Dameca, Servicio Siesta I TS 10650-91 Feb08 PDF
Dameca, Servicio Siesta I TS 10650-91 Feb08 PDF
Dameca, Servicio Siesta I TS 10650-91 Feb08 PDF
Important !
We are constantly developing our products, and
consequently reserve the right to make alterations
in design and equipment without prior notice.
This manual is valid from the date of issue. If repairs are carried out by anyone else than
Questions concerning updates can be DAMECA a/s or by a DAMECA a/s appointed
obtained at the manufacturer. agent, the guarantee no longer applies.
Feb. 08 I
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
II Oct. 06
Contents 1
User Responsibility 2
Safety Precautions 3
Introduction 4
Description 5
Troubleshooting 6
Maintenance 7
Calibration 8
Spare Parts 9
Schematics 10
Technical Data 11
Earlier Revisions 12
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
1. Contents (Feb. 08) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
Feb. 08 1-1
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
Contents (continued)
7. Maintenance (Oct. 06) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1
7.1 Maintenance, General (Oct. 06) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1
7.2 Tools and Test Equipment (Oct. 06) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2
7.3 Service Kits (Feb. 08) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3
7.4 Annual Maintenance (Oct. 06) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-7
7.5 Two Year Maintenance (Feb. 08) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-11
7.6 Four Year Maintenance (Feb. 08) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-15
7.7 Service Menu (Feb. 08). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-18
7.8 Post Maintenance/Repair Check List (Feb. 08) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-22
7.9 Check Scheme for Post Maintenance / Repair (Feb. 08) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-41
1-2 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
List of Figures
Contents Page
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Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
1-4 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
2. User Responsibility
This anaesthesia machine has been built to instructions issued by DAMECA a/s only, and
conform to the specifications and operating must not be altered or modified in any way
procedures stated in this manual and/or without the written approval of DAMECA a/s.
accompanying documentation, labels and
notices when checked, assembled, operated, The user of this machine has sole responsibility
maintained, and serviced in accordance with for any malfunction which results from impro-
the instructions provided. per use, maintenance, repair, damage or altera-
tion by anyone else than DAMECA a/s or their
To ensure the safety of this machine it must be appointed agents.
checked and serviced to at least the minimum
standards in this manual.
A defective or suspected defective product Always give as much of the following
must under no circumstance be used. information as possible.
Worn, broken, distorted, contaminated or
missing components must be replaced immedia-
tely. Should such repair become necessary, it is Type of equipment
recommended that a request for service advice
is made to the nearest DAMECA a/s service Serial number
centre or agent.
Date of purchase
This machine and any of its constituent parts
must be repaired in accordance with written Apparent fault
Oct. 06 2-1
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
2-2 Oct. 06
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
3. Safety Precautions
Read this manual carefully and familiarize Do not use this machine in an environment
yourself with the machine before you start exceeding the EMC levels in EN60601-1-1-2.
to operate the machine.
External patient breathing systems used
Always check the machine for proper function with this machine must conform to EN740
before use. or similar standard.
A WARNING indicates a situation in which Bacterial filters used with this machine must
the user or the patient may be in danger of conform to EN 13328-1 or similar standard.
An anaesthetic vapour delivery device
A CAUTION indicates a situation that may connected to the machine shall comply
lead to equipment damage or malfunction. with ISO8835-4 or similar standard.
A NOTE indicates a point of particular interest Heat and moisture exchangers used with this
for more efficient and convenient operation. machine must conform to EN ISO 9360 or
similar standard.
Oct. 06 3-1
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
A patient monitor connected to the patient Ensure that all connections are secure and
breathing system, may cause a leakage, check for proper operation of the machine
even if it is in stand-by mode. before use. In particular the patient breathing
system and O-rings should be checked to
The AGSS must be turned on whenever the ensure that connections are not loose, and
machine is in use. the patient breathing circuit is not leaking.
Do not add, remove or modify any part of The use of antistatic or electrically condu-
the machine, unless authorised by Dameca a/s. ctive breathing tubes when utilizing high
frequency surgery equipment may cause
burns and is therefore not recommended
Explosion hazard in any application of this machine.
No oil or grease should be used in this
machine. This also applies to silicone Constant attention by a qualified individual
based lubricants and inflammable oil or is required whenever a patient is under
grease. Only PTFE based oxygen anaesthesia or connected to a ventilator.
compatible lubricants must be used, Some malfunction of equipment requires
(e.g. DAMECA special grease P/N 36825). immediate action.
The machine is not suitable for use in the When using the ventilator, alternative means
presence of flammable anaesthetic agents for ventilating the patient must be present.
such as ether and cyclopropane. Only
anaesthetic agents complying with EN 740 When operating the machine, an alternative
or similar standards must be used. oxygen supply must always be present.
3-2 Oct. 06
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
The O2 percentage in the patient circuit may tic gases in operating rooms. Observe
differ significantly from the O2 percentage that the ball of the flowmarker is visible.
of the freshgas.
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Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
Vaporizers should be serviced according Do not leave spare cylinder valves open
to the manufacturer’s instructions by an when using the machine on central gas
authorised service centre. outlets.
Use only original DAMECA hoses and Pressure from cylinders may be higher than
accessories; other hoses and accessories the pressure from central outlets, and the cy-
may cause malfunctions. linder supply could be depleted.
Use only original DAMECA O-rings; Disconnect the machine from mains and
other O-rings may cause problems if they medical gas supply, when not in use, to
are not of the same size or material. prevent pollution.
Tubings used with this product must fulfill the EN12342 standard, and
respiration bags must fulfill the EN1820 standard.
3.3 Symbols
3-4 Oct. 06
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
4. Introduction
This manual is related to EGM S/W version user a choice between manual ventilation or
3.0, ventilator S/W version 2.0 and multigas spontaneous breathing.
module (optional) S/W version B7 or higher.
A multigas module (optional) which
Dameca anaesthesia machine model SIESTA i measures respiration rate and inspired
TS is applicable with most types of inhalation and expired concentrations of O2 , N2O,
anaesthesia. O2 and N2O, or O2 and AIR can CO2 and AA (anaesthetic agent).
be administered, and anaesthetic vaporizer(s) The multigas module has automatic identifi-
is connected to a back-bar. cation of AA, as well as identification of a
The gas supply can be obtained from a central secondary AA, if present.
gas supply system or from cylinders. There is
no difference in performance when supplied The electronic gasmixer, ventilator and optional
from cylinders. gasmodule are all microprocessor controlled,
with software installed.
The machine is equipped with: The machine can be equipped with various
An electronic gas mixer (EGM) giving user additional equipment such as:
selectable gas mixes (O2/N2O or O2/AIR) in Active scavenging system
a range of 0 – 20 L/MIN. If N2O is selected Transfusion stand
as a mix to O2, the N2O percentage is Arm for patient monitor
limited to max.75% (minimum 25% O2). Pin-index reduction valves for 4 L. gas
A real time clock and a stopwatch is cylinders or stand for 10 L. gas cylinders.
included in the electronic gas mixer. The design of the machine is very flexible towards
mounting of extra equipment, and additional rails,
A microprocessor controlled anaesthesia clamps etc. can easily be mounted on the machine.
ventilator with user selectable ventilation
modes: 4.1 Intended Use
- VCV Volume Controlled Ventilation
- PCV Pressure Controlled Ventilation The SIESTA i TS anaesthesia machine is
- SIMV Synchronised Intermittent intended for composition of anaesthetic
Mandatory Ventilation breathing gas and manual or automatic
- PSV Pressure Supported Ventilation ventilation of patients undergoing anaesthesia.
The SIESTA i TS anaesthesia machine is
An integrated breathing system (IBS) intended for adult and paediatric patients.
where Bag in Bottle and patient re-breathing
system (incl. absorber) are integrated into Qualified anaesthesia personnel should operate
one block. Thereby there are only 2 tubes the SIESTA i TS anaesthesia machine only.
(inspiratory and expiratory) from the IBS Before operating the machine mains electrical
system to the Y-piece. power and pressurised gas must be supplied to
the machine.
An APL (Adjustable Pressure Limiting)
valve is integrated into the IBS, giving the The machine is not MRI compatible.
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Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
4.2 Description
The electronic gasmixer (EGM) of the SIESTA i The IBS uses a CO2 absorber i-SORB which
TS controls the freshgasflow given to the patient contains 900 gr. Sodalime. The absorber is
breathing system. The EGM continuously mea- available as a re-usable or a disposable version.
sures this flow to assure that it is in accordance
with the setting made by the user. If the absorber is disconnected from the IBS,
Besides the EGM controls and displays data two valves automatically close the connections
from electronic gasmixer, ventilator and for the absorber, in order not to loose gases if
optional multigas module on its 15’’ display, the absorber is changed during use.
which is touch controlled.
The multigas module (optional) of the SIESTA i
The ventilator of the SIESTA i TS uses TS uses a gassample from the Y-piece to mea-
compressed AIR or O2 to ventilate the patient sure inspired and expired concentrations of O2 ,
via the Bag in Bottle system, placed in the N2O, CO2 and AA (anaesthetic agent). Besides
integrated breathing system (IBS). the multigas module can detect if Ethanol or
Acetone is expired by the patient, and measure
The ventilator continuously measures airway the concentration.
pressure and inspired/expired volume (optional). The multigas module has automatic identifica-
If a multigas module is not installed, the ventila- tion of AA.
tor can also measure inspired O2 by means of a If a secondary AA is present, the multigas
fuel cell sensor (optional) placed on the inspira- module also identifies this, and measures the
tory port of the patient breathing system. concentration.
The integrated breathing system (IBS) of the When gassample has been measured by the
SIESTA i TS is a semi-closed patient breathing multigas module, it is re-introduced to the
system with one-way valves in both the inspira- patient breathing system, on the expiratory side.
tory and expiratory limb, and an absorber for
eliminating CO2. The system is suitable for high The multigas module does not require re-cali-
flow (app. the patient minute volume), medium bration, as the calibration is stable for life-time.
flow (app. 1-1.5 L/min) and low flow (app.
0.5-1 L/min) of freshgas for patient ventilation. The 3 pcs. integrated power outlets (optional)
of the Siesta i TS are separated from the mains
The IBS is a combination of a Bag in Bottle unit power by a transformer. This transformer
and a patient re-breathing circuit. The IBS has supplies isolated power to the power outlets.
a standing bellows in order for the user to see See section 11 regarding power rating for the
the controlled ventilation of the patient by the power outlets.
movement of the bellows. Besides, in case of
a leakage, room air will not be drawn into the
system, and the leakage can be seen immediately Note:
by the position of the bellows. The parts of the SIESTA i TS do not
contain any latex.
Integrated into the IBS is an APL valve which
is used for manual ventilation only.
4-2 Oct. 06
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
4.3 Performance
The electronic gasmixer of the SIESTA i TS is The integrated breathing system (IBS) of the
designed to give a freshgas mixture selected by SIESTA i TS has an expiratory and inspiratory
the user of: resistance of:
By activating an oxygen by-pass valve, approx. The CO2 absorber i-SORB of the integrated
45 L/min of O2 will be added to the freshgas breathing system (IBS) is designed to optimize
flow, after the vaporizer rail. the flow through the absorber, so that all of the
sodalime is being used.
The SIESTA i TS has an integrated gas
scavenging system which removes excess
gases from an open reservoir. This system
must be connected to an AGSS power unit with
a flow of 30-40 L/min. If an external AGSS
power unit is not available, the SIESTA i TS
can be equipped with an integrated AGSS
power unit (optional).
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Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
4-4 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
A high-pressure alarm will automatically force
the ventilator into its expiratory state, avoiding
Classification according to EU
dangerous overpressure situations. Medical Device Directive
In addition the ventilator has a built-in pressure The Dameca SIESTA i TS anaesthesia machine
relief valve which opens at 90 (x100Pa). is classified as IIb.
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Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
4-6 Oct. 06
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
5. Description
In this manual pneumatic symbols are used in pneumatic diagrams and
some figures, in order to simplify service and troubleshooting.
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Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
Oxygen is supplied from either the central
inlet (1) or from the spare cylinder (2). AIR is supplied from the central inlet (3).
