C and B Calculations

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Mix Ratio Total Material Material for 1 Cft Material for 100 Cft
C:S:A C : S : A Volume Cement Sand Aggregate Cement Sand Aggregate Cement Sand Aggregate
1. 1:1:2 1 : 1 : 2 4.00 Cft 1.22 Bags 1.50 Cft 3.00 Cft 0.30 Bags 0.375 Cft 0.750 Cft 30.49 Bags 37.500 Cft 75.000 Cft
2 1:1.5:3 1 : 1.5 : 3 5.50 cft 1.22 bags 2.25 cft 4.50 cft 0.22 bags 0.409 cft 0.818 cft 22.17 bags 40.91 cft 81.82 cft
3 1:2:4 1 : 2 : 4 7.00 cft 1.22 bags 3.00 cft 6.00 cft 0.17 bags 0.429 cft 0.857 cft 17.42 bags 42.86 cft 85.71 cft
4 1:3:6 1 : 3 : 6 10.00 cft 1.22 bags 4.50 cft 9.00 cft 0.12 bags 0.450 cft 0.900 cft 12.20 bags 45.00 cft 90.00 cft
5 1:4:8 1 : 4 : 8 13.00 cft 1.22 bags 6.00 cft 12.00 cft 0.09 bags 0.462 cft 0.923 cft 9.38 bags 46.15 cft 92.31 cft
6 1:6:12 1 : 6 : 12 19.00 cft 1.22 bags 9.00 cft 18.00 cft 0.06 bags 0.474 cft 0.947 cft 6.42 bags 47.37 cft 94.74 cft

Labour With Mechanical Mixer & Vibrartor - Laying 100 Cft / Day (Less Formwork)
1. Mason 1.033
2. Labourers 9.91
3. Helpers 3.94
4. Bar Bender 1
5. Mixer Operator 0.203
6. Mixer Vibrator 0.203

0.36 skilled and 2 unskilled labour is enough for 1 cum concrete

3 cum / day / mason with 1 helper can do RCC
5 cum / day / mason with 1 helper can do PCC

Day means 8 hours with lunch break of 30 minutes.


Material Material for 1 CuM

Total Volume
Cement Sand Aggregate Cement Sand Aggregate Steel % by volume of Concrete
4.00 Cum 43.23 Bags 1.50 Cum 3.00 Cum 10.81 Bags 0.38 Cum 0.75 Cum Slab 1.00%
5.50 cuM 43.23 bags 2.25 cuM 4.50 cuM 7.86 bags 0.41 cuM 0.82 cuM Beam 2.00%
7.00 cuM 43.23 bags 3.00 cuM 6.00 cuM 6.18 bags 0.43 cuM 0.86 cuM Column 2.50%
10.00 cuM 43.23 bags 4.50 cuM 9.00 cuM 4.32 bags 0.45 cuM 0.90 cuM Road 0.60%
13.00 cuM 43.23 bags 6.00 cuM 12.00 cuM 3.33 bags 0.46 cuM 0.92 cuM Steel weighs 7,850 kgs / Cum
19.00 cuM 43.23 bags 9.00 cuM 18.00 cuM 2.28 bags 0.47 cuM 0.95 cuM Binding Wire 7 kgs / MT

Labour With Mechanical Mixer & Vibrartor - Laying 1 Cum (Less Formwork)
Brick Work (Material and labour required for 1 CuM of brick work - inclusive of wastage)
1 Cum 100 Cft
a. Bricks 500 Nos 1400 Nos
b. Dry Mortar 0.35 CuM 33.00 Cft
c. Mortar Ratio Cement (bags) Sand (CuM) Cement (bags)
1:2 3.35 0.233 8.94
1:3 2.51 0.263 6.71
1:4 2.01 0.280 5.37
1:5 1.67 0.292 4.47
1:6 1.44 0.300 3.83
1:7 1.26 0.306 3.35
d. Labour Fndn & Plinth Superstructure Fndn & Plinth
Mason 0.94 1.18 2.66
Labourer 1.37 1.71 3.88
Helper 0.2 0.25 0.57
clusive of wastage)

Sand (Cft)
Brick Masonry Material Calaculation
Brick Size
L H W cube Inch
in 9 3 4.5 121.50 Cement
mm 228.6 76.2 114.3 1,991,028.28 Wastage Rate
cm 22.86 7.62 11.43 1,991.03
m 0.2286 0.0762 0.1143 0.00199

No of Bricks / 1 CuM 502

Say 500

Total Dry Mortar for 1 Cum Brick Masonary = 0.35 CuM including wastage

Ratio Cement Sand

1:2 3.35 Bags 0.23 Cum
1:3 2.51 Bags 0.26 Cum
1:4 2.01 Bags 0.28 Cum
1:5 1.67 Bags 0.29 Cum
1:6 1.44 Bags 0.30 Cum
1:7 1.26 Bags 0.31 Cum

Total Dry Mortar for 100 Cft Brick Masonary = 33 Cft including wastage

Ratio Cement Sand

1:2 8.94 Bags 22.00 Cft
1:3 6.71 Bags 24.75 Cft
1:4 5.37 Bags 26.40 Cft
1:5 4.47 Bags 27.50 Cft
1:6 3.83 Bags 28.29 Cft
1:7 3.35 Bags 28.88 Cft
1 25.40 mm
1 CuM 1440 Kgs
Wastage Rate 25%

Mortar Ratios
Cement Sand Sum of Ratio Cement (Cum) Sand (Cum)
1 2 3 0.117 0.12 0.23
1 3 4 0.088 0.09 0.26
1 4 5 0.070 0.07 0.28
1 5 6 0.058 0.06 0.29
1 6 7 0.050 0.05 0.30
1 7 8 0.044 0.04 0.31

