Asl Video Assignment Rubric
Asl Video Assignment Rubric
Asl Video Assignment Rubric
Skill Areas and Description(s): Proficient: 5 points Intermediate: 3 points Novice: 1 point
Signing Productions: Handshape, Location, Demonstrated accurate signing production skills Demonstrated some accuracies in your Demonstrated inaccuracies in your signing
vement, Palm Orientation (4 parameters). signing production skills production skills
Demonstrates accurate use of Signing Production
skills involves the use of four (out of five) ASL
parameters to produce a sign accurately.
Grammar: Non-Manual Signals and Mouth Demonstrated accurate use of Non-Manual and Demonstrated some accuracies in your Demonstrated inaccuracies in your Non-Manual
Morphemes (5th parameter). Mouth Morphemes skills Non-Manual and Mouth Morphemes skills and Mouth Morphemes skills
Grammar: Use non-manual signals (Facial
expression) to indicate and express accurate use of
grammar on your face including the use of mouth
Structure and Organization: Sign order choices. Demonstrated accurate structure and organization Demonstrated some accuracies with your Demonstrated inaccuracies with your structure
Structure: ability to follow accurate sign order structure and organization and organization
choices in your ASL phrases; Organization: your idea
and phrases is organized.
Delivery and Fluency Delivered accurate signing flow Delivered some accuracies with your Delivered inaccuracies with your signing flow
Delivery: ability to provide accurate use of eye signing flow
contact and eye gazing throughout your phrases
and/or dialogues; Fluency: ability to provide
continuous signing flow and use pauses only when
appropriate and/or as transitions.
Assignment instructions Sumitted accurate and following the assignment Some inaccuracies with your assignment Inaccuracies with your assignment submission
You followed accurate assignment instructions. Also, instructions. submission including not following the including not following the assignment
followed the expected use of accurate video framing assignment instructions, video framing instructions, video framing requirments or of any
showing your entire upper body/face. Your video is requirments or of any technology errors. technology errors.
visible, clear, and smooth.
Complete Sentence Almost always signs continually without pausin, sometimes signs continually without Almost never signs continually without pausin,
stopping, false starts, correcting, and repeating pausin, stopping, false starts, correcting, stopping, false starts, correcting, and repeating
and repeating
Story Grammar- -Uses intensifiers -Some/inconsistent use of -Rarely any facial
Use of Non- (dramatic use of facial intensifiers expressions or facial
Markers: expressions and signs) to -Some use of expressive expressions that don’t
-Yes/No Questions match information behaviors match the signs
-“Wh-” Questions conveyed -Some/inconsistent use of -Little expressive
-Contrastive Structure -Lively, enthusiastic, eye contact behavior
(referents, time, uses expressiveness, uses Struggles to maintain
intensity, eye contact eye gaze to agree with eye contact
with listener, etc.) signs