Octoechos Tone 5

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The document discusses the Octoechos for Saturday evening vespers in the Orthodox Christian tradition. It provides the order of service and hymns sung.

Pages 1 and 2 discuss the order of the Saturday evening vespers service, including the hymns sung and their accompanying scriptural passages. Specific hymns mentioned include ones about Christ's victory over sin and death through his crucifixion and resurrection.

Page 76 discusses prayers and hymns for the departed, asking that God grant them rest and mercy. It also mentions Abraham's bosom and the ranks of prophets and martyrs.



On "Lord, I have cried ... ': 4 stichera, the compo­ Then, ''0 gladsome Light... ". The Prokimenon,
sition ofour venerable father John ofDamascus, "The Lord is king... ': with its stichoi. And after
in Tone V- "Vouchsafe, 0 Lord... ': the priest doth not in­
Stichos: From the morning watch until tone the litanies, but we chant the first sticheron
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in ofthe resurrectional aposticha, in Tone V-
the Lord. With sounds of hymnody do we magnify
By Thy precious Cross didst Thou put the Thee, Christ the Savior, Who hath not been
devil to shame, 0 Christ, and by Thy resurrec­ separated from the heavens; for Thou didst
tion didst Thou blunt the sting of sin, and hast accept the Cross and death for our race, as the
saved us from the gates of death. We glorify Lord Who loveth mankind, Who hath over­
Thee, 0 Only-begotten One! thrown the gates ofhades, and hath risen on the
Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy, third day, saving our souls.
and with Him is plenteous redemption; and He
And these other stichera, ofthe Theotokos in the
shall redeem Israel out of all his iniquities.
same tone: Spec. Mel.: "Rejoice, 0 boast of
The foregoing sticheron is repeated.
{asters ... "-
Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations;
Stichos: I shall commemorate thy name in
praise Him, all ye peoples.
every generation and generation.
He was led like a lamb to the slaughter,
I stretch forth my hands to thee, 0 pure one;
bestowing resurrection upon the human race;
I open my polluted lips to make entreaty; I bend
and the princes ofhades were afraid ofHim, and
the knees of my heart and noetic ally touch now
the gates ofweeping were seized, for Christ, the
thine all-pure feet, and fall down before thee.
King of glory, entered in, saying to those in
Cure thou my many and long-standing
bonds: "Come forth!", and to those in darkness:
ailments, and by thy grace heal mine incurable
"Show yourselves!"
sores. Deliver me from enemies visible and
Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to
invisible. Lighten the burden of my slothful­
prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord a bid­
ness, 0 Maiden, that I may hymn and glorify
eth forever.
thee through whom the world hath found great
Great is the wonder! The immortal Creator
of the invisible hosts, suffering in the flesh in
Stichos: Hearken, 0 daughter, and see, and
His love for mankind, hath risen! Come, ye
incline thine ear.
kindreds of the nations, let us worship Him!
Rejoice, 0 most immaculate one who ineffa­
For, having been delivered from deception by
bly conceived the Son of God, who gavest birth
His compassions, we have learned to hymn the
to Him Who truly received flesh like ours from
one God in three Hypostases!
thy blood, and dost possess a rational and inde­
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Dogmatic theotokion- pendent soul; for in His ineffable mercy and
Let us honor the godly and precious Maiden goodness He clothed Himself completely in
who is honored by the cherubim; for the Creator Adam. Wherefore, Christ is declared to us to be
of all, desiring to become man, ineffably made dual in nature, showing forth the activity of
His abode within her. 0 strange things and both within Himself. Him do thou entreat, that
mysteries most glorious! Who doth not marvel He grant our souls great mercy.
on hearing that God became man, yet under­ Stichos: The rich among the people shall
went no change within Himself? He passed entreat thy countenance.
through the gate of the Virgin, yet no diminu­ Rejoice, beauty of Jacob, whom God hath
tion accrued unto Him therein. As the prophet chosen and whom He loved, portal ofthe saved,
said: Then shall no man pass through it, save flame-bearing key, 0 most blessed one, thou
the Lord God of Israel, Who hath great mercy. annulment ofthe curse, womb which contained

God, restoration of the fallen, thou who art foretold thee as the bush burning with fire which
more holy than the cherubim and dost surpass remained unconsumed, in that within thee
all other creatures, incomprehensible sight, dwelt the Fire of the Godhead; and yet another
most recent report, ineffable saying, chariot of called thee the holy mountain whence the Cor­
the Word! For from thee the Sun shone forth, nerstone was cut without the aid of men's hands
illumining me, and granting great mercy to and which broke asunder the image ofthe noetic
those in darkness. Nebuchadnezzar. Truly great and all-glorious is
the mystery manifest in thee, 0 Mother of God!
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Dogmatic theotokion, in Wherefore, we glorify thee, for through thee hath
the same tone- salvation come to our souls.
The prophecies concerning thee were ful­
filled, 0 pure Virgin; for one of the prophets Then, "Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart ... ':
foretold thee as the portal in Eden facing the Trisagion, and after Our Father ... , the resurrec­
East, through which no one would pass save the tional troparion, Glory ... , Now & ever ... , its
Creator ofthee and the whole world; and another theotokion. Little litany, and dismissal.


After the Introductory Psalm, the usual chant­ Great is the wonder! The immortal Creator
ing from the Psalter. of the invisible hosts, suffering in the flesh in
His love for mankind, hath risen! Come, ye
On "Lord, I have cried ... ", 10 stichera. If the kindreds of the nations, let us worship Him!
Menaion hath a doxasticon, it is chanted on For, having been delivered from deception by
Glory.... If there is no doxasticon, we chant His compassions, we have learned to hymn the
Glory ... , Now & ever ... , the dogmaticon of one God in three Hypostases!
the tone. Stichos: Let Thine ears be attentive to the
voice of my supplication.
The Resurrectional Stichera, in Tone V­ We offer evening worship at the culmina­
Stichos: Bring my soul out of prison, that I tion of the ages unto Thee, the never-waning
may confess Thy name. Light, Who in the flesh shone forth upon the
By Thy precious Cross didst Thou put the world as in a mirror, Who descended even unto
devil to shame, 0 Christ, and by Thy resurrec­ hades and -destroyed the darkness there, and
tion didst Thou break the sting of sin, and hast showed the nations the light of the resurrec­
saved us from the gates of death. We glorify tion. 0 Lord, Bestower of light, glory be to
Thee, 0 Only-begotten One! Thee!
Stichos: The righteous shall wait patiently Stichos: IfThou shouldstmarkiniquities, 0
for me until Thou shalt reward me. Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee
He was led like a lamb to the slaughter, there is forgiveness.
bestowing resurrection upon the human race; Let us glorify Christ, the Author of our
and the princes ofhades were afraid ofHim, and salvation; for when He rose from the dead, the
the gates ofweeping were seized, for Christ, the world was saved from deception, the choir ofthe
King of glory, entered in, saying to those in angels rejoiced, the beguilement of the demons
bonds: "Come forth!", and to those in darkness: was banished, fallen Adam arose, and the devil
"Show yourselves!" was set at naught.
Stichos: Out ofthe depths have I cried unto Stichos: For Thy name's sake have
Thee, 0 Lord; 0 Lord, hear my voice. I patiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord, my
soul hath waited patiently for Thy word,
my soul hath hoped in the Lord.


The guardsmen were instructed by the staff which put forth branches, the candle­
iniquitous: "Keep secret the rising of Christ; stand, the jar, and the golden censer, to which
take the pieces of silver, and say that while we each of the faithful hath recourse, entreating
slept the dead man was stolen from the tomb." great mercy.
Who hath ever seen or heard of a corpse, and Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to
moreover one embalmed and naked, stolen, and prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord a bid­
the grave clothes left behind in the tomb? Be ye eth forever.
not deceived, 0 Jews! Learn the sayings of the 0 thou who alone art the hope of the hope­
prophets, and know that He is truly almighty, less, the ready help of the helpless, who gavest
the Deliverer of the world! birth unto Jesus Who delighteth in mercy: Have
Stichos: From the morning watch until mercy now on mine infirmity, and grant me
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in compunction of thought, 0 pure one; and with
the Lord. streams of tears do thou drown the invincible
0 Lord our Savior, Who madest hades abyss of mine offenses; drive off the tempest of
captive, trampled down death, and hast en­ my boundless passions, and fill my troubled
lightened the world by Thy Cross: Have heart with divine serenity, entreating Christ to
mercy upon us! grant me complete remission of mine offenses.
And these stichera ofthe all-holy Theotokos, the
Glory ... , from the Menaion.
composition of Paul of Amorium, which are
chanted when there is no Menaion, or atLitia, in Now & ever ... : The dogmatic theotokion-
Tone V.· Spec. Mel.: "Rejoice ... "- Once the image ofthe Bride who knoweth not
Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy, wedlock was inscribed in the Red Sea. There
and with Him is plenteous redemption; and He Moses was the parter of the waters; and here
shall redeem Israel out of all his iniquities. Gabriel is the minister of a miracle. There Israel
Thou art truly the throne of the cherubim, traversed the deep dryshod; and now the Virgin
for thou hast surpassed all other creatures; for giveth birth unto Christ without seed. The sea
in thee the Word of God, desiring to restore our remained impassable after Israel had crossed;
human form, made His abode, issuing forth and the immaculate one remaineth incorrupt
from thee in the flesh, 0 most pure one; and after the birth of Emmanuel. 0 God Who hast
having accepted suffering on the Cross for our appeared as a man, Who existest and hast ex­
sake, as God He bestowed resurrection upon isted from the beginning: Have mercy upon us!
our condemned nature which he hath ran­
somed. Wherefore, we entreat thy Son as Cre­ Entrance. "0 gladsome Light... " And after the
ator, 0 Mother of God, that we may obtain Entrance, the appointed server, having made
forgiveness and mercy at the hour ofjudgment. the usual bow to the superior, chanteth the daily
Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations; prokimenon, in Tone VI-
praise Him all ye peoples.
What shall I call thy divinely glorious The Lord is King, He is clothed with majesty.
church, 0 pure Theotokos? I call it the garden Stichos: The Lord is clothed with strength and
of Eden, and proclaim it the ark of Noah, which He hath girt Himself.
saved God's royal priesthood, the most holy Stichos: For He established the world which
nation, the assembly of Christ our God, 0 pure shall not be shaken.
one; and thee do I liken to the tabernacle of Stichos: Holiness becometh Thy house, 0 Lord,
Moses, wherein was the mercy seat and the unto length of days.


Then the usual litany. "Vouchsafe, 0 Lord... " Stichos: Holiness becometh Thy house, 0
The litany: "Let us complete our evening Lord, unto length of days.
prayer... ", and the rest. And after the exclama­ 0 Thou Who lovest mankind, Who accepted
tion, we chant the sticheron idiomelon of the suffering in the flesh for our sake, and rose from
feast ofthe church, and performing Litia in the the dead on the third day: Heal Thou the
narthex, we chant the stichera of Paul of sufferings of our flesh, lift us up out of grievous
Amorium, or whatever the superior desireth. transgressions, and save us!
And after the usual prayers, we enter the
Glory ... , from the Menaion, ifthere is a doxasti­
church proper, chanting the Aposticha
con provided. If not, Glory ... , Now & ever ... :
stichera, in Tone V-
Thou art the temple and portal, the palace
With sounds of hymnody do we magnify
and throne of the King, 0 most honored Virgin,
Thee, Christ the Savior, Who hast not been
through whom Christ the Lord, my Deliverer,
separated from the heavens; for Thou didst
Who is the Sun of righteousness, hath revealed
accept the Cross and death for our race, as the
Himself unto those who sleep in darkness, de­
Lord Who loveth mankind, Who hath over­
siring to enlighten that which He fashioned by
thrown the gates ofhades, and hath risen on the
His own hand in His image. Wherefore, 0 most
third day, saving our souls.
hymned one, as thou hast acquired maternal
Stichos: The Lord is King, He is clothed
boldness before Him, entreat Him without ceas­
with majesty.
ing, that our souls be saved.
When Thy side was pierced, 0 Bestower of
life, Thou didst pour forth torrents ofremission,
Then, "Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart ... "
life and salvation upon all; and Thou didst
Trisagion through Our Father.
accept death, granting us immortality. Making
Thine abode in the tomb, Thou didst free us,
Resurrectional troparion, in Tone V­
gloriously raising us with Thyself, in that Thou
0 ye faithful, let us hymn and worship the
art God. Wherefore, we cry out: 0 Lord Who
Word, Who with the Father and the Spirit is
lovest mankind, glory be to Thee!
equally without beginning, and Who was born
Stichos: For He established the world
of the Virgin for our salvation; for He was well
which shall not be shaken.
pleased to ascend the Cross in the flesh, to
Strange is Thy crucifixion and Thy descent
endure death, and to raise up the dead by His
into hades, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind; for,
glorious resurrection.
having made it captive and gloriously raised
the ancient captives with Thyself, as God Thou Theotokion:
didst open paradise and didst count them wor­ Rejoice, impassable gate of the Lord! Re­
thy to receive it. Wherefore, grant Thou remis­ joice, rampart and protection ofthose who have
sion of sins unto us who glorify Thine arising recourse unto thee! Rejoice, haven untouched
on the third day, vouchsafing us to become by storms, thou that knowest not wedlock, who
dwellers in paradise, in that Thou alone art gavest birth in the flesh to thy Creator and God!
compassionate. Fail not in thy supplications for those who
hymn and worship thy birthgiving!

And the rest of the service followeth in order.


The priest saith: Blessed is our God ... , and we Glory ... : 0 Bride of God, who alone gavest
respond: Amen. Glory to Thee, our God, glory to birth to the Creator, Fashioner and Lord of all
Thee. 0 heavenly King... , Trisagion through while remaining a virgin, grant salvation from
Our Father. Lord, have mercy (12 times). on high to thy servants who truly glorify thee as
Glory ... , Now & ever ... 0 come, let us worship ... the Mother of God.
(thrice). Psalm 50 (Have mercy on me, 0 God .. .); Now & ever ... : Fill me with life-creating
Psalm 69 (0 God, be attentive unto helping waters, 0 Mistress who hast poured forth the
me.. .); and Psalm 142 (0 Lord, hear my prayer). divine Water upon the world; and with thy
Then, Glory to God in the highest... , and the divine tranquility still thou the cruel torrents of
Symbol ofFaith (I believe in one God .. .). mine iniquities and the waves of my heart.

Canon of Supplication to the All-holy

Theotokos, in Tone V­ Irmos: Perceiving Thy divine condescension
0DE I prophetically, 0 Christ, Habbakuk cried out to
Irmos: Bringing battles to nought with His Thee with trembling: Thou art come for the
upraised arm, Christ hath overthrown horse salvation of Thy people, to save Thine anointed
and rider in the Red Sea, and hath saved Israel, ones!
who chanteth a hymn of victory. In that thou art more exalted than all cre­
We are all at a loss how to offer thee fitting ation, 0 all-hymned Theotokos, God hath given
hymnody, 0 Mistress; for thy glory surpasseth thee to those on earth as a source of mediation
all. Yet, 0 Bride of God, disdain not the en­ before Him.
treaty offered to thee with fear and love. Knowing thee to be the temple of God, 0
We all have recourse to the water of thine Virgin Mother, we who honor thee do earnestly
inexhaustible well-spring, 0 Virgin Theotokos, pray: Shut not the portals of thy mercy against
crying out: 0 all-pure one, thou sole joy of our thy servants, 0 Theotokos!
race, ask peace for thy Churches. Glory ... : Knowing thee to be the true rai­
Glory ... : God Who was well-pleased to ment of God all-adorned, 0 Mother who knew­
receive flesh from thee hath appointed thee as est not wedlock, we who honor thee all pray:
a haven for all amid misfortunes, 0 pure one; Array us in the vesture of remission!
wherefore, falling down before thee, we cry Now & ever ... : The whole world was filled
aloud: Grant thine aid unto thy servants! with joy at thy nativity, 0 all-pure one; where­
Now & ever ... : Let thy supplication, 0 all­ fore, the great Gabriel announced to thee:
pure Virgin, be for thy servants alleviation, the Rejoice, 0 Virgin Mother Mary!
dispelling of the passions, the eradication of
sins and the washing away of all manner of 0DEV
pain, 0 Theotokos. Irmos: 0 Thou Who art clothed in light as with
a garment: I rise at dawn unto Thee, and to
ODE III Thee do I cry: enlighten Thou my gloom-en­
Irmos: 0 Christ Who by Thy command fixed the shrouded soul, 0 Christ, in that Thou alone art
earth upon naught and suspended its weight compassionate!
unsupported: establish Thou Thy Church upon Truly we are not chastised according to the
the immovable rock of Thy commandments, 0 measure of our offenses! 0 all-pure Virgin
Thou Who alone art good and lovest mankind. Mother, avert from us all the wrath of thy Son!
Thou art the hope of mortals, their help and 0 pure one who gavest birth, without know­
joy, protection and refuge, 0 Mistress, Mother ing wedlock, to God Who alone brought forth
ofLife; wherefore, we pray thee: Send down thy light out of darkness, earnestly beseech Him,
help upon all who hymn thee, 0 all-pure one. that He send down divine light upon thy
0 compassionate Author, God and Savior of servants.
all, we who are infirm and are beset by grievous Glory ... : With the incense of thy supplica­
perils set Thy Mother before Thee as an all-pure tion, 0 pure Mother of the Creator, whom Solo­
tabernacle, to supplicate Thee. Loose Thou the mon foretold as the divine bride out ofLebanon,
bonds of our transgressions. spread fragrance upon thy servants.

Now & ever ... : Having given birth without Glory ... : With thy merciful eye, 0 Mother of
seed to Christ, our justification and deliver­ God, look down and deliver thy servants from
ance, 0 Theotokos, thou hast rendered the every evil circumstance, for we chant with
nature of our first parents free of the curse. faith: Blessed art Thou, 0 God!
Now & ever ... : Committing evil deeds, we
ODE VI have fallen away from thee, 0 Mistress; yet have
Irmos: 0 Christ Master, still Thou the seaofthe we straightway found thy help, 0 all-pure one,
passions which rageth with a soul-destroying when we have cried: Blessed art Thou, 0 God!
tempest, and lead me up from corruption, in
that Thou art compassionate. ODE VIII
0 Mistress Theotokos who gavest birth to Irmos: The Son and God, Who was begotten of
the Creator, ask remission for thy servants, and the Father before the ages, and in latter times
raise us up in might, that we may hymn thee. became incarnate of the Virgin Mother, hymn,
Be thou a help to us thy servants who ye priests. Ye people, exalt Him supremely for
entreat thee with faith, 0 pure Mistress, in that all ages!
thou art merciful, and raise us up in might, that 0 our Mistress, bestower of good things:
we may hymn thee. grant the healing of the passions unto thy
Glory ... : As thou hast the power to do what servants, 0 Virgin, that we may unceasingly
thou desirest, as is meet, 0 pure Mistress, look hymn and exalt thee supremely forever.
upon thy servants with a merciful eye, and raise 0 pure one who gavest birth indescribably
us up out of corruption. to the Deliverer, thou didst ineffably give suck
Now & ever ... : Unceasingly pouring forth to Him while remaining a virgin. Him do thou
streams of compassion upon those who ask, 0 entreat in behalf of those who hymn and glorify
all-immaculate and good one, rain down upon thee for all ages.
me also the light of thy Son's commandments. Glory ... : Forming ourselves into a most
beautiful choir, we sing to thee, the radiant
Then, "Lord, have mercy!': thrice. Glory ... , lamp ofthe Deliverer: 0 allye works ofthe Lord,
Now & ever ... unceasingly hymn the Virgin Mary, and exalt
her supremely forever!
Sessional Hymn, in Tone V­ Now & ever ... : 0 pure ewe-lamb, Virgin
0 most holy Virgin, have mercy upon us Maiden and Mother, cleanse me of the carnal
who have recourse to thy loving-kindness with passions, that I may be delivered from the
faith, and who ask thy fervent aid; for thou art snares of the deceiver, chanting hymns to thee,
able to save us all, in that thou art the good 0 divinely joyous one.
Mother of God Most High, ever embracing Him
with thy maternal entreaties, 0 divinely joy­ ODE IX
ous Virgin. Irmos: Rejoice, 0 Isaiah! The Virgin hath
conceived in her womb and borne a Son, Im­
ODE VII manuel, both God and man. Orient is His name;
Irmos: The supremely exalted Lord of our and, magnifying Him, we call the Virgin
fathers quenched the flame and bedewed the blessed.
children, who sang together: Blessed art Thou, Our hymnody is completed, 0 Christ Master,
OGod! but our hope in Thee, our Creator, like Thy grace,
0 Christ, Thou unfathomable Wisdom of knoweth no limitation. Wherefore, grant mighty
God, have pity upon Thy servants, for the sake power to Thy servants on either side, through
of her who gave Thee birth, for we unceasingly the supplications of her who gave Thee birth.
chant: Blessed art Thou, 0 God! As thou art the true Mother of Life, 0 pure
0 Lord, we entreat Thy goodness: heal Thou one, thou art the strength ofthe sick and infirm;
our wounds, for the sake of her who gave Thee wherefore, fleeing unto thee, 0 Mistress, we
birth, for we chant with fear: Blessed art Thou, have found the surcease of all sorrows and have
OGod! been saved by thy protection.


Glory ... : Beholding thy divine countenance grace; wherefore, we beseech thee: 0 all-pure
in thine images, 0 Mistress, we perceive thee one, from all want rescue us who have recourse
therein as it were clearly, in all ways hating the to thy protection.
mindlessness of heretics on earth. And falling
down before the icons, we receive healing. Then, "It is truly meet... ': and the rest as usual.
Now & ever ... : 0 pure one, we sinners know Dismissal.
thee to be an abyss of healings and a sea of


The priest saith: "Blessed is our God ... ': and we ODE III
say: Amen. Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. Irmos: 0 Christ Who by Thy command fixed the
0 heavenly King... Trisagion through Our Fa­ earth upon naught and suspended its weight
ther ... Priest: For Thine is the kingdom ... And unsupported: establish Thou Thy Church upon
we say: Amen. Lord, have mercy (12 times), the immovable rock of Thy commandments, 0
Glory ... , Now & ever ... , 0 come, let us worship Thou Who alone art good and lovest mankind.
(thrice). Psalm 50 (Have mercy on me, 0 God .. .) Having conceived in thought the noetic be­
ings, Thou didst make them constant singers of
And then, the Canon to the Holy & Life-creating Thy divinity, 0 thrice-radiant and almighty
Trinity, the acrostic whereofis "The fifth rule to God. Yet, as Thou art compassionate, accept
the three-Sunned light", the composition of also the entreaty and supplication of mortals
Metrophanes, in Tone V­ made of clay.
As Thou art compassionate, 0 Thou Who by
ODE I essence art immune to any change, grant for­
Irmos: Bringing battles to nought with His giveness of offenses and salvation unto us who
upraised arm, Christ hath overthrown horse are changeable, and hymn the unfathomable
and rider in the Red Sea, and hath saved Israel, well-spring of Thy goodness.
who chanteth a hymn of victory. Glory ... : As the prophets and the apostles
Refrain: 0 all-holy Trinity, our God, glory manifestly learned from Thee, we glorify
be to Thee! Thee-the Father, the Son and the Spirit-in
Hymning the might of the single counte­ the immutable aspect of the one and thrice­
nance ofthe triple Sun, we cry out: Illumine our radiant Godhead of the Lord of all.
mind, 0 almighty God, and raise it up to Thine Now & ever ... : Theotokion: Thou didst ap­
ineffable glory, 0 Master! pear unto Moses in the bush as the Angel of the
On high the noetic rings of the angels with great Counsel of the Almighty, revealing Thine
thrice-holy voices continually hymn the three­ incarnation from the Virgin, 0 Word of God,
fold Unity, the Trinity sharing the same form, whereby Thou hast transformed us and
transcendent and omnipotent. brought us up to the heavens.
Glory ... : Give unto my soul the divine, most
Lord, have mercy! Thrice
sweet and light-giving food of Thy love and
divine and cleansing compunction, 0 Trinity,
Sessional hymn, in Tone V.· Spec. Mel.: "The
Unity, Origin of light, greatly merciful Master
Word Who with the Father and the Spirit is
of all creation
equally without beginning...
Now & ever ... : Theotokion: Without thun­
Merciful art Thou, 0 indivisible Trinity, for
der, like the dew upon the fleece, did the divine
Thou hast mercy on all, in that Thou art al­
Rain descend from heaven into thy womb, 0
mighty and most compassionate, full of pity and
Virgin; and He hath saved all human nature,
greatly merciful. Wherefore, we who are
which had dried up, 0 all-pure one.
weighed down with many sins flee unto Thee,
crying: Cleanse Thou Thy servants, and deliver
all from every torment!


Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­ Now & ever ... : Theotokion: When the
0 most holy Virgin, have mercy on us who prophet of old beheld thee, 0 all-immaculate
with faith have recourse unto thee, the compas­ and pure one, as the gate facing the never­
sionate one, and now ask thy fervent aid; for as waning Light, he straightway recognized thee
thou art good, thou art able to save us, in that as the dwelling-place of God.
thou art the Mother of God Most High, ever
employing thy maternal supplications, 0 thou ODE VI
who art full of the grace of God. Irmos: 0 Christ Master, still Thou the seaofthe
passions which rageth with a soul-destroying
ODE IV tempest, and lead me up from corruption, in
Irmos: Perceiving Thy divine condescension that Thou art compassionate.
prophetically, 0 Christ, Habbakuk cried out to As the thrice-radiant Godhead of Hy­
Thee with trembling: Thou art come for the postases, Thou art One, sharing the same form
salvation of Thy people, to save Thine anointed and equal as to operation in essence and will.
ones! The prophet made it exceedingly manifest
Beholding Christ the Judge going to the when he chanted to the Father, Thy Light: In
Father and revealing a vision of the Spirit, the Spirit shall we behold the light of the Son,
Daniel mystically learned of the threefold radi­ the one three-Sunned God.
ance of the one Dominion. Glory ... : The immaterial Being in three
Vouchsafe the glory ofthe angels unto those Hypostases hath sole authority and might; for
who with lips of clay hymn Thee, the transcen­ through It doth every creature receive its exist­
dent God, the Trinity of Hypostases, One in ence and is renewed.
Essence. Now & ever ... : Through the supplications of
Glory ... : Let us glorify the one Authority, the Mother of God, 0 God, our sole, thrice­
the one Dominion indivisible in three charac­ radiant Master, send down deliverance from
ters. 0 Father, Son and Spirit, enlighten us, transgressions and misfortunes upon those
Thy servants! who hymn Thee.
Now & ever ... : Theotokion: The mountain
densely wooded and overshadowed, which Hab­ Lord, have mercy! Thrice
bakuk beheld of old, and from whence the Holy
One came forth, revealed the invisible Off­ Sessional hymn, in Tone V.· Spec. Mel.: "The
spring Whom thou didst conceive, 0 Virgin. Word Who with the Father and the Son is
equally without beginning ... "­
0DEV Let us now glorify the three-Sunned Light,
Irmos: 0 Thou Who art clothed in light as with and let us worship the simple Trinity, for It
a garment: I rise at dawn unto Thee, and to hath enlightened and had mercy upon us, and
Thee do I cry: enlighten Thou my gloom-en­ hath freed from corruption the whole human
shrouded soul, 0 Christ, in that Thou alone art race, delivering the whole world from the deceit
compassionate! of idolatry, and hath given us the kingdom.
0 my God, Thou threefold Light, Who in Thy Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
goodness fashioned man and made him accord­ Perplexed by all things, I have fled to thee,
ing to Thine image, abide in me, in that Thou art the help ofall and refuge ofthe sinful and lowly,
good and compassionate. crying: I have sinned and I insensibly abide in
0 three-Sunned Unity, guide me to the evils, wretch that I am! Have mercy on me and,
divine paths of salvation, and fill me with before the end, turn me and deliver me from all
Thine effulgence, in that Thou art in essence torment, though I am unworthy.
God infinite in power.
Glory ... : 0 indivisible Light of the one ODE VII
Essence, thrice-radiant, never-waning, distin­ Irmos: The supremely exalted Lord of our
guished as to characteristics: with Thy rays fathers quenched the flame and bedewed the
illumine my heart. children, who sang together: Blessed art
Thou, 0 God!

As Thou dost possess an abyss of mercy and With all-pure mouths the cherubim and
an unfathomable depth ofcompassions, 0 Lord, seraphim glorify Thee, the one thrice-radiant
have mercy upon those who hymn Thee, the God Who dost reign in equal glory; and with
one, thrice-radiant God of all. them accept also us sinners, who magnify Thy
Hymning Thee, the incomprehensible, might.
single and thrice-radiant God and Lord, we cry Glory ... : Isaiah beheld Thee on the throne
out to Thee: Grant cleansing of sins unto Thy of the cherubim, with the seraphim standing
servants. round about Thee, covering their faces with
Glory.. .: Equally honoring the Hypostases their wings, and crying aloud: Holy, Holy, Holy
in the single Dominion, we distinguish the art Thou, 0 thrice-holy God, Who art glorified
indivisible Essence of God the Father, and the in three Persons!
Son, and the all-holy Spirit. Now & ever ... : Theotokion: In that thou art
Now & ever ... : Theotokion: Thou didst put the pure and immaculate Virgin, thou gavest
forth the Flower ofthe Godhead, the Offshoot of birth to the Son, the immutable God Who deliv­
the unoriginate Father, 0 Virgin, the co-eternal ereth us from temptations. Him do thou now
Scion which imparteth life to all men. entreat, that He grant us remission of
Irmos: The children, forming a universal cho­ Then, the hymn ofGregory the Sinaite, which is
rus in the furnace, chanted to Thee, the Creator chanted every Sunday after the canon-
of all: Hymn the Lord, all ye works, and exalt It is truly meet to glorify Thee, the Word of
Him supremely for all ages! God, before Whom the cherubim tremble and
That Thou mightest reveal One of the three quake, and Whom the hosts of heaven glorify.
Hypostases of the Dominion, of old Thou didst And with fear we glorify Christ, the Bestower of
manifestly appear unto Abraham in the guise of life, Who rose from the tomb on the third day.
men; and he hymned Thy sole might. With divine songs let us all in godly manner
0 unapproachable Light-compassionate hymn the Father, the Son and the Spirit divine,
Father, Word and Spirit-vouchsafe that I may the Might in three Hypostases, the one King­
behold Thy beneficent rays, that I may ever be ship and Dominion,
well-pleasing unto Thee, 0 Lord of all. Whom all mortals hymn and the hosts of
Glory ... : Holy is God the preeternal Father; heaven glorify, the essential Unity in three Hy­
holy is the Son Who is begotten of the Father; postases, Who is worshipped with faith by all.
and holy is the life-creating Spirit, Who pro­ We magnify Thee, the Godhead, the Lord of
ceedeth from the Father and is revealed by the the cherubim, the incomparable divine Origin
Son. of the seraphim, the indivisible Trinity in
Now & ever ... : Theotokion: 0 most hymned Unity.
one, from the glory of the threefold Sun thou I worship the unoriginate God the Father,
hast shone forth for us the one Christ and Lord, the Son Who is equally without beginning, and
Who mystically teacheth all to chant forever the Spirit. With hymns let us honor the one
unto the one Godhead in three Persons. indivisible and unified Essence, the threefold
OnE IX Shine forth Thy dazzling lightning flashes
Irmos: Rejoice, 0 Isaiah! The Virgin hath upon me, 0 my God in three Hypostases, Thou
conceived in her womb and borne a Son, Creator of all, and show me to be a splendid,
Immanuel, both God and man. Orient is His luminous and immutable habitation of Thine
name; and, magnifying Him, we call the Virgin unapproachable glory.
blessed. With fear let us glorify Christ the Bestower
Human words are unable to hymn Thee as of life, Who became ineffably incarnate of the
is meet, 0 unoriginate Unity; yet deriving bold­ Virgin, for the cherubim tremble and quake
ness from our faith, as far as possible we offer before Him, and the angelic armies glorify Him.
glory and praise to Thy might, 0 divine Trinity
equally enthroned. The rest ofNocturns, and the dismissal.


