NISM - VA - by NJ Gurukul PDF
NISM - VA - by NJ Gurukul PDF
NISM - VA - by NJ Gurukul PDF
Day 1
Part 1
Part 2
4. Offer Document
5. Fund Distribution and Channel Management Practices
7. Investor Services
8. Return,Risk & Performance of Funds
Chapter 1
Interval Funds
If it is half yearly interval fund then it will open between 1 to 15th Jan,
& 1 to15 July,each year.
The benefit for investors is they are not completely dependent on the
Mutual Fund Classifications – As Fund Management
Types of Funds - By Investment Objective
Speciality Funds
Sector Funds (Bank, Power, Pharma, IT, Telecom)
Foreign Securities Fund
Mid cap or Small cap Equity funds
Diversified Equity Funds (Do not focus on any one or few sectors
or shares)
Equity Index Funds (These funds take only the overall market risk)
Value Funds (Invests in the companies whose shares are
Equity Income or Dividend yield funds
(Invests in the shares of the companies with high dividend yield.)
ELSS ( Equity Linked Saving Scheme )
By investing in such instruments, these funds ensure low risk and provide
stable income to the investors. They are classified as :-
Gilt funds
Invest in only government securities, with Zero credit risk.
They are structured to ensure that investors get their principal back,
NAV of such funds moves in line with gold prices in the market.
Commodities Funds
Such funds Invest in shares of Companies that are in to commodities
International funds
Invest outside the country the Common practice is tie up with a foreign
In such case a feeder fund will be launched & will subsequently invest
into the host fund of the foreign fund house.
There is an element of foreign currency risk.
These are the funds that invests outside the country. For Ex. MF may offer
scheme to investor in India with an investment Objective to invest abroad.
One way for the fund to manage the investment is to hire the requisite
People who will manage the fund. Their salaries would add to the
fixed costs of managing the fund.
For Ex. If an MF sees potential in china it will tie up with Chinese fund
Investors in India will invest in feeder fund. The money collected in such
Fund would invest in the host fund.
Thus when Chinese market does well host fund do well & Feeder Fund in
India will follow suit.
Exchange Traded Funds
An open ended Index funds that are traded on stock exchange.
A feature of open ended funds which allows investor to buy & sell units
from MF scheme. Such feature is allowed only to very large investors in
an ETF.
Other investor have to buy & sell on Exchange platform.
A baskets of securities that are traded, like individual stocks, on an
ETF`s can be bought and sold throughout the trading day like any stock.
One must pay a brokerage to stock broker to buy & sell ETF units.
ETF is exempted from wealth Tax
ETF is eligible for LTCG after 1 year as compare 3 yr in physical gold.
Very Important Points
An Open Ended Fund offers repurchase facility unconditionally at all times
(But It is not obliged to keep selling new units at all times). Unit capital is
The Unit Capital of a closed Ended Fund is fixed. Also the number of units
are also fixed.
Each unit holder of a mutual Fund is part owner of the AUM of that Mutual
fund ( he is not a creditor, not a debtor and not a trustee of that mutual
Transfer of Security from one scheme to another scheme is allowed at
Market price.
Units from an Open Ended fund are bought from the Fund Itself ( not from
the stock exchange, distributors or the banks)
Very Important Points
The Liquidity needs of an investor are met through Money Market Funds.
A retired person generally needs a greater proportion of Debt Funds.
A young investor, for growth and wealth creation, should be advised to
invest in Equity Growth Funds.
An Equity Fund can be said to be concentrated when Top 10 holdings
account for more than 50% of net assets invested.
A steady holdings of investments in an equity fund’s portfolio indicates
both Long Term orientation and Lower Transaction Costs.
Unit is always issued at 10Rs at NFO ( New Fund Offer )
Very Important Points – Debt Funds
Debt Schemes are popular because the returns are more predictable.
Equity returns are volatile and very less predictable.
Gilt fund invests only in treasury bills and government securities
Junk Bond funds / High yield debt funds invests in companies with poor
Money market funds/liquid funds invests only in the securities with
maturity lesser than 91 days.
Longer the average duration of debt fund portfolio, greater the interest rate
Running a Money Market Mutual Fund requires more of Trading Skills.
The investors should invest in Debt Fund with a Higher Rated Portfolio and
Lower Expense Ratio.
Q-4 Which of the following fund would fall under passive management ?
