. The tempera-
ture of the anti-g suit air supply shall be controlled between 50”F and 130”F. Pressure suit air supply. A supply of air at pressure, moisture, and
contamination levels co@atible with the pressure suit equipment ahsll be pro-
vided for each pressure suit on aircraft in which pressure suits will be used.
The temperature of the pressure suit air supply shal1 be controlled between
55°F and 90”F.
3.1.3 Ewine bleed air system performance. The engine bleed air system as
covered in this specification shall consist of the ducting and components that
pass high or low pressure blead air from the engine porta or other compressed
air sources to the various subsystems that use compressed air such as air con-
ditioning, jet blast rain removal, anti-icing, defrosting, defogging, fuel tank
pressurization, anti-g suit pressurization, air turbine motor, and boundary
layer control. Distribution. The bleed air distribution system shall provide air to
all components requiring bleed air at a spacified pressure, temperature, and
weight flow and shall minimize energy leases from the bleed air. External leakage
a t any one joint sha11 not exceed 0.01 cubic foot psr minute of standsrd air per
inch of duct diamater, and the total external leakage from the bleed air dis-
tribution system sha11 be held to a ❑ inimum. In the case of duct or caaponent
failure resulting in an open line, the bleed air from the engine shall not be
extracted at a flow rate greater than the flow rate allowed by the engine manu-
facturer. The distribution systsm shall be sized so that bleed flows in the
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w necessary qyiit+t ies can be routed to al1 equipment requiring operation SiIMII
t’keously. .The “distribution system includins the duct m.unting components shal1
be able to withstand the following without fsilure or degradation of fatigue
(b) ~iIUUM the-l ~pansion normally resulting from aircraft structure being
1. at -65 F and the ducting being heated by airflow to maxfmum operating temperature
a :
Insulation. Insulation shal1 offer maxiuaxnprotection against heat
transfer to_structure, maxinnunresistance to combustible fluid wicking, msxiurara
protection “igainst impingsmant of combustible fluida upon hot air duct fug snd
coIQponents, and protection of surroundins components from direct hot air impinge-
ment when span duct or coupling leaka occur. Shields shal1 be provided around
~Y ducting with surface t~araturea greater than 200”F that are routed in
occupied coripartmentsin which loose items in the compartment can come in contact
with the duct. Controls. A normslly open shutoff valve, which fails in the open
position, shall be provided at each source of bleed air. Manifold bleed ports
cm a single engine shall be considered to be a single source. Controls shuIl be
provided so that the vslve may be actuated frum the crsw station and combined or
alternate sources msy be selected when there is a multiple source of supply.
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&.tablish”alternate sources for the cmponents of these systems. Every effort
shall be mde tO select cO~Onents that will finctiOn in ~re than One 10catiOn
within the aircraft to minimize the number of components with different part
nwbers. Previously developed equipment, preferably in the Government inventory,
shall be used wherever’ possible.
3.2,1.4 Acoustical noise level. Noise levels resulting from operation of the
environmental control and the environmental protection systems shall be aa
(a) The levels of noise measured at head level in the occupied compartments
of multi-crew and personnel carriers shall not exceed the levels specifiad in
table lVA of MIL-A-8806.
(b) The levels of noise measured at head level in the occupied compartments
of”single-place aircraft shall not exceed the values given by curves 1 and 2
of figure 5. If pure tones are generated within the compartments by the environ-
mental control system for a period lower than 5 ~nutes, the levels .Of figure 5
shall be reduced by 5 decibels. Crew station controls. Crew station controls for the environmental
control, the environmental protection, and the engine bleed air systems shall
be compatible with design requirements for crew stations specified in the appli-
cable aircraft specification.
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3.2.1 .6.1 Power. All electrical power shall conform to the req~irements of
MIL-STD-704 ,
3.2.1 .6.2 Bonding and grounding. All electrical equipmant and all electronic
equipment shal1 be bonded in accordance with the requirements of MIL-B-5087. The
bond ins shal 1 not be degraded by corrosion-preventive measures or by any other
finish or procees.
.. magnesium shall require prior approval of the procuring activity. Cadmium plated
bolts shall not be used in installations where the temperature of the bolt can
“a exceed 450~F. The use “of 19-9DL stainleaa steel is prohibited in installations
where the temperature of the components can exceed 700”F. Where fusion welding “‘ -
is used to join components manufactured from 19-9DL stainless steel the assembly
shall be heat treated to asaure sensitization is not present.
(a) Proof pressure 1.5 times the gage pressure, with the ccmponent at the
associated temperature for the most adverse press’tieand temperature condition
that occurs during normal operation
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(b) Proof pressure 1.1 times the gage pressure, with the component at the
1. associated temperature for the mst adverse pressure and temperature condition
that occurs in the event of failure of an upstream pressure or temperature
control device.
(a) Burst pressure 2.5 times the gage pressure, with the component at the
associated temperature for the most adverse pressure and temperature condition
that occurs during normal operation
(b) Burst pressure 1.5 times the gage pressure, with the component at the
associated temperature for the mm t adverse pressure and temperature condition
that occurs in the ev~t of failure of an upstream pressure or temperature control
device. Containment. The housing and scrolls of all rotating machinery shsll
completely contain the fragments from rotating blades and wheel bursts (tri-hub
failure) at the greater speed condition either of the maximum speed resulting
from any failure inducing condition or of 135 percent of the maximum normsl
opersting speed with the unit at the pressure and temperature associated with
these speeds. Fragments IMY penetrate the containing housing but shall not ‘s
pass through the housing. Particles or psrts resulting from a failure and
psssing through inlet or outlet ports of the assembly shall be contslnad by
the sdjoining ducting. Rotating equipnent such as electrical motor operated
fans, which cannot exceed a certain design miximum spsed, shall contain all
fragments from blade and wheel bursts (tri-hub failure) at the msxlmum pos-
sible operating speed. ‘Reliability. Reliability shall be a basic consideration in the design
of all components used in the environmental control, the environmental protection
ad the engine blesd air systsms. The required mean tire between failures (1.fTBF)
I for these systsms and the components thereof shall be .determrinedby analysis and
shall be the 14TBFnecessary to achieve the overall weapon system reliability.
This analysis shall be submitted to the prncuring activity for approval. Air discharge. Discharge air from the environmental control, the
environmental protection, and the engine bleed air systems shall not be sxhausted
into engine air inlets.