After the Six Psalms, we chant "God is the announced Thine arising to the apostles.
Lord... ", in Tone V, and sing the resurrectional 0 supremely exalted Savior, Whom the angels
troparion, twice, and the theotokion, once (see hymn, 0 blessed Lord, glory be to Thee!
Great Vespers, pg. 73). Then the usual chanting
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­
of the Psalter.
0 Theotokos, unwedded Bride, who hast
transformed the grief of Eve into joy, we, the
After the first chanting of the Psalter, these
faithful, hymn and bow down before thee, for
resurrectional sessional hymns, in Tone V­
thou hast led us out of the ancient curse. And
W e praise the Cross of the Lord, we honor
now, pray thou unceasingly, 0 most hymned
His holy burial with hymns, and we greatly
and all-holy one, that we be saved.
glorify His resurrection, for as God with Him­
self He raised the dead up from the graves,
Then, "Blessed are the blameless in the way... ':
having captured the dominion of death and the
followed by the troparia "The assembly of the
might of the devil; and He shone light upon
angels ... ". Little litany, and this hypacoi: in
those in hades.
Tone V-
Stichos: Arise, 0 Lord my God, let Thy hand
Troubled in mind by the appearance of the
be lifted high; forget not Thy paupers to the end.
angel, yet enlightened in soul by the divine
Declared to be dead, 0 Lord Who didst slay
resurrection, the myrrh-bearing women
death, Thou wast laid in a tomb, 0 Thou Who
announced to the apostles: "Tell among the na­
emptied the graves. Above, soldiers kept guard
tions the resurrection of the Lord Who worketh
over Thy sepulchre, while below Thou didst
miracles and granteth us great mercy!"
raise up the dead from ages past. 0 almighty
and unapproachable Lord, glory be to Thee!
Songs of Ascent, in Tone V, the verses being
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion- repeated-
Rejoice, 0 holy mountain trodden by God! Antiphon I
Rejoice, animate bush which was not con­ When I am filled with sorrow, I sing unto
sumed! Rejoice, bridge to God for the world, Thee like David, 0 my Savior: Deliver my soul
who alone bearest mortals to everlasting life! from a lying tongue.
Rejoice, incorrupt Maiden who without know­ Blessed is the life ofthose in the wilderness,
ing man gavest birth unto the Salvation of our who soar aloft on wings of love divine.
souls. Glory ... : By the Holy Spirit are sustained all
things, visible and invisible; for, Himself pos­
After the second chanting of the Psalter, these sessed of dominion, He is truly One ofthe Trinity.
resurrectional sessional hymns, in Tone V­ Now & ever ... : The foregoing is repeated.
0 Lord, after Thy resurrection on the third
day and the worship ofthe apostles, Peter cried Antiphon II
out to Thee: "The women showed courage, but I Let us ascend to the mountains, 0 my soul,
was afraid. The thief uttered theology, but I and go thither, from whence cometh our help.
denied Thee. And dost Thou now call upon me Let Thy right hand, which toucheth me, 0
to be Thine apostle still? Or wilt Thou show me Christ, preserve me from all deception.
again to be a fisher of the deep? Yet do Thou Glory ... : Theologizing concerning the Holy
accept me, who repent, 0 God, and save me!" Spirit, let us say: Thou art God, life, love, light
Stichos: I will confess Thee, 0 Lord, with my and understanding! Thou art goodness, and
whole heart, I will tell of all Thy wonders. Thou reignest forever!
0 Lord, the iniquitous nailed Thee in the Now & ever ... : The foregoing is repeated.
midst ofcondemned criminals, and pierced Thy
side with a spear, 0 Merciful One! Thou didst Antiphon III
accept burial, Who broke down the gates of Full of great joy, I send up supplications for
hades, and didst rise again on the third day. those who have said to me: Let us enter into the
The women hastened to behold Thee, and courts of the Lord.


Awesome things are wrought in the house of The Canons: of the Resurrection, with 4 tro­
David; for there is found the fire which burneth paria; that of the Cross & the Resurrection,
up every shameful thought. with 3 troparia; that of the Theotokos, with 3
Glory ... : To the Holy Spirit, by Whom every troparia; and that from the Menaion, with 4
living thing is made animate, is due the dignity troparia. If a saint with 6 troparia is being
of the Bestower of life, as to the Father and the celebrated, then the Canon of the Cross &
Word. Resurrection hath 2 troparia, as doth that of
Now & ever ... : The foregoing is repeated. the Theotokos.

Prokimenon, in Tone V- ODE I

Arise, 0 Lord my God, let Thy hand be lifted Canon of the Resurrection, in Tone V
high; for Thou shalt be King forever. Irmos: Bringing battles to nought with His
Stichos: I will confess Thee, 0 Lord, with my upraised arm, Christ hath overthrown horse
whole heart, I will tell of all Thy wonders. and rider in the Red Sea, and hath saved Israel,
who chanteth a hymn of victory.
Let every breath praise the Lord. Stichos: Glory to Thy holy resurrection, 0
The appointed Resurrectional Gospel. Then,
The thorny assembly of the Jews, devoid of
this resurrectional hymn, in Tone VI-
maternal love for Thee, their Benefactor, 0
Having beheld the resurrection of Christ,
Christ, crowned Thee with thorns, Who lifted
let us worship the holy Lord Jesus, the only
the thorny sentence of our first father.
Sinless One. We worship Thy Cross, 0 Christ,
Bending down, 0 Bestower of life, Thou
and Thy holy resurrection we hymn and glorify.
raised me up who had fallen into the pit; and
For Thou art our God, and we know none other
having endured my footid corruption without
beside Thee, we call upon Thy name. 0 come,
partaking thereof, 0 Christ, Thou hast made
all ye faithful, let us worship Christ's holy
me fragrant with the myrrh of the divine
resurrection, for behold, through the Cross joy
hath come to all the world. Ever blessing the
Theotokion: The curse hath been annulled;
Lord, we hymn His resurrection; for, having
grief hath ceased! For she who is blessed and
endured crucifixion, He hath destroyed death
full of grace hath shone joy forth upon the
by death.
faithful, causing Christ to blossom forth as a
blessing upon all the ends of the earth.
Psalm 50: "Have mercy on me, 0 God ... "
Glory ... : Through the prayers of the
Canon of the Cross & the Resurrection
apostles, 0 Merciful One, blot out the multitude
Irmos: To God the Savior, Who led His people ...
of our transgressions.
To Him alone Who of His own will was
Now & ever ... : Through the prayers of the
nailed to the Cross in the flesh and freed him
Theotokos, 0 Merciful One, blot out the multi­
who through the tree fell under the ancient
tude of our transgressions.
condemnation, let us chant, for He hath been
Then, in Tone VI: glorified.
Have mercy on me, 0 God, according to Thy To Christ alone, Who raised up the dead
great mercy; and according to the multitude of man from the tomb, Who resurrected the fallen
Thy compassions, blot out my transgression. one with Himself, and adorned him by sitting
with the Father, let us chant, for He hath been
Then, this sticheron:
Jesus having risen from the grave, as He
Theotokion: 0 all-pure Mother of God,
foretold, hath given us life eternal,* and great
unceasingly pray to Him Who became incar­
nate of thee, God Who was not separated from
Then, the Prayer: "Save, 0 God, Thy people ... ': the bosom of the Father, that He save from
followed by the exclamation: "Through the mercy every evil circumstance those He fashioned.
and compassions and love for mankind... "


Canon of the Theotokos The myrrh-bearing women strove to anoint

Irmos: Bringing battles to nought... Thy body with myrrh, 0 Christ; but not finding
0 all-pure one, entreat Christ, the Light it, they turned back, hymning Thine arising.
Who abode within thee and illumineth the Theotokion: Unceasingly entreat Him Who
world with the rays of His divinity, that He was born of thy womb, 0 pure one, that He
enlighten all who hymn thee, 0 Virgin Mother. deliver from the deception of the devil those
As one adorned with the beauty of the vir­ who hymn thee as the pure Virgin.
tues, 0 most pure one who art full of grace,
Canon of the Theotokos
through the effulgence of the Spirit thou didst
Irmos: 0 Christ Who by Thy command...
receive the majesty of Him Who adorneth all
0 pure one, thou art now manifestly seen by
things, and which createth beauty.
all to be the ladder whereby the Most High hath
Prefiguring thee on Sinai of old, the bush
descended unto us to set aright our nature,
which was united with fire was not consumed;
which had become corrupt; for through thee
for as a virgin thou gavest birth and remained
was the All-good One well pleased to enter into
a virgin still, in manner past understanding, 0
fellowship with the world.
Virgin Mother.
The mystery which was ordained of old and
Then, the canon from the Menaion, and the foreseen before time began by God Who know­
katavasia as prescribed by the Typicon. eth all things, hath now, in the latter days been
made manifest, fulfilled in thy womb, 0 most
ODE III immaculate one.
Canon of the Resurrection The condemnation incurred by the ancient
Irmos: 0 Christ Who by Thy command fixed the curse was annulled at thy mediation, 0 all-pure
earth upon naught and suspended its weight Virgin; for having manifested Himself through
unsupported: establish Thou Thy Church upon thee, the Lord hath pouredforth blessingupon all,
the immovable rock of Thy commandments, 0 in that He is all-good, 0 only adornment of men.
Thou Who alone art good and lovest mankind.
They who sucked forth honey from a rock OnE IV
when Thou didst work a miracle in the desert, Canon of the Resurrection
0 Christ, gave Thee gall to eat; the ungrateful Irmos: Perceiving Thy divine condescension pro­
children of Israel gave Thee vinegar in return phetically, 0 Christ, Habbakuk cried out to Thee
for manna, repaying thus Thy benefactions. with trembling: Thou art come for the salvation of
They who ofold were covered by the cloud of Thy people, to save Thine anointed ones!
light placed Christ, our Life, in the tomb; yet He 0 Good One, with a tree Thou didst sweeten
hath arisen through His own power and from on the bitter waters of Marah, prefiguring Thine
high hath given to all the faithful the effulgence all-precious Cross, which doeth away with the
of the Spirit, which mystically overshadoweth taste of sin.
them. 0 my Savior, Thou didst receive a Cross in
Theotokion: Thou, 0 Mother of God, gavest exchange for the tree of knowledge and gall for
birth without knowing union, and without the sweet food, and Thou didst pour forth Thy
pangs of motherhood, unto Him Who shone divine blood for the corruption of death.
forth from the incorrupt Father; wherefore, in Theotokion: Without physical joining thou
Orthodox manner we proclaim thee the Theoto­ didst incorruptibly conceive within thy womb,
kos, for thou gavest birth unto the incarnate and gavest birth without pain; and having
Word. given birth unto God in the flesh, thou wast
preserved a virgin even after birthgiving.
Canon of the Cross & Resurrection
Irmos: By the power of Thy Cross, 0 Christ... Canon of the Cross & the Resurrection
Thou didst arise from the tomb, 0 Christ, I rmos: I heard report ofthe power ofthe Cross ...
delivering from the corruption of death those When the Cross was planted in the ground
who hymn Thy voluntary crucifixion, on Golgotha, the everlasting bars were shat­
0 Bestower of life. tered; and the gatekeepers cried out: Glory to
Thy power, 0 Lord!

When as One dead the Savior descended Canon of the Cross & Resurrection
unto those bound, he raised up with Himself Irmos: Rising at dawn, we cry to Thee ...
those who had died in times past; and they cried Thou didst stretch forth Thine arms upon
aloud: Glory to Thy power, 0 Lord! the Tree, 0 our Savior, calling all to Thyself, in
Theotokion: The Virgin gave birth without that Thou lovest mankind.
knowing the pangs of motherhood; and though By Thy burial Thou didst capture hades, 0
she is a mother, she hath remained a virgin. my Savior, and by Thy resurrection Thou hast
Hymning her, we cry out: Rejoice, 0 Theotokos! filled all with joy.
Rising from the tomb on the third day, 0
Canon of the Theotokos
Bestower of life, Thou didst pour forth imper­
Irmos: Perceiving Thy divine condescension ...
ishable immortality upon all.
(See above, first canon)
Theotokion: We hymn thee as the Virgin
With heart and mind, with soul and mouth
who remained so even after giving birth, 0
I most piously confess thee to be the true Theo­
Theotokos, in that for the world thou gavest
tokos, 0 pure one; and laying hold ofthe fruit of
birth in the flesh unto God the Word.
salvation, I am saved by thy supplications, 0
Virgin. Canon of the Theotokos
He Who created all things out of nothing­ Irmos: 0 Thou Who art clothed in light... (See
ness was well-pleased, as our Benefactor, to be above, first canon)
formed of thee, 0 pure one, for the salvation of All the prophets manifestly proclaimed thee
those who with faith and love hymn thee, 0 beforehand as the one to become the Mother of
most immaculate one. God, 0 pure Theotokos; for thou alone, 0 pure
The choirs above hymn thy birthgiving, 0 and immaculate one, wast found to be perfect.
most immaculate one, rejoicing at the salvation 0 pure one, we recognize thee as the radiant
of those who acknowledge thee to be the true cloud of the Water of life, which raineth Christ,
Theotokos, 0 undefiled Virgin. the Torrent of incorruption, upon us, the
Isaiah called thee the staff from whence despairing.
Christ God, the beautiful Flower, budded forth God Who dwelt within thee, in that He alone
for us, unto the salvationofthosewhowithfaith is compassionate, loved thee with a pure love,
and love have recourse to thy protection. as the one who, good, immaculate and sealed
with virginity, was close to Him.
Canon of the Resurrection OnE VI
Irmos: 0 Thou Who art clothed in light as with Canon of the Resurrection
a garment: I rise at dawn unto Thee, and to Irmos: 0 Christ Master, still Thou the sea ofthe
Thee do I cry: enlighten Thou my gloom-en­ passions which rageth with a soul-destroying
shrouded soul, 0 Christ, in that Thou alone art tempest, and lead me up from corruption, in
compassionate! that Thou art compassionate.
Of His own will the Lord of glory hangeth The progenitor of our race stumbled head­
ignominiously upon the Tree in inglorious form, long into corruption, having tasted of the for­
ineffably taking thought of divine glory for me. bidden food, 0 Christ our Master; but he hath
Having tasted of the corruption of death in been led up to life through Thy suffering.
the flesh without suffering corruption, 0 Christ, Thou, 0 our Life, didst go down into hades,
Thou didst clothe me in incorruption, having and having become corruption for the cor­
shone forth from the tomb on the third day. rupter, 0 Christ our Master, Thou didst pour
Theotokion: Having seedlessly given birth forth resurrection through corruption.
for us to Christ, our righteousness and deliver­ Theotokion: The Virgin gave birth, and
ance, 0 Theotokos, thou didst rid the nature of having given birth hath remained pure. The
our first father of the curse. Virgin Mother hath truly borne in her arms
Him Who holdeth all things.

Canon of the Cross & Resurrection ODE VII
Irmos: The abyss engulfed me ... Canon of the Resurrection
Thou didst stretch forth Thine arms, gath­ Irmos: The supremely exalted Lord of our
ering together through Thy Life-bearing Cross fathers quenched the flame and bedewed the
the assemblies of Thy nations scattered afar, 0 children, who sang together: Blessed art Thou,
Christ our God, in that Thou lovest mankind. OGod!
Thou madest death captive and didst break Clad in flesh like bait on a hook, by Thy
down the gates of hades; and bound Adam, divine power thou didst draw the serpent down,
released from his bonds, cried out to Thee: Thy leading up those who cry: Blessed art Thou,
right hand hath saved me, 0 Lord! 0 God!
Theotokion: As is meet, we glorify thee, 0 The Infinite One, Who brought the im­
glorious Mary, boast of the Orthodox, as the mense structure of the earth into being, in the
bush unconsumed, the mountain and the ani­ flesh is covered in the tomb. Unto Him do we all
mate ladder. sing: Blessed art Thou, 0 God!
Theotokion: 0 most immaculate one, thou
Canon of the Theotokos gavest birth to the incarnate God, one Hyposta­
Irmos: 0 Christ Master, still Thou the sea ... sis in two natures. Unto Him do we all sing:
When He Who is the cause of all, and Who Blessed art Thou, 0 God!
hath brought all into being, became incarnate,
Canon of the Cross & Resurrection
He had thee as His human cause, 0 most
Irmos: Blessed is the God of our fathers, Who
immaculate Mother of God.
saved the children ...
0 most immaculate Mistress, we know thee
Blessed is the God ofour fathers, Who by the
to be a soul-nurturing wellspring pouring forth
Tree ofthe Cross abolished the deception of the
healings upon those who with faith have re­
course unto thy right glorious protection.
Blessed is the God of our fathers, Who rose
For us didst thou give birth unto the Be­
from the dead and with Himselfraised up those
stower of life, the Author of salvation, Who
in hades.
giveth everlasting deliverance unto us who con­
0 Christ, Thou blessed God of our fathers,
fess thee to be the true Theotokos.
by Thy death Thou didst destroy the dominion
of death.
Kontakion, in Tone V.· Spec. Mel.: "The Word
Theotokion: Blessed is the God of our fa­
Who with the Father and the Spirit is equally
thers, Who was born of the Virgin and showed
without beginning ... "­
her forth as the Theotokos.
Thou didst descend unto hades, 0 my Sav­
ior, and, breaking down its gates as One al­ Canon of the Theotokos
mighty, as the Creator Thou didst raise the Irmos: The supremely exalted Lord of our fa­
dead up with Thyself and didst break the sting thers ...
of death. And Adam was delivered from the The Uncircumscribable One, Who alone is
curse, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind. Wherefore, the blessed God of our fathers, remaining im­
we all cry out: Save us, 0 Lord! mutable, 0 all-holy one, within thee united
Ikos: When the women heard the words of flesh to His Hypostasis, in that He is full of
the angel, they put aside their lamentation, and loving-kindness.
full of joy and trembling they gazed in awe. Together we glorify thee, the most immacu­
And, lo! Christ drew nigh to them, saying: late Bride and throne ofthy Creator, 0 Mistress
"Rejoice! Be of good cheer! I have vanquished Theotokos. And unto Him do we all chant:
the world and freed the captives! Make haste, Blessed art Thou, 0 God!
therefore, to My disciples, telling them that I go Having been purified by the Spirit, 0 Vir­
before you to preach in the city of Galilee." gin, thou becamest the Mother ofthe King ofall,
Wherefore, we all cry out to Thee: Save us, 0 Who had created thee. Unto Him do we all sing:
Lord! Blessed art Thou, 0 God!


Having clothed Himself in flesh through With us the assembly of the incorporeal
thee, 0 all-pure Mother of God, the Lord saved beings, forming a single choir with love, hymn­
me. Unto Him do we all sing: Blessed art Thou, eth thine unapproachable Offspring, exalting
OGod! Him supremely for all ages.
The Lord ofall, the limpid Stream of immor­
ODE VIII tality, hath issued forth from thee, 0 Maiden,
Canon of the Resurrection washing away the defilement ofthose who with
Irmos: The children, forming a universal cho­ faith hymn and exalt thee supremely for all
rus in the furnace, chanted to Thee, the Creator ages.
of all: Hymn the Lord, all ye works, and exalt 0 Virgin, we confess thee to be the truly
Him supremely for all ages! divine and Light-bearing throne, and the tab­
Thou didst pray concerning Thy voluntary lets of grace, in that thou didst receive within
and saving passion as though it were a cup thee the Word of the Father; and we exalt Him
which Thou didst not desire; for Thou bearest supremely for all ages.
two wills, according to each of Thy two natures,
Then we chant the Hymn ofthe Theotokos: "My
0 Christ, forever.
soul doth magnify the Lord... ': with the refrain
At Thine all-accomplishing descent, 0
"More honorable than the cherubim ... "
Christ, hades, mocked, spewed forth all whom
it had lured by deceit into death from of old, and
they exalt Thee supremely for all ages.
Canon of the Resurrection
Theotokion: All of us, the works ofthe Lord,
Irmos: Rejoice, 0 Isaiah! The Virgin hath
bless and supremely exalt thee for all ages, as
conceived in her womb and borne a Son, Im­
her who, in manner past understanding, gave
manuel, bothGodandman. OrientisHisname;
birth to the Lord as God and man at the word of
and, magnifying Him, we call the Virgin
the archangel, and doth remain a virgin.
Canon of the Cross & Resurrection Thou didst take up fallen man, 0 Christ,
Irmos: The Son and God, Who was begotten of through the Virgin's womb uniting Thyself
the Father... wholly unto him without partaking of the least
Christ God, Who of His own will stretched sin; and by Thine all-pure sufferings Thou didst
forth His hands upon the Cross and destroyed free him wholly from corruption.
the bonds of death, do ye hymn, 0 ye priests! Ye By the divinely flowing blood poured forth
people, exalt Him supremely for all ages! from Thine all-pure and life-creating side, 0
Christ God, Who shone forth from the tomb Christ our Master, the sacrifices of the idols
like a bridegroom, and appeared to the myrrh­ were brought to an end, and the whole earth
bearing women, and proclaimed joy unto them, offereth Thee the sacrifice of praise.
do ye hymn, 0 ye priests! Ye people, exalt Him Theotokion: It is not the incorporeal God
supremely for all ages! nor a simple man whom the pure and undefiled
Theotokion: Thou hast been shown to be Maiden brought forth, but a perfect Man and
higher than the cherubim, 0 pure one, having the truly perfect God. Him do we magnify with
borne within thy womb Him Who is upborne the Father and the Spirit.
upon them. And with the incorporeal ones, we
Canon of the Cross & Resurrection
men glorify Him for all ages.
Irmos: With oneness of mind, we, the faithful,
Canon of the Theotokos magnify thee ...
Irmos: The children, forming a universal cho­ In Orthodox manner we, the faithful, mag­
rus ... nify Thee, Who didst undertake to suffer upon
The griefofour forefather ceased when thou the Cross and broke the power of hades by Thy
didst receive joy, 0 Mother of God; wherefore, death.
we unceasingly hymn thee, 0 Virgin, and exalt
thee supremely for all ages.


In oneness of mind we, the faithful, mag­ Stichos: Praise ye God in His saints, praise
nify Thee, Who arose from the tomb on the Him in the firmament of His power.
third day, made hades captive, and hast en­ 0 Lord, Who broke asunder the everlast­
lightened the world. ing chains and rent apart the bonds of hades,
Theotokion: Rejoice, 0 Theotokos, Mother of Thou didst rise from the tomb, leaving Thy
Christ God! Him to Whom thou gavest birth do grave-clothes behind on the third day as a
thou entreat, that He grant remission of trans­ witness to Thy true burial; and Thou didst go
gressions unto those who hymn thee with faith. before Thy disciples into Galilee, 0 Thou
Who wast guarded in the cave. Great is Thy
Canon of the Theotokos
mercy, 0 unapproachable Savior! Have
Irmos: Rejoice, 0 Isaiah! ...
mercy and save us!
By thy pure blood was flesh with mind and Stichos: Praise Him for His mighty acts,
soul supernaturally formed for the Creator of praise Him according to the multitude of His
all, the only-begotten Son of the Father, greatness.
0 Ever-virgin Theotokos, not by man, but The women, 0 Lord, hastened to the tomb to
seedlessly. see Thee Who suffered for our sake, 0 Christ;
In giving birth in the flesh truly unto Life and when they were come, they found an angel
eternal, in manner past understanding, thou seated upon the stone, which had rolled away in
didst cause the encircling and unrestrained fear; and he cried out to them, saying: "The Lord
siege of death to cease. And hades, striking is risen! Tell ye the disciples that He hath risen
against Him with its bitter maw, was abolished, from the dead, saving our souls!"
0 all-holy Virgin Mother. Stichos: Praise Him with the sound of
Seating thee upon a royal throne, who art trumpet, praise Him with psaltery and harp.
resplendent in the golden robes of divine vir­ 0 Lord, as Thou didst come forth from the
tues, 0 pure one, thy Son hath set thee at His sealed tomb, so didst Thou enter in unto Thy
right hand, rendering honor unto thee as His disciples while the doors were fast shut, show­
Mother, 0 most immaculate one. ing them the bodily sufferings which Thou didst
Past understanding is thy birthgiving, 0 endure, 0 long-suffering Savior. Thou didst
Mother of God; for thou didst conceive within thee undergo wounding as One from the seed of
without knowing man, and thy birthgiving was David, and didst free the world as the Son of
virginal, in that it is God Who was born of thee. God. Great is Thy mercy, 0 unapproachable
And magnifying Him, we bless thee, 0 Virgin. Savior! Have mercy and save us!
Stichos: Praise Him with timbrel and
After the katavasia, the little litany. Then, dance, praise Him with strings and flute.
, "Holy is the Lord our God!': thrice; and the 0 Lord, King of the ages and Creator of all,
matins exapostilarion. Who for our sake didst accept crucifixion and
burial in the flesh, that Thou mightest free us
On the Praises, 8 stichera, in Tone V­ all from hades: Thou art our God, and we know
Stichos: To do among them the judgment none other than Thee.
that is written. This glory shall be to all His Stichos: Praise Him with tuneful cymbals,
saints. praise Him with cymbals of jubilation. Let
0 Lord, when the tomb had been sealed by every breath praise the Lord.
the iniquitous, Thou didst issue forth from the 0 Lord, who can describe Thine all-radiant
grave, as Thou hadst been born of the Theoto­ wonders? Or who can declare Thy dread mys­
kos. Thine incorporeal angels did not under­ teries? For, having become man for our sake, as
stand how Thou hadst become incarnate, and Thou Thyself desired, Thou didst reveal the
the soldiers who guarded Thee did not sense might ofThy power; for by Thy Cross Thou didst
when Thou didst arise. For both things were open paradise to the thief, and by Thy burial
sealed for those who would examine them; but Thou didst break the chains of hades, and by
the wonders were revealed to those who wor­ Thy resurrection Thou hast enriched all things.
shipped the mystery with faith. Grant Thou joy 0 compassionate Lord, glory be to Thee!
and great mercy unto us who hymn it!

Stichos: Arise, 0 Lord my God, let Thy hand the emptying of hades? Why seek ye Him Who
be lifted high; forget not Thy paupers to the end. hath set at naught the victory of hades and
Arriving at Thy tomb very early in the broken the sting of death, as though He were
morning, the myrrh-bearing women sought to dead? Going forth quickly, proclaim the resur­
anoint God the immortal Word with myrrh; but, rection without fear to the apostles, crying out:
informed by the words of the angel, they re­ Truly the Lord is risen, Who hath great mercy!"'
turned with joy and declared openly to the
Glory ... : The matins Gospel sticheron.
apostles that Thou hadst arisen, 0 Life of all,
and granted the world cleansing and great Now & ever ... : Theotokion, in Tone 11­
mercy. Most blessed art thou, 0 Virgin Theotokos,
Stichos: I will confess Thee, 0 Lord, with my for through Him Who became incarnate ofThee
whole heart, I will tell of all Thy wonders. is hades led captive, Adam recalled, the curse
The guards of the God-receiving tomb said annulled, Eve set free, death slain, and we are
to the Jews: "0 your vain-minded counsel! In given life. Wherefore, we cry aloud in praise:
attempting to confine Him Who is uncontain­ Blessed art Thou, 0 Christ God, Who hast been
able, ye labored in vain; desiring to conceal the thus well-pleased, glory to Thee.
resurrection of the Crucified, ye showed it forth
clearly! 0 your vain-minded assembly! Do ye Great Doxology, and the resurrectional tro­
again advise us to hide what cannot be hid? parwn-
Hearken, rather, to us, and believe in those Today is salvation come unto the world; let
things which have truly happened: A lightning­ us sing to Him Who arose from the tomb, and is
bearing angel, descending from heaven, rolled the Author of our life. For having destroyed
away the stone, and in fear of him we became as death by death, He hath given us the victory
dead; and as herald to the myrrh-bearing and great mercy.
women of steadfast mind he said: 'See ye not the
guards lying as dead, and the seals broken, and And the dismissal.



On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone V- is risen! Let us worship Him as Master and
Believing Thee to be God, 0 Christ, the thief Creator!
on the cross confessed Thee in a pure manner, Glory ... : 0 indivisible Trinity, all-effecting
crying out from the depths ofhis heart: Remem­ and all-powerful Unity: Father, Son and Holy
her me in Thy kingdom, 0 Lord! Spirit: thee do we hymn as our true God and
Together let us hymn as Savior and Creator Savior!
Him Who on the tree of the Cross budded forth Now & ever ... : Rejoice, 0 animate
life for our race and caused the curse which temple of God and impassable gate! Re­
originated from the tree to wither up. joice, 0 fiery throne which burneth yet is
By Thy death hast Thou destroyed the not consumed! Rejoice, 0 Mother of Em­
power of death, 0 Christ, and Thou didst raise manuel, Christ our God!
up with Thyself the dead of ages past, who now
hymn Thee as our true God and Savior. Prokimenon, in Tone V-
Arriving at Thy tomb, 0 Christ, the honor­ Thou, 0 Lord, shalt keep us and shalt preserve
able women sought to anoint Thee with myrrh, us from this generation and for evermore.
0 Bestower of life; but an angel appeared to Stichos: Save me, 0 Lord, for a righteous man
them, crying out: The Lord is risen! there is no more.
When Thou wast crucified between two
condemned thieves, 0 Christ, one of them Alleluia, in Tone V-
blasphemed Thee and was justly damned, Stichos: Of Thy mercies, 0 Lord, will I sing
while the other confessed Thee and hath now forever; unto generation and generation
come to dwell in paradise. will I declare Thy truth with my mouth.
When they had come to the choir of the Stichos: For Thou hast said: Mercy shall be
apostles, the honorable women cried out: Christ built up for ever; in the heavens shall Thy
truth be established.





On "Lord, I have cried ... ': 3 stichera of repen­ the incorporeal ones, in Tone V-
tance, in Tone V· Spec. Mel.: "Rejoice ... "­ Stichos: For with the Lord there is
Stichos: If Thou shouldest mark iniquities, mercy, and with Him there is plenteous re­
0 Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee demption; and He shall redeem Israel out of
there is forgiveness. all his iniquities.
I weep and am downcast, envisioning the 0 honorable initiates of the mysteries of
dread sentence of the Word, for which I, a the Godhead, the thrice-radiant and
wretch, have not the least reply for my guilt. consubstantial Divinity, who, unceasingly
Wherefore, I pray: Before the unseemliness of offering up hymnody with incorporeal
mine end overtaketh me, before I am mowed mouths and fiery tongues, bear our entreat­
down by death, before I must needs undergo ies and prayers, which we utter with lips
condemnation to the place where the fire is defiled, and who ask for remission of trans­
unquenchable and the darkness is utter, where gressions: He Who assumed our nature and
are the worm and gnashing of teeth, and sin­ is merciful by nature accepteth your pleas in
ners are consumed, 0 my Christ, grant me great behalf of His sinful servants, granting great
mercy and deliverance from mine offenses. mercy to the world.
Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa­ Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations;
tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord; my soul hath praise Him, all ye peoples.
waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath 0 ye whole multitude of the angels, who
hoped in the Lord. draw nigh to my Master and stand with fear
Disdaining Thy laws and the Scriptures, before His divine throne, full of ineffable light:
wretch that I am, I have rejected Thy command­ To the light of salvation guide me who have
ments, 0 God my Creator. How will I ever avoid gone astray in the darkness of sin, and at the
the torment which is to come, 0 Savior! Where­ command of our compassionate God dispel the
fore, before mine end grant me forgiveness and dark and alien gloom of the crafty demons with
a shower of tears, imparting true compunction your help and grace; for they cannot endure the
to me, 0 Savior. As Thou art God ali-good, drive coming of light, and are driven away.
far from me the hordes of the demons who seek Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to
to drag me down into the abyss of hades. For prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord abid­
this cause I entreat Thee: Take not from me eth forever.
Thine almighty hand! 0 radiant angels ofGod, standing before the
Stichos: From the morning watch until divine throne of grace, receiving humility and
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in true enlightenment from the divine light: Look
the Lord. down on us from the heavens, 0 ye who love
Woe is me! How have I been darkened in mankind, for we are beset by the storm of evils,
mind? How have I withdrawn from Thee and, and are afflicted and sleep in darkness. Where­
wretch that I am, enslaved myselfto sin; and, in fore, come ye to our aid, 0 archangels, and
thrall to the passions, given myself wholly over deliver us from the snares of the enemy, the
to the carnal pleasure which liveth in me, who author of evil; for we all flee to your protection,
am passion-fraught? Now I await my departure 0 all-lauded ones.
from this life and the coming retribution. 0 ail­
good Lord, grant me tearful repentance and Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
release from my countless transgressions, with Thou art truly higher than the throne of the
faith I beseech Thee Who grantest the world cherubim, for the divine Word made His abode
great mercy. in thee, 0 pure one, desiring to restore our
image; and issuing forth from thee as mortal, in
Then the stichera for the saint, from the Men­ that He is full of lovingkindness, He endured
aion; or if there is no Menaion, these stichera of the Cross and suffering for our sake, and as God

hath given us resurrection. Wherefore, giving suffering Lord, take pity on my weakness, and
thanks to the Creator with faith, we beseech have mercy upon me.
thee as the one who transformed our con­ Stichos: Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, have
demned nature, that we may receive forgive­ mercy on us, for greatly are we filled with
ness oftransgressions and great mercy through abasement. Greatly hath our soul been filled
your supplication. therewith; let reproach come upon them that
prosper, and abasement on the proud.
Then, 0 gladsome Light... ; the Prokimenon of Martyricon: Not caring for all the things of
the day; and Vouchsafe, 0 Lord... earth, and manfully braving tortures, ye were
not disappointed in your goodly hopes, but be­
Aposticha stichera of repentance, in Tone V­ came inheritors ofthe kingdom ofheaven, 0 all­
I cease not to commit sins, 0 Lord, and I lauded martyrs. Having boldness before God
heed not that I have been vouchsafed Thy love Who loveth mankind, ask peace for the world
for mankind. Overcome my perplexity, 0 only and great mercy for our souls.
Good One, and have mercy upon me.
Stichos: Unto Thee have I lifted up mine Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­
eyes, unto Thee that dwellest in heaven. Be­ 0 awesome, all-glorious and great mystery!
hold, as the eyes ofservants look unto the hands He Who is uncontainable was contained in a
of their masters, as the eyes of the handmaid womb, and His Mother remaineth a virgin even
look unto the hands of her mistress, so do our after giving birth; for she gave birth to God to
eyes look unto the Lord our God, until He take Whom she gave flesh, unto Whom we cry out,
pity on us. and to Whom we utter hymnody, chanting with
I fear the fear ofThee, 0 Lord, yet I cease not the angels: Holy art Thou, 0 Christ God, Who
to do evil. Who will not be afraid before the becamest man for our sake! Glory to Thee!
tribunal ofthe Judge, and who desireth healing
yet driveth the physician away, as do I? 0 long- Then, Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart...
Trisagion through Our Father... Troparia.
Litany, and Dismissal.