(a) Diversified Equity Fund (b) Index Fund
(c) Equity Growth Fund (d) all of Above.
Question for Revision
Q-5 Which one of the following funds does not qualify as a speciality fund?
(a)Pharma Fund (b) Balanced Fund
(c) Small-Cap Fund (d) Emerging Markets Fund
Q-7 Compare to Sector Funds Thematic Fund would have a wider choice
for investment ?
(a) True (b) False
Q-8 Close ended fund allows investors to sale their units
(a) By allowing fixed number of Units to sale
(b)By selling number of units in a fixed interval
( c) by listing MF in stock exchange
(d ) Can not sale
Q-9 One of the advantage of ETF is..
(a) Investor can see where his money is invested
(b) These schemes can generate higher returns than mutual fund.
(c) Investors can buy of sell units on stock exchanges at price that
closely track valuation at that time
(d) ETF offer tax benefits.
Q-10 Whats is true about the FMP
Q-1 : ( True) , Q-2 : (b), Q-3 : (d),
Q-4 : (b), Q-5 : (b) , Q-6 : (b),
Q-7 : (True) , Q-8 : (c) Q-9 : (c)
Q-10 : (c)
Chapter 2
Sponsor Contributes
in the capital
Trustee AMC
Rel. Cap. Trustee Co. Ltd. Rel. Cap. Asset. Mgmt. Ltd
The Sponsor is the promoter and he appoints the Trustees who are
responsible to the investors of the fund.
AMC is the business face of the mutual fund as it manages all the affairs
of the fund
How are Mutual Funds Structured
In India Mutual fund is the form of a Public Trust created under the Indian
trust Act 1882.
The fund sponsor acts as the Settler of trust, contributes the initial capital
and appoints the trustees to hold the trust for the benefit of the unit
In India, Mutual funds are organized as trusts. The trust is either managed
by a Board of Trustees, or by a trustee company.
The trustees hold the unit holders money in a fiduciary capacity. (Money
belongs to unit holders)
Sponsor appoints the Trustees, the AMC and custodians with prior.
approval of SEBI and in accordance with SEBI Regulations.
Sponsor must have a 5-year track record in the financial Services business.
Sponsor must have been profit making in at least 3 of the above 5 years
including latest year.
Sponsor must contribute at least 40% of the share holding of the AMC.
The role of the trustee is to safeguard the interest of the investor of the fund.
The trustee make sure that the fund are invested as per the investment
There must be at least 4 members in the Board of Trustees and at least 2/3
of the members of the board of trustees must be independent.
Trustee of one mutual fund can not be a trustee of another mutual fund.
Rights :-
Trustees appoint the AMC, consultation with the sponsor according to SEBI.
All Schemes floated by the AMC have to be approved by the Trustees.
Trustees can seek remedial actions from AMC & in cases dismiss the AMC
Obligations :-
Trustees must ensure due diligence on the part of AMC in the appointment
of constituents and business associates
Trustees must furnish to the SEBI, on half yearly basis a report on the
activities of the AMC
Trustees must ensure compliance with SEBI regulations
The meeting of the trustees should be held at least once in every 2 months.
Asset Management Company
They are responsible for issuing and redeeming units of the Mutual Fund.
Their other services include.
Auditors : -
Auditors are responsible for the audit of accounts.
The auditor appointed to audit the scheme accounts needs to be
different from the auditor of the AMC.
While the scheme auditor is appointed by the Trustees AMC auditors
appointed by AMC.
Fund Accountants : -
Fund accountants calculate the NAV
AMC can either handle this activity in house or can hire the agency.
Other's important authorities
Distributors :-
They play a key role in selling suitable types of units to their clients.
The Investors Money go into bank account of the scheme they have invested
in. These banks accounts are maintained with collection bankers who are
appointed by AMC.
Important Points
Q-1 : (d), Q-2 : (a), Q-3 : (a), Q-4 : (a) Q-5 : (a)
Q-6 : (c), Q-7 : (d), Q-8 : (a), Q-9 : (a) Q-10 : (c)
Chapter 3
SEBI regulates all funds, except offshore funds i.e. those schemes
offered in a foreign country
Subsequently it has been clarified that all MFs being primarily capital
market players,regulatory come under the umbrella of SEBI.
Mutual funds need to comply with regulations of exchange and RBI but
regulated only by SEBI.