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will prevent the entry of particles, into the control uchanism, that would
adversely affect the operation of the control mechanism. The fil. teri shall be
readily accessible for inspection and maintenance and shall have a minimum of
600 hours of service life without maintenance. All bleed and sensing lines and
all their fittings used in pneumatic actuated systems shall have an outside
diameter of at least 3/16 inch. Cent inuous drainage ahal1 be provided in pneu-
matic actuating control mechanisms so that accumulation of condensate, ice, and
corrosion will not occur. All pneumatic actuated components shall be made of
corrosion-resist ant mat erials. Provisions to prevent entrained moisture from
entering the control mechanism of all pneumatic actuated components shall be
incorporated. Human performance. The print iples and the procedures of human engi-
neering defined in MIi.-H-46855 shall be systematically applied to the design of
the environmental control, the enviromntal protection, and the engine bleed air
systems to permit optimum performance by maintenance personnel. “me design details
of the environmental control, the environmental protection, and the engine bleed
air .$ystai%shall comply with the design standards of MIL-STD-1472 and AYSC
Des ign Handbook DH 1-3. In particular, the system configuratiori shall be com-
patible with service and repair requirements while the systems are installed in
the aircraft.
3.2.2 .1.1.1 Pressurization source. The air used for the nccupied compartment
conditioning, when available at compatible weight flows and pressures, shall be
used for pressurization. DuIing flight conditions when the conditioned air sup-
ply weight flows and pressures are marginal for providing pressurization, a means
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. MIL-E-38453A(uSAF)”‘ ;
d - valve size, separate positive and negative relief Valve- may be used. Blow-out
panels or sufficient flow areas between compartments to prevent personnel injury
. . . and structural failure in the event of sudden decompression shall be provided.
“‘al) ‘i. tained independently or in each portion of an occupied compartment where segre-
gation of ‘thecompartment is possible. Pressure regulators and safety valve or
outflow portions of each shal1 be adequately protected againat dsmage and shal1
be eealed to prevent tampering. Discharge ports shall be located in an ambisne
pressure area not subjext to exposure to adverae weather conditions such as icing
or rain or not subject to physical interference from structures, insulation, or’
any other installed items. Simultaneous failures of both the occupied compart -
msnt pressure regulator and the safety valve shal1 not cacur as a result “-of
single component failure, sensor or controi line failure, or sensor or control
line leaks.
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3.2.2 .1.3 Equipment compartment Pressurization. The air used for equipment
compartment cooling, when available at weight flows and pressure sufficient to
provide pressurization, shall be used. If the cooling air is not suitable, the
equipment compartment pressurization shall be provided from a high pressure
stored gas system, use of temperature controlled bleed air, or other suitable
means. When using equipment compartment cooling air or temperature controlled
engine bleed air, the pressure shall be maintained by controllingoutflow of air
from the compartment by means of a pressure regulator. A safety valve shall
provide positive pressure relief and negative pressure relief. The regulator
shall be provided with means for holding the outflow portion in the closed posi-
tion to accomplis:.lequipment compartment ground pressure and leakage teats.
Msans to prevent leaving the valve fn the closed position shall be provided.
Moisture levels shall be compatible with the moisture levels specified in the
‘equipment specification(s). Providing a means for indicating loss of equipnent
compartment’pressurizati~ to the crewmembers shall be given consideration.
3.2.2 .1.5 Fuel tank pressurization. When the source of air for fuel tank
pressurization is the same as the source of air for the air conditioning and
environmental protection system, the possibility of contamination of the compart-
ment air supply with fuel shall be ellminatsd. Fuel or fuel vapors shal1 be
prevented from backing up into the engine bleed air system as a ,result of fuel
expansion, even with the failure of a single component. The entrance of fuel
fumes into the engine bleed air system shall be prevented by fail-safe provisions
consisting of two check valves or two similar redundancy means. Means for
enabling ground test of fail-safe provisions for proper operation shall be
incorporated. Where single failure can create the possibility of excessive
fuel tank air temperatures , means for indicating excessive temperature,to the
crewmeubers shall be provided.
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aircraft shs11 be minimized. Crossover capability between cooling units on”
aircraft that have two or more refrigeration units shouid be given considera-
tion to give greater flexibility and increased possibility for mi ~sion coul-
pletion. L Air cycle subsystem. Air cycle subsystems when installed shall
meet all requirements of MIL-A-831L6. If two or more air cycle units provide
air to a pressurized compartment, the compartment pressurization shall be main-
,’ tained with one air cycle unit failed.
3.2.2 .2,1.2 Vapor cycle subsystem. The vapor cycle subsystem when installed
shall include but not be Limited to evaporator, compressor, condenser, re-
frigerant receiver, expansion valve, refrigerant filter-drier, liquid line Sight
glass, condenser cooling provisions, high pressure cutout switch, and high pres-
sure blowout plug. When cooling of occupied compartment and pressurized equfp-
ment crqartments ia accomplished by recirculating compartment air througTithe
evaporator, mske-up air shall be ducted to the compartment to msintain pressuri-
zation and ventilating requirements. Heating my be accomplished by mixing hot
air at controlled amounts into the recirculateion system. Wherever possible, the
vapor cycle subsystem canponents shall be assembled as a packsge, with .mo breaks
in package refrigerant piping required during installation or removal frmm the
aircraft. Wherever possible,the ducting and piping required to make up the
package shall be-permanently fastened together rather than ccupled. Means shall
be provided so th&t the refrigerant can be discharged and a new chsrge added with-
out remwing the package frcxnthe aircraft. The filter-drier shall absorb moia-
ture and remove foreign matter, acid, and sludge and shall be easily accessible.
The liquid line sight glass shall be installed in the refrigerant line diractly
a upstream from the expansion valve and shall be poaitfoned so that it.can be
easily viewed by maintemnce personnel when the syetem is installed in the air-
craft. The hi@ pressure cutoff switch shall shut off the compressor. in the
event of excessive refrigerant vapor pressure to protect the system against
operational overloads. An elapsed tiresmeter to indicate total system operating
time shall be provided and located to be easily readable. The high pressure blow-
out plug shall relieve refrigerant pressure below the system proof pressure limit.
Proviaiona that will permit purging the ayetem of air and moisture prior to and
during filling of the system shall be incorporated. Provisions that will prevent
frosting of the evaporator during low cooling losd conditions slrall..
be incorpo-
rated. Provieione for collecting and draining overbca:d the moisture condensed
out of tbe air in the evaporator shall be incorporated. ‘fire evaporator moisture
removal provisions shall assure that no entrained moisture is in the air leaving
the evaporator. The use of copper tubing shall be avoided. The refrigerant
shall be noncorrosive, nonflammable, and essentially nontoxic. The system shall
not require the addition of oil at intervals of less than 500 hours of operation.