ODE I Him do thou beseech, that He save me who

Irmos: Bringing battles to naught with His glorify thee now unceasingly.
upraised arm, Christ hath overthrown horse
and rider in the Red Sea, and hath saved Israel, ODE III
who chanteth a hymn of victory. Irmos: 0 Christ Who by Thy command fixed the
A truly awesome miracle was wrought within earth upon naught and suspended its weight
thee, 0 Virgin, for thou didst have in thy womb unsupported: establish Thou Thy Church upon
Him Who is in nowise circumscribed, and gavest the immovable rock of Thy commandments, 0
birth to Him ineffably, remaining a virgin. Thou Who alone art good and lovest mankind.
Rain down remission of transgressions The works of the law have passed by as
upon me, 0 Mistress who didst ineffably con­ though they were a shadow; for Thou, 0 all­
tain the Rain of heaven which came upon thee. pure one, gavest birth unto Christ Who in place
Glory ... : 0 only blessed and divinely joyous of the law hath appointed for us the grace of
one who gavest birth to ineffable Joy for men: purification and enlightenment, and hath lifted
take the grief away from my soul, I pray, and the curse, 0 most immaculate Virgin.
gladden my heart. God was born, incarnate, of thee, 0 pure
Now & ever ... : He Who shone forth from one; He Who before was invisible became vis­
thee in His surpassing goodness is all the desire ible in the flesh. Wherefore, entreat Him ear­
and sweetness of life, 0 all-immaculate one. nestly, 0 Maiden, that He deliver me who


glorify thee with splendor, from enemies, Glory ... : 0 let me find thee, 0 Virgin, to be my
visible and invisible. helper, rescuing me from the sentence of the
Glory ... : Cruel waves of the passions assail Judge at the hour ofjudgment, when I shall stand
me, the abyss of evil spirits besetteth me, and before the tribunal of Him Who was born of thee.
the tempest of sin troubleth my heart. 0 Theo­ Now & ever ... : 0 Virgin Bride ofGod, my dear
tokos, make me steadfast, who hymn thee with one, wholly beautiful and immaculate art thou
splendor. out of Lebanon. By the Holy Spirit was the
Now & ever ... : Having the divine Gabriel as incarnation ofthe Son of God made known in thee.
our commander, with faith we cry out rever­
ently together to the Theotokos and Mother
Irmos: 0 Christ Master, still Thou the seaofthe
who knewest not wedlock. By her are we deliv­
passions which rageth with a soul-destroying
ered from tribulations, sorrows and infirmities.
tempest, and lead me up from corruption, in
that Thou art compassionate.
Without knowing man, thou gavest birth to
Irmos: Perceiving Thy divine condescension
Emmanuel, Who hath taken pity on our lowli­
prophetically, 0 Christ, Habbakuk cried out to
ness, 0 Theotokos; wherefore, we ever glorify
Thee with trembling: Thou art come for the
thee as is meet.
salvation of Thy people, to save Thine anointed
0 all-holy one, in manner past under­
standing and past recounting, thou gavest
0 Virgin who within thyself didst weave a
birth to the Timeless One, the Creator Who
robe of incorruption with thy virginal blood for
delivereth from all corruption those who
Him Who clotheth the sky with clouds, clothe
hymn thee, the Theotokos.
me who before was stripped naked through
Glory ... : Having given birth to the Benefac­
tor and Creator, 0 all-holy and right beloved
Thy womb, 0 Virgin, became a holy and
Mistress, bless thou mine afflicted soul.
ineffable palace for God the King, wherein He
Now & ever ... : 0 most pure one, we offer
made His abode; and He hath made us temples.
thee laudation both new and old; for we have
Glory ... : As thou art compassionate, have
naught better for thy praise than "Rejoice!",
compassion on my most wretched soul, 0 most
which we sing to thee with Gabriel.
immaculate Theotokos, for it hath been cruelly
benighted and fettered by the passions and sin. Then, "Lord, have mercy!", thrice.
Now & ever ... : Thou didst shine forth the
Glory ... , Now & ever... Sedalion, in Tone V­
Scepter ofthe kingdom ofincorruption from the
I lament for myself before the judgment,
root of Jesse, 0 pure one, and without knowing
pondering mine evil and grievous deeds, and
man thou gavest birth to a Babe, the God of
the abyss of transgressions which hath sur­
David, the Creator and Lord.
rounded me from my youth and which drown­
eth my mind; yet by thine intercession, 0 pure
one, grant me remission, and vouchsafe that I
Irmos: 0 Thou Who art clothed in light as with
may receive salvation.
a garment: I rise at dawn unto Thee, and to
Thee do I cry: enlighten Thou my gloom-en­ ODE VII
shrouded soul, 0 Christ, in that Thou alone art Irmos: The supremely exalted Lord of our fathers
compassionate! quenched the flame andbedewedthe children, who
Even after giving birth thou hast remained sang together: Blessed art Thou, 0 God!
an incorrupt virgin, 0 all-immaculate one; and Deliver me from evil despondency, from the
thou leadest all corrupt men toward Life and darkness of the passions and everlasting
illuminest them with incorruption. condemnation, 0 all-pure one, that I may glo­
To the Preeternal One, Who shone forth rify thee with faith.
timelessly from the Father, thou gavest birth as Mortify my passions, 0 thou who gavest
a newborn Babe, 0 all-pure one. Him do thou birth to Life, and lift me up who lie in the grave
entreat in behalf of the world, 0 Bride of God. of senselessness, 0 Bride of God, that I may
glorify thee with love.

Glory ... : 0 all-immaculate one, thou gavest OnE IX

birth to the incorporeal God clad in the flesh, Irmos: Rejoice, 0 Isaiah! The Virgin hath
Who delivereth us who chant with fear: Blessed conceived in her womb and borne a Son, Im­
art Thou, 0 God! manuel, both God and man. Orient is His name;
Now & ever ... : Finding thy pure supplica­ and, magnifying Him, we call the Virgin
tion to be healing without price, 0 Virgin, blessed.
chanting, we ask goodly transformation of soul Disdain not the sighs of those who now
and health of body. hasten unto thee, 0 most pure one, but look
upon us who are in sorrows, and transform the
ODE VIII lamentation into joy, and the compunction into
Irmos: The children, forming a universal cho­ gladness of those who praise thee in hymns.
rus in the furnace, chanted to Thee, the Creator Thou art an immovable foundation, 0 pure
of all: Hymn the Lord, all ye works, and exalt one, having given birth to the Savior Who
Him supremely for all ages! founded the earth upon the waters with His
0 portal of the Light, open unto me the divine commands. Pray thou that He splen­
radiant gates ofrepentance, showing forth each didly establish thereon those who call thee
straight path of righteousness leading into the blessed.
entries of God's will. Glory ... : Past understanding is thy birthgiv­
0 Virgin Mother, thou gavest birth on earth ing, 0 Theotokos, for conception and a virginal
to a newborn Child, the Son Who is equally birth took place within thee without the aid of
unoriginate with the Father, Who in His inef­ man; for it was God Who was born, and magni­
fable loving-kindness became like unto us who fying Him, we bless thee who gave Him birth.
have become corrupt under sin. Now & ever ... : Awesome art Thou, 0 Lord.
Glory ... : 0 ever all-glorious Virgin whom Who then can withstand Thy threat, 0 Christ,
God hath loved and chosen, thou hast been only King, when Thou shalt render judgment?
shown to be wholly elect, wholly all-adorned; Wherefore, have pity and save me, 0 Savior,
wherefore, we hymn thee forever, 0 pure one. through the right acceptable entreaties of her
Now & ever ... : "Thou art wholly pure, full of who gave Thee birth.
divine glory, my dear one!"the Spirit of God said,
proclaiming thee, 0 all-pure one, whom we Then, "It is truly meet ... ': and a prostration.
praise with hymns, chanting: Thou must needs Trisagion through Our Father... Troparion,
rejoice, having given birth unto the God-man! and the rest as usual. Dismissal.



After the first chanting of the Psalter, these multitude ofoil and radiant lamps, that we may
sessional hymns of repentance, in Tone V- be vouchsafed to enter the bridal-chamber; for
When the Judge taketh His seat and the he who findeth himself outside the gates crieth
angels stand before Him, when the trumpet unto God in vain: Have mercy on me!
soundeth and the flame is kindled, what shalt
thou do, 0 my soul, when thou art brought to Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­
judgment? For then thine evils will confront 0 all-pure one who art holier than the
thee, and thy secret sins will be exposed. cherubim and more exalted than the seraphim,
Wherefore, before the end cry out to the Judge: confessing thee to be the true Theotokos, we
Cleanse me, 0 God, and save me! sinners have thee as our helper, and find thee to
Stichos: 0 Lord, rebuke me not in Thine be our salvation in time of perils. Wherefore,
anger, nor chasten me in Thy wrath. cease not to pray for us, thou might and refuge
Let us all keep vigil and greet Christ with a of our souls.


After the second chanting of the Psalter, these ODE I

sessional hymns, in Tone V­ Canon of repentance, the acrostic whereof is
0 my soul, the things here on earth are ''Have pity on me who have sinned greatly
transitory, but the things of the life to come are against Thee, 0 Word': the composition of
eternal. I envision the tribunal and the throne Joseph, in Tone V-
of the Judge, and I tremble at the thought of Irmos: Let us chant a hymn of victory unto the
giVIng ansvver. Wherefore, turn thou with Lord, Who wrought wondrous miracles in the
haste, for the judgment is inexorable. Red Sea, for He hath been glorified.
Stichos: 0 Lord, rebuke me not in Thine 0 Christ, in that Thou art almighty, turn
anger, nor chasten me in Thy wrath. and have compassion on me, who have been led
I lie upon the bed ofmine offenses, robbed of astray and deceived by the many falsehoods of
my hope of salvation; for the dreaming of my the alien one.
slothfulness winneth torment for my soul. 0 0 Christ Who opened the ears of the deaf
God Who wast born ofthe Virgin, raise me up to man, open Thou the deafears ofmy soul, I pray,
Thy hymnody, that I may glorify Thee. that I may hear Thy words.
M artyricon: Wondrous is God in His saints, Martyricon: As newly-revealed stars of
the God of Israel. Christ, the Sun of righteousness, 0 martyrs,
The memory of the passion-bearers shineth dispel the darkness of our hearts.
forth today, for it possesseth radiance from the Martyricon: Shown to be burning arrows
heavens. The choir of angels keepeth festival, set afire by the divine coals of the Holy Spirit,
and the human race celebrateth with them. the athletes break all the arrows ofthe serpent.
Wherefore, they entreat the Lord, that our Theotokion: 0 portal of divine glory, open
souls find mercy. unto me the doors ofrepentance, and rescue my
lowly soul from the gates of hades, I pray.
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
The angels of heaven, and with them we Another canon, of the incorporeal beings,
men on earth, cry out to thee with a voice of the acrostic whereofis
rejoicing, 0 Theotokos: Rejoice, most spacious "The fifth hymn to the angels': the
portal ofthe heavens! Rejoice, only salvation of composition of Theophanes, in Tone V­
mortals! Rejoice, 0 pure and joyous one who Irmos: Bringing battles to naught with His
gavest birth to God incarnate! upraised arm, Christ hath overthrown horse
and rider in the Red Sea, and hath saved Israel,
After the third chanting of the Psalter, these who chanteth a hymn of victory.
sessional hymns, in Tone V.· Spec. Mel.: "The 0 ye angels, initiates of the life-giving
Word Who with the Father and the Spirit is Godhead, shining with the light of His first­
equally without beginning ... "­ revealed rays, entreat the Master, that He
0 Savior, summon me as Thou didst the illumine my soul with light. Twice
prodigal, for I am weighed down with the irra­ As ye all have boldness, standing before the
tional passions and have wasted my life in throne on high, 0 supreme commanders, cap­
prodigality; and accept me, and extend to me tains of the ranks of heaven, from misfortunes
thy fatherly embrace in the lovingkindness of deliver those who piously hymn you.
Thy compassions; and at the supplications of Theotokion: The curse hath been annulled
the incorporeal ones vouchsafe unto me mine and grief is ended; for the blessed and gracious
ancient dignity. one hath shone forth Christ, the Joy of the
faithful, putting forth blessing like a flower for
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­ all the ends ofthe earth.
0 pure Ever-virgin, fervent and invincible
intercessor, excellent and unashamed hope, III
bulwark, shelter and refuge of those who have Canon of Repentance
recourse unto thee: With the angels beseech thy Irmos: God is King over the nations. God
Son and God, that He grant peace to the world, sitteth on His holy throne. And with under­
salvation and great mercy. standing we chant unto Him as King and God.

0 good Lord, Who dost not will that even one The works I have done in this life are wicked
person perish: With Thy merciful hand have and grievous. 0 Christ my God: deliver me from
pity and save me who am perishing, 0 most them, granting me sincere repentance.
Compassionate One. Every honorable commandment have I
0 Christ our Lord, Who knowest all the spurned; I have rejected the fear of Thee, 0
sins I have committed against Thee in knowl­ Christ. And I fear Thine inexorable tribunal.
edge and in ignorance, I approach and fall Condemn me not thereat, 0 Thou Who art full
down before Thee: Accept me as Thou didst the of lovingkindness.
prodigal. M artyricon: All their limbs truly stretched
Martyricon: That ye might slay living sin out and secured with leather thongs, badly
and show forth the enemy as dead, 0 blessed wounded with stripes and raked with iron
martyrs, ye paid no heed to the death of your claws, Thine athletes rejoiced with faith,
bodies. 0 Word.
Martyricon: Adorned with sufferings and M artyricon: Using every means, the evil
clad in raiment dyed with your blood, 0 mar­ one was yet unable to move you from your
tyrs, ye stand, crowned, before the King of all. divine stance, 0 athletes; wherefore, 0 valiant
Theotokion: 0 Virgin Mother who gavest ones, ye have been shown to be divine confirma­
flesh unto God, accept the voices of those who tion for many who are shaken.
ever cry out to thee, and deliver us from divers Theotokion: The Lord became incarnate of
evil circumstances. thy pure blood, 0 most hymned one, at thy
goodly mediation granting repentance unto
Canon of the Angels those who honor thee, in that He is compassion­
Irmos: 0 Christ Who by Thy command fixed ate and alone loveth mankind.
the earth upon naught and suspended its
weight unsupported: establish Thou Thy Canon of the Angels
Church upon the immovable rock of Thy com­ Irmos: Perceiving Thy divine condescension
mandments, 0 Thou Who alone art good and prophetically, 0 Christ, Habbakuk cried out to
lovest mankind. Thee with trembling: Thou art come for the salva­
0 Thou Who by Thy word all-wisely formed tion of Thy people, to save Thine anointed ones!
the choirs of the hosts on high, and Who show­ Thou didst form the angelic luminaries and
est forth Thine incalculable goodness: By their hast right generously enlightened them with
intercessions make steadfast Thy Church, 0 deifying rays, for Thou art mighty in power, 0
only Good One, Who lovest mankind. Twice Thou Who lovest mankind, and keepest Thy
Adorning the angels with ineffable radi­ word. Twice
ance, and by them making Thy Church stead­ Let us set aside the worldly wisdom of our
fast, 0 loving Christ, enlighten my wretched bodies, 0 ye faithful, emulating the life of the
soul thereby, I pray Thee, 0 Master, remember­ incorporeal ranks; and let us give wings to our
ing not my countless sins. mind.
Theotokion: Without uniting with a man Theotokion: Be thou an intercessor, refuge
thou becamest the Mother of God Who illumin­ and haven for me, averting the storm of the
eth the incorporeal choirs, that they might passions, 0 all-immaculate one who hast
unceasingly hymn the one Godhead in three incomparably surpassed the angelic choirs in
sanctities and lordships, 0 all-pure and most goodness.
hymned Virgin.
ODE IV Canon of Repentance
Canon of Repentance Irmos: 0 Christ God, Thou true Light, out of
Irmos: The workings of Thy dispensation filled the night my spirit riseth at dawn unto Thee.
the Prophet Habbakuk with awe, 0 Lord; for Show forth Thy countenance upon me.
Thou didst issue forth for the salvation of Thy Awake, 0 my soul, awake from the heavy
people, Thou didst come to save Thine anointed sleep of my grievous sin, and enlighten thyself
ones. with the light of repentance.


Let us diligently restore our souls and drink the vessels containing divine radiance, the hon­
in showers of compunction, that we may pro­ ored emanations.
duce the grain of repentance. Theotokion: 0 Virgin, intercessor for the
Martyricon: Sharpened with the coals of faithful, entreat the Lord, that thy servants
love, 0 passion-bearers, ye were shown to be may be delivered from every sin.
swords divinely forged, felling the hordes of the
enemy. Canon of the Angels
Martyricon: Not being enslaved by the Irmos: 0 Christ Master, still Thou the sea of
enemy, ye instead enslaved him, 0 passion­ the passions which rageth with a soul­
bearers, and showed yourselves to be close destroying tempest, and lead me up from
friends of Christ. corruption, in that Thou art compassionate.
Theotokion: 0 Virgin who art blessed 0 chosen assemblies of the angels, adorned
among women, grant thy mercies to thy people, with sanctity, ye shine with light-giving
for thou hast been shown to be the Mother ofthe effulgence, manifestly perfected by deifying
Merciful One. brilliance. Twice
Richly all-adorned with thrice-radiant
Canon of the Angels beams, 0 ye angels and archangels, in godly
Irmos: 0 Thou Who art clothed in light as with manner illumine my wretched soul with your
a garment: I rise at dawn unto Thee, and to supplications.
Thee do I cry: enlighten Thou my gloom­ Theotokion: 0 all-pure one, thou didst con­
enshrouded soul, 0 Christ, in that Thou alone ceive the Creator and God ofall, upon whom the
art compassionate! angels, rejoicing, gaze with fear, standing rev­
Traveling all the ends of the earth, ye bring erently before Him.
the benefactions ofthe Master unto the faithful,
and preserve them, 0 most glorious archangels. ODE VII
Twice Canon of Repentance
Submitting to Thy word, 0 Word of God the Irmos: Blessed, all-hymned and all-glorious
Father, the glorious orders of the heavenly art Thou, 0 God Who lookest upon the depths
ranks are illumined with the light of Thine and sittest upon the throne of glory!
effulgence. Blessed art Thou, 0 God, and all-hymned
Theotokion: All my desire do I set before and all-glorious art Thou Who in thy
thee, 0 thou who, in manner past recounting, lovingkindness dost accept all who repent.
gavest birth to the Sweetness of desire for those Heal Thou my many passions, 0 all­
who acknowledge thee to be the Theotokos, hymned, all-glorious and compassionate
0 pure one. Christ, Who knowest my weakness.
Martyricon: The choir of passion-bearers
ODE VI was strengthened with divine power and van­
Canon of Repentance quished the enemy, crying: Thou art all­
Irmos: Thou didst deliver the prophet from the hymned and all-glorious forever!
sea monster, 0 Lord; lead me up also from the Martyricon: 0 Word Who gavest the all­
abyss of sins, and save me. wise passion-bearers the strength to endure
There is no sin in this life which I alone have most subtle tortures, through their supplica­
not committed, wretch that I am. 0 only Sinless tions have pity on us all.
One, have pity on me. Theotokion: Blessed art Thou, 0 God Who,
Propelled by the sail ofzeal, let us all hasten making Thine abode within the Virgin's womb,
to the harbor of salvation by repentance, that saved man; and all-hymned and all-glorious art
we may be saved. Thou forever.
M artyricon: Creation is enlightened by the
suffering of the preachers, apostles and mar­ Canon of the Angels
tyrs. Enlighten us also by them, 0 Thou Who Irmos: The supremely exalted Lord ofour fathers
lovest mankind. quenched the flame and bedewed the children,
Martyricon: Let us all honor the martyrs, who sang together: Blessed art Thou, 0 God!

Showing forth infinitely powerful might, We then chant the Hymn of the Theotokos [the
Christ appointed you, 0 supreme commanders, Magnificat}, with the refrain: "More honorable
and taught you to chant: Blessed art Thou, 0 than the cherubim ... ': and make prostrations.
God! Twice
0 Thou Who with goodness adornest the OnE IX
countless multitude of the incorporeal ranks, Canon of Repentance
vouchsafe that the companies of men may Irmos: We, the generations of man, do magnify
hymn Thee, crying: Blessed art Thou, 0 God! thee, who art blessed among women and
Theotokion: Make me now steadfast who blessed by God.
am shaken by the passions, 0 Virgin who hast 0 Lord, be merciful unto me who have mind­
poured forth dispassion upon all the faithful, lessly committed sins without number, and
who chant with faith: Blessed art Thou, 0 God! vouchsafe unto me Thy kingdom, 0 Word.
As of old Thou didst save the Ninevites who
ODE VIII repented, 0 only Savior, by Thy mercy save us
Canon of Repentance who hymn Thee.
Irmos: Hymn the Author of creation, of Whom Martyricon: Giving your flesh over to all
the angels are in awe, 0 ye people, and exalt manner of wounds, ye preserved your souls
Him supremely for all ages. unwounded, Opassion-bearersoftheLord, who
0 Lord, enliven me who am done to death by share in glory divine.
my trespasses, that I may glorify Thee for all M artyricon: Radiant daystars enlightening
ages. the souls of all on earth, ye showed yourselves
Enlightening me with repentance, 0 Lord, to be passion-bearers of the Lord of all.
deliver me from the darkness of sin, that I may Theotokion: Like a fiery throne thou bear­
glorify Thee for all ages. est Him Who holdeth all things in His hand, 0
Martyricon: 0 passion-bearing martyrs, ye Virgin, and at thy breast dost nourish Him Who
trampled the flame of deception underfoot, all­ feedeth all.
gloriously receiving dew from heaven.
Martyricon: Like fertile soil, 0 holy one, ye Canon of the Angels
truly produced grain a hundredfold for Christ, Irmos: Rejoice, 0 Isaiah! The Virgin hath
the Judge of the contest. conceived in her womb and borne a Son, Imman­
Theotokion: From thee did God shine forth, uel, both God and man. Orient is His name; and,
0 most hymned Virgin, with divine knowledge magnifying Him, we call the Virgin blessed.
enlightening those who have been darkened. As commander of the angelic ranks, 0 all­
radiant Michael, and thou, 0 Gabriel, as the
Canon of the Angels true herald of the divine incarnation: Preserve
Irmos: The children, forming a universal cho­ all who hymn you, 0 glorious ones. Twice
rus in the furnace, chanted to Thee, the Creator 0 Thou who pourest out Thy treasures in
of all: Hymn the Lord, all ye works, and exalt rich gifts and Who appointed the angelic ranks:
Him supremely for all ages! When Thou comest with them as Judge and
The councils of the angels now move me to King of all, save me who flee to Thy mercy, 0
chant with hymns and heartfelt desire; and Master.
with them I sing: Hymn the Lord, all ye works, Theotokion: With faith the archangels, au­
and exalt Him supremely forever! Twice thorities and thrones, the cherubim, powers
0 servants ofthe all-holy and three-Sunned and seraphim, the radiant angels, principali­
Radiance, pray ye that they may be saved who ties and dominions, noetically minister unto
chant with faith: Hymn the Lord, ye works, and thy Son with trembling, 0 pure and most
exalt Him supremely forever! blessed Theotokos.
Theotokion: 0 Virgin Mother and Maiden,
portal of the Light: With thy light illumine Then, "It is truly meet to bless thee ... ': and a
those who chant with faith: Hymn the Lord, 0 prostration. Litany, exapostilarion, and the
ye works, and exalt Him supremely forever! usual psalms.


Aposticha stichera of repentance, in Tone V- do Thou guide aright upon us, yea, the work of
Overlook the multitude of my transgres­ our hands do Thou guide aright.
sions, 0 Lord, Who wast born of the Virgin; and Blessed is the army of the King of heaven,
cleanse me of all my sins, granting me the for though the passion-bearers were mortals,
intention to convert, in that Thou alone lovest yet did they strive to attain the dignity of the
mankind. And have mercy on me, I pray Thee. angels; and they spurned the pangs of they
Stichos: We were filled in the morning with bodies, and by their sufferings were vouchsafed
Thy mercy, 0 Lord, and we rejoiced and were the honor of the incorporeal ones. Wherefore,
glad. In all our days, let us be glad for the days by their supplications, 0 Lord, send down upon
wherein Thou didst humble us, for the years us great mercy.
wherein we saw evils. And look upon Thy
servants, and upon Thy works, and do Thou Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­
guide their sons. 0 joyous one, mediate with thy supplica­
Woe is me! To whom have I likened myself? tions, and ask for our souls a multitude of
To the barrenfig-tree! And I fear lest I be cursed compassions and the cleansing of our many
and cut down. But do Thou, 0 Christ God, transgressions, we pray.
heavenly Husbandman, show my hardened
soul to be fruitful, accept me as Thou didst the Then, "It is good to give thanks... " Trisagion
prodigal son, and have mercy on me. through Our Father ... Troparion. Litany. First
Stichos: And let the brightness of the Lord Hour, and Dismissal.
our God be upon us, and the works of our hands



On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone V- M artyricon: Having joined the angelic
Believing Thee to be God, the thief on the choirs, and been filled with never-waning light,
cross confessed Thee, 0 Christ, in purity from 0 athletes of Christ, dispel ye the fcetid pas­
the depths of his heart, crying: Remember me, sions of my heart.
0 Lord, in Thy kingdom! Glory ... : 0 ye mortals, unto God Who is
I have met with soul-corrupting thieves on hymned by the angels in the highest let us
the path oflife, and they have wounded me. But chant the thrice-holy hymn: Holy art Thou, 0
now I flee to thy lovingkindness, 0 Christ. Heal unoriginate Father, Son and Spirit!
and save me, I pray. Now & ever ... : 0 pure one who received the
The choirs of heaven hymn Thee, the God of Joy of the angels in thy womb, fill with joy my
all. By their sacred mediation overlook my soul, which hath been downcast by mine evil
many evils, 0 Master, and save me, I pray. deeds, and guide it to the light.





On "Lord, I have cried ... ': 3 stichera of repen­ 0 blessed Forerunner and martyr of Christ,
tance, in Tone V.· Spec. Mel.: "Rejoice, ... "­ heal me who am wholly bowed down to the earth
Stichos: If Thou shouldest mark iniquities, and am incurably broken, yet who flee with
0 Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee faith to thy godly protection. And rescue me, I
there is forgiveness. pray thee, on the dread day, when I shall come
Woe unto me who have angered Thee, my to stand before His judgment-seat, and shall be
merciful God and Lord! How many times have given over to torments; and as thou hast un­
I promised to repent, 0 Christ, and have been ashamed boldness, 0 wise one, deliver me from
found to be a senseless liar? I have soiled my standing on the left hand of Christ, entreating
first baptismal raiment, and have forsaken my Him Who granteth great mercy to the world.
covenant with Thee, and this second command­ Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations;
ment, which I confessed before Thee in the praise Him, all ye peoples.
presence of men and angels, have I also a ban­ As a most radiant luminary of the Sun, 0
doned, clad in a lamentable form. Setting this wise Forerunner of Christ, shine thou a ray of
aside, 0 Savior, leave me not to perish utterly. light upon me who have fallen down into the
Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa­ darkness of countless evils, I pray thee. Raise
tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord; my soul hath me up out of the pit of sin, guiding me by thy
waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath sweet voice. 0 thou who of old loosed the voice
hoped in the Lord. of thy father by thy birth, direct now my voice,
What answer shalt thou find on the day of I pray thee, that with faith and love I may
judgment, 0 wretched soul? Who will deliver glorify God the Savior, Who loveth mankind
thee from condemnation to everlasting fire and and granteth the world great mercy.
other torments? No-one, if thou thyself dost not Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to
placate the Compassionate One, forsaking thine prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord a bid­
evil deeds and acquiring a right pleasing life, eth forever.
every day weeping over thy countless transgres­ Thou wast the divine temple of God, the
sions, which thou committest at every hour in Bestower of life upon all, 0 blessed prophet,
deed, word and thought, and beseeching Christ Forerunner and herald, and didst have Him
to grant thee the complete forgiveness thereof. living in thy heart. Him do thou ever entreat, 0
Stichos: From the morning watch until John most rich, that those who have recourse to
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in thy holy temple and honor thee may become
the Lord. temples of the Spirit and draw nigh unto God,
Let sinful habit not seize me, dragging me that in hymns we may honor thy help and
down, 0 Savior, nor let the demon, which ever fervent supplication, for He bore witness that
wageth war on me and subjecteth me to his will, thou art the greatest of all men, 0 right
gain dominance over me; but rescue me from his wondrous one.
dominion with Thy mighty hand, 0 Almighty
One Who lovest mankind, and reign Thou Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
within me. Vouchsafe that I may be wholly From my childhood I have been shown to be
Thine, may live according to Thy will, 0 Word, a tireless committer of sins; I have been griev­
may rest in Thee, and may find cleansing, ously wounded in mind and have lovingly re­
salvation and great mercy for myself. mained therein with my many evil habits.
Downcast, I now weep over my cruel deception,
Then the stichera for the saint, from the Men­ mine evil habits and mindlessness, and the
aion; or ifthere is no Menaion, these stichera for destruction of my soul. 0 Mistress, disdain me
the Forerunner, in Tone V, in the same melody- not who am perishing evilly, but, taking pity,
Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy, and deliver me from every assault ofthe passions by
with Him there is plenteous redemption; and He thine aid, that if only in old age I may repent
shall redeem Israel out of all his iniquities. before God.

