DLL MAPEH Grade8 Quarter1 PE Palawan

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DAILY School Grade Level 8

LESSON Teacher Learning Area Physical Education

LOG Teaching Dates and Time Quarter First


A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of guidelines and principle in exercise program design to achieve fitness
B. Performance Standards The learners modifies a physical activity program for the family/school peers to achieve fitness
C. Learning *conducts physical activity and *sets goals based on *identifies training guidelines *recognizes barriers (low level
Competencies/objectives *undertake physical fitness physical fitness assessments of assessment results and FITT principles of fitness lack of skill and
assessments family/school peers PE8PF-Ia-24 PE8PF-Ib-25 time)to exercises
PE8PF-Ia-h-23 PE8PF-Ib-36 *prepares a physical activity PE8PF-Ib-26
II. CONTENT Training Guidelines, FITT Principles
Exercise Program;
Training Guidelines¸
Endurance¸ Muscle- and Bone-strengthening Activities;
Team sports( basketball )

Note: Activities dependent on teacher capability and school resources.

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Material Pages PE and Health 8 LM page 9- PE and Health 8 LM page 8 PE and Health 8 LM page 27 PE AND HEALTH 8LM page
17 27
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from PE and Health 10 LM page 23 Search google
Learning Resources
B. Other Learning Resources OHSP PE 1-module 1 OHSP PE 1 Q1-module 1 OHSP PE 1 Q1-module 1 OHSP PE 1 Q 1-module 1
OHSP PE 1Q1- module 1 OHSP PE 1 Q1-module 1
A. Reviewing previous lesson Assess yourself through HR What is your assignment all Post the word GOAL Present video clips of people Ask student to cite reason why
or presenting the new lesson Log to know your Physical about? SETTING performing exercises some people did not engaging
Ability and to monitor your Ask students their thoughts themselves n exercises.
heart rate before performing about it.
any physical activity
B. Establishing a purpose for Students will do warm-up Why it is important to know Why setting goals is Ask student to describe what Are their reason has something
the lesson exercises with music? the physical activities of your important? they have observe in the video to do with their own fitness.
family member?
C. Presenting examples/ Re-orient students on the activity 3;picture parade Present pictures of different Post FITT asks students try to Present the top reason for not
instances of the new lesson proper execution of the test; PE and Heath 8 LM page 8 exercises; give the meaning of it. exercising
ask students to demonstrate the Are those exercises is fit to
proper execution. your family member?

D. Discussing new concepts Activity 5;Physical Fitness test Preliminary activity ; Group activity; Lecture discussion; teacher Ask the students their thoughts
and practicing new skill #1 PE and Health8 LM pages 9-17 HR log before and after Compare their assignment with Assisted and insight about it.
performing any physical their classmate. Training guidelines and FITT
activity principles
activity 6;tough nut to crack
PE and Health8LM page 18
E. Discussing new concepts Continuation of physical Stand and deliver; Activity 14;Hit the Target
and practicing new skill #2 fitness test Selected student will present
their assignment;
F. Developing Mastery Continue of physical fitness Activity 7;listen to your heart activity 13; Goal Setting Individual activity; . Choose one reason for not
test PE and Health 8LM page 19 List simple ¸enjoyable and exercising and explain how to
suitable type of exercises that overcome those common
will help your family to attain barriers 8
maximum level of wellness
G. Finding practical How do you feel doing the How do sports can help you What is the important role of How do principles help to How does a barrier can affect
applications of concepts & activities? enhance your fitness and physical activities in family design your physical activity your planning physical
skills in daily living achieve a balance and total fitness? program? activity?

H. Making generalizations & What are the different physical What are the benefits derived Why it is important to know What is the best way to By knowing some barriers it
abstractions about the lesson fitness did you take? from engaging in different the physical activities needed monitoring your exercise can also help you to be
activities? by your family members? program? considerate in making your
physical activity plan
I. Evaluating Learning What are the benefits you can Why it is important to assess activity 13; Make a physical activity What are the different barriers
get by taking physical fitness physical fitness of your Team sports goal- setting program applying training for not exercising?
test? family/peers? guidelines and FITT include
the exercises that suitable to
your family.
J. Additional activities for Refer activity 4;Family Refer to activity 8 ; because I What are the factors need to Make a physical activity Interview some person who did
application or remediation connection care for the take home work. consider in planning your program in the sports you like. not engaging themselves in
physical activities needed by exercises and try to ask the
your family members? reason why?
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

