The Jinx Issue 028
The Jinx Issue 028
The Jinx Issue 028
MAGIC -- Age cannot wither, nor custom stale her infinite variety. — William Shakespeare
Dick Madden
• clever novelties
• e n t e r t a i n i n g l y (REPERCUSSION OF THE 1936 S A M . CONVENTION-.
Member Society American M m i c i m i . I. B. M.
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Page 171
second time as well as putting both marks on
jJlnx No. 9 - June 1935 - Page 35 the same side of each envelope.
|A Matter of Policy — Improvement by Andrew Brennan.
Ten cards - five Republican and five Democrats. Jinx No. 23 - August 1936 - Page 141
Arrangement done in front of everyone. Have Calendar Conjuring.
the two sets of five separate at start. Show
them as you start story and drop Democrats on The following formulae can be substituted to
top of Republicans face down. Carelessly mix advantage in the computing of the dates selec-
as you continue. Pan, draw out the middle ted. When the sum of a four figure square is
cards leaving two top and two bottom, and drop given, subtract 16 and divide by 4. This gives
on top. Now remove third and fourth cards from the smallest figure in upper left corner. Add
top and drop on top. The cards are now set to 1 to get the figure to right and 7 for the fig-
be stood in line from left to right and the ure directly underneath, and 1 to that for the
elimination started. The set up is D-R-D-D-R-R- figure to right of lower first figure. For 4
D-D-R-R. — Improvement by Andrew Brennan. figures In a vertical row subtract 42 from sum
and divide by 4 for the smallest or top figure.
Jinx No. 18 - March 1936 - Page 102
Death Flight!
For the second envelope, turn the stack over
name. You would be able to instruct them in this
because you'd know all the time what they were
looking for.— Variation by Frederick F. Clark
and take the top one. Have It sealed and fin- IJinx No. 21 - June 1936 - Page 119
ish pressing down the flap with its face down |"Think It Over"
on the stack. Turn it over singly and openly,
and then, either In getting the pencil again, All animal men do know, and all magicians should
or in offering the envelope for marking, turn know, that it's cruel, harmful, and painful to
the whole stack over again (like a deck of hold a rabbit by the ears, as they are very sen-
cards). This gives them the original cards sitive. A rabbit should be held by the back of
which have been on the bottom of stack of en- the neck with its weight resting on the palm
velopes and makes a different switch for the of the other hand.-Correction by Orvllle Meyer
Page 172
(continued from page 169) jTHE SECRET ORDER OF THE ACES. (Annemann) |
spectator names identity of the murderer, you
turn fpn over, and the right card flashes into
view. Now go on with the patter, end you'll see,
A round 1925 Hugh Mackay published his tome,
"Classical Conjuring", in vrtiich was a new
and novel two person telepathic effect using
With cards in hand, how it all fits together and tho four aces from any deck. I made a notation
makes a smooth running story to cover all action. at the time, and subsequently used the effect
whenever the opportunity arose. Mr. laackay's
"This is a story cf crime; a tale concerned method made necessary the learning of 24 dif-
with criminals and the lav/. The dock is to rep- ferent arrangements in conjunction with two
resent the underworld, and in it, there are 52 key cards (from the rest of the deck) for each.
lav? makers and law breakers all tryinr to out- This way is extremely simple, yet the effect
wit each other. First, I want you to remove one is still worked, and very different in theme
card, end look at chat card as a murderer of from other such problems.
the worst type. A man who is the cause of a great
manhunt. Wo one is to know the identity of this rhe lady assistant retires to another room
much wanted man but yourself, iifter you've seen with a spectator as guard. Any pack of cards
his face, drop him back into the underworld. This is used and handed someone who removes the 4
shuffling is to show the shake-up in the police aces. They mix the aces, and lay them, or stand.
deportment after present officials have failed them, in a face out row in any order. Lastly
to capture the criminal. Perhaps someone else they turn over (so that backs are outward),
had better mix them too, though. You, sir, give either the two red aces, or the two black aces.
them a shuffle, to prove that he's really lost The audience having noted down the position
in the dark alleys of iniquity, and not being of each ace in the row, and the color reversed,
protected by politics. a spectator mixes them up and leaves them on
the table. The lady now returns blindfolded,
At this time I want to introduce four great which is removed at the table, after perform-
nen in our story. These gentlemen are always er is put under guard. The lady immediately
trying to do their bit towards wiping out crime, carries out the exact movements which took
and this will be a test of what they can do. I place while she was absent.
use the four aces to represent these men, (when
an Ace happens to be a selected card, use the The whole thing is pure presentation plus
four Kings) and shall introduce them to you per- the finger nail bump. If you hold a card be-
sonally. Here are the aces, one, two, three, and tween tips of forefinger and thumb, and with
four. Introducing them singly, we have the ace nail of forefinger, press sharply against the
of (here, always use the same order of names, card over the ball of thumb, a slighlt bump
no matter what the order of aces), who is the is raised which can be instantly detected by
Mayor of the metropolis in which we are living. passing a thumb or finger over surface of the
Next we have the ace of who is the District pasteboard.