Assemblies requiring lubrication at intervals between overhaul shall bsve readily
;/ accessible oil fill ports and a means for readily determining oil level. The
vapor cycle package ahsll be designed to require{no regular service,’repair, or?
replacement of systam components for a minimum of 1,000 hours of o ~tian, except
for checking the refrigerant and oil level, addition of oil and re rigerant, and
service or replacement of filters.
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MIL-E-38453A(USAF) Vent ilat ion. Provisions for admission and c frculat ion of fresh
outside air for v~tilatiOn shal1 be incorporate ed in pressurized and unpressurized
aircraft. Ventilation provisions may be combined with the heating and cooling
system and may utilize coumOn air inlets ati.distribution system, Fresh air
shal1 be supplied in controlled amounts to each crew position and to the cabin.
Directional adjustable air outlets for comfort heating snd cooling shall be pro-
vided for each active crew station or bunk. Directional and qusntity adjustable
air outlets shall be provided at each pasaenger position. Galley and toilet areas
shs11 be well vanted snd providad with direct overboard exhsuat.outlets sufficient
to eliminste odors fr~m the areas.
3.2.2 .2.3.2 Ewime nt .sndsquipment c.nwartment. ArI auxiliary air system that
will adequately cool the neceassry equipmsnt when the normal air conditioning
system is inoperative shall be ‘provided. If a ram air system is used, the ram air
scoop shell be designed snd located or protscted to minimize its susceptibility
to icing. The inlet area of the ecoop shall be sized so thst the sxpected amount
of ice buildup will not reduce the inlet area below the inlet arsa required at
minimum speed to Provide the minimm required airflow; otherwise, the SCOOP shall
be provided an ice protection aystsm. The controls shall be designed su that the
system supplying sfr to the equipmsnt and equipment compartment shsll be shut off
snd the compartment pressure shall be released when awxfliary rsm air ii selectsd.
Means to prevent reverse flow through the auxiliary rsm air provision.sshal1 be
3.2.2 .2.4 iieatk’. Heating may be sccumpliahed by the use of compressor bleed
air from the resinpropulsiuu sngf.nss,MU compressor bleed air, engine or APU
sxhaust heat exchangers, electric or cumbust ion heaters, end compressd rsm air.
When the source of hast is the engine exhsut, the heat shall be extracted from
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I M2L-E-38453A(USAF)
the occupied compartment dis~rib! .km ~,lctswhen ducting is routed through areas
of very high or low ambient temperature. Flexible ducts shall be in accordance
~ with MIL-H-8796.
3.2.2 .2.6.2 Equipment and equipment compartment. The cooling ~ir shal 1 be
proportioned to the equipment in accordance with the COOli* requirements of the
~pelicable specification. Insulation to prevent excessive heat gains shal1 be
lnstal1ed around the equipment and equipment compartment distrib”tion ducts ~hm
ducting is routed through compartments capable.of high ambients. When cooling
of equipment is accomplished with the air exhausted from occupied compartments,
sufficient redundancy shall be incorporated in the provisions that induce flow
to the equipment to insure that no single failure wil 1 result in equipment over-
heat. Flexible ducts shall be in accordance with MIL-H-8796. Moisture control. Moisture control provisions that will as8ure the
performance requirements of 3.1.1 .2.1.8 and 3.1.1 . are met for all ground
and flight conditions shall be incorporated. Water boilers and water storage tanka. All water boilers and water
storage tanks in the environmental control system shall be in accordance with
MIL-A-83116 .
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3.2.2 .2.9.4 Combustion heater. Combustion heaters shall conform to MIL-H-5484.
Fuel shall be obtained from the main engine fuel supply either by the engine
boos t pumps or heater fuel pumps. Fuel lines or heater accessories containing
fuel shall be separated as far-as’possible from electrical wiring or hot exhaust
ducts and in any case shall not be installed above heater exhaust or electric
wiring. The combustion heater fuel system design, performance, testing, and
installations shall be in accordance with MIL-F-38363 and MIL-F-8615. The
heater fuel system shall incorporate a normally closed, electrically operated
solenoid shutoff valve Iocatsd near the takeoff from the aircraft fuel system.
A normklly closed, electrically operated solenoid cycling valve’shall be pro-
vided at or near the heater. The heater fuel system shall have a strainer
capable of removing al1 part icIes from the fuel that would fail to pass through
the minimum dismeter passage in the heater fuel sYStem. Combustion heaters and
enclosed fuel controls shall be provided with ‘adequatedrains so that fuel or
explosive vapors will not be trapped within the heater, combustion air ducting,
or fuel control anclosure. All fuel drains shall discharge at a point of neutral
or negative static pressure and extend beyond the skin line of the aircraft to
make certain that all drainage will clear the skin and fuel or explosive vapors
wil 1 not re-enter the aircraft. Drains shall be located where the discharge is
unlikely to impinge on hot surfaces or external ground equipment capable of
causing ignition. Drain lines that may carry exhaust gaaes shall not be connscted
with other drain lines. When ground operation is requirsd by the aircraft speci-
fication or when used in rotary wing. or vertical talceOf
f ~d landing aircraft,
combustion air and ventilating air shall be supplied by blowers. Pressure on the
ventilating aide shall always exceed pressure on the combustion side. Combustion
.. air and vantilatiu air shall be sufficiently separated to insure that malfunctions
in the combustion process shall not dsmsge the heating systsm or contaminate the
ventilating air. Provisions shall be msde ao that ventilating airflow thrnugh tbe
heater ia automatically maintained for sufficient time after the heater has besn.
turned off to prevent overheating. Air scoops shall be provided with water traps
snd drains to minimize the entry of water. The inlat shall ba anti-iced if the-
aircraft is intended for flight in icing conditions and the air scoop is suscep-
tible to blocksge by ice. Heater exhausts ahsll terminste in exits displsced
sufficiently from the aircraft akin ao that sxkaust gases will not directly
contsc t and corrnde the skin. Exhaust shal1 not pass over fuel drains. If heater
exhausts will be installed in any compartment that alao will contain combustible
fluid linss under pressure, the exhaust shall be covered with a metallic shroud,
and sufficient air shall be passed betveen the exhauat and the shroud to keep the.
sxposed surfaces at least 100”F below the autogenous ignition temperature of the
combustible fluid. The heater shall be accessible for observation during fligbe
or adequately protected by fire detection and S-Xtanguishing devicea. Heat er and
accesaory equipmsnt shall be locatsd or adequately drained to elimi~te ths
collection of condensed or entrained moisture.
