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School Castor Alviar National High School Grade Level SEVEN

Teacher JMAR I. ALMAZAN Learning Area ENGLISH

Date JANUARY 7, 2020 Quarter THIRD
1. Define what analogy is and its types
I. OBJECTIVES 2. Differentiate the thirteen types of analogies
3. Determine the relationship of a given set of words in analogy
The learner demonstrates understanding of: Philippine
literature in the Period of Emergence as a tool to assert one’s
identity; strategies in listening to and viewing of informative and
 CONTENT STANDARDS short narrative texts; word relationships and associations;
informative speech forms; and use of direct/reported speech,
passive/ active voice, simple past and past perfect tenses, and
sentence connectors.
The learner transfers learning by: showing ways of asserting
one’s identity; comprehending informative and short narrative
 PERFORMANCE texts using schema and appropriate listening and viewing
STANDARDS strategies; expressing ideas, opinions, and feelings through various
formats; and enriching written and spoken communication using
direct/reported speech, active/passive voice, simple past and past
perfect tenses and connectors correctly and appropriately.

 EN7V-III-f-13.8: Determine words or expressions with genu-species

(analogy) relations
 EN7V-III-g13.11.2: Identify words or expressions with part-whole (partitive)
II. CONTENT Module 3 Lesson 5 (Word Analogy)
REFERENCES https://www.scribd.com/document/257108343/LP-Word-Analogy2
 Teacher’s guide pages
 Learners’ Material Pages
 Textbook Pages
 Additional Materials from https://ch104.k12.sd.us/Analogies.ppt
Learning resource www.englishforeveryone.org/Topics/Analogies.htm

- Game: “number sequence”

A. RECALL (Engagement) The class will be exposed to a mind game wherein they are to be
asked by the teacher to answer orally the series of numbers.

- After the activity, the teacher will ask the following questions:
B. Presentation of the
How did you solve the problem in sequencing the numbers?
lesson (establishing the
purpose for the lesson) What is the skill that you applied in solving such problem?

Complete the following:

up : ________
C. Presenting examples/ great : _________
instances of the new trunk : tree CHAPTER : _______
lesson school : __________
MIRROR : SMOOTH :: sandpaper : _________
POLKA : DANCE :: frog : __________
Based from the activity, the teacher will ask the following questions:
D. Discussing new concepts
How did you answer the following?
and practicing new skills
#1 (Exploration) What is word analogy?

E. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills - Based from the given examples on our activity, name all types of wod analogy.
- Complete the following:
F. Developing Mastery
Desert: habitat crossword: ______________
What relationship is shown in this analogy?
- Who Wants to Be an Analogy Millionaire Game
G. Application
The class will play the analogy game.
Wrap it up:

H. Generalization / - What is word analogy?

Abstraction - Name all types of word analogy.
- How will studying analogy help you as a student?

Supply a word to complete the analogous series.

1. Huge : large :: tiny : __________

I. Evaluation 2. Pretty : ugly :: clean : __________
3. Keypad : cellphone :: wheel : __________
4. Tree : leaves :: flowers : __________
5. Coffee : hot :: softdrinks : __________
J. Additional activities
for application or

5= 5= 5= 5= 5=
4= 4= 4= 4= 4=
3= 3= 3= 3= 3=
V. REMARKS 2= 2= 2= 2= 2=
1= 1= 1= 1= 1=

Mean = Mean= Mean = Mean = Mean =

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for evaluation
C. Did the remedial learners work?
Number of students who caught up
with the lesson
D. Number of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well?
Why did it work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal/supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation of localized
materials did I use/ discover that I wish
to share with other teacher?
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