RBI regulates the money and government securities market where the
mutual funds invest. But not the MMMF.
Regulating Agencies of Mutual Fund
Liquid funds which invest in money market instruments are now governed
by SEBI alone. ( MMMF are now regulated by SEBI). But they need to
comply with RBI's regulations.
The finance ministry is the supervisor of both the RBI and SEBI.
Aggrieved parties can make appeals to the Ministry of finance on the SEBI
rulings relating to mutual funds.
Self regulatory organizations (SRO’s)
Where ever SRO exits statutory regulatory bodies lays down the broad
policy framework and leave micro regulation to the SRO.
SRO are the second-tier in the regulatory structure & gets their powers
from the apex regulating agency and act on their instructions
SEBI Regulation 1996 requires all the AMC and trustees to abide by
the code of conduct.
AMFI code of ethics (ACE)
Due Diligence
Members in the conduct of their Asset Management Business shall
at all times Render high standard of service, Exercise due diligence,
Exercise independent professional judgement.
Member shall ensure timely dissemination to all unit holder of adequate,
accurate, and explicit information presented in a simple language about
the investment objectives, investment policies, financial positions and
general affairs of the scheme.
AMFI code of ethics (ACE)
Investment Practice
Members shall manage all the schemes in accordance with the
Fundamental investment objectives and investment policies stated
In the offer documents and take investment decisions solely in the
Interest of the unit holders.
Members shall not knowingly buy or sell securities for any of their
schemes from or to Any director, officer, or employee of the member.
AMFI code of ethics (ACE)
Members shall avoid conflicts of interest in managing the affairs of the
schemes and shall keep the interest of all unit holders.
Members or any of their directors, officers or employees shall not indulge
in front running.
Reporting Practices
Members shall follow comparable and standardized valuation policies in
accordance with the SEBI Mutual Fund Regulations.
Unfair Competition
Members shall not make any statement or become privy to any act,
practice or competition, which is likely to be harmful to the interests of
other Members or is likely to place other Members in a disadvantageous
position in relation to a market player or investors.
AMFI code of ethics (ACE)
Members shall:
Widely circulate the AMFI Code to all persons and entities covered by it
Make observance of the Code a condition of employment
Require that each officer and employee of the Member sign a statement
that he/she has received and read a copy of the Code
Establish internal controls and compliance mechanisms, including
assigning supervisory responsibility.
AMFI code of ethics (ACE) - Summary
For Ex :
The objective of a diversified equity scheme might read as
Investment objective & investment policy are part of the OD. But
investment strategy is decided more frequently.
Schemes, other than ELSS, need to allot units or refund moneys within 5
business days of closure of the NFO.
Open-ended schemes, other than ELSS, have to re-open for ongoing
working days.
Request by investor - With in 5 working days with out charges.
Investors Rights & Obligations
Investor can ask for a Unit Certificate for his Unit Holding. AMC is bound
to issue unit certificates within 30 days of receipts of request.
NAV has to be published daily, in at least 2 newspapers
NAV, Sale Price and Re-purchase Price is to be updated in the website of
AMFI and the mutual fund by 9 pm.
In case of Fund of Funds, by 10 am the following day
The investor/s can appoint up to 3 nominees, .
The investor has a right to pledge the units held.
Dividend warrants have to be dispatched to investors within 30 days of
declaration of the dividend
Redemption / re-purchase cheque would need to be dispatched to
investors within 10 working days from the date of receipt of transaction
Investors Rights & Obligations
In the case of unit-holding in demat form, the demat statement given by
the Depository Participant would be treated as compliance with the
requirement of Statement of Account.
Investors Rights & Obligations
The offer document has details of the number of complaints received and
their disposal. Pending investor complaints can be a ground for SEBI to
refuse permission to the AMC to launch new schemes.
The trustees / AMC cannot make any change in the fundamental attributes
of a scheme, unless a written communication is sent to each Unit-holder,
and an advertisement should be published in news papers (english &
An option of exit would be give to unit holders with out any exit load.
with in 30 days.
Investors Rights & Obligations
Investors cannot sue the trust as they are not distinct from the trust
The principle ofcaveat emptor (let the buyer beware) applies to mutual
fund investments. So, the unit-holder cannot seek legal protection on the
grounds of not being aware.
Unclaimed Amounts
The mutual fund has to deploy unclaimed dividend & redemption amounts
in the money market.