Mortar Ratios
Cement Sand Sum of Ratio Cement (Cft) Sand (Cft)
1 2 3 11.000 11.00 22.00
1 3 4 8.250 8.25 24.75
1 4 5 6.600 6.60 26.40
1 5 6 5.500 5.50 27.50
1 6 7 4.714 4.71 28.29
1 7 8 4.125 4.13 28.88
Calculation of Material - Cement Plaster
Per 100 Sft Labour

Cement Sand Cement Sand Mason Labourers

Layer Thickness Ratio 1:4 Rato 1:6
1. 10 mm 0.4 in 0.81 bags 4.00 cft 0.57 bags 4.22 cft 0.52 days 0.65 days
2. 13 mm 0.5 in 1.00 bags 4.93 cft 0.72 bags 5.28 cft 0.65 days 0.81 days
3. 15 mm 0.6 in 1.20 bags 5.91 cft 0.86 bags 6.33 cft 0.78 days 0.97 days
4. 20 mm 0.8 in 1.60 bags 7.87 cft 1.14 bags 8.44 cft 1.04 days 1.29 days
6. 25 mm 1.0 in 2.00 bags 9.84 cft 1.43 bags 10.55 cft 1.30 days 1.62 days
bour Per 100 Sqm Labour

Helpers Cement Sand Cement Sand Mason Labourers

Ratio 1:4 Ratio 1:6
0.65 days 8.65 bags 1.20 cuM 6.18 bags 1.29 cuM 5.58 days 6.97 days
0.81 days 10.82 bags 1.50 cuM 7.73 bags 1.61 cuM 6.97 days 8.71 days
0.97 days 12.97 bags 1.80 cuM 9.26 bags 1.93 cuM 8.36 days 10.45 days
1.29 days 17.29 bags 2.40 cuM 12.35 bags 2.57 cuM 11.15 days 13.94 days
1.62 days 21.61 bags 3.00 cuM 15.44 bags 3.21 cuM 13.94 days 17.42 days


6.97 days
8.71 days
10.45 days
13.94 days
17.42 days

For a wall 10 Ft x 10 Ft = 100 Sft

Thickness Cement
0.40 in 1
0.50 in 1
0.60 in 1
0.80 in 1
1.00 in 1

Thickness Cement
0.40 in 1
0.50 in 1
0.60 in 1
0.80 in 1
1.00 in 1

10.0 mm
12.5 mm
15.0 mm
20.0 mm
25.0 mm

For a wall 10 m x 10 m = 100 Sqm

Thickness Cement
10 mm 1
13 mm 1
15 mm 1
20 mm 1
25 mm 1

For a wall 10 Ft x 10 Ft = 100 Sqm

Thickness Cement
10 mm 1
13 mm 1
15 mm 1
20 mm 1
25 mm 1
Ft x 10 Ft = 100 Sft
Sand m of Ratio Cement (Cf Cement Sand 1 sqm (with 20mm thick
: 4 5 3.333 cft 1.000 0.81 Bags 4.00 cft Mason 0.0744
: 4 5 4.108 cft 1.232 1.00 Bags 4.93 cft Labourer 0.0929
: 4 5 4.921 cft 1.476 1.20 Bags 5.91 cft Helper 0.0929
: 4 5 6.562 cft 1.969 1.60 Bags 7.87 cft
: 4 5 8.202 cft 2.461 2.00 Bags 9.84 cft

Sand m of Ratio Cft Cement (Cf Cement Sand

: 6 7 3.281 0.703 0.57 Bags 4.22 cft
: 6 7 4.108 0.880 0.72 Bags 5.28 cft
: 6 7 4.921 1.055 0.86 Bags 6.33 cft
: 6 7 6.562 1.406 1.14 Bags 8.44 cft
: 6 7 8.202 1.758 1.43 Bags 10.55 cft

100 Sft 100 sqM

100 sft 100 sqMMason DaysLabour DaHelper Day
Mason DaysLabour DaHelper Days
4.921 cft 1.50 cuM 0.518 0.647 0.647 5.576 6.968 6.968
6.152 cft 1.88 cuM 0.648 0.809 0.809 6.970 8.709 8.709
7.382 cft 2.25 cuM 0.777 0.971 0.971 8.364 10.451 10.451
9.843 cft 3.00 cuM 1.036 1.295 1.295 11.153 13.935 13.935
12.303 cft 3.75 cuM 1.295 1.618 1.618 13.941 17.419 17.419

m x 10 m = 100 Sqm
Plaster Cement Cement
Sand m of Ratio Sand
Volume (Cum) (Bags)
: 4 5 1.00 Cum 0.30 Cum 8.65 Bags 1.20 Cum
: 4 5 1.25 Cum 0.38 Cum ### 1.50 Cum
: 4 5 1.50 Cum 0.45 Cum ### 1.80 Cum
: 4 5 2.00 Cum 0.60 Cum ### 2.40 Cum
: 4 5 2.50 Cum 0.75 Cum ### 3.00 Cum

Ft x 10 Ft = 100 Sqm
Sand m of Ratio Cement (Cf Cement Sand
: 6 7 1.00 Cum 0.21 Cum 6.18 Bags 1.29 Cum
: 6 7 1.25 Cum 0.27 Cum 7.73 Bags 1.61 Cum
: 6 7 1.50 Cum 0.32 Cum 9.26 Bags 1.93 Cum
: 6 7 2.00 Cum 0.43 Cum ### 2.57 Cum
: 6 7 2.50 Cum 0.54 Cum ### 3.21 Cum
0.020 cuM 0.706 cft
Terrazzo/Mosaic floor over 1" (25mm) thick base of 1:2:4 Cement Concrete; with Terrazzo topping 1:2 (one c

Sft Base (1:2:4)

