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Abstract: The number of accidents in India arehighest in the world. The actual number of accident number may be higher than
documented. One person dies in every 4 min. In India nowadays safety on roads has become a serious issue as well as all over in
the world. At some places accidents occur like crossings, diversions on highways. The accidents on highways can be prevented by
understanding the psychological state of driver.A smart system for accident prevention is an ideal concept for smart roads. It is a
project with innovative ideas for safety on roads and highways.An Internet of Things (IOT) with sensors is used to transmit the
entire data collected by sensors to take actions under emergency conditions and to communicate through wireless protocol. In
this paper we are presenting an electronic system which is based on embedded and Internet of Things (IoT).
The presence of devices in an automobile that connect the device to other device within the vehicle or devices networks and services
outside the car including other car, home, office or infrastructure.Connected vehicles safety applications are designed to increase
situation awareness for accidents though vehicle to vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) communications. The vehicle
to vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure communication is done by using two Raspberry-pi.In this project advanced controller is used
that is raspberry pi. It also implements wireless vehicle to vehicle communication. Here one vehicle transmits message to another
vehicle wirelessly and it reduces noise pollution also because horn is not needed for indication. Ultrasonic sensor measures distance
between two vehicles. Here we are also using alcohol detection sensor. When alcohol is detected in vehicles the supply will be off
automatically by using relay. In this Project all this communication is done with IOT(Internet of things). we are also using GPS
tracker which calculates the langitude and lattitude of vehicles and we will get exact position vehicle.Road traffic safety application
have stringent requirements for both bounded delay and high reliability. Examples of road traffic safety applications are warning
emergency vehicle approaching , stationary vehicles, drowsiness detection , alchohol detection, anti breaking system.
This project has idea of prevention of acccidents and detection. The detection is done by using sensors. Raspberry-pi is used for
wireless V2V communication to exchange safety messages and display messages on server. Ultrasonic sensor is used for distance
mesurment between vehicles. An another sensor is used for alcohol detection. If there is alcohol in vehicles the supply will be off
automatically by using relay. The GPS tracker calculates the langitude and lattitude of vehicles and we get exact position vehicle.
Here we have also done with vehicle to Infrastructure communication. An external power supply is provided for operating. If a
vehicle arrives near to another vehicle the ultrasonic sensor calculates distance between them if the distance is less than required
distance then a safety message is send to LCD display through server on another vehicles LCD this will prevent vehicle from
accident. . Here one vehicle transmits message to another vehicle wirelessly and it reduces noise pollution.
Fig.1.Block Diagram Smart Highway Systems For Accident Prevention Using Iot
A. Flowchart
B. Proposed Work
The main objectives of this project are we have to analyze different methods to avoid accidents on road, Design, simulate and
analyze the new technologies on wireless connectivity for safety on highways. Also we have to do communication with internal and
external environments supporting the interactions betweenvehicle and sensor, vehicle and vehicle, vehicle and Infrastructure .
C. Advantages
1) Reduces loss of life & property:It is very difficult and also dangerous to communicate through mobile phones while driving.
With this project it will be easy and safe to communicate from one vehicle to another without accessing any cellular device
hence this will reduce loss of life & property.
2) Get road condition prior : It is impossible to know how the road conditions of the route will turn out on which we are
travelling so we can get updates of road conditions prior to the journey.
3) Easy to Communicate: Due to use of Raspberry-pi as communication device we can communicate easily for V2V and V2I
4) Efficient and Saves Time,Money:The parameters to be sensed across this network infrastructure, provides new technological
opportunities for more accuracy and efficiency of the real world into computer-based systems, this will reduce human
intervention and saves time and money this will give better life.
D. Disadvatages
The existing sensor based systems are able to detect only those vehicles that are within the employed sensors measurement ranges
When there is bad weather condition, the detection becomes impossible or the accuracy drops significantly
Technology Takes Control of Life, Also there is possibilty of compatabilty and complexity of IoT
E. Applications
This system is used for V2V Communication as well as for V2I communication, to exchange messages wirelessly and display safety
messages on sever or LCD, by using sensors distance is measured between vehicles and for automatic braking system.
In this project smart system has been implemented for the highway system which uses concept of IOT. This project includes use of
various sensors like ultrasonic sensor that detects various type of accidents, to avoid it, a novel idea is proposed for monitoring the
accident over the highways. Using wireless communication message will be sent to another vehicle, Infrastructure (Home, hospital,
police station or quick response team) and also displayed on server display. Thus here by we conclude that the proposed system
remove all the drawbacks of existing system and enhanced with the IoT system for V2V and V2I system. So it makes the highway
system very smart thus we named it as “Smart highway system for accident prevention using IoT”
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