3.2.2 .2.9.5 Liquid cooling 100pa. Liquid cooling 100pa ahal1 have reservoir,
fill and drain provisions, pressure relief, liquid level indication, filtration,
circulation pumf(s), heater, and necessary controle. If pump failure could
- 9),
. ..
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prevent mission completion, i..cor ~“:ati-n of a st,andby redundant circulation
pump in the liquid cooling looPs shall be given consideration. If graviiy
fill provisions are used, the fill port shall have a ~inimum l-l/2-inch-diameter
opening. The reservoir shal 1 allow f~r ful 1 liquid expsngion throughout the
complete range of pbssib le”operating and nonoperating temperatures “and pressures.
In addition the reservoir shall have an allowance for a reserve capacity of
liquid. fiis reserve capacity shall be as specified in the contractor’s detail ?,
specification. The liquid cooling loops shall have no external leaksge. There
shalL be no leakage from the self-sealing, quick-disconnect a when components ~e
removed from the system. The liquid level indication provisions shall indicate
systernfil1 level over the entire operating and nonoperating temperature and
pre~sure range. ...
3.2.3 Environmental protection system design Defrost fng and defogging. The defogging and defrosting provisions shall .:.,
be designed in accoydauce with MIL-T-5842. If defogging and defrosting are
accomplished with hot air, measures shall be taken to minimize the overheating
effect in the occupisd.compartment. @en hot air defogging and defrosting pro-
visions for bccupied compartments wil 1 be controlled by a power operated ahutoff
valve, manual backup provisions shal1 enable the crswmembers to turn off the
defogging hot air in the event of a failure of the power operated valve. ..
3.2.3,2 fiin removal. Windshield wipers, jet blaat systems, and rain repellent .....T
systems shall be designed in accordance with the applicable requirements specified .,~~ ~:
:. ..i,.
,. ,~,
herein. ,.
.... ‘ 4. .’:,. ,; Jet blast aystsm. Where engine bleed air conditions are suitable, a
jet blast system may be used for windshield rain rewval. Adequate flow and
pressure shall be available for all ground and flight conditions including tbe
minimum engine power settings normally associated with descent, flareout, touch-
down, and taxi. It is,recoumendsd that a flow rate of at least 7 pounds per
minute per inch of nozzle length ad sonic flow through nozzles should be main-
tained at all conditions where rain removal is required. Temperature shall be
controlled by design and orientation of the nozzle or any other msans necessary
so that the temperature limits of windshield materials and supporting structure
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M2L-E-38453A(USAF) Snow ramoval. A jet blast rain removal system or windshield wipers,
when installed, may be used for snow removal. Windshield washers. Washer systams for renmving dirt, salt,’or insects
from windshields and sensor windows shall include a refillable reservoir with
drainage provisions, a means for determining fluid level, and a bleed purging line
or a nozzle drain. The washing fluid shall be nontoxic, nonf lamnable, and non-
corrosive and shal1 not have any adverse effects on the windshield or any other
aircraft materials. If freezing of the washing fluid can occur throughout the
range of environmental extremes that will be encountered, the following design
requirements shal1 apply to the washing systems.
(a) The fluid storage and the supply equipmatitthat will normally contain fluid
shall not fail as a result of repeated freeze and thaw cycles.
(b) The fIuid shall be providad when requirad, to the transparency, in suffi-
c ient quantity to meet the system washing performance requirement. Ice”protection Transparent areas. A hot air jet blast systam may “be used for
windshield anti-icing. Where electrical conduct ive coatad wfndshielda are in-
stalled, separate control sensor, overheat sensor, temperature controller, and
power source shal1 be provided for each anti-iced windshield panel. Positive
power-off action shall result in the case of a control circuit uulfunction or
failure that could result in overheat. Solid state electronic controllers shall
be protkted againat voltage spikes in the electrical power supply and designed
to cowpenaate for any change in ambient conditions aukrounding the controller.
Hulating-type controllers shall not induce unacceptable voltage transients in
the aircraft electrical power supply. Rsdomes and antennas. Antenna thermal anti-it ing systems shall
cOnfOrm to applicable portions of MZL-A-g4FjZ. Pneunmtfc deicing systems shall
conform to the applicable portions of MIL-D-8804. Fluid anti-icing or deicing
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systems shall not be used unless othe: zethods are not feasible. The ice pro-
tection provisions shall not cause any significant degradation in radar
3, Rsm air inlets. Ant i-itins provisions of the ram air inlets, when
required, shall be in accordance with MIL-A-94S2. Anti-g suit air supply. The compressed air source, when required,
shal1 be in accordance with MIL-D-7 890. Pressure suit air supply. Pressure suit provisions, when required,
shall be incorporated in accordance with section 5B, chapter 5 of AFSC Design
Eandbook DH 2-3.
3.2.4 Engine bleed air svstem design. Each subsystem deriving air frum the
engine bleed air shall have ,an individual shutoff valve so that the subsystem
can be deactivated without deactivating tha engine bleed air system. Operating .
mode and failure mede of these valves, where not stated by this,specification,
shall be determined from.a failure mode and effect analysis. All parts of the
engine bleed air system shall be designed to continuously withstand the simult-
aneous application of the most critical combination of pressure, tempera’c~e,
and umtion encountered in operation. Adequate space shall be allocated in the
airframe to permit directness of routing and proper isolation from other elements,
to allow for structural deflections and thermal expansion, ard for ease of
maintenance and inspection. The bleed air ducting and components shall be well
supported. Supports shal1 be designed to minimize conductive and convective heat
losses. Intenial alr velocities shall orditirily be limitsd to Msch 0.25 or less
to reduce the effecLs of air velucity MI structural fatigue, noise, and pressure
d:op. The use of higher air velocities shall require prior approval by the pro-
curing activity. The bleed air installation shall be designed to preclude
aerodynamic resonant excitation through the normal range of system airflow
conditions. Sufficient joints at accessible locations shall be provided to
facilitate installation and replacement and shall be clamped with quick-
detachable-type couplings designed to minimize leakage. Quick-detachable,
safety-latch-type couplings shall be used in locations where the bleed air
temperature normally exceed 450’F. When the bleed air ductiug will be routed
in a manner that leakage of high temperate and pressure bleed air could cause
damage to aircraft structure or adj~cent components or present a fire or
explosion hazard, either a bleed air leak detection system or provisions to
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-,. ,
. MIL-E-38453A(USAF)
eliminate these hazards shall be “’incorporated. Where the engine bleed air
system design will utilize.both high Im pressure bleed air, a
single componsnt failure shsll not result in engine malfunction. Where failure
of the duct systems could cause o+tirpressurization of a compartment, pressure
relief provisions shall be provided. Wbe.n,”a “bleed air leak detection system
is provided, it shall comply with’ the requirements in the paragraph entitled
;,,~~eedAir ~erheat and Leak Detect ioitli’n“,Section SC of AFSC Design HandbOOk
~DH 2-3. The’.bleed air system shall “have provisions to permit the use of APU
or ground pneumatic carts for grouitd ?