Ser Description Cement Sand
1 1/4" (6mm) thick Terrazzo Topping 0.02 Ft 1.00 sf 0.015 Bags 0.036 Cf
2 3/8" (9mm) thick Terrazzo Topping 0.03 Ft 1.00 sf 0.015 Bags 0.036 Cf
3 1/2" (13mm) thick Terrazzo Topping 0.04 Ft 1.00 sf 0.015 Bags 0.036 Cf
4 3/4" (19mm) thick Terrazzo Topping 0.06 Ft 1.00 sf 0.015 Bags 0.036 Cf
5 1" (25mm) thick Terrazzo Topping 0.08 Ft 1.00 sf 0.015 Bags 0.036 Cf
Extra for colouring material for every
6 1/8" (3.2mm) thick terrazzo floor.
1 sft = 0.08334 cft

Sqm Base (1:2:4)

Ser Description Cement Sand
1 6mm thick Terrazzo Topping 0.006 M 1.00 sqm 0.15 Bags 0.011 Cum
2 9mm thick Terrazzo Topping 0.009 M 1.00 sqm 0.15 Bags 0.011 Cum
3 13mm thick Terrazzo Topping 0.013 M 1.00 sqm 0.15 Bags 0.011 Cum
4 19mm thick Terrazzo Topping 0.019 M 1.00 sqm 0.15 Bags 0.011 Cum
5 25mm thick Terrazzo Topping 0.025 M 1.00 sqm 0.15 Bags 0.011 Cum
Extra for colouring material for every
6 3.2mm thick terrazzo floor.

Sqm Base (1:4:8)

Ser Description Cement Sand
1 6mm thick Terrazzo Topping 0.006 M 1.00 sqm 0.08 Bags 0.012 Cum
2 9mm thick Terrazzo Topping 0.009 M 1.00 sqm 0.08 Bags 0.012 Cum
3 13mm thick Terrazzo Topping 0.013 M 1.00 sqm 0.08 Bags 0.012 Cum
4 19mm thick Terrazzo Topping 0.019 M 1.00 sqm 0.08 Bags 0.012 Cum
5 25mm thick Terrazzo Topping 0.025 M 1.00 sqm 0.08 Bags 0.012 Cum
Extra for colouring material for every
6 3.2mm thick terrazzo floor.
errazzo topping 1:2 (one cement & 2 marble chips)

se (1:2:4) Terrazzo Toping (1:2) Total

Crush Cement Chips Cement Sand Crush Chips
0.071 Cf 0.006 Bags 0.014 Cf 0.020 Bags 0.036 Cf 0.071 Cf 0.014 Cf
0.071 Cf 0.008 Bags 0.021 Cf 0.023 Bags 0.036 Cf 0.071 Cf 0.021 Cf
0.071 Cf 0.011 Bags 0.028 Cf 0.026 Bags 0.036 Cf 0.071 Cf 0.028 Cf
0.071 Cf 0.017 Bags 0.042 Cf 0.031 Bags 0.036 Cf 0.071 Cf 0.042 Cf
0.071 Cf 0.023 Bags 0.056 Cf 0.037 Bags 0.036 Cf 0.071 Cf 0.056 Cf

se (1:2:4) Terrazzo Toping (1:2) Total

Crush Cement Chips Cement Sand Crush Chips
0.021 Cum 0.057 Bags 0.004 Cum 0.212 Bags 0.011 Cum 0.021 Cum 0.004 Cum
0.021 Cum 0.086 Bags 0.006 Cum 0.240 Bags 0.011 Cum 0.021 Cum 0.006 Cum
0.021 Cum 0.124 Bags 0.009 Cum 0.278 Bags 0.011 Cum 0.021 Cum 0.009 Cum
0.021 Cum 0.181 Bags 0.013 Cum 0.335 Bags 0.011 Cum 0.021 Cum 0.013 Cum
0.021 Cum 0.238 Bags 0.017 Cum 0.392 Bags 0.011 Cum 0.021 Cum 0.017 Cum