Via a filter (6) and a check valve (7) it is let
Via filters (6) and check valves (7) it is let to the pressure port (22). This pressure is giving
to the pressure sensor port (8). a signal to the EGM, and activates an audible
and visual AIR alarm if the pressure is below
This pressure is giving a signal to the EGM, 2.5 bar. The pressure is reduced to 2 bar in the
and activates an audible and visual oxygen pressure regulator (23). If the user selects AIR
alarm if the pressure is below 2.5 bar. the valve (24) is open and AIR will flow to the
AIR/N2O flow control valve (25) controlled by
The pressure is reduced to 2 bar in the pressure the EGM to give a user set flow. A flow sensor
regulator (10). is connected to the pressure ports P6 and P7
monitoring the AIR flow.
The O2 flow control valve (11) is controlled
by the EGM to give a user set flow. The flow is let to the back bar (12), and the
fresh gas selector switch (13). The user can
A flow sensor is connected to the pressure select either the AUX fresh gas outlet (14)
ports P4 and P5 monitoring the O2 flow. The or the integrated breathing system (15).
flow is let to the back bar (12), and the fresh Additionally, AIR is let to the auxiliary AIR
gas selector switch (13). The user can select outlet (28), and the drivegas selector valve (37).
either the AUX fresh gas outlet (14) or the
integrated breathing system (15). Additionally,
oxygen is let to the auxiliary oxygen outlet (16).
N2O is supplied from either the central inlet (4)
The pressure regulator (17) reduces the incoming or from the spare cylinder (5). Via filters (6) and
pressure to 4 bar for the Aux. O2 flow meter check valves (7) it is let to the pressure port (9).
(18) giving 0 - 10 l/min O2. The reduced pres- This pressure is giving a signal to the EGM, and
sure is let to the Back-up O2 switch (19), and activates an audible and visual N2O alarm if the
the flow reducer (20) giving a back-up O2 flow pressure is below 2.5 bar.
in conditions where the EGM is out of order.
The pressure is reduced to 2 bar in the pressure
The O2 flush valve (21) is giving an O2 flow regulator (26). If the user selects N2O the valve
of 40 (+/- 5) l/min. (at a pressure of 4 bar) to the (27) is open and N2O will flow to the flow
fresh gas selector switch (13), by-passing the control valve (25) controlled by the EGM to
vaporisers connected to the back-bar (12). give a user set flow. A flow sensor is connected
Finally, O2 is led to the drivegas selector valve to the pressure ports P6 and P7 monitoring the
(37). N2O flow.
5-2 Oct. 06
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
The flow is let to the back bar (12), and the unit (31) through the ON/OFF switch (43). The
fresh gas selector switch (13). The user can vacuum is controlled by the regulator (44), and
select either the AUX fresh gas outlet (14) monitored by the vacuum gauge (45). A suction
or the integrated breathing system (15). jar can be connected to the suction connector (46).
An open reservoir (42) prevents vacuum to During inspiration the Expiratory valve (53),
be built-up in the AGS system. and the PEEP valve (54) are closed, and the
driving gas is let to the chamber (55) of the
Bag-in-bottle system. The exhalation valve (57)
Suction unit gas powered is closed during inspiration, and open during
Driving gas is reduced to 4 bar by a pressure expiration when the bellows (56) is in top and
regulator (30), and is supplied to the jet suction the pressure in the bellows is approx. 3 hPa
Oct. 06 5-3
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
higher than the pressure from the ventilator. The patient breathing system is filled with
Excess gases are evacuated through the AGS fresh gas from the fresh gas selector switch
system. (13), through the inspiratory limb, the expirat-
ory limb, and to the bag (59).
During expiration the expiration valve (53) is
open, and the pressure in the chamber (55) is When the bag (59) is squeezed during inspiration,
released to the AGSS system. the gas will flow through the Bag/vent valve
(58), the absorber (62), the inspiratory valve
If a PEEP pressure (4 - 20 hPa) is selected, the (64), and the inspiratory limb to the patient.
insp. flow controller is set to a driving gas flow When the bag (59) is released, the expiration
during expiration. gases flow through the expiratory limb, expira-
tion valve (65), the Bag/vent valve (58) to the
The Expiratory valve (53) and the PEEP valve bag (59).
(54) are fully open, at the beginning of expira-
tion. When the pressure in the patient breathing The inspiratory pressure is limited in the APL
system reaches the set PEEP level, the Expira- valve (60), set by the user.
tory valve (53) is closed and the PEEP valve Excess gases are evacuated through the AGS
(54) now controls the PEEP pressure. system.
The ventilator airway pressure sensor P8 If the absorber is changed during use, the two
measures the PEEP pressure. This measured absorbervalves (76) and (77) will bypass the
pressure controls the PWM signal to the PEEP absorber connection, so that gases are not lost.
valve (54) keeping the PEEP pressure constant
to the selected value. The negative pressure relief valve (61) opens if
the patient breathes spontaneous and the patient
The driving gas is reduced to 3 bar in the breathing circuit is emptied for fresh gas (relief
pressure regulator (48), and led to the pilot pressure is - 6hPa).
valve (51). The pilot valve is controlled by the
ventilator electronics. During STBY and
MANUAL status the valve is closed, and the
Automatic Ventilation
Bag/vent valve (58) in the integrated breathing During automatic ventilation the Bag/vent
system (15) is set to manual ventilation. valve (58), controlled by the ventilator, is set
When the status is set to VENT, the pilot to automatic ventilation.
valve (51) is opened and the Bag/vent valve
(58) in the integrated breathing system (15) The patient breathing system is filled with
is set to automatic ventilation. fresh gas from the fresh gas selector switch
(13), through the inspiratory limb, the
expiratory limb, and to the bellows (56).
Integrated Breathing System
Manual Ventilation When the bellows (56) is forred down during in-
During manual ventilation the Bag/vent valve spiration, the gas will flow through the Bag/vent
(58), controlled by the ventilator, is set to valve (58), the absorber (62), the inspiratory
manual ventilation. valve (64), and the inspiratory limb to the patient.
5-4 Oct. 06
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
When the pressure in the chamber (55) is During start-up and every 10 min. the two zero-
released, the expiration gases flow through valves (78 and 79) are activated by the ventila-
the expiratory limb, expiration valve (65), tor for app. 3 sec. in order to do zero calibration
the Bag/vent valve (58) to the bellows (56). of the P9 pressure sensor.
Oct. 06 5-5
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
75 15 38 32
70 73 55
74 56 41
71 39
46 53 60
45 43
30 52
31 42
44 58 59
18 21 51
65 63
17 47 68
19 48 62
16 20 76
29 6
6 7 77 69
33 13
10 11 61 64
37 14 79
24 35 78
3 23
6 7
26 12
9 27
6 7
Fig. 5-1 Pneumatic diagram, Siesta i TS
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Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
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Apr. 07
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Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
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Fig. 5-3
Interface Board
5-12 Oct. 06
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
The EGM board processes the incoming signals All parameters from the EGM, ventilator, and
from the analog board, control that set values gas monitor as well as alarm messages and
are equal to measured values, and provide other informations (test information and other)
parameter informations to the touch controlled are displayed on the touch controlled display.
display, and the external serial port. All user settings and controls are done directly
on the display.
5.5 Ventilator
The main components of the Whispa ventilator are:
Fig. 5-4
Oct. 06 5-13
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
Mains power enters the transformer via the The pneumatic manifold controls the drive gas
115V or the 230V connection. The output flow to and from the bag in bottle.
from the transformer is always 230V.
Hoses to pressure sensors
Relays S1 and S2 : To ventilator manifold for
Two relays are placed in the ventilator, and measurement of inspiratory
are activated by a 12V signal from the power flow.
management board, when the machine is
powered ON. S3 : To ventilator manifold and then
to large connector on sidepanel,
for measurement of patient
Battery charger volume.
A battery charger operating at 230V AC is
continously controlling the condition of the S4 : To ventilator manifold and then
ventilator batteries. to small connector on sidepanel,
for measurement of patient
A 24V DC battery is placed in the ventilator, S5 : To IBS for measurement of
for back-up during a mains power failure. airway pressure. If multigas-
module is installed, S5 hose
meets the samplegas return
Power supply hose from the gasmodule,
A switch-mode power supply controls the before entering the IBS.
24V DC supply for the electronic box.
Electronics box
The electronics box contains all pressure sensor
used by the ventilator, and the electronics
printboard controlling the ventilator.
5-14 Oct. 06
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
The 4800 multigas module pulls the sample gas is based on DIR (dispersive infrared) analysis
from the breathing circuit and through the two of absorption of light by molecular gases.
analyzer subsystems: the anesthesia gas
measurement/agent identification analyzer The airway gases measurement technique
and the O2 analyzer. used in the oxygen analyzer subsystem of the
The airway gas measurement technique used in Model 4800 is based on the paramagnetism
the Model 4800 anesthesia analyzer subsystem of oxygen.
qusjob42.andros 2a.bmp
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Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
qusjob42.andros 2b.tif
The following figure shows a functional block diagram of the Model 4800
Anesthesia Gas Subsystem which includes the following major components:
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Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
qusjob42.andros 4.bmp
The previous figure shows the functional block This pressure transducer is plumbed between
diagram of the Model 4800. the DIR head and the oxygen analyzer.
The pneumatics system (consisting of the The oxygen analyzer determines the oxygen
water trap, pump, filters, flow restrictors, concentration in the gas sample.
tubing, solenoid valves, and flow control
components) pulls the gas from the patient The power supply provides the Model 4800,
sample gas inlet through the analyzer and all its components, with the power neces-
subsystems at a defined flow rate. sary to keep the system working.
Oct. 06 5-17
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
The electronics subsystem, with memory The Model 4800 electronics subsystem has
(FLASH & RAM), multiplexers, A-D converter, one communications channel, connected to
and power line supervision, is responsible for the an external RS232 port.
following functions:
The acquisition and processing of data The Model 4800 functionality is controlled by
from, and control of, the anesthesia gas Flash Memory resident software.
measurement analyzer.
The acquisition and processing of data
from the oxygen analyzer. This Flash Memory based software may be
Controlling the pneumatic system. easily upgraded through the RS232 port.
Controlling the communications between the
Model 4800 and the EGM.
qusjob42.andros 6.tif
5-18 Oct. 06
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
The following figure shows the Model 4800's Zero calibration capability is provided to
DIR head components. maintain long-term, stable gas concentration
The infrared light source is a tungsten filament
Oxygen Analyzer (paramagnetic)
The Model 4800 sample cell is constructed of a O2 is paramagnetic. N2 is placed in the two
glass tube with a highly reflective gold coated sealed spheres of a dumb-bell assembly.
internal surface that serves as a light pipe. The The gas to be measured surrounds this
sample cell length has been designed to provide dumb-bell assembly. The dumb-bell is
an adequate absorption length to obtain the suspended on a sprung device in a symmetrical
desired signal-to-noise ratio for the weakest non-uniform magnetic field, and takes up a
anticipated absorption. position away from the most intense part of
the field.
Sapphire serves as the sample cell window
material for the two ends of the sample cell. When the surrounding gas contains O2, the
dumb-bell spheres are pushed further out of the
The gas sample to be analyzed enters the sample field by the relatively stronger paramagnetic O2.
cell through the gas inlet and leaves it through
the gas outlet. While in the cell, the gas sample The strength of the torque acting on the
is penetrated by light from the infrared light dumb-bell is proportional to the paramagnetism
(IR) source. of the surrounding gases; it can therefore be
used as a measure of the oxygen concentration.
This light is dispersed via a single diffraction
grating. The attached brushless DC rotary
actuator working in tune with a sophisticated Model 4800 Software
encoding mechanism ensures that the grating
is always in the correct position. The dispersed Model 4800 Data Acquisition
light lastly hits a dual filter/detector package. The data acquisition sub-module acquires IR
detector output signal data, sample cell pressure,
Software then takes the data from the scan sample cell temperature, and IR detector tempe-
of the dispersed component wavelengths to rature data from the anesthetic gas analyzer.
produce a characteristic curve, its shape
determined by the relative concentrations Multiple IR absorption data points are gathered
of different gases in the sample. across several IR regions of interest. This scan
information is passed to the CPU many times
A thermistor in the outlet gas stream measures per second.
the sample gas temperature. Knowledge of
sample gas pressure and sample gas temperature The control sub-module sends control signals
is vital for accurate gas measurements. to the anesthetic gas analyzer to control its IR
A transducer measures sample gas pressure. source and TE cooler temperature.
Oct. 06 5-19
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
The data acquisition checks the digitized data Normal mode is typically reached within
against A-D converter boundary conditions 120 seconds (maximum 120 seconds).
and issues an A-D limit error to the control
sub-module if necessary.