tio.nalcheckout withOut -in engine
operation. The reconunendedduct de-sign and ~installation practices of SAE
Document ASP 699 shall be followed. Msans for enab1ing ground test of each valve
:of the bleed air sYSternfor proper.“oper.ition~shal
~ be incOrpOrated. Ducting. Ducting and duct co”ngect.ors msy be rigid or flexible metallic
or nonmetallic, whichever is better:suited,. or.cons istent with the OperatiOnal
requirsmsnts. Sufficient compenkat ion devices shal1 be provided within the
duc ting instellation to allow for “duct‘clef
1tition,,expansion, installation
variations, and internal pressure loads. Fixed snd sliding brackets shall be used
as required to allow freednm of tivement due”-to thermsl expsnsion snd deflection
of the aircraft. All bleed air ductipg adequately protected against
corrosion. Corrosion control requirements for the bleed air ducting shal1 be
defined in the contractor’s detail ..
. .. ... . ”
,. .,,. Inmilatiou. Ductiti routbd thro~h areas containing combustible fluid
lines shsll be insulatsd as required “t?‘prevent the axternsl surface ,teWerature
from exceeding 500”F.tniderany.operatiw” ctiditfon. An external surface tempera-
ture up to 700°F wil 1 be a:ckptabl,e if.Aiif low velncit iea imnediately surrounding
the bleed duct surface wil 1 be”sho~ by ‘.da’t’ito be’greater than 6 feet per second
under all conditions of flight Or Qr.ound” “operation. Al 1 portions including
couplings and in-line valves, wbeu ‘insulated, shsll be covered, leaving no sxposed
areas sxcept the lnw temperature acturito,r..@rt ion. Duc ting end components shal1
be insulated or shrouded as required t“oprevent overheating of wiring, structure,
or sny other components. IneuIatiOu”’@al 1 be designed and installed so that entry
and retention of combustible. fluids’under insulation and in pecketa especially
at sesms, mating edges, and cuttiits’it fittings snd supports will be prsvented.
The use of metallic-foil covering on .~,+.~iimersurface of insulation next to
metallic ducts shsl 1 be avoid+. where ‘fr.$ttins action may destroy corroe.ive-
prevent ive film. Msteriale that in;.the.,
preeence of moisture can produce
corrosive substance shsll not .be qsd @ cover, bonding, or insulation binders.
, ,; ... .. . Components. Pne~tic’ p’&w&@ components such as shutoff and regulator
valvea shall be designed to preclude. failure or mslfimtctiondue to freezing of
sntiained moisture or corrosiori”r}sulti,~. from entrained misture in the bleed
air. All parts including check valve flappers and valve gates shall withstand
the shock loading that can resiilt’“fruu”’suddenopening and shutting of b leed air
shutoff valves or pneumatic grouwi carts.: A flow limiting device to prevent over
“- 9
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MIL-E-38453A (USAF)
(a) All overbo2rd drains shall be locatsd at positions and height levels for
easy inspection and ~.nsof
ar as practical so that any ice that may form and break
away will not be ingtstealby the engine or damage aircraft structure.
(c) Fill ports and draina of all fluid reservoirs shall be located to provide
easy draining and replenishment.
(d) All dehumidifiers (see 6.3.11) shall be of the self-indicating type with
a minimum replacement time of 50 hours and easily accessible for viewing arid
replacement by maintenance personnel. The minimum replacement tima period should
be based on encountering tmximum ambient humidity conditions during the prbry
mission flight profile of the aircraft.
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(f) All components and fittings used during pressure testing Of s1l P~+B~$: .‘‘~~”
rized compartments, electronic equipment, inflatable aea~sj and ble?d ‘aiE”.’ ““”~”.
ducting shal1 be accessible and have aufficient clearance area prov”i~e~.’
~xpeditio”s ~esting without the use of special tools.. ... ~ ‘:. :.;”’
‘i. :..“
,. .,.’ ,..,:....:,
(d Fluid cooling systems shall be provided with quick d~,sconnects;’.:~ic~;’:;’”,
automatically shut off flow when disconnected, at the inlet ~arid,o!tl~t”,”o!,
components that require removal for checkout.
-.:.,,,. ~....,,”:.‘.”
(h) All meters and gages shall be located to permit” ~{adi~ WithOut’ tti,e”~~~.Of,‘.”’
a mirror or any other aid. ?,, ..,..,,,,,, ...
(i) Handling aid attachment point (s) shall be provided on ‘all.’~s6~~@?”:@t~ ‘“::
weight greater than 100 pounds or volume greater than 10 cu!i:, f~$t. { “lktk%~.ri~“’:
points for handling aids shall be provided on large a@ hei~ aaSC?@li@ b.?y?ri$:”
the hand lifting capability “of one msn. ,. ..... ..::.:’,”.,
(j) Components that require periodic removal for overhaul .or.*~PI#~~rit sM$:~ “.’:
be installed so that they can be removed without having to remniti8UY 6th~ti’ .‘~
, .:..:
,.. :.. “.”.::
3.3.2 &o@ pressurization. Air source fittings ad, test PTeE!3Ui~”,Sti?...~.::,+:.,.,
connect ions to permit ground pressure leakage testing of pressurized ‘.,c@r@SKtrn:X ?.
and inflatahle seals by the ,,Constant pre~aure flo@, meth”d shall b@ inat”~ll~-,::...
and shall be in accordance with MS33565. Where the use of the “c-tant pies$ure’
flow” methnd would be impractica1 with presently available ground seryicing.equip-
ment due to the large pressurized volume, the !,t* pressure .dKnp”@@ ‘J@?,R=”’
used for leaksge testing of the pressurized compartments. Provisions fo perpit,.’.
leak testing of the bleed air ducting shall be installed. .:-. . .?~,-.
