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Table of
4 Mission Statement
8 Welcome to MCAST
10 Message by College Principal & Ceo
12 Message by President of the Board of Governors
14 Why choose MCAST?
16 Alumni
20 Conditions for Application
24 Corporate Services
28 Course Index
36 Skills Kits
37 Learning Support Unit

The Institutes
40 Institute of Applied Sciences
72 Institute of Business Management and Commerce
94 Institute of Community Services
116 Institute for the Creative Arts
146 Institute of Engineering and Transport
208 Institute of Information and Communication Technology
226 Generic Degrees
228 Masters Programmes
244 Gozo Campus

To provide universally accessible vocational and
professional education and training with an
international dimension, responsive to the needs
of the individual and the economy.

Biex jipprovdi edukazzjoni u taħriġ vokazzjonali
u professjonali li jintlaħqu minn kulħadd,
b’dimensjoni internazzjonali, u li jaqdu
l-bżonnijiet tal-individwu u tal-ekonomija.

Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology
Main Campus, Triq Kordin,
Paola PLA 9032, Malta

t: +356 2398 7100

e: [email protected]

MCAST is engaged in a constant consultation process

with industry stakeholders to upgrade the quality of
its programmes. This ensures that they are regularly
updated to reflect the latest best practices and
technologies required for students to achieve a more
successful employment career.

MCAST reserves the right to effect changes to the

contents of the programmes according to these
changing needs and circumstances. MCAST reserves
the right not to offer courses if there are insufficient

The programmes that are featured in this Prospectus

are governed by Regulations, Policies and Procedures
as approved by the MCAST Council of Institutes.
These documents are available for viewing at any of
the Institutes, at the Office of the Registrar, or on the
MCAST website

This Prospectus has been compiled by MCAST,

who is also the copyright owner. No reproduction,
copying, image scanning, storing or recording by any
means in any form, for broadcasting or transmission
through any medium, of any part of this Prospectus
is permitted without the express written consent of
MCAST. All intellectual property rights are reserved.

MCAST shall not accept responsibility for any errors,

omissions, or inaccuracies that might occur.

© 2019. All rights reserved


Established in 2001, the Malta College of Arts, Science Il-Kulleġġ Malti tal-Arti, ix-Xjenza u t-Teknologija (MCAST), li
and Technology (MCAST) is the country’s leading ġie mwaqqaf fl-2001, huwa l-istituzzjoni ewlenija tal-pajjiż
Vocational Education and Training institution. għall-Edukazzjoni u t-Taħriġ Vokazzjonali.

The College, through its Institutes, is driving forward Il-Kulleġġ, permezz tal-Istituti tiegħu, qed imexxi ’l quddiem
the development of courses and more focused l-iżvilupp ta’ korsijiet u metodoloġiji u pedagoġiji aktar
methodologies and pedagogies for the respective iffokati fuq il-livelli rispettivi li jaqgħu taħt il-mandat
levels falling under their remit. Recent developments tagħhom. Żviluppi riċenti jinkludu l-programm Skills Kits,
include the Skills Kits programme, more new aktar korsijiet ġodda dwar l-Apprendistat u d-Degrees li
courses on Apprenticeship and Masters Degrees jwasslu għal-livell tal-Masters, fost oħrajn.
amongst others.
L-istudenti tagħna jitħejjew għal karrieri f’setturi differenti,
Our students are prepared for careers in different billi nikkollaboraw mill-qrib mal-industrija lokali biex
sectors as we collaborate closely with local industry niżguraw li l-għarfien, il-ħiliet u l-kompetenzi fil-programmi
to ensure that the knowledge, skills and competences tagħna huma xierqa u rilevanti għal ekonomija dinamika.
within our programmes are appropriate and relevant to a
dynamic economy. Din ir-relazzjoni ssaħħaħ il-programmi tal-Kulleġġ li huma
flessibbli, rilevanti u li jwieġbu għall-aspirazzjonijiet tal-
This relationship enhances the College’s programmes istudenti tagħna u l-ħtiġijiet tal-industrija, li dejjem jevolvu.
that are flexible, relevant and responsive to the
aspirations of our students and the needs of industry,
which are constantly evolving.


Prof. Joachim James Calleja

A new prospectus ushers in either a fresh start in Prospectus ġdid jintroduċi jew bidu ġdid fil-ħajja ta’
the life of a learner or the continuation of a learning student, jew il-kontinwazzjoni ta’ triq ta’ tagħlim. Għas-
pathway. For the next academic year, we are providing sena akkademika li jmiss, aħna qed nipprovdu lill-istudenti
College students and prospective learners with a tal-Kulleġġ u lill-istudenti prospettivi, format imġedded
renewed format designed by our own students and imfassal mill-istudenti tagħna stess u l-għalliema tagħhom
their lecturers at the Institute for Creative Arts. fl-Istitut għall-Arti Kreattiva.

My underlying message is that at MCAST you will learn Il-messaġġ ewlieni tiegħi huwa li fl-MCAST inti se titgħallem
skills that you can apply in your work. There is a huge ħiliet li tista’ tapplika fix-xogħol tiegħek. Hemm varjetà
variety of skills that you can learn if you join MCAST wiesgħa ħafna ta’ ħiliet li tista’ titgħallem jekk tidħol
or if you wish to continue studying at higher levels of l-MCAST, jew jekk tixtieq tkompli tistudja f’livelli ogħla ta’
vocational and professional qualifications. The College kwalifiki vokazzjonali u professjonali. Il-Kulleġġ huwa elf
is a thousand things at once. There are qualifications ħaġa f’daqqa. Hemm kwalifiki li jgħinuk titgħallem ħiliet
that help you learn basic skills in interconnected sectors bażiċi f’setturi interkonnessi tal-impjieg, kif ukoll degrees
of employment as well as applied Bachelor and Masters’ applikati li jwasslu għal-livell tal-Baċellerat jew tal-Masters,
degrees that lead to well-paid jobs. li jistgħu jwasslu għal impjiegi li jitħallsu tajjeb.

There are services that support you in choosing Hemm servizzi li jgħinuk tagħżel karriera. Hemm
a career. There are workshops and laboratories workshops u laboratorji li jagħmlu t-tagħlim orjentat lejn
that make learning practical and result oriented. il-prattika u lejn ir-riżultati. Il-programmi ta’ apprendistat
The apprenticeship programmes connect you joħolqu konnessjoni bejnek u bejn l-impjegaturi u
with employers and employees in real places of l-impjegati f’postijiet tax-xogħol reali. Il-faċilitajiet soċjali
work. Sports and social facilities will widen your u tal-isport iwessgħu ċ-ċirku tal-ħbieb tiegħek u jagħmlu
circle of friends and will make life at the College a l-ħajja fil-Kulleġġ esperjenza ta’ sodisfazzjon.
rewarding experience.
Qed jiġi żviluppat aktar bini tal-ogħla livell ta’ żvilupp
More state-of-the-art buildings are being constructed tekniku sabiex intejbu l-ambjenti tat-tagħlim. Jekk l-MCAST
so that we improve learning environments. tkun l-ewwel għażla tiegħek, dan ikun pass aktar qrib lejn
Making MCAST a first choice is a step closer to your il-ħajja tax-xogħol tiegħek.
working life.

As President of the Board of Governors, I wish you all Bħala President tal-Bord tal-Gvernaturi, nixtieq
a very warm welcome to MCAST, an institution that is nilqagħkom minn qalbi fl-istituzzjoni tal-MCAST, li hija
renowned for the quality of its teaching and learning, magħrufa għall-kwalità tal-istruzzjoni u t-tagħlim tagħha,
and for its commitment to engaging students in u għall-impenn tagħha fl-involviment tal-istudenti fl-
professional vocational education. MCAST offers a full edukazzjoni vokazzjonali professjonali. L-MCAST toffri
range of programs from foundation to Masters’ level firxa sħiħa ta’ programmi, mil-livell bażiku għal dak tal-
across six institutes. Here are some reasons why you Masters, f’sitt istituti. Dawn li ġejjin huma xi raġunijiet
should opt to study at MCAST: għaliex għandek tagħżel li tistudja fl-MCAST:

• You will have the opportunity to obtain an • Inti jkollok l-opportunità li tikseb kwalifika
internationally recognised qualification. rikonoxxuta fuq livell internazzjonali.

• We are proud to have some of the best • Aħna kburin li għandna xi wħud mill-aħjar
academics in vocational education. akkademiċi fl-edukazzjoni vokazzjonali.

• We aim to prepare leaders for life. You will • Aħna nimmiraw li nħejju mexxejja għall-ħajja.
acquire an education that extends beyond Inti se takkwista edukazzjoni li testendi lil
the classroom curriculum. hinn mill-kurrikulu tal-klassi.

• We will prepare you for the world of • Aħna nippreparawk għad-dinja tal-impjiegi.
• Inti se tistudja flimkien ma’ studenti ta’
• You will study with students coming aktar minn 65 nazzjonalità differenti, fejn
from over 65 different nationalities where se tifforma ħbiberiji ġodda u dejjiema
you will make new and lasting friendships bl-opportunità li tqatta’ xi ħin barra mill-
with opportunities to spend some time pajjiż permezz tal-programmi tal-Erasmus.
overseas through Erasmus programs.
• Aħna noffru firxa ta’ servizzi għall-istudenti,
• We offer a range of student services immirati lejn il-benesseri tal-istudent u
aimed at student wellness and career l-iżvilupp tal-karriera tiegħu, inklużi attivitajiet
development including cultural and social kulturali u soċjali biex tissaħħaħ l-esperjenza
activities to enhance your overall ġenerali tiegħek u jkun żgurat li tieħu pjaċir.
experience and ensure you have lots
of fun. Aħna nixtiequ nattiraw studenti b’talenti u motivazzjoni
u, b’mod partikolari, studenti li għandhom għal qalbhom
We are keen to attract talented, motivated students is-soċjetà u l-ambjent. Ninkoraġġuk tipparteċipa b’mod
and in particular, students who care about society attiv f’attivitajiet tal-kulleġġ u nirringrazzjawk talli għażilt
and the environment. We encourage you to actively l-MCAST.
participate in college activities and thank you for
choosing MCAST.
Mr. Frederick Schembri

The learning opportunities you require L-opportunitajiet ta’ tagħlim li tinħtieġ
Every year, we provide training opportunities to Kull sena, nipprovdu opportunitajiet ta’ taħriġ għal ’il
over 6,500 full-time students. New programmes are fuq minn 6,500 student full-time. Programmi ġodda ta’
constantly added to our list of courses to give you studju u taħriġ jiġu kontinwament miżjuda mal-lista ta’
more new training options to choose from. If you are korsijiet offruti mill-MCAST biex nagħtuk selezzjoni akbar
determined to advance in your career, we have the right minn fejn tagħżel. Jekk inti determinat li timxi ’l quddiem
training programme for you. fil-karriera tiegħek, għandna l-programm ta’ taħriġ
tajjeb għalik.
A rewarding career
MCAST provides a holistic educational experience by Karriera li tagħtik sodisfazzjon
offering you hands-on education in the latest best L-MCAST jipprovdilek esperjenza edukattiva sħiħa
practices and technologies. Get ready to roll up your billi joffrilek taħriġ prattiku fl-aħħar u fl-aħjar prattiċi
sleeves and put what you learn into practice in our u teknoloġiji. Lesti ruħek biex taħdem u biex dak li
workshops, laboratories and in real work settings, titgħallem fil-klassi tipprattikah fil-workshops tal-Kulleġġ,
through placements and apprenticeships. Our ultimate fil-laboratorji jew f’ambjenti tax-xogħol waqt perjodi ta’
goal is to provide you with the competences required taħriġ fuq il-post tax-xogħol jew waqt l-apprendistat.
to help you achieve the career you are aspiring for. L-għan aħħari tagħna huwa li nagħtuk il-kompetenzi
li tinħtieġ biex jirnexxilek tikseb il-karriera li qed
A caring and vibrant campus taspira għaliha.
We believe that education is not simply a matter of
qualifications and technical skills. We are committed to Kampus mimli ħajja u li jieħu ħsiebek
help you develop into responsible, enthusiastic adults Aħna nemmnu li l-edukazzjoni ma tfissirx sempliċement
with strong social values. Beyond the classroom, at kwalifiki u ħiliet tekniċi. Ninsabu impenjati biex ngħinuk
MCAST you will be participating in sport, cultural and issir adult responsabbli u mimli entużjażmu, b’valuri
other fun activities that help you make new friends, soċjali sodi. Lil hinn mill-klassi, fl-MCAST inti tkun tista’
gain confidence and improve your teamwork and tipparteċipa f’attivitajiet sportivi u kulturali u f’attivitajiet
communication skills. You will also have opportunities oħrajn ta’ divertiment li jgħinuk tagħmel ħbieb ġodda,
to join national and international competitions and trabbi l-kunfidenza u ttejjeb il-ħiliet tiegħek biex taħdem
events, as well as to gain invaluable experience through f’tim u tikkomunika. Ikollok ukoll opportunitajiet biex
international student exchange programmes. tieħu sehem f’kompetizzjonijiet u avvenimenti nazzjonali
u internazzjonali, kif ukoll biex takkwista esperjenza
Improving Your Learning Experience siewja ferm permezz ta’ programmi ta’ skambji għal
studenti internazzjonali.
MCAST always aims at providing the best possible
learning experience to its learners. The set-up of the
College is aimed at addressing the specific needs of Titjib tal-esperjenza tat-tagħlim
individual learners at the different course levels whilst L-MCAST jaħdem bla waqfien biex jilħaq il-mira tiegħu
providing a seamless progression. li jipprovdi l-aħjar esperjenza tat-tagħlim possibbli lill-
istudenti tieghu. Il-Kulleġġ għandu l-għan li jindirizza
l-ħtiġijiet speċifiċi tal-istudenti individwali li jkunu qed
isegwu korsijiet fil-livelli differenti, waqt li jiġi assigurat li
kull student ikollu l-possibilita li jimxi mingħajr diffikulta
għal korsijiet ta’ livelli ogħla.


“A constantly changing environment

that keeps me on tip-toes for successive
innovation. I share my knowledge so
others can think and cultivate their ideas”
Robert Debono
Institute of Applied Sciences - Centre of Agriculture, Aquatics and Animal Sciences


Chris Cassar
Institute of Engineering and Transport
Aviation Maintenance Training Centre
‘’I found MCAST very helpful as it did not
only focus on the theoretical aspect of the
course but gave utmost importance to the
practical aspect encouraging a
hands on approach’’

1. A new applicant is: For an appointment to discuss your special needs
Either: An applicant who by June 2019 was not please phone the Inclusive Education Unit on
attending a course at MCAST. 2398 7127 / 2398 7237.
Or: A student who failed the first year of a course
and wishes to reapply to start the same course. Selection of Applicants and Further Information
Or: A student who up to June 2019 attended a
course at MCAST and wishes to start another 9. BTEC qualifications awarded by MCAST will be
course, not through progression, but in a different accepted accordingly, as follows:
area of study. • BTEC Level 2 Diploma and MCAST Key skills
Certificate in lieu of the MCAST Level 3 Diploma
2. All applicants must fill in the official online • BTEC Level 3 National or Extended Diploma in lieu
Application Form. of the MCAST Level 4 Advanced Diploma
• BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma in lieu of
3. Applications without all the necessary documentation the MCAST Level 5 Higher Diploma.
are not processed.
10. Applicants in possession of any other qualification not
4. Grades 5/C or better are considered as ‘O’ level passes. listed as an entry requirement in this Prospectus, may
In the case of ‘O’ level passes in Maltese, Italian and apply provisionally. The application will be considered
Religion, only the SEC results are accepted. by the Admissions Board.

5. Applicants who sit for examinations of Overseas 11. If applicants cannot find the desired progression
Examination Boards and at the time of receipt of route, they can apply provisionally and the
applications are still waiting for results may submit Admissions Board will consider their application.
a provisional application as long as the results are
presented by the end of the last week in August. 12. Applications received after the closing date will not
The grades of these subjects are to be listed as be considered.
13. a) When the number of places available on a course
6. No provisional entry of subjects will be accepted is limited and the number of applicants who satisfy
after the closing date for the receipt of applications. the entry requirements and choose the course
exceeds the number of available places, an order
7. After the closing date for the receipt of applications of merit is drawn for all applicants choosing the
no changes in application forms are accepted course.
except for results for Provisional examination of
Overseas Boards. b) Students who in July 2019 successfully completed
a course at MCAST and apply to progress to a higher
Access Arrangements course in the same area of study will be given priority
over those applicants who apply for the same course
8. MCAST strives to be an equal opportunities College from outside MCAST.
and therefore welcomes students with learning
difficulties and disabilities. Special needs students c) Aptitude Tests and/or Interviews - In those cases
are required to: where an aptitude test and/or an interview
• Have the necessary entry qualifications is carried out, the admission of applicants will be
• Discuss their needs with a member of the based on the number of points acquired on the
MCAST Inclusive Education Unit (IEU) basis of their qualifications after having passed the
• Produce recent professional documents on test and/or interview.
their special requirements to follow the
course. d) Initial Assessment Tests - Applicants having
unrated SSC&P (Secondary School Certificate &
Profile) certificates will be required to sit for 18. Any application to join a course or any request to
the Initial Assessment Tests in Maltese, English change a course must go through the Office of the
Language and Mathematics. Students found to Registrar and will not be accepted beyond a date
require significant support will be guided to join agreed upon by the Council of Institutes and unless
the Level 1 Introductory Certificate course. approved by the Deputy Principal - Registrar.
Applicants with SEC/O-Levels at grades 6 or 7 in at
least two subjects from Maltese, English Language 19. When the number of applicants for a course is not
and Mathematics or SSC&P at Level 1 or 2 will be viable, the College reserves the right not to offer the
exempted from the Initial Assessment Tests and course and applicants will be given the opportunity
will start directly at Level 2. to change their option.

e) Applicants are selected for the Level 1 or Level 2 Vocational Degrees

courses, on the basis of the results obtained in their
SSC&P certificate or, in cases where the SSC&P is 20. Holders of a full Level 5 Higher Diploma issued by
not available or unrated, on the results obtained in MCAST or equivalent may request to access directly
the Initial Assessment Tests. the third year of the Bachelor’s Degree programme
subject to validation by the Admissions Board.
14. All grades of SEC/O-Level, Advanced and Applicants with equivalent HNDs from approved
Intermediate level examination results are Further Education Institutions may be considered
allocated a number of points as shown in the for eligibility. Applicants with other qualifications
following table: as approved by the College will be considered after
following the appropriate College procedures for
Ordinary Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level such cases.
Grade Points Grade Points Grade Points
Mature Students
1/A 10 A 16 A 26
2 9 B 15 B 24 21. Students who satisfy the following conditions may
3/B 8 C 14 C 22 apply for consideration to join MCAST programmes
as mature students:
4 7 D 13 D 20
- Be in possession of the School Leaving Certificate
5/C 6 E 12 E 18
- Have, by the end of the same calendar year:
O 6 a) attained the age of 23 years for entry to
programmes at MQF Level 5/6/7
15. After an applicant is considered eligible for a course b) attained the age of 21 years for entry to
the number of points is worked according to the programmes at MQF Level 4
course requirements. c) attained the age of 19 years for entry to
a) The total points for Compulsory subjects is programmes at MQF Level 3.
multiplied by 5. - Demonstrate that they stand to benefit and show
b) The total points for Preferred subjects is that they are able to follow the programme
multiplied by 3. through an interview held for the purpose.
c) The total of all the points obtained by an Shortlisted persons will be called for an interview to
applicant indicates the place in the order of merit assess their suitability for the chosen programme.
for admission into a course. The Selection Board may require candidates
to undertake additional studies as part of their
16. The applicant must complete the GDPR Consent acceptance. The Board may recommend an
Form provided at application stage granting MCAST alternative programme where it considers it
permission to process the data, in order for the appropriate. The Board reserves the right to
application to be considered complete. evaluate the prospective candidate’s competences
through an assessment.
17. If after the first call for applications there are
courses where places are still available, there will 22. Vocational programmes for secondary schools
be other calls for application. Any places remaining (BTEC L2 Extended Certificate) shall enjoy the same
after subsequent calls will be offered on a first parity of esteem as one ‘O’ level at:
come first served basis. Distinction = Grade 1
Merit = Grade 3
Pass = Grade 5

1. Applikant ġdid huwa: l-bżonnijiet speċjali tieghek, ċempel lill-Inclusive
Jew: Applikant li ma kienx qed jattendi kors l-MCAST Education Unit fuq 2398 7127 jew 2398 7237.
f’Ġunju 2019,
Jew: Student li m’għaddiex mill-ewwel sena tal-kors u L-Għażla tal-Applikanti u Informazzjoni Oħra
jixtieq japplika biex jerġa’ jibda l-istess kors,
Jew: Student li sa Ġunju 2019 kien qed jattendi kors 9. Kwalifiki tal-BTEC li qabel kienu jingħataw mill-MCAST
l-MCAST u jixtieq jibda kors ieħor f’qasam ta’ studju jiġu aċċettati kif ġej:
differenti minn dak li għadu kemm spiċċa. • Diploma Livell 2 tal-BTEC u Ċertifikat tal-Key Skills
tal-MCAST minflok Diploma Livell 3 tal-MCAST
2. L-applikanti kollha għandhom jimlew il-Formola tal- • National Diploma jew Extended Diploma Livell 3 tal-
Applikazzjoni Uffiċjali, fil-verżjoni elettronika. BTEC minflok Advanced Diploma Livell 4 tal-MCAST
• Higher National Diploma Livell 5 tal-BTEC
3. Applikazzjonijiet mingħajr id-dokumenti kollha minflok Higher Diploma Livell 5 tal-MCAST.
neċessarji ma jiġux ipproċessati.
10. Kandidati li jkollhom xi kwalifika oħra li mhix imniżżla
4. Gradi 5/C jew aħjar , huma kkunsidrati bħala pass fil-Livell bħala rekwiżit għad-dħul f’dan il-prospett jistgħu
Ordinarju. Fil-każ ta’ passes fil-Livell Ordinarju fil-Malti, fit- japplikaw proviżorjament u l-applikazzjoni tagħhom
Taljan u fir-Reliġjon, jiġu aċċettati biss ir-riżultati tas-SEC. tiġi kkunsidrata mill-Bord tad-Dħul.

5. Applikanti li għamlu eżamijiet ta’ Bordijiet ta’ Eżamijiet 11. Kandidati li ma jkunux jistgħu jsibu l-progression
Barranin u li fiż-żmien li jintlaqgħu l-applikazzjonijiet route li jixtiequ, jistgħu japplikaw proviżorjament u
ikunu għadhom qed jistennew ir-riżultati, jistgħu l-applikazzjoni tagħhom tiġi kkunsidrata mill-Bord
jissottomettu applikazzjoni proviżorja bil-kundizzjoni tad-Dħul.
li r-riżultati jiġu ppreżentati sa tmiem l-aħħar ġimgħa
ta’ Awwissu. Il-gradi ta’ dawn is-suġġetti għandhom 12. Applikazzjonijiet li jaslu wara li jagħlqu
jitniżżlu bħala ‘Provisional’. l-applikazzjonijiet, ma jiġux ikkunsidrati.

6. Ma jiġi aċċettat ebda dħul ta’ suġġetti proviżorji wara 13. a) Meta n-numru ta’ postijiet disponibbli f’kors
li jagħlqu l-applikazzjonijiet. partikolari huwa limitat, u n-numru ta’ applikanti li
jissodisfaw ir-rekwiżiti tad-dħul u jagħżlu l-kors huwa
7. Ma jiġi aċċettat ebda tibdil fil-Formola tal-Applikazzjoni ogħla min-numru ta’ postijiet disponibbli, isir ordni
wara li jagħlqu l-applikazzjonijiet, għajr meta jiġu tal-mertu għall-applikanti kollha li jkunu għażlu l-kors.
ppreżentati r-riżultati tal-Bordijiet tal-Eżamijiet
Barranin fil-każ tas-suġġetti proviżorji. b) Studenti li f’Lulju 2019 ikunu temmew kors b’suċċess
fl-MCAST u japplikaw għal kors ta’ livell ogħla fl-
Arranġamenti li jiffaċilitaw l-Aċċessibilta’ istess qasam ta’ studju, jingħataw prijorita fuq dawk
l-istudenti li japplikaw għall-istess kors minn barra
8. L-MCAST jaħdem biex ikun Kulleġġ li jipprovdi l-MCAST.
opportunitajiet indaqs u għalhekk jilqa’ studenti
b’diffikultajiet fit-tagħlim u b’diżabbiltajiet. Studenti c) Aptitude Tests u/jew Intervista – F’dawk il-każi
bi bżonnijiet speċjali għandhom: fejn isiru Aptitude Tests u/jew Intervista, id-dħul tal-
• Ikollhom il-kwalifiki tad-dħul neċessarji istudenti jkun ibbażata fuq it-total ta’ punti miksuba
• Jiddiskutu l-bzonnijiet speċjali tagħhom ma’ fuq il-bażi tal-kwalifiki wara li jkunu għaddew mit-tests
membru tal-MCAST Inclusive Education u/jew mill-intervista.
Unit (IEU)
• Juru dokumenti professjonali riċenti dwar d) Initial Assessment Tests – Applikanti li jkollhom
l-arranġamenti speċjali li għandhom bżonn l-SSC&P (Secondary School Certificate and Profile)
biex ikunu jistgħu jsegwu l-kors. mhux ikklassifikati, ikunu meħtieġa joqogħdu
Sabiex tagħmel appuntament biex tiddiskuti għal Initial Assessment Tests fil-Malti, fl-Ingliż u fil-
Matematika. Dawk l-istudenti li jinstab li jeħtieġu
għajnuna addizzjonali, jiġu ggwidati biex isegwu 19. Meta n-numru ta’ applikazzjonijiet għal xi kors
l-kors tal-Introductory Certificate Livell 1. Applikanti ma jkunx vijabbli, il-Kulleġġ jirriżerva d-dritt li
li jkollhom grad 6 jew 7 tas-SEC/Livell Ordinarju f’mill- ma jipprovdix il-kors u l-applikanti jingħataw
inqas żewġ suġġetti mill-Malti, il-Lingwa Ingliża u l-opportunita’ li jibdlu l-għażla tagħhom.
l-Matematika, jew ikollhom l-SSC&P Livell 1 jew Livell
2, ikunu eżentati mill-Initial Assessment Tests u jidħlu Degrees Vokazzjonali
direttament fil-Livell 2.
20. Applikanti li jkollhom Higher Diploma Livell 5 maħruġa
e) L-istudenti jiġu magħżula biex jidħlu fil-kors tal- mill-MCAST, jew xi kwalifika ekwivalenti, jistgħu jitolbu
Livell 1 jew f’dak tal-Livell 2 skont ir-riżultati miksuba biex jidħlu direttament fit-tielet sena ta’ programm li
fl-SSC&P jew, fil-każ ta’ dawk li m’għandhomx l-SSC&P jwassal għal Bachelor’s Degree, dejjem jekk ir-rikjesta
jew dawn ma jkunux ikklassifikati, fuq ir-riżultati tiġi validata mill-Bord tad-Dħul. Applikanti bi kwalifiki
miksuba fl-Initial Assessment Tests. komparabbli għal Higher National Diploma u maħruġa
minn Istituzzjonijiet ta’ Edukazzjoni Ogħla approvati,
14. Il-gradi kollha miksuba fir-riżultati tal-eżamijiet tas- jistgħu jiġu kkunsidrati. Applikanti li jkollhom kwalifiki
SEC/Livell Ordinarju, tal-Livell Avvanzat u tal-Livell oħra approvati mill-Kulleġġ jiġu kkunsidrati wara li jiġu
Intermedju huma allokati l-punti kif jidher fit-tabella segwiti l-proċeduri tal-Kulleġġ għal każi bħal dawn.
ta’ hawn taħt:
Studenti Maturi
Livell Ordinarju Livell Intermedju Livell Avvanzat
21. Studenti li jissodisfaw il-kundizzjonijiet li ġejjin jistgħu
Grad Punti Grad Punti Grad Punti
japplikaw biex jiġu kkunsidrati biex jidħlu l-MCAST bħala
1/A 10 A 16 A 26 studenti maturi:
2 9 B 15 B 24 - Ikollhom iċ-Ċertifikat tat-Tmiem tal-Iskola.
3/B 8 C 14 C 22 - Sal-aħħar tal-istess sena kalendarja, ikunu laħqu:
4 7 D 13 D 20
a) l-eta’ ta’ 23 sena biex jidħlu għal kors tal-Livell 5/6/7
tal-Qafas Malti tal-Kwalifiki
5/C 6 E 12 E 18
b) l-eta’ ta’ 21 sena biex jidħlu għal kors tal-Livell 4 tal-
O 6 Qafas Malti tal-Kwalifiki
c) l-eta’ ta’ 19-il sena biex jidħlu għal kors tal-Livell 3 tal-
15. Wara li applikant jiġi kkunsidrat eliġibbli għal kors, in- Qafas Malti tal-Kwalifiki .
numru ta’ punti jinħadmu skont ir-rekwiżiti tal-kors: - Juru li jistgħu jibbenefikaw mill-kors u juru wkoll li huma
a) Il-punti totali għas-suġġetti Obbligatorji jiġu kapaċi jsegwu l-programm waqt intervista li ssirilhom
mmultiplikati b’5. apposta. Il-persuni magħżula jiġu msejħa għal intervista
b) Il-punti totali għas-suġġetti Preferuti jiġu biex jiġi stabbilit jekk humiex addattati biex isegwu
mmultiplikati bi 3. l-kors li jkunu għażlu. Il-Bord tal-Għażla jista’ jagħmel
c) It-total tal-punti kollha miksuba mill-applikant il-kundizzjoni lil xi kandidati li, sabiex jiġu aċċettati,
jindika il-post fl-Ordni tal-Mertu għad-dħul fil-kors. għandhom joqogħdu għal studji addizzjonali. Il-Bord
jista’ jirrakkomanda kors alternattiv fejn iħoss li dan ikun
16. Waqt li l-applikant ikun qed jimla l-formola elettronika, aktar addattat għall-kandidat. Il-Bord jirriżerva d-dritt li
għandha timtela wkoll il-Formola ta’ Kunsens dwar il- jevalwa l-kompetenzi tal-kandidati prospettivi permezz
Protezzjoni tad-Data. Meta jimla din il-formola jkun qed ta’ assessment.
jagħti permess lill-MCAST biex jipproċessa d-data tiegħu
u hekk l-applikazzjoni tkun kompluta. 22. Programmi vokazzjonali għall-iskejjel sekondarji
(Extended Certificate Livell 2 tal-BTEC) jiġu meqjusa
17. Jekk, wara l-ewwel sejħa għal applikazzjonijiet, ikun pari għal suġġett wieħed fil-Livell Ordinarju:
hemm korsijiet fejn jibqa’ postijiet mhux mimlija, isiru Distinction = Grad 1
sejħiet oħra għal applikazzjonijiet. Jekk, wara sejħiet Merit = Grad 3
suċċessivi, jibqa’ xi postijiet battala, dawn jiġu offruti Pass = Grad 5
fuq bażi first-come-first-served.

18. Kull applikazzjoni biex applikant jidħol jew jibdel kors

trid tgħaddi mill-Uffiċċju tar-Reġistratur u ma tiġix
milqugħa wara data maqbula mill-Kunsill tal-Istituti u
bl-approvat mid-Deputat Prinċipal - Reġistratur.



LIBRARY AND LEARNING RESOURCE Both students and staff can find most of their
information requirements at the LLRC, in printed
CENTRE (LLRC) and electronic format. Find also the equipment to
Email: [email protected] access it and library staff and services to support
you, all in one place.

RESEARCH AND INNOVATION Further steps have been taken to widen the
Research & Innovation remit of MCAST, through a
Email: [email protected]
wide range of applied research projects aiming at
various industries.

INCLUSIVE EDUCATION UNIT Supports students with particular needs or

disabilities to reach their academic goals
Email: [email protected]
throughout their studies at MCAST whilst
Tel: 2398 7127 / 7237 developing independence skills on their way to

LEARNING SUPPORT UNIT The LSU provides support to all MCAST students
in key skill units and more. This is provided by
Email: [email protected]
dedicated staff whenever required.

APPRENTICESHIP AND WORK-BASED Work-based learning is the heart of professional

and vocational education and training. MCAST
LEARNING DEPARTMENT strives to achieve its strategic mission to work
Email: [email protected] closely with industry and stakeholders for the
benefit of students through apprenticeships,
internships, traineeships and placements.

INTERNATIONAL OFFICE Students from Level 4 upwards can apply for and
participate in Erasmus+ trips to train or study
Email: [email protected]
across Europe gaining valuable experience and
[email protected]
learning about different European countries
Tel: 2398 7408 / 7422 / 7219 and cultures.

GRIEVANCE OFFICE The MCAST Grievance Office provides support and

enhances solutions for students and staff who
Email: [email protected]
have a complaint to be resolved.
ENTREPRENEURSHIP CENTRE MCAST strives to provide the necessary support
to become more employable and also start own
Email: [email protected]

CAREER GUIDANCE Not decided yet on your career? You do not

know how to realise your dream? Let us help to
Email: [email protected]
empower you to make your own choices and to
Tel: 2398 7135/6 select the right way that leads you here.

STUDENT LIAISON OFFICE The aim of this office is to offer students a holistic
experience towards educational and personal
Email: [email protected] growth through assistance and guidance to all
Tel: 2398 7310 services provided by the College.

INTEGRATION OFFICE The Unit aims to welcome, integrate and

accompany all students during their journey at
Email: [email protected]
MCAST towards celebrating diversity. It provides
Tel: 2398 7329 support to members of staff together with NGOs
working in the field of integration.

MCAST SALESIAN CHAPLAINCY TEAM A Salesian presence that with God’s help renders
MCAST a space where young people are listened
Email: [email protected]
to, prepared for life and valued.
Tel: 99892278

AGENZIJA ZGHAZAGH YOUTH HUB This is a space where students can develop their
personal and social skills in an informal way, relax
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
and chill out whilst also upgrading their educational
Tel: 2398 7168 skills through discussions, talks, activities and
projects organized by Agenzija Zghazagh.

KUNSILL STUDENTI MCAST The MCAST Student Council is an evolving

organisation with an important role at this College.
Email: [email protected] Every year it’s present to work on a set of objectives
intended to enhance student life at MCAST.



(IAS) Institute of Applied Sciences (IBMC) Institute of Business Management and Commerce

(ICS) Institute of Community Services (ICA) Institute for the Creative Arts

(IET) Institute of Engineering and Transport (IICT) Institute of Information and Communication Technology

Gozo Campus Masters Programmes

Skills Kits 36

Learning Support Unit

Award in Vocational Skills (Introductory A) 38

Award in Vocational Skills (Introductory B) 39

(IAS) Institute of Applied Sciences

Introductory Certificate in Applied Science 42

Foundation Certificate in Applied Science 43

Diploma in Applied Science 44

Advanced Diploma for Pharmacy Technicians 45

Advanced Diploma in Applied Science 46

Advanced Diploma in Environmental Sustainability 48

Advanced Diploma in Health Sciences 49

Advanced Diploma in Food Technology 50

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Chemical Technology 51

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Environmental Engineering 53

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Health Sciences (Physiological Measurements) 54

Northumbria University Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Nursing Studies 55

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Environmental Health 56

(IAS) Institute of Applied Sciences - Centre of Agriculture, Acquatics and Animal Sciences

Introductory Certificate in Animal Husbandry and Horticultural Skills 58

Award in Agribusiness 59

Foundation Certificate in Horticulture and Animal Care 60

Diploma in Animal Care 61

Diploma in Fish Husbandry 62

Diploma in Horticulture 64

Advanced Diploma in Animal Management and Veterinary Nursing 65

Advanced Diploma in Fish Management 66

Advanced Diploma in Horticulture 67

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Animal Management and Veterinary Nursing 69

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Horticulture 70

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Fish Management 71

(IBMC) Institute of Business Management and Commerce

Award in Basic Office Skills 74

Award in Hospitality 75

Award in Retail 76

Introductory Certificate in Business 77

Foundation Certificate in Business 78

Diploma in Business 80

Advanced Diploma in Business Administration 81

Advanced Diploma in Insurance 82

Advanced Diploma in Accounting 83

Advanced Diploma in Financial Services 85

Advanced Diploma in Marketing 86

Advanced Diploma in Administrative and Secretarial Studies 87

Higher Diploma for Accounting Technicians 88

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business Enterprise 89

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Procurement and Finance 90

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Financial Services Management 92

ACCA Qualification 93

(ICS) Institute of Community Services

Introductory Certificate in Care 96

Introductory Certificate in Hairdressing 97

Foundation Certificate in Care 98

Foundation Certificate in Hairdressing, Beauty and Well-Being 99

Foundation Certificate in Sport 100

Diploma for Beauty Specialists 102

Diploma in Hairdressing – Women 103

Diploma in Health and Social Care 104

Diploma in Sport 105

Extended Diploma in Foundation Studies for Security, Enforcement and Protection 106

Advanced Diploma in Beauty and Complementary Therapies 107

Advanced Diploma in Children’s Care, Learning and Development 108

Advanced Diploma in Health and Social Care 109

Advanced Diploma in Sport (Development, Coaching and Fitness) 110

Higher Diploma in Advanced Studies in the Early Years 111

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Health and Social Care (Management) 112

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Inclusive Education 113

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Sport, Exercise and Health 115

(ICA) Institute for the Creative Arts

Introductory Certificate in Art and Design 118

Foundation Certificate in the Creative Arts 119

Diploma in Art and Design 120

Diploma in Performing Arts 121

Diploma in Media 122

Diploma in Printing 124

Advanced Diploma in Art and Design 125

Advanced Diploma in Creative Media Production 126

Advanced Diploma in Cultural Heritage Skills 127

Advanced Diploma in Fashion and Retail 129

Advanced Diploma in Graphic Design and Interactive Media 130

Advanced Diploma in Performing Arts 131

Advanced Diploma in Photography 132

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Fine Art 134

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Game Art and Visual Design 135

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Graphic Design 136

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Interactive Media 137

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Product Design 138

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Spatial Design 139

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Media Production 141

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Photography 142

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Journalism 143

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Performing Arts 144

(IET) Institute of Engineering and Transport - Aviation Maintenance Training Centre

Diploma in Aircraft Maintenance 148

Diploma in Aircraft Structures and Repairs 149

Advanced Diploma in Aviation Operations 152

EASA Part-66 Aircraft Maintenance Category ‘A’ Licence Course 153

Aircraft Maintenance Technician Course (Leading to EASA Part-66 CAT B 1.1 Examinations) 154

Aircraft Maintenance Technician Course (Leading to EASA Part-66 CAT B2 Avionics Examinations) 157

(IET) Institute of Engineering and Transport - Building & Construction Engineering

Introductory Certificate in Construction Engineering 158

Foundation Certificate in Construction Engineering 159

Diploma in Building Services Installations (Plumbing or Plumbing and Electrical) 160

Diploma in Construction and Stone Masonry 161

Diploma in Construction Engineering 162

Diploma in Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning 163

Diploma in Joinery and Furniture Making 164

Diploma in Masonry Heritage Skills (Sewwej) 165

Diploma in Trowel Trades (Plastering and Tile Laying or Painting and Decorating) 166

Diploma in Welding and Fabrication 167

Advanced Diploma in Building Services Engineering 168

Advanced Diploma in Construction Engineering 169

Advanced Diploma in Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning 170

Advanced Diploma in Joinery, Furniture Design and Manufacturing 171

Advanced Diploma in Masonry Heritage Skills (Mastru) 172

Advanced Diploma in Plumbing and Liquid Petroleum Gas Systems 173

Advanced Diploma in Welding and Fabrication 174

Higher Diploma in Masonry Heritage Skills (Kapumastru) 175

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Building Services Engineering 176

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Construction Engineering 177

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Construction Engineering (Civil Engineering) 178

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Quantity Surveying 179

(IET) Institute of Engineering and Transport - Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Diploma in Electrical Installations 180

Diploma in Engineering (Electronics) 181

Advanced Diploma in Electrical Systems 182

Advanced Diploma in Industrial Electronics 183

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Electronics and Control Engineering 184


Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Electronics Engineering 186

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biomedical Engineering 187

(IET) Institute of Engineering and Transport - Mechanical Engineering

Introductory Certificate in Engineering 188

Foundation Certificate in Engineering 189

Diploma in Automotive Repair (Body and Paint) 190

Diploma in Light Vehicle Servicing 191

Diploma in Mechanical Engineering 192

Advanced Diploma for Polymer Process Technicians 194

Advanced Diploma in Light Vehicle Maintenance 195

Advanced Diploma in Manufacturing 196

Advanced Diploma in Marine Engineering 197

Advanced Diploma in Operations and Maintenance 199

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Mechanical Engineering (Manufacturing) 200

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Mechanical Engineering (Plant) 201

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Marine Engineering 202

(IET) Institute of Engineering and Transport - Centre for Maritime Studies

Diploma in Deck Operations 204

OIC Navigational Watch 205

Chief Mate 206

(IICT) Institute of Information and Communication Technology

Introductory Certificate in ICT 210

Foundation Certificate in ICT 211

Diploma in ICT 212

Diploma in iGaming 213

Advanced Diploma in IT (Computer Systems and Networks) 214

Advanced Diploma in IT (Multimedia Software Development) 216

Advanced Diploma in IT (Software Development) 217

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computer Systems and Networks 218

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Software Development 219

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Multimedia Software Development 221

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Business Analytics 222

Generic Degrees

Bachelor of Applied Science 226

Bachelor of Applied Business Studies 226

Bachelor of Community-Based Service Provision 226

Bachelor of Creative Arts 226

Bachelor of Applied Technology 226

Masters Programmes

Post-Graduate Certificate in Research Methods 230

Masters by Research 231

Master of Business Administration for the Small Business (MBA) 232

Master of Science in Lean Enterprise 233

Master of Science in Information Technology and Systems 234

Master of Science in Environmental Engineering 235

Master of Science in High Performance Buildings 236

Master of Science in Integrated Water Resource Management 237

Master of Arts in Product Design 238

Master of Science in Mechatronics 239

Master of Science in Exercise and Sports Science 240

Gozo Campus

Certificate in Vocational Skills 246

Introductory Certificate in Construction Engineering 247

Foundation Certificate in Care 248

Foundation Certificate in Hairdressing, Beauty and Well-Being 249

Foundation Certificate in ICT 250

Foundation Certificate in Engineering Skills 252

Diploma in Business 253

Diploma in Hairdressing – Women 254

Diploma in Health and Social Care 255

Diploma in Construction Engineering 256

Diploma in Electrical Installations 257

Diploma in Mechanical Engineering 259

Diploma in ICT 260

Advanced Diploma in Accounting 261

Advanced Diploma in Financial Services 262

Advanced Diploma in Health Sciences 264

Advanced Diploma in Health and Social Care 265


Advanced Diploma in Children’s Care, Learning and Development 266

Advanced Diploma in Electrical Systems 267

Advanced Diploma in IT (Computer Systems and Networks) 269

Advanced Diploma in IT (Multimedia Software Development) 270

Advanced Diploma in IT (Software Development) 271

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Inclusive Education 272

ACCA Qualification 273




Course Code: FC1-01-19

This course of studies gives the learners the Dan il-programm huwa maħsub għal studenti li
opportunity to study at their own pace and explore jippreferu jistudjaw bil-pass tagħhom u jesploraw oqsma
different vocational areas. It is made up of a number vokazzjonali differenti. Il-kors jikkonsisti f’numru ta’
of bite-sized courses ranging from vocational areas to korsijiet qosra li jkopru diversi oqsma vokazzjonali kif
personal skills and employability skills. Learners can ukoll ħiliet personali u ħiliet għall-impieg. L-istudenti jistħu
choose the number and combination of Skills Kits they jagħżlu kemm u liema Skills Kits jistudjaw u b’hekk joħolqu
would like to study creating their own programme l-programm ta’ studju tagħhom.
of studies.
L-iSkills Kits jinkludu suġġetti bħall-hairdressing, is-sbuħija
The Skills Kits include topics such as Hairdressing, u web design bażiku. L-istudenti jingħataw ċertifikat għal
Beauty and Developing Mobile Apps. Learners kull Skills Kit li jtemmu b’suċċess. Barra minn hekk, studenti
who successfully complete a Skills Kit are awarded li jtemmu b’suċċess 30 Skills Kit jakkwistaw l-MCAST
a certificate. Learners who successfully complete Introductory Skills Certificate.
30 Skills Kits are awarded the MCAST Introductory
Skills Certificate.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 1 Depends on the number of
Skills Kits applicants choose to
take. The maximum number of
Skills Kits that can be taken per
academic year is thirty.

Entry Requirements:
Finished Compulsory Education
An interview and / or Initial Assessment Tests For more info kindly visit:
(as may be applicable)


Course Code: PWA-01-18

The Award in Vocational Skills supports students with L-Award fil-Ħiliet Vokazzjonali jappoġġja lill-istudenti
learning disabilities / learning difficulties to acquire the b’diżabilità jew b’diffikultà fit-tagħlim għall-kisba tal-
skills required to gain and maintain employment or to ħiliet meħtieġa biex jiksbu u jżommu impjieg jew biex
further their education. ikomplu jistudjaw.

Students are trained in one of the following vocational L-istudenti jiġu mħarrġa f’wieħed mill-oqsma vokazzjonali
areas: Hospitality, Office Skills, Production and Retail. li ġejjin: l-Ospitalità, il-Ħiliet tal-Uffiċċju, il-Produzzjoni
They are also assessed in Key Skills which include u l-Bejgħ. Huma jiġu evalwati wkoll fil-Ħiliet Ewlenin, li
Maltese, English, Mathematics, PSHE, IT, and Daily Living jinkludu l-Malti, l-Ingliż, il-Matematika, il-PSHE, l-IT, u
and Community Skills. A work placement experience l-Ħiliet għall-Ħajja ta’ Kuljum u dawk Komunitarji. Tiġi
within the College is also provided according to the pprovduta wkoll esperjenza ta’ taħriġ fuq il-post tax-
vocational area being studied. xogħol fi ħdan il-Kulleġġ, skont il-qasam vokazzjonali li qed
jiġi studjat.
Before enrolling in the programme, students are
required to attend for a three-day evaluation period Qabel ma jirreġistraw fil-programm, l-istudenti huma
to assess the suitability of the course and identify the meħtieġa jattendu perjodu ta’ evalwazzjoni ta’ tlett ijiem
vocational area according to their abilities. biex tiġi evalwata l-adegwatezza tal-kors u jiġi identifikat
il-qasam vokazzjonali skont l-abbiltajiet tagħhom.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Introductory A 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
Finished Compulsory Education.
Provision of documents including School
Leaving Certificate.
A recent psychological report (issued no more than 3
years before date of application) and school reports
including last Individual Education Plan (IEP).
Adaptation to both class-based and community-based
learning to be ascertained through a 3-day workshop
at MCAST, attendance for which is compulsory.
Commitment to prospective employment.
Applicants may be asked to sit for an interview.

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: PWB-01-18

The Award in Vocational Skills is a programme of

study following the MCAST Award in Vocational Skills
– Introductory A that helps students with learning
disabilities / learning difficulties consolidate the skills
necessary to gain and maintain employment or to For more info kindly visit:
further their education.

Students will have the opportunity to further their

studies in the vocational area chosen in the MCAST
Award in Vocational Skills - Introductory A, which are
Hospitality, Office Skills, and Production and Retail.
They will also focus on Key Skills which include Maltese,
English, Mathematics, PSHE, IT, and Daily Living and
Community Skills. A work placement experience in
industry is also provided according to the vocational
area being studied.

L-Award fil-Ħiliet Vokazzjonali huwa programm ta’ studju

li jsegwi l-MCAST Award in Vocational Skills – Introductory
A, li jgħin lill-istudenti b’diżabilità jew diffikultà fit-tagħlim
għall-iżvilupp tal-ħiliet meħtieġa biex jiksbu u jżommu
impjieg jew biex ikomplu jistudjaw.

L-istudenti jkollhom l-opportunità li jkomplu l-istudji

tagħhom fil-qasam vokazzjonali magħżul fl-MCAST Award
in Vocational Skills - Introductory A, li huma l-Ospitalità,
il-Ħiliet tal-Uffiċċju, u l-Produzzjoni u l-Bejgħ. Huma se
jiffokaw ukoll fuq il-Ħiliet Ewlenin, li jinkludu l-Malti, l-Ingliż,
il-Matematika, il-PSHE, l-IT, u l-Ħiliet għall-Ħajja ta’ Kuljum
u dawk Komunitarji. Tiġi pprovduta wkoll esperjenza ta’
taħriġ fuq il-post tax-xogħol fl-industrija, skont il-qasam
vokazzjonali li qed jiġi studjat.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Introductory B 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
MCAST Award in Vocational Skills – Introductory A.
Adaptation to both class-based and community-based
learning to be ascertained through the previous year
Commitment to prospective employment.