AMC can recover investment management and advisory fees at maximum
If the investor claims the money within 3 years, then payment is based on
prevailing NAV i.e. after adding the income earned on the unclaimed money.
If the investor claims the money after 3 years, then payment is based on
If amounts are substantial & recovered within 2 years, then the amount
is to be paid to old investors.
While AMC Manages the investments of the scheme, the assets of the
scheme are held by the custodian.
AMC & Custodian operates under the overall control of the trustees.
Answers: Q-1 : (d), Q-2 : (a), Q-3 : (d), Q-4 : (a) Q-5 : (a)
Q-6 : (a), Q-7 : (b), Q-8 : (a), Q-9 : (a) Q-10 : (a)
Chapter 4
New Fund Offer
• Units of mutual fund are offered to investors for the first time through a NFO.
• AMC decide the scheme to take to the market.
• AMC prepares offer Document for the NFO. This needs to be approved by the
• The documents are to be filed with SEBI.
• SEBI does not approve / Disapprove the OD it given only the observation.
• Any observation made by SEBI needs to be incorporated in OD.
• AMC decides the suitable time for launch.
New Fund Offer
Investors sign the form stating that they have read the OD.
Cover Page has the name of the scheme followed by its type
Name of the AMC, mutual fund, Trustee, Fund Manager and scheme
Dates of Opening /Closing Issue & Re-opening for Sale & Re-purchase
Plans and Options under the scheme
Risk Profile of Scheme
Price at which Units are being issued and minimum amount / units for
initial purchase, additional purchase and re-purchase
Bench Mark , Dividend Policy
Performance of scheme and benchmark over last 1 year, 3 years, 5 years
and since inception.
Loads and expenses and Tax Treatment for the investors
Contact information of Registrar for taking up investor grievances
Update of KIM
Mutual fund and securities are subject to market risk and there is no
assurance that the objective will be achieved
The name of the scheme does not in any manner indicate any either the
quality of the scheme or the future performance of the scheme
Standard risk factors are same (common) for all the MF Schemes.
Fundamental attributes
If a scheme offers assured returns, the scheme must state that the
assurance is on the basis of the guarantees provided by the sponsor/
20 :25 Rule……
• Scheme must have min 20 investors
• Single investor can not hold more than 25 % of the corpus.
Important Points regarding OD and KIM
Q-1 Which of the following is the operating document for a mutual fund?
(a) Offer Document (b) KIM
(c) Trust deed (d) None of the above.
Q-3 Offer Document issued on launch of the new scheme is valid for ?
(a) 1 month (b) 3 months (c) 6 months (d) 1 year.
Questions for Revision
Q-4 Which of the following is not the scheme specific risk factor?
(a) Risk arising from the schemes objective
(b) Risk arising from the non-diversification
(c) No previous experience in managing a fund
(d) Movement in NAV because of the market movements.
Q-5 SEBI directs that certain information must appear on the cover page of
the offer document of any scheme. This includes the following except
(a) A statement to the effect that the document contains information
that a prospective investor should know before investing
(b) A description of the investment policies for the scheme on offer
(c) Opening, closing and earliest closing date for the offer
(d) Type of scheme and price of units on offer
Questions for Revision
Q-1 : (a), Q-2 : (e), Q-3 : (c), Q-4 : (d), Q-5 : (B),
Q-6 : (b), Q-7 : (b) Q-8 (b ) Q-9 (b) Q-10 (c)
Chapter 5
Institutional Channels
The changing competitive context led to the emergence of the institutional
distributors for a wide spectrum of financial products such as
Private Distribution Companies (Brokerage firms, National Distributors)
Banks ( Private and Foreign ) and NBFC`s
Post Offices
Newer distribution Channels
Technologies has opened the doors to newer ways with help of such
technologies there is a emergence of newer distribution channels
which would play an important role in the years to come.
With out Certification / ARN one can not advise or sell any
Mutual fund schemes.
Once the passing certification one can advise all the AMC`s
Mutual Fund After completing the empanelment process with each
AMC separately
KYD Requirement
AMFI has introduced the KYD process to verify the correctness of
information provided in the registration documents and to have
verification of the ARN holders.
Commission structure for mutual fund agents
Trail commission
it is paid normally on quarterly basis for the funds that remain invested in
the scheme. Trail is an effective way to restrict the practice of
rebating, and link commissions.