Then, 0 gladsome Light... ; the prokimenon of abasement. Greatly hath our soul been filled
the day; and Vouchsafe, 0 Lord... therewith; let reproach come upon them that
prosper, and abasement on the proud.
Aposticha stichera of repentance, in Tone V­ M artyricon: Having put on the breastplate
I cease not to commit sins, 0 Lord, and I offaith and armed themselves with the image of
heed not that I have been vouchsafed Thy love the Cross, Thy saints, 0 Lord, manfully gave
for mankind. Overcome my perplexity, 0 only themselves over to torments and cast down the
Good One, and have mercy upon me. pride and deception of the devil. As God al­
Stichos: Unto Thee have I lifted up mine mighty, send down peace upon the world
eyes, unto Thee that dwellest in heaven. Be­ through their entreaties, and great mercy upon
hold, as the eyes ofservants look unto the hands our souls.
of their masters, as the eyes of the handmaid
look unto the hands of her mistress, so do our Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
eyes look unto the Lord our God, until He take Ease thou the pangs of my much-sighing
pity on us. soul, 0 thou who hast wiped every tear from the
I fear the fear ofThee, 0 Lord, yet I cease not face of the earth; for thou drivest away men's
to do evil. Who will not be afraid before the pain and freest sinners from tribulation. For
tribunal ofthe Judge, and who desireth healing thee have we all acquired as our hope and
yet driveth the physician away, as do I? 0 long­ confirmation, 0 all-holy Virgin Mother.
suffering Lord, take pity on my weakness, and
have mercy upon me. Then, Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart ...
Stichos: Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, have Trisagion through Our Father... Troparia.
mercy on us, for greatly are we filled with Litany, and Dismissal.




ODE I with tears to thy Creator: 0 my God, save me by

Irmos: Bringing battles to naught with His the entreaties of her who gave Thee birth!
upraised arm, Christ hath overthrown horse
and rider in the Red Sea, and hath saved Israel, ODE III
who chanteth a hymn of victory. Irmos: 0 Christ Who by Thy command fixed the
0 good and all-immaculate one, grant me earth upon naught and suspended its weight
contrition of soul, humility of heart, purity of unsupported: establish Thou Thy Church upon
mind, correction of life, remission of transgres­ the immovable rock of Thy commandments, 0
sions and fountains of tears. Thou Who alone art good and lovest mankind.
Behold my tribulation and compunction, The foremost of my passions have seized
heal thou the stripes of mine ancient transgres­ me, 0 all-pure one, and have filled me with
sions, and grant me time to repent and confess shame who have been created according to the
my SillS. image and likeness of God; yet deliver me from
Glory ... : Pondering the abyss of mine the harm thereof, for I hymn thee in
evils, 0 most immaculate one, I weep for compunction.
myself before my departure; wherefore, I be­ The enemy wickedly seeketh to hunt me
seech thee: Entreat thy Son, that He deliver down, desiring to show me utterly consumed in
me from torment. everlasting flame, 0 all-pure one; yet set at
Now & ever ... : As thou hast time for repen­ naught his wiles and counsels, that, rejoicing, I
tance, 0 my soul, depart from all evil and cry out may glorify thee.


Glory ... : The enemies ofthe righteous have Now & ever ... : 0 all-pure one, send down
deceitfully set me in the uttermost pit of many upon me streams oftears, that, having purified
offenses, yet as one now helpless and wholly myself of the defilements and blemishes of my
wounded, I call upon thy supplication: 0 all­ sins, I may hymn the magnitude of thy
immaculate Mistress, save me! goodness.
Now & ever ... : I have wasted my life in
slothfulness, wretch that I am, and have now ODE VI
arrived at the gates of death; and, terrified of I rmos: 0 Christ Master, still Thou the sea ofthe
the assault ofthe enemy, I cry unto thee: deliver passions which rageth with a soul-destroying
me from their temptations, that saved, I may tempest, and lead me up from corruption, in
glorify thee. that Thou art compassionate.
I have been cast into the abyss oftransgres­
ODE IV sions and iniquities, 0 most immaculate one;
Irmos: Perceiving Thy divine condescension pro­ yet stretch forth thy hand, and lead me up from
phetically, 0 Christ, Habbakuk cried out to Thee the despair of hades.
with trembling: Thou art come for the salvation of I know the multitude of the offenses and
Thy people, to save Thine anointed ones! thoughts which vex me; wherefore, haste thou
I have been wounded by the darts of sin, and and deliver me therefrom, 0 all-pure one.
wounds now cover mine entire body; wherefore, Glory ... : Take pity on thy servant, 0 Christ
I cry out to thee, 0 all-pure one: with thy speedy Master, through the entreaties of her who in
supplications heal thou the wounds of my soul. purity gave Thee birth, when Thou shalt come
Have mercy upon thy servants, 0 pure one; to judge the world which Thou hast created.
for we have acquired thee as our mediatress Now & ever ... : 0 pure Mistress, my soul
before God, and we pray that we be delivered hath been dragged down into the abyss oftrans­
from all want and everlasting torment. gressions, to become food for the demons;
Glory ... : 0 good one, thou art my hope, wherefore, save me who am beyond hope.
shield and confirmation, my deliverance from
Then, "Lord, have mercy!': thrice.
evils, the enlightenment of my soul, my boast,
bulwark and might. Glory ... , Now & ever ... Sedation, in Tone V.· Spec.
Now & ever ... : Prodigally have I wasted the Mel.: "The Word Who is equally unoriginate ... "­
riches of good works which Christ gave me, in The greatly painful passions of my soul and
that He is good. Yet disdain me not, 0 all-pure the infirmities of my flesh do thou quickly heal;
Maiden, for I am perishing of hunger. still thou the wandering of my mind, 0 all­
immaculate Theotokos, and vouchsafe that in
serenity ofthought I may offer pure supplications
Irmos: 0 Thou Who art clothed in light as with unto the King, and ask remission of offenses.
a garment: I rise at dawn unto Thee, and to
Thee do I cry: enlighten Thou my gloom-en­ ODE VII
shrouded soul, 0 Christ, in that Thou alone art Irmos: The supremely exalted Lord ofour fathers
compassionate! quenchedtheflame andbedewedthe children, who
Behold the weakness of my lowly soul, 0 sang together: Blessed art Thou, 0 God!
Mistress, the infirmity of my flesh and the When I bring to mind the multitude of mine
captivity of my mind, and save me who am unseemly deeds and transgressions, 0 most
bereft of hope. immaculate one, I am afraid and horrified. 0
God to Whom thou gavest birth do thou ever Virgin, by thy supplications free me from them.
entreat, that He save all of us who confess thee The sleepless word and the unquenchable
to be the Theotokos, and glorify thy birthgiving, fire ever erode and devour my soul. Let me not
0 all-pure one. become food for them, 0 all-holy Theotokos.
Glory ... : Who doth not call thee blessed, 0 Glory ... : 0 most immaculate Virgin, from
most immaculate one? For thou didst ineffably the outmost darkness and dread torment de­
give birth to the one Master, the Savior of the liver thy servants who cry out to thy Son:
whole world. Blessed art Thou, 0 God!
Now & ever ... : I have defiled my flesh with OnE IX
shameful passions, and have darkened by mind Irmos: Rejoice, 0 Isaiah! The Virgin hath
with vile thoughts; yet take pity, 0 pure one, conceived in her womb and borne a Son, Im­
and save me, thy useless servant. manuel, both God and man. Orient is His name;
and, magnifying Him, we call the Virgin
ODE VIII blessed.
Irmos: The children, forming a universal cho­ God to Whom thou ineffably gavest birth, 0
rus in the furnace, chanted to Thee, the Creator pure Mistress, do thou earnestly beseech, that
of all: Hymn the Lord, all ye works, and exalt He deliver us from misfortunes and sorrows, and
Him supremely for all ages! from the dread judgment which is to come; and
Unto thee, the Theotokos, do I bring the vouchsafe unto us the splendors of His saints.
weakness of my lowly soul, the infirmity of my I have sinned more than all others, disobey­
heart and the deception of my mind; and I cry ing Thy life-creating commandments, 0 Christ,
aloud, asking thine aid, 0 Virgin. and I have made myself like unto the irrational
Be Thou merciful to Thy servants, 0 Word, beasts; yet by the supplications of Thy Mother,
through the supplications of her who gave Thee 0 Word, take me not unrepentant from this life.
birth, and save those who chant: 0 all ye works Glory ... : In that thou gavest birth to the
of the Lord, hymn the Lord and exalt Him Word of God, the Abyss of mercy, 0 good one,
supremely forever! have mercy upon the souls of all who flee beneath
Glory ... : 0 thou who gavest birth to thy protection; for thee have we all acquired as
Him Who hath willed mercy, have mercy an unashamed intercessor before God.
upon all who chant with faith: 0 all ye Now&ever ... : Asknowforuspurificationand
works of the Lord, hymn the Lord and exalt remission, deliverance from all needs, and correc­
Him supremely forever! tion of life which is pure and radiant, 0 Mother of
Now & ever ... : Deliver me from the outer­ God, that we may glorify thy great goodness.
most darkness and the worm which sleepeth
not, 0 good Virgin, in that thou hast given birth Then, "It is truly meet ... ': and a prostration.
to the Creator ofthe world; for all things soever Trisagion through Our Father... Troparion,
He desireth, He will accomplish through thy and the rest as usual. Dismissal.



After the first chanting of the Psalter, these unto God in vain: Have mercy on me!
sessional hymns of repentance, in Tone V-
When the Judge taketh His seat and the Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
angels stand before Him, when the trumpet The strange mystery of the Virgin hath
soundeth and the flame is kindled, what shalt shown forth the Salvation of the world; for He
thou do, 0 my soul, when thou art brought to was born of her without seed and manifested
judgment? For then thine evils will confront Himself in the flesh without corruption. 0
thee, and thy secret sins will be laid bare. Lord, Thou joy of all, glory to Thee!
Wherefore, before the end cry out to the Judge:
Cleanse me, 0 God, and save me! After the second chanting of the Psalter, these
Stichos: 0 Lord, rebuke me not in Thine sessional hymns, in Tone V-
anger, nor chasten me in Thy wrath. When thy deeds are laid bare, 0 my soul,
Let us all keep vigil and greet Christ with a and myriads of angels stand before the Judge,
multitude ofoil and radiant lamps, that we may what answer shalt thou find for thy shame, if
be vouchsafed to enter the bridal-chamber; for thou wilt not cry out, weeping, before the end: "I
he who findeth himself outside the gates crieth have sinned, 0 good Lord! Havemercyonme!"?
Stichos: 0 Lord, rebuke me not in Thine ODE I
anger, nor chasten me in Thy wrath. Canon of repentance, the acrostic whereof is
I lie upon the bed of mine offenses, robbed of "0 Christ, grant us cleansing oftransgressions':
my hope of salvation; for the dreaming of my the composition of Joseph, in Tone V­
slothfulness winneth torment for my soul. 0 Irmos: The land on which the sun had never
God Who wast born ofthe Virgin, raise me up to shone, and which it had not seen, and the abyss
Thy hymnody, that I may glorify Thee. which the expanse of heaven had never seen
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the uncovered, did Israel cross dryshod, 0 Lord;
God of Israel. and Thou didst lead them to the mountain of
M artyricon: Thou hast given us an inde­ Thy holiness, as they gave praise and chanted
structible bulwark, 0 Christ God: the miracles a hymn of victory.
of Thy holy martyrs. By their supplications Grant me cleansing of the things I have
make steadfast Thy faithful people, in that done, 0 Savior, and absolve me before I depart
Thou art good and lovest mankind. from hence. Wash away my great filth, 0 Lord
Who cleansed the lepers, and vouchsafe that I
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion- may stand blamelessly before Thee Who wilt
Show forth thy speedy protection, help and come to judge the living and the dead.
mercy upon thy servant, 0 pure Theotokos, still The discharge which lieth upon the eyes of
thou the waves of my vain thoughts, and raise my soul preventeth me from gazing upon Thy
up my fallen soul. For I know, I know, 0 Virgin, beams, which Thou didst emit when Thou didst
that thou canst do whatsoever thou desirest. appear on earth, 0 unapproachable Sun. Wash it
away, 0 Savior, and grant that I may contemplate
After the third chanting of the Psalter, these the light of Thy grace, 0 compassionate Lord.
sessional hymns, in Tone V.· Spec. Mel.: "The Martyricon: Full of vigilance, 0 blessed
Word Who with the Father and the Spirit is athletes, keepers of the commandments of
equally without beginning ... "-­ Christ, ye lulled to sleep all the evil of the
The threefold waves of despair assail me enemy; wherefore, in your divine vigilance
who have fallen headlong into the depths of sin; raise me up to repentance, I pray, for I am
but in that Thou art almighty, 0 Christ, Pilot weighed down by the sleep of sin.
of all, go Thou before me and in Thy M artyricon: Contending in your flesh
lovingkindness steer me to the calm harbor of against the adverse foe, 0 martyrs, ye van­
dispassion, and save me by the supplications of quished him with the sword of the Cross and
the Forerunner, 0 Savior. drowned him in the outpouring of your blood;
Elizabeth was freed from barrenness, and and, singing and chanting a hymn of victory, ye
the Virgin remained a virgin still when she have received from God crowns of victory.
conceived in her womb at the sound of Gabriel's Theotokion: Deliver me from evil habits, 0
voice. And the Forerunner John leapt up be­ pure Virgin. Upon the rock of the command­
forehand in his mother's womb, perceiving in ments establish me who am shaken by the
the womb of the Virgin the God and Master, machinations of him who of old caused our first
Who became incarnate for our salvation. parents to fall. And vouchsafe that I may please
Christ, singing well and chanting a hymn of
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion- victory.
Othou whodidstputforth the divine Flower
from thy root, 0 ark and candlestand, golden Another canon, of John the Forerunner, the
jar, holy table holding the Bread of life as thy acrostic whereof is
Son and God: Entreat Him with the holy Fore­ "0 Baptist, accept this entreaty': the
runner, that He have pity and save those who composition of Joseph, in Tone V­
confess thee to be the Theotokos. Irmos: Bringing battles to naught with His
upraised arm, Christ hath overthrown horse
and rider in the Red Sea, and hath saved Israel,
who chanteth a hymn of victory.


A pure way of life and an immaterial life Ever pouring forth healings upon those who
didst thou show forth in a material body, 0 approach thy temple with faith, 0 wondrous
Forerunner; wherefore, we beseech thee: Make Forerunner, I pray thee: Cure the passions ofmy
those who bless thee with faith emulators of heart, which most wretchedly grow within me
thyself. through negligence, 0 thou who art most rich.
Forerunner who immersed Christ, the I sigh and am ever wracked by lamentations
Abyss of compassion, in the river's streams, when I think of Thine implacable judgment, 0
entreat Him to dry up the abyss of mine evils only most righteous Judge. Through the en­
and to enlighten my mind, I pray. treaties ofThy Forerunner, preserve me uncon­
0 Forerunner of the Savior, mediating demned thereat, 0 Lord my God.
causes of repentance for me, I pray thee: Ask As the mediator between the Old and the
and entreat Him Who loveth mankind, that I be New Covenants through thy divine mediations,
granted the compunction which washeth away 0 glorious Forerunner, I cry to thee: By repen­
the footid mire of sin. tance renew me who am grown old through
Theotokion: Without pain thou ineffably many sins, that I may honor thee in praise.
gavest birth unto Him Whom the Father incor­ Theotokion: 0 holy Virgin Mother who
ruptibly begat before time began, 0 most alone art most immaculate: Lift from us the
hymned Mistress. Him do thou beseech, that blame of transgressions, enlighten our minds,
He save from all harm those who have recourse purify our hearts, and deliver us all from ever­
unto thee. lasting condemnation, we pray.


Canon ofRepentance Canon of Repentance
Irmos: 0 Lord, make steadfast my heart, which Irmos: I heard report of Thee, 0 Lord, and was
is buffeted by the waves of life, guiding it into afraid; I understood Thy dispensation, and glo­
calm harbor, in that Thou art God. rified Thee, Who alone lovest mankind.
I promised Thee that I would repent, 0 God, Paying no heed to Thine enlightening
yet still I commit sin. What will become of me? words, 0 Lord, I have committed deeds of dark­
How shall I find myself when Thou shalt come ness, and I fear Thy dread tribunal in the life to
to judge the earth? come.
Let us offer supplication unto the Lord; let If we give wings to the ship of our soul with
us sigh and shed the tears which wash away the sail of the fear of God, we shall reach the
defilement, that we may be find deliverance in havens of repentance, escaping the threefold
the world to come. waves of evils.
Martyricon: Their minds wholly dead, the Martyricon: 0 martyrs, ye have been shown
violators of the law wounded the victorious to be divine mountains which let fall sweetness,
martyrs who love Life and confess Christ. and the divinely-planted garden having within
Martyricon: The choirs ofthe martyrs have it the Lord, the Tree of life.
been numbered with the choirs of the noetic Martyricon: With arrows of patience and
angels; and they are become peers of the angels perseverance ye shot down the demonic foe, and
through the grace of the divine Spirit. have received crowns of glory.
Theotokion: Open now to me the gates of Theotokion: 0 all-pure Mistress, interces­
repentance, the portal ofthe Light, 0 Virgin; and sor for sinners, divine correction of those who
forbid the passions entry into my lowly soul. have fallen, thou art glorified as she who gave
birth to God.
Canon of the Forerunner
Irmos: 0 Christ Who by Thy command fixed Canon of the Forerunner
the earth upon naught and suspended its Irmos: Perceiving Thy divine condescension
weight unsupported: establish Thou Thy prophetically, 0 Christ, Habbakuk cried out to
Church upon the immovable rock of Thy com­ Thee with trembling: Thou art come for the
mandments, 0 Thou Who alone art good and salvation of Thy people, to save Thine anointed
lovest mankind. ones!

As a true warrior of Christ the King, thou Canon of the Forerunner

hast made thine abode in the kingdom on high, Irmos: 0 Thou Who art clothed in light as with
0 Baptist. Unceasingly entreat Him, that He a garment: I rise at dawn unto Thee, and to
have pity on those who honor thee. Thee do I cry: enlighten Thou my gloom­
Foreseeing the gratefulness of thy heart, enshrouded soul, 0 Christ, in that Thou alone
the Lord sanctified thee from thy mother's art compassionate!
womb, 0 blessed one. Him do thou entreat, that The womb ofthe barren one gave birth unto
He sanctify us all, we pray. thee, 0 Forerunner, through thy right fruitful
Unto the dead didst thou announce the words showing forth as right fertile our hearts
coming of Him Who died for our sake. Him do which are barren of good works; wherefore, we
thou beseech, 0 Forerunner, that He give life to call thee blessed.
me who have died, and save me. In the desert places thou didst blossom like
Theotokion: Have mercy on me, 0 only all­ a right fragrant lily, 0 ever-blessed one; where­
immaculate one who ineffably gavest birth unto fore, we cry out to thee: Drive all the footor ofevil
God Who is merciful in His surpassing good­ from my soul, 0 Forerunner.
ness; and deliver me from everlasting torments. Thou didst stand between the law and
grace, 0 all-wise one; wherefore, I cry aloud:
0DEV Have pity on me who am afflicted with wretch­
Canon of Repentance edness and am vanquished by the law of sin, 0
Irmos: Anticipating my need, take pity on my Forerunner.
wretched soul, which doth battle at night with Theotokion: 0 all-pure one, impassable
the darkness ofthe passions, and shine forth in portal ofglory, open unto me the gates ofrepen­
me the noetic sun of the day-star, that I may tance, winning for me divine entry and rest in
distinguish night from light. the life to come.
There is no salvation for me in my works, for
I have committed many sins on earth, wretch OnE VI
that I am , and I shall tremble before Thy dread Canon of Repentance
judgment-seat when thou shalt judge those Irmos: As Thou didst deliver the prophet from
who have broken Thy commandments, 0 God. the beast, 0 Lord, so lead me up from the abyss
How mindless have I been! How dark I have of unrestrained pleasures, that I may dare to
become by doing evil deeds! How I have failed lift up mine eyes upon Thy holy temple.
to understand the fear ofThee, 0 Christ! I have Now is the time to convert, yet I always lie
fallen face down upon the ground and made prostrate, ever stuck in great senselessness.
myself like the irrational beasts; yet convert But releasing me from the darkness of my
me, 0 God of all. heart, 0 Word, have pity on me.
Martyricon: The cloud of martyrs hath Have pity on me who groan, as once Thou
dispelled the clouds of bitter torments, hath hadst pity on the publican, 0 compassionate
shone forth the daylight oftrue understanding, Christ; and vouchsafe that I may weep fervent
destroyed the gloom ofpolytheism, and reached tears like the harlot, that I also may wash away
the unapproachable Light. the filth of my many transgressions
Martyricon: Sanctify my mind by the en­ Martyricon: 0 great martyrs ofChrist, from
treaties of Thy holy martyrs, I pray, 0 Christ, the great flame in Gehenna, which awaiteth me
and show me to be full of enlightenment, a there, rescue me who have sinned greatly, that
partaker of everlasting glory, that, rendering I may ever greatly glorify your memory.
glory, I may hymn Thee, 0 Savior. M artyricon: Having struggled well, Thy
Theotokion: At the ineffable word [of the passion-bearers were radiantly crowned by Thy
archangel] thou gavest birth for us, 0 Virgin life-creating right hand, 0 Lord and God. At
Mother, unto God Who through thy goodly their honored entreaties save all Thy people.
mediation giveth repentance unto all who Theotokion: 0 divinely joyous tabernacle of
have greatly sinned, 0 refuge and haven of sanctity, precious ark, lampstand of the Light
the faithful. divine, table of the Bread of life, animate palace
ofthe Word: Show me to be a temple ofthe Spirit.

Canon of the Forerunner Canon of the Forerunner

I rmos: 0 Christ Master, still Thou the sea Irmos: The supremely exalted Lord of our
of the passions which rageth with a soul­ fathers quenched the flame and bedewed the
destroying tempest, and lead me up from children, who sang together: Blessed art Thou,
corruption, in that Thou art compassionate. OGod!
Resplendent with ineffable beams, 0 Fore­ With words we entreat thee who art the
runner of Christ, by thine efficacious entreaties Forerunner of theWord: As thou didst loose the
illumine the hearts of those who piously praise voice of thy father at thy birth, so loose thou the
thee. snares of our transgressions.
0 Forerunner of Christ, with grace illumin­ 0 most radiant sun who shinest the radi­
ing me, who am held fast in the sleep of slothful­ ance of salvation upon me, deliver me from the
ness, assiduously rouse me to do the things darkness of the passions which vex my dark­
which God willeth. ened heart.
From every tribulation caused by the adver­ I have acquired an unfruitful soul and a
sary deliver us who have acquired thee as a barren heart, 0 divine offspring of the barren
divine intercessor and advocate before the Mas­ woman. 0 Baptist of Christ, pray thou without
ter, 0 blessed one. ceasing, that I may produce the fruits of
Theotokion: The tempest of sin assaileth repentance.
me, 0 all-pure Theotokos. Make haste to de­ Triadicon: Let us glorify the Son Who is
liver me, guiding me to the haven ofrepentance, equal to the Father, and the Holy Spirit, the
0 most immaculate one. indivisible Trinity, chanting in godly manner:
Blessed art Thou, 0 God!
ODE VII Theotokion: 0 most immaculate one, thou
Canon of Repentance gavest birth to Christ as a little Child, Who
Irmos: The prayer ofthe children quenched the worketh the renewal of us who have grown old
fire; and the dew-bearing furnace was the her­ through the ancient transgression.
ald of a miracle, for it neither consumed nor
burned those who hymned the God of our ODE VIII
fathers. Canon of Repentance
Forgive Thou mine iniquities, mine injus­ Irmos: Ye assembly of angels and council of
tices and my countless offenses, 0 Christ, and men, ye priests, hymn the King and Creator of
in the greatness of Thy compassions, 0 God, all! Ye Levites, bless Him! Y e people, exalt Him
deliver me from the torment which is to come. supremely for all ages!
Like the prodigal I have now squandered all Behold, the sores of my soul have putrefied
the wealth I once received, and I am beset by and grown footid, 0 Christ, and I have suffered
starvation, deprived of divine food. Accept me, and been brought low thereby; but treat me, 0
the penitent, 0 Savior, and save me. Savior, with the medicines of repentance.
M artyricon: Your members mortified by By deception the most wicked serpent de­
many tortures, ye rendered dead the warring frauded me and filled me with evils; but, sigh­
foe, 0 right wondrous martyrs of the Lord; ing, I cry: 0 Word, reject me not, who am
wherefore, we, the faithful, piously hymn you. condemned and brought low!
Martyricon: 0 martyrs, with patience and Martyricon: Ye turned not away from a
valor ye impaled the hordes of the demons and higher standing, 0 most lauded ones, and ye
all the multitude of tormentors, and have now cast down the enemies of the Cross who sought
been transported to true Life. to undermine you, utterly vanquishing them, 0
Theotokion: Thou hast been shown to be a all-wise ones.
haven of salvation for all, 0 pure one, stilling Martyricon: 0 all-praised martyrs of the
the tempest of the passions and leading to Lord, neither fire, nor the sword, nor wild
tranquillity all who are humble on the earth, 0 beasts, nor starvation, nor the crushing wheel,
pure Theotokos. nor any other torture was able to separate you
from Christ Who loveth mankind.


Theotokion: 0 Mother of God, boast of How awesome art Thou, 0 Thou Who alone
angels and salvation ofmen, be thou a surety for art mighty and powerful! Who will withstand
me, that I may find and receive remission ofthe the dread threat of Thee when Thou Thyself
sins I have committed in the past, in knowledge shalt come to sit in judgment? When that shall
and in ignorance. take place, preserve me uncondemned.
Martyricon: By your divine pangs ye take
Canon of the Forerunner away the pain of my body, 0 athletes of the
Irmos: The children, forming a universal chorus Lord; wherefore, heal the most grievous pas­
in the furnace, chanted to Thee, the Creator of sions of my soul, in that ye are most skilled
all: Hymn the Lord, all ye works, and exalt Him physicians.
supremely for all ages! M artyricon: The shrines ofyour relics shine
Thou didst wash the assembly ofthe people forth more brightly than the rays of the sun
in the streams of the Jordan, preaching repen­ with rays of divine grace, and enlighteneth the
tance, 0 great Forerunner; wherefore, I cry out hearts and illumineth the souls of those who
to thee: Dry up the stream of my passions, praise you with faith, 0 passion-bearers.
sending forth well-springs of tears upon me. Theotokion: 0 thou who art full ofthe grace
Be thou wholly atremble, 0 my soul, pon­ of God, thou hast truly been shown to be the
dering the judgment-seat of the Almighty; and radiant cloud which leadeth the new people to
cry out: 0 Compassionate One, for the sake of the promised land, and the gate which leadeth
Thy Forerunner have pity and save me, and to life; wherefore, we magnify thee,
deliver me from torments. 0 Theotokos.
I move mine unclean lips and defiled tongue
in prayer to thee, 0 holy Forerunner: Haste Canon of the Forerunner
thou quickly, and help me, who am unceasingly Irmos: Rejoice, 0 Isaiah! The Virgin hath
shaken by all the assaults of the deceiver. conceived in her womb and borne a Son, Im­
Triadicon: 0 consubstantial Trinity ­ manuel, both God and man. Orient is His name;
Father, Son and Spirit- rain down upon us and, magnifying Him, we call the Virgin
remission of offenses, that, having received blessed.
perfect salvation, we may exalt Thee supremely Lo! the majesty of thy temple is acknowl­
for all ages. edged to be heaven on earth, 0 Forerunner of
Theotokion: 0 divinely joyous one, by thine Christ, and with divine rays thou enlightenest
exalted birthgiving thou hast raised us up from those who approach it and who now bless thee
the pit into which we have fallen; wherefore, therein every day.
with grateful voices, 0 Maiden, we hymn thee As the true friend of the Master, 0 most
with faith for all ages. blessed Baptist, strengthen me to love Him
without wavering, and with an upright charac­
We then chant the Hymn of the Theotokos [the ter, and to spurn the corrupting passions which
Magnificat}, with the refrain: "More honorable force me into the pit of perdition.
than the cherubim ... ': and make prostrations. Thou wast not a reed shaken by contrary
winds, 0 all-wise one, but rather our divine
ODE IX confirmation and the unshakable fortification
Canon of Repentance of the Church, which do thou preserve un­
Irmos: In that the Mighty One hath done great shaken by thy supplications, causing every
things to thee, revealing thee to be a pure virgin temptation to cease.
even after giving birth, as thou gavest birth to The coming of the Creator is at hand! Why,
thine own Creator without seed, we therefore therefore, dost thou not weep over thyself, 0 my
magnify thee, 0 Theotokos. wretched soul who livest indifferently. But
That I may magnify Thy long-suffering, I arise, and cry out to the Lord: Have pity on me,
cry to Thee: 0 Jesus, be Thou yet patient with 0 Savior, through the entreaties of the Fore­
me, and hew me not down like the barren fig­ runner, in that Thou lovest mankind!
tree, but let me produce for Thee the fruits of

Theotokion: Thou hast been shown to be the and cut down. But do Thou, 0 Christ God,
radiant chariot ofthe Sun Who shone forth from heavenly Husbandman, show my hardened
thy womb and broke the cruel darkness of soul to be fruitful, accept me as Thou didst the
deception, 0 most immaculate and pure one. prodigal son, and have mercy on me.
Wherefore, with faith we bless thee as is meet. Stichos: And let the brightness of the Lord
our God be upon us, and the works of our hands
Then, "It is truly meet to bless thee ... ': and a do Thou guide aright upon us, yea, the work of
prostration. Litany, exapostilarion, and the our hands do Thou guide aright.
usual psalms. Martyricon: Thy passion-bearers, 0 Lord,
emulators of the angelic ranks, endured tor­
Aposticha stichera of repentance, in Tone V- tures as though incorporeal, in oneness of mind
Overlook the multitude of my transgres­ possessed of the hope that they would enjoy the
sions, 0 Lord Who wast born of the Virgin; and good things promised them. By their supplica­
cleanse me of all my sins, granting me the tions, 0 Christ God, grant peace to Thy world
thought ofconverting, in that Thou alone lovest and great mercy to our souls.
mankind. And have mercy on me, I pray Thee.
Stichos: We were filled in the morning with Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­
Thy mercy, 0 Lord, and we rejoiced and were 0 joyous one, mediate with thy supplica­
glad. In all our days, let us be glad for the days tions, and ask for our souls a multitude of
wherein Thou didst humble us, for the years compassions and the cleansing of our many
wherein we saw evils. And look upon Thy transgressions, we pray.
servants, and upon Thy works, and do Thou
guide their sons. Then, "It is good to give thanks ... " Trisagion
Woe is me! To whom have I likened myself? through Our Father ... Troparion. Litany. First
To the barrenfig-tree! And I fear lest I be cursed Hour, and Dismissal.



On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone V- Martyricon: 0 holy martyrs, who drained
Believing Thee to be God, the thief on the the cup of Christ with ardent soul: With the
cross confessed Thee, 0 Christ, crying out in downpour of your divine prayers deliver us
purity from the depths of his heart: Remember from turbid sins and ailments.
me, 0 Lord, in Thy kingdom! Glory ... : 0 unapproachable God, almighty
As Thou didst justify the harlot who wept Trinity and Unity: By the supplications of Thy
from the depths ofher soul, 0 Christ, so do Thou Forerunner save me, delivering me from dark­
rescue from all torment me, who am in despair, ness and the flame which awaiteth me.
0 good Master, I entreat Thee. Now & ever ... : Ever defiled by wicked
Together let us bless John, who went before acts, I beseech thee, the undefiled Mother
Christ and prepared His goodly ways, that of the Master: Cleanse me of all defile­
through his divine supplications we may be ment, 0 Mistress!
delivered from transgressions.