Career Opportunities:
Hospitality – Housekeeping Assistant; Kitchen Hand,
Factory Hand, Laundry Worker, Clerical - Office


Institute of
Applied Science relates to the application of scientific
knowledge to practical challenges and jobs. At the
Institute of Applied Sciences, learners are prepared for
technological careers within the health, pharmaceutical,
environmental, food and beverage, or general
engineering sectors. Students learn to appreciate
how the fundamental principles of science relate to
the technological operations of the workplace, while
developing the skills to work in laboratories, hospitals,
farms, and with environmental technologies and
methodologies, as well as to apply basic scientific
principles in industrial settings. The Institute building
at the main campus includes eleven fully-equipped
laboratories for training and research in several scientific
and technological fields. At the CAAAS Qormi Campus,
learners make use of facilities required for studies in a
more practical and hands-on approach.

Ix-Xjenza Applikata tirrigwarda l-applikazzjoni ta’ għarfien

xjentifiku għal sfidi u impjiegi prattiċi. Fl-Istitut tax-Xjenzi
Applikati, l-istudenti jitħejjew għal karrieri teknoloġiċi fis-
setturi tas-saħħa, farmaċewtiċi, ambjentali, tal-ikel u x-xorb,
jew setturi ġenerali tal-inġinerija. L-istudenti jitgħallmu
japprezzaw kif il-prinċipji fundamentali tax-xjenza jirrelataw
mal-operazzjonijiet teknoloġiċi tal-post tax-xogħol, filwaqt
li jiżviluppaw il-ħiliet biex jaħdmu f’laboratorji, sptarijiet,
azjendi agrikoli, u mat-teknoloġiji u l-metodoloġiji
ambjentali, kif ukoll kif japplikaw prinċipji xjentifiċi bażiċi
f’ambjenti industrijali. Il-bini tal-Istitut fil-kampus ewlieni
jinkludi ħdax-il laboratorju mgħammar b’mod sħiħ għat-
taħriġ u r-riċerka f’diversi oqsma xjentifiċi u teknoloġiċi. Fis-
CAAAS Qormi Campus, l-istudenti jkunu qed jagħmlu użu
minn faċilitajiet li huma meħtieġa sabiex l-istudji jiġu segwiti
f’ambjent prattiku.

Course Code: AS1-01-19

This programme of studies aims to provide the learner

with the basic knowledge of science and technology
and how these apply to everyday life. The study units
deal with the different disciplines of science hence
giving the learner an overview of all the main scientific For more info kindly visit:
concepts necessary as a basis for further vocational
studies within the science sector.

Dan il-programm ta’ studji għandu l-għan li jipprovdi

lill-istudent l-għarfien bażiku tax-xjenza u t-teknoloġija
u kif dawn japplikaw għall-ħajja ta’ kuljum. L-unitajiet
ta’ studju jindirizzaw id-dixxiplini differenti tax-xjenza u
għaldaqstant jagħtu lill-istudent ħarsa ġenerali lejn il-
kunċetti xjentifiċi ewlenin kollha meħtieġa bħala bażi għal
studji vokazzjonali ulterjuri fis-settur tax-xjenza.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 1 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
Finished Compulsory Education
Initial Assessment Tests (as may be applicable)
Course Code: AS2-01-19

This programme of studies is aimed at giving learners

the opportunity to further their studies in several
diverse science-related areas including environmental,
health and industrial sciences. Learners will cover
various topics such as Chemistry, Physics, Biology, For more info kindly visit:
English, Maltese, Mathematics and IT which will be
taught in an applied manner that is relevant to the
various science sectors in which employment may be
sought with a higher qualification. This programme is
particularly suitable for learners who have a scientific
or technical aptitude, even if they have not decided
fully on their ultimate career choice.

Dan il-programm ta’ studji għandu l-għan li jagħti lill-

istudenti l-opportunità biex ikomplu l-istudji tagħhom
f’diversi oqsma differenti relatati max-xjenza inklużi
x-xjenzi ambjentali, tas-saħħa u industrijali. L-istudenti
jkopru diversi suġġetti bħall-Kimika, il-Fiżika, il-Bijoloġija,
l-Ingliż, il-Malti, il-Matematika u l-IT li se jiġu mgħallma
b’mod applikat li jkun rilevanti għad-diversi setturi tax-
xjenza li fihom jistgħu jsibu impjieg bi kwalifika ogħla.
Dan il-programm huwa partikolarment xieraq għall-
istudenti li għandhom aptitudni xjentifika jew teknika,
anke jekk ma jkunux għadhom iddeċidew liema karriera
se jidħlu għaliha.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 2 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
Finished Compulsory Education
or MCAST Introductory Certificate
Initial Assessment Tests (as may be applicable)


Course Code: AS3-01-19

This course of studies provides a strong grounding

in fundamental science and technology principles,
as well as an initial exposure to vocational science
subjects related to health, environment, food and
engineering industries. The learner will be able For more info kindly visit:
to understand the fundamental principles and
laws of science, and how these are applied within
the industrial sector. The learner will also be able
to understand the science of different materials,
and gain an awareness of the principles behind
certain technologies.

Dan il-kors ta’ studji jipprovdi bażi b’saħħitha għall-

prinċipji fundamentali tax-xjenza u t-teknoloġija,
kif ukoll esponiment inizjali għal suġġetti tax-xjenza
vokazzjonali relatati mal-industriji tas-saħħa, l-ambjent,
l-ikel u l-inġinerija. L-istudent ikun jista’ jifhem il-prinċipji
fundamentali u l-liġijiet tax-xjenza, u kif dawn huma
applikati fis-settur industrijali. L-istudent ikun jista’ jifhem
ukoll ix-xjenza ta’ materjali differenti, u jikseb għarfien
dwar il-prinċipji wara ċerti teknoloġiji.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes from
English Language, Mathematics, Physics,
Chemistry, Biology, Design and Technology,
Health and Social Care
or MCAST Foundation Certificate
Course Code: AS4-01-19

This programme of studies is designed to

provide learners with the skills, knowledge and
competencies necessary for a career as a pharmacy
technician. Learners will be exposed to scientific and
pharmaceutical principles and will be given a sound For more info kindly visit:
knowledge of health-related material, resulting in
a holistic approach to effectively and competently
embark on a career as a pharmacy technician.
This course of studies is designed to provide
learners with all the technical skills, knowledge of
procedures, legislation and responsibilities required
for such a career and includes work-related training
and practice.

Dan il-programm ta’ studji huwa mfassal biex jipprovdi

lill-istudenti l-ħiliet, l-għarfien u l-kompetenzi meħtieġa
għal karriera bħala tekniku farmaċewtiku. L-istudenti se
jiltaqgħu mal-prinċipji xjentifiċi u farmaċewtiċi u jingħataw
għarfien sod ta’ materjal relatat mas-saħħa, li jirriżulta
f’approċċ olistiku biex wieħed jibda karriera b’mod
effettiv u kompetenti bħala tekniku farmaċewtiku. Dan
il-kors ta’ studji huwa mfassal biex jipprovdi lill-istudenti
l-ħiliet tekniċi, l-għarfien tal-proċeduri, il-leġiżlazzjoni u
r-responsabbiltajiet kollha meħtieġa għal karriera bħal din
u jinkludi taħriġ u prattika relatatia max-xogħol.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O level / SSC&P (level 3) passes.
Compulsory: English Language, Mathematics,
Preferred: Biology, Health and Social Care
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
Pharmacy Technician

Course Code: AS4-A2-19

This course of studies is aimed at learners who

wish to embark on a scientific career in a range of
industries such as petrochemical, life sciences, health,
pharmaceutics, and environment. The programme of
studies contains a wide range of science and technology
study-units that reflect aspects of employment within
relevant industries. The learner will appreciate how
the fundamental principles of science relate to the
technological operations of the workplace. They will
develop the necessary skills to work in a laboratory
environment within the manufacturing industry, and
to apply basic principles within the workplace.

Dan il-kors ta’ studji huwa mmirat lejn studenti li

jixtiequ jibdew karriera xjentifika f’firxa ta’ industriji
bħal dawk relatati mal-petrokimika, ix-xjenzi tal-ħajja,
is-saħħa, il-farmaċewtika u l-ambjent. Il-programm ta’
studji jinkludi firxa wiesgħa ta’ unitajiet ta’ studju tax-
xjenza u t-teknoloġija li jirriflettu aspetti tal-impjiegi
f’industriji rilevanti. L-istudenti jirrikonoxxu kif il-prinċipji
fundamentali tax-xjenza jirrelataw mal-operazzjonijiet
tekniċi tal-post tax-xogħol. Huma jiżviluppaw il-ħiliet
neċessarji biex jaħdmu f’ambjent ta’ laboratorju fl-
industrija tal-manifattura, u biex japplikaw il-prinċipji
bażiċi fuq il-post tax-xogħol.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O level / SSC&P (level 3) passes from English
Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology,
Design and Technology, Health and Social Care
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
Laboratory analyst,
Laboratory technologist,
Scientific officer

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: AS4-03-17

Awareness of environmental sustainability and related Il-kuxjenza dwar is-sostenibbiltà ambjentali u s-setturi
environmentally-based sectors are growing rapidly bbażati fuq l-ambjent relatati qed tikber b’mod rapidu
in Europe, with the Maltese government recently fl-Ewropa, u dan l-aħħar il-gvern Malti introduċa diversi
introducing various laws and standards on reducing liġijiet u standards dwar it-tnaqqis tat-tisħin globali, it-
global warming, climate change, low carbon emissions tibdil fil-klima, il-livell baxx ta’ emissjonijiet tal-karbonju
and the need for conservation in general. u l-ħtieġa għall-konservazzjoni b’mod ġenerali.

This programme of studies includes topics related to Dan il-programm ta’ studji jinkludi suġġetti relatati
environmental monitoring even within manufacturing mal-monitoraġġ ambjentali, anke fi ħdan industriji tal-
industries that are fundamental to the development of manifattura, li huma fundamentali għall-iżvilupp ta’
environmental awareness and provides the necessary kuxjenza ambjentali u jipprovdi l-ħiliet u t-tekniki prattiċi
practical skills and techniques. Employment is typically neċessarji. L-impjieg huwa tipikament f’organizzazzjonijiet
within environmental sustainability sector-based ibbażati fuq is-settur tas-sostenibbiltà ambjentali, kif ukoll
organisations, as well as within medium to large fi ħdan organizzazzjonijiet medji sa kbar li jiffaċċjaw ħafna
organisations that face many environmental challenges, sfidi ambjentali fuq bażi ta’ kuljum, bħall-immaniġġjar
such as waste management, alternative energy sources, tal-iskart, is-sorsi alternattivi ta’ enerġija, il-ġestjoni tat-
traffic management and pollution, on a daily basis. traffiku u t-tniġġis.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O level / SSC&P (level 3) passes.
Compulsory: at least three (3) from English
Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry,
Biology, Design and Technology, Computer Studies,
Environmental Studies.
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
Technical project manager,
Environmental technologist,
Environmental analyst

For more info kindly visit:
Course Code: AS4-04-19

This programme of studies has been developed to

prepare individuals for health-related careers. The
study-units deal with the anatomy and physiology
of the human body, the physical and psychological
changes due to aging, and will help learners to build For more info kindly visit:
competencies that will help when dealing with people
with health issues and challenging behaviour. Through
work placements, learners will get the opportunity to
develop the skills and competencies required to work
within the health sector.

Dan il-programm ta’ studji ġie żviluppat biex iħejji lill-

individwi għal karrieri relatati mas-saħħa. L-unitajiet ta’
studju jindirizzaw l-anatomija u l-fiżjoloġija tal-ġisem tal-
bniedem, it-tibdil fiżiku u psikoloġiku minħabba xjuħija,
u jgħin lill-istudenti jiżviluppaw kompetenzi li jgħinuhom
jitgħallmu kif iġibu ruħhom ma’ persuni bi problemi
ta’ saħħa u ta’ mġieba diffiċli. Permezz ta’ taħriġ fuq
il-post tax-xogħol, l-istudenti jkollhom l-opportunità li
jiżviluppaw il-ħiliet u l-kompetenzi meħtieġa biex jaħdmu
fis-settur tas-saħħa.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O level / SSC&P (level 3) passes.
Compulsory: English Language, Mathematics, Biology.
Preferred: Maltese, Chemistry, Health and Social Care
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
Allied Health Assistant,
Paramedic Aide,
Health administrator

Course Code: TC4-A1-18

The food and beverage industry is a dynamic sector L-industrija tal-ikel u x-xorb hija settur dinamiku li
which requires a number of highly skilled technical jirrikjedi għadd ta’ persuni tekniċi bi kwalifiki għoljin biex
people to cope with constantly changing customers’ ilaħħqu mad-domandi tal-konsumaturi dejjem jinbidlu
demands and new innovative production technologies. u t-teknoloġiji ġodda tal-produzzjoni innovattiva. It-
Food technologists monitor day-to-day manufacturing teknoloġisti tal-ikel jissorveljaw attivitajiet ta’ manifattura
activities; ensure that safety and quality standards minn jum għall-ieħor; jiżguraw li jiġu ssodisfati l-istandards
are met; improve existing products and design and ta’ sikurezza u ta’ kwalità; itejbu prodotti eżistenti u
innovative foods and drinks. This is a multidisciplinary jiddisinjaw ikel u xarbiet ġodda u innovattivi. Dan huwa
programme offered across four Institutes and includes programm multidixxiplinari offrut f’erba’ Istituti u jinkludi
topics on food analysis, product manufacturing, food suġġetti dwar l-analiżi tal-ikel, il-manifattura tal-prodott,
safety, cost accounting and product design. This is-sikurezza tal-ikel, il-kontabilità tal-ispejjeż u d-disinn
programme prepares learners for employment within tal-prodott. Dan il-programm iħejji lill-istudenti għall-
SMEs as well as medium to large organizations which impjieg fl-SMEs, kif ukoll f’organizzazzjoniet medji u kbar
produce a range of food and drink products. li jipproduċu firxa ta’ prodotti tal-ikel u x-xorb.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O level/SSC&P (level 3) passes.
Preferred: English Language, Mathematics, Home
Economics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Design
and Technology
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
Food analyst,
Assistant food technologist,
Food product development technologist,
Food Production supervisor,
Food Quality Assurance Technician

For more info kindly visit:
Course Code: AS6-01-19

This undergrad course offers an opportunity to Dan il-kors li jwassal għal baċellerat joffri opportunità
learners to gain a foundation in the core chemistry lill-istudenti biex jiksbu bażi soda fil-kunċetti ewlenin tal-
concepts and the manufacture of chemical products, kimika u l-manifattura ta’ prodotti kimiċi, bħal prodotti
such as pharmaceuticals, polymers, foods, beverages farmaċewtiċi, polimeri, ikel, xorb u prodotti petrokimiċi.
and petrochemicals.
L-għarfien, il-ħiliet u l-kompetenzi miksuba jagħtu lill-
The knowledge, skills and competences attained give individwi l-opportunità biex jirnexxu fl-impjieg f’firxa
individuals an opportunity to succeed in employment wiesgħa ta’ industriji tal-manifattura u tal-ipproċessar,
in a wide range of manufacturing and processing ta’ ditti ta’ konsulenza, mal-gvern, u ma’ istituzzjonijiet
industries, consulting firms, government, research and ta’ riċerka u edukattivi. Il-kors jesponi lill-istudenti għall-
educational institutions. The course exposes learners iżvilupp u d-disinn ta’ proċessi kimiċi fi skali differenti u
to the development and design of chemical processes joħloq pont bejn ix-xjenza u l-manifattura, bl-applikazzjoni
at different scales and creates a bridge between science tal-prinċipji tal-kimika u l-inġinerija biex jiġu solvuti
and manufacturing, by applying the principles of problemi li jinvolvu l-produzzjoni jew l-użu ta’ sustanzi
chemistry and engineering to solve problems involving kimiċi. Il-programm jipprovdi wkoll opportunitajiet għall-
the production or use of chemicals. The programme istudenti biex jiffokaw fuq l-iżvilupp ta’ ħiliet ta’ livell ogħla
also provides opportunities for learners to focus on f’kuntest xjentifiku u teknoloġiku.
the development of higher level skills in a scientific and
technological context.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 3 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-level passes and 2 I-level passes.
Compulsory A-level: Chemistry.
Preferred A- or I-level: Biology or Physics or
Mathematics (Pure or Applied)
or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST

Career Opportunities:
Senior Laboratory Analyst,
Laboratory Administrator,
Validation Specialist,
Chemical Plant Administrator

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: AS6-02-19

The protection of natural resources, CO2 emissions, Il-protezzjoni tar-riżorsi naturali, l-emissjonijiet tas-CO2,
climate change and its effects, and demographic it-tibdil fil-klima u l-effetti tiegħu, u t-tibdil demografiku,
changes, are increasingly important topics in the huma suġġetti li qed isiru dejjem aktar importanti fil-
local and international context. The programme kuntest lokali u internazzjonali. Il-programm jgħaqqad
merges classical engineering with natural sciences. l-inġinerija klassika max-xjenzi naturali.
Environmental engineering deals with engineering L-inġinerija ambjentali tittratta s-soluzzjonijiet tal-
solutions for environmentally relevant challenges inġinerija għal sfidi ambjentalment rilevanti tal-futur
of our future. This course provides learners with the tagħna. Dan il-kors iwassal lill-istudenti biex ikunu
ability to use problem-solving approaches for dealing kapaċi jużaw approċċi għas-soluzzjoni tal-problemi biex
with ecological and technical challenges, in order to jiġu indirizzati l-isfidi ekoloġiċi u tekniċi, bil-għan li jaslu
creatively arrive at optimal resource sustainability. f’sitwazzjoni li tinvolvi sostenibbiltà tar-riżorsi.

The course is a challenging, technically-oriented Il-kors huwa programm impenjattiv, orjentat lejn it-
programme that offers learners a broad range of teknoloġija u joffri lill-istudenti firxa wiesgħa ta’ oqsma
fields of application. Environmental engineers can be ta’ applikazzjoni. L-inġiniera ambjentali jistgħu jkunu
active in the planning, construction and operation of attivi fl-ippjanar, il-kostruzzjoni u l-operat ta’ faċilitajiet
environmentally technological facilities, in research and ambjentalment teknoloġiċi, fir-riċerka u t-tagħlim,
teaching, environmental organisations, administration, f’organizzazzjonijiet ambjentali, fl-amministrazzjoni u
and consultancy businesses of their own. f’negozji ta’ konsulenza tagħhom stess.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 3 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-level passes and 2 I-level passes.
Compulsory A-level: Physics or Mathematics (Pure or
Applied) or Biology or Chemistry
or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST

Career Opportunities:
Environmental regulator,
Environmental engineer,
Environmental sales engineer,
Alternative energy manager,
Water Project Manager

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: AS6-03-19

This degree programme is intended for learners

who wish to pursue studies which will provide
them with the appropriate competences for the
measurement and imaging of the human body’s
physiological activity. Scientists qualified in this field For more info kindly visit:
team up with various other health professionals and
provide the diagnostic information which is vital to
the medical profession in the treatment of several
medical conditions.

This three-year programme, will provide the learner

with the knowledge, clinical training and skills necessary
to gain the professional qualifications required to
work as a healthcare science practitioner in the area
of clinical physiology.

Dan il-programm li jwassal għal baċellerat huwa maħsub

għall-istudenti li jixtiequ jkomplu bl-istudji tagħhom f’oqsma
li jipprovdulhom il-kompetenzi xierqa biex jiksbu tagħrif
dwar l-attività fiżjoloġika tal-ġisem tal-bniedem. Ix-xjentisti
kwalifikati f’dan il-qasam jingħaqdu ma’ diversi professjonisti
oħra fil-qasam tas-saħħa u jipprovdu l-informazzjoni
dijanjostika li hija vitali għall-professjoni medika fir-rigward
tat-trattament ta’ diversi kondizzjonijiet mediċi.

Dan il-programm ta’ tliet snin jipprovdi lill-istudent it-tagħrif,

it-taħriġ kliniku u l-ħiliet meħtieġa biex jikseb il-kwalifiki
professjonali meħtieġa biex jaħdem bħala prattikant
xjentifiku kkwalifikat fil-qasam tal-fiżjoloġija klinika.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 3 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-level and 2 I-level passes.
Compulsory A-level: Biology.
Preferred: Chemistry, Physics
or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST

Career Opportunities:
Health practitioner (Physiological Measurements)
Course Code: AS6-04-17

This Northumbria University programme offered in Dan il-programm tal-Università ta’ Northumbria offrut
collaboration with MCAST, provides learners with the b’kollaborazzjoni mal-MCAST jipprovdi lill-istudenti
necessary competencies and qualifications required to l-kompetenzi u l-kwalifiki neċessarji li huma meħtieġa
register as a nurse (level 1) in Malta and across all EU biex jirreġistraw bħala infermiera (l-ewwel livell) f’Malta
member states. u fl-Istati Membri kollha tal-UE.

Learners will pursue a minimum of 2,300 hours of L-istudenti jkollhom minimu ta’ 2,300 siegħa ta’ ħidma
theoretical and 2,300 hours of practical work (most of teoretika u 2,300 siegħa ta’ ħidma prattika (li ħafna
which is carried out on placement) as stipulated by EU minnha ssir fuq il-post tax-xogħol) kif stipulat fid-
directive 2005/36/EC, leading to a clinically skilled and Direttiva tal-UE 2005/36/KE , bil-għan li l-infermiera jkunu
compassionate nurse with professional values and who klinikament imħarrġa, juru kompassjoni, iħaddnu valuri
is fully capable of taking on accountable responsibility. professjonali u jkunu kapaċi jieħdu r-responsabbiltà fit-
Learners must successfully pass all theoretical and twettiq ta’ dmirijiethom. L-istudenti jridu jgħaddu mill-
practical components of the course to be eligible partijiet teoretiċi u prattiċi kollha tal-kors biex ikunu
for registration. eliġibbli għar-reġistrazzjoni.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 3 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-level passes in Biology and either English,
Psychology, Sociology or Chemistry, and 2 I-level passes
(Preferred I-level: Chemistry, Mathematics, Sociology)

or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST

Applicants will be subject to an occupational health
screening and a values-based competitive interview
to establish the suitability of candidates for nursing
and that will ultimately act towards the final selection
of candidates. Places on this programme are limited.
Learners must also provide evidence of a clear
criminal conduct.

Career Opportunities:
State Registered Nurse

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: AS6-05-17

Prospective learners following this programme will L-istudenti prospettivi li jsegwu dan il-programm jindirizzaw
be dealing with the various, often inter-related, facets id-diversi aspetti, ħafna drabi relatati ma’ xulxin, tas-
of environmental health that include: public health; saħħa ambjentali li jinkludu: is-saħħa pubblika; is-saħħa
environmental health and safety; food and water u s-sikurezza ambjentali; is-sikurezza tal-ikel u tal-ilma;
safety; health aspects relating to domestic, leisure and l-aspetti tas-saħħa relatati ma’ ambjenti domestiċi, ta’
work-place environments, and the impact of these divertiment u fuq il-post tax-xogħol, u l-impatt ta’ dawn
various factors on the individual and on society at large. id-diversi fatturi fuq l-individwu u fuq is-soċjetà inġenerali.

Learners will gain the knowledge, skills and L-istudenti jiksbu l-għarfien, il-ħiliet u l-kompetenzi dwar kif
competences on how to assess, analyse, devise and jivvalutaw, janalizzaw, ifasslu u jimplimentaw soluzzjonijiet
implement efficient solutions to environmental health effiċjenti fir-rigward tal-kwistjonijiet ta’ saħħa ambjentali,
issues, with a view that successful candidates may be bl-għan li l-kandidati li jtemmu l-kors b’suċċess ikunu jistgħu
employed in advisory, enforcement or educational jsibu impjieg f’pożizzjonijiet ta’ konsulenza, ta’ infurzar
positions. They will also learn about current local jew fil-qasam tal-edukazzjoni. Huma se jitgħallmu wkoll
policies and legal frameworks that oversee the dwar politiki lokali u oqfsa legali kurrenti li jissorveljaw il-
governance of these environmental health factors. governanza ta’ dawn il-fatturi ta’ saħħa ambjentali.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 3 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-level and 2 I-level passes.
Compulsory A-level: Biology.
Preferred A-level: English Language, Chemistry.
Preferred I-level: Chemistry, Mathematics
or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST

Career Opportunities:
Environmental Health Officer

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: AG1-01-19

This basic programme of studies equips learners with

a range of skills, enabling them to begin to understand
what various land-based animal and crop activities
involve. The learner will have the opportunity to
handle a variety of farm animals as well as work on For more info kindly visit:
crop fields and fruit trees. This course of studies
includes topics about soil management, establishing
crops, animal management, livestock nutrition and
farm maintenance. Learners will have the opportunity
to feed various animals such as rabbits and poultry,
incubate eggs and hatch chicks whilst gaining the
required hands-on experience in the horticulture and
animal husbandry sector.

Dan il-programm bażiku ta’ studji jipprovdi lill-istudenti

firxa ta’ ħiliet, li permezz tagħhom huma jibdew jifhmu
x’jinvolvu diversi attivitajiet tal-annimali u l-għelejjel fuq
l-art. L-istudent ikollu l-opportunità li jieħu ħsieb varjetà
ta’ annimali tal-irziezet, kif ukoll li jaħdem fl-għelieqi tal-
għelejjel u fuq is-siġar tal-frott. Dan il-kors ta’ studji jinkludi
suġġetti dwar il-ġestjoni tal-ħamrija, l-istabbiliment ta’
għelejjel, il-ġestjoni tal-annimali, in-nutrizzjoni tal-
bhejjem u l-manutenzjoni tal-irziezet.L-istudenti jkollhom
l-opportunità li jagħlfu diversi annimali bħal fniek u tjur,
jużaw l-inkubatur tal-bajd u jfaqqsu l-flieles, filwaqt li
jiksbu l-esperjenza prattika fis-settur tal-ortikultura u tat-
trobbija tal-annimali.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 1 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
Finished Compulsory Education
Initial Assessment Tests (as may be applicable)

Course Code: AG1-02-18

This course of studies is intended for learners who Dan il-kors ta’ studji huwa maħsub għall-istudenti li
would like to become familiar with the provision of jixtiequ jsiru familjar mal-kura ġenerali tal-annimali
general care to pet animals. Learners need to have domestiċi. L-istudenti jeħtieġ li jkollhom interess ġenwin li
a genuine interest for employability in posts related jsibu impjieg f’pożizzjonijiet relatati mal-kura tal-annimali
to animal care and agriculture. Learners will have u l-agrikoltura. L-istudenti jkollhom l-opportunità jidħlu
the opportunity to delve into general animal care, fil-fond fir-rigward tal-kura ġenerali tal-annimali, inklużi
including nutritional needs of various species of l-ħtiġijiet nutrizzjonali ta’ diversi speċi ta’ annimali, id-
animals, differences in types of feeds and housing differenzi f’tipi ta’ għalf u l-ħtiġijiet ta’ abitazzjoni, kif
needs, how to recognise basic behavioural signs and jirrikonoxxu sinjali bażiċi ta’ imġiba u kif jittrattaw
how to handle different animals safely and humanely annimali differenti b’mod sikur u uman, f’konformità mar-
in line with animal welfare regulations. Learners regolamenti dwar il-benesseri tal-annimali. L-istudenti
will also be introduced to the basic principles of jiġu introdotti wkoll għall-prinċipji bażiċi ta’ tekniki tal-
horticultural techniques and will therefore learn ortikultura u għalhekk jiksbu ħiliet prattiċi ta’ ġardinaġġ.
practical gardening skills.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 1 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
Finished compulsory education – providing necessary
documents including SSC&P (Secondary School
Certificate & Profile).

A recent psychological report (issued no more than 3

years before date of application) and school reports
including most recent Individual Education Plan (IEP).

Adaptation to both class-based and community-based

learning to be ascertained through a 3-day workshop
at MCAST, for which attendance is compulsory.
Commitment to prospective employment. Applicants
are asked to sit for an interview.

Career Opportunities:
Assistant in Pet shop, Nurseries,
Garden Centres & Landscape Maintenance

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: AG2-01-19

This course of studies is designed to equip learners

with a range of basic skills and competencies enabling
them to become competent in various land-based
activities related to the agricultural sector.This
programme of studies includes a significant amount For more info kindly visit:
of vocational practice that will provide a clear idea of
the nature of the area that the learner may wish to
follow in the future. Learners will have the opportunity
to gain hands-on experience with farm animals, exotic
animals and plants. Special focus will be given to soil,
crop and animal management, livestock nutrition and
farm maintenance.

Dan il-kors ta’ studji huwa mfassal biex jipprovdi lill-

istudenti firxa ta’ ħiliet u kompetenzi bażiċi sabiex isiru
kompetenti f’diversi attivitajiet ibbażati fuq l-art, relatati
mas-settur agrikolu. Dan il-programm ta’ studji jinkludi
ammont sinifikanti ta’ prattika vokazzjonali li tagħti idea
ċara tan-natura tal-qasam li l-istudent jista’ jkun jixtieq
jinvolvi ruħu fih fil-futur. L-istudenti jkollhom l-opportunità
li jiksbu esperjenza prattika mal-annimali tal-irziezet,
l-annimali eżotiċi u l-pjanti. Tingħata attenzjoni speċjali
lill-ġestjoni tal-ħamrija, tal-għelejjel u tal-annimali, in-
nutrizzjoni tal-bhejjem u l-manutenzjoni tal-irziezet.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 2 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
Finished compulsory education
or MCAST Introductory Certificate
Initial Assessment Tests (as may be applicable)

Course Code: AG3-01-19

This course of studies offers an introduction to working

with and handling farm animals and pets, and the
necessary related hands-on experience. It provides the
practical skills and background knowledge required to
form a solid foundation in animal care. The learner will For more info kindly visit:
have the opportunity to acquire knowledge on various
habitat designs that can be used for farm and pet animals
as well as accommodation, study feeding procedures
and how to identify and solve animal health problems.
A learner who opts for this programme of studies will
be expected to attend scheduled husbandry duties
which form part of this course. This practical experience,
coupled with motivation and responsibility will back up
the theoretical knowledge gained at the Centre.

Dan il-kors ta’ studji joffri introduzzjoni għall-ħidma mal-

annimali tal-irziezet u l-annimali domestiċi u t-trattament
tagħhom, flimkien mal-esperjenza prattika relatata
meħtieġa. Dan jipprovdi l-ħiliet prattiċi u l-għarfien
bażiku biex tiġi ffurmata bażi soda fir-rigward tal-kura
tal-annimali. L-istudent ikollu l-opportunità li jakkwista
għarfien dwar diversi disinji ta’ abitazzjoni li jistgħu
jintużaw għall-annimali tal-irziezet u l-annimali domestiċi,
kif ukoll għall-akkomodazzjoni, li jistudja dwar il-proċeduri
tal-għalf u kif jidentifika u jsolvi problemi tas-saħħa tal-
annimali. Student li jagħżel li jsegwi dan il-programm
ta’ studji se jkun mistenni jaqdi d-dmirijiet skedati tat-
trobbija tal-annimali li jifformaw parti minn dan il-kors.
Din l-esperjenza prattika, flimkien mal-motivazzjoni u
r-responsabbiltà se jsaħħu l-għarfien teoretiku li jkun
inkiseb fiċ-Ċentru.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 SEC/O level / SSC&P (level 3) passes.
Preferred: Biology, English Language, Agribusiness
or MCAST Foundation Certificate

Career Opportunities:
Animal groomer, Pet shop assistant,
Animal care assistant


Course Code: AG3-02-19

This course of studies introduces the learner to the

basics of fish husbandry and provides the knowledge
and skills required by the learner for eventual
employment in related industries such as the fish
farming and aquatics industries.

Being the only course in Malta that is solely dedicated

to fish husbandry, this programme offers an excellent
opportunity for employment in this industry, which
has now become an important economic sector in the
Maltese Islands.

The learner will develop the knowledge and practical

skills needed, provided that one attends all the practical
sessions which are vital to enhance the theoretical
knowledge gained during lectures.

Dan il-kors ta’ studji jintroduċi lill-istudent l-aspetti bażiċi

tat-trobbija tal-ħut u jipprovdi l-għarfien u l-ħiliet meħtieġa
mill-istudent biex eventwalment isib impjieg f’industriji
relatati, bħall-industriji tat-trobbija tal-ħut u tal-akkwatika.

Billi huwa l-uniku kors f’Malta ddedikat biss għat-trobbija

tal-ħut, dan il-programm joffri opportunità eċċellenti għal
impjieg f’din l-industrija, li issa saret settur ekonomiku
importanti fil-Gżejjer Maltin.

L-istudent jiżviluppa l-għarfien u l-ħiliet prattiċi meħtieġa,

ladarba jattendi s-sessjonijiet prattiċi kollha li huma
vitali biex jissaħħaħ l-għarfien teoretiku miksub matul

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 SEC/O level / SSC&P (level 3) passes.
Preferred: Biology, English Language, Agribusiness
or MCAST Foundation Certificate

Career Opportunities:
Fish farm assistant,
Aquarium shop assistant
For more info kindly visit:


Course Code: AG3-03-18

This course of studies consists of four different

modules: viticulture, floral design, gardening and
nursery production, crop production and processing.
Practical sessions and work experience form an
integral part of the programme of studies, providing For more info kindly visit:
the learners with the required skills and competencies
to improve employment opportunities. The course
also provides a good foundation for future career
prospects in the respective fields as well as for
progression to a more advanced qualification.This
programme also gives the learner the possibility
to choose one’s own combination of different
modules leading to certification of an award for each
individual stand-alone module that the learner has
successfully completed.

Dan il-kors ta’ studji jikkonsisti f’erba’ unitajiet differenti:

il-vitikultura, id-disinn tal-fjuri, il-ġardinaġġ u t-tkabbir
tal-pjanti, il-produzzjoni u l-ipproċessar tal-għelejjel. Is-
sessjonijiet prattiċi u l-esperjenza ta’ xogħol jifformaw
parti integrali mill-programm ta’ studji u jipprovdu lill-
istudenti l-ħiliet u l-kompetenzi meħtieġa biex itejbu
l-opportunitajiet ta’ impjieg tagħhom. Il-kors jipprovdi
wkoll bażi tajba għall-prospetti tal-karriera fil-futur fl-
oqsma rispettivi, kif ukoll biex wieħed jagħmel progress
lejn kwalifika aktar avvanzata. Dan il-programm jagħti
lill-istudent il-possibbilà li jagħżel il-kombinazzjoni tiegħu
stess ta’ unitajiet differenti, li jwasslu għaċ-ċertifikazzjoni
b’għotja għal kull unità awtonoma individwali li l-utent
itemm b’suċċess.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 SEC/O level/SSC&P (level 3) passes.
Preferred: Biology, English Language, Agribusiness
or MCAST Foundation Certificate

Career Opportunities:
Plant nursery assistant,
Horticulture farm/greenhouse aide,
Florist assistant,
Viticulture attendant
Course Code: AG4-01-19

This course of studies provides learners with a broad Dan il-kors ta’ studji jipprovdi lill-istudenti għarfien wiesa’
knowledge of the animal management and animal care fir-rigward tal-industrija tal-ġestjoni u l-kura tal-annimali,
industry, including veterinary nursing and assistance inklużi l-infermerija u l-assistenza veterinarja, kif ukoll
as well as studies in veterinary diagnostic techniques studji ta’ tekniki dijanjostiċi veterinarji u l-ġestjoni tal-
and livestock management.The programme of studies bhejjem. Il-programm ta’ studji joffri perspettiva wiesgħa
offers a wide perspective on the latest practices in the dwar il-prattiki l-aktar riċenti fis-settur tal-ġestjoni u
animal management/animal care sector as well as its l-kura tal-annimali, kif ukoll l-interkonnettività tiegħu
interconnectivity with entrepreneurship and the related mal-intraprenditorja u s-settur kummerċjali relatat.
business sector.Learners will be encouraged to relate L-istudenti se jiġu mħeġġa jorbtu t-teorija mal-prattika
theory to practice at all stages through assignments, fl-istadji kollha permezz ta’ assignments, proġetti, ħidma
projects, practical work and work placements. prattika u esperjenzi ta’ xogħol. Id-dmirjiet skedati tat-
Scheduled practical livestock husbandry duties form trobbija prattika tal-bhejjem jifformaw parti integrali
an integral part of the curriculum. mill-kurrikulu.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years full time

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O level / SSC&P (level 3) passes.
Preferred: Agribusiness, Biology, Chemistry, English
Language, Mathematics
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
Veterinary assistant,
Veterinary nursing assistant,
Farm operator,
Animal Sanctuary Warden

For more info kindly visit:


Course Code: AG4-02-19

This course of studies offers the learner a wide Dan il-kors ta’ studji joffri lill-istudent perspettiva wiesgħa
perspective of different aspects of fish management ta’ aspetti differenti tal-ġestjoni tal-ħut u jipprovdilhom
and will provide them with a broad knowledge and għarfien u aptitudni wesgħin relatati mas-settur u
aptitude related to the fish husbandry sector and l-industrija tat-trobbija tal-ħut. L-istudenti jakkwistaw
industry. Learners will acquire knowledge, skills and l-għarfien, il-ħiliet u l-kompetenzi meħtieġa fl-industriji
competencies in both the farmed and ornamental fish tat-trobbija tal-ħut, kemm dik tal-fish farms kif ukoll dik
husbandry industries. This programme of studies also ornamentali. Dan il-programm ta’ studji jesponi wkoll lill-
exposes learners to key concepts related to wild stock istudenti għal kunċetti ewlenin relatati mal-ġestjoni tas-sajd
fisheries management. tal-ħut selvaġġ.

The programme will give an opportunity to learners Il-programm jagħti opportunità lill-istudenti biex jiksbu
to gain experience while learning new skills and are esperjenza filwaqt li jiksbu ħiliet ġodda u jiġu kontinwament
constantly encouraged to relate theory to practice at imħeġġa li jorbtu t-teorija mal-prattika fl-istadji kollha
all stages through assignments, projects, practical work permezz ta’ assignments, proġetti, ħidma prattika u
and work placements. Scheduled fish husbandry duties esperjenzi ta’ xogħol. Id-dmirijiet skedati tat-trobbija
form an integral part of the curriculum. prattika tal-annimali jifformaw parti integrali mill-kurrikulu.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O level / SSC&P (level 3) passes.
Preferred: Agribusiness, Biology, Chemistry, English
Language, Mathematics
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
Fish farm inspector,
Aquaculture/aquatic technician,
Hatchery manager,
Aquarium maintenance technician

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: AG4-A3-17

This programme of studies provides learners with Dan il-programm ta’ studji jipprovdi lill-istudenti fehim
an understanding of the horticultural industry dwar l-industrija tal-ortikultura, inkluża l-ġestjoni ta’ firxa
including crop management of a wide range of wiesgħa ta’ għelejjel, introduzzjoni għad-disinn tal-ġonna,
crops, an introduction to garden design, floristry, il-produzzjoni u l-bejgħ tal-fjuri, il-ġestjoni tal-pesti u tan-
pest and nutrient management, and studies in rural nutrizzjoni, u studji fil-politiki agrikoli u tal-iżvilupp rurali.
development and agricultural policies.
Il-programm ta’ studji joffri perspettiva wiesgħa dwar it-
The programme of studies offers a wide perspective on teknoloġiji l-aktar riċenti użati fis-settur agrikolu, kif ukoll
the latest technologies used in the agricultural sector l-interkonnettività tiegħu mal-intraprenditorja u s-setturi
as well as its interconnectivity with entrepreneurship kummerċjali tal-ospitalità fir-rigward tad-disinn tal-ġonna
and business and the hospitality sector in relation to u l-agrituriżmu u l-ekoturiżmu. L-istudenti se jiġu mħeġġa
garden design and agri- and ecotourism. Learners will jorbtu t-teorija mal-prattika fl-istadji kollha permezz ta’
be encouraged to relate theory to practice at all stages assignments, proġetti, ħidma prattika u l-iskema tal-
of learning through assignments, projects, practical apprendistat. Id-dmirjiet skedati tat-trobbija prattika tal-
work and the apprenticeship scheme. Scheduled bhejjem jifformaw parti integrali mill-kurrikulu.
practical crop husbandry duties form an integral part
of the curriculum.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O level/SSC&P (level 3) passes.
Preferred: Agribusiness, Biology, Chemistry, English
Language, Mathematics
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
Horticulture inspector,
Garden design assistant,
Vegetable/fruit grower,
Rural development operator

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: AG6-01-19

This Bachelor’s degree aims at providing learners with Dan il-grad ta’ baċellerat għandu l-għan li jipprovdi lill-
the opportunity to specialise in a main area of study istudenti l-opportunità li jispeċjalizzaw f’qasam ta’ studji
with the aim of seeking employment at management prinċipali, bl-għan li jsibu impjieg f’livell maniġerjali jew
level or similar. This may relate to animal welfare, simili. Dan jista’ jirrigwarda l-benesseri tal-annimali, il-
production, education, veterinary services, research produzzjoni, l-edukazzjoni, is-servizzi veterinarji, ir-riċerka
and development, and regulatory services both locally u l-iżvilupp u servizzi regolatorji, kemm lokalment kif ukoll
and internationally. fuq livell internazzjonali.

The programme of studies offers the required Il-programm ta’ studji joffri l-għarfien, il-ħiliet u
knowledge, skills and competences related to animal l-kompetenzi meħtieġa relatati mas-saħħa u n-nutrizzjoni
health and nutrition, welfare, ecology, philosophy, tal-animali, il-benesseri, l-ekoloġija, il-filosofija, l-etika u
ethics and law. Learners will also undertake a l-liġi. L-istudenti jwettqu wkoll proġett ta’ riċerka li permezz
research project whereby they will be expected tiegħu jkunu mistennija jagħżlu suġġett għal investigazzjoni
to select a topic for investigation following an billi jsegwu metodoloġija stabbilita.
established methodology.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 3 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-level passes and 2 I-level passes.
Preferred I-level: Biology, Chemistry
or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST

Career Opportunities:
Animal clinic manager,
Animal welfare officer,
Farm manager,
Nutritional advisor

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: AG6-02-19

This course gives learners skills in the latest horticultural Dan il-kors jagħti lill-istudenti ħiliet fil-prattiki ortikulturali
practices with the use of modern technology.Learners l-aktar riċenti bl-użu ta’ teknoloġija moderna. L-istudenti
will have the opportunity to study and practise different jkollhom l-opportunità li jistudjaw u jipprattikaw aspetti
aspects related to their main area of study, with the differenti relatati mal-qasam prinċipali tal-istudju tagħhom,
aim of seeking employment at management level in bl-għan li jsibu impjieg fil-livell maniġerjali fl-intrapriża
private enterprise, in research and development and/ privata, fir-riċerka u fl-iżvilupp u/jew f’servizzi regolatorji,
or regulatory services both locally and internationally. kemm lokalment kif ukoll fuq livell internazzjonali.

This course is aimed at learners who want to work in Dan il-kors huwa mmirat lejn studenti li jixtiequ jaħdmu
the horticulture sector in industries/sectors as varied as fis-settur tal-ortikultura fl-industriji/is-setturi li jvarjaw mis-
EU/national regulatory control sector, farmer training settur tal-kontroll regolatorju nazzjonali u tal-UE, il-provvista
provision, farm advisory services, garden design tat-taħriġ għall-bdiewa, is-servizzi ta’ konsulenza agrikola,
and landscaping, crop and fruit production sector, id-disinn tal-ġonna u l-pajsaġġ, is-settur tal-produzzjoni
educational and promotional horticulture services and tal-għelejjel u tal-frott, is-servizzi ortikulturali edukattivi u
pest management/regulatory sector. promozzjonali u s-settur tal-ġestjoni/regolatorju tal-pesti.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 3 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-level passes and 2 I-level passes.
Preferred I-level: Biology, Chemistry
or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST

Career Opportunities:
Farm advisory services provider,
Professional landscaper and garden designer,
EU/national regulatory control manager

Throughout the course, learners will also be expected

to attend a standard first aid course provided by
a recognised entity (course fee is to be covered by
the learner).

For more info kindly visit:
Course Code: AG6-03-19

This course of studies provides learners with a very Dan il-kors ta’ studji jipprovdi lill-istudenti dettall tax-
thorough understanding of aquaculture and fisheries xjenzi tal-akkwakultura u s-sajd u jinkludi firxa wiesgħa
sciences and includes a wide range of aspects ta’ aspetti li jgħinuhom jifhmu aħjar dawn is-setturi li tant
that will give them a better understanding of these huma importanti għall-ekonomija tal-Gżejjer Maltin.
sectors which are so important to the economy of the
Maltese Islands. L-unitajiet ta’ studju jduru madwar ix-xjenzi tal-
akkwakultura u s-sajd u jirrigwardaw il-produzzjoni u
The study-units revolve around the aquaculture l-ġestjoni ta’ faċilitajiet tal-akkwakultura, biex l-istudenti
and fisheries sciences and relate to the production jkunu jistgħu jifhmu aħjar il-qasam ferm kumpless tas-
and management of aquaculture facilities, giving sajd. Dan il-programm ta’ studji huwa maħsub għal
a better understanding of the highly complex field dawk li jixtiequ jidħlu aktar fil-fond fix-xjenzi tal-ġestjoni
of fisheries. This programme of studies is intended tas-sajd u li għaldaqstant jixtiequ jibdew karriera
for those who want to delve deeper into the fish f’dan is-settur.
management sciences and who want to start a career in
this sector.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 3 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes.
Preferred I-Level: Biology
or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST

Career Opportunities:
Jobs related to the Aquaculture and Fisheries sectors

For more info kindly visit:


Institute of
and Commerce
Offering a range of courses from MQF levels 1 to 7,
the Institute has different courses from generic to
more specific ones targeted for more specific careers.
The main areas of Business are covered through the
different courses, ranging from Financial Services and
Insurance to Marketing and Procurement. At the lower
levels courses are of a generic nature to offer learners the
opportunity to get a good idea of different sectors. Across
the spectrum of studies, course content becomes more
specific, helping learners attain a better focus on the
career path they would like to embark upon. An integral
characteristic of VET, different programmes of study
help learners benefit thoroughly from different forms of
industry experience.

Minbarra li joffri firxa ta’ korsijiet mil-livell MQF 1 sa 7, l-Istitut

għandu korsijiet differenti li jvarjaw minn dawk ġeneriċi għal
oħrajn aktar speċifiċi, immirati lejn karrieri aktar speċifiċi.
L-oqsma ewlenin tan-Negozju huma koperti permezz
tal-korsijiet differenti, li jvarjaw mis-Servizzi Finanzjarji u
l-Assigurazzjoni, għall-Kummerċjalizzazzjoni u l-Akkwist.
Fil-livell inferjuri, il-korsijiet huma ta’ natura ġenerika biex
joffru lill-istudenti l-opportunità li jiksbu idea tajba tas-
setturi differenti. Fl-ispettru kollu tal-istudji, il-kontenut
tal-kors isir aktar speċifiku u dan jgħin lill-istudenti jiksbu
fokus aħjar tal-karriera li jixtiequ jsegwu. Karatteristika
integrali ta’ VET u programmi differenti ta’ studju jgħinu lill-
istudenti jibbenefikaw b’mod sħiħ mill-forom differenti tal-
esperjenza tal-industrija.


Course Code: BC1-02-19

This course provides the learners with a hands on

experience to gain the basic skills required to work in
an office environment. Learners need to have a genuine
interest to work in posts related to basic customer care
and office work. The course tackles both the use of For more info kindly visit:
basic office equipment as well as the soft skills required
to be able to behave in an appropriate manner in an
office environment.

Dan il-kors jipprovdi lill-istudenti esperjenza prattika biex

jiksbu l-ħiliet bażiċi meħtieġa biex jaħdmu f’ambjent ta’
uffiċċju. L-istudenti jeħtieġ li jkollhom interess ġenwin
li jaħdmu f’postijiet relatati mal-assistenza bażika tal-
klijenti u x-xogħol tal-uffiċċju. Il-kors jittratta kemm l-użu
ta’ tagħmir bażiku tal-uffiċċju, kif ukoll il-ħiliet personali
meħtieġa biex wieħed ikun jistà jġib ruħu kif xieraq
f’ambjent ta’ uffiċċju.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 1 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
Finished Compulsory Education
Initial Assessment Tests and / or Interview (as
may be applicable

Career Opportunities:
Assistant in Office environment

Course Code: BC1-03-18

Through this award programme, learners will start to Permezz ta’ dan il-programm ta’ għotja, l-istudenti jibdew
become familiar with the hospitality industry, as well as isiru familjari mal-industrija talospitalità, kif ukoll ikollhom
have the opportunity to identify such industries, locally l-opportunità li jidentifikaw dawn l-industriji, kemm
and abroad. Different roles and duties found within lokalment kif ukoll barra mill-pajjiż. Jiġu esplorati r-rwoli
the hospitality industry will be explored, as will be the u d-dmirijiet differenti li jinsabu fl-industrija talospitalità,
understanding of the hierarchy and responsibility one kif ukoll il-fehim tal-ġerarkija u r-responsabbiltà li wieħed
would have to deal with in such roles. ikollu jiffaċċja f’dawn irrwoli.