Zero Calibration and Temperature
Startup and Normal Operating Modes During zero calibration the Model 4800
The Model 4800 is not an »instant-on« instru- recalculates zero calibration offsets in order
ment because infrared absorption measurement to compensate for measurement errors caused
systems are sensitive to temperature. Changes in by temperature drift.
the temperature of the IR source, IR detectors,
and the gas being analyzed all affect the accur- During the first 45 seconds of operation, the
acy of the measurement. Different strategies 4800's temperature changes so rapidly that zero
are used to control temperature: calibration sufficient to maintain measurement
accuracy would leave little time to measure or
The IR detector is TE (thermoelectric) identify gases. Therefore, during startup mode,
cooled in order to both maintain thermal calibration and data reporting are not allowed.
stability and establish a specific low
temperature that improves the signal- An automatic initial Zero Calibration is initiated
to-noise ratio. at approximately 45 seconds after POR.
The sample gas temperature is monitored. After Normal Mode is reached, a Zero Calibra-
tion request will be initiated every 60 minutes
or each time the ambient temperature in the
The Model 4800 has only two operating modes. Model 4800 rises by 2.5ºC or more since
the previous zero.
Startup Mode: During the first minute of
operation, an automatic Self-Test, Pneuma- Typically the first hour of operation you will
tics Check and Zero Calibration are perfor- see Zero Calibration requests as follows
med. The initial automatic Zero may be de- (assumes room ambient is not shifting
ferred by an additional minute, if necessary significantly):
to allow the IR detector temperature to
5-20 Oct. 06
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
35 60
Ambient 33 29
temperature 31 13
inside unit 29
25 1
1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56
Time after POR
qusjob42.side 9.pdf
Oct. 06 5-21
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
5-22 Apr. 07
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
6. Troubleshooting
6.1 General 6.2 Maximum Allowable Leaks
(according to ISO 5358)
Due to the construction and selection of mate-
rials, problems are held at a minimum in this High pressure section 25 ml/min. (each gas)
high quality machine. Dose section 50 ml/min. (each gas)
Normally a carefully performed, planned Patient system 100 ml/min.
preventive maintenance is sufficient to keep
the machine in perfect working order for
many years.
If a problem should occur, this section of the
These values are absolute max.
manual can be a useful help to solve the problem.
values, normally the actual leaks
will be much less than these values,
The most common problems in anaesthesia
or no leaks at all.
machines are leaks. In order to locate a leak
there are some guidelines to be followed.
Oct. 06 6-1
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
Table 6-1 Troubleshooting the O2/AIR supply for leaks in the high pres. sect.
Table 6-2 Troubleshooting the N2O supply for leaks in the high pressure section
6-2 Oct. 06
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Dec. 06 6-3
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
If there is a problem with one of these units, it must be exchanged. External components such
as proportional valves, flow sensors, and other external parts are available as spare parts.
3.5 AF:
Fuse F: Protection of: Main board
Fuse G: Protection of: Main board
Use only fuses of same type and rating.
6-4 Feb. 07
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Main fuses
The two main fuses are placed on the back of the ventilator base-plate, to the left
(seen from behind). The fuses are (Fuse 11 and 12):
On top of the ventilator power supply and battery charger is placed a black plastic box in which
the fuses for the ventilator components are placed. Open the box by lifting the lid in one end.
Main fuse
The main fuse is placed on the one end of the gas module.
Oct. 06 6-5
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
The power management board is placed under the right sidepanel (seen from the front), opposite to
the IBS unit. Take off the top, rear cover and take off the topplate. The sidepanel can now be slided
Fuse 3 and 4: Main fuses for the machine 115V : 6.3AT (P/N 40055-6.3AT).
230 V: 3.15AT (P/N 40055-3.15AT).
Fuse 5: Common fuse for power outlets 115V : 4AT (P/N 40055-4AT).
230 V: 2AT (P/N 40055-2AT).
Fuse 6, 7 and 8: Fuse for each power outlet 115V : 3.15AT (P/N 40055-3.15AT).
230 V: 1.6AT (P/N 40055-1.6AT).
From EGM with serialnumber 150 and forward, only Power Management Board
ver. 2 must be used.
6-6 Oct. 06
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
2. Open the machine by taking off the upper and lower rear panel, remove the top plate, and slide
the right side panel up.
Modify wiring to mains transformer of the ventilator, according to the figure below.
3. Change main fuses on the chassis of ventilator. 115V: T4A (P/N 40055-4AT)
230V: T2A (P/N 40055-2AT)
Oct. 06 6-7
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
The power management board is placed behind the right sidepanel, (seen from the front),
opposite to the IBS unit.
Mount new labels at:
Mains cable:
115V: 11395-110
230V: 11395-230
Carry out a functional check of the machine as described in the User Manual.
6-8 Oct. 06
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Feb. 08 6-9
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
Enter super user password (26-23-8) or technician password (91-34-80) in order to get access to
the installation menu.
6-10 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Feb. 08 6-11
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
Select »Printing« <ETR>.
Select »Enable« <ETR> if the machine is installed with an external printer, via a converter box.
Both the converter box and the printer must be supplied by Dameca.
Select »Disable« <ETR> if the machine is not installed with an external printer.
Gas measurement
Select »Gas measurement« <ETR> in order to activate a sub-menu.
Gas module
Select »Gasmodule ON« <ETR> if an Andros multigas module is installed in the machine.
Select »O2 fuel cell ON« <ETR> if a multigas module is NOT installed, and O2 measurement
should be done via an external O2 fuel cell sensor (placed on a T-piece at the insp. cone of the IBS).
Select »OFF« <ETR> if the machine should not have any gas measurement.
When the machine is turned OFF, the gasmodule simulation mode will automatically be de-ativated.
If the gasmodule simulation is activated and the ventilator is started (status set
to VENT), the CO2-graph will also be simulated, and synchronized with the
airway pressure graph.
The gasmodule simulation is only for demonstration purposes (i.e. during
exhibitions) and must NEVER be activated if a patient is attached to the
6-12 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
If the gasmodule simulation is activated for demonstration purposes (i.e. during
an exhibition), the machine should no longer be in service mode, in order to
restore the alarm function and prevent users from making unintentional changed
to the default settings.
Therefore, once the gasmodule simulation is activated, enter the first page of the
service menu and enter an incorrect password.
Enter the technician password (91-34-80) in order to get access to the miscellaneous menu.
Feb. 08 6-13
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
The EGM PID parameters are used for controlling the electronic valves for the freshgas flow.
These parameters should not be changed, but should be as shown in the menu figure.
SW update
Select »SW update« <ETR> if the software of the electronic gasmixer should be updated.
In this case, a separate instruction will be supplied by Dameca a/s, together with the necessary
files and programs.
Gas colour
Select »Gas colour« <ETR> in order to activate a sub-menu.
In this sub-menu the gas colours shown on the display can be changed.
O2 colour
Select »O2 colour« <ETR> in order to change the colour of the O2 freshgas flow column
and the O2 gas measurement digit shown on the display.
AIR colour
Select »AIR colour« <ETR> in order to change the colour of the AIR freshgas flow column
shown on the display.
N2O colour
Select »N2O colour« <ETR> in order to change the colour of the N2O freshgas flow column
and the N2O gas measurement digit shown on the display.
CO2 colour
Select »CO2 colour« <ETR> in order to change the colour of the CO2 graph and the
CO2 gas measurement digit shown on the display.
6-14 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
The kit necessary for this installation has Dameca P/N 42697.
The kit contains of an adapter box, a printer and the necessary cables.
The upper rear plate (with fan) should be modified in order to mount the black adapter box on the plate.
4 pcs. Ø4 mm holes should be made on this plate, according to the drawing shown below:
Alternatively, a new rear plate with these 4 pcs. Ø4 mm holes can be ordered (P/N 10657-12)
If the plate is changed, the fan and the handle must be moved from the old rear plate to the new one.
Feb. 08 6-15
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
On the adapter box, remove the 4 pcs. M3 screws placed on the lower plate of the box.
Then mount the adapter box on the modified (or new) rear plate, on the outside, by using 4 pcs. new
M3 screws (8 mm long).
These 4 screws can be ordered from Dameca (P/N 70001-0308).
Connect the power cable for the adapter box and the power cable for the printer.
The auxiliary power outlets placed on back of the Siesta i TS machine can be used for this.
Connect the USB cable between the adapter box and the printer.
6-16 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Connect a »null modem« mini adapter to the RS232 output on back of the Siesta i TS machine and
fasten the two screws on the adapter.
Connect the communication cable between this mini adapter and the COM1 port on the adapter box.
Only the printer supplied by Dameca can be used on the Siesta i TS.
Testing functionality
In the service menu, set »printer option« to »enable« (see section 6.7).
Turn on the adapter box and the printer.
Load paper into the printer, turn on the Siesta i TS machine and check the print out functionality by
selecting »Print report« in the setup menu.
Feb. 08 6-17
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
The kit necessary for this installation has Dameca P/N 42698.
The kit contains of an adapter box and the necessary cables.
The Philips VueLink module and the cable from the adapter box to the VueLink
module are not included in this kit.
The Philips VueLink module must be an »Open interface« type (Philips P/N
M1032A#A04) and the cable from the adapter box to the VueLink module must
have a standard 9 pin RS232 female connection (Philips P/N M1032A#K6C).
The upper rear plate (with fan) should be modified in order to mount the black adapter box on the plate.
4 pcs. Ø4 mm holes should be made on this plate, according to the drawing shown below:
6-18 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Alternatively, a new rear plate with these 4 pcs. Ø4 mm holes can be ordered (P/N 10657-12)
If the plate is changed, the fan and the handle must be moved from the old rear plate to the new
On the adapter box, remove the 4 pcs. M3 screws placed on the lower plate of the box.
Then mount the adapter box on the modified (or new) rear plate, on the outside, by using 4 pcs.
new M3 screws (8 mm long). These 4 screws can be ordered from Dameca (P/N 70001-0308).
Feb. 08 6-19
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
Connect the Philips cable between the COM2 port on the adapter box and the Philips
VueLink module.
Connect a »null modem« mini adapter to the RS232 output on back of the Siesta i TS machine and
fasten the two screws on the adapter.
Connect the communication cable between this mini adapter and the COM1 port on the adapter box.
6-20 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Turn on the Siesta i TS machine and the Philips patient monitor and check the functionality
of the communication..
See Philips manual for how to show data from the Siesta i TS machine on the Philips patient
The following data are sent from the Siesta i TS machine to the Philips VueLink module:
Feb. 08 6-21
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
6-22 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
7. Maintenance
7.1 Maintenance, General
In order to assure maximum safety and reliability
of all functions of this machine, planned preven-
tive maintenance must be carried out once a
year as a minimum by an authorized technician. Use of standard oil or grease in this
machine could cause an explosion.
Use special grease P/N 36825 only.
Before any maintenance or repair is started the
machine must be disconnected from the mains,
and all gas pressures must be released. Be sure
to release the N2O pressure before the O2 pressure.
Do not open the Electronic box of the
Due to safety and performance reasons, it is ventilator. Opening the box void the
highly recommended not to repair or disassemble warranty of the ventilator.
the proportional regulator. The regulator can be
repaired by DAMECA a/s only.
Always check the function of the parts being After maintenance and/or repair a
serviced. full function check should be
carried out according to the post
maintenance/repair check list.
Protect the table plate with a piece of carpet
or similar.
Oct. 06 7-1
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
7-2 Oct. 06
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Feb. 08 7-3
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
7-4 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Feb. 08 7-5
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
7-6 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Before any maintenance or repair is started the machine must be disconnected
from the mains, and all gas pressures must be released. Be sure to release the
N2O pressure before the O2 pressure.
Special grease P/N 36825, 36810 or 36811 should be applied to all
new O-rings, before they are used.
3 Pin Pin
3 Pin 2
22 Pin
N2 O
Feb. 08 7-7
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
7.4.4 Back-bar
7-8 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
qusjob42.11013 manual.png
Oct. 06 7-9
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
7-10 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Red tube
Purple tube
qusjob42.41021 manual.pdf
Step 2
Disconnect red and purple tubing going from PS: If the tubes are ever removed from
the gasmodule to the water trap manifold. the water trap manifold, they must be
connected as shown on the next picture.
Feb. 08 7-11
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
Red tube
qusjob42.41021 manual-2.pdf
Step 3 Step 5
Disconnect RS232 cable, power cable, Remove the screws for the pneumatic block.
grounding cable (unscrew) and samplegas These 4 pcs. screw are placed underneath the
return tube. module.