The distributor who procured the investment may have been paid an initial
commission calculated as a percentage on 1000 units X Rs 10 i.e. Rs 10,000.
Trail commission is payable on 1000 units X Rs 15 i.e. Rs 15,000 & not on the
Rs 10,000 mobilised.
The rates of commission are decided by the mutual fund themselves and are
not subject to regulation by either AMFI or SEBI.
SEBI’s advertising code
• Standard measures to compare such as Compounded Annualized Yield,
CAGR etc. for scheme in existence for more than 1 year.
• Annualized yields for at least 1, 3, 5 years & since launch
• For less than 1 year performance, Absolute Return ( Total Returns )
without annualisation except for liquid schemes
• For liquid schemes performance can be advertised by Simple Annulisation.
• “MF investments are subject to market risks read OD carefully before
investing” disclosure should be made atleast for 5 seconds in any audio-
visual media.
• for more than 1 year CAGR should be used.
• Dividend declared to be mentioned in rupees per unit with face value of
each unit and the prevailing NAV at the time of declaration
SEBI’s advertising code
Exit load should be charged equally for all types of investors. AMC should
not discriminate on the basis of Investment Value.
Q-1 : (b), Q-2 : (c), Q-3 : (d), Q-4 : (b), Q-5 : (d), Q-6 : (b),
Q-7 : (d) Q-8 (a ) Q-9 (b) Q-10 (c)
Chapter 7
Categories of investors eligible to buy MF units
Resident Individuals
Indian Companies
Indian trusts and charitable institutions
Insurance companies
Provident funds
Non-resident Indians / PIO
SEBI registered FII’s
Advisor should refer to the OD to know the eligible investors.
Investors not eligible to buy MF units
• Any entity that is not an Indian resident as per FEMA (Except when
the entity is registered as FII with SEBI, or has a sub account with
SEBI registered FII.
It is compulsory from 1st jan 2011 that all investments done in mutual
funds has to be compliant with the regulatory requirements.
• KYC documentation has to be done only ONCE, with CVL acting through
the POS.
Fresh Purchase
Is a instance where the Investor does not have an investment account with
specific Mutual Fund.
Additional Purchase
Once the Investor has the folio and he again transact new purchase
transaction in the same folio with the help of transaction slip.
Additional purchase can be done in amounts only
Online Transaction
Are transaction done through Internet. AMC issues a personal PIN number
through which investor can transact except the SIP.
It is not mandatory for AMC to provide online facility to investors
Payment mechanism for purchase
banker’s certificate will be required to the effect that the DD has come
out of moneys remitted from abroad.
When the NRI receives money in his bank account in India, the banker
The benefit of ASBA is that the money goes out of the investor’s bank
account only on allotment. Until then, it keeps earning interest for the
M-Banking is nascent in India. RBI has permitted banks to offer the facility
of transferring up to Rs 50,000 per customer per day, through the mobile
connection. Once people are comfortable with M-banking, this will become a
convenient way to invest.
Right Issue :-
• The price at which units are offered
• Right price is clear at the time of investment.
• For Ex. Investment Amount / Right price = No of units bought by
Bonus Issue :-
The investor does not have to pay anything.
The fund allots units free.
For Ex. In a 1:3 bonus issue the investor is alloted 1 unit free for
every 3 units already held by investor.
As net assets of the scheme remain the same only number of units
increases the NAV will be reduced proportionately.
Repurchase of units
The investor in an open ended scheme can offer the units for
repurchase to the mutual fund.
• Both NSE & BSE have extended their trading platform to help the brokers
become a channel for investor to transact in mutual Fund.
• When a dividend is paid, the NAV of the units falls to that extent.
• Reduced NAV after dividend payout is called Ex-Dividend
• After dividend is announced NAV is called Cum-Dividend.
• E.g. NAV is 12 dividend is declared Rs 2 per unit on record date of
• Rs 12 is Cum-Dividend
• NAV is reduced by Rs 2 new NAV will be Rs 10 i.e. called Ex-Dividend
Investment plans and services
Mutual funds units can be pledged by unit holders. Same can be
affected by pledge form executed by unit holders.
Once the units are pledged the units can not be sell or transfer until
the pledgee gives no-objection to release the pledge.
Investment services
Other Services
Q-1 Investor A has opted for a systematic transfer plan. This means
(a) The investor is allowed to transfer on a periodic basis a specified
amount from one to another scheme within the fund family.