On "Lord, I have cried ... ': 3 stichera of the Then the stichera for the saint, from the Men­
Cross, in Tone V.· Spec. Mel.: "Rejoice, ... "­ aion; or ifthere is no Menaion, these stichera for
Stichos: If Thou shouldest mark iniquities, the Theotokos, in the same tone-
0 Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy,
there is forgiveness. and with Him there is plenteous redemption;
Thou wast lifted up like a lamb upon the and He shall redeem Israel out of all his
Cross, and didst lay low the uprisings of the iniquities.
deceiver; and when Thou wast slaughtered Desiring utterly to lift from the first-created
Thou didst sanctify the whole earth with Thy Adam the most painful sentence, 0 sinless
blood. Pierced by the spear, Thou didst Christ Who lovest mankind, as the Creator of
straightway command the flaming sword to Adam Thou wast pierced with nails; and Thy
turn away from me, that I might dwell in para­ divine side wounded for our sake with a spear,
dise and partake without fear of the tree of life. Thou dost turn away the flaming sword, 0
Wherefore, saved by Thy sufferings, I cry out, Word, that it might no longer deny entry to us,
rejoicing: Glory to Thy divine Cross, whereby Thy servants. Wherefore, glorifying Thee, we
we have been delivered from the ancient curse hymn Thy might, and honor and praise Thy
and receive from the Tree blessing and great Cross, whereby all nature hath found great
mercy! mercy and an inheritance without pain, 0 Thou
Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa­ Who lovest mankind.
tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord; my soul hath Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations;
waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath praise Him, all ye peoples.
hoped in the Lord. Once beholding her Lamb hastening to the
Desiring to bring an end to the pain and slaughter, the Ewe-lamb followed ardently,
afflictions of men, 0 all-good Lord my Savior, crying out to Him these things: "Whither goest
Thou didst endure vile crucifixion; Thou didst Thou, 0 Christ, my Child most sweet? Where­
taste of gall, 0 Innocent One, removing the fore dost Thou run this course with haste, 0
bitter taste of evil; and wounded, 0 Word, by the long-suffering and most desired Jesus? 0 sin­
thrust ofthe spear, Thou healest our wounds, in less and greatly merciful Lord, my most beloved
that Thou art Master. Wherefore, we hymn Thy Son, grant discourse unto me, Thy handmaid.
glorious will, and bowing down, we honor the Spurn not in silence me who gave Thee birth in
spear, the sponge and the reed, whereby Thou strange manner, 0 God, Bestower of life, Who
hast imparted to Thy world peace and great grantest the world great mercy!"
mercy. Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to
Stichos: From the morning watch until prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord abid­
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in eth forever.
the Lord. Thou wast truly the throne ofthe cherubim,
"How did the iniquitous multitude of the in that thou art more exalted than all creatures:
Jews condemn Thee to be crucified on the Cross, for the divine Word, desiring to restore our
0 Jesus, taking no pity on Thee, the Compas­ form, made His abode within thee, 0 pure one;
sionate One?", the Virgin, weeping, exclaimed and having issued forth from thee as a mortal
when she beheld uplifted upon the Cross Him man, He accepted the Cross and suffering for
Who was born of her womb without suffering; our sake, in that He is compassionate, and as
"and what hath the iniquitous council done to God hath bestowed resurrection. Wherefore,
Thee, 0 my Child most desired, my most be­ giving thanks to thee who hast reconciled our
loved Son? Haste Thou, and save those who condemned nature with the Creator, we cry out
glorify Thy crucifixion with faith, and those to Him and thee: By thy supplications grant us
who magnify me, as Thou didst promise, in that remission of transgressions and mercy!
Thou alone art most good!"

Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion- tangibly revealed to the world, it wondrously
Thou didst will to give Thine all-pure blood and noetically worketh our salvation. Bowing
as deliverance and a great ransom for our sake, down before it, we glorify Thee, 0 Savior. Have
0 my sinless Christ, desiring that all may mercy on us!
receive salvation; wherefore, seeing Thee Stichos: Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, have
nailed, Thy Mother tore her hair, lamenting mercy on us, for greatly are we filled with
and saying: "0 my Child, Lamb all­ abasement. Greatly hath our soul been filled
unblemished, desiring to deliver the world by therewith; let reproach come upon them that
Thy precious blood: How hast Thou set from prosper, and abasement on the proud.
before mine eyes, 0 Savior, Thou never-setting Martyricon: Pray for us, 0 holy martyrs,
Sun, Who givest unto all enlightenment, peace that we may be delivered from our iniquities;
and great mercy?" for unto you hath been given the grace to make
supplication in our behalf.
Then, 0 gladsome Light... ; the prokimenon of
the day; and Vouchsafe, 0 Lord... Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion: Spec.
Mel.: "0 venerable father ... "­
Aposticha stichera of the Cross, in Tone V­ Taking on Himself my whole form, God the
0 Lord, once, in the time of Moses the Creator clad himselftherein, desiring to refash­
Prophet, the form of Thy Cross, precisely re­ ion the fallen form ofAdam; and of His own will
vealed, vanquished Thine enemies; and now, He was uplifted upon the Cross as one guilty.
possessed of that same Cross, we ask Thy help: But now stretching forth His hands, He healeth
Strengthen Thy Church, for the sake of Thy our hands, which of old were made weak in
great mercy, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind! stretching forth to pluck the fruit of the tree.
Stichos: Unto Thee have I lifted up mine And the most pure one, beholding Him, ex­
eyes, unto Thee that dwellest in heaven. Be­ claimed: "What is this Thine ineffable long­
hold, as the eyes ofservants look unto the hands suffering, 0 my Son? I cannot bear to see Thee
of their masters, as the eyes of the handmaid lifted up upon the Cross Who holdeth the ends
look unto the hands of her mistress, so do our of the whole earth in the palm of Thy hand!"
eyes look unto the Lord our God, until He take
pity on us. Then, Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart ...
Though a tree visible by nature, Thy Cross, Trisagion through Our Father... Troparia.
0 Christ, is invested with divine power; and Litany, and Dismissal.




ODE I portal ofsalvation leadingthem to life: Cease thou

Irmos: Bringing battles to naught with His never to intercede for those who entreat thee.
upraised arm, Christ hath overthrown horse Glory ... : Moved now by the entreaties of
and rider in the Red Sea, and hath saved Israel, those who hymn thee, in that thou art mighty
who chanteth a hymn of victory. assistance toward salvation, 0 Mistress, rescu­
0 Theotokos, accept the supplications ofthy ing us from misfortune by thy supplications,
servants, offered unto thee from the depths of preserve us whole, who honor thee.
our hearts, and, bearing them to thy Son, grant Now & ever ... : Going quickly before us and
us remission of transgressions. interceding with fervor, 0 all-holy Virgin, tak­
0 Virgin Mother of God, who art truly the ing pity on us who are grievously beset by evil
bestower of good things, who enrichest mortals, 0 circumstances, deliver us and free us from grief.


Irmos: 0 Christ Who by Thy command fixed the Irmos: 0 Thou Who art clothed in light as with
earth upon naught and suspended its weight a garment: I rise at dawn unto Thee, and to
unsupported: establish Thou Thy Church upon Thee do I cry: enlighten Thou my gloom-en­
the immovable rock of Thy commandments, 0 shrouded soul, 0 Christ, in that Thou alone art
Thou Who alone art good and lovest mankind. compassionate!
Illumining the dark cloud of my heart with Having truly given birth in circumscribed
the divine light of thy vigilant entreaty, 0 flesh to Him Who is infinite in nature and was
Mother of God, show me forth as a child of the begotten before time began, entreat Him un­
day, made radiant by the virtues, 0 thou who ceasingly in behalf of thy servants.
guidest our souls with light. Thou dost quickly draw nigh to those in
Ever desiring to hymn thee as is meet, yet at need, ever helping and directing toward salva­
a loss how to do so, we offer thee praise from our tion those who call upon thee amid temptations,
base lips: accept it readily, and hearken to the 0 all-pure one.
entreaties of us who pray to thee with faith. Glory ... : Showing our compassionate God
Glory ... : 0 Theotokos, who showest barren to be merciful by nature through thy supplica­
souls to be right fruitful, and cleansest stony tions, 0 all-immaculate one, grant a peaceful
hearts by thy supplication, show thou my soul to life to thy servants and deliverance from
produce the fruit of faith and an undefiled life. transgressions.
Now & ever ... : How could He Who holdeth Now & ever ... : 0 most immaculate one who
all. the ends of the earth in His palm be con­ gavest birth to the burning Ember which Isaiah
tained by His Mother's womb? How could He be beheld, utterly consume the tinder of mine
fed with milk from her breasts, Who feedeth offenses, and illumine me, I pray.
every living thing at His good pleasure? Incar­
nate, He Who is rich maketh Himself poor,
Irmos: 0 Christ Master, still Thou the sea ofthe
emptying Himself.
passions which rageth with a soul-destroying
tempest, and lead me up from corruption, in
that Thou art compassionate.
Irmos: Perceiving Thy divine condescension
Raising us up who have been slain by the
prophetically, 0 Christ, Habbakuk cried out to
sinful passions, 0 Mistress, enliven us by thy
Thee with trembling: Thou art come for the
supplications, for thou gavest birth to the De­
salvation of Thy people, to save Thine anointed
stroyer of corruption.
Having thee as our sure hope, an invincible
Knowing thee alone, 0 all-pure one, to be
bulwark against the enemy, and a steadfast
the mediatress before God, with praises and
. help, we do not fear the assaults made upon us.
hymns we honor thee who releasest the guilty
Glory ... : 0 pure one, do thou ever intercede
from their debts of offenses.
for mortals in pain, and preserve thy servants
In making His abode within thee, 0 all­
unharmed by the evils which wither us.
immaculate Virgin, God showed thee to be a
Now & ever ... : 0 Bride ofGod, illumine my
sanctified temple. Him do thou ever entreat,
soul which hath been darkened by the cloud of
that He preserve thy servants unharmed.
thoughts which assail me through the attack of
Glory ... : Hearken unto the entreaty of the
the demon who slayeth men.
poor who set their hope on thee, 0 Theotokos,
and hasten to deliver us from misfortunes by Then, "Lord, have mercy!': thrice. Glory ... ,
thy maternal boldness. Now & ever... Sedation, in Tone V-
Now & ever ... : Having acquired thee as sweet By the Cross of thy Son hath all the false­
consolation amid sorrows, help amid perils and an hood ofidolatry been abolished and the might of
intercessor amid tribulations, 0 Mother of God, the demons trampled underfoot, 0 thou who art
we are delivered from all afflictions. full of grace. Wherefore, we the faithful hymn
and bless thee as is meet, and, confessing thee
to be the true Theotokos, we magnify thee.


Glory ... : Having thee, after God, as our
Irmos: The supremely exalted Lord of our hope of salvation amid perils, we the faithful cry
fathers quenched the flame and bedewed the aloud: Hymn the Lord, all ye works, and exalt
children, who sang together: Blessed art Thou, Him supremely for all ages!
OGod! Now & ever ... : Accept this hymnody, 0 most
0 lVIistress, accept the petitions of thy faith­ hymned Virgin, from the base lips of those who
ful servants, rescuing them from perils and cry: Rejoice, 0 healing of sick bodies and salva­
saving from tribulations those who chant with tion of despairing souls!
faith: Blessed art Thou, 0 God!
0 thou who hast given birth for us to God the ODE IX
Creator of good things, beseech Him with thy Irmos: Rejoice, 0 Isaiah! The Virgin hath
maternal entreaties, 0 pure one, that He take conceived in her womb and borne a Son, Imman­
pity on those who praise thee. uel, both God and man. Orient is His name; and,
Glory ... : Having acquired thee as an invin­ magnifying Him, we call the Virgin blessed.
cible intercessor and an unshakable founda­ Unto thee do we pour forth supplication
tion, 0 Mistress, arrayed in thine assistance, from our pain: Have mercy on us sinners, lest
we vanquish the wiles of the archer, which he we be put to shame on the day oftrial, for we call
directeth at us. upon thee, the most merciful Theotokos.
Now & ever ... : Look upon the lowliness of Disdain not our kinship in dust, 0 pure
thy servants, 0 Mistress, and from everlasting Theotokos, but be thou our intercessor, protect­
fire free me who unceasingly chant: Blessed art ing and strengthening us amid grief, and deliv­
Thou, 0 God! ering all the infirm; for in thee do we trust, who
art ready to save us.
ODE VIII Glory ... : 0 God, hearken now to the suppli­
Irmos: The children, forming a universal cho­ cation of Thy people, and deliver us from the
rus in the furnace, chanted to Thee, the Creator harm of the enemy, for lo! we bring before Thee
of all: Hymn the Lord, all ye works, and exalt true purification: her who gave Thee birth,
Him supremely for all ages! whom we bless with love.
Weaving words and thoughts into praise for Now & ever ... : Beneath the dominionofthy
thee, 0 Virgin, we the faithful cry: Hymn the might do all of us mortals earnestly flee, asking
Lord, all ye works, and exalt Him supremely for thy mercies and merciful compassion; and,
all ages! pouring them forth, sanctify us.
Solomon described thee beforehand as the
beauty wholly beloved of God, in that thou art Then, "It is truly meet ... ': and a prostration.
closest to Him, 0 Virgin, delivering those in the Trisagion through Our Father... Troparion,
world with thy maternal boldness. and the rest as usual. Dismissal.


After the first chanting of the Psalter, these us glorify Him: For He hath nailed the sins of
sessional hymns of the Cross, in Tone V- men to the Cross, delivering the human race
The place of the skull became paradise, for from deception, and hath vouchsafed us the
no sooner was the tree ofthe Cross planted than kingdom.
straightway Thou, the grapes of Life, sprang
forth, 0 Savior, unto our gladness. Glory to Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion-
Thee! When she who without pain gave Thee birth
Stichos: Exalt ye the Lord our God, and saw Thee uplifted upon the Tree, she lamented,
worship the footstool of His feet, for it is holy. weeping, and exclaimed: "Woe is me, 0 my Son
0 ye faithful, let us hymn our Savior and most sweet! I am wounded in soul, beholding
Deliverer Who of His own will was crucified, as Thee nailed to the Cross as a malefactor amid
He Himself knew and was well-pleased; and let two evildoers!"


After the second chanting of the Psalter, these Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion-
sessional hymns, in Tone V­ Beholding Thee hanging of Thine own will
0 Savior Who of Thine own will endured on the Cross between the thieves, 0 Christ, Thy
crucifixion and freed men from corruption, we, Mother said maternally, her womb rent with
the faithful, hymn and worship Thee, for Thou pain: "0 my sinless Son, how is it that Thou art
hast enlightened us with the power ofthe Cross; unjustly nailed to the Cross as a malefactor,
and with fear we glorify Thee as Lord and Who desireth to give life to the human race, in
Bestower of life, 0 Compassionate One Who that Thou art compassionate?"
lovest mankind.
Stichos: God is our King before the ages; He ODE I
hath wrought salvation in the midst of the Canon of the Cross, the acrostic whereof is
earth. "Raising up the world, 0 Christ Thou wast
The tree of Thy Cross hath been shown to be lifted up upon the Tree': the composition of
salvation for the world, for Thou wast nailed to Joseph, in Tone V-
it of Thine own will and didst deliver mortals Irmos: Bringing battles to naught with His
from the curse. 0 Lord, Joy ofall, glory to Thee! upraised arm, Christ hath overthrown horse
Martyricon: Zealous for the cup of Thy and rider in the Red Sea, and hath saved Israel,
sufferings, 0 Lord, the passion-bearers forsook who chanteth a hymn of victory.
the beauties of life and became communicants Of old, the law-breaking assembly of the
with the angels. Through their entreaties, 0 Jews lifted up upon the Tree Him Who is incon­
Christ, grant peace and great mercy to our ceivably understood to be incarnate, and Who
souls. appeared to the world in the flesh as He desired.
When the Jews lifted Thee up, suspending
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion- Thee, the fruitful vine, upon the tree of the
By the Cross of Thy Son hath all the false­ Cross, 0 Christ, Thou didst exude the wine of
hood of the idols been abolished and the might gladness which taketh away all the drunken­
ofthe demons hath been trampled underfoot, 0 ness of evils, 0 Word.
thou whoartfullofthegraceofGod. Wherefore, Martyricon: Your patience doth not fall
we, the faithful, ever hymn and bless thee as is under the laws of praise, 0 martyrs; for ye
meet, and confessing thee to be the true Theo­ endured pain past all human nature, and, re­
tokos, we magnify thee. joicing, have made your abode in a rest which is
devoid of pain.
After the third chanting of the Psalter, these Martyricon: Navigating the waves of tor­
sessional hymns, in Tone V.· Spec. Mel.: "The tures by the steering ofthe Word, 0 most lauded
Word Who with the Father and the Spirit is athletes of Christ, ye reached the harbors of
equally without beginning ... "­ heaven, delighting now in divine tranquillity.
The prophecies ofthe prophets have already Theotokion: When thou didst behold the
been fulfilled; Thine ancient counsel hath Lord Who had been born of thy womb up­
reached its end; for of Thine own will Thou, 0 lifted unjustly upon the Tree, 0 Virgin, thou
Christ, King of all, didst abase Thyself to as­ didst shed tears and hymn His truly inef­
sume the flesh, and for our sake didst deign to fable condescension.
ascend the Cross and endure death. Wherefore,
we glorify Thy condescension which passeth Another canon, of the Theotokos, the acrostic
understanding, 0 Word. whereof is "This is now the fifth hymn to the
When the ranks of the angels beheld Thee Virgin': in Tone V-
nailed to the Cross and having fallen asleep, 0 Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
Jesus, King of all, they were stricken with awe; 0 Portal of divine glory, who hast opened
and straightway the hordes of the demons fled, the gates of paradise, open unto me the doors of
and the gates ofhades were broken, the tyranny repentance, I pray, and enlighten my mind,
of death was cast down, and those dead in the that I may hymn thee, 0 divinely joyous one.
grave arose.


Thou didst restrain the onrushing of death, Canon of the Theotokos

0 most immaculate one who gavest birth unto Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
Him Who hath dominion over life and death. 0 pure one, with the remedy inherent in
Him do thou entreat, that He restrain my soul thee heal me wholly, who have been wounded
and save me, 0 thou who puttest transgres­ by the darts of sin. Free me from the pangs
sions to death. which beset me, 0 thou who by thy birthgiving
The Word Who with the Father is equally hast freed the human race from pain.
without beginning chose thee alone, the beauty 0 Mistress, by thine aid cast down the
of Jacob, from among the generations of men, invisible enemies who assail in vain my lowly
and became incarnate of thy blood. 0 Mistress, heart and seek to slay me, that they may remain
save me by thy mediations. impotent and full of shame.
Like the fleece thou didst absorb the rain of 0 Mistress who hast poured forth upon the
heaven which descended upon thee, 0 most world the divine Water, fill me with life­
pure one; wherefore, dry up the teeming of my creating waters, dry up the grievous torrents of
passions, I pray thee, 0 Virgin Mother. mine iniquities, and with thy divine serenity
still thou the waves of my heart.
ODE III Ending, the tabernacle of the law hath
Canon of the Cross passed away, for thou gavest birth to Christ,
Irmos: 0 Christ Who by Thy command fixed the Bestower of the law, Who layeth down for
the earth upon naught and suspended its us the grace of purification and enlighten­
weight unsupported: establish Thou Thy ment, and annulleth the curse, 0 all-pure,
Church upon the immovable rock of Thy com­ most immaculate Virgin.
mandments, 0 Thou Who alone art good and
lovest mankind. ODE IV
When Thou wast crucified, paradise was Canon of the Cross
opened again and the thief was the first of all to Irmos: Perceiving Thy divine condescension
enter therein, rejoicing; and when Thou didst prophetically, 0 Christ, Habbakuk cried out to
die, 0 my Jesus, the enemy deceiver was slain, Thee with trembling: Thou art come for the
and slain Adam was given life. Glory to Thy salvation of Thy people, to save Thine anointed
surpassing lovingkindness! ones!
Crucified upon the Tree in Thy goodness, 0 Working never-ending deliverance for
Jesus, Thou didst cause the flame of sin to men's souls when hanging of Thine own will
wither away; bound, Thou hast released man upon the Tree, 0 Christ, Thou didst commit
from deception; and stripped naked, Thou hast Thine all-holy soul into the hands ofthe Father.
clothed man in the vesture of glory. Glory to Theunjustjudgecondemned Thee, the righ­
Thy surpassing compassion! teous Judge, to die suspended upon the Tree,
Martyricon: 0 Christ Who ever revealeth that Thou mightest justify us who unjustly
the martyrs to be shining stars dispelling the submitted to the enemy.
darkness of ungodliness: By their entreaties Martyricon: The good things of all time
drive away the night of mine evils, and en­ were ye vouchsafed to behold, 0 martyrs, when
lighten my darkened heart. ye were manifestly subjected to many tribula­
M artyricon: 0 right glorious martyrs who tions and afflictions, and countless torments on
suffered lawfully, by faith and the law were ye earth.
crowned with wreaths. Ye wisely turned away M artyricon: Ye passed through the winter
from the counsels of the iniquitous, and have of trials, reached the springtime of heavenly
received divine sustenance and a dwelling­ reward, 0 honored martyrs, and have been
place in paradise. numbered with the angelic choirs.
Theotokion: The angelic choirs hymn thee Theotokion: The sword of divine sufferings
who art indisputably more exalted than them, pierced thy soul, 0 blessed one, when thou didst
0 most hymned one; for thou gavest birth in the behold thy Son crucified and surrendering His
flesh to God, Who by the Tree annulled the soul into the hands of the Father.
curse ofthe tree and hath poured forth blessing.

Canon of the Theotokos judgment-seat of Him Who was born of thee.

Irmos: Same as the foregoing. 0 pure one, convert me, who am vanquished
I have no saving works; wherefore, with by the law of sin, am oft beguiled by the decep­
hope I flee under thy protection, 0 most im­ tions of the deceiver, and am weighed down by
maculate Virgin. By thy supplications save me the fetters of my transgressions.
who am desperate. 0 most immaculate one, who gavest birth to
0 pure receptacle of the Light, honored the burning Coal which Isaiah beheld, consume
chariot of the Sun: Illumine my heart, which the dross of mine offenses, and enlighten me, I
hath been darkened by the gloom of evils, and pray.
save me, I pray, 0 Mistress. 0 Virgin who lent Christ flesh of thy blood,
0 Maiden who of thy virginal blood didst wholly wash away my carnal passions, and
weave a robe for Him Who covereth the sky with show me the way of dispassion.
clouds: With a robe of incorruption clothe me
who have been stripped naked by deception. OnE VI
The Creator took thee like a lily from the Canon of the Cross
vales oflife, and through thee He breathed forth Irmos: 0 Christ Master, still Thou the sea
a spiritual fragrance upon the world, 0 all-holy of the passions which rageth with a soul­
Virgin Bride of God. destroying tempest, and lead me up from
corruption, in that Thou art compassionate.
0DEV Thou wast lifted up upon the Tree, 0 Long­
Canon of the Cross suffering One, didst put down all the uprisings
Irmos: 0 Thou Who art clothed in light as with of the enemy, and in Thy surpassing goodness
a garment: I rise at dawn unto Thee, and to hast saved me who have fallen.
Thee do I cry: enlighten Thou my gloom­ No sooner did the souls of the righteous
enshrouded soul, 0 Christ, in that Thou alone sense Thee surrendering Thy soul upon the
art compassionate! Tree of old, 0 Word and Master, than they were
Thou didst stand condemned, 0 Christ, released from everlasting bonds.
Thou righteous Judge, condemning the enmity Martyricon: Like hard diamonds ye en­
of the flesh; and beaten with a reed, Thou hast dured all the burning of torments with pa­
signed for me a complete release. tience, and, humbled, ye cast down the enemy.
When it beheld Thee suspended on the Tree Martyricon: As emulators ofthe sufferings
in the flesh, 0 Christ, the sun turned its light of Christ, ye endured every torture, 0 passion­
into darkness, the earth quaked, and the rocks bearers of the Lord; wherefore, ye have been
split asunder. vouchsafed the beauties of heaven.
Martyricon: Ye sanctified the ends of the Theotokion: Wondrous is thine Offspring,
earth, 0 most lauded martyrs, suffering as Who worketh great miracles and is glorious in
fulfillers of the law of God; and ye have inher­ His saints, 0 Mistress Theotokos, who alone art
ited sanctity. most wondrous.
Martyricon: Let the all-beauteous and
divinely radiant martyrs be honored, who are Canon of the Theotokos
clothed in divine glory and have laid bare the Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
malice of the enemy. Let not the depths ofdespair swallow me up,
Theotokion: We bless thee, the most im­ 0 Mistress, neither let the waves of sin cover
maculate Mother of God, because of whom the me; but let me be saved by thy supplication, 0
curse hath been shown to be fruitless, and thou who alone art pure.
deliverance and blessing have been bestowed. The lampstand of the law prefigured thee
who gavest birth to the Light which enlighten­
Canon of the Theotokos eth all things, 0 most pure one; wherefore, I cry
Irmos: Same as the foregoing. out to thee: Enlighten me, the benighted!
0 Virgin, may I find thee to be a help which 0 most pure Mistress, who gavest birth to
delivereth me from condemnation at the hour of the good Benefactor and Creator: Bless my
judgment, when I must needs stand before the benighted soul.

Thou gavest birth for us to the Bestower of infirmity. Him do thou beseech, that He heal
life, the Author ofsalvation, Who truly granteth my soul which is grievously sick.
everlasting deliverance unto those who pro­
claim thee the Theotokos. ODE VIII
Canon of the Cross
ODE VII Irmos: The children, forming a universal cho­
Canon of the Cross rus in the furnace, chanted to Thee, the Creator
Irmos: The supremely exalted Lord of our of all: Hymn the Lord, all ye works, and exalt
fathers quenched the flame and bedewed the Him supremely for all ages!
children, who sang together: Blessed art Thou, 0 Most High God, Thou wast lifted up upon
OGod! the Cross and given gall to eat, 0 Sweetness of
The iniquitous assembly crowned Thee life; and Thou wast pierced by a spear, slaying
with thorns, 0 immortal King, who cuttest off the serpent who laid Adam low in paradise.
the thorns of deception at the root. Blessed art Bound of Thine own will, 0 Word, Thou
Thou, 0 God! freest me from the bonds of sin, binding the
That Thou mightest clothe me in the ves­ apostate foe with eternal bonds, 0 Savior.
ture of incorruption, 0 Word, Thou didst will­ Wherefore, I glorify Thy sufferings forever.
ingly allow Thyself to be stripped naked; and Martyricon: As secondary lights ye were
though dispassionate by nature, Thou didst shown to partake of the immaterial Light, 0
deign to be spat upon, crucified and subjected to martyrs, removing the gloom of deception, and
suffering. divinely illumining the hearts ofall the faithful.
M artyricon: Having conformed to the suf­ Martyricon: Ye became children of the free
ferings of Him Who hath dominion over all Jerusalem on high, 0 martyrs, enlightening the
things, 0 saints, ye truly became children and Church of the firstborn and exalting Christ
heirs to the unshakable kingdom. supremely forever.
M artyricon: Ye did not offer worship to most Theotokion: Thou didst stand at the Cross,
irrational trees, worshipping instead as King seeing nailed thereto Him to Whom thou hadst
and Master Him Who stretched out his hands given birth, 0 Maiden and Mistress; wherefore,
upon the Tree. thou didst cry out: "Show me not to be childless,
Theotokion: Strange is thy birthgiving, 0 0 Thou Who art without beginning, Son and
most immaculate one; for thou gavest birth Word of the unoriginate Father!"
unto Him Who by the Tree caused the flame of
deception to wither away, and hath enlightened Canon of the Theotokos
the world. Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
0 Virgin who art all-beauteous and divinely
Canon of the Theotokos radiant, with the vision of beautiful things do
Irmos: Same as the foregoing. thou enlighten me, that I may cry: Hymn the
I hymn thee, 0 most hymned and most holy Lord and exalt Him supremely forever!
Virgin, for without seed thou gavest birth unto 0 portal of the Light, open unto me the
the most hymned God Who deifieth those who splendid gates ofrepentance, showing me every
chant: Blessed art Thou, 0 God! straight path of righteousness which giveth
Mortify my passions, 0 thou who gavest entry to the will of God.
birth to Life, and raise me up who lie in the To the holy Word Who sanctifieth the faith­
grave of insensibility, that I may glorify thee ful didst thou ineffably give birth, 0 pure one.
with love, 0 Bride of God. Him do thou entreat, 0 all-holy one, that He
Mercifully regard the supplications of thy now sanctify my lowly soul which hath been
servants, 0 Mistress, delivering from misfor­ defiled by evil.
tunes and saving from tribulations those who The Lord of all, the Torrent of light and
chant with faith: Blessed art Thou, 0 God! Well-spring of immortality, issued forth from
0 pure one, thou gavest birth unto Him Who thee, 0 holy Mistress; wherefore, I cry to thee,
is infinitely powerful, yet Who bore our 0 pure one: With the showers ofthy prayers dry
up the streams of mine evils.

We then chant the Hymn of the Theotokos [the but do thou thyself preserve me by thy tireless
Magnificat}, with the refrain: "More honorable supplication, 0 pure Virgin Mother.
than the cherubim ... ': and make prostrations. As one self-condemned I ponder the multi­
tude of my sins and the dread tribunal of the
Ode IX Judge, at which I must needs be tried. But as she
Canon of the Cross who gave birth unto God the Judge, 0 Theoto­
Irmos: Rejoice, 0 Isaiah! The Virgin hath kos, preserve me uncondemned at that time.
conceived in her womb and borne a Son, Im­
manuel, both God and man. Orient is His name; Then, "It is truly meet to bless thee ... ': and a
and, magnifying Him, we call the Virgin prostration. Litany, exapostilarion, and the
blessed. usual psalms.
Thou wast lifted up upon the Tree like a
lamb, 0 Christ our Master, breaking the jaws of Aposticha stichera of the Cross, in Tone V­
the noetic wolf, snatching Thy reason-endowed N o sooner was the tree of Thy Cross
sheep from his maw, and bringing them to the planted, 0 Christ, than the deception of idols
Father, 0 Master. was driven away and grace blossomed forth; for
As King of kings Thou wast crowned with a the tyranny of condemnation was no more, but
crown ofthorns, 0 Christ, abolishing the rule of the triumph of our salvation was made mani­
the evil one, and cutting the thorns ofdeception fest. For the Cross is our boast, the Cross is our
off at the root; wherefore, we glorify Thee with confirmation, the Cross is our joy!
faith, 0 Good One. Stichos: We were filled in the morning with
Martyricon: Your firm and steadfast oppo­ Thy mercy, 0 Lord, and we rejoiced and were
sition shone forth like the sun and dispelled all glad. In all our days, let us be glad for the days
the gloom of the enemy, 0 right glorious ones, wherein Thou didst humble us, for the years
ye invincible martyrs, enlighteners of all the wherein we saw evils. And look upon Thy
faithful, unshakable towers of piety. servants, and upon Thy works, and do Thou
M artyricon: 0 most lauded martyrs of the guide their sons.
Savior, ye were shown to be a divinely as­ For our sake Thou wast led as a sheep to
sembled regiment, a heavenly army, a chosen sacrifice and as an innocent lamb to voluntary
assembly, a holy encampment, who destroy the slaughter, 0 Christ Immanuel; and Thou wast
cities of the evil one with divine grace. reckoned among the iniquitous. Come, 0 ye
Theotokion: Thou gavest birth to the Gar­ nations of the homeland, and hymn and wor­
dener, the Planter of piety Who soweth true ship the endless Life Who was uplifted upon the
understanding on the earth and destroyeth the Cross!
curse which grew from the garden. And magni­ Stichos: And let the brightness of the Lord
fying Him, we call thee, the Virgin, blessed. our God be upon us, and the works of our hands
do Thou guide aright upon us, yea, the work of
Canon of the Theotokos our hands do Thou guide aright.
Irmos: Same as the foregoing. Martyricon: Struggling on earth, the holy
0 pure one, thou gavest birth to the Savior, martyrs endured the cold and gave themselves
the unshakable Foundation, Who by His com­ over to the fire. And as the waters received
mand founded the earth upon the waters. Him them their cry was: "We went through fire and
do thou entreat, that He make us steadfast who water, and Thou didst bring us out into refresh­
in pure manner call thee blessed. ment!" By their supplications, 0 Christ God,
0 pure one, cause me to walk, unerringly have mercy upon us!
and without being led astray, the path of the
humility ofthe precepts ofGod, driving far from Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion-
me the turmoil of the demons and the assaults Ofold, beholding her Lamb and Son uplifted
of the passions, and granting me tranquillity. upon the Cross, the Virgin Mother and most
The enemy, seeing me stuck fast in the blessed Maiden cried out, weeping: "Woe is me,
slumber ofindifference, attacketh me mightily, 0 my Son! How is it that Thou diest, Who as
hoping to carry me off by pleasurable dreams; God art immortal by nature?"

Then, "It is good to give thanks ... " Trisagion through Our Father ... Troparion. Litany. First Hour,
and Dismissal.