Step 4
Remove the gasmodule from the anaesthesia
7-12 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Step 6
Disconnect tubes and wires going from
the pneumatic block to the rest of the
S2 S1
Feb.08 7-13
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
Step 7 Step 8
The pneumatic block can now be removed from Remove the watertrap placed on the side
the gasmodule, and the 5 pcs. filters (4 pcs. of the machine, and replace the two
white, 1 pcs. green) can now be replaced with silicone seals placed in the watertrap
new ones, by removing the brackets. manifold, with new ones.
Besides, the tube going from the pump to the Re-mount the watertrap.
green filter must be replaced with a new one.
Step 9
Assemble the pneumatic and the multigas
module, and mount it onto the machine, by
going through step 6 to 1.
A test must be performed for the
Replace with new
multigas module, see section 7.8.35.
7-14 Feb.08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Feb. 08 7-15
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
2 3
qusjob42.10659-10-36457-4.pdf qusjob42.10658-100-36457-4.pdf
Change Membrane (2), P/N 33005-71. Change Membrane (2), P/N 33005-71.
Change Valve seat (3), P/N 33005-72. Change Valve seat (3), P/N 33005-72.
Change Valve (4), P/N 33005-73. Change Valve (4), P/N 33005-73.
Change Friction Ring (5), P/N 33005-75. Change Friction Ring (5), P/N 33005-75.
Change Batteries (1) 2 pcs. P/N 10995-215
placed under the vaporizer rail.
7-16 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
7.6.5 Ventilator
Pin 8
Feb. 08 7-17
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
The password for a super user is: The password for a technician is:
26 91
23 34
8 80
When the super user or technician password has been given in the service menu,
all changes made in the setup menu, trend menu and alarm menu (except expired
minute volume alarm limits and high pressure alarm limit) will be stored as new
default settings when the machine is turned off.
Thereby the machine can be set up to match user preferences.
If changes to the default settings should be discarded, select »Load factory default«
in the miscellaneous menu and turn off the machine (see section 6.7).
The settings made in the service menu will not be affected by this.
7-18 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Feb. 08 7-19
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
7-20 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Feb. 08 7-21
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
If necessary re-adjust the reduction valves and check that the pressure is stable after adjustment,
and does not rise slowly.
7-22 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Pressure gauge
Pressure gauge
Pressure gauge
check pressure
Press here to
(Disconnect existing hose)
Pressure gauge
Feb. 08 7-23
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
Then set »Carrier gas« to AIR, close O2 freshgas flow and connect a flowmeter (0-250 ml/min)
between the central gas supply outlet and the O2 and AIR gas supply hoses to the machine.
Alternatively, connect the O2 and AIR gas supply hoses to a Dameca test suitcase.
Check that the leakage for both gases is less than 25 ml/min.
Connect all gas supply hoses of the machine to the central gas outlets.
Open AIR freshgas flow until the AIR flow column goes to zero.
Then set »Carrier gas« to N2O and connect a flowmeter (0-250 ml/min) between the central gas
supply outlet and the N2O gas supply hose to the machine. Alternatively, connect the N2O gas
supply hose to a Dameca test suitcase.
Connect all gas supply hoses of the machine to the central gas outlets.
Open the flowmeter and adjust until the pressure is stable at 30 cm H2O.
Check that the flowmeter indicates a flow (leakage) of less than 25 ml/min.
If the machine is not equipped with an auxiliary freshgas outlet, this test should not be performed.
7-24 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
7.8.5 Selftest
PS: If the machine is equipped with an integrated multigas module, the sample tube to this module
must be connected at the Y-piece during the selftest. Otherwise the measurement of leakage
will be incorrect.
Activate the auxiliary freshgas outlet and connect a reference flow measuring instrument to the
If the machine is not equipped with an auxiliary freshgas outlet, connect the reference flow
measuring instrument to the insp. cone on the IBS, set APL valve to max. and block the cone
for the respiration bag on the IBS.
Set the O2 freshgas flow to 10 L/min and check that the O2 freshgas flow column goes to 10 L/min
on the display.
Set the O2 freshgas flow to 0.4 L/min and read the actual O2 freshgas flow on the flow
Set the O2 freshgas flow to 1.5 L/min and read the actual O2 freshgas flow on the flow
Feb. 08 7-25
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
Set AIR flow to 0.1 L/min and check that the flow column appears after a little while.
Check that no alarms are activated.
Activate the auxiliary freshgas outlet and connect a reference flow measuring instrument to
the outlet.
If the machine is not equipped with an auxiliary freshgas outlet, connect the reference flow
measuring instrument to the insp. cone on the IBS, set APL valve to max. and block the cone
for the respiration bag on the IBS.
Set the AIR freshgas flow to 10 L/min and check that the AIR freshgas flow column goes to
10 L/min on the display.
Set the AIR freshgas flow to 0.4 L/min and read the actual AIR freshgas flow on the flow
The AIR flow should be 0.37 to 0.43 L/min.
If not, the AIR freshgas flow must be re-calibrated (see section 8.2).
Set the AIR freshgas flow to 1.5 L/min and read the actual AIR freshgas flow on the flow
The AIR flow should be 1.42 to 1.58 L/min.
If not, the AIR freshgas flow must be re-calibrated (see section 8.2).
Activate the auxiliary freshgas outlet and connect a reference oxygen analyzer to the outlet.
If the machine is not equipped with an auxiliary freshgas outlet, connect the oxygen analyzer to the
insp. cone on the IBS, set APL valve to max. and block the cone for the respiration bag on the IBS.
Set the O2 freshgas flow to 4 L/min and the N2O freshgas flow to 10 L/min and check that the
N2O freshgas flow column goes to 10 L/min on the display.
Set the O2 freshgas flow to 1.5 L/min and the N2O freshgas flow to 1.5 L/min and read the actual
O2 concentration on the oxygen analyser (wait for stable reading):________% O2
The O2 concentration should be 47 to 53 % O2.
If not, the N2O freshgas flow must be re-calibrated (see section 8.3).
7-26 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Set the O2 freshgas flow to 0.4 L/min and the N2O freshgas flow to 0.4 L/min and read the actual
O2 concentration on the oxygen analyser (wait for stable reading):________% O2
The O2 concentration should be 46 to 54 % O2.
If not, the N2O freshgas flow must be re-calibrated (see section 8.3).
Set the freshgas flow to 10 L/min and connect reference flow measuring instrument to BAG
connection on the IBS and check that measured flow is 0.00 L/min.
Set the »freshgas switch« to »circle system« and check that the message disappears from
the display.
Connect reference flow measuring instrument to the auxiliary freshgas outlet and check that
measured flow is 0.00 L/min.
If this test is not OK, the freshgas selector valve could be defective.
Set AIR freshgas flow to zero, set »carrier gas« to N2O and set a freshgas flow of 5 L/min
for O2 and N2O.
Set »carrier gas« to AIR and check that the AIR flow column on the display goes to zero.
Set »carrier gas« to N2O and check that the N2O flow column again shows 5 L/min.
Connect a flowmeter (0-250 ml/min) between the central gas supply outlet and the AIR gas supply
hose to the machine. Alternatively, connect the AIR gas supply hose to a Dameca test suitcase.
Connect the AIR gas supply hose of the machine to the central AIR gas outlet.
Feb. 08 7-27
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
Set N2O freshgas flow to zero, set »carrier gas« to AIR and set a freshgas flow of 5 L/min for
O2 and AIR.
Set »carrier gas« to N2O and check that the N2O flow column on the display goes to zero.
Set »carrier gas« to AIR and check that the AIR flow column again shows 5 L/min.
Connect a flowmeter (0-250 ml/min) between the central gas supply outlet and the N2O gas supply
hose to the machine. Alternatively, connect the N2O gas supply hose to a Dameca test suitcase.
Connect the N2O gas supply hose of the machine to the central N2O gas outlet.
Disconnect the O2 gas supply hose to the machine and check that the »O2 supply pressure low«
alarm starts when the inlet pressure is between 2.0 and 2.8 (x100 kPa).
If not, the O2 inlet pressure sensor must be re-calibrated (see section 8.4).
Connect the O2 gas supply hose of the machine to the central O2 gas outlet.
Close the freshgas flow.
PS: O2 supply hose must be equipped with a male-connector with one-way valve, in order for
this test to be carried out.
7-28 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
O2 pressure
AIR pressure
N2O pressure
Disconnect the AIR gas supply hose to the machine and check that the »AIR supply pressure low«
alarm starts when the inlet pressure is between 2.0 and 2.8 (x100 kPa).
If not, the AIR inlet pressure sensor must be re-calibrated (see section 8.5).
Connect the AIR gas supply hose of the machine to the central AIR gas outlet.
Close the freshgas flow.
PS: AIR supply hose must be equipped with a male-connector with one-way valve, in order for
this test to be carried out.
Feb. 08 7-29
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
Set O2 and N2O freshgas flow to 2 L/min and connect the special tool for pressure regulator
(P/N 72231) to the N2O pressure gauge connection on the machine (see drawing). If the machine
is equipped with pressure gauges placed on the front of the machine, use these pressure gauges
Disconnect the N2O gas supply hose to the machine and check that the »N2O supply pressure low«
alarm starts when the inlet pressure is between 2.0 and 2.8 (x100 kPa).
If not, the N2O inlet pressure sensor must be re-calibrated (see section 8.6).
Connect the N2O gas supply hose of the machine to the central N2O gas outlet.
Close the freshgas flow.
PS: N2O supply hose must be equipped with a male-connector with one-way valve, in order for
this test to be carried out.
Disconnect the primary drivegas (AIR or O2) supply hose to the machine and check that the
machine switches to the secondary drivegas (O2 or AIR) when the primary drivegas pressure
at the ventilator has dropped, and that the ventilator continues to function
Connect the special tool for pressure regulator (P/N 72231) to the pressure gauge connection of
the secondary drivegas, on the machine (see previous drawing). If the machine is equipped with
pressure gauges placed on the front of the machine, use these pressure gauges instead.
Disconnect the secondary drivegas (O2 or AIR) supply hose to the machine and check that
the »ventilator drivegas low« alarm starts when the pressure of the secondary drivegas is
2.0 - 2.8 (x100 kPa).
Connect the primary drivegas (AIR or O2) supply hose to the machine to the central gas outlet
and check that the ventilator starts to function again.
Connect the secondary drivegas supply hose to the machine and check that all alarms disappear.
If this test indicates a malfunction, the drivegas alarm or the automatic drivegas selection must
be re-calibrated (see section 8.13).
7-30 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
7.8.16 Fans
Check that both the upper and the lower fan is running.
7.8.17 AGSS
Activate the AGSS flow and check that the yellow ball in the flowmarker is visble.
7.8.18 O2 flush
Set status = STBY.
Activate the auxiliary freshgas outlet and connect a reference flow measuring instrument to
the outlet.
If the machine is not equipped with an auxiliary freshgas outlet, connect the reference flow
measuring instrument to the insp. cone on the IBS, set APL valve to max. and block the cone
for the respiration bag on the IBS.
Connect an oxygen analyzer and check that the flow is 100 % O2.
Activate the auxiliary freshgas outlet and connect a reference pressure measuring instrument
(0-100 cm H2O) to the outlet.
Set status = MANUAL, set O2 freshgas flow to 2 L/min and check that the pressure is
90-100 cm H2O when the outlet is blocked.
If not, the MPL valve placed on the auxiliary freshgas outlet block (facing the inside of
the machine) must be adjusted.
Set the freshgas switch to »circle system« and close the freshgas flow.
Feb. 08 7-31
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
7.8.20 Yokes
If the machine is equipped with yokes for gas cylinders, the following test must be carried out
for each gas.
Disconnect the gas supply hose to the machine and open the gas cylinder.
Connect the special tool for pressure regulator (P/N 72231) to the yoke pressure connection on the
machine (see drawing).
Check that the reduced pressure from the gas cylinder is 4-5 (x100 kPa).
Set O2 and N2O freshgas flow to 5 L/min and wait app. 30 seconds. Check that the O2 and N2O
flow column still indicate 5 L/min.
O2 yoke pressure
7-32 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
If the machine is equipped with integrated patient suction, the following test must be carried out:
If not, and the patient suction is powered by AIR or O2, the suction unit placed under the stand
of the machine could be defective.
Activate the »emergency freshgas flow« and check that information appears on the display, telling
that the emergency freshgas flow is activated.
Connect an oxygen analyzer and check that the flow is 100 % O2.