DAILY School Grade Level 8

LOG Teaching Dates and Time Quarter FIRST


A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of guidelines and principle in exercise program design to achieve fitness
B. Performance Standards The learners modifies a physical activity program for the family/school peers to achieve fitness
C. Learning *describe the nature and *executes the skills involved *distinguishes facts from fallacies *performs appropriate first aid for *assumes responsibility for
Competencies/Objective background of the sport in the sport and misconceptions about physical injuries and emergency situations in achieving fitness
PE8PG-Id-1 PE8GS-Id-h-4 activity participation physical activity and sport settings PEPF-Id-h-37
*displays tolerance and PE8PF-Id-h-29 PE8PF-Id-30
(Basketball) acceptance of individuals *monitors periodically progress
with varying skills and towards the fitness goals
abilities PE8PF-Id-h-28
II. CONTENT Exercise Program;
Training Guidelines¸
Endurance¸ Muscle- and Bone-strengthening Activities;
Team sports( basketball¸volleyball¸ football/futsal¸ goalball¸ softball and basebalL
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Material Pages PE and HEALTH 8 LM PE and Health 8 LM page
page 31-32¸34-35¸36- 57-59
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials EASE PE-module 5 p.4 EASE PE-module 5 p.4 OHSP PE 1 Q1- module 1 OHSP PE 1 Q1- module 1 OHSP PE 1 Q1-module 1
from Learning Resources Enjoy life with PE and Enjoy Life with P.E and Search from google Enjoy Life with P.E and HEALTH II
health HEALTH II Darilag¸Agripino G.et.al.2012.
II¸ Darilag¸ Agripano G.et Darilag¸Agripino pp. 212-232
al.2012 G.et.al.2012. PE and Health 9 LM page 9-14
pp. 87-97.110-118 pp.88-94.and 212-232
OSHP PE 1 Q1-module 1
B. Other Learning Resources Edukasyong Pangkatawan¸ Edukasyong Pangkatawan¸ Edukasyong Pangkatawan¸
Kalusugan at Musika III. Kalusugan at Musika Kalusugan at Musika I.Deped.
Adriano¸Celia T.et. I.Deped. Abejo¸Mary Placid.et.al.1994.p.52
al.1999. Abejo¸Mary
pp.102-114.123-124 Placid.et.al.1999.pp.9-10
A. Reviewing previous Pre-assessment What are the basic skills in Review past lesson Preliminary activity; Recall past lesson
lesson or presenting the new PE and Health 8 LM page playing basketball? What can you do to the person who
lesson 31-32 suffering from sprain?

B. Establishing a purpose for activity 1;Fill-in the Preliminary activity; What do you mean by facts and Why it is important to give an Do you really want to
the lesson missing component Ask student to demo in front fallacies? immediate care to a person who has achieve your fitness goal?
PE and Health8LM page the basic skills that they been injured?
34-35 learn.
C. Presenting examples/ activity 2; the team sport NO PAIN NO GAIN Activity; Fix me I'm broken If others can why can't I
instances of the new lesson that I would like to know It is facts or fallacies Some students will pretend to be What can you say about
about injured and some students will employ this saying?
appropriate first aid.
Ex. Of injury (sprain¸strain¸dislocation
and fractures)
D. Discussing new concepts activity 4.points to activity 3;by station drill Ask some students to read some Assess students activity List down the things that
and practicing new skill #1 ponder lesson facts and fallacies and other you do to reach your fitness
PE and Health 8LM page PE an d Health8 LM page students will say something about it goal
36-37 39-40 Ask some students to read
their work;
E. Discussing new concepts activity 5; Lecture- Lecture discussion about facts and Lecture and discussion on employing Lecture Discussion on
and practicing new skill #2 Discussion fallacies proper first aid to the person who have LAWS of Success; The
PE and Health8 LM page Additional reading; been injured after engaging in Physical keys to achieving Your
54-62 http//:avcelitetraining.com/new activities and sports Fitness goal..Search in the
site/doms-pain-myth-or-magic internet.
F. Developing Mastery activity 6;Pick¸shoot and How well did you perform Individual Activity; choose from Dramatization; assign each group a Choose one from law of
answer the task? PE and Health 8 facts or fallacies and give thoughts situation which have an injured person success gives your insights
PE and Health8 LM page page 41 about it. and they going to apply the suitable how it can help you achieve
38 first aid to that person. your fitness goal
G. Finding practical What values did you get How can these sports skills Does knowing facts will help you to What values did you get from doing How being responsible
applications of concepts & from doing the activity? help you attaining a reach your fitness goal? How? the activity? plays an important role in
skills in daily living healthier lifestyle? achieving fitness?
H. Making generalizations & How playing team sports What are the basic skills you What are the importance of How important is knowledge and skills How we can achieve our
abstractions about the lesson such basketball can perform well and why? knowing few facts in reaching your in applying appropriate first aid fitness goal?
benefits the health of your fitness goal technique to an injured person?
I. Evaluating Learning Using concept map what Activity 17;Mini- Identify facts from fallacies Dramatization serves as evaluation Choose saying that can help
have you learn about the tournament PE and Health Rate them using rubrics to motivate you to be
nature and background of 8page 52 responsible in able to
basketball achieve your fitness goal.
J. Additional activities for Practice in home the basic Read about facts and Review your lesson Interview your family member and ask Make acrostic poems about
application or remediation skills and basketball fallacies in participation of if they experienced being injured and FITNESS you may use
physical activity; what is the thing that they do. words or phrases that
describe or remind you of
the topic. The first word in
each line of your poem
should start with the letters
of the topic word.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

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