Learners will also discuss and understand the L-istudenti jiddiskutu u jifhmu wkoll l-importanza tal-
importance of hygiene at work, including personal iġjene fuq il-post tax-xogħol, inkluża liġjene personali, kif
hygiene, as well as the importance of keeping safe and ukoll l-importanza li wieħed iżomm ruħu sikur u li jaħdem
working in a safe and healthy environment. This would f’ambjent sikur u tajjeb għas-saħħa. Dan jinkludi wkoll
also include being ethical and using adequate etiquette. l-użu ta’ etika adegwata.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 1 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
Finished Compulsory Education, documented by the
SSC&P (Secondary School Certificate and Profile)

Applicants are required to:

Present a recent psychological report (issued no more
than 3 years before date of application) and school
reports including most recent Individual Education Plan
(IEP). Adapt to both class-based and community-based
learning (to be ascertained through a 3-day workshop
at MCAST, attendance for which is compulsory).
Commitment to prospective employment.

Career Opportunities:
Assistant in Kitchen, Assistant in Restaurant,
Assistant in Housekeeping

For more info kindly visit:


Course Code: BC1-04-18

This course is intended for learners who would like Dan il-kors huwa maħsub għall-istudenti li jixtiequ jsiru
to become familiar with the local retailing sector, in familjari mas-setturi lokali ta’ bejgħ għall-konsumatur,
particular small retail shops. Learners who apply for b’mod partikolari ħwienet żgħar. L-istudenti li japplikaw
this course need to be genuinely interested and willing għal dan il-kors jeħtieġ li jkollhom interess ġenwin u li
to work in a post related to the retail sector. Learners jkunu lesti li jaħdmu f’post relatat mas-settur tal-bejgħ
will become familiar with the basic business concepts, għall-konsumatur. L-istudenti jsiru familjari mal-kunċetti
including the principles of stock management. They will bażiċi tan-negozju, inklużi l-prinċipji tal-immaniġġjar tal-
also be made aware of different types of customers and istokk. Huma jsiru konxji wkoll dwar it-tipi differenti ta’
situations that people who work in a retail environment konsumaturi u sitwazzjonijiet li normalment jiffaċċjaw
would typically face. To achieve this, learners will be il-persuni li jaħdmu f’ambjent ta’ bejgħ għall-konsumatur.
exposed to the importance of, and the skills required Għal dan il-għan, l-istudenti jsiru konxji mill-importanza ta’
for good communication, as well as teamwork. komunikazzjoni tajba u l-ħiliet meħtieġa biex din isseħħ,
kif ukoll għall-importanza ta’ ħidma f’tim.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 1 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
Finished Compulsory Education, documented by the
SSC&P (Secondary School Certificate and Profile)

Applicants are required to:

Present a recent psychological report (issued no
more than 3 years before date of application) and
school reports including most recent Individual
Education Plan (IEP). Adapt to both class-based
and community-based learning (to be ascertained
through a 3-day workshop at MCAST, attendance
for which is compulsory). Commitment to
prospective employment Sit for an Interview - as may
be applicable.

Career Opportunities:
Assistant in Shop, Assistant in Store

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: BC1-01-19

The course is aimed at learners who would like to

explore the world of studying business related subjects.
During the programme, learners will be exposed to the
basics of business concepts including organisational
structures and different business areas. The course will For more info kindly visit:
also provide learners with skills related to subjects such
as English, Maths and Maltese as well as other key skills
units which will help them in their progression towards
further studies.

Il-kors huwa mmirat għall-istudenti li jixtiequ jesploraw id-

dinja tal-istudju ta’ suġġetti relatati man-negozju. Matul il-
programm, l-istudenti se jiltaqgħu mal-kunċetti bażiċi tan-
negozju, inklużi strutturi organizzattivi u oqsma differenti
tan-negozju. Il-kors se jipprovdi wkoll lill-istudenti l-ħiliet
relatati ma’ suġġetti bħall-Ingliż, il-Matematika u l-Malti,
kif ukoll unitajiet ta’ ħiliet ewlenin oħra li jgħinuhom fil-
progress tagħhom biex ikunu jistgħu jkomplu jistudjaw.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 1 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
Finished Compulsory Education
Initial assessment Test and /or Interview
(as may be applicable)

Career Opportunities:
Office Assistant, Shop Assistant

Course Code: BC2-01-19

This course provides learners with an introduction to

business related topics such as Basic Bookkeeping,
Human Resources, Marketing, Sales and General
Business Concepts. These different topics are
introduced at a basic level through a variety of teaching
methods as well as assessment techniques with the aim
of catering for different learning styles.

Dan il-kors jipprovdi lill-istudenti introduzzjoni għal

suġġetti relatati man-negozju, bħall-Bookkeeping, ir-
Riżorsi Umani, il-Marketing, il-Bejgħ u Kunċetti Ġenerali
tan-Negozju. Dawn is-suġġetti differenti huma introdotti
f’livell bażiku permezz ta’ varjetà ta’ metodi ta’ tagħlim,
kif ukoll tekniki ta’ valutazzjoni, bil-għan li jittieħdu
inkunsiderazzjoni l-istili differenti ta’ tagħlim.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 2 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
Finished Compulsory Education
or MCAST Introductory Certificate
Initial Assessment Tests (as may be applicable)

Career Opportunities:
Clerical Assistant

For more info kindly visit:


Course Code: BC3-01-19

This course is aimed at preparing learners to further

their studies in different areas of business. It is a
preparatory course for those to further their studies
at MCAST on to MQF level 4. The course aims to allow
learners to improve in areas of written and spoken For more info kindly visit:
English and Maltese, as well as their Mathematical
and IT skills. The course however also goes into more
detail, while starting from the very basics, of different
business areas and functions such as Accounts, Human
Resources, Marketing, Purchasing, and others. This
generic background allows the students to get their
academic level up to scratch, while acquiring enough
knowledge about the different business areas to be able
to progress onto further studies.

Dan il-kors huwa mmirat lejn it-tħejjija ta’ studenti biex

ikomplu l-istudji tagħhom f’oqsma differenti tan-negozju.
Huwa kors preparatorju biex wieħed ikompli l-istudji
tiegħu fl-MCAST sal-livell 4 tal-MQF. Il-kors għandu l-għan li
jippermetti lill-istudenti jtejbu l-ħiliet tagħhom fl-oqsma tal-
Ingliż u l-Malti, miktuba u mitkellma, u l-ħiliet Matematiċi u
tal-IT. Madankollu, il-kors jidħol ukoll f’ħafna aktar dettall,
filwaqt li jibda mill-kunċetti verament bażiċi, ta’ oqsma u
funzjonijiet differenti tan-negozju bħall-Accounts, ir-Riżorsi
Umani, il-Marketing, ix-Xiri u oħrajn. Dan l-isfond ġeneriku
jippermetti lill-istudenti jtejbu l-livell akkademiku tagħhom
sa standard aċċettabbli, filwaqt li jiksbu biżżejjed għarfien
dwar l-oqsma differenti tan-negozju sabiex ikunu jistgħu
jagħżlu kors aktar speċjalizzat ta’ studji

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Preferred: Business Studies
or MCAST Foundation Certificate

Career Opportunities:
Clerical Assistant, Shop cashier
Course Code: BC4-A1-19

This course will allow learners to study the different

areas of business administration. It is aimed either
at students who aspire to one day open up their
own business or follow in their family business, or
else to work in the administration of a company at For more info kindly visit:
a junior level. This generic course offers a good
basis into the main areas of business administration
including office administration, accounts, marketing,
recruitment, and health and safety among others.
The course, which is assessed through a variety of
scenario related assessments, also sees learners go
out on Apprenticeship where a holistic hands-on and
practical approach is adopted.

Dan il-kors jippermetti lill-istudenti jistudjaw l-oqsma

differenti tal-amministrazzjoni tan-negozju. Huwa mmirat
lejn studenti li jaspiraw li xi darba jiftħu n-negozju tagħhom
stess jew li jkomplu jmexxu n-negozju tal-familja tagħhom,
jew inkella lejn dawk li jaħdmu fl-amministrazzjoni ta’
kumpanija f’livell inferjuri. Dan il-kors ġeneriku joffri
bażi tajba fl-oqsma ewlenin tal-amministrazzjoni tan-
negozju, inklużi l-amministrazzjoni tal-uffiċċju, l-accounts,
il-marketing, ir-reklutaġġ, u s-saħħa u s-sikurezza, fost
l-oħrajn. Il-kors, li huwa vvalutat permezz ta’ varjetà ta’
valutazzjonijiet relatati max-xenarju, jipprovdi wkoll
Apprendistat għall-istudenti, fejn jiġi adottat approċċ ta’
esperjenza prattika.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O level / SSC&P (level 3) passes.
Preferred: English Language, Mathematics
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
Clerk, Administrative Assistant, Human Resource
Assistant, Front Office Coordinator, Purchasing
Officer, Field Research Officer, Supply Chain/
Logistics Officer


Course Code: BC4-A2-19

This programme is a core qualification for all those Dan il-kors huwa kwalifika ewlenija għal dawk kollha
wishing to embark on a career in insurance across li jixtiequ jibdew karriera fl-assigurazzjoni fis-setturi
its different sectors. Different aspects of insurance differenti tagħha. Jiġu esplorati l-aspetti differenti tal-
will be explored including basic insurance principles, assigurazzjoni, inklużi l-prinċipji bażiċi tal-assigurazzjoni,
regulatory environment, key insurance disciplines l-ambjent regolatorju, id-dixxiplini ewlenin tal-
including underwriting and claims, as well as popular assigurazzjoni inklużi l-underwriting u l-claims, kif ukoll
products such as motor, house and home, healthcare, prodotti popolari bħall-assigurazzjoni tal-karozzi, tad-
and packaged commercial insurance. This qualification djar, tas-saħħa u dik kummerċjali. Din il-kwalifika hija
is the first step towards becoming professionally l-ewwel pass lejn kwalifika professjonali u l-valur tagħha
qualified and its value is widely recognised throughout huwa rikonoxxut b’mod wiesa’ fl-industrija kollha
the insurance industry. tal-assigurazzjoni.

Learners following this programme of studies may L-istudenti li jidħlu għal dan il-programm ta’ studji
wish to register as Members and sit for the relevant jistgħu jirreġistraw bħala Membri u jagħmlu l-eżamijiet
Chartered Insurance Institute (UK) Professional professjonali rilevanti taċ-Chartered Insurance Institute
examinations. On successful achievement of the CII (UK). Wara li jgħaddu minn dawn l-eżamijiet tas-CII (UK),
(UK) examinations, CII members will be able to make il-membri ikunu jistgħu jużaw it-titlu Cert CII. Japplikaw
use of the designation Cert CII. Membership and il-Miżati tas-Sħubija u tal-Eżamijiet, li għandhom jitħallsu
Examination Fees payable to CII (UK), apply. lis-CII (UK).

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O level / SSC&P (level 3) passes.
Compulsory: English Language and Mathematics
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
Account Handler, Claims Handler
Insurance Claims surveyor, Insurance Clerk

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: BC4-A3-19

This course aims to give learners a very good grounding Dan il-kors għandu l-għan li jipprovdi lill-istudenti bażi
in the studying of Accounts. Study areas vary from tajba ħafna fl-istudju tal-Accounts. L-oqsma tal-istudju
the different aspects of financial and management jinkludu l-aspetti differenti ta’ accounting finanzjarja u
accounting, using of accounting software, as well as ta’ mmaniġġjar, l-użu ta’ softwer tal-accounting, kif ukoll
other more generic areas of key skills. The course oqsma aktar ġeneriċi ta’ ħiliet ewlenin. Il-kors għandu
has a very high level of hands-on experience through livell għoli ħafna ta’ esperjenza prattika permezz ta’
Apprenticeship were students will not only be learning Apprendistat, fejn l-istudenti mhux biss jitgħallmu permezz
by doing but will also experience first-hand the tal-prattika, iżda anke jesperjenzaw l-applikazzjoni diretta
application of the theory they would be learning in tat-teorija li jkunu qed jitgħallmu fil-klassi. Għalkemm
class. While students who finish the course would not l-istudenti li jlestu l-kors ma jkunux accountants kwalifikati
be fully qualified accountants, learners will definitely b’mod sħiħ, żgur se jkollhom fehim tajjeb ħafna, flimkien
have a very good understanding and possess the mal-ħiliet meħtieġa biex jaħdmu f’dipartiment tal-
required skills to work in an accounts department. accounts.

Learners following this programme will also be L-istudenti li jsegwu dan il-programm se jitħejjew ukoll biex
prepared to sit for AAT (Association of Accounting jagħmlu l-Eżamijiet Internazzjonali tal-AAT (Association of
Technicians) UK International Examinations. Fees: Accounting Technicians) UK. Miżati: Hemm miżati tal-AAT
There are AAT fees payable to AAT (UK) for Membership li għandhom jitħallsu lill-AAT (UK) għal Sħubija u Eżamijiet
and Examinations leading to Qualification Certificates li jwasslu għal Ċertifikati ta’ Kwalifika kif mogħtija minn
as awarded by AAT (UK). AAT (UK).

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O level / SSC&P (level 3) passes.
Compulsory: English Language and Mathematics
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
Accounts clerk, Accounts Administrator
Audit Assistant, Credit Management Officer

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: BC4-A4-19

This programme is aimed to provide learners with a very

good technical background required to work in different
aspects of the Financial Services world. Learners will
attain basic principles of Financial Services in both the
local as well as the European financial services sector.
Learners will be able to develop and learn how to apply
specialist knowledge within particular areas of banking
and finance and in the dynamic financial services
environment at large. They will also learn how to handle
financial transactions, deal with customers and use and
manage available information.

Dan il-kors għandu l-għan li jipprovdi lill-istudenti sfond

tekniku tajjeb ħafna, meħtieġ biex jaħdmu f’aspetti
differenti tad-dinja tas-Servizzi Finanzjarji. L-istudenti se
jiksbu l-prinċipji bażiċi tas-Servizzi Finanzjarji fis-settur
tas-Servizzi Finanzjarji lokali kif ukoll Ewropew. L-istudenti
se jkunu jistgħu jiżviluppaw u jitgħallmu kif japplikaw
għarfien speċjalizzat f’oqsma bankarji u finanzjarji
partikolari, u fl-ambjent dinamiku tas-servizzi finanzjarji
b’mod ġenerali. Se jitgħallmu wkoll kif jimmaniġġjaw
tranżazzjonijiet finanzjarji, jassistu lill-klijenti u jużaw u
jimmaniġġjaw l-informazzjoni disponibbli.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O level / SSC&P (level 3) passes.
Compulsory: English Language and Mathematics
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
Bank Cashier, Clerical and other officer roles within
banks and other financial services institutions,
Employment across the financial services sector

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: BC4-A5-18

This course is aimed at giving learners the knowledge

and knowhow of the main areas related to the
different areas of marketing. They will go into the
areas of Marketing, Sales, Advertising, Public Relations
and Customer Care in some detail. The insight in For more info kindly visit:
these different areas provides the student with
the ability to work in different areas of marketing.
The learner will also have the opportunity to apply
the theory learned in class in practice through the
apprenticeship placement.

Dan il-kors għandu l-għan li jipprovdi lill-istudenti

l-għarfien u l-kompetenza fir-rigward tal-oqsma ewlenin
relatati mal-oqsma differenti tal-marketing. L-istudenti
se jidħlu f’ċertu dettall fl-oqsma tal-Marketing, il-Bejgħ,
ir-Reklamar, ir-Relazzjonijiet Pubbliċi u l-Assistenza tal-
Klijenti. Il-ħiliet f’dawn l-oqsma differenti jwasslu lill-
istudent sabiex ikun kapaċi jaħdem f’’oqsma differenti
tal-marketing. Permezz tal-apprendistat, l-istudent se
jkollu wkoll l-opportunità li japplika fil-prattika t-teorija li
jkun tgħallem fil-klassi.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O level / SSC&P (level 3) passes.
Compulsory: English Language
Preferred: Maltese
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
Brand/Sales Executive, Customer Care Coordinator
Marketing Assistant, Media Officer, Public Relations
Officer, Sales Representative, Selling and Sales
Course Code: BC4-A6-19

This programme is designed to enable learners Dan il-kors huwa mfassal biex jippermetti lill-istudenti
to understand the key areas of administration, jifhmu l-oqsma ewlenin tal-amministrazzjoni, is-servizzi
administrative services, office equipment and amministrattivi, it-tagħmir u l-provvisti tal-amministrazzjoni,
supplies, routine procedures, standards and the work il-proċeduri ta’ rutina, l-istandards u l-ambjent tax-xogħol.
environment. It is also designed to provide learners Huwa mfassal ukoll biex jipprovdi lill-istudenti l-possibbiltà
with the possibility of opting to delve deeper into li jagħżlu li jidħlu aktar fil-fond f’wieħed mill-oqsma
one of specific areas, namely Medical Secretaries speċifiċi, jiġifieri Segretarji Mediċi u Segretarji Legali, kif
and Legal Secretaries, as well as an application of ukoll l-applikazzjoni tat-Taljan u l-Franċiż f’kuntest relatat
Italian and French within a business related usage. man-negozju. Il-programm ta’ studji għandu livell għoli ta’
The programme of studies, has a very high level of esperjenza prattika permezz tal-Apprendistat, fejn l-istudenti
hands-on experience through Apprenticeship, were mhux biss jitgħallmu permezz tal-prattika, iżda anke
learners will not only be learning by doing, but will jesperjenzaw l-applikazzjoni diretta tat-teorija li jkunu qed
also experience first-hand the application of the jitgħallmu fil-klassi.
theory they would be learning in class

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Compulsory: Maltese and English Language
Preferred: Mathematics

For applicants who will opt to take the Medical

4 SEC/ O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) Passes
Compulsory: Maltese, English Language and one
subject from Chemistry, Physics or Biology
Preferred: Mathematics
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
Secretary, Office Administrator, Clerk,
Personal Assistant

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: BC5-01-19

This course builds upon the MCAST Advanced

Diploma in Accounting and offers learners the
possibility to become members of the Association of
Accounting Technicians (UK). During this programme,
the learners will continue to broaden and deepen For more info kindly visit:
their studies in the different areas of accounting
including Financial and Management Accounting as
well as Management and Business Law.

Learners who successfully complete the AAT (UK)

Advanced Diploma in Accounting as well as the AAT
(UK) Professional Diploma in Accounting, are entitled
for exemptions from the ACCA qualification (F1, F2,
F3) Through successful completion of related study-
units, leaners will also be eligible to register for
further exemptions namely, F4 and F5.

Dan il-kors jibni fuq l-MCAST Advanced Diploma in

Accounting u joffri lill-istudenti l-possibbiltà li jsiru
membri tal-Association of Accounting Technicians
(UK). Matul dan il-programm, l-istudenti jkomplu
jwessgħu u jsaħħu l-istudji tagħhom fl-oqsma differenti
tal-accounting, inkluż l-Accounting Finanzjarja u ta’
Mmaniġġjar, kif ukoll il-Liġi dwar il-Maniġment u l-ligi
dwar n-Negozju.

L-istudenti li jlestu b’suċċess l-AAT (UK) Advanced

Diploma in Accounting, kif ukoll l-AAT (UK) Professional
Diploma in Accounting, huma intitolati għal eżenzjonijiet
mill-kwalifika tal-ACCA (F1, F2, F3) Permezz tat-tlestija
b’suċċess ta’ unitajiet ta’ studju relatati, l-istudenti jkunu
eliġibbli wkoll li jirreġistraw għal aktar eżenzjonijiet,
jiġifieri, F4 u F5.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 5 2 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
MCAST Advanced Diploma in Accounting

Career Opportunities:
Accounts Administrator, Accounts Executive
Accounting Technician, Audit Assistant, Credit
Management Officer, Senior Accounts Clerk
Course Code: BC6-01-19

This degree provides specialist content which Dan il-baċellerat jipprovdi lill-istudenti, kontenut
is constantly applied to real life business and speċjalizzat li huwa applikat b’mod kostanti f’xenarji
management scenarios. Learners will be prepared to tan-negozju u tal-maniġment tal-ħajja reali. L-istudenti
become proficient in a number of areas as the course jitħejjew biex isiru profiċjenti f’għadd ta’ oqsma, billi l-kors
allows the students to develop appropriate analytical, jippermetti lill-istudenti jiżviluppaw ħiliet analitiċi, kritiċi u
critical and research skills in a range of areas from ta’ riċerka f’firxa ta’ oqsma relatati man-negozju, li jvarjaw
Human Resources to Operations Management, and mir-Riżorsi Umani sal-Immaniġġjar tal-Operazzjonijiet, u
Purchasing, to Project and Marketing Management. x-Xiri, sal-Immaniġġjar tal-Proġetti tal-Marketing. Dawn
These are only some of the areas that students will huma biss xi wħud mill-oqsma li l-istudenti se jkopru waqt
cover during their studies. This 360 degree approach l-istudji tagħhom. Dan l-approċċ komprensiv jippermetti
gives the learners maximum flexibility on the work lill-istudenti flessibbiltà massima fuq il-post tax-xogħol,
place as graduates would be able to deal with a wide billi l-gradwati jkunu jistgħu jindirizzaw firxa wiesgħa
range of responsibilities. ta’ responsabbiltajiet.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 3 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-level passes and 2 I-level passes.
Compulsory A-level: Accounts, or Marketing, or
or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST

Career Opportunities:
Business Development Manager, Human Resources
Manager, Operations Manager, Project Manager,
Research manager and Analyst

For more info kindly visit: bc6-01-19

Course Code: BC6-03-18

This three-year Bachelor degree intends to provide Dan il-grad ta’ baċellerat ta’ tliet snin huwa maħsub biex
learners with a strong basis of procurement jipprovdi lill-istudenti bażi b’saħħitha ta’ proċessi ta’
processes and supporting aspects. Applying theory akkwist u aspetti ta’ appoġġ. Filwaqt li tapplika t-teorija
to both public procurement procedures as well kemm għal proċeduri ta’ akkwist pubbliku, kif ukoll għal
as those adopted within the private sector, this dawk adottati fis-settur privat, din id-degree tesponi lill-
degree will expose learners to the various aspects istudenti għad-diversi aspetti tal-Immaniġġjar tal-Akkwist.
of Procurement Management. This is coupled with a Dan isir flimkien ma’ fehim dettaljat tal-funzjoni tal-
detailed understanding of the finance function, which finanzi, li fiha nnifisha twassal lill-istudenti sabiex ikunu
in itself provides the students with the capability to kapaċi jwettqu x-xogħol b’mod aktar effettiv. L-istudji
carry out work more effectively. Management studies tal-maniġment huma inkorporati wkoll fil-programm
are also incorporated in the programme of studies, in ta’ studji, b’tali mod li jipprovdi lill-istudenti b’mezz biex
a way as to provide the students with a launch–pad jidħlu direttament fil-qalba ta’ koordinazzjoni effettiva
into the heart of effective operations coordination in tal-operazzjonijiet, f’dan il-qasam dinamiku.
this dynamic area.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 3 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-level passes and 2 I-level passes.
Compulsory A-level: Accounts, or Marketing, or
or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST

Applicants with similar qualifications, may still show their

interest in applying for this course. Such applications
will be presented to an Admissions Board for its

Career Opportunities:
Procurement Manager, Supply Chain Manager,
Logistics Manager, Purchasing and Inventory Coordinator

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: BC6-02-17

Targeting one of Malta’s strongest economic sectors,

this degree in Financial Services offers learners the
opportunity to get a detailed insight into the various
aspects of Financial services, an industry which offers
a range of career opportunities ranging from Risk For more info kindly visit:
Management to Fund Administration and Wealth
Management. Apart from the more technical aspects
related to financial services, learners will also gain
the required analytical, critical and research skills
that are required to work in such a high profile and
demanding industry. Learners graduating from this
degree find themselves in a very strong position in
terms of employment as they are well geared to work
in different areas within this industry.

Filwaqt li għandha fil-mira tagħha wieħed mis-setturi

ekonomiċi l-aktar b’saħħithom f’Malta, din id-degree
fis-Servizzi Finanzjarji toffri lill-istudenti l-opportunità li
jiksbu għarfien dettaljat tad-diversi aspetti ta’ Servizzi
Finanzarji, industrija li toffri firxa ta’ opportunitajiet
ta’ karriera li jvarjaw mill-Ġestjoni tar-Riskju sal-
Amministrazzjoni tal-Fondi u l-Immaniġġjar tal-Ġid.
Minbarra l-aspetti aktar tekniċi relatati mas-servizzi
finanzjarji, l-istudenti jiksbu wkoll il-ħiliet analitiċi, kritiċi
u ta’ riċerka meħtieġa biex jaħdmu f’industrija ta’ profil
għoli u eżiġenti bħal din. L-istudenti li jiggradwaw minn
dan il-kors isibu ruħhom f’pożizzjoni b’saħħitha ħafna
f’termini ta’ impjieg, billi jkunu kisbu l-ħiliet biex jaħdmu
f’setturi differenti f’din l-industrija.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 3 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-level passes and 2 I-level passes.
Compulsory A-levels: Accounts and Economics
or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST

Career Opportunities:
Banking Advisor, Compliance Executive,
Financial Advisor, Analyst, Risk Manager,
Fund Administrator

Course Code: BC7-01-18

An ACCA Qualification is a path that leads to becoming

an internationally recognised Chartered Certified
Accountant, and can take your career in any direction.
It is a rewarding and intense course with a number
of Professional Courses which allows the students to For more info kindly visit:
have a rigorous qualification that is accepted across
the globe. The ACCA course is the perfect choice for
a career in accountancy and the perfect milestone
on anyone’s route to become a qualified finance

The Programme, provides different exit routes at

Level 6 and at Level 7. Learners incur fees payable to
ACCA for any membership and exam administration.

Kwalifika tal-ACCA hija triq li twassal biex issir Chartered

Certified Accountant rikonoxxut fuq livell internazzjonali, u
tista’ tiżviluppa l-karriera tiegħek fi kwalunkwe direzzjoni.
Huwa kors intensiv u li jagħti ħafna sodisfazzjon b’għadd
ta’ Korsijiet Professjonali li jwasslu biex l-istudenti
jakkwistaw kwalifika rigoruża li hija aċċettata madwar
id-dinja. Il-kors tal-ACCA huwa l-għażla perfetta għal min
jixtieq karriera fl-Accountancy u stadju importanti perfett
fit-triq ta’ kull min jixtieq isir professjonist kwalifikat fil-
qasam tal-finanzi.

Il-Programm jipprovdi rotot ta’ ħruġ differenti fil-Livell 6

u fil-Livell 7. L-istudenti għandhom iħallsu miżati lill-ACCA
għal kwalunkwe sħubija u amministrazzjoni tal-eżamijiet.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6/7 4 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-level passes and 2 I-level passes.
Compulsory A-level OR SEC/O-Level: Mathematics
and English Language Preferred A-level
or SEC/O-Level: Economics, Accounts
or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST

Career Opportunities:
Accountant, Financial Controller, Financial Analyst,
Business Analyst, Corporate Finance Specialist


Institute of
The Institute of Community Services equips learners with
the required holistic skills in various fields for the well-
being of our community namely in Sports, Health and
Social Care, Early Years, Beauty, Hairdressing, Inclusive
Education and Protection, Security and Enforcement. Our
vocational educators amalgamate theory and practice
to provide a hands on experience to our learners which
reflects the workplace and its requirements within
industry. Our institute is equipped with a number of
resources to enable this approach to learning, such as
fully-functional hair salon, beauty salon and Care room.
Furthermore, our VET programmes include a work
placement which offers valuable experience within
the industry. Courses offered, range from MQF level 1
to level 6.

L-Istitut tas-Servizzi Komunitarji jipprovdi lill-istudenti l-ħiliet

olistiċi meħtieġa f’diversi oqsma għall-benesseri tal-komunità
tagħna, jiġifieri fl-Isport, is-Saħħa u l-Kura Soċjali, l-Età
Bikrija, is-Sbuħija, il-Hairdressing, l-Edukazzjoni Inklużiva u
l-Protezzjoni, is-Sigurtà u l-Infurzar. L-edukaturi vokazzjonali
tagħna jamalgamaw it-teorija u l-prattika biex jipprovdu
esperjenza prattika lill-istudenti tagħna, li tirrifletti l-post
tax-xogħol u r-rekwiżiti tiegħu fl-industrija. L-istitut tagħna
huwa mgħammar b’għadd ta’ riżorsi biex ikun jista’ jseħħ
dan l-approċċ għat-tagħlim, fosthom salon tax-xagħar, salon
tas-sbuħija u kamra tal-kura li jiffunzjonaw sew. Barra minn
hekk, il-programmi VET tagħna jinkludu perjodu ta’ taħriġ
fuq il-post tax-xogħol li joffri esperjenza siewja fl-industrija.
Il-korsijiet offruti jvarjaw mil-livell 1 sal-livell 6 tal-MQF.


Course Code: CS1-01-19

This programme of study is an ideal start to a

career in Health and Social Care for those learners
who have just finished their compulsory education
with minimum certification. This one-year full-time
programme does not qualify the learner to work in For more info kindly visit:
the sector. However, the vocational and key skill
modules which make up the course specification will
help the learner to progress slowly to higher levels
of study.

The course includes both practical and theoretical

lectures which cover the basics of health and
social care including basic nutrition, first aid and
interpersonal communication with service-users
that projects respect, integrity, dignity, and anti-

Dan il-programm ta’ studju huwa l-bidu ideali għal

karriera fis-Saħħa u l-Kura Soċjali għal dawk l-istudenti li
jkunu għadhom kemm lestew l-edukazzjoni obbligatorja
tagħhom b’ċertifikazzjoni minima. Dan il-programm full-
time ta’ sena ma jagħtix lill-istudent biżżejjed kwalifiki biex
jaħdem fis-settur. Madankollu, l-unitajiet vokazzjonali u
tal-ħiliet ewlenin li jiffurmaw l-ispeċifikazzjoni tal-kors
iwasslu lill-istudent biex javvanza bil-mod għal-livelli ogħla
ta’ studju.

Il-kors jinkludi lezzjonijiet prattiċi kif ukoll ta’ teorija

li jkopru l-elementi bażiċi tas-saħħa u l-kura soċjali,
inklużi n-nutrizzjoni bażika, l-ewwel għajnuna u
l-komunikazzjoni interpersonali ma’ utenti tas-servizz
li tirrifletti r-rispett, l-integrità, id-dinjità u n-nuqqas
ta’ diskriminazzjoni.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 1 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
Finished Compulsory Education
Initial Assessment Tests (as may be applicable)
Course Code: CS1-02-19

This programme of studies introduces the learner

to modules related to this sector. A number of
interesting topics will be discussed. Examples include
the different types of equipment and products
typically found in hairdressing salons, customer For more info kindly visit:
care services, communication skills, professional
attitudes, window-dressing, personal appearance
and hygiene. The study-units incorporate theoretical
aspects of hairdressing as well as practical sessions
of basic hairdressing procedures using a mannequin
head. Learners are also given the opportunity to
strengthen their key skills subjects. Weekly lessons
in English language, Maltese, Mathematics, Science,
Information Technology and Individual and Social
Responsibility (ISR) are delivered in a manner that will
help to render the vocational units more appealing
and relevant.

Dan il-programm ta’ studji jintroduċi lill-istudent għal

unitajiet relatati ma’ dan is-settur. Jiġu diskussi għadd
ta’ suġġetti interessanti. Eżempji jinkludu it-tipi differenti
ta’ tagħmir u prodotti li normalment insibu f’salons tal-
hairdressing, is-servizzi tal-kura tal-klijenti, il-ħiliet ta’
komunikazzjoni, l-attitudnijiet personali, l-arranġament
tal-vetrini tas-salon, id-dehra u l-iġjene personali.
L-unitajiet ta’ studju jinkorporaw aspetti teoretiċi ta’
hairdressing, kif ukoll sessjonijiet prattiċi ta’ proċeduri
bażiċi ta’ hairdressing fejn tintuża ras ta’ manikin.

L-istudenti jingħataw ukoll l-opportunità li jsaħħu

s-suġġetti tal-ħiliet ewlenin tagħhom. Il-lezzjonijiet kull
ġimgħa tal-Ingliż, il-Malti, il-Matematika, ix-Xjenza,
it-Teknoloġija tal-Informazzjoni u r-Responsabbiltà
Individwali u Soċjali (ISR) jingħataw b’mod li jgħin biex
l-unitajiet vokazzjonali ikunu aktar attraenti u rilevanti

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 1 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
Finished Compulsory Education
Initial Assessment Tests (as may be applicable)


Course Code: CS2-01-19

This programme of studies is aimed at those

individuals who wish to embark on a future career in
the Health and Social Care Sector. During the year the
learners will have a variety of lectures which will give
them an understanding of basic concepts related to For more info kindly visit:
this sector. Lectures will focus on human behaviour,
the way the body works and what constitutes a safe
working environment. Learners will also be given the
opportunity to strengthen their key skills subjects
from a vocational perspective.

Learners will have the opportunity to visit

organisations related to this sector so that they will
become accustomed to the environment.

Dan il-programm ta’ studju full-time huwa mmirat

lejn dawk l-individwi li fil-futur jixtiequ jibdew karriera
fis-Settur tas-Saħħa u l-Kura Soċjali. Matul is-sena,
l-istudenti jkollhom varjetà ta’ lezzjonijiet li jagħtuhom
tagħrif dwar il-kunċetti bażiċi relatati ma’ dan is-settur.
Il-lezzjonijiet jiffokaw fuq l-imġiba tal-bniedem, il-mod
kif jaħdem il-ġisem u x’inhu dak li jagħmel ambjent tax-
xogħol sikur. L-istudenti jingħataw ukoll l-opportunità
li jsaħħu s-suġġetti tal-ħiliet ewlenin tagħhom, mil-
lat vokazzjonali.

L-istudenti jkollhom l-opportunità li jżuru organizzazzjonijiet

relatati ma’ dan is-settur sabiex isiru familjari

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 2 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
Finished Compulsory Education
or MCAST Introductory Certificate
Initial Assessment Tests (as may be applicable)
Course Code: CS2-02-19

This programme of study provides an overview of Dan il-kors jipprovdi lill-istudenti b’ħarsa ġenerali lejn it-
the different routes available to learners within the toroq differenti li huma disponibbli għall-istudenti fl-Istitut
Institute of Community Services, whilst leaving all their tas-Servizzi Komunitarji, filwaqt li jħalli l-possibbiltajiet
options open. tal-għażliet kollha tagħhom miftuħa.

The modules on offer provide learners with basic L-unitajiet offruti jipprovdu lill-istudenti b’għarfien bażiku
knowledge in health and safety practices employed tal-prattiċi tas-saħħa u s-sikurezza użati matul tekniċi u
during beauty and hairdressing techniques and proċeduri tas-sbuħija u l-hairdressing. Unitajiet oħra
procedures. Other modules focus on an understanding jiffokaw fuq l-għarfien tal-kunċetti xjentifiċi bażiċi relatati
of the basic scientific concepts related to all hair and mas-servizzi u t-trattamenti kollha tax-xagħar u tas-
beauty services and treatments; and an introduction sbuħija; u introduzzjoni għall-kunċetti bażiċi tan-negozju.
to basic business concepts.
Il-kors jesponi wkoll lill-istudenti għal esperjenza ta’
The course also provides learners with quality work- xogħol ta’ kwalità fejn ikunu mistennija jassistu u
experience exposure where they will be expected to jwettqu firxa ta’ xogħlijiet assenjati, permezz ta’ mudelli
assist and carry out a range of assigned tasks, using approvati. L-istudenti huma meħtieġa jixtru l-aċċessorji
approved models. Learners are required to purchase neċessarji tal-hairdressing u tas-sbuħija fil-bidu tas-
the necessary hairdressing and beauty accessories at sena akkademika.
the beginning of the academic year.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 2 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
Finished Compulsory Education
or MCAST Introductory Certificate
Initial Assessment Tests (as may be applicable)

For more info kindly visit:


Course Code: CS2-03-19

This programme of studies serves as a stepping Dan il-programm ta’ studji jservi bħala pass lejn
stone to a future working career in the sport sector. karriera ta’ xogħol futura fis-settur tal-isport. L-istudent
The learner will experience the practical and basic jesperjenza l-komponenti teoretiċi prattiċi u bażiċi ta’
theoretical components of a number of sports- and għadd ta’ suġġetti relatati mal-isport u mal-kundizzjoni
fitness-related subjects. The vocational study-units fiżika tajba. L-unitajiet ta’ studju vokazzjonali jkopru
cover the basics of health and active lifestyles, l-elementi bażiċi ta’ stili ta’ ħajja tajbin għas-saħħa
community sports, fitness training methods and u attivi, l-isport komunitarju, il-metodi ta’ taħriġ
introduction to gym-based exercise. Concurrently, għal kundizzjoni fiżika tajba u l-introduzzjoni għall-
the learners will strengthen their knowledge of eżerċizzju bbażat fil-gym. Fl-istess ħin, l-istudenti jsaħħu
the key skills in English, Maltese, Mathematics, l-għarfien tagħhom tal-ħiliet ewlenin tal-Ingliż, il-Malti, il-
Science, Information Technology, and Individual and Matematika, ix-Xjenza, it-Teknoloġija tal-Informazzjoni,
Social Responsibility. u r-Responsabbiltà Individwali u Soċjali.

Throughout the academic year, MCAST and the Institute Matul is-sena akkademika, l-MCAST u l-Istitut tas-
of Community Services organise a number of sport- Servizzi Komunitarji jorganizzaw għadd ta’ attivitajiet
related extra-curricular activities during which the extrakurrikulari relatati mal-isport li matulhom
learners will be invited to participate in order to enrich l-istudenti jkunu mistiedna jipparteċipaw sabiex isaħħu
their experience on campus. l-esperjenza tagħhom fil-kampus.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 2 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
Finished Compulsory Education
or MCAST Introductory Certificate
Initial Assessment Tests (as may be applicable)
Medical Clearance, required

For more info kindly visit:


Course Code: CS3-01-19

This programme of studies offers learners the Dan il-programm ta’ studji joffri lill-istudenti l-possibbiltà
possibility to seek employment in salons as Beauty li jfittxu impjieg bħala Speċjalisti tas-Sbuħija f’salons. Min-
Specialists. Alternatively, students who successfully naħa l-oħra, l-istudenti li jtemmu dan il-kors b’suċċess
complete this course may wish to consider furthering jistgħu jixtiequ li jikkunsidraw li jkomplu l-istudji tagħhom.
their studies accordingly.
L-istudenti jingħataw gwida dwar kif għandhom
Learners are guided how to develop and carry out jiżviluppaw u jwettqu metodi ta’ trattament individwali
individual treatment plans based on the specific abbażi tar-rekwiżiti speċifiċi ta’ kull klijent individwali.
requirements of each individual client. Such treatments Dawn it-trattamenti jistgħu jinkludu trattamenti għall-
may include skin care, manicure and pedicure, kura tal-ġilda, tal-idejn u tas-saqajn, id-depilazzjoni,
depilation, nails, make-up services, eyebrow and il-kura tad-dwiefer, servizzi ta’ make-up u trattamenti
eyelash treatments. Other modules relate to health tax-xagħar tal-għajnejn u tal-ħuġbejn. Unitajiet oħra
and safety practices in the salon and business aspects jirrigwardjaw prattiki tas-saħħa u s-sikurezza fis-salon u
including business plans, effective communication skills aspetti tan-negozju inklużi pjanijiet tan-negozju, ħiliet ta’
and proper conduct with clients. komunikazzjoni effettivi u imġiba tajba mal-klijenti.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Preferred: English Language, Biology, Chemistry,
Home Economics, Art
or MCAST Foundation Certificate

Career Opportunities:
Beauty Specialist

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: CS3-A2-19

Hairdressing is an exciting and creative industry Il-hairdressing hija industrija eċitanti u kreattiva li
which requires skilled technical stylists to cope with tirrikjedi stilisti tekniċi kwalifikati biex ilaħħqu mad-
the customers’ demands for change and innovation. domanda tal-klijenti għall-bidla u l-innovazzjoni.
In today’s fast-moving world self-image is your brand. Fid-dinja mgħaġġla tal-lum, l-immaġni tal-persuna
This programme of studies provides the learners with tiddefinixxiha. Dan il-programm ta’ studji jipprovdi lill-
the skills and confidence to step onto the road to istudenti bil-ħiliet u l-kunfidenza biex jibdew it-triq għas-
success; indeed, the opportunities are endless. suċċess; fil-fatt l-opportunitajiet huma bla tmiem.

Learners cover a variety of interesting study-units L-istudenti jkopru varjetà ta’ unitajiet ta’ studju
such as client consultation, hair styling for different interessanti, bħall-konsultazzjoni tal-klijenti, l-issettjar
occasions, hair colouring, perming and straightening. tax-xagħar għal okkażjonijiet differenti, iż-żebgħa tax-
This includes experience in the community services xagħar, l-ippermjar u l-illixxjar tax-xagħar. Dan jinkludi
Salon as well as placements in industry as part of the esperjenza fis-salon tas-servizzi komunitarji, kif ukoll
apprenticeship scheme. Learners will also further esperjenza ta’ xogħol fl-industrija bħala parti mill-iskema
develop their knowledge in key skills. tal-apprendistat. Barra minn hekk, l-istudenti jkomplu
jiżviluppaw l-għarfien tagħhom f’ħiliet ewlenin.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 2 Years on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
2 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes.
Preferred: English Language, Biology, Chemistry,
Physics, Home Economics, General Science, Art
or MCAST Foundation Certificate

Career Opportunities:
Junior hair stylist for women,
Sales representative for hair products

For more info kindly visit:


Course Code: CS3-03-19

Prospective applicants who enrol in this full-time Il-kandidati prospettivi li jirreġistraw għal dan il-kors
course should have an interest in working with elderly full-time għandu jkollhom interess li jaħdmu ma’ persuni
persons and individuals with different abilities. anzjani u individwi b’kapaċitajiet differenti. Il-lezzjonijiet
Lectures include a number of varied topics such as jinkludu għadd ta’ suġġetti varjati bħan-nutrizzjoni,
nutrition, equality, diversity, dignity and rights of l-ugwaljanza, id-diversità, id-dinjità u d-drittijiet tal-
individuals. Moreover this programme of studies individwi. Barra minn hekk, dan il-programm ta’
provides a route for education within a number of studji jwitti t-triq għal edukazzjoni f’għadd ta’ oqsma
specialised areas such as the Social Care sector, speċjalizzati bħas-settur tal-Kura Soċjali, l-edukazzjoni
Early Years education, and Health Sciences. The tat-tfal fis-snin bikrija, u x-Xjenzi tas-Saħħa. Il-programm
programme offers an opportunity for learners to joffri opportunità biex l-istudenti jirċievu tagħlim ibbażat
carry out work-based learning in two different host fuq ix-xogħol, f’żewġ organizzazzjonijiet ospitanti
organisations which form part of the sector. Here differenti li jiffurmaw parti mis-settur. Hawnhekk ikunu
they will be expected to carry out a range of assigned mistennija jwettqu firxa ta’ xogħlijiet assenjati taħt
tasks under supervision. superviżjoni.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes.
Preferred: English Language, Biology, Physics,
Chemistry, Maltese, Social Studies, Nutrition, Food
Consumer Studies (Home Economics)
or MCAST Foundation Certificate

Prior to embarking on any Placement, learners

need to:
satisfy the requirements of the Protection of Minors
Act (POMA);
satisfy specific immunisation requirements;
and present a clean police conduct.

Career Opportunities:
Care worker, Care assistant,
Support care worker

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: CS3-04-19

This programme of studies covers the basics of

Anatomy and Physiology in Sport, Fitness Testing,
Fitness Instruction, Fundamental Methodology of
Physical Activity and Sport, as well as the theory
and practice of the mainstream sports. The syllabus For more info kindly visit:
incorporates a work-based learning component thus
facilitating the transition into employment for those
learners who do not wish to further their studies.
By the end of the course, the learner would be able
to assist a Fitness Instructor in the preparation and
delivery of basic fitness training programmes.
The learner will be encouraged to take part in various
sports-related events that are organised on campus
from time to time.

Dan il-programm ta’ studji jkopri l-elementi bażiċi

tal-Anatomija u l-Fiżjoloġija fl-Isport, l-Ittestjar tal-
Kundizzjoni Fiżika Tajba, l-Istruzzjoni għal Kundizzjoni
Fiżika Tajba, il-Metodoloġija Fundamentali tal-Attività
Fiżika u l-Isport, kif ukoll it-teorija u l-prattika tal-
isport l-iktar komuni. Is-sillabu jinkorpora komponent
ta’ tagħlim ibbażat fuq ix-xogħol b’tali mod li jiffaċilita
t-tranżizzjoni f’impjieg għal dawk l-istudenti li ma
jixtiqux ikomplu jistudjaw. Sal-aħħar tal-kors, l-istudent
ikun kapaċi jassisti lill-Għalliem tal-Fitness fit-tħejjija
u l-provvista ta’ programmi bażiċi ta’ taħriġ għal
kundizzjoni fiżika tajba. L-istudent jiġi mħeġġeġ li jieħu
sehem f’diversi avvenimenti relatati mal-isport li huma
organizzati fil-kampus minn żmien għal żmien.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 SEC/O-Level /SSC&P (Level 3) passes.
Preferred: English Language, Biology, Physical
or MCAST Foundation Certificate
Medical clearance required
Applicants are expected to successfully fulfil
the requirements of a Fitness Test

Career Opportunities:
Gym and fitness instructors

Course Code: CS3-05-18

This programme is gaining a lot of popularity with Dan il-programm qed jikseb ħafna popolarità mal-
learners who intend to seek future employment istudenti li għandhom l-intenzjoni li fil-futur isibu
within the Academy for Disciplined Forces. Lecturers impjieg fl-Akkademja għal Forzi Dixxiplinati. L-istudenti
will discuss current and contemporary issues relating jiddiskutu kwistjonijiet kurrenti u kontemporanji relatati
to security, enforcement and protection both in Malta mas-sikurezza, l-infurzar u l-protezzjoni, kemm f’Malta
and beyond our shores. Learners will also tackle kif ukoll lil hinn minn xtutna. L-istudenti jittrattaw
topics relating to equality, diversity, dignity and rights ukoll suġġetti relatati mal-ugwaljanza, id-diversità, id-
of individuals. Educational visits will be organised dinjità u d-drittijiet ta’ individwi. Jiġu organizzati żjarat
to different departments which form part of the edukattivi f’dipartimenti differenti li jiffurmaw parti
Academy: Civil Protection Department, Police Force, mill-Akkademja: id-Dipartiment tal-Protezzjoni Ċivili, il-
Armed Forces of Malta and Law courts. Pulizija, il-Forzi Armati ta’ Malta u l-Qrati.

This Extended Diploma course is delivered over two Dan il-kors ta’ Diploma Estiża jdum sentejn. Madankollu,
years. However, learners can opt to exit after the l-istudenti jistgħu jagħżlu li joħorġu minn dan il-kors wara
successful completion of their first year of studies. In li jlestu b’suċċess l-ewwel sena tal-istudji tagħhom. F’dan
this case, they will be eligible to attain a level 3 Diploma il-każ, ikunu eliġibbli biex jiksbu Diploma in Foundation
in Foundation Studies for Security, Enforcement Studies for Security, Enforcement and Protection
and Protection. tal-Livell 3.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 2 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
or MCAST Foundation Certificate

Career Opportunities:
Careers in Disciplined Forces (further training may
apply depending on the chosen career path)

For more info kindly visit:
Course Code: CS4-01-19

This programme is made up of study-units intended Dan il-programm huwa magħmul minn unitajiet ta’
to equip learners with the knowledge to provide studju maħsuba biex jagħtu lill-istudenti l-għarfien
treatments for the purpose of relaxation and stress- biex jipprovdu trattamenti għall-finijiet ta’ rilassament
relief as well as to improve the condition of the u ħelsien mill-istress, kif ukoll biex itejbu l-kundizzjoni
skin. Learners will have the opportunity to perform tal-ġilda. L-istudenti jkollhom l-opportunità li jwettqu
practical tasks during hands-on sessions within the xogħlijiet prattiċi matul sessjonijiet fis-salons tal-MCAST.
MCAST salons. There will also be work placement Ikun hemm ukoll perjodi ta’ esperjenza ta’ xogħol f’Salons
periods within established Salons and Spas. u Spas stabbiliti.

Study units during the second year of studies include L-unitajiet ta’ studju matul it-tieni sena, jinkludu
alternative therapies such as reflexology, stone terapiji alternattivi bħal reflexology, stone therapy
therapy and aromatherapy. u aromatherapy.