Attorney. Then comes the ace of , who is the
Gonnissioner of Police, and lastly, the ace of I advise having the cards stood against
, who represents a reporter from the --(lo- something rather than laid on the table. All
calize the name of paper)—, for one must know can see the row better, and it makes it eas-
what is going on. ier for you. After the row has been placed in
the desired position by spectator and the color
If Mr. -- will now lift the lid fror-i off the reversed, you ask someone to jot down the order
underworld for a moment, I'll place these four as they stand. You pick up the first, saying,
just men, with apologies to Edgar Wallace, in "Clubs" (or whatever it is), and toss it to the
the middle. This action of riffling is supposed table. Repeat with the rest, and finally mention
to represent great activity in police circles, for notation the color which was reversed. You
while the manhunt is on and the criminal is be- only have to nick three cards. And it doesn't
ing pursued. The drag-net is, of course, spread matter whether the card is facing one way or a-
over the city, so we, in turn, spread the deck nother as the three marks can't get mixed. The
over the table, and here, deep in the under- first card's bump is anywhere along the end,
world, we find the four men with a suspect be- on the second it is somewhere around the center,
tween the District Attorney and Commissioner and on the third it is anywhere along the side.
of Police. Who it nay be, or how he got there, The fourth needn't be marked. After all notes
we don't know, but they've picked him up some- have been made, you ask someone to go out and
where. And now, Mr. --, will you name, for the call in the lady, after mixing the cards. If
first time, the murderer? The ? Look you send out a lady, the reversed color has been
they've got himI blackj if a gentleman, red. If you are working
before only one sex, arrange with your partner
beforehand which of two people you'll send.
I THE JINX "ZIPPER" COCKTAILTf The lady returns, picks ur aces, looks them
over, puts up the second or third ace, then
SPECIAL DELIVERY: Philadelphia, Pa. another, another, and finally moves one and puts
Dear Ted; the other between, all of which builds the ef-
Jinx No. 26 sure is a "top notchnr." fect of concentration and uncertainty. Lastly
Will the receipe for the Jinx Zipper cocktail she turns over the correct pair of colors.
be included in the Dec. issue? If it is as good
as your material, it is a V/ow! Keeping very busy
with the club dates.
Ernest K. Schieldge
As is the case with all,Jinx offerings, this
cocktail has been tested exhaustively (not to
mention the danger point) over a period of time The Jinx is an independent mon-
by discerning magi. Use one part of gin with thly for magicians published by
the juice from one-half an orange. Ice, and mix Theo. Annemann of Waverly, N.Y.,
in a shaker as though being prodded with a Joy
Buzzer. Add a dash of honey and continue for a U.S.A. It can be obtained direct
minute more. Strain into a large cocktail glass, or through any magical depot for
consume, and repeat several times, whereupon 25 cents a copy, and by subscrip-
you will be amazed and gratified to see the In- tion Is $1 for 5 issues postpaid
dian Rope Trick being performed right before to any address in the world.
your eyes with an all native cast.
Page 173
A lmost everyone has tried out a torn card trick. Invariably, the per-
former underestimates the mentality of his audience, to the extent
that he thinks they think the pieces unite again in a solid piece. Re-
gardless of opinions, it's an absolute fallacy, because the modern aud-
ience, different from that of Merlin's time, KNOWS that a magus is CLE-
VER rather than SUPERNATURAL. And it would take a supernatural power to
actually renew the card. On the other hand, the
performer can perform to a natural climax and
receive credit for cleverness. None other than
P.T.Selbit, possibly the greatest of modern il-
lusion creators, once said that if a trick were
produced that had no conceivable solution, it
wouldn't be worth a dime as a mystery.Audiences
want to think and figure out how a trick may be
done. All of which is a prelude to a torn card
trick, radically different in climax.