(b) A specified amount is automatically transferred from his bank account
to his fund account
(c) The investor can withdraw specified amounts at periodic intervals.
(d) The investor can invest any amount in the scheme at periodic
Q-2 Which of the following is not true with respect to the SWP?
(a) Allows the investor to make systematic withdrawals on a regular
(b) Here the amount withdrawn is treated as the redemption of units
(c) SWP is same as the Monthly Income Plan
(d) None of the above.
Questions for Revision
Q-3 Which of the following is not true with respect to the voluntary
accumulation plan?
(a) It give the flexibility to the investor regarding the amount to be
(b) It give the flexibility to the investor regarding the frequency of
(c) VAP follower is obliged to keep investing
(d) None of the above.
The interest rate payable on a debt security are specified as afixed rate,
say 6% orfloating rate.
Interest rates and Market price of debt security are inversely related to
each other.
Yield Spreads:
For Ex - The difference between the yield on gilt and the yield on a
non government debt security is called its yield spread.
The value of gold in India depends on the international price of gold (quoted
in foreign currency)Therefore, returns in gold as an asset class depends
Global price of gold
Simple Return:
Simple Return X 12
Period of simple return (in months)
The above 3 formula are applicable only for growth schemes only
On 1st Jan 2009 Scheme paid out dividend of Rs.1 per unit ex-
dividend NAV was 12.50.
On 1st Jan 2010 scheme paid out another dividend of Rs1 per unit.
The ex-dividend NAV was Rs.15 Calculate CAGR.
Initial Investment Value – Rs.10000/-
No of units – (10000 / 10 ) - 1000 units.
1st dividend – 1000 X 1 – Rs.1000
Compounded annual growth Rate
Calculate CAGR
[ (Later Value / Initial Value )^(1/n) - 1 ]*100
• If an exit load of 1% was applicable, then you will receive only 99%
of Rs.15 i.e. 14.85 on repurchase.
They believe that the market is over heated and therefore prefer to sell
their investment and hold the proceeds in liquid form until the next
buying opportunity.
Since liquid assets generally yield a lower return they can be a drag on
the scheme returns.
Drivers of risk in a scheme
• Some outside liabilities are part of the business. For example, when a
scheme purchases an investment, it is liable to pay for it to the stock
• A mutual fund scheme cannot borrow more than 20% of its net assets
In Log run equity markets are a good barometer of the real economy.
In short run markets can get over- optimistic or over – pessimistic to
spell of greed & fear.
Portfolio Specific.
The nature of the portfolio influences scheme risk as follows.
Portfolio Specific
Contra Funds take positions that are contrary to the market. Such an
investment style has high risk of misjudgments
Portfolio Specific
Balance Funds invest in a mix of debt & equity. It is rare for both debt
& equity markets to fare poorly at the same time. As performance of
scheme is linked to the performance of two asset classes the risk in
the scheme is reduced.
• Further gold does well when the other financial markets are in turmoil.
• When a country goes into war and its currency weakens gold funds
gives excellent returns.
• This twin benefit make gold very attractive risk proposition. But investor
in a golf fund needs to be sure what kind of gold fund it is Gold sector
fund or ETF Gold.
Risks in Real Estate Funds
Standard Deviation
Modified Duration
Longer the weighted average maturity higher will be the interest rate
Mutual Fund schemes invest in the market for the benefit of unit holders.
How well did a scheme perform this job ?
Relative Return
Sharp Ratio
Treynor Ratio
• Difference between a scheme's actual return and its optimal return is its
ALPHA – a measure of a fund manager's performance.
• Positive alpha is indicative of out performance by fund manage and vice
• Since the concept of beta is more relevant for diversified equity schemes,
Alpha should be ideally be evaluated only for such schemes.
• ALPHA = Portfolio Return − [Risk Free Rate + Portfolio Beta * (Market
Return − Risk Free Rate)]
Other performance measures
The expense ratio ( Ratio of total expenses to average net assets of the
fund)- Funds with small corpus size will have a higher expense ratio
affecting investor returns. It is indicator of the Fund’s Efficiency and Cost
The income ratio ( It is the net investment income divided by its net
assets for the period) – useful for debt fund
Fund size – Small funds are easy to manage and can achieve their
objectives in a focused manner with limited holdings.
Large funds benefit from economies of scale with lower expense ratios
and superior fund management skills.