At the end of the first academic year, successful Fi tmiem l-ewwel sena akkademika, l-istudenti li jtemmuha
learners will have the option to exit their studies, and b’suċċess ikollhom l-għażla li jieqfu mill-istudji tagħhom u
be awarded the MCAST Award in Beauty Therapy. jingħataw l-MCAST Award in Beauty Therapy. Permezz ta’
This award will enable them to work in the industry din l-għotja, huma jkunu jistgħu jaħdmu fl-industrija bħala
as beauty therapists. terapisti tas-sbuħijia.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
Beauty therapist

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: CS4-04-19

This programme provides major emphasis to the Dan il-programm jagħti importanza kbira lill-komponenti
practical components which form an integral part of prattiċi li jiffurmaw parti integrali mill-programm.
the programme. Learners are taught how to observe L-istudenti jiġu mgħallma kif josservaw lit-trabi u t-tfal iż-
babies and toddlers in an early years’ environment, to żgħar f’ambjent ta’ snin bikrija, biex ikunu jistgħu jgħinu
be able to help each child reach his or her maximum lit-tfal jilħqu l-potenzjal massimu tagħhom. Jintużaw
potential. Innovative methods are used to plan metodi innovattivi biex jiġu ppjanati attivitajiet għal
activities for children in a childcare setting. Other tfal f’ambjent tal-kura tat-tfal. Lezzjonijiet oħra jinkludu
topics include the safeguarding and promotion suġġetti dwar is-salvagwardja u l-promozzjoni tad-
of children’s rights and the creation of a safe and drittijiet tat-tfal u l-ħolqien ta’ ambjent sikur u motivanti
engaging environment where positive development fejn jista’ jseħħ żvilupp pożittiv.
can take place.
Fi tmiem l-ewwel sena akkademika, l-istudenti li
At the end of the first academic year, successful jtemmuha b’suċċess ikollhom l-għażla li ma jkomplux
learners will have the option to exit their studies, l-istudji tagħhom, u jingħataw l-MCAST Award in
and be awarded the MCAST Award in Children’s Care, Children’s Care, Learning and Development. Permezz
Learning and Development. This award will enable ta’ din l-għotja, huma jkunu jistgħu jaħdmu bħala
them to work as child care practitioners. prattikanti fil-qasam tal-kura tat-tfal.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes.
Compulsory: English Language, Maltese
and Mathematics
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Prior to embarking on any Placement, learners

need to:
satisfy the requirements of the Protection of Minors
Act (POMA);
and present a clean police conduct.

Career Opportunities:
Child care practitioner

For more info kindly visit:
Course Code: CS4-02-19

This is a two-year full-time programme during which Dan huwa programm full-time ta’ sentejn li matulu
the learner becomes better acquainted with the l-istudent isir aktar familjari mas-servizzi speċjalizzati
specialised services offered by different agencies and offruti minn aġenziji u organizzazzjonijiet differenti fis-
organisations in the care sector. This programme of settur tal-kura. Dan il-programm ta’ studji huwa ideali
studies is ideal for those prospective candidates who għal dawk il-kandidati prospettivi li jiksbu sodisfazzjon
derive a lot of personal satisfaction from helping others. personali meta jgħinu lill-oħrajn. Il-lezzjonijiet jittrattaw
Lectures deal with sociological and psychological perspettivi soċjoloġiċi u psikoloġiċi, il-leġiżlazzjoni, il-ħiliet
perspectives, legislation, communication skills and tal-komunikazzjoni u l-bijoloġija tal-bniedem. L-għalliema
human biology. Lecturers will present scenarios which jippreżentaw xenarji li huma dinamiċi u li jġiegħlu lill-
are dynamic and thought-provoking, and learners istudenti jaħsbu, u l-istudenti jitħejjew biex jaħdmu
are prepared to work in challenging environments f’ambjenti ta’ sfida ma’ individwi vulnerabbli. Komponent
dealing with vulnerable individuals. A work-based ta’ tagħlim ibbażat fuq ix-xogħol huwa inkluż fil-qafas ta’
learning component is included in the framework of dan il-programm.
this programme.
L-istudenti li jiggradwaw b’suċċess minn dan il-programm
Learners who successfully graduate from this ta’ studji huma meħtieġa ferm u kollha jirnexxilhom isibu
programme of studies are very much in demand impjieg immedjat fis-settur.
and all manage to find immediate employment in
the sector.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes.
Preferred: Health & Social Care, English Language,
Maltese, Ethics, Social Studies, Home Economics,
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Prior to embarking on any Placement, learners

need to:
• satisfy the requirements of the Protection of
Minors Act (POMA);
• satisfy specific immunisation requirements;
• present a clean police conduct.

Career Opportunities:
Social support worker

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: CS4-03-19

This is a full-time programme with a strong emphasis Dan huwa programm full-time b’enfasi qawwija fuq it-
on work-based learning. Indeed, the placement tagħlim ibbażat fuq ix-xogħol. Fil-fatt, l-esperjenza ta’
experience will boost the learner’s chances of xogħol tagħti spinta lill-opportunitajiet tal-istudent biex
employment upon the successful completion of the isib impjieg hekk kif ilesti il-kors b’suċċess. Dawn jistgħu
course. These may include, but are not limited to, jinkludu, iżda mhumiex limitati għal, opportunitajiet
coaching, fitness, officiating and sports-development ta’ kkowċjar, fitness, uffiċjali sportivi u fl-iżvilupp tal-
opportunities, amongst others. During the two-years isport, fost l-oħrajn. Matul is-sentejn ta’ studju, l-istudent
of study, the learner will be exposed to an array of jiltaqa’ ma’ firxa ta’ unitajiet prattiċi u teoretiċi relatati
practical and theoretical modules related to the mas-settur. Eżempji jinkludu unitajiet relatati mal-
sector. Examples include modules relating to sports korriment waqt l-isport u l-isport bħala negozju. Bħala
injury and sports as a business venture. As an entry kriterju għad-dħul fil-kors, l-istudenti jkunu meħtieġa
criterion to the course, the learners would need to jwettqu u jgħaddu minn Test bażiku ta’ Kundizzjoni
undertake and pass a basic Fitness Test that physically Fiżika Tajba li jittestja b’mod fiżiku l-livell personali tal-
tests the learners’ personal level of fitness in terms of fitness tal-istudenti f’termini ta’ flessibbiltà, reżistenza
flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, strength, speed kardjovaskolari, saħħa, veloċità u aġilità.
and agility.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O-Level /SSC&P (Level 3) passes.
Preferred: Physical Education, English Language,
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)
Medical clearance, required.
Applicants are expected to successfully fulfil the
requirements of a Fitness Test

Career Opportunities:
Gym Instructor, Coach,
Sports development Officer

For more info kindly visit:
Course Code: CS5-01-19

This course is one of the most sought-after within this Dan il-kors huwa wieħed mill-aktar korsijiet popolari
Institute. It is highly popular since it provides ample f’dan l-Istitut. Huwa popolari ħafna minħabba li jipprovdi
opportunities for employment. biżżejjed opportunitajiet biex wieħed isib impjieg.

The study-units are designed in such a manner to L-unitajiet ta’ studju huma mfassla b’tali mod li jipprovdu
provide a strong link between theoretical concepts and rabta qawwija bejn kunċetti teoretiċi u prattika diretta
hands-on practice during internship. Lectures focus matul l-internship. Il-lezzjonijiet jiggwidaw lill-istudenti
on guiding the undergraduates how to make learning dwar kif it-tagħlim jista’ jkun stimulanti u ta’ divertiment
for young children stimulating and fun, in a safe and għat-tfal iż-żgħar, f’ambjent sikur u tajjeb għas-saħħa.
healthy environment.
Mat-tlestija ta’ dan il-programm, l-istudenti jistgħu
Upon completion of this programme, the jkomplu bl-istudji tagħhom fl-aħħar sena tal-Bachelor of
undergraduates may proceed to the final year of the Arts (Hons) in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC)
Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Early Childhood Education fil-Fakultà tal-Edukazzjoni, l-Università ta’ Malta, ladarba
and Care (ECEC) within the Faculty of Education, jissodisfaw għadd ta’ rekwiżiti relatati mal-profiċjenza fil-
University of Malta, subject to fulfilling a number of lingwa Maltija u Ingliża.
requirements relating to proficiency in Maltese and
English language.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 5 2 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-Level and 2 I-Level passes Compulsory A-level
or I-level: 2 subjects from Mathematics, English,
Maltese. Applicants need to be in possession of
a pass at SEC/O-Level in the subject that is not
presented at A-level or I-level.
or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST

Prior to embarking on any Placement, learners

need to:
satisfy the requirements of the Protection of Minors
Act (POMA);
and present a clean police conduct.

Career Opportunities:
Childcare co-ordinator, Early years educator.

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: CS6-01-19

The Health and Social Care sector provides a number Is-settur tas-Saħħa u l-Kura Soċjali jipprovdi għadd ta’
of career opportunities for successful learners to find opportunitajiet ta’ karriera biex l-istudenti li jtemmu dan
engaging and rewarding employment at the end of il-kors b’suċċess isibu impjieg motivanti u ta’ sodisfazzjon
this degree programme. Throughout the duration fi tmiem dan il-programm ta’ studji. Matul il-kors kollu,
of the course, undergraduates will participate in l-istudenti tal-baċellerat jipparteċipaw f’esperjenzi ta’
internship experiences in related settings under the internship f’ambjenti relatati, taħt is-superviżjoni ta’
supervision of experienced professionals. professjonisti esperjenzati.

This programme of studies includes a varied pool of Dan il-programm ta’ studji jinkludi ġabra varjata
modules aimed at enhancing the undergraduates’ ta’ unitajiet immirati lejn it-tisħiħ tal-karatteristiċi
managerial attributes --- amongst which “Governance maniġerjali tal-istudenti tal-baċellerat --- fosthom “Il-
and quality management” and “European Law Governanza u l-Ġestjoni tal-Kwalità” u “Il-Liġi Ewropea
and Social Policy”. Other study-units focus on the u l-Politika Soċjali”. Unitajiet ta’ studju oħra jiffokaw
importance of the undergraduate to keep abreast fuq l-importanza li l-istudent iżomm ruħu aġġornat
of current issues that different categories of service- fir-rigward ta’ kwistjonijiet kurrenti li jistgħu jiffaċċjaw
users may encounter --- such as “Globalisation and kategoriji differenti ta’ utenti tas-servizz --- bħalma
Poverty” and “Family and Individual Functioning”. huma “Il-Globalizzazzjoni u l-Faqar” u “Il-Familja u
l-Funzjonament Individwali”.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 3 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-Level and 2 I-Level passes and SEC/O-Level Pass
in English Language Preferred (A-Level or I-Level):
Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Sociology, Psychology,
Home Economics & Human Ecology, Accounts,
or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST

Career Opportunities:
Administrative and/or managerial positions within
the Health and Social Care sector.

For more info kindly visit:
Course Code: CS6-03-18

This programme of study focuses on how educational Dan il-programm ta’ studji jiffoka fuq kif l-istituzzjonijiet
institutions, in general, and specifically the classroom edukattivi, b’mod ġenerali, u l-ambjenti tal-klassi, b’mod
settings, can become more inclusive to cater for speċifiku, jistgħu jsiru aktar inklużivi biex jilħqu ħtiġijiet
different individual needs. individwali differenti.

Undergraduates tackle a variety of study-units aimed at L-istudenti tal-baċellerat jittrattaw varjetà ta’ unitajiet ta’
identifying what barriers exist which may be preventing studju, bil-għan li jiġu identifikati liema ostakoli jistgħu
all students from accessing quality education. jkunu qed jipprevjenu lill-istudenti kollha milli jaċċessaw
Furthermore, the study-units also explore innovative edukazzjoni ta’ kwalità. Barra minn hekk, l-unitajiet ta’
techniques of how these barriers can be overcome studju jesploraw ukoll tekniki innovattivi dwar kif jistgħu
so that all students during compulsory schooling jiġu megħluba dawn l-ostakoli sabiex l-istudenti kollha
years, and possibly beyond, feel valued. This course matul is-snin ta’ edukazzjoni obbligatorja, u possibbilment
comprises a strong practical component and includes lil hinn minnhom, iħossuhom stmati. Dan il-kors jinkludi
internship opportunities aimed at developing a mindset komponent prattiku b’saħħtu, u jinkludi opportunitajiet
of promoting inclusive communities that celebrate ta’ internship immirati lejn l-iżvilupp ta’ mentalità tal-
diversity and cater for the diverse needs of different promozzjoni ta’ komunitajiet inklużivi li jiċċelebraw
group of students. id-diversità u jindirizzaw il-ħtiġijiet differenti ta’ grupp
differenti ta’ studenti.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 3 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-Level and 2 I-Level passes, to include at least one
A-Level and one I-Level from Mathematics, English,
Maltese, Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology
or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST

Career Opportunities:
Learning Support Educator (LSE)

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: CS6-02-17

This programme of studies assists the prospective

candidates to pursue careers in a range of sports,
exercise and clinical settings. The modules prepare
the undergraduate to work alongside medical and
healthcare professionals in promoting physical
activity and exercise, and are mapped to the rigorous
standards upheld by various international accrediting
bodies in the field. The ultimate aim will be to improve
the general health of the individual and of society as
a whole.

The undergraduate will develop the knowledge and

skills required to assist clients and patients with
their various health challenges, non-communicable
diseases, conditions, injuries or disabilities.

Dan il-programm ta’ studji jgħin lill-kandidati prospettivi

jsegwu karrieri f’firxa ta’ ambjenti tal-isport, l-eżerċizzju
u kliniċi. L-unitajiet iħejju lill-istudent tal-baċellerat biex
jaħdem flimkien ma’ professjonisti mediċi u fil-kura tas-
saħħa għall-promozzjoni tal-attività fiżika u l-eżerċizzju,
u huma bbażati fuq l-istandards rigorużi osservati
minn diversi korpi internazzjonali ta’ akkreditazzjoni fil-
qasam. L-għan aħħari jkun li titjieb is-saħħa ġenerali tal-
individwu u tas-soċjetà kollha.

L-istudent tal-baċellerat jiżviluppa l-għarfien u l-ħiliet

meħtieġa biex jassisti lill-klijenti u l-pazjenti bid-
diversi sfidi tas-saħħa tagħhom, b’mard li ma jitteħidx,
b’kundizzjonijiet, b’korrimenti jew b’diżabilità.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 3 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-Level and 2 I-Level passes and SEC/O-Level
Pass in English Language Compulsory: A- or I-Level:
Physics or Chemistry or Biology or Physical Education
or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST

Career Opportunities:
Personal Trainer
For more info kindly visit:


Institute for
the Creative
Formerly known as the Institute of Art and Design, this
institute was established in 2001, merging the expertise
of the Art and Design Centre and Salvatore Dimech
School for Craftsmen. In 2014, the name was changed
to Institute for the Creative Arts to reflect its growing
portfolio of courses offered, ranging from art and design
to graphic design and interactive media, creative media
production, photography and journalism, and recently,
fashion design and performing arts as well as cultural
heritage skills.

The Institute works closely with the industry to provide

students with realistic assignment briefs and experiences.
The creative arts play a crucial role in communicating
visions and ideas which words alone cannot fully express.
They may also be perceived as means to educate, to
provide a cultural identity and act as agents of change.

Dan l-Istitut, li ġie stabbilit fl-2001, qabel kien magħruf bħala

l-Istitut tal-Arti u d-Disinn u jgħaqqad flimkien il-kompetenza
taċ-Ċentru tal-Arti u d-Disinn, u l-Iskola Salvatore Dimech
għal Persuni tas-Sengħa. Fl-2014, l-isem inbidel għall-Istitut
għall-Arti Kreattiva, biex jirrifletti l-portafoll dejjem jikber
ta’ korsijiet offruti, li jvarjaw mill-arti u d-disinn, għad-
disinn grafiku u l-midja interattiva, il-produzzjoni tal-midja
kreattiva, il-fotografija u l-ġurnaliżmu, id-disinn tal-moda u
l-arti tal-ispettaklu, kif ukoll il-ħiliet tal-patrimonju kulturali.

L-Istitut jaħdem mill-qrib mal-industrija biex jipprovdi

lill-istudenti tagħrif u esperjenzi ta’ xogħol realistiċi.
L-arti kreattiva għandha rwol kruċjali fil-komunikazzjoni
ta’ viżjonijiet u ideat li ma jistgħux jiġu espressi bil-kliem
biss. Tista’ tiġi meqjusa wkoll bħala mezz ta’ edukazzjoni, li
tipprovdi identità kulturali u taġixxi bħala aġent tal-bidla.

Course Code: AD1-01-19

This programme of studies provides learners, who

completed their compulsory education and are in
possession of their Secondary School Certificate
and Profile (SSC&P), with an opportunity to follow
an introductory course in the field of art and design. For more info kindly visit:
The programme of studies focuses on basic art and
design principles, with an emphasis on vocational
practice. This enables learners to understand better
the vocation they intend to follow, and prepare
them for further training in the field. Key skills
subjects help learners improve their competences
within basic areas such as language, numeracy,
information technology, science, and individual and
social responsibility.

Dan il-programm ta’ studji jipprovdi lill-istudenti, li

jkunu spiċċaw l-edukazzjoni obbligatorja tagħhom u li
għandhom iċ-Ċertifikat u l-Profil tal-Iskola Sekondarja
(SSC&P) tagħhom, l-opportunità li jsegwu kors
introduttorju fil-qasam tal-arti u d-disinn. Il-programm
ta’ studji jiffoka fuq il-prinċipji bażiċi tal-arti u d-disinn,
b’enfasi fuq il-prattika vokazzjonali. Dan jippermetti
lill-istudenti jifhmu aħjar il-vokazzjoni li biħsiebhom
isegwu, u jħejjihom għal aktar taħriġ fil-qasam. Suġġetti
ta’ ħiliet ewlenin jgħinu lill-istudenti jtejbu l-kompetenzi
tagħhom f’oqsma bażiċi bħal-lingwa, in-numeriżmu, it-
teknoloġija tal-informazzjoni, ix-xjenza, u r-responsabbiltà
individwali u soċjali.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 1 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
Finished Compulsory Education
Initial Assessment Tests (as may be applicable)
Course Code: CA2-01-19

This programme of studies provides an opportunity

to learners, in possession of the Secondary School
Certificate and Profile (SSC&P), to follow a structured
programme that explores the basics of various
Creative Art disciplines, namely Art, Design, Media For more info kindly visit:
and Performing Arts. The programme includes a
significant amount of vocational practice, as well as
essential key skills subjects that will help learners
form a clear idea of the nature of the vocation they
intend to follow at higher levels while, at the same
time, developing their competences within basic areas
such as language, numeracy, information technology,
science and individual and social responsibility.

Dan il-programm ta’ studji jipprovdi lill-istudenti, li

jkollhom iċ-Ċertifikat u l-Profil tal-Iskola Sekondarja
(SSC&P), l-opportunità li jsegwu programm strutturat
li jesplora l-aspetti bażiċi tad-diversi dixxiplini tal-Arti
Kreattiva, jiġifieri l-Arti, id-Disinn, il-Midja u l-Arti tal-
Ispettaklu. Il-programm jinkludi ammont sinifikanti ta’
prattika vokazzjonali, kif ukoll suġġetti ta’ ħiliet ewlenin
essenzjali li jgħinu lill-istudenti jifformaw idea ċara tal-
vokazzjoni li biħsiebhom isegwu f’livelli ogħla filwaqt li,
fl-istess ħin, jiżviluppaw il-kompetenzi tagħhom f’oqsma
bażiċi bħal-lingwa, in-numeriżmu, it-teknoloġija tal-
informazzjoni, ix-xjenza u r-responsabbiltà individwali
u soċjali.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 2 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
Finished Compulsory Education
or MCAST Introductory Certificate,
Initial Assessment Tests (as may be applicable)


Course Code: AD3-01-19

This course gives learners the opportunity to explore

two different areas, that of Art and Design. Learners
are encouraged to experiment with different media,
resistant and non-resistant materials used in the
generic disciplines of Art, 3D Design (Product and For more info kindly visit:
Spatial) and Fashion. Learners learn skills using
different workshops and related tools and technology,
as well as learn the theoretical aspects of various
specialist areas, with awareness to health and safety
priorities. Another important aspect of the course is
the learners’ communication skills.

Dan il-kors jagħti lill-istudenti l-opportunità li jesploraw

żewġ oqsma differenti, dawk tal-Arti u d-Disinn.
L-istudenti huma mħeġġa li jesperimentaw b’midja
differenti, materjali reżistenti u mhux reżistenti użati
fid-dixxiplini ġeneriċi tal-Arti, id-Disinn Tridimensjonali
(Prodott u Spazjali) u l-Moda. L-istudenti jitgħallmu
l-ħiliet billi jużaw workshops differenti u għodod u
teknoloġija relatati, kif ukoll jitgħallmu l-aspetti teoretiċi
ta’ diversi oqsma speċjalizzati, filwaqt li jkunu konxji
dwar il-prijoritajiet tas-saħħa u s-sikurezza. Aspett
importanti ieħor tal-kors huwa l-ħiliet ta’ komunikazzjoni

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Compulsory: Art or Art & Design or Textiles
& Design
or MCAST Foundation Certificate

Career Opportunities:
Assistant in the crafts sectors of stone works,
woodworking production sector, ceramics, jewellery.
Seamstress in the textiles or fashion area,
Assistant in an art studio.

Course Code: AD3-02-19

The performing arts sector is steadily growing and

becoming more professionalized. Learners embark
on this programme of studies if, in the future, they
see themselves working in music, theatre, dance,
management, production, design or technical aspects For more info kindly visit:
of the performing arts, or if they are just wondering if
this would be the right career path for them.

This multidisciplinary course gives learners a sound

introduction to the various disciplines and elements
that make up the performing arts sector through
hands-on projects based on theory. Moreover, this
course provides learners with the ideal foundation
upon which to base further studies in the process of
becoming a performing arts professional.

Is-settur tal-arti tal-ispettaklu qed jikber b’mod kostanti u

qed isir aktar professjonali. L-istudenti jidħlu għal dan il-
programm ta’ studji jekk, fil-futur, huma jixtiequ jaħdmu
fil-mużika, it-teatru, iż-żfin, il-maniġment, il-produzzjoni,
id-disinn jew aspetti tekniċi tal-arti tal-ispettaklu, jew jekk
sempliċement għadhom qed jiddeċiedu jekk din hijiex
l-aħjar karriera għalihom.

Dan il-kors multidixxiplinari jagħti lill-istudenti

introduzzjoni soda għad-diversi dixxiplini u elementi
li jiffurmaw is-settur tal-arti tal-ispettaklu permezz ta’
proġetti prattiċi bbażati fuq it-teorija. Barra minn hekk,
dan il-kors jipprovdi lill-istudenti bażi ideali li fuqha
għandhom jibbażaw aktar studji li jwassluhom biex isiru
professjonisti tal-arti tal-ispettaklu.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
or MCAST Foundation Certificate

Career Opportunities:
Stage hands, Usher, Relationship officer,
Ticketing officer


Course Code: AD3-03-19

The creative media sector is versatile and it

encompasses many job opportunities for young
learners who are ready to take on this adventure.

This course aims to give learners an introduction about

the various disciplines and elements that make up the
creative media sector and it also allows learners to
experience working on media-related projects first
hand. This course provides learners with the ideal
foundations upon which students can further specialise
as creative media professionals.

Is-settur tal-midja kreattiva huwa versatili u jħaddan ħafna

opportunitajiet ta’ impjiegi għal studenti żgħażagħ li huma
lesti jidħlu għal din l-avventura.

Dan il-kors għandu l-għan li jagħti lill-istudenti

introduzzjoni dwar id-diversi dixxiplini u l-elementi li
jiffurmaw is-settur tal-midja kreattiva u jippermetti wkoll
li l-istudenti jaħdmu fuq proġetti relatati mal-midja b’mod
dirett. Dan il-kors jipprovdi lill-istudenti l-bażi ideali li
fuqha l-istudenti jistgħu jkomplu jispeċjalizzaw bħala
professjonisti tal-midja kreattiva.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Preferred: English Language, Music
or MCAST Foundation Certificate

Career Opportunities:
Runner in various fields of media production,
Rigger, Relationship officer,
Ticketing officer,
Assistant in Administration

For more info kindly visit:


Course Code: CA3-01-17

This course aims to deliver both general as well as Dan il-kors għandu l-għan li jipprovdi edukazzjoni u taħriġ
area-specific education and training in the commercial fuq livell kemm ġenerali kif ukoll speċifiku għas-settur,
and security printing industry. The sector is currently fir-rigward tal-industrija tal-istampar kummerċjali u ta’
facing challenges related to changing habits, shifts to sikurezza. Bħalissa s-settur qed jiffaċċja sfidi relatati ma’
digital communication, and competition from non- drawwiet li qed jinbidlu, tibdil għal komunikazzjoni diġitali,
EU countries. Nevertheless, the local industry has u kompetizzjoni minn pajjiżi mhux tal-UE. Madankollu,
recently seen an increase in employability, supporting l-industrija lokali dan l-aħħar rat żieda fl-impjegabbiltà
publishing, advertising, and other commercial u fl-appoġġ ta’ negozji tal-pubblikazzjoni u tar-reklamar
businesses. This course provides opportunities for u negozji kummerċjali oħra. Dan il-kors jipprovdi
direct employment in the trade. This qualification opportunitajiet għal impjieg dirett fil-kummerċ. Din il-
equips learners with knowledge of the major pre-press, kwalifika tagħti lill-istudenti għarfien dwar il-proċessi ta’
printing and post-press processes as well as a range of qabel l-istampar, tal-istampar u ta’ wara l-istampar, kif
skills and techniques, personal qualities and attitudes ukoll firxa ta’ ħiliet u teknoloġiji, kwalitajiet u attitudnijiet
essential for successful performance in working life. personali essenzjali biex huma jirnexxu fil-ħajja tax-xogħol
Learners harness theoretical knowledge, backed up by tagħhom. L-istudenti jsaħħu l-għarfien teoretiku li jiksbu fl-
practical training within the printing industry. Istitut permezz tat-taħriġ prattiku fl-industrija tal-istampar.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Preferred: Art, Art & Design, Textile & Design
or MCAST Foundation Certificate

Career Opportunities:
Pre-press operator, Offset printer, Printing finisher,
Machine minders

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: CA4-05-17

This course presents learners with more challenging

exercises in Art and Design disciplines. Learners are
expected to undertake guided and independent
learning in order to develop further the necessary skills
and creativity. They are expected to develop a portfolio For more info kindly visit:
of work for progression or for potential employment.

In the second year learners focus on a specialist path

to enhance their technical skills and in preparation
to progress to higher levels of study or to find work
as craftsperson. Special attention is given to visual
and written communication in preparation for self-
promotion in the industry or for Higher Education.

Dan il-kors jippreżenta lill-istudenti eżerċizzji aktar ta’

sfida fid-dixxiplini tal-Arti u d-Disinn. L-istudenti jkunu
mistennija jirċievu tagħlim iggwidat u indipendenti sabiex
ikomplu jiżviluppaw il-ħiliet u l-kreattività neċessarji. Huma
jkunu mistennija jiżviluppaw portafoll ta’ ħidma biex jimxu
’l quddiem fl-istudji tagħhom jew għal impjieg potenzjali.

Fit-tieni sena l-istudenti jiffokaw fuq settur speċjalizzat

biex isaħħu l-ħiliet tekniċi tagħhom u jilħqu livelli ogħla
ta’ studju jew isibu xogħol bħala craftsperson. Tingħata
attenzjoni speċjali għall-komunikazzjoni viżiva u miktuba,
bi tħejjija għal promozzjoni tagħhom infushom fl-industrija
jew għal Edukazzjoni Għolja.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O level / SSC&P (level 3) passes.
Compulsory: Art, or Art & Design, or Textiles & Design
or Design & Technology
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)
Applicants may be asked to sit for an interview and/or
present their portfolio.

Career Opportunities:
Craftsman, Artisan

Course Code: AD4-02-19

The media industry is an ever changing and dynamic L-industrija tal-midja hija settur kull ma jmur jinbidel u
sector which requires specific skills sets and dinamiku li jeħtieġ numru ta’ ħiliet u kompetenzi speċifiċi
competences to address the versatile demands that biex jiġu indirizzati d-domandi versatili li l-industrija
the industry reuires to operate. These demands can teħtieġ biex topera. Dawn id-domandi jistgħu jkunu ta’
be creative in nature but also technical. natura kreattiva kif ukoll teknika.

This programme opens up a range of pathways Dan il-programm jiftaħ firxa ta’ toroq li jwasslu għal
leading to careers within various media sectors. After karrieri f’diversi setturi tal-midja. Wara t-tlestija b’suċċess
the successful completion of this course, learners may ta’ dan il-kors, l-istudenti jistgħu jagħżlu li jaħdmu fil-
choose to work in video production, television, sound, produzzjoni tal-vidjos, fit-televiżjoni, fil-ħoss, fil-midja
interactive media and sectors of the film industry. interattiva u f’setturi tal-industrija tal-films.

The programme provides learners with a broad Il-programm jipprovdi lill-istudenti introduzzjoni wiesgħa
introduction to the various aspects of audio-visual għad-diversi aspetti tal-produzzjoni awdjoviżiva. Barra
production. Moreover, it provides a solid foundation in minn hekk, jipprovdi bażi soda fir-rigward tat-teoriji
underlying theories, while also covering practical areas fundamentali, filwaqt li jkopri wkoll oqsma prattiċi fit-
in camera and audio techniques and video editing. teknika tal-kamera u tal-awdjo u fl-editjar tal-vidjos.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O level / SSC&P (level 3) passes.
Compulsory: Art, or English Language, or
Music Studies
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Applicants may be asked to sit for an interview and/

or present a portfolio.

Career Opportunities:
Studio/location Camera person, Assistant audio
person, Video editor, Film Production Runner,
TV Production Runner

For more info kindly visit:
Course Code: TC4-A2-19

This course addresses sectorial needs in order

to support the management, conservation and
preservation of cultural heritage. Successful candidates
will be able to ethically collaborate with relevant
stakeholders, and would work under the supervision For more info kindly visit:
of one of these. Initially, the programme provides the
necessary background for further training in technical
aspects of cultural heritage and heritage skills. Options
in the second and third year of the programme, which
are open subject to demand and viability, include stone,
metals, books, paper and textiles heritage skills, with
training being carried out in workshops, laboratories
and on sites.

Dan il-kors jindirizza n-nuqqasijiet fil-ħiliet fis-settur

sabiex jiġu appoġġjati l-ġestjoni, il-konservazzjoni u
l-preservazzjoni tal-patrimonju kulturali. Il-kandidati li
jtemmu l-kors b’suċċess jkunu jistgħu jikkollaboraw b’mod
etiku ma’ partijiet interessati rilevanti u jaħdmu taħt is-
sorveljanza ta’ waħda minnhom. Inizjalment, il-programm
ta’ studji jipprovdi l-materjal teoretiku u l-isfond etiku
applikati neċessarji għal aktar taħriġ fl-aspetti tekniċi tal-
patrimonju kulturali u l-ħiliet tal-patrimonju. L-għażliet fit-
tieni u t-tielet sena tal-programm, li jiftħu skont id-domanda
u l-vijabbiltà, jinkludu l-kisba ta’ ħiliet għall-patrimonju
relatati mal-ġebla, il-metalli, il-kotba, il-karta u t-tessuti.
Dan it-taħriġ isir f’workshops, laboratorji u fuq is-sit.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 3 Years on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O level / SSC&P (level 3) passes.
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)
Applicants may be asked to sit for an interview.

Career Opportunities:
Heritage skills technician,
Assistant to archivist/curator/conservator-restorer in
archives/churches/palaces/stately homes/sites

Course Code: CA4-A1-17

This course is designed to address the skills shortages Dan il-kors huwa mfassal biex jindirizza n-nuqqasijiet
in the fashion design and production sector. Learners fil-ħiliet fis-settur tad-disinn u l-produzzjoni tal-moda.
undertaking the course also learn important skills L-istudenti li jidħlu għall-kors jiksbu wkoll ħiliet importanti,
required for the fashion retail sector, together with meħtieġa għas-settur tal-bejgħ lill-konsumatur fil-qasam
basic entrepreneurial knowledge to support those tal-moda, flimkien ma’ għarfien intraprenditorjali bażiku
learners who would like to set up their own atelier in biex jiġu appoġġjati dawk l-istudenti li jixtiequ li jkollhom
the future. l-istudjo tagħhom fil-futur.

The first year of the programme offers learners L-ewwel sena tal-programm toffri lill-istudenti l-aspetti
the cultural, theoretical and creative aspects of the kulturali, teoretiċi u kreattivi tas-suġġett. Qasam importanti
subject. Another important area is pattern drafting ieħor huwa t-tfassil u t-tekniki tal-ħjata bi tħejjija għat-
and sewing techniques in preparation for the second tieni sena. It-tieni sena tal-istudji tipprovdi lill-istudenti
year. The second year of studies provides learners with l-opportunità li jkomplu jiżviluppaw l-għarfien u l-ħiliet
the opportunity to develop further their knowledge tagħhom fl-ispeċjalizzazzjoni. Huma jippreżentaw il-
and skills in the specialisation. Learners present their kunċetti tad-disinn tagħhom stess f’kollezzjoni tal-moda
own design concepts in a fashion collection as their bħala proġett ewlieni finali tagħhom.
final major project.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O level / SSC&P (level 3) passes.
Preferred: English Language
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Applicants may be asked to sit for an interview and/

or present their portfolio.

Career Opportunities:
Junior designers in the fashion industry,
Junior producer in the atelier,
Assistant in fashion marketing department,
Assistant in fashion merchandising,
Assistant in fashion retail and customer care

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: CA4-02-17

This is a course of study that prepares learners to Dan huwa kors ta’ studju li jħejji lill-istudenti biex
communicate ideas and solve problems through jikkomunikaw ideat u jsolvu problemi permezz ta’
creative and innovative solutions. The course is taught soluzzjonijiet kreattivi u innovattivi. Il-kors jiġi mgħallem
by experienced graphic artists and designers, and is minn artisti u disinjaturi grafiċi esperjenzati, u huwa
an opportunity to form an understanding of graphic opportunità biex l-istudenti jiksbu għarfien dwar elementi
design and interactive media fundamentals. fundamentali tad-disinn grafiku u l-midja interattiva.

Learners become familiar with fundamental principles, L-istudenti jsiru familjari mal-prinċipji fundamentali, il-
skills and media related to contemporary graphic design ħiliet u l-midja relatati mad-disinn grafiku kontemporanju
and interactive media practice. With an emphasis on u l-prattika tal-midja interattiva. B’enfasi fuq il-proċess
the creative process, learners are guided to master kreattiv, l-istudenti jiġu ggiwdati biex jiksbu ħiliet tekniċi
technical skills in preparation for more independent bi tħejjija għal studju aktar indipendenti fil-livell tal-
study at undergraduate level. Exploratory exercises, baċellerat. Eżerċizzji esploratorji, ħidma fil-ħajja reali
real life work and competitions all form part of the u kompetizzjonijiet jiffurmaw parti mill-proċess għal
process for ultimate effective learning experiences. esperjenzi ta’ tagħlim effettiv.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years full time

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O level / SSC&P (level 3) passes.
Compulsory: Art
Preferred: English Language
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Applicants may be asked to sit for an interview and/

or present their portfolio.

Career Opportunities:
Junior graphic designer,
Junior web designer

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: CA4-03-19

The performing arts industry is a steadily growing sector L-industrija tal-arti tal-ispettaklu hija settur li qed jikber
which is demanding people trained in the various areas. b’mod kostanti li jitlob persuni mħarrġa fid-diversi oqsma.
Through this programme of studies learners become Permezz ta’ dan il-programm ta’ studji, l-istudenti jsiru
familiar with fundamental principles and skills related familjari mal-prinċipji u l-ħiliet fundamentali relatati mal-
to contemporary performing arts practice. prattika kontemporanja tal-arti tal-ispettaklu.

The first year of this course focuses on elemental L-ewwel sena ta’ dan il-kors tiffoka fuq prinċipji elementali
principles related to music, theatre, dance, relatati mal-mużika, it-teatru, iż-żfin, il-maniġment,
management, production, design and technical il-produzzjoni, id-disinn u l-aspetti tekniċi tal-arti tal-
aspects of the performing arts in preparation for more ispettaklu, bi tħejjija għal studju aktar indipendenti u ffokat
independent and focused study the following year tas-sena ta’ wara, meta l-istudenti jagħżlu li jiżviluppaw
when learners choose to develop particular study-areas f’oqsma ta’ studju partikolari (ir-reċtar, iż-żfin u/jew il-
of performance (acting, dance and/or music), design mużika), id-disinn (il-kostumi, il-props u/jew is-set), aspetti
(costume, props and/or set), technical aspects (light tekniċi (id-dawl u/jew il-ħoss) u maniġment.
and/or sound) and management further.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O level / SSC&P (level 3) passes
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Applicants may be asked to sit for an interview and/

or an audition.

Career Opportunities:
Assistant performing arts/events/stage/logistics
manager, Assistant designer (props, costumes),
Technical assistant (light/sound design), Performer
(acting, dance, music)

For more info kindly visit:


Course Code: CA4-04-17

The photographic industry requires young creatives L-industrija tal-fotografija tirrikjedi persuni kreattivi
who want to take the plunge into the world of żgħażagħ li jridu jidħlu fid-dinja tat-teħid professjonali
professional image making. The industry requires tal-immaġni. L-industrija tirrikjedi professjonisti żgħażagħ
competitive young professionals who can meet the kompetittivi li jistgħu jissodisfaw id-domandi kontinwi tal-
on-going clients’ demands for fresh and unique ideas klijenti għal ideat friski u uniċi għat-teħid ta’ immaġnijet f’
for images in a variety of contexts. varjetà ta’ kuntesti.

This course focuses on giving prospective Dan il-kors jagħti lill-fotografi prospettivi esperjenza
photographers a very near real-life educational edukattiva realistika simili għal dik li jistgħu jesperjenzaw
experience to what can be experienced in the fl-industriji tal-fotografija. L-istudenti jkunu esposti
photographic industries. Learners are exposed to the għall-oqsma speċjalizzati ta’ artistic photographic print
specialist areas of artistic photographic print making, making, location photography u studio photography. Lejn
location photography and studio photography. l-aħħar ta’ kull sena akkademika, l-istudenti jiżviluppaw
Towards the end of each academic year the learners il-kunċetti fotografiċi tematiċi tagħhom stess u jipproduċu
develop their own thematic photographic concepts żewġ proġetti fotografiċi ewlenin. Il-kors jinkludi wkoll
and produce two major photographic projects. DSLR photography, studio photography, studio lighting,
The course also includes DSLR photography, monochrome darkroom photographic printing, u tekniki
studio photography, studio lighting, monochrome avvanzati ta’ wara l-produzzjoni.
darkroom photographic printing, and advanced post-
production techniques.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Preferred: Art, English Language
Applicants may be asked to sit for an interview and/
or present their portfolio.

Career Opportunities:
Assistant photographer, Junior photo journalist,
Junior studio photographer, Junior photo-editor,
Photographer retail attendant, Junior photographer

For more info kindly visit:


Course Code: AD6-02-19

This degree is a synthesis of the most important Din id-degree hija sinteżi tal-aktar elementi importanti tal-
elements of professional fine art practice, concerned prattika tal-arti professjonali, billi tikkonċerna l-għarfien,
as they are with underpinning knowledge, fundamental il-ħiliet u l-fehim fundamentali.
skills and understanding.
L-istudenti jkollhom l-opportunità li japprezzaw u
Learners have the opportunity to appreciate and jiżviluppaw firxa ta’ dixxiplini tal-arti prattika, li jinkludu
develop a range of practical fine art disciplines, t-tpinġija, l-iskultura, il-pittura, il-fotografija, l-istampar
including drawing, sculpture, painting, photography, u l-iżvilupp ta’ immaġni diġitali. Huma jiġu mħeġġa
printmaking and digital imaging. They are encouraged jinvestigaw l-aspett multidimensjonali tat-teorija u
to investigate the multidimensional aspect of fine art l-prattika tal-arti, kif ukoll varjetà wiesgħa ta’ suġġetti,
theory and practice, as well as a broad variety of subject bħal dawk spiritwali, morali u etiċi, kif ukoll kwistjonijiet
matters, such as spiritual, moral, ethical, as well as ambjentali u soċjokulturali. Il-kors ta’ studji jistimula lill-
environmental and socio-cultural issues. The course istudenti sabiex jiżviluppaw kemm fir-rigward tal-avvanz
of studies stimulates learners in developing both their personali tagħhom stess, kif ukoll tal-ħiliet meħtieġa għall-
own personal advancement and the right assets to prattika fl-istudjo.
establish a studio practice.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 3 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes
Compulsory A-Level: Art, or Art & Design, or
or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST

Applicants may be asked to sit for an interview and/

or present their portfolio.

Career Opportunities:
2D Artist ,3D Artist, Digital artist, Multimedia artist,
Prop artist, Craftsman, Gallery assistant, Assistant to
a curator, Various roles within the cultural sector

For more info kindly visit:
Course Code: AD6-03-19

This degree programme has been developed in Dan il-programm fil-livell tal-baċellerat ġie żviluppat bi tweġiba
response to the increased demand for trained artists għad-domanda dejjem tiżdied għal artisti u disinjaturi mħarrġa
and designers who are able to produce rich, interactive li jistgħu jipproduċu esperjenzi rikki u interattivi billi jiżviluppaw
experiences by developing conceptual visual graphics grafiċi viżivi kunċettwali għal-logħob diġitali.
for digital games.
L-istudenti jkomplu jiżviluppaw il-ħiliet tagħhom fit-tpinġija
Learners further their skills in drawing and illustration u l-illustrazzjoni – il-bażi għall-iżvilupp eventwali tal-arti tal-
- the basis for the eventual development of game art. logħob. Huma jiksbu bażi tajba fil-prinċipji essenzjali tal-arti u
They acquire grounding in essential art and design d-disinn, kif ukoll fid-disinn iġġenerat mill-kompjuter, u fl-istess
principles, as well as computer-generated design, ħin jirċievu għarfien bażiku ta’ teorija, analiżi u prattika relatati.
and concurrently receive a basic knowledge of related Dan jinkludi d-disinn tal-logħob, il-psikoloġija tal-logħob,
theory, analysis and practice. This includes game l-interfaċċa tal-utent (UI), l-istudju tan-narrattiva, l-immaġni
design, psychology of play, user interface (UI), narrative diġitali, l-immudellar tridimensjonali u l-animazzjoni. Fl-aħħar
study, digital imaging, 3D-modelling and animation. In sena tagħhom, l-istudenti jiġu mħeġġa sabiex jissieħbu mal-
their final year, learners are encouraged to team up istudenti tad-degree fl-Interactive Media, sabiex joħolqu logħob
with those reading for the degree in Interactive Media, li jaħdem b’mod sħiħ.
in order to create fully working games.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 3 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes
Compulsory A-Level: Art, or Art & Design, or
or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST

Applicants may be asked to sit for an interview and/

or present their portfolio.

Career Opportunities:
Digital visual artist, Storyboard artist, Texture artist,
Concept artist, 3D artist, 3D rigger, 3D modeller

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: AD6-04-19

Communicating messages successfully via graphic Il-komunikazzjoni ta’ messaġġi b’mod effettiv permezz
design, requires a high level of understanding of the tad-disinn grafiku tirrikjedi livell għoli ta’ għarfien tal-
visual art of representation. This highly contextualised arti viżiva tar-rappreżentazzjoni. Dan il-kurrikulu ferm
curriculum draws on contemporary design practice, ikkuntestwalizzat huwa bbażat fuq il-prattika tad-disinn
together with theoretical and historical cultural kontemporanju, flimkien ma’ materjal kulturali teoretiku
material. u storiku.

The degree equips learners with the knowledge to Id-degree tipprovdi lill-istudenti l-għarfien biex jesploraw
explore and challenge creative boundaries, through u jisfidaw limiti kreattivi, permezz ta’ xenarji ta’ disinn
real-life design scenarios. They hone their skills in realistiċi. Huma jirfinaw il-ħiliet tagħhom fir-rigward tal-
fundamental design principles such as layout, form, prinċipji tad-disinn fundamentali bħal-layout, il-format,
typography, iconography and colour. Learners analyse it-tipografija, l-ikonografija u l-kulur. L-istudenti janalizzaw
a wide range of professional design problems, and firxa wiesgħa ta’ problemi ta’ disinn professjonali u jsibu
find creative and innovative solutions using various soluzzjonijiet kreattivi u innovattivi permezz ta’ diversi
media. Traditional and digital tools are explored midja. L-għodod tradizzjonali u diġitali jiġu esplorati
in disciplines such as editorial design, web design, f’dixxiplini bħad-disinn editorjali, id-disinn tal-websajts,
signage, advertising and packaging. is-sinjalazzjoni, ir-reklamar u l-ippakkjar.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 3 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes
Compulsory A-Level: Art, or Art & Design, or
Graphical Communication, or equivalent.
or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST

Career Opportunities:
Graphic designer, Motion graphics designer,
Web designer

For more info kindly visit:
Course Code: AD6-05-19

This degree prepares learners to work in various sectors

within the interactive media industry, mainly within the
3D and development departments. Learners are given
a strong grounding in visual art and design principles,
as well as visual design software. They acquire diverse For more info kindly visit:
skills, such as web and game development, 3D
modelling, and interactive design. In their final year
learners are encouraged to team up with those reading
for the degree in Game Art and Visual Design, in order
to develop games.

Din id-degree tħejji lill-istudenti biex jaħdmu f’diversi

setturi fl-industrija tal-midja interattiva, b’mod partikolari
fid-dipartimenti 3D u tal-iżvilupp. L-istudenti jingħataw
bażi soda fil-prinċipji tal-arti viżiva u d-disinn, kif ukoll
tas-softwer tad-disinn viżiv. Huma jiksbu diversi ħiliet,
bħall-iżvilupp tal-websajts u tal-logħob, l-immudellar
tridimensjonali u d-disinn interattiv. Fl-aħħar sena
tagħhom, l-istudenti jiġu mħeġġa sabiex jissieħbu
mal-istudenti tal-Game Art and Visual Design, sabiex
jiżviluppaw il-logħob.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 3 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes
Compulsory A-Level: Art, or Art & Design, or
Computing, or equivalent.
or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST

Career Opportunities:
Web developer or designer, Application developer or
designer, Game developer, 3D artist, Technical artist,
UX designer, UI designer

Course Code: AD6-07-19

This degree prepares learners to work in the creative Din id-degree tħejji lill-istudenti biex jaħdmu fid-disinn
design of furniture and industrial products. Learners kreattiv tal-għamara u l-prodotti industrijali. L-istudenti
learn how to respond to complex design briefs by jitgħallmu kif iwieġbu għal briefs tad-disinn kumplessi
investigating different cultural, social, economic billi jinvestigaw kuntesti kulturali, soċjali u ekonomiċi
contexts and the development of design products. differenti u l-iżvilupp ta’ prodotti tad-disinn. L-istudenti
Learners take individual responsibility to research jieħdu responsabbiltà individwali biex jagħmlu riċerka
and effectively communicate their creative ideas u jikkomunikaw b’mod effettiv l-ideat kreattivi tagħhom
using visual communication and CAD software to permezz tal-komunikazzjoni viżiva u s-softwer CAD biex
present technical and creative renders of effective jippreżentaw disinji tekniċi u kreattivi ta’ prodotti effettivi.
product designs. Guided lectures provide learners Il-lezzjonijiet iggwidati jipprovdu lill-istudenti għarfien
with knowledge on fundamental topics such as dwar suġġetti fundamentali bħas-sostenibbiltà, l-istudji
sustainability, environmental studies, functional design, ambjentali, id-disinn funzjonali, teknoloġiji tradizzjonali
traditional 3D production and innovative technologies, tridimensjonali innovattivi u tal-produzzjoni, appoġġjati
also supported with the necessary skills to transform wkoll bil-ħiliet neċessarji biex jibdlu id-disinji tagħhom
their designs into physical prototypes within industry- f’prototipi fiżiċi, fi ħdan xenarji bbażati fuq l-industrija.
based scenarios. By the end of the course, learners Fl-aħħar tal-kors, l-istudenti jkunu bnew portafoll ta’
would have built a portfolio of work which will serve xogħlijiet li jservihom għal opportunitajiet tal-karriera.
them well for career opportunities.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 3 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes
Compulsory A-Level: Art, or Graphical
Communication, or Engineering Drawing, or Physics.
or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST

Applicants may be asked to sit for an interview and/

or present their portfolio.

Career Opportunities:
Industrial product designer, Furniture designer,
Prop designer for stage or set

For more info kindly visit:
Course Code: AD6-08-19

This degree aims to provide learners with the essential Din id-degree għandha l-għan li tipprovdi lill-istudenti l-ħiliet
communication skills to visually interpret industry- essenzjali tal-komunikazzjoni biex jinterpretaw b’mod viżiv
related spatial design projects of both internal and il-proġetti tad-disinn spazjali relatati mal-industrija ta’ spazji
external spaces. kemm interni kif ukoll esterni.

Learners develop critical analysis and independent L-istudenti jiżviluppaw analiżi kritika u ħsieb indipendenti
thinking to project management competences to fir-rigward tal-kompetenzi għall-immaniġġjar tal-proġetti
transform three-dimensional volumes into innovative biex jittrasformaw volumi tridimensjonali f’esperjenzi
spatial experiences. They explore innovative spazjali innovattivi. Huma se jesploraw materjali u
constructional materials and technology to develop teknoloġija ta’ kostruzzjoni innovattivi biex jiżviluppaw
their projects, with attention to sustainability and the il-proġetti tagħhom, b’attenzjoni għas-sostenibbiltà u
environment, considering also light effects in the design l-ambjent, filwaqt li jikkunsidraw ukoll effetti tad-dawl f’
brief. Learners will also learn how to generate technical briefs tad-disinn. L-istudenti jitgħallmu wkoll kif jiżviluppaw
drawing skills and artistic visuals using CAD software ħiliet ta’ tpinġija teknika u stampi artistiċi bl-użu tas-softwer
to communicate concepts and details in a realistic CAD biex jikkomunikaw kunċetti u dettalji b’mod realistiku,
manner, as well as develop model-making skills. kif ukoll jiżviluppaw ħiliet tal-bini ta’ mudelli.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 3 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes
Compulsory A-Level: Art, or Graphical
Communication, or Engineering Drawing, or Physics.
or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST

Applicants may be asked to sit for an interview and/

or present their portfolio.

