Bolting B8 Class 1 and 2 Use

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From the voice of the fluid sealing industry

Sealing Sense
What factors should be considered for stainless steel fasteners
in bolted flanged connections?

This month’s “Sealing Sense” was prepared by FSA member Joel Baulch.

n a bolted flanged connection using a sealing device, it when closely matching coefficients of expansion of flange and
is most important to understand that adequate loading bolting preclude the use of typical low alloy grades, stainless
must be realized to meet minimal seating requirements steel grades are often employed.
for the design. The July 2010 “Sealing Sense” discussed the Austenitic stainless steels are characterized as having
primary considerations for fastener systems employed in a excellent corrosion resistance properties.
bolted flange assembly, including those for stainless steel. The design of a bolted flange connection entails numer-
With a gasketed assembly, the ratio of the compressive ous considerations, too many to include in this article.
force to the sealing area must meet or
exceed the stress required to generate Table 1. Mechanical properties
an effective seal. Bolt Grade Bolt Grade Size, in. (mm) Tensile Yield Strength, Hardness,
The use of higher strength stain- Class Strength, ksi min, 0.2% offset, max
(Mpa) ksi (Mpa)
less steel bolts is often required to
allow for a greater targeted pre-stress Class 1 and 1D B8, B8M, all diameters 75 (515) 30 (205) 223 HB or
B8P, B8LN, 96 HRB*
and/or to meet chemical resistance, B8MLN
temperature or flange compatibility B8C, B8T
requirements. Class 2 B8, B8P, 3/4 and under 125 (860) 100 (690) 321 HB or
This higher targeted load should B8N, B8C, (M20 and under) 35 HRC
take into account the relaxation of the B8T
over 3/4 to 1, incl 115 (795) 80 (550)
assembly, including that of the gasket. (over M20 to M24,

Fastener Standards over 1 to 1 1/4,

incl (over M24 to
105 (725) 65 (450)
ASTM A193/193M (Standard M30, incl)
Specification for Alloy Steel and over 1 1/4 to 1 100 (690) 50 (345)
Stainless Steel Bolting Materials for 1/2, incl (over
High Temperature Service) is widely M30 to M36, incl)
used for industrial applications. Class 2 B8M, 3/4 and under 110 (760) 95 (655) 321 HB or
This specification includes bolt B8MN (M20 and under) 35 HRC
grades/classes, and its matching nut over 3/4 to 1, incl 100 (690) 80 (550)
specification is ASTM A194/A194M. (over M20 to M24,
Low alloy grades B7 and B16 incl)
are the most common selections for over 1 to 1 1/4, 95 (655) 65 (450)
incl (over M24 to
industrial applications, as they provide M30, incl)
ample strength to allow for higher tar-
over 1 1/4 to 1 90 (620) 50 (345)
geted loads. 1/2, incl (over
However, when greater chemical M30 to M36, incl)
or temperature resistance is needed or *For sizes ¾ inches in diameter and smaller, a maximum hardness of 241 HB (100 HRB) is permitted.

42 December 2011 Pumps & Systems

However, some basic concepts should always be considered.

Grade Selection and Corrosion Resistance

Stainless steel bolts are identified in A193/193M as the B8 grade of
alloys. The most popular grades are B8 (304SS) and B8M (316SS). For
applications in which chemical resistance properties superior to those
of 304SS are needed, 316SS is a next step. Its additional molybdenum
content provides improved pitting and corrosion resistance. Other
grades with even higher molybdenum content can be considered for
more aggressive environments.

Classes of A193/A193M Stainless Bolting

What is not always recognized is that every grade has two classes. The
difference between the two classes lies in the strain hardening process.
While this process will not affect chemical properties, it will have a sig-
nificant impact on mechanical properties.
For example, bolt grade B8 Class 1 material which is carbide solu-
tion treated has yield strength of 30 ksi (205 Mpa) for all diameters,
while B8 Class 2 which is carbide solution treated and strain hardened
has a yield strength of 80 ksi (550 Mpa) (for diameters over 3/4).
Table 1, based on A193/193M values, shows stainless steel bolt
grades and classes and their corresponding mechanical properties.
Typically, strain hardened Class 2 stainless steel fasteners will pro-
vide better results for corrosive service because of their higher yield Figure 1. Galled stainless steel bolt

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Pumps & Systems December 2011 43
FSA Sealing Sense

strength properties, especially when significant assembly load is • Reduce the installation speed so less heat is generated and
required to generate the required gasket stress. the potential of cold welding is reduced.
• Select a coarse thread instead of a fine thread.
Effect of Elevated Temperatures on A193/
A193M Stainless Bolting Summary
Thermal effects can change the stability of the initial clamp load When stainless steel fasteners are the conclusive choice for a
significantly. bolted flanged connection, ensuring that the grade is appropri-
After a pre-stress is applied to a fastener and the service ate for the service conditions is important.
is brought up to an elevated operating temperature, the bolt An adequate load must be delivered to effectively generate
could move within its creep range and elongate further, causing a seal. Select a grade and class that can maintain higher yield
a reduction in load. ASTM A453 Grade 660 bolts are a good strength at operating temperature.
option in applications where corrosion resistance, higher yield Properly lubricate and install the fasteners carefully so that
strength potential and retention of yield strength at elevated galling of the threads is prevented.
temperatures are all important.
Next Month: Why do I need to complete an application
Preventing Galling questionnaire?
Thread galling can be a problem with stainless steel fasteners
if not properly addressed. Oxide build up between the threads
can lead to fusion of the mating pieces (Figure 1) and prevent We invite your questions on sealing issues and will provide best
torque transfer to the assembly. effort answers based on FSA publications. Please direct your ques-
Galling can be prevented using three commonly- tions to: [email protected].
chosen strategies: P&S
• Use the proper lubricant on the mating threaded parts.

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44 December 2011 Pumps & Systems
“Sealing Sense” is produced by the Fluid Sealing Association
(FSA) as part of its commitment to industry consensus technical edu- American Falcon, Inc.
cation for pump users, contractors, distributors, OEMs and reps. As Daikin America, Inc.
a source of technical information on sealing systems and devices and Donit Tesnit d.d.
in cooperation with the European Sealing Association (ESA), the FSA Empak Spirotallic Mexicana SA de CV
also supports the development of harmonized standards in all areas of EGC Enterprises, Inc.
fluid sealing technology. The education is provided in the public inter- The Flexitallic Group
est to enable a balanced assessment of the most effective solutions to Garlock Sealing Technologies
pump systems technology issues on rational total life cycle cost (LCC) W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc.
principles. GrafTech International Holdings, Inc.
The Gasket division of the FSA is one of five with a specific prod- John Crane
uct technology focus. As part of its mission, it develops publications, Lamons
such as the Metallic Gasketing Technical Handbook, as well as joint pub- Nippon Pillar Corp. of America
lications, such as the newly revised ESA/FSA Flange Gaskets – Glossary SGL Technic Polycarbon Division
of terms and Guidelines for Safe Seal Usage - Flanges and Gaskets and the Slade, Inc.
FSA/ESA Gasket Installation Procedures, which are available in eight Teadit International
languages. These are intended to complement the more detailed man- Thermoseal Inc.
ufacturers’ documents produced by the member companies. Triangle Fluid Controls, Ltd
The following members of the Gasket division sponsored this YMT/Inertech, Inc.
“Sealing Sense”:

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