se (1:4:8) Terrazzo Toping (1:2) Total

Crush Cement Chips Cement Sand Crush Chips
0.023 Cum 0.057 Bags 0.004 Cum 0.140 Bags 0.012 Cum 0.023 Cum 0.004 Cum
0.023 Cum 0.086 Bags 0.006 Cum 0.169 Bags 0.012 Cum 0.023 Cum 0.006 Cum
0.023 Cum 0.124 Bags 0.009 Cum 0.207 Bags 0.012 Cum 0.023 Cum 0.009 Cum
0.023 Cum 0.181 Bags 0.013 Cum 0.264 Bags 0.012 Cum 0.023 Cum 0.013 Cum
0.023 Cum 0.238 Bags 0.017 Cum 0.321 Bags 0.012 Cum 0.023 Cum 0.017 Cum
Labour Analysis & Rates
The capacity of doing work by an artisan or skilled labour in the form of quantity of work per day is known as the tas
The out-turn of work per artisan varies to some extent according to the nature, size, height, situation, location, etc., I
experienced labour is available the out-turn is greater than small towns and country sides. In well organized work le
The following may be taken as the approximate quantity of work or out turn or task for an average artisan per day.
SNo. Particulars of items
1.     Brick work in lime or cement mortar in foundation and plinth
2.     Brick work in lime or cement mortar in superstructure
3.     Brick work in mud mortar in foundation and plinth
4.     Brick work in mud mortar in superstructure
5.     Brick in cement or lime mortar in arches
6.     Brick in cement or lime mortar in jack arches
7.     Half brick wall in partition
8.     Coursed rubble stone masonry in lime cement mortar including dressing
9.     Random rubble stone masonry in lime or cement mortar
10.  Ashlars masonry in lime or cement mortar
11.  Stone arch work
12.  Lime concrete in foundation or floor
13.  Lime concrete in roof terracing
14.  Lime concrete 1:2;4
15.  RB work
16.  RCC work
17.  12mm (1/2) plastering with cement or lime mortar
18.  Pointing with cement or lime mortar
19.  White washing or colour washing coats
20.  White washing or colour washing coats
21.  Painting or varnishing doors or windows one coat
22.  Coal tarring or soligum painting one coat
23.  Painting large surface one coat
24.  Distempering one coat
25.  2.5cm(1’) CC floor
26.  Flag store floor laying with lime or cement mortar excluding LC
27.  Brick on edge in floor lime or cement mortar excluding LC
28.  Brick bat floor as in above
29.  Timber framing sal or teak wood
30.  Timber framing sal or country wood
31.  Door and window shutters paneled or glazed
32.  Door and window shutters paneled or battened
33.  Sawing hard wood
34.  Sawing soft wood
35.  Single allahabad tiling or mangalore tiling
36.  Double allahabad tiling
37.  Breaking of brick ballest 40mm (11/2”) gauge
38.  Breaking of brick ballest 25mm (1”) gauge
39.  Breaking of stone ballest 40mm (11/2”) gauge
40.  Breaking of stone ballest 25mm (1”) gauge
41.  Ashlar stone dressing
42.  Flag stone dressing
43.  Earthwork in excavation in ordinary soil
44.  Earthwork in excavation in hard soil
45.  Excavation in soil
46.  Number of bricks laid by a mason in brick work upto a height of 3m(10”)
47.  Amount of work done by a mazdoor helper per day
Deliver brick - per Mazdoor
Deliver mortar
48.  Scaffolding cost for single storey building
Items 46,47 and 48 are based on the committee report on rates and cost government of India.


Extracts from the report on productivity projects in building industries issued by National Building Organisation are g

a) Earthwork per 28.30 cum (12,000 cft)

1)     Excavation in foundations, trenches etc., in ordinary soil including disposal up to 30m (100’) and lift of 1.5m(5ft) –5 beldars
per day.

2)     Refilling excavated earth in foundations, pointh etc, including consolidation in 15cm(6”) layers-3 beldars, 2 mazdoors and ½

3)     Disposal of surplus earth within a lead of 30m (100’)-1 mazdoor can do 2.83cum (100 cuft) per day.

b) Cement concrete work per 2.83 cum (100 cft)

Laying cement concrete – 2 beldars, 3 mazdoors, ¾ bhisti and ¼ mason, can do 2.83 cum (100 cuft) per day.

c) R C C work:-
1) Laying reinforced concrete – 3 beldars, 3 mazdoors, 1½ Bhisti and ½ mason can do 2.83 cum (100cuft) per day.
2) Centering and shuttering for flat surfaces – 4 beldars and 4 carpenters (II class) can do 9.6sqm(96sqft) per day.
3) Reinforcement work for R C C –1 blacksmith or fitter and 1 beldar can bend and place in position 1 quintal (2 cwt) of steel pe

d) Stone work per 2.83 cum (100cuft)-

Random rubble masonry with blue stone in foundations-3 masons, 3 beldars, 2 mazdoors and 1/4bhisti can do 2.83 cum (100c

e) Brick work per 2.83 cum (100cuft)-

First class brick work in 1:4 cement mortar in superstructure partition walls, junctions of roof, parapet walls and string course – 2
2.83 cum (100cuft) per day.

f) Wood work :-
1)    For the frames of doors and windows –2 carpenters and 1 beldar can work 0.18 cum (6.40cuft) of wood equivalent to door f
2) perglazed,
    For paneled, day. etc, shutters-15 carpenters and 4 beldars can make and fix 4 shutters 40 mm thick of size 2.00m x 1.1
day. Quantity of wood per shutter – 0.075 cum, ie2.66 cuft.
g) Iron work :-
1)    Fixing 40mm x 3mm=38cm(1 ½ “ x ½ ‘x 15”0 flat iron holdfasts-1 blacksmith (II class), I mason and I beldar can fix 36 holdfa
2)    Fixing 16mm dia. 5/3” dia) M S rods –1 blacksmith (II class), 2 carpenters (II class) and 3 mazdoors can fix 16.5m (54rft) pe

h) Flooring: -
4cm thick (1 1/2 “)thick cement concrete flooring of 40sqm (400sqft) require 5 masons, 4 beldars, 3 mazdoors and 1 bhisti per d
I) Finishing :-
1) Plastering with any mortar 12mm (5”) thick – 3 masons, 3 mazdoors and 1 bhisti can plaster 40sqm (400a ft) per day.
2)White washing or colour washing (3 coats) – 1 white washer and 1 mazdoor can do 60sqm (600sqft) per day.
3)    Painting two coats such as chocolate, red, grey, etc on wood are steel –3
Painters and 2 mazdoors can paint 10sqm (100sqft) per day.


Sl# Particulars of materials
1 Brick 19 cm x 9cm x 9cm
2 Brick ballast
3 Stone ballast
4 Kankar
5 Sand surkhi
6 Lime
7 Tiles Allahabad or Mangalore
8 Cement
9 Steel

Note; A bullock ……..carry about one tonne load. The average speed for a bullock cart may be taken as 3.20km (2 units) per h
unloading. Taking 8 hours working per day, the number of trips per day, can be calculated.



onners 5 tonners8 tonners diesel truck

Brick or Allahbad tiles or

Mangalore tiles1000nos 1500nos2000nos

Cement, steel and other

Heavy materials 3 tonne 5 tonne8 tonne

Other materials –
Ballast, Kankar, grit
Sand coal, etc., 2.8cum 4.20cum5.6cum
(100cuft) (150cuft)(200cuft)

On kachcha earthen road the load will be less by 33 per cent.