De-activate the "emergency freshgas flow" and check that the message disappears.
Connect a reference flow measuring instrument to the outlet of the auxiliary O2 flowmeter.
Set the flowmeter to 5 L/min O2 (reading is middle of the ball) and check that the measured
flow is 4.3 to 5.7 L/min.
Connect an oxygen analyzer and check that the flow is 100 % O2.
Feb. 08 7-33
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
Disconnect the CO2 absorber from the IBS and check that both absorber valves close.
Check that »absorber disconnected« appears on the display after app. 30 sec.
Check that the bellows still goes to the top of the bag in bottle chamber, during expiration.
Disconnect the IBS from the base and check that »patient system disconnected« appears on the
Connect the IBS on the base (lock it by using the handle on the back of the base) and check that
»patient system disconnected« disappears from the display.
Connect the CO2 absorber to the IBS and check that »absorber disconnected« disappears from
the display.
Connect a testlung (for example a respiration bag) to the Y-piece and start the ventilator with
default settings, incl. tidal volume 500 ml.
Set high alarm to 80 and fill the bellows by pressing the O2 flush.
Set respiration rate to 12, wait 3 respirations and check that the measured TV exp shown on the
display is the same as before (within +/- 30 ml).
TV exp after:_________ml
If not, the zero valves for the volume measurement might be leaking.
7-34 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Connect a reference volume measuring instrument to the INSP cone on the IBS.
If the primary drivegas for the ventilator is AIR, the volume measuring instrument must be
set to AIR.
If the primary drivegas for the ventilator is O2, the volume measuring instrument must be set
to O2.
If a Mallinckrodt PTS 2000 is used, the trigger flow for volume measurement should be set to
5 L/min.
Remove the bellows in the bag in bottle and mount the chamber.
Start the ventilator with default settings and set freshgas flow to zero.
Set status = STBY and mount the bellows in the bag in bottle.
If the O2 % in the patient system is 21, the volume measuring instrument must be set to AIR.
If the O2 % in the patient system is 95-100, the volume measuring instrument must be set to O2.
If a Mallinckrodt PTS 2000 is used, the trigger flow for volume measurement should be set to
5 L/min.
If the machine is NOT equipped with an integrated multigas module, the O2 % of the freshgas
MUST be set to the same value as the O2 % in the patient system, and »carrier gas« MUST be
set to AIR.
Feb. 08 7-35
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
Place a testlung (NOT a respiration bag) at the Y-piece. Place a PAED. volume sensor in the patient
system. Remember to place a filter between the testlung and the volume sensor.
Go to setup menu and to sub-menu »spirometry« and set sensor to PAED. <ETR>.
Start the ventilator with default values and respiration rate set to 10.
Fill the bellows by pressing the O2 flush and set freshgas flow to zero.
Set tidal volume to 200 ml, wait 3 respirations and read the measured expired tidal volume
on the ventilator:_________ml
on the instrument:_________ml
These volumes should be identical, within +/- 20 ml.
If not, the Paed. volume sensor must be re-calibrated (see section 8.9.2).
Go to setup menu and to sub-menu "spirometry" and set sensor to ADULT <ETR>.
Start the ventilator with default values and respiration rate set to 10.
Set high alarm to 80.
Fill the bellows by pressing the O2 flush and set freshgas flow to zero.
Set tidal volume to 500 ml, wait 3 respirations and read the measured expired tidal volume;
on the ventilator:_________ml
on the instrument:_________ml
These volumes should be identical, within +/- 50 ml.
If not, the Adult volume sensor must be re-calibrated (see section 8.9.1).
Set tidal volume to 700 ml, wait 3 respirations and read the measured expired tidal volume;
on the ventilator:_________ml
on the instrument:_________ml
These volumes should be identical, within +/- 70 ml.
If not, the Adult volume sensor must be re-calibrated (see section 8.9.1).
Set status = STBY and disconnect the reference volume measuring instrument.
7.8.29 PEEP
Place a testlung (NOT a respiration bag) at the Y-piece. Connect a reference pressure measuring
instrument (0-100 cm H2O) to the patient system.
7-36 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Start the ventilator with default settings, set respiration rate to 6 and set high alarm to 80.
Set PEEP to 5, 10 and 20 and at each setting check that the pressure measured by the reference
pressure instrument, at the end of the expiration phase, matches the set PEEP within +/- 2 cm H2O.
If not, the Pat. and BiB pressure sensors must be re-calibrated (see section 8.8).
Also, check that the airway pressure graph shown on the display indicates a stable pressure during
the expiratory phase.
Place the O2 sensor in room air and check that the O2 % shown on the display is 20-22.
Set status = MANUAL, place the O2 sensor on the INSP cone on the IBS and set freshgas flow to
10 L/min O2. Check that the O2 % shown on the display is 98-102.
If one of these two tests indicates an inaccuracy, the O2 sensor must be re-calibrated, as described
in the user manual (via the setup menu).
7.8.31 PCV
Place a testlung (NOT a respiration bag) at the Y-piece.
Start the ventilator with default settings, set respiration rate to 10 and set ventilation mode to PCV.
Fill the bellows by pressing the O2 flush.
Set Insp. Pressure to 17, wait 3 respirations and check that the measured PEAK pressure shown on
the display is 18-22 hPa.
Also, check that the airway pressure graph shown on the display indicates a stable pressure during
the inspiratory phase.
Set Insp. Pressure to 27, wait 3 respirations and check that the measured PEAK pressure shown on
the display is 28-32 hPa.
Also, check that the airway pressure graph shown on the display indicates a stable pressure during
the inspiratory phase.
Feb. 08 7-37
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
Set Insp. Pressure to 47, wait 3 respirations and check that the measured PEAK pressure shown on
the display is 48-52 hPa.
Also, check that the airway pressure graph shown on the display indicates a stable pressure during
the inspiratory phase.
If this test indicates an unstable airway pressure during inspiratory phase, the PEEP valve must be
re-calibrated (see section 8.10)
Remove the testlung and check that "ventilator system pressure high" alarm start when the bellows
goes to the bottom of the chamber.
Check that »disconnection« alarm starts after app. 15 sec.
Connect the testlung, activate O2 flush until bellows is in top position, and check that both alarms
stop after a couple of respirations.
If this test is not OK, the Pat. and BiB pressure sensors must be re-calibrated (see section 8.8).
Set high alarm to 80 and check that the alarm stops after one respiration cycle.
Check that »mains failure« alarm starts and that the machine functions as before.
7-38 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
If the machine is equipped with an integrated multigas module, the following test must be
carried out:
Let the sample tube to the gasmodule draw room air, through a bacteria filter, and check that
measured O2 % shown on the display is 20-22.
Breathe 2-3 times, through a bacteria filter, at the end of the sample tube and check that the CO2
graph indicates the respirations.
Block the inlet on the gasmodule water trap placed at the side of the machine, and activate
»Leak check« <ETR>.
See the result of the gasmodule leak check on the display, or in the service menu.
Remove the blocking of the water trap inlet and connect the sample tube.
If the leak check fails, change the water trap and check tubings from the water trap manifold to
the gasmodule, and the tubings inside the gasmodule.
O2: +/- 3 % O2
N2O: +/- (1.5 % N2O + 5 % of actual value)
CO2: +/- (0.2 % CO2 + 5 % of actual value)
AA: +/- (0.1 % AA + 4 % of actual value)
If a Datex Ohmeda QUICK CAL calibration gas no. 755582 is used, the gas concentrations
shown on the display must be within the following limits:
O2 %: 52 - 58
N2O %: 30 - 36
CO2 %: 4,4 - 5,4
AA %: 2,8 - 3,2
Feb. 08 7-39
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
Check with voltmeter that there is correct voltage at each of the three auxiliary power outlets,
if present.
If voltage is not present for one of the outlets, the fuse for the outlet (F6, F7 or F8) could be
If voltage is not present for all of the outlets, the common fuse for the outlets (F5) could be
All these fuses are located at the bottom of the power management board, placed on the right
side of the machine (see from the front), under the sidepanel.
Therefore, remove the upper rear plate, remove the top plate and the sidepanel can now be
slided upwards.
7-40 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Technician Date Machine S/N IBS S/N APL valve S/N Signature
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7-46 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
8. Calibration
Before calibration can be carried out, the tests 8.1 O2 Flow
described in section 7.8.1-7.8.5 and 7.8.9 must
be carried out. Select O2 flow <ETR> to activate calibration
of the O2 freshgas flow sensor.
The calibration requires a reference measuring
instrument for pressure (0-80 hPa) and flow Select »Calibration« <ETR>.
(0-80 L/min.)
Activate auxiliary freshgas outlet, and connect
Activate SETUP menu, select service menu and to flow measuring reference instrument.
enter the service technician password (91-34-80).
Select calibration <ETR>. If the machine is not equipped with an auxiliary
freshgas outlet, connect the reference flow
measuring instrument to the insp. cone on
In the calibration menu you get the IBS, set APL valve to max. and block
access to: the cone for the respiration bag on the IBS.
O2 Flow Step 1
AIR Flow Text »Check O2 flow is 0.0 l/min« appears.
N2O Flow Check that flow is 0.00 l/min on reference
O2 Inlet Pressure instrument <ETR>.
AIR Inlet Pressure
N2O Inlet Pressure Step 2
Ventilator Insp. Flow Text »Set O2 flow to 10.0 l/min« appears.
BiB & Pat. Pressure Adjust flow on the control wheel until the
Vol. sensor Adult reference instrument indicates 9.9-10.1 l/min
Vol. sensor Paed. <ETR>.
PEEP valve
Vent temp. comp. Text »Redo calibration« appears. Press <ETR>
Gas Module to perform step 1 and 2 again. This should be
done at least one more time.
Oct. 06 8-1
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
Step 4 Step 2
Text »Set O2 flow to 0.6 l/min« appears. Adjust Text »Set AIR flow to 10.0 l/min« appears.
flow on the control wheel until the reference Adjust flow on the control wheel until the
instrument indicates 0.59-0.61 l/min <ETR>. reference instrument indicates 9.9-10.1 l/min
Step 5
Text »Set O2 flow to 1.0 l/min« appears. Adjust Text »Redo calibration« appears. Press <ETR>
flow on the control wheel until the reference to perform step 1 and 2 again. This should be
instrument indicates 0.99-1.01 l/min <ETR>. done at least one more time.
Step 7 Step 3
Text »Set O2 flow to 5.0 l/min« appears. Adjust Text »Set AIR flow to 0.3 l/min« appears.
flow on the control wheel until the reference Adjust flow on the control wheel until the
instrument indicates 4.95-5.05 l/min <ETR>. reference instrument indicates 0.29-0.31 l/min
Text »Save calibration« appears, press <ETR>
to save the calibration, press »Normal screen« Step 4
to abandon. Text »Set AIR flow to 0.6 l/min« appears.
Adjust flow on the control wheel until the
reference instrument indicates 0.59-0.61 l/min
8.2 AIR Flow <ETR>.
8-2 Oct. 06
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Oct. 06 8-3
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
If the machine is not equipped with an auxiliary If the machine is not equipped with an auxiliary
freshgas outlet, connect the reference flow freshgas outlet, connect the reference flow
measuring instrument to the insp. cone on measuring instrument to the insp. cone on
the IBS, set APL valve to max. and block the IBS, set APL valve to max. and block
the cone for the respiration bag on the IBS. the cone for the respiration bag on the IBS.
Step 1 Step 1
Text »Disconnect O2 supply« appears. Discon- Text »Disconnect AIR supply« appears. Discon-
nect O2 supply and wait until reference flow nect AIR supply and wait until reference flow
instrument indicates 0.0 l/min <ETR> instrument indicates 0.01 l/min in <ETR>.
Step 2 Step 2
Text »Connect O2 supply. Adjust O2 pressure Text »Connect AIR supply. Adjust AIR pressure
to 6.0 x100kPa« appears. Connect O2 supply to 6.0 x100kPa« appears. Connect AIR supply
and adjust inlet pressure to 6.0 x100kPa <ETR>. and adjust inlet pressure to 6.0 x100kPa <ETR>.
Text »Redo calibration« appears. Press <ETR> Text »Redo calibration« appears. Press <ETR>
to perform step 1 and 2 again. This should be to perform step 1 and 2 again. This should be
done at least one more time. done at least one more time.
After that, press the »Freshgas flow« field on After that, press the »Freshgas flow« field on
the display when »Redo calibration« appears. the display when »Redo calibration« appears.