Career Opportunities:
Interior designer, Stand designer, Landscape
designer, Stage or set designer

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: AD6-01-19

The creative media industry is a competitive and L-industrija tal-midja kreattiva hija waħda kompetittiva u
pleasantly adventurous one. With the introduction of avventuruża. Bl-introduzzjoni ta’ new media, l-industrija
new media, the industry is always on the look-out for dejjem tfittex talent żagħżugħ li kapaċi joħlom u joħloq
young talent who can dream and create unique moving produzzjonijiet uniċi ta’ immaġni li tiċċaqlaq mill-kunċett
image productions from concept to screen. This degree għall-iskrin. Din id-degree hija maħsuba biex tagħti lill-
is intended to give learners the opportunity to work istudenti l-opportunità li jaħdmu b’mod prattiku f’ambjenti
hands-on in creative environments and producing kreattivi u jipproduċu kontenut awdjoviżiv għal prattiċi
audio-visual content for both artistic and commercial kemm artistiċi kif ukoll kummerċjali.
L-istudenti jiksbu firxa wiesgħa ta’ ħiliet u tekniki li jiffokaw
Learners acquire a broad range of skills and b’mod partikolari fuq produzzjonijiet fl-istudjos tat-
techniques focusing mainly on TV studio productions, televiżjoni, u jipprogressaw b’mod speċifiku lejn unitajiet
and specifically progress to audio-visual modules awdjoviżivi li jikkonsistu f’assignments, kemm ta’ riċerka kif
consisting of both research and practical film- ukoll tal-produzzjoni tal-films. Barra minn hekk, l-istudenti
making assignments. Moreover, learners also jesploraw ukoll aspetti differenti tad-dixxiplina fir-rigward
explore different aspects of the discipline in relation ta’ produzzjonijiet tar-reklamar, il-ħoss u n-narrazzjoni
to advertising productions, sound and multi- multipjattaforma .
platform storytelling.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 3 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes
Preferred A-Level: Art, English Language,
or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST

Applicants may be asked to sit for an interview and/

or present their Portfolio.

Career Opportunities:
TV editorial assistant, Film content producer,
TV content producer, Film production runner or
assistant, Film and TV technical operator

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: AD6-06-19

The photography industry offers very exciting career L-industrija tal-fotografija toffri toroq li jwasslu għal karriera
pathways and the demads are growing rapidly. The eċitanti ħafna u d-domandi għaliha qed jiżdiedu b’mod
world of photography is an invitation for all individuals rapidu. Id-dinja tal-fotografija hija stedina miftuħa għall-
who are keen to frame the world through a critical lens individwi kollha li huma interessati li jinkwadraw id-dinja
and to be prepared to commit for the ever changing permezz ta’ lenti kritika u biex ikunu mħejjija biex jimpenjaw
demands of the industry. ruħhom għad-domandi dejjem jinbidlu tal-industrija.

The course introduces learners to a variety of learning Il-kors jintroduċi lill-istudenti għal varjetà ta’ esperjenzi
experiences, ranging from professional commercial ta’ tagħlim, li jvarjaw minn fotografija kummerċjali
photography to experimental image making. They professjonali għat-teħid tal-immaġni sperimentali. Huma
explore still image recording and finishing for jesploraw ir-reġistrazzjoni u l-irfinar tal-immaġni fissa
commercial and artistic endeavours using industry- għal skopijiet kummerċjali u artistiċi bl-użu tat-tagħmir
standard equipment. In their final year, learners are standard għall-industrija tagħhom. Fl-aħħar sena tagħhom,
given the opportunity to research and develop their l-istudenti jingħataw l-opportunità li jagħmlu riċerka u
own individual visual language. jiżviluppaw il-lingwa viżiva individwali tagħhom stess.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 3 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes
Preferred A-Level: Photography, or Art, or
English Language.
or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST

Applicants may be asked to sit for an interview and/

or present their portfolio.

Career Opportunities:
Commercial photographer, Fashion photgrapher,
Wedding photographer, Photo journalist or editor,
Fine art photographer, Professional photo editor

For more info kindly visit:
Course Code: CA6-09-19

The journalism sphere offers interesting new career L-isfera tal-ġurnaliżmu toffri opportunitajiet ta’ karriera ġodda
opportunities for individuals who are keen to learn and u interessanti għal individwi li huma interessati li jitgħallmu
to offer a much needed service to society. Journalism is u joffru servizz ferm meħtieġ lis-soċjetà. Il-ġurnaliżmu huwa
an exciting vocation that can take you to unimaginable vokazzjoni eċitanti li jista’ jwasslek f’postijiet li ma tistax
places and to meet with extraordinary people. timmaġina u biex tiltaqa’ ma’ persuni straordinarji.

Learners are expected to effectively analyse and report L-istudenti huma mistennija janalizzaw u jirrapportaw
the events that shape our lives and the world around b’mod effettiv l-avvenimenti li jiffurmaw ħajjitna u d-dinja ta’
us. They are guided to design, develop and produce madwarna. Huma jiġu ggwidati sabiex jiddisinjaw, jiżviluppaw
news content using the latest audio-visual technologies u jipproduċu kontenut tal-aħbarijiet permezz tat-teknoloġiji
and recording devices. Moreover, learners explore how awdjoviżivi u l-apparat ta’ reġistrazzjoni l-aktar moderni. Barra
to present their journalistic works to the public in a minn hekk, l-istudenti jesploraw kif jippreżentaw ix-xogħlijiet
variety of formats such as print, radio, television and ġurnalistiċi tagħhom lill-pubbliku f’varjetà ta’ formats bħall-
online. Throughout this programme, learners work on istampa, ir-radju, it-televiżjoni u l-internet. Tul dan il-programm
real-life case scenarios, applying theoretical knowledge kollu l-istudenti jaħdmu fuq xenarji realistiċi, japplikaw
to practical journalism, working both in teams as well l-għarfien teoretiku għall-ġurnaliżmu prattiku, filwaqt li
as autonomously. jaħdmu f’tims kif ukoll individwalment.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 3 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes
Compulsory I-Level: Maltese or English Language.
or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST

Career Opportunities:
News journalist, Sports journalist, Fashion journalist,
Business journalist

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: CA6-10-18

The professionalization of the performing arts has for Il-promozzjoni tal-professjonalità tal-arti tal-ispettaklu
the last few years been a national priority in the sector. kienet prijorità nazzjonali għas-settur għal dawn l-aħħar
This multi and interdisciplinary undergrad programme snin. Dan il-programm multidixxiplinari u interdixxiplinari
responds to this priority and gives learners the li jwassal għal baċellerat iwieġeb għal din il-prijorità u jagħti
opportunity to work hands-on in creative environments lill-istudenti l-opportunità li jaħdmu b’mod prattiku f’ambjenti
through joint collaboration with industry stakeholders kreattivi permezz ta’ kollaborazzjoni konġunta mal-partijiet
to manage and produce performing arts projects for interessati tal-industrija biex imexxu u jipproduċu proġetti
both artistic and commercial practices. tal-arti tal-ispettaklu għal prattiċi kemm artistiċi kif
ukoll kummerċjali.
According to their chosen study-area/s (management;
performance – acting, dance, music; technical – light, Skont il-qasam tal-istudju li jagħżlu (il-maniġment; il-
sound; design – costumes, set/props) learners acquire performance – ir-reċtar, iż-żfin, il-mużika; it-teknika – id-dawl,
a broad range of skills and techniques focusing on il-ħoss; id-disinn – il-kostumi, is-set/il-props) l-istudenti jiksbu
performing arts productions through critical analysis, firxa wiesgħa ta’ ħiliet u tekniki li jiffokaw fuq produzzjonijiet
research and practical assignments. In their final year, tal-arti tal-ispettaklu permezz ta’ analiżi kritika, riċerka u
learners are given the opportunity to research and assignments prattiċi. Fl-aħħar sena tagħhom, l-istudenti
develop their own individual practice within the context jingħataw l-opportunità li jagħmlu riċerka u jiżviluppaw il-
of the cohort’s final production. prattika individwali tagħhom stess fil-kuntest tal-produzzjoni
finali min-naħa tal-istudenti ta’ dik is-sena.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 3 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes
or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST

Applicants may be asked to sit for an interview and/

or an audition.

Career Opportunities:
Performing arts coordinator/manager (events,
marketing, educational programmes)
Lights/sound/costume/set/props designer
Performer, producer, director (acting, dance, music)

For more info kindly visit:


Institute of
Engineering and
Well equipped with the latest technology in the various
areas of Engineering and Transport related training
programmes, the Institute prides itself of a portfolio of
VET programmes covering MQF levels 1 to 7, ranging
from the generic to the specific. In order to provide
sectorial focus, the Institute is organsied into a number of
Centres and Departments, covering the respective areas,
namely: Aviation Maintenance and Training, Building
and Construction, Electrical and Electronics, Mechanical
Engineering and Maritime Studies.

That way, learners interested in embarking on a career

in any of the above mentioned areas, can start off
their studies at an entry level which fits their current
qualifications, progressing towards the achievement of
prestigious exit level qualifications, some of which may
also provide possible eligibility for Professional Warrant
recognition (subject to specific requirements).

Dan l-Istitut, li huwa mgħammar sew bit-teknoloġija

l-aktar riċenti fid-diversi oqsma tal-programmi tat-taħriġ
relatati mal-Inġinerija u t-Trasport, għandu portafoll ta’
programmi VET li jkopru l-livelli 1 sa 7 tal-MQF, li jvarjaw
minn programmi ġeneriċi għal dawk speċifiċi. Sabiex
jipprovdi fokus settorjali, l-Istitut huwa organizzat f’għadd
ta’ Ċentri u Dipartimenti, li jkopru l-oqsma rispettivi,
jiġifieri: Iċ-Ċentru tal-Manutenzjoni u t-Taħriġ fil-Qasam
tal-Avjazzjoni, Id-Dipartiment għall-Bini u l-Kostruzzjoni,
Id-Dipartiment għall-Elettriku u l-Elettronika, Id-Dipartiment
għall-Inġinerija Mekkanika, Iċ-Ċentru għall-Istudji Marittimi.

B’dan il-mod, l-istudenti interessati li jibdew karriera

fi kwalunkwe waħda mill-oqsma msemmija hawn fuq
ikunu jistgħu jibdew l-istudji tagħhom f’livell ta’ dħul li
jaqbel mal-kwalifiki attwali tagħhom, filwaqt li jiżviluppaw
sabiexjiksbu kwalifiki prestiġjużi fil-livell ta’ ħruġ, u xi wħud
minnhom jistgħu jipprovdu wkoll eliġibbiltà possibbli għal
rikonoxximent ta’ Warrant Professjonali (soġġett għal
rekwiżiti speċifiċi).

Aviation Maintenance Training Centre: 148-157

Building & Construction Engineering: 158-179
Electrical & Electronics Engineering: 180-187
Mechanical Engineering: 188-203
Centre for Maritime Studies: 204-207


Course Code: ME3-05-17

This programme of studies, is designed to prepare Dan il-programm ta’ studji huwa mfassal biex jipprovdi
learners with the necessary underpinning knowledge lill-istudenti l-għarfien bażiku neċessarju, meħtieġ għal
required for a career in Aircraft maintenance. It covers karriera fil-manutenzjoni ta’ Inġenji tal-Ajru. Dan ikopri
the main aspects of aircraft structures and systems, l-aspetti ewlenin tal-istrutturi u s-sistemi, il-materjali u
materials and maintenance practices, as well as the l-prattiki ta’ manutenzjoni ta’ inġenji tal-ajru, kif ukoll
fundamentals of electrical and digital techniques. The l-elementi fundamentali ta’ tekniki elettriċi u diġitali. Il-kors
course includes practical elements and exposure within jinkludi elementi prattiċi u esperjenza fl-organizzazzjonijiet
the Aircraft maintenance organisations. ta’ manutenzjoni ta’ Inġenji tal-Ajru.

This course also provides learners with the opportunity Dan il-kors jipprovdi wkoll lill-istudenti l-opportunità biex
to further develop their knowledge of key skills subjects ikomplu jsaħħu l-għarfien tagħhom fir-rigward tas-suġġetti
such as Mathematics, Science, English, Maltese, tal-ħiliet ewlenin, bħall-Matematika, ix-Xjenza, l-Ingliż, il-
Information Technology and Individual and Social Malti, itTeknoloġija tal-Informazzjoni u r-Responsabbiltà
Responsibility. Individwali u Soċjali.

Successful candidates can further their studies towards Il-kandidati li jtemmu l-kors b’suċċess jistgħu jkomplu
EASA Part-66 certification. jistudjaw biex jiksbu ċ-ċertifikazzjoni EASA Part-66.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 1 Year full-Time

Entry Requirements:
2 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Compulsory: Physics
or MCAST Foundation Certificate

Career Opportunities:
Aircraft Junior Mechanic

For more info kindly visit:
Course Code: ME3-A4-19

This MCAST Diploma is intended to train the learner Din id-Diploma tal-MCAST hija maħsuba biex tħarreġ lill-
for competences in Aircraft Structures and Repairs istudent fil-kompetenzi relatati mal-Istrutturi u t-Tiswijiet
which are essential for structure repair mechanics. This ta’ Inġenji tal-Arju, li huma essenzjali għall-mekkaniks
training course will include Basic Aircraft Sheet Metal, li jaħdmu f’dan ix-xogħol. Dan il-kors ta’ taħriġ jinkludi
Structures Repair Procedures and Human Factors, Basic Aircraft Sheet Metal (Pjanċi tal-Metall tal-Inġenji tal-
amongst other modules. Ajru Bażiċi), Structures Repair Procedures (Proċeduri ta’
Tiswija tal-Istruttura) u Human Factors (Fatturi Umani),
The course is on a full-time basis and will take 12 fost unitajiet oħra.
months to be completed. It is divided into three main
areas: namely the theoretical element, the practical Il-kors huwa full-time u huwa mifrux fuq 12-il xahar.
experience and on-the-job exposure. Huwa maqsum fi tliet oqsma ewlenin: l-element teoretiku,
l-esperjenza prattika u t-taħriġ fuq il-post tax-xogħol.
This is an opportunity for individuals to commence or
develop their career in the aviation industry. Din hija opportunità għal individwi li jixtiequ jibdew
jew jiżviluppaw il-karriera tagħhom fl-industrija

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 12 months on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
2 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
from Mathematics, Physics, Graphical
Communication/ Technical Drawing / Design
and Technology, Engineering Technology.
Applicants already in possession of passes in Part-66
Aircraft Mechanic Category A modules will also
be considered.
or MCAST Foundation Certificate

Career Opportunities:
Aircraft structure repair mechanic, Aircraft
maintenance mechanic, Aircraft cabin mechanic.

For more info kindly visit:


Course Code: ME4-A6-19

This study-programme, is designed to equip individuals Dan il-programm ta’ studju huwa mfassal biex jipprovdi
with the necessary understanding and an all-round lill-individwi l-fehim meħtieġ u introduzzjoni ġenerali għall-
introduction to the aviation industry for those who wish industrija tal-avjazzjoni, għal dawk li jixtiequ karriera
to further their career in one of its occupational areas. It f’wieħed mill-oqsma ta’ din l-industrija. Il-programm jista’
may lead to roles in airports such as passenger liaison, jwassal għal rwoli f’ajruporti, bħall-kuntatt mal-passiġġieri,
ramp work, cargo operations and ground handling, ix-xogħol fuq ir-rampa, l-operazzjonijiet tal-merkanzija u
aircraft operations and customer service. l-ground handling, l-operazzjonijiet ta’ inġenji tal-ajru u
s-servizz lill-klijenti.
The course is structured to give learners an overview
and preparation in specialized areas that interest career L-istruttura tal-kors tagħti lill-istudenti ħarsa ġenerali u
aspirations within aviation. The course covers the tħejjija f’oqsma speċjalizzati li jkunu ta’ interess għal min
appropriate fundamentals for progression onto further jixtieq isegwi karriera fl-avjazzjoni. Il-kors ikopri l-elementi
aviation specialization in the sector. The theoretical fundamentali xierqa biex wieħed ikun jista’ jkompli
elements are supplemented with practical elements. jispeċjalizza fis-settur tal-avjazzjoni. L-elementi teoretiċi
huma msaħħa bl-elementi prattiċi.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O-Level/SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Compulsory: Mathematics, English Language
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Applicants will be asked to attend an interview

and/or sit for an Aptitude Test in Technical
Understanding and Technical English. A pass in the
Aptitude Test is a pre-requisite for entry to
the course.

Career Opportunities:
Passenger check in, Passenger services, Flight
operations, Aircraft dispatch, Ground handling.

For more info kindly visit:
Course Code: ME-A1-19

This programme is designed specifically to equip Dan il-programm huwa mfassal b’mod speċifiku biex
learners with the necessary theoretical understanding jipprovdi lill-istudenti l-fehim teoretiku neċessarju ta’
of aircraft maintenance and related systems, and is sistemi ta’ manutenzjoni ta’ inġenji tal-ajru u sistemi
backed by practical experience in our workshops at relatati oħra, u huwa msaħħaħ b’esperjenza prattika fil-
mechanic level. workshops tagħna fil-livell ta’ mekkanik.

The course may lead to EASA Part-66 Category A Il-kors jista’ jwassal biex l-istudent jikseb il-liċenzja EASA
licence which, subject to authorisation by the Part-145 Part-66 Category A u, permezz tagħha, soġġett għall-
Organization, will permit the holder to issue Certificates awtorizzazzjoni mill-Organizzazzjoni Parti-145, huwa jkun
of Release to Service following minor scheduled works jista’ joħroġ Certificates of Release to Service wara xogħlijiet
that may include line maintenance, defect rectification skedati żgħar li jistgħu jinkludu l-manutenzjoni tal-linja, ir-
and components changes. rettifikazzjoni tad-difetti u t-tibdil tal-komponenti.

Course Duration:
2 Years on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Applicants will be asked to attend an interview

and/or sit for an Aptitude Test in Technical
Understanding and Technical English.

Aptitude Test together with a positive outcome

following a Colour Blindness test, are a pre-requisite
for entry to the course.

Career Opportunities:
Line maintenance technician, Workshop technician

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: ME-A2-19

This programme, is designed to equip individuals with the Dan il-programm huwa mfassal biex jipprovdi lill-individwi
necessary theoretical knowledge of aircraft maintenance l-għarfien teoretiku neċessarju dwar is-sistemi ta’ manutenzjoni
and related mechanical systems at technician level, which ta’ inġenji tal-ajru u sistemi mekkaniċi relatati oħra fillivell
is also backed by practical experience in our workshops. ta’ teknixin, li huwa msaħħaħ ukoll b’esperjenza prattika fil-
workshops tagħna.
Learners attending this course will be prepared to sit
for the relative examinations organised by awarding L-istudenti li jattendu dan il-kors se jitħejjew għall-eżamijiet
bodies, which may lead to being awarded the EASA Part- relattivi, organizzati minn istituzzjonijiet li joffru dawn il-
66 Category B1.1 licence. kwalifiki, li jistgħu jwasslu għall-għoti tal-liċenzja EASA Part66
Category B1.1.
Subject to authorisation by the Part-145 Organization,
it will permit the holder to issue Certificates of Release Permezz ta’ din il-liċenzja, soġġett għall-awtorizzazzjoni mill-
to Service following scheduled works that may include Organizzazzjoni Parti-145, wieħed ikun jista’ joħroġ Certificates
line maintenance, defect rectifications, aircraft structure, of Release to Service wara xogħlijiet skedati żgħar, li jistgħu
power plants and mechanical and electrical systems. jinkludu l-manutenzjoni tal-linja, ir-rettifikazzjoni tad-difetti,
Applicants have to be able to work within the industries l-istruttura tal-inġenji tal-ajru, l-impjanti tal-enerġija u s-sistemi
concerned. Throughout the course, Civil Aviation mekkaniċi u elettriċi. Dan il-programm jinkludi taħriġ u prattika
Directorate Examination Fees will be paid by learner. relatati max-xogħol. L-applikanti għandhom ikunu kapaċi
jaħdmu fl-industriji kkonċernati. Matul il-kors, is-Civil Aviation
Directorate Examination Fees jitħallsu mill-istudent.

Course Duration:
2 Years on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O-Level passes / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Compulsory: Mathematics, Physics (grade 4 or
better), English Language
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Applicants will be asked to attend an interview and/

or sit for an Aptitude Test in Technical Understanding
and Technical English.

Aptitude Test together with a positive outcome

following a Colour Blindness test, are a pre-requisite
for entry to the course.

Career Opportunities:
Line maintenance technician, Base maintenance
technician, Workshop technician

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: ME-A3-19

This programme is designed to equip individuals Dan il-programm huwa mfassal biex jipprovdi lill-
with the necessary theoretical knowledge of aircraft individwi l-għarfien teoretiku neċessarju dwar is-sistemi
maintenance and related electrical and avionics ta’ manutenzjoni ta’ inġenji tal-ajru u sistemi elettroniċi u
systems at technician level, which is also backed by avjoniċi relatati oħra fil-livell ta’ teknixin, li huwa msaħħaħ
practical experience in our workshops. ukoll b’esperjenza prattika fil-workshops tagħna.

Learners attending this course will be prepared to sit L-istudenti li jattendu dan il-kors se jitħejjew għall-eżamijiet
for the relative examinations organised by awarding relattivi, organizzati minn istituzzjonijiet li joffru dawn
bodies, which may lead to being awarded the EASA il-kwalifiki, li jistgħu jwasslu għall-għoti tal-liċenzja EASA
Part-66 Category B2 licence. Part-66 Category B2.

Subject to authorisation by the Part-145 Organization, Permezz ta’ din il-liċenzja, soġġett għall-awtorizzazzjoni
it will permit the holder to issue Certificates of Release mill-Organizzazzjoni Parti-145, wieħed ikun jista’
to Service following maintenance on electrical and joħroġ Certificates of Release to Service wara xogħol ta’
avionics systems. Applicants have to be able to work manutenzjoni fuq sistemi elettriċi u avjoniċi. L-applikanti
within the industries concerned. għandhom ikunu kapaċi jaħdmu fl-industriji kkonċernati.

Course Duration:
2 Years on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Compulsory: Mathematics, Physics (grade 4 or
better), English Language
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website).

Applicants must have obtained grades that when

averages will yield an overall grade ‘B’.

Applicants will be asked to attend an interview and/or

sit for an Aptitude Test in Technical Understanding and
Technical English.

Aptitude Test together with a positive outcome

following a Colour Blindness test, are a pre-requisite
for entry to the course..

Career Opportunities:
Base maintenance technician,
Avionics workshop technician

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: CE1-01-19

The programme provides an opportunity for

prospective learners in possession of the SSC&P to
experience and train in the basic skills related to the
Construction industry.
For more info kindly visit:
It presents learners with an opportunity to have
extensive vocational hands on practice in various
sectors. The course includes practical hands on
woodwork, plumbing, sheet-metal, bench-fitting,
electrical and trowel practical exercises.

The course includes a significant key skills component

that will help learners improve their communication,
literacy and numeracy skills. IT and Individual and
Social Responsibility sessions are also part of the key
skills component.

Dan il-programm jipprovdi lill-istudenti prospettivi li

jkollhom iċ-Ċertifikat u l-Profil tal-Iskola Sekondarja
(SSC&P) l-opportunità ta’ esperjenza u taħriġ fil-ħiliet bażiċi
relatati mal-industrija tal-Kostruzzjoni.

Il-programm jippreżenta lill-istudenti opportunità ta’

prattika diretta vokazzjonali estensiva f’diversi setturi. Il-
kors jinkludi esperjenza prattika fuq ix-xogħol tal-injam,
il-plumbing, ix-xogħol fil-metall, il-bench-fitting u eżerċizzji
prattiċi fl-elettriku u t-tikħil.

Il-kors jinkludi komponent ta’ ħiliet ewlenin sinifikanti

li jgħin lill-istudenti jtejbu l-ħiliet tal-komunikazzjoni, il-
litteriżmu u n-numeriżu tagħhom. L-IT u r-Responsabbiltà
Individwali u Soċjali huma wkoll parti mill-komponent
tal-ħiliet ewlenin.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 1 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
Finished Compulsory Education
Initial Assessment Tests (as may be applicable)
Course Code: CE2-01-19

This programme provides the learner with an Dan il-programm jipprovdi lill-istudent l-opportunità li
opportunity to get acquainted with the different jsir familjari mas-snajja’ vokazzjonali differenti relatati
vocational trades related to construction engineering. mal-inġinerija tal-kostruzzjoni. Fil-komponent tal-prattika
The vocational practice component is based on a ‘taster’ vokazzjonali l-istudent ikollu l-opportunità li jitgħallem
approach whereby the learner will learn about the dwar l-għodod, il-materjali, il-proċessi u lapplikazzjonijiet
tools, materials, processes and applications relative relatati ma’: L-Iwweldjar u l-Fabbrikazzjoni, Il-Plumbing
to: Welding and Fabrication, Plumbing and Electrical u l-Installazzjoni tal-Elettriku, Ir-Refriġerazzjoni u
Installation, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning, l-Kondizzjonament tal-Arja, Ix-Xogħol tal-Injam, Is-Sengħa
Woodwork, Trowel trades, including Restoration, Stone tat-Tikħil, inkluż ix-Xogħol ta’ Restawr, ix-Xogħol tal-Ġebel
Masonry and Tile Laying. u t-Tqegħid tal-Madum.

Technical Drawing will complement the five vocational Flimkien mal-ħames oqsma vokazzjonali mniżżla hawn
areas listed above. fuq, l-istudent jitgħallem ukoll id-Disinn Tekniku.

Learners will also have the opportunity to enhance L-istudenti jkollhom anke l-opportunità li jsaħħu l-ħiliet
their key skills which will be embedded in the ewlenin tagħhom inkorporati fil-kontenut vokazzjonali.
vocational content.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 2 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
Finished Compulsory Education
or MCAST Introductory Certificate
Initial Assessment Tests (as may be applicable)

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: CE3-A6-19

This course of studies combines theoretical knowledge Dan il-kors ta’ studji jikkombina l-għarfien teoretiku mat-
with practical training both off-the-job and on work taħriġ prattiku, kemm barra mill-post tax-xogħol kif ukoll
placement. The practical training is carried out in fuq il-post tax-xogħol. It-taħriġ prattiku jitwettaq f’workshops
campus-based industrial workshops. industrijali bbażati fil-kampus.

Learners are expected to participate individually and L-istudenti huma mistennija li jipparteċipaw b’mod individwali
in teams to install pipe systems, fittings and control u f’timijiet biex jinstallaw sistemi ta’ pajpijiet, fittings u sistemi
systems with the use of actuators and solar panels ta’ kontroll bl-użu ta’ attwaturi u installazzjonijiet ta’ pannelli
installations. The course includes the practical handling solari. Il-kors jinkludi l-immaniġġjar prattiku ta’ għodod tal-
of hand tools, power tools and typical trade tools, such idejn, għodod tal-elettriku u għodod tipiċi tas-snajja’, bħall-
as thread cutting machines. magni li jaqtgħu l-kamin.

This course also provides learners with the opportunity Dan il-kors jipprovdi wkoll lill-istudenti l-opportunità li
to further develop their knowledge of key skills subjects. jkomplu jsaħħu l-għarfien tagħhom fir-rigward tas-suġġetti
tal-ħiliet ewlenin.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 1 Year on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
2 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
or MCAST Foundation Certificate

Career Opportunities:
Skilled worker Plumber, Assistant Electrician

For more info kindly visit:
Course Code: CE3-A1-19

This course enables learners to become skilled Dan il-kors iwassal lill-istudenti biex isiru persuni
tradesman in the building industry. They will also tas-sengħa kwalifikati fl-industrija tal-bini. Huma
consolidate knowledge and skills by furthering their jikkonsolidaw ukoll l-għarfien u l-ħiliet tagħhom billi
studies to obtain the Mason’s Licence that will enable jkomplu jistudjaw biex jiksbu l-liċenzja ta’ Bennej,
them to work without supervision. li permezz tagħha huma jkunu jistgħu jaħdmu
mingħajr superviżjoni.
The course is based on both campus-based and work-
based training, giving learners an in-depth knowledge Il-kors huwa bbażat kemm fil-kampus, kif ukoll f’sessjonijiet
and experience in building processes. ta’ taħriġ fuq il-post, b’tali mod li l-istudenti jiksbu għarfien
profond u esperjenza fi proċessi tal-bini.
Successful learners will acquire skills ranging from L-istudenti li jtemmu dan il-kors b’suċċess jiksbu ħiliet li
interpretation of drawings to practical masonry jvarjaw mill-interpretazzjoni ta’ disinji sal-ħiliet prattiċi
skills that are governed by laws that regulate the għal xogħol fil-ġebel, li huma rregolati minn liġijiet li
building industry. jirregolaw l-industrija tal-bini.

During the course, learners will also be given the Matul il-kors l-istudenti jingħataw ukoll l-opportunità li
opportunity to develop their knowledge of key jsaħħu l-għarfien tagħhom fir-rigward tas-suġġetti tal-
skills subjects. ħiliet ewlenin.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 2 Years on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
2 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
or MCAST Foundation Certificate

Career Opportunities:
Stone Mason, Construction site supervision

For more info kindly visit:


Course Code: CE3-02-19

The course consists of college-based training on various

skills related to the building and construction industry.
It enables them to work in the sector or to continue
their studies in related vocational areas, including
Construction, Civil Engineering or Building Services. For more info kindly visit:
During this course of studies learners will be introduced
to different types of technical drawings used in the
construction industry. They learn how to apply
construction drawing standards and conventions to
produce sketches and professional working drawings.

This course also provides learners with the opportunity

to further develop their knowledge of key skills subjects.

Dan il-kors jikkonsisti f’taħriġ ibbażat fil-kulleġġ dwar diversi

ħiliet relatati mal-industrija tal-bini u l-kostruzzjoni. Dan
jippermetti li l-istudenti jkunu jistgħu jaħdmu fis-settur jew
ikomplu l-istudji tagħhom f’oqsma vokazzjonali relatati,
inklużi l-Kostruzzjoni, l-Inġinerija Ċivili jew is-Servizzi tal-Bini.

Matul dan il-kors ta’ studji, l-istudenti jkunu introdotti għal tipi
differenti ta’ disinji tekniċi użati fl-industrija tal-kostruzzjoni.
Huma jitgħallmu kif japplikaw standards ta’ disinji tal-
kostruzzjoni u konvenzjonijiet biex jipproduċu disinji u
tpinġijiet tax-xogħol professjonali.

Dan il-kors jipprovdi wkoll lill-istudenti l-opportunità li

jkomplu jsaħħu l-għarfien tagħhom fir-rigward tas-suġġetti
tal-ħiliet ewlenin.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Compulsory: Mathematics
or MCAST Foundation Certificate

Career Opportunities:
Assistant Draughtsperson, Assistant Land Surveyor
Course Code: CE3-A3-19

This course provides learners with essential knowledge Dan il-kors jipprovdi lill-istudenti għarfien essenzjali u għarfien
and knowledge related to heating, ventilation and air- relatat mat-tisħin, il-ventilazzjoni u l-kondizzjonament tal-arja
conditioning (HVAC). It will enable learners to work as (HVAC). Dan jippermetti lill-istudenti jaħdmu bħala teknixins
assistant technicians engaged in servicing and carrying assistenti involuti fl-isservisjar u t-twettiq ta’ manutenzjoni fuq
out maintenance on refrigeration compressors, kompressuri tar-refriġerazzjoni, kondensaturi, evaporaturi u
condensers, evaporators and other accessories. aċċessorji oħra.

Practical training is carried out in workshops equipped It-taħriġ prattiku jitwettaq f’workshops attrezzati skont
to industry standards. Learners are expected to l-istandards tal-industrija. L-istudenti huma mistennija li
participate individually and in teams to operate jipparteċipaw b’mod individwali u f’timijiet biex iħaddmu
refrigeration and air conditioning equipment. t-tagħmir tar-refriġerazzjoni u tal-kondizzjonament
This course also provides learners with the opportunity
to further develop their knowledge of key skills subjects. Dan il-kors jipprovdi wkoll lill-istudenti l-opportunità li
jkomplu jsaħħu l-għarfien tagħhom fir-rigward tas-suġġetti
tal-ħiliet ewlenin.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 1 Year on apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
2 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
or MCAST Foundation Certificate

A medical certificate for colour blindness is a

necessary requirement to follow the course.

Career Opportunities:
HVAC installer, HVAC assistant Technician

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: CE3-A4-19

This course of studies includes theoretical knowledge Dan il-kors ta’ studji jinkludi għarfien teoretiku u taħriġ
and practical training both in College-based industrial prattiku kemm f’workshops industrijali bbażati fil-Kulleġġ,
workshops and also on work placements. Technological kif ukoll f’esperjenzi ta’ xogħol. Il-lezzjonijiet teknoloġiċi
and practical lessons cover measuring, cutting, u prattiċi jinkludu l-kejl, il-qtugħ, it-tħejjija u l-armar ta’
preparing and assembling timber and timber board prodotti tal-injam u bordijiet tal-injam biex isiru fittings
products to make interior fittings such as kitchen tad-djar, bħal kċejjen, bibien u twieqi. L-istudenti jkunu
cabinets, doors and window frames. The learners will mistennija jipparteċipaw b’mod individwali u f’timijiet
be expected to participate individually and in teams biex jipproduċu prodotti sempliċi minn materjali ta’ injam
to produce simple products from solid wood and mastizz u materjali komposti. L-istudenti jiġu mħarrġa fl-
composite materials. Learners will be trained in the immaniġġjar prattiku ta’ għodod tal-idejn u tal-elettriku u
practical handling of hand and power tools and simple magni sempliċi tax-xogħol tal-injam.
woodworking machines.
Dan il-kors jipprovdi wkoll lill-istudenti l-opportunità li
This course also provides learners with the opportunity jkomplu jsaħħu l-għarfien tagħhom fir-rigward tas-suġġetti
to further develop their knowledge of key skills subjects. tal-ħiliet ewlenin.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 1 Year on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
2 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
or MCAST Foundation Certificate

Career Opportunities:
Assistant Joiner, Assistant Carpenter,
First line operator.

For more info kindly visit:
Course Code: CE3-A5-19

This vocational course enables learners to take up a

career in stone restoration. It provides both practical
and theoretical skills that lead learners to participate
in a limited scope of stone restoration interventions.
For more info kindly visit:
Successful learners can progress to the higher-level
course in restoration, an MCAST Advanced Diploma in
Masonry Heritage Skills (Mastru).

Throughout the programme learners will have the

opportunity to obtain necessary maintenance,
protection and preservation skills, understand
preparation and recording techniques and apply
cleaning and testing procedures. The programme is
complemented with other essential units such as Safety
at Work, Technical Reporting, Information Technology
and Mathematics.

Dan il-kors vokazzjonali jgħin lill-istudenti jidħlu għal

karriera fir-restawr tal-ġebel. Dan jipprovdi ħiliet prattiċi
kif ukoll teoretiċi, li jwasslu lill-istudenti biex jipparteċipaw
f’ambitu limitat ta’ interventi tar-restawr tal-ġebel.
L-istudenti li jtemmu dan il-kors b’suċċess jistgħu jkomplu
l-istudji tagħhom fil-kors ta’ livell ogħla fir-restawr, l-MCAST
Advanced Diploma in Masonry Heritage Skills (Mastru).

Matul il-programm, l-istudenti jkollhom l-opportunità li

jiksbu l-ħiliet ta’ manutenzjoni, protezzjoni u preservazzjoni
neċessarji, jifhmu tekniki ta’ tħejjija u reġistrazzjoni u
japplikaw proċeduri ta’ tindif u ta’ ttestjar. Il-programm
huwa kkumplimentat minn unitajiet essenzjali oħra, bħas-
sigurta’ fuq il-Post tax-Xogħol, ir-Rappurtar Tekniku, it-
Teknoloġija tal-Informazzjoni u l-Matematika.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 1 Year on apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
2 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
or MCAST Foundation Certificate

Career Opportunities:
Masonry Heritage skilled worker (Sewwej)

Course Code: CE3-A7-19

This course enables learners to become trades Dan il-kors jgħin lill-istudenti jsiru persuni tas-sengħa
persons skilled in plastering and tile laying or in mħarrġa fil-kisi u t-tqegħid tal-madum jew fit-tibjid
painting and decorating, skills that are very important u d-dekorazzjoni, ħiliet li huma importanti ħafna fil-
in the construction finishing process. The sector proċess tal-irfinar tal-kostruzzjoni. Is-settur jirrikjedi
requires trained and qualified people in the use persuni mħarrġa u kwalifikati fl-użu ta’ materjali għall-
of finishing materials such as different types of irfinar, bħal tipi differenti ta’ ġibs u proċessi ta’ kisi bil-
plaster and plastering processes, different tiles and ġibs, madum differenti u materjali għat-tqegħid tal-
tiling materials of high standard, and paint-based madum ta’ standard għoli u l-irfinar tal-wiċċ ibbażat
surface finishing. fuq iż-żebgħa.

During the course, the learners will be given the Matul il-kors, l-istudenti jingħataw l-opportunità li jsaħħu
opportunity to develop their knowledge of key l-għarfien tagħhom fir-rigward tas-suġġetti tal-ħiliet
skills subjects. ewlenin.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 2 Years on apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
2 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
or MCAST Foundation Certificate

Career Opportunities:
Trowel trades person, Tile Layer, Plasterer

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: CE3-A8-19

This apprenticeship course combines theoretical

knowledge with practical training, both in College-
based industrial workshops and in industry-based
apprenticeships. Learners will be expected to
For more info kindly visit:
participate individually and in teams to fabricate
welded products.

Learners will have the opportunity to use hand and

power tools as well as welding sets, giving particular
attention to health and safety considerations. This
course also provides learners with the opportunity to
further develop their knowledge of key skills subjects.

Dan il-kors ta’ apprendistat jikkombina l-għarfien teoretiku

mat-taħriġ prattiku, kemm f’workshops industrijali bbażati
fil-Kulleġġ, kif ukoll f’apprendistati bbażati fl-industrija.
L-istudenti jkunu mistennija jipparteċipaw b’mod
individwali u f’timijiet biex jiffabbrikaw prodotti wweldjati.

L-istudenti jkollhom l-opportunita li jużaw għodod tal-

idejn u tal-elettriku, kif ukoll settijiet tal-iwweldjar,
b’attenzjoni partikolari għal kunsiderazzjonijiet tas-saħħa
u s-sikurezza. Dan il-kors jipprovdi wkoll lill-istudenti
l-opportunità li jkomplu jsaħħu l-għarfien tagħhom fir-
rigward tas-suġġetti tal-ħiliet ewlenin.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 1 Year on apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
2 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
or MCAST Foundation Certificate

Career Opportunities:
Welding and fabrication Trades-person

Course Code: CE4-A7-19

This course offers learners a path into the building Dan il-kors joffri lill-istudenti l-opportunità li jidħlu fl-
services engineering industry. They will be able to offer industrija tal-inġinerija tas-servizzi tal-bini. L-istudenti
support in areas such as design, systems installation jkunu jistgħu joffru appoġġ f’oqsma bħad-disinn,
and facilities management. Training is provided in a l-installazzjoni tas-sistemi u l-ġestjoni tal-faċilitajiet. It-
wide range of building services systems in both the taħriġ jiġi pprovdut f’firxa wiesgħa ta’ sistemi ta’ servizzi
Mechanical and the Electrical fields. tal-bini, fl-oqsma kemm Mekkaniċi kif ukoll Elettriċi.

Qualified technicians are continuously required in Teknixins kwalifikati huma kontinwament meħtieġa
building services design and installation companies, f’kumpaniji tad-disinn u l-installazzjoni tas-servizzi tal-
to work on new installations or to refit, carry out bini, biex jaħdmu fuq installazzjonijiet ġodda jew biex
maintenance or servicing on existing installations jirrinovaw, iwettqu xogħol ta’ manutenzjoni jew ta’
in order to upgrade them to the requirements of servisjar fuq installazzjonijiet eżistenti, sabiex dawn ikunu
new regulations. This course includes training both jissodisfaw ir-rekwiżiti ta’ regolamenti ġodda. Dan il-kors
in College-based industrial workshops as well as in jinkludi taħriġ kemm f’workshops industrijali bbażati fil-
industry-based apprenticeship, providing learners with Kulleġġ, kif ukoll f’apprendistat ibbażat fl-industrija, b’tali
a holistic training in the sector. mod li jipprovdi lill-istudenti taħriġ olistiku fis-settur.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 3 Years on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Compulsory: One subject from Mathematics
or Physics and One subject from Engineering
Technology, Design & Technology, Chemistry,
Mathematics, Physics
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
Draftsperson, Tendering and estimating technician,
Quality assurance technician

For more info kindly visit:
Course Code: CE4-A6-19

This course is based on both College-based training and Dan il-kors huwa bbażat fuq taħriġ ibbażat kemm fil-Kulleġġ
work-based learning. It gives an in-depth knowledge kif ukoll fuq ix-xogħol. Dan jipprovdi lill-istudenti għarfien
and experience of the general requirements and profond u esperjenza tar-rekwiżiti ġenerali u l-oqsma
specialist areas related to the field of building and speċjalizzati relatati mal-qasam tal-bini u l-kostruzzjoni.
construction. At the end of the first year, learners can Fi tmiem l-ewwel sena, l-istudenti jistgħu jagħżlu wieħed
choose one of four streams that include Construction minn erba’ setturi li jinkludu d-Disinn tal-Kostruzzjoni,
Design, Quantity Surveying, Land Surveying and Civil l-Istħarriġ ta’ Kwalità, l-Istħarriġ tal-Art, u l-Inġinerija Ċivili
& Road Engineering. Learners will be able to carry out u tat-Toroq. L-istudenti jkunu jistgħu jwettqu dmirijiet,
duties at a professional and technical level in areas such f’livell professjonali u tekniku, li huma kontinwament
as building, construction, civil and roads engineering. meħtieġa f’xogħol li jkollu x’jaqsam mal-inġinerija tal-
They will be able to carry out tasks related to Design, bini, tal-kostruzzjoni, dik ċivili u tat-toroq. Ikunu jistgħu
Quantity Surveying, Land Surveying, Geospatial jwettqu kompitu relatati mad-Disinn, l-Istħarriġ ta’ Kwalità,
Engineering, Geographical Information, Roads and l-Istħarriġ tal-Art, l-Inġinerija Ġeospazjali, l-Informazzjoni
Project Management. Ġeografika, il-Ġestjoni tat-Toroq u l-Proġetti.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 3 Years on apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Compulsory: One subject from Mathematics or Physics
and One subject from Engineering Technology, Design
& Technology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
Draftsperson, Tendering and estimating technician
(Assistant Quantity Surveyor), Land Surveyor,Assistant
Project manager

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: CE4-A1-19

This programme of study gives participants the

knowledge and skills that are in demand by the
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
industry. Learners will be expected to carry out system
For more info kindly visit:
modifications and customization. The course is based
on College-based training as well as work-based
learning. Learners will gain an in-depth knowledge
and experience which may lead them to supervisory
roles in the HVAC sector. During the course learners
are given the opportunity to develop personal skills
and attributes essential for successful performance in
related careers.

Dan il-programm ta’ studju jipprovdi lill-parteċipanti

l-għarfien u l-ħiliet li titlob l-industrija tat-Tisħin, il-
Ventilazzjoni u l-Kondizzjonament tal-Arja (HVAC).
L-istudenti jkunu mistennija li jwettqu modifiki u
adattamenti tas-sistemi. Il-kors huwa bbażat fuq taħriġ
ibbażat fil-Kulleġġ kif ukoll tagħlim ibbażat fuq ix-xogħol.
L-istudenti jiksbu għarfien profond u esperjenza li jistgħu
jwassluhom għal rwoli superviżorji fis-settur HVAC. Matul
il-kors l-istudenti jingħataw l-opportunità li jiżviluppaw
ħiliet u attributi personali essenzjali għal prestazzjoni
b’suċċess f’karrieri relatati.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 3 Years on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Compulsory: One subject from Mathematics
or Physics and One subject from Engineering
Technology, Design &Technology, Chemistry,
Mathematics, Physics
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning Technician,
Refrigeration Technician
Course Code: CE4-A2-19

This diploma course is aimed for students intending Dan il-kors ta’ diploma huwa mmirat lejn studenti li jixtiequ
to embark in a career in the woodworking industry. It jidħlu f’karriera fl-industrija tax-xogħol tal-injam. Il-kors
combines theoretical knowledge and practical training. jikkombina l-għarfien teoretiku mat-taħriġ prattiku. It-
The practical training is conducted both in College- taħriġ prattiku jitwettaq kemm f’workshops industrijali
based industrial workshops and in an industry-based bbażati fil-Kulleġġ, kif ukoll f’apprendistat ibbażat fl-
apprenticeship or work placement. industrija jew esperjenza ta’ xogħol. L-istudenti jitgħallmu
Learners will learn how to analyse and provide solutions kif janalizzaw u jipprovdu soluzzjonijiet għal prodotti tipiċi
to typical joinery and furniture products using solid tal-għamara bl-użu ta’ injam mastizz u materjali komposti.
wood and composite materials.
L-istudenti jkunu mistennija jipparteċipaw b’mod
Learners will be expected to participate individually individwali u f’timijiet biex jipproduċu prodotti
and in teams to produce solid wood and composite manifatturati tal-injam mastizz jew materjali komposti.
material manufactured products. Applying through L-applikanti li japplikaw permezz taċ-Ċertifikat tal-
the Secondary Education Certificate route, students Edukazzjoni Sekondarja jistgħu jiġu mitluba jlestu sena
may be requested to complete an additional Level preparatorja addizzjonali f’Livell 4, jekk ma jkollhomx
4 preparatory year if they do not already have prior esperjenza jew qatt ma ġew esposti għal xogħol f’dan
exposure and experience in the sector. is-settur.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 3 Years on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Preferred: English, Mathematics, Technical Drawing,
Engineering Technology, Graphical Communication
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
Carpenter, Furniture design supervisor/manager,
Tendering and estimating management (Joinery and
Furniture making)

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: CE4-A3-19

This course of studies gives learners the necessary

knowledge and skills in the area of stone restoration
and conservation. It offers learners the competences
they will need in order to be able to analyse and
For more info kindly visit:
generate solutions concerning typical restoration
interventions. The practical training is carried out in
College-based workshops and laboratories as well as
on heritage sites. Throughout the programme learners
will have the unique opportunity to work on historical
heritage sites and structures, to master maintenance,
protection and preservation skills, and apply cleaning
and testing techniques.

Dan huwa kors ta’ studji li jipprovdi lill-istudenti l-għarfien

u l-ħiliet neċessarji fil-qasam tar-restawr u l-konservazzjoni
tal-ġebel. Dan joffri lill-istudenti l-kompetenzi li jeħtieġu
sabiex ikunu jistgħu janalizzaw u jiġġeneraw soluzzjonijiet
dwar interventi tipiċi ta’ restawr. It-taħriġ prattiku jitwettaq
f’workshops ibbażati fil-Kulleġġ u f’laboratorji, kif ukoll f’siti
ta’ patrimonju. Matul il-programm, l-istudenti jkollhom
l-opportunità unika li jaħdmu fuq siti u strutturi ta’
patrimonju storiku, biex jiksbu ħiliet ta’ manutenzjoni,
protezzjoni u preservazzjoni, u japplikaw tekniki ta’ tindif
u ttestjar.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years on Apprenticeship
(As from 2020/21, 3 years on

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O-Level/SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Preferred: English, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
Mastru in the field of stone masonry heritage skills,
Stone masonry heritage sites supervisor
Course Code: CE4-A4-19

This course combines theoretical knowledge and Dan il-kors jikkombina l-għarfien teoretiku u t-taħriġ
practical training both in College-based industrial prattiku kemm f’workshops industrijali bbażati fil-Kulleġġ
workshops and in an industry-based apprenticeship kif ukoll f’apprendistat ibbażat fl-industrija jew esperjenza
or workplacement. Learners will learn how to analyse ta’ xogħol. L-istudenti jitgħallmu janalizzaw u jiġġeneraw
and generate solutions to perform typical plumbing soluzzjonijiet biex iwettqu installazzjonijiet,
installations, alterations, repairs and planned alterazzjonijiet, tiswijiet u manutenzjoni ppjanata tipiċi
maintenance. Learners are expected to participate ta’ plumbing. L-istudenti huma mistennija jipparteċipaw
individually and in teams to install pipe systems and b’mod individwali u f’timijiet biex jinstallaw sistemi
fittings and accessories of domestic, commercial and ta’ pajpijiet u fittings u aċċessorji ta’ installazzjonijiet
industrial installations. domestiċi, kummerċjali u industrijali.

