Medium Frequency Coreless Induction Furnaces MFT
Medium Frequency Coreless Induction Furnaces MFT
Medium Frequency Coreless Induction Furnaces MFT
coreless induction
Al Fe Mg
Cu Sn Steel
Si Zn
Features and advantages
Technical features
Economic features
Design and operation
* embedded OCP
sensor cable (heavy
duty jacketed glass fibre)
Parallel oscillating circuit converters of OTTO he rectifier and inverter bridges employ water-cooled
JUNKER‘s proprietary design have been purpose- high-power thyristors (SCR).
developed for use in induction melting equipment
and are noted for their safe and reliable performance Apart from this thyristor solution (SCR), OTTO
even in extreme load conditions. The ZEUS digital JUNKER employs innovative transistor technology
converter control unit ensures a maximum power (IGBT) for the inverter section while retaining the
output throughout the entire heat cycle. The system proven parallel oscillating circuit principle for reduced
provides a perfect inverter loads.
adjustment for mains
voltage fluctuations and Additional features of the IGBT converter:
changing load conditions. < Outstanding inherent protection against current,
voltage and temperature peaks
< Consistently high power factor (cosine phi)
Characteristic features of the parallel oscillating approaching 1.0 at the converter entry
circuit converter: < Less exacting requirements on cooling water due
< Robust d.c. link circuitry with smoothing reactor for to indirect cooling
high operating reliability
< Small load on the power inverter since it must
handle only the active current (not the furnace
current which is higher by a factor of 5 to 10)
< High electrical efficiency
< Low mains pollution
< 6, 12 or 24-pulse design options
< Easy maintenance and access
Optimized metallurgical process
DUOMELT system
DUOMELT principle
Multi-frequency technology
JOKS TouchControl
JOKS, the Junker Ofen Kontroll System, optimizes The scope of HMI functions comprises
process control and ensures reliable and dependable XXAutomation
monitoring of your complete melting operation. XXMonitoring
It controls all functions and process sequences
automatically. JOKS handles the exchange of data The system can handle the complete process chain
and information with higher-level control systems, from charge make-up, charging and melting to analysis
records and evaluates the operating data and makes correction and operation of all auxiliary units and
them available via open interfaces. peripheral equipment.
JOKS diagram
Water recooling system
Our furnace and switchgear cooling circuits are built The water recooling system is operated either in
to ensure an effective heat dissipation for optimum normal mode or – at lower outdoor temperatures – in
reliability of the melting process. a special operating mode in which the entire air cooler
contents is automatically drained into an intermediate
Cooling systems can be alternatively configured with tank which closes the cooling circuit.
a plate heat exchanger for connection to the cooling
tower, a closed cooling tower circuit, or an air cooler. Options:
Customer-specific solutions are likewise feasible. Key advantages of the Frost Proof system:
The latter also include the use of equipment for heat < No risk of equipment freeze-up
recovery. < No need to check glycol concentration or to
monitor additional heating equipment
A prerequisite for the use of air coolers is a reliable < No cost of glycol or heating energy
frost protection capability. OTTO JUNKER‘s Frost < No glycol enters and pollutes the waste water in
Proof* solution has proven its effectiveness on case of emergency water input.
numerous installations and permits trouble-free
operation of air coolers even in winter without any Key advantages of Smart Recooling Control SRC:
additional heating or anti-freeze agents (e.g., glycol). < Converter driven cooling pumps
< Control related to expected furnace power by
* patented JOKS melting processor
< Energy-saving for recooling unit up to 30 %
Water recooling system with air cooler Water recooling system with cooling tower
The overall plant
9 4
1 Furnace
2 Exhaust hood
3 Weighing system
4 Pit guard
9 Transformer
12 Charging machine
Exhaust hoods
Optimum extraction during Energy-saving Narrow design for pouring Easy crucible push-out
charging/melting holding into crane ladle without hood removal
Safety package
Noise protection
Design for reduced noise emissions
< Firmly braced induction coil
< Decoupling and resilient mounting of components
< Installation of noise-absorbing materials
Pit guard*
Automatic furnace pit fencing
< Three-sided guard frame
< Gas pressure springs with protective cylinder for pit guard raising and lowering
Capacity Power, max. Melting rate, max. Compact MFT Ge 500 / 250 kW system
(kg) (kW) (kg/h)
Copper and copper alloys
Fields of application:
< Horizontal and vertical continuous casting
< Sand casting
< Chip and foil recycling
< Remelting and alloying
Furnace sizes: MFT furnace type for aluminium DUOMELT MFT Al 2,800 / 2,000 kW system
Special applications
< Magnesium
< Cobalt
< Nickel
< Silicon
< Silver
Illustrations and texts may represent options or extras.
(c) OTTO JUNKER GmbH - 04/2017
Otto Junker gmbh Phone: +49 2473 601-0 | Fax: +49 2473 601-600
Jägerhausstr. 22 E-Mail: [email protected]
52147 Simmerath