The requirement of materials for different items of works is as given below:-

Sl# Particulars
1.      Bricks (9" x 4 ½" x 4 ½" or 20 cm x 10cm x 10cm nominal size) for brick work
2.      Dry mortar for brick work 30%
3.      Stone for rubble stone masonry 125%
4.      Dry mortar for rubble stone masonry 42%
5.      Bricks for brick ballast for lime concrete
6.      Brick bats or brick ballast for lime concrete
7.      Brick ballast for lime concrete
8.      Dry mortar for lime concrete I foundation and floor 35%
9.      Dry mortar for lime concrete in roof terracing 45%
10.   Materials for cement concrete 1:2:4
Ballast or grit 88%
Sand 44%
Cement 22%
11.   Materials for 2.5cm (1”) cement concrete 1:2:4 floor
Stone grit
12.   Bricks for R B work
13.   Dry mortar for R B work 45%
14.   Dry mortar for 12mm (1/2) plastering
15.   Dry mortar for pointing in brickwork
16.   Lime for white washing one coat
17.   Dry distemper for ist coat
18.   Dry distemper for 2nd coat
19.   Snow-Cem for Ist coat
20.   Snow-Cem for 2nd coat
21.   Paint ready mixed for painting one coat
22.   Paint (stiff) for painting one coat
23.   Bricks (20 x 10 x 10cm) for brick floor or half brick wall
24.   Dry mortar for brick floor or half brick wall
25.   Bricks (9” x 4 ½ “ x3”) for brick flat work
26.   Dry mortar for brick flat floor
27.   Bricks (9” x 4 ½ “ x3”) required for honey comb wall
28.   Dry mortar for honey comb wall
29.   Materials for 2cm (3/4”)thick damp proof course of 1:2 cement mortar
Compound or impermo @ 1kg per bag of cement
30.   Materials for 2.5cm (1”)cc 1:1 ½ :3 damp proof course
Stone grit
Sand coarse
Compound or impermo @ 1kg per bag of cement
31.   Bitumen or asphalt for painting on D P C or on roof – 1 st coat
2nd coat
32.   G G I sheet for roof
33.   A G corrugated sheet for roof
34.   Timber for paneled door shutter 4cm (1 ½”) thick
35.   Timber for battend door shutter 4cm (1 ½”) thick
36.   Timber for paneled & glazed shutter 4cm (1 ½”) thick
Timber for fully glazed shutter 4cm (1 ½”) thick
ntity of work per day is known as the task work or out turn of the labour.
ure, size, height, situation, location, etc., In bigger cities where specialized and
country sides. In well organized work less labour is required.
or task for an average artisan per day.
Quantity Per Day
1.25cum (45 cft) per mason
1.00cum (35 cft) per mason
1.50cum (55 cft) per mason
1.25cum (45 cft) per mason
0.55 cum (20 cft) per mason
0.55 cum (20 cft) per mason
5.00sqm (50 sft) per mason
0.80cum (30 cft) per mason
1.00cum (35 cft) per mason
0.40cum (15 cft) per mason
0.40cum (15 cft) per mason
8.50cum (300 cft) per mason
6.00cum (200 cft) per mason
5.00cum (175 cft) per mason
1.00cum (35 cft) per mason
3.00cum (125 cft) per mason
8.00sqm (80 sft) per mason
10.00sqm (100 sft) per mason
70.00sqm (700 sft) per white washer
200.00sqm (2000 sft) per white washer
25sqm (250 sft) per painter
35.00sqm (350 sft) per painter
35.00sqm (350 sft) per painter
35.00sqm (350 sft) per painter
7.50sqm (75 sft) per painter
10.00sqm (100 sft) per painter
7.00sqm (70 sft) per painter
8.00sqm (80 sft) per painter
0.07cum (2.5 cft) percarpenter
0.15cum (5 cft) per carpenter
0.15sqm (7 sft) per carpenter
0.80sqm (0.80 sft) percarpenter
4.00sqm (40 sft) per pair of sawers
6.00sqm (60 sft) per pair of sawers
6.00sqm (60 sft) per tile layer
4.00sqm (40 sft) per tile layer
0.75cum (35 cft) per labourer or breaker
0.55cum (20 cft) per labourer or breaker
0.40cum (10 cft) per labourer or breaker
0.25cum (10 cft) per labourer or breaker
0.70cum (25 cft) perstonecutter
1.50sqm (25 sft) perstonecutter
3.00cum (100 cft) per belder mazdoor
2.00cum (75 cft) per belder mazdoor
1.00cum (35 cft) per belder mazdoor
600 bricks per mason

3.00cum (100 cft) mortar per mazdoor

4000 nos to a distance of 15m (50')
5.5cum (200 cft) per mazdoor
Re.0.50 per cum (Rest.1.5% cft) of brick work.
overnment of India.

d by National Building Organisation are given below:-

to 30m (100’) and lift of 1.5m(5ft) –5 beldars and 4 mazdoors can do 28.30 cum (1000cuft)

15cm(6”) layers-3 beldars, 2 mazdoors and ½ bhisti can do 28.30 cum (1000cuft) per day.

m (100 cuft) per day.

.83 cum (100 cuft) per day.

n do 2.83 cum (100cuft) per day.

can do 9.6sqm(96sqft) per day.
place in position 1 quintal (2 cwt) of steel per day.

zdoors and 1/4bhisti can do 2.83 cum (100cuft0 per day

ns of roof, parapet walls and string course – 2½masons,4½ mazdoors and 1/2 bhisti can do

8 cum (6.40cuft) of wood equivalent to door frames 7.5cm x 10m of 1.2m x 2.1m (3’x4’of
ix 4 shutters 40 mm thick of size 2.00m x 1.15m (1 ½ thick of size of 6’-9x 3’-9’) per

class), I mason and I beldar can fix 36 holdfasts per day.

ass) and 3 mazdoors can fix 16.5m (54rft) per day.

ons, 4 beldars, 3 mazdoors and 1 bhisti per day for mixing laying and finishing.

i can plaster 40sqm (400a ft) per day.

do 60sqm (600sqft) per day.