The course also covers liquid petroleum gas (LPG) Il-kors ikopri wkoll sistemi tal-gass likwifikat miż-żejt (LPG)
systems installed to REWS/MSA Standards. installati f’konformita’ mal-istandards REWS/MSA.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 3 Years on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O-Level /SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Preferred: English, Engineering Technology,
Mathematics, Graphical Communication, Design and
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
Domestic, commercial and industrial (including
LPG) plumber, Installation, maintenance and repair
plumbing technician

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: CE4-A5-19

This course combines theoretical knowledge and Dan il-kors jikkombina l-għarfien teoretiku u t-taħriġ
practical training carried out in College-based industrial prattiku mwettqa f’workshops industrijali bbażati fil-
workshops. Learners will be expected to participate Kulleġġ. L-istudenti jkunu mistennija jipparteċipaw b’mod
individually and in teams to fabricate welded products. individwali u f’timijiet biex jiffabbrikaw prodotti wweldjati.
They will learn how to analyse and generate solutions Huma jitgħallmu kif janalizzaw u jiġġeneraw
related to typical fabrication using thin plates and pipes. soluzzjonijiet relatati mal-fabbrikazzjoni tipika permezz
ta’ pjanċi u pajpijiet irqaq.
Learners will also be given the opportunity to follow an
apprenticeship to improve their hands-on experience. L-istudenti jingħataw l-opportunità wkoll li jsegwu
In order to be able to appreciate the importance of apprendistat biex itejbu l-esperjenza prattika tagħhom.
good production management, supervised visits to Sabiex ikunu jistgħu jirrikonoxxu l-importanza ta’ ġestjoni
complex production set-ups are organised during the tajba tal-produzzjoni, matul il-kors jiġu organizzati żjarat
course. Applying through the Secondary Education sorveljati f’set-ups tal-produzzjoni kumplessi. L-applikanti
Certificate route, students may be requested to li jidħlu permezz taċ-Ċertifikat tal-Edukazzjoni Sekondarja
complete an additional Level 4 preparatory year if they jistgħu jiġu mitluba jlestu sena preparatorja addizzjonali
do not already have prior exposure and experience in f’Livell 4, jekk ma jkollhomx esperjenza jew qatt ma ġew
the sector. esposti għal xogħol f’dan is-settur.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years on Apprenticeship
(As from 2020/21, 3 Years on

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O-Level/SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Preferred: English, Mathematics, Engineering
Technology, Technical Drawing, Graphical
Communication, Design and Technology
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
Welding and Fabrication technician (Welder &
fabricator), Welding and Fabrication Supervisor,
Welding and Fabrication design, Pipe welding
specialist (Pipe Welder & fabricator)

For more info kindly visit:
Course Code: CE5-01-19

The demand for the conservation and restoration of stone Id-domanda għall-konservazzjoni u r-restawr ta’ monumenti
monuments and of historic buildings and artefacts is tal-ġebel u ta’ bini storiku u artifatti qed tiżdied. Bl-istess mod,
increasing. Likewise, those who manage projects involving hawn domanda kbira għal persuni li jmexxu proġetti li jinvolvu
various building materials are in great demand. This diversi materjali għall-bini. Dan il-kors huwa maħsub għal dawk
course is intended for those who would like to acquire li jixtiequ jiksbu għarfien u ħiliet relatati mal-konservazzjoni u
knowledge and skills related to the conservation and r-restawr ta’ bini u monumenti, fejn il-materjal prinċipali tal-
restoration of buildings and monuments where the main kostruzzjoni jkun il-ġebla tal-franka lokali. L-istudenti jkunu
construction material is the local limestone. They will be jistgħu japplikaw tekniki ta’ restawr u konservazzjoni ta’ bini u
able to apply restoration and conservation techniques monumenti billi jsegwu l-aħjar prattiki, kemm f’workshops u
following best practices, both in College-based workshops laboratorji bbażati fil-Kulleġġ, kif ukoll f’siti tal-patrimonju. Dan
and laboratories as well as on heritage sites. This course il-kors jipprovdi wkoll ħiliet ta’ stħarriġ ta’ kwalità kif applikati
also provides quantity surveying skills as applied to għal proġetti ta’ restawr, kif ukoll introduzzjoni għall-ġestjoni
restoration projects, as well as an introduction to project tal-proġetti, li tippermetti lill-istudenti jmexxu teknixins li jkunu
management, enabling learners to manage technicians qed jaħdmu fuq proġetti ta’ restawr.
working on restoration projects.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 5 2 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes
Compulsory: Physics or Chemistry at Intermediate
Level (Preferably at A-Level)
Compulsory O-Level: English or Mathematics
Previous experience in the Construction Industry will
be considered an asset.
or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST

Applicants may be asked to sit for an aptitude test

prior to final selection.

Career Opportunities:
Kapu Mastru in the field of stone masonry heritage
skills, Stone masonry heritage sites manager

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: CE6-01-19

This course aims to provide learners with the Dan il-kors għandu l-għan li jipprovdi lill-istudenti l-ħiliet
management skills and technical knowledge associated ta’ ġestjoni u l-għarfien tekniku assoċjati mal-industrija
with the diverse and challenging building services diversa u impenjattiva tal-inġinerija tas-servizzi tal-bini.
engineering industry. The programme aims to equip Il-programm għandu l-għan li jipprovdi lill-istudenti
the learners with the necessary design and evaluation t-tekniki neċessarji ta’ disinn u ta’ evalwazzjoni biex
techniques to make professional judgements on jagħmlu ġudizzji professjonali dwar kwistjonijiet
technological, social and ethical issues during planning teknoloġiċi, soċjali u etiċi matul l-ippjanar u t-twettiq ta’
and the execution of building services projects. proġetti tas-servizzi tal-bini.

Environmental and technical issues are covered Matulu jiġu koperti kwistjonijiet ambjentali u tekniċi
within specialist units designed for this programme. fi ħdan unitajiet speċjalizzati mfassla għal dan il-
Learners are also expected to be more independent, programm. L-istudenti huma mistennija wkoll li jkunu
with a significant amount of research and aktar indipendenti, billi jwettqu ammont sinifikanti ta’
self-study, directed both within and outside the riċerka u studju għal rashom, kemm fl-ambjent tal-Istitut
Institute environment. kif ukoll barra minnu.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 3 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes
Compulsory A-Levels: Physics and Mathematics (Pure
or Applied)
Preferred I-Level: Engineering Drawing & Graphical
Knowledge in CAD will be considered as an asset
or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST

Career Opportunities:
Career Opportunities / Job Titles, Building Services
Installation designer, Building Services Design
Manager, Construction Site Manager (Building
Services), Quality Assurance Manager (Building
Services), Quantity Surveyor (Building Services),
Estate and Facilities Manager

For more info kindly visit:
Course Code: CE6-02-19

This degree course gives the learners opportunities to Dan il-kors li jwassal għal baċellerat jipprovdi lill-istudenti
explore management skills and technical knowledge opportunitajiet biex jesploraw ħiliet ta’ ġestjoni u għarfien
associated with the diverse and challenging tasks that tekniku, assoċjati mal-kompiti diversi u impenjattivi li qed
are in continuous change with the introduction of new jinbidlu b’mod kontinwu bl-introduzzjoni ta’ materjali
materials to meet zero energy building requirements ġodda, biex jissodisfaw rekwiżiti ta’ bini mingħajr konsum
and various integrated design concepts including tal-enerġija u diversi kunċetti integrati tad-disinn, inklużi
precast techniques. tekniki ta’ prefabbrikazzjoni.

In addition, the programme trains the learner with the Barra minn hekk, il-programm jipprovdi lill-istudenti
necessary design and evaluation techniques to be able t-taħriġ fit-tekniki neċessarji ta’ disinn u ta’ evalwazzjoni,
to make professional judgements on technical, social biex jagħmlu ġudizzji professjonali dwar kwistjonijiet
and ethical issues during the planning and completion teknoloġiċi, soċjali u etiċi matul l-ippjanar u t-twettiq ta’
of construction projects. proġetti tal-kostruzzjoni.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 3 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes
Compulsory A-Levels: Physics and Mathematics (Pure
or Applied)
Preferred I-Level: Engineering Drawing & Graphical
Knowledge on CAD will be considered an asset
or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST

Career Opportunities:
Construction Engineering designer, Construction
Engineering Design Manager, Construction Site
Manager, Quality Assurance Manager, Estate and
Facilities Manager, Quality control manager

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: CE6-03-19

This degree course gives the learners opportunities to Dan il-kors li jwassal għal baċellerat jipprovdi lill-istudenti
explore management skills and technical knowledge opportunitajiet biex jesploraw ħiliet ta’ ġestjoni u għarfien
associated with the diverse and challenging tasks that tekniku assoċjati mal-kompiti diversi u impenjattivi li qed
are in continuous change with the introduction of new jinbidlu b’mod kontinwu bl-introduzzjoni ta’ materjali
materials to meet zero energy building requirements ġodda, biex jissodisfaw rekwiżiti ta’ bini mingħajr konsum
and various integrated design concepts. tal-enerġija u diversi kunċetti integrati tad-disinn.

In addition, the programme empowers one with Barra minn hekk, il-programm jipprovdi lill-istudenti tekniki
necessary design and evaluation techniques to be able neċessarji ta’ disinn u ta’ evalwazzjoni biex jagħmlu ġudizzji
to make professional judgements on technical, social professjonali dwar kwistjonijiet teknoloġiċi, soċjali u etiċi
and ethical issues during the planning and execution matul l-ippjanar u t-twettiq ta’ proġetti ta’ kostruzzjoni.
of construction projects.
L-unitajiet speċjalizzati tal-Inġinerija Ċivili huma għal dawk li
The Civil Engineering specialised units are for those who huma interessati fl-Inġinerija Spazjali tas-Sit, il-Ġeoloġija tal-
are interested in Site Spatial Engineering, Engineering Inġinerija, il-Mekkanika tal-Ħamrija u l-Analiżi Strutturali.
Geology, Soil Mechanics and Structural Analysis.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 3 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes
Compulsory A-Levels: Physics and Mathematics (Pure
or Applied)
Preferred I-Level: Engineering Drawing & Graphical
Knowledge in CAD will be considered an asset
or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST

Career Opportunities:
Civil Engineering designer, Civil Engineering Design
Manage, Construction Site Manager, Quality
Assurance Manager

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: CE6-04-18

This course prepares the learner for a successful Dan il-kors iħejji lill-istudent biex jirnexxi fil-karriera
career in quantity surveying. The programme tiegħu fl-istħarriġ tal-kwantità. L-istruttura tal-programm
structure provides an opportunity to explore a tipprovdi opportunità biex tiġi esplorata firxa ta’ dixxiplini
range of construction-related disciplines. During the relatati mal-kostruzzjoni. Matul il-programm, l-istudent
programme, the learner will develop a comprehensive jiżviluppa fehim komprensiv tad-dixxiplini li fuqhom huma
understanding of the disciplines which underpin bbażati l-ġestjoni tal-kostruzzjoni u l-professjonijiet tal-
construction management and the surveying istħarriġ. Dan l-għarfien jinkludi suġġetti bħall-ekonomija,
professions. This knowledge will include subjects such il-liġi, il-prattika tal-industrija u t-teknoloġija tal-bini.
as; economics, law, industry practice and building Matulu ssir enfasi qawwija fuq ix-xogħol fuq proġett u
technology. Throughout the programme there will be l-istudenti jiġu mħeġġa jaħdmu f’kollaborazzjoni ma’
a strong focus on project work and interdisciplinary dixxiplini oħrajn. Il-programm tal-BSc Quantity Surveying
collaboration is highly encouraged. The BSc Quantity iwassal għal żvilupp ta’ għarfien speċjalizzat relatat mal-
Surveying programme leads to a development of ekonomija tal-kostruzzjoni u l-liġi kuntrattwali, b’enfasi
specialist knowledge related to construction economics partikolari fuq il-ġestjoni tal-ispejjeż tul iċ-ċiklu tal-ħajja
and contract law, with a particular focus on managing kollu tal-prodott, mill-istadju bikri tad-disinn tiegħu sat-
costs throughout the project life-cycle from early design tlestija tal-bini u anke wara.
through to building completion and beyond.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 3 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes
Compulsory: At least one A-Level pass from
Accounts, Engineering Drawing, Mathematics (Pure
or Applied), Physics
Preferred I-Level: Engineering Drawing and Graphical
Knowledge in CAD will be considered an asset

or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST


Career Opportunities:
Quantity Surveyor, Risk, value management and
cost control manager, Contractual claims advisor,
Construction commercial risks advisor

For more info kindly visit:


Course Code: EE3-A1-19

This programme is the first stage for a learner who is Dan il-programm huwa l-ewwel stadju għal student li
interested in a career in electrical systems such as that huwa interessat f’karriera f’sistemi elettriċi, bħal dik ta’
of an Electrician within the construction industry. It Elektrixin fl-industrija tal-kostruzzjoni. Dan jikkontribwixxi
contributes towards an understanding of the relevant għal fehim tat-teorija rilevanti u jippermetti lill-istudenti
theory and allows learners to develop the practical skills jiżviluppaw il-ħiliet prattiċi meħtieġa f’dan il-qasam. Il-
required in this field. The programme consists of twelve programm jikkonsisti fi tnax-il unità, li minnhom sitta huma
modules, out of which six are vocational related and the vokazzjonali u l-oħrajn huma relatati mal-ħiliet ewlenin.
rest are key skills related.
L-unitajiet vokazzjonali jiffokaw fuq l-elementi bażiċi
Vocational modules focus on the basics of wiring biex wieħed jgħaddi wajers biex jinstalla ċirkwiti tal-
electrical installation circuits using different cables and elettriku permezz ta’ kejbils differenti u containment, fuq
containment, electrical installation regulations, and ir-regolamenti dwar l-installazzjoni tal-elettriku, u fuq ir-
health and safety requirements governing electrical rekwiżiti tas-saħħa u s-sikurezza li jirregolaw il-proċessi
installation processes. tal-installazzjoni tal-elettriku.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 1 Year on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
2 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Compulsory: Mathematics or Physics or Engineering
or MCAST Foundation Certificate

A medical certificate testing colour blindness is a

necessary requirement for the course.

Career Opportunities:
Assistant electrician, Machine operator

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: EE3-A2-19

This programme is intended for learners who are Dan il-programm huwa maħsub għall-istudenti li huma
interested to start a career in the field of electronics. interessati li jibdew karriera fil-qasam tal-elettronika. Dan
It would enable learners to further their studies at jippermetti lill-istudenti jkomplu jistudjaw f’livelli ogħla,
higher levels and subsequently find employment in biex eventwalment isibu impjieg fil-qasam tal-elettronika.
the field of electronics. The programme consists of Il-programm jikkonsisti fi tnax-il unità, li minnhom sitta
twelve modules, out of which six are vocational while huma vokazzjonali filwaqt li s-sitta l-oħra jindirizzaw it-
the other six address the vocational hands on training. taħriġ prattiku vokazzjonali.

Vocational modules focus on functions of electronic L-unitajiet vokazzjonali jiffokaw fuq funzjonijiet ta’
components, electronic circuit design, operation of komponenti elettroniċi, id-disinn taċ-ċirkwit elettroniku,
electronic systems, installation and configuration of l-operat ta’ sistemi elettroniċi, l-installazzjoni u
PC hardware and software, interpreting engineering l-konfigurazzjoni ta’ ħardwer u softwer tal-PC,
information and working safely and effectively in l-interpretazzjoni tal-informazzjoni tal-inġinerija u l-ħidma
the workplace. b’mod sikur u effettiv fuq il-post tax-xogħol.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 1 Year on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
2 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Compulsory: Mathematics or Physics or Engineering
or MCAST Foundation Certificate

A medical certificate testing colour blindness is

recommended for this course.

Career Opportunities:
Assistant technician on electronic equipment,
Machine operator

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: EE4-A2-18

This course is intended for learners who wish to embark Dan il-kors huwa maħsub għall-istudenti li jixtiequ jibdew
on a career as technicians in electrical power systems, karriera bħala teknixins f’sistemi tal-enerġija elettrika,
for both domestic and industrial sectors. The course għas-setturi kemm domestiċi kif ukoll industrijali. Il-
has been designed to include requirements as set by kors ġie mfassal biex jinkludi rekwiżiti, kif stabbiliti
the Regulator for Energy & Water Services (REWS) for mir-Regolatur tas-Servizzi tal-Enerġija u l-Ilma (REWS),
Electrical Wireman’s Authorisation A and Authorisation għall-Awtorizzazzjoni A u l-Awtorizzazzjoni B ta’ Persuni li
B. This provides candidates with a solid technical jgħaddu l-Wajers tal-Elettriku. Dan jipprovdi lill-kandidati
competence and understanding of the regulations and kompetenza teknika soda u fehim tar-regolamenti u tar-
health and safety requirements governing the electrical rekwiżiti tas-saħħa u s-sikurezza li jirregolaw l-industrija
installation industry. tal-installazzjoni tal-elettriku.

This course also contains modules related to Dan il-kors jinkludu wkoll unitajiet relatati ma’ Sistemi
Photovoltaic systems, Building Services Engineering Fotovoltajċi, Sistemi tal-Inġinerija tas-Servizzi tal-Bini u
and Electronic Control Systems that give candidates tal-Kontroll Elettroniku, li jipprovdu lill-istudenti bażi soda
a solid grounding in the engineering involved in the għall-inġinerija involuta fl-industrija tas-servizzi tal-bini.
building services industry. Learners will also receive Il-kandidati jwettqu wkoll Prattika f’Workshop Mekkaniku,
exposure to Mechanical Workshop Practice for a more għal programm ta’ taħriġ aktar olistiku.
holistic training programme.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 3 Years on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Compulsory: One subject from Mathematics
or Physics and One subject from Engineering
Technology, Design & Technology, Chemistry,
Mathematics, Physics
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

A medical certificate testing colour blindness is

recommended for this course.

Career Opportunities:
Electrician, Electrical Technician (plant)

For more info kindly visit:
Course Code: EE4-A1-18

The course is intended for candidates who wish to embark Il-kors huwa maħsub għal kandidati li jixtiequ jibdew
on a career as technicians in the field of electronics karriera bħala teknixins fil-qasam tal-inġinerija tal-
engineering which is one of the cutting edge fields at the elettronika, li huwa wieħed mill-oqsma innovattivi fuq
forefront of the world´s technological advancements. quddiem nett tal-avvanzi teknoloġiċi tad-dinja.

This area is currently in very high demand by industry Bħalissa hemm domanda kbira ħafna fl-industrija għal
and job opportunities in this sector are available in ever teknixins mħarrġa f’din il-linja u l-opportunitajiet ta’ impjieg
growing numbers. f’dan is-settur kulma jmur qed jiżdiedu.

This course is designed to give a good grounding in Dan il-kors huwa mfassal biex jipprovdi bażi tajba
electronics where the learner is exposed to the different għall-elettronika fejn l-istudent jiġi espost għall-aspetti
aspects through class-based delivery and extensive differenti permezz ta’ lezzjonijiet fil-klassi, kif ukoll
hands-on practical workshops and projects. workshops u proġetti li jinvolvu ammont kbir ta’ xogħol
Learners are introduced to the creation of electronic prattiku dirett. L-istudenti huma introdotti għall-ħolqien
systems to service diverse fields, such as industrial ta’ sistemi elettroniċi f’diversi oqsma, bħall-elettronika
electronics, transportation, computer engineering, industrijali, it-trasportazzjoni, l-inġinerija tal-kompjuters,
communications and biomedical engineering. il-komunikazzjoni u l-inġinerija bijomedika.

In the first and second year of the course one will cover the Matul l-ewwel u t-tieni sena tal-kors, l-istudent se jiltaqa’
core aspects of electronics engineering while in the final mal-aspetti ewlenin tal-inġinerija tal-elettronika, filwaqt
year, learners will be required to select elective modules li fl-aħħar sena, l-istudenti se jkunu meħtieġa jagħżlu mill-
from Computer technology, Biomedical Technology, unitajiet li ġejjin: it-Teknoloġija tal-Kompjuter, it-Teknoloġija
Telecommunications Technology, Control Technology, Bijomedika, it-Teknoloġija tat-Telekomunikazzjoni, it-
Electrical Power Technology, Domestic Installations Teknoloġija tal-Kontroll, it-Teknoloġija tal-Enerġija Elettrika,
and Electronic Circuit Manufacturing. Availability of l-Installazzjonijiet Domestiċi u l-Manifattura taċ-Ċirkwit
particular electives will be subject to a minimum number Elettroniku. Id-disponibbiltà ta’ ċerti unitajiet tkun soġġetta
of applications. għal numru minimu ta’ applikazzjonijiet.

Learners will also have the opportunity to develop, design L-istudenti jkollhom l-opportunità wkoll li jiżviluppaw,
and build a cutting edge practical electronics project jiddisinjaw u jibnu proġett elettroniku prattiku innovattiv
during the final year. matul l-aħħar sena tal-kors tagħhom.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 3 Years on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Compulsory: One subject from Mathematics or Physics, and One subject from Engineering Technology, Design
& Technology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)
A medical certificate testing colour blindness is recommended for this course.

Career Opportunities:
Electronics Technician
For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: EE6-06-19

The aim of this degree is to develop professional L-għan ta’ din id-degree huwa li jiġu żviluppati inġiniera
engineers who are both academically prepared and professjonali li jitħejjew b’mod akkademiku, kif ukoll
practically trained to satisfy the requirements of local jitħarrġu b’mod prattiku biex jissodisfaw ir-rekwiżiti tal-
industry. Moreover, graduates from this course will industrija lokali. Barra minn hekk, dawk li jiggradwaw
be suitably prepared to embark on careers or further minn dan il-kors jitħejjew b’mod xieraq biex jibdew
their studies. karriera jew ikomplu bl-istudji tagħhom.

Control engineering is, from many perspectives, at the L-inġinerija tal-kontroll tinsab, minn ħafna perspettivi,
peak of the various engineering disciplines. Indeed, fil-quċċata tad-diversi dixxiplini tal-inġinerija. Fil-fatt,
many engineering problems involve the processing ħafna problemi tal-inġinerija jinvolvu xi tip ta’ pproċessar
of information of some form in order to control tal-informazzjoni sabiex tiġi kkontrollata xi sistema jew
some system or variable within a more complex varjabbli fi ħdan sistema aktar kumplessa. L-istudenti
system. Giving learners a good preparation in control li jkollhom taħriġ tajjeb fl-inġinerija tal-kontroll jkunu
engineering increases their attractiveness to industry. mfittxija sew mill-industrija.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 4 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes
Compulsory A-Levels: Physics and Mathematics (Pure
or Applied)
Applicants need to obtain an average Grade C or
better across their A-Levels in Mathematics and
Physics (such as Grades C,C; Grades B,D; Grades A,E)
or MCAST Advanced Diploma with an overall mark of
60% or higher (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
Design engineer, Electronics engineer, Electrical

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: EE6-07-19

The aim of this degree programme is to develop learners L-għan ta’ dan il-programm li jwassal għal baċellerat huwa li
into qualified engineers who are both academically jiżviluppa lill-istudenti f’inġiniera kwalifikati, li jitħejjew b’mod
prepared and practically trained to satisfy the akkademiku, kif ukoll jitħarrġu b’mod prattiku biex jissodisfaw
requirements of the local electronics industry. ir-rekwiżiti tal-industrija lokali tal-elettronika.

Moreover, these graduates will be suitably prepared to Barra minn hekk, dawk li jiggradwaw minn dan il-kors, jitħejjew
embark on professional careers or further their studies b’mod xieraq biex jibdew karrieri professjonali jew ikomplu bl-
abroad. Electronics is still a highly relevant and attractive istudji tagħhom barra minn Malta. L-elettronika għadha qasam
technological field that has evolved at a rapid rate. teknoloġiku rilevanti u attraenti ħafna li evolva b’rata mgħaġġla.

This interdisciplinary field is practically used in every Dan il-qasam interdixxiplinari jintuża prattikament f’kull
aspect of modern life as exemplified by the advances in aspett tal-ħajja moderna, kif juru l-avvanzi fil-kompjuters u
computers and communications. The course will bring l-komunikazzjoni. Il-kors ipoġġi lill-istudenti f’kuntatt mat-
learners in contact with the modern technologies and teknoloġiji moderni u jipprovdi taħlita profonda ta’ għarfien
gives an in depth mix of knowledge and skills. u ħiliet.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 4 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes
Compulsory A-Levels: Physics and Mathematics (Pure
or Applied)
Applicants need to obtain an average Grade C or
better across their A-Levels in Mathematics and
Physics (such as Grades C,C; Grades B,D; Grades A,E)
or MCAST Advanced Diploma with an overall mark of
60% or higher (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
Design engineer, Electronic engineer, Electrical

For more info kindly visit:
Course Code: EE6-01-19

The objective of this degree programme is that of L-għan ta’ dan il-programm li jwassal għal baċellerat huwa
developing professionals who have strong practical li jiġu żviluppati professjonisti li għandhom kompetenzi
competences backed by solid underpinning knowledge prattiċi qawwija, imsaħħa minn għarfien bażiku sod relatat
related to the biomedical engineering sector. The mas-settur tal-inġinerija bijomedika. Il-programm jinkludi
programme includes a number of core modules which numru ta’ unitajiet ewlenin, li jiġu mgħallma fi Programmi
are common with other Electrical & Electronics Degrees oħra tal-Elettriku u l-Elettronika li jwasslu għal Baċellerat,
such as Analogue and Digitial Electronics, Automation bħall-Elettronika Analoga u Diġitali, l-Awtomizzazzjoni u
and Control, and Mathematics. l-Kontroll, u l-Matematika.

Furthermore, the course deals with specific modules Barra minn hekk, il-kors jittratta unitajiet speċifiċi fi ħdan
within the Biomedical field including Biomedical il-qasam Bijomediku, inklużi l-istrumentalizzazzjoni
Instrumentation, Biomedical Devices, Biomedical Bijomedika, l-Apparat Bijomediku, il-Materjali Bijomediċi
Materials and Design for Medical Instrumentation. u d-Disinn għall-Istrumentalizzazzjoni Medika. L-Unitajiet
Study-Units such as Human Biology, and Gait Analysis ta’ Studju, bħall-Bijoloġija Umana u l-Analiżi tal-Mixi u
and Human Movement give an insight on human l-Moviment tal-Bniedem, jagħtu viżjoni dwar l-anatomija
anatomy and movement of joints for human mechanics. umana u l-ġogi għall-mekkanika tal-bniedem.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 3 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes
Compulsory A-Levels: Physics and Mathematics (Pure
or Applied)
or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST

Career Opportunities:
Biomedical engineering manager,
Medical equipment operations engineer

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: ET1-01-17

This programme provides an opportunity to

prospective learners to explore basic principles and
applications related to Engineering. The course will
assist learners in developing technical skills. The
For more info kindly visit:
vocational units are designed to provide learners
with tool handling techniques, which would include
soldering, material cutting and shaping, and assembly
of electrical, electronic and mechanical components.

Learners will have the opportunity to build simple

projects which would be functional and useful. Learners
are also given the opportunity to enhance their key
skills through vocational content, thus promoting the
practical aspect of these subjects.

Dan il-programm jipprovdi lill-istudenti prospettivi

l-opportunità li jesploraw prinċipji u applikazzjonijiet
bażiċi relatati mal-Inġinerija. Il-kors jgħin lill-istudenti
biex jiżviluppaw ħiliet tekniċi. L-unitajiet vokazzjonali
huma mfassla biex jipprovdu lill-istudenti t-tekniki tal-
immaniġġjar tal-għodod, li jinkludu l-istanjar, il-qtugħ u
l-iffurmar ta’ materjali, u l-armar ta’ komponenti elettriċi,
elettroniċi u mekkaniċi.

L-istudenti jkollhom l-opportunità li jibnu proġetti sempliċi

li jkunu funzjonali u utli. L-istudenti jingħataw ukoll
l-opportunità li jsaħħu l-ħiliet ewlenin tagħhom permezz
ta’ kontenut vokazzjonali u għaldaqstant jippromwovu
l-aspett prattiku ta’ dawn is-suġġetti.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 1 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
Finished Compulsory Education
Initial Assessment Tests (as may be applicable)

Course Code: ET2-02-19

This course is designed to provide an opportunity to

prospective learners in possession of the SSC&P to
follow a structured programme of study in Engineering.
The programme includes a significant amount of
For more info kindly visit:
hands-on practice, project based learning and industry
related activities that will help learners form a clear idea
of the nature of the engineering trade or vocation they
intend to follow.

This one-year Level 2 programme provides a broad

introduction to basic theoretical concepts and practical
skills in Mechanical, Electrical and Electronics suitable
for those learners intending to start and further their
studies in Engineering. Key skills subjects also form an
integral part of this programme.

Dan il-kors huwa mfassal biex jipprovdi lill-istudenti

prospettivi l-opportunità li jsegwu programm strutturat ta’
studju fl-inġinerija. Il-programm jinkludi ammont sinifikanti
ta’ prattika diretta, tagħlim ibbażat fuq proġett u attivitajiet
relatati mal-industrija, li jgħinu lill-istudenti jiffurmaw idea
ċara tan-natura tas-sengħa jew tal-vokazzjoni fil-qasam
tal-inġinerija li jixtiequ jsegwu.

Dan il-programm ta’ sena f’Livell 2 jipprovdi introduzzjoni

wiesgħa għall-kunċetti teoretiċi bażiċi u l-ħiliet prattiċi fl-
Inġinerija Mekkanika, Elettrika u Elettronika, xierqa għal
dawk listudenti li għandhom l-intenzjoni li jibdew u jkomplu
l-istudji tagħhom fl-Inġinerija. Is-suġġetti ta’ ħiliet ewlenin
jiffurmaw ukoll parti integrali minn dan il-programm.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 2 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
Finished Compulsory Education
or MCAST Introductory Certificate
Initial Assessment Tests (as may be applicable)

Course Code: ME3-A1-19

The programme, is intended for learners with or Il-programm huwa maħsub għal studenti li għandhom
without knowledge and experience of the automotive jew li m’għandhomx għarfien ta’ u esperjenza fl-industrija
industry. Learners will learn how to work on vehicle tal-karozzi. L-istudenti jitgħallmu kif iwettqu xogħlijiet ta’
accident repair tasks on body work under minimal tiswija fuq il-body ta’ karozzi li jkunu involuti f’inċident
supervision. The course will also provide the learners tat-traffiku, taħt superviżjoni minima. Il-kors jipprovdi
with the skills required to carry out paint repairs to the wkoll lill-istudenti l-ħiliet meħtieġa biex iwettqu tiswijiet fir-
manufacturers’ specifications. rigward taż-żebgħa, f’konformità mal-ispeċifikazzjonijiet
They will thus gain a combination of theoretical
knowledge and practical skills in automotive accident Għaldaqstant, huma jiksbu kombinazzjoni ta’ għarfien
repair (panel beating) together with body paint teoretiku u ħiliet prattiċi fir-rigward tat-tiswija tal-karozzi
principles. Learners will be expected to carry out li jkunu involuti f’inċident tat-traffiku (jiġifieri jtellgħu
effective housekeeping practices to work effectively d-daqqiet (panel beating)) flimkien mal-prinċipji bażiċi
within the automotive industry. They will also learn taż-żebgħa. L-istudenti jkunu mistennija jwettqu prattiċi
how to work safely when carrying out removal and ta’ tindif intern effettivi biex jaħdmu b’mod effettiv fl-
replacement of exterior vehicle panels and paint jobs. industrija tal-karozzi. Huma jitgħallmu wkoll kif jaħdmu
b’mod sikur meta jneħħu u jbiddlu l-pjanċi esterni tal-
karozza u waqt ix-xogħlijiet ta’ żebgħa.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 2 Years on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
2 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Preferred: Mathematics
or MCAST Foundation Certificate

A medical certificate testing colour blindness is a

necessary requirement for the course.

Career Opportunities:
Panel beater, Body repair mechanic on vehicles,
white goods etc.

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: ME3-A2-18

This programme, is for learners who would like to start

developing a strong grounding in the field of motor
vehicle engineering and maintenance.

For more info kindly visit:

Through the various aspects of training that this
course provides, learners should be able to gain a
good understanding of the basic systems found in
light vehicles and safe handling of tools. Learners will
also develop essential skills of the trade, including the
carrying out of basic routine checks, the replacement
of parts as required in the periodic servicing of vehicles,
and maintaining appropriate service records.

Dan il-programm huwa maħsub għall-istudenti li jixtiequ

jibdew jiżviluppaw bażi soda fil-qasam tal-inġinerija u
l-manutenzjoni ta’ vetturi bil-mutur. Permezz tad-diversi
aspetti tat-taħriġ ipprovduti matul dan il-kors, l-istudenti
għandhom ikunu kapaċi jiksbu fehim tajjeb tas-sistemi
bażiċi li jinstabu f’vetturi ħfief, u tal-immaniġġjar sikur
tal-għodod. L-istudenti jiżviluppaw ukoll ħiliet essenzjali
tas-sengħa, inkluż it-twettiq ta’ kontrolli bażiċi ta’ rutina, it-
tibdil ta’ parts kif meħtieġ fis-servisjar perjodiku tal-vetturi,
u ż-żamma ta’ rekords xierqa tas-service.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 1 Year on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
2 SEC/O-Level passes / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Compulsory: Mathematics or Physics
or MCAST Foundation Certificate

Career Opportunities:
Light Vehicle Service Mechanic, Assistant Light Vehicle
Mechanic, Assistant fitter


Course Code: ME3-A3-19

Should learners intend to embark on an engineering Dan il-kors huwa rrakkomandat għal dawk l-istudenti
career specialising particularly in the mechanical li jkollhom l-intenzjoni li jibdew karriera fl-inġinerija li
sector, then this course is recommended. This MCAST tispeċjalizza b’mod partikolari fis-settur mekkaniku. Dan
programme is designed to provide basic theory and il-programm tal-MCAST huwa mfassal biex jipprovdi
practice that can be further enhanced through work t-teorija u l-prattika bażiċi li jistgħu jiġu msaħħa permezz
experience. ta’ esperjenza ta’ xogħol.

Learning takes place by attending lectures in the It-tagħlim iseħħ permezz ta’ lezzjonijiet fil-klassi, workshops
classroom, workshops and laboratories, and by u laboratorji, u bit-twettiq ta’ proġetti u assignments li
completing projects and assignments that are ħafna drabi huma bbażati fuq sitwazzjonijiet realistiċi
often based on realistic workplace situations. The fuq il-post tax-xogħol. Il-kors ikopri l-ħiliet bażiċi tal-
course covers the basic knowledge and practical għarfien u l-prattika, filwaqt li jipprovdi bażi tajba għal
skills, providing a good foundation for future career opportunitajiet ta’ karriera fl-inġinerija fil-futur. L-istudenti
opportunities in engineering. Learners are exposed huma esposti għal għarfien aktar profond fir-rigward tas-
to a deeper knowledge in related key skills subjects. suġġetti relatati.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 1 Year on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
2 SEC/O-Level passes / SSC&P (Level 3) from
Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Technical
Drawing / Graphical Communication, Design &
Technology, Engineering Technology, BTEC Level 2
Extended Certificate in Engineering
Compulsory: Mathematics or Engineering
Technology or Physics or Chemistry
or MCAST Foundation Certificate

Career Opportunities:
Machine Operator, Technical operator, Assistant

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: ME4-A3-19

This Advanced Diploma programme is designed Dan il-programm ta’ Advanced Diploma huwa mfassal biex
to prepare technicians for a career in the field of iħejji lit-teknixins għal karriera fil-qasam tat-trasformazzjoni
the transformation of rubbers and plastics, with tal-lasktu u l-plastik, bit-tipi u l-kompożizzjonijiet differenti
their different types and compositions, into finished tagħhom, fi prodotti speċjalizzati lesti. Dan jipprovdi
specialised products. It provides a good level of livell tajjeb ta’ għarfien fl-oqsma tax-xjenzi tal-polimeri u
knowledge in the fields of polymer sciences and t-teknoloġiji tal-manifattura.
manufacturing technologies.
Jiġu studjati wkoll l-isfond xjentifiku tat-teknoloġiji u
The scientific background of the technologies and l-proċessi involuti, inklużi l-proprjetajiet ta’ materjali, il-
processes involved, including material properties, kontroll tal-proċess u l-effett ta’ elementi varjabbli, bħat-
process control and the effect of variables such as temperatura, il-pressjoni, u l-ħin taċ-ċiklu. It-taħriġ jinkiseb
temperature, pressure, and cycle time, are also studied. permezz ta’ kombinazzjoni ta’ sessjonijiet tat-teorija u
Training is achieved through a combination of theory tal-prattika ta’ din it-teknoloġija l-aktar riċenti fil-klassijiet
and practical sessions of this latest technology in our u l-workshops tagħna, kif ukoll għand il-mexxejja tal-
lecture rooms and workshops, as well as at local industry industrija lokali ta’ dan is-settur ta’ manifattura li kulma
leaders of this ever-growing sector of manufacturing. jmur qed jikber.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 3 Years on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O-Level/SSC&P (Level 3) passes
One subject from Mathematics or Physics and
One subject from Engineering Technology, Design &
Technology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
Machine Setter, Polymer process technician,
Moulding technician

For more info kindly visit:
Course Code: ME4-A1-19

This qualification is for candidates wanting to develop Din il-kwalifika hija għall-kandidati li jixtiequ jiżviluppaw xi
some of the essential skills and understanding in motor wħud mill-ħiliet essenzjali u l-fehim fir-rigward ta’ sistemi
vehicle systems. Learners will be able to identify hazards ta’ vetturi bil-mutur. L-istudenti jkunu jistgħu jidentifikaw
and risks in the automotive environment and work safely perikli u riskji fl-ambjent ta’ karozzi u jaħdmu b’mod sikur
with equipment, materials and products. bit-tagħmir, il-materjali u l-prodotti.

Learners should also gain a good knowledge of tools L-istudenti għandhom jiksbu wkoll għarfien tajjeb ta’
and measuring devices as well as routine light vehicle għodod u apparat ta’ kejl, kif ukoll il-manutenzjoni ta’ rutina
maintenance. Learners will be expected to develop ta’ vetturi ħfief. L-istudenti jkunu mistennija jiżviluppaw
an understanding of the construction and operation fehim dwar il-kostruzzjoni u l-operat ta’ sistemi komuni tal-
of common steering, suspension engines and many istering, magni ta’ sospensjoni u ħafna sistemi importanti
important systems (including mechanical and electrical) (inkluż mekkaniċi u elettriċi), kif ukoll proċeduri involuti fl-
as well as procedures involved in the inspection, ispezzjoni, isservisjar, l-aġġustamenti, it-tneħħija u t-tibdil
serviceability, adjustments, removal and replacement ta’ komponenti u l-evalwazzjoni tal-prestazzjoni tagħhom.
of components and the evaluation of their performance.
L-applikanti li jidħlu għal dan il-kors bl-O-Levels jistgħu jiġu
Applicants coming in through the O-Level route may be mitluba jlestu sena preparatorja addizzjonali f’Livell 4, jekk
requested to complete an additional Level 4 preparatory ma jkollhomx esperjenza jew qatt ma esperjenzaw xogħol
year if they do not already have prior exposure and f’dan is-settur.
experience within the area in question.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years on Apprenticeship
(As from 2020/21, 3 Years on

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O-Level/SSC&P (Level 3) passes
One subject from Mathematics or Physics and
One subject from Engineering Technology, Design &
Technology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Applicants may be required to sit for an aptitude test

and / or attend an interview before being accepted to
join the course.

Career Opportunities:
Motor vehicle technician, Service technician,
VRT technician

For more info kindly visit:


Course Code: ME4-A2-19

If a learner would like to start an interesting career Dan il-programm jipprovdi l-għarfien, il-fehim u l-ħiliet
as a technician in today’s highly technological area neċessarji għal studenti li jkunu jixtiequ jibdew karriera
of manufacturing engineering, then this programme interessanti bħala teknixin fil-qasam b’livell teknoloġiku
provides the necessary knowledge, understanding għoli tal-inġinerija tal-manifattura tal-lum. Din il-kwalifika
and skills. This qualification provides access to more tipprovdi aċċess għal unitajiet aktar speċjalizzati u
specialist units and therefore broadens and deepens għalhekk twessa’ u tapprofondixxi l-esperjenza bi tħejjija
the experience in preparation for actual work situations. għal sitwazzjonijiet attwali tax-xogħol.

The learner will learn how to perform basic engineering L-istudent jitgħallem kif iwettaq operazzjonijiet bażiċi tal-
operations in a safe and efficient manner, whilst inġinerija b’mod sikur u effiċjenti, filwaqt li jissalvagwardja
safeguarding the environment. The learner will l-ambjent. L-istudent jifhem it-teoriji xjentifiċi u matematiċi
understand basic scientific and mathematical theories bażiċi u kif dawn jiġu applikati għal proċessi tal-inġinerija
and how to apply these to manufacturing engineering tal-manifattura, bħad-disinn tekniku, is-soluzzjoni tal-
processes such as draughting, design, problem solving, problemi u x-xogħol fuq il-magni. Dan il-kors jinkludi
and machining. This course includes work-related taħriġ u prattika relatati max-xogħol.
training and practice.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 3 Years on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Compulsory: One subject from Mathematics
or Physics and One subject from Engineering
Technology, Design & Technology, Chemistry,
Mathematics, Physics
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
Machine setter, Mechanical technician,
Production planning officer, Draughtsperson in basic

For more info kindly visit:
Course Code: ME4-A4-19

This programme is the first step for those who

wish to embark in a career in the maritime sector,
with opportunities being available both locally and
For more info kindly visit:
The course introduces the basics of engineering related
to marine vessels and is ideal for those who wish to
be introduced into this sector and obtain a formal
vocational qualification. After successful completion
of the course, the learner will have formed sound
theoretical and practical competences.

Dan il-programm huwa l-ewwel pass għal dawk li jixtiequ

jibdew karriera fis-settur marittimu, b’opportunitajiet
disponibbli kemm lokalment kif ukoll fuq livell

Il-kors jintroduċi l-elementi bażiċi tal-inġinerija relatati ma’

bastimenti tal-baħar u huwa ideali għal dawk li jixtiequ
jidħlu f’dan is-settur u jiksbu kwalifika vokazzjonali formali.
Wara li l-istudent itemm il-kors b’suċċess, ikun kiseb
kompetenzi teoretiċi u prattiċi sodi.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 3 Years on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O-Level/SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Compulsory: One subject from Mathematics or Physics
and One subject from Engineering Technology, Design
& Technology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
Marine technician, Ship repair technician,
Ship repair fitter

Course Code: ME4-A5-19

If a learner wishes to start a fulfilling career as a

technician in the area of operations and maintenance
engineering, then this programme provides the
necessary knowledge, understanding and skills for
the future. The learner will have the opportunity to
learn basic scientific and mathematical methods to
apply in subjects such as thermodynamics and heat
engines. The learner will be exposed to the different
materials used in common engineering situations and
their properties. This qualification not only provides
access to more specialist units but it also broadens and
deepens the learners’ experience in preparation for the
real world at work. This course includes work-related
training and practice.

Dan il-programm jipprovdi l-għarfien, il-fehim u l-ħiliet

neċessarji għall-futur għal dawk listudenti li jixtiequ
jibdew karriera sodisfaċenti bħala teknixin fil-qasam tal-
operazzjonijiet u l-inġinerija tal-manutenzjoni. L-istudent
ikollu l-opportunità li jitgħallem metodi xjentifiċi u
matematiċi bażiċi, biex japplikahom f’suġġetti bħat-
termodinamika u l-magni tas-sħana. L-istudent ikun espost
għal materjali differenti użati f’sitwazzjonijiet tal-inġinerija
komuni u l-proprjetajiet tagħhom. Din il-kwalifika mhux
biss tipprovdi aċċess għal unitajiet aktar speċjalizzati, iżda
twessa’ u tapprofondixxi wkoll l-esperjenza tal-istudenti,
bi tħejjija għad-dinja reali tax-xogħol. Dan il-kors jinkludi
taħriġ u prattika relatati max-xogħol.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 3 Years on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Compulsory: One subject from Mathematics or Physics
and One subject from Engineering Technology, Design
& Technology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
Maintenance fitter/Technician, Plant technician

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: ME6-02-19

This Mechanical Engineering degree programme, Dan il-programm li jwassal għal baċellerat fl-Inġinerija
provides the learner with a solid understanding of Mekkanika jipprovdi lill-istudent fehim sod ta’ elementi
relevant engineering fundamentals and prepares fundamentali tal-inġinerija rilevanti u jħejji lill-istudent
the learner for a broad range of career options in the għal firxa wiesgħa ta’ għażliet ta’ karriera fil-qasam tal-
manufacturing field. This field is increasingly becoming manifattura. Dan il-qasam qed isir ta’ livell teknoloġiku li
more and more high tech. kulma jmur qed jogħla.

The programme is structured around studies which will Il-programm huwa mfassal madwar l-istudji li jiżviluppaw
develop in learners, a firm understanding of principles fl-istudenti, il-fehim sod tal-prinċipji u d-dixxiplini li huma
and disciplines which are needed in the modelling, meħtieġa fl-immudellar, il-kejl, l-analiżi u d-disinn ta’
measuring, analysis and design of mechanical komponenti u sistemi mekkaniżmi. Dawk li jiggradwaw
components and systems. On completing the course, minn dan il-kors huma mistennija juru li jkunu assimilaw
graduates are expected to demonstrate that they il-ħiliet professjonali neċessarji biex jifformulaw u jwettqu
have assimilated the professional skills necessary proġetti tal-inġinerija. Il-kors jipprovdi wkoll taħriġ fil-
for formulating and executing engineering projects. ħidma f’tim, u ħiliet ta’ komunikazzjoni effettivi.
The course also provides training in teamwork, and
effective communication skills.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 4 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes
Compulsory A-Levels: Physics and Mathematics (Pure
or Applied) with an average Grade C or better across
the A-Levels in Mathematics and Physics (such as
Grades C,C; Grades B,D; Grades A,E)
or MCAST Advanced Diploma with an overall mark of
60% or higher (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
Manufacturing process Engineer, Engineering
designer, Quality control Engineer, Engineering
manager, Production Engineer/Manager/
Superintendent, Engineering laboratory Manager,
Mechanical Engineer.

For more info kindly visit:
Course Code: ME6-03-19

This degree programme in Mechanical Engineering is Dan il-programm li jwassal għal baċellerat fl-Inġinerija
relevant to a range of industries, since it covers the key Mekkanika huwa rilevanti għal firxa ta’ industriji,
mechanical engineering principles and subject areas minħabba li jkopri l-prinċipji ewlenin tal-inġinerija
for the plant engineer. The course is therefore wide- mekkanika u l-oqsma ta’ suġġetti għall-inġinier tal-
ranging and it will develop the candidates’ ability to impjanti. Il-kors huwa għalhekk komprensiv u jiżviluppa
apply these principles to solve engineering problems in l-kapaċità tal-kandidati li japplikaw dawn il-prinċipji biex
a variety of work environments and business concerns. isolvu problemi tal-inġinerija f’varjetà ta’ ambjenti tax-
xogħol u l-intrapriża.
The course contains study-units in various areas
such as Fluid mechanics, Plant technology, Control Il-kors jinkludi unitajiet ta’ studju f’diversi oqsma, bħall-
principles, control engineering, electrical technology, Mekkanika tal-Fluwidi, it-Teknoloġija tal-Impjanti, il-
HVAC, vibration analysis and heat engines. Additional Prinċipji tal-Kontroll, l-Inġinerija tal-Kontroll, it-Teknoloġija
managerial modules and modules in environmental Elettrika, l-HVAC, l-Analiżi tal-Vibrazzjoni u l-Magni tas-
engineering further enhance this programme so that Sħana. L-unitajiet maniġerjali addizzjonali u l-unitajiet
graduates may add real value to the organisation that fl-inġinerija ambjentali jkomplu jsaħħu dan il-programm,
employs them. sabiex dawk li jiggradwaw minn dan il-kors ikunu jistgħu
jżidu valur reali għall-organizzazzjoni li timpjegahom.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 4 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes
Compulsory A-Levels: Physics and Mathematics (Pure
or Applied) with an average Grade C or better across
the A-Levels in Mathematics and Physics (such as
Grades C,C; Grades B,D; Grades A,E)
or MCAST Advanced Diploma with an overall mark of
60% or higher (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
Mechanical Engineer, Engineering Plant Systems
designer, Mechanical engineering analyst, Hotel
Chief Engineer, Plant engineer

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: ME6-01-19

This degree programme, deals with the design, Dan il-programm li jwassal għal baċellerat jittratta d-disinn,
construction, operation and maintenance of engines il-kostruzzjoni, l-operat u l-manutenzjoni tal-magni u
and machinery in ships and marine installations. l-makkinarju f’bastimenti u installazzjonijiet tal-baħar.
The learner will gain an understanding of developed L-istudent jikseb fehim tat-teknoloġiji żviluppati u emerġenti,
and emerging technologies whilst applying theoretical filwaqt li japplika metodi teoretiċi u prattiċi fl-analiżi u
and practical methods in the analysis and solution of s-soluzzjoni ta’ problemi relatati mal-inġinerija tal-baħar.
marine engineering related problems.
F’dan il-livell ta’ studju, wieħed ikun mistenni li jiżviluppa
At this level of study, one will be expected to develop l-kwalitajiet meħtieġa għal impjieg f’sitwazzjonijiet li
the qualities needed for employment in situations jirrikjedu l-eżerċizzju ta’ responsabbiltà personali, it-
requiring the exercise of personal responsibility, tmexxija teknika u l-ġestjoni kummerċjali f’ċirkostanzi
technical leadership and commercial management in kumplessi u mhux prevedibbli kif mistenni fl-Industrija
complex and unpredictable circumstances as expected Marittima.
in the Maritime Industry.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 3 Years Full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes
Compulsory A-Level: Physics and Mathematics (Pure
or Applied)
or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST

Career Opportunities:
Marine structural designer, Marine systems
designer, Marine technologist, Marine surveyor

For more info kindly visit:


Course Code: MI3-01-17

This study programme is intended for learners who Dan il-programm ta’ studju huwa maħsub għall-istudenti
in future intend to apply for the course leading to an li għandhom l-intenzjoni li fil-futur japplikaw għall-kors
Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch, but who as biex wieħed jilħaq Uffiċjal fil-Kariga ta’ Għassa tan-
yet do not possess all the academic entry requirements Navigazzjoni, iżda li għad m’għandhomx ir-rekwiżiti tad-
to commence the Officer In Charge of a Navigational dħul akkademiċi biex jibdew il-kors ta’ Uffiċjal fil-Kariga
Watch course. ta’ Għassa tan-Navigazzjoni.