Cash holdings
Sources for tracking Mutual Fund Performance
Important Points
Day 2
Part 3
Part 4
What are net assets of a mutual fund ?
The net assets represent the market value of assets which belong to the
investors, on a given date.
• Net assets includes the amount originally invested, the profits booked
in the scheme, as well as appreciation in the investment portfolio.
• while calculating profits, all the expenses that relate to a period needs
to be considered irrespective of whether or not the expense has been
• Similarly any income that relates to the period will boost profits,
irrespective of whether or not it has been actually received in the bank
How frequently is the NAV calculated ?
All mutual funds have to disclose their NAVs daily, by posting it on the AMFI
web site by 9.00 p.m. In case of any other scheme except FOF where it is to
be published by 10 a.m. Of the following day.
Open –ended funds have to compute and disclose NAVs everyday; closed
end funds can compute NAVs every week, but disclosures have to be made
Closed end schemes not mandate listed on the stock exchange can publish
NAV according to the periodicity of 1 month or 3 months, as permitted by
Mark to market
SEBI has abolished entry loads. So, the Sale Price needs to be the same
as NAV.
Exit loads in excess of 1% of the redemption proceeds have to be
credited back to the scheme immediately i.e. they are not available for
the AMC to bear selling expenses.
Exit load structure needs to be the same for all unit-holders
representing a portfolio.
New SEBI guidelines for Dividend Distribution :-
All profit earned (including accrual income) are available for distribution.
Valuation gain are ignored but valuation losses needs to be adjusted
against profit.
The proportion of sale price on new units which is attributable to the
valuation gains is not available as a distributable reserve.
Initial issue expenses
Expenses that are incurred in the launch(NFO) of the fund are called as
initial issue expenses. These needs to be borne by the AMC.
Recurring expenses
These can be charged to the scheme. Since the recurring expenses drag
down the NAV, SEBI has laid down the expenses, which can be charged to
the scheme.
An indicative list is as follows:
Fees of various service providers, such as Trustees, AMC, Registrar &
Transfer Agents, Custodian, & Auditor
Selling expenses including scheme advertising and commission to the
Expenses on investor communication, account statements, dividend /
redemption cheques / warrants
Listing fees and Depository fees
Service tax
Recurring expenses
Equity >65%
Within 12 m After 12 m
Short Long
Investors DDT
Terms Terms
Within 12 m After 12 m
Capital Gain Calculation
• Answer :
Limitation on set off in case of bonus units – NAV of the scheme is get
adjusted after bonus units are issued therefore any capital loss arising
out of such transaction is not allowed to set off if such transaction has
happened within 3 months prior to record date of bonus issue and sold
off within 9 months after the record date.
Other points
Section 195 – 20% TDS for LTCG and 30% TDS on STCG if unit
holder is a NRI.
Q-1 : (d),Q-2 : (a), Q-3: (b),Q-4:(a), Q-5 : (a)
Q-6: (b) Q-7: (a) Q-8: (a) Q-9: (b) Q-10: (b)
Chapter 09
How to choose between schemes
Equity Funds
Debt Funds
Balance Funds
Fund Age
Tracking error
Investor objective
Experts view
Q-1: The balance funds based on flexible Asset Allocation is lower riskier
than high yield debt fund
(a) True (b) False
Q-2 In case of equity fund, if fund has higher allocation to cash in bullish
market the performance is likely to.
(a) Be comparable to that of benchmark index
(b) Be worse than benchmark return
(c) Better than benchmark return
(d) cant say
Q-3 How to compare index fund
(a) Performance (b) expense (c) Tracking error (d ) benchmark
Q-4 Probabilities of losing money in equity is negligible if investment
horizon is for at least
(a) 6 months (b) 1 year (c) 5 years (d) 3years
Q-5 A better performance than the return on index is given by
(a) Passive fund (b) Active fund (c) All fund manager (d) no fund
Q-6 If market crashes after bull run which fund is more safer
(a) Growth (b) Value ( c) sector (d) theme
Q-7 Avg net asset of scheme is 3000,total transaction of a scheme 10,
000 what is portfolio turnover ratio
(a) 0.3 % (b) 4% (c)3.33 % (d) 5%
Q-8 Fund management cost is more in-
(a) Passive fund (b) gilt fund (c )liquid fund (d ) active fund
Q-9 The investment grow faster in dividend re investment options as
compared to the growth option because more units are added on
dividend reinvest
(a) True (b) False
Q-10 Performance of the fund is most sensitive to the expense ratio in
which of the following Fund
(a) Liquid funds (b) Diversify Equity fund (c ) ETF (d) Sector fund
Q-1 : (b),Q-2 : (b), Q-3: (c),Q-4:(c), Q-5 : (b)
Q-6: (b) Q-7: (c) Q-8: (d) Q-9: (b) Q-10: (a)
Chapter 10
Physical Assets include gold, land, real estate which one can touch and feel.