Quantity or Number
On Kachcha Road On Pucca Road
275nos 400nos
0.85 cum (30cuft) 1.10 cum (40cuft)
0.70 cum (25 cuft) 1.00 cum (35cuft)
0.85 cum (30cuft) 1.10 cum (40cuft)
0.85 cum (30cuft) 1.10 cum (40cuft)
1.10 cum (40cuft) 1.40 cum (50cuft)
275nos 400nos
15bags 20 bags
0.75 tonne 1 tonne

cart may be taken as 3.20km (2 units) per hour and ¾ hour may be allowed for loading and

1350 nos for 100 cft 50,000 nos per 100 cum (500 nos per cum)
30 cft for 100 cft 30 cum for 100 cum
125 cft for 100 cft 125cum for 100 cum
42 cft for 100 cft 42cum for 100 cum
1050 cft for 100 cft 37000cum for 100 cum
150 cft for 100 cft 150cum for 100 cum
100 cft for 100 cft 100cum for 100 cum
35 cft for 100 cft 35cum for 100 cum
45 cft for 100 cft 45cum for 100 cum

88 cft for 100 cft 88cum for 100 cum

44 cft for 100 cft 44cum for 100 cum
22 cft for 100 cft 22cum (60 bags)for 100 cum

8 cft for 100 sft 2.40cum for 100 cum

4 cft for 100 sft 1.20cum for 100 cum
2 ¼ cft (2 bags) for 100 cft 0.08cum (24 bags)for 100 cum
1200 nos for 100 cft 42000nos/% cum(420 mps.[er ci,)
45 cft for 100 cft 45cum for 100 cum
6 cft for 100 sft 2.00cum for 100 sqm
2 cft for 100 sft 0.60cum for 100 sqm
1kg for 100 sft 10kg for 100 sqm
0.65 kg for 100 sft 6 ½ kg for 100 sqm
0.50 kg for 100 sft 5kg for 100 sqm
3kg for 100 sft 30kg for 100 sqm
2kg for 100 sft 20kg for 100 sqm
1/3gl.for 100 sft 10ltr for 100 sqm
1kg for 100 sft 10kg for 100 sqm
500 nos for 100 sft 5000nos.for 100sqm
12 cft for 100 sft 3.20 cum for 100 sqm
350 nos for 100 sft 3500nos.for 100sqm
8 cft for 100 sft 2.25cum for 100 cum
325 nos for 100 sft 3250 nos.for 100sqm
8 cft for 100 sft 2.5cum for 100 cum

3 cft (2.5bags) for 100 sft 0.90cum (27 bags)for 100 cum
6 cft for 100 sft 1.80cum for 100 cum
2.5kg for 100 sft 27kg for 100 sqm

8 cft for 100 sft 2.25cum for 100 cum

4 cft for 100 sft 1.13cum for 100 cum
2 ½ cft (2 ½ bags) for 100 sft 0.75cum for (221/2bags)for100 cum
21/2 kg for 100 sft 22½ kg for 100 sqm
15 kg for 100 sft 150 kg for 100 sqm
10 kg for 100 sft 100 kg for 100 sqm
128 sft for 100 sft 128 sqmfor 100sqm
115 sft for 100 sft 115 sqmfor 100sqm
15 cft for 100 sft 4.5 cum for 100 cum
13 cft for 100 sft 4.0 cum for 100 cum
11 cft for 100 sft 3.0 cum for 100 cum
8 cft for 100 sft 2.0 cum for 100 cum
Basic Parameters
1. 1 meter = 3.28084 ft
2. 1 sq meter = 10.76391 sft
3. 1 cu meter = 35.31467 cft
4. 1 mm = 0.03937 in
5. 1 in = 25.4 mm

6. 100 cft = 2.83168 cum

7. 1 cft = 0.02832 cum

8. L Iron 2' x 2' x 3/8" = 7.17 lbs per Rft

9. L Iron 11/2' x 1 1/2' x 3/8" = 3.346 lbs per Rft
10. /2" Ø bar
= 0.667 lbs per Rft
11. /8" Ø bar
= 0.375 lbs per Rft

12. 1 kg = 2.20462 lbs

13. 1 lbs = 0.45359 kgs

14. 1 cubic inch of steel 0.284 lbs

15. 1 cubic inch of steel = 0.129 kgs
16. 1 cubic foot of steel = 222.209 kgs
17. 1 cu M of steel = 7847.253 kgs
18. 1 cu foot of galvanised iron = 224.742 kgs

19. 1 sq yard = 0.765 sqm

Weights of Materials
1. 1 cft cement = 94 lbs
= 42.64 kgs
2. 1 cuM cement = 1505.74 kgs

Volumes of Materials
1. 1 Cement Bag (50 kgs) = 1.230 cft
2. 1 Cement Bag (50 kgs) = 0.035 cum
1. Size of Brick (1st Class) = 0.105 cft
2. 1st Class Bricks in 100 cft = 1350 nos
= 1400 nos