This course also gives the opportunity for those Dan il-kors jagħti l-opportunità wkoll lil dawk l-istudenti li
learners who would like to to find a job and actively jixtiequ jsibu impjieg u jaħdmu b’mod attiv f’ambjent tal-
work in a maritime environment such as a deck crew baħar, bħala ekwipaġġ abbord bastimenti, u jiksbu ħin ta’
on board ships and gain valuable sea time or in an servizz siewi fuq il-baħar jew impjieg f’marina qrib il-kosta.
inshore marina job.
Il-Diploma In Deck Operations Course jipprovdi bażi
The Diploma in Deck Operations Course will deliver soda għall-għarfien ġenerali tal-bastimenti, it-tbaħħir u
a solid foundation in general ship knowledge, n-navigazzjoni u l-fehim tal-ambjent leġiżlattiv bażiku li fih
seamanship, navigation and understanding the basic joperaw il-bastimenti. Dan il-kors jagħti wkoll opportunità
legislative environment within which ships operate. lill-istudenti biex ilestu l-komponenti ta’ taħriġ bażiku ta’
This course also gives an opportunity for learners to sigurtà STCW. L-istudenti jkunu kapaċi wkoll li jagħmlu
complete the STCW basic safety training components. l-eżami ta’ Commercial Vessel Boatmaster tal-ewwel grad
Learners will also be able to sit for the GMDSS ROC u għaċ-ċertifikat tal-GMDSS ROC ladarba jkunu ssodisfati
and commercial vessel boat-master grade 1, provided r-rekwiżiti l-oħra ta’ Transport Malta.
that other requirements stipulated by Transport Malta
are met.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 1 Year full time. During summer
recess, a 15-day experience, living
on a ship

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O-Level/SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Compulsory: English Language

Medical Test, Physical Aptitude Test and Interview

Career Opportunities:
Deck crew, Shipping clerk, Water clerk with a shipping
agency, Mooring man.

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: MI-01-19

The course aims at giving the candidate the necessary Il-kors għandu l-għan li jipprovdi lill-kandidat it-taħriġ
training as an Officer Cadet to qualify for a Certificate of neċessarju bħala Uffiċjal Kadett biex jikkwalifika għal
Competence as an Officer In Charge of a Navigational Ċertifikat ta’ Kompetenza bħala Uffiċjal fil-Kariga ta’
Watch on an ocean-going merchant vessel. Training Għassa tan-Navigazzjoni fuq bastiment merkantili li
consists of a number of maritime related subjects such jagħmel kummerċ barra mill-pajjiż. It-taħriġ jikkonsisti
as Navigation, Meteorology, Signals, Ship Knowledge and f’numru ta’ suġġetti relatati mal-baħar, bħan-Navigazzjoni,
Stability, Cargo Operations, International Regulations, il-Meteoroloġija, is-Sinjali, l-Għarfien u l-Istabbiltà tal-
a high level of physical fitness training and leadership Vapuri, l-Operazzjonijiet tal-Merkanzija, ir-Regolamenti
training in which all candidates are expected to Internazzjonali, flimkien ma’ livell għoli ta’ taħriġ għal
participate and to attain a high degree of competence. kundizzjoni fiżika tajba u taħriġ fit-tmexxija, li l-kandidati
huma kollha mistennija li jipparteċipaw fih u jiksbu grad
Officer Cadets are expected to dedicate a lot of time to għoli ta’ kompetenza.
their studies and are also expected to wear a merchant
marine uniform whilst undergoing training both ashore L-Uffiċjali Kadetti huma mistennija jiddedikaw ħafna żmien
and on-board ships. Officer Cadets attending the course għall-istudji tagħhom u huma mistennija wkoll li jilbsu
will be assisted in finding a sponsor for the practical uniformi tal-marina merkantili waqt li jkunu għaddejjin
training period at sea during the third phase of training minn taħriġ kemm fuq l-art kif ukoll abbord il-vapuri.
on the course. The Maritime Institute boasts a good L-Uffiċjali Kadetti li jattendu l-kors se jiġu megħjuna biex
reputation for discipline and all Officer Cadets are isibu sponsor għall-perjodu ta’ taħriġ prattiku fuq il-baħar,
expected to abide by a Code of Conduct whilst attending matul it-tielet fażi tat-taħriġ tal-kors. L-Istitut Marittimu
the Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch Course. għandu reputazzjoni tajba għad-dixxiplina u l-Uffiċjali
Kadetti kollha huma mistennija jikkonformaw ma’ Kodiċi
The programme includes a one-month sea experience ta’ Kondotta, filwaqt li jattendu l-Kors ta’ Uffiċjali fil-Kariga
and eventually a compulsory 12 months sea placement ta’ Għassa tan-Navigazzjoni.

Course Duration:
3 Years: (Two Years full-time, 12 months
sea-time experience)

Entry Requirements:
6 SEC/O-Level passes / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Compulsory: Physics (at grade 4/C or better),
Mathematics, and English Language
Preferred: Geography and a foreign language
Medical Test, Physical Aptitude Test and Interview
Guidance Note: Learners under 17 years of age
applying for this course may have difficulty in finding
an ocean-going placement. It is recommended that
such candidates seek guidance before applying.

Career Opportunities:
Port inspector, Terminal inspector, GMDSS Operator,
Cargo operator in Yard/Ship Terminal

For more info kindly visit:


Course Code: MI-02-19

This course is a continuation in the career of a Deck Officer Dan il-kors huwa kontinwazzjoni fil-karriera ta’ Deck
in the merchant shipping navy leading to the issue of a Officer fil-flotta navali tat-tbaħħir merkantili u jwassal
Certificate of Competence as a Chief Mate. The training għall-ħruġ ta’ Ċertifikat ta’ Kompetenza bħala Chief Mate.
provided is at management level and learners attending It-taħriġ ipprovdut huwa fil-livell maniġerjali u l-istudenti
this course are expected to dedicate a lot of time to their li jattendu dan il-kors huma mistennija jiddedikaw ħafna
studies and are also expected to wear a merchant marine żmien għall-istudji tagħhom u huma mistennija wkoll jilbsu
uniform whilst undergoing training ashore. uniformi tal-marina merkantili waqt li jkunu għaddejjin
minn taħriġ fuq l-art.
This Centre boasts a good reputation for discipline and
all Officers are expected to abide by a Code of Conduct Dan iċ-Ċentru għandu reputazzjoni tajba għad-dixxiplina
whilst attending the Chief Mate Course and to actively u l-Uffiċjali kollha huma mistennija jikkonformaw ma’
participate in organised events. Practical STCW ancillary Kodiċi ta’ Kondotta filwaqt li jattendu l-Kors ta’ Chief Mate
courses being medical care and radar navigation u jipparteċipaw b’mod attiv f’avvenimenti organizzati. Il-
including simulation exercises are also provided as korsijiet anċillari prattiċi ta’ STCW, jiġifieri l-kura medika u
compulsory short courses for the Chief Mate Certificate n-navigazzjoni bir-radar, inklużi eżerċizzji ta’ simulazzjoni,
of Competency. huma pprovduti wkoll bħala korsijiet qosra obbligatorji
għaċ-Ċertifikat ta’ Kompetenza ta’ Chief Mate.

Course Duration:
1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
Letter of eligibility from Transport Malta
Valid OIC Navigational Watch Certificate of
Competency plus 12 months at sea in that capacity
Medical Test

Career Opportunities:
Chief officer on sea-going merchant ships as second
in command after the Captain, Ship senior officer
of the bridge, Ship senior officer controlling cargo
operations on a ship, Master on offshore vessels, Ship
security officer Marine, VTS operator/supervisor, Ship
surveyor, Cargo surveyor, Ship security officer.

For more info kindly visit:


Institute of
Information and
The Institute of Information and Communication
Technology is the natural choice one should consider
before finding a job in the ICT industry. This is a
dynamic sector which requires a number of technical
people to cope with the constantly evolving computing
technologies. The Institute offers various entry points
for everyone to successfully obtain the required
qualification with the possibility to continue furthering
their studies at higher levels. We work closely with the
industry to keep our courses relevant to their needs while
providing the best training using the latest tools and new
emerging technologies.

L-Istitut tat-Teknoloġija tal-Informazzjoni u l-Komunikazzjoni

huwa l-għażla naturali li wieħed għandu jikkunsidra qabel
ma jfittex impjieg fl-industrija tal-ICT. Dan huwa settur
dinamiku li jirrikjedi għadd ta’ persuni tekniċi biex ilaħħqu
mat-teknoloġiji tal-kompjuters li dejjem jevolvu. L-Istitut
joffri diversi punti ta’ dħul għal kulħadd biex wieħed ikun
jista’ jikseb b’suċċess il-kwalifika meħtieġa, bil-possibbiltà li
jkompli jistudja f’livelli ogħla. Aħna naħdmu mill-qrib mal-
industrija biex inżommu l-korsijiet tagħna rilevanti għall-
ħtiġijiet tagħha, filwaqt li nipprovdu l-aħjar taħriġ bl-użu
tal-għodod l-aktar riċenti u t-teknoloġiji emerġenti ġodda.


Course Code: IT1-01-19

The ICT industry is a dynamic sector which requires

a number of technical people to cope with the
constantly evolving computing technologies. IT
persons offer support in these technologies and help
other IT specialists in their daily job. For more info kindly visit:
The Introductory Certificate in ICT offers knowledge in
basic skills as well as knowledge in the fundamentals
of computer systems and programming skills. The
programme offers learners the necessary knowledge
about the basic components that make up a computer
system by being able to distinguish the different parts
of a computer system, as well as learn about the
software design phases and how to install hardware.
Skills will be developed in how to design simple
algorithms and simple computer programmes.

L-industrija tal-ICT hija settur dinamiku li jirrikjedi għadd

ta’ persuni tekniċi biex ilaħħaq mat-teknoloġiji tal-
computing li qed jevolvu b’mod kostanti. Il-persuni tal-IT
joffru appoġġ f’dawn it-teknoloġiji u jgħinu lil speċjalisti
oħra tal-IT fl-impjieg ta’ kuljum tagħhom.

L-Introductory Certificate in ICT joffri għarfien fir-rigward

tal-ħiliet bażiċi u tal-elementi fundamentali ta’ sistemi
tal-kompjuter u l-ħiliet tal-ipprogrammar. Il-programm
joffri lill-istudenti l-għarfien neċessarju dwar il-
komponenti bażiċi li jiffurmaw is-sistema tal-kompjuter,
b’tali mod li jkunu jistgħu jiddistingwu bejn il-partijiet
differenti ta’ sistema tal-kompjuter, kif ukoll jitgħallmu
dwar il-fażijiet tad-disinn tas-softwer u kif jinstallaw il-
ħardwer. Jiġu żviluppati ħiliet fid-disinn ta’ algoritmi
sempliċi u programmi sempliċi tal-kompjuter.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 1 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
Finished Compulsory Education
Initial Assessment Tests (as may be applicable)

Course Code: IT2-01-19

The ICT industry is a dynamic sector which requires a L-industrija tal-ICT hija settur dinamiku li jirrikjedi għadd
number of technical people to cope with the constantly ta’ persuni tekniċi biex ilaħħaq mat-teknoloġiji tal-
evolving computing technologies. IT persons offer computing li qed jevolvu b’mod kostanti. Il-persuni tal-IT
support in these technologies and help other IT joffru appoġġ f’dawn it-teknoloġiji u jgħinu lil speċjalisti
specialists in their daily job. oħra tal-IT fl-impjieg ta’ kuljum tagħhom.

The Foundation Certificate in ICT offers knowledge in Il-Foundation Certificate in ICT joffri għarfien fir-rigward
basic skills as well as knowledge in the fundamentals tal-ħiliet bażiċi u tal-elementi fundamentali ta’ sistemi
of computer systems, programming skills, computer tal-kompjuter, il-ħiliet tal-ipprogrammar, il-grafika tal-
graphics, and the creating of an ICT project. This kompjuter u l-ħolqien ta’ proġett tal-ICT. Dan il-programm
programme of studies is not intended to prepare the ta’ studji mhuwiex maħsub biex iħejji lill-istudent għal
learner for immediate employment. However, it is impjieg immedjat. Madankollu, huwa l-ewwel f’sensiela
the first in a string of programmes that will eventually ta’ programmi li eventwalment iħejju lill-istudent sabiex
prepare the learner to embark on a career within the isegwi karriera fl-industrija tal-computing.
computing industry.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 2 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
Finished Compulsory Education
or MCAST Introductory Certificate
Initial Assessment Tests (as may be applicable)

For more info kindly visit:


Course Code: IT3-01-19

The ICT industry is a dynamic sector which requires a

number of technical people to cope with the constantly
evolving computing technologies. IT persons offer
technical support in these technologies and help other
IT specialists in their daily job. For more info kindly visit:
The Diploma in ICT is the first step in a block of a three-
year training programme, designed to provide the
necessary skills to work in the computing industry.
At this level of study, learners will be introduced to
fundamental subjects in the networking, software
development, web development and multimedia
areas. At the end of the course, learners will be able to
use modern computer and multimedia systems and
networks in the workplace.

L-industrija tal-ICT hija settur dinamiku li jirrikjedi għadd

ta’ persuni tekniċi biex ilaħħaq mat-teknoloġiji tal-
computing li qed jevolvu b’mod kostanti. Il-persuni tal-IT
joffru appoġġ f’dawn it-teknoloġiji u jgħinu lil speċjalisti
oħra tal-IT fl-impjieg ta’ kuljum tagħhom.

Id-Diploma in ICT huwa l-ewwel pass fi programm

ta’ taħriġ ta’ tliet snin, imfassal biex jipprovdi l-ħiliet
neċessarji biex wieħed ikun jista’ jaħdem fl-industrija
tal-computing. F’dan il-livell ta’ studju, l-istudenti jiġu
introdotti għal suġġetti fundamentali fl-oqsma tan-
netwerking, l-iżvilupp tas-softwer, l-iżvilupp ta’ websajts u
tal-multimidja. Fi tmiem il-kors, l-istudenti jkunu jistgħu
jużaw sistemi u netwerks multimedjali u tal-kompjuter
moderni fil-post tax-xogħol.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Compulsory: one subject from Mathematics
or Computer Studies or Physics or BTEC IT
Practitioner/IT VET Preferred: English Language
or MCAST Foundation Certificate

Course Code: IT3-02-18

The iGaming Industry is a relatively new and dynamic

sector which requires a number of technical people
to cope with the constantly evolving technologies in
iGaming. MCAST is offering this course as the first step
For more info kindly visit:
to become familiar with the iGaming industry. The
course is designed to provide the basic knowledge
and skills required to consider working in such an
exciting and innovative industry.

At this level of studies, the learners will be introduced

to subjects which provide fundamentals in iGaming,
Web development, Multimedia and basic Data

L-industrija tal-iGaming hija settur relattivament ġdid u

dinamiku li jirrikjedi għadd ta’ persuni tekniċi biex ilaħħaq
mat-teknoloġiji fl-iGaming li qed jevolvu b’mod kostanti.

L-MCAST qed joffri dan il-kors bħala l-ewwel pass biex

wieħed isir familjari mal-industrija tal-iGaming. Il-kors
huwa mfassal biex jipprovdi l-għarfien u l-ħiliet bażiċi
meħtieġa biex wieħed jikkunsidra li jaħdem f’industrija
tant eċitanti u innovattiva. F’dan il-livell ta’ studji,
l-istudenti jiġu introdotti għal suġġetti li jipprovdu
elementi fundamentali fl-iGaming, l-iżvilupp tal-Web, il-
Multimidja u l-Analiżi bażika tad-Data.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Compulsory: one subject from Mathematics
or Computer Studies or Physics or BTEC IT
Practitioner/IT VET Preferred: English Language
or MCAST Foundation Certificate

Career Opportunities:
User support in iGaming

Course Code: IT4-A1-19

The IT industry is a dynamic sector which requires L-industrija tal-IT hija settur dinamiku li jirrikjedi
a number of highly skilled technical personnel to għadd ta’ impjegati tekniċi bi kwalifiki għoljin biex
cope with constantly changing customers’ demands ilaħħaq mad-domandi tal-klijenti li qed jinbidlu b’mod
and new innovative technologies. This course is the kostanti u mat-teknoloġiji innovattivi ġodda. Dan il-kors
first step towards entering the field of computer huwa l-ewwel pass biex wieħed jidħol fil-qasam tan-
networks. It will provide the learners with core netwerks tal-kompjuter. Jipprovdi lill-istudenti l-ħiliet
computer networking skills. At this level, learners ewlenin tan-netwerking tal-kompjuter. F’dan il-livell,
will be exposed to the design, implementation and l-istudenti jiltaqgħu mad-disinn, l-implimentazzjoni u
administration of small to medium sized networks. l-amministrazzjoni ta’ netwerks żgħar u medji. L-ewwel
The first year of this course will be common to all sena ta’ dan il-kors tkun l-istess għall-istudenti kollha li
learners following the Advanced Diploma. During the qed isegwu l-Advanced Diploma. Matul it-tieni sena tal-
second year of studies, learners will be focusing on istudji, l-istudenti jiffokaw fuq suġġetti tan-netwerking
networking subjects such as LAN switching, routing, bħall-LAN switching, ir-routing, il-ġestjoni tas-server u
server management and virtualisation. This course l-virtwalizzazzjoni. Dan il-kors jinkludi taħriġ u prattika
includes work-related training and practice. relatati max-xogħol.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Compulsory: Mathematics and one subject from
Computer Studies or Physics or Information
Technology. Preferred: English Language
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
Junior/Assistant systems administrator, Junior,
Assistant network administrator, Junior/Assistant,
database administrator, IT End User support

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: IT4-03-19

The World Wide Web is one area that is fast growing Il-World Wide Web huwa settur wieħed li qed jikber
in terms of the skills needs of companies. Multimedia b’mod rapidu fir-rigward tal-ħtiġijiet tal-ħiliet tal-
is the incorporation of text, sound, graphics, kumpaniji. Il-multimidja hija l-inkorporazzjoni tat-test,
animation, still images and video in conjunction with is-sound, il-grafika, l-animazzjoni, l-immaġnijiet fissi u
computer technology. This course will provide the l-vidjo fit-teknoloġija tal-kompjuter. Il-kors jipprovdi lill-
learners with the core software development skills istudenti l-ħiliet ewlenin tal-iżvilupp tas-softwer, flimkien
along with the necessary knowledge for multimedia mal-għarfien neċessarju għall-iżvilupp, il-manipulazzjoni
artefact development, manipulation and integration. u l-integrazzjoni tal-artifatt tal-multimidja. L-ewwel sena
The first year of this course will be common for all ta’ dan il-kors se tkun l-istess għall-istudenti kollha li qed
learners following advanced diploma studies. During isegwu studju ta’ diploma avvanzata. Matul it-tieni sena,
the second year, learners will focus on Multimedia l-istudenti jiffokaw fuq suġġetti orjentati lejn l-iżvilupp
and Software development oriented subjects such tal-multimidja u tas-softwer, bħall-iżvilupp tal-logħob
as game development and mobile application u l-iżvilupp ta’ applikazzjoni tal-mobile. Dan huwa kors
development. This is a technical course for learners tekniku għal studenti b’inklinazzjoni artistika.
with an artistic inclination.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Compulsory: Mathematics and one subject from
Computer Studies or Physics or Information
Technology Preferred: English Language, Art,
Graphical Communication.
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
Junior Front-end developer, Junior Game developer
Junior Mobile Application Developer

For more info kindly visit:
Course Code: IT4-04-19

This programme is a practical, hands-on qualification Din hija kwalifika prattika li tiżgura li l-istudenti jużaw
ensuring that learners utilise the most up-to-date il-prattiċi l-aktar aġġornati u l-lingwi tal-ipprogrammar
practices and current programming languages. l-aktar kurrenti. Dan il-kors huwa l-ewwel pass biex
This course is the first step towards becoming a wieħed isir żviluppatur tas-softwer. Jipprovdi lill-
software developer. It will provide the learners istudenti l-ħiliet ewlenin tal-iżvilupp tas-softwer, flimkien
with the core software development skills along mal-għarfien neċessarju għad-disinn u l-iżvilupp ta’
with the necessary knowledge for the design and applikazzjonijiet tas-softwer. L-ewwel sena ta’ dan il-kors
development of software applications. The first year tkun l-istess għall-istudenti kollha li jsegwu d-diploma
of this course will be common for all learners following avvanzata. Matul it-tieni sena tal-istudji, l-istudenti
the advanced diploma. During the second year of jiffokaw fuq suġġetti tal-iżvilupp tas-softwer bħal: server
studies, learners will focus on software development side u client side scripting; id-disinn u l-iżvilupp ta’
subjects such as: server side and client side scripting; bażijiet ta’ data; u l-iżvilupp ta’ applikazzjoni tal-mobile.
database design and development; and mobile
application development.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Compulsory: Mathematics and one subject from
Computer Studies or Physics or Information
Technology Preferred: English Language
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
User Support, Junior Software Tester, Junior Software
Developer, Junior Database Developer, Junior Web

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: IT6-01-19

Computer systems and networks are a growth area Is-sistemi u n-netwerks tal-kompjuter huma qasam ta’
in today’s business environment due to the fact that tkabbir fl-ambjent kummerċjali tal-lum, minħabba l-fatt
there is a strong demand for highly skilled technical li hemm domanda kbira għal persuni tekniċi bi kwalifiki
persons who can devise original solutions for għoljin li jistgħu jfasslu soluzzjonijiet oriġinali għal problemi
complex problems in the context of IT and network kumplessi fil-kuntest tal-IT u l-implimentazzjonijiet tan-
implementations using modern techniques. netwerk bl-użu ta’ tekniki moderni.

This hands-on degree programme, is intended Dan il-programm li jwassal għal baċellerat huwa maħsub
for learners who would like to pursue a career in għall-istudenti li jixtiequ jsegwu karriera fid-dinja tas-sistemi
the world of computer systems and networks. In u n-netwerks tal-kompjuter. F’dan il-kors, l-istudenti jiltaqgħu
this course, learners will be exposed to enterprise mat-teknoloġiji tan-netwerk tal-intrapriżi, l-operazzjonijiet
network technologies, data centre operations, service taċ-ċentru tad-data, in-netwerks tal-fornitur tas-servizzi,
provider networks, information security, virtualisation is-sikurezza tal-informazzjoni, il-virtwalizzazzjoni u
and cloud computing technologies. Due importance t-teknoloġiji tal-cloud computing. Tingħata l-importanza
will also be given to emerging technologies which dovuta wkoll lit-teknoloġiji emerġenti li jkunu qed jiġu
learners will find being implemented when they start implimentati meta l-istudenti jibdew jaħdmu fl-industrija.
working within the industry.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 3 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes
Compulsory A-Level: Computing
Compulsory A-Level or I-level: one subject from Pure
Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Physics
or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST

Career Opportunities:
Systems administrator, NOC engineer, Technical
support specialist, Network analyst

For more info kindly visit:
Course Code: IT6-02-19

This degree programme is intended for those Dan il-programm li jwassal għal baċellerat huwa maħsub
learners who are keen on software development with għal dawk l-istudenti li huma interessati fl-iżvilupp tas-
an inclination towards back-end systems and solving softwer, b’mod speċjali ta’ sistemi back-end u ta’ soluzzjoni
complex problems. In this course you will learn how to ta’ problemi kumplessi. F’dan il-kors inti titgħallem kif
design software applications based on formal design tiddisinja applikazzjonijiet tas-softwer, ibbażati fuq mudelli
patterns; design and implement the underlying ta’ disinn formali; tiddisinja u timplimenta l-infrastruttura
data infrastructure; model and solve complex real tad-data fundamentali; toħloq mudelli u ssolvi problemi
problems whilst following formal methodologies. reali kumplessi, filwaqt li ssegwi metodoloġiji formali. Dan
This course covers Secure Development, Enterprise il-kors jittratta l-Iżvilupp Sikur, l-Iżvilupp tas-Softwer għall-
Software Development, Server Side and Client Side Intrapriżi, Server Side u Client Side scripting, il-Matematika
scripting, Discrete Mathematics and other similar u unitajiet simili oħra. Dan il-kors huwa maħsub għal
modules. This course is intended for individuals who individwi li għandhom interess fis-soluzzjoni tal-problemi,
have a keen interest in problem solving, have an li jagħtu attenzjoni għad-dettall u li jistinkaw biex joħolqu
attention to detail and strive to programme efficiently. programmi effiċjenti.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 3 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes
Compulsory A-Level: Computing
Compulsory A-Level or I-level: one subject from Pure
Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Physics
or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST

Career Opportunities:
Web / Back-End Developer, Software Tester
Mobile Applications Developer

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: IT6-03-19

This degree programme, is intended for those

learners who are keen on developing interactive and
media rich software applications such as games and
mobile applications. In this course one will learn how
to develop software applications, create the required
multimedia content and integrate this content with
the created application. This course covers 2D and 3D
Graphic Design, Computer Animation, Sound Design,
Visual Effects, Object-Oriented Programming, Mobile
Application Development and other similar modules.
This course is intended for individuals who have an
artistic inclination and are also good in programming.

Dan il-programm fil-livell tal-baċellerat huwa maħsub

għal dawk l-istudenti li għandhom interess fl-iżvilupp ta’
applikazzjonijiet tas-softwer interattivi u rikki fl-użu tal-
midja, bħal-logħob u l-applikazzjonijiet tal-mobile. F’dan il-
kors, wieħed se jitgħallem kif jiżviluppa applikazzjonijiet tas-
softwer, joħloq il-kontenut multimedjali meħtieġ u jintegra
dan il-kontenut mal-applikazzjoni maħluqa. Dan il-kors
ikopri d-Disinn Grafiku 2D u 3D, l-Animazzjoni tal-Kompjuter,
id-Disinn tas-Sound, l-Effetti Viżivi, l-Ipprogrammar Orjentat
lejn l-Oġġett, l-Iżvilupp ta’ Applikazzjoni tal-Mobile u unitajiet
simili oħra. Dan il-kors huwa maħsub għal individwi li
għandhom inklinazzjoni artistika u li huma wkoll tajbin

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 3 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes
Compulsory A-Level: Computing
Compulsory A-Level or I-level: one subject from Pure
Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Physics
or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST

Career Opportunities:
Games Developer, Web / UX designer, Multimedia
Programmer, Mobile Applications Developer

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: IT6-04-17

This degree programme, is aimed at those individuals Dan il-programm li jwassal għal baċellerat, huwa mmirat
who wish to learn how to utilise data to address lejn dawk l-individwi li jixtiequ jitgħallmu kif jużaw id-data
the most demanding challenges in today’s business biex jindirizzaw l-isfidi l-aktar eżiġenti fid-dinja tan-negozju
world. Through the use of an applied methodology, tal-lum. Permezz tal-użu ta’ metodoloġija applikata, il-ħiliet
analytical skills and hands-on lab sessions, learners analitiċi u s-sessjonijiet prattiċi fil-laboratorju, l-istudenti
will learn how to use analytical tools to derive insight jitgħallmu kif jużaw għodod analitiċi biex jiksbu għarfien
on hidden trends and patterns in order to leverage dwar xejriet u mudelli moħbija, biex ikunu ta’ vantaġġ
business success. One will learn how to develop, għas-suċċess tan-negozju. Wieħed jitgħallem kif jiżviluppa,
implement and test bespoke solutions for resolving jimplimenta u jittestja soluzzjonijiet imfassla apposta
problems in specific scenarios. Additional units will għas-soluzzjoni ta’ problemi f’xenarji speċifiċi. Unitajiet
cover aspects such as: improving one’s own critical addizzjonali jkopru aspetti bħal: it-titjib tal-ħiliet tat-tħassib
thinking skills, building strategies for promoting kritiku tal-persuna, il-bini ta’ strateġiji għall-promozzjoni
businesses, understanding consumer behaviour and tan-negozji, il-fehim tal-imġiba tal-konsumatur u t-tagħlim
learning about laws governing a business process. dwar liġijiet li jirregolaw proċess ta’ negozju.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 3 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-Level passes and 2 I-Level passes
Compulsory A-Level: Computing or Mathematics or a
Business related subject
Preferred A-Level or I-level: Computing or
Mathematics or a Business related subject
or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST

Career Opportunities:
Business Analyst, Data Scientist, Operations
Research Analyst, Market Research Analyst, Project
Manager, Business Consultant

For more info kindly visit:



Generic Degrees
(February 2020 Intake)
An MCAST suite of generic degrees consisting of the following 5 Bachelor


Course Code: AS6-06-18


Course Code: BS6-03-18


Course Code: CS6-04-18


Course Code: CA6-11-18


Course Code: ET6-01-18
These 5 degrees each have the following interim exit
points with the final full 180 ECTS degree exit point leading
to a formal graduation:

• Stage 1: Undergraduate Diploma at 60 ECTS (transcript

upon completion for students terminating here)

• Stage 2: Higher Diploma at 120 EC TS (transcript

upon completion for students terminating here)

• Stage 3: Bachelor Degree at 180 ECTS (eligible for

formal graduation)

These programmes shall commence in Semester 2 of

each academic year, that is, towards the second full week
of February. The generic nature of these degrees is not
industry specific, providing a wide skills-set that is strong
in its transversal nature whilst also providing significant
expertise in the area of studies. Each degree programme,
requires the following combination of Credits:

• A minimum of 48 area specific ECTS credits in vocational

units from an existing honours degree programme.

• A maximum of 48 ECTS from existing degree

programmes within the same institute, (timetables

• A maximum of 60 ECTS in key skills and transversal

subjects from any institute, (timetables permitting).

• 12 ECTS in work-based learning and 12 ECTS in an

applied research project or dissertation

Due to the inter-institute nature of these qualifications,

students following these programmes shall be assisted
through individualized Academic Learner Agreements
that are managed by the College.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 3 Years full-time



Course Code: UC7-E4-18

The MCAST Post-Graduate Certificate in Research

Methods is designed to give candidates clear insights
into research practices, methodologies and the basic
research tools and techniques. A knowledge and
understanding of how to approach both quantitative For more info kindly visit:
and qualitative research is targeted, as well as an
understanding of ethical considerations and the
expectations for scholarly research.

Il-Post-Graduate Certificate in Research Methods tal-

MCAST huwa ddisinjat biex jipprovdi lill-kandidati
għarfien ċar dwar il-prattiki u lmetodoloġiji tar-riċerka u
l-għodod u t-tekniki bażiċi tar-riċerka. L-għan ta’ dan il-
kors hu li wieħed jikseb għarfien u fehim dwar kif wieħed
għandu jwettaq riċerka, kemm kwantitattiva kif ukoll
kwalitattiva, flimkien ma’ fehim tal-kunsiderazzjonijiet
etiċi u l-aspettattivi għar-riċerka akkademika.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 7 2 Semesters – part time

Entry Requirements
Relevant Degree. MQF Level 5 qualification and
adequate professional experience is also considered.

Intake Info
October 2019

Exit Strategy
Exit with a Post Graduate Certificate in Research
Methods at 30ECTS, possibility to progress to a
Masters in Research at 90 ECTS.

Fees apply for external candidates – further
information through MG2I (MCAST Gateway
to Industry)

Course Code: UC7-E3-17

The Masters by Research (MRes) programme

provides the student with sound practical knowledge
and experience in preparation for a research
career, as well as, with preparation and training for
doctoral research. Students will have demonstrated For more info kindly visit:
originality in the application of knowledge, and they
will understand how the boundaries of knowledge
are advanced through research. They will be able
to deal with complex issues both systematically and
creatively, and they will show originality in tackling
and solving applied research related challenges.

Il-programm Masters by Research (MRes) jipprovdi lill-

istudent għarfien prattiku sod u esperjenza bħala tħejjija
għal karriera fir-riċerka, kif ukoll bħala tħejjija u taħriġ
għal riċerka fil-livell tad-dottorat. L-istudenti jkunu wrew
oriġinalità fl-applikazzjoni tal-għarfien, u jifhmu kif
ilfruntieri tal-għarfien jitwessgħu permezz tar-riċerka.
Huma jkunu jistgħu jittrattaw kwistjonijiet kumplessi,
kemm b’mod sistematiku kif ukoll b’mod kreattiv, u juru
oriġinalità fl-indirizzar u s-soluzzjoni ta’ sfidi relatati
marriċerka applikata.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 7 4 Semesters – part time

Entry Requirements
Relevant Degree. MQF Level 5 qualification and
adequate professional experience is also considered.

Intake Info
October 2019

Exit Strategy
M.Res. MQF Level 7 at 90 ECTS.

Fees apply for external candidates – further
information through MG2I (MCAST Gateway
to Industry)


Course Code: UC7-E1-19

The MCAST MBA for the Small Business programme,

focuses on the small businesses’ theoretical
knowledge, application-oriented experiences as
well as the identification of innovation possibilities For more info kindly visit:
and growth potentials. This MBA is structured to
reflect the needs of modern business dynamics. The
MCAST MBA is taught by industry experts and leading
academics who have had successful careers in their
respective business settings.

Il-programm MBA for the Small Business tal-MCAST, jiffoka

fuq l-għarfien teoretiku tan-negozji ż-żgħar, esperjenzi
orjentati lejn l-applikazzjoni kif ukoll l-identifikazzjoni ta’
possibbiltajiet tal-innovazzjoni u potenzjali ta’ tkabbir. Dan
l-MBA huwa strutturat biex jirrifletti l-ħtiġijiet tad-dinamika
tannegozju modern. L-MBA tal-MCAST huwa mgħallem
minn esperti flindustrija u persuni akkademiċi ewlenin
li rnexxew fil-karriera tagħhom flambjenti rispettivi tan-
negozju tagħhom.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 7 6 Semesters – part time

Entry Requirements
Relevant Degree. Level 5 qualification and adequate
professional experience is also considered.

Intake Info
October 2019

Exit Strategy
PG. Cert Business Administration at 30 ECTS.
PG. Diploma Business Administration at 60 ECTS.
Full MBA at 90 ECTS.

Fees apply for external candidates – further
information through MG2I (MCAST Gateway
to Industry)

Course Code: UC7-E9-18

The Master of Science in Lean Enterprise includes Il-Master of Science in Lean Enterprise jinkludi
lean problem-solving methodologies, demonstrates metodoloġiji tas-soluzzjoni tal-problemi b’użu mill-inqas
contemporary lean thinking principles, lean enterprise ta’ riżorsi, jippreżenta prinċipji ta’ ħsieb kontemporanju
development and value stream mapping, including b’użu mill-inqas ta’ riżorsi, l-iżvilupp tal-intrapriżi b’użu
modern enterprise improvement techniques such millinqas ta’ riżorsi u l-immappjar tal-fluss tal-valur,
as Six Sigma, theory of constraints and business inklużi tekniki moderni ta’ titjib tal-intrapriżi bħal Six
process reengineering. It applies process analysis Sigma, it-teorija ta’ restrizzjonijiet u l-inġinerija mill-
to business activities, methods improvement ġdid tal-proċess tan-negozju. L-analiżi tal-proċess tiġi
and work measurement to meet the competitive applikata f‘attivitajiet tan-negozju, fit-titjib tal-metodi
goals of a business environment. It evaluates u fil-kejl tax-xogħol biex jiġu ssodisfati l-għanijiet
the key characteristics of quality and the quality kompetittivi ta’ ambjent tan-negozju. Jiġu evalwati
philosophy through established lean methods of lkaratteristiċi ewlenin tal-kwalità u l-filosofija tal-kwalità
quality improvement. permezz ta’ metodi stabbiliti ta’ titjib tal-kwalità b’użu
mill-inqas ta’ riżorsi.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 7 5 Semesters

Entry Requirements
Relevant Degree. Level 5 qualification and adequate
professional experience is also considered.

Intake Info
October 2019 … subject to adequate demand

Exit Strategy
Post Graduate Certificate at 30 ECTS.
Post Graduate Diploma at 60 ECTS.
Full Masters at 90 ECTS.

Fees apply for external candidates – further
information through MG2I (MCAST Gateway
to Industry)

For more info kindly visit:


Course Code: UC7-E14-18

The Master of Science in Information Technology Il-Master of Science in Information Technology and Systems
and Systems provides fundamental skills in a variety jipprovdi ħiliet fundamentali f’varjetà ta’ oqsma avvanzati
of advanced ICT areas such as cloud computing, big tal-ICT, bħall-cloud computing, ilbig data u l-Internet
data and the Internet of Things (IoT), with a focus tal-Oġġetti (IoT), b’enfasi fuq l-iżvilupp ta’ soluzzjonijiet
on developing intelligent solutions through a blend intelliġenti permezz ta’ użu kemm ta’ ħardwer, kif ukoll
of hardware and software. The programme focuses ta’ softwer. Il-programm jiffoka fuq is-softwer bħala
on software as a service infrastructure, information infrastruttura ta’ servizz, il-ġestjoni tal-informazzjoni, is-
management, enterprise systems and eLogistics. sistemi tal-intrapriżi u l-Loġistika elettronika. Issir enfasi
Also a focus is placed on systems strategy and wkoll fuq l-istrateġija u l-ġestjoni tas-sistemi, l-innovazzjoni
management, business process innovation and tal-proċess tannegozju u ċ-ċibersigurtà. L-elementi ewlenin
cyber security. Key to the programme is network tal-programm huma tteknoloġiji tas-sigurtà tan-netwerk u
security and data management technologies, as well tal-ġestjoni tad-data, kif ukoll innetwerking definit mis-
as software defined networking, and the new field softwer, u l-qasam il-ġdid tal-hashing u l-kompjuting
of distributed hashing and computing, typified by distribwit, karatterizzat mis-sistemi tal-kontroll tal-
distributed version control systems and blockchain verżjoni distribwiti u applikazzjonijiet tal-cryptocurrency
based crypto-currency applications. ibbażati fuq il-blockchain.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 7 5 Semesters (2 ½ Years)

Entry Requirements
Relevant Degree. MQF Level 5 qualification and
adequate professional experience is also considered.

Intake Info
October 2019 … Subject to Adequate Demand.

Exit Strategy
Post Graduate Certificate at 30 ECTS.
Post Graduate Diploma at 60 ECTS.
Full Masters at 90 ECTS.

Fees apply for external candidates – further
information through MG2I (MCAST Gateway
to Industry)

For more info kindly visit:
Course Code: UC7-E7-18

The Master of Science in Environmental Engineering Il-programm tal-Master of Science in Environmental

programme takes an interdisciplinary approach into Engineering jadotta approċċ interdixxiplinari fl-
the investigation of processes that control the earth investigazzjoni ta’ proċessi li jikkontrollaw id-dinja u
and its environment. The programme will deliver all l-ambjent tagħha. Il-programm jippreżenta l-għarfien u
necessary knowledge and skills to seize opportunities l-ħiliet kollha neċessarji biex jinħatfu l-opportunitajiet
presented by new developments in areas such as global ippreżentati mill-iżviluppi ġodda, f’oqsma bħaċ-ċikli
cycles, biogeochemistry, sustainable technologies, globali, il-bijoġeokimika, it-teknoloġiji sostenibbli,
waste and water treatment, environmental pollution ittrattament tal-ilma u l-iskart, il-valutazzjoni u r-rimedju
assessment and remediation, and natural hazard. A tat-tniġġis ambjentali, u l-perikli naturali. Issir enfasi
special focus on environmental auditing and impact speċjali fuq l-awditjar ambjentali u għandha ssir
assessment shall be made, particularly in water, valutazzjoni tal-impatt, b’mod partikolari fl-awditjar tal-
energy, noise and traffic auditing. ilma, l-enerġija, listorbju u t-traffiku.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 7 5 Semesters

Entry Requirements
Relevant Degree. MQF Level 5 qualification and
adequate professional experience is also considered.

Intake Info
October 2019 … Subject to Adequate Demand.

Exit Strategy
Post Graduate Certificate at 30 ECTS.
Post Graduate Diploma at 60 ECTS.
Full Masters at 90 ECTS.

Fees apply for external candidates – further
information through MG2I (MCAST Gateway
to Industry)

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: UC7-E13-18

The Master of Science in High Performance Buildings Il-Master of Science in High Performance Buildings
(HPB) gives candidates the opportunity to develop (HPB) jipprovdi lillkandidati l-opportunità li jiżviluppaw
optimized building concepts, integrating various kunċetti ta’ bini ottimizzati, billi jintegraw diversi
components of holistic design methodology, partijiet tal-metodoloġija ta’ disinn olistiku, il-fiżika tal-
building physics, building climatology and comfort, bini, il-klimatoloġija u l-kumdità tal-bini, l-effiċjenza
energy-efficiency, environmental sources, building fl-enerġija, is-sorsi ambjentali, is-sistemi ta’ servizzi tal-
services systems, building aerodynamics, thermal bini, l-ajrudinamika tal-bini, is-simulazzjonijiet termali u
and fluid dynamic CFD simulations, lighting fluwidi dinamiċi tas-CFD, id-disinn tat-tidwil, l-operat tal-
design, building operation, as well as green urban bini, kif ukoll l-immudellar ekoloġiku urban. Il-programm
modelling. The programme provides for advanced jipprovdi ħiliet avvanzati flispeċjalizzazzjoni u r-riċerka
skills in specialization and scientific research of xjentifika tal-fiżika tal-bini, flimkien mad-disinn tal-
building physics coupled with architectural design, arkitettura, filwaqt li jħejji lill-istudenti għal ambjenti
preparing students for professional, as well as professjonali, kif ukoll tar-riċerka u l-iżvilupp fil-livelli
research and development settings at national and nazzjonali u internazzjonali.
international levels.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 7 5 Semesters

Entry Requirements
Relevant Degree. Level 5 qualification and adequate
professional experience is also considered.

Intake Info
October 2019 … Subject to Adequate Demand.

Exit Strategy
Post Graduate Certificate at 30 ECTS.
Post Graduate Diploma at 60 ECTS.
Full Masters at 90 ECTS.

Fees apply for external candidates – further
information through MG2I (MCAST Gateway
to Industry)

For more info kindly visit:
Course Code: UC7-E8-18

The Master of Science in Integrated Water Resource Il-programm tal-Master of Science in Integrated Water
Management programme shall impart in-depth Resource Management jipprovdi għarfien fil-fond u
knowledge and practical experience in applied esperjenza prattika fl-aspetti taxxjenza applikata tas-
science aspects of water systems in small island sistemi tal-ilma fi stati gżejjer żgħar, b’enfasi fuq il-kejl
states, with a focus on water measurement, water tal-ilma, is-sostenibbiltà tal-ilma, il-konsum tal-ilma,
sustainability, water consumption, water chemistry, il-kimika, ilmikrobijoloġija u l-analitika tal-ilma. Il-kors
microbiology and analytics. The course comprises jinkludi firxa ta’ unitajiet prattiċi fil-kejl tal-konsum tal-
a range of practical modules in water metering, ilma u d-detezzjoni tal-ilma, il-mikrobijoloġija applikata,
sensing and measurement, applied microbiology, il-bijoinkrostazzjoni/il-bijokorrużjoni, il-kemometrija, il-
biofouling/biocorrosion, chemometrics, environmental mikrobijoloġija ambjentali u l-kimika tal-ilma.
microbiology and water chemistry.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 7 5 Semesters

Entry Requirements
Relevant Degree. MQF Level 5 qualification and
adequate professional experience is also considered.

Intake Info
October 2019 … Subject to Adequate Demand.

Exit Strategy
Post Graduate Certificate at 30 ECTS.
Post Graduate Diploma at 60 ECTS.
Full Masters at 90 ECTS.

Fees apply for external candidates – further
information through MG2I (MCAST Gateway
to Industry)

For more info kindly visit:


Course Code: UC7-E11-18

The Master of Arts in Product Design programme Il-programm tal-Master of Arts in Product Design
develops the artistic and humanistic skills belonging jiżviluppa l-ħiliet artistiċi u umanistiċi li jappartjenu għall-
to design culture together with the technical know- kultura tad-disinn, flimkien mal-għarfien espert tekniku
how that relates to production technology, materials, li jirrigwarda t-teknoloġija tal-produzzjoni, il-materjali u
and manufacturing costs. It strives to meet the lispejjeż tal-manifattura. Dan ifittex li jissodisfa l-ħtieġa
need of operating in a worldwide landscape of tal-operat f’pajsaġġ dinji ta’ kompetizzjoni ogħla, fejn id-
heightened competition where the designer can disinjatur jista’ jżid il-valur ta’ prodott talkonsumatur billi
increase the value of a consumer product by creating joħloq innovazzjoni – kemm fl-estetika kif ukoll fl-użu – li
innovation – in both aesthetics and usability – that tieħu vantaġġ mit-teknoloġiji disponibbli u l-istili ta’ ħajja
takes advantage of available technologies and ever- tal-konsumatur dejjem jinbidlu. Il-kandidati jiżviluppaw
changing consumer lifestyles. Candidates will build an kapaċità kritika mtejba biex jesploraw lingwi tad-
improved critical capability to explore contemporary disinn kontemporanju, jiffokaw fuq esperimentazzjoni
design languages, focus on experimentation with b’teknoloġiji interdixxiplinari u materjali innovattivi, minn
innovative inter-disciplinary technologies and kunċett preliminari sat-tlestija, u jiffokaw fuq il-fehim u
materials, from preliminary concept to finish, and l-iżvilupp ta’ proċessi ta’ produzzjoni u konsum sostenibbli.
focus on understanding and developing sustainable
production and consumption processes.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 7 5 Semesters

Entry Requirements
Relevant Degree. MQF Level 5 qualification and
adequate professional experience is also considered.

Intake Info
October 2019 … Subject to Adequate Demand.

Exit Strategy
Post Graduate Certificate at 30 ECTS.
Post Graduate Diploma at 60 ECTS.
Full Masters at 90 ECTS.

Fees apply for external candidates – further
information through MG2I (MCAST Gateway
to Industry)

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: UC7-E12-18

The Master of Science in Mechatronics programme Il-programm tal-Master of Science in Mechatronics

provides students with a broad range of knowledge jipprovdi lill-istudenti firxa wiesgħa ta’ għarfien u ħiliet
and skills in the field of automation and control of fil-qasam tal-awtomatizzazzjoni u l-kontroll ta’ proċessi
production processes and equipment, as well as in tal-produzzjoni u t-tagħmir, kif ukoll fil-qasam ta’ apparat
the field of mechatronic devices and systems control. mekatroniku u l-kontroll tas-sistemi. Dan il-programm
It focuses on the study of network technologies jiffoka fuq l-istudju tatteknoloġiji tan-netwerk (eż.
(e.g. Ethernet, Industrial Protocol, Profinet, Modbus, Eternet, Protokoll Industrijali, Profinet, Modbus, Profibus,
Profibus, Devicenet, Control Net), and development Devicenet, Control Net), u l-iżvilupp tal-kostruzzjoni tas-
of SCADA system (Supervisory Control and Data sistema SCADA (Il-Kontroll Superviżorju u l-Akkwist tad-
Acquisition) construction. Practical use of real-time Data). L-użu prattiku ta’ sistemi ta’ ħin reali huwa wkoll
systems is also an important part of the programme. parti importanti tal-programm. L-istudenti għandhom
Students shall apply the theoretical principles of japplikaw il-prinċipji teoretiċi tar-robotika u l-mekatronika
industrial robotics and mechatronics, mechatronic industrijali, l-attwaturi tal-mekatronika u tar-robotika, u
and robotic actuators, and modern technologies of t-teknoloġiji moderni ta’ applikazzjonijiet mikrokontrolluri.
microcontroller applications.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 7 5 Semesters

Entry Requirements
Relevant Degree. Level 5 qualification and adequate
professional experience is also considered.

Intake Info
October 2019 … Subject to Adequate Demand.

Exit Strategy
Post Graduate Certificate at 30 ECTS.
Post Graduate Diploma at 60 ECTS.
Full Masters at 90 ECTS.