On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone V- Martyricon: As emulators of the sufferings

Believing Thee to be God, the thief on the ofChrist, 0 blessed passion-bearers ofthe Lord,
cross confessed Thee, 0 Christ, crying out in ye underwent every torture; wherefore, ye have
purity from the depths of his heart: Remember been vouchsafed the beauties of heaven.
me, 0 Lord, in Thy kingdom! Glory ... : On the Cross Thou didst endure
Pierced in the side, Thou didst pour forth voluntary suffering, 0 Christ Who art insepa­
torrents of remission, 0 Christ; and, Thy hands rable from the Father and the divine Spirit,
nailed to the Cross, Thou didst discomfit all the taking away all our corrupting passions.
passionate mind of men. Now & ever ... : She who stood before the
Ascending the Cross, Thou didst fill the Cross and beheld her Son wounded, was
whole multitude ofthe demons with trembling, wounded in soul and hymned His truly great
didst cast down the pernicious might of the dispensation.
tyrant, 0 Christ our Master, and didst save




On "Lord, I have cried ... ': 3 stichera ofthe holy shall redeem Israel out of all his iniquities.
apostles, in Tone V.· Spec. Mel.: "Rejoice, ... "­ Rejoice, 0 sacred one, pure habitation ofthe
Stichos: If Thou shouldest mark iniquities, virtues, godly standard of blameless priest­
0 Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee hood, great and manifest pastor, whose radiant
there is forgiveness. name signifieth victory, who mercifully heedest
Traversing all the earth, ye sowed divine those who make supplication, inclining thine
teachings, bearing the Word alone as a lamp ear to the pleas of the infirm, ready deliverer,
and all riches, 0 disciples of the Lord; and saving refuge for all who with faith ever honor
thereby ye put emperors and torturers to thy glorious memory! Entreat Christ, that He
shame, and rent asunder the vain arguments of send down upon us great mercy.
the philosophers and rhetors as though they Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations;
were spiders' webs, calling all to recognize the praise Him, all ye peoples.
Creator, and abolishing the vain worship of Rejoice, 0 holy hierarch Nicholas, most sa­
demons. Wherefore, I pray that, by your cred mind, pure abode of the Trinity, pillar of
supplications, ye deliver me from those who the Church, confirmation ofthe faithful, helper
are irrational. of the afflicted, star who with the brilliant rays
Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa­ of thy right acceptable prayers dost ever dispel
tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord; my soul hath the darkness of trial and tribulation, calm ha­
waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath ven whereto the imperiled who flee are saved
hoped in the Lord. from the threefold waves of life! Entreat Christ
By your entreaties unto God, deliver us all God, that He send down upon our souls great
from the turmoil of temptations, the cruel de­ mercy.
ception of shameful heresies, the evil counsel of Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to
the demons, the fire which burneth in the ab­ prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord a bid­
sence oflight, the everlasting worm, the gnash­ eth forever.
ing ofteeth, and all other torments; and beseech Rejoice, standard for hierarchs, inexhaust­
Him that, for the sake of your temperance and ible depths of divine wonders, beauty of the
toils, we may receive the reward of the virtues, Church, brilliant star who with thy sacred
the inheritance of the kingdom of heaven, and effulgence dost shed light upon each of us, 0
great mercy. blessed and most holy one who art illumined
Stichos: From the morning watch until with all-radiant flashes of lightning, unshak­
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in able tower, stairway offaith for those who with
the Lord. love keep thine honored memory: Entreat
Clearly receiving all effulgence, the re­ Christ, that He grant our souls great mercy.
flected light of the ineffable dispensation of the
Trinity, insofar as human nature can so do, the Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
most lauded twelve showed themselves per­ Rejoice, 0 pure one, thou seal of the proph­
fectly to bring with them the seventy-two, the ets and preaching of the divinely eloquent
company ofequal zeal, enlightening all the ends apostles! For in manner past understanding
ofthe world, which were darkened by the gloom and recounting, thou gavest birth unto Him
of malignant heresies; and they entreat Christ, Who is truly incarnate; and we who have
Who granteth the world great mercy. thereby received our primal nobility and de­
light in the sustenance of paradise, honor thee
Then the stichera for the saint, from the Men­ with hymns: the Mediatress of such splendor
aion; or ifthere is no Menaion, these stichera for and our right acceptable advocate. And having
our father among the saints, Nicholas the won­ been enriched by thee, 0 all-pure one, we are
derworker, in the same melody- vouchsafed the eternal life of thy Son, Who
Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy, and richly bestoweth great mercy.
with Him there is plenteous redemption; and He

Then, 0 gladsome Light... ; the prokimenon of them and all the saints, 0 God, have mercy
the day; and Vouchsafe, 0 Lord... upon us.
Stichos: Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, have
Aposticha stichera of the apostles, in Tone V- mercy on us, for greatly are we filled with
As eye-witnesses to the mysteries of the abasement. Greatly hath our soul been filled
Savior, 0 disciples, ye preached the Invisible therewith; let reproach come upon them that
One Who hath no beginning, saying: In the prosper, and abasement on the proud.
beginning was the Word. Ye were not created Martyricon: Your souls filled with insa­
before the angels, nor were ye taught of men, tiable love, 0 holy martyrs, ye did not deny
but by the wisdom ofthe Most High. Wherefore, Christ; and enduring the divers wounds of suf­
as ye have boldness, pray ye in behalf of our ferings, ye cast down the audacity of the tor­
souls. mentors; and having preserved the Faith intact
Stichos: Unto Thee have I lifted up mine and unharmed, ye were translated to the heav­
eyes, unto Thee that dwellest in heaven. Be­ ens. Wherefore, as ye have boldness before
hold, as the eyes ofservants look unto the hands Him, ask that He grant us great mercy.
of their masters, as the eyes of the handmaid
look unto the hands of her mistress, so do our Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
eyes look unto the Lord our God, until He take We, the faithful, bless thee, 0 Virgin Theoto­
pity on us. kos, as is meet and we glorify thee: the unshak­
Together let us praise the apostles of the able city, the unassailable rampart, our stead­
Lord with hymns, for, having arrayed them­ fast intercessor and the refuge of our souls.
selves in the armor of the Cross, they abolished
the deception of the demons and were shown to Then, Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart ...
be crowned victors. By the supplications of Trisagion through Our Father... Troparia.
Litany, and Dismissal.


ODE I Wherefore, haste thou and cry out to the Mother

Irmos: To God the Savior, Who led His people of the Lord: Cleanse thou and save me,
in the sea with dryshod feet and drowned Pha­ 0 Theotokos!
raoh and all his army, let us chant alone, for He
is glorious. Irmos: By the power of Thy Cross, 0 Christ,
0 radiant tabernacle of Christ the King, establish Thou my mind, that I may hymn and
illumine my mind, which hath been darkened glorify Thy saving resurrection.
by the deceit of the enemy and blinded by the Out of the pit of torments and sufferings do
darkness of my transgressions. thou lead me up who hymn thee constantly, 0
0 Theotokos, free my lowly soul from most blessed Theotokos.
wicked thoughts, and make of it a dwelling­ Rend asunder the rags of my boundless
place for God, that I may ever glorify thee as is transgressions, and gird me about with the
meet. gladness of the virtues, 0 thou who art full of
Glory ... : When I must needs depart from the grace of God.
this transitory life at the command of God, 0 Glory ... : Grant me tear-drops, 0 pure one,
all-pure one, show me to elude the hands of the that I may dispel the perplexity of my heart and
demons, providing me with angels as may hymn thee earnestly.
companions. Now & ever ... : Cast down the arrogance of
Now & ever ... : Wherefore hast thou wasted the incorporeal foe, 0 all-immaculate one, and
all of life in great despondency, 0 my soul? quickly free me from their tyranny.

ODE IV come upon me, bringing me down into the

Irmos: I heard report of the power of the Cross, depths of despair. 0 pure one, from the utter­
that paradise hath been opened thereby, and I most depths of hades lead me up who glorify
cried aloud: Glory to Thy power, 0 Lord! thee, I pray.
Wherefore hast thou likened thyself to the Now & ever ... : My life hath been filled with
barren fig-tree, 0 my soul, in nowise afraid of transgressions and all manner of slothfulness;
being cut down and cast into everlasting wherefore, before mine end, 0 pure one, turn me
flames? Haste thou, therefore, and rouse thy­ to repentance and save me, 0 all-hymned one.
self before it is too late.
What tongue can describe the boundless sea Then, "Lord, have mercy!", thrice. Glory ... ,
of the evils I have committed and the abyss of Now & ever ... : Sedalion, in Tone V.· Spec. Mel.:
my transgressions? Save me, who am in de­ "The Word Who is equally unoriginate ... "­
spair, 0 all-immaculate Virgin! Rejoice, 0 firm rampart of divine victory!
Glory ... : I weep for myself when I bring to Rejoice, most militant felling of barbarians!
mind my manifold transgressions and the fire Rejoice, 0 Theotokos, thou triumph of faithful
which will never be quenched, and I entreat Orthodox Christians, who truly set their hope
thee: Grant me time for repentance, 0 pure one. on thee, delivering us from all misfortunes and
Now & ever ... : Let not the enemy seize my ungodly enemies by thy supplications!
wretched soul like a savage lion, but by thy power
break his soul-destroying fangs, 0 good one. ODE VII
Irmos: Blessed is the God of our fathers, Who
0DEV saved the children who chanted unto Him in the
Irmos: Rising at dawn, we cry to Thee: Save us, fiery furnace.
0 Lord! for Thou art our God, and we know none By thy goodness, 0 Mistress, grant me for­
other than Thee. giveness of evils, voluntary or involuntary.
Look down and hearken to my voice, 0 My mind is weakened by the assaults of
Mistress; and deliver me from everlasting wicked thoughts of ungodliness. Help me, 0
condemnation, I pray. good one.
I have been wounded by arrows of sin, and Glory ... : 0 Theotokos, with the remedy of
I cry to thee: Heal the wounds ofmy heart, 0 all­ thine entreaties heal now the wounds of the
pure one! passions of my soul.
Glory ... : Have mercy on me, 0 only Com­ Now & ever ... : Grant me a contrite soul
passionate One Who lovest mankind, through and humble mind, 0 good one, that I may
the supplications of her who gave Thee birth; glorify thee.
for Thou art my God and Lord.
Now & ever ... : I entreat thy goodness, 0 ODE VIII
thou who alone art most hymned: Have mercy Irmos: The Son and God, Who was begotten of
and vouchsafe mercy unto me. the Father before the ages, and in latter times
became incarnate of the Virgin Mother, hymn,
ODE VI ye priests, and exalt supremely for all ages!
Irmos: The abyss engulfed me, and the sea Having lived my life in sloth, wretch that I
monster became a tomb for me; yet I cried unto am, and drawn nigh to the end of my life, I cry
Thee Who lovest mankind, and Thy right hand to thee: 0 Theotokos, rescue my lowly soul from
saved me, 0 Lord. the snares of the adversary!
The deceiver, like a roaring lion, seeketh to In that thou alone art merciful, grant the
rend me asunder and show me forth as food for his power of thy kingdom to me who am tried by
malice, 0 pure one; but free me from his harm. bodily pangs, cruel spiritual wounds and at­
By the supplications ofher who gave birth to tacks of suffering.
Thee in purity, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind, Glory ... : Save me, who am tempest-tossed
cleanse and deliver thy world from all tribula­ on the deep of life and engulfed by waves of
tion, and vouchsafe unto it eternal glory. demons, and lead me to the God-pleasing life in
Glory ... : The abyss of transgressions hath the divine haven, 0 pure Maiden.

Now & ever ... : Like a herald entering a On the day ofjudgment be Thou merciful to
bridal chamber, Gabriel cried out, saying: Re­ me, 0 Word of the true God, through the en­
joice, 0 Virgin, thou all-glorious palace of treaties of her who gave Thee birth, and num­
Christ, the King of all, wherein dwelling He ber me with those who are at Thy right hand.
hath deified all mortals! Glory ... : Deliver me from everlasting fire,
from the worm which sleepeth not and from all
OnE IX manner of torment, for I have set my hope on
Irmos: With oneness of mind, we the faithful thee.
magnify thee, the Mother of God, who in manner Now & ever ... : When my soul shall be
past understanding and recounting, ineffably separated from my wretched body, 0 Bride of
gavest birth in time to the Timeless One. God, deliver me from the tyranny of the invis­
Thee, who ineffably gavest birth to God, ible foe.
have we acquired as an ally, an immovable
rampart, the salvation of our souls, and a well­ Then, "It is truly meet ... ': and a prostration.
spring of miracles. Trisagion through Our Father ... Troparia, and
the rest as usual. Dismissal.



After the first chanting of the Psalter, these After the second chanting of the Psalter, these
sessional hymns of the apostles, in Tone V- sessional hymns, in Tone V-
With spiritual songs and hymns let all of us Together let us praise the apostles, for they
on earth praise the all-wise apostles as eye­ preached the Orthodox doctrine of the Lord
witnesses and servants of the Word; for they unto all, dispelling the gloom of heresies and
earnestly entreat Christ in behalf of us who shining forth in the world the light ofthe Spirit
hymn their sacred memory and bow down be­ through the teaching of grace; and they pray
fore their relics. that we be saved.
Stichos: Their sound hath gone forth into all Stichos: The heavens declare the glory of
the earth, and their words unto the ends of the God, and the firmament proclaimeth the work
world. of His hands.
Together let us praise the apostles as The foregoing sessional hymn is repeated.
eye-witnesses of the Word, divine preachers, Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
spiritual fishers of the nations, for they have God of Israel.
manifestly brought us to the understanding Martyricon: The hosts of heaven marveled
of Christ; and delivering the human race exceedingly at the corrections of the holy mar­
from deception, they have vouchsafed us the tyrs: how, fighting the good fight in their mortal
kingdom. bodies, they invisibly vanquished the incorpo­
real foe with the power of the Cross; and they
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion- pray unto the Lord, that our souls find mercy.
I am condemned by the court of my con­
science, and considering my plea before I am Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
brought to trial, I tremble, wretch that I am, Havingfound thee to be a haven, a bulwark,
remembering the multitude of mine evils. Yet a refuge, hope and protection, and fervent help,
unto thee, who art mine invincible intercessor we, the faithful, flee unto thee, and earnestly
and protection, do I cry out with compunction: cry out with faith: Have mercy, 0 Theotokos,
Deliver me from that shame, and save me by thy upon those who place their trust in thee, and
supplications! deliver us from transgressions.


After the third chanting of the Psalter, these Another canon, of our father among the
sessional hymns, in Tone V­ saints, Nicholas the wonderworker, the
0 disciples of the Savior, divine apostles, acrostic whereof is "I offer a fifth hymn unto
who sowed the word of salvation in all the ends thee, 0 Nicholas': the composition of Joseph,
of the earth, .and illumined those sitting in in Tone V-
darkness and shadow: By your entreaties, 0 Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
most praised ones, enlighten my soul, which Uniting thyself unto God by faith and love,
hath been benighted by the darkness of the 0 father, thou didst fulfill His most holy de­
passions. sires, and thereby becamest holy in all things, 0
Preaching the ineffable mystery of Thine wise and holy hierarch Nicholas.
incarnation, 0 Lord, illiterate men put philoso­ Having thee as an intercessor before the
phers to shame; fishermen shut the mouths of Compassionate One, we who are beset by perils
rhetors. And they became all-wise teachers of and griefs flee unto thee. Grant thou a hand
the nations, illumining the ends of the earth that saveth us from all straits.
with the light of divine understanding. Christ anointed thee for the people of Myra
Through them grant us great mercy. as a holy hierarch who filleth us with the sweet
fragrance of miracles; wherefore, we beseech
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion- thee, 0 Nicholas, to deliver us from the foul
We who have thee as our hope unashamed, stench of sin.
0 Virgin who art our protection, free from Theotokion: Ofold, the choir ofthe prophets
divers perils, evil circumstances and grievous foretold thee to be the divine mountain and
tribulations, with His. apostles entreating thy impassable portal, 0 Virgin. Wherefore, we
Son; and save all who hymn thee. pray thee: Open unto us the divine gates of
repentance, 0 Maiden.
Canon of the holy apostles, the composition of ODE III
Theophanes, Bishop of Nicrea, in Tone V­ Canon of the Apostles
Irmos: Bringing battles to naught with His Irmos: 0 Christ Who by Thy command fixed
upraised arm, Christ hath overthrown horse the earth upon naught and suspended its
and rider in the Red Sea, and hath saved Israel, weight unsupported: establish Thou Thy
who chanteth a hymn of victory. Church upon the immovable rock of Thy com­
Enriched by the effulgence ofHim Who first mandments, 0 Thou Who alone art good and
bestowed the gift of light, and Who deigned to lovest mankind.
converse with men in the flesh, 0 glorious and He Who is exceeding great in goodness, and
divine apostles, release my soul from all dark­ beggared Himself by assuming the flesh, with
ness. Twice all manner of gifts enriched you, 0 glorious
Drawing, the divine Bow loosed you like apostles, who became poor for His sake and
arrows at the whole world, 0 apostles, breaking have enriched the ends of the earth with divine
all the arrows of the wicked and crafty one, and and honorable understandings. Twice
healing the wounds of the faithful. I have sustained the venomous bite of the
Possessed of the very wisdom of the serpent, and my heart hath been wounded;
Teacher, 0 apostles, ye made wise all the ends wherefore, I cry out to Thee, 0 Christ, Who wast
of the earth; wherefore, make me wise, that I wounded for my sake: By the entreaties of
may fend off every malefaction of the enemy. Thine apostles heal and save me, I pray!
Theotokion: 0 all-pure one, who alone art Having drawn me forth from the depths of
blessed and full of divine joy, having filled the the evil adversary, from the threefold waves of
human race with joy by thy blessings, with the wicked thoughts, and from deadly passions,
divine apostles entreat Christ, that we may find with the net of your prayers, 0 most blessed
mercy. ones, bring me, saved, unto the God of all.


Theotokion: 0 thou who received the Rain of Canon of Saint Nicholas

heaven, with the apostles entreat Him to cause Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
the torrents of my passions to cease their flow, Thou didst exchange fleeting things for
drying up my sin, and to save me who glorify things yet to come, 0 Nicholas. By thy suppli­
thee in a pure manner. cations cause us also to share therein, deliver­
ing us from every temptation of life.
Canon of Saint Nicholas As first hierarch of the people of Myra, 0
Irmos: Same as the foregoing. holy Nicholas, perfume with myrrh all the
With the opposition of thy divine labors, 0 senses of my heart, and by thy supplications
venerable one, thou didst break the arrows of ever drive from it the fcetid passions.
the evil one. And by thy supplications, 0 all­ Foil all the enemy's wiles, visible and invis­
wise one, preserve thou, unharmed by his mal­ ible, 0 Nicholas, and send to never-ending
ice and violence, those who hymn thee, 0 great perdition our foes, who ever wage war upon us.
Nicholas. Theotokion: 0 holy Theotokos, save me who
Having shown forth an angelic life on earth, am constantly drowning in carnal pleasures
thou now ever standest with the angels before and lie, ever groaning, upon my bed of despair.
the throne of the Trinity, 0 sacred one, asking
remission of our offenses and temptations, 0 0DEV
father and chief hierarch Nicholas. Canon of the Apostles
By thy luminous supplications drive away Irmos: 0 Thou Who art clothed in light as with
all darkness from my mind, 0 Nicholas; still the a garment: I rise at dawn unto Thee, and to
tempest of my passions, 0 father, and steer me Thee do I cry: enlighten Thou my gloom­
to the harbor of dispassion, I pray, that I may enshrouded soul, 0 Christ, in that Thou alone
glorify thee in praise. art compassionate!
Theotokion: Standing at the right hand of In the upper room, the rhetors of the Spirit,
Christ as a Queen truly arrayed in golden the honored apostles, beheld the Holy Spirit
vesture, 0 most immaculate Maiden full ofjoy Who came upon them in the guise of fire, and
divine, by thy supplications win for us the they received Him in awesome manner. Twice
kingdom of heaven. 0 apostles who crush ungodliness, with the
dew of healing heal my mind, which hath been
OnE IV crushed by transgressions.
Canon of the Apostles 0 apostles, Christ sent you forth like choice
Irmos: Perceiving Thy divine condescension arrows, breaking the arrows of wickedness;
prophetically, 0 Christ, Habbakuk cried out to wherefore, heal me who have been wounded by
Thee with trembling: Thou art come for the the arrows of the enemy.
salvation of Thy people, to save Thine anointed Theotokion: "Condemn me not, neither turn
ones! Thy face away from me, 0 greatly Merciful
As the Door, Jesus, our God and Lord, One!", the council of the apostles and she who
opened to the apostles the understanding of gave Thee birth entreat Thee in a pure manner.
Him, and through their teachings opened the
door to all the nations. Twice Canon of Saint Nicholas
0 Son of God, by fellowship Thou didst Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
reveal the apostles as sons of the heavenly Thou didst break asunder the graven idols
Father. Through their entreaty make us all and show the counsels of the heretics to be
children of the light. impotent, 0 holy Nicholas, and didst deliver
0 apostles who will all-gloriously be seated those sentenced to death.
on twelve thrones with the Judge and King, Having risen early unto the Lord from child­
deliver me from the awesome and dread trial. hood, 0 venerable one, thou wast wholly en­
Theotokion: 0 ark ofdivine sanctity, hallow lightened by heavenly effulgences; wherefore,
my soul and enlighten my mind, ever praying to pray thou, and drive the clouds from my soul.
Christ with the apostles, that He save me.


We beseech thee, 0 father Nicholas: At the ODE VII
dread hour be thou among all who call upon Canon of the Apostles
thee, and grant us our petitions which conduce I rmos: The supremely exalted Lord of our
to salvation. fathers quenched the flame and bedewed the
Theotokion: He Who is inaccessible to the children, who sang together: Blessed art Thou,
mind of man, as one mortal took thee as His OGod!
possession, delivering men from besetting The supremely exalted Lord of our fathers
tribulations. exalted you supremely, 0 disciples of Christ
who beheld God; and He cast down all the power
ODE VI of the enemy. Twice
Canon of the Apostles With streams of compunction and your en­
Irmos: 0 Christ Master, still Thou the sea treaties, 0 apostles, wash away the defilement
of the passions which rageth with a soul­ of my heart, teaching me to cry: Blessed art
destroying tempest, and lead me up from Thou, 0 God!
corruption, in that Thou art compassionate. With the fire of the divine Spirit ye burned
With the salt of the teaching of Thy sacred up the tinder of all vanity; wherefore, deliver
disciples Thou didst put an end to the corrup­ me from burning Gehenna, 0 disciples of God
tion of evil for the souls of the nations, 0 Thou the Word.
Who lovest mankind. Twice Theotokion: 0 Virgin who set aright the fall
Thou knowest the depths of mine evils, 0 ofAdam, by your supplications and those ofthe
Master Christ. Grant me Thy hand, and by the divine apostles raise me up who have fallen into
entreaties of Thy sacred apostles save me, 0 the defile of evil.
Thou Who lovest mankind.
0 most righteous Judge, on the dread day of Canon of Saint Nicholas
judgment deliver me, who tremble, from con­ Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
demnation, through the entreaties of Thy right Having relied wholly on God, 0 divinely
glorious apostles. wise Nicholas, wholly save me who am ever
Theotokion: From the multitude of mine wretchedly tripped by the passions of life.
iniquities vouchsafe salvation unto me who am 0 divinely radiant lamp, illumine my mind
desperate, through the entreaties of Thy dis­ which is ever darkened by the gloom of the
ciples and Thy Mother. passions, and grant that I may walk nobly in
this life.
Canon of Saint Nicholas Every wicked mouth which is opened
Irmos: Same as the foregoing. against me do thou shut by thy supplications, 0
By thy supplications render the Master Nicholas, and deliver me from enemies, visible
merciful unto all who honor thee, 0 Nicholas, and invisible.
that He may grant us remission of our trans­ Theotokion: From thee, 0 most radiant
gressions. cloud, did Christ our God, the never-setting
Those who have acquired thee as an advo­ Sun, shine forth upon us, illumining those in
cate before the Lord, 0 Nicholas, do thou deliver the darkness ofignorance, 0 Theotokos.
from infirmities and the temptations of life,
from perils and tribulations. ODE VIII
Christ the Master hath shown thee to be an Canon of the Apostles
excellent physician; wherefore, heal thou the Irmos: The children, forming a universal cho­
infirmities of those who approach thee in piety, rus in the furnace, chanted to Thee, the Creator
0 Nicholas. of all: Hymn the Lord, all ye works, and exalt
Theotokion: Thou wast a mother who knew Him supremely for all ages!
no husband, 0 pure Mother of God; wherefore, 0 Word, Thou didst send forth Thine
I pray thee with faith: Dispel the despondency apostles as noetic clouds which let fall upon us
ofmy soul. the rain of all-wise and divine teachings and
give us drink forever. Twice



0 beholders ofGod, pillars ofthe Church all­ and, magnifying Him, we call the Virgin
adorned, surrounding it with the teachings of blessed.
the Faith: with divine skill make steadfast the By the splendors of divine virtues ye were
defiled house of my soul. noetically shown to be starry skies, having
Groan thou, 0 my soul, and offer unto the Christ, the Sun, in your midst; and ye have
Lord torrents of tears from the depths of thy renewed the ends of the earth, 0 all-wise ones;
whole heart, crying: 0 only Compassionate wherefore, we call you blessed. Twice
One, save and purify me through the right Bearing the wounds of Christ upon your
acceptable supplications of the most glorious divine bodies like most magnificent armor, 0
apostles. all-wise ones, by your mediations before the
Theotokion: 0 all-pure Virgin, chosen Sion, Lord heal my soul, which hath been wounded by
city ofthe King: make me a citizen ofthe city on the darts ofthe demons.
high, entreating Thy timeless Son with the In that Thou raised up Lazarus, 0 Christ,
divine disciples. Lord and Word, by Thy disciples save me who
lie in the uttermost abyss of sin and have
Canon of Saint Nicholas weighed down my soul with the sleep of griev­
Irmos: Same as the foregoing. ous slothfulness.
0 Nicholas, who wast a great hierarch in Theotokion: Direct the steps of my soul
Myra, perfume the senses of my soul with straight to the paths of Thine unerring com­
myrrh, that I may escape the stench of the mandments, 0 Word of God, having the all­
passions and receive the grace ofthe Comforter. pure Virgin who gave Thee birth praying to
With streams pouring forth from thy holy Thee with Thine all-wise apostles, 0 greatly
tongue, 0 all-wise one, thou didst stop the Merciful One.
streams of the blasphemy of Arius; wherefore,
we cry out to thee: By thy supplications dry up Canon of Saint Nicholas
the streams of my passions, 0 most blessed Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
Nicholas! As a divine and holy hierarch thou didst
By thy supplications deliver us from our keep all the commandments of Christ; where­
offenses, from the oppression of the demons, fore, thou wast the godly preserver of the faith­
foreign captivity, and the most evil and wicked ful. 0 father Nicholas, preserve them from all
harm caused by men, that we may praise thee, perils and afflictions.
our deliverer. As once, as a good shepherd, thou feddest
Triadicon: Unceasingly glorifying with thy city, which was starving in hunger, so now
faith the monarchy of the Trinity, we cry out: 0feed thou my soul with the breadofunderstand­
Father, Word and most Holy Spirit, we hymn ing, 0 father Nicholas, for I have acquired thee
Thee for all ages! as a good helper.
Theotokion: Having clad Himself in flesh 0 venerable pastor, with faith we entreat
taken from thee for our sake, 0 Virgin, God thee, the great sun which ever riseth above the
showed thee, the pure and most immaculate Church of Christ: With radiant beams of light
one, to be the divine intercessor for the whole drive away the deep gloom of sins from our
human race; wherefore, we, the faithful, hymn souls.
thee aloud. The dread day of the coming of Christ
draweth nigh, as it is written. Rouse thyself, 0
We then chant the Hymn of the Theotokos [the soul, and cast off slothfulness, and cry out to
Magnificat}, with the refrain: "More honorable Christ: Save me, 0 Lord, at the entreaty of Thy
than the cherubim ... ': and make prostrations. servant Nicholas!
Theotokion: 0 all-pure one, the prophet
ODE IX foresaw thee as the radiant lampstand bearing
Canon of the Apostles
Christ, the noetic Lamp, by Whom we have
Irmos: Rejoice, 0 Isaiah! The Virgin hath
been enlightened who lie in darkness and the
conceived in her womb and borne a Son, lm­
passions. And we call thee blessed, 0 Ever­
manuel, both God and man. Orient is His name;
virgin Theotokos.

Then, "It is truly meet to bless thee .. .", and a Stichos: And let the brightness of the Lord
prostration. Litany, exapostilarion, and the our God be upon us, and the works of our hands
usual psalms. do Thou guide aright upon us, yea, the work of
our hands do Thou guide aright.
Aposticha stichera of the apostles, in Tone V- Martyricon: Rejoicing in the midst of their
As eye-witnesses to the mysteries of the torments, the saints cried out: "These things
Savior, 0 disciples, ye preached the Invisible are wares for us to trade with the Lord: for,
One Who hath no beginning, saying: In the instead of the wounds we bear on our bodies,
beginning was the Word. Ye were not created radiant vesture shall blossom forth for us unto
before the angels, nor were ye taught of men, our resurrection; instead of dishonor, we shall
but by the wisdom ofthe Most High. Wherefore, receive crowns; instead of fetters in prison, we
as ye have boldness, pray ye in behalf of our shall receive paradise; and instead of condem­
souls. nation with malefactors, we shall have life with
Stichos: We were filled in the morning with the angels!" By their supplications, 0 Lord,
Thy mercy, 0 Lord, and we rejoiced and were save Thou our souls!
glad. In all our days, let us be glad for the days
wherein Thou didst humble us, for the years Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
wherein we saw evils. And look upon Thy We bless thee, 0 Virgin Theotokos, for from
servants, and upon Thy works, and do Thou thee shone forth Christ, the Sun of righteous­
guide their sons. ness, Who hath great mercy.
Together let us praise the apostles of the
Lord with hymns, for, having arrayed them­ Then, "It is good to give thanks ... " Trisagion
selves in the armor of the Cross, they abolished through Our Father ... Troparion. Litany. First
the deception of the demons and were shown to Hour, and Dismissal.
be crowned victors. By the supplications ofthem
and all the saints, 0 God, have mercy upon us.



On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone V- bring it to the Father, through the divine Spirit
Believing Thee to be God, the thief on the Thou didst ordain the apostles as preachers.
cross confessed Thee, 0 Christ, crying out in Martyricon: Enduring the burning of cruel
purity from the depths of his heart: Remember tortures, 0 all-wise ones, ye burned up the
me, 0 Lord, in Thy kingdom! falsehood of the idols and have passed over to
Like radiant clouds ye traversed the earth, divine consolation, 0 saints.
0 divine disciples, letting fall the water of life; Glory ... : 0 all-divine Trinity, single God­
and ye give drink in abundance to hearts with­ head-all-unoriginate Father, Son Who art
ering away through transgressions. equally without beginning, and Holy Spirit:
As mystic rays of the Sun Who shone forth Preserve Thy Church through the supplica­
from the pure Virgin, 0 divine disciples of tions of all who preach Thee!
Christ our God, ye have enlightened those who Now & ever ... : 0 divinely joyous one, adorn­
sit in the darkness of ignorance. ment of the apostles: With rays of repentance
That Thou mightest recover the coin buried enlighten me who am benighted by the plea­
in the abyss of transgressions, 0 Christ, and sures of life, that I may magnify thee.