Text »Save calibration« appears, press <ETR> Text »Save calibration« appears, press <ETR>
to save the calibration, press »Normal screen« to save the calibration, press »Normal screen«
to abandon. to abandon.
Step 1
8.5 AIR Inlet Pressure Text »Disconnect N2O supply« appears.
Disconnect N2O supply and wait until reference
Select AIR inlet pressure <ETR> to activate flow instrument indicates 0.0 l/min <ETR>.
calibration of the AIR inlet pressure sensor.
Select »Calibration« <ETR>. Step 2
Text »Connect N2O supply.Adjust N2O pressure
Activate auxiliary freshgas outlet, and connect to 6.0 x100kPa« appears. Connect N2O supply
to flow measuring reference instrument. and adjust inlet pressure to 6.0 x100kPa <ETR>.
8-4 Oct. 06
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Text »Redo calibration« appears. Press <ETR> Calibrate both inspiratory flow sensor and
to perform step 1 and 2 again. This should be adult patient flow sensor:
done at least one more time. Remove bellows in Bag in Bottle, and connect
inspiratory port of the integrated patient
After that, press the »Freshgas flow« field on breathing system to external adult patient
the display when »Redo calibration« appears. flow sensor (MUST be mounted with patient
port facing flow instrument) and then to flow
Text »Save calibration« appears, press <ETR> measuring reference instrument.Press enter
to save the calibration, press »Normal screen« to confirm <ETR>.
to abandon.
Note: When calibrating the patient flow
AIR pressure can be used for calibra- sensor, it must be placed with the
tion of the N2O inlet pressure sensor. port labeled »PATIENT« facing the
flow measuring reference instrument.
If the primary drivegas to the ventilator is AIR, Use pressure gauge with hose (P/N72231) and
the external adult patient flow sensor used by adjust if necessary.
the integrated volume monitor can be calibrated
at the same time. The ventilator automatically generates a flow,
which makes adjustment possible.
If the primary drivegas to the ventilator is O2,
the external adult patient flowsensor must NOT Press enter to confirm <ETR>.
be calibrated at the same time.
Oct. 06 8-5
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
Step 7
Adjust inspiratory flow from ventilator, until
flow reading on flow measuring instrument
Adjust screw on
inspiratory flow valve is 9.9-10.1 L/min.
Adjust by turning the control wheel.
Press enter to calibrate at 10.0 L/min <ETR>.
Step 8
Adjust inspiratory flow from ventilator, until
flow reading on flow measuring instrument
is 14.9-15.1 L/min.
Adjust by turning the control wheel.
Press enter to calibrate at 15.0 L/min <ETR>.
Step 9
Adjust inspiratory flow from ventilator, until
flow reading on flow measuring instrument
is 19.9-20.1 L/min.
Step 3 Adjust by turning the control wheel.
Check that inspiratory flow reading on flow Press enter to calibrate at 20.0 L/min <ETR>.
measuring instrument is 0.0 L/min.
Press enter to calibrate at 0.0 L/min <ETR>. Step 10
Adjust inspiratory flow from ventilator, until
Step 4 flow reading on flow measuring instrument
Adjust inspiratory flow from ventilator, until is 24.9-25.1 L/min.
flow reading on flow measuring instrument Adjust by turning the control wheel.
is 0.95-1.05 L/min. Press enter to calibrate at 25.0 L/min <ETR>.
Adjust by turning the control wheel.
Press enter to calibrate at 1.0 L/min <ETR>. Step 11
Adjust inspiratory flow from ventilator, until
Step 5 flow reading on flow measuring instrument
Adjust inspiratory flow from ventilator, until is 29.9-30.1 L/min.
flow reading on flow measuring instrument Adjust by turning the control wheel.
is 1.95-2.05 L/min. Press enter to calibrate at 30.0 L/min <ETR>.
8-6 Oct. 06
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Step 15
Adjust inspiratory flow from ventilator, until Note:
flow reading on flow measuring instrument During calibration, the Bag in Bottle
is 79.8-80.2 L/min. pressure and the patient breathing
Adjust by turning the control wheel. system pressure measured by the
Press enter to calibrate at 80.0 L/min <ETR>. ventilator according to data from last
calibration, is shown on the display
Step 16 as »BiB« and »Pat.«.
Press enter to save calibration <ETR>.
Press »Normal screen« to cancel the calibration.
Step 2
Note: Re-mount only the Bag in Bottle chamber and
If the ventilator does not accept the open freshgas flow by turning the control wheel
calibration, the filter inside the venti- until stable reading on the pressure measuring
lator pneumatic manifold could be reference instrument is 80 hPa.
defective.Change filter (P/N36709),
gaskets (2 pcs. P/N36498 and 1 pcs. Press enter to calibrate at 80 hPa <ETR>.
P/N36499), O-ring (P/N36423) and
redo the calibration. Step 3
Remove the Bag in Bottle chamber.
Press enter to re-calibrate at 0 hPa <ETR>.
Oct. 06 8-7
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
Step 4 Step 1
Re-mount only the Bag in Bottle chamber and Check that reading on flow measuring
open freshgas flow by turning the control wheel instrument is 0.0 L/min.
until stable reading on the pressure measuring
reference instrument is 80 hPa. Press enter to calibrate at 0.0 L/min <ETR>.
Step 3
8.9.1 Calibrate adult patient flow Adjust flow from ventilator, until flow reading
sensor on flow measuring instrument is 1.95-2.05 L/min.
Select »Vol. sensor Adult« to calibrate the Adjust by turning the control wheel.
external adult patient flow sensor. Press enter to calibrate at 2.0 L/min <ETR>.
8-8 Oct. 06
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Step 7 Step 14
Adjust flow from ventilator, until flow reading Press enter to save calibration <ETR>.
on flow measuring instrument is 19.9-20.1 L/min. Press »Normal screen« to cancel the calibration
Adjust by turning the control wheel.
Press enter to calibrate at 20.0 L/min <ETR>.
8.9.2 Calibrate paediatric patient
Step 8 flow sensor
Adjust flow from ventilator, until flow reading Select »Vol. sensor Paed.« to calibrate the
on flow measuring instrument is 24.9-25.1 L/min. external paediatric patient flow sensor.
Adjust by turning the control wheel.
Press enter to calibrate at 25.0 L/min <ETR>. Remove bellows in Bag in Bottle, and connect
inspiratory port of the integrated patient
Step 9 breathing system to the external paediatric
Adjust flow from ventilator, until flow reading patient flow sensor (should be mounted with
on flow measuring instrument is 29.9-30.1 L/min. patient port facing flow instrument) and then
Adjust by turning the control wheel. to flow measuring reference instrument.
Press enter to calibrate at 30.0 L/min <ETR>. Press enter to confirm <ETR>.
Step 10
Adjust flow from ventilator, until flow reading Note:
on flow measuring instrument is 39.9-40.1 L/min. When calibrating the patient flow
Adjust by turning the control wheel. sensor, it must be placed with the port
Press enter to calibrate at 40.0 L/min <ETR>. labeled »PATIENT« facing the flow
measuring reference instrument.
Step 11
Adjust flow from ventilator, until flow reading
on flow measuring instrument is 49.9-50.1 L/min.
Adjust by turning the control wheel. Step 1
Press enter to calibrate at 50.0 L/min <ETR>. Check that reading on flow measuring
instrument is 0.0 L/min.
Step 12
Adjust flow from ventilator, until flow reading Press enter to calibrate at 0.0 L/min <ETR>.
on flow measuring instrument is 59.9-60.1 L/min.
Adjust by turning the control wheel.
Press enter to calibrate at 60.0 L/min <ETR>. Note:
During calibration, the patient flow
Step 13 measured by the ventilator according
Adjust flow from ventilator, until flow reading to data from last calibration, is shown
on flow measuring instrument is 79.8-80.2 L/min. on the display.
Adjust by turning the control wheel.
Press enter to calibrate at 80.0 L/min <ETR>.
Oct. 06 8-9
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
Step 2 Step 8
Adjust flow from ventilator, until flow reading Adjust flow from ventilator, until flow reading
on flow measuring instrument is 0.95-1.05 L/min. on flow measuring instrument is 19.9-20.1 L/min.
Adjust by turning the control wheel. Adjust by turning the control wheel.
Press enter to calibrate at 1.0 L/min <ETR>. Press enter to calibrate at 20.0 L/min <ETR>.
Step 3 Step 9
Adjust flow from ventilator, until flow reading Adjust flow from ventilator, until flow reading
on flow measuring instrument is 1.95-2.05 L/min. on flow measuring instrument is 24.9-25.1 L/min.
Adjust by turning the control wheel. Adjust by turning the control wheel.
Press enter to calibrate at 2.0 L/min <ETR>. Press enter to calibrate at 25.0 L/min <ETR>.
Step 4 Step 10
Adjust flow from ventilator, until flow reading Adjust flow from ventilator, until flow reading
on flow measuring instrument is 3.95-4.05 L/min. on flow measuring instrument is 29.9-30.1 L/min.
Adjust by turning the control wheel. Adjust by turning the control wheel.
Press enter to calibrate at 4.0 L/min <ETR>. Press enter to calibrate at 30.0 L/min <ETR>.
Step 5 Step 11
Adjust flow from ventilator, until flow reading Adjust flow from ventilator, until flow reading
on flow measuring instrument is 6.9-7.1 L/min. on flow measuring instrument is 34.9-35.1 L/min.
Adjust by turning the control wheel. Adjust by turning the control wheel.
Press enter to calibrate at 7.0 L/min <ETR>. Press enter to calibrate at 35.0 L/min <ETR>.
Step 6 Step 12
Adjust flow from ventilator, until flow reading Press enter to save calibration <ETR>.
on flow measuring instrument is 9.9-10.1 L/min. Press »Normal screen« to cancel the calibration.
Adjust by turning the control wheel.
8-10 Oct. 06
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Remove insp. and exp. hoses from the IBS. When the 5 min. period is ended, the next step
Remove bellows in Bag in Bottle and mount of the calibration is activated automatically.
Bag in Bottle chamber. Place the Paediatric
flowsensor on insp. cone of the IBS. The port Step 3
labeled PATIENT must face away from the The PEEP valve is now warmed up slowly, and
IBS outlet <ETR>. the temperature of the PEEP valve coil must be
measured, using an infrared temperature sensor.
Step 1
The PEEP valve is now warmed up quickly When the temperature of the coil has reached
during a 4 min. period. 37-43OC, press enter to start next step of the
calibration <ETR>.
During this period, the temperature of the PEEP
valve coil must be measured, using an infrared If enter is not pressed within 20 min., the
temperature sensor. If the temperature of the calibration is automatically cancelled.
coil reaches 35-40OC before the 4 min., press
enter to start next step of the calibration <ETR>. Step 4
Now the ventilator checks the characteristics
of the PEEP valve.
Screw for adjustment
of PEEP valve
If the PEEP valve should be re-calibrated, a
»difference flow« will appear on the display.
PEEP valve coil
Adjust the screw on top of the PEEP valve on
the ventilator manifold, until »difference flow«
is 0.0 L/min., and press enter <ETR>.
qusjob42.10659manual4.pdf The PEEP valve calibration can be
cancelled at all times, by pressing
Step 2 »Normal screen«.
The PEEP valve temperature is now stabilised
during a 5 min. period.
Oct. 06 8-11
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
Disconnect one of the two cables going to the pressure switch on the drive gas selector block.
8-12 Oct. 06
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Step 1
Reduce the primary drivegas (AIR or O2) pressure switch on the ventilator manifold,
supply pressure to 2.5 (x100kPa) and during until the »ventilator drivegas low« alarm
inspiration, turn the screw on top of the starts.
Step 2
Adjust the primary drivegas (AIR or O2) supply Then perform step 1 and 2 again.
pressure to 3.0 (x100kPa) and check that the
»ventilator drivegas low« alarm stops. Connect both cables going to the pressure
switch on the drivegas selector block.
If not, turn the screw on top of the pressure
switch on the ventilator manifold during
inspiration, until the »ventilator drivegas
low« alarm stops.
Oct. 06 8-13
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
Step 2
Adjust the primary drivegas (AIR or O2) supply If not, turn the screw on top of the pressure
pressure to 3.0 (x100kPa) and check that the switch on the drivegas selector block during
drivegas selector valve switches back to the inspiration, until the valve switches to the
primary drivegas (a »click« from the valve primary drivegas.
should be heard).
Then perform step 1 and 2 again.