Guage to MM Conversion
Gauge Imperial in mm Metric Sheet mm Thickness in In Thickness in Ft Wt of CGI Sheet 4'x10'
10 3.25 3.18 0.1252 in 0.0104 ft 105.51
12 2.64 2.52 0.0992 in 0.0083 ft 83.61
14 2.03 1.99 0.0783 in 0.0065 ft 66.03
16 1.63 1.59 0.0626 in 0.0052 ft 52.76
18 1.22 1.26 0.0496 in 0.0041 ft 41.81
20 0.91 1.00 0.0394 in 0.0033 ft 33.18
22 0.71 0.79 0.0311 in 0.0026 ft 26.21
24 0.56 0.63 0.0248 in 0.0021 ft 20.90
26 0.46 0.50 0.0197 in 0.0016 ft 16.59
f CGI Sheet 4'x10' Wt of MS Sheet 4'x8'
Kgs 74.19 Kgs
Kgs 58.79 Kgs
Kgs 46.42 Kgs
Kgs 37.09 Kgs
Kgs 29.39 Kgs
Kgs 23.33 Kgs
Kgs 18.43 Kgs
Kgs 14.70 Kgs
Kgs 11.66 Kgs
M/S Sheet GI Sheet CGI Sheet
Ser Guage MM Ft Wt of Wt of Wt of
Wt kg / Wt kg / Wt kg /
4'x8' 4'x8' 4'x8'
sft sft sft
Sheet Sheet Sheet
1. 10 3.18 0.0104 2.3 73.67 2.47 79.07 2.47 79.07
2. 11 2.83 0.0093 2.05 65.57 2.2 70.37 2.2 70.37
3. 12 2.52 0.0083 1.82 58.38 1.96 62.66 1.96 62.66
4. 13 2.24 0.0073 1.62 51.9 1.74 55.7 1.74 55.7
5. 14 1.99 0.0065 1.44 46.1 1.55 49.48 1.55 49.48
6. 15 1.77 0.0058 1.28 41.01 1.38 44.01 1.38 44.01
7. 16 1.59 0.0052 1.15 36.84 1.24 39.53 1.24 39.53
8. 17 1.41 0.0046 1.02 32.67 1.1 35.06 1.1 35.06
9. 18 1.26 0.0041 0.91 29.19 0.98 31.33 0.98 31.33
10. 20 1 0.0033 0.72 23.17 0.78 24.86 0.78 24.86
11. 21 0.89 0.0029 0.64 20.62 0.69 22.13 0.69 22.13
12. 22 0.79 0.0026 0.57 18.3 0.61 19.64 0.61 19.64
13. 23 0.71 0.0023 0.51 16.45 0.55 17.65 0.55 17.65
14. 24 0.63 0.0021 0.46 14.6 0.49 15.66 0.49 15.66
15. 25 0.56 0.0018 0.41 12.97 0.44 13.92 0.44 13.92
16. 26 0.5 0.0016 0.36 11.58 0.39 12.43 0.39 12.43
17. 27 0.44 0.0014 0.32 10.19 0.34 10.94 0.34 10.94
18. 28 0.4 0.0013 0.29 9.27 0.31 9.95 0.31 9.95
19. 29 0.35 0.0011 0.25 8.11 0.27 8.7 0.27 8.7
20. 30 0.31 0.0010 0.22 7.18 0.24 7.71 0.24 7.71
MS Sheet GI Sheet
Sheet Wt
Wt / Cft Wt / CFT
/ Cft
220.4528 236.7472 236.7472