3.3.3 Ground coo linE, heat ing, and ventilating. Provis’iopsto:petit, a{eduit~.,
heating, cooling, and ventilation of occupied commrtmmta by w exkkr$d ,iii“’. ‘. ‘“
conditioning source shal1 be incOrpnrated in the envfrOnm=ntal c~nt~o 1 6’Yi;t&ji.t” “’.
provisions to permit adequate cooli% by an -temal -ans ‘for all..@-bOa@= ....... ~. ~
electronic equipment and equipment compartments during, flight line ~in@q@”,’.”
and checkout without the necessfty for running the main propulsion”‘e”~”ines’,oi ‘-.
on-board AFU shal1 be incorporated in the enviro~nta 1 c~ntrOl SY6$~. .;C@E@us: ~
of electronic equipment and cooling, heat i%, and vent ilatiOn fOr “.@? %.sup,i~,-.
compartments of aircraft that have on-board APU shall be.provided,”,wftkOW thi. ~..
use of aerospace ground equinnent (AGE), through uae of the on-b”oard.’aii”Cori;’~~
ditioning units w~thin th~ capabilities”of the-APU. M aus to prevent f&ia u’s+.
for ground cooling only from windmilling in fIight shs 1 be inc6rpo::at.@,.;~:~
.,---- ....
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air inlet connection for an external ai. -onditioning source shall conform to
either MS33561 or MS33562, depending on the distribution and airflow require-
ments. A connection that will allow functional checkout of subsystems on the
ground when us ins a ground pneumatic cart shal 1 be incorporated in the engine
bleed air system and shall be in accordance with MS33740. ‘l’he ground CIXMWC.
tions shall be easily accessible to ground personnel without requiring the use
of ladders or stands, axcept on aircraft where the distance from the ground to
the lower part of the fuselage exceeds normal reach capabilities. Any door or
cover required for access to the external connection shal 1 be self c 10S ing and
shal 1 have quick-action locking latches.
3.3.4 & The overall design of all systems covered by this specification
shall place minimum reliance on AGE. When-”AGE ia necessary, the contractor
shall mske maximum use of existing AGE. The use of new or pecul far AGE shal 1
require the prior approval of the procuring activity.
4.1 Responaibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the contract 4,-
or purchase order, the supplier is responsible for the performance
e of all inspec-
tion requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified in the
centract or order, the supplier may uae his own or any other facilities suitable
for the performance of the inspection requirements specified herein, tdess
disapproved by the Government. The Government reserves the right to perform
any of the inspections set forth in the specification where such inspections are
ded necessa~ to aaaure supplies and aervices conform to prescribed require-
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... ,. :,,..!..
“‘* ,.
(f)” “S~ling t“ists“(see,4.9)
(g)-, Ground and flight tests [see 4.10). .,
7.- .
4.3. .Test conditions .:” , ,. ;. ..
. ,,,..
4.3.1 Atmospheric conditions. Unless otherwise specified, tests “shsll be
c6ridu6ted,at.10..%1atiwipheric “’
pressure and room.temperature :(approxiu@ :Iy”.
... . .,, ,
7::F). “ ~~ ‘, ,,
.,. -. ...
4.3.2 Component affecting performance. Any component that could in any waY
affect. the performance of an article that is being subjected ,to safe~y-of -flight
,.te?ts,preprcduction tests, and acceptqc@ tests shall be ~de a“p~i{ ?.f:~~., !~st
4.3.3 Failure criteria. Failure shall be any malfunction Of ‘a Syst.ern O.r ,
co~onent that prevents meet iug the performance and design requirements of this
(a) The necessary data for each component to determine the similarity of tlie
components with respect to size, weight, construction, function, pressure and
temperature exposure, snd uteria~s
4.4 Developmsn t tests. Development tests are tests that are performed
aid to design in deterndnimg if a component or system will comply-with the
requirements specified herein prior to any preproduction testing. Developtint
tests should be performed on al1 components and systsms that are new or complex
developments to insure the end item will meet the PerfO~ce requir~nts Of”
this specification, pass the preproduction tests, and =et the critical lead
times. The development tests shall consist of the tests specified in 4.4.1
through 4.4.6. l!heresults of the development tests shall be submitted to the
procuring activity.
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MIL-E-38453A (uSAF’)
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MIL-E-38453A(USAF)’ j
4.4.6 ~stem integration test. The complete systsm, including all environ-
mental protect ion, environmental control, and bleed air subsystems, shall be
installed in a laboratory setup circulatingproduction aircraft installation.
Systsm performance tests shall be conducted to evaluate perfo-ce and compati-
bility, e.g., control system and component interaction and functiOIIal OPeratiOn,
of all systems during steady state and transient condition. Airflows, press-urei,
and temperatures shall be recorded under simulated flight condition?...A test .,
plan shal1 be prepared and submitted to the procuring activity for approval prior
to the initiation of systsm integration test.
4.5 Safety-of-flight tests. Safety-of-flight tests are tests that are ‘cori- “ ‘.
ducted prior to first flight, as.necessary, to assure the systems covered .by :,
this specification will not create a safety-of-flight hazard. ‘The s.afety-of -
flight tests shall be performed to substantiate the performance.of certain
components and systems prior to the first flight of the aircraft. Some of. the ...~:,
safety-of-flight tests that shall be accomplished are specifisd in 4.S.1 .thr@igfi: ~~
4.5 .4; however, the complete list of the safety-of-flight tests will be d@fined: -.
for the particular system prior to start of the weapon systsm acquisition.. phase.,,
A complete environmental or structural test conducted as part of the safety-of-. ..
flight tests need not be repeated under the component preproduction t:sts,%les, s. ,’
the itsm has been altered. ... .......
,,, ..----
4.5.1 Bleed air Systm. The complete engine bleed air aystam rePr;%S.@t~k. “,
. of the production components, including purchased parts and attachi~ bracketry; :.
.a. shall be installsd in a test setup as specified in snd shall-be iiubjectsd
to the teats, in the order listed, specified in through 4.5.1’.”6.’,:ti.‘..:}”::
entire bleed air syatam teat plan shall be prepared and submitted to”the procfiri~
activity for approval prior to the atart of the testa.
