Treebo SIP Report
Treebo SIP Report
Treebo SIP Report
Effectiveness of Promotional Tools on creating
Brand Awareness of Treebo Hotels in Pune Region.
I also declare that it has not previously formed the basis for the award to me for
any degree/diploma associate ship, fellowship or other similar title, of any
Place: PUNE
Project work is a major part of our course. It is the period in which we are
introduced to marketing environment or in other words we can say that market
training is provided for familiarization with the marketing environment. The
summer project is objected to understand the corporate world and its various
aspects. The training helps us in gaining practical and managerial knowledge
which is very much different from what is given in the books. The internship
provides us the insight into the real corporate world which would help us make
a presence in this vast professional environment.
Only gaining theoretical knowledge is just not sufficient for sure success in life,
practical training is a must and I have been given an opportunity to gain
practical experience at "Treebo Hotels", Pune. Lastly, all possible efforts have
been made in order to avoid errors.
I owe a great debt to my mentor Mr. Anurag Rathi who in spite of their
pressing duties and responsibilities have shown a genuine interest in providing
necessary guidance regarding concept of the project and rendered support at all
stages of the project.
in a good schedule.
I would also like to thank all the staff members of Balaji Institute of
Management & Human Resource Development for their constant guidance,
without whom this project wouldn’t have been a distant reality.
Divya Sah
Chapter No. Topic Page No.
1 1.1 Executive Summary 6
1.2 Introduction
Contextual Background
Brief Company 7-10
Role in Company 11
Industry Scenario 12-15
6 Findings 36
7 Recommendations 37
8 Limitations 38
9 Conclusion 39
Bibliography 40
Contextual Background
Introduction To Industry
and Treebo is as of now India's most elevated, evaluated and third biggest lodging
brand in India (behind just Taj and ITC). While it's still early days and there is far
to go, the organization is well on its way to make India's biggest and most
cherished lodging brand, utilized by innovation.
The establishing group and thought
It was April 2015, and Rahul and Sid had recently proceeded onward from their
jobs as co-leads of the system group at Myntra. They had before left McKinsey
with the possible objective to accomplish something enterprising and felt their
short spell at Myntra had set them up well to change to a startup. Before long they
were joined by Kaddy, a veteran CTO with a solid comprehension of the
movement space given his experience as first representative and VP-Engineering
of MyGola, a startup obtained by MakeMyTrip. I genuinely think this is one of
those uncommon establishing groups, where each organizer comes profoundly
referenced, where every one has left a solid imprint on whatever challenge he has
taken up before and is autonomously backable — a ideal fit for Matrix's
"originators first" speculation rationality. While the $40B online travel industry in
India has pulled in truck heaps of capital throughout the years, one of the issues to
a great extent unsolved has been the nature of stay involvement with spending
lodgings, particularly in the Rs 1000 to Rs 3000 value portion. In contrast to the
US (which has a few chains like Best Western, America's Best Value Inn, Days
Inn, Red Roof Inn, Econolodge, and so on) and China (which has China Lodging,
Home Inns, 7 Days Inn, and so on), there is very low entrance of marked chains
in the spending section in India.Phase one of cracking the $10B accommodation
market in India involved solving the discovery problem — most budget hotels
weren’t even online to begin with and several aggregators including MakeMyTrip,
Ibibo, Yatra and Oyo have done a good job at solving this by bringing information
about these hotels online and provided a real-time booking experience.Stage two
includes guaranteeing the real nature of stay reliably which must be finished bys
institutionalization, which requires a tight start to finish vertical coordination with
the supply.
One of the greatest issues in spending inn stay is that one doesn't have even an
inkling what's in store prompting a ton of uneasiness in the brain of the financial
plan traveler — is my reservation confirmed — what on the off chance that they are
overbooked and deny a room, will I get heated water, do they give wi-fi, is there
room-administration, clean material, toiletries, essential cleanliness, and so on?
As somebody once let me know, while a terrible taxi experience is an aggravation
(and we all have had a portion of those), an awful lodging knowledge can destroy
your whole excursion. Envision achieving a lodging just to discover the inn is
oversold and can't respect your 'affirmed' reservation? Or then again getting up for
an early gathering just to discover there's no high temp water and you're in Delhi
in the winters (been there, done that!). Or on the other hand observing stains on
the bedsheet. You get the drift — these are difficult issues and explaining them at
scale without assuming responsibility for the properties is significantly harder! in
a broken affair. There is no institutionalization, low quality supply and low trust.
There is a glaring need to empower this long tail of disorderly supply by building
an esteem for-cash, spending inn brand with quality as its key image guarantee.