8-14 Oct. 06
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
9. Spare Parts
Contents Page
Siesta i TS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2
Stand with Integrated Suction and Mains Transformer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-4
Drawer for Siesta i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-5
Gas- and Electrical Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-6
EGM Gasbox for Siesta i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-8
Gasbox Assy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-10
Control Panel, Old version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-14
Control Panel, New version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-16
Toggle Switch Valve. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-18
Turn Switch Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-19
EGM Flow Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-20
Drive Gas Selector Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-22
Backbar Selectatec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-24
Backbar Dräger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-26
Inlet Manifold O2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-28
Inlet Manifold AIR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-30
Inlet Manifold N2O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-32
Inlet Manifold VAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-34
Inlet Manifold AGSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-35
Whispa Ventilator Spare Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-36
Multi PCB Holder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-38
Valve Block Assy. for Whispa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-40
Valve Block Assy. for Whispa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-44
Rear Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-46
Flowmarker Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-47
Suction Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-48
Mains Switch, standby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-50
Mains Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-51
Vacuum Suction, Old version. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-52
Vacuum Suction, New version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-54
AGSS Ejector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-56
Auxiliary Outlet, Old version. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-58
O2 Flush, Old version. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-60
O2 Flush, New version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-61
Change-Over Valve for Freshgas, Old version. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-62
Change-Over Valve for 5 L O2, Old version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-64
IBS System Complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-66
IBS Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-68
IBS System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-70
APL valve, New version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-72
Spare parts for DAMECA products should be ordered through our local agents.
When ordering spare parts, identify the part, and use the part number stated in this manual.
Feb. 08 9-1
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
Siesta i TS
Item Qty Description Part No.
1 1 Stand for Siesta i, gray 10651-01
2 4 Mounting pole 10651-112
3 1 Side panel right hand side 10651-25
4 2 Rear corner profile 10651-11
5 2 Front corner profile 10651-10
6 1 Top plate 10656
7 1 EGM gas box with touch screen 10658
8 1 Front panel 10657
9 1 Vaporizer gas box 10653
10 1 Table 10655
11 2 Drawer 10652
12 1 Rear cover 10651-12
13 1 Front cover for Siesta i 10651-28
14 1 Whispa ventilator for Siesta i TS 10659
15 1 Finger screw (optional) 10656-40
16 2 Mounting plate 10651-14
17 1 Bushing for infusion stand 10651-113
18 4 Star washer 70479
19 4 Screw DIN 912 M8X35 70028-0835
20 6 Screw M5x12 70414-0512
21 4 Screw M4x10 70414-0410
22 1 Side rail, Duoflex (optional) 10651-70
23 1 Side rail DIN (optional) 10651-80
24 1 Transfusion stand (optional) 10991-340
25 1 AGSS block 11013-120
26 1 Side panel assembly left hand side 10651-260
27 1 Mini ejector 11013
28 1 Aux. freshgas outlet 10651-270
29 1 Clamb assembly for aux. freshgas 30106-100
9-2 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
qusjob42.10653-00 S.png
Feb. 08 9-3
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
10 12 5
Loctite 270
qusjob42.10650-01s manual.pdf
9-4 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
qusjob42.10652 manual.pdf
Feb. 08 9-5
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
9-6 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
9 8
10 1
11 13
6 7
qusjob42.10657S manual.pdf
Feb. 08 9-7
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
9-8 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
25 1
4 14 24
6 7
12 6 8
27 26
3 22
qusjob42.10658 manual.pdf
Feb. 08 9-9
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
Gasbox Assy.
Item Qty Description Part No.
1 1 Gasbox Siesta i TS 10653-101
2 1 Back Bar selectatec compatible (optional) 11080-650
3 1 Pin-index pressure regulator O2 (optional) 33053
4 1 Pin-index pressure regulator N2O (optional) 33052-50
5 1 Cone 30 mm female 13952
6 1 Switch 40090-650
7 1 Nipple VAC 31094b
8 1 Quick connector VAC (specify colour for cap) 31081B
9 1 Pneumatic control panel 10653-204
10 12 Special Nut M3 10653-042
11 1 Cable gland 51023-23
12 1 Equipotential connector 40055-01
13 1 Potential equalising label (green/yellow) 11360
14 18 Nut DIN 6923 A2 70424
15 1 Rear cover 10653-02
16 1 Socket for O2 sensor 40053-32
17 2 Wire for cover 36881-01
18 1 EMC-coil assembly 40045-08
19 6 Screw DIN 912 M4X5 70006-0405
20 1 Power Management Board 10653-50
21 1 Mains switch 40090-100
22 1 Protecting cup 40090-101
23 1 Multi gas module (optional) 41021
24 4 Self sticking rubber knob 24030-03
25 1 Label: Caution re. battery 11463
26 2 Battery 12V 7.2Ah 10995-216
27 1 Clamp for battery 10653-03
28 2 Screw M4x10 70414-0410
29 2 Screw DIN 912 M4X12 70009
30 2 Washer 70467
31 1 Negative pressure valve 10653-150
32 2 Ball chain end 36871-02
9-10 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Feb. 08 9-11
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
9-12 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Feb. 08 9-13
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
9-14 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Feb. 08 9-15
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
9-16 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Feb. 08 9-17
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
9-18 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Feb. 08 9-19
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
9-20 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
29 9 4 2
16 8
b 14 13
15 17
13 9 14 9
1 10
23 10
b 24
20 12
a = Loctite 242 7
16 b = Loctite 270 26
qusjob42.10658-100 manual.pdf
Feb. 08 9-21
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
9-22 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Feb. 08 9-23
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
Backbar Selectatec
Item Qty Description Part No.
1 1 Selectatec back bar block 11080-651
2 4 Valve 11080-70
3 2 Cover plate 11080-66
4 2 Code pin 11080-53
5 2 Spring 11080-59
6 4 Philips screw M2.5x6mm 70273-256
7 2 Allen point screw 70135-06
8 1 Label 11338
9 2 Quick connector angled 36690-20
10 1 Quick connector T-piece 36690-18
11 1 Tube connector 36690-60
12 4 Philips screw M3x8mm 70276
13 4 Screw 70056
9-24 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
4 7
qusjob42.11080-650s manual.pdf
Feb. 08 9-25
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
Backbar Dräger
Item Qty Description Part No.
1 1 Back bar block Dräger 11060-651
2 4 Screw 70056
3 2 Quick connector angled 36690-20
4 2 Screw DIN 912 M5X30 70017
5 2 Allen point screw 70135-06
6 4 Valve 11080-70
7 2 Lock 11066-62
8 4 Screw 70273-02,505
9 1 Tower for back bar 11060-653
10 2 Pin 11060-654
11 1 Arm 11060-652
12 2 Screw DIN 912 M4X12 70009
13 2 Cover cap 36653-09
14 1 Spring 11060-659
15 1 Ball ø4 mm 30122-08
16 1 Lock pin 11060-658
17 1 Handle 11060-655
18 1 Label 11338
19 1 Quick connector T-piece 36690-18
20 1 Tube connector 36690-60
9-26 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
10 15
Use for 10651-00 (Rotameter) only
Use forl 10650-00 (TS) only
qusjob42.11060-650s manual.pdf
Feb. 08 9-27
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
Inlet Manifold O2
Item Qty Description Part No.
1 1 Inlet manifold O2 31350-05
2 1 Filter nut 31350-06
3 1 Nut for check valve 31350-07
4 1 Filter housing 11213
5 1 Valve housing w/filter w/non-return valve 11215
6 1 Check valve 11214
7 1 Zeeger circlip ring 36735-09
8 3 Quick connector 31405
9 5 Quick connector angled 36690-20
10 1 Label O2 White 11336
11 1 Retainer nut 31381-03
12 1 Hose connector NIST O2 31381-02
13 1 Spring 33005-74
14 1 Valve seat 33005-72
15 1 Membrane, black 33005-71
16 1 Friction ring 33005-75
17 1 Spring 33005-76
18 1 Nut 10967-29
19 1 Adjustment screw 10967-291
20 1 Nut 36083
21 1 Valve 33005-73
22 1 O-ring Ø16,1x1,6 36256
23 3 Allen point screw 70135-05
24 1 O-ring 36305
25 1 O-ring Ø9,1x1,6 36271
26 1 Filter bronze, Ø8x2mm 36701
27 1 O-ring Ø5,1x1,6 36269
28 1 Tube connector 36690-60
29 1 Quick connector T-piece 36690-18
9-28 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Loctite 270
24 16
7 15
4 14
28 23
Filter facing inwards
13 Loctite 270
Loctite 270
9 Loctite 270
1 5
9 3
qusjob42.31350 manual.pdf
Feb. 08 9-29
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
9-30 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Loctite 270
4 1 6
Loctite 270
15 8
qusjob42.31350C manual.pdf
Feb. 08 9-31
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
9-32 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
11 Loctite 270 18
1 4
qusjob42.31350A manual.pdf
Feb. 08 9-33
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
1 2
qusjob42.31350B manual.pdf
9-34 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
qusjob42.31350F manual.pdf
Feb. 08 9-35
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
9-36 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
qusjob42.10659-1S manual.png
Feb. 08 9-37
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
9-38 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
qusjob42.10987-30 manual.pdf
Feb. 08 9-39
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
9-40 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
77 3
75 24
74 23 55
72 2
20 56
21 80 8
81 5
13 46 7
Loctite 242
Loctite 2701
Loctite 242
12 69 * 6
43 11
Loctite 2701
1 Loctite 2701
Loctite 2701
47 70
46 59 Loctite 2701
Loctite 242
49 66
36 65
38 42 60
Loctite 2701
37 39 Loctite 2701
43 61
41 50 64
58 51
Loctite 242
32 Loctite 2701
40 50
30 52 63
29 Loctite 242 54 62
Loctite 242
Loctite 242
qusjob42.10987-25s manual.pdf
Feb. 08 9-41
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
9-42 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
77 3
75 24
74 23 55
72 2
20 56
21 80 8
81 5
13 46 7
Loctite 242
Loctite 2701
Loctite 242
12 69 * 6
43 11
Loctite 2701
1 Loctite 2701
Loctite 2701
47 70
46 59 Loctite 2701
Loctite 242
49 66
36 65
38 42 60
Loctite 2701
37 39 Loctite 2701
43 61
41 50 64
58 51
Loctite 242
32 Loctite 2701
40 50
30 52 63
29 Loctite 242 54 62
Loctite 242
Loctite 242
qusjob42.10987-25s manual.pdf
Feb. 08 9-43
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
9-44 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
5 22
13 23
Loctite 242
1 12
14 23
Loctite 2701
Loctite 242
Loctite 2701
37 2
13 14
12 33 3
15 Loctite 2701 Loctite 2701
16 34
Loctite 2701
11 31
Loctite 242
Loctite 2701 24 30
10 18 29
25 Loctite 2701
12 Loctite 2701
12 20
Loctite 242
Loctite 242
Loctite 242
Loctite 242
Torque: 3Nm
qusjob42.10987-25 manual.pdf
Feb. 08 9-45
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
Rear Cover
Item Qty Description Part No.
1 1 Rear cover 10651-13
2 1 Support for gas cylinders 10771-31
3 1 Fan with alarm and plug 40092-49
4 1 Fan filter complete 36715
5 4 Screw 70058
6 4 Toothed lock washer 70476
7 4 Nut 70440
8 2 Screw ISO 7380 70046-0616
qusjob42.10651-12s manual.pdf
9-46 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Flowmarker Assembly
Item Qty Description Part No.
1 1 Housing for flow marker 13680-01
2 1 Holder for flow marker 13680-02
3 1 Flowmarker 25 L/min 13676
4 1 Piston for valve, green 30325-10
5 1 Piston for valve, red 11014-11
6 2 Quick connector 36690-12
7 2 Nipple for hose 10894-62
8 3 O-ring ø7,1x1,6 36268
9 1 O-ring ø12,29x3,53 36247
10 1 O-ring ø10,69x3,53 36246
11 2 O-ring ø17,17x1,78 36248
Loctite 242
5 8 6 7 1 8 8 4
Loctite 242
Loctite 242
qusjob42.13680 manual.pdf
Feb. 08 9-47
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
Suction Unit
Item Qty Description Part No.