., Test setup. The test setup shall simulate the aircraft installatiou~of””
the production components. A blesd air source that will provide bleed air. at’ : ~“”:
weight f lcws ,“pressures, and temperatures tbst closely simulate the v&hLs’s. ““
expected in the actual aircraft installation shall be provided. The test’setup :;’
~hall Prmide the ~pbility of simulating airframs deflections with nOiiiM~‘“, ..“”.,
operating temperature and pressure applied , except for applications ‘trot the’. -.
contractor and the procuring activity mutually agree are IIOt Signifitin’ttO,the.:’
design. When possible, the test setup shall provide the capability of the-. ‘.
simulating aircraft vibration. If the engine bleed air system of the aircraft.’’”” :j-
design is too large to accomplish the simulated aircraft vibrations on tbe .:;
complete system, the simulated vibrations shall be acccmplisbed on several .’”., :.
sections of the system as mutuslly agreed by the contractor and the pro- . ‘ :.’.“
curing activity. The size of the sections shall be selected based upon the “ ~”. :“
test equipment cauqatibility and the approval of the procuring activity. If ~”.
vibration tests will be conducted in sections, the sections subjected to the ~ .. ,’
vibration tests shall consist of duct system segments between attachment points. ““.
43; “’.
,.. ,.
. ..
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MIL-E-38453A(USAF) Proof Pressure at tempe~-atur~. The engine blesd air systsm shall be
subjected to a proof pressure as specifisd in 3.2.119 to dsmenstrate the integ-
rity of the engine bleed air system. Air flow resonance. The engine bleed air system shall be subjected
to the’full range of airflows sxpected on the aircraft system ‘md also at the
rates of change of airflow sxpected, such aa throttle bursts and chops. The
effects of airflow and the changes in airflow ehall be observed, and my weak-
nesses of design shall be changed. Pressure and tsmperature CYC li~. The engine bleed air systsm shall
be subjected to pressure and temperature cycles for a total number of cycles
equivalent to the expected life of the system. ne operating pressure and
temperature values shall be considered to be the values that will, in combina-
tion, result in the highest ratio of strese to yield strength induced in the
material. One cycle shall consist of the following: =
(a) Introduce hot air to the engine blesd air system until all components have
reached the stabilized operating temperature.
(b) Pressurize the complete engine bleed air system to the operating pressure.
(c) Allow the engine bleed air system to decay to 175°F or less and to
between zero and 10 percsnt of the operating pressure.
4.. .1.6 Simulation of aircraft vibration. The engine bleed air systsm or
eections thereof, as specified in, shall be subjsrted to vibrations at
realistic frequencies and amplitudes based on the best available vibration data.
4.5.3 Proof and burst pressure. All components of the environmental control,
the environmental protection, and the engine bleed air systems shall be subjected
to the proof and burst pressure teats specified in
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Ground pressurization. The occupied compartments and the equipment
compartments shall be subjected to ground pressurization teats in accordance
with MIL-T-8207 .
4.6 Preproduction tests. Preprc.duction tests are laboratory teata that are
performed on production configuration component and system samples that are
submitted as being capable of meeting the performance and design requirements
of this specification. Preproduction samples of all components of the environ-
mental control, the environmental protection, and the engine bleed air aystams
shall be subjected to preprcduction tests that will demonstrate compliance with
all the per formance and dea ign requirements. Test procedures and requirements
for the preprnduction teats shall be as required by the applicable documents
referenced herein. If no applicable document is referenced herein, the environ-
mental, structural, and performance teata shall be conducted in accordance with
an airframe contractor’a procurement apecification that has been approved’by the
procuring activity. Proof and burst preaaure. Prnof and burst pressure testa shal1 be
accomplished at the conditions defined in and
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4.6,2.7 Overs peed. Each rotating assembly capable of attaining apeeda greater
than the normal maxim design operati~ speed shall be operated for 5 minutes
at 120 percent of the noml maximum Operating speed without incurring opera-
tional or structural damage. The rotating assembly shalI then be completely
disassembled, xnd each part of the rotating assembly shall be carefully
examined for any d imenaional changea, cracks, or any other signs of incipient
failure. If such signs are evident in any part, the part shall have failed to
paSS this test.
4.’6.2.8 Attitude. All rotational equipment and units with fluid reservoirs
shall be mounted in different attitudea simulating typical aircraft operating
attitudes aa defined by the weapon system specification. Satisfactory operation
shall be demonstrated for the maximum time period associated with each attitude
extreme. Freeze and thaw. Components that utilize freezing liquids shall be
tested to demonstrate their capability to withstand the freeze and thaw condi-
tions expected during service life. The component shal1 be filled with liquid
and then exposed to an ambient temperature and for a period of time that will
assure complete freezing of the liquid. Thawing shall then be accomplished by
epplyi% heat in.a ~ner and at a rate si~latins operational modes for the
equipment installati[n. The number of freeze and thaw cycles shall be the
er expected throughout the life of the aircraft. If several possible ways
of thawing th’eliquid will occur in the equipment installation, the number of
test cycles shall be divided in a realistic manner between each of the possible
heating methods. Pressure and temperature cyc 1ing. Components tbt are normally
subjectsd to temperatures and pressures shall be tested to establish the inte-
grity of the components. Each of these components shall be subjected to pres-
sure and temperature cycles for a total number of cycles equivalent to the
expected life of the component. The ,operating pressure and temperature valuea
shall be considered to be the values that, in combination, will result in the
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highest ratio of stress to yield strength induced in the material. One pres-
sure and temperature cycle shall consist of the follcuing:
(a) Introduce hot air to the component until it reaches the operating
(b) While the component is at operating temperature, pressurize the component ~‘“
to operating pressure.
(c) Allow the component to decay to 175°F or less and to between zero and ‘.
10 percent of the operating pressure.
4.7 Reliability tests and analysis. Reliability tests and analysis are tests
and analysis that are performed on components and systems to show compliance
with reliability values assignsd in accordance with the system reliability
requirements. Reliability tests shall be accomplished to the extent necessary
to verify adequately that the systems meet the reliability criteria established
for the systernsin accordance with MII,-S’ID-785. Reliability tests shall be
considered to be a part of the preprrduction tests. If approved by the pro-
curing activity, a reliability
y analysis will be acceptable to show compliance
with the reliability criteria.
4.8 Acceptance tests. Acceptance testa are tests that are performsd on
individual production lots of components or systsms prior to acceptance. Each
component submitted for acceptance shall success~lly complete certain mininu.ii
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4.9 Samplim tests. Sampling tests are tests that are perforiiedperiodically
on sample quantities of production components and systems to insure high quali-
ty. Sampling tests shall be conducted to demonstrate capability of the pro-
duction item to maintain performance requirements.