Much the same as Ola/Uber accomplished for taxis, Peter England accomplished
for office attire and McDonalds accomplished for inexpensive food.
For the little spending inn proprietor, the issue is much increasingly articulated -
she's stuck in an over-provided showcase, with an undifferentiated situating
prompting lower inhabitance/profit and a powerlessness to use innovation. Also,
the long-tail of spending inn proprietors, don't really have earlier friendliness
experience. Infact, as a general rule, their essential business is something different.
In the meantime, they have land that they need to adapt. A blend of these
components prompts a broken ordeal for the visitor.
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using the dynamics of Technology, Training and Audit. The slides below lucidly
explain what Treebo does.
The spending lodging portion in India has seen serious challenge and resultant
limiting as of late. While Treebo has not been completely secluded from this,
they've explored the earth generally well without depending on profound limiting.
How could they do this?
• being an omni-channel brand, with each channel having distinctive value desires,
Treebo's ongoing income the board framework conveys an ideal channel blend
• what sells isn't limits, its esteem for-cash (VFM). The organization lopsidedly
swings the VFM condition to support its by conveying a phenomenal ordeal
instead of by slamming costs (utilizing innovation through' inhouse applications
like Prowl for visitor experience, Bumblebee for accomplice the board, and so on)
• build solid brand review by reliably conveying on the brand guarantee on each
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Role in the company
Market Scaning:
Visit properties of Treebo Hotels to get an idea about the working and product
To connect with the admins of the corporate companies via cold canvasing,
Walk ins Or through LinkedIn.
Maintain a database with the information collected and about the lead
stages with the corporate
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Industry Scenario
The Indian tourism and hospitality industry has emerged as one of the key
drivers of growth among the services sector in India. Tourism in India has
significant potential considering the rich cultural and historical heritage, variety
in ecology, terrains and places of natural beauty spread across the country.
Tourism is also a potentially large employment generator besides being a
significant source of foreign exchange for the country. During 2018, FEEs from
tourism increased 4.70 per cent* year-on-year to US$ 28.59 billion. FEEs
during January 2019 was US$ 2.55 billion.
Market Size
India is the most digitally-advanced traveller nation in terms of digital tools
being used for planning, booking and experiencing a journey, India’s rising
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middle class and increasing disposable incomes has continued to support the
growth of domestic and outbound tourism.
During 2018, foreign tourist arrivals (FTAs) in India stood at 10.56 million,
achieving a growth rate of 5.20 per cent year-on-year. FTAs in January 2019
stood at 1.10 million, up 5.30 per cent compared to 1.05 million year-on-year.
The travel & tourism sector in India accounted for 8 per cent of the total
employment opportunities generated in the country in 2017, providing
employment to around 41.6 million people during the same year. The number is
expected to rise by 2 per cent annum to 52.3 million jobs by 2028.
International hotel chains are increasing their presence in the country, as it will
account for around 47 per cent share in the Tourism & Hospitality sector of
India by 2020 & 50 per cent by 2022
Following are the achievements of the government during 2017-18:
During 2018-19, a total of seven projects worth Rs 384.67 crore (US$
54.81 million) were sanctioned under the Swadesh Darshan scheme.
As of July 2018, 14 states had deployed tourist police. In November
2018, Nagaland also deployed a separate tourist police in the state
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Market Scenario
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Treebo Capital Raised
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Competitor Analysis
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Features Treebo OYO Fab Yatra Clear Make
Hotels trip Mytrip
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Company Products
Branded toiletries
Unbeatable value
Branded toiletries
Prime location
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Literature Review
Kotler and Keller (2006) defined direct marketing as the use of consumer-direct
(CD) channels to reach and deliver goods and services to customers without using
marketing middlemen. It allows marketers a more direct response from
consumers (generally an order), allows marketers to better target niche markets,
and allows marketers to sell a product without the expensive and lengthy process
of getting it into traditional channels.
Mansoor and Ishaq (2006) stated variety tools of direct marketing which are
through e-mail, mobile phone, internet, billboards, television, mail, radio,
telephone, newspaper, and magazines. The use of mail, telephone or other non-
personal contact tool was to communicate with or solicit a response from specific
customers and prospects. by any identified sponsor. From Frances and Stephen
(2006), Promotion mix is the direct way in which an organization attempts to
communicate with various target audiences. It consists of five main elements:
Advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, public relation and direct
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Internet adverts through print media and billboards. Public relations are where
the communication is not directly paid for and includes press releases,
sponsorship deals, exhibitions, conferences, seminars or trade fairs and events.
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sales promotions, public relations & publicity and marketing communications
budget. The literature so far can be summed up as the combination of marketing
tools used in achieving marketing objectives. It can also be reviewed as the
controllable variables under the manipulative power of managers used in
achieving organizational objectives.