Financial assets includes shares, bonds, mutual funds, Fixed Deposit etc. it
gives ownership but can not be touched or felt.
Bank deposits
Offer high liquidity and perceived safety
Low or negligible returns after factoring inflation and tax
Deposit Insurance is available upto Rs 100000 per depositor.
Financial Assets
Public Provident Fund
15-year product
Risk-free government obligation
Open to individuals and HUFs
Only one account permitted per entity
Offers tax-free interest of 8% p.a. and contribution up to Rs. 70,000 (min
Rs. 500) are eligible for deduction under section 80C
Option to withdraw 50% of 4th year balance in the 7th year
Restriction on withdrawal reduces liquidity.
Kisan Vikas Patra
Introduced as post office scheme to tap savings in rural India
Very popular with urban investors also
Current yield is 8% over 6 years, fully taxable
Easily transferable and liquid.
Financial Assets
Planning financial investments that will allow individual to provide for and
satisfy his future financial needs and achieve his life’s goals.
The financial goals are different for each individual. For Ex. An estimate of
these future expenses requires to me assessed to achieve defined goals.
• For father making the son a doctor, call for commitments over a 6 years.
• 2 yr of under graduate studies, coaching class expenses. for medical
entrance exams
• followed by the medical education & hostel expense
Assessment of financial goals
During this period how much will the expense rise on account of inflation.
Formula is
A = P*(1+i)^n
Investment Horizon
• But equity is viable option for expenses starting from 4th year.
• In most cases the investor would have some regular income out of
which part of expenses can be met.
Steps :-
Establish and define client-Planner Relationship
Gather client data, Define client Goal
Analyse and evaluate clients financial Status
Develop and present financial planning recommendations
Implement the financial planning recommendation
Monitor the financial planning recommendations
Alternative Financial planning approaches
• Even if the investor knows the calculation the knowledge of how &
where to invest may be lacking.
• Childhood Stage
• Pre-retirement Stage
• Retirement Stage
Wealth cycle for investors (Very Important)
Accumulation stage Investing for long term identified Growth options and long term
financial goals products.High risk appetite
Transition Stage Near term needs for funds as Liquid and medium term investments.
pre-specified needs draw closer Lower risk appetite
Reaping Stage Higher liquidity requirements Liquid and medium term investments.
Preference for income and debt products
• The planner can look at all the clients need including budgeting, saving,
taxes, investments, insurance and retirement planning.
• A financial planner can link his own rewards and fees to the client’s
financial success and the achievement of their financial goals
• Financial is not only investing. It comes before investing.
• It is relevant for all category of clients.
• It is not as same as retirement planning.
• It is not only Tax Planning.
• Financial planning is important at younger stage of life.
Very important points on financial planning
Q-1 The stage at which the goals and purpose towards which the clients
have been investing have arrived, is known as
(a) Accumulation (b) Transition (c) Reaping (d) Transfer.
Q-2 As a good financial planner, you should avoid applying the normal Life
Cycle Model to your client who is
(a) 25-year-old unemployed (b) 60-year-old person who has just retired
(c) Well-known 32 years old cricketer (d) A 35-year-old unmarried person.
Q-1 : (c) Q-2 : (c) Q-3 : (b) Q-4 : (b) Q-5 : (a)
Q-6 (d) Q-7 (b) Q-8 (a) Q-9(a) Q-10(a)
Chapter 12
Risk Profiling
Risk will not remain same throughout the age of the person.
It will differ at the different age and as well as the different stages of the
life so risk profiling is very important in the financial planning process.
At the same time two person's risk taking capacity will not be same. So a It
is duty of a Financial Planner to identify individual's risk Appetite.
Factors influence the investor's risk profile
Answers: Q-1 : (c), Q-2 : (c), Q-3 : (d), Q-4 : (d) Q-5
'Best of Luck'