enter inches = mm enter mm = inches
1 25.4 3.18 0.1251968504 = Ft


. 0.0039 0.1 . 0.5512 14 .
. 0.0079 0.2 9/16 0.5625 14.2875 .
. 0.0118 0.3 . 0.5709 14.5 .
1/64 0.0156 0.3969 37/64 0.5781 14.6844 2
. 0.0157 0.4 . 0.5906 15 .
. 0.0197 0.5 19/32 0.5938 15.0813 .
. 0.0236 0.6 39/64 0.6094 15.4781 .
. 0.0276 0.7 . 0.6102 15.5 .
1/32 0.0313 0.7938 5/8 0.625 15.875 .
. 0.0315 0.8 . 0.6299 16 .
. 0.0354 0.9 41/64 0.6406 16.2719 .
. 0.0394 1 . 0.6496 16.5 2 1/4
. 0.0433 1.1 21/32 0.6563 16.6688 .
3/64 0.0469 1.1906 . 0.6693 17 .
. 0.0472 1.2 43/64 0.6719 17.0656 .
. 0.0512 1.3 11/16 0.6875 17.4625 .
. 0.0551 1.4 . 0.689 17.5 .
. 0.0591 1.5 45/64 0.7031 17.8594 .
1/16 0.0625 1.5875 . 0.7087 18 2 1/2
. 0.063 1.6 23/32 0.7188 18.2563 .
. 0.0669 1.7 . 0.7283 18.5 .
. 0.0709 1.8 47/64 0.7344 18.6531 .
. 0.0748 1.9 . 0.748 19 .
5/64 0.0781 1.9844 3/4 0.75 19.05 .
. 0.0787 2 49/64 0.7656 19.4469 .
. 0.0827 2.1 . 0.7677 19.5 2 3/4
. 0.0866 2.2 25/32 0.7813 19.8438 .
. 0.0906 2.3 . 0.7874 20 .
3/32 0.0938 2.3813 51/64 0.7969 20.2406 .
. 0.0945 2.4 . 0.8071 20.5 .
. 0.0984 2.5 13/16 0.8125 20.6375 .
7/64 0.1094 2.7781 . 0.8268 21 .
. 0.1181 3 53/64 0.8281 21.0344 .
1/8 0.125 3.175 27/32 0.8438 21.4313 3
. 0.1378 3.5 . 0.8465 21.5 .
9/64 0.1406 3.5719 55/64 0.8594 21.8281 .
5/32 0.1563 3.9688 . 0.8661 22 .
. 0.1575 4 7/8 0.875 22.225 .
11/64 0.1719 4.3656 . 0.8858 22.5 .
. 0.1772 4.5 57/64 0.8906 22.6219 .
3/16 0.1875 4.7625 . 0.9055 23 .
. 0.1969 5 29/32 0.9063 23.0188 .
13/64 0.2031 5.1594 59/64 0.9219 23.4156 .
. 0.2165 5.5 . 0.9252 23.5 .
7/32 0.2188 5.5563 15/16 0.9375 23.8125 .
15/64 0.2344 5.9531 . 0.9449 24 .
. 0.2362 6 61/64 0.9531 24.2094 3 1/2
1/4 0.25 6.35 . 0.9646 24.5 .
. 0.2559 6.5 31/32 0.9688 24.6063 .
17/64 0.2656 6.7469 . 0.9843 25 .
. 0.2756 7 63/64 0.9844 25.0031 .
9/32 0.2813 7.1438 1 1 25.4 .
. 0.2953 7.5 . 1.0039 25.5 .
19/64 0.2969 7.5406 . 1.0236 26 .
5/16 0.3125 7.9375 . 1.0433 26.5 .
. 0.315 8 . 1.063 27 .
21/64 0.3281 8.3344 . 1.0827 27.5 .
. 0.3346 8.5 . 1.1024 28 .
11/32 0.3438 8.7313 . 1.122 28.5 .
. 0.3543 9 . 1.1417 29 4
23/64 0.3594 9.1281 . 1.1614 29.5 .
. 0.374 9.5 . 1.1811 30 4 1/2
3/8 0.375 9.525 . 1.2205 31 .
25/64 0.3906 9.9219 1 1/4 1.25 31.75 5
. 0.3937 10 . 1.2598 32 .
13/32 0.4063 10.3188 . 1.2992 33 .
. 0.4134 10.5 . 1.3386 34 .
27/64 0.4219 10.7156 . 1.378 35 6
. 0.4331 11 . 1.4173 36 .
7/16 0.4375 11.1125 . 1.4567 37 .
. 0.4528 11.5 . 1.4961 38 .
29/64 0.4531 11.5094 1 1/2 1.5 38.1 .
15/32 0.4688 11.9063 . 1.5354 39 .
. 0.4724 12 . 1.5748 40 8
31/64 0.4844 12.3031 . 1.6142 41 .
. 0.4921 12.5 . 1.6535 42 10
1/2 0.5 12.7 . 1.6929 43 20
. 0.5118 13 . 1.7323 44 30
33/64 0.5156 13.0969 1 3/4 1.75 44.45 40
17/32 0.5313 13.4938 . 1.7717 45 60
. 0.5315 13.5 . 1.811 46 80
35/64 0.5469 13.8906 . 1.8504 47 100


1.8898 48
1.9291 49
1.9685 50
2 50.8
2.0079 51
2.0472 52
2.0866 53
2.126 54
2.1654 55
2.2047 56
2.2441 57
2.25 57.15
2.2835 58
2.3228 59
2.3622 60
2.4016 61
2.4409 62
2.4803 63
2.5 63.5
2.5197 64
2.5591 65
2.5984 66
2.6378 67
2.6772 68
2.7165 69
2.75 69.85
2.7559 70
2.7953 71
2.8346 72
2.874 73
2.9134 74
2.9528 75
2.9921 76
3 76.2
3.0315 77
3.0709 78
3.1102 79
3.1496 80
3.189 81
3.2283 82
3.2677 83
3.3071 84
3.3465 85
3.3858 86
3.4252 87
3.4646 88
3.5 88.9
3.5039 89
3.5433 90
3.5827 91
3.622 92
3.6614 93
3.7008 94
3.7402 95
3.7795 96
3.8189 97
3.8583 98
3.8976 99
3.937 100
4 101.6
4.3307 110
4.5 114.3
4.7244 120
5 127
5.1181 130
5.5118 140
5.9055 150
6 152.4
6.2992 160
6.6929 170
7.0866 180
7.4803 190
7.874 200
8 203.2
9.8425 250
10 254
20 508
30 762
40 1016
60 1524
80 2032
100 2540
How to convert Pounds to Kilograms
1 pound (lb) is equal to 0.45359237 kilograms (kg).
1 lb = 0.45359237 kg
The mass m in kilograms (kg) is equal to the mass m in pounds (lb) times 0.45359237:
m(kg) = m(lb) × 0.45359237
Convert 5 lb to kilograms:
m(kg) = 5 lb × 0.45359237 = 2.268 kg

Pounds to Kilograms conversion table

Pounds (lb) Kilograms (kg)
0 lb 0 kg 0 kg 0 g
0.1 lb 0.045 kg 0 kg 45 g
1 lb 0.454 kg 0 kg 454 g
2 lb 0.907 kg 0 kg 907 g
3 lb 1.361 kg 1 kg 361 g
4 lb 1.814 kg 1 kg 814 g
5 lb 2.268 kg 2 kg 268 g
6 lb 2.722 kg 2 kg 722 g
7 lb 3.175 kg 3 kg 175 g
8 lb 3.629 kg 3 kg 629 g
9 lb 4.082 kg 4 kg 82 g
10 lb 4.536 kg 4 kg 536 g
20 lb 9.072 kg 9 kg 72 g
30 lb 13.608 kg 13 kg 608 g
40 lb 18.144 kg 18 kg 144 g
50 lb 22.680 kg 22 kg 680 g
60 lb 27.216 kg 27 kg 216 g
70 lb 31.751 kg 31 kg 751 g
80 lb 36.287 kg 36 kg 287 g
90 lb 40.823 kg 40 kg 823 g
100 lb 45.359 kg 45 kg 359 g
1000 lb 453.592 kg 453 kg 592 g

1 cwt = 50.8023 kg

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