The marketing mix elements are products, price, place, and promotion, t is also
called the 4Ps of marketing. Promotional mix is one of the elements of marketing
From the view of Adebisi and Babatunde (2011), the aim of an organizational
promotional strategy is to bring existing and potential customers to a state of
relative awareness of the organization’s products. They are of the view that
organizations should strategize their promotional mix in order to effectively
create awareness.
Cole (1996) looked at promotional mix strategy as those means used in bringing
customers from a state of unawareness to a state of actively adopting the products.
It is a means of communicating with individuals, groups and organizations to
directly or indirectly facilitate exchange of informing and persuading one or more
audience to accept an organization’s product. In line with this, Ross (2001) sees
promotional mix as the total marketing communication program of a particular
product. He viewed the promotional means strategy as all towards creating
marketing communication programme about a product. Adebisi (2006) viewed
promotional strategies as the marketing efforts whose function is to inform or
persuade actual or potential customers about the merit a product possess for the
purpose of inducing a customer to either start buying or continue to purchase the
firm’s products.
Kotler and Armstrong (2004) were of the opinion that promotional strategies
include all means through which a company communicates the benefits and
values of its products and persuade targeted customers to buy. To Lazer (1971),
promotion is the company’s strategies to cater for the marketing communication
process that requires interactions between two or more people or groups
encompassing senders, messages, media and receivers. Conclusively it is agreed
that an organization should apply strategies to its promotional mix in order to
effectively communicate favourably with the target market. Without creating
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effective awareness of the organization and the products through communication,
it will be difficult for an organization to achieve its stated objectives. Promotion,
the fourth P in the marketing mix, is now more commonly referred to as
“marketing communications”. Marketing communications can be defined as “the
means by which firms attempt to inform, persuade, and remind customers—
directly or indirectly—about the products and products they sell. In a sense,
marketing communications represent the ‘voice’ of the company and its products
and are a means by which it can establish a dialogue and build relationships with
(Kotler and Keller,2009) Marketing communications are all about getting the
word out about a company’s products and services because customers cannot buy
what they do not know about, and, in the process, creating more of a two-way
relationship with customers than was typical of the more traditional notion of
promotion. A further conceptual iteration is the term promotions ISSN: 2201-
6333 (Print) ISSN: 2201-6740 (Online) 456 (IMC), which is “the
coordination and integration of all marketing communication tools, avenues, and
sources within a company into a seamless program designed to maximize the
communication impact on consumers, businesses, and other constituencies of an
organization.(Dana- Nicoleta and Kenneth, 2007)
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Hotel Industry has grown tremendously over the past decade. With the new
emerging budget hotels companies the awareness level for the upcoming hotel
chains is not effective. The Marketing tools used for promotion plays a major
role for creating a top of the mind awareness on the mind of the customers.
The use of various promotional tools and the ones most impactful in creating
brand awareness is to be determined so as to attract more customers by
increasing the level of awareness.
The problem statement for the research is to determine the relation between
the promotional tools and awareness of Treebo hotels. As with the
competitors like Oyo rooms and Fab hotels who have already captured the
market. It is important to create an awareness level about Treebo Hotels to
increase sales. Promotional tools are the used to create awareness. Thereby, it
is important to determine the relation and impact of promotional tools on
awareness level.
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Objectives of Study
Primary Objective:
Secondary Objectives:
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Research is done for collecting the information that helps to solve certain
problems effectively. It is a frame work with a specific logic from the researcher
to find out a reasonable solution for a problem. Research is a step by step
activity which needs to be accurate and reliable. It is completed when the
researcher gets proper solutions for his task. It aims at definite solutions within
a particular period. Research methodology is way to solve the research problem
systematically. It deals with the objective of research study, the method defining
research problem, the type of hypothesis formulated, the type of data collected,
method used for data collection and analysis etc. My research methodology
includes collection of both primary and secondary data.
SOURCE: There are various methods of interpreting data .Data sources are
broadly classified into Primary data and Secondary data. Primary data means
original data that has been collected specially for the purpose in mind. It means
someone collected data from the original source first hand and secondary data
means collected from other sources. I have used both Primary and Secondary
data and did offline and online data collection.
Sample Size: It refers to the number of items to be selected from the universe to
constitute a sample. An optimum sample is one, which fulfills the requirement
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of efficiency, representative, reliability and flexibility so I selected 80
respondents as sample from the population.
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Data analysis
1. Age
Chart Title
35 & above
Count of
Row Labels Age
20-25 12
26-30 20
31-35 40
35 & above 37
Out of 110 respondents. Major response was collected by the age group of
20-25 followed by the responses from the age group of 31-35.
