ALTE Plenary Brigita Seguis - WEBSITE
ALTE Plenary Brigita Seguis - WEBSITE
ALTE Plenary Brigita Seguis - WEBSITE
Dr Brigita Séguis
1. The Occupational English Test (OET)
2. What is meant by “communicative competence”?
3. The challenges of working in a multilingual
healthcare setting
4. What is clinical communication?
5. Incorporation of clinical communication into the
About OET
• designed specifically to test the English language
competence of healthcare professionals
• four components: listening, reading, writing, speaking
• productive components are profession-specific
• 12 professions: medicine, dentistry, dietetics, nursing,
occupational therapy, optometry, pharmacy, physiotherapy,
podiatry, radiography, speech pathology, veterinary science
Separate role cards
for candidate and Assessor listens to
• 20 minutes total interlocutor recording online
• 2 role plays
• recorded via DVR
• ‘lay’ interlocutor
• 1-2 weeks post-test
• 2 different assessors
Interlocutor • via rating scale
takes the role of
the patient
Assessment criteria
Language Interactional
Ability Competence
Communicative competence
Language Interactional
Ability Competence
Interactional competence
On a macro level:
- co-constructing interaction in a purposeful and
meaningful way
- taking into account socio-cultural and pragmatic
dimensions of the speech situation.
On a micro level:
- aspects of topic management, turn management,
interactive listening, breakdown repair and non-verbal
The issue of authenticity
Language Interactional
Ability Competence
Clinical communication skills
Clinical communication and OET
1. Relationship-building
2. Understanding the Patient’s Perspective
3. Providing Structure
4. Information-gathering
5. Information-giving
Standard setting