1 1 Body for integrated suction 32525-03
2 1 Diaphrame house 32525-02
3 1 Diaphrame for suction, red 32515-13
4 1 O-ring 36288
5 1 House for valve 32515-12
6 1 Bottum nozzle 32515-21
7 1 O-ring Ø13,1x1,6 36272
8 1 O-ring 36281
9 1 Top nozzle 32515-17
10 1 O-ring Ø9,1x1,6 36271
11 1 Middle nozzle 32515-19
12 1 Bushing for silencer 32515-22
13 1 House for silencer 32525-04
14 2 Silencer 32010-22
15 2 Screw DIN 912 M5X8 70017-0508
16 1 O-ring Ø14,1x1,6 36307
17 1 Diaphram, yellow 32515-14
18 2 Quick connector angled, ø6/M5 36690-22
19 1 Quick connector angled, ø6/1/8 36690-20
20 2 Washer 70468
9-48 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
qusjob42.32530-100 manual.pdf
Feb. 08 9-49
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
qusjob42.40090-65 manual.pdf
9-50 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Mains Switch
Item Qty Description Part No.
1 1 Switch handle, rotary 40090-110
2 1 Coubling 40090-72
3 1 LED, 24V 40090-75
4 1 Switch, NO 40090-73
5 1 Holder for LED 40090-74
4 5 3 2 1
qusjob42.40090-100 manual.pdf
Feb. 08 9-51
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
9-52 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Vacuum gauge
2 12 11 13
6 7
16 14 3 9 21 1 15
r ca
Regulated vacuum
Primary vacuum
Loctite 495
20 19 18 17 17 8 10 4 5
qusjob42.10653-40S manual.pdf
Fig. 9-29 Vacuum suction, Old version
Feb. 08 9-53
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
9-54 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Fig. 9-30 Vacuum suction, New version
Feb. 08 9-55
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
AGSS Ejector
Item Qty Description Part No.
1 1 Ejector body 11014-15
2 1 Nozzle 0.6 mm 11014-60
3 1 Filter bronze 36132
4 1 Manifold for ejector 11013-01
5 2 Screw DIN 912 M3X20 70001-0320
6 1 Hose nipple w/1/2-26 10894-63
7 1 O-ring ø7,65x1,78 36309
8 1 Nipple w/M10x1 11014-16
9 1 Spring 5,0/3,4/8,0 10887-27
10 1 O-ring teflon Ø6,07x1,78 36311
11 1 Spindle short M6x0.5 10887-26
12 1 Spindle guide M6x0.5 10887-24
13 1 Retainer w/slot 11004-18
9-56 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
13 Loctite 270
12 8
10 7
Loctite 270
qusjob42.11013 manual-2.pdf
Feb. 08 9-57
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
9-58 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Loctite 2701
Loctite 2701
Loctite 2701
3 7 4
qusjob42.10655-50 manual.pdf
Feb. 08 9-59
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
1 5
qusjob42.10658-10 manual.pdf
9-60 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
qusjob42.10658-30 manual.png
Fig. 9-34 O2 flush, New version
Feb. 08 9-61
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
9-62 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
11 2
13 8
qusjob42.11945 manual.pdf
Feb. 08 9-63
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
9-64 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
4 16 6
8 5
10 12 14 7
9 1
qusjob42.11955 manual.pdf
Feb. 08 9-65
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
9-66 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Fig. 9-37 IBS system complete
Feb. 08 9-67
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
IBS Console
Item Qty Description Part No.
1 1 Absorber lock 11960-60
2 1 IBS base 11960-81
3 6 Friktion washer 11960-82
4 1 Lock handle 11960-83
5 1 Freshgas connector 11960-84
6 1 Connector M18x1 11960-85
7 1 Hinge for absorber 11960-811
8 1 Handle for IBS lock 11960-91
9 1 Mount block for switch 11960-92
10 1 Mount block for switch 11960-93
11 1 Quick connector straight 36690-10
12 1 Piston for change over valve 11960-87
13 1 Cylinder for change over valve 11960-88
14 1 Switch for IBS 40090-330
15 1 Switch for absorber 40090-325
16 2 Spring 5,0/3,4/8,0 10887-27
17 1 Pin M6 11960-104
18 2 Dowel pin 3mm 36753-20
19 1 Lock nut M6 70436
20 1 Connector Ø22 12064-02
21 2 Dowel pin for base 11960-105
22 2 Lock bolt for base 11960-102
23 1 Mount plate for base 11960-101
24 4 Dowel pin Ø3x10 10991-256
25 1 Bolt M5x14 36681-05
26 2 Alu. seal Ø8x5x1mm 36596
27 1 Freshgas connector 11960-841
28 8 Screw 70056
29 2 Screw DIN 912 M4X25 70012
30 2 O-ring Silicone, red Ø9,19x2,62 36343
31 1 O-ring Ø15,08x2,62 36344
32 4 Screw DIN 912 M2X10 70001-0210
33 2 Screw DIN 912 M3X8 70001-0308
34 2 Screw DIN 912 M4X16 70010
35 2 O-ring Ø27,1x1,6 36295
36 2 O-ring Ø24x1,6 36242
37 2 Screw DIN 912 M8X25 70026
38 4 Screw DIN 912 M5X10 70013
39 1 Banjo with hose connector 36692-7405
40 1 Coubling Ø8/1/8 RG 36690-14
9-68 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
qusjob42.11960-80 manual.png
Feb. 08 9-69
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
IBS System
Item Qty Description Part No.
1 1 IBS body 11960-01
2 1 ISO 22/15 Cone 11960-02
3 5 Plug M18x1 11960-03
4 1 Plug 7/8"-26wg 11960-13
5 1 Bellows 11960-05
6 1 Chamber 11960-09
7 1 Valve pin exp. 11960-11
8 1 Valve pin INSP. 11960-12
9 1 Inspiratory valve for absorber 11960-220
10 1 Expiratory valve for absorber 11960-440
11 1 Changeover valve for IBS 11960-550
12 1 Bag connector 11960-70
13 1 Lid for overflow membrane 51525-10
14 1 APL valve 11960-330
15 5 O-ring Ø15,1x1,6 36240
16 1 O-ring 10967-616
17 6 O-ring Ø18,1x1,6 36267
18 8 Screw, BN 9995, ISO 14585C, A2, 2,9x16 70128-2.9x16
19 4 Screw, BN 9995, ISO 14585C, A2, 2,9x9,5 70128-2.9x9.5
20 2 One-way valve 11890-31
21 3 Dowel pin Ø2 x 10 36757-10
22 1 Release button for APL valve 11960-77
23 1 Membrane 51025-08
24 1 Membrane weight 51025-07
25 2 Spring 4,3/3,3/15mm 11080-62
26 2 Valve dome with o-ring 11890-42
27 1 ISO 22/15 cone 11960-10
28 1 O-ring, silicone blue, ø129,77x3,53 36330
29 1 O-ring Ø19,1x1,6 36244
30 1 O-ring ø50,47x2,62 36274
31 1 O-ring Ø27,1x1,6 36295
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10. Schematics
Contents Page
Feb. 08 10-1
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
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9 6
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Oct. 06 10-3
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10-4 Oct. 06
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Oct. 06 10-5
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10-6 Oct. 06
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Oct. 06 10-7
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10-8 Oct. 06
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Feb. 08 10-9
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10-10 Feb. 08
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Feb. 08 10-11
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Fig. 10-11 Block diagram, ANDROS Gasmodule
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Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
75 15 38 32
70 73 55
74 56 41
71 39
46 53 60
45 43
30 52
31 42
44 58 59
18 21 51
65 63
17 47 68
19 48 62
16 20 76
29 6
6 7 77 69
33 13
10 11 61 64
37 14 79
24 35 78
3 23
6 7
26 12
9 27
6 7
Fig. 10-12 Pneumatic diagram, Siesta i TS
Feb. 08 10-13
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
10-14 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
All flow and volume measurements are related to STPD conditions
(Standard Temperature Pressure Dry).
11.1 General
Height : 1510 mm
Width : 760 mm (including IBS)
Depth : 670 mm
Weight: : Approx. 140 kg (depending on configuration)
Class :I
Type :B
Mains voltage : 100/115/230 volt 50/60 Hz.
Power consumption (typical) : 130 VA + 20 VA (multigas module)
Battery capacity : 1.5 Ah (ventilator), 5.2 Ah (EGM and
multigas module)
Battery operation time : Approx. 30 minutes
Battery type : NiCd rechargeable (ventilator), sealed Pb
(EGM and multigas module)
Charge time : Approx. 12 hour
There are no changes in performance when the machine is battery powered.
Oct. 06 11-1
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
11.2 Gases
All gases and anaesthetic agents must conform to the European Pharmacopeia.
11-2 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
O2 flush flow:
Fixed flow : Approx. 45 L/min
11.4 Ventilator
Driving gas (AIR or O2):
Pressure : Min. 3.0 (x100kPa) at 80 L/min.
Max. consumption (peak flow) : 120 L/min
Average consumption : Max. 80 L/min at 2.8 (x100kPa)
Pressure range:
Pressure limitation (Plim max) : 90 (x100Pa) (mechanical pressure limitation valve)
Max. adjustable working pressure : 80 (x 100Pa)
High pressure alarm : 10 to 80 (x100Pa)
Min. expiration pressure (Plim min) : +1 (x100Pa)
Cycling pressure : 1 to 80 (x100Pa)
Negative airway pressures are possible if the patient is breathing spontaneously only.
Set parameters
Tidal Volume : 20 to 1500 ml.
Accuracy : 20 to 250 ml: +/-10%, min. 10 ml
: 250 to 1500 ml: +/-5%, min. 25 ml
Minute volume : 0.2 to 60 L/min.
Frequency : 4 to 80 resp./min.
Accuracy : +/- 5 %
Feb. 08 11-3
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
The sigh function is only active in VCV and SIMV mode only.
11-4 Feb. 08
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Water trap:
Capacity : 22 ml.
Measured parameters:
Insp. O2 : 0 to 100 %. Resolution: 1 %
Exp. O2 : 0 to 100 %. Resolution: 1 %
Insp. N2O : 0 to 100 %. Resolution: 1 %
Exp. N2O : 0 to 100 %. Resolution: 1 %
Insp. CO2 : 0 to 10 %. Resolution: 0.1 %
Exp. CO2 : 0 to 10 %. Resolution: 0.1 %
Insp AA : HAL, ENF, ISO: 0 to 7.5 %
SEV: 0 to 9 %
DES: 0 to 20 %
Resolution: 0.1 %
Exp. AA : HAL, ENF, ISO: 0 to 7.5 %
SEV: 0 to 9 %
DES: 0 to 20 %
Resolution: 0.1 %
Resp. rate : 0 to 100 breaths pr. min.
Ethanol : 0.0 to 0.15 %
Oct. 06 11-5
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
Calculated parameters:
MAC : 0 to 10. Resolution: 0.1
Cross-gas interference:
The multigas module will meet the specifications for accuracy, when the individual gases
are within the ranges specified in »measured parameters«.
11-6 Oct. 06
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Metered dosed inhaler : CFC propellants such as CFC 11, 12 and 114 will have no
propellants effect on the multigas-measurements.
HFA-134a propellant can affect the measurement of
Enflurane, Halothane and Ethanol.
If this is the case the multigas module will give an alarm.
If the Ethanol concentration or the Acetone concentration is higher than
0.1 %, the accuracy of the gas measurements may be affected.
Oct. 06 11-7
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
For example:
Primary anaesthetic agent is 2.0 % Halothane.
The required Enflurane concentration to identify it as secondary agent is:
0.20 % ENF + 0.05x2 % = 0.30 % Enflurane.
Insp. O2 % high : 18 to 100 % and OFF. Resolution: 1 %
Insp. O2 % low : 18 to 100 %. Resolution: 1 %
11-8 Oct. 06
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
11.7 Environment
Storage temperature : -20 to + 50OC (optional O2-sensor: 0OC to +50OC)
Working temperature : 15 to 35OC
Relative humidity : 10 to 90% RH (non condensing)
Storage pressure : 630 to 1060 (x 100Pa)
Working pressure : 960 to 1060 (x 100 Pa)
11.8 Standards
Standards fulfilled:
Software : EN 60601-1-4
EMC : EN 55011; Group 1; Class B
Electrical safety : EN 60601-1
Function safety : EN 738-1, EN 739, EN 740, EN 837,
EN 980, EN 1281-1
Oxygen monitor (optional) : EN 12218, EN 12598, EN 13220
Oct. 06 11-9
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
11-10 Oct. 06
Dameca Service Manual for SIESTA i TS
Feb. 07 New section 7.9 Check Scheme for Post Maintenance / Repair
Feb. 08 12-1
Service Manual for SIESTA i TS Dameca
12-2 Oct. 06