On "Lord, I have cried ... ': 3 stichera of the Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy,
Cross, in Tone V.· Spec. Mel.: ((0 venerable and with Him there is plenteous redemption;
father, ... "- and He shall redeem Israel out of all his
Stichos: If Thou shouldest mark iniquities, iniquities.
0 Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee When seeing the uncultivated Grapes (to
there is forgiveness. which, like a vine, thou hadst given rise) sus­
Let all the groves of trees rejoice, beholding pended upon the Tree, His divine side pierced
the most precious Tree which was made joyous by a spear, thou didst say, 0 all-pure one, crying
by the suffering of the Master, shining forth out: "What is this, 0 my Son and God? How dost
grace like a flame of fire, pouring forth gifts Thou, Who healest all infirmities and suffering,
upon all like water, and enlightening the endure sufferings, Who in Thy divine nature
thoughts of men's souls, washing away infirmi­ art dispassionate? How have the thankless
ties and driving away invisible passions, and people rewarded Thee for Thy good deeds, 0
manifestly vanquishing foreign nations, ever Benefactor?" Yet by His sufferings pray un­
granting to the faithful victories, blessing and ceasingly that He free me from the passions,
great mercy. that I may glorify thee.
Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa­ Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations;
tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord; my soul hath praise Him, all ye peoples.
waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath Let us all weep and lift up our hands, beat­
hoped in the Lord. ing our breast, shedding fervent tears, bending
Worshipping with faith the place where the our knees, earnestly smiting our foreheads on
feet ofthe Lord stood, as the prophet said, let us the ground; and let us who have angered God by
glorify Christ Who was crucified, and with Him­ unseemly deeds and the rejection of His com­
self crucified our transgressions, Who abol­ mandments send sighs on high, crying out:
ished the curse which originated with a tree, Through the entreaties of Thy Mother, deliver
and reconciled with the Father those who had from all torment at the coming judgment those
withdrawn far from Him through evil thoughts; who have grieved Thee but have converted, for
and venerating the nails of his hands and feet, whom, incarnate, Thou didst endure the Cross;
the spear and the reed, the sponge and the and grant them a share in Thy kingdom.
crown of thorns, and the insults and mockery, Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to
and all else He endured, let us venerate them prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord abid­
with honor, for by them are we saved. eth forever.
Stichos: From the morning watch until Unto whom hast thou likened thyself, 0 my
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in soul, ever prospering in bitter works, and mind­
the Lord. lessly adding so many stripes to thy wounds
Let us crucify all our members with that thou art covered with sores, giving no
Christ, and let us die unto the world; and thought to the approach of the Judge, before
desiring to walk in the footsteps of Christ, the Whom thou must needs stand to receive retri­
Ruler of this world, let us take His divine bution for thy guilt according to thy deeds? But
Cross upon our shoulder by rejecting the up­ turning, fall down before the Virgin, crying out:
risings of the flesh and the evil lusts which 0 Mistress, 0 Mistress, disdain me not who
draw our souls into sin, thinking to stand have angered the right merciful God Who was
before Him and to behold Him nailed to the born of thee for the salvation of men and was
Cross, breathing His last and surrendering crucified in the flesh!
His soul into the hands of the Father, that we
may never be separated from Him. Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion-
Thou didst will to give Thine all-pure blood
Then the stichera for the saint, from the Men­ as deliverance and a great price for our sake, 0
aion; or ifthere is no Menaion, these stichera of my sinless Christ, desiring that all may receive
the Theotokos, in Tone V, in the same melody- salvation; wherefore, seeing Thee nailed, Thy


Mother tore her hair, lamenting and saying: "0 tangibly revealed to the world, it wondrously
my Child, Lamb all-unblemished, Who desirest and noetically worketh our salvation. Bowing
to deliver the world by Thy precious blood: How down before it, we glorify Thee, 0 Savior. Have
hast Thou set from before mine eyes, 0 Savior, mercy on us!
never-setting Sun, Who givest unto all enlight­ Stichos: Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, have
enment, peace and great mercy?" mercy on us, for greatly are we filled with
abasement. Greatly hath our soul been filled
Then, 0 gladsome Light... ; the prokimenon of therewith; let reproach come upon them that
the day; and Vouchsafe, 0 Lord... prosper, and abasement on the proud.
M artyricon: Despising all the things of
Aposticha stichera ofthe Cross, in Tone V.· Spec. earth, and manfully braving tortures, ye did not
Mel.: "Rejoice, ... "­ fail to attain your divine hopes, but became
0 Lord, once, in the time of Moses the heirs to the kingdom of heaven, 0 all-praised
Prophet, the form of Thy Cross, precisely re­ martyrs. And as ye have boldness before God
vealed, vanquished Thine enemies; and now, Who loveth mankind, ask peace for the world
possessed of that same Cross, we ask Thy help: and great mercy for our souls.
Strengthen Thy Church, for the sake of Thy
great mercy, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind! Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion-
Stichos: Unto Thee have I lifted up mine Beholding of old her Son and Lamb uplifted
eyes, unto Thee that dwellest in heaven. Be­ upon the Cross, the Virgin Mother and most
hold, as the eyes ofservants look unto the hands blessed Maiden cried out, weeping: "Woe is me,
of their masters, as the eyes of the handmaid 0 my Son! How is it that Thou diest, Who art
look unto the hands of her mistress, so do our immortal God by nature?"
eyes look unto the Lord our God, until He take
pity on us. Then, Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart ...
Though a tree visible by nature, Thy Cross, Trisagion through Our Father... Troparia.
0 Christ, is invested with divine power; and Litany, and Dismissal.




ODE I Adam, the Creator of mankind.

Irmos: Bringing battles to naught with His Now & ever... : The uttermost abyss ofbound­
upraised arm, Christ hath overthrown horse less transgressions hath engulfed me, and lead­
and rider in the Red Sea, and hath saved Israel, eth me down into the depths of grievous despon­
who chanteth a hymn of victory. dency. 0 thou who gavest birth to the Abyss of
We know thee to be another, noetic garden loving-kindness, haste thou and save me!
of paradise, 0 Virgin Bride of God, beyond
compare surpassing the Garden of Eden, 0 ODE III
Mother of God; for thou hast budded forth Irmos: 0 Christ Who by Thy command fixed the
incorruption for men. earth upon naught and suspended its weight
In paradise Adam was hindered from touch­ unsupported: establish Thou Thy Church upon
ing the tree of life, having partaken of the fruit the immovable rock of Thy commandments, 0
of knowledge; but the Fruit received from thee Thou Who alone art good and lovest mankind.
hath given him immortality. 0 immutable Word of God, Who didst make
Glory ... : Adam was the first man created the earth the mother oflivingplants which did not
from earth by the all-pure hands of the exist on it in the beginning: Thou hast straight­
Almighty; but thou, 0 Virgin Theotokos, way come forth, seedlessly incarnate, from the
hast given birth without seed to the new woman who knew not man, as from the earth.


Thou art the hope and help, the joy, protec­ Rejoice, 0 thou who gavest birth in the flesh
tion and refuge of mortals, 0 Mistress and to God Who before time was incorporeally be­
Mother of life; wherefore, we pray: Send down gotten of the Father, and hath been well­
thine aid upon all who hymn thee. pleased to appear to us directly.
Glory ... : Mflicted and stuck fast by griev­ Glory ... : The sun hath been surpassed by
ous perils, 0 compassionate Accomplisher of thy radiance, 0 Mary; for thou hast held in
all, Who art the God of all, we all set Thy thrice­ thine arms Him Who adorned the sky with
holy tabernacle before Thee to make entreaty, luminaries, and didst feed Him at thy breast.
and we cry unto Thee: Loose Thou the bondage Now & ever ... : Condemn me not to the fire
of Thy servants! which cannot be quenched, 0 Christ my Savior,
Now & ever ... : The billows of sin cruelly through the entreaties ofthe pure one who gave
batter me and have dragged me down into the Thee birth.
abyss of transgressions; and the tempest of
adverse thoughts doth batter my soul. 0 thou ODE VI
who gavest birth to the Helmsman, haste thou Irmos: 0 Christ Master, still Thou the sea ofthe
to rescue thy servant. passions which rageth with a soul-destroying
tempest, and lead me up from corruption, in
that Thou art compassionate.
Irmos: Perceiving Thy divine condescension
0 pure Ever-virgin, without sustaining
prophetically, 0 Christ, Habbakuk cried out to
harm thou didst bear in thy womb the wondrous
Thee with trembling: Thou art come for the
God Who of old saved the Prophet Jonah in the
salvation of Thy people, to save Thine anointed
sea monster.
Bearing the Lord God of hosts Who
In submitting to the serpent, Eve begat grief
restraineth the storms of the sea, 0 all-pure
for women; but having believed the tidings of
Virgin, thou didst still the briny billows of
God, 0 Virgin, thou didst cause Joy to blossom
forth for the whole world.
Glory ... : Having given birth to Christ, the
Eve was first formed from the rib ofAdam of
Peace ofall, 0 all-pure one, by thy supplications
old; and now God is begotten of the Mother and
to Him tame thou the raging storm of the
Bride of God: He is born, incarnate without
passions which assaileth me.
father, of the Virgin.
Now & ever ... : On the day of grief, when the
Glory ... : Eve rejoiceth, for the Maiden, who
bonds holding soul and body together will be
incorruptly conceived the Judge and gave birth
severed, intercede for me, and rescue me from
to the Compassionate One, hath shown her first
the surrounding demons.
mother to be free of the ancient curse.
Now & ever ... : My life hath been filled with
Then, "Lord, have mercy!': thrice.
transgressions, my mind is plagued with pas­
sions, and my soul is condemned; wherefore, in
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Sedalion, in Tone V-
thy compassion, have mercy and save me, 0
Beholding Thee hanging of Thine own will
upon the Cross between two thieves, 0 Christ,
0DEV Thy Mother, her maternal womb rent with
Irmos: 0 Thou Who art clothed in light as with pain, said: "0 my sinless Son, how have they
a garment: I rise at dawn unto Thee, and to unjustly crucified Thee on the Cross as a
Thee do I cry: enlighten Thou my gloom-en­ malefactor, Who desireth to .bring life to the
shrouded soul, 0 Christ, in that Thou alone art human race, in that Thou art all-good?"
Having found thee to be a pillar and cloud of ODE VII
light, 0 Virgin Mother of the Bestower of light, Irmos: The supremely exalted Lord of our
we who walk in the wilderness of deception fathers quenched the flame and bedewed the
escape evils. children, who sang together: Blessed art Thou,


God Who made a journey to meet with Now & ever ... : Mercifully accept Thy
Abraham the forefather was thy Son, 0 blessed Mother, who prayeth that Thou save Thy
one; and He made his seed a blessing for the people, whom Thou hast acquired by Thy pre­
nations. cious Blood, 0 good Word, that we may call Thee
Thou art the ladder of Jacob, 0 undefiled blessed for all ages.
one; for God depicted thee as the one Mother, for
whose sake God gathered together his OnE IX
offspring. Irmos: Rejoice, 0 Isaiah! The Virgin hath
Glory ... : The incarnate Son, Who is conceived in her womb and borne a Son, Im­
supremely exalted with the Father and the manuel, both God and man. Orient is His name;
Spirit, having chosen thee, 0 pure one, loved and, magnifying Him, we call the Virgin
thee exceedingly, that thou mightest become a blessed.
dwelling-place for Him. 0 Mistress Theotokos, entreat the worship­
Now & ever ... : Do thou ever entreat the God ful Trinity, to Whom alone thou gavest birth for
to Whom thou gavest birth, that He save me, us without suffering in the flesh, that He grant
wretch though I am, and accept me, the simple peace to those on earth, and that remission of
one who cry out with faith: Blessed art Thou, 0 transgressions be given to those who hymn
God! thee.
Even though Emmanuel is understood to be
ODE VIII a single Person, yet hath He two natures; for, lo!
Irmos: The children, forming a universal cho­ we proclaim two volitions and activities in Him,
rus in the furnace, chanted to Thee, the Creator and we confess thee, His Mother, to be the
of all: Hymn the Lord, all ye works, and exalt Theotokos.
Him supremely for all ages! Glory ... : I utter lamentation for myself,
Thy birthgiving eludeth examination, 0 pondering the multitude of my sins, the upris­
Virgin, and is revealed to those who cry out with ings ofmy passions, the despondency ofmy soul
faith: All ye works of the Lord, hymn ye the and the inconstancy of my mind. Grant salva­
Lord, and exalt Him supremely forever! tion to me, wretch that I am.
In nowise having fallen from the glory of Now & ever ... : Assailing me like brigands,
virginity, thou hast been enriched also with the and stripping me of my radiant and luminous
honor of motherhood, 0 thou who knewest not vesture, mine enemies have inflicted many
wedlock. He Who worketh wonders hath mani­ wounds upon me. 0 Lord, raise me up who am
festly made this known, and we exalt Him barely alive.
supremely forever.
Glory ... : Behold the affliction of my lowly Then, "It is truly meet ... ': and a prostration.
soul, 0 all-pure one, and quickly deliver me Trisagion through Our Father ... ; Troparia, and
from pain, that I may glorify thee forever. the rest as usual. Dismissal.



After the first chanting of the Psalter, these Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion-
sessional hymns of the Cross, in Tone V- By the Cross of Thy Son hath all the false­
The place of the skull became paradise, for hood of the idols been abolished and the might
no sooner was the tree ofthe Cross planted than ofthe demons hath been trampled underfoot, 0
straightway Thou, the Grapes of life, sprang thou whoartfullofthegraceofGod. Wherefore,
forth, 0 Savior, unto our gladness. Glory to we, the faithful, ever hymn and bless thee as is
Thee! meet, and confessing thee to be the true Theo­
Stichos: Exalt ye the Lord our God, and tokos, we magnify thee.
worship the footstool of His feet, for it is holy.
0 ye faithful, let us hymn our Savior and After the third chanting of the Psalter, these
Deliverer, Who ofHis own will was crucified, as sessional hymns, in Tone V.· Spec. Mel.: "The
He Himself knew and was well-pleased; and let Word, Who with the Father and the Spirit is
us glorify Him, for He hath nailed the sins of equally without beginning, ... "­
men to the Cross, delivering the human race When the ranks of the angels beheld Thee
from deception, and hath vouchsafed us the nailed to the Cross and having fallen asleep, 0
kingdom. Jesus, King of all, they were stricken with awe;
and straightway the hordes of the demons fled,
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion- and the gates ofhades were broken, the tyranny
Beholding Thee hanging of Thine own will of death was cast down, and those dead in the
on the Cross between the thieves, 0 Christ, Thy grave arose.
Mother said maternally, her womb rent with Adam received bitterness from the tree,
pain: "0 my sinless Son, how is it that Thou art falling headlong into corruption through the
unjustly nailed to the Cross as a malefactor, envy ofthe serpent; but when Thou wast nailed,
Who desirest to give life to the human race, in 0 Jesus, life was planted, and because of the
that Thou art compassionate?" tree ofthe Cross we again make our abode in the
heavens, the serpent hath been set at naught,
After the second chanting of the Psalter, these corruption hath been slain, and we all offer
sessional hymns, in Tone V­ Thee glory.
0 Savior Who of Thine own will endured
crucifixion and freed men from corruption, we, Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion-
the faithful, hymn and worship Thee, for Thou When she who without pain gave Thee birth
hast enlightened us with the power ofthe Cross; saw Thee uplifted upon the Tree, she lamented,
and with fear we glorify Thee as Lord and weeping, and exclaimed: "Woe is me, 0 my Son
Bestower of life, 0 Compassionate One Who most sweet! I am wounded in soul, beholding
lovest mankind. Thee nailed to the Cross as a malefactor amid
Stichos: God is our King before the ages; He two evildoers!"
hath wrought salvation in the midst of the
earth. ODE I
The tree ofThy Cross hath been shown to be Canon of the precious and life-creating Cross,
salvation for the world, for Thou wast nailed to the acrostic whereof is "By Thy Passion Thou
it of Thine own will and didst deliver mortals dost save me from the passions, 0 my Christ",
from the curse. 0 Lord, Joy of all, glory to Thee! the composition of Joseph, in Tone V­
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the Irmos: To God the Savior, Who led His people
God of Israel. in the sea with dryshod feet and drowned Pha­
M artyricon: Today the memory of the raoh and all his army, let us chant alone, for He
passion-bearers shineth forth with radiance is glorious.
from the heavens; the choir of the angels keep­ By Thine own will Thou didst endure the
eth festival, and the human race celebrateth passion-slaying Passion, 0 Christ, and didst
with them. Wherefore, theyprayuntotheLord, slay him who of old brought death upon us in
that our souls find mercy. paradise; wherefore, we glorify Thy goodness.

Thou wast uplifted upon the Cross, and the Thou wast slaughtered on the Tree like a
enemy fell headlong; and we, who are fallen, lamb, 0 Master, marking the lintels ofour souls
have been raised up and made inhabitants of with Thy divine blood; wherefore, we glorify
paradise, 0 Christ, glorifying the might of Thy Thee with fear.
kingdom. Martyricon: Bound with bonds, wounded in
Martyricon: Well armed with the shield of multifarious ways, and cast to the wild beasts,
the Cross, ye arrayed yourselves for every 0 athletes, ye remained unshaken.
battle with the demon, 0 all-wise greatmartyrs; M artyricon: As grapes of the Vine of life ye
and having vanquished him, ye have received poured forth the wine of martyrdom which
glory. gladdeneth the hearts ofthe faithful, 0 martyrs
Martyricon: Like honored sheep ye offered of our God.
yourselves unto the Lamb Who was slain for our Theotokion: Dying upon the Cross, thy Son
sake, 0 athletes, manifestly abolishing the sac­ and Lord was shown to be the Mediator of life for
rifices of the ungodly; wherefore, we call you us, 0 pure one, glorifying those who hymn thee.
blessed, 0 most lauded ones.
Theotokion: For us, 0 pure Virgin, thou Canon of the Theotokos
gavest birth to a little Babe, the Ancient ofdays, Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
Who by His divine sufferings hath renewed By thy compassionate goodness, 0 Theoto­
human nature, which had grown old, 0 most kos, lead me up who have fallen into the de­
immaculate one. structive pit of grievous offenses.
Arriving at the eventide of life, I am held
Another canon, of the Theotokos, in Tone V­ fast by perplexity, 0 most hymned one, and I cry
Irmos: Same as the foregoing. out to thee: Show thyself to be my helper!
I know thee, 0 most immaculate Mary, 0 pure and holy Theotokos, grant me remis­
Virgin and Mother, to be a well-spring of sion oftransgressions, and ask for me salvation
compassion and a fervent intercessor; and I cry and everlasting joy.
out to thee: Have mercy and compassion upon Grant me tear-drops, 0 pure one, that I may
my lowly soul. drive doubt from my heart and hymn thee
Making His abode within thy womb, and earnestly.
taking human essence upon Himself, in that He
is good, 0 pure one, the Son of God hath deliv­ OnE IV
ered all from the corruption of the serpent. Canon of the Cross
Be mine enlightenment and hope of salva­ Irmos: I heard report ofthe power ofthe Cross,
tion, 0 most immaculate Theotokos, loosing the that paradise hath been opened thereby, and I
bonds of my transgressions, and delivering me cried aloud: Glory to Thy power, 0 Lord!
from the torments and condemnation which are When Thou didst set upon the Cross, 0
to come. Christ, Sun of righteousness, Thou didst shine
Free my lowly soul from wicked thoughts, 0 forth never-waning light upon us who hymn
Theotokos, and make it a dwelling-place ofGod, Thine awesome dispensation, 0 Word.
that I may always glorify thee as is meet. When once thou didst stand before the
judgment-seat, 0 Christ our Judge, Thou
ODE III didst condemn the unjust foe; and Thou wast
Canon of the Cross crucified between the unrighteous thieves,
Irmos: By the power of Thy Cross, 0 Christ, justifying us.
establish Thou my mind, that I may hymn and Martyricon: Crowned with victory, the ath­
glorify Thy saving ascension. letes ofthe Lord put the invisible enemy to shame,
Nailed to the Tree, 0 Savior, Thou dost and cried out: Glory to Thy power, 0 Lord!
cause the fruit of corruption to wither away, Martyricon: Assembling with faith, let us
and from Thy side dost pour forth upon us honor the passion-bearers of Christ, the never­
streams of incorruption, 0 Master. fading flowers of the noetic paradise, the most
precious vessels.


Theotokion: When thou didst behold on the Have mercy and compassion upon my soul,
Cross Christ to Whom thou gavest birth, 0 pure 0 Mistress, and deliver it from condemnation
one, thou didst marvel at His ineffable long­ and eternal torment.
suffering; wherefore, we glorify thee with Him. Look down and hearken unto my voice, 0
Mistress, and deliver me from everlasting tor­
Canon of the Theotokos ment, I pray.
Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
Who can entreat the Judge concerning my ODE VI
wicked deeds and my transgressions if not thee, Canon of the Cross
0 pure one, thou only helper of the sinful? Irmos: The abyss engulfed me, and the sea
By thy power, 0 all-pure one, raise me up monster became a tomb for me; yet I cried unto
who have fallen through many transgressions Thee Who lovest mankind, and Thy right hand
and enslaved my soul through sins, and free me saved me, 0 Lord.
from slavery through thy supplication. When the Cross was planted in the ground,
As thou gavest birth to the Creator and King the fall of the demons took place, faith received
of all, 0 most immaculate and pure Theotokos, the beginning of its confirmation, and evil hath
deliver me from every vile offense. been driven from our midst.
I weep over myself when I bring to mind my The sun was extinguished when Thou didst
many transgressions and the unquenchable light Thy flesh like a lamp upon the Tree, 0
fire; and I pray: Grant me time to repent, 0 all­ Lord; and the coin was found which had been
pure one. lost through the dark passions.
Martyricon: When Thou wast uplifted upon
0DEV the Tree, Thou didst have the choir of martyrs
Canon of the Cross following in Thy steps, emulating Thy Passion
Irmos: Rising at dawn, we cry to Thee: Save us, as the mediator of dispassion, 0 Thou Who
0 Lord! for Thou art our God, and we know none lovest mankind.
other than Thee. Martyricon: With the streams ofyour blood
When the rocks felt Thee uplifted upon the ye dried up the torrents ofdeception, 0 crowned
Tree, 0 Christ, they split asunder, and the martyrs, and ye extinguished the alien fire of
foundations of the earth were shaken. the demons with divine dew.
The sun set aside its radiance when Thou Theotokion: A sword pierced thy heart, 0
wast uplifted upon the Tree, 0 long-suffering most immaculate Virgin, when thou didst be­
Sun of righteousness. hold the Creator crucified, His divine side
Martyricon: The saints shine forth with the pierced by a spear.
radiance of miracles, by the Spirit dispelling
the darkness of sicknesses. Canon of the Theotokos
M artyricon: Your bodies were dismem­ Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
bered with the sword, 0 martyrs, but the spirit The deep of transgressions hath sur­
of divine love was never cut away from you. rounded me, and the abyss of sin hath me in its
Theotokion: Seeing the Savior uplifted upon grasp and bringeth me to pernicious despair.
the Cross, 0 most immaculate Virgin Mother, But save me now, 0 holy Mistress!
thou didst lift up thy voice in lamentation. Raise me up who lie upon the bed ofoffenses,
0 all-holy Mistress, and grant me· the efful­
Canon of the Theotokos gence of salvation through repentance.
Irmos: Same as the foregoing. Through the supplications of her who in
0 Mistress, apply the poultice of thy purity gave Thee birth, cleanse me, 0 Thou
lovingkindness to the bruises which through Who lovest mankind; deliver Thy world from all
sin have come to cover my whole body. tribulation, and vouchsafe us everlasting glory.
Of old thou didst halt the advance of I ever promise to cease mine evil deeds, yet
corruption by thy divine birthgiving, 0 all­ I always lie, and grieve my Master. 0 all-pure
immaculate one, and thou hast now stopped the Mistress, grant me correction.
advance of my transgressions.

ODE VII of deception, the champions ofthe divine Faith,

Canon of the Cross the pillars of the Church, the truly hard dia­
Irmos: Blessed is the God of our fathers, Who monds, the warriors of Christ.
saved the children who chanted unto Him in the Martyricon: The glorious passion-bearers
fiery furnace. shone forth like the sun, through grace driving
That we might be delivered from pleasur­ away clouds of sicknesses; and by faith in the
able sin, Thou didst taste gall, 0 Christ, Thou Trinity they dispelled the gloom ofungodliness.
sweetness of life. Theotokion: Gabriel was sent as an escort
When Thou wast wounded on the Tree, 0 for the bride, 0 Virgin, and he cried out to thee,
Christ, Thou didst heal the wounds Adam had saying: 0 most splendid palace of Christ, the
suffered for many years. King of all, when He shall make His abode
Martyricon: With eagerness of will ye set within thee, He shall deify all men!
yourselves apart for suffering, 0 passion­
bearers, and were shown to be victors. Canon of the Theotokos
M artyricon: Having honored God by endur­ Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
ing painful dishonor, 0 athletes, ye received At a loss, I have no fear of the threat of
honor on high. Gehenna in either heart or mind, and I ever
Theotokion: Mter giving birth thou remain­ commit sins; but do thou, 0 Virgin, free me from
est as thou wast before birthgiving, 0 pure one; perplexity, and deliver me from the fire.
for God was born, that He might deify man. I am often dragged out and sold like a
captive by the pleasures of my flesh, and I ever
Canon of the Theotokos anger God. 0 Theotokos, only help of the
Irmos: Same as the foregoing. helpless, do thou thyself have mercy upon me!
0 pure Theotokos, disdain me not who with Thy supplication is sure and certain, 0 most
faith ever flee beneath thy protection. immaculate one, for whatsoever things thou
0 Theotokos who ever driest up the pasture desirest thou givest, entreating thy Son and
of my passions, grant that I may shed drops of God. Wherefore, I pray thee: Have mercy and
tears. save my lowly soul!
By thy supplications release me who am Cruelly tested am I by bodily sickness, ris­
bound with the chains of my sins, 0 all­ ing passions and wounds of soul. 0 thou who
immaculate one who gavest birth to our most gavest birth to the only Benefactor, by thine
hymned God. entreaties restore my health.
Unto thee do I flee with faith, 0 pure one,
and to thee do I cry: Deliver me from everlasting We then chant the Hymn of the Theotokos [the
fire, 0 Virgin! Magnificat}, with the refrain: "More honorable
than the cherubim ... ': and make prostrations.
Canon of the Cross OnE IX
Irmos: The Son and God, Who was begotten of Canon of the Cross
the Father before the ages, and in latter times Irmos: With oneness of mind, we, the faithful,
became incarnate of the Virgin Mother, hymn, magnify thee, the Mother of God, who, in man­
ye priests, and exalt supremely for all ages! ner past understanding and recounting, ineffa­
0 Savior, Who healed the curse of the tree bly gavest birth in time to the Timeless One.
by the Tree and hast poured forth blessing upon The might and dominion of the enemy were
men, we hymn and glorify Thee forever! taken away, 0 only mighty Lord, when Thou
By Thy Cross Thou didst bring down the wast uplifted upon the Cross and didst bloody
serpent who exalted himself, and when Thou Thy fingers thereon.
wast laid low Thou didst raise up him who had 0 my Christ, the iniquitous ones who cruci­
grievously fallen. Thee, 0 Savior, do we hymn fied Thee impaled Thy hands and feet and
and exalt supremely for all ages! reckoned the number of Thy bones; and they
Martyricon: With faith let us hymn the gave thee vinegar with gall to drink.
passion-bearers in the heavens: the destroyers


M artyricon: Before the tyrants ye preached Stichos: We were filled in the morning with
God Who became man with radiant mouths, 0 Thy mercy, 0 Lord, and we rejoiced and were
passion-bearers, and have inherited glory. glad. In all our days, let us be glad for the days
Martyricon: Beating you, the enemies who wherein Thou didst humble us, for the years
wounded you with stripes and divers tortures wherein we saw evils. And look upon Thy
became sick, 0 divine martyrs, most honored servants, and upon Thy works, and do Thou
physicians of illnesses. guide their sons.
Theotokion: Jesus the Light shone forth For our sake Thou wast led as a sheep to
from thee upon us, 0 pure one, and enlightened sacrifice and as an innocent lamb to voluntary
all creation by His crucifixion, and dispelled the slaughter, 0 Christ Immanuel; and Thou wast
darkness of the demons. reckoned among the iniquitous. Come, 0 ye
nations of the homeland, and hymn and wor­
Canon of the Theotokos ship the endless Life Who was uplifted upon the
Irmos: Same as the foregoing. Cross!
Grant me tears of repentance, 0 all-pure Stichos: And let the brightness of the Lord
one, that I may weep over my grievous and our God be upon us, and the works of our hands
unjust deeds before the end of my life will do Thou guide aright upon us, yea, the work of
arrive. our hands do Thou guide aright.
Why dost thou offend thy Master, 0 my soul, M artyricon: Blessed is the army ofthe King
committing unrighteous deeds? Why dost thou of heaven, for even though the passion-bearers
not arise? Wherefore, before the end haste thou were mortal, yet did they strive to attain the
to repent. dignity of the angels; and having spurned their
Deliver me from evil transgressions and bodies, for the sake of their passions they have
tribulations. Grant me mercy, 0 most pure been vouchsafed honors. By their supplica­
Virgin, and a divine share in life incorruptible. tions, 0 Lord, save Thou our souls!
Thee have we acquired as the intercessor
who ineffably gavest birth unto God, the insu­ Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion-
perable rampart and salvation ofour souls, and Standing at the foot of the Cross, 0 Jesus,
a well-spring of miracles. she who gave Thee birth lamented, weeping
and crying out: "I cannot bear these things,
Then, "It is truly meet to bless thee ... ", and a seeing Thee to Whom I gave birth nailed to the
prostration. Litany, exapostilarion, and the Tree! I escaped the pangs of childbirth, since I
usual psalms. never knew a husband, so how now am I
wracked with pain and wounded in heart? For
Aposticha stichera of the Cross, in Tone V­ now the words spoken by Symeon have been
N o sooner was the tree ofThy Cross planted, fulfilled: 'A sword shall pierce thy heart, 0
0 Christ, than the deception ofidols was driven immaculate one!' Yet now arise, 0 my soul, and
away and grace blossomed forth; for the tyr­ save those who hymn Thee!"
anny of condemnation was no more, but the
triumph of our salvation was made manifest. Then, "It is good to give thanks ... " Trisagion
For the Cross is our boast, the Cross is our through Our Father ... Troparion. Litany. First
confirmation, the Cross is our joy! Hour, and Dismissal.




On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone V- Martyricon: When ye were beaten and dis­
Believing Thee to be God, the thief on the membered, 0 wise ones, ye emulated the sacri­
cross confessed Thee, 0 Christ, crying out in fice of the Master; wherefore, ye are ever called
purity from the depths of his heart: Remember blessed, 0 martyrs of Christ.
me, 0 Lord, in Thy kingdom! Glory ... : With faith we worship Thee, the
Dying on the Cross, 0 compassionate Be­ one God in three Persons, the indivisible and
stower oflife, Thou gavest life unto Adam, upon all-divine Essence; and we cry out to Thee:
whom death had come through eating, and Glory to Thee, 0 Trinity and Unity, our God!
Thou didst show him to be a dweller in paradise, Now & ever ... : She who beheld our Life dead
0 Good One. of His own will upon the tree of the Cross, beat
Thou wast nailed to the Cross, 0 Christ, her breast, weeping; wherefore, we all ever
Thou true vine, and hast poured forth the fluid bless her with divine voices.
of salvation, giving drink through grace unto
the hearts of all the faithful.



On "Lord, I have cried ... ': these stichera of the Having put on the breastplate of faith and
holy martyrs, hierarchs and the venerable, in armed themselves with the image of the Cross,
Tone V.· Spec. Mel.: "Rejoice, ... "- Thy saints, 0 Lord, manfully gave themselves
Stichos: If Thou shouldest mark iniquities, over to torments and cast down the pride and
0 Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee deception of the devil. As God almighty, send
there is forgiveness. down peace upon the world through their en­
With the streams of their blood the passion­ treaties, and great mercy upon our souls.
bearers quenched the flame of grievous ungod­ Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations;
liness; and enkindling the radiance of piety praise Him, all ye peoples.
throughout the whole world, they utterly con­ The foregoing sticheron is repeated.
sumed the false gods and their fcetid stench. Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to
They have shone forth the most pure light upon prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord abid­
those on earth, and enlightened thereby, we eth forever.
elude the darkness of ungodliness and evade Not caring for all the things of earth, and
the deception ofidols, worshipping Christ, Who manfully braving tortures, ye were not disap­
granteth the world great mercy. pointed in your goodly hopes, but were inheri­
Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa­ tors of the kingdom of heaven, 0 all-lauded
tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord; my soul hath martyrs. Having boldness before God Who
waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath loveth mankind, ask peace for the world and
hoped in the Lord. great mercy for our souls.
Easily setting at naught the words of the
ungodly heretics and their pursuit, ye became Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Dogmatic theotokion­
warriors of the unoriginate Father, the Son Once, the image of the Bride who knoweth
Who is equally without beginning, and the Holy not wedlock was inscribed in the Red Sea.
Spirit, the Unity of Divinity in three Persons, There Moses was the parter of the waters; and
teaching the faithful with piety of mind and here Gabriel is the minister of a miracle. There
confirming the preaching ofOrthodoxy. Where­ Israel traversed the deep dryshod; and now the
fore, ye are called blessed, 0 most sacred pas­ Virgin giveth birth unto Christ without seed.
tors, for in life-bearing pastures ye tended the The sea remained impassable after Israel had
flock ofChrist, for Whomye endured all manner crossed; and the immaculate one remaineth
of pangs and multifarious trials. incorrupt after the birth of Emmanuel. 0 God
Stichos: From the morning watch until Who hast appeared as a man, Who existest and
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in hast existed from the beginning: Have mercy
the Lord. upon us!
Receiving mastery of mind through the do­
ing ofvirtuous deeds, the company ofthe vener­ Then, 0 gladsome Light... ; the prokimenon of
able, who struggled, with ease utterly trampled the day; and Vouchsafe, 0 Lord.. .
the carnal passions underfoot. Thereby they
valiantly overcame all the wiles of the demons Aposticha stichera, in Tone V-
and were shown to be conversers with the an­ Pray for us, 0 holy martyrs, that we may be
gels, since they lived as ones incorporeal. And delivered from our iniquities; for unto you hath
they now rejoice in the mansions on high, living been given the grace to pray for us.
in splendor, and stand before Christ, asking Your souls filled with insatiable love, 0 holy
Him to grant our souls great mercy. martyrs, ye did not deny Christ; and enduring
the divers wounds of sufferings, ye cast down
These stichera for the martyrs, in the same the audacity of the tormentors; and having
tone- preserved the Faith intact and unharmed, ye
Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy, were translated to the heavens. Wherefore, as
and with Him there is plenteous redemption; ye have boldness before Him, ask that He grant
and He shall redeem Israel out of all his us great mercy.

