The Jinx Issue 037
The Jinx Issue 037
The Jinx Issue 037
ather a nightmarish effect is this, it going pad, pencil, and envelope are placed before the
R slightly beyond the pale of things. It is
the only feat of its kind, to our knowledge, in
spectator on a small table, pad upper right cor-
ner being towards part of room where magician
which the materials used never leave the posses- is about to retire.
sion of the spectator, and at no time is he ap-
proached by the performer. When lights are out, magician removes pre-
pared pad from pocket with a few feet of thread.
A pad, pencil, and envelope are put before He picks up the articles on table one at a time
spectator. He thinks of someone who ia dead and and replaces them, telling spectator he had bet-
unknown to the performer, another spectator now ter leave them as is so they won t be knocked
turns off the light, and with the magician in off table. In so doing, the prepared pad is put
the corner of the room, the first person prints, down in place of the ordinary one. kagiclan now
on the pad, the name of the thought of person. goes to his corner of room, letting out thread
He then tears off the written on sheet, rolls so it will lie along floor.
it into a ball, seal it in envelope, and holds
it to his forehead. After due concentration, the After spectator has printed his name that he
performer, although he has never left the cor- thought of, he is told to tear sheet from pad
ner of the room, successfully spells out the and roll it into a ball between his hands. This
name in question I 1 is an important point as it not only keeps both
his hands occupied, but also makes sufficient
Requirements: A pencil, two small pads about noise to cover any possible sound produced as
the size of a playing card, a pay envelope, a the performer, from his corner position, draws
fountain pen flashlight, and a small piece of the "Auto-copy" towards himself by means of the
carbon paper called "Auto-copy" and obtainable thread.
at woolworth's. "Auto-copy" is a new idea in
which the paper itself takes the Impression. During this time, the performer may keep talk-
ing and direct the spectator in sealing the pa-
To prepare, cut a piece of "Auto-copy" the per inside the envelope, and then holding it to
width of one pad, but a trifle shorter. Attach his forehead. In the meantime, he has secured
a 20 foot length of black silk thread to the the "Auto-copy", turned his back so as to face
upper right corner of the "Auto-copy by paste- the corner as closely as possible, removed the
ing a small sticker over thread onto paper. The pen flashlight, and in a space of about five
"Auto-copy" is placed under top sheet of pad. seconds learns the thought of name!! He now fin-
Prepared pad is placed in upper left vest poc- ishes by spelling it out correctly, and stays in
ket with thread tucked in loosely beside it, his place until the lights are on and everything
and free end tied to one of the vest buttons. is checked, he, of course, having done away with
Wrap a small piece of red cloth around end of his apparatus of charatanism. In closing, it can
pen flashlight. Tie tightly, and have cloth of only be said, and it'3 a truly old saying too,
a quality that only a red glow comes through. that the effect should not be confused with the
Put this in inside coat pocket. The unprepared. method. Just give it one or two fair trials!
W ith this issue, the beginning of our fourth year, we would like to take the opportun-
ity of reproducing Mr. Rose's conception of "Creation," as of The Saturday Evening
Post for May 29, 1937. It depicts exactly the method by which The Jinx has been produced
for 37 months, and can be accepted also as an authentic reproduction of our Editorial
Office, Piling Department, Mailing Room, Experimental Laboratory (the deck of cards is to
the left of the typewriter), and the full quota of our staff during working hours. It ia
with grateful thanks to our subscribers and readers that this number is distributed, and
we are looking forward to another three years of worthwhile material for worthwhile magi.