4.10 Ground and flight tests. Ground and flight tests are testa that are
performed on the SYSt- cover~ by this specification, when installed on the
aircraft, under a.c
tu 11 grO~d ~d flight CO~ itiO~ having the necessary in-
terrelationships witl. all aircraft syste= to show compliance with the per-
formance requirements of this specification. Ground and flight tests shall
be conducted on the environmental control, the environmental protection, and
the engine bleed air systems and associated equipment under the follcuing
ground snd flight conditions to demonstrate compliance with the atmospheric
conditions of
(a) Ground operation with the main propulsion engines not operating and
conditioned air providsd through the uae of ground support equipment or air-
craft carriad ground air conditioning equipment
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.> MIL-E-38453A(USAF)
(b) Ground operation with the main propulsion engines operating and con-
d itioned air provided by the airborne systernand in accordance with the
conditions of
(d) Steady state including minimum and maximum flight speeds at both minimum
and maximum operational altitude.
In the event that flights cannot be accomplished under the moat critical design
atmospheric temperatures, the test data shall be recorded at the actual condi-
tions and accurately extrapolated to the design atmospheric conditions of
4.10.3 Ventilating, cooling, and heat ing system. Flight and ground tests on
ventilating and cooling systems shall be accomplished during daylight to de-
termine system performance with effect of the sun and with maximum operating
electrical load applied. Flight and ground tests of the ventilation and the
cooling systems of passenger-carrying aircraft shall be accomplished with at
least 75 percent of the human heat load or equivalent aboard. Flight and
ground tests on heating systems shall be conducted at night and with mininum
operating electrical load to eliminate heating effects of the sun and electrical
loads . Flight and ground tests of the heating system of passenger:cirrying’
aircraft shsll be accomplished with less than 10 percent of the human heat laad
or equivalent aboard.
4.10.4 Eauipmsnt . Equipment for the gromxl and flight tests shall ..bepro-
vided as follows:
(a) Equipment to analyze the contents of the air in occupied and cargo
compartments to determine compliance with 3.1.1 .2.1.7 and 3.2.2,1.1.1”
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(a) All instrumentation installed for flight test purposes shall be located
to minimize the effect Of the instrumentation on airflows and pressure drop.
(b) All pressure pickups shall be located to minimize the turbulence effects
of valves, bends, Orifices, et cetera.
(d) Sufficient instrumentation to provide weight flew data, inlet and exit
air temperature data, temperature differentials, compartment ambient tempera-
tures, and air SUPPIY total pressure differentials to show in detail compliance
with the performance requirements of shall be installed in the test
(f) Inatranm?ntat
ion and equipment necesaary to show compliance with the
performance requirements of and shall be in accordance with.
MU-T-5842 . @
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MIL-E-38453A(USAF) Air inlet. The aircraft shall be inspected to insure that all
occupied compartment air inlets are located so that no drainage or exhaust
of flamnable or noxious fluid or gases can enter a e inlets duri~---
flight c,r
on tbe ground at any heading relative to the wind. All air inlets, especially
ram cooling air to the heat exchanger, shall be inspected to insure that there
is no blockage. All inflatable compartment opening seals shall be pressurized
and checked for proper pressurization and fit.
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—, Contamination. Sa.,p 1e .f ,<r from occupied compartments shaII be
collected, analyzed, and recorded to show compliance to allowable contaminations
in accordance with 3.1.1 .2.1.7 and 3.2.2 .1.1.1 at the following conditions: - -
(a) At sea level and maximum operational ceiling (see 6.3.12) of the aircraft
under minimum and msximum compartment cooling and heat ins airflows Rsin removal. Flight testing of the rain removal system to denwn-
strate the adequacy of the cleared area during flight and ground conditions of through 3 1.2.2(g) shall be accomplished in actual ox simulated rain.
7%. rainfall rate during this testing shall be equal to or greater than 0.59
inch uer hour. If this flight testing will be accomplished by use of a spray
tanker aircraft for sinmlating rain conditions, the testing shall be accomplished
at flight speeds snd angles of attack that will simulate low level flight (low
speeds), approach and landing flare.
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,.. ,
6. N~ES
6,2 Data requirements. Data submittal requirements for the environmental con-
trol, the environmental protection, and the engine bleed air systems shall be in
accordance with the contractual requirements for the particular aircraft.
6.3.2 Maximum operating cruise altitude. The maximum operating cruise alti-
tude is the ma.ximuuIaltitude obtainable while operating the the moat
economical cruise power setting for the minimum gross weight.
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MIL.E-38453A (USAF)
6.3.7 Safe return. Safe ret.~rn the ability of the aircraft to
return safely tO the nearest base, when the normal fission has been terminated,
with capabilities fOr radiO tr~stissions and rendezvousing with the refueling
tanker (where applicable),.~d with nO~l landiq provisions.
6.3.8 Anti -iciM. ht i-icing is the prevention of ice buildup on the protec-
ted surfece by the process of either evaporating the impinging water or allowing
it to run off or run back and freeze on the noncritical area.
Air Force - 71
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,/ MIL-E-38453A(usAF)
page lio,
Acceptance te~C6
Air conditioni~ desi~ 47
Air conditioning performance Zg
Atmospheric conditions 1
Test 20
Data requirements
Definitions 53
Defrosting and defoggi~ design 53
Defrosting and defoggi~ perfor~nce 34
Design requirements 14
Engine bleed air sYstem
Environmental control syst~ 36
Environmental protection system 25
General 34
Development te=ta 19
Documents (see applicable docuents) 41
Engine bleed air system design
Engine bleed air systsm perfo~nce 36
Environmental control system design 18
Environmental control system perfc.~nce 25
Environmental protection system design
Environmental protection system perfo~nce 3:
Environmental tests (see preproduction test~)~ 14
FIight tests (see ground and flight tests)
GrOud and flight te~t~
Ground requirement ~ 48
38 .—
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Maintainability and accessibility requirements 38
Performance requirements
Engine bleed air system 18
Environmental Control Sy.Stem 4
Environmental protection system 14
Performance tests (see preproduction tests and ground and flight tests)
jPreproduction tests 45
,Pressurization design 25
Pressurization performance 5
Rain removal design 34
Rain removal performance 14
Reliability requiremt nts 24
ReJ +.ability tests and analysis 47
6afety-of-flight tests. 43
Safety tests (see ground and flight tests)
Salt ;emoval design 35
Salt reumval performance 15
Sampling tests 48
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... M2L-E-3845”3A(USAF)
Test conditions 4A
? .,.
‘a 57
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. ..
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