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2. Gender
Count of
Row Labels Gender
F 56
M 54
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3. Whenever you think of a budget hotel stay which brand comes to your
mind? Rank accordingly.
Chart Title
1 2 3 4
Ranks 1 2 3 4
Treebo 35 50 25 0
Oyo 65 22 3 0
10 38 43 10
0 0 39 100
Top of the mind awareness for Oyo rooms was the most followed by
Treebo Hotels.
Oyo rooms is the most popular budget hotel chain among the budget hotels.
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4. Are you aware of Treebo Hotels?
Yes NO
Yes 80
NO 30
Out of 110 respondents 73% are aware about Treebo Hotels and the remaining
23% are not aware about Treebo Hotels.
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4. If yes, through which source are you familiar with Treebo Hotels?
Telemarketing 5
Emarketing 10
Social media 50
Print media 25
promotion 9
Others 11
60 Chart Title
Telemarketing Emarketing Social media Print media Sales promotion Others
People are ware of Treebo hotels mostly due to social media followed by print
Other than the promotional tools used by Treebo Hotels the people are also
aware of Treebo Hotels due to Word of Mouth.
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Hypothesis testing-
The Hypothesis below is tested by using Chi Square to determine the relationship
between Social media and Brand awareness.
Chi-Square Tests
P valus is less than 0.05 thereby we reject the null hypothesis H0 and
accept the alternative hypothesis H1.
It can be concluded from the above test that there is a significant
relation between brand awareness and social media.
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Garett Ranking
Attributes 1 2 3 4 5
Social media 50 51 8 0 1
Print media 32 36 33 8 1
Email 0 41 35 29 5
promotion 0 11 47 41 11
telemarketing 13 33 34 25 5
Attributes 1 2 3 4 5 Total Average Rank
Social media 4950 5049 768 0 94 10861 2172.2 1
Print media 3168 3528 3168 760 94 10718 2143.6 2
Email 0 4018 3360 2755 470 10603 2120.6 4
promotion 0 1078 4512 3895 1034 10519 2103.8 5
telemarketing 1287 3234 3264 2375 470 10630 2126 3
As per the data ranked above after using Garett Ranking method it can be
concluded that people prefer Social media as the most affective promotional
tool for increasing awareness level.
After Social media Print media, telemarketing , email and Sales promotion
are preferred as a tool for increasing brand awareness.
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10. How do you asses the promotion of Treebo Hotels compared to other
budget hotels?
Very dissatisfied 5
Dissatisfied 5
Satisfied 20
Very Satisfied 15
Chart Title
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
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Many customers were not ready to talk and share the information.
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Organization to build brand awareness. These companies can improve
advertising intensity allows the purchases which should be used as a
tool for increase better awareness of their product.
The following process should be adopted to increase the
awareness Treebo Hotels. Level of Brand
appropriate brand for that particular segment.
Marketers need to continually improve their marketing programs
to attract and retain consumers. Marketers have to
launch consumer retention program because the cost of
recruiting a new customer is high. Promotion is the most
efficient strategy in attracting brand switchers. So,
marketers have to implement the efficient promotion
strategy Marketer should evaluate the current situation in regular
period to ensure the efficient use of Promotional Stratergies.
There is a huge impact of Social media as promotional tool in creating
awareness. There is a significant relation between both as per tested
by using Chi Square.By using Garett ranking it is determined that
Social media is the most effective tool and is preferred more by the
customer as a promotional tool for creating brand awareness. The
promotional tool used by Treebo Hotels is not very impactful as the
customers were neutral towards the promotional tools used by
Treebo.TOMAS- Top of the mind awareness level is still high Of
OYO rooms. Brand Recall of Oyo rooms is much more stronger than
Treebo Hotels.Word of the mouth also play an important factor in
terms of spreading awareness.
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Marketing research, Second Edition, author Nargundkar.
Essential of marketing Research , A Hands-on Orientation , 1st Edition
Naresh K. Malhotra , Published by Pearson Education , limited
41 | P a g e
Effectiveness of Promotional tool on creating Brand awareness of Treebo
Hotels in Pune regiom
Q4. Whenever you think of a budget hotel stay which brand comes to your mind?
Treebo Hotels
Oyo Rooms
Fab Hotels
Vista Rooms
Sales promotion
Social media
Print media
Q8.If yes, through which source are you aware of Treebo Hotels.
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Social media
Print media
Sales promotion
1 2 3 4 5
Q10. How do you asses the promotion of Treebo Hotels as compared to other
budget hotel.
1 2 3 4 5
Highly Highly
Dissatisfied Satisfied
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