Fees apply for external candidates – further
information through MG2I (MCAST Gateway
to Industry)

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: UC7-E10-18

The Master of Science in Exercise and Sport Science Il-Master of Science in Exercise and Sport Science
presents a multidisciplinary focus to help students jippreżenta fokus multidixxiplinari biex jgħin lill-istudenti
understand the relationship between health and jifhmu r-relazzjoni bejn il-prestazzjoni tas-saħħa u dik
human performance. As an academic program, umana. Bħala programm akkademiku, il-Masters of
the Masters of Science will introduce translational Science jintroduċi riċerka traslazzjonali u jipprovdi bażi
research and provide essential foundations from the essenzjali mil-lat talfiżjoloġija, il-bijomekkanika, l-imġiba
bases of physiology, biomechanics, motor behavior, tal-moviment tal-bniedem u lpsikoloġija. Bl-adozzjoni
and psychology. Using the social ecological approach tal-approċċ ekoloġiku soċjali biex jiġu indirizzati lħtiġijet
to addressing the needs for health and human għall-prestazzjoni tas-saħħa u dik umana għall-forza
performance for the workforce in Malta, the program tax-xogħol f’Malta, il-programm jirrikonoxxi l-ħtiġijiet
recognizes societal needs, introduces evidence- soċjetali, jintroduċi l-istrateġiji bbażati fuq l-evidenza
based strategies for intervention, and evaluates għal intervent, u jevalwa l-impatt ta’ dawn is-servizzi fuq
the impact of these services on health outcomes ir-riżultati u l-produttività tas-saħħa.
and productivity.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 7 5 Semesters

Entry Requirements
Relevant Degree. Level 5 qualification and adequate
professional experience is also considered.

Intake Info
October 2019 … Subject to Adequate Demand.

Exit Strategy
Post Graduate Certificate at 30 ECTS.
Post Graduate Diploma at 60 ECTS.
Full Masters at 90 ECTS.

Fees apply for external candidates – further
information through MG2I (MCAST Gateway
to Industry)

For more info kindly visit:



The MCAST Gozo Campus offers a selection of 24 full-
time day courses ranging from MQF Levels 1 to 6 and
covering a broad spectrum of vocational disciplines.
Some of these programmes lead learners directly to
employment, whist others lead to higher level studies
in Gozo and/or Malta. In either case, learners are
thoroughly prepared for their next step, whichever that
may be.

MCAST training programmes delivered at the Gozo

Campus fulfil the same quality assurance standards
that are applicable to the same programmes delivered
at the respective MCAST Institutes in Malta, ensuring
that Gozitan students benefit from the same quality of
service on their home ground. Learners hailing from
the northern region of Malta who choose to study at
the Gozo Campus are eligible for a government subsidy.

Il-Kampus tal-MCAST f’Għawdex joffri għażla ta’ 24 kors

full-time, li jvarjaw minn Livell 1 sa 6 tal-MQF u jkopru
spettru wiesa’ ta’ dixxiplini vokazzjonali. Xi wħud minn
dawn il-programmi jwasslu lill-istudenti direttament għal
impjiegi, filwaqt li oħrajn iwasslu għal studji ta’ livell ogħla
f’Għawdex u/jew Malta. Fi kwalunkwe każ, l-istudenti
jitħejjew bir-reqqa għall-pass li jkun imiss, ikun xi jkun.
Il-programmi tat-taħriġ tal-MCAST ipprovduti fil-Kampus
t’Għawdex jissodisfaw l-istess standards ta’ assigurazzjoni
tal-kwalità, li huma applikabbli għall-istess programmi li
jiġu pprovduti fl-Istituti rispettivi tal-MCAST f’Malta, filwaqt
li jiżguraw li l-istudenti Għawdxin jibbenefikaw mill-istess
kwalità ta’ servizz fil-gżira tagħhom. L-istudenti li jiġu mir-
reġjun tat-Tramuntana ta’ Malta li jagħżlu li jistudjaw fil-
Kampus t’Għawdex huma eliġibbli għal sussidju mill-gvern.


Course Code: PW-01-19G

The Certificate in Vocational Skills is a structured

programme of study that helps students with learning
disabilities / learning difficulties acquire the skills
necessary to gain and maintain employment or to
further their education. During the course students For more info kindly visit:
are required to participate in weekly supervised work
placements both within the College and in different
workplaces. Students will have the opportunity to
experience work in three vocational areas, namely
Hospitality Studies, Office Skills and also Production
and Retail Work. Key skills and life skills subjects also
form part of the syllabus.

Iċ-Ċertifikat fil-Ħiliet Vokazzjonali huwa programm ta’

studju strutturat biex jgħin studenti li għandhom diżabilità
/ diffikultajiet fit-tagħlim jiksbu l-ħiliet neċessarji biex
jakkwistaw u jżommu impjieg jew biex ikomplu bl-istudji
tagħhom. Matul dan il-kors l-istudenti huma mistennija
li kull ġimgħa jipparteċipaw f’work placements taħt
superviżjoni, kemm fi ħdan il-Kulleġġ kif ukoll f’postijiet
oħra tax-xogħol. Matul l-ewwel sena tal-kors l-istudenti
jkollhom l-opportunità li jesperjenzaw xogħol fi 3 oqsma
vokazzjonali, li huma Studji fl-Ospitalità, Ħiliet tal-Uffiċċju
kif ukoll Xogħol ta’ Produzzjoni u Bejgħ. Matul it-tieni sena,
l-istudenti jiffukaw fuq waħda minn dawn it-tliet oqsma
vokazzjonali. Is-sillabu jikkonsisti wkoll f’suġġetti dwar
ħiliet ewlenin u ħiliet għall-ħajja.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level A&B 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
Finished Compulsory Education
Provision of documents including School Leaving Certificate
A recent psychological report (issued no more than 3 years
before date of application) and school reports including last
Individual Education Plan (IEP)
Adaptation to both class-based and community-based
learning to be ascertained through a 3-day workshop at
MCAST, attendance for which is compulsory
Commitment to prospective employment.
Applicants may be asked to sit for an interview
Course Code: CE1-01-19G

The programme provides an opportunity for

prospective learners in possession of the SSC&P to
experience and train in the basic skills related to the
Construction industry.
For more info kindly visit:
It presents learners with an opportunity to have
extensive vocational hands on practice in various
sectors. The course includes practical hands on
woodwork, plumbing, sheet-metal, bench-fitting,
electrical and trowel practical exercises.

The course includes a significant key skills component

that will help learners improve their communication,
literacy and numeracy skills. IT and Individual and
Social Responsibility sessions are also part of the key
skills component.

Dan il-programm jipprovdi lill-istudenti prospettivi li

jkollhom iċ-Ċertifikat u l-Profil tal-Iskola Sekondarja
(SSC&P) l-opportunità ta’ esperjenza u taħriġ fil-ħiliet bażiċi
relatati mal-industrija tal-Kostruzzjoni.

Il-programm jippreżenta lill-istudenti opportunità ta’

prattika diretta vokazzjonali estensiva f’diversi setturi. Il-
kors jinkludi esperjenza prattika fuq ix-xogħol tal-injam,
il-plumbing, ix-xogħol fil-metall, il-bench-fitting u eżerċizzji
prattiċi fl-elettriku u t-tikħil.

Il-kors jinkludi komponent ta’ ħiliet ewlenin sinifikanti

li jgħin lill-istudenti jtejbu l-ħiliet tal-komunikazzjoni, il-
litteriżmu u n-numeriżu tagħhom. L-IT u r-Responsabbiltà
Individwali u Soċjali huma wkoll parti mill-komponent
tal-ħiliet ewlenin.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 1 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
Finished Compulsory Education
Initial Assessment Tests (as may be applicable)


Course Code: CS2-01-19G

This programme of studies is aimed at those Dan il-programm ta’ studju full-time huwa mmirat
individuals who wish to embark on a future career in lejn dawk l-individwi li fil-futur jixtiequ jibdew karriera
the Health and Social Care Sector. During the year the fis-Settur tas-Saħħa u l-Kura Soċjali. Matul is-sena,
learners will have a variety of lectures which will give l-istudenti jkollhom varjetà ta’ lezzjonijiet li jagħtuhom
them an understanding of basic concepts related to tagħrif dwar il-kunċetti bażiċi relatati ma’ dan is-settur.
this sector. Lectures will focus on human behaviour, Il-lezzjonijiet jiffokaw fuq l-imġiba tal-bniedem, il-mod
the way the body works and what constitutes a safe kif jaħdem il-ġisem u x’inhu dak li jagħmel ambjent tax-
working environment. Learners will also be given the xogħol sikur. L-istudenti jingħataw ukoll l-opportunità
opportunity to strengthen their key skills subjects li jsaħħu s-suġġetti tal-ħiliet ewlenin tagħhom, mil-
from a vocational perspective. lat vokazzjonali.

Learners will have the opportunity to visit L-istudenti jkollhom l-opportunità li jżuru organizzazzjonijiet
organisations related to this sector so that they will relatati ma’ dan is-settur sabiex isiru familjari
become accustomed to the environment. mal-ambjent.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 2 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
Finished Compulsory Education
or MCAST Introductory Certificate
Initial Assessment Tests (as may be applicable)

For more info kindly visit:
Course Code: CS2-02-19G

This programme of study provides an overview of the Dan il-kors jipprovdi lill-istudenti b’ħarsa ġenerali lejn
different routes available to learners, whilst leaving all it-toroq differenti li huma disponibbli għall-istudenti,
their options open. filwaqt li jħalli l-possibbiltajiet tal-għażliet kollha tagħhom
The modules on offer provide learners with basic
knowledge in health and safety practices employed L-unitajiet offruti jipprovdu lill-istudenti b’għarfien bażiku
during beauty and hairdressing techniques and tal-prattiċi tas-saħħa u s-sikurezza użati matul tekniċi u
procedures. Other modules focus on an understanding proċeduri tas-sbuħija u l-hairdressing. Unitajiet oħra
of the basic scientific concepts related to all hair and jiffokaw fuq l-għarfien tal-kunċetti xjentifiċi bażiċi relatati
beauty services and treatments; and an introduction mas-servizzi u t-trattamenti kollha tax-xagħar u tas-
to basic business concepts. sbuħija; u introduzzjoni għall-kunċetti bażiċi tan-negozju.

The course also provides learners with quality work- Il-kors jesponi wkoll lill-istudenti għal esperjenza ta’
experience exposure where they will be expected to xogħol ta’ kwalità fejn ikunu mistennija jassistu u
assist and carry out a range of assigned tasks, using jwettqu firxa ta’ xogħlijiet assenjati, permezz ta’ mudelli
approved models. Learners are required to purchase approvati. L-istudenti huma meħtieġa jixtru l-aċċessorji
the necessary hairdressing and beauty accessories at neċessarji tal-hairdressing u tas-sbuħija fil-bidu tas-
the beginning of the academic year. sena akkademika.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 2 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
Finished Compulsory Education
or MCAST Introductory Certificate
Initial Assessment Tests (as may be applicable)

For more info kindly visit:


Course Code: IT2-01-19G

The ICT industry is a dynamic sector which requires a

number of technical people to cope with the constantly
evolving computing technologies. IT persons offer
support in these technologies and help other IT
specialists in their daily job.

The Foundation Certificate in ICT offers knowledge in

basic skills as well as knowledge in the fundamentals
of computer systems, programming skills, computer
graphics, and the creating of an ICT project. This
programme of studies is not intended to prepare the
learner for immediate employment. However, it is
the first in a string of programmes that will eventually
prepare the learner to embark on a career within the
computing industry.

L-industrija tal-ICT hija settur dinamiku li jirrikjedi għadd

ta’ persuni tekniċi biex ilaħħaq mat-teknoloġiji tal-
computing li qed jevolvu b’mod kostanti. Il-persuni tal-IT
joffru appoġġ f’dawn it-teknoloġiji u jgħinu lil speċjalisti
oħra tal-IT fl-impjieg ta’ kuljum tagħhom.

Il-Foundation Certificate in ICT joffri għarfien fir-rigward

tal-ħiliet bażiċi u tal-elementi fundamentali ta’ sistemi
tal-kompjuter, il-ħiliet tal-ipprogrammar, il-grafika tal-
kompjuter u l-ħolqien ta’ proġett tal-ICT. Dan il-programm
ta’ studji mhuwiex maħsub biex iħejji lill-istudent għal
impjieg immedjat. Madankollu, huwa l-ewwel f’sensiela
ta’ programmi li eventwalment iħejju lill-istudent sabiex
isegwi karriera fl-industrija tal-computing.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 2 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
Finished Compulsory Education
or MCAST Introductory Certificate
Initial Assessment Tests (as may be applicable)

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: GZ2-01-19G

This course exposes learners to a number of diverse

engineering disciplines and trades. It comprises
vocational study units covering basic Electrical
Installation and Electronics, Mechanical Engineering,
Welding and Fabrication and Woodwork. The For more info kindly visit:
programme includes elements of vocational theory and
practice that will help learners acquire the knowledge,
skills and competences in these vocational areas and
form a clear idea of the nature of diverse vocational
options that they can pursue at higher levels. Learners
will gain experience in the use of tools, materials and
engineering processes. This programme also enables
learners to improve their key skills which will be
embedded in the vocational content.

Studenti li jagħżlu li jsegwu dan il-kors, ikollhom

l-oportunita li jimirħu f’għadd sabiħ ta’ dixxiplini fis-snajja
u l-inġinerija. Fost dawn insibu l-Istallazjoni Elettrika,
Inġinerija Mekkanika, xogħol fl-injam u l-bqija. Il-kors
iżewweġ elementi ta’ teorija u prattika li jgħinu lill-istudenti
jseddqu l-għarfien , il-ħiliet u l-kompetenzi tagħhom. B’hekk
ikollhom idea iktar ċara dwar l-għażliet vokazzjonali li
jistgħu jispeċjalizzaw fihom hekk kif jissuktaw bit-taħriġ
tagħhom f’livelli ogħla. L-istudenti jitħarrġu fl-użu tal-
għodda, materjali u proċessi varji fl-inġinerija. Huma
jkollhom l-opportunita` li jsaħħu l-ħiliet bażiċi tagħhom
fl-ambjenti vokazzjonali.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 2 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
Finished Compulsory Education
or MCAST Introductory Certificate
Initial Assessment Tests (as may be applicable)

Course Code: BC3-01-19G

This course is aimed at preparing learners to further Dan il-kors huwa mmirat lejn it-tħejjija ta’ studenti biex
their studies in different areas of business. It is a ikomplu l-istudji tagħhom f’oqsma differenti tan-negozju.
preparatory course for those to further their studies Huwa kors preparatorju biex wieħed ikompli l-istudji
at MCAST on to MQF level 4. The course aims to allow tiegħu fl-MCAST sal-livell 4 tal-MQF. Il-kors għandu l-għan li
learners to improve in areas of written and spoken jippermetti lill-istudenti jtejbu l-ħiliet tagħhom fl-oqsma tal-
English and Maltese, as well as their Mathematical Ingliż u l-Malti, miktuba u mitkellma, u l-ħiliet Matematiċi u
and IT skills. The course however also goes into more tal-IT. Madankollu, il-kors jidħol ukoll f’ħafna aktar dettall,
detail, while starting from the very basics, of different filwaqt li jibda mill-kunċetti verament bażiċi, ta’ oqsma u
business areas and functions such as Accounts, Human funzjonijiet differenti tan-negozju bħall-Accounts, ir-Riżorsi
Resources, Marketing, Purchasing, and others. This Umani, il-Marketing, ix-Xiri u oħrajn. Dan l-isfond ġeneriku
generic background allows the students to get their jippermetti lill-istudenti jtejbu l-livell akkademiku tagħhom
academic level up to scratch, while acquiring enough sa standard aċċettabbli, filwaqt li jiksbu biżżejjed għarfien
knowledge about the different business areas to be able dwar l-oqsma differenti tan-negozju sabiex ikunu jistgħu
to progress onto further studies. jagħżlu kors aktar speċjalizzat ta’ studji

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Preferred: Business Studies
or MCAST Foundation Certificate

Career Opportunities:
Clerical Assistant, Shop cashier

For more info kindly visit:


Course Code: CS3-02-19G

Hairdressing is an exciting and creative industry Il-hairdressing hija industrija eċitanti u kreattiva li
which requires skilled technical stylists to cope with tirrikjedi stilisti tekniċi kwalifikati biex ilaħħqu mad-
the customers’ demands for change and innovation. domanda tal-klijenti għall-bidla u l-innovazzjoni.
In today’s fast-moving world self-image is your brand. Fid-dinja mgħaġġla tal-lum, l-immaġni tal-persuna
This programme of studies provides the learners with tiddefinixxiha. Dan il-programm ta’ studji jipprovdi lill-
the skills and confidence to step onto the road to istudenti bil-ħiliet u l-kunfidenza biex jibdew it-triq għas-
success; indeed, the opportunities are endless. suċċess; fil-fatt l-opportunitajiet huma bla tmiem.

Learners cover a variety of interesting study-units L-istudenti jkopru varjetà ta’ unitajiet ta’ studju
such as client consultation, hair styling for different interessanti, bħall-konsultazzjoni tal-klijenti, l-issettjar
occasions, hair colouring, perming and straightening. tax-xagħar għal okkażjonijiet differenti, iż-żebgħa tax-
This includes experience in the community services xagħar, l-ippermjar u l-illixxjar tax-xagħar. Dan jinkludi
Salon as well as placements in industry as part of the esperjenza fis-salon tas-servizzi komunitarji, kif ukoll
apprenticeship scheme. Learners will also further esperjenza ta’ xogħol fl-industrija bħala parti mill-iskema
develop their knowledge in key skills. tal-apprendistat. Barra minn hekk, l-istudenti jkomplu
jiżviluppaw l-għarfien tagħhom f’ħiliet ewlenin.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 2 Years on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
2 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes.
Preferred: English Language, Biology, Chemistry,
Physics, Home Economics, General Science, Art
or MCAST Foundation Certificate

Career Opportunities:
Junior hair stylist for women,
Sales representative for hair products

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: CS3-03-19G

Prospective applicants who enrol in this full-time Il-kandidati prospettivi li jirreġistraw għal dan il-kors
course should have an interest in working with elderly full-time għandu jkollhom interess li jaħdmu ma’ persuni
persons and individuals with different abilities. anzjani u individwi b’kapaċitajiet differenti. Il-lezzjonijiet
Lectures include a number of varied topics such as jinkludu għadd ta’ suġġetti varjati bħan-nutrizzjoni,
nutrition, equality, diversity, dignity and rights of l-ugwaljanza, id-diversità, id-dinjità u d-drittijiet tal-
individuals. Moreover this programme of studies individwi. Barra minn hekk, dan il-programm ta’
provides a route for education within a number of studji jwitti t-triq għal edukazzjoni f’għadd ta’ oqsma
specialised areas such as the Social Care sector, speċjalizzati bħas-settur tal-Kura Soċjali, l-edukazzjoni
Early Years education, and Health Sciences. The tat-tfal fis-snin bikrija, u x-Xjenzi tas-Saħħa. Il-programm
programme offers an opportunity for learners to joffri opportunità biex l-istudenti jirċievu tagħlim ibbażat
carry out work-based learning in two different host fuq ix-xogħol, f’żewġ organizzazzjonijiet ospitanti
organisations which form part of the sector. Here differenti li jiffurmaw parti mis-settur. Hawnhekk ikunu
they will be expected to carry out a range of assigned mistennija jwettqu firxa ta’ xogħlijiet assenjati taħt
tasks under supervision. superviżjoni.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes.
Preferred: English Language, Biology, Physics,
Chemistry, Maltese, Social Studies, Nutrition, Food
Consumer Studies (Home Economics)
or MCAST Foundation Certificate

Prior to embarking on any Placement, learners

need to:
satisfy the requirements of the Protection of Minors
Act (POMA);
satisfy specific immunisation requirements;
and present a clean police conduct.

Career Opportunities:
Care worker, Care assistant,
Support care worker

For more info kindly visit:


Course Code: CE3-02-19G

The course consists of college-based training on various Dan il-kors jikkonsisti f’taħriġ ibbażat fil-kulleġġ dwar diversi
skills related to the building and construction industry. ħiliet relatati mal-industrija tal-bini u l-kostruzzjoni. Dan
It enables them to work in the sector or to continue jippermetti li l-istudenti jkunu jistgħu jaħdmu fis-settur jew
their studies in related vocational areas, including ikomplu l-istudji tagħhom f’oqsma vokazzjonali relatati,
Construction, Civil Engineering or Building Services. inklużi l-Kostruzzjoni, l-Inġinerija Ċivili jew is-Servizzi tal-Bini.

During this course of studies learners will be introduced Matul dan il-kors ta’ studji, l-istudenti jkunu introdotti għal tipi
to different types of technical drawings used in the differenti ta’ disinji tekniċi użati fl-industrija tal-kostruzzjoni.
construction industry. They learn how to apply Huma jitgħallmu kif japplikaw standards ta’ disinji tal-
construction drawing standards and conventions to kostruzzjoni u konvenzjonijiet biex jipproduċu disinji u
produce sketches and professional working drawings. tpinġijiet tax-xogħol professjonali.

This course also provides learners with the opportunity Dan il-kors jipprovdi wkoll lill-istudenti l-opportunità li
to further develop their knowledge of key skills subjects. jkomplu jsaħħu l-għarfien tagħhom fir-rigward tas-suġġetti
tal-ħiliet ewlenin.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Compulsory: Mathematics
or MCAST Foundation Certificate

Career Opportunities:
Assistant Draughtsperson, Assistant Land Surveyor

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: EE3-A1-19G

This programme is the first stage for a learner who is Dan il-programm huwa l-ewwel stadju għal student li
interested in a career in electrical systems such as that huwa interessat f’karriera f’sistemi elettriċi, bħal dik ta’
of an Electrician within the construction industry. It Elektrixin fl-industrija tal-kostruzzjoni. Dan jikkontribwixxi
contributes towards an understanding of the relevant għal fehim tat-teorija rilevanti u jippermetti lill-istudenti
theory and allows learners to develop the practical skills jiżviluppaw il-ħiliet prattiċi meħtieġa f’dan il-qasam. Il-
required in this field. The programme consists of twelve programm jikkonsisti fi tnax-il unità, li minnhom sitta huma
modules, out of which six are vocational related and the vokazzjonali u l-oħrajn huma relatati mal-ħiliet ewlenin.
rest are key skills related.
L-unitajiet vokazzjonali jiffokaw fuq l-elementi bażiċi
Vocational modules focus on the basics of wiring biex wieħed jgħaddi wajers biex jinstalla ċirkwiti tal-
electrical installation circuits using different cables and elettriku permezz ta’ kejbils differenti u containment, fuq
containment, electrical installation regulations, and ir-regolamenti dwar l-installazzjoni tal-elettriku, u fuq ir-
health and safety requirements governing electrical rekwiżiti tas-saħħa u s-sikurezza li jirregolaw il-proċessi
installation processes. tal-installazzjoni tal-elettriku.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 1 Year on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
2 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Compulsory: Mathematics or Physics or Engineering
or MCAST Foundation Certificate

A medical certificate testing colour blindness is a

necessary requirement for the course.

Career Opportunities:
Assistant electrician, Machine operator

For more info kindly visit:


Course Code: ME3-A3-19G

Should learners intend to embark on an engineering Dan il-kors huwa rrakkomandat għal dawk l-istudenti
career specialising particularly in the mechanical li jkollhom l-intenzjoni li jibdew karriera fl-inġinerija li
sector, then this course is recommended. This MCAST tispeċjalizza b’mod partikolari fis-settur mekkaniku. Dan
programme is designed to provide basic theory and il-programm tal-MCAST huwa mfassal biex jipprovdi
practice that can be further enhanced through work t-teorija u l-prattika bażiċi li jistgħu jiġu msaħħa permezz
experience. ta’ esperjenza ta’ xogħol.

Learning takes place by attending lectures in the It-tagħlim iseħħ permezz ta’ lezzjonijiet fil-klassi, workshops
classroom, workshops and laboratories, and by u laboratorji, u bit-twettiq ta’ proġetti u assignments li
completing projects and assignments that are ħafna drabi huma bbażati fuq sitwazzjonijiet realistiċi
often based on realistic workplace situations. The fuq il-post tax-xogħol. Il-kors ikopri l-ħiliet bażiċi tal-
course covers the basic knowledge and practical għarfien u l-prattika, filwaqt li jipprovdi bażi tajba għal
skills, providing a good foundation for future career opportunitajiet ta’ karriera fl-inġinerija fil-futur. L-istudenti
opportunities in engineering. Learners are exposed huma esposti għal għarfien aktar profond fir-rigward tas-
to a deeper knowledge in related key skills subjects. suġġetti relatati.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 1 Year on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
2 SEC/O-Level passes / SSC&P (Level 3) from
Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Technical
Drawing / Graphical Communication, Design &
Technology, Engineering Technology, BTEC Level 2
Extended Certificate in Engineering
Compulsory: Mathematics or Engineering
Technology or Physics or Chemistry
or MCAST Foundation Certificate

Career Opportunities:
Machine Operator, Technical operator, Assistant

For more info kindly visit:


Course Code: IT3-01-19G

The ICT industry is a dynamic sector which requires a L-industrija tal-ICT hija settur dinamiku li jirrikjedi għadd
number of technical people to cope with the constantly ta’ persuni tekniċi biex ilaħħaq mat-teknoloġiji tal-
evolving computing technologies. IT persons offer computing li qed jevolvu b’mod kostanti. Il-persuni tal-IT
technical support in these technologies and help other joffru appoġġ f’dawn it-teknoloġiji u jgħinu lil speċjalisti
IT specialists in their daily job. oħra tal-IT fl-impjieg ta’ kuljum tagħhom.

The Diploma in ICT is the first step in a block of a three- Id-Diploma in ICT huwa l-ewwel pass fi programm
year training programme, designed to provide the ta’ taħriġ ta’ tliet snin, imfassal biex jipprovdi l-ħiliet
necessary skills to work in the computing industry. neċessarji biex wieħed ikun jista’ jaħdem fl-industrija
At this level of study, learners will be introduced to tal-computing. F’dan il-livell ta’ studju, l-istudenti jiġu
fundamental subjects in the networking, software introdotti għal suġġetti fundamentali fl-oqsma tan-
development, web development and multimedia netwerking, l-iżvilupp tas-softwer, l-iżvilupp ta’ websajts u
areas. At the end of the course, learners will be able to tal-multimidja. Fi tmiem il-kors, l-istudenti jkunu jistgħu
use modern computer and multimedia systems and jużaw sistemi u netwerks multimedjali u tal-kompjuter
networks in the workplace. moderni fil-post tax-xogħol.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 3 1 Year full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Compulsory: one subject from Mathematics
or Computer Studies or Physics or BTEC IT
Practitioner/IT VET Preferred: English Language
or MCAST Foundation Certificate

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: BC4-A3-19G

This course aims to give learners a very good grounding Dan il-kors għandu l-għan li jipprovdi lill-istudenti bażi
in the studying of Accounts. Study areas vary from tajba ħafna fl-istudju tal-Accounts. L-oqsma tal-istudju
the different aspects of financial and management jinkludu l-aspetti differenti ta’ accounting finanzjarja u
accounting, using of accounting software, as well as ta’ mmaniġġjar, l-użu ta’ softwer tal-accounting, kif ukoll
other more generic areas of key skills. The course oqsma aktar ġeneriċi ta’ ħiliet ewlenin. Il-kors għandu
has a very high level of hands on experience through livell għoli ħafna ta’ esperjenza prattika permezz ta’
Apprenticeship were students will not only be learning Apprendistat, fejn l-istudenti mhux biss jitgħallmu permezz
by doing but will also experience first-hand the tal-prattika, iżda anke jesperjenzaw l-applikazzjoni diretta
application of the theory they would be learning in tat-teorija li jkunu qed jitgħallmu fil-klassi. Għalkemm
class. While students who finish the course would not l-istudenti li jlestu l-kors ma jkunux accountants kwalifikati
be fully qualified accountants, learners will definitely b’mod sħiħ, żgur se jkollhom fehim tajjeb ħafna, flimkien
have a very good understanding and possess the mal-ħiliet meħtieġa biex jaħdmu f’dipartiment tal-
required skills to work in an accounts department. accounts.

Learners following this programme will also be L-istudenti li jsegwu dan il-programm se jitħejjew ukoll biex
prepared to sit for AAT (Association of Accounting jagħmlu l-Eżamijiet Internazzjonali tal-AAT (Association of
Technicians) UK International Examinations. Fees: Accounting Technicians) UK. Miżati: Hemm miżati tal-AAT
There are AAT fees payable to AAT (UK) for Membership li għandhom jitħallsu lill-AAT (UK) għal Sħubija u Eżamijiet
and Examinations leading to Qualification Certificates li jwasslu għal Ċertifikati ta’ Kwalifika kif mogħtija minn
as awarded by AAT (UK). AAT (UK).

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O level / SSC&P (level 3) passes.
Compulsory: English Language and Mathematics
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
Accounts clerk, Accounts Administrator
Audit Assistant, Credit Management Officer

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: BC4-A4-19G

This programme is aimed to provide learners with a very

good technical background required to work in different
aspects of the Financial Services world. Learners will
attain basic principles of Financial Services in both the
local as well as the European financial services sector.
Learners will be able to develop and learn how to apply
specialist knowledge within particular areas of banking
and finance and in the dynamic financial services
environment at large. They will also learn how to handle
financial transactions, deal with customers and use and
manage available information.

Dan il-kors għandu l-għan li jipprovdi lill-istudenti sfond

tekniku tajjeb ħafna, meħtieġ biex jaħdmu f’aspetti
differenti tad-dinja tas-Servizzi Finanzjarji. L-istudenti se
jiksbu l-prinċipji bażiċi tas-Servizzi Finanzjarji fis-settur
tas-Servizzi Finanzjarji lokali kif ukoll Ewropew. L-istudenti
se jkunu jistgħu jiżviluppaw u jitgħallmu kif japplikaw
għarfien speċjalizzat f’oqsma bankarji u finanzjarji
partikolari, u fl-ambjent dinamiku tas-servizzi finanzjarji
b’mod ġenerali. Se jitgħallmu wkoll kif jimmaniġġjaw
tranżazzjonijiet finanzjarji, jassistu lill-klijenti u jużaw u
jimmaniġġjaw l-informazzjoni disponibbli.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O level / SSC&P (level 3) passes.
Compulsory: English Language and Mathematics
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
Bank Cashier, Clerical and other officer roles within
banks and other financial services institutions,
Employment across the financial services sector

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: AS4-04-19G

This programme of studies has been developed to

prepare individuals for health-related careers. The
study-units deal with the anatomy and physiology
of the human body, the physical and psychological
changes due to aging, and will help learners to build For more info kindly visit:
competencies that will help when dealing with people
with health issues and challenging behaviour. Through
work placements, learners will get the opportunity to
develop the skills and competencies required to work
within the health sector.

Dan il-programm ta’ studji ġie żviluppat biex iħejji lill-

individwi għal karrieri relatati mas-saħħa. L-unitajiet ta’
studju jindirizzaw l-anatomija u l-fiżjoloġija tal-ġisem tal-
bniedem, it-tibdil fiżiku u psikoloġiku minħabba xjuħija,
u jgħin lill-istudenti jiżviluppaw kompetenzi li jgħinuhom
jitgħallmu kif iġibu ruħhom ma’ persuni bi problemi
ta’ saħħa u ta’ mġieba diffiċli. Permezz ta’ taħriġ fuq
il-post tax-xogħol, l-istudenti jkollhom l-opportunità li
jiżviluppaw il-ħiliet u l-kompetenzi meħtieġa biex jaħdmu
fis-settur tas-saħħa.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O level / SSC&P (level 3) passes.
Compulsory: English Language, Mathematics, Biology.
Preferred: Maltese, Chemistry, Health and Social Care
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
Allied Health Assistant,
Paramedic Aide,
Health administrator
Course Code: CS4-02-19G

This is a two-year full-time programme during which Dan huwa programm full-time ta’ sentejn li matulu
the learner becomes better acquainted with the l-istudent isir aktar familjari mas-servizzi speċjalizzati
specialised services offered by different agencies and offruti minn aġenziji u organizzazzjonijiet differenti fis-
organisations in the care sector. This programme of settur tal-kura. Dan il-programm ta’ studji huwa ideali
studies is ideal for those prospective candidates who għal dawk il-kandidati prospettivi li jiksbu sodisfazzjon
derive a lot of personal satisfaction from helping others. personali meta jgħinu lill-oħrajn. Il-lezzjonijiet jittrattaw
Lectures deal with sociological and psychological perspettivi soċjoloġiċi u psikoloġiċi, il-leġiżlazzjoni, il-ħiliet
perspectives, legislation, communication skills and tal-komunikazzjoni u l-bijoloġija tal-bniedem. L-għalliema
human biology. Lecturers will present scenarios which jippreżentaw xenarji li huma dinamiċi u li jġiegħlu lill-
are dynamic and thought-provoking, and learners istudenti jaħsbu, u l-istudenti jitħejjew biex jaħdmu
are prepared to work in challenging environments f’ambjenti ta’ sfida ma’ individwi vulnerabbli. Komponent
dealing with vulnerable individuals. A work-based ta’ tagħlim ibbażat fuq ix-xogħol huwa inkluż fil-qafas ta’
learning component is included in the framework of dan il-programm.
this programme.
L-istudenti li jiggradwaw b’suċċess minn dan il-programm
Learners who successfully graduate from this ta’ studji huma meħtieġa ferm u kollha jirnexxilhom isibu
programme of studies are very much in demand impjieg immedjat fis-settur.
and all manage to find immediate employment in
the sector.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes.
Preferred: Health & Social Care, English Language,
Maltese, Ethics, Social Studies, Home Economics,
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Prior to embarking on any Placement, learners

need to:
satisfy the requirements of the Protection of Minors
Act (POMA);
satisfy specific immunisation requirements;
and present a clean police conduct.

Career Opportunities:
Social support worker

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: CS4-04-19G

This programme provides major emphasis to the Dan il-programm jagħti importanza kbira lill-komponenti
practical components which form an integral part of prattiċi li jiffurmaw parti integrali mill-programm.
the programme. Learners are taught how to observe L-istudenti jiġu mgħallma kif josservaw lit-trabi u t-tfal iż-
babies and toddlers in an early years’ environment, to żgħar f’ambjent ta’ snin bikrija, biex ikunu jistgħu jgħinu
be able to help each child reach his or her maximum lit-tfal jilħqu l-potenzjal massimu tagħhom. Jintużaw
potential. Innovative methods are used to plan metodi innovattivi biex jiġu ppjanati attivitajiet għal
activities for children in a childcare setting. Other tfal f’ambjent tal-kura tat-tfal. Lezzjonijiet oħra jinkludu
topics include the safeguarding and promotion suġġetti dwar is-salvagwardja u l-promozzjoni tad-
of children’s rights and the creation of a safe and drittijiet tat-tfal u l-ħolqien ta’ ambjent sikur u motivanti
engaging environment where positive development fejn jista’ jseħħ żvilupp pożittiv.
can take place.
Fi tmiem l-ewwel sena akkademika, l-istudenti li
At the end of the first academic year, successful jtemmuha b’suċċess ikollhom l-għażla li ma jkomplux
learners will have the option to exit their studies, l-istudji tagħhom, u jingħataw l-MCAST Award in
and be awarded the MCAST Award in Children’s Care, Children’s Care, Learning and Development. Permezz
Learning and Development. This award will enable ta’ din l-għotja, huma jkunu jistgħu jaħdmu bħala
them to work as child care practitioners. prattikanti fil-qasam tal-kura tat-tfal.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes.
Compulsory: English Language, Maltese
and Mathematics
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Prior to embarking on any Placement, learners

need to:
satisfy the requirements of the Protection of Minors
Act (POMA);
and present a clean police conduct.

Career Opportunities:
Child care practitioner

For more info kindly visit:
Course Code: EE4-A2-18G

This course is intended for learners who wish to embark Dan il-kors huwa maħsub għall-istudenti li jixtiequ jibdew
on a career as technicians in electrical power systems, karriera bħala teknixins f’sistemi tal-enerġija elettrika,
for both domestic and industrial sectors. The course għas-setturi kemm domestiċi kif ukoll industrijali. Il-
has been designed to include requirements as set by kors ġie mfassal biex jinkludi rekwiżiti, kif stabbiliti
the Regulator for Energy & Water Services (REWS) for mir-Regolatur tas-Servizzi tal-Enerġija u l-Ilma (REWS),
Electrical Wireman’s Authorisation A and Authorisation għall-Awtorizzazzjoni A u l-Awtorizzazzjoni B ta’ Persuni li
B. This provides candidates with a solid technical jgħaddu l-Wajers tal-Elettriku. Dan jipprovdi lill-kandidati
competence and understanding of the regulations and kompetenza teknika soda u fehim tar-regolamenti u tar-
health and safety requirements governing the electrical rekwiżiti tas-saħħa u s-sikurezza li jirregolaw l-industrija
installation industry. tal-installazzjoni tal-elettriku.

This course also contains modules related to Dan il-kors jinkludu wkoll unitajiet relatati ma’ Sistemi
Photovoltaic systems, Building Services Engineering Fotovoltajċi, Sistemi tal-Inġinerija tas-Servizzi tal-Bini u
and Electronic Control Systems that give candidates tal-Kontroll Elettroniku, li jipprovdu lill-istudenti bażi soda
a solid grounding in the engineering involved in the għall-inġinerija involuta fl-industrija tas-servizzi tal-bini.
building services industry. Learners will also receive Il-kandidati jwettqu wkoll Prattika f’Workshop Mekkaniku,
exposure to Mechanical Workshop Practice for a more għal programm ta’ taħriġ aktar olistiku.
holistic training programme.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 3 Years on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Compulsory: One subject from Mathematics
or Physics and One subject from Engineering
Technology, Design & Technology, Chemistry,
Mathematics, Physics
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

A medical certificate testing colour blindness is

recommended for this course.

Career Opportunities:
Electrician, Electrical Technician (plant)

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: IT4-A1-19G

The IT industry is a dynamic sector which requires L-industrija tal-IT hija settur dinamiku li jirrikjedi
a number of highly skilled technical personnel to għadd ta’ impjegati tekniċi bi kwalifiki għoljin biex
cope with constantly changing customers’ demands ilaħħaq mad-domandi tal-klijenti li qed jinbidlu b’mod
and new innovative technologies. This course is the kostanti u mat-teknoloġiji innovattivi ġodda. Dan il-kors
first step towards entering the field of computer huwa l-ewwel pass biex wieħed jidħol fil-qasam tan-
networks. It will provide the learners with core netwerks tal-kompjuter. Jipprovdi lill-istudenti l-ħiliet
computer networking skills. At this level, learners ewlenin tan-netwerking tal-kompjuter. F’dan il-livell,
will be exposed to the design, implementation and l-istudenti jiltaqgħu mad-disinn, l-implimentazzjoni u
administration of small to medium sized networks. l-amministrazzjoni ta’ netwerks żgħar u medji. L-ewwel
The first year of this course will be common to all sena ta’ dan il-kors tkun l-istess għall-istudenti kollha li
learners following the Advanced Diploma. During the qed isegwu l-Advanced Diploma. Matul it-tieni sena tal-
second year of studies, learners will be focusing on istudji, l-istudenti jiffokaw fuq suġġetti tan-netwerking
networking subjects such as LAN switching, routing, bħall-LAN switching, ir-routing, il-ġestjoni tas-server u
server management and virtualisation. This course l-virtwalizzazzjoni. Dan il-kors jinkludi taħriġ u prattika
includes work-related training and practice. relatati max-xogħol.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years on Apprenticeship

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Compulsory: Mathematics and one subject from
Computer Studies or Physics or Information
Technology. Preferred: English Language
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
Junior/Assistant systems administrator, Junior,
Assistant network administrator, Junior/Assistant,
database administrator, IT End User support

For more info kindly visit:


Course Code: IT4-03-19G

The World Wide Web is one area that is fast growing Il-World Wide Web huwa settur wieħed li qed jikber
in terms of the skills needs of companies. Multimedia b’mod rapidu fir-rigward tal-ħtiġijiet tal-ħiliet tal-
is the incorporation of text, sound, graphics, kumpaniji. Il-multimidja hija l-inkorporazzjoni tat-test,
animation, still images and video in conjunction with is-sound, il-grafika, l-animazzjoni, l-immaġnijiet fissi u
computer technology. This course will provide the l-vidjo fit-teknoloġija tal-kompjuter. Il-kors jipprovdi lill-
learners with the core software development skills istudenti l-ħiliet ewlenin tal-iżvilupp tas-softwer, flimkien
along with the necessary knowledge for multimedia mal-għarfien neċessarju għall-iżvilupp, il-manipulazzjoni
artefact development, manipulation and integration. u l-integrazzjoni tal-artifatt tal-multimidja. L-ewwel sena
The first year of this course will be common for all ta’ dan il-kors se tkun l-istess għall-istudenti kollha li qed
learners following advanced diploma studies. During isegwu studju ta’ diploma avvanzata. Matul it-tieni sena,
the second year, learners will focus on Multimedia l-istudenti jiffokaw fuq suġġetti orjentati lejn l-iżvilupp
and Software development oriented subjects such tal-multimidja u tas-softwer, bħall-iżvilupp tal-logħob
as game development and mobile application u l-iżvilupp ta’ applikazzjoni tal-mobile. Dan huwa kors
development. This is a technical course for learners tekniku għal studenti b’inklinazzjoni artistika.
with an artistic inclination.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Compulsory: Mathematics and one subject from
Computer Studies or Physics or Information
Technology Preferred: English Language, Art,
Graphical Communication.
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
Junior Front-end developer, Junior Game developer
Junior Mobile Application Developer

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: IT4-04-19G

This programme is a practical, hands-on qualification Din hija kwalifika prattika li tiżgura li l-istudenti jużaw
ensuring that learners utilise the most up-to-date il-prattiċi l-aktar aġġornati u l-lingwi tal-ipprogrammar
practices and current programming languages. l-aktar kurrenti. Dan il-kors huwa l-ewwel pass biex
This course is the first step towards becoming a wieħed isir żviluppatur tas-softwer. Jipprovdi lill-
software developer. It will provide the learners istudenti l-ħiliet ewlenin tal-iżvilupp tas-softwer, flimkien
with the core software development skills along mal-għarfien neċessarju għad-disinn u l-iżvilupp ta’
with the necessary knowledge for the design and applikazzjonijiet tas-softwer. L-ewwel sena ta’ dan il-kors
development of software applications. The first year tkun l-istess għall-istudenti kollha li jsegwu d-diploma
of this course will be common for all learners following avvanzata. Matul it-tieni sena tal-istudji, l-istudenti
the advanced diploma. During the second year of jiffokaw fuq suġġetti tal-iżvilupp tas-softwer bħal: server
studies, learners will focus on software development side u client side scripting; id-disinn u l-iżvilupp ta’
subjects such as: server side and client side scripting; bażijiet ta’ data; u l-iżvilupp ta’ applikazzjoni tal-mobile.
database design and development; and mobile
application development.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 4 2 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
4 SEC/O-Level / SSC&P (Level 3) passes
Compulsory: Mathematics and one subject from
Computer Studies or Physics or Information
Technology Preferred: English Language
or MCAST Diploma (refer to the MCAST website)

Career Opportunities:
User Support, Junior Software Tester, Junior Software
Developer, Junior Database Developer, Junior Web

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: CS6-03-18G

This programme of study focuses on how educational Dan il-programm ta’ studji jiffoka fuq kif l-istituzzjonijiet
institutions, in general, and specifically the classroom edukattivi, b’mod ġenerali, u l-ambjenti tal-klassi, b’mod
settings, can become more inclusive to cater for speċifiku, jistgħu jsiru aktar inklużivi biex jilħqu ħtiġijiet
different individual needs. individwali differenti.

Undergraduates tackle a variety of study-units aimed at L-istudenti tal-baċellerat jittrattaw varjetà ta’ unitajiet ta’
identifying what barriers exist which may be preventing studju, bil-għan li jiġu identifikati liema ostakoli jistgħu
all students from accessing quality education. jkunu qed jipprevjenu lill-istudenti kollha milli jaċċessaw
Furthermore, the study-units also explore innovative edukazzjoni ta’ kwalità. Barra minn hekk, l-unitajiet ta’
techniques of how these barriers can be overcome studju jesploraw ukoll tekniki innovattivi dwar kif jistgħu
so that all students during compulsory schooling jiġu megħluba dawn l-ostakoli sabiex l-istudenti kollha
years, and possibly beyond, feel valued. This course matul is-snin ta’ edukazzjoni obbligatorja, u possibbilment
comprises a strong practical component and includes lil hinn minnhom, iħossuhom stmati. Dan il-kors jinkludi
internship opportunities aimed at developing a mindset komponent prattiku b’saħħtu, u jinkludi opportunitajiet
of promoting inclusive communities that celebrate ta’ internship immirati lejn l-iżvilupp ta’ mentalità tal-
diversity and cater for the diverse needs of different promozzjoni ta’ komunitajiet inklużivi li jiċċelebraw
group of students. id-diversità u jindirizzaw il-ħtiġijiet differenti ta’ grupp
differenti ta’ studenti.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6 3 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-Level and 2 I-Level passes, to include at least one
A-Level and one I-Level from Mathematics, English,
Maltese, Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology
or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST

Career Opportunities:
Learning Support Educator (LSE)

For more info kindly visit:

Course Code: BC7-01-18G

An ACCA Qualification is a path that leads to becoming Kwalifika tal-ACCA hija triq li twassal biex issir Chartered
an internationally recognised Chartered Certified Certified Accountant rikonoxxut fuq livell internazzjonali, u
Accountant, and can take your career in any direction. tista’ tiżviluppa l-karriera tiegħek fi kwalunkwe direzzjoni.
It is a rewarding and intense course with a number of Huwa kors intensiv u li jagħti ħafna sodisfazzjon b’għadd ta’
Professional Courses which allows the students to have Korsijiet Professjonali li jwasslu biex l-istudenti jakkwistaw
a rigorous qualification that is accepted across the kwalifika rigoruża li hija aċċettata madwar id-dinja. Il-kors
globe. The ACCA course is the perfect choice for a career tal-ACCA huwa l-għażla perfetta għal min jixtieq karriera
in accountancy and the perfect milestone on anyone’s fl-Accountancy u stadju importanti perfett fit-triq ta’ kull
route to become a qualified finance professional. The min jixtieq isir professjonist kwalifikat fil-qasam tal-finanzi.
course content is fully administered and managed by
ACCA. As an authorised training provider, MCAST delivers Studenti li jagħżlu li jsegwu dan il-kors fil-Kampus t’
a specific programme aimed to enable learners to achieve Għawdex, iħejju ruħhom għal Foundation Papers (F1 sa F9
the prestigious ACCA qualification. hekk kif applikabbli). Dan jammonta għall-ewwel sentejn ta’
studju li jwassal għal kwalifika ta’ livell 6. Tħejjija u assessjar
Learners taking on this qualification at the Gozo Campus, tal-Professional Papers li jwasslu għal kwalifika f’Livell 7 (u
will be able to cover all the Foundation Papers (F1 to F9 as allura l-aħħar sentejn tal-kors) ikunu jistgħu jissuktaw fil-
may be applicable), which constitute the L6 qualification Kampus ewlieni tal-MCAST f’Malta. Il-Programm jipprovdi
(the first two years), at the Ghajnsielem campus. rotot ta’ ħruġ differenti fil-Livell 6 u fil-Livell 7.
Preparation and assessment for the Professional papers
leading to the Level 7 qualification (namely the last two L-istudenti għandhom iħallsu miżati lill-ACCA għal kwalunkwe
years of the programme of studies) will eventually be sħubija u amministrazzjoni tal-eżamijiet.
delivered at the MCAST Main Campus in Paola, Malta.
The Programme, provides different exit routes at Level
6 and at Level 7.

Learners incur fees payable to ACCA for any membership

and exam administration.

MQF Level Course Duration:

Level 6/7 4 Years full-time

Entry Requirements:
2 A-level passes and 2 I-level passes.
Compulsory A-level OR SEC/O-Level: Mathematics
and English Language Preferred A-level
or SEC/O-Level: Economics, Accounts
or MCAST Advanced Diploma (refer to the MCAST

Career Opportunities:
Accountant, Financial Controller, Financial Analyst,
Business Analyst, Corporate Finance Specialist

For more info kindly visit:


Back row: Mickayla Bugeja, Cheyenne Xuereb, Sarah Schembri Warr, Mr Adolf Formosa, Ms Therese Debono,
Luca Stefanovic, George Lewis, Nicolai Borg, Dinahlee Lautier, Daniel Borg, Karl Grech, Malcolm Agius

Front row: Justine Ellul, Andrea Camilleri, Raisa Incorvaja, Cassandra Camilleri, Matthea De Bono, Emma Cini,
Matthew Theuma, Carmelo Agius, Mark Jones, Tyler Calleja Jackson
Thanks go to final-year students of the Bachelor of
Arts (Honours) in Graphic Design who designed this
prospectus under the guidance of Mr Adolf Formosa, and
those of the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Photography
who took the complementary photographs under Ms
Therese Debono’s supervision.








292 Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology

Main Campus, Triq Kordin,
Paola, PLA 9032, Malta


Find out more about studying at MCAST

for further information about our courses.

You can also get in touch with our Enquiries team:

+356 2398 7100

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