Nekrosimon: I have remembered the Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­
prophet, who cried: I am earth and ashes! And 0 thou who art full of joy, intercede in thy
again I looked into the graves, and beheld bones mediations, and beg for our souls a multitude of
laid bare; and I said: Which is the king, and compassions and cleansing ofour many sins, we
which the warrior? Which the rich man, which entreat thee.
the poor? Which the righteous, which the sin­
ner? Yet grant rest with the righteous, 0 Lord, Then, Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart...
to Thy servants. Trisagion through Our Father... Troparia.
Litany, and Dismissal.




ODE I 0 Christ, Who of old fashioned out of water

Irmos: Bringing battles to naught with His the winged creatures and serpents, which be­
upraised arm, Christ hath overthrown horse fore had not existed: Thou didst straightway
and rider in the Red Sea, and hath saved Israel, fashion the strange vesture ofThy divine incar­
who chanteth a hymn of victory. nation out of the blood of the pure Virgin.
All the generations of men praise thee, Glory ... : Thou alone, 0 all-pure one, hast
0 Virgin, as thou didst foretell in prophecy of been shown to be the cleansing ofour nature, for
old; wherefore, accept me who hymn thee, in thee did the divine Fire make His abode
0 Mistress, and enlighten and make me wise. without consuming thee, that He might purify
Thou hast broken the sting of death and the it; wherefore, cleanse me of the defilement of
sin of the world, 0 Virgin Mistress, having the offenses of my passions, and illumine me by
given birth to true Life. Quickly break also the thy supplications.
sharp arrows of my passions. Now & ever ... : Knowing thee to be the cup
Glory ... : Having been shown to be the only of the Offshoot of the new vine, manifestly
one arrayed in virgin's vesture, thou didst rend giving drink to the faithful for the remission of
asunder the fig-leaves which Adam wore; offenses, 0 all-pure one, I pray: Give drink to
wherefore, clothe me in the garments of chas­ my heart with an outpouring of divine water.
tity by thy supplications.
Now & ever ... : Many daughters of Adam ODE IV
before thee acquired riches and divine glory, Irmos: Perceiving Thy divine condescension
but thou hast surpassed them all beyond com­ prophetically, 0 Christ, Habbakuk cried out to
pare, 0 Mistress; wherefore, enrich me now Thee with trembling: Thou art come for the
with heavenly and divine grace. salvation of Thy people, to save Thine anointed
ODE III Thou hast been shown to be the unploughed
Irmos: 0 Christ Who by Thy command fixed the furrow which produced the unsown divine
earth upon naught and suspended its weight Grain, whereby I, the hungry, am fed with
unsupported: establish Thou Thy Church upon divine gifts and grace.
the immovable rock of Thy commandments, 0 Giving drink with the water ofthy supplica­
Thou Who alone art good and lovest mankind. tions to me who am truly sick unto death and
The depths and heights of the unapproach­ am stuck fast in the fire of the passions of my
able wisdom of God, Who was born of thy soul, raise me quickly up.
womb, have been recognized in thee, whereby Glory ... : As thou art the animate city of
deliver my heart from the depths of the God, gladdened by the flow of noetic rivers,
serpent's reasoning. make steadfast the house of my soul with the
pillars of thy supplications.


Now & ever ... : Knowing thee to be the cloud 0 passion-plagued soul? Despising His pre­
raining down true righteousness, 0 all-pure cepts, thou hast come in wickedness and prodi­
Mistress, I pray that thou quickly deliver me gality to the end ofthy life. But shun evil, crying
thy servant from all who oppress me. out to the Theotokos: Have mercy upon mine
accursed soul!
Irmos: 0 Thou Who art clothed in light as with ODE VII
a garment: I rise at dawn unto Thee, and to Irmos: The supremely exalted Lord of our
Thee do I cry: enlighten Thou my gloom-en­ fathers quenched the flame and bedewed the
shrouded soul, 0 Christ, in that Thou alone art children, who sang together: Blessed art Thou,
compassionate! OGod!
Utterly suppress the turbulence and billows The hordes of the demons fear and tremble
of sin and my passions, 0 Virgin Mistress, before the invocation of thy name, 0 all-pure
having given birth to the Cause of dispassion. one. Deliver me from them, save and preserve
Shown from on high to be Christ's cloth of me, protecting me from all harm.
the divine vesture of majesty, 0 pure one, with Ineffable is thy glory, 0 Virgin; for thou
the raiment ofthe virtues clothe my naked soul. gavest birth to the Lord of glory. Wherefore,
Glory ... : Grant me cleansing of offenses by vouchsafe unto me the glory of thy Son and my
thine entreaties, 0 pure Virgin who gavest God, by thy supplications.
birth for us to Christ the Lord, our divine Glory ... : Incline thine ear to the entreaties
Purification. of thy servant, 0 Mistress, and quickly deliver
Now & ever ... : By thy supplications, 0 me from tribulations and misfortunes, from all
Virgin, do away with the sores, wounds and temptations, visible and invisible.
stripes of my sins, and grant power to thy Now&ever ... : Withpuritywashmewhoam
servant. wholly shameful and have bemired and defiled
myself with the passions, and make me radiant
ODE VI through the sprinkling of thy supplications, 0
I rmos: 0 Christ Master, still Thou the sea ofthe Virgin.
passions which rageth with a soul-destroying
tempest, and lead me up from corruption, in ODE VIII
that Thou art compassionate. Irmos: The children, forming a universal cho­
0 thou who gavest birth to the Light Who rus in the furnace, chanted to Thee, the Creator
created the luminaries of the sky, illumine now of all: Hymn the Lord, all ye works, and exalt
my soul and deliver me from the darkness ofthe Him supremely for all ages!
passions, 0 most radiant one. The passion-plagued water of barrenness
Entreat thy Son, Who of old sweetened the hath rendered the womb of my soul fruitless
waters of Mara, 0 Theotokos, that He quickly and dried it up. Rain down the divine Dew upon
deliver me from grievous suffering and me, 0 light cloud, that I may bring forth fruits
bitterness. of repentance.
Glory ... : The torrent of the passions By thy supplications, 0 all-pure one, calm
disturbeth my soul, 0 all-pure one; yet dry it up
thou the water and storm of passionate
by thy supplications, and destroy mine evil thoughts, and guide me to the stream of dispas­
thoughts. sion, that I may glorify thee fervently for all ages.
Now & ever ... : Delivering men, Christ hath Glory ... : 0 noetic portal, closed gate, which
issued forth out of Sion, from thy womb, 0 all­ God alone hath passed through: Close and lock
immaculate Mistress; and thereby He hath also the gates of my passions, and open unto me the
delivered me from perils and tribulations. portals of hope.
Now & ever ... : Remove from me the burden
Then, "Lord, have mercy!': thrice.
of transgressions, 0 Virgin Mother, who alone
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Sedalion, in Tone V­
ineffably gavest birth to the Lamb and Word of
Wherefore, growing despondent, hast thou God, Who taketh away all the sin of the world.
forgotten thy God, Who hath mercy upon thee,

ODE IX disposed toward me, and grant me release

Irmos: Rejoice, 0 Isaiah! The Virgin hath from offenses.
conceived in her womb and borne a Son, Im­ Glory ... : By thy ceaseless maternal suppli­
manuel, both God and man. Orient is His cations, 0 Mistress, to the virtues of good
name; and, magnifying Him, we call the Virgin works do thou rouse thy servant, who am stuck
blessed. fast in the slumber of despondency and asleep
Having as a man defiled my soul with many now in pleasures.
transgressions and bemired it with carnal pas­ Now & ever ... : Blessing, I bless thee, 0 all­
sions, I now beseech thee earnestly and pray pure one, and I magnify thee fervently. Where­
unto thee: From all evil cleanse me, 0 pure one, fore, bless me who hymn thee; deliver me from
by thy supplications. all violence and grief, and by thy hands pre­
Thou gavest birth to Him Who willeth serve me invincible.
mercy, the God of compassions Who loveth
mankind, Who alone is Good, Long-suffering Then, "It is truly meet ... ': and a prostration.
and full of loving-kindness. By thine en­ Trisagion through Our Father ... ; Troparia, and
treaties, 0 pure one, show Him to be well- the rest as usual. Dismissal.



After the first chanting of the Psalter, these After the second chanting of the Psalter, these
sessional hymns of the martyrs, in Tone V- sessional hymns of the martyrs, in Tone V-
Today the memory of the passion-bearers Zealous for the cup of Thy sufferings, 0
shineth forth with radiance from the heavens; Lord, the passion-bearers forsook the beauties
the choir ofthe angels keepeth festival, and the of life and became communicants with the an­
human race celebrateth with them. Wherefore, gels. Through their entreaties, 0 Christ, grant
they pray unto the Lord, that our souls find peace and great mercy to our souls.
mercy. Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the God of Israel.
God of Israel. The hosts of heaven marveled exceedingly
Thou hast given us an indestructible bul­ at the corrections of the holy martyrs: how,
wark, 0 Christ God: the miracles of Thy holy fighting the good fight in their mortal bodies,
martyrs. By their supplications make steadfast they invisibly vanquished the incorporeal foe
Thy faithful people, in that Thou art good and with the power of the Cross; and they pray unto
lovest mankind. the Lord, that our souls find mercy.
Stichos: Blessed are they whom Thou hast
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion- chosen and hast taken to Thyself, 0 Lord, and
Rejoice, impassable gate of the Lord! Re­ their remembrance is unto generation and gen­
joice, rampart and protection ofthose who have eration.
recourse unto thee! Rejoice, haven untouched Nekrosimon: Unto Thy servants grant rest
by storms, thou that knowest not wedlock, who with the righteous, 0 our Savior, and cause
gavest birth in the flesh to thy Creator and God! them to dwell in Thy courts, as it is written,
Fail not in thy supplications for those who overlooking, in that Thou art good, all their
hymn and worship thy birthgiving! transgressions, voluntary and involuntary,
committed in knowledge and in ignorance, 0
Thou Who lovest mankind.


Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­ Another canon, of the departed, chanted
0 Christ God Who shone forth from the after the foregoing canon when no
Virgin and through her hast shown forth chil­ Menaion is available, the acrostic whereof
dren of the light: Have mercy upon us. is "The fifth canon of Theophanes for the
dead", in Tone V-
ODE I Irmos: To God the Savior, Who led His people
Canon of the holy martyrs, hierarchs, the in the sea with dryshod feet and drowned Pha­
venerable and the departed, the acrostic raoh and all his army, let us chant alone, for He
whereof is "I offer these hymns to Thy is glorious.
servants, 0 Christ': the composition of Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
Joseph, in Tone V- God of Israel.
Irmos: The land on which the sun had never With divine love the passion-bearers of
shone, and which it had not seen, and the abyss Christ trampled the pride of the tyrants under­
which the expanse of heaven had never seen foot; and with faith they ask prayerful remis­
uncovered, did Israel cross dryshod, 0 Lord; sion and rest for the departed.
and Thou didst lead them to the mountain of Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of
Thy holiness, as they gave praise and chanted Thy servants.
a hymn of victory. Cause the departed to dwell in Thy holy
Surrendering your bodies to arrogant habitations and courts, 0 Christ Master, Who
judges, ye endured unbearable wounds, 0 val­ shed Thine all-precious blood to redeem our
iant athletes, expecting to receive honors from debt.
on high; and Christ led you into the eternal Glory ... : The Wisdom of God, Compassion­
mansions of those who rejoice and chant thy ate One Who beareth the express impress ofthe
hymn of victory. Father: Unto those whom Thou hast taken to
The venerable and the righteous, and the Thyselfgrant rest, imparting everlasting bless­
holy hierarchs, fulfilling the right glorious pre­ edness unto them.
cepts of God, pastured the people and guided Now & ever ... : 0 most immaculate one,
them to the water of understanding; and they thou hast been shown to be the splendid taber­
have worthily received torrents of sweetness, nacle, the golden ark containing the divine
pouring forth rivers of healing through grace. Word Who was incarnate for our sake, and
Through the supplications of the all­ destroyed the power of death.
glorious prophets, ofthe all-wise hierarchs, and
of the sacred women who with manly mind ODEIII
endured mightily and trampled the enemy un­ Canon ofAll Saints
derfoot by fasting, guide me, 0 Lord, to the Irmos: 0 Lord, make steadfast my heart, which
havens of Life, Thee Who appeared on earth by is buffeted by the waves of life, guiding it into
divine grace. calm harbor, in that Thou art God.
Glory ... : Nekrosimon: Thee do we beseech, Ye spared not your bodies when they were
the God Who is easy to reconcile: Grant rest in beaten with staves and dismembered by the
the bosom ofAbraham unto Thy servants whom sword, 0 most lauded warrior martyrs, who
Thou hast taken to Thyself from the turmoil of were strengthened by the hope of everlasting
life, and vouchsafe unto them eternal light, good things.
overlooking their offenses, in that Thou art Ye enlightened the vesture ofthe hierarchy,
good. shepherding the flock of Christ in the fields of
Now & ever ... : Theotokion: "Rejoice!'', I cry life through the virtues.
to thee who gavest birth to Joy, 0 most hymned Mortifying the flesh through asceticism, the
one. Enlighten our minds and souls, and guide venerable ones shared in life divine. By their
all in the steps of understanding, and entreat sacred prayers, 0 Christ, deliver us from mis­
thy Son and God, that He grant cleansing of fortunes.
transgressions unto all, 0 only Bride of God.


Glory ... : Nekrosimon: Unto those who have Now & ever ... : Theotokion: Through thee, 0
fallen asleep grant heavenly rest, 0 Thou Who Virgin, hath the Timeless One now come under
lovest mankind, remitting the debts they in­ time. Him do thou entreat, that He free my soul
curred upon earth, in that Thou art good. from the transgressions I have committed in time.
Now & ever ... : Theotokion: As they beheld
thee, who art blessed among women, the com­ Canon of the Departed
pany of women suffered and were taken to thy Irmos: I have heard, 0 Lord, of Thine arising
Son, 0 Virgin Mother. from the tomb, and have glorified Thine invin­
cible power.
Canon of the Departed Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
Irmos: Establish us by Thy power, 0 God our God of Israel.
Savior, and lift high the horn of the Church of Piously confessing Thee to be equally eter­
those who praise Thee in Orthodox manner. nal with the Father, 0 Christ, the martyrs were
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the slain; and they cry out to Thee: Deliver Thy
God of Israel. servants, whom Thou hast taken to Thyself, 0
Struggling manfully, the athletes with­ Christ!
stood the assaults of the tyrants; and they pray Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of
to Christ in behalf of those who have fallen Thy departed servants.
asleep. As the only mortal free among the dead, 0
Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of Christ, grant rest to Thy servants now de­
Thy departed servants. parted, giving life everlasting to mortals.
Receiving in Thy splendid mansions those Glory ... : 0 Christ Who earnest to save the
who were nurtured on Thy laws and have re­ lost, grant a dwelling-place in paradise unto
posed, grant them rest, 0 Good One. those departed in faith, 0 Thou Who dostjustify
Glory ... : 0 only merciful God, vouchsafe the men by grace.
splendors of the saints unto those whom Thou Now & ever ... : The power ofthe Most High
hast taken, overlooking their offenses. overshadowed thee, 0 Maiden, and made of
Now & ever ... : 0 pure one, we hymn thy thee a paradise of life, having the Lord and
birthgiving, whereby we have been delivered Mediator as a tree in thy midst.
from the primal condemnation and curse and
have been freed from death. 0DEV
Canon ofAll Saints
ODE IV Irmos: Anticipating my need, take pity on my
Canon ofAll Saints wretched soul, which doth battle at night with
Irmos: I heard report of Thee, 0 Lord, and was the darkness ofthe passions, and shine forth in
afraid; I understood Thy dispensation, and glo­ me the noetic sun of the day-star, that I may
rified Thee, Who alone lovest mankind. distinguish night from light.
By Thy power, 0 Lord, the passion-bearers The bones ofthe martyrs pour forth healing
trampled the power of the enemy underfoot, upon the infirm, for, unbroken by malice, they
and became for the faithful might and great restore our broken state and grind to dust all
confirmation. the bones of ungodliness.
All the venerable now rejoice with great joy, Observing Thy laws, the holy hierarchs
and the divine priests are clothed in righteous­ shepherded the people and guided them to the
ness as in a garment. life which is to come, 0 Compassionate One;
Let us all hymn the divinely eloquent and the venerable ones slew the tyranny of the
prophets of God, and let us honor the company passions with perfect mind.
of women who ran well the good race. Let the prophets be honored, and with them
Glory ... : Nekrosimon: Guiding to the har­ all who were righteous by faith; and let the
bor of Thy kingdom those whom Thou hast divine women who lived in holiness and shone
taken from the tumult and tempest of this forth on earth through their torments be
present life, 0 Master, grant them rest. praised as servants of Christ.


Glory ... : Nekrosimon: Thy faithful ser­ women destroyed the dominion of the enemy
vants, whom Thou hast taken from earth, do through suffering and fasting.
Thou number in the mansions of heaven, over­ Glory ... : Nekrosimon: Numbering Thy
looking their transgressions, 0 Christ Who in faithful servants, who have departed from us,
Thine exceeding goodness wast incarnate for among the choirs ofthe elect, 0 good Lord, grant
the sake of us mortals. them rest, over looking all their offenses in Thy
Now & ever ... : Theotokion: We hymn thee, lovingkindness.
0 Virgin, through whom God appeared to those Now & ever ... : Theotokion: 0 Lord Who
who earth, becoming man; and we cry out: created Eve in the beginning, and entered the
Rejoice, 0 right fertile ground who produceth Virgin's womb: Having clothed Thyself in the
the mystic Grain Who feedeth every creature! form of a servant Thou workest our restoration,
0 Master of all.
Canon of the Departed
Irmos: Rising at dawn, we cry to Thee: Save us, Canon of the Departed
0 Lord! for Thou art our God, and we know none Irmos: The abyss engulfed me, and the sea
other than Thee. monster became a tomb for me; yet I cried unto
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the Thee Who lovest mankind, and Thy right hand
God of Israel. saved me, 0 Lord.
Accepting the entreaties of the martyrs, 0 Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
Lord, among the elect number the souls whom God of Israel.
Thou hast received. The army of Thy martyrs, likening them­
Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of selves to the hosts on high, beseech Thee, 0
Thy departed servants. Christ: Unto those who have departed grant the
Thou didst foretell that those who believe on bliss which cometh from Thee, 0 Thou Who
Thee will not see death, 0 Master; wherefore, lovest mankind.
grant rest to the departed. Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of
Glory .. .: Vouchsafe that Thy servants re­ Thy departed servants.
ceive the beauty of Thy house, 0 Lord, and a In that Thou lovest mankind, 0 Christ,
share in delight. number Thy servants, whom Thou hast taken
Now & ever ... : 0 Word Who art equally to Thyself, in places of coolness, in places of the
eternal with the Father and wast incarnate of splendor of the saints, in places of ease.
the Virgin: Thou hast slain death by death. Glory ... : Cleanse Thy servants, and grant
them forgiveness of offenses, 0 Thou Who
OnE VI lovest mankind; and vouchsafe unto them life
Canon ofAll Saints incorruptible and a blessed inheritance.
Irmos: As Thou didst deliver the prophet from Now & ever ... : Who can recount in words
the beast, 0 Lord, so lead me up from the abyss the wonder of thy seedless conception, 0 most
of unrestrained pleasures, that I may dare to immaculate one; for thou gavest birth unto God.
lift up mine eyes upon Thy holy temple. Who came to us in His lovingkindness.
Surrendering their bodies into the hands of
the torturers to be wounded, the divine martyrs OnE VII
rejoiced in soul; for they truly beheld divine and Canon ofAll Saints
everlasting joy and divine rewards. Irmos: The prayer of the children quenched
0 Christ, Thou art the glory of the all-wise the fire; and the dew-bearing furnace was the
holy hierarchs and the venerable. Through herald of a miracle, for it neither consumed nor
their supplications have pity on Thy people, burned those who hymned the God of our
whom Thou hast acquired by Thy blood, in that fathers.
Thou lovest mankind. Set aflame with the fire ofcruel torments, 0
Illumined in mind by Thee, 0 Lord, the glorious martyrs, ye showed most ardent love
prophets clearly reveal things far distant as for the Lord, which cooleth you with the under­
though they were close; and by Thy power have standing of piety.



Having adorned yourselves with the wis­ Navigating the deep of torments with the
dom of the Spirit, and lived splendid lives, ye rudder of the Word, 0 athletes, ye drowned all
performed the sacred acts of the grace of the the hordes of the deceiver in the outpouring of
Gospel; and we praise you as ministers of God. your blood, and live forever.
0 venerable ones, who mortified the flesh As all-wise sacred ministers, by the waters
with many pangs, ye have been vouchsafed the of Orthodoxy ye nurtured in sacred manner the
life to come, praying that we who have been flock entrusted to you; and ye truly delight in
slain by the assaults of the passions may sweet torrents of beauty.
receive it. Having done the works oflight, 0 venerable
With faith let the blessed choir of the proph­ ones, ye were revealed to the faithful as lamps,
ets of God and the council of women, who and have passed over to the divine Effulgence.
struggled in asceticism and by suffering cast Pray ye to the Master, that He free us from
down the enemy, be praised. darkness.
Glory ... : Nekrosimon: 0 Word Who gavest Be glad, 0 company of women who through
a share in the life of all unto the dead, who have wounds received the fullness of all honors!
now left behind the turmoil of life: them do Rejoice forever, 0 choir of the prophets, and ye
Thou guide to Thy divine haven, overlooking righteous who were pleasing unto Christ!
their offenses, 0 Good One. Glory ... : Nekrosimon: Grant, 0 Master,
Now & ever ... : Theotokion: Let us, who with that Thy servants who have departed this life
upright mind understand thee to be the Theoto­ may without hindrance pass by the sword
kos, be delivered by thy mediation from dark­ which is now withdrawn, causing them to dwell
ness and the invisible foes who wage war upon in paradise, in that Thou alone art merciful.
us, 0 Mistress. Now & ever ... : Theotokion: Let us hymn
the joyous Virgin Mary as the gate leading to
Canon of the Departed the divine entry, the easily mounted ladder of
Irmos: Blessed is the God of our fathers, Who God, the unerring guide for those who seek
saved the children who chanted unto Him in the salvation.
fiery furnace.
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the Canon of the Departed
God of Israel. Irmos: The Son and God, Who was begotten of
0 Savior, grant that those who have de­ the Father before the ages, and in latter times
parted may now partake of light unapproach­ became incarnate of the Virgin Mother, hymn,
able, through the entreaties of Thy passion­ ye priests, and exalt supremely for all ages!
bearers. Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of God of Israel.
Thy departed servants. We hymn Thee, 0 Savior, Who acceptest the
0 compassionate Christ, reckon those who struggles of the holy martyrs, for their sake
have departed in faith among the Church ofthe granting peace unto those who have departed in
firstborn. the Faith; and let us exalt Him supremely for all
Glory ... : 0 Savior, grant rest unto Thy ages!
servants who have departed unto Thee, adorn­ Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of
ing them with the raiment of incorruption. Thy departed servants.
Now & ever ... : Having conceived Life with­ As Thou art compassionate, 0 Savior,
out seed, 0 most immaculate one, thou didst vouchsafe that those who have departed from
staunch the flow of the essence of death. us, and who hymn and exalt Thee supremely for
all ages, may be illumined by the radiance of
ODE VIII Thy heavenly glory.
Canon ofAll Saints Glory ... : Reckon with the choirs of the
Irmos: Ye assembly of angels and council of saints those whom Thou hast taken to Thyself,
men, ye priests, hymn the King and Creator of 0 Savior, and number them with Lazarus in the
all! Ye Levites, bless Him! Ye people, exalt Him bosom of Abraham, for they hymn and exalt
supremely for all ages! Thee supremely for all ages.


Now & ever ... : Thou wast adorned with the Having received rewards for their sacred
beauty of purity, 0 Virgin Mother, becoming sufferings, the martyrs now beseech Thee to
the habitation of the magnificence of the vir­ grant surcease unto those who have departed in
tues; wherefore, we hymn and supremely exalt faith, 0 Savior.
thee, the pure one, for all ages. Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of
Thy departed servants.
We then chant the Hymn of the Theotokos [the Thou didst endure death, 0 only immortal
Magnificat}, with the refrain: "More honorable Savior, granting resurrection and the radiance
than the cherubim ... ': and make prostrations. of immortality unto the dead, in that Thou art
ODE IX Glory ... : Thou didst set us aright who have
Canon ofAll Saints fallen into death, and didst teach us to hope for
Irmos: In that the Mighty One hath done great life everlasting, which do Thou grant that Thy
things to thee, revealing thee to be a pure virgin servants may receive.
even after giving birth, as thou gavest birth to Now & ever ... : The shadows of the Law
thine own Creator without seed, we therefore passed away at thy birthgiving, 0 Theotokos;
magnify thee, 0 Theotokos. truth shone forth, and grace was bestowed;
Let the sacred ministers and pastors, the wherefore, we magnify thee.
choir of the holy prophets, the countless multi­
tude of the righteous and the assembly of the Then, "It is truly meet to bless thee ... ", and a
martyrs be blessed with sacred hymns, for they prostration. Litany, exapostilarion, and the
pray that our souls be saved. usual psalms.
The wondrous council of the venerable,
having struggled all-wisely in asceticism, On the Praises, these stichera ofthe martyrs, in
hath now been rendered wondrous by many Tone V-
displays of miracles. By their supplications, Blessed is the army of the King of heaven,
0 wondrous Lord, show forth the wonder of for though the passion-bearers were mortals,
Thy mercy upon all. yet did they strive to attain the dignity of the
With faith and love let the countless multi­ angels; and they spurned the pangs of their
tude of women who suffered and fasted, and bodies, and by their sufferings were vouchsafed
who abide with the angelic choirs, be blessed the honor of the incorporeal ones. Wherefore,
with the hieromartyrs who finished well the by their supplications, 0 Lord, send down upon
race. us great mercy.
Glory ... : Nekrosimon: The multitude of all Thy passion-bearers, 0 Lord, emulators of
the saints entreateth Thee, 0 Word: In the the angelic ranks, endured tortures as though
magnitude of Thy mercy grant rest to the mul­ incorporeal, in oneness ofmind possessed ofthe
titudes who with faith have passed from the hope that they would enjoy the good things
earth, and overlook the offenses they commit­ promised them. By their supplications, 0
ted during their life. Christ God, grant peace to Thy world and great
Now & ever ... : Theotokion: In sickness of mercy to our souls.
mind I committed many sins, 0 Virgin, and Struggling on earth, the holy martyrs en­
torment awaiteth me in the future. Deliver me dured the cold and gave themselves over to the
therefrom, for I come to thee with unwavering fire. And as the waters received them their cry
heart, and I call upon thy divine protection. was: "We went through fire and water, and
Thou didst bring us out into refreshment!" By
Canon of the Departed their supplications, 0 Christ God, have mercy
Irmos: With oneness of mind, we, the faithful, upon us!
magnify thee, the Mother of God, who, in man­ Rejoicing in the midst oftheir torments, the
ner past understanding and recounting, ineffa­ saints cried out: "These things are wares for us
bly gavest birth in time to the Timeless One. to trade with the Lord: for, instead of the
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the wounds we bear on our bodies, radiant vesture
God of Israel. shall blossom forth for us unto our resurrection;


instead of dishonor, we shall receive crowns; Stichos: Blessed are they whom Thou hast
instead of fetters in prison, we shall receive chosen and taken to Thyself, 0 Lord.
paradise; and instead of condemnation with 0 Compassionate One, be Thou well­
malefactors, we shall have life with the angels!" pleased that those who have passed from tran­
By their supplications, 0 Lord, save Thou our sitory things unto Thee, the Master of all and
souls! our God, may with most harmonious voices
Nekrosimon: 0 Lord Who created me, Thou hymn and glorify Thy might; and grant that
didst set Thy hand upon me, and commanding they may be enlightened by Thy beauty, and
me didst say: "Thou shalt return unto the most purely partake of sweet and beautiful
earth": Guide me to Thy right path, forgiving communion with Thee, where the angels dance
me my transgressions; and absolve and save around Thy throne and the choirs of the saints
me, I pray, in that Thou lovest mankind. joyously stand round about. Grant rest with
them and great mercy unto Thy servants.
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion- Stichos: Their souls shall dwell amid good
Alas, 0 my wretched soul! What reply wilt things.
thou have to give to the Judge at that hour when Unto those departed in faith grant rest
the thrones are set for judgment and the Judge where is the choir ofthe prophets, and the ranks
cometh from the heavens, descending with ~of the martyrs, and those from times past, who
myriads of angels? When He sitteth down in were justified by Thy saving Passion and the
His judgment seat to try His unprofitable ser­ blood wherewith Thou didst redeem captive
vants like me, what shalt thou answer? What man, in that Thou lovest mankind, forgiving
then shalt thou bring forward? Truly naught, their offenses; for, truly Holy, Thou alone didst
for thou hast defiled thy mind and body. Where­ live on earth without sinning, Thou alone wast
fore, fall down before the Virgin, and cry out free among the dead. Unto Thy servants grant
unceasingly, that she may grant thee abundant rest and great mercy.
forgiveness of sins!
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
Aposticha stichera of the departed, in Tone V.· Having conceived Christ the King, the Be­
Spec. Mel.: "Rejoice, ... "­ stower of life, in thy womb, 0 only Virgin
With the light ofThy countenance, 0 Christ, Mother and Mistress, thou didst free us who
enlighten those who have departed, in that were enslaved by the law of sin, and thus have
Thou art compassionate. Cause them to dwell we been freely justified by grace. Entreat Him
in a place of verdure, by the waters of Thy pure now, that in the book of life He enroll the souls
and divine place ofrest, in the longed-for bosom of those who acknowledge thee to be the Theo­
of our forefather Abraham, where Thy light tokos, that, saved by thy mediation, 0 most
shineth in purity and springs of beneficence immaculate one, we may receive loving deliver­
pour forth, and where in gladness the assem­ ance from thy Son, worshipping Him Who
blies of all the righteous clearly join chorus in granteth the world great mercy.
thy goodness. Number Thy servants with
them, granting them great mercy. Then, "It is good to give thanks ... " Trisagion
through Our Father ... Troparion. Litany. First
Hour, and Dismissal.



On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone V- Those whom Thou hast taken to Thyself, 0
Believing Thee to be God, the thief on the Master, do Thou cause to dwell with the choirs
cross confessed Thee, 0 Christ, crying out in of the elect in a place of ease, overlooking, 0
purity from the depths of his heart: Remember Christ the Word, the offenses they committed
me, 0 Lord, in Thy kingdom! on earth.
Dying, 0 martyrs, ye destroyed the enemy, Glory ... : 0 worshipful Trinity, be Thou
the author of evil, and, crowned with divine entreated by the struggles ofthe holy hierarchs
victories, ye mounted on high, where ye stand and honored martyrs; and grant salvation and
before God, the King of all. great mercy unto the souls of those who de­
Illumined by the light of the priesthood, 0 parted in faith.
holy hierarchs, ye were glorified; and the mul­ Now & ever ... : 0 divinely joyous one, thou
titude of the venerable have received life ever­ didst contain Him Whom naught can contain.
lasting. Wherefore, they are blessed. Having given birth to Him in manner past
nature and recounting, beseech Him, 0 Mis­
